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Friday, Jan.1,1904 - Went over to Lons all of us &Mother Stayed over there. Jesse Marsh &family & Mrs.Styres & Arba Wood & wife , son was there &John & Jennie & Matilda &Everet. Dean &Hattie Rose was there. It was a nice day but quite cool. Paid Mother $2.00. Will Rarick was filling the Creamery Ice House with ice. I contract.
Saturday Jan. 2, 1904 - A Cold Stormy Day. it Snowed almost all Day not very fast but it was a Blustering Day to be out of Doors. Filed up the Barden Saw & the Broken or One ManSaw. Everet Nash Came down & got the Bob Sleds to Haul Wood on.
Sunday, Jan.3, 1904 - Stayed at Home
Monday, Jan.4, 1904 - A Cold Clear Day. theThermometer is way Below zero at Nine O'clock at night & it was about down to it all Day in the Shade. Welland Brought Mother Home & i gave him a pail of apples. Lisher Went to Mansfield with a load of his Hay with my Sleds. Cut off the 2 Year olds Horns with the little Meat Saw that Bought at Keass.
Tuesday, Jan.5, 1904 - A Cold Clear Day the Ther--- was Zero all Day. Chored about the House &Wood Pile.
Wednesday, Jan.6, 1904 - Split up some Blocks of Wood at the Door &Sawed one Block off the big Maple Log & Went down to Manly Smiths to see Him about his going to have a Saw Mill with his Shingle Mill but could not Make out much about it &Went up to Wills to see if Could Borrow his Sleighs to Haul a Load of Coal as Lisher Had mine Hauling Hay on them.
Thursday, Jan. 7, 1904 - Went up to Wills &Borrowed the Road Bobs &Went up to Kendricks & got 2420 # coal @2.00 per ton. i do not think Will Ever get any More there as it is so poor can get better up at Lowrys i guess think will go there get a Load & try that. Unloaded the Coal in the Old Ash Bin & took the Sleigh Back Home Again. Daniel Came down &Want me to Haul up Some Drays of Wood up to his Door guess Will go up in the Morning &Help him.
Friday, Jan. 8, 1904 - Went up to Daniels &Skidded Wood up to his Door for Him. Brought the Old Bob Sled Home that Will Borrowed last Winter. Ruth Went up to Lishers with me & i forgot her when Came Home at night so she Stayed all night.
Saturday, Jan. 9,1904 - Went up &got Ruth &Brought her Home. Owen went along. ICleaned out the Horse Stable Hauled it out on Lishers Long Load Sleigh. Everet Brought the Bobs Home.
Sunday, Jan. 10, 1904 - Went over to Makeleys. Addie &The Children Went along.Ruth stayed over there. Mother Stayed at Home. Stopped at Will VanNess on our way Home to see about his getting a Saw Mill to Come & Saw his Logs as i Wanted to finish Hauling mine from Makeleys & found that he Expected to Have Newberry McConnell Saw his down by the Creek near the Old Pine tree Stump on Manly Smith. guess Will Haul mine there as Jud Seely & William Henry Benson was also going to Haul some there.
Monday, Jan. 11, 1904 - Went up on the Mountain to Lowry Mine &Bought 2300 of coal @ 1.50 per ton. the Snow was Deep so i was afraid to Haul any Bigger Load. L.D. Welch was stuck in the snow with his Load of 2800. i Helped him Pull his Load out of the Drifts. i did not get home until after dark. When got to the Mine the men Were at their Work in the Mine & as Could not make them Hear Went in the Mine after them. Ihad a Chance to See the Inside of a One Horse Coal Mine. Draper Came at night & set some traps at the Barn for Skunks.
Tuesday, Jan. 12, 1904 - A nice Pleasant Day Turned over the Work Bench against the End of the Wood House &Shoveled the Coal in it &took the Old Panel of fence by the Bees &Put it on for a Roof. &Went down in the Woods &Cut down a Rotten Beech tree by the Bridge & as it was so Poor went up across Creek &Cut down Another one & a Little Iron Wood &Hauled the little Iron Wood up &Cut it Partly up.
Wednesday, Jan. 13, 1904 - A Snowy Day. it Snowed about 10 O’clock & almost all the Rest of the Day. Hauled up the 2 Hitches of Wood from the lower Woods One Beech tree &Cut up the most of the Iron Wood that Hauled yesterday. Had to take the Cows down to the Creek to Water as the Well was almost Dry.
Thursday, Jan 14, 1904 - A Blustering Day. done the Chores & Sat by the fire. the Snow Drifted quite Badly but not very Cold. Lee Reynolds Came down a Little While he is looking up the History of the Reynolds Generations.
Saturday, Jan. 16, 1904 - finished sawing up the top Logs of the Big maple log in the Yard &Sawed 2 Blocks off the Butt Log for Chunks. Will Pruyne Came to get me to Raise Cucumbers again &i Signed with him again to grow One Acre of Cucumbers next Summer. A Cold Windy Blowy Day.
Sunday, Jan. 17, 1904 - Went over to Makeleys the snow was deep &Drifted Badly. Addie &Owen went along had the Bobs with the doble Bay in got to the Corners &turned around & started Back Home then turned about again & Went on over Had to Shovel up along the Woods Part way & go in the field Part way. Ruth came Home with us.
Monday, Jan. 18, 1904 - A Cold Clear Day. Went over to Makeleys &Hauled 2 Loads Logs the first one was Small as the snow was Drifted quite Badly &Had to Brake the Road to them. Hauled them down by the Old Pine tree Stump on manly Smiths Creek Flat.
Tuesday, Jan. 19, 1904 - Hauled 2 Loads Logs from Makeleys of 4 &5 Logs small Logs. Archie Came over to get a man to Help him Cut Wood he went up &got Millard to Come &he went at night so to Ready in the Morning. Makeley Sent over 4 Dollars with me for Lisher on the Hog Deal that he had made with him in the Early Winter. A Clear Cold Day.
Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1904 - A Clear Day it was a Little Warmer. Went over to Makeleys &Hauled 2 Loads Logs one of 4 & one of 2 Logs. Edmund Austin was Buried in the Lawrence Corners Cemetery.
Thursday, Jan. 21, 1904 - A Rainy thawy Day it snowed a Little in the Morning &then Commenced Raining &Kept it up all Day. Sat Around the House All Day.
