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Transcription of Emmeline Tracy's Diary for the years
1854 - 1855
Copied by Ida Pierce Coeyman from the original diary Photo at left of store and Baptist churh in Smithfield
at beginning of twentieth century - some fifty years later than Emmeline's
Note from Ida: This is a copy of Emmeline Tracy's diary for the years 1854-1855. Her sister Mary Ellen Tracy Gerould gave me the original copies. By 1943 the ink had become so faded that I feared this sweet, intimate story of the early life in Smithfield Township would be lost to succeeding generations. In the early 1860's the author married Brainerd Bowen of Troy, Pa.
Copied from the Athens Library, Athens, Pa. by Claudetta Wittig Harding.
Typed by Pat Smith Raymond
Formatted and Published by Joyce M. Tice January 2009
Jan.4 Well, another year has passed away and we still live. Our family remain about the same from year to year; changes will, however, at some future time take place, but, to make any sort of calculation to what they will be, would be preposterous. Since the dawn of the first morning of 1854 unnumbered events have transpired in this world that will be made a matter of history and read by coming generations with great interest, such as the Japan expedition and the war between Russia and the Allied Powers of England and France and Turkey. This week, so far, has been a busy one--too busy for comfort. On Sunday I went as usual to Church. Mr. Corss text in the morning was Ezekiel 5, 4 and in the afternoon Deuteronomy 8, 2--subject of the discourse "The Pilgrim Fathers". It was quite an entertaining sermon being historical. It was the anniversary of the first Sabbath spent on the American shore by those persevering Christians, being the 31 of Dec. After church Mary Ellen and I went home with Jane and in the evening went to hear Mr. Apperson preach. His text was "Buy the tenth and sell it not". Stayed overnight at the shop and came home early in the morning. Monday P.M. John Doty, Miss Parsons, Henry Phelps, Dr. Tracy and Alonzo took tea with us. In the evening (as it was "New Years") the young folks must needs go somewhere and do something so the following persons congregated at Mr. Birds and had a grand time. Horace, Nancy and Hannah Niles, Henry, Lucinda, and Loretta Scott, Bebee and Ruth Gerould, Lizzie Child, Daniel Child and wife, Malvina Gerould, Abyina Crane, Messrs. Merrill, and Dudley Phelps, Mr. Higgins and wife, John, Clarissa, and Susan Phelps, Justin and Mary Andrus, Mrs. Weed, Miss Hendrick, Mary and Calista Bacon, Newton Wood, Dr. Tracy, Selden, Dorrance, Mary Ellen and myself. We had an excellent supper--oysters etc. Got home at 1/2 past 5 o'clock next morning. On Tuesday evening the Luminary was read--Miss H. Niles, Ed., Mr. A.S. Hale, assistant. On Wednesday evening nearly the same party met at Mr. Childs as was at Mr. Birds, and there we had the nicest kind of a time and another supper. Got home this morning at 1/2 past 2, so we are improving. Today I feel some sleepy, but have not been in bed. 'tis Thursday eve and all have gone to singing school. George Campbell was not, as supposed, married on Christmas, but on New Years.
Jan. 5 Dr. Gerould stayed with us last night. He returned from the medical college at Geneva on Wednesday. This afternoon we went to the preparatory lecture. Mr. Corss preached from Psalm 23, 5. Mary Bacon is here tonight.
Jan. 6 Mother and Aunt Sally have been to Mr. Childs. Mary Bacon stayed with me and is here tonight. Collins Tracy is here too and Mary Ellen is at home, so we have been enjoying ourselves. Received letters from Mrs. Cole of Williamsport and Mrs. Van Horn, Cooperstown. What a pleasure to hear from absent loved ones by means of letters!
Jan. 7 Sunday evening. A stormy day, but went to church nevertheless. This morning Mr. Corss preached from Rev. 14, 13. He said we were living under the 7th seal and 6th trumpet, though some suppose the 7th trumpet has begun to sound. We had communion in the afternoon and Alanson and Mary Ellen united with the church. 'twas a happy time, may others that we love soon follow their example!
Jan. 8 Mailed letters to cousins Henriette and Tryphemia. Mary Ellen has been home all day. This evening Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox have been here. Benn writing for Lizzie's paper.
Jan.9 Heard that Mrs. Castle formerly Martha Jones, died a short time since. She had been living several years in Illinois. Have written to Mr. Moody of Brooklyn. A boy named Buel from Burlington stays here ton.
Jan. 10 Nehemiah's birthday, either 31 or 32--do not remember which. Maria Child and Daniels wife have been here all day, and we had a good visit with them. Dr. Bullock called in this morning. Selden went this morning to Waverly with and for John Phelps.
Jan. 11 Another snowy day. John came home with Selden and stayed overnight. Sat down about noon to finish the piece for the Luminary and just then Hiram Carpenter came in and so I chatted an hour or two with him and then with diligence, closed the article before dark. Lark assists Lizzie in reading and as he was here this evening, I gave it to him. The children have been to singing school and now it is near 12 o'clock and I am sleepy.
Jan. 12 Aunt Bersha and Polly visited here today and Miss Hendrick stays tonight.
Jan. 15 Three days since I've opened this book! Have been home, however, all the time excepting attending church yesterday. Mr. Corss preached in the morning from Genesis 3, 21, which speaks of the coats of skins the Lord made for Adam and Eve after they found their fig leaf garments they made would not answer the purpose for which they were intended. Thus the application--the garments they made themselves were good for nothing; but those made by the Lord were just what they needed; so, all attempts of our own, to merit Salvation by works is fruitless; we must ask God to clothe us in his all sufficient robe of righteousness. The discourse was quite interesting. In the afternoon his text was 1 Peter 2, 4, upon universal Salvation. Mr. Merrill and Alonzo stayed here last night and this evening Daniel and wife called in. Lizzie Childs has been here as many as seven times since she came into town. We like to have her come for she is very pleasant and agreeable, and we shall miss her when she returns East again.
Jan. 16 Selden went this evening to Alonzo's spelling school over by Uncle Olmstead. Elijah is here tonight; has just returned from a trip to Wilkes-Barre and various other places where he has been looking for an opening suitable for his profession.
Jan. 17 Went this morning and spent the day at Mr. Childs with Lizzie, and Selden and Jerusha came for me this evening. Mr. Chapman and Mrs. Higgins called here while I was gone.
Jan. 19 Went last evening to singing school. Today Aunt Sally, Mary Ellen and I have been to Mr. Farnsworths. It is more than three years since I've visited here. John Tracy is 21 years old and voted for the first time.
Jan. 20 Nehemiah has come to stay all night with us, just as he used to before he was married. John Tracy is here too. William Tracy and Levi Dickinson started last Thursday for Minnesota.
Jan. 21 Sunday evening. Heard Mr. Corss preach today from the 51 Psalm 11 verse and St. John 5, 17. It has been a stormy day and it is raining still.
Jan. 22 Daniel and Lizzie called this afternoon to bid us "good-bye". They expect to leave for Mass. on Thursday morning. It will be very lonely when they are gone. This evening we have been to Literary meeting. Lizzie Child and Lark Bird read the paper to a well filled house.
Jan. 23 The girls at the shop had a party this P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Bird, Mr. and Mrs. Phelps, Mr. and Mrs. Gerould, Dr. Andrus and wife and mother. This evening Lark, Laura, Jane, Mrs. Weed, Mary Andrus, Miss Flora, Selden, Mary Ellen and I have been to Mr. Sumner's. Laura came home with us to stay a few days.
Jan. 24 Mother and Aunt Sally went this morning to Mr. Durfeys and in the afternoon to see Mrs. Higgins. Laura stayed with me and is still here.
Jan. 25 About 10 o'clock and just as I was ready to sit down and visit with Laura, Jane Bird and Mary Ellen came; and no sooner had they got comfortably seated than Mr. McClelland and his whole family came; then Ann Wood and boy, and Uncle Selden and Bittie. This evening father and mother have been to Uncle Bulkleys with Mr. and Mrs. McClelland. I received a note from _____ of some importance.
Jan. 26 Commenced snowing early this morning and kept it up all day, so there will be good sleighing again. Selden went to Waverly to take a box of geese and for the N.Y. market. Suppose Daniel and Lizzie are crossing the Sound tonight. They left Smithfield yesterday morning. It is Friday eve but no one came to prayer meeting, but Uncle Orra and Alanson. Elijah was here already, we had a short meeting, but good one.
Jan. 27 The snow has fallen sufficiently deep to make good sleighing. Mary came home about 3 o'clock so we are all here again. Received a letter from Lizzie Harvey who is attending school in Utica, N.Y. Have written Lemon Forrest. He is spending the winter at Bonus Prairie, Illinois.
Jan. 28 Sunday evening. Heard Mr. Corss preach today from Isa. 42, 16 and Luke 10, 30 to 37. The sermon this morning was very interesting, showing that people are often "led by a way they know not"--that some trifling circumstance is the means in the hand of God of their conversion. Alonzo and Alanson have been in this evening. The storm of hail sounds lovely as it comes pattering against the window, but it is in perfect keeping with my feelings.
