The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Community History & Genealogy

In Their Own Words - Diaries and Letters of our Ancestors

The 1881 Diary of 

Lafayette SQUIRES of Sullivan Township, 
Tioga County PA

Photo: Lafayette SQUIRES
Township: Sullivan Township, Tioga County PA
Gray Valley
Year: est. 1881
Transcribed by Joyce M. Tice
Lafayette SQUIRES was the ninth (of ten) child of Charlotte BURROWS and William Sturgis SQUIRES. He was born in Sullivan Township in 1842 and died there in 1891. He is buried in the Gray Valley Cemetery in the neighborhood where he spent his entire life.  In 1863 he married Mary J. Wilson and they had one daughter, Emma Charlotte Squires born in 1866. We are fortunate to have diaries of Lafe, Mary, and Emma and they will all eventually find their way to this site. Lafe's diary, like most of his time, is about the work he did, the neighbors and relatives he encountered, and the events of his very small local area. 
January 1881 - Lafayette Squires of Gray Valley in Sullivan Township (1842-1891) Son of Charlotte Burrows and William Sturgis Squires
Saturday 1  We went up to Fathers Wilsons . Loyd went with us to a oyster dinner
  Lafe's wife, Mary J. WILSON, was daughter of Emily BURTON & John WILSON.
Sunday 2 We foddered the last corn stalks. Hulsey Wheeler- 2 Bushel of Wheat
Monday 3 I went to Troy. George went with me. I bought a pair of light bobs 
  Lafe's brother, George, lived across the road in what is now Route 6 through Gray Valley.
Tuesday 4 I cut a basswood in to logs
Wednesday 5 I drawed two loads of logs to the flats (Note: Sylvania was formerly called Columbia Flats)
Thursday 6 I drawed a load of logs to the flats
Friday 7 I helped George draw pine logs
Saturday 8 I went to the flats, two trips for George. drawed pine Loyd
Sunday 9 We went to James Burtons he came home with us
  James BURTON was uncle to Mary J. WILSON, Lafe's wife.
Monday 10 Jim helped me cut drafts of wood in the after noon. I went and got prince in the morning
Tuesday 11 Jim and I cut logs. Loyd stayed here all night
  Lloyd SQUIRES was Lafe's brother. 
Wednesday 12 Jim and I worked in the woods. We went up to William Wilsons in the evening
  William WILSON, husband of Salome HOWE, was also Mary's uncle. 
Thursday 13 Jim and I went up to Blossburg
Friday 14 Drawed a load of hay in the barn
Saturday 15 We skidded logs in the woods. Willie and ? Corey over here and Bert was here, May and her man & Hettie stayed all night here good sleighing
Sunday 16 May and Harry and Hettie went home
Monday 17 I drawed logs from the woods
Tuesday 18 I drawed logs to Mainsburg, made three trips
Wednesday 19  I took a load of logs to the mill. I went to the Vendue at Caleb Denills (Daniels?)
Thursday 20 I went one trip to Mainsburg with logs in afternoon. I drawed wood to the house
Friday 21 I fixed the harness. It snowed and hailed all day
Saturday 22 I greased the harness. Loyd went home
Sunday 23 We stayed at home. Loyd came back
Monday 24 I went to Chandleburg in the after noon. Wils and Sarah stayed here all night. (Chandlersburg was an early name for Elk Run)
  Sarah WILSON was sister of Lafe's wife, Mary. Wilson HALL was Sarah's husband.
Tuesday 25 In the after noon I drawed two loads of wood
Wednesday 26  I went to Troy and got Loyd a pair of boots $3.00
Thursday 27 Very cold and blustering. Hulsie and wife and Miss Milk and Seth Wood stayed here all night
Friday 28 I went to Mainesburg. Loyd went home. Cold and blustering
Saturday 29 We went up to Isaacs. I went to Mainesburg with Isaac
Sunday 30 We went up to Father Wilsons
Monday 31 I drawed two load of logs for wood in the after noon. I helped George a whiile
Tuesday 1 I drawed a load of hay from the stack
Wednesday 2 I went to Mainesburg and got a shoe set. We went up to Father Wilsons and stayed all night. Wils Sarah Mary and I went over to Henrys
Thursday 3 We came home I went and took Mary’s shoes up to Stone’s
Friday 4 I drawed logs for wood this after noon
Saturday 5 Isaac and I went over to the cross-roads and down to Troy. Ann and Charlie Beach stayed all night here. (Note: Columbia Cross Roads)
Sunday 6 Ann and Charlie went home. Loyd came back
Monday 7 I went up on the mountain and got 69 fence posts of Haymann at 3 cnts a piece
Tuesday 8 In the fore noon I got a horse shoe sets at Mainsburg. I went to Chandleburg in the after noon
Wednesday 9 the snow is going off. I took Stella and Nellie up to school. In the after noon I took the sap dishes up to Billies. I drawed a load of sap at night.
