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of Rutland Hill
Age 25
Mon. Mar. 1, 1886 - Commenced Work for O. A. Smith(1)
Moved a Load of goods from the Ripley Farm to the Styres(2)
Farm Windy & Blustering(3)
Tues. Mar. 2, 1886 - Moved a Load from the Ripley farm to the Styres
farm Still Windy and cold
Wed. Mar. 3, 1886 - Moved a Load of goods Still Windy
Thurs. Mar. 4, 1886 - Moved a Load of goods O. A. Smith and family came
also Weather Warmer
Fri. Mar. 5, 1886 - O. A. Smith Brought a Load of goods. Helped load
the goods and Brought Home the Bull
Sat. Mar. 6, 1886 - Brought a load of grain and goods Weather warmer
Sun. Mar. 7, 1886 - Stayed at Home Done the Chores and Listened to the
Mon. Mar. 8, 1886 - Went to the Ripley Lot Sawed Wood for Aldridge O.
A. Went to Mansfield to Mill
Tues. Mar. 9, 1886 - Drawed Wood Went to C. B. Hulslanders to Mill Went
to Singing School at Chandlersburg(4)
Wed. Mar. 10, 1886 - Drawed Manure Went to C. B. Hulslanders after the
Grist O. A. Smith went to Roseville
Thurs. Mar. 11, 1886 - Worked about the Barn and house in the forenoon
and in the woods in the afternoon
Fri. Mar. 12, 1886 - Went to the Ripley Lot after a Load of Bees and
to Singing School in the Evening
Sat. Mar. 13, 1886 - Went to the Ripley Lot after a Load of Buckwheat
Sun. Mar. 14, 1886 - Went Over Home after my trunk O. A. And Sarah went
along J. W. Styres and A. Wood came there at Night
Mon. Mar. 15, 1886 - Worked about the Barn in the forenoon and in the
Woods in the afternoon
Tues. Mar. 16, 1886 - Went to the Ripley Lot and husked some corn O.
A. Smith Went to Mansfield After his grist
Wed. Mar. 17, 1886 - Skinned a pair of twin calves Shelled some corn
and Dug up Lead Pipe O. A. Smith went to the Ripley Lot after Some Corn
Thurs. Mar. 18, 1886 - Dug up Lead Pipe and Covered the Same and Shelled
some Corn
Fri. Mar. 19, 1886 - A Rainy Day Went to C. B. Hulslanders after a grist
Drawed a Load of Wood and cut some wood
Sat. Mar 20, 1886 - Drawed Some four foot Wood up to the Door and Skidded
some wood O. A. Smith went over to W. B. Reynolds after a Colt
Sun. Mar. 21, 1886 - Stayed at Home all day
Mon. Mar 22, 1886 - Went to the Ripley Lot after a Part of the Wood
Machine and Some oats
Tues. Mar 23, 1886 - Worked about the Barn drawed Some Manure Drawed
a Load of wood and Cut Some Wood
Wed. Mar 24, 1886 - Cut Some drags of Wood for the machine in the forenoon
and Skidded them in the afernoon
Thurs. Mar. 25, 1886 - Went to the Ripley Lot after the Rest of the
wood Machine Weather warm and Muddy
Fri. Mar. 26, 1886 - deaconed a calf Went to T. R. Monroes to Mill and
chored about the Barn and house O. A. Smith went to Mansfield
Sat. Mar. 27, 1886 - Chored about the Barn fixed Some fence Cut some
Wood O. A. Smith went to Jackson
Sun. Mar. 28, 1886 - Stayed at Home all day O. A. Smith Returned from
Mon. Mar. 29, 1886 - Went up to T. R. Monroes(5)
after the Grist Chored about the house and Barn cut some Wood O. A. S.
Went to Mansfield
Tues. Mar. 30, 1886 - Fixed fence along the Lane to the Road along the
Road to the Line along the Line to the stone wall around the Creek lot
O. A. Went to Singing School at night
Wed. Mar. 31, 1886 - A Rainy Day Shelled Corn Roofed the ice Bin turned
Water out of the Road Arba Wood stayed Over night
Thurs. Apr. 1, 1886 - Set the Wood Machine Split Some Wood
Fri. Apr. 2, 1886 - Helped load a load of Hay for L. J. Bradford(6)
fixed fence on the hill by the woods. Frank Smith and Henry Wood came there
at night
Sat. Apr. 3, 1886 - fixed fence along the Cow Lane Drawed some straw
and fixed the Track of the wood machine Sawed one log came to the house
after a file filed the Saw Sawed three cuts kinked the Saw and then quit
Came to the house and Straightenend the Saw
Sun. Apr. 4, 1886 - Went over home Clarence Smith had got his Mill Set
Ready for Sawing Kate Reynolds was there She went up to W. B. Reynolds
Went up to E. L. Nashes had Some Warm Sugar to Eat
Mon. Apr. 5, 1886 - Went Over to the Ripley Lot after the Plows and
Some other farming tools. Snowed at night
Tues. Apr. 6, 1886 - A Rainy Day Tinkered about the Barn and House O.
