Related Diaries
March 18, 1876
Lizzie’s birthday, has inflammation in her eyes, cannot see well. I gave her a whipping, then Mary gave her one. She could not see us to defend herself.
March 19, 1876
Ellen Harris came home from church with Mary & stayed until evening
March 21, 1876
Mary & I went up to Emma Borghams. When we came back, Emma & Almeron came with us. We went down about nine o’clock p.m. to see Ruthie Gerould baptized. The water was frozen and they had to get the ice out. It was very cold.
March 26, 1876
I went to the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Mason preached his last sermon here. It was the same one he preached five years ago today.
March 29, 1876
Mary & I went to a quilting at Ely Hyalls. Lottie has been sick about three weeks.
April 1, 1876
Died in East Smithfield, Mrs. Cranmer, mother of Chester Cranmer, age 81 years. Also a baby of Mr. & Mrs. J. Tomkinson died, aged seven months, named Evaline.
April 2, 1876
Mr. Merick, the dentist from Elmira, who has been doing dental work here, went home this morning. He did work for several. He stopped to see Ma about her plate.
April 4, 1876
Very muddy. Mary & I called at Dr. Bullocks
April 5, 1876
The dentist came again & filled Mary’s teeth
April 10, 1876
Uncle Lem Moody died at Towanda, PA (Lemuel L. Moody 1835-1876)
April 12, 1876
A beautiful day. Mary is 17 today
April 13
We arose at 4 o’clock. At 6 we started for Towanda to attend Uncle Lem’s funeral. Lizzie & Millie did not go. It rained hard coming home. Uncle Lem was worth $70,000.
Jan 1, 1877
Stayed at home New Years Day. Andrew Wentzel died Jan 14, 1877 of diabetes. Was sick some time
Jan 16, 1877
Johnnie Jones was kicked by his horse and died five days later. Before his death, he had a vision of heaven. He leaves a wife and child.
Jam 25, 1877
Eli Pierce was buried here today. He was injured by the cars. He lived about a week, but did not have his right mind. He leaves a wife (Verona) & child.
Jan 28, 1877
Alice Tracy came home and home with us and stayed until evening services.
April 10, 1877
Aunt Elizabeth Reel went home. She was here two months.
April 13, 1877
Mary & I went to Gord Geroulds & stayed 4 nights & a good time. Lizzie & Millie went to Geo Travis for some sugar.
July 4, 1877
Went to a picnic in Ephraim Gerould’s Grove in the evening to Mrs. Grovers for ice cream. Fireworks in the evening.
July 3, 1877
Went over to Mary’s school
July 6, 1877
Lizzie & I picked 5 bushels of sage
July 31, 1887
We picked 7-1/2 bushels
Aug 2, 1877
The bell tolled for Jacob Eifert’s wife
Aug 3, 1877
She was buried
Aug 10, 1877
Charley Good fell down & put his arm out of joint & broke the other arm. Uncle Mort set the broken arm.
Aug 14, 1877
Eliza Gates died this morning after a lingering illness.
Aug 15
Mrs. Gates was buried. We went to the funeral
Aug 18, 1877
Mary has been visiting in Canton. Came home today. Geo Tracy went after her at Troy.
Aug 23, 1877
Mrs. Hinman, an old neighbor, visited us.
Aug 25, 1877
Helen Farnsworth died of bilious fever, aged 28 years. She was a beautiful looking girl before she became ill. Was in bad health for some time.
Monday 27, 1877
School opened with J.B. emery as teacher
Friday Aug 30, 1877
Mary & Geo Tracy, Myrr & Emma Tracy went to Watkins Glen. Stayed all night at Joe Vankirks
Sept 5, 1877
Three men came to town with 2 large bears. They sung and the bears danced. Also fought each other, doing several tricks. They weighed 350 & 250 lbs. About 100 spectators down town where they performed.
Sep 13, 1877
Ma & Millie went to Coopers Plains to our Aunt Mara Ross. They came home the 20th.