Thursday 10 It has been sleighing ever since Christmas every day the snow is most all off
Friday 11 I washed the sap spouts and drawed down a load of wood. Snow is all off
Saturday 12 It rained most all day. We washed the sap tubs
Sunday 13 I went up to Isaacs and got Emma’s wristlets. Cold and blustering, Bert was here in the evening
  Isaac WHEELER was married to Mary's Aunt Polly BURTON.
Monday 14 I skidded wood, Wesley Wood stayed here all night
Tuesday 15 I went to election, Loyd got 167 votes, Midge 96 votes
Wednesday 16 I drawed logs for wood
Thursday 17 I went to Troy . Wils & Sarah Edgar & wife Frank Wilson & wife. Jimmie Wilson & Jim Burton was here in the evening a visiting. Wils Jim and Sarah stayed here all night
Friday 18 Wils folks went home, Emma went home with them
Saturday 19 I drawed 2 load of wood a load of hay from the other stack after noon I went on the Mountain & got a load of fence posts
Sunday 20 We went up to Father’s & got Emma
Monday 21 I went to Troy to mill. I contracted a new lumber wagon -$18.
Tuesday 22 I took the tub butter to Troy. it weighest 495 lbs, 10 tubs at 26 cnts-lbs. We stayed to Father’s all night
Wednesday 23 We got back in the after noon. Dr. & Loyd sawed wood. Henry Lawrence wife Hich Ruggles & wife , George & wife was here a visiting
Thursday 24 Worked at the wood I went to Mainsburg & got a horse shoe set
Friday 25 We sawed wood We went over to Hulsie Wheelers a visiting in the eve
Saturday 26 We sawed wood. Button caught a load of trout. Wesley B. stayed here all night
Sunday 27 We stayed at home. Wesley is here. It rained some
Monday 28 We sawed wood. Daniel Seely come and got 600 pound of straw 33 cts a hundred
Tuesday 1 We sawed wood
Wednesday 2 I went to the saw mill and piles lumber 7600 ft. they sawed wood
Thursday 3 We sawed wood all day
Friday 4 It snowed all day long. We split wood in the shed & corded it
  Vendue is apparently a word used to mean Sale. He probably meansVenue.
Saturday 5 finished sawing numb. I went to Mainsburg in the fore noon & got a load of lumber. in the after-noon I went to the Vendue at William Seely’s. 
Sunday 6 We went up to Father’s today.
Monday 7 I drawed to load of logs for George and then drawed back lumber for me.
Tuesday 8 In the fore-noon I took a load of logs for George & he drawed me a load of lumber. We taped the old sugar bush in the after-noon Dolly Beach comin.
Wednesday 9 We gathered and boilt the sap. pina comin.
Thursday 10 I went to Troy took 20 pounds of Sugar at 16 1/2 cents a pound.
Friday 11 Loyd split wood.
Saturday 12 I went to Troy and got my new lumber wagon $8.5 (hard to read) Spotty found a bossy (Note: This means that one of the cows mated)
Sunday 13 We stayed at home.
Monday 14 We boilt sap & sugar off. I went to the blacksmith shop & got the horses shod.
Tuesday 15 We drawed manure in the forenoon. in the after noon finished tapping the sugar bush
Wednesday 16 I boilt sap we sugared off twice last night. George was here. Old Yellar found a bossy.
Thursday 17 Emma and I went to Troy. I took 54 lbs of sugar & got 15 cts per lb. traded it & got 81 lbs of white sugar. I got a pound and a half of white sugar for a pound of maple.
