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Thursday, Jan. 1, 1903 - Went up & Hauled Wood for Daniel Reynolds Hauled Six Loads Wood from over Back of the Hill. Addie & the Children went up in the P.M. Stayed to Supper.
Friday 2 - Hauled 1 Load Wood from the Boiling Place. C. B. Hanyen Came up & Read the Will. Father left Ross & Emmeline $150 Each & the Others 150 Each to be Paid after Mothers Death they were all present but Ross & Emmeline it Rained at 4 o’clock guess it will Rain all Night
Saturday, Jan. 3, 1903 - Went to Mansfield to Mill took 3 Bags for Feed & took 2 Bags for Daniel & One for Will Reynolds. Had the Rockwell Check Given through Blood & Avery Cashed & Paid Sam McConnell $7.90 Thresh Bill.
Sunday 4 - Went over to J. W. Styres to take the money that Mother Makeley Loaned me to pay the Undertaker for Fathers Funeral. So that he could take it to Sylvania to Waldo $45.00. Went over to Makeleys at night to take some Outing Flannel for Mother night dresses to get Mother Makeley to cut out as Addie was on a Pout.
Monday, January 5, 1903 - Cut up Some Poles at the Door that Was Left over from Last Seasons Hauling & Helped Mother Wash Some Bed Quilts. It snowed a Little Sprinkle at night
Tuesday 6 - Went down to Jerome Bryants with the folks & came Back & Watered the Cows & then Went down there again & Stayed a Little While & Brought the folks Home again. My Birthday 41 to day.
Wednesday, Jan. 7, 1903 - Went up to Bert Tears & Bought 200 feet of Hemlock Boards at One Dollar Hundred Paid him 1.50 & 50 cts for threshing. Went up & Hauled it Home. Mother Makeley Came over & Brought Mother’s new Night Dress She had made & Father Makeley Came after her with his Team he Wanted Draper could not get him
Thursday 8 - Put the Board Roof on the Old Shop George Garrison Came to Buy a Veal Calf. the calfs was only a Little over 2 Weeks Old but he Begged so Hard to get me to fill his contract i let him have one it Weighed 113 # @ 5 1/2 cts = $6.21.
Friday, Jan. 9, 1903 - Pretty Cold Cleaned out the Old Shop some & tore out the floor in the Back end to get it Ready for the Pigs.
Saturday 10 - Pretty Cold. Worked on the Old Shop to get it Ready for the pigs but as it was Cold Couldn’t do Much & also Ran out of Nails. Everet Nash Called in on his Way Home from school & i Paid Him for Digging Fathers Grave $2.00
Sunday, Jan. 11, 1903 - Stayed at home all Day
Monday 12 - Went down to Roseville on foot to see about why the doctor did not Come up to see Mother & to Get some Nails. Pretty Cold.
Tuesday, Jan. 13, 1903 - Fixed up 3 Cross Cut Saws & done the Chores Pretty Cold
Wednesday 14 - Put in a Partition in the Old Shop for the Pigs & Hauled in 2 Loads of Stones. C. B. Hanyen Came up to see how Mother was & if she needed it to have Lavinnia Lawrence Come up & Care for Her.
Thursday, Jan. 15, 1903 - Leveled down the Stone & Broke them up with the Post Hammer & Out in Some Horse Manure & Straw & Built the Fence so that they could go in under the Window on the side next the House Mcintosh Came to Float the horses Teeth but did not have him do it.
Friday 16 - Daniel Came down & Helped me cut Wood Cut up one Little maple by the Boiling Place it was blown down & cut Part of one up in the woods across the creek that was blown down 1 year ago.
Saturday, Jan. 17, 1903 - Hauled up one Load of Wood from the left of the Boiling Place & Went up & Helped Daniel Cut Wood. Quite Warm.
Sunday 18 - Stayed Home all day Ross Came over from Menzo Richmonds.
Monday, Jan. 19, 1903 - Split some Wood at the Door & Went over to Father Makeleys with the Old Sow to get her Mated with his Boar so that she could Raise Some Pigs Loaded her into the Sleigh and hauled her over. Left her over there a little While. Rith went over & Stayed there.
Tuesday 20 - Went down in the Woods & cut the top of an Ash tree & Cut up 1 Maple in Drags & Trimmed some on the Elm that Blown down one year ago.
Wednesday, Jan. 21, 1903 - Went over to Father Makeleys to get the Old Sow & Brought her home in the Sleigh as i took the horses. Ruth stayed over there. Addie sent over a Red Quilt to Have her Mother quilt for her.
Thursday 22 - Went down to Roseville to Mill & took a Veal Calf down to George Garrison it Weighed # @ 5 1/2 cts = 6.43. & found the mill not Running on account of Low Water & the Steam Engine out of repair on account of the Cold Freezing weather so had to Leave the Grist. Borrowed 70# of them to Last until could Get it Ground. Nice sleighing.
Friday, January 23, 1903 - Fixed the pig Pen a Little to Make it Warmer & Cut a Part of the Big Elm just above the Boiling Place.
Saturday 24 - Hauled up one Maple Tree 2 drags & a Load of the Elm Tops & Fixed the old Plank Box a Little & as it Was snowing did not go after any More Nice Sleighing
Sunday, Jan. 25, 1903 - Dug the Old Democrat Cutter out of the straw Mow on the top of the Granary & Went over to Father Makeleys after Ruth Owen went along but Addie was on a sulky spell & Would not go - Father talked about giving me some Hemlock trees.
Monday 26 - Hauled one Load of Wood that Daniel Helped me Saw & Went down to Roseville after the Doctor for Ruth & to get the Grist that Left up to the Mill
Tuesday, Jan. 27, 1903 - Daniel Helped me Saw Wood Cut some at the door & Finished Cutting the Maples that Left the other day & Trimmed another Small Tree
Wednesday 28 - Went over to Father Makeleys & Looked at some Trees that he gave us stayed to Dinner & HElped Daniel Saw up the small Maple that Trimmed yesterday.
Thursday, Jan. 29, 1903 - Went over to Father Makeleys to Cut Saw Logs Daniel Went along to Help me & got Archie to help also.
Friday 30 - Went over to Makeleys to Cut logs done up the Chores & as it snowed a little Squall in the Morning Daniel was so Late in Coming down to go that i went off & Left him Had Archie to Help did not get them all Cut
Saturday Jan. 31, 1903 - Trimmed out some Maple trees & Hauled one Load of Slab Wood that Daniel Had Helped me Cut Built a Bridge across the Spring Brook at the Entrance to the Woods did not get it quite done.
Sunday, Feb. 1, 1903 - Started up theRoad after the Doctor for Ruth & Met him a coming down the Road so did not have to go any further went up to Daniels to see if he could go over on the Morrow to Help Cut Logs as Hattie was sick he did not know whether he could go or not
Monday, Feb. 2, 1903 - A Rainy Day Filed ? & Set 2 Cross Cut Saws the Borden Saw & Daniels Old Saw & Chored about the Barn
Tuesday 3 - Went up to Father Makeleys to Cut Logs Expected Daniel would come down & go so Addie put up our Dinners but he did not come & Archie had the teeth ache so he did not want to Work. So Borrowed their whiffletree and Grabs and Skidded Logs. Father Makeley pulled the Bark off the Logs as I hauled them out. A Warm Pleasant Day.
Wednesday, Feb. 4, 1903 - Went up to Daniels at Half past Eleven to Help him Cut Wood it Being so near Noon that we got our Dinners at his House Before Going into the Woods & as Hattie Was about sick we had to wait a quite a while for it. Cut some Wood & a few Saw Logs for Daniel it was warm & thawy but got coder at night.
Thursday 5 - Daniel Came down to go with me over to Makeleys to cut Logs but as it was Cold & Windy & Getting so Late Half past Nine when we got Ready. that we Went up in the Woods to Cutting Wood Cut up one Maple Tree & a Part of another one Had to Pry them up with a Lever to get them up high Enough to saw.
Friday, Feb. 6,1903 - Went over to Makeleys & Cut Logs Daniel Went with me & got Archie to Help also but did not get them all Cut as we was Hopeing we could there was a Pedler stopping with Makeleys folks He had stayed all the day thursday & the night before went away that Morning.
Saturday 7 - Went over to Makeleys to Cut Logs Daniel Helping Archie Helped in Afternoon
Sunday Feb. 8, 1903 - Stayed at Home All Day.
Monday 9 - Hauled up 2 Loads Wood from the Woods & Went up & Hauled 3 Loads for Daniel.