Friday Jan. 22, 1904 - A Warm thawy Day. Hung up the Hams in the Smoke House & Set it Smoking Split some Wood at the Door. Lewis Roblyers Wife was buried the funeral at House Buried on Wood Hill. Lisher stopped in a few Minutes on his way Home from the funeral where he went on foot.
Saturday, Jan 23, 1904 - a warm thawy Day finished Sawing the big Maple Log & Split & Piled it.
Sunday, Jan. 24, 1904 - Stayed at Home. Hattie Nash &Everet Came down a Little While.
Monday, Jan. 25, 1904 - Went over to Makeleys & Hauled 3 Loads Logs as the snow was Partly gone Had to take Small Loads as it was fey down the Hill Locked the sleds with a Chain Round the Runner. Broke the Rollers in the Hind Sleigh. Helped Will VanNess fix a hole in the Creek where we went in to the yard where he is going to have a mill. A nice Day Pleasant but not warm enough to thaw.
Tuesday, Jan. 26, 1904 - Went down in the Sugar Bush &got the Roller with the Heavy Iron Braces that was in the Old Bob Sleds that used to be with the Farm &took them & Put them on the new sleds on the Broken Roller so that Could Haul Logs but as it Commenced Snowing &Kept it up till it was too late did not haul anyway. Cleaned out the Horse Stable Had 2 Loads. Will Pruyne came after A Receipt for the Dollar Business to apply on the B. M. Vedder Pickle Business.
Wednesday, Jan. 27, 1904 - A Nice Pleasant Day quite cold but not very. Went over to Makeleys &Hauled Logs as the first Load Crowded down the Hill went up to Will Reynolds at noon &Borrowed a Binding Chain &took the Big Chain &Hitched it Around the Sand Board &Locked the Runner to it so as not to Break the Sled again. Signed a Printed Receipt to the B. M. Vedder Co &sent by mail it was for one Dollar the amt he was to Pay in all the same that Pruyne came to see about yesterday.
Thursday, Jan. 28, 1904 - A nice Pleasant Day it look a little like a Storm. Went over to Makeleys &Hauled Logs finishe the Big Skidway & One of the Small ones it had 3 Logs on it. Hauled 3 Loads did not get in until 8 O’clock.
Friday, Jan 29, 1904 - A Nice Day. Snowed a Sprinkle in the Evening. Hauled 2 Logs from Makeleys got them on the upper Skidway the snow was deep so that had to shovel & Stamp &Clear a Road to them. Hauled one in the forenoon & tried to Haul 2 Logs on the next load after Dinner & tipped it over got one back on &left the others on the ground &one Rolled over the sleds on the ground. Mother &Ruth went down to Wells Ashleys in the Morning &stayed til i came at night it was after Dark & Snowing a Little.
Saturday, Jan. 30, 1904 - A Nice Pleasant Suny Day Went over to Makeleys &Hauled Logs Skidded the 2 Logs that had got down down to the Lower skid way &Hauled them one at a time.
Sunday, Jan. 31, 1904 - A Nice Pleasant Clear Day with Bright Moonlight Nights. Started over to Makeleys with Addie &the Children &got over to the Shing Mill & went up in there as Addie wanted to see the Mill & as we came out Archie &his Mother Came Along going to our house & so came Back from Manly Smiths. Archie Went up to get Daniel or Millard to Help him. Mother Went up to Wesleys &stayed til night.
Monday, Feb. 1, 1904 - A Cold Windy Day Went up on the Hill &Cut a Log from a Big Maple that had Blown 2 years Before but as the Root was on it Remained quite Sound so as to Make Very good fuel. Took up the Horses & Bobs & Hauled the Butt Log. Had quite a Bother getting it Rolled loose from the Stump & End of tree. Had to Roll it on the Sleds with the Horses.
Tuesday, Feb. 2, 1904 - A nice Pleasant Day but Rather Cold. the Sun Shone out so that the Old Bear Could see his Shadow. Went up on the Hill &Cut up the Rest of the Maple tree & Hauled 2 Logs of it down to the yard. used both Bobs loaded one with the Horses & the other by Hand.
Wednesday, Feb. 3, 1904 - A nice Pleasant Day Went up on the Hill &Hauled the other 2 Logs of the Big Maple &Hauled them down. CharleyReynolds &Wife &Sally came down a little While & Will came after them.
Thursday, Feb. 4, 1904 - A nice Day. Cut a Little Wood for the Chunk Stove &Sat by the fire & Read the papers.
Friday, Feb. 5, 1904 - A nice Day a little Warmer looks a little like snow. Cleaned over some Wheat & Buckwheat to go to Mill.
Saturday, Feb. 6, 1904 - A Cloudy Gloomy Day it Looked like Rain all Day but did not. Went to Mansfield to Mill took 2 1/2 Bushels Wheat for flour &1/2 Bushel for Graham & 3 1/2 Bags of Chop for the Pigs it was Buckwheat & Oats &Wheat. Mother &Ruth Went down to Jerome Bryants with me. Bought a Keass and Hatchet @ 30 cts a Hammer @ 25 c & one Tool Handle & tools @ 25
Wednesday, Feb. 10, 1904 - A Nice Pleasant Day. Went down in the Woods &Cut &Hauled some Drags of Wood on the 2 Bobs. the snow was about all off in the fields but by hauling one Log at a Load Could Haul. hauled the Balance of a maple that Partly Cut Last Winter &a Hemlock by it & 2 logs of the Elm that trimmed & partly cut year ago. guess Will take 2 Logs of the Elm over to the Mill when there comes a Little snow.
Sunday, Feb. 14, 1904 - A Cold Clear Day. Went over to Makeleys with Addie &the Children. Lee Reynolds came down &got Mother took her up to Wesleys to spend the Day.
Monday , Feb. 15, 1904 - A Clear Pleasant Day but quite cool. Pitched the Balance of the Wheat stack in the Barn.
