The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Community History & Genealogy

In Their Own Words - Diaries and Letters of our Ancestors
Photo: Sarah Ellen MONROE
Township: Sullivan Township, Tioga County PA
Year: est. 1875
1875 Sadie MONROE of Sullivan  Township
Transcribed by Joyce M. Tice

Sarah Ella MONROE was born 1 FEB 1853 in Sullivan Township. In 1870 she was sixteen years old living with her widowed mother Dorcas CARD Monroe and her brother Tom and his wife Sene at the time of tis diary. Their home was on the North Road (Now Hulslander Road) in Sullivan and only its naked framework remains today. Her parents were John Borden MONROE who died in 1862 and Dorcas S. CARD. Her siblings were as follows, Mary (Mate) who married George COY in 1867; Thomas who married Asenath (Sene) COLE; Matilda (Till) who married Charles F. REITZ in 1871, and youngest sister, Abbie, born 1858. These names are recorded in the diary as well as many other relatives and neighbors.

Sadie's diaries are in the possession of her grandson, Herman Tears who loaned them to us for copying. Her handwriting was very neat but incredibly tiny and some of the entries were faded. We had to enlarge them in copying to make it easier to read and transcribe.

Sadie died in her first childbirth in 1878 and is buried in the Card Cemetery.

Note: To View the footnotes, just click on the blue number by the word. Once you have read the footnote, click your Back button to return to the same place in the document where you were when you clicked.  See other photos and Map in document below. 

1875 - Sarah MONROE (1)

of Sullivan Township

Age 21-22

Friday, January 1, 1875 - At home all day Tom's little boy died this morning(2) I sewed some today

Saturday, 2 - At home in the morning Tom's little boy was buried today down to the flats(3)

Sunday, 3 - At home most all day in the evening I went down to Uncle Daniels(4) Mattie and Uncle Robert were there

Monday, January 4, 1875 - At Uncle Daniels helped Aunt Lin(5) wash sewed some in the afternoon Mr. Killgore's folks were there in the evening

Tuesday, 5 - At uncle Daniels I ironed in the forenoon helped Aunt Lin Uncle and Aunt started for Williamsport in the afternoon

Wednesday, 6 - At Uncle Daniels staying with Fred (6) sewed some

Thursday, January 7, 1875 - At Uncle Daniels staying with Fred sewed

Friday, 8 - At Uncle Daniels sewed some

Saturday, 9 - At Uncle Daniels staying with Fred I mopped in the forenoon sewed some in the afternoon

Sunday, January 10, 1875 - At Uncle Daniels read some looked at stereotype views got dinner then we played the organ a very cold day thermometer 18 degrees below zero

Monday 11 - At Uncle Daniels I sewed some Uncle Daniels folks came towards night we played Authors in the evening

Tuesday 12 - At Uncle Daniels helped Aunt Lin wash Fred brought me home in the evening

Wednesday, January 13, 1875 - At home helped ma wash I went to Roseville to a donation in the evening

Thursday 14 - At home I ironed some in the forenoon Till & Charlie(7) came over and I went home with them at night

Friday 15 - At Tills helped her do the work ironed some We went down to Mr. Daily's in the evening

Saturday, January 16, 1875 - At Tills I helped her do up her work then sewed

Sunday 17 - At Tills Went to Mansfield to church in the evening

Monday 18 - At Tills helped her some sewed

Tuesday, January 19, 1875 - At Tills in the morning went up to Thos. Ames(8) in the forenoon cut out my blue dress

Wednesday 20 - At Uncle Thomases worked on my blue dress Dr. Bradford(9) came there I went down to Tills came home with Dr. B.

Friday, January 22, 1875 - At home I helped ma iron sewed on my gingham dress went to spelling school in the evening Abbie spelled down the school(10)

Saturday 23 - At home helped do the work in the forenoon sewed in the afternoon and evening Till and Charlie came over and staid all night

Sunday 24 - At home helped to do up the work in the morning then we cracked hickory nuts and popped corn Till and Charlie went home tonight

Monday, January 25 - At home helped do the work finished my gingham dress fixed Abbie's hat commenced my calico dress ? Watson(11) was here at night we played Authors

Tuesday 26 - At home sewed most of the time Teacher was here at night - I sewed in the evening

Wednesday 27 - At home helped do the work sewed on my dress played Authors in the evening Watson here at night

Thursday, January 28, 1875 - At home we washed sewed ? stitched my dress in the evening

Friday 29 - At home I ironed sewed in the evening

Saturday 30 - I was at home I helped do up the work finished my calico dress Sate Styres(12) was up here in the evening we played Authors

Sunday, January 31, 1875 - At home in the morning George and Aunt Lavinia(13) came up George Abbie and I went over to Tills

Monday, February 1- At home I sewed on my blue dress I ciphered in the evening

Tuesday 2 - At home Ma went to Troy I sewed on my blue dress

Wednesday, February 3, 1875 - At home I helped do the work and sewed on my blue dress Susan was up here today

Thursday 4 - At home in the morning went to school George Monro came up today I ciphered in the evening

Saturday, February 6, 1875 - At home I helped do up the work sewed George is here we played authors in the evening