Friday 18 We boilt sap. We suggared off twice.
Saturday 19 I went to Troy took 33 lb. of sugar traded and got 49 1/2 lb of white sugar
Sunday 20 Willie and Bert was here old Buttercup & the little heifer found a calf. Rosey found a bossy
Monday 21 I helped Geo. score timber 3/4 of a day. Loyd bosed over the sugar bush
Tuesday 22 Isaac and I went to Troy
Wednesday 23 We shelled some corn. Pumpkin seed heifer come in the Geo. Smith heifer come in
Thursday 24 I went ot Chandleberg with a load of chop. old Rony found a bossy
Friday 25 I went to Troy to milk
Saturday 26 Loyd drawed some manure. Willie brought down two lambs
Sunday 27 Lent Dr. Bates (?) Jim stayed here all night
Monday 28 I went and took some wheat and got 8 bushels of barley of William Johnson
Tuesday 29 We drawed manure in the forenoon. in the after-noon I went and got the chop stuff. 86 Bushels I brought home
Wednesday 30 I drawed manure
Thursday 31 We helped Geo. draw timber . Father & Mother & Wesley B. & Carrie was here
Friday 1 I went on the mountain with the horses and bobsled, got a load of fence posts
Saturday 2 I went to Troy and took a tub of butter. got 27 cts. a lb. it weighed 50 lb. $18.50. Cherry come in
Sunday 3 We went up to Fathers.
Monday 4 We drawed manure in the fore noon, in the afternoon Wils folks was here
Tuesday 5 I scored timber for George. Loyd drawed manure.the little Isaac heifer come in
Wednesday 6 I went up to Preists and got Mary’s and Emma’s shoes fixed. I took dinner at Bert Palmers
Thursday 7 We drawed manure over Lafayette Squires
Friday 8 We gathered sap in the evening went up to Isaac Wheelers to a birthday party
Saturday 9 We boilt sap and gathered till 5 oclock and then went to Troy with a tub of butter 51 lb at 27 cnts lb. $ 13.77 I got back at 10 oclock
Sunday 10 We gathered sap and boilt
Monday 11 We boilt sap sugared off three times
Tuesday 12 We boilt sap sugared off twice
Wednesday 13 We gathered sap & boilt sap. Loyd boilt. Loyd Squires took dinner here
Thursday 14 We boilt sap in the fore noon in the afternoon I went to Troy took 59 lb 6 oz at 11 cnts a lb.
Friday 15 I went to Chandleberg in the fore noon in the after noon I suroped off. William Wilson & Carrie here
Saturday 16 I went up on the mountain in the fore noon in the after noon I suroped off Willie was here in the evening
Sunday 17 We stayed at home . I went over to George and got my haircut
Monday 18 Loyd boilt sap. I went over & got my horses shod. Hiram came up here to get some sugar to eat
Tuesday 19 2 Bushels of mamoth clover $12. 6 bu 24 lb grass seed. I took a load of hay to Troy for George it weighed 2386 pound. I took a tub of butter 48 pound at 25 cnts. I got a butter tub
Wednesday 20  We commenced plowing the hill
Thursday 21 Loyd plowed and boilt sap
Friday 22 Loyd plowed. I went to Chandleberg
Saturday23 We sowed 12 Bu. of oats. Brin found a bossy
Sunday 24 We went to Wilsons
Monday 26 Loyd dragged. I helped George moving barn
Tuesday 27 I helped George move the barn in the fore noon. in the after noon we went to Troy. I took a tub of butter 46 pounds at 21 cnts a pound- $9.66
Wednesday 27 We sowed 11 Bushel of oats & sowed grass seed
Thursday 28 I helped Geo. half a day on his barn. We gathered all the sugar dishes
Friday 29 I helped Geo. move his barn . Loyd plowed on the hill. (Note: to relocate a barn or other farm building, logs or rollers were placed under it and horses or oxen pulled or rotated it to the new location. It was done with surprising frequency.)
Saturday 30 We dragged oats. I borrowed tools from Lafayette
Sunday 1 We went over to Harrison Smiths. Hulsie stayed here all night. 