Tuesday, Feb. 16, 1904 - A Cold Windy Day. Went down to Roseville to Election it was so cold &Windy that Went on foot Stead of Driving down Voted for W. H. Benson for Supervisor thought it Best as he done Well last year & as he is living on the Hugh Argetsinger farm will be apt to do Better Perhaps than Pete Niles will if he gets it stead of Peter Stout Benson is a Democrat he made good Roads last summer guess will again
Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1904 - A Cold Windy Day. the frost has got into the Cellar &Chilled the Potatoes Brought the Old Parlor Cook Stove down from up stairs &Put it down Cellar & Put the Pipe out through the Cellar Window &Fired it up &Cut a Little Chunk Wood &Read a Part of the Story in the Wellsboro Paper. Call the Blazed Trail in the Evening
Sunday, Feb. 20, 1904 - A nice Pleasant Day Stayed at Home Had a Little Rain at night &Warmer
Monday, Feb. 22, 1904 - Clear in the forenoon with A few light Snow Squalls in the after Sawed &Split Wood at the Door N. M. Beach Came with a Petition to get A. S. Brown the Mail Carrier on our Rural Route Discharged i Signed it
Saturday, Feb. 27, 1904 - A Nice Pleasant Day Went over to Foster Garrisons Sale &Bought a Horse Pitching fork for 50 cts &a Land Roller for 15 Dollars gave my note on one years time for the 15 Dollars
Sunday, Feb. 28, 1904 - A Nice Pleasant day Stayed at Home &Went up to Wesleys a little While in the Evening Addie &the Children Went as we Expected them to Move to Roseville on the Morrow &Wanted to Call on them a Little While before they went away but he said was not going so soon Perhaps not in 2 Weeks yet as he Wanted to Paper the House over at Roseville where he was to Live
Monday, Feb. 29, 1904 - A Snowy Rainy Day Cut up the Green Hemlocks &Loaded them on the Sleds
Tuesday, Mar. 1, 1904 - A Nice Pleasant Day Went to Mansfield with the Bobs & it was good Sleighing but Thawing quite fast so that one other Day would Spoil it Bought another Pair Rubbers for the old Coon tail fills with s? Protection lap overs.
Tuesday, Mar. 8, 1904 - A Nice Day warm & thawy Hauled in the Hay Stack on the Hill Had 4 Loads had Daniel to help
Wednesday, Mar. 9, 1904 - A nice Day Went to Roseville Addie went along Daniel Ride down &Back took down some Roosters Had 5 but as one got Choked in the Crate Had to take him out and Eat him Daniel took down one also
Thursday, Mar. 10, 1904 - A nice Day Went up on the Hill Hauled the Straw that was on &under the Hay Stack & Spread it on the Corn Buckwheat Stubble & Went up to Wills &Borrowed his Wood Rack to go to Sylvania after a Load of fence Posts with on the Morrow
Friday, Mar. 11, 1904 - A Nice Day Snowed a Little in the Middle of the Day but Cleared off & was Very Pleasant Went down to Sylvania &Bought of Charles Waldo Sixty Chestnut Fence Posts @ 4 cts each = 2.40 the Road over Bailey Hill was pretty fey &Jim Slipped down Coming up with the Load but managed to get up with it alone hitched the horses in Ezra Danns Barn & fed them & Ate my Lunch there while it Snowed
Saturday, Mar. 12, 1904 - A Nice Day quite Cool but sunshiney NewtonBeach came along Selling Books on Doctoring Horses Sheep Hogs Dogs &Poultry & i Bought One to be Paid in Maple Sugar Partly Went up to Daniels &Helped him Saw Wood in Wills Pasture on the side Hill above the Lumber Piles
Sunday, Mar. 13, 1904 - Went over to Makeleys Gertie Came over as we had got Started so Rode Back with us Mother went up to Wesleys &Stayed while we were gone Drove around up that Way
Monday, Mar. 14, 1904 - Millard went over &Helped Daniel saw his other Log then he &Daniel Came down &Sawed Wood at the Door until Noon when it was Snowing so as to Wet us so quit it snowed until 4 O'clock DanielWent Home &Millard Went down to Ashleys to see them Press Hay
Tuesday, Mar. 15, 1904 - A Cool Cloudy Day not Sap Weather Hauled Sap Wood & Chored about the Barn
Wednesday, Mar. 16, 1904 - A nice Pleasant Day Millard came down &Sawed Wood a little While in the Afternoon
Thursday, Mar. 17, 1904 - A nice Pleasant Day thawed a Little Millard &Daniel Sawed Wood
Friday, Mar. 18, 1904 - Filed up the Cross Cut Saw &Set Millards new Saw
Saturday, Mar. 19, 1904 - A Warm Pleasant Day it thawed quite fast the Wind in the South Cleaned over some Buckwheat to get a Grist Ready for the Cows
Saturday, Mar. 26, 1904 - A nice Pleasant Day Millard came down &Helped me Saw Wood finished Cutting the Logs all up but did not Split any
Monday, Mar. 28, 1904 - A Nice Pleasant Day but too Cool for Sap Split Wood at the Door took the Hand Cart &Hauled the Blocks by the Corn crib that Millard helped saw Saturday & Slabbed them & the Rest of them
Tuesday, Mar. 29, 1904 - A nice Pleasant Day Went up to the Lumber Piles in Wills field with Lisher & Measured 187 feet of Boards at One Dollar Per Hundred he to pay the same in a few days Hauled 2 Loads Manure in the Horse Lot & Went with Addie & Ruth &Owen over to the ElkRun School House to the Centennial Last Day of School of the Holly &one other besides their
Tuesday, April 12, 1904 - A Clear Cool Day Went over to Elk Run &up to Bill Smiths to Look at some Yearling Bulls & telephoned over to Joseph Strange about one Bargained for some fertilizer for Pickle growing with Carl McConnell.