Sunday 7 - At home all day Till and Charlie came over George is here is a very cold day

Monday 8 - At home in the evening went to school ciphered some in the evening Sate and George came up in the Evening Aunt Margaret & Frank were here we played Authors

Tuesday, February 9, 1875 - At home I went to school Aunt Margaret and Frank are here I studied in the evening

Wednesday At home in the morning I went to school Clara Metler and Hannah Card (14)came here tonight

Thursday 11 - I went to Aunt Marys funeral today down to Uncle Daniels came home went down to Susans to carry her things help wash up the dishes

Friday, February 12, 1875 - At home in the morning Tom took me to school we spoke pieces today came home at night sewed on my dress Abbie and I studied in the evening

Saturday 13 - At home we washed today I sewed on my dress Mrs. Styres and Jennie were here in the afternoon I sewed in the evening

Sunday 14 - At home I read most all day cousin Clara is here ciphered some in the evening

Monday, February 15, 1875 - At home I have such a cold I did not go to school I sewed on my dress ciphered in the evening

Tuesday 16 - At home I did not go to school I sewed on my dress studied in the evening

Wednesday 17 - I went to school and studied in the evening

Thursday, February 18, 1875 - I went to school ciphered in the evening Clara is here

Friday 19 - I have went to school today Clara went down to Batemans today

Saturday 20 - At home Ma and Tom went to Canton today to take Clara home Abbie and I done the work Abbie went down to Uncle Peters with Till & Charlie Sate staid with me

Sunday February 21, 1875 - At Home George and Mattie Till Charlie & Abbie came up today had an oyster dinner I went home with George Mattie and I went to church.

Monday 22 - At Uncle Peters I ciphered some Mattie and I went over to Mr. Smiths in the evening Mattie and I went and had our pictures taken

Tuesday 23 - At Uncle Peters I studied some sewed carpet rags we spelled in the evening

Wednesday, February 24, 1875 - At Uncle Peters I sewed carpet rags Went over to Evas and helped her quilt Came home at night Aunt Sybil is here

Thursday 25 - I went to school ciphered in the evening

Friday 26 - I went to school we spoke pieces in the afternoon R. C. was there in the afternoon ironed some in the evening

Saturday, February 27, 1875 - At home I helped do up the work and sewed on my dress I ciphered in the evening

Sunday 28 - I am at home Sewed some we cracked hickory nuts and eat apples

Monday, March 1 - At home I helped Sean wash in the forenoon and made me a belt in the afternoon I ciphered in the evening

Tuesday, March 2, 1875 - I went to school we rode part of the way with Styres people Sate Styres was up here at night Dr. B Called inthe evening and brought the news of Lizzie Ames death (15)

Wednesday 3 - I went to school rode with Tom we went down to Charlie Cards at noon we practiced on our piece came home through the snow

Thursday 4 - We went to Lizzie Ames funeral today got home about five o'clock Prof. Fradenburgh preached the sermon

Friday, March 5, 1875 - I went to school today Till came over to day ciphered some in the evening

Saturday 6 - At home we washed today Aunt Lin came up today Mary Card was over to Seans(16) today She was in here in the evening I fix my belt

Sunday 7 - At home I help do up the work wrote a letter to Lucy Card Griff Bailey came here today we had some popped corn & hickory nuts

Monday 8 - I was at home I helped do the work Ironed we practiced our piece in the evening

Tuesday 9 - I was at home I was about sick with a cold I worked at my dress Sate Styres was up here in the evening we practiced our piece I ciphered some

Wednesday 10 - I went to school rode up with Tom I ciphered in the evening George Monro was in here in the evening

Thursday, March 11, 1875 - I went to school George and Mr. Lament went to school with us we played Authors in the evening

Friday 12 - I went to school we spoke pieces in the afternoon practiced our dialogues ciphered in the evening

Saturday 13 - At home washed today Uncle Henry(17) and Homer Card were here today I sewed on my blue dress

Sunday, March 14, 1875 - At home Till and Charlie were here today

Monday 15 - I went to school Abbie and I ciphered in the evening

Tuesday 16 - I went to school Mattie Card came home with us at night we went down to Mr. Styres and practiced our piece

Wednesday, March 17, 1875 - I went to school I went up to Homer Cards and staid all night

Thursday 18 - I went to school I ciphered in the evening

Friday 19 - I went to school Mary Card Charlie Card Jo Emery were at school in the afternoon Abbie and I went down to Mr. Styres in evening cut out letters for the ?