A. Smith Made some Irons for his Sleigh Water Raised the Highest Ever Known
in the Creek
Wed. Apr. 7, 1886 - Snowing O. A. Smith went to Mainesburg Made some
Calf Pens in the Barn and Cut some Wood in the Woods
Thurs. Apr. 8, 1886 - Churned and Cut Some Wood in the Woods O. A. Smith
Went to Mansfield and Brought Home three Cows from the Ripley Lot
Fri. Apr. 9, 1886 - fixed some fence across the Creek Commenced Plowing
on the Side of old Bunker
Sat. Apr. 10, 1886 - Plowed on Old Bunker
Sun. Apr. 11, 1886 - Stay at Home All Day
Mon. Apr. 12, 1886 - Sawed Wood With the Machine J. Styres Moved a Load
to the Ripley Lot and Came over there at night
Tues. Apr. 13, 1886 - Fixed some fence around the Hay Lot and Split
some wood. J. Styres O. A. Smith Sarah Gertrude and the old Lady(7)
went to troy to Get the Writings for the Old Place
Wed. Apr. 14, 1886 - Fixed the Board fence across the Creek Lot Weighed
Some hay for Abe Slingerland O. A. S. Went to Jackson After a Load for
J. W. Styres
Thurs. Apr. 15, 1886 - Helped Clean the Cellar and Split Some Wood O.
A. S. Came from Jackson With his Load to the Ripley Lot for J. W. Styres
Fri. Apr. 16, 1886 - Plowed on Old Bunker
Sat. Apr. 17, 1886 - Plowed on old Bunker Weather warm and Pleasant
Sun. Apr. 18, 1886 - Warm and Pleasant Went over Home n Horseback O.
A. Smith and family went over to John Styres
Mon. Apr. 19, 1886 - Finished Plowing Old Bunker Jim Tomlinson Came
and took away his Potatoes and apples
Tues. Apr. 20, 1886 - Dragged old Bunker over O. A. Smith sowed the
oats Commenced dragging them in went to T. R. Monroes After a dressed Pig,
wt. 111 lbs.
Wed. Apr. 21, 1886 - Finished dragging in the Oats and Plowed the garden
O. A. Smith went over to John Styres at night.
Thurs. Apr. 22, 1886 - Commenced Plowing above the Orchard Where J.
Tomlinson had Corn
Fri. Apr. 23, 1886 - Plowed Corn Stubble Above the Orchard O. A. Smith
went down to the Saw Mill by Miller Clark's to See about his Logs
Sat. Apr. 24, 1886 - Finished Plowing the Corn Stubble Commenced Plowing
in the Bunker Lot too wet to Plow Came to the house and Chored about the
house and Barn
Sun. Apr. 25, 1886 - Went to Sunday School at Chandlersburg there was
no Preaching Elder Fosbinder being Sick Went with Cora and Gertrude Styres.
Mon. Apr.26, 1886 - Plowed a Patch for Potatoes in the Orchard Lot Below
the Orchard O. A. Turned the Cows out to Pasture Commenced Plowing the
side Hill Part of the corn field.
Tues. Apr. 27, 1886 - April Showers I fixed the fence around the Cow
Pasture from the Top of the hill to T. B. Monroes(8)
line O. A. Went over to the Ripley Lot after his Potatoes
Wed. Apr. 28, 1886 - Finished Plowing the side hill Part of the Cornfield
O. A. Went over to the Ripley Lot to help J. W. Styres fix fence
Thurs. Apr. 29, 1886 - I Finished Plowing the Old Bunker Lot J. Tomlinson
came After his Hay
Fri. Apr. 30, 1886 - Dragged the field above the orchard O. A. Sowed
a part of it to Wheat dragged in the Wheat and Dragged the Potato Patch
Sat. May 1, 1886 - Skinned a Calf Dragged in Some Wheat Rolled a Part
of the field Back of the Barn O. A. Finished Sowing the wheat and dragged
the Rest of it in with Colt and old Kit(9)
Sun. May 2, 1886 - Went to Sunday School John Styres and family came
over there
Mon. May 3, 1886 - Commenced Plowing the Buckwheat field the East Side
of the ditch in the field next to T. R. Monroe's Line
Tues. May 4, 1886 - dragged the Potato Patch over Plowed in the Buckwheat
field Dragged in the Rest of the Bunker Lot to Oats Rained in the afternoon.
Wed. May 5, 1886 - Skinned a Calf Went to C. B. Hulslanders(10)
to Mill Rained in the forenoon
Thurs. May 6, 1886 - Went to C. B. Hulslanders after the grist Plowed
in the Buckwheat field O. A. Smith went to Troy
Fri. May 7, 1886 - finished Plowing the Buckwheat field for Oats Dragged
the same and Rolled the new Seeding by the Barn on the hill O. A. Went
over to J. W. Styres
Sat. May 8, 1886 - Drawed some Manure from the Old Straw Stock by the
Barn on the Hill
Sun. May 9, 1886 - Went to Sunday School and Meeting
Mon. May 10, 1886 - Put up some Oats to Sow and it Rained Helped Work
in the afternoon drawed some more manure
Tues. May 11, 1886 - Commenced Plowing for Corn above the Spring Wheat
in the field by the Barn O. A. Smith and Wife went to Troy
Wed. Mat 12, 1886 - Dragged in a Piece of Oats in the east Side of the
Buckwheat field and Plowed some for Corn
Thurs. May 12, 1886 - Rained all Day Chored about the House and Barn
Fri. May 14, 1886 - fixed fence across the field by the four acre Lot
by the Road O. A. Smith went to troy
Sat. May 15, 1886 - Finished Plowing for Corn Went up to L. J. Bradfords
after a Hog
Sun. May 16, 1886 - Went Over to the Ripley Lot to J. W. Styres a Visiting
all the folks was along
Mon. May 17, 1886 - Rolled the Corn ground and Drawed some fence along
the foot of old Bunker and Commenced Plowing for Buckwheat
Tues. May 18, 1886 - Plowed for Buckwheat in the 4 acre Lot By the Road
next to H. B. Cards Line(11)
Wed. May 19, 1886 - Plowed for Buckwheat and Planted a few Potatoes
Thurs. May 20, 1886 - Plowed fot Buckwheat and Helped Plant Corn and
Fri. May 21, 1886 - Plowed for Buckwheat and Went up to L. J. Bradfords
to take a Hog Home
Sat. May 22, 1886 - Finished Plowing the 4 Acre Lot for Buckwheat O.