Jan. 29 Two weddings in town today. Warren Brown to Laura Califf and Mr. Robinson to Mrs. Christania Robinson, his brothers widow. This evening Elijah, Morrison and Amos Killy have been here.
Jan. 30 A cold day. Selden has been to one of the Towanda mountain coal beds, some 20 miles from here. Elijah stayed here last night. He expects to leave tomorrow for Saladaysburgh. Mailed a letter today for Clara Stockwell, Towanda. Been writing this evening to ______.
Feb. 1 Yesterday Aunt Sally and Mrs. Durfey went to Uncle Olmstead. In the evening Selden and I went to a party given by Mary Andrus and Mary Ellen. Today Father and Selden have been to Elmira, left home at 5 this morning and got back 1/2 past 3 this afternoon. Mother has gone to stay at Uncle Caldwells tonight. She and Aunt Dianah start early in the morning for Laporte. Lark called in this evening. Received a contribution from Cousin S. R. Pierce of Indianna for the Luminary.
Feb. 2 Commenced housekeeping alone today. Don't like it any too well either. Had Mr. Corss and Charlie, who is home from college now, and Miss Butler here to supper. A year today since Nehemiah was married.
Feb. 3 Saturday evening and all at home but mother who is in Laporte. This is a very cold, but pleasant night. The moon looks down with an approving smile, but I heed it not, a melancholy sadness pervades my soul. And who? Echo answers--"And why?"
Feb. 4 No colder day this winter! Attended church. Mr. Corss texts were Isaiah 43, 10 and Genesis 3, 44. John Bassett and his girl are here tonight. Wm. Tracy and Levi Dickinson got back from the West last Friday; they did not go as far as the falls of St. Anthony, for the snow was so deep the cars could not run. George Van Horn 5 years old today.
Feb. 5 Been very busy in attending to domestic concerns, because Mother's gone away. Selden and I have been this evening to Literary to hear them debate upon civilization and refinement.
Feb. 6 This probably is the coldest day we have seen this winter, certainly it could not be much colder in this climate. Had a fright this evening--thought Smith Mitchell's house was on fire; it proved to be the chimney burning out.
Feb. 7 Oh dear! After all the precaution I took my plants, my beautiful plants froze very badly last night. Some of them were budding for blossoms, but now they droop and refuse to lift their heads. My favorite cactus, oh how sad to see it so despoiled of its former beauty. Well it can't be helped now and I'll try not to murmur for I know it's all right. This morning towards noon it began to snow and has not ceased during the day so that now it is several inches deep. Wonder how Mother and Aunt Diana will get home.
Feb. 8 Mother and Diana came about 2 o'clock this P.M. Drove in the storm all the way. They left Laporte yesterday after dinner and stayed last night in Monroe at Mr. Hiram Sweets.
Feb. 9 Heard the tidings of the sudden and unexpected death of Harriet Amanda Brigham. She died at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon after an illness of four days. She was taken with a sore throat which was thought but little of until it had advanced too far to receive any help from medicines and thus the poor girl died.
Feb. 10 Saturday evening. Attended Harriet Brigham's funeral this afternoon at the Baptist church, which was well filled. Mr. Stillwell preached from 2 Cor. 4, 18 "For the things that are seen are temporal; but the things that are not seen are eternal". It was a beautiful discourse. Messrs. Corss and Hendrick were present and made some remarks after the sermon. The services were impressive. Harriet was nearly 15 years old. Mrs. Joshua King died yesterday and will be buried tomorrow.
Feb. 16 Friday evening. Little did I think last Saturday evening when recording the burial of Harriet Amanda that, the next funeral I attended I should sit as mourner. It is so. Today we have consigned to the cold grave, Edward Payson, Uncle Bulkley's youngest child. He was nearly 4 years old and a great favorite with all the family. His sickness was short, only from Monday night to 1 o'clock Thursday morning--disease the prevailing sore throat and the same their other little boy, Harlan Page died with. The funeral was at the house. Mr. Corss preached from Job 5, 18. On Sunday last we did not get to church in season to hear the morning text, but in the afternoon, it was John 10, 5. John Phelps came home with us and in the evening, we went to Uncle Bulkleys and that is the last time I saw Payson alive. From there I went to Uncle Seldens and stayed till Monday night, when I went to Literary meeting. Miss Mary Andrus and Mr. Chauncey Lyman read the paper which was very good. I was appointed next editress and Mr. Jas. Graves will assist me. On Tuesday Mary, Mary Ellen and I visited at Dr. Bullocks and in the evening Lark and I called at A. E. Childs. On Wednesday at Mr. Durfeys, came home that night and went over again last evening. Miss Flora came back with us and is here yet. Thus with me it has been a busy week.
Feb. 17 Saturday evening. Company all day. Captain Morse and wife from Troy took dinner here and Mr. Graves, Miss Haven and Miss Olive Farnsworth were here all day. Received a letter from E.G.T.--Saladaysburg.
Feb. 18 Attended church. Mr. Corss preached from John 14, 18 in the morning and John 5, 40 in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Niles were there from Halifax, Vt. They came home with George Bullock who has been living with them a year and a half. Charlie Martin too is home, there being a vacation in the school. He is attending at Troy, N.Y. Been responding to Mrs. D. R. Childs letter.
Feb. 19 Very quiet times today, nothing at all happened. Mariette is here tonight. I have not seen her since 30 Oct. last.
Feb. 21 Yesterday morning Jerusha was very much worse and continued poorly during the day. The Dr. came twice besides staying overnight. Mr. and Mrs. Niles from Vt. called a while. In the evening Selden and I went to Mr. Birds where we met Henry Gerould and lady, Mrs. Weed, Mary Andrus, Mary Ellen, Clara and John Phelps, Mr. Merril and Mr. Graves. Today Wm. and Nehemiah Tracy, their wives and children, and Euphemia have been here visiting. Jerusha we hope is better.
Feb. 22 A pleasant day; spent it in sewing. Received a letter from Mrs. J. R. Harvey and a paper from George Tracy. Dr. and Aunt Polly have been in this evening.
Feb. 25 Sunday evening. Went to church although it was very cold, nearly as cold as it was two weeks ago. Mr. Corss preached from 2 Cor. 3, 18 and Exodus 3, 5 to 8. The Teacher's Convention of this County met here on Friday and Saturday. I went over on Friday Eve and stayed until they adjourned. They have met but once before this, which was at Towanda. Mr. Champlin and Clara Stockwell read Essays. C's was beautiful. Fanny Andrus was appointed to read one at the next meeting which takes place at Orwell on the 2nd. Friday of June next. The Faculty and some of the students of the Collegiate Institute were here with some from other towns. Newton Wood and Louisa Allen were married last Thursday.
Feb. 26 Another very cold day. Don commenced going to school to Mr. Hendrick. Jerusha isn't well enough to go yet. My throat begins to be sore. I'll warrant I shall have a cold now for I usually do just before reading the Luminary.
Feb. 27 Wallace Scott was married today to a widow lady who has two children, her name was Gurney. Mr. Corss officiated at the wedding which took place at Mr. Scott. Mr. Keeler, the old gentleman, was buried today.
Feb. 28 Had callers all day and this evening company--a little party for Charlie Corss who returns to college tomorrow. John Phelps, Henry Gerould, Alonzo, Alanson, Caroline, Lucelia, Flora, Mrs. Weed, and Mary Ellen were here.
March 1 - This has been a very pleasant day, and warm enough to thaw some. Mrs. Moses Wood died this morning after an illness, I believe, of about 24 hours. Commenced copying "The Luminary". George Bullock stays here tonight.
March 3 - Saturday evening. Our folks attended Mrs. Wood's funeral this afternoon. Mr. McDougal preached and Messrs. Corss, Hendrick, and Apperson joined in the services. Received a letter from Lizzie Child.
March 4 - Attended church. Mr. Corss preached from Solomon Songs 8, 6 and 7 and Mark 13, 28 and 29. Father, Mother and Selden have been to Baptist meeting. Anthony spent the evening here, seemed some like days gone by.
March 6 - Yesterday Mr. Graves and myself went to the shop and finished copying the Luminary which we read to a large audience in the evening. It rained so hard and the wind blew so terrible that I stayed at the shop overnight. This morning Mr. Phelps was taken with a sort of insanity very suddenly. He could not recollect anything from one minute to another and thus he remained most of the day. I came home about noon called a while upon Mrs. Higgins. Mr. Apperson has a donation party today. Lark has been spending the evening here.
March 7 - Dr. and Aunt Polly and Father and Mother visited at Uncle Orras. The snow has melted away very fast for a few days, but this evening it is snowing again.
March 8 - Mrs. Higgins and Mr. Chapman spent the afternoon here, then I went back with them and stayed until Selden came from singing school. Mr. Chapman is a fellow about 20 years old, lately from Moodus, Conn. and is acquainted with our friends there. Been a real spring day.