Saturday, March 20. 1875 - At home I helped to do the work sewed some Abbie & I went to Mainesburg to the exhibition had a very good time

Sunday 21 - At home I help do up the work read some

Monday 22 - I went to school Watson came down here at night we went down to Mr. Styres to practice our piece

Tuesday, March 23, 1875 - I went to school Watson was down here at night they went up to the school house to build their stage

Wednesday 24 - I went to school we took some of the things to fix the stage we rode up ? rode home at night Ettie Rose was at school this week we went up to the school house and practiced our piece

Thursday 25 - I did not go to school today Uncle Henry came here today Ettie came home with Abbie at night we went up to school and practiced our pieces

Friday, March 26, 1875 - I went to school it was the last day we had lots of fun practiced our pieces we went to the exhibition in the evening had a nice time

Saturday 27 - At home I did not do much I did not feel like it I help do the work went to bed in the afternoon help get supper and went to bed

Sunday 28 - At home help do up the work Abbie and I went down to see Gerty and Sate(18) came home with us wrote a letter to Lucy

Monday, March 29, 1875 - At home I helped do the work and commenced ma's black alpaca dress

Tuesday 30 - At home helped do the work sewed on Ma's dress

Wednesday 31 - At home we washed Abbie Edi and Uncle Bateman(19) called here a little while

Thursday, April 1, 1875 - At home Till Charlie & Hannah Card came here and staid to dinner we sugared off in the afternoon sewed some Susan was up here

Saturday 3 -At home we mopped and cleaned house and sewed in the afternoon on Ma's dress sugared off in the evening

Sunday, April 4, 1875 - At home I helped do up the work read some George Monro came up we went over to Charlie Cards in the evening

Monday 5 - AT home washed mended a sashet George is here helped do up the work

Tuesday 6 - At home helped do up the work we ironed and sugared off George Monro is here

Wednesday, April 7, 1875 - At home in the morning Started for Canton about 10 o'clock went to troy with Tom went over to Mat Greens went to Canton on the train

Thursday 8 - At Aunt Sibyls sewed some in the forenoon we went over to visit the school in the afternoon

Friday 9 - At Aunt Sibyls sewed some Mary Grantier and Rosa Sellard were here in the afternoon Miss Seymour was in here in the evening

Saturday, April 10, 1875 - At Aunt Sibyls wnt over to the examination came home to dinner came home at night pretty tired we went over to Sellards in the evening

Sunday 11 - At Aunt Sibyls we went up to Gilletts pond got some winter greens came back eat dinner went to church in the evening

Monday 12 - At Aunt Sibyls I sewed some Mrs. Palmer was up to Aunties in the afternoon we went down to Mr. Grantiers in the evening

Tuesday, April 13, 1875 - At Aunt Sibyls in the morning went up to the depot Rose and Clara went with us we got to Troy about noon we went up to the examination came up to Uncle Peters at night

Wednesday 14 - At Uncle Peters I sewed some studied some came home at night with Tom went to bed early

Thursday 15 - At home took care of my things we washed brought in the clothes studied some

Friday, April 16, 1875 - At home we ironed ma sugared off I studied some in the evening

Saturday 17 - I went to Mansfield to the examination(20) went down to the grocery and got some oysters for my dinner went up to the S? about one went down got supper ... up at Tills staid all night

Sunday 18 - At Tills I help do up her work read some Uncle Robert came ? and came home with him Minnie came with him

Monday, April 19, 1875 - At home I sewed on Ma's dress crocheted some in the evening

Tuesday 20 - At home we washed in the forenoon sewed in the afternoon

Wednesday 21 - At home we ironed in the forenoon Susan Mrs. ?, Dealia Garrison were at Sean's in the afternoon ? were in there in the afternoon

Thursday, April 22, 1875 - At home in the morning Abbie and I went up to Uncle Henrys and staid all night came home in the evening we went we played Authors in the evening

Friday 23 - Came home in the morning sewed on Ma's dress some went to Mainesburg in the evening

Saturday 24 - At home I helped do up the work sewed on Ma's dress put some beads on my belt

Sunday, April 25, 1875 - At home Till and Charlie came over today George and Aunt Lavinia were up Abbie was taken down with the measles Dealie and Jane Strait were in the the evening

Monday 26 - At home I helped take care of Abbie and helped do the work sewed on ma's dress Dealia and Miss Strait were in in the evening

Tuesday, 27 - At home we washed to day after we got through washing I laid down and went to sleep

Wednesday, April 28, 1875 - At home we ironed in the forenoon Susan was up here in the afternoon I sewed and went down to Susans

Thursday 29 - At home I help do the work and sewed on Ma's dress

Friday 30 - At home I helped do the work sewed on ma's dress

Saturday, May 1, 1875 - At home I helped do the work finished Ma's dress I went in Seans room in the evening

Sunday 2 - At home helped do up the work wrote some in my diary wrote a letter to Lucy Uncle Henry called here today

Monday 3 - At home I helped do the work sewed some Alva Gray(21) came here to work

Tuesday, May 4, 1875 - At home we washed John Dann and Alva are here to work I sewed in the afternoon

Wednesday 5 - At home I helped do the work sewed some 

Thursday 6 - I was at home in the forenoon we ironed in the forenoon Abbie and I went down to Susans(22) in the afternoon 

Friday, May 7, 1875 - At home I helped do the work sewed some in the afternoon Susan was up here in the forenoon 

Saturday 8 - At home in the forenoon I went over to Robbins Hill(23)to the directors meeting in the afternoon 

Sunday 9 - At home I helped do up the work Abbie and I and the children went to the woods to get flowers Joe Emery was here in the afternoon 

Monday, May 10, 1875 - At home I helped do the work commenced to fix my tight calico dress John Dan and Ben? Watkins are here to work we washed in the afternoon 