A. Smith went to Mainesburg
Sun. May 23, 1886 - Went to Sunday School and Meeting at Chandlersburg
Mon. May 24, 1886 - Commenced Plowing the Creek Lot for Buckwheat
Tues. May 25, 1886 - Plowed for Buckwheat in the Creek Lot
Wed. May 26, 1886 - finished Plowing the upper side of the Creek Lot
it Rained Plowed for Buckwheat across the Creek and finished Dragging the
4 acre Lot to Buckwheat
Thurs. May 27, 1886 - Rolled the 4 acre Lot and finished Loowing the
Creek Lot and Drawed some Manure O. A. Went to C. B. Hulslanders to Make
a Vat for His Milk Cans
Fri. May 28, 1886 - Hauled Manure in the Creek Lot for Sowed Corn O.
A. Went up to C. B. Hulslanders to finish Making his Vat
Sat. May 29, 1886 - Drawed out Manure for Sowed Corn O. A. Went to Troy
Gertrude and Rachel(12) Went to Mansfield
to Decoration Day
Sun. May 30, 1886 - Went to S. S. And Meeting at Chandlersburg
Mon. May 31, 1886 - Planted Potatoes O. A. and Family Went to Troy to
Decoration Day
Tues. June 1, 1886 - Hauled Some Stone Dragged the Ground for Sowed
Corn Commenced Plowing for Buckwheat by the Barn on the Hill
Wed. June 2, 1886 - Plowed for Buckwheat on the Hill
Thurs. June 3, 1886 - Plowed for Buckwheat on the Hill
Fri. June 4, 1886 - finished Plowing the field by the Barn on the Hill
Rolled the field By the Barn on the Hill
Sat. June 5, 1886 - Dragged the field by the Barn on the hill and dragged
it to Sowed Corn Dragged the Creek Lot to Buckwheat
Sun. June 6, 1886 - Went over Home
Mon. June 7, 1886 - finished dragging Sowed corn and Commenced Plowing
the 6 acre Lot by T. B. Monroes Line
Tues. June 8, 1886 - Plowed for Buckwheat
Wed. June 9, 1886 - Plowed for Buckwheat
Thurs. June 10, 1886 - Plowed for Buckwheat O. A. Smith went to Limon
(sp. Should be Lyman) Smiths after a Bee Hive
Fri. June 11, 1886 - Plowed for Buckwheat O. A. S. Went to Troy
Sat. June 12, 1886 - Cultivated a Patch of Potatoes Below the Orchard
and Hoed a Part of the Same O. A. Went to Mainesburg after his grist
Sun. June 13, 1886 - Went to Chandlersburg to S. S. And Children's Day
Mon. June 14, 1886 - Drawed Manure on the Buckwheat ground and finished
Plowing the Same
Tues. June 15, 1886 - Rolled the Spring Wheat Hauled Some Manure Hauled
Some Stakes and Poles for fence along the foot of the old Bunker Plowed
a patch above the Barn on the Hill
Wed. June 16, 1886 - Went to T. R. Monroes after a Couple of Pigs Dragged
Buckwheat Ground Cultivated Corn Rained
Thurs. June 17, 1886 - Went up to Work in Road(13)
Rained Did not Work fixed Brush fence in the afternoon
Fri. June 18, 1886 - Worked on the Road
Sat. June 19, 1886 - Dragged in Buckwheat in the 6 acre Lot and the
field above the Road
Sun. June 20, 1886 - Went over to J. W. Styres found them gone Stopped
to Justus McConnells(14) to Dinner Went
over to E. L. Nash O. A. And family went along(15)
Mon. June 21, 1886 - Cultivated Corn and Potatoes Gertrude and her mother
Went over to J. W. S. Gertrude went to Mansfield to Commencement O. A.
Went to clean his fish Pond
Tues. June 22, 1886 - Went up to L. J. Bradfords after His Grain Drill
Planted a Patch of Potatoes by the Barn on the Hill Worked on the Road
Wed. June 23, 1886 - fixed Brush fence Worked on the Road above C. B.
Thurs. June 24, 1886 - Worked on the Road Below the School House(16)
Fri. June 25, 1886 - Cultivated Potatoes Below the Orchard and Hoed
Potatoes O. A. Went to Mansfield
Sat. June 26, 1886 - Chored about the House and Hoed Potatoes O. A.
And family went to Jackson to Arba Woods.(17)
Sun. June 27, 1886 - Went to quarterly Meeting at Chandlersburg.
Mon. June 28, 1886 - Went over to James queals after some Money. Worked
on the Road
Tues. June 29, 1886 - Cultivated Corn
Wed. June 30, 1886 - Hoed Potatoes and Corn
Thurs. July 1, 1886 - Mowed in the three Cornered Lot above the Hen
House(18). Hoed Corn
Fri. July 2, 1886 - Hoed Corn Drawed in the Hay on the three Cornered
Sat. July 3, 1886 - Hoed Corn Raked after the Winnows
Sun. July 4, 1886 - Went over to J. W. Styres With J. W. Styres and
Family (This is exactly the way Emerson wrote it, but perhaps one or the
other is an error.)