  (William Harrison Smith and his wife, Nettie Squires, lived in the house my grandparents bought in 1917. I now own the house and am editing this diary in it. Nettie was Lafe's niece and she had just been married in 1880. Will Smith, a.k.a. Harrison Smith, was the first person born in the house shortly after it was built in 1858 by his parents Lucretia Welch and D. T. Smith, and my father, Leslie M. Tice, was the last person born there in 1921.)
Monday 2 I finished sowing oats- 36 bushel. I sold my buggy for 35 Dollars. I bought a bulb &15.50 of Albert Richmond
Tuesday 3 I sowed 6 1/2 Bushel of Barley on the corn ground and finished sowing Grass seed
Wednesday 4 I helped George half a day, Loyd dragged barley. We took 12 Bushels of Chopstuff to Chandleberg.
Thursday 5 We dragged barley and went after the chopstuff at night.
Friday 6 Loyd plowed,
Saturday 7 We plowed until 4 oclock and then went to Troy with tub of butter, it weighed 68 pounds-19 cts a pound.
Sunday 8 We went to Fathers.
Monday 9 I went up to Isaacs and I went to Chandleberg and Albert Richmonds.
Tuesday 10 4 gal-48 Bushel of Barley of Isaacs & went to the post office in the forenoon. In the afternoon I helped George in the afternoon.
Wednesday 11 We finished sowing barley . sowed 26 Bushel. I went to Mainsburg. James Burton stayed here all night.
Thursday 12 Loyd plowed for corn.
Friday 13 Loyd plowed.
Saturday 14 I went to Leona and got a carriage $ 145.- I took one tub of butter 58 lbs at 20 cnts a pound $ 10.60
Sunday 15 Bert and Josie Palmer was here a visiting. Will took dinner here.
Monday 16 We went to Fathers and got some ashes. Loyd cleaned out the corn house and fixed fence. It rained.
Tuesday 17 Loyd plowed. I scalded my foot.
Wednesday 18 Loyd went to the blacksmith shop in the forenoon. in the afternoon he plowed.
Thursday 19 Loyd finished the corn around in the afternoon drawed manure. They took up Hiram Burtons wife today.
Friday 20 It rained . Loyd fixed fence.
Saturday 21 Loyd and I went to Troy in the afternoon. got 6 firkins (Note: A firkin is a small wooden tub used for butter.)
Sunday 22 We stayed at home.
Monday 23 I went to Mainsburg and got a horse shoe set. Loyd dragged in the afternoon.
Tuesday 24 I commensed marking the corn ground in the afternoon.
Wednesday 25  I finished marking the corn ground in the fore noon. I dropped potatoes in the afternoon.
Thursday 26 Finished planting corn this afternoon
Friday 27 We went to Troy, I got a new Whip, $.60
Saturday 28 I fixed fence & I went to Troy towards night. It rained hard.
Sunday 29 We stayed at home
Monday 30 We drawed manure in the hill for sowed corn. It rained in the afternoon.
Tuesday 31 We sowed the corn in the afternoon, in the forenoon I went to Mainsburg.
Wednesday 1 I helped Geo. half a day Loyd drawed manure.
Thursday 2 We went to Troy . Loyd went with us.
Friday 3 I helped Geo. Loyd drawed manure.
Saturday 4 Loyd and I helped George raise the barn it took all day.
Sunday 5 In the afternoon we went up to Fathers.
Monday 6 We put 26 Bushels of top dressing on to the corn.
Tuesday 7 We plowed, It rained.
Wednesday 8 Loyd plowed. I went down to Amos Mudges to the raising. Mary Ann was here a visiting. It rained in the forenoon. I ruened the bull with the rowns ( difficult to read)
  (Note: This probably refers to a neighborhood barn raising at Amos Mudge place. Amos was my great great grandfather. His property was on Gray Valley Road between Elk Run and Gray Valley, where Sleighmakers live now. His second wife, Caroline Squires was sister of Lafe. Caroline and Amos married in 1879, and she died March 1880, so she was dead at the time of this diary.)
Wednesday 15 Loyd plowed.
Thursday 16 I went to the Flats with George. Loyd plowed & then he went to the blacksmith shop. 