March 9 - Commenced being cold again this P.M. and now the wind blows cold and it snows some.
March 10 - Mr. Kingsley spent the afternoon here, he is a poor deaf man; cannot hear scarcely at all and he appears to be blind too, spiritually. Clara Phelps came home with Mary Ellen tonight. Not so cold this evening.
March 11 - Sunday evening. Heard Mr. Corss preach today from Genesis 3, 16 to 19 and the whole of the 11th Psalm. Mary is going to stay home two or three days now, so we can visit some. A year ago now she was in Williamsport.
Mar. 13 - Mary Ellen and I stayed last night at Mr. Mitchell's. Today it has stormed most of the time--snow and hail. Dr. Bullock and wife called in this evening.
Mar. 15 - Yesterday Father and Mother visited at Mr. Truman Beach's and Anthony and Marion visited here, bringing the baby for the first time. They call it, Clara Elizabeth. In the evening Fanny and Mary Andrus, Mr. Weed, Mary Ellen, Clara Phelps, John Phelps, Mr. Legg, Mr. Merrill, Dr. Gerould, Selden and I visited Mr. Higgins and wife at Kingsleys tavern. We had a pleasant time and a nice supper and got home about two o'clock this morning. It has rained most of the time today, but is colder now.
Mar. 16 - Ann Wood has been here this afternoon. George Cole and family are in town, came last night.
Mar. 17 - Spent most of the day writing. Wrote letters to Charlie Corss and Lizzie Harvey.
Mar. 20 - Went to church on Sunday last. Mr. Corss texts were from 1 Cor. 3, 21 & 22 and Matt. 7, 13 and 14. George Cole and wife were there and in the evening, Selden, Mary and I went to call upon them at Uncle Caldwells. Last evening we went to Literary meeting and heard Miss Flora's essay upon "The Uses and Abuses of Tobacco". Today Selden has gone to Troy to attend Mr. Bradburys Musical Convention. It is very cold and the wind blows hard. It is the Lime Gale, I expect. Five years ago today, I travelled from Sherburne to Binghamton and stayed there overnight.
Mar. 21 - Wednesday evening. Had company this afternoon. Mr. Hollis Allen and wife, Caroline Allen and Mr. Graves.
Mar. 22 - It is examination day at the Institute in Towanda. Uncle Selden and Aunt Susan went down and left Bittie here.
Mar. 23 - Cold and stormy. Mr. Fowler from Monroe took dinner here and we purchased several books of him. Uncle Selden, Aunt Susan and Jane called here, and Mary Ellen came home tonight. Dorrance has gone to Troy to attend Mr. Bradburys concert.
Mar. 24 - The boys got home at 3 o'clock this morning. Selden has enjoyed it much having been there since Tuesday noon. The Mendelssohn Quartette were there, and will sing in this place on Wednesday eve next. Although it is so late in March, yet the weather is extremely cold and considerable snow upon the ground. Received a letter from Elijah requesting me to come and take a school at Larrys Creek about 3 miles from him. There are some reasons why I would like to go and many why I wish to stay.
Mar. 25 - Sunday evening. It has been a winters day; some went to church in sleighs. Mr. Corss preached from Col. 1, 19 and Matt. 17, 36.
Mar. 26 - Mr. Merrill and Mr. Shaw were here to dinner. This evening we have been to hear the Luminary reading. Miss Fannie Andrus, Editress--Dr. Bullock, Assistant. Saw Mrs. J. H. Scots poems today and found that one of the writers for our paper has copied a number of them and sent them in as his own.
Mar. 27 - Cold enough and snowing occasionally. Farmers are beginning to look frightened, many have nothing to feed their cattle. Mr. Graves came this afternoon and stays tonight.
Mar. 28 - A bitter cold day. People constantly calling for hay, many have nothing to feed their cattle and but little provision for themselves. Mr. Graves stayed until night and then went to the concert with us, given by the Mendelssohn Quartette of Boston--W.O. and H.S. Perkins, O.C. Smith and Dr. G.I. Bailey. They are splendid singers-such perfect harmony I never heard before.
Mar. 29 - Selden has been to carry the musicians to Athens, where they hold a concert this evening.
Mar. 30 - Attended the Preparatory Lecture this afternoon. Mr. Corss preached from 1 Cor. 1, 23 and 24. Uncle Selden started for the city today.
Mar. 31 - Quite warm and pleasant. Mr. Crowell ate dinner with us and John Tracy is here tonight.
Apr. 1 - Sunday evening. This morning it was warm and pleasant, the birds sang gaily and we anticipated many a nice time in the sugar bush, but before 10 o'clock the clouds began to lower--snow descends and the wind blows and now it is extremely cold, so away delusive hopes. This morning Mr. Corss preached from the 11 and 12 chapters of Isaiah. In the afternoon the Lords Supper was administered.
Apr. 7 - Saturday evening. Last Monday Mary Ellen and I went from home and did not return till last night. Attended Literary meeting and went home with Lark and Jane. Stayed there till Tuesday evening, then they took us to Mr. Farnsworths where we visited till the next night, back to Mr. F. till Friday evening, which was spent at Mr. Asa Allens, then Selden came for us, so we were obliged to come home. Our visit all around was the most agreeable kind. In that district I taught school nine years ago and the kindness then manifested to me by all, will not soon be erased from my memory. The Russian, Czar Nicholas died on the 2nd of last month; his son Alexander now bears the title. Whether this circumstance will give a new feature to affairs at the Crimea--time alone can decide.
Apr. 8 - Attended church. Mr. Corss preached a very deep and interesting discourse this morning from John 6, 44. In the afternoon the text was Psalm 34, 8. Wm. Phelps is home again after an absence of six months.
Apr. 9 - A soft April shower this morning, but pleasant this afternoon. Received a letter from Charlie Corss of Lafayette College Easton. Mrs. Compton here tonight.
Apr. 10 - Some rain and some snow. Mary and I went into the sugar bush with Selden this afternoon and sugared off--the first new sugar we have made this spring.
Apr. 11 - Snow covers the ground again and great many have no hay or grain to feed their cattle.
Apr. 12 - The snow vanished suddenly today after the sun began to shine, which makes it very muddy. Sevelon and wife were here to prayer meeting this evening.
Apr. 13 - Mary and I started this morning for an all day visit to Uncle Gorhams and though we were well aware the walking would be tremendous, we put out with good courage, wading through water and mud to our hearts content. Arriving there, we found Harriett had gone to spend the day at the village; so now we must either go home or think up some other place to go to accordingly, we started off across the fields through swamps and plowed ground, climbing some less than a dozen fences, to Emir's. After dinner we went into his sugar bush some distance from the house, and then walked home just at night, making nearly two miles travel, consequently it is not very strange that we call ourselves tired. Selden has gone to watch with Dr. Hill.
Apr. 14 - Rained this morning, but came off pleasant in the afternoon, so the frogs commenced peeping for the first time this spring. Been writing to Lizzie Child. It is Saturday evening and a lonely one too; I could have the blues just as well as not if I would permit it.
Apr. 15 - Sunday. Heard Mr. Corss preach today from 1 Cor. 12th Chapter and from the 1 through the 13 verse; and from Amos 3, 3. This evening been to hear Mr. Apperson, text Ephesians 6--Chapter entire. This day has been desecrated by many, especially by lumbermen and sugar makers. The smoke arising from various ways tells unmistakably who some of them are.
Apr. 16 - Very pleasant and warm. Our folks have commenced plowing. A year today the snow was very deep.
Apr. 19 - Mary Ellen and I left home Tuesday morning and have just got home again, it being Thursday night. We have visited at Mr. Childs, Sevelons, Mr. Wilcox's and called at Orvilles, Emirs and Mr. Mitchells. Yesterday morning at 9 o'clock a tremendous hail storm passed over this place breaking windows in perhaps every house; 50 lights in some. Alonzo Chapman stayed here last night.
Apr. 20 - The rain has fallen profusely most of the day and streams are getting very high.
Apr. 21 - Saturday night. This has been a pleasant day, the ground is getting dry. Have been reading an account of Bonaparts return to France, after the expedition to Egypt and his assuming the reins of government. The character of Napoleon, in many respects is worthy of admiration; and not unlike our own great Washington, save that he was too ambitious of power and honor for which he sacrificed everything, even the pure and holy love of his noble hearted Josephine.
Apr. 26 - Thursday. Haven't written since Saturday. Well, so far this has been a busy week. Attended church last Sabbath. Mr. Corss preached from 1 Cor. 15, 22 and Isa. 31, 3. Lois Tracy came home with us and is here yet. On Monday evening we went to hear the Luminary read, which was done up right, by Mrs. Phebe Weed and Mr. Corss. Fannie Andrus came home with us and stayed until Wednesday morning. Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Carpenter and Ann Wood visited here. Called at Uncle Bulkleys in the evening. Today Aunt Wealthy, Frank and Esq. Phelps and wife have been here.