Tuesday, Feb. 10, 1903 - Went over to Makeleys & Skidded Logs Mother Went along as far as Will VanNess & stayed until Night Owen Went over to his Gramma Makeleys & stayed until Night Makeleys Killed a Beef. Merritt Stone Butchered
Wednesday 11 - Went over to Makeleys & Skidded Logs & Archie helped me Cut Logs in the Afternoon it was a Cloudy Drissely Rainy Day it Rained a Hard Shower at Night as i was Coming Home
Thursday, Feb. 12, 1903 - Went to Mansfield to Mill & to trade Addie & Owen went along. Sold 13 1/2 dozen Eggs @ 20 cts & 18 # Butter @ 24 cts = 4.32 the Roads was quite Muddy Dropped a Sack flour into the Road & Broke it open Went to John Van Ness & Borrowed a Bag to gather it up in
Friday 13 - Went over to Makeleys & Finished Cutting Logs Archie Helping Took the team up & Pulled down some L? trees to cut up & Skidded a few Logs Warm & Thawy
Saturday, Feb. 14, 1903 - Went up to Makeleys & Built a Skidway Below the Woods & Skidded out a few Logs on it.
Sunday 15 - Stayed at Home Put some Lard & Kerosene Oil on the Calves & 2 Year olds to Kill the Lice Snowed very fine & Rained & snowed together all Day guess Can haul Logs on the Morrow
Monday, Feb. 16, 1903 - Went over to Makeleys & Hauled 2 Loads of Logs as it snowed Last night but not very good Sleighing it not being Packed down much
Tuesday 17 - Went up to Makeleys & Hauled 1 Load Logs Could not Haul Much as there Was a fall of snow Last night & the Roads not Broken & then went down to Roseville to Elections Voted for W. H. Benson for Supervisor
Wednesday, Feb. 18, 1903 - A Cold Windy day Snow Drifting Badly Split a little Wood at the Door & Started for Makeleys & got to the 4 Corners & found the Road over the Knoll full of Snow & Came Back Home The Thermometer was Below Zero.
Thursday 19 - Shoveled out Road to the Corners & Started down the Creek but as there was so much snow in the road could not throw it out. Started oput with the Team & as there had been other Teams over the Road, Went through the Orchard & Brought Back 2 Little Logs & Broke out the Road.
Friday, Feb. 20, 1903 - Hauled 2 Loads Logs from the Makeleys Burt Tears Came down last Night Looking for a Man that had Broken into his House & Stolen his Watch & Other things that he could find that he Wanted.
Saturday 21 - Hauled 3 Loads Logs from Makeleys & did not get the last one unloaded till after dark Rosina Smith Came over & Stopped While Bill & Orin Went over to Roseville to L. M. & J. G. Davis Sale they Bought Some Cows & did not go by with them until it Was Dark
Sunday, Feb. 22, 1903 - Stayed at Home Draper came down & Brought the soldering Iron home
Monday 23 - Hauled 3 Loads Logs from Makeleys Cleaned the Upper Skidway The snow is thawing some But the Logs Haul good yet.
Tuesday, Feb. 24, 1903 - Skidded out the Tree that was Left on the Hill in the upper Right hand Corner of the Woods & Hauled it to the Banking ground 2 Loads of 2 Logs Each The thaw continues but does not thaw very fast & it freezes at night so that the Logs will Run good in the Morning.
Wednesday 25 - Went down the Road to Makeleys House & up the Cow Lane to the Lower Skidway the snow was Deep in the Cow Lane next the Woods & the Road was most Bare above the House toward Wills so that Went up through Wills corn field again & Loaded one Load of 2 Logs from where the tree Fell had to Load it with the horses Partly it is still Warm & thawy but not very fast
Thursday, Feb. 26, 1903 - Went over to Makeleys to Haul Logs & took over a Churn of Buttermilk Hauled the Logsfrom the Woods where they was cut up the Thaw Continues & Snow going so fast hard Hauling Logs
Friday 27 - Hauled 3 Loads Logs from Makeleys the snow thawing so rapidly that Could not Haul Much to a Load Hauled 2 Loads from the Lower Skidway up through the Woods as the Snow most gone on the road above Makeleys House as we go to Bed it is Raining
Saturday, Feb. 28,1903 - A Rainy day the snow all Went off. Chored around the House Built a Shelf across the end of the addition Part of the kitchen next the Cellar & Trimmed a few Apple Trees
Sunday, Mar 1 - Stayed at Home
Monday, Mar. 2, 1903 - Went up to Makeleys & Skidded Logs & Broke a Whiffletree & Went downt to Makeleys & Borrowed one & a Wrench. Dug out the spring up in the Woods & as i had Brought my dinner Along ate it there drove up through the field Warm & Pleasant
Tuesday 3 - Went up to Makeleys & skidded Logs Carried my DInner & ate it in the Woods again Warm & Pleasant
Wednesday, Mar. 4, 1903 - Went up to Makeleys & Skidded Logs Carried my dinner & ate it in the Woods by the Ash Rail Cut Again Warm & Pleasant
Thursday 5 - Chored about the House & Barn Made a Whiffletree it Rained all the Forenoon about
Friday, Mar. 6, 1903 - Sap Weather - Went up to Makeleys & Finished Skidding Logs & Made 2 Skidways one in the lower edge next House on the Middle Road & one on the Lower Edge up on the Hill Carried my dinner & ate it up in the Woods Went down to the House on my way Home & got Ruth’s doll that they had made for her Warm & Pleasant
Saturday 7 - Went down to Roseville to Mill Mother Went along & Stayed down there on a Visit
Sunday, Mar. 8, 1903 - Stayed at Home A Rainy Day
Monday 9 - Trimmed
Tuesday, Mar 10, 1903 - Sorted & Shelled Corn
Wednesday 11 - Finished Shelling Corn & Covered up the seed corn in Barrels Warm & Muddy
Thursday, Mar. 12, 1903 - Cut up a Little Wood at the Door & Took a Veal Calf down to Roseville to George Garrison but as the Roads so bad to Elmira he did not want it so Brought it Home Mother did not want to Come Back Home yet Warm & Muddy too warm for sugaring much
Friday 13 - Went to Mansfield to Mill the Roads so bad could Hardly get through with the Democrat Wagon
Saturday, Mar 14, 1903 - Hauled the sugar Dishes down in the Wood & Brought Back a drag of Wood & Tapped the Flat Part of the Bush & Went down to Roseville to a Drama at the Baptist Church called the Deestrick Skule Addie & the Babies went along.
Sunday 15 - Stayed at Hime Warm & Pleasant
Monday, Mar. 16, 1903 - Laid over the Old Sap Arch Some & Gathered The sap from the trees on the Flat all that was Tapped *& Boiled it down Warm & Pleasant
Tuesday 17 - Carried up the syrup & Finished Fixing the Arch & Chimney Put the Sotrage tubs to Soak & Cut a Little Wood Warm & Pleasant too Warm for the Sap to Run Much
Wednesday, Mar. 18, 1903 - Tapped a Part of the Trees in the upper Woods Part of the Bush Too Warm for the Sap to Run much
Thursday 19 - Finished Tappingthe Bush & Gathered & Boiled the Flat but did not Syrup it down. Too warm for Sugaring almost like Summer time
Friday, Mar. 20, 1903 - Hauled a Load of Sap Wood down to the Sap Arch & One up to the House & Syruped down the yesterday’s Boil & Went down to Roseville after Mother Too Warm for the sap to Run much
Saturday 21 - Hauled one Load Wood up to the Door then Daniel Came down to Help Cut Wood & as it was about Eleven we Cut some at the Door & Went in the Woods & Cut a LIttle then it Rained us off so that we had to quit.