Mon. July 5, 1886 - Went to Mansfield took the train went to Elmira
Returned to J. W. Styres at night
Tues. July 6, 1886 - Came Home Mowed a part of the Orchard and Hauled
in Some Hay
Wed. July 7, 1886 - Mowed the Rest of the Orchard Hauled Some Hay it
rained a Shower at night
Thurs. July 8, 1886 - Cultivated Corn and Mowed a Part of the field
Back of the Barn Hauled the Rest of the Orchard and Raked the Hay Back
of the Barn O. A. Went up to G. Myers(19)to
finish Hay Rack
Fri. July 9, 1886 - Cultivated Corn and Hauled in Some Hay and Raked
a Piece of Hay O. A. Went to fix G. Myres Reaper Rained in the night.
Sat. July 10, 1886 - Finished Plowing Corn Stirred out Some winnows
of Hay Plowed the Potatoes by the Orchard Raked and Bunched the Hay
Sun. July 11, 1886 - Went to Sunday school and Meeting at Chandlersburg
Mon. July 12, 1886 - Mowed along the Ditch by the Cow barns Catched
Potato Bugs Drawed Hay
Tues. July 13, 1886 - Catched Potato Bugs Raked Some Hay Hoed Potatoes
O. A. Went to troy
Wed. July 14, 1886 - A Rainy Day Mowed away Some Hay Hoed Potatoes and
Hoes in the Garden
Thurs. July 15, 1886 - helped Mow the old Part of the field Back of
the Barn fixed some brush fence and sowed some Carrots it Rained at night
O. A. Went to Mansfield
Fri. July 16, 1886 - Fixed the fence around the three cornered Lot by
the Granary Weed some Turnips Stirred Some Hay Raked the Hay and Helped
bunch it
Mon. July 19, 1886 - finished Mowing the field back of the Barn Raked
and bunched a Part of it Drawed in a Load
Tues. July 20, 1886 - Mowed the field by the barn on the Hill finished
Raking the field Back of the Barn and Hauled in the same
Wed. July 21, 1886 - Mowed a Part of the Old House Lot Raked the Piece
by the Barn on the Hill and bunched the Same
Thurs. July 22, 1886 - Mowed a Part of the Old House Lot Raked a part
of the Same finished the field Back of the barn and the Piece by the Barn
on the Hill and Hauled a load Below the Barn
Fri. July 23, 1886 - Hauled Hay Raked and Shocked some Hay O. A. Went
to the X Roads With his Black Sow Hog
Sat. July 24, 1886 - Hauled Hay Raked Hay and Hauled Hay
Sun. July 25, 1886 - Went over Home O. A. And family went along Hattie
Queal went Home
Mon. July 26, 1886 - A Rainy Day Chored about the House and Barn and
Catched Potato Bugs J. W. Styres Came over there
Tues. July 27, 1886 - Mowed along the Ditch in the old House Lot and
weed some Carrots and Turnips O. A. And family Went over to J. W. Styres
Wed. July 28, 1886 - finished Mowing the Old House Lot and hauled the
Thurs. July 29, 1886 - Mowed the Patch above the Buckwheat in the field
by T. R. Monroe Line and Hauled in the Same
Fri. July 30, 1886 - Catched Some bugs off the Potatoes and Helped Delos
Rockwell Bind a Piece of oats O. A. Went over to J. W. Styres Nora, Cora
and burt (20)came Back with him.
Sat. July 31, 1886 - Helped J. W. Styres Drive a Well Below the Cellar
Cal Bogardus and family(21) and J. W. Styres
family over there.
Sun. Aug. 1, 1886 - Stayed at home O. A. And family and Gertrude and
Cals folks went over to Sylvania to Herbert VanValkners a visiting
Mon. Aug. 2, 1886 - Cut some Oats in old Bunker and Helped John Drive
Well O. A. Went to Troy to take Cals folks to the Cars the old Lady went
Tues. Aug. 3, 1886 - Cut oats on old Bunker
Wed. Aug. 4, 1886 - Cut oats on old Bunker Helped J. W. On His Well
Went up to C. R. Hulslanders after a chair
Thurs. Aug. 5, 1886 - finished Cutting oats on the Bunker Mowed away
some Hay Rainy afternoon
Fri. Aug. 6, 1886 - Cut Brush in Swamp Lot
Sat. Aug. 7, 1886 - Cut Brush in the Swamp Lot O. A. Went to Mainesburg
to mill
Sun. Aug. 8, 1886 - Stayed at Home all Day O. A. And family and Gertrude
went to Meeting
Mon. Aug. 9, 1886 - Went over to Northrup Smiths after yorks Hay Rake
Raked the oats on Old Bunker and Hauled a Part of the same
Tues. Aug. 10, 1886 -Finished Hauling the Oats off old Bunker and cut
some oats above the orchard Below the Wheat
Wed. Aug. 11, 1886 - Helped T. R. Monroe Haul in some oats Went a berrying
Thurs. Aug 12, 1886 - Went a berrying Cut Brush O. A. Went to Mansfield
Sat. Aug. 14, 1886 - Cut Brush in the Swamp Lot O. A. Went over to Will
Sun. Aug. 15, 1886 - Went over Home
Mon. Aug. 16, 1886 - Commenced cutting the Wheat above the orchard Rainy
Afternoon J. W. Styres was there
Tues. Aug. 17, 1886 - Cut some Wheat
Wed. Aug. 18, 1886 - Finished cutting Wheat above the Orchard O. A.