Tuesday 11 - At home I helped do the work sewed on my dress have work hands 

Wednesday 12 - At home I helped do the work sewed on my dress 

Thursday, May 13, 1875 - At home helped do the work finished my dress Mate Smith(24) was here in the afternoon Alva was here today 

Friday 14 - At home we cleaned the kitchen we ironed in the afternoon Alva finished today 

This wonderful photo of Alva Gray is one of the 
prizes of my collection. Shown in his work clothes, 
rather than his Sunday Best, as was the custom,
I consider it very rare. (Note Sunday Best 
showing through) From the McConnell Collection

Saturday 15 - At home I helped do the work we cleaned the hall and stairs I mended my dress

Sunday, May 16, 1875 - At home I helped do up the work Charlie Reitz came over today Delia and Mrs. Beach were here in the morning

Monday 17 - I was at home in the morning I commenced teaching to day at our schoolhouse have twenty scholars I came home at night

Tuesday 18 - At home in the morning I went to school came home at night

Wednesday, May 19, 1875 - At home in the morning went to school came home at night

Thursday 20 - At home in the morning went to school went home with Mattie at night I crocheted on my tidy

Friday 21 - At Uncle Henrys in the morning went to school came home at night Abbie was taken sick in the night

Saturday, May 22, 1875 - At home I helped do the work ironed I mopped Mrs. Watkins and Delia were up here in the afternoon I sat uip with Abbie at night

Sunday 23 - At home Uncle Daniel and Aunt Melinda were up today Watson and Elly and Gertie were here in the afternoon Mrs. Beach and Delia were here

Monday 24 - I went to school came home at night

Tuesday, May 25, 1875 - I went to school came home at night

Wednesday 26 - I went to school Gerty came today for the first I came home at night

Thursday 27 - I am teaching came home at night Ma went to Troy got me a new shawl and a new pair of shoes Mrs. Furman staid with Abbie

Friday, May 28, 1875 - I went to school cleaned the school house in the afternoon Josiphine Emery helped me I came home at night tired out

Saturday 29 - At home I helped take up the carpet and take care of Abbie mopped the kitchen & sitting room

Sunday 30 - I was at home George P. Monro came here in the evening Abbie was taken worse this morning

Monday, May 31, 1875 - At home in the morning I went to school came home at night

Tuesday, June 1, 1875 - Went to school I went over to Alexanders at night I pieced some on my medley

Wednesday 2 - I went to school came home at night I received a letter from Lucy

Thursday 3 - I went to school came home at night helped ma all I could

Friday 4 - I went to school spoke pieces in the afternoon Gerty Styres was to school in the afternoon I raked off the yard at night

Saturday 5 - At home I helped do the cellar and ironed mopped and moved the bed upstairs baked

Sunday, June 6, 1875 - At home Till and Charlie were over today we all eat dinner together today

Monday 7 - I am teaching I came home at night helped ma went to the flats in the evening

Tuesday 8- I am teaching I went up to Mr. Watkins in the evening pieced some on my medley

Wednesday, June 9, 1875 - I am teaching went home at night helped ma

Thursday 10 - I am teaching I came home at night helped ma

Friday 11 - I am teaching I came home at night helped ma

Saturday, June 12 - At home I helped do the cellar work mopped we made the window curtains

Sunday 13 - I was at home Ma Tom and Sean went to the Flats today Abbie and the Children and I staid alone

Monday 14 - At school I came home at night helped Ma

Tuesday, June 15 - At school I went home with Mattie at night I sewed some

Wednesday 16 - I am at school went up to Edgars at night sewed some

Thursday 17 - I am teaching came home at night went down to Susans came home helped Ma

Friday, June 18, 1875 - It rained I am teaching we spoke pieces today I came home at night

Saturday 19 - At home I was sick most all day I sewed some Till and Charlie came took supper with us George Monro was here

Sunday 20 - I went over to Charlies today Mary Bullock and Mary Gernet(25) were there came home they also stopped at our house

Monday, June 21, 1875 - I am teaching I came home at night sewed

Tuesday 22 - I am teaching I went up to Mr. Watkins at night sewed

Wednesday 23 - I am teaching I came home at night sewed

Thursday, June 24, 1875 - I am teaching I came home at night sewed

Friday 25 - I am teaching I came home at night Mr. Watkins came to school a little while came home helped paper

Saturday 26 - At home I helped paper the sitting room went to Troy in the afternoon staid to the Flats to singing school

Sunday, June 27, 1875 - I was at home all day Till and Charlie came over today

Monday 28 - I am teaching I came home at night fixed my hat Abbie and I went strawberrying

Tuesday 29 - I am teaching I went down to Charlie Cards at night crocheted on my tidy

Wednesday, June 30, 1875 - I am teaching I went down to Charlies to dinner came home at night

Thursday, July 1 - I am teaching I came home at night sewed some

Friday 2 - I am teaching we spoke pieces today came home at night George P.M. came up staid all night

Saturday, July 3, 1975 - I went over to Mansfield to the celebration had a nice time I went up home with Joe Doud at evening

Sunday 4 - At home Mrs. Styres and Mary Bogardis were here I went to church in the evening