Sunday, Mar. 22, 1903 - Stayed at Home
Monday 23 - Rained almost all day Tapped my felt Rubbers & tried to fix Owens but as did not have Enough short nails had to stop & Split a Little Wood at the Door
Tuesday, Mar. 24, 1903 - Went up to Daniels to get him to help Cut Wood but as he Was Working with Leon did not get him Split Wood at the door Lisher Came down to see about having me help straighten the Creek. Sent 4 Dollars to Dr. J. H. Dye Buffalo N.Y. for Medicine for Addie Warm & Pleasant
Wednesday 25 - Went up & Helped Lisher Straighten the Creek & Emptied the Water out of the Sap Dishes
Thursday, Mar. 26, 1903 - Went up & helped Cut Wood for Daniel Warm & Pleasant
Friday 27 - Cut Wood in the Woods Daniel Helping Sold Daniel One Pork Ham = 19# @ 10 cts it was not sugar Weather & Wont be this year i guess
Saturday, Mar. 28, 1903 - Cut Wood in the Woods Daniel Heloing me
Sunday 29 - Stayed at Home Cut over the Trees on the Flat Part of the Sap Bush
Monday, Mar. 30, 1903 - Went to Mansfield with a Veal Calf weighed 150# @ 5 1/2 = 8.25 Mother Went along to Make some Visits & Stopped at John N. VanNess it Rained at 3 OClock & Rained the Rest of the day & guess Will all Night Had a New Main Spring put in my Watch at -?- warranted 1 year
Tuesday 31 - Gathered the Sap in the Flat The Dishes were most all Running over with Rainwater & Sap
Wednesday, April 1, 1903 - Cut the Trees Over across the Creek in the upper Part of the Wood that I Gathered with the Team there was a Little freeze last night 5º below the freezing point but i guess will not Freeze to NIght as it looks so much like Rain
Thursday 2 - Put a Hoop on the Old Drawing Tub & gathered the Flat & Boiled it in & Gathered the Upper Part of the Woods but as the South Wind was Blowing & the sap not Running much didn’t get much Broke the Harness & Barn Door in Running the Wagon out of the Barn
Friday, April 3, 1903 - Boiled the Sap
Saturday 4 - Went up to Daniels & Plowed His Orchard for Him it Froze at night
Sunday, April 5, 1903 - Went over to Makeleys & Addie & the CHildren & Hattie Nash Went along. it Froze at night
Monday 6 - Sowed some Grass Seed on the Wheat before Breakfast but as the Wind Raised had to Stop & then Cut over the Sugar Bush
Tuesday, April 7, 1903 - Cut Some Wood for the Sap Arch & Hauled it down & Hauled up to the Door & Gathered the Flat over with the Team & the most of the upper Part of the Woods Boiled a Little
Wednesday 8 - Finished Sowing Seed on the Wheat & Boiled Sap it Rained a Long Shower Gathered the Flat over by Hand
Thursday, April 9, 1903 - Gathered the Sap Bush over but did not get it quite all Boiled The sap about stopped Running not Freezing much
Friday 10 - Turned over the Dishes on the Flat & Finished Boiling the Sap & Put up a Grist to Have Ground for the Cows a nice day no more Sugar Weather i guess
Saturday, April 11, 1903 - Went down to Roseville to Mill but as there was so much grain in before me had to stay from 15 min after Ten until about 2 to get my grist it was warm & Pleasant but it is Raining at 9 o’clock in the Evening as i write & i guess will all night
Sunday 12 - Stayed at Home
Monday, April 13, 1903 - Went to Mansfield with a Veal Calf Weighed 120 @ 5 c = 6.00 & 31 # Butter @ 24 = 7.44 Had the democrat neck yoke Fixed with a Iron Ring in Place of the old Leather one a nice Day but Cloudy & threatening Rain & as I go to bed is Sprinkling
Tuesday 14 - A Rainy Day Cleaned the Cream Seperator & Chored about the House & Barn O. A. Smith Came at Dark to Settle up Accounts & We Settled up Calling it Square With his Share in the Old Place & I Gave him the Balance that he Owed me
Wednesday, April 15, 1903 - Put a Plank Floor in the Old Shop Pig Pen for the Old Saw A Rainy Day
Thursday 16 - Mended Harness Put some Loops on the Bully girts to Hold the Side Hold Back Straps to the same it is so Wet & Rainy that Can not do much Out Door Work
Friday, April 17, 1903 - Finished Fixing Harness & Trimmed Two Apple Trees & Done a Churning A Nice Pleasant day
Saturday 18 - Put the Old Democrat Cutter on the Top of the Granary & then Gatheres the Sugar Pails from the Woods it was a Clear Sunny day the Ground direid out quite good
Sunday, April 19, 1903 - Went up on the Hill in Will Reynolds Wood & got Some Leeks Addie & the Children Went along & Gertie Came over as we had got on the top of the Hill so She Came up & Helped us Dig Leeks Too. Welland Came over & Brought Mother Home.
Monday 20 - Packed up the Storage tubs & Covered them up Hauled up Wood from the Woods it was in the Block as Daniel & i Sawed it Pretty Heavy Lifting but Could Handle it faster the Wood was Wet & Muddy Hauling Wood Nice Weather guess i Can Sow Oats
Tuesday, April 21, 1903 - Went over Back of the Hill & Plowed on the Rye stubble
Wednesday 22 - Dragged on the side Hill where Raised sowed Corn but did not get it done so as to sow oats
Thursday, April 23, 1903 - Finished Dragging the side Hill & Cleaned up some Oats & Sowed a Part of it but as it was getting Late & Run out of Grass Seed had to stop guess i will go down to Roseville on the Morrow to get some
Friday 24 - Went down to Roseville & Bought of Henry Blood 3 Bushels timothy seed & 1 1/2 Bushels Clover = $17 Addie went along Hanyen told me that Mother was Dissatisfied with the Will & Was not going to abide by it & showed me the Paper She had gotten drawn up by a Lawyer to that Effect . Sowed a few oats on the hill Had the horses Shod at Stouts
Saturday, April 25, 1903 - Dragged a Little more ground on the HIll & sowed it next the other
Sunday 26 - Went over to Makeleys Mother & Addie & the Children went along. Asked Mother about the change She had made in the Will & she said she did nnnot Know what she was signing & that Lon that asked her to Sign it & Said she did not want to go over to John Styres to Live if she could Help it .
Monday, April 27, 1903 - Built a Smoothing Harrow & Run it over the Oats i had Sowed. Shut the old Sow in the Pen for to Have her Pigs Draper Worked Hauled the Saw dust away from the House & Cleared out the Cellar Some & Cleaned out the Cow stables a nice day
Tuesday 28 - Plowed on the Rye Stubble on the Back side of the HIll Shot a Black Cat that i thought was Sucking Eggs
Wednesday, April 29, 1903 - Went to Mansfield to Buy some Feed for the Cows Bought of the Sun Milking Co. 1/2 Ton of Corn & Oats Chop @ 1.25 Hundred = 12.50
Thursday 30 - Plowed on the back side of th Hill Draper Worked Fixing fence around the Cow Pasture it was a nice day the smoke was so thick towards night that Could Hardly see
Friday, May 1, 1903 A Cool night last night Plowed on the Back side of the Hill Wore Coat all day to Keep Warm Draper Worked at Living fence
Saturday 2 - Finished Plowing the Rye Stubble on the back side of the Hlll & thennn Picked up old Boards & Rubbish Arounnd the House & Yard & Hauled the Apple Brush on the Garden to Burn from the HOuse Lot Draper Worked at Fixing Fence did not get around the Pasture only to the Potatoe Patch & Last night it was a cold one the Ther Run down - 20 Below the Freezing Point
Sunday, May 3, 1903 - Stayed at Home Straightened up the Fence a lIttle along the Potato Patch Beyond the Barn & Turned the Cows out A Little While to get Drink from the Creek as the Barn well had Run Dry had a Little Shower at night
Monday 4 - Burnt up
the Apple Bursh in the Garden & Trimmed out the Apple tree that Split
down & the Rambo tree By the Bees & the Struck Tree Below the Split
one & Cleaned out the Hen House; Archie Makeley & Gertie Brought
over 2 Bushels Early SUnrise Potatoes for Seed. Jason Watkins Came along
selling Medicine Bought 1 Bottle of Huffs Blood Purifier &
some Extracts
Tuesday, May 5, 1903 -
Went up to Daniels with the Horses & Drag on Stone Boat & Hauled
Out Manure & Sowed his Orchard & part of his Garden to Oats &
Cow Peas & Dragged them in Had Lishers Wagon to haul
Manure on Sowed Grass Seed on ahead of the Drag
did not get his Garden Dragged so Will have to go up again on the Morrow
Draper Worked in the forenoon. Paid him 1 Dollar on Work Had Heifer
lose her Calf Draper Buried the Calf
Wednesday 6 - Went up to Daniels & finished Dragging his Garden & Plowed a Little strip Below the Road & Dragged it & Dragged Drapers garden & Went down & Dragged a Part of the Rye Ground for Oats & Potatoes Ruth & Owen Went up to Lishers a While Gertie Makeley came over to Help Addie Clean House
Thursday, May 7, 1903 - Dragged in the Back side of the Hill for oats. Gertie & Addie Papered on the Big Room up Stairs & Painted the Ceiling overhead One Coat Gertie went Home at night
Friday 8 - Churned in the Morning & While the Horse was Churning Cleaned over Some Oats to Sow & done up the Chores & When got them done Ready to go in the Field it was noon Loaded the oats on & in the Drill & Went over Back of the hill & sowed 2 1/2 acres & as it was night & Run out of Grass Seed could not finish the Piece. will have to go to Roseville & get more seed in the Morning
Saturday, May 9, 1903 - Went to Roseville after a little Grass Seed to Finish Sowing the Oat Ground & a Little Kow Krise for a Sick cow Bought 1 Can of Paint for the Chamber Ceiling & then finished Sowing the Oats did not Have quite Enough Seed but let it go as it was getting dry & late in the season for oats at Seeding Floated a Part of the Piece it was a Warm dry day
Sunday 10 - Went over to the Elk Run Church to Preaching Mother & Ruth Went Along
Monday, May 12, 1903 - Finished Floating the Oat Ground & Dragged the Potatoe Patch & Hauled off the Stones & Marked a Part of it with the Shovel Plow & Both Horses Draper Worked Cut some Seed Potatoes & Planted a few & Moved a few Rails off Wells Ashleys field so that he Could Plow
Tuesday 12 - Finished Furrowing the Potatoe Ground & Dropped & Covered the Biggest Part of them covered with the Horses Draper Worked Hattie Nash came down & Helped Mother a Little While in Cleaning her Bedroom
Wednesday, May 13, 1903 - Finished Planting Potatoes on the Hill Draper Worked Hauled Manure int he Garden Draper Finished Moving the Rails out of Ashleys way so he could Plow for Corn set up the Leach and Mother Commenced Putting Water on it. Addie got a Mess of Horseradish Greens
Thursday 14 - Draper Came down to Work but did not want to Work as he had 3 doz. Eggs at Home that he Wanted to Market So he Went Home as he wanted to go to Roseville Plowed the Garden Mother Worked at her Soap but did not get it done.