Went over to Andrew Squires after a couple of ?(22)
Thurs. Aug. 19, 1886 - Went to a S. S. Picnic in C. G. Smiths Grove(23)
Fri. Aug. 20, 1886 - Hauled a Part of the Wheat and Hauled a Load of
oats for Delos Rockwell in payment for Exchanged Labor
Sat. Aug. 21, 1886 - Helped Delos Rockwell finish Hauling His Oats and
hauled a load of oats and Wheat and cut the Rest of the oats on old Bunker.
Sun. Aug. 22, 1886 - Stayed at Home Had the Tooth ache
Mon. Aug. 23, 1886 - Raked the oats on old Bunker and Hauled the same
and Hauled a Load of wheat
Tues. Aug. 24, 1886 - Raked the Wheat Stubble and Hauled in the Rest
of the Wheat and set up some Buckwheat and finished Cutting the oats.
Wed. Aug. 25, 1886 - Went to Niagara Falls(24)
Thurs. Aug. 26, 1886 - Came from Mansfield Hauled a Load of oats and
Cut some Buckwheat
Fri. Aug. 27, 1886 - Went to Troy
Sat. Aug. 28, 1886 - Raked the Last Piece of oats with a horse and Hauled
a Part of the same
Sun. Aug. 29, 1886 - Went over Home
Mon. Aug. 30, 1886 - Finished Hauling Oats Delos Rockwell Helped Raked
the Stubble and Hauled the Rakings and Hauled a Loas of Wood Had a Heavy
Shower at Night
Tues. Aug. 31, 1886 - Cut Buckwheat in the Creek Lot O. A. Went to Mainesburg
to get the Tire set on his Lumber Wagon
Wed. Sept. 1, 1886 - Cut and Raked Buckwheat in the Creek Lot O. A.
And Family and Gertrude Went on the Mountain to a Picnic(25)
Thurs. Sept. 2, 1886 - Raked Buckwheat in the Creek Lot and Helped Delos
Rockwell Cut Buckwheat O. A. Went to Troy with his Butter Gertrude and
Sarah went to Troy to Firemens Parade
Fri. Sept. 3, 1886 - Helped Delos Rockwell Cut Buckwheat
Sat. Sept. 4, 1886 - Finished Cutting Buckwheat in the Creek Lot Raked
a Part of same and cut some on the Hill and Raked a Part of Same
Sun. Sept. 5, 1886 - Went to S. S. And Meeting at Chandlersburg
Mon. Sept. 6, 1886 - Helped Drive off some Calves and Cut Buckwheat
O. A. Went to Warren Roses(26) with his
Calves and to Mansfield
Tues. Sept. 7, 1886 - Cut Buckwheat Next to T. R. Monroes Line
Wed. Sept. 8, 1886 - Raked Buckwheat
Thurs. Sept. 9, 1886 - Finished Cutting Buckwheat Delos Rockwell Helped
Rake in the afternoon
Fri. Sept. 10, 1886 - Cut the Buckwheat above the Barn on the Hill and
Raked a Part of same Raked the Rest of the upper Piece O. A. Went over
to Orvises and Traded Horses(27)
Sat. Sept. 11, 1886 - Sawed Wood With the Machine and Raked the Buckwheat
above the Barn on the Hill
Sun. Sept. 12, 1886 - Rainy day Stayed at home O. A. and family went
over to E. L. Nashs
Mon. Sept. 13, 1886 - Cut Sowed Corn in the Creek Lot O. A. Went over
to Orvises and Traded Horses Gertrude and the old Lady Went over to J.
W. Styres
Tues. Sept. 14, 1886 - Went down to J. W. Styres and Helped him Rake
Buckwheat Gertrude and the Old Lady Went to Elmira N.Y.
Wed. Sept. 15, 1886 - Finished Cutting the Sowed Corn in the Creek Lot
and cut some on the Hill O. A. Went down to J. Ws to Help him thresh
Thurs. Sept. 16, 1886 - Rainy A. M. Cleaned out the Granary and Hauled
some Wood and set up some Buckwheat J. W. Came over With his Engine
Fri. Sept. 17, 1886 - Cut Sowed Corn on the Hill
Sat. Sept. 18, 1886 - Threshed all Day Threshed oats and a Part of the
Wheat 260 bushels Oats
Sun. Sept. 19, 1886 - Stayed at home
Mon. Sept. 20, 1886 - Finished Threshing the Wheat had 72 bushels Cut
a Part of the field Corn Bird York Helped
Tues. Sept. 21, 1886 - Finished Cutting the Field Corn Hauled in some
Buckwheat J. W. Styres Helped
Wed. Sept. 22, 1886 - Finished Hauling the Buckwheat in the 4 acre Lot
and the Creek Lot and Threshed the same threshed 100 bushels
Thurs. Sept. 23, 1886 - Finished Cutting Sowed Corn on the Hill and
Raked a Part of Same
Fri. Sept. 24, 1886 - Helped Clean over buckwheat Raked Sowed Corn
Sat. Sept. 23, 1886 - Cleaned Buckwheat and Raked Sowed Corn
Sun. Sept. 26, 1886 - Went over Home
Mon. Sept. 27, 1886 - Raked Sowed Corn and Helped Delos Rockwell Thresh
Threshed 61 Bags Barley
Tues. Sept. 28, 1886 - Helped Delos Rockwell Thresh
Wed. Sept. 29, 1886 - Raked Sowed Corn Fixed fence Split Wood O. A.