Apr. 28 - Saturday night. Yesterday afternoon Mary Ellen, Lois and I went to Uncle Bulkleys. I called into Mr. Luther Adams house to do an errand, the first time I've been there for many years. We stayed last night at Uncle Orras and this morning is the first time I have partaken of a mean of victuals in their new house. Tonight our family are all at home again--well, plenty to eat, drink and wear, which is not the case with thousands during "These very hard times", so that we have much, very much indeed, to be thankful for.
Apr. 29 - Mr. Corss preached this morning from Isaiah 64, 5. In the afternoon Selden, Mary and I went to the Baptist Church. Mr. Hendrick's text was Isaiah 63, 1. Saw John Weed and spoke with him, he appears very differently from what he did six years ago when he left Smithfield. Selden, Mary and I have been this evening to Mr. Mitchells.
Apr. 30 - Very smoky and looks like having a storm. John Tracy came this morning and Father has hired him to work for us some five months, at 16 dollars per month. John Weed has been visiting us this afternoon and stays tonight. He is a fine appearing fellow--perfectly gentlemanly in all his ways.
May 1 - A rainy morning but a pleasant afternoon. Mary expected to go to Elmira and went over to the shop early for that purpose, but the girls had been gone an hour, so she was obliged to come back again. We called over to Mr. Califfs after tea tonight, and got back just before the moon began to be eclipsed. It was totally obscured. I stood and gazed intently upon it thinking how many of my absent friends were doing the same, and while we could all see that at the same time it seemed too bad that we couldn't see one another. Received a paper from J. A. Graves, Waverly.
May 2 - Mary Ellen has gone back to the shop again and I'm lonely. Too bad we cannot be together always. The weather is beautiful now; the grass comes forward fast and the trees begin to be clothed in a fresh green.
May 3 - This afternoon, Ann, Harriet, Mary Ellen and I have been visiting to Mr. Carpenters--the first time I have spent an afternoon there since they lived in that house, which is several years.
May 5 - Yesterday afternoon went to Mr. Allen Califf and stayed overnight. Visited with Mrs. Elliott Hurlbut and Esther Marvin. In the evening Stephen and I called at Mr. Killeys. Today Mr. Craine and Mr. Legg took dinner with us.
May 6 - Sunday Eve. Mr. Corss was absent today and a sermon was read, which was delivered by Rev. Israel Brainard in Syracuse in 1850, called the Half Century Sermon. This gentleman was missionary to the new portions of our country as early as the year 1806 and in the fall of that year he preached one sermon in this town to the few inhabitants then living there. His text at that time was Jeremiah 31, 15 and the sermon was the means of Grandfather Tracy's conversion being then over fifty years of age. Mr. Brainard died a few months since at Syracuse, N.Y.--where he was living with a son-in-law, the Rev. G. W. Tompson. Old Mr. Wilcox of Miltown died this morning.
May 7 - Oh, what a nice supper we have had--fresh shad right out of Conn. River, 'twas equal to chickens. Mary Ellen and Phebe intend to start early in the morning for Elmira. Alonzo is 28 years old today.
May 8 - They didn't go, it began to rain about 2 o'clock this morning and it soon turned to snow and continued to storm most of the day. Just been looking at another fire in Towanda, we suppose, about time for one. Written to Cousin S. R. Pierce of Aurora, Ind.
May 9 - It is now pleasant again, but cold. Snow fell quite profusely this morning. Have been setting out shrubbery in the yard.
May 10 - Clear and cold. Mary Ellen and Phebe went to Elmira--started early in the morning.
May 11 - Walked to the village this morning and back again tonight. Attended Mr. Hendricks school which has now closed. Took tea at Mr. Bullocks after which Mrs. Bullock came a good piece with me toward home.
May 14 - Went after Mary Saturday afternoon and found her with about a dozen others at Uncle Seldens. Been invited there to take tea with Lucien Bird, who came into town that morning. Clara Phelps came home with us and stayed all night. Received letters from Elijah and Alonzo. Yesterday Mary Ellen was 22 years old. Went to church. Mr. Corss preached both discourses from 1 Cor. 15, 45. Attended the South Sunday School at 4 o'clock--the scholars seem to be very much engaged. Mr. Merrill stayed overnight. Today we have all been hard at work, but I must to Alonzo before going to be. (think there is a phrase missing here - psr)
May 15 - A pleasant day. Mother and Aunt Sallie have been to Mr. Corss's.
May 16 - Commenced raining before noon and has continued through the day. Have written to Mr. Furber of St. Pauls, Minnesota and to Mrs. Ripley Tracy of East Haddam, Conn. Mr. Hendricks stays here tonight so as to go to Waverly with Don in the morning. Just heard that Lib Parry is married to Charlie Clapp.
May 17 - Cold enough for frost tonight. Have written for Flora's Luminary.
May 18 - Been writing to Mrs. Cooley, for I could not help thinking of her as it is 5 years today since Ellen died.
May 19 - Rained all day and rather cold. Written to Charlie Corss. Aunt Sally received a letter from Cousin Ann Aldrich of Winnebago, Ill.
May 20 - Sunday night. Mr. Corss texts were 1 Cor. 15, 22 and 1 Peter 3, 15. Went to the South Sunday School. Selden, Mary and I called at Mr. L. Geroulds this evening.
May 21 - Walked to the village this afternoon and attended the Literary meeting this evening. Miss Flora and her brother read the paper, which was very good. Uncle Selden fell into their cellar and bruised his head and shoulders badly.
May 22 - Mrs. Cyril Fairman and Mrs. Willis Eames visited here this afternoon. This month so far has been cold, too cold for vegetation to thrive much.
May 23 - Mrs. Weed and Flora Hendrick visited us this afternoon. Miss Flora expects to leave town soon. We are sorry for she is good.
May 24 - We had a beautiful shower about which cleared off warm and now I'm thinking things will grow finely. About five o'clock I went to Mr. Childs found Mrs. Cloud there with whom I had a very pleasant chat; she half promised to write for my next Luminary.
May 26 - Went, early yesterday morning, to the shop to help Mary Ellen sew; there have been six of us hard at work on dresses and hats. Jane Tracy came up from Towanda last night. We were glad to see the girl once more. This afternoon as Mr. Phelps was turning out his team for the night; the horses took fright and ran away, tearing down their front gate and fence, in their first attempt, they then wheeled around and ran against the corner pillar of our shop and loosened it at the top, then across the road again, dragging Mr. Phelps to the lane bars where they threw him down, and leaped into the orchard, breaking wagon and harness all to pieces and hurting themselves.
May 27 - Sunday Evening. Mr. Corss texts today were Col. 3, 16 and 119 Psalms, 32 verse. This evening Alanson, Albert, Morrison and Mrs. Compton are here.
May 30 - Just returned from the shop where I've been since Monday morning. Elijah is 30 years old today.
May 31 - Oh, dear! I'm tired--been hard at work besides having company. Aunt Bersha and Polly have spent the afternoon with us and Lizzie Child has come to stay overnight.
June 2 - Saturday evening. Yesterday Alonzo came back from Canton where he has been for two months past. Nehemiah was here to dinner and in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. James Gerould, Mrs. Marcus Gerould and Mrs. Bingham came and stayed till night. Lizzie stayed here till this afternoon, when I took her home as I was going for Mary. Rained yesterday and today.
June 4 - Yesterday Mr. Corss preached from Proverbs 13, 22 in the morning, which was a very interesting discourse, dwelling at some length upon the richer of ungodly persons falling into the profession of the righteous. In the afternoon the text was Luke 6, 41. Heard of the death of Ransom Adams which took place on the 19 of last month, in Illinois. Poor fellow, I hope he became a converted man before leaving this world! Have been to the village once today and am going again soon. It's very cold weather.
June 6 - Flora, Mary Ellen and I stayed at M. B. Geroulds Monday night, been to the shop ever since. Saw Wm. Tracy today. He and Mr. Stackwell got back last night from St. Paul, Minnesota, but purchased no land there.
June 7 - Rained all day just as fast as it could.
June 8 - Early Friday morning. Expect to start in a short time for the Teachers Convention in Orwell. It remains cloudy yet.