Sep 16, 1877
Jessie Phillips came here this afternoon. K. Brigham & Geo Tracy came & they all went riding.
Sept 30, 1877
Mary went over to Jessie Phillips this afternoon. This is the date of the disturbance by "Crazy Howard Pierce."
Oct 7, 1877
Went to meeting with E.T. & Mary with G.T.
Oct 14, 1877
A day long to be remembered by me and someone else E.T.
Oct 14, 1877
William Ormsby died today of typhoid fever, aged 32 years. He leaves a wife & child Bertie. Later, another child came called Wm
Oct 17, 1877
Wanted to go to Martha Scotts but Ma went over to Uncle Addisons to be gone a week.
Oct 24, 1877
Darin Horning & Hope Scott, Alpheus Sumner and Helen Brigham were married
Nov 7, 1877
Died in E. Smithfield: Dr. Darius Bullock, age 86 years. A large funeral. He had many friends and was greatly loved & respected by all.
Nov 1877
Died in E. Smithfield, PA: Alice Chamberlin, aged 20 years. A school mate. The scholars marched from the school house to the church (Baptist) and from there to the cemetery, each one putting a bit of evergreen in the grave.
Nov 24, 1877
Married by B.S. Deane, Charles Pierce and Nellie R. Wood.
Nov 28, 1877
Thanksgiving services at Baptist Church. A festival at Uncle Mouts for Mr. Chafer. As I write, Geo Tracy knocks at the door. Mary shall soon see what he wants (half hour later) She has gone to festival.
Nov 30, 1877
Mary & I went to Uncle Addisons. Mary rode with Andrew Messing and his mother in a lumber wagon. Stayed until Sun and Charley brought us home.
Dec 14, 1877
Went out – Mary to the Baptist Church to hear Mrs. Chapin Tracy lecture about the Turks. Mrs. William Phillips & her sister Calista Moody, also little girl, visited at our house.
Jan 1, 1878
Mary Jane Waldron was married to Frank Loomis... Eva Decken was also married to Clark Allen.
Jan 5, 1878
Alice Hali and Roy Vincent were married.
Jan 5, 1878
Lizzie went to Mrs. Geo West’s to an oyster supper with Geo Robinson, Ella Bennett and James Phillips.
Feb 21, 1878
Went to the M.E. donation with E, had pleasant time, but the supper was not good –(the taste almost junked me) Statan, the preacher, got about $103.00. Collins Tracy had a grudge against Horace Keeler. He took a bag of coffee from the boiler, which was boiling hot and threw it into Keeler’s face. He threw it twice and burned him!
Mary went over to Jessie Brighams to help her get settled in her home (she stayed about two weeks).
March 5, 1878
Pa brought the bureaus he has been making for us girls to the house. He could not get them up the stairs. Had to leave them below.
Sun. March 17, 1878
Although it is Sunday, I put some things in my bureau.
March 23, 1878
Lizzie & Libbie Wood are expecting to be agents for The Fireside Journal. The pictures are beautiful!
March 28, 1878
Mary Wakefield died of diphtheria age 16 yrs.
March 30, 1878
Dorcas Phillips & Grace Wheat came to see Mary
April 2, 1878
Samuel Hyatt died. He was buried April 4th. Mary and I made us white aprons. She is nineteen today April 12, 1878.
April – One pansy blossom in the bed. I found today.
April 15, 1878
Mary commenced her (____) (____) of school in the Bacon District.
April 21, 1878
Hattie Jakeway died today. She leaves a tiny baby, born April 12.
April 16, 1878
Went for a ride in a new boat on the pond with Lizzie & Harry Forest & Addie Wood & I.
April 21, 1878
William Pierce died today. Geo & Mary went to the Irish Chapel
April 22, 1878
Went to Hattie Jakeway’s funeral
April 24, 1878
William Pierce buried. His coffin costs $70.00
April 28, 1878
Mary Scott came home with Mary
April 30, 1878
Ma & I cleaned the parlor and put the new carpet down.
May 1, 1878
The fruit trees are very nearly in bloom and it is getting quite shady.