Monday 5 - I am teaching I came home at night

Tuesday, July 6, 1875 - I am teaching I came home at night

Wednesday, 7 - I am teaching I came home at night

Thursday 8 - I am teaching I came home at night crocheted on my tidy

Friday, July 9, 1875 - I am teaching I came home at night

Saturday 10 - I was at home I helped bake iron mopped and do the other work

Sunday 11 - I was at home Uncle Henry was in here a little while went a riding towards evening

Monday, July 12, 1875 - I am teaching I came home at night Ma and Tom went out to Charleston

Tuesday 13 - I am teaching I went up to Edgars at night I crocheted some I went over to Uncle Henrys at night

Wednesday 14 - I am teaching I came home at night

Thursday, July 15, 1875 - I am teaching Emma Hulslander Sadie Styres & Gertie were to school we had dinner at the school house today it is the last day

Friday 16 - At home we ironed Aunt Susan and Mrs. Furman were up here in the afternoon

Saturday 17 - At home helped do the work looked over my draw Abbie and I went down to Mr. Styres to play croquet

Sunday, July 18, 1875 - At home all day it rained I went to bed read some

Monday 19 - I was at home we washed I crocheted on my tidy we picked currants at night

Tuesday 20 - I was at home I helped look over currants Ma made jelly I ironed some dresses

Wednesday, July 21, 1875 - I was at home we ironed in the forenoon I trimmed my hat in the forenoon

Thursday 22 - I was at home I trim fixed my white hat over help pick over currants washed the windows mopped the floor

Friday 23 - I went down to Mrs. D? and to Uncle Peters came up to Uncle Daniels went down to Mrs. Keyes staid at night at Uncle Daniels

Saturday, July 24, 1875 - I came home in the forenoon looked over some raspberries ironed some fixed a flower pot mended a dress

Sunday 25 - I was at home Till and Charles came over we went down to the swamp and got some wintergreens came home read some

Monday 26 - I was at home we washed in the forenoon I wrote some sewed in the afternoon

Tuesday, July 27, 1875 - I went berrying in the forenoon looked over my berries and canned in the afternoon

Wednesday 28 - I was at home Ma went to Troy got me a photograph Album we ironed in the forenoon I put the pictures in the album

Thursday 29 - I was at home I helped do up the work read got dinner looked over berries crocheted on my tidy

Friday, July 30, 1875 - I was at home I cut out my medleys all day helped do the work

Saturday 31 - I was at home I help do up the work mopped upstairs washed dishes got tired out and went to bed in the afternoon

Sunday, August 1 - I was at home Ma went to Bakersburg to church Aunt Lin Nett and Fred came up today Uncle Peter and George were up it rained in the afternoon

Monday, August 2, 1875 - At home it is a rainy day I pieced on my medley

Tuesday 3 - At home I pieced on my medley played Authors in the evening

Wednesday 4 - At home helped do the work in the forenoon sewed some in the afternoon I went to the flats in evening

Thursday, August 5, 1875 - At Uncle Peters I helped Aunt Lavinia made pies for her sewed some on my medley

Friday 6 - At Uncle Peters in the morning Aunt Lavinia and I started for Charleston arrived at Uncle Roberts about four o'clock

Saturday 7 - At Uncle Roberts(26) I helped Aunt Margaret wash the dishes Mrs. Cruttenden and her daughter were here in the afternoon

Sunday, August 8, 1875 - At Uncle Roberts I read some went out to see the worms Aunt Matilda and I called in to Mr. McCurns

Monday 9 - At Uncle Roberts in the morning I started for home about ten o'clock stopped at Mr. Ripleys took dinner then came home about tired out

Tuesday 10 - at home sick Mrs. York Delia Garrison were here in the afternoon Delia staid all night

Wednesday, August 11, 1875 - At home sick not able to do anything

Thursday 12 - At home sick sewed a little on my medley it rained

Friday 13 - At home I washed the dishes sewed on my medley it rained

Saturday, August 14, 1875 - At home I washed the dishes sewed a little wrote some

Sunday 15 - At home in the forenoon Clara Nettie Rose GPM came afterwards Till and Charlie here and Mrs. Daily came I went riding in the evening

Monday 16 - At home not feeling very well ? Clara and Rose are here

Tuesday, August 17, 1875 - At home Clara and Rose are here we washed Abbie Rose and I went down to Mr. Styres and played croquet

Wednesday 18 - At home Clara Rose and Abbie went up to the Dr Ma and I staid alone my eye is sore and I cant sew or read

Thursday 19 - At home went down to Uncle Daniels Abbie came home about noon I washed windows in the ? ironed got supper Mattie Rose Clara came ... night

Friday, August 20, 1875 - At home Mattie went home in the morning Mattie Green and Mate Card came in the afternoon we played Authors in the evening

Saturday 21 - At home I went and helped Sean get ready to go to Canton in the afternoon Clara Rose Tom and Sean went to Canton I went and helped milk

Sunday 22 - At home in the morning Abbie and I went took a ride after we got the work done up when we got back found Aunt Margaret and Uncle Robert & George here

 The Hulslander School District, shown here from the 1875 map, 
was the residence of the Monro, Bradford, Card, Styres,
and Hulslander Households. 