Wednesday, April 13, 1904 - A Clear Cool Day Went up to Johnny Halls &Bought his 2 year old Bull for 30 Dollars &gave him my Note due one Day from date he & his Boy Helped me Drive him Home Went down in the Bush &Emptied the water out of the Dishes on the flat &Cut them over but it was too Cold for it to Run much
Thursday, April 14, 1904 - A Clear Cool Day it snowed little flurries all day at intervals &snowed quite a tracking snow at night Cut over a Part of the trees across the Creek & Emptied the Rain Water out of the Rest of them &Hauled SapWood in the forenoon
Friday, April 15, 1904 - A Cool Cloudy Day Hauled Sap Wood &Built a fence Around the Barn Pump &Chored about the Barn
Saturday, April 16, 1904 - Gathered &Boiled Sap had about 3 tubs of sap
Sunday, April 17, 1904 - Syrupped the Sap had 3 pails Bert Tears came down at night to see about Buying Veal Calves i had Planned to take them to Mansfield but he Persuaded me to Keep them one Week longer & he to come & get them
Monday, April 18, 1904 - A Cool Cloudy Day Cleaned over the Rest of the Buckwheat had 15 Bushels & Put 7 Bags of oats with them &Went down to Roseville Mill but as the Miller was sick & as John his boy was busy setting up the saw mill they did not Grind it got to go Again
Tuesday, April 19, 1904 - A Cool Cloudy Day Gathered the Sap Bush over & Boiled Part of it i had a Little over 2 tubs
Wednesday, April 20, 1904 - A Cold Windy Day it Snowed quite a Tracking Snow Finished Boiling in the Sap &Cut up a little Sap Wood at the Arch while Boiling The Ground is frozen quite hard guess it will stay sugar Weather all summer
Thursday, April 21, 1904 - Went to Roseville after the Grist Bought of Henry Blood 1 Bull Ring &Put in the Bull Nose Lorain Updyke & another Man came at night & Cut off the Bulls Horns &Daisy the yearling
Friday, April 22, 1994 - A nice Pleasant Sunshiny Day Cut over & Part of the Sap Bush Coles the Medicine Man Came along &Bought 1 Bottle Death 5 Pain &1 of Balsam &Paid him one gallon of Syrup
Monday, April 25, 1904 - A Bright Shiny Day Worked in the Bush as the sap does not Run Much so took the Wagon &Churn &Gathered in the Dishes did not get the flat Gathered that is the dishes left the Wagon down in the Wood over night Bert Tears took the 5 Veal Calves to Troy
Tuesday, April 26, 1904 - A Cool Cloudy Day finished Gathering the Sap Dishes &Syrupped off the Little drizzle of Sap &Packed up the Storage tubs but did not get them Covered Went up to Bert Tears &got the Money on Calves 34.64 - but forgot the Chains they Wore
Wednesday, April 27, 1904 - A Rainy Day Commenced Building a Tub Shanty of the Store Tubs but it Rained me off
Thursday, April 28, 1904 - Finished Building the tub Shanty &Brought up the Sleds &Boilers & Put them away Johnnie Hall Brought down 3 Pigs at $2.50 Per head did not pay him any Daniel Split a Little Wood a Part of the afternoon between Showers Sold him 9 Pounds PorkHam at 10 cts & 6 Pound of Old side Pork @ 6 cts Paid him 50 cts on calf Bought one Calf of him for $1.00 wt 70#
Friday, April 29, 1904 - A CloudyGloomy MuddyDay Went down to Roseville to get Butter Salt &Packages &See about getting Anchor Posts for Barbed Wire fence Telephoned to Nelson Brace & guess can get them of him Mother &Ruth Went up to W. H. Bensons on the Hugh Argetsinger farm &Stayed while Was gone
Saturday, April 30, 1904 - Went down to Nelson Braces after some Anchor posts for the Wire Fence got down there at noon &found him gone to Mansfield &Waited for his Return & as he did not get Home until 5 o’clock then we Cut the posts up in the Woods it Made me late Home after 9 o’clock it Rained while we was Cutting the Posts & all the Way Home Daniel Split Wood in the Afternoon
Sunday, May 1, 1904 - Went up on the Hill &Gathered some Leeks Addie & Children Went along Sate Smith &Grant came over a Little While
Monday, May 2, 1904 - A Warm Pleasant Drying day went up on the Hill to Plow in the Buckwheat Corn Stubble but as it was too Wet Hauled Manure on the Old Pickle Patch By the Barn
Tuesday, May 3, 1904 - A Warm Pleasant Day Finished Hauling Manure on the Old Pickle Patch &Went to Roseville &Bought a new Plow & 1 1/4 bu Clover Seed for $9.00 & 4 bu tim @ $8.00 the Plow @ $8.00 = $26.00 Gave my note for 26.00 on Six Months time Daniel worked
Wednesday, May 4, 1904 - Hauled One Load of Cow Manure on the Garden next the House &Hauled the Hog Manure 2 Loads on the Part next the Wood House & Plowed a Part of the Pickle Patch and not yet done
Thursday, May 5, 1904 - A nice Warm Day Real Spring Weather Finished Plowing the Patch Back of the Barn the Land that Commenced yesterday &Commenced Dragging on the Piece across the Road that Plowed last ?? used the Cultivator Drag Bennet Reynolds took the Balance of the Slab Wood to Split for one Dollar & he to Board at Home he Worked in the afternoon
Friday, May 6, 1904 - A Warm Clear Day Lewis Roblyer was Buried Took Mother down to the Funeral &Left her there until Night as i was Such Hury to get Some Oats Sowed Dragged for to Sow Oats across the Road from the Barn Elmer Sherwood Nurseryman from Odessa N.Y. Sent a Bill of trees & ?by Swan Liveryman from Mansfield Amt 7.50 did not Pay him as i did not have the Money
Saturday, May 7, 1904 - A Nice Day a Little Cooler &Cloudy a Part
of the time threatens Rain
Set out the Trees
12Peach &3 Cherry
Cherry one English Morrello 2 Large Montmorency
Peach 6 Elberta 6 Hale’s Hardy
& 4 Grapes 1 Concord 1 White Niagara 1
Moores Early 1 Brighton
Currants 12 Faye Prolific
The Grapes are so Badly Dried i am afraid the Most of them Will Die
Sunday, May 8, 1904 - Went over to Makeleys, all of us Makeleys Had a Hand Cream Seperator which they Had got a few Days Before Burr Haynes was there to Work
Monday, May 9, 1904 - Dragged the Gardens over all that had Plowed &Marked the Same with Bobsled & Cleaned up some Oats &Sowed the Piece across the Road but did not get it quite done Bennet Reynolds Worked for Addie at Planting Garden at 25 cts a Day The [wind] Blows quite Cold at 9 0’clock at night guess will be a freeze again
Tuesday, May 10, 1904 - Finished Dragging &Sowing the Oats by the Orchard & Smoothed it with the Smoothing Harrow &Dragged the Patch by the Barn that had Plowed &Marked a Part of it Bennet finished Splitting the Wood
Wednesday, May 11, 1904 - A Clear Cool Day guess Will be a frost again was one last night Plowed the Potato Patch on the Hill with the new Plow &Brought the side Hill & the old flat Plow down &Hauled 1 Load Horse Manure up &Spread the straw stack Bottom &Plowed on the Rest of the Buckwheat corn stubble Bennie Worked at Cutting seed Potatoes
Thursday, May 12, 1904 - A Clear Pleasant Day Plowed on the Hill for Oats Bennie Worked at Planting Potatoes Addie Made Soap
Friday, May 13, 1904 - Plowed on the Hill for Oats Plowed on Back side of the Corn &Buckwheat Patch &the corner that did not have seed enough to finish
Saturday, May 14, 1904 - A Cool Cloudy Day finished Plowing the Land that was on & Dragged a Part of it until it Rained at about 6 o’clock &Had to leave the Drill up there &it Rained all night
Sunday, May 15, 1904 - A Cloudy Stormy Rainy Day Went with Addie up on the Hill &Dug a Mess or two of Leeks Star Cow took the Bull
Monday, May 16. 1904 - A Cool Cloudy Day Fixed the fence Around the Pasture so that Could turn the Cows out
Tuesday, May 17, 1904 - A Pleasant Cool Day Went to Mansfield
Addie &Owen Went along Bought off Roses 1 $2
Suit of clothes for Owen &3 Shirts for myself 2 flannel &1
Percale (?)