June 10 - Left home at half past nine on Friday morning for Orwell, in company with Henry Gerould, Fannie, and Mary Andrus. We went to Athens, crossed the Susquehanna and then followed the river to Sheshequin. Just before reaching the Hotel, where we stopped to take dinner, John Gerould with Mrs. Weed and Mary Ellen drove past us. We were not expecting to see them as they were not thinking of such a thing when we left. 'twas after 2 o'clock when we left Kinneys and what with rough and hilly roads and losing our way three or four times we did not reach Orwell until near sunset. Finding no Tavern we were in a dilemma, but finally found most excellent stopping places. Our load went to Mr. Theapolus Humphrey, and the other to Mr. Chauncey Gridleys, who once lived in this town. There was a larger attendance than in Smithfield. They met in the Methodist Church. Miss Fannie Andrus read an Essay on the moral physical and intellectual culture of children. Professor McWilliam's delivered an address, which as a striking coincidence was upon the same theme as the Essay which preceded it; both however were good. There were including those that came from the Institute, 15 Smithfielders in attendance. Miss Emily Preston of Burlington and Mr. Wm. Davis of Warren were appointed as essayists for the next association, which takes place at Leroy on the 2nd Friday and Saturday of Sept. next. It was nearly two o'clock Saturday afternoon when we started for home, came via Towanda, which was nearer and a better road; crossed the river in a ferry boat, the first of the kind I ever rode in; not much resemblance to those that ply between N. York and Brooklyn. Never saw a raft of boards either till then. There were several in the river and after crossing, we went down to the Schute and saw one pass through, which was done in a hurry. We reached home just before dark, tired enough, but feeling well paid for our journey. Today attended church. Mr. Corss preached from Matthew 10, 16, both in the morning and afternoon. It has rained most of the time during the past week and this P.M. a thunder shower gave us a call.
June 11 - Feel weary; the effects of so long a ride. The weather still remains cold. Have not yet had one warm day in this month.
June 12 - Alonzo finished putting down our floors today and tomorrow he returns to Canton. Lark, Clara and Mary Ellen have been here this evening. Have covered my plants for fear they will freeze. Father has gone to watch with Dr. Hill.
June 13 - Not one warm day have we had yet in this month; fires are comfortable. Flora left town this morning. Has gone to Philipsville, N.Y. I never did feel so bad about her leaving us as now, because it is not probable she will ever make Smithfield her home again. "tis too bad--indeed it is! Mrs. Weed went with her; is going to study in order to be prepared for teaching.
June 14 - Been working hard and I believe I'm just as tired as I can be. It is prayer meeting night and Oh, how sleepy I've been, so now I'll get into bed and enjoy a good sleep till morning.
June 15 - A little warmer today, so that a small fire has been sufficient. Dr. Bullock called in a while; himself and wife returned yesterday from Wisconsin after an absence of eleven days. They visited at Cousin Luman Kellogg.
June 16 - Saturday night. The rain has fallen in torrents most of the day, but it has not been very cold. Finished a letter to George Tracy and received one from Dr. Tracy.
June 17 - A clear pleasant day. Heard Mr. Corss preach from Luke 7, 35 and the 15 Psalm.
June 18 - Just about warm enough for comfort, but not to make vegetation grow very fast. Heard the Luminary again this evening, read by Mr. Stillwell, the Methodist Minister and Miss Eliza Child. An address by J. L. Doty, upon "Manual Labor".
June 19 - Rained all day--cold too. A year ago this morning I left home for Williamsport and stayed in Canton overnight. It was quite unlike today--the weather being warm and sultry. I would like it if I were on the way there again.
June 23 - Saturday night. Been to the shop since Wednesday. Have been very busy sewing. The weather is now comfortable; hope fires can be dispensed with. Received a letter from Mrs. Cooley of Elmira, and wrote two--one to Mrs. Daniel Child and one to George Tracy, this present week. Mary Ellen went home with Mary Andrus tonight.
June 24 - Stayed home from church because it rained hard most of the day.
June 25 - Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox were here this afternoon and this evening Wm., John, Clara, Laura, Susan, Fannie, Mary, Wayland, Bebee, Henry and Mary Ellen have been here. A number left town for the West today. Mr. Apperson, Griffin, Ed. Fairman, Darius Phelps with their families.
June 28 - On Tuesday Euphrastus and family were here and in the afternoon Alanson called for me to a riding. We went first to Uncle Seldens, who lives now on the farm, then to Uncle Olmsteads. I came no further than the shop that night, where I've been till tonight. Received a letter and two papers yesterday from St. Paul, Minnesota. The weather is now quite warm, but showers are too abundant for usefulness.
June 29 - The warmest day yet. Attended the preparatory lecture. Mr. Corss preached from 1 Cor. 10, 17.
June 30 - A very warm day attended by severe thunder showers. Finished a lengthy letter to Dr. Tracy.
July 1 - Sunday eve. Been to church. Mr. Corss preached this morning from John 17, 22. In the afternoon the Lords Supper was administered. Polly Tracy was there. She has not been to the village for eleven years.
July 2 - Selden and Jerusha have gone to Elmira. Jerusha has never been there before. The day has been quite comfortable and no showers.
July 3 - A year ago this evening Elijah, Mary and I sat on the door step at G. Coles house in Williamsport till very late, watching the fireworks, and how quickly has the year rolled around.
July 5 - Well, July 4th has again been celebrated by our independent nation! Yes, our free and happy nation! May she ever remain so. But, Ah my Country, how can ye be happy in your blood bought freedom while so many human beings are groaning under your own oppressive yoke; blush and hide your face proud, boasting America; ye have brought a sad disgrace upon your noble name. Spent the day at home yesterday until near night. Anthony, Marion, and little Lizzie dined with us and John and his Lizzie were here to tea, after which Selden and I went with them over to Mrs. Tompins grove to a swing, but soon getting tired of that we took some of the company and went to Mr. Birds where we found the young folks from the village already assembled. We stayed till the thunder showers all passed over, which was not till morning, and then left. I staid at the shop until tonight. No doings of any account in Smithfield; many went to Waverly.
July 6 - Rained nearly all day. This evening the cousins have been here to make arrangements about holding a festival on the 20th of this month, it being 50 years that day since Grandfather Tracy and his family--a wife and six children--came into this town. They left a pleasant home in East Haddam, Conn. and came to this place, then an unbroken wilderness. His descendents deem it proper to all congregate together on the old homestead at the closing up of the half century.
July 7 - Rained again all the forenoon--indeed it rains nearly all the time.
July 8 - Sunday evening. Heard Mr. Dolittle from Troy preach three discourses--texts Acts 13, 30, Romans 5, 6 and Luke 13, 1 to 3. Mr. Dolittle is a very interesting speaker, appears much like Mr. Lackey of Jersey Shore who I heard preach in Williamsport just a year ago.
July 9 - Worked hard today preparing for the festival, which is to come off on the 20 inst. It will be fifty years on that day since our family came to Smithfield.
July 10 - Went with Mary Ellen to the village this morning and in the afternoon visited at Mr. Christopher Childs with nine other girls. John and Lizzie brought me home.
July 13 - Went to the shop on Wednesday evening and came home today. Yesterday afternoon Mary Ellen, Jane Tracy and I visited at Mr. Jesse Bullocks. Been sending out notes of invitations for the coming festival.
July 14 - A pleasant day and a busy day. Received letters from Mrs. Ripley Tracy and Mrs. Daniel Child.
July 16 - Monday P. M. Yesterday heard Mr. Corss preach from Joshua 24, 15 to 20 and Eccl. 11, 1 and 2. Mr. Van Dusen and wife were at church in the afternoon. Called upon them in the evening at Dr. Bullocks. Commenced cooking this morning for the anniversary. Laura Bird is here assisting us. Expect to go and hear the paper read this evening. Miss Mary Hoskins, step-daughter of A. H. Seward, died this morning of pulmonary consumption, aged 13 years.
July 17 - Heard Miss E. Butler and John Doty read the Luminary last evening. Today been very busy cooking cakes etc. Dr. Bullock, Uncle Bulkley and wife and Lark have been here this evening.
July 22 - Sunday evening. Attended church today. Heard Mr. Corss preach from Judges 5, 23 and the 34 Psalm. The past week has been one of peculiar interest. It has been spent in preparing for a family celebration, which came off on Friday. We commenced cooking early Monday morning and just got through in time. The beef, chickens, 4 kinds of cake, pudding, sauce, pickles, cheese, butter, tea, coffee etc. A table was prepared in the grove ---feet long, to which 196 persons sat down--217 in all. After dinner, we repaired to the speakers stand where seats had been prepared for the audience. Mr. Hendrick made a prayer, then followed singing by Wm. Phelps (who also played the Melodian) Dr. Gerould, Mr. Legg, Susan Phelps and Martha. Then came an address from Dr. Bullock, relating to the early history of this town and especially the time that Grandfather Tracy came in. After this was singing, then another address by Mr. Corss. The young people from the village came in a large wagon drawn by four horses. A band of music was aboard, consisting of two drums, a fife, and melodian. As the approached the house the band commenced playing and kept it up until they stopped before the door, when all commenced singing a beautiful piece accompanied by the melodian. When the dinner hour arrived the guests marched to the table to the music and after the exercises to the house in the same manner. It was a pleasant gathering and will long b e remembered by those present. How differently did Grandfather and his family spend the day fifty years ago! Then Smithfield was in reality "a wilderness" now it "blossoms like the rose".
July 24 - Rained again today. This afternoon Jerusha and I have been to Mr. Birds to take home dishes etc. Been washing and had the small number of 31 table cloths and other things accordingly.