Went to Mansfield to the Fair
Thurs. Sept. 30, 1886 - Went to the Fair with Delos Rockwell Stayed
overnight with J. W. Styres
Fri. Oct. 1, 1886 - Went to the fir With J. W. Styres Rode Home With
Burt Peck
Sat. Oct. 2, 1886 - Helped Delos Rockwell Finish Threshing his Buckwheat
had 166 bushels Hauled in Buckwheat off the Hill
Sun. Oct. 3, 1886 - Went over to J. W. Styres with O. A.
Mon. Oct. 4, 1886 - Finished Hauling in Buckwheat Hauled in Some Sowed
and Field Corn
Tues. Oct. 5, 1886 - Dug the Patch of Potatoes Below the Corn on the
Hill O. A. Went to Mainesburg to Mill
Wed. Oct. 6, 1886 - Dug the Potato by the Barn on the Hill O. A. Went
over to J. W. Styres to help Thresh Buckwheat
Thurs. Oct. 7, 1886 - Dug a Part of the Patch Below the Orchard O. A.
Helped J. W. Finish his Buckwheat Had 286 Bushels and Went to Mainesburg
after the grist
Fri. Oct. 8, 1886 - Dug Potatoes Below the Orchard
Sat. Oct. 9, 1886 - Helped Delos Rockwell Dig Potatoes Dug 69 Bushels
Sun. Oct. 10, 1886 - Went over Home O. A. And family and the Old Lady
Went along
Mon. Oct. 11, 1886 - Helped C. B. Hulslanders Hired Man Fred Brink Haul
in Buckwheat
Tues. Oct. 12, 1886 - Raked Some Sowed Corn Dug Some Potatoes and Husked
Some Corn
Wed. Oct. 13, 1886 - Husked Corn O. A. Smith went Over to J. W. Styres
after his Pig
Thurs. Oct. 14, 1886 - Threshed Buckwheat Threshed 56 Bags J. W. Styres
Fri. Oct. 15, 1886 - Gathered Apples O. A. Went over to J. W. Styres
to Fix his Pipe to Bring Water to the Barn
Sat. Oct. 16, 1886 - Gathered Apples and Husked Corn O. A. Worked on
his Pipe and Came home at Night
Sun. Oct. 17, 1886 - Stayed at Home all Day O. A. and Gertrude Went
over to Church to Hear the New Minister
Mon. Oct. 18, 1886 - Went to Troy O. A. and Family and Gertrude went
along. O. A. and Family Went to Elmira Gertrude Brought Home a new Parlor
Tues. Oct. 19, 1886 - Husked Corn
Wed. Oct. 20, 1886 - Husked Corn Went to the X Roads after O. A. and
Family. Mary and Ida Bogardus Came home With them.
Thurs. Oct. 21, 1886 - Helped Delos Rockwell Husk Corn Finished husking
Corn O. A. Went to Join the Grange in the Evening
Fri. Oct. 22, 1886 - Helped G. A. Myres Thresh
Sat. Oct. 23, 1886 - Hauled in the Corn and Hauled Some Pumpkins
Sun. Oct. 24, 1886 - Went over Home
Mon. Oct. 25, 1886 - Hauled in the Sowed Corn and Corn Stalks Pulled
some turnips and Carrots O. A. Went to Mainesburg
Tues. Oct. 26, 1886 - Commenced Plowing the Buckwheat stubble by T.
R. Monroes Line Hauled in Some Apples Rainy Afternoon O. A. Went to Troy
Wed. Oct. 27, 1886 - A Rainy Day Chored about the Barn and Hauled a
Load of Pumpkins Went up to L. J. Bradfords to take his Horse Home
Thurs. Oct. 28, 1886 - A Rainy Day Cleaned over Wheat Went over to James
Queals after Pay on a Note
Fri. Oct. 29, 1886 - Hauled in Some Potatoes and Carrots Cleaned over
Wheat O. A. Went over to J. W. Styres after Mary and Ida Bogardus
Sat. Oct. 30, 1886 - Went over Home Went up to uncle Bennetts(28)
to Ezra Reynolds Birthday Party. Went over to Roseville
Sun. Oct. 31, 1886 - Stayed over Home all Day and Came Back at night
Mon. Nov. 1, 1886 - Plowed on the Hills in the Buckwheat field by T.
R. Monroes Line
Tues. Nov. 2, 1886 - Went over to Roseville to Election Plowed on the
Wed. Nov. 5, 1886 - Plowed on the Hill
Thurs. Nov. 4, 1886 - Plowed on the Hill O. A. Went to Grange Meeting
Fri. Nov. 5, 1886 - Plowed on the Hill
Sat. Nov. 6, 1886 - Plowed on the Hill Finished the field by T. R. Monroes
Line and Plowed some by the Barn on the Hill Had a Snow Storm in the Aternoon
Sun. Nov. 7, 1886 - Stayed at Home all Day O. A. And Wife and Gertrude
Went over to church at Chandlersburg
Mon. Nov. 8, 1886 - Plowed a Part of the Creek lot O. A. Went to Mansfield
Tues. Nov. 9, 1886 - Plowed in the Creek Lot
Wed. Nov. 10, 1886 - Plowed on the Hill by the Barn
Thurs. Nov. 11, 1886 - Plowed on the Hill and in the Creek Lot
Fri. Nov. 12, 1886 - Plowed in the Creek Lot finished the Creek Lot
Had a Snow Storm O. A. Went over to J. W. Styres to Set out Some trees
Sat. Nov. 13, 1886 - Snowy and Blustery Chored around the Barn and Sat
by the fire.