Friday 17 Loyd plowed
Saturday 18 We finished plowing the buck wheat ground. I went to Chandleberg and got 2,000 shingles of Albert Smiths’. I give $2 a thousand.
Sunday 19 I drove my new carriage for the first time.
Monday 20 I went to the Flats, and let Waldo have 9000 feet of basswood.
Tuesday 21 We cultivated corn
Wednesday 22 I bought two pigs of Nelson Tears. I gave two dollars a piece.
Thursday 23 We went to Mansfield to the commencement.
Friday 24 We went over to Father Wilsons. we got 2 pigs of Nelson Tears two dollars a piece.
Saturday 25 We drove the calves over to Frank Parkhurts in the morning in the after noon I went to the raising to Ed Grays. Jims folks stayes here all night.
Sunday 26 Jims folks went home. Wils & Sarah was here.
Monday 27 We finished the briggy house.
Tuesday 28 I went to Troy for George.
Wednesday 29 We went to Troy this afternoon
Thursday 30 We plowed 6 Bushel of buckwheat.
Friday 1 We went to Troy in the afternoon.
Saturday 2 We hoed potatoes in the forenoon. in the afternoon I went to the raisen up to William Smiths
  (Note: This would be another barn raising. If this is the same William Harrison Smith mentioned earlier, this would have been the barn that burned down in 1926. My Uncle Homer, then 8 years old, was playing with matches in the barn and started the fire. My grandfather lost all his cows and had no insurance. He dragged the charred cattle out to the woods and buried them by cutting off the trunks of trees that had been uprooted in the recent windstorm and letting the root balls fall over them. We can still find cattle bones in the woods.)
Sunday 3 Steven Pefers had my horses & carriage.
Monday 4 We went to Mainsfield to the 4th. it raines most all day.
Tuesday 5 We went over to Thomas Monswes & got 8 pigs I give 20 shillings a piece. We stopped to William Wilsons in the Eve
Wednesday 6 We commenced mowing . Father Wilsons folks was down here to day. Besie Wilson come with them.
Thursday 7 We drawed in one load of hay and raked. It rained some in the after noon.
Friday 8 I went and got my horses shod. Emma went with me. we took dinner with Leander Austins.
Saturday 9 I went to Troy to mill in the after noon.
Sunday 10 George and Mary J. was over hire a wile, it is the warmest we have had..
Monday 11 Loyd dragged 3/4 of a day for George.
Tuesday 12 We stacked 4 load of clover.
Wednesday 13  I mowed hay in the forenoon. in the after noon we raked and drawed 4 load of hay.
Thursday 14 We mowed in the fore noon and in the after noon. we drawed and stacked 6 load of hay.
Friday 15 We mowed in the fore noon & in the after noon we raked & stacked 4 load of hay.
Saturday 16 We drawed 6 load of hay & ropped the hay stacks
Sunday 17 We went up to Fathers & got 8 pecks of black raspberries/ Willie was here a little while at night.
Monday 18 We cut out wheat. I took Emma and Eva to Troy we started at 4 oclock.
Tuesday 19 We raked and bound our wheat and set it up. Eva went home today.
Wednesday 20 We drawed in 6 load of hay. and drawed in the wheat 8 load.
Thursday 21 We finished haying.
Friday 22 We cut and bunched Barley
Saturday 23 We drawed Barley from the hill.
Sunday 24 We was at home. Frank Wilson & wife came over here a little while in the after noon.
Monday 25 I helped George bind wheat 1/2 day.
Tuesday 26 We drawed manure. I let George have 4 Bushel of wheat.
Wednesday 27 We finished drawing manure
Thursday 28 Mary, Emma & I went up to Blossburg (unreadable). went men up through Hall Brooks & morrison . we bought our dinner & took supper with Harry & Mary Pitts.
Friday 29 In the after noon I went to Troy to milk.
Saturday 30 I helped Geo. Smith draw wheat with my team. Loyd cradled Barley.
Sunday 31 Loyd went over to Hulsies to day. we had a rooster for dinner.
Monday 1 Loyd came back to night. It missed some most all day. in the after noon we went up to Isaacs.
Tuesday 2 We cut Barley & drawed in some
Wednesday 3 We finished cutting the barley & drawed in some. I am 40 years old to day Emma made a present of a large rocking chair.