July 25 - Rained nearly all day. Mary Ellen has gone back to the shop so we are alone again and indeed it is lonely after having so many around. It has been estimated that the dinner cost sixty dollars; this and the time spent by those engaged in it makes quite a little sum. The names of the waiters I here record for fear of forgetting who they were: Lark, Bebee, Henry, Wm, John, Elijah, and Selden were the head gentlemen. Then there were, Perry, Weston, ???, Wayland, John Bird, Orville Gerould, Alanson, Ladies--Fannie, Mary Andrus, Laura, Jenny Bird, Calista Bacon, Sue Phelps, Mary Ellen and I. The table was 184 feet long and pretty well filled.
July 26 - Yesterday and today have been spent in the very domestic occupation of ironing. Continues to rain every day, so farmers are getting discouraged. Received a letter from George Tracy saying that had not his employer been taken suddenly sick, himself and cousin Mary Comstock would have been here on the 20 inst. They still think of coming this fall.
July 27 - Only a slight shower today. Answered Georges letter and been most sick besides.
July 28 - Showers again; farmers are getting discouraged. A year today since Mary Ellen and I got home from Williamsport.
July 29 - Sunday evening. This has been a fine day and many have improved it by laboring in the grain and hay fields; even, Jesse Sumner, a member of our church has thus profaned the day. 'tis too bad for professors to set so wicked an example. Mr. Corss left town last Monday for a tour East and consequently we were destitute of preaching today.
July 31 - No rain today. Mary Ellen is home this week sewing for us. She is making a black silk dress for Mother.
Aug. 1 - Not much rain today here, but showers around us. Lucelia and Nancy have been here all day.
Aug. 2 - Elijah and Jennie came last evening just as we were going to bed, and stayed till this afternoon, when they, Mary and I went to Uncle Orras, stayed to tea, and on our way back called at Uncle Bulkleys. They are staying here again tonight; also Henry Phelps. Received a letter from Charlie Corss, who is now in Mass. visiting friends in company with his father.
Aug. 3 - Mary Ellen and I went this morning to the village and around by Mr. Christopher Childs home. Dr. Bullock has given me a copy of the address he delivered on the 20 ult. to keep until the families congregate again on the 20 of July 1905--but ah! I shall probably ere that--be sleeping last long sleep, unknown and forgotten by all present.
Aug. 6 - Attended church yesterday. Dr. Tracy read two discourses to us as Mr. Corss is still absent. Mary Ellen went back to the shop this evening after being home 3 or 4 weeks. Written this eve to Mrs. Daniel Child.
Aug. 7 - Commenced editing the Luminary again. C. M. Phelps is my Assistant. Mother and Aunt Sally have been to Mr. Wilcox's and Orvilles today.
Aug. 8 - Been writing all day. Mary Ellen is home again.
Aug. 9 - Mary Ellen and myself were invited to spend this forenoon at Dr. Andrus and the afternoon at Mr. Birds, and we did so. The Misses Calkins were also at both places. Met Mrs. Austin Seward for the first time and judge from her appearance that she is quite a sensible lady.
Aug. 10 - Been writing most of the day in the Luminary--think I know something how to sympathize with scribes of an earlier day before the very useful art of printing was known.
Aug. 11 - Have copied nearly all the pieces sent in. Think we shall have a very good paper.
Aug. 12 - Sunday evening. Mr. Corss got back yesterday from a three weeks visit to Mass. He preached today from 1 Cor. 1, 23 and the 84 Psalm, 5, 6 and 7 verses.
Aug. 15 - Last Monday Mr. Hezekiah Crowell and wife came here and brought with them Mr. John Crowell and wife and youngest daughter, who live in Rome, Ashtabula Co., Ohio. They, or rather he, has lived there 49 years, formerly from East Haddam, Conn. They stayed here over night and since have visited at all the Uncles over this way. Monday eve, I read the Luminary assisted by C. H. Phelps.
Aug. 16 - Quite a warm day. Just at night a thunder shower came up and the rain poured down for certain. It will most likely rain all night as we have had three or four pleasant days. Henry Miner came home last Tuesday from Bangor, Maine. It is two years since he was home.
Aug. 17 - A pleasant but cool day. Went to Dr. Andrus's this morning. Fanny and Susannah are here tonight.
Aug. 21 - On Sunday Mr. Corss was absent and H. Miner read a discourse in the morning and in the afternoon, he commented upon Jeremiah 2, 13. Yesterday near night, Jerusha and I went to Uncle Seldens and stayed till morning. Jane went back to Towanda today. Made a short call at Mr. Mitchells this evening.
Aug. 24 - Mrs. Andrus and Henry Miner stayed here last night. This afternoon about a dozen of us girls have been visiting at Dr. Andrus's. On Monday last Wesley Grace of Springfield set fire to his Mother's house and barn, entirely destroying them; because, it is said, she would not give him a deed of the farm.
Aug. 25 - Saturday evening. Beautiful weather we-re having now. Mr. Hyatt brought Emma and little Ellie here this morning and left them while he went to Waverly.
Aug. 26 - Rained this morning, but came off warm and pleasant. Mr. Corss texts were Jeremiah 3, 15 and Romans 7, 5. H. A. Miner spoke in the Baptist Church this morning.
Aug. 29 - Yesterday Aunt Sally was 46 years old; she and mother visited at Mr. Hollis Allens, and Nannie and Mary came here and stayed overnight. Selden took them home today.
Aug. 30 - Mary Ellen and I have been spending the day at Mr. Mitchells. Cold enough tonight for a frost--I should think.
Sept. 1 - Yesterday afternoon Marion Child, Mary Ellen and I visited at Emirs; and Mary and I went home with Marion and stayed overnight. This morning I called at Mr. Christopher Childs. Finished a letter to Mrs. Moody.
Sept. 2 - A hard shower this morning, but cleared off in time to attend church. Mr. Corss texts were Gal. 3, first 18 verses; subject justification by faith, and Eccl. 2, 2 upon boisterous laughter. Clothilda Gerould was married last Wednesday the 25, to Chester Crammer. Selden and Mary Ellen have gone to see Mary Andrus, who is sick.
Sept. 5 - Saturday evening. At home again! Oh, if I had no home to go to! Last Monday night Mary Ellen and I went to Uncle Olmsteads and have spent the whole week in visiting. Tuesday went to Nehemiahs for the first time; carried little George Selden, a dress for his name. Wednesday went to Williamsport and that my 30 birthday. Thursday morning went to Euphrastus, and in the afternoon to Mr. Liscoms. Carried Alice Elmina a dress for her name. Stayed that night at Levi's. Friday afternoon went to Capt. Withers and in the evening to Mr. Crowels. Took dinner today at Mr. Bacons, this making nine visits in five days. Mary Bacon has gone to Cary River, Marquett, Michigan, where her Father and two brothers have been a long time. We have had pleasant weather during our absence and enjoyed the time exceedingly.
Sept. 9 - Sunday evening. Mr. Corss preached this morning from ___. This afternoon he preached in the Baptist house as Mr. Hendrick was absent and we all went there. His text was Mat. 11, 25 to 50. This evening Sarah Cole came and stays overnight. Lark called.
Sept. 10 - Mrs. Mary Gerould and Mrs. McDongal called this afternoon. Attended Literary Society this evening. Paper read by Mr. Andrew Seward and Miss Fannie Andrus. Address by Weston Bird, his first attempt at public speaking, but done well.
Sept. 11 - Mrs. Edward Child and Harriet Tracy visited here this afternoon. We are having quite war weather now.
Sept. 12 - Mother and Aunt Sally were invited to spend the afternoon at Mrs. Margarett Gerould and accepted. Warm weather seems to be just coming on. Today has been excessive. Had Ellen Cooley been living, today would have completed her 30 years.
Sept. 16 - Sunday evening. Last Thursday 13 inst. Mary and Justine Andrus, Dr. Doty and his children--Ann, John and Miss Parsons (a step-daughter) spent the afternoon here. At night I went home with Mary and on Friday morning at 1/2 past 8 Dr., Fanny, Mary and I set off for Leroy to attend the Teachers Association. C. H. Phelps came along and accompanied us. After leaving Burlington to go over the hill to Granville, I got into Phelps carriage and rode with him the rest of the way. We called at Mr. Loren Morses in Granville and took dinner, then went to Leroy. We were in season for there had been no morning session. There was a better attendance than in Orwell. At this place the people seemed considerably waked up to the importance of Education. Fanny, Mary and I stayed at Mr. Wilcox's, very kind people but in destitute circumstances, so we were not very well entertained. Formed new acquaintances among whom were Miss Britton and Miss Pitcher, Mr. Whitney-assistant in the public school at Towanda. The forming of new and agreeable acquaintances is one among the many pleasing features of the Teachers Association. Saw Alonzo and Jenny there beside other friends. Miss Emily Preston read an essay in the evening to a crowded house. Her theme was the religious education of the child and it was most beautifully composed. Miss Pitcher was appointed next essayist to be read at Towanda on the 2 Friday in November. Took a walk to the Glen or Gulf near the village and following Prof. Coburn, some half dozen or more of us girls clambered to the very top of the rocks, down which a stream, clear as crystals, falls from rock to rock until it reaches the ground. I know not the distance. In every deed it is a miniature scenery of the snow capped Alps and their awful chasms. Left Fanny at Granville Center where she is going to teach select school this fall. Reached Dr. Andrus's just at dark and then learned the melancholy fact of Flora Hendricks death which took place at Phillipsville, Alleghany Co., N.Y. on the 13 inst. after a severe illness of nearly two weeks. Mrs. Weed was with her, also her sister and brother Henry, but Elder Hendrick did not get word in time to go. Surely this is an afflicting circumstance, both to relatives and friends; of the latter she has left many, especially in Smithfield. We shall long remember Flora. Her age was not far from 24. Attended church. Mr. Corss preached again this afternoon at the Baptist Church. Texts: Gal. 3, 15 to 25, and 1 Kings 22, 34.