It borders the Holly School District to 
the north which is the northeast corner of Sullivan Township.
To the east is Columbia Township in Bradford County.

Monday, August 23 - At home we washed Uncle Abram came in the morning Till Charlie and Eddy came to dinner Mrs. York and Lilly came up in the afternoon Sean and Tom came home in the afternoon

Tuesday 24 - At home I helped do the work we ironed got dinner Uncle Robert & Aunt Margaret came here to dinner I laid down in the afternoon went and helped milk

Wednesday 25 - At home I washed dishes in the forenoon helped get dinner Sean and Tom went to York state I washed the dishes made beds helped skim milk

Thursday, August 26, 1875 - At home I helped do the work in the afernoon Lilly Heckman (27) was up here I tore off some of my blocks got supper helped milk

Friday 27 - At home I helped do the work Till and Charlie came along here and stopped Abbie went to the Flats with Charlie they came back took supper

Saturday 28 - At home I washed the dishes swept the rooms helped bake pies mopped & swept chambers

Sunday, August 29, 1875 - At home in the morning Abbie Royal(28) and I went to ? meeting after meeting went to Tills then came home

Monday 30 - I was at home we commenced Abbies dress I went down to Styres went in to see Mrs. Comfort went and helped milk

Tuesday 31 - At home in the morning Charlie came over and I went down to Uncle Daniels with him came home about tired out

Wednesday, September 1, 1875 - At home I help do the work got ready to go over to Charlies to the party went to Mr. Seymor to get my money staid all night

Thursday 2 - At Tills in the morning Came home after breakfast sewed on Abbies dress

Friday 3 - At home I helped do the work sewed on Abbie's dress it is a very warm day

Saturday, September 4, 1875 - At home I sewed on Abbie's dress and helped do the work Abbie went to Canton today

Sunday 5 - At home all day I helped do up the work read some George came up in the afternoon we went down & took a walk down by the old mill

Monday 6 - At home I helped do the work tied some of the fringe in my tidy

Tuesday, September 7, 1875 - At home we washed I looked over hops Till came over we went in and eat dinner with Sean

Wednesday 8 - I was at home I helped do the work ironed I worked on my tidy George and Aunt Julia Thompson came along and stopped

Thursday 9 - At home I helped do the work ironed cut out my apron in the afternoon

Friday, September 10, 1875 - At home I worked on my tidy and helped do the work

Saturday 11 - At home Ma went to Troy I done up the work baked mopped skimmed milk George came up home with them

Sunday 12 - At home helped do up the work ma and I went down in the orchard came back got dinner wrote a letter to Abbie

Monday, September 13, 1875 - At home I helped do the work and went up to Henry ? today I sewed in the afternoon went & helped milk at night

Tuesday 14 - At home we washed cut out some cuffs in the afternoon Aunt Lavinia came up after me and I went down home with her

Wednesday 15 - At Uncle Peters I done up the work made cookies and done the rest of the work

Thursday, September 16, 1875 - At Uncle Peters I done the work went in to Mrs. Dales to get a vail and in to Mrs. Bristols Aunt Lavinia went over to ? today

Friday 17 - At Uncle Peters I done the work made pies went to Mrs. Dales

Saturday 18 - At Uncle Peters I baked mopped canned tomatoes did the other work Abbie came at night staid all night

Sunday, September 19, 1875 - At Uncle Peters I done up the work George went and took Abbie and I up home Abbie Roy and I went over to Tills in the evening

Monday 20 - At home we washed Abbie is at home I went up to the Dr. in the afternoon got some medicine Ella Updyke came a piece with me

Tuesday 21 - At home Abbie started for Canton today I ironed I sewed some

Wednesday. September 22, 1875 - At home I helped do the work sewed Joe Emery was here in the evening ...?

Thursday 23 - At home in the forenoon hemmed my skirt went to Mate Smiths wedding in the afternoon came home in the evening the first frost this morning

Friday 24 - At home I helped do the work Ma and I went down to the creek and got some hemlock cones for Mate

Saturday, September 25, 1875 - At home Ma and I washed the woodwork in the kitchen mopped and done the other work

Sunday 26 - At home Till and Charlie Rizpah and Truman & Uncle Roberts folks came Mattie staid over it rained

Monday 27 - At home we baked in the forenoon packed Ma's trunk in the afternoon Mattie and I took a ride in the evening

Tuesday, September 28, 1875 - We started for Elmira in the morning about half past six Ma started for Westboro at six thirty went to the Fair saw lots of nice things went to Eldridge Park enjoyed it very much went to the Hotel staid all night

Wednesday 29 - At Elmira took breakfast at the Delavan House Mate Avery(29) staid there also after breakfast went walking went to a candy store then we went to the fair ground came to Troy in the afternoon came to Sylvania in the evening & went to the concert staid all night to Uncle Peters

Thursday 30 - At Uncle Peters in the morning came home tired out helped Sean get dinner then went to bed

Friday, October 1, 1875 - At home it rained all day I made me an apron went to bed in the afternoon

Saturday 2 - At home I baked mopped and done the other work and helped milk

Sunday 3 - At home I done up my work Mattie & R.C. were here Tom and Sean went down to Charlie Cards