Thursday 4 We finished drawing the barley.
Friday 5 I went to the shop in the forenoon, in the after noon I commenced cutting oats. at night - we had a very hard rain & the wind
Saturday 6 We worked at cut oats. Mary Emma & I went to the flats & got Emmas dress
Sunday 7 We had a hen for dinner. It rained real hard in the he morning
Monday 8 We finished the oats upon the hill a fire the little orchard.
Tuesday 9 We reap bound and set and set upon 75 doz. (Note: Oats were bound in bundles called sheaves and stood upright for drying in the sun.)
Wednesday 10 Loyd & I reap and bound and set up one hundred dozen.
Thursday 11 We finished cutting and setting up the oats. At night went to Troy got Mary a pair of shoes & Emma a valise, Dellie Richmond and Nellie Strange road home with us. 
  See the 1882 Mary Gates WOOD diary for the marriage of Dell Richmond and the death of Nellie Strange.
Friday 12 We drawed oats all day. Emma went to Tioga.
Saturday 13 We finished drawing and stacking oats 17 load.
Sunday 14 We had a chicken for dinner. Emma came home.
Monday 15 We plowed.
Tuesday 16 We plowed in the fore noon, in the after I went and got the horses shod.
Wednesday 17 We plowed in the fore noon, in the after noon fixed fence.
Thursday 18 We helped George draw oats.
Friday 19 We helped George draw oats in the fore noon, in the afternoon Loyd & I went to Troy. I got me a pair of Boots- 8.50, I got the oil can filled 10 cts a gallon.
Saturday 20 I went and took Mary home.
Sunday 21 We stayed at home.
Monday 22 We finished plowing the wheat ground and drawed the stone of. Father and Mother was down here.
Tuesday 23 I went up to Billies and got the chains fixed.
Wednesday 24 I went to Troy.
Thursday 25 I went to Mainsburg in the after noon and got a horse shoe set.
Friday 26 We went up on the mountain to a picnic. 
  (Note: "up on the mountain" refers to Armenia Mountain in the southern part of Tioga and Bradford Counties. People went there to pick "huckleberries.")
Saturday 27 We went to Mansfield to the picnic. Loyd went with Porter.
Sunday 28 We stayed at home . Put Howland and Ed Wheeler was here.
Monday 29 Loyd and I helped Isaac thrash/ Vanbalkaner thrashed for him.
Tuesday 30 I helped Isaac thrash all day. Loyd helped half a day. The thrasher came here at night two of them- stayed all night.
Wednesday 31 We thrashed George Gardner and Fred Newell helped. George & Bert. The thrasher stayed here all night.
Thursday 1 It rained all night. I went to Troy. We finished thrashing three hands worked from Issac’s till 9’0clock.Wheat -22 Bushels, Barley -166 Bu. Oats-552 Bu. Bert half a day.
Friday 2 I sowed my wheat- 7 1/2 Bushel. It rained some today.
Saturday 3 I went and got the horses shod, in the after noon we cradled buckwheat.
Sunday 4 We stayed at home Willie had the carriage to go to George Gardner’s wedding. Loyd took the Demveral wagon and horses and went home.
Monday 5 I went and took butter to Troy. got 25 cts. a pound. Loyd worked at the buckwheat. It is a very warm day to day.
Tuesday 6 We cracked and set up buckwheat. it is very warm.
Wednesday 7 Loyd & I cradled buckwheat today.
Thursday 8 George Gardner and Lurd Newelt helped us in the buckwheat- we finished today.
Friday 9 We cut our sewed corn today. Mary and I went to Sylvania.
Saturday 10 Loyd and I went on the mountain for a picnic.
Sunday 11 We had a chicken for dinner. Loyd had the horses and carriage at night.
Monday 12 Loyd cut corn. I helped pair the peaches, Mary canned two dozen cans.
Tuesday 13 I went to Mainsburg & took Mary over some peaches & I left some. Then Jar Viola Loyd finished cutting corn.
Wednesday 14 We started for Elmira at night. I walk in the morning. We went down to Sam Squirres & stayed all night.
Thursday 15 We went to the horse race then we came home at night.