Sold 20 doz Eggs @ 17 cts & 30 # Butter @ 17 = ??? &Bought
2 30 # & 2 50 # ButterTubs @ 30 & 35 cts each
Walter Updyke came to See about Bennet Reynolds Wages on a Bicycle
Deal guess will Pay him 1.50 -?- -?- -?-
Wednesday, May 18, 1904 - A Cool Cloudy & Rainy Day Went up on the Hill & Plowed on the oats ground until it Rained me off at about 4 o’clock & it Rained all the Rest of the time till 9 0’clock & guess will Rain all night as the Wind is in the East guess Cannot sow any more Oats dont know what will sow on the field yet
Thursday, May 19, 1904 - Burned up the Maple Brush Below the Orchard & fixed the Barn Pump Gertie came over & Helped Addie Clean House
Friday, May 20, 1904 - Went down to Oliver Ides to get the Horses shod but as he had so many ahead & Could not Shoe them ToDay Went on up to Roseville & got them done there by John Stouts now Blacksmith & stopped to Amos Sargeants to Buy some Seed Corn but did not have the Money to pay &he would not trust me so Borrowed $.50 of Blood &Went Back down there & got it on my Return Home got 1 & 1/4 Bushels for 1.50
Saturday, May 21, 1904 - A Warm Pleasant Day Hauled Horse Manure up Where am going to Plant Corn went up on the Hill & tried to Plow but it was too Wet
Monday, May 23, 1904 - Sowed a Part of the Oat Ground to Oats what had Plowed but as did not have Grass Seed Enough up there did not quite finish the Land R. W. Budd from Troy Came & Bought 12 year old Cow & Calf & 12 year old that was not coming In for 42 Dollars to be Delivered at Troy when i Could get time to go
Tuesday, May 24, 1904 - A nice Pleasant Drying Day finished Sowing the Land to Oats &Smoothed it down & Plowed a Part of the Last Land
Wednesday, May 25, 1904 - Finished Plowing the Oat Ground & Dragged a Little in it & Cleaned up some Oats to Sow in it &as it thundered so Loud &Looked so much like Rain did not go out afternoon but did not Rain after all
Thursday, May 26, 1904 - Finished Dragging &Sowed the Oats &Smoothed the ground &Hauled 2 Loads Manure on the Corn Ground
Friday, May 27, 1904 -A Nice Clear Day but quite Cool Hauled Manure on the Corn Ground Bennie Helped Haul guess Will get him &Dwight on the Morrow to go to Troy &Help me with the Cattle
Saturday, May 28, 1904 - A nice Clear Day but a little Cool Went to Troy with 2 two year old Heifers. one of them had a calf sold them to R. W. Budd for 42 Dollars Bennie &Dwight Went Along
Monday, May 30, 1904 - A Gloomy Rainy Day Plowed on the Corn Ground until almost Noon when it Rained so fast Had to quit &it Rained the Rest of the Day & guess will All Night as it is Raining at -?-
Tuesday, May 31, 1904 - A Cloudy Gloomy Rainy Day Cleaned
up some Wheat to take to Mill to have Ground in flour &Went
up to Lishers in the evening to a Telephone Meeting they Elected
a Board of Officers to Build the Line Harry Garrison
Pt. Lewis Longwell secretary &Lafe Elliot Treasurer &are
going to Commence Work as soon as any one Wants to &Will try to get
it done before Winter
Wednesday, June 1, 1904 - A Cool CloudyGloomy Sour Day
Went to Mansfield to Mill took one Bag of Wheat also 2 30#
tubs Butter @ 16 cts
Thursday, June 2, 1904 - A Cloudy Gloomy Day Went over to Elk Run &up to the Smith Sanitarium with Mother after Medicine for Her &then over to J. W. Styres &Left her over there &got John Woodards telephone Bar &Post Hole Digger from Bird Yorks
Friday, June 3, 1904 - finished Plowing the acre Chunk for Corn that had Manured on the Side of the Hill near the top next Ashley line
Saturday, June 4, 1904 - Sent out an Order to M. W. &Co. of $19.00 for Hay Rope &track Pulley’s Etc to Put up in the Old Barn &Put up another Strand of Barbed Wire on the Line fence next the Burton Lot
Sunday, June 5, 1904 - Went over to Makeleys after Ruth Addie &Owen Went along
Monday, June 6, 1904 - Dragged the Acre of Corn Ground over 2 & Finished fixing the Line fence next Burtons & Fixed the Hog Lot fence & led the old Hogs out of the House & Went up to the Seh -??- School House in the Evening to telephone Meeting it Rained a Heavy Showers as we was coming Home at about 11 o’clock
Tuesday, June 7, 1904 - Went up to Bert Tears & then Went with him over to Charley Mark Palmers &Bought some Telephone Poles Bought 15 for myself on my end of the Line & 10 on the Main line & Bert bought 10 for his Part on the Main line & 10 for Will Reynolds if he Wants them
Wednesday, June 8, 1904 - A Cloudy Day Rained a little While in the Morning &Evening Dug 4 Holes for Telephone Poles
Thursday, June 9, 1904 - A Cloudy Rainy Cool Sour Day tried to Plow in the House Lot next Ashleys line along the top Gulley for Potatoes so had to quit &Helped Daniel Dig a little on the Telephone Hole next the House but the Water Ran in so fast Could not finish it Paid Daniel $2.00 for Digging 10 Phone Holes
Friday, June 10, 1904 - Bert tears came down as he had started for Mark Palmers after Telephone Poles & as he wanted Help about Loading i Went along i Hauled 4 for the Main line did not get Home until after Dark as they had not gotten them Hauled out of the Woods & had to Wait for them from Noon until Six O’clock
Saturday, June 11, 1904 - A nice Day Dragged the Corn Patch over again & Planted it to Corn
Sunday, June 12, 1904 - John Styres Brought Mother Home