Monday, October 4, 1875 - At home I done the work sewed some Mattie is here helped milk

Tuesday 5 - At home I washed Mattie went over to Charlie Cards I helped milk

Wednesday 6 - At home I done my work ironed Mattie came back in the afternoon we went took her down to Uncle Daniel Bradfords I went to Sylvania

Thursday, October 7, 1875 - At home I done my work finished my ironing went helped milk

Friday 8 - At home I helped do up the work went and helped milk

Saturday 9 - At home I wrote a letter to Ma helped Sean all day I was tired and at night Sean had the tooth ache

Sunday, October 10, 1875 - At home it rained I done up the work Dr. came pulled Sean's tooth I was sick went to bed

Monday 11 - At home not very well sewed for Sean

Tuesday 12 - At home patched some for Sean and helped her some we cut some apples at night

Wednesday, October 13, 1875 - In Sean's room I mended some stockings helped Sean some

Thursday 14 - At home in the forenoon do the work Went down to Batemans in the afternoon pieced on my medley

Friday 15 - At home in the forenoon Helped Sean had company in the afternoon Mate Avery Ella Updyke Sarah Bailey I was at ... in the afternoon

Saturday, October 16, 1875 - At home it rained all day at night it turned to snow I helped Sean in the forenoon

Sunday 17 - At home Mattie came up G.M. came was here all day R.C. came in the evening it rained he staid all night

Monday 18 - At home in the morning we took breakfast with Sean then got ready and went down to Tills I peeled apples for Till We had lots of fun

Tuesday, October 19, 1875 - At Tills we washed and done the other work we played Authors in the evening

Wednesday 20 - At Tills we ironed some in the forenoon went down to Mr. Daileys in the afternoon had a nice visit pieced on my medley

Thursday 21 - At Tills in the forenoon in the afternoon went up to Uncle Thomas in the afternoon staid allnight I pieced

Friday, October 22, 1875 - At Uncle Thomas in the forenoon pieced some went down to Tills in the afternoon

Saturday 23 - At Tills I helped her some I swept and mopped and sewed some in the evening Charlie & RC & Till Mattie & I went to Mansfield went to the ?

Sunday 24 - At Tills Uncle Roberts folks & Toms folks were there I came home in the evening I had the toothache

Monday, October 25, 1875 - At home I was in Seans room today I helped her some I had the toothache Joe Emery was in a little while

Tuesday 26 - I was in Seans room she washed I helped her some washed the dishes

Wednesday 27 - At home I baked some sewed some on my quilt went down to Susans got some yeast

Thursday, October 28, 1875 - At home I done my work washed some of my blocks ironed and worked on my quilt baked bread

Friday 29 - At home sewed on my quilt

Saturday 30 - At home I mopped blacked the stove sewed and done my other work

Sunday, October 31, 1875 - At home George P came up I wrote a letter we went in and eat dinner with Sean helped wash the dishes then got ready went home with George

Monday, November 1, 1875 - At Aunt Lavinia's I sewed some went over to Mrs. Dales to get my hat

Tuesday 2 - At Aunt Lavinias I helped iron and put some beads on my belt read some

Wednesday, November 3, 1875 - At Aunt Lavinias I put beads on my belt went in to Mrs. Dales and up to E? helped cart apples in the evening

Thursday 4 - At Aunt Lavinia's I baked cookies and sewed some washed dishes helped peal apples in the evening

Friday 5 - At Aunt Lavinia's in the forenoon helped her do up the work then Aunt came and brought me up home I baked cake after I got home had the toothache most all night

Saturday, November 6, 1875 - At home I got breakfast and got ready to go to Canton went to Troy found Ma at Mattie Cards took dinner there and then went to Canton got there about dark

Sunday 7 - At Aunt Sybils all day Mrs. Chilson and Alice came there we went to the disciple church in the evening came home from church and had our ? and went to bed

Monday 8 - At Aunt Sybil's took breakfast and started for home arrived home a little after noon got dinner & changed my clothes had the toothache

Tuesday, November 9, 1875 - At home we washed I had the toothache in the afternoon I commenced to make a rush had the toothache

Wednesday 10 - At home I done up the work sewed on my rush and finished it pealed apples in the evening had the toothache ironed in the forenoon

Thursday 11 - At home done up the work in the afternoon we cleared the chamber and put down the carpet and set up the beds and sewed in the evening

Friday, November 12, 1875 - At home had the headache all day I pieced some but did not feel much like sewing

Saturday 13 - At home helped do up the work picked a chicken helped make pies sewed in the afternoon

Sunday 14 - At home A rainy day I wrote a letter to Lucy Card and one to Abbie

Monday, November 15, 1875 - At home I worked at my quilt most all day Watson came down here at night

Tuesday 16 - At home we washed I sewed in the afternoon

Wednesday 17 - At home Ma went down to Uncle Daniels I finished my quilt went down to Susan's in the afternoon

Thursday, November 18, 1875 - At home ironed in the forenoon I cut out my cuffs in the afternoon and made them

Friday 19 - At home I mended my dress and mended my vail and went down to Aunt Susan's Watson took tea with us then he went home I mended my apron