Friday, May 15, 1903 - Draper Worked set up the Cultivator Drag & Dragged the Gardens all that was dry enough as a Part of the one next the Road was not dry Enough & Floated it with the Plank Drag to Mash up the Lumps & Marked it with the Bob Sled and Planted a Part of it covered the Potatoes next the Road witht he Horses. Draper Hauled Manure on the Hill in the afternoon
Saturday 16 - the Old Sow had 11 Piglets Last night 2 dead ones 9 left but she is so ugly guess that she will kill some more yet Draper Worked hauling Manure on the hill. Planted some Beans & Corn in the Garden & done a Churning in the Morning & FInished Painting the Room up stairs where we Sleep and the Ceiling over head
Sunday, May 17, 1903 - Went over to the Ridge of hills by Jimmie Searls House to see how they Looked with the Rocks on them. John Styres and Jane came over & got Mother & took her home with them.
Monday 18 - Draper Worked Hauled Manure on the Hill in the A.M. it Rained in the P.M. so he had to quit & so he Went up home Planted a little Sweet Corn in the Garden & Sorted & Sprouted Potatoes in the Cellar
Tuesday, May 19, 1903 - Hauled Manure on the HIll
Wednesday 20 - Went over to Makeleys & got a little yearling Bull & Led him home & Dragged on the Corn ground Draper Worked he Hauled Manure & Sorted & Sprouted Potatoes Archie and Daniel was planting corn back of Makeleys Barn
Thursday, May 21, 1903 - Finished Dragging a Part of the Corn Ground & Marked it off so that Draper could be Planting it Draper Worked Sorted Potatoes & Planted a little Corn it Rained a Shower at night & thunders as i Write at 9 o’clock guess it will rain more.
Friday 22 - Went up in the Corn Patch on the hill & Planted some Pumpkin seeds & Corn it was a Little wet but not Bad Planting Sent Ruth after Draper as he did not come & he came at Noon & Planted in the P. M. Hauled one Load of Manure on the Cornground & Dragged the Rest of the Patch Over Once in a Place Worked until 8 o’clock Draper Worked to Day
Saturday, May 23, 1903 - Finished Dragging & Marking the Corn Ground & Planted some Draper Worked at Planting Went up after supper & Planted until Dark did not finish Planting
Sunday 24 - Stayed at Home got Ready to fo to Mansfield to Market
Monday, May 25, 1903 - Went to Mansfield with Veal Calf & Butter, Eggs & Six bushels @ 50 c Potatoes 58# @ .18 =10.44 & 20 8/12 doz Eggs @ 15c = 3.08 & Veal Calf 122 @ 5c=6.10 Brought Home 400# Phosphate for the Cucumber Crop Draper went Along Paid him Five Dollars on Work
Tuesday 26 - Finished Planting Corn Draper Worked Will Reynolds came & got his old Corn Planter as he wanted it to use so i had to Plant with the hoe draper finished it with the Planter & then stuck Pumpkin Seeds. i Cut the Cherry trees & Brush along the Road Opposite the House & Burned them. Gertie Came after the Swifts & Harness & Reed
Wednesday, May 27, 1903 - Went up to Lishers after the Old Reed (or Reel) & Swifts for Gertie & Addie went & took her Back Home Commenced Plowing the Old Potatoe Patch again back of the Barn for Cucumbers
Thursday 28 - Plowed on the Potatoe Patch for Pickles but did not get it done Plowed extra deep & as it was getting dry was hard Plowing Young Mr. Copp Stopped with his horses as he was going by & tried Tan & as She seemed to be Horsing he Raked her & Put her to his horse
Friday, May 29, 1903 - Finished Plowing the Patch for Pickles & Hauled off the Stone & Floated it with the Smoothing Harrow
Saturday 30 - Dragged the Pickle Patch & Dragged the Potatoes on the Hill Hauled the Stone off the Pickle Patch again John Styres folks Brought Mother Home on their Return from Roseville being decoration day
Sunday, May 31, 1903 - Stayed at Home Put up some Shelves in the Sleeping Room up Stairs from the old Chimney Cupboard stand to the Corner next the Hallway Partition A Cool Clear Day
Monday, June 1 - Draper Worked in the Afternoon Furrowed the Pickle Ground & Commenced Putting in the Manure Hauled 4 Loads on the Pickles & 2 Across the Road
Tuesday, June 2, 1903 - Hauled Manure on the Pickle Ground Draper Worked Will Reynolds Cattle got out in my Oats on the Hill Went And drove them Back & told him about Fixing his fence to Keep them in & Went down to the shingle mill on Manly Smiths while driving the Cattle
Wednesday 3 - Finished Manuring the Pickle Ground & OPut in the Phosphate & Covered it with Dirt & Cultivated a little in the Garden Draper Worked
Thursday 4, 1903 - Worked on the Road went down to Clark Colby and got the Big Wheel Scraper & brought it up from the Corners & as the others was Planning to Fill up the Ditches i came up home & got Some axle grease & greased the scraper then Helped Hold Plow till noon & then tried to scrape with the big scraper but it wouldn’t work so went down to Manly Smith’s and got his scraper and we used that Broke a wiffletree and had to Borrow Lishers
Friday 5 - Worked on the Road Worked on the A Scraper & the Big Road Machine
Saturday, June 6, 1903 - Draper Worked Paid him One Dollar in $1.00 in Butter 5 1/2 # @ 18c Worked on the Road Finished Fixing the Road Below & Went up to Wesleys & on the Cross Road next Daniels Daniel Worked in the forenoon
Sunday 7 - Stayed at Home it Rained a Little last night & a little more again today & is Raining a little as i Write at 9 o’clock guess it will Rain again and Shower before Morning
Monday, June 8, 1903 - Commenced Plowing across the Road from the Barn for Sweet Corn Myron Ripley came to sow Cucumber Seed for Vedder at a quarter Past Six o’clock at night & I Levelled down the Ridges for him with his garden drill but did not get it quite done
Tuesday 9 - Myron Ripley finished Sowing the Pickle Patch Before Breakfast Went to Roseville with Mother & the Children Mother Bought some Wall Paper for the sitting Room Henry Makeley & Archie Came after the Pigs took 6 of them & wanted one More for the little yearling Bull. Paif Draper $1.25 on Work as he wanted to buy a Watch of Ben Mix for 1.10
Wednesday, June 10, 1903 - Brinny Cow Calved it is a Heifer Churned & Plowed for Sowed Cirn across the Road from the Barn Gertie Came over & Helped Addie & i am afrain she got wet going Home as it Rained a Heavy Shower Just after she had started guess she will stop at the Milk House
Thursday 11 - Went to Mansfield with 2 50# tubs Butter @ 19cts Bought 3 Pairs Shoes RUth Owen & myself bought 2 bu Leaming Seed Corn . Som Coal Tar Plowed a Little on the Corn Ground till it Rained me off it is Raining at 9 o’clock guess will Rain all Night
Friday, June 12, 1903 - A Rainy Day Split some Wood at the Door & Made a Ring Butte to Split Wood with & Tapped my Rubber Boots & Chored around the House & Barn Caught the Barn Well full of Water off the Barn
Saturday 13 - Plowed on the Patch for Sowed Corn
Sunday, June 14, 1903 - Stayed at Home it Rained nearly all day
Monday 15 - Plowed for Corn Pretty Wet but Had to Plow as it is getting late in the season Draper Helped. Mother Paper the Sitting Toom but did not finish Emma helped Some also
Tuesday, June 16, 1903 - Finished Plowing for Sowed Corn & Hoed in the Garden & Split some Wood & Went up in Wesleys field & Picked a few Strawberries Draper Helped Mother Finish Paper the Sitting Room worked all Day at it did not finish until Dark
Wednesday 17 - Worked in the Garden & Chored about the House & Barn
Thursday, June 18, 1891 - Went up on the Hill to see if the crows had Pulled on Corn & found that they had Pulled it most all up so that will have to sow it to Buckwheat i guess & then went up to Will Reynolds & got my Corn Planter Hoed in the Garden
Friday 19 - Hoed in the Garden Had a Swarm of Bees
Saturday, June 20, 1903 - Chored about the House & Churn House A Rainy Afternoon & a Part of the forenon
Sunday 21 - Stayed at Home got the Lumber Wagon Ready to go to Market with Veal Calves
Monday, June 22, 1903 -Went to Mansfield with Veal Calves = $17.67 & 52 # Butter @ 19=9.88 Went to Herbert Hagers to try to Hire His Wife to help us if i could but he did not want her to go a nice day but guess will Rain on the Morrow as the wind is in the south & East
Tuesday 23 - A Rainy Day it Rained all the Forenoon Chored about the House Hanging Pictures & Fixing a Place to set the Canned Fruit in the Cellar
Wednesday, June 24, 1903 - Finished Making the Shelves for the Canned Fruit in the Cellar & Helped Addie put the Cans in it & took the Old Milk Rack out it Rained a good Shower in the Morning Byron Smith came after Money to Repair the Church Sheds Paid him 4 Dollars
Thursday 25 - it Rained a Heavy Shower in the Forenoon & Almost all Last night Split wood at the Door & Chored about the House Gertie Makeley came over & Brought some Straw Berries
Friday, June 26, 1903 - A Nice Day Hoed the 5 Rows of Potatoes next the Road
Saturday 27 - A Nice Day Planted over 3 Rows Cucumbers in ther Patch & as it was too Wet to Sow any more had to Stop & then Hoed in the Garden
Sunday, June 28, 1903 - Stayed at Home & Slept a good part of the Day a nice Pleasant Day
Monday 29 - it Rained a fine Shower in the Morning so that it was too Wet to do much at Farming so i went up to Daniels & Bought a Calf of him it 114# @ 3 1/2 cts = $3.99 he to have his pay when the Calf was put on the Market & then i made a trough for the old Sow & Pigs out of a Hickory plank
Tuesday, June 30, 1903 -A warm Pleasant day the Warmest Day in a long while Mowed the Door Yard & Made a Spout for the Sow’s trough Will VanNess came to Borrow the Cultivator again Had a Swarm Bees Burt Tears came & Bought the 2 Veal Calves @ 6 cts Pound & Paid One Dollar down. they to be Delivered at Nelson Tears on the 20th of July. Paid Draper One Dollar on Work.