May 2, 1878
Mr. & Mrs. Dean went to Elmira. I stayed all night with Allie Gerould & the Dean children. I slept on the single bed. Mrs. Dean made for Ernest. The children slept with Allie.
May 3, 1878
Mary cleaned the school room. She brought two pet squirrels home with her. John Storch Jr. gave them to her.
May 6, 1878
Went to Literary meeting. C.C. Cass read the Literary Leaves.
Sep 8, 1878
Minnie Tracy came home with me and stayed all night. She rode home with Ellen Kellogg.
Sep 9, 1878
Uncle Mont pulled my back tooth. It nearly took my head off!
Sep 11, 1878
A man by the name of Elliott from Rome, someone Pa knows, brought his son Marcellus here to go to school. The son was very bashful! Chas Brigham brought us a bushel of sweet apples.
Sep 12, 1878
Ma’s pictures came. It is very good.
Sep 13, 1878
High wind broke some of our dahlias down.
Sep 14, 1878
Ellen Salisbury came to visit us this afternoon from Newton Woods. When she went back, Lizzie & I went back. May with her.
Sep 16, 1878
Montie Green died of typhoid fever, aged 23 years. Millie Ames, Lavinia’s mother was buried today in the Christian Church Cemetery.
Sep 18, 1878
Mrs. Emmon Earnes was buried today. She died of consumption.
Sep 19, 1878
Mattie Doane was here for supper.
Sep 29, 1878
B.S. Dean preached his farewell sermon. Had a sale a few days ago.
Aug 21, 1878
Mrs. Hinman visited here. Mrs. Nancy Bird came to supper. She asked for the recipe of our white sponge cake and Mary wrote it for her.
Aug 1878
Ma had company. Mrs. Euphrates Tracy visited for the first time at our house! Minnie Tracy sent me some apples & peaches.
Oct 4, 1878
Luke Perkins died ages 75 years.
Oct 11, 1878
Mina Wood visited Mary
Jan 5, 1879
Collins Tracy died of heart disease. He and Foster were sawing wood with a cross-cut saw when he fell dead.
Jan 8, 1879
Collins Tracy was buried. There were several brothers present. Six of them carried the coffin, & Geo S Jucher walked ahead of it, he being the oldest. I gave Susie Tracy a Calla Lily to put in the coffin with some geranium leaves. Ma asked Pa when he came from the funeral if there were any flowers. He said yes, they had a lily just like ours. He did not know it was ours! Mary & Geo went to the funeral.
Jan 13, 1879
Mary & Geo came over & Mary went to Literary meeting. A large number were present. The "Blind Piper" or Prof. Murphy was there with his bag pipes. A collection was taken amounting to $4.00. All of our folks went, locking the house an unusual thing!
June 2, 1879
I walked to my school (The Arnold School) about 3 miles. It rained part of the time. Ernest House came for Lettie Hills & I.
June 3, 1879
Had visitors today at school, Will Carpenter and Olive Keeler. An old man came to the school house & said he would preach there tonight.
June 6, 1879
I did not attend the school house meeting. There were between 16 & 20 present I heard. I must say something of my scholar. One little boy Emmet Burlingame could not read or spell at all. Now he reads of two & three letters & spells them in a short time he has learned them. If I ask Elmer Smith what town he lives in, he says "Smish Mild." He talks very cunning. I walked home. I carried a nice bouquet which Charlie Wisk brought to school.
Sat June 7, 1879
I shingled Millie’s hair. This was my first effort. Lizzie & I went to the woods to get a pole for the hot oven.
June 8, 1879
Johnnie Ross came over in the eve. He went with Mary, Lizzie and I to church
June 10, 1879
Very pleasant day. Went at noon with the school children after young winter green. Men were working on the road today.
June 11, 1879
I went to Alvin Arnolds and stayed all night. Ida Wakefield & went to C. Fraleys
June 12, 1879
Ellen Salisbury came to our house, also Fanny Durfey, who stayed over night
June 13, 1879
Several teachers went to Columbia X Roads to attend a teacher’s association. Lizzie & I were among them. Horace Brigham came for us.