Monday , June 13, 1904 - A nice Pleasant Day Finished Plowing the Land for Potatoes that had started &Plowed a Little strip of the Old Garden next the Old Shop Hog Pen & Hoed a Little in the Garden while the Horse was Churning the Cover Came off the Churn &Spilled all of the Butter as is was Almost Gathered Lisher came to tell us about Lija Reynolds Death
Tuesday, June 14, 1904 - A nice Clear Day Cultivated the Potatoes Back of the Barn & Plowed on the Meadow Below the Corn Kelly Knowlton came along to Sow Pickle seed for Vedder
Wednesday, June 15, 1904 - Plowed in the Buckwheat Ground until Millard Came down &Wanted to Peel the Load of telephone Poles that was standing on the Wagon then Hitched on & Unloaded them &Put up the Wagon &then it Rained a Heavy Shower & then another So it was too Wet to do much Dug Part of a phone Hole Millard Peeled the Poles between Showers Paid him 25 cts for it Gertie came over & Helped Addie
Thursday, June 16, 1904 - A Cool Cloudy Day Went over to Charley Mark Palmers &got a Load of Telephone Poles got the other 4 for my Line & 3 on the other left them by Lishers House got Home & unloaded at Chore time Paid Charley Mark Nine Dollars on Poles $9.00 LIsher Paid me $1.46 on Lumber Bert Tears did not go Lisher &Elliott went over Bought Poles of Orin Smith Frank Smith gets them out
Friday, June 17, 1904 - A Nice Clear Day Went over &got 4 More Telephone Poles took them up on the Line above the others above Lishers House Bert Tears Hauled a Load of Hay for Johnnie Frost
Saturday, June 18, 1904 - A nice Clear Day Plowed for Buckwheat above the Road
Monday, June 20, 1904 - Dragged a little in the Garden & Dragged the Piece that Plowed for Potatoes in the House Lot
Tuesday, June 21, 1904 - A nice Clear Day Went down & Helped Manly Smith Raise his new Barn 40 by 64 feet The Carpenter made a mistake and got one Bent up in the wrong Place &in getting it down again Manly & Wesley was Badly Hurt but Wesley they think he will may Possibly die
Wednesday, June 22, 1904 - A Cool Cloudy Day Went over to the Saw Mill on Manly Smiths Place & Took away the Lumber Had Millard &Daniel to Help
Thursday, June 23, 1904 - A nice Clear Day Went up to Daniels &Plowed a Piece for Sowed Corn &Dragged it & Hauled Manure on Part of it it was the Piece Below the Road next Wills line
Friday, June 24, 1904 - Planted Potatoes in the House La few Peas & Beans Addie Helping
Saturday, June 25, 1904 - Planted Potatoes in the House Lot Addie Helping did not finish
Sunday, June 26, 1904 - A nice Clear Day Went over to Makeleys &Picked some Strawberries Gertie &Father Makeley helped us pick Mother did not go over
Monday, June 27 1904 - Finished Planting Potatoes in the House Lot next the Creek Bank by Wells Ashley Line Millard came down &Helped finish them & i Went up&Helped Set up Telephone Poles in the Afternoon set from the argetsinger Land down to Lishers
Tuesday, June 28, 1904 - A Cool Cloudy Day &it Rained a Part of the time Set up One Pole by the House & Went down to Oliver Ides to get the Horses Shod but as he has so many in ahead of me Went up to Roseville to Johnny Stouts Shop &got them Shod Had 6 new Shoes & $1.75 for it & with the 1.00 that Owed him before came to 2.75 Paid Johnny Halls Boy $2.50 for that Other Pig
Wednesday, June 29, 1904 - Cultivated the Potatoes Back of the Barn & Changed the Cultivator to the Shovel Plow &Plowed the Potatoes in the Garden Daniel Hoed in the Piece by the Barn Plowed on the Buckwheat Ground in the afternoon
Thursday, June 30, 1904 - Finished Plowing the Piece for Buckwheat in the Meadow Across the Road it Rained after Dinner Slept While it Rained &Set up 2 Telephone Poles & trimmed 3 More & Mended the Barn Door Roller in the Horse Barn
Friday, July 1, 1904 - Plowed a Part of the Old Pickle Patch back of the Barn
Saturday, July 2, 1904 - A nice Cool Day as it was quite Wet to Plow Went up &Helped Millard Dean & Leon Set up Telephone Poles above Lishers Finished up Six 6 all that i had then Delivered & then Will &Leon &Dean Came down &Helped me set up my Poles on my Line
Sunday, July 3, 1904 - A nice Clear Day Archie & Mother Makeley Came over a Little While
Monday, July 4, 1904 - Finished Plowing the Pickle Patch back of the Barn for Buckwheat & Shovel Plowed the Potatoes by it &Hoed a Part of them it Rained a Shower at night
Tuesday, July 5, 1904 - Went over to Charley Mark Palmer &got 6 Telephone Poles 5 for myself & One for Bert Tears they was 30 feet long 4 of them it Rained as i got almost to John Woodards & it Rained Hard all the way to Joe Stranges & a Part of the time the Rest of the Way Paid Palmer 9 Dollars on Poles guess will not get any More
Monday, July 11 1904 - A nice Clear Day Helped Burt Tears Load the 2 Old hogs to go to the Cross Roads &Dragged & Sowed a Part of the Buckwheat Ground to Buckwheat Sowed a Part of the Vedder Phosphate on it
Tuesday, July 12, 1904 - Finished Sowing Phosphate on the Buckwheat Ground & then Sowed Buckwheat until it Rained at noon & it Rained a long HeavyShower guess will take 2 or 3 Days to Dry off again Commenced Putting up the new Track in the Barn for Pitching Hay
Wednesday, July 13, 1904 - A nice Clear Shiny Day Good Hay Weather but as wanted to get the TrackDone Worked on that got the Rest of it up & found had left the Hooks Run down through too far so Car Could not Run Past them fixed Part of them Had to stop for night &Chores