Friday 16 Jim drawed buckwheat. Dr. pd us.
Saturday 17 We finished drawing Buckwheat, then we unloeded 26 Bushels of potatoes. I went to Troy this after noon.
Sunday 18  We went up to Father’s today.
Monday 19 We finished digging potatoes. We gathered some apples to take to Arnot.
Tuesday 20 Loyd & I went to Arnot.
Wednesday 21 We fixed the water so it goes to the barn.
Thursday 22 Loyd and I went to the fair at Troy.
Friday 23 I went to Troy, took Isaac
Saturday 24 We thrashed our buckwheat had 160 bushels. Gardner & Willie helped until 10 o’clock
Sunday 25 We stayed at home today.
Monday 26 I went and got the horses shod.
Tuesday 27 I went to Troy with a load of buckwheat. Loyd husked corn.
Wednesday 28 I went to Troy with buckwheat. Loyd husked corn.
Thursday 29 We went to the fair in Mansfield. Loyd went with us.
Friday 30 We went to the fair. Loyd went home.
Saturday 1 I cleaned my Barley. Jim came here today and stayed all night.
Sunday 2 We went up to Wilses. Sarah is sick in bed. Jim went with us.
Monday 3 I went to Troy with a load of Barley. Loyd husked corn.
Tuesday 4 I went to Troy with a load of Barley. Loyd husked corn.
Wednesday 5 I went to Troy and sold the horses. Loyd picked apples. Sold the horses
Thursday 6 I bought Georges ? colts.
Friday 7 George 2 Bushels of oats. I billed the colts. Loyd helped Geo. half a day. A peddler stayed here all night.
Saturday 8 We broke the colts.
Sunday 9 We stayed at home. Loyd went home a little while today.
Monday 10 We worked on the road.
Tuesday 11 We worked n the road.
Wednesday 12 It rained. We cleaned the wheat. George got 3 Bu. of wheat
Thursday 13 We finished working on the road.
Friday 14 We broke colts.
Saturday 15 We broke colts.
Sunday 16 We got Georges old team and went up to Fathers.
Monday 17 I went to Mainsburg got Loyds horses shod.
Tuesday 18 We finished picking apples and took some apples to the cidar mill.
Wednesday 19 We finished corn and drawed pumkins.
Thursday 20 I went to Troy. they was trying a law suit about murder. this makes three bags of oats George has got.
Friday 21 Loyd cut sugar wood.
Saturday 22 Loyd helped George dig potatoes in the after noon. I went and got the cidar.
Sunday 23 I went over to Harrisons today a little while.
Monday 24 I went to Mansfield with George.
Tuesday 25 I fixed the cow stable floor. Loyd commenced working for George this morning.
Wednesday 26 I went up to Billies and got the teapot fixed.
Thursday 27 I helped George thrash half a day. I lent him to more bags of oats.
Friday 28 I went up to Al Lounsberrys to day rode the colt.
Saturday 29 I went to Mainsburg it rained some today.
Sunday 30 We stayed home.
Monday 31 uncle Calvin and his nephews was here a little while today.
  (Since Lafe has no Uncles on his Squires side named Calvin, this may be a brother of his mother Charlotte Burrows and may eventually be an aid in identifying her and her ancestry.) 
Tuesday 1 Uncle Calvin and his nephew was here to day. William Witmare... William bought Kit. George got two bushels of oats. 
Wednesday 2 I helped Isaac clean barley.
Thursday 3 I went up to Alvin Pulriers and got his sulky. I hitched up Nellie. I lent Geo. two bushels of wheat.
Friday 4 I went over to Chas. Henry Bensons. came back by Chandleberg and got Nellie shod. We put the cows in the barn for the first time.
Saturday 5 Geo. got 1 1/2 bu. oats. I went up to Mr. Lonsberrys and I bought kit. I stayed there all night. I went to Blossberg.
Sunday 6 I came home today.
Monday 7 I drove the colts today.
Tuesday 8 I took Alvins sulky home and went to election.
Wednesday 9 I went to Mansfield.
Thursday 10 I plowed with the colts the first time they ever plowed.
Friday 11 I plowed. George got 2 Bu. of oats.
Saturday 12 I went to Chandleberg in the afternoon.