Feb 8, 1879
Pa has been Justice of the Peace for 15 years in succession and this is the last day he expects to do this business as his term expires on Sunday next.
Feb 26, 1879
Mary & Geo & the baby came over. This is the first time the baby has been here. Pa weighed him and he weighed 10 lbs. He has gained 4 lbs and begins to look more like a baby should. He has a good head of hair & blue eyes, cries quite a lot & sleeps much.
Jan 24, 1880
Beatrice Barton William’s little boy died today of diphtheria. His name was Raymond Henry Hamilton. Has the lung fever.
Feb 1, 1880
Dell Rolison is very sick with diphtheria and not expected to live. She is at Oscar Harkness’ where her brother lives, who is also sick with the same disease. She came to care for him & took it from him.
Feb 4, 1880
Dell Rolison died of diphtheria. Will be buried at Big Pond.
Feb 6, 1880
I went home with Mary & Geo. Don Gates & his wife, also two children, made them a visit while I was there.
Feb 13, 1880
Lizzie & I, Aleck Woodworth & Ed T. started for the teacher’s association at Ulster in the church. We started at 11 o’clock a.m. in the evening we went home with Frank Bartholomew for supper, quite late when we got back. Amelia Dubert, Orrin & Fannie Prince also stayed at the Bartholomew’s. It rained much of the time.
Feb 14, 1880
We dined at the hotel & got home before dark.
Feb 20, 1880
Lizzie & I went to a New England supper at Mr. Joralomons for the
M.E. Church. A large company was present. I wore a white cap with a white
ostrich plum on it, a very wide ruffle about my neck. I also wore a light
silk dress of Ma’s. Others were dressed in old time costumes. The supper
was nice, the tables being set with old fashioned blue or pink dishes,
and had roast pig, hulled corn, succotash, Indian bread, samp, mush &
milk, chickens fired cakes, Dutch cheese, pumpkins pies, Indian pudding,
dried apples, and other good things too numerous to mention. The receipts
were about $30.00
Feb 22, 1880
Lizzie & Aleck W, Ed T. & I went to church in the evening. After church, we all went to Susie & Malie Tracy’s to eat oysters & stayed until half past two.
Feb 24, 1880
This morning I saw two robins. This is a lovely day.
Feb 27, 1880
In the evening, Lizzie & I went to church. Mr. Encel said: "If we are on good terms with a man and he has said a good many kind things to us, we remember the kind words, but if he ever says one unkind we say Oh I never thought that of him. How could he have said that and we kept thinking of the unkind word until we finally forget the kind ones and all seems unkind?" Then he drew this comparison: "We may see a person for the first time & if he has a mole or a wart on his face and it may be nearly behind his ear, we only see the defect and keep thinking of it until we think the man is either a wart or a mile."
Feb 28, 1880
Geo came to town for groceries. He said that Mary had been very sick. She has the lung fever. We have seen no one so Mary did not hear of it before. Ma has been there seven days.
March 2, 1880
Pa arose early & made the fire as usual, and then he went over to Marys. He came back about 10 o’clock and said Mary was better & that she ate breakfast with him. Pa had supper started when we came from school, ham freshening & potatoes cooking. Last night he did the same, quite a help about the supper.
March 8, 1880
It is 10 years since we moved on "the farm." We lived there 3 years and 1 month.
March 6, 1880
This is the last day of school. We had exercises in the afternoon. Mrs. Dayton & Miss Frisbie went home.
March 9, 1880
Merit Wood’s house on the Turnpike burned today, which caught fire from the chimney. This is good sugar weather, but as yet we have had no warm sugar.
March 11, 1880
Geo came over for them. He has a bad cold. Ma thought if he could stay over, she would doctor him. Lizzie & I proposed going back in his place to which he finally agreed. We drove over, fed the calves, chickens, cows, & horses, then went to the house & made a fire. We stayed alone & had no callers.