Wednesday, July 1 - Went up to Wills to see when they would be Ready to saw my logs found them sawing Will Reynolds they finished them & then Will VanNess Came & Put on his i helped him a little with getting his logs on & he helped me Roll mine down a little they finished sawing VanNess & Jed Seeley’s will be Ready for mine in the Morning i got them Rolled down Partly. Leon Borrowed my lumber Wagon
Thursday, July 2, 1903 - Went up to Wills and Rolled down some more Logs & got Leon Reynolds & Draper & Daniel to Help carried the Boards to the Piles awhile & then sent Draper down & got the Horses & Wagon got the logs all sawed had 5430 @ 2.25 per thousand 12.21 Paid Leon 70 cts Copp came and Turned Tan again a nice day.
Friday 3 - Went up to the Mill & finished fixing the Lumber Piles & Paid McConnell for Sawing 5430 @ $2.25 per M = 12.21 & Went down to Roseville & had the Horses shod it Rained a heavy Shower & as it stopped i went up to the Mill & Bought 2 Bushels Seed corn & got the team & then got the corn & came Home
Saturday, July 4, 1903 - Had a Headache Slept a Part of the day & Fixed the stable Floor under Tans Stall & got in the Hay in the Door yard
Sunday 5 - Stayed at Home. Picked a few Cherries it Rained a good Shower in the Middle of the afternoon & another Long one before Milking & another after & after Dark & i guess will Rain all Night by Showers it is too wet to do much at farming
Monday, July 6, 1903 - Went to Mansfield with 2 tubs Butter @18 cts = 18.72 Went up to Burt Vedders & got one monre Pound Cucumber seed to Replant the Pickle Patch the Seed at 1.75 Per Pound got Shaved at Mead Danns sold Reuben Dan my Butter Bowl hat for 25 cts & Bought one a straw at 15 cts.
Tuesday 7 - Went to Rosevblle after a Hired girl but did not find any as Luella Jones Perry was gone Somewhere & i did not find any other one Hoed up some Weeds in the Pickle Patch to get it Ready to Replant Tried to get Draper or Daniel to Help but they would not come a nice day
Wednesday, July 8, 1903 - Worked on the Pickle Ground Hoing the Weeds out of the Rows & Planting in More Cucumbers Draper Worked he Hoed in the Garden he Set out some Cabbage Plants in the Garden. A Warm Day
Thursday 9 - Addie gave Birth to a Baby girl Draper Worked he went down to Roseville & Told the Doctor to Come up & got Luella Jones Perry & Brought her up & Went over & got Mother Makeley & Brought her over & left Ruth over there the Baby was Born about 6 o’clock in the afternoon Matilda Came down & Helped out
Friday, Julu 10, 1903 - Finished Replanting Cucumbers all but 2 Rows where it was too Wet Eugene Perry came & Stayed over night
Saturday 11 -Went up on the Hill & Cultivated Potatoes until it Rained at half Past Ten Went down to Roseville with Luella Jones Perry & her Man Paid her one Dollar on her Work 2 Days @ 2 Dollars Per Week & She is coming Back Sunday Night Went over the hill to Makeleys & got Gertie to Stay overnight until Mrs. Perry Returns
Sunday, July 12, 1903 - Churned & Picked a Few Cherries & Went over to Will Vanness with Gertie, Owen went over Home with her & Went over to Roseville & got Luella & Eugene Perry & Brought them Home with me Ruth went along.
Monday 13 - Eugene Perry Worked He cut the grass back of the Barn next the Pickle Patch & Went to cut around the Wheat but as it was wet did not cut then Went up on the hill & finished Cultivating Potaotes & Cultivated out the Pickles awhile & Dragged the Sowed Corn Patch across the Road & Dragged it Partly in i sowed the Bag of corn that Bought at the Roseville Mill & Hoed in the Garden & on the Pickles & Ground the Reaper
Tuesday, July 14, 1903 - Eugene Perry Worked finished Dragging in the Corn & Drgged the Rest of it to Buckwheat & Dregged on the Corn on the Hill for Buckwheat Draper came up in the afternoon & Dragged & gene Helped me Hoe Potatoes i Hoed on the Pickles in the Morning Luella picked a five quart pail Red Raspberries
Wednesday 15 - Eugene Perry Worked Dragged on the Corn Ground for Buckwheat i Hoed Potatoes on the Hill a Cool Day With Little Scuals of Rain
Thursday, July 16, 1903 - Gene Perry Worked he finished Hoeing the Potatoes on the Hill & Dragging the corn ground for Buckwheat Churned i Worked & Packed the Butter Packed 5 # for George Austin Cleaned over the Seed Buckwheat and Sowed the cornground to Buckwheat there is almost 6 acres of it thought it only 4 1/2
Friday 17 - Paid Gene Perry & Wife 5 1/2 $ Gene Perry Worked finished the Potatoes Shovel Plowed them Hoed them again & Cut the Wheat with the Reaper Gene Hoed in the Garden but he did not do much Paid him 4 1/2 $ & Luella one & they Went home at night. Bought of Underwood & Underwood 1 Stereoscope & 24 Pictures . Paid Draper one Dollar.