Sun. Nov. 14, 1886 - Stayed at Home all Day
Mon. Nov. 15, 1886 - Hauled Wood and Commenced Cutting Wood O. A. Was
Taken Lame So he Could Scarcely Stir
Tues. Nov. 16, 1886 - A Stormy Day Chored about the Barn and Sat by
the fire
Wed. Nov. 17, 1886 - A Stormy Day Helped about the Chores and Sat by
the fire
Thurs. Nov. 18, 1886 - Helped do the Chores and Sat by the fire
Fri. Nov. 19, 1886 - Helped J. W. on his Wood House
Sat. Nov 20, 1886 - Helped J. W. On His Wood House
Sun. Nov. 21, 1886 - Stayed at Home all Day O. A. and family Went over
to E. L. Nashs
Mon. Nov. 22, 1886 - Helped J. W. On His Wood Shed
Tues. Nov. 23, 1886 - Helped J. W. Saw Wood
Wed. Nov. 24, 1886 - Helped J. W. On His Wood Shed Went over to J. W.
To Help him Cut Wood
Thurs. Nov. 25, 1886 - Had a Snow Storm Sat by the fire
Fri. Nov. 26, 1886 - Helped J. W. Haul Some Wood and sat by the fire
Went to Mansfield Bought a Pair Rubber Boots J. W. Bought a New Stove
Sat. Nov. 27, 1886 - Helped J. W. Split Some Wood and Helped Saw some
Sun. Nov. 28, 1886 - Stayed at J. Ws all Day
Mon. Nov. 29, 1886 - Went with J. W. To Chandlersburg He got his horses
Shod Went over and Helped Him haul some Wood for his Mother
Tues. Nov. 30, 1886 - Split Some Wood for the Old Lady Went to Chandlersburg
to Get their Horse Shod
Wed. Dec. 1, 1886 - Sawed some Wood With the Machine Stephen Beach(29)
Came over With a feed Mill to Sell to J. W.
Thurs. Dec. 2, 1886 - Helped about the chores and Sat by the fire J.
W. Came over to Grind found His Engine froze and Busted
Fri. Dec. 3, 1886 - Helped about the chores and Sat by the fire Blustering
and Cold
Sat. Dec. 4, 1886 - Helped Saw Wood With the Machine
Sun. Dec. 5, 1886 - Stayed at Home Arba Wood and Wife and Demetrius
Comfort came there at Night
Mon. Dec. 6, 1886 - Cut Some Wood for Mrs. Styres in the Afternoon Delos
Rockwell Helped me Saw
Tues. Dec. 7, 1886 - Cut Wood on the Hill With Delos Rockwell
Wed. Dec. 8, 1886 - Split the Wood O. A. Hauled it to the House
Thurs. Dec. 9, 1886 - Finished Cutting Wood Delos Rockwell Helping
Fri. Dec. 10, 1886 - Split up the Wood at the House J. W. Ground Some
feed With his Mill
Sat. Dec. 11, 1886 - Helped O. A. Grind Some Chop feed Went over Home
at Night
Sun. Dec. 12, 1886 - Went Over to J. W. Styres the old folks went along
Mon. Dec. 13, 1886 - Hauled a Load of Wood and Cut some Wood
Tues. Dec. 14, 1886 - Finished Cutting the Wood at the Door and Went
over to Delos Rockwells to Help Cut Wood found Him with His foot Cut so
He Couldn't Work Stayed with O. A.
Wed. Dec. 15, 1886 - Went over to Isaac Richmonds after some S?ng irons
Cut Wood for Delos Rockwell Gene Wood Arba Wood and Bird York(30)
helped me Cut
Thurs. Dec. 16, 1886 - Helped Gene and Arba Wood Cut Wood for L. J.
Fri. Dec. 17, 1886 - Came over Home found the old folks Gone Went up
to uncle Bennetts
Sat. Dec. 18, 1886 - Hauled Wood all Day
Sun. Dec. 19, 1886 - Went up to Uncle Bennetts
Mon. Dec. 20, 1886 - Cut Wood at the Door
Tues. Dec. 21, 1886 - Cut Wood at the Door and Went with Will Reynolds
Over to O. A. Smiths after my trunk
Wed. Dec. 22, 1886 - Helped D. W. Reynolds(31)
Cut Some Wood Will Reynolds Cut My Hair
Thurs. Dec. 23, 1886 - Helped D. W. Reynolds Cut some Wood and Went
over to O. A. Smiths and Back
Fri. Dec 24, 1886 - Cut Some Wood on the Hill D. W. Reynolds Helped
me Saw
Sat. Dec. 25, 1886 - Went over to J. W. Styres Visiting the old folks
Went Had Nashs Team
Sun. Dec. 26, 1886 - Went over to O. A. Smiths at Night and Styres Over
Mon. Dec. 27, 1886 - Went with O. A. Smith over to Lyman Reynolds to
Work Commenced Work for Lyman Reynolds
Tues. Dec. 28, 1886 - Split some Wood and Chored about the House and
Helped move a Load of Straw
Wed. Dec. 29, 1886 - Helped Haul Wood Split some Wood in te Woods and
Cut some Drags of Wood
Thurs. Dec. 30, 1886 - Went to the Post Office Helped Wash the Plastering
in the kitchen and Split some Wood Limy and his Mother went to the Grange
Fri. Dec. 31, 1886 - Helped Haul some Wood and Split some wood Charly Strange and folks Came a visiting Lyman Went to a Entertainment at Mainesburgh at Night
1. Orrin Alonzo Smith or Lon or Lonzo was brother of Emerson.
2. Emerson worked for his brother-in-law, John Styres, husband of his sister Jennie.
3. From later entries in the diary, it would appear that Orrin Alonzo SMITH and his wife Sarah STYRES Smith had purchased a farm from J. TOMLINSON and that they had then moved their goods from the RIPLEY Farm where they had lived previously to the TOMLINSON Farm. It was customary to do moving in March as that was apparently the best point in the farming cycle to make a move. All renters moved in March, on the first day.