March 13, 1880
Lizzie went down & foddered the stock while I got breakfast. Geo’s father came over & watered the horses. Afterwards, he went home. Geo is better today.
March 16, 1880
Went to a Leap-year party at Jor Pierces. Lizzie took Orrin Prince. I went with Ed. We had warm sugar & supper, also a light snow fell, but not enough for sleighing.
March 25, 1880
I finished a drawing I had begun. It is called "The Society of Friends." Lizzie made a companion picture called "Three members of the Temperance Society."
March 18, 1880
This is Lizzie’s 18th birthday. She says she is now of age!
March 20, 1880
Charlie Grace came over. Lizzie & I went home with him in the afternoon. We had warm sugar in the evening. We went to Addison Graces.
March 21, 1880
Charley brought us home. Carl is sick & Ma has gone over to Marys.
March 25, 1880
Mary brought Ma home.
March 29, 1880
Leslie Durfey died in E. Smithfield of diphtheria, aged nine years. He was a small child.
April 6, 1880
Simon McCarty died this morning. He was living at Mr. Farnsworth.
April 21, 1880
Lizzie & Afton K. went horseback-riding on Underwood’ ponies. Geo & Mary came over. Carl is just full of fun.
July 19, 1880
Hattie 7 Sarah Barns came to Smithfield. Newton Wood went to Milan after them. I came home from school and found them.
July 24, 1880
We went to Mt. Pisgah with Newton Wood & family, Alfred Riggs & family, among which was his son Wm & wife, Dr. Moody & family, Esquire Moody’s family, Sarah Barnes, Danvers Bourne & family, Carrie Campbell & James Phillips, Hattie Barnes & Will Webb, Fannie Gerould & Chas Goddard (the cheese maker), Will Everhart & Ed Tracy. Some of us went to Troy & took supper, arriving home at midnight.
July 20, 1880
Uncle John Moody & family came to S. yesterday, came down last evening and stayed all night.
Aug 2, 1880
Pa took the girls to Sayre to take the train for Ithaca, NY.
Dec 31, 1880
Mary brought the baby over today. He was born Dec 3, 1880
Jan 5, 1881
The Ross boys came down. They are a fine family of boys, all four of them. Lizzie & I went with them to Marys for supper.
Sun Jan 9, 1881
Lizzie, Ed T & I went to Leona to Addison Brooks & had a pleasant time.
Jan 16, 1881
Will Everhart came down & took Lizzie & I out riding. It was a fun sleighing!
Jan 24, 1881
When I came from school, I found Andrew Grace here. In the eve, we went to Marys. He is a jolly fellow. He has been in Iowa five years. In the morning he went over to Uncle Addisons.
Jan 29, 1881
Ephraim Gerould died of typhoid pneumonia.
Jan 31, 1881
Susie Child died of consumption. She had been sick a long time. Willie Grace died the 24th of Dec, 1881. He was four years old. Chas Coffin died Jan 5, 1882 aged 46 years. I am reading the history of Marie Antoinette. I think she was terribly wronged.
Jan 8, 1882
Will Newhart here for dinner. Lizzie & I went to Martha Scotts.
Jan 11, 1882
Clara Gerould & Joel Harris married Jan 24, 1882. Rhoda, wife of Am Watkins was kicked by a horse & died instantly. She was 39 years of age.
March 4, 1881
Ma went to Marys. Carl is very sick with typhoid pneumonia. They think he will not get well. Uncle Mont doctors him.
March 27, 1881
They have the measles over at Marys. Geo had them first and now the rest of them. Carl is very sick again with measles, which have gone to his brain. The Dr. was there last night. I am afraid we will lose him after all. It seems as though we could not spare him. Lizzie has gone over this evening. Chas Curtis, a neighbor, came in and said Carl was no better.
March 29, 1881
Carl is a little better today. Mary had a severe ear ache last night.
April 3, 1881
Ma came home & I went back with Geo’s father who brought her. Carl begins to walk a little. It pleases him so much he laughs and feels very foolish.