Saturday, July 18, 1903 - A Rainy Day Commenced at 7 in the morning & Rained Steady & Hard all Day & guess will all night i set up the Mower & Pitched a Load of Straw in the Horse & Cow Stables for Bedding & to get it out of the way for the Wheat Harvest
Sunday 19 - Stayed at Home harnessed the Horses to go up to Makeleys after Owen & to take up the other Pig that L:eft to R... the Sow a little Longer got him in a Box & then Archie & his Mother Came so did not have to go. Addie went down Stairs for the first time since Baby was Born
Monday, July 20, 1903 - too Wet to Draw Wheat or Mow or any thing else much Gene Perry Mowed the Road the Whole Length & helped me Draw a Little Straw out of the Barn on the Hill Churned & Ground the Mower Knives Paid Luella one Dollar for Patent Medicine Bought of a Peddler at the Door Bought Mother one Dollar worth of the same
Tuesday 21 - Gene Perry Worked finished Drawing the Old Straw up on the Hill & Cleaned off the Barn floor & turned over a Part of the Wheat & Hauled in 5 Loads of Wheat i sent Ruth after Draper but he Wouldnt come but Bennie came & Leaded for us & Helped Mow Away Gene went up on the Hill next to Wells oats & Mowed one acre with the Machine after Supper
Wednesday, July 22, 1903 - Went over to Nelson Tears with the 2 Veal Calves the Daniel one weighed 172 = $10.32 the little one 115 = 6.90 Gene Perry Went along but did not work Went up on the Hill & Picked a few Red & Black Raspberries it was pretty wet work though as it rained & Made the Briars Wet Gene Perry went up to Drapers awhile Gene Perry & Wife went Home at night on foot pretty Mad
Thursday 23 - Churned & Chored about the house & Turned over a Little Wheat & Hauled in 1 Load & 1 Jag sent Ruth after Draper but she could not find him then sent her again after Bennie & he came as i had got the first Load Loaded & Helped until night. Put a Box on top of the Rack Fred Wilcox came at night as i was Milking with a Summons for me Eugene & Luella Perry for the 29
Friday, July 24, 1903 - A nice Day Bennie Helped Finished Turning & Hauling the Wheat Draper Came down but as he did not feel Well Enough to Work went down to Roseville to see the Doctor & didn’t come Back Bennie Came at half Past nine & helped Draw Paid Bennie 25 Cents
Saturday 25 - Bennie helped Finished the Wheat Raked the stubble with the Horse Rake & Hauled it is & Raked the hay along the Road that Gene Perry Mowed & Hauled it in & Raked the Piece that he Mowed with the Machine & Hauled it in Bennie Helped did not get it is till Dark Bennie went Home & had to Haul 2 Loads alone
Sunday, July 26, 1903 - Stayed at Home
Monday 27 - Settled with Bennie owing him 80 cts Paid him $1.00 by Daniel board on calf Deal as he could not make change Mowed a Piece of Grass across the Road from the house & Raked & Bunched a Part of it with the horse Rake Went down to Roseville & Settled up the Perry acct. Paid Josephus Stout 8.17 the acct with the Mr. & Mrs. Perry was $4.95 3.75 to Gene & 1.20 to Luella
Tuesday, July 28, 1903 - Draper & Bennie Helped Finished Mowing the Piece of new Seeding across the Road from the House & Hauled the Piece above & a Part of the new seeding Hauled 5 Loads & unloaded the Load in the Wagon Left 1 Load on the Wagon on the floor & Put the Rest in the Cow Loft
Wednesday 29 - Draper Worked 1/2 day Mowed away the hay in the Cow Loft & Pitched off the Load on the Wagon & Hauled in the Load in the field & Mowed it away & Raked after & hauled them in it Rained a heavy Shower in the afternoon Lisher Came down in the Evening to settle up accts owing him $4.81.
Thursday, July 30 ,1903 - A Cloudy Lowry Day Ground the Mower Knives both sets & the Scythes & Mowed a Part of the House Lot Draper & Bennie did not Work
Friday 31 - Cloudy in the forenoon & a Part of the P.M. but the Grass Cured Slowly Finished Mowing by hand the Piece that Mowed yesterday with Machine & Mowed the Berry Patch in the Garden & partly around the other piece along the Garden & Raked the hay Rather green some of it did not Bunch it only with the Horse Rake
Saturday Aug. 1, 1903 - Draper & Bennie Worked Finished Mowing the House Lot & Hauled in the Piece that i Mowed thursday & Raked the stalks & Hauled it & Raked the Rest & Hauled One Load of it in & the Rest is in the field but guess will not Rain tonight
Sunday 2 - HHauled in 2 Loads Hay from the House Lot to finish the field all but the Scatterings Draper Came down & helped in the forenoon a nice Day but guess it wil Rain before Monday night
Monday, Aug. 3, 1903 - Draper Worked Mowed the Barn Lot & Raked after the House Lot & Hauled in the Rakings & Stirred the clover in the Barn Lot & Raked a Part of it & Buc;kwheat it was too green to Haul in & So Left a Part of it Hoping it would dry enough to draw without having to Bunch & Open again
Tuesday 4 - Churned & as it was getting Ready to Rain finished Raking the Barn Lot & Bunched it but it Commenced Raining before got it done & Rained Hard the Rest of the Day so the field ws afloat with water C. B. Hanyen Came up to see me about having the Will Recorded arrainged to go to Mansfield on the Morrow & have the Register Come there.
Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1903 - Went to Mansfield C. B. Hanyen & Wife Came up with his Horse & Democrat wagon to go but as his horse was Lame they Rode over with me Babcock came to Mansfield & took the papers Home with him to Record them Lou Hanyen was over there and came back with us babcock charged me Ten Dollars $10.00.
Thursday 6 - a Cloudy Rainy Lowry Day Went over in Frank Argetsingers Field after Blackberries but we did not get many it Rained a Heavy Shower in the afternoon Fixed the Mower Knives some a night Rainbow at night guess it will be better Weather
Friday, Aug. 7, 1903 - went to Roseville after some Knives for the Mower Addie & Owen Went along Put some of the Knives on the Mower Bars & Ground 1 set & Put them in the Mower. Sold the Old Alexander Smith Buggy to Lee Reynolds for $5.00 he took it home.
Saturday 8 - Draper Worked Stirred out the Hay in the Barn Lot a Part of it & Hauled in 3 Loads thought it might Rain as it was Cloudy so did not stir all out so could not get it dry to Haul as it was getting Late for drying
Sunday, Aug. 9, 1903 - Went over to John Styres with Mother so that she could attend the Smith Reunion i did not want to go as i had som much work to do it Rained a Hard Shower as we went by Bird yorks but as we had the umbrellas did not get much wet Ruth & Owen went along for a Ride Met Arba and Helen going there as i was going home.
Monday 10 - Mowed the Piece above the Sap Bush & Below the Wheat & Stirred the Rest of the heaps in the Barn Lot that we Left & hauled then in & Stirred the Grass that i mowed Draper Came down at Half Past 2 & Helped stir the Grass & Haul the Heaps Paid him One Dollar
Tuesday, Aug. 11, 1903 - Mowed the Grass & Briars around the Wheat & Grass next the Sugar Bush & Went with the folks up to Will Reynolds to a Picnic there was only a few there it Rained so could not Rake Hay Paid Draper $3.00 on Work
Wednesday 12 - Draper Worked in the P. M. Mowed the Piece By the Sugar Bush & Hauled 4 Loads did not get it quite all as the Ground was quite soft could not Load very heavy but had Pretty good sized Loads though Dean Nash helped Pitch on the last Load
Thursday, Aug. 13, 1903 - Draper Worked in the P. M. Everett Nash Worked at $1.50 day Paid him one Dollar owe him 50 cts Mowed the Orchard & Hauled in the Piece Below & finished the Piece Below the Wheat.
Friday 14 - Draper Worked in the P. M. Finished mowing the Grass on the hill & Raked & Cocked it up so as to Stack it in the Morrow if the Weather will Permit
Saturday, Aug. 15, 1903 - Draper worked 3/4 day for 75¢ Millard Nash Worked did not Pay his as could not make Change Stacked the Hay on the Hill & topped it up with Straw from the Stack on the hill that had Hauled out of the Barn to make Room for the Wheat Millard Cradled around the Oats to geth them Ready for the Reaper & Draper fixed the Brush fence next Lishers Rye field
Sunday 16 - Went over to Makeleys Mother & Addie & the Children he had not got done Haying yet Had about 10 acres yet & Oats all Ripe Ready for the Reaper had Buree Haynes & Lew Longwell to Help
Monday, August 17, 1903 - Finished Grinding the Reaper knives & put a tooth in the Reaper Rake & Cut a Part of the first sowing of Oats on the side hill above the Orchard.