Thursday, July 14, 1904 - Finished Sowing Buckwheat Across the Road
Sunday, July 17, 1904 - A nice Day Archie Makeley Came Along Looking for Help & Went with him up to Dallas Roblyers & to Burton Corners & through Roseville Home did not find any Archie got the promise of Dallas for Friday &Saturday
Monday, July 18, 1904 - A nice Clear Day got the Mower out of the Horse Barn & found the Oil Cups on it full of sand where the children had Played with it got it out & Ground the Knives &Mowed the Barn Lot Leal Soper Came up & Bought a 50 lbs tub of Butter @ 15 cts Pound
Tuesday, June 19, 1904 - Went to Mansfield &Bought one Gallon Machine Oil & was going to get 2 Pulleys for the Outside the Barn next the Eaves but as they did not keep them in town &Coley Buck charged 50 cts per pulley went Back & 2 single Rollers & will Make the Block for them Mother Went along & Stopped at Thu VanNess Will Stay a Week to Visit & get a New Dress &get it Made up Raked the Barn Lot but did not bunch it as it Rained a little bit
Wednesday, July 20, 1904 - Oiled the Wagon & Changed the Box for the Rack & Hauled in the Hay in the Barn Lot Pitched 2 Loads by Hand in the Bay & the Rest in the Cow Barn Loft with the new Track & fork Millard Came along at Noon &Helped Haul in the Afternoon Broke the Pulley that i had Made &Millard Hung up one of the others in its Place Mowed a Part of the Field Below Burtons
Thursday, July 21, 1904 - Mowed along the Road & next Lishers Line by Hand &then the Rest of the Wheat stubble Part with the team &Raked $Bunched Part of the yesterdayCut Millard Helped Lisher Haul Hay
Friday, July 22, 1904 - Hauled in what was Raked & Raked &Hauled in the Rest of the first Cut & Raked &Hauled a Part of the Last &i Cocked up a Part of the Winrows that was Left after Dark until it Rained me off Millard Worked
Saturday, July 23, 1904 - A Cloudy Sour Day unloaded the Load for the Wagon alone with the Horses &Stirred the Bunches &Winrows that was not Cocked up & Hauled them in Alone Millard Came along worked a little on a PulleyBlock
Sunday, July 24, 1904 - A nice Day Stayed at Home
Monday, July 25, 1904 - A Gloomy Sour Day Mowed a Part of the Oat stubble Seeding above the Orchard & Hauled in the Load of Hay i the cock Below Burtons House Millard Working fixed the Pulley in the Barn shed we had made one of of -?-
Tuesday, July 26, 1904 - Mowed around the Rest of the new Seeded Piece a few Times &Raked &Bunched with the Rake the Part that cut yesterday &Hauled one Load &Was Loading another when it Rained so did not finish Loading &Had a heavy shower Millard Worked in the afternoon until it Rained at about 3 o’clock
Wednesday, July 27 1904 - A Good HayDay Finished Mowing the new Seeding above the Orchard &Stirred &Raked &Hauled 4 Loads &Raked &Bunched 2 more Millard Worked in the Afternoon
Thursday, July 28, 1904 - Mowed the House Lot &Hauled in the 2 Loads of Hay from off the Hill it Rained a Heavy Shower at night Millard Worked in the Afternoon
Friday, July 29, 1904 - A Good Hay Day Mowed Around theHouse Lot by Hand &Stirred out a Part of it & Raked &Hauled 3 Loads of it Millard Worked in the Afternoon
Saturday, July 30, 1904 - A Good Hay Day Mowed the Piece across the Road Below the Buckwheat &Hauled it in &Hauled the Rest of the House Lot had 2 Loads of Each Millard Worked in the Afternoon
Sunday, July 31, 1904 - A nice Clear Day Asa Harvey &Wife &their Little Girl Came over &Brought 10 quarts Huckleberrys at 10 cts qt
Monday, Aug. 1, 1904 - Cloudy in the forenoon &Clear after Ground the Mower Knives one set & Mowed the Rest of the Piece Below Burtons &Mowed away some Hay &unloaded one Load &Changed the Rope on the other Side
Tuesday, Aug. 2, 1904 - A Cloudy Gloomy Rainy Day Mowed away the Last Load of Hay &Put some Planks across the Beams from the floor to the Horse Barn it Rained in the Afternoon Could not Rake Hay Laid down on the Hay Mow &Slept while it Rained & Ground the other Set of Mower Knives Sally Reynolds &Mrs Troxel (?) came down a Visiting
Wednesday, Aug. 3, 1904 - A Good Hay Day Cut the Piece Below the Orchard & Fixed the Barn Door next the Granary &Commenced Raking the Hay by the Sugar Bush &Broke the Rake Tongue & Made a new One & Put it in &Finished Raking &Bunched with the Rake & Hauled in 2 Loads Pitched one in the Horse Barn &left one on the Wagon
Thursday, Aug. 4, 1904 - A Good Hay Day Cut the Orchard &Hauled in the Rest of the Piece Below Bartons Raked &Bunched with the Rake the Orchard &Piece Below
Friday, Aug. 5, 1904 - A Good Hay Day threatened but did not rain Hauled in the Orchard &The Piece Below &Raked the litters &Hauled them in &Put them in the Cow Stable Millard Working
Saturday, Aug. 6, 1904 - Cut the Grass from the Buckwheat to the Woods &Raked &Cocked it up Worked until 10 o’clock at night as thought it Would Rain
Sunday, Aug. 7, 1904 - A nice Day Went with Addie & the Children up Painter Run on Tower Hill &down Hubbard Run &called at Horace Smiths a Little While
Monday, Aug. 8, 1904 - A Cool Day Cloudy in the A. M. &Cool & breezy in the P.M. Ground the Mower Knives &Cut a Part of the Piece down back of the Hill & Raked &Bunched it &Hauled &Stacked the Piece next Manly Smiths Leon Reynolds &Millard helping in the P.M.