April 5, 1881
Carl plays and acts more like himself.
April 10, 1881
Came home from Mary’s with Ed T. Carl is just the cunningist little child I ever saw. He seen a bee the other day & called it a bird. He called me Grandma while I was there.
April 16, 1881
Geo called for some work for Mary. He said Carl was more mischievous than ever.
April 18, 1881
Mary & the children are here. It has been a long time since Carl was here. He is still very nervous.
Jan 30, 1882
Mollie Frees called. She is a strange woman, & a very unnatural woman! When her two children were small, she sent them adrift with their father and has since lived alone.
Jan 25, 1882
J. L. Jones died this morning after a short illness.
Jan 24, 1882
Mary came today with the children. Seems good to have them here. Carl is three years old.
Jan 29, 1882
Geo came for Mary & the children.
Feb 26, 1882
Ellen Salisbury came from Athens.
Feb 28, 1882
Mary & I went to the variety shower at James Sawyers. She left the children with Geo’s mother. There were 63 guests. The presents were: 1 couch, 2 rocking chairs, 1 camp chair, 1 office chair, 2 sugar spoons, 1 bowl & pitcher, 1 lamp, 1 bed spread, 1 table cloth, bleached muslin toweling, 1 tidy, 1 match safe, 1 cushion, 1 silk handkerchief. I went to the dinner with Austin Leonard (an old bachelor). He tried to open a jug of cream & pushed the cork into the jug and the cream flew on his bald head & garments & was amusing!
March 2, 1882
Ed T. sawed wood with Geo T.
May 5, 1882
I went home with George. Leon is sick. He does not eat, and lies in his crib most of the time.
May 4, 1882
Leon some better. Mary brought me home.
May 21, 1882
Jay Dickinson was arrested today for breaking into a store in Wetona. His weight 300 lbs.
Sat 27 May
Uncle Nelson Moody & wife here.
July 24, 1882
Geo killed a skunk near the house. Carl called it "spunk."
Sep 3, 1882
Ed commenced the house. (Edward Payson Tracy)
Sep 28, 1882
Helen Phelps, wife of Augustus Phelps died.
Oct 18, 1882
Went over to Mary’s with Ed. Afterwards we went up to the new house which is rapidly progressing. I am pleased with it, and see no reason why we shall not be happy there.
Nov 8, 1882
Lizzie has typhoid fever.
Nov 12, 1882
Ed came over & Mary & I went to the new house. It is nearly finished.
Here the diary ends.
Typed by Lyle Rockwell from a scanned document provided by Harriet "Mara" Tracy Gerould Wolfe who lives near East Smithfield. "Mara" is a granddaughter of Ida Moody Tracy, with Mara’s father being Harry U. Tracy.
Ida married Ed T. in 1883. His full name is Edward Payson
Tracy. They had two children: Harry Ulysses & Herman E. Tracy. Ida
died in 1936 & Edward died in 1923. (Edward & George are brothers
and sons of Ulysses & Arotine Grace Tracy)
Photo of Ida Mara Moody Tracy & Edward Payson Tracy , March 11, 1896 | |
Mary Moody Tracy & her husband George "Geo" Tracy |
Dec 22, 1876
Hattie R. Hyatt to Elmer Gregory, by P.S. Everett
Dec 24, 1876
Rosie Brown & Byson Gord by B.S. Dean
About Dec the 25th, 1876
Julia Forrest & James Chadwick
Dec 5, 1877
Libbie Marvin & Joseph Hubbard
Jan 6, 1878
Alice Hale & Roy Vincent
April 21, 1878
John Usher & Jennie Rockwell
Jan 15, 1879
Perry Elsbree & Miss Huff & his sister Orpha was married at the same time to a Mr. Tuttle. P.S. Everett married them
Nov 2, 1880
Martha Scott to Emmet Scott, by P.S. Everett
Nov 29, 1880
Ella Bennett to Wells Brown, by Rev. Tildin
Dec 25, 1880
Lura Beals to Geo Morgan & Fannie Prince to John Durfey.