Tuesday 18 - Draper Worked in the P.M. Finished cutting the oats above the Orchard & Put the Box on the Hay Rack & Hauled in 3 Loads Oats did not get the Last one down till Dark Nora & Cora Styres came over on their Wheels & stayed a Little While & then went up to Lishers
Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1903 - Draper worked at Hauling oats Hauled Oats above the Orchard & Mowed away some Hay in the Cow Barn Loft to Make Room for Oats di dnot get the Piece of oats Quite done Part of a Load left guess it Will Rain
Thursday 20 - Went to Mansfield to the Old Peoples Picnic Mother & Addie & the children went along a nice Day there was quite a Large Company of old Folks there Walter T. Merrick of Wellsboro Spoke to the People
Friday, Aug. 21, 1903 - Went up & Helped Daniel do his Haying took the Horses & Wagon it held the Oats Rack on but we set it off s we Commenced Hauling Hay Helped him Mow with the Scythes & got Wills Horse Rake & Raked it up & Helped him haul it in his Barn Everet & Dean Helped Haul some Lisher helped Mow with Scythes worked until dark Will helped get chores done
Saturday 22 - Hauled in One Small Load of oats on the Side Hill above the Orchard it being the Last one & Split up a Little Wood at the Door & Slept a Little While as it was Raining
Sunday, Aug. 23, 1903 - Churned & Went over in Manly Smiths Woods a Berrying & after had got the 5 quart pail full went over to Father Makeleys to see if he wanted help in his Oat Harvest & finish Haying found him in need of help thought would go over in Morning but it is Raining as i Write at 9 o.clock guess will be wet
Monday 24 - Mowed some Weeds in the house Lot & Pulled weeds in the Pickle Patch
Tuesday, Aug. 25, 1903 - Pulled Weeds in the Pickle Patch & took a Nap after Dinner Henry Van Ness came along Peddling & i Paid Draper $2.00 on Work so that he could Buy some flour of Henry
Wednesday 26 - Finished Pulling Weeds in the Pickle patch & picked the Pickles again got most a Pailful of Vedder Pickles guess will get a Bushel in a Week more maybe
Thursday, Aug. 27, 1903 - Went up on the hill & Cradled around the Oats Back side of hill & found them Lodged Some & as it is noon came down to Dinner Expecting to Reap them in the afternoon But it Rained all afternoon so Laid down on the couch in Parlor & Slept until Cow time guess will Rain all night
Friday 28 - A Rainy Day Went down to Oliver Ides & got the Horses Shod & then went up to Roseville & got a Butter Tub & tried to sell the Butter on hand 5 tubs but as could not get any more than at Mansfield guess will take it there
Saturday, Aug. 29, 1903 - Churned & Mowed some Weeds in the Hog Lot next the Barn Where had hogs last year picked up 2 Pails Apples in the orchard & Picked the Pickle Patch over got about 1 Peck of cucumbers
Sunday 30 - A Cloudy Gloomy Day Stayed at Home Gertie came over a Little While
Monday, Aug. 30, 1903 - went
to Mansfield with 6 Tubs Butter 306 # @ .17 = 52.02 Bought 1 Cow
Bull & 1 Bush Scythe @ 75 ¢ Mother went Along
Tuesday, Sept. 1 - Cleaned up the Cream Seperator & Split some Wood at the Door & Out a new Handle in the ax & Cut the Balm of Gilead Sprouts along the Road
Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1903 - Went over to Makeleys to Drag in his Oats but as they was wet Helped Archie Stir them out guess they will be Dry enough to Morrow Left the Big Wagon over there & Drove their Democrat wagon home Addie & the Babies went along met Mother Makeley coming over by Ashleys Barn she went Back with us
Thursday 3 - Went up after Draper to Help Makeleys but he is going to help Lisher so went up on the hill after Jimmie Longwells boys but as they was helping Thresh on the Lon Hall farm could not come so we had to work alone Archie & Myself Hauled 5 Loads of oats it was a nice day guess will finish them on the Morrow
Friday, Sept. 4, 1903 - Went over to Makeleys & helped Archie Finish hauling oats Makeley paid me $2.50 on Work
Saturday 5 -Picked the Cucumbers in the Pickle Patch beyond the Barn got about 4 Bushels A Cool Cloudy Day Looked like Rain but did not until Evening when it Sprinkled a few Drops not enough to Call Rain then turned Cooler
Sunday, Sept. 6, 1903 - Stayed at Home Slept a good Nap & Lifted up the Hay Rack off the Wagon to get it Ready to go to Mansfield after Shingles to put on the old House & to take down the Cucumbers that had on hand & take down one tub Butter a nice Clear Day
Monday 7 - Went to Mansfield took 4 bu Cucumbers & 1 tub Butter 51# @ 17cts = 8.77 Bought 1 thousand cedar Shingles @ $4.00 & 5 M @ 3.15 = 19.75 & 50 # of cut Shingle nails $1.75 Picked the Pickle Patch over in the Morning did not go until after Dinner it Commenced Raining before i got to town & it Rained all the way Home
Tuesday, Sept. 8, 1903 - A Cloudy Gloomy Day Churned & Chored around the House & Picked up a few Apples in the Orchard
Wednesday 9 - took the Axles from the old Buggy Springs that was lyinf side of the fence (it was the old one that i bought of Queal) & took them down to Roseville & had them Cut in two one for a Hand Cart & one for a truck for Building & taking up Barb wire fences . mother Went up to Matildas & Stayed she to stay until she wants to come home
Thursday, Sept. 10, 1903 - Put a tongue in the Barb wire cart & Went up on the Hill with the Reaper to Cut the Oats but as it was so late had could not finish Left the Reaper up there & came down to do chores for the night it Rained a Heavy Thunder Shower at night & there was a bright Light south of us guess it was a building burning
Friday 11 - Picked
few Pickles & finished Cutting Oats on the Hill with the Reaper the
ground was so soft that cound Hardly work the Reaper & got stuck finally
before got quite done
Saturday, Sept. 12,
1903 - Picked the Pickle Patch over the Rest of it & i unloaded the
Cedar Shingles in the Wood house & Moved the Drill over & Took
off the Box & Put in the Rack & went over Back of the hill &
Hauled One Load of Oats
Sunday 13 - Partly fixed a frame on the axle for a Hand Cart Gertie Came over a Little While & Asa Harvey & his little girl Came after Her to go home with him to go to Watkins N. Y. on a visit to his Brother & Daughter but he Did not stay any as he was in a hurry to go Home
Monday, Sept. 14, 1903 - Draper Worked Ruth went up & got Draper to Come down to Help get in Oats finished Picking the Pickles & Hauled 2 Loads oats & unloaded one of them & unloaded the one that was on the Wagon Gertie came over again to see if she Could Ride to Mansfield on the Morrow guess will go & take her & the Pickles
Thursday 15 - Went to Mansfield with the Pickles & Addie & Gertie went along Addie Bought a Baby Carriage for $10.50 Had some strap bolts made for the Hand cart done an Errand for Lee Reynolds with lawyer Frank Clark & it took a Long time for him to site the answer & did not get home until most night
Wednesday, Sept. 16, 1903 - Commenced Picking Pickles Picked one Row & Leon, Draper, & Lee Reynolds came down & Leon wanted Work so Hired him to Help Haul Oats Hauled 5 Loads but did not get quite done guess can Haul the Rest at 2 Loads
Thursday 17 - it Rained in the forenoon so to stop Hauling Oats so Picked Cucumbers all Day in the Rain & all got about Six Bushels but as they had not been Picked since Monday they had got too large for Market many of them it is cold tonight guess there will be a frost
Friday, Sept. 18, 1903 - Had a frost at night Paid Leon Reynolds 75¢ on Work Picked up a few Apples in the Orchard & Went up on the Hill & finished Cutting the Oats with the Scythe Lee Reynolds came down to Help Haul them but as it Rained a Little Could not Haul them. Maggie Norwood & her man came down a Little While as he was going Home next Day
Saturday 19 - Unloaded the oats off the Wagon & Mowed them away alone & Hauled the Rest of them Had 2 Loads. Draper Helped in the afternoon Paid him One Dolllar Had a Frost at night
Sunday, Sept. 20, 1903 - Went down to Horace Smiths Addie & the children went along Ross came over a Little While from Menzo Richmonds had a Frost at night
Tuesday, Sept. 22, 1903 - Picked up Apples in the Orchard in the forenoon & Went up to Will Reynolds in the afternoon & Helped them Thresh he had Emmet Woods Machine
Wednesday 23 - Helped Will Reynolds Thresh did not finish as the Engine did not Work good Worked till MNoon he will finish them with his Buckwheat Picked the Pickle Patch over & got 1 Bushel all but -- Hauled down 10 Bushels Apples from the Orchard for the Hogs guess will go to the fair on the Morrow if it dont Rain
Thursday, Sept. 24, 1903 - Went to the Fair Mother, Addie, & the Children went along it was a Cool Clear Day so cool that i needed my Overcoat along to Keep warm going over & coming Home Matilda went over with us Addie used her new Baby Carriage for the first time there was a very big crown there
Friday 25 - Went over to the Fair Again went alone Cool going down wore Overcoat but it got warm soon had a nice day the crowd was not Half so large as yesterday Bought some Spoons & a Fountain Pen & Indelible Pencil & a Couple of Emery Stones
Saturday, Sept. 20, 1903 - Commenced Cutting Buckwheat Cut the Piece by the Orchard
Monday, Sept. 28, 1903 - Got some Posts for a fence Across the House Lot for a temporary fence for the Cows fall feed & Took up one Wire of the old fence across the Creek along the Bank & Put it on the Posts from the old Maple tree to the Hog Pen there was a Frost at night
Tuesday 29 - finished Stringing the Wire from the Hog Pen to the Road & turned the Cows in & Cut the Buckwheat on the Hill there was a Heavy Frost at night
Wednesday, Sept. 30, 1903 - Cut the Sowed Corn with the Reaper & Set up a Little Buckwheat on the Hill
Thursday, Oct. 1 - Set up the Piece of Buckwheat by the sowed Corn & a Little on the Hill it Rained at 3 o’clock & the Rest of the Day
Friday, Oct. 2, 1903 - Set up Buckwheat on the Hill it was a Cloudy Gloomy Day didn’t Dry off in all Day
Saturday 3 - Fixed the Wire fence across the House Lot from the Old Maple Tree to the Hog Pen as the Black Bell Heifer Crawled through & Pulled the Beans in the Garden & Stacked them & Hauled Some Sowed Corn for the Cows & for the Horses Hauled it on the Stone Boat
Sunday, Oct. 4, 1903 - Gathered the Chestnuts on the trees on the Bank by the House got about 2 quarts Uncle Peter VanNess came to Dinner & Stayed till Seymour Squires came along & went with him back to Mansfield
Monday 5 - it Rained a Heavy Shower in the Morning & forenoon worked on the Hand Cart Made a Box for it but did not get it quite Ground off Draper came Down to get Some Money as he was going away Paid him One Dollar on Work
Tuesday, Oct. 6, 1903 - Split up some Chunks of Wood & Some Old timbers for Wood at the Door & Set up Sowed Corn Draper Came down at 3 o’clock & Helped Set up corn fodder it Rained a Little in the Evening
Wednesday 7 - Draper Worked Finished Setting up the Sowed Corn & Set up Some Buckwheat on the Hill Hauled in One Load of Sowed Corn on the Stone Boat for the Cows the South Wind Blew Very Hard all P.M. & Evening guess will Rain to Morrow still
Thursday, Oct. 8, 1903 - A Rainy Day. Hoed out the Road Ditch a Little by the Wheat Patch & in the field Across the Road where corn down from the Hill & took a Nap & Fixed a Little on the Fence Between the House & Barn Lot by the Hen House next the Big Balsam Tree
Friday 9 - Set up Buckwheat on the Hill a Cool Cloudy Windy Day
Saturday, Oct. 10, 1903 -
A Rainy Day Hoed out the Ditch by the Barn to Drain the Water
away from the Manure Piles & Fixed a Little on the Fence around the
Barn Lot.