Sept. 19 - Yesterday morning Mary Ellen and I called upon Mrs. Weed. She told us the circumstances connected with Flora's death. All hopes of recovery were not given up until about three hours before she died, which sad event took place at 4 o'clock on the morning of the 13 inst. She gave her gold watch to Mrs. Weed. Ah Flora--a long and sad farewell.
Sept. 20 - Been kitchen maid all day and I don't like it over well--it's too hard work. C. H. Phelps brought two volumes of quite large sized books for me to read in little more than a week. I'll have to be diligent.
Sept. 21 - Rained most of the day; suppose it is the lime gale. Charles Woods child died last night.
Sept. 22 - Cleared off pleasant this afternoon, but cold. I hope tomorrow will not be cloudy and stormy for Sunday of all days of the week, I like to have pleasant.
Sept. 23 - My request was granted and this has been such a mild, beautiful Sabbath! Mr. Corss preached today from Psalm 37, 21 and Luke 5, 32. Attended the South Sunday School, which closed today. Wm. Phelps came home with us from church. He starts South again in a day or two. Eight years ago tonight when Grandmother died.
Sept. 24 - Been twice to the village to carry and bring back Jerusha from school. Mrs. Weed called this afternoon and went over with me. This is one of the beautiful evenings--so still and the moon looking down so bright.
Sept. 25 - This morning I left home at eight o'clock. Took Jerusha to school, then went to Mr. Birds for Laura and from there to Mr. Bruce's to bring Mary Ellen home. She has been gone six days. The ride home was pleasant. The moon shone so brightly. I like a ride by moonlight.
Sept. 26 - Rained all day. Been ironing, sewing, reading, and stringing apples. Finished a letter to Jennie Tracy.
Sept. 27 - Been to the village to take Jerusha to school. Very cold tonight. Mrs. Ralph Phelps is staying with us.
Sept. 29 - George Cole and wife, Ann Wood and boy and Mrs. Phelps were here to dinner yesterday. John Doty, Henry Phelps and Miss Parsons were here in the evening. Miss Phelps stayed till this afternoon--Saturday. Received a good long letter from Fannie Andrus, who is teaching in Granville.
Sept. 30 - Sunday evening. Went to church today. Mr. Corss preached this morning from Romans 8, 7. In the afternoon, he preached a funeral sermon for our dear and lamented Flora Hendrick from the 116 Psalm, 15 verse. A dreadful storm of wind and rain this evening.
Oct. 1 - Sevelon and Franc had a nice little boy baby come to live with them last night. How funny to think Sevelon is Papa! Had numerous calls today, among the rest, Mr. Hendrick who took dinner with us.
Oct. 2 - The New York State fair commences today in Elmira, and if it stops raining, which is very doubtful, Selden, Mary Ellen, Mary Andrus, John, Lizzie, Clara and myself will attend tomorrow.
Oct. 4 - Well it didn't stop raining, neither did we stay at home. It was about 1 1/2 o'clock, when we took the cars at Wellsburg and it requires but a few minutes to run to Elmira. Mr. Legg and Miss Ruth Ann were along making ten in our company. The cars were filled to overflowing; lumber cars, coal cars, and everything that can keep on the track has been fitted up with seats to accommodate passengers during the time of the fair. It being rainy, umbrellas were necessary for outsiders and I don't believe there were ever so many together before. It was to me one of the greatest sights of the day. Thousands of people went into Elmira yesterday and it being pleasant today, probably the number would be still greater. Stopped at the Delevan House, where we took dinner before going on to the fair grounds. Were happy to meet Dr. Barrett and lady from Williamsport. Never did I suffer more inconvenience from a rainy day. It was utterly impossible to move in the street or on the ground without getting very wet and muddy. Saw many nice things and enjoyed the day well even if it did rain. We left town on the 6 o'clock evening train, took supper at Wellsburg and then started for home, through the pitchy darkness, where we arrived safely at 2 o'clock A.M., tired and sleepy and haven't quite recovered yet.
Oct. 5 - A beautiful day--would liked to have been in Elmira. Yesterday there were thousands at the fair. Attended the preparatory lecture this afternoon. Mr. Corss preached from Acts 8, 35. Alonzo came home today from Canton.
Oct. 6 - Rained nearly all day. Dorrance came home this morning--has been to Elmira two days attending the fair. Saw the bearded lady for the second time. She now has a little (???) with her who partakes largely of hirsute nature. Received a letter from Lizzie Child of R. I.
Oct. 7 - Sunday evening. Mr. Corss preached this morning from John 8, 56. In the M.M. the Lords Supper was administered.
Oct. 8 - Heard the Mental Luminary read by Mrs. P. G. Weed and Dr. Bullock--a very good paper. Four ladies were proposed and admitted into the Society this evening, which will be valuable members--Miss Emily and Lucy Preston, Miss Mary H. Sweeny and Miss Nancy Niles. The last named was appointed next Editress. Rev. Mr. Stillwell delivered an Oration Subject--The Infidel and Religious Press.
Oct. 9 - Election day. Nehemiah was here to dinner. Written to Cousin Henrietta. Weather grows more mild. Hope to enjoy some more pleasant days this fall.
Oct. 10 - Stayed alone part of the day. Mother and Aunt Sally visited at M. R. Geroulds. Mary Ellen was at the shop. Jerusha at school and the men folks down on the other place. Drs. Tracy and Gerould called this afternoon. Little Mary Andrews is here tonight.
Oct. 11 - Warm and pleasant this morning, but afternoon the wind commenced blowing and before night a severe thunder shower came up. It has seldom lightened and thundered so during the past season. Been reading about ancient Minevah and other exhumed cities. How wonderful they should be discovered after so many centuries have passed. If I were but a Layard or a Col. Rawlinson that I might bring to light those hidden treasures-how delighted would I be with the employment.
Oct. 12 - Yesterday the weather changed suddenly and commenced snowing this evening. The Co. Fair closed today at Towanda.
Oct. 13 - Saturday evening--snow all gone, but raining occasionally and quite cold.
Oct. 14 - Another snow storm this morning, which turned to rain and has been unpleasant till this evening. It is now clear and cold. Heard Mr. Corss preach today from John 18, 20 and Lev. 22, 32.
Oct. 15 - Pleasant again. Mary Ellen has gone back to the shop to live, so I am alone once more. Henry Phelps has been here this evening and stays all night.
Oct. 16 - Mother and I have been to Mr. Birds all day and had as we always do when we go there--a good visit. It is several years since Mother was there. Yesterday Wood Gerould's little boy was drowned by falling into a washtub of water which stood out of the door that Mrs. Gerould had been rinsing clothes in.
Oct. 17 - Sewed steadily all day. Nothing important taken place.
Oct. 18 - A warm beautiful day. Wish we could have many such. Mr. John E. Hale came to town a day or two since--has been in Ill. some 9 or 10 years. Harrison Mitchell is married to Miss Abby Courtney.
Oct. 19 - Father and Mother been to Uncle Seldens. Mrs. Wilcox and Sevelon here to dinner. Miss Antionette Seeley from Painted Post here staying tonight.
Oct. 20 - Lemon Forrest who has been West this year past called today. Came home after recovering from a severe attack of Typhoid fever, which is raging on the prairie. This evening been to the Disciple Church and heard Dr. Felden preach. Text--St. John 17, 20 and 21 verses on Christian union and Oh what doctrine he advanced! The sum total is--be immersed and you'll be saved!
Oct. 21 - Dorrance 20 years old. Nehemiahs boy a year old. Went to church. Mr. Corss preached from Romans 7, 22 and 23 and Hebrews 11, 8, 9 and 10 verses.
Oct. 22 - Uncle Gorham, Selden, Mary Ellen and Mary Andrus went to Elmira. Got back about 10 o'clock this evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and Mrs. Bersher Gerould were here to dinner. Mr. Jas. Pierce and Mr. John E. Hale called in the afternoon and this evening Uncle Orra, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Levi Scott have been in.