Tuesday, Aug. 9, 1904 - A Good Hay Day Finished Cutting the Back Piece &Raked &Hauled it & Put it in a stack in the Field Millard Hauling and Leon Reynolds Helped Haul Paid Leon $2.00 &Millard $10.50 in full for Work Millard 7 Days at 1.50 per Day
Wednesday, Aug. 10, 1904 - A Cloudy Day Rained at night Went over to John Styres with Mother &Ruth to the Smith Reunion. it Rained as we were Coming Home but as we had Umbrellas did not get Wet
Thursday, Aug. 11, 1904 - A nice Clear Day Brought the Mowing Machine down off the Hill Cut a Little Grass above the Road next Ashleys Cultivated Potatoes in the House Lot
Friday, Aug. 12, 1904 - A Cool Cloudy Day Went up to Bert Tears &Will & Daniel Reynolds & Got to Come down &Help &we Cart down & Re Topped the Stack Back of the Hill Paid Daniel 36 cents for Helping Sent a Money Order to Elmer Sherwood of $7.50 by Stephen Mudge
Saturday, Aug. 13, 1904 - A Cloudy Day Cut around the Piece of oats by the Orchard &down tby the Road & Went up & Helped Lischer Haul Hay from Daniels Place Hauled 4 Load he Stacked it by the End of his Barn Clark Burton & his Boy Helped him Also
Sunday, Aug. 14, 1904 - Went over to Makeleys Addie & the Children Went along
Monday, Aug. 15, 1904 - Cut the Oats by the Orchard & Put the tarp Bag on the HayRack to Haul Loose Oats guess will go Over to Makeleys on the Morrow &Help Haul Oats
Tuesday, Aug. 16, 1904 - A nice Clear Day Went over to Makeleys with the Horses & Lumber Wagon with the box &Helped them Haul Oats from Below the Barn next Lawrences
Wednesday, Aug. 17, 1904 - A nice Clear Day until night when it Clouded up & Looked like Rain but did not Went over to Makeleys &Helped them finish the field Below the old Barn & 3 Load Below the House & next VanNess Line Ruth & Owen went along &Ruth Stayed over there to go to Johns Reunion
Thursday, Aug. 18, 1904 - A nice Clear Day Hauled in the Oats By the Orchard Archie Makeley & Benny Reynolds Helped Clark Burton &His Boy with his Mules &Wagon Helped to pay for Hay got Last Winter
Friday, Aug. 19, 1904 - A nice Clear Day Went over to Makeleys & got Ruth & Gertie & then to the Johns Reunion at the Bailey CreekBaptist Church had a nice Pleasant time Came Back by Makeleys &Helped them Pitch on a Part of a Load of Oats they had Will Raricks boy to Help
Saturday, Aug. 20, 1904 - Went down to Oliver Ides to get the Horses Shod & as he Could not Shoe them there being so many in Ahead Went around up Mill Creek to John Stouts & got them Shoed paid him $1.15
Sunday, Aug. 21, 1904 - A nice Clear Day Ross & Nora &Cora came over & got Mother & took her up to Lishers &Brought her Back at night Horace Johns & Boy & Eugene Wood came &Stayed to Dinner & after they went away Went with Addie &Children over to Makeleys
Monday, Aug. 22, 1904 - Ground the Reaper Knives &Cut around the Oats on the Hill &Commenced Reaping them & it Rained about 2 o’clock & Continued until Dark
Tuesday, Aug. 23, 1904 - A nice Clear Day Finished Cutting the Oats & Put the Reaper under the Shed
Wednesday, Aug. 24, 1904 - Archie came over at Noon & Helped Haul Oats
Thursday, Aug. 25, 1904 - Hauled Oats off The Hill Archie &Bennie Helping it Rained at Night when we was after the last load &Had to Hurry down to keep from getting wet & Rained so Hard Archie Stayed Over night &went Home in the Morning
Friday, Aug. 26, 1904 - Picked up Apples for the Hogs
Saturday, Aug. 27, 1904 - A nice Clear Day Went up to Will Reynolds & Helped him thresh Oats on the Torenson (?) & Hauled in One Load of Oats Alone as Could not get Help as they was all Helping thresh did not get them quite all in
Sunday, Aug. 28, 1904 - Went over to Mansfield with Addie & the Babies to Louise Hortons
Monday, Aug. 29, 1904 - A nice Clear Cool Day Went up on the Hill before Breakfast & Raked the Oat Stubble over & then went up & Helped Will finish threshing & Hauled down the Oats & worked at getting Ready for thresher on the Morrow Found Leon Reynolds Pocket Book in the Road when going up to Help thresh
Tuesday, Aug. 30, 1904 - Cleaned out the Granary The Thresher Came at noon & Threshed in the P.M. had W.H. Wood Archie Makeley Clark & Leon Burton Leon Reynolds Dean Nash
Wednesday, Aug. 31, 1904 - Finished Threshing & 151 Bags Oats got done at 11 & they moved up to Lishers to Dinner Went up &Helped Lisher thresh & 58 bushels Barley. Dean Came down & Helped me Pitch Part of the straw Back into the Barn
Thursday, Sept. 1, 1904 - A Cloudy Lowry Day it Rained in the Afternoon Lisher & Dean Came down &Helped put the Rest of the Straw in the Barn left a Lot of it on the floor
Friday, Sept. 2, 1904 - Cleaned up Wheat
Saturday, Sept. 3, 1904 - Cleaned up Wheat
Sunday, Sept. 4, 1904 - Went over to Paul Jupenlaz
Monday, Sept. 5, 1904 - Worked on the Road went up to W. H. Bensons on the Hugh Argetsinger Place &Scraped down to Burtons &around by Lishers &Daniels
Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1904 - A nice Clear Day Worked on the
Road Went up to Bensons & Worked down to Roseville
Boro Line Went down to Roseville &Bought some Bottle Nibs
& a Pair of Shoes for Ivy
Emerson does not write in the Diary for the remainder of the year
Tues May 23 Gave my note of $26.00 for Plow &Grass Seed to Henry Blood on Six Months time but Payable sooner if i can
Mar 27 Gave my Note to Foster Garrison for 15 Dollars on One year time
for a Land Roller bought at his Vendue
The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933 histcent83@gmail.com |