Sunday 11 - Set up a Little Buckwheat on the Hill & Burt Styres Came up on the Hill & We went down to Manly Smiths Shingle Mill & then Around the Road Home Burts Woman came with him Asa Harvey Wife & Daughter Came to see us & Stayed a Little While but Went Home at night
Monday, Oct. 12, 1903 - Set up Buckwheat on the Hill Finished setting it up
Tuesday 13 - Finished Fixing the fence around the Barn Lot so could turn the Cows in & turned them in & Commenced Digging Potatoes on the Hill Draper Worked Paid Draper on Work 5.00 Five Dollars he Charges 60 ¢ per Day
Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1903 - Draper Worked Dug Potatoes on the Hill Hauled them down & Put them in the Cellar Had 13 bushels a nice sunshiny Day the Potatoes Rotting Badly & a Very Light Yield
Thursday 15 - Draper Worked
Dug Potatoes on the Hill Dug 14 Bushels & Put them in the
Cellar a nice Day
Friday, Oct. 16, 1903 - Dug
Potatoes on the hill Ruth & Owen & Addie Picked them
up Had 9 Bushels a nice Day but Cloudy in the Afternoon
Saturday 17 - A Rainy Day Cut up a Little Wood at the Door & Chored about the House Lisher Came down to see About getting Help to Thresh if it did not Rain too hard But it Did Lisher Paid me for the Bull 14 Dollars
Sunday, Oct. 18, 1903 - Picked up some Apples for the Hogs & Hauled some Sowed Corn for the Cows & a Little Wood up from the Woods on the Stone Boat
Monday 19 - Dug Potatoes on the Hill until Dean Came after me to Help them Thresh Dug 4 Bushels then Went up & Helped Thresh Oats at Lishers threshed 100 bushels & he had a Big Upright Press & they Pressed the Straw as fast as it was threshed it took 4 men to Run it
Thursday, Oct. 20, 1903 - Helped Lisher Thresh He has got Orin Mudge with his Machine to thresh they are going to thresh his Rye with their Rye thresher they have got it there Ready
Wednesday 21 - Helped Lisher Thresh finished threshing Oats & i came down & got my Horse & Wagon & Helped him haul Buckwheat they got the Buckwheat done & Went up to Lloyd Wheelers to Thresh his Buckwheat while the Pressers was Pressing the Rest of the Straw & Hay for him
Thursday, Oct. 22, 1903 - Went up & Helped Lisher Press Hay got it Done at quarter to 4 o’clock then Draper Came down & Helped me Haul Buckwheat Hauled the Patch by the Orchard & One Load off the Top of the Hill
Friday 23 - Went to Roseville
& got 10 gal of oil had Raised had ti Pay 12 cts per gal
- Stead of 8 cts last Winter went up to Lishers & Helped
him thresh Rye did not get it done
Saturday, Oct, 24,
1903 - Went up to Lishers & Helped finish Threshing & Hauled
one Load of Buckwheat from on the Hill Lisher & Draper
Came down & Helped pitch on a few Bunches of it & helped Unload
it just at night
Sunday 25 - Went over to Makeleys Addie & Owen & the Baby went along Ruth was over there went Home with Gertie Saturday got a few Pumpkins to Make Pies of
Monday, Oct. 27, 1903 - Lisher Came down & Helped me & we Hauled in the Rest of the Buckwheat 2 Loads got it down at Noon & i went down to Roseville with Some Chickens & Old Hens they came to 4.18 net the young @ 8 & the Old 7.00
Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1903 - Finished Digging Potatoes on the Hill Archie Makeley Helped in the Afternoon & Draper Helped a Little While Dug Eight Bushels Went down to see Manly Smith Move his house a few minutes at noon.
Thursday 29 - Draper Worked Picked Apples up in the Orchard got them amost gathered had about 20 Bushels & a Part of them was hog apples there will be a few more Hog apples left
Friday, Oct. 30, 1903 - Picked the Apples in the House Lot what few there was left after all the Hard Winds did not get many
Saturday 31 - Picked up the Hog apples in both Orchards & Gathered in the Beets, Carrots & Turnips in the garden had one Bushel Beets One Bushel Beggies & 4 1/2 Carrots & they was Very Large & Smooth
Sunday, Nov. 1, 1903 - Went over to Bill Smiths & found them gone so went over to Gene Clevelands on the Joe Dewitt farm & got Dinner & Came Back to Bills & as they had got Home Mother Stopped there as she had intended to do & is to stay until Sunday when we will go after her
Monday 2 - Gathered the Cabbage ub tge Garden & Hauled a Lozad of Rails to fix the Line fence by the Woods next Lishers Corn as my Cown had been in his Corn nice Pleasant weather
Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1903 - husked a Little Pop Corn in the Garden & Went down to watch Manly Smith Move House a Little While Warm & Pleasant
Wednesday 4 - Went over to
Gene Baileys to see about Getting him to do my threshing but Could
not find out much about when he could come as he had so many Jobs Awaiting
Thursday, Nov. 5, 1903 -
it Rained last night & almost all forenoon by showers Threshed
out the Beans that Grew in the Garden
Friday 6 - Went up to Wills & Lishers & down to Ashleys to find the calf as she had Wandered away & gone Went over in Joe McConnels field & found her there & Brought her Home & Hauled Load Wood from the Woods & some Old Pieces of Rails from the Ashley fence
Saturday, Nov. 7, 1903 -
Went down to Roseville to Mill & got a few Oats 6 Bushels &
One of corn ground for the Hogs
Sunday 8 - Stayed
at Home
Monday, Nov. 9, 1903 - Commenced Plowing across the Road where had Sowed Corn & Cut down the Little Maples & the Water Beach in the Lower side of Corn Patch next the Road so that could Plow & not go around them a nice Day
Sunday 8 - Stayed at Home
Monday, Nov. 9, 1903 - Commenced plowing across the Road where had Sowed Corn & Cut fown the Little Maples & the Water Beach in the Lower side of Corn Patch next the Road so that could Plow & ---around them. A nice Day
Tuesday 10 - Plowed on the sowed corn Patch Bought a Pair Mittens of Henry Van Ness for 20 cts A nice Day
Wednesday, Nov. 11, 1903 - Plowed on the corn stubble Holton came $\& took the Assessment A nice Pleasant Day but guess will Rain to Morrow Wind in East & Blowing strong
Thursday 13 - Finished Plowing the Sowed Corn Stubble & a Part of the Buckwheat ground above A nice Pleasant Day
Friday, Nov. 13, 1903 - finished Plowing the Buckwheat stubble next the Orchard & Went down to Roseville to Pay the Taxes Had Justice Kelty make out a Paper on the timber Lot for Rebate on the taxes it amounted to $2.20 Drove up to Hatfields & Paid the taxes $22.49 in full mine was 2.61 Farm $19.88
Saturday 14- Plowed on the Potato Ground on the Hill A nice Clear Day
Sunday, Nov. 15, 1903 - Built a fence around the Hay Stack on the Hill so Cows Could Pasture in the field.
Monday 16 - A Rainy Gloomy Fay Churned & Chored about the House and Barn Millard Came down a Little While
Tuesday, Nov. 17, 1903 - A Rainy Day Rained almost all Day
Wednesday 18 - Hauled some Wood down from Wills & Went down & seen the Threshers about their coming to thresh
Thursday, Nov. 19, 1903 -
Gene Bailey Threshing Machine Came up
The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933 histcent83@gmail.com |