Oct. 23 - Have had another snow storm. Hope it will be pleasant tomorrow for John and Lizzie are to be married. Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Mary Andrus stayed here last night.
Oct. 24 - Snowed all day. John Phelps and Lizzie Child were married this afternoon. Selden attended the wedding and has gone with them to Waverly where they are to take the cars for Warren, R.I. to visit the friends where Lizzie used to live. But what an unpropitious day for a wedding. I am sorry; for Lizzie's spirits are governed very much by the weather and she will be blue enough.
Oct. 25 - Selden and Clara came back at 2 o'clock this morning. Had a pleasant wedding--only the near relatives there with 3 or 4 exceptions. Snow on the ground yet and very cold.
Oct. 27 - Saturday night. Cold and stormy all the week. Yesterday morning before daylight went over to the shop. Visited Mr. Grave's school in the afternoon. Speaking by the gentlemen and a paper read by Jerusha and John Doty. Mary Andrus and Clara Phelps came with us to spend the evening with Mr. Dietrick and wife who came up on Thursday--went back to Laporte today. Weather more mild this evening.
Oct. 28 - Did not attend church. Euphemia came home with our folks to stay till tomorrow night.
Oct. 29 - Heard the Luminary read this evening by Miss Nancy Niles and her brother Horace. They had a large and good paper.
Nov. 1 - Yesterday morning. Mariette and Abzada came down to quilt and stayed all day. In the afternoon Ann Wood and her Mother Wood came to make a visit, while at the same time Euphemia and I went to Mr. Jesse Sumners, where we met Mrs. Betsey Fullock, Laura and Jane Bird, Mrs. Weed, Mary Ellen, Mary Andrus, and in the evening Lark and Selden. This afternoon Euphemia and I went to Uncle Gorham's, but not finding Harriet at home came back again. It is raining now very fast.
Nov. 3 - Saturday night. Cousin E. went home yesterday. Last evening Lark, Laura, Jane, Mrs. Weed, Clara, Mary Ellen, Dorrance, and I went to Orphens Birds. It was dark and rainy, but our visit was pleasant enough to pay for all the pains it cost to go. Mrs. Weed came home with us and it has been raining so hard all day she did not go away. Received a letter from Cousin Henrietta on Thursday saying they wished to spend the winter with them in Cooperstown. I shall most certainly do so if circumstances prove favorable.
Nov. 4 - Heard Mr. Corss preach from Acts 21, 14 and Matthew 5, 16. The day has been dark and gloomy. I long for sunshine once more. John and Lizzie returned last night; have had a delightful journey.
Nov. 7 - Went to the shop on Monday evening and sewed with Mary till Tuesday night when we all went over to Mr. Phelp's to spend the evening. Mr. John Phelps and Lady and about 30 invited guests. There were Mr. Corss, Mr. Hendrick, Mr. Graves, Clinton Wood and two sisters, Lark and two sisters, Mary Bacon and sister Calista, Miss Shields, Alanson and Caroline, Dr. Tracy, Charlie Gladdin, Mr. Legg, Mrs. Weed, Victoria Phelps, Sarah Pierce, Bebee and Ruth Ann etc. A nice entertainment was given. Got home at 2 this morning and been sleepy all day.
Nov. 10 - Saturday evening. Yesterday morning I went to the shop and sewed for Mary Ellen. In the evening Beebe, Mr. Graves and sister, Mary Andrus, Selden, Dorrance, Mary Ellen and myself went to Mr. Birds; they had a nice supper for us. Miss Graves came home with us and Mr. Graves came over this morning. We have been rambling through the woods and over the hills admiring Nature in her various phases.
Nov. 11 - Sunday night. Mr. Corss preached from Matthew 12, 35 and Gallations 4, 28. Mrs. Bingham leaves for the West tonight. Written to George Tracy.
Nov. 17 - Went to the shop on Monday evening and did not come home until last night. Tuesday afternoon called with Calista Bacon, Miss Dodson, and Mary Ellen at Mr. Graves school. Wednesday there was a little wee bit of a Donation Party at Mr. Corss, so we were there to dinner, which was an excellent one. Polly Tracy attended, having never been to Mr. Corss before, although he has lived in town eight years. She has never been well enough to ride so far before since her first sickness. Johnny Bird, Victoria and Susan Phelps stayed here last night. The weather during the week has been quite pleasant, especially Tuesday and Wednesday, till today; when it has snowed and rained most of the time. If nothing prevents in about four weeks I shall be in Sherborne, N.Y. and think of spending the winter in Cooperstown.
Nov. 18 - Sunday night. Heard Mr. Corss preach from 2 Cor. 13, 5 and Col. 1, 20. It being very bad travelling a few only attended church. Mr. Hendrick preached his last discourse as pastor of the Baptist congregation, which we all regret. He is going to Coudersport to take charge of the Academy there. Mrs. Preston from Woolcott Hollow was buried this afternoon. Selden, Mary Dorrance, Jerusha and I have been to Uncle Orras this evening. Here we are all living at home and companions for each other; it cannot last always--when and how will the separation come? Ah, I dare not think of it.
Nov. 19 - Been to Literary Meeting. Luminary read by Miss Elmira Campbell, assisted by Clinton Wood. I was appointed next Editress.
Nov. 20 - Cold and dreary! John Doty stays here tonight. Mother has been spending the day at Dr. Bullocks.
Nov. 21 - Commenced copying the Luminary. Lark and Miss Nancy Niles have been here this evening.
Nov. 22 - Thanksgiving Day. Services at our Church. Mr. Corss preached. Text 103 Psalm, 10 verse. Not many out; it was so very cold.
Nov. 23 - Two years since Aunt Cynthia's death. How time flies! It seems but yesterday that we looked upon her for the last time. This evening Clara, Laura, Lucelia, Jas. and Sarah Graves, Lark, Laura, Jane, Mary Ellen, Selden and myself have been to Mr. Farnsworths. Received a letter from Mrs. Moody of New York.
Nov. 25 - Sunday evening. Heard Mr. Corss preach from Malachi 3, 12 and 1 Cor. 6, 11. Rained most of the day. Mr. Hendrick has left Smithfield, consequently, the Baptists are without a minister.
Nov. 30 - Friday evening. Went to the shop Monday night to sew this week and make a few visits and calls preparatory to leaving town for the winter. Tuesday evening Selden, Dorrance, Miss Carrie Calkins, Mary Andrus, Mary Ellen, Henry Phelps, Jerusha and myself went to Uncle Seldens. Wednesday Mary Ellen and I took dinner at Dr. Bullocks. Called at Mr. Durfeys. In the evening Lark and his two sisters, Selden and Dorrance and their two sisters, Jas. Graves and sister visited at Mr. Niles. Thursday called upon John and Lizzie, took tea at Mr. Higgins and stayed overnight at Mr. Corss'. Today called at ?. B. Geroulds and this evening attended the closing exercises of Mr. Graves school. A paper was read by Miss Lucinda Allen and brother, followed by speaking and coloquies.
Dec. 1 - Although this day ushers in Winter--yet it has been a very pleasant one. Winter has come again! Thus roll the seasons around--how swiftly! and with everyone some new change takes place. One year since and Flora in all her loveliness mingled with us in all our social and religious gatherings. Now we meet her not. Her voice is hushed in death! Called to see Mrs. Mitchell, who has been ill some days; found her better.
Dec. 2 - Sunday evening. The day has been very mild. The sun shining beautiful till near night when clouds arose and it rained an hour or two; now it is pleasant again. Heard Mr. Corss preach from 1 Timothy 4, 3 and Hebrews 9, 22 to 23. The first discourse was one of his best.
Dec. 3 - Cold and some snow squalls. Commenced in earnest to prepare for Cooperstown. Alonzo is here tonight.
Dec. 4 - Sun shone pleasantly most of the day. Mr. Graves' father took dinner with us.
Dec. 4 - Went to the village this morning to do some errands. Mrs. Weed is here helping me get ready for my journey. Had company this afternoon and evening, namely; Calista Bacon, Miss Shield, Ezbon Bacon, and Caroline, Mr. Flint, Lark, John, Laura, Jane, Mary Andrus, Jas. Graves and sister, Jane Gerould and Emily Tracy.
Dec. 6 - Pleasant weather yet. Hope it will remain so for a week or two.
Dec. 9 - Sunday evening. Commenced snowing
last night, but soon the storm turned to rain and today has been very unpleasant.
Attended Church, however, heard Mr. Corss preach from John 13, 35 and Matthew
12, 21. Do not expect to spend another Sabbath in Smithfield for, perhaps
several months--hope so at least. Expect to leave for Cooperstown on Tuesday
next. Selden and I read the Luminary tomorrow evening. Mrs. Weed has been
sewing here the past week and on Friday Mother went to Granville with Dr.
Andrus and wife, and came home yesterday.
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