4. Chandlersburg is the earliest name for the settlement later called Elk Run and now frequently called Bungy. Descendants of the Chandlers who left their name are still in the neighborhood with names such as Smith, Brace, Palmer, Fethers etc.
5. Brother of Sadie Monroe whose diaries are also part of this collection.
6. Leonard J. Bradford on the North Road in Sullivan. A neighbor of the Styres.
7. Rachel, mother of Sarah STYRES Smith and John W. STYRES was frequently referred to as "the old lady." Gertrude was sister to Sarah and John. John's wife, Jennie SMITH Styres, Orrin Alonzo SMITH and Emerson SMITH were siblings. Rachel's husband William STYRES had just died in February of 1886 which may be part of what initiated the move of Sarah and O. A. To property next to the Styres.
8. Styres lived next to T. R. Monroe, so the Tomlinson property that Sarah and O.A. bought must have been very near. I do not find a Tomlinson in that area on the 1875 map.
9. Colt and Old Kit were apparently the names of the horses.
10. Charles Hulslander lived on the North Road, a neighbor of the Styres and Monroes and Bradfords. North Road is now called Hulslander Road.
11. 1875 map shows Styres between Monroe and Card properties, so apparently Sarah and O.A. were right there also.
12. Gertude was sister of John Styres and Rachel was their mother. She was wife of William Styres but her real name is not known at this writing.
13. Farmers could work off part of their tax obligation by maintaining the roads, so they all worked together on this in the early summer. This continued for some time as Mildred MUDGE mentions working on the road in 1913 letters to her intended, Lee TICE.
14. Justus McConnell and wife Permelia Squires lived on Ashley Hill Road near the Richmond Township Line.
15. Caroline Matilda SMITH, called 'Til', another sibling of Emerson, Jennie, and O. A. married E. L. Nash. It was customary at that time to refer to homes and property as belonging to the the man only, so even though they were visiting their sister and her husband, they refer only to him. In many cases, if a woman was referred to at all in newspapers, etc, she was only called 'wife' and not named. Even if named, she might be called "Mrs." followed by her husband's first and last name. This custom is still followed in the present day by many in the older generation, those who came of age prior to 1960. I am optimistic that those of you who read this a century from now will find it a completely foreign idea and need an explanation. It is important to remember as we read this and other early treatments that the omission of mentioning a woman's presence does not necessarily imply that she was not present. We know from the early histories where men were credited with settling new areas alone, that this was not so. In the most extreme cases, we have seen newspaper accounts where men were credited with giving birth (ie, a daughter to Menzo Mudge)and in one obituary a woman was said to have died "at the home of her husband." I will be inclined to comment on this awkward and unnatural handling whenever I see it but will try to restrain myself having said it once.
16. Given the location, this would be the Hulslander School on North Road.
17. Helen STYRES, sister of Sarah STYRES Smith, married Arba WOOD. Once again only the man in mentioned even though they are visiting a female sibling. In an age when the only options women had were to be wives or spinster sisters, "Mrs." was a point of honor.
18. The only females who were allowed a house of their own were hens and cows.
19. Not certain of the last name here. Myers is not a name I know in that area at that time.
20. These are the three oldest children of Jennie SMITH and John W. STYRES.
21. Cora STYRES, who was age 10 in 1886, later married John C. BOGARDUS. This is probably his family. John became a photographer in Horseheads NY.
22. Keys, kegs, rugs, don't know. Andrew lived on the road that cut over from Ashley Hill to Mainesburg. It is now called Seymour Hill Road as it comes out of Mainesburg. Andrew's was the place just north of what is called The Brewster Place. It burned in the 1960s or 1970s or so. Some tall evergreen trees were present until recently to mark its place.
23. Charles Guthrie SMITH - This is at the top of the hill overlooking Chandlersburg or Elk Run. It is above where the old school was and it is the house above where Charles' grandaughter Paulina lived until her death in 1995.
24. This would be a significant trip for a single day. Even today, if driving, it would be a long journey to and from. Emerson, no doubt, could take the train and probably slept on an overnight trip home.
25. "On the Mountain" means Armenia Mountain which starts in Sullivan and Ward Townships in Tioga County and Armenia Township in Bradford County.
26. Warren and his brother were in business to buy and sell livestock and farm produce.
27. Orvises were Sullivan Township farmers in the Gray Valley area.
28. Bennett Reynolds, brother of Emerson's mother Harriet Reynolds.
29. Stephen Beach was husband of Jeanette McConnell and lived at the location in Sullivan called Sopers Corners.
30. The York property of Sullivan is still in the ownership of York family members. Ralph York, son of Bird, lived there until his death just a short time ago. It is at the foot of Sanitarium Hill on the north end of the North Road.
31. D. W. Reynolds is the same Daniel Reynolds who was working for Joe Holly in his 1880 diary.
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