Sunday 13 George got 2 Bu. of oats this morning. Emma and I went to the post office.
Monday 14 I plowed today.
Tuesday 15 George got 2 Bushels of Oats. I plowed.
Wednesday 16 I plowed. got David home.
Thursday 17 I plowed. Geo, got 2 Bu. of Oats and 2 Bu. of Wheat.
Friday 18 We went to Troy Wils & Sarah was at Troy they came back here and stayed all night. We got the new lamps today. it rained.
Saturday 19 Wils and Sarah went home. Geo. got 2 Bu. of Oats. It rained.
Sunday 20 We stayed home.
Monday 21 I plowed.
Tuesday 22 I plowed. Loyd bought20 Bushel of Oats at 50 cts. a bushel-10.00
Wednesday 23 I helped Geo. butcher one hog. Loyd came after the Oats- he did not pay for them. 20 Bushels at 50 cts. a Bushel 10.00
Thursday 24 I went to Troy with George.
Friday 25 Emma and I went to Troy. took the butter. 7 tubs weighted 351 pounds at 80 cts. a lb. - 105.80 ( math is wrong)
Saturday 26 I helped George thrash part of a day.
Sunday 27 We stayed at home.
Monday 28 I boochered.( original spelling) George helped.
Tuesday 29 I packed the pork in the forenoon. in the after noon I helped George thrash.
Wednesday 30 I helped George thrash half a day. I plowed in the after noon.
Thursday 1 I went to troy with Isaac, it rained some.
Friday 2 I plowed.
Saturday 3 I plowed.
Sunday 4 We went to meeting in the fore noon and in the evening.
Monday 5  I helped Isaac butcher today. we sold our chickens at 8 cts. a pound live weight. $ 10. 80
Tuesday 6 ( 6th - 8th has lines through it but I transcribed it anyway). I packed the pork in the fore noon. In the after noon helped Geo. thrash. I went up in the sugar houses, dug a ditch.
Wednesday 7 I helped Geo. thrash half a day. I plowed in the after noon. I sold Pina & David for 42.50
Thursday 8 I went to Troy. It rained some. I went up to William Robbins.
Friday 9 I plowed. I went to Troy. I got a pair of horse blankets. - 1.80
Saturday 10 I drawed manure
Sunday 11 We stayed at home.
Monday 12 I went and got the horses shod. Dola shod them.
Tuesday 13 I plowed in after noon. In the forenoon I went up to Billies.
  William (Billie) Robbins (1819-1898) was a blacksmith and general handyman. He is known for the rifles he forged for use in the Civil War.
Wednesday 14 We went to the flats in the fore noon. It rained all day long.
Thursday 15 Lew Beach and Ann stayed here all night. William Robbins was burried to day.
  I can not determine which of the several William Robbins died at this time, but it was not Bille, who died in 1898 - much later than this. 
Friday 16 I finished plowing. Elder Paine stayed here all night/
Seturday 17 Emma and Mary went. I helped Geo. Smith butcher in the fore noon. Father and Mother Wilson & Wilson’s folks was here today. Lew and Ann Beach took supper here.
Sunday 18 I went and got Mary & Emma.
Monday 19 I went to Troy with Isaac and got me a watch chain & a new cap.
Tuesday 20 Isaac & I went to Mansfield to the Vendue. We took dinner at Lewis Beaches.
Wednesday 21  I went to Mainsburg and got a load of lumber. I took the pig up to George Robbins’s.
Thursday 22 Mary and I went to Troy. it rained
Friday 23 I went up to Billies. I got the pig home today.
Saturday 24 I went to Chandleburg.
Sunday 25 We had a chicken for dinner.
Monday 26 I went up to George Smith’s.
Tuesday 27 I went up to William Robbins’s and got my bolts for the sled.
Wednesday 28 I made a sled. We went to the donation. (A donation was a social event that was used as a fund raiser, hence a donation was expected..)
Thursday 29 Dr. & I commenced blasting.
Friday 30 Dr. & I went on the hill and blasted to day. Wesley Wood stayed here all night.
Saturday 31 Wesley Wood and & went to Troy/ I got the couch.
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 03/04/2001 
Copyright By Joyce M. Tice

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