Saturday 20 - At home in the morning I went down to Susans to take care of Sarah Bailey came home at night and went back again I sat up with Sarah the last part of the night

Sunday, November 21, 1875 - At home all day Till and Charlie came over and George Monro came up

Monday 22 - At home we washed most all day I knit in the evening

Tuesday 23 - At home I commenced my white skirt sewed up the seams I commenced to sew on the machine today

Wednesday, November 24, 1875 - At home we ironed in the forenoon I sewed on the machine a little we went down to Mrs. Styres in the afternoon

Thursday 25 - At home Ma and I went up to Uncle Henry's I sewed on mas apron I knit in the evening

Friday 26 - At home I stitched Ma's apron on the machine in the afternoon ? came in here in the afternoon I commenced to fix my overskirt

Saturday, November 27, 1875 - At home I helped do the work finished my overskirt and pressed it out knit in the evening

Sunday 28 - At home in the morning I went over to Tills in forenoon staid until about five o'clock came home went to bed

Monday 29 - At home we washed Ma and I cut out two pair of overhalls and sewed some on them

Tuesday, November 30, 1875 - At home I sewed on the sewing machine most all day

Wednesday, December 1 - At home I ironed and sewed and helped do the other work

Thursday 2 - At home in the morning went to Troy with Till and Charlie Abbie came home today I got me a comb and sack

Friday, December 3, 1875 - At home I sewed on the machine Uncle Daniels foliks were up here to ? today staid the evening I knit in the evening

Saturday 4 - At home I sewed some Abbie and I went down to Mr. Yorks to see Lilly(30) and her baby came home knit some

Sunday 5 - At home all day Tom and Sean went to the flats I read some R. C. was here Watson came at night we visited a while and then went to bed

Monday, December 6, 1875 - At Home I helped do the work and sewed some knit in the evening

Tuesday 7 - At home we washed Charlie and Till and Mr. Daileys folks came here today I knit some in the evening

Wednesday 8 - At home I helped do the work sewed some on the machine hemmed some ruffles knit in the evening

Thursday, December 9, 1875 - At home I helped do the work tucked on my skirt on the machine

Friday 10 - At home I helped do the work tucked on my skirt - Watson came down here at night Tom and Sean went up to Dr. B--d to make a visit

Saturday 11 - At home I sewed on my skirt finished tucking it - finished Seans apron I had the headache at night - Amanda Vanwalkman was here in the evening

Sunday, December 12, 1875 - At home I done up the work Tom and Sean and children went away George came up Watson is here and we cracked hickory nuts and eat apples and read

Monday 13 - At home we washed George is here I ironed my blocks and cut out some work sewed some in the evening George staid all night

Tuesday 14 - At home I helped do the work we ironed and I sewed on the machine George went home after dinner I knit in the evening

Wednesday, December 15, 1875 - At home I helped do the work sewed on the machine sewed in the evening Ma and I made Johny(31) a shirt

Thursday 16 - At home I helped do the work sewed on the machine

Friday 17 - At home I helped do the work finished my clothes and measured my blocks and knit in the evening Aunt Margaret and Uncle Robert and Freddie came at night

Saturday, December 18, 1875 - At home Aunt Mag is here we done the work and I pieced some on my blocks and knit in the evening

Sunday 19 - At home it is pretty cold weather we done up the work and then I read some and then we got dinner and done up the work I had the toothache some

Monday 20 - At home I helped do the work and fixed a rush on my black dress helped pick turkeys in the evening

Tuesday, December 21, 1875 - At home in the morning went to Troy got home after dark got some lace to trim my sack I took a bad cold it is a good deal warmer

Wednesday 22 - At home we washed Dollie Wood (32)came here today I knit in the evening warm weather

Thursday 23 - At home I helped do the housework ironed

Friday, December 24, 1875 - At home Abbie is sick helped do the work it stormed very hard in the afternoon Watson came down at night - R.C. came in the evening we played Authors

Saturday 25 - At home in the morning Abbie R. and I went over to Charlie's I trimmed Tills hat then we eat dinner George P. came over there in the evening played Authors

Sunday 26 - At Tills in the morning I went down to Mansfield to have my tooth pulled came home in the afternoon Till and Charlie & George was here today

Monday, December 27, 1875 - At home I helped do the work sewed some Truman Rose and Watt staid here all night We played Authors

Tuesday 28 - At home in the morning went down to Uncle Daniels with Charlie and then went to the flats with Aunt Lin came home at night

Wednesday 29 - At home Sarah Bailey came up here I made a cake got ready went over to Mr. Bristols toa donation had a nice time

Thursday, December 30, 1875 - At home cut out the lining to my sack

Friday 31 - At home I helped do the work cut out the outside to my sack Susan and Sarah Bailey were up here in the afternoon

1. Sarah Monro, a.k.a. Sadie, was daughter of Dorcas Card and John Borden Monro.

2. At this time I do not know the name of this child of Thomas Monroe and Asenath Cole. Several other children lived to adulthood and had children.

3. "The Flats" refers to Sylvania, which was earlier called Columbia Flats. Although part of Sullivan Township in Tioga County, the North Road, where the Monroes lived, was close to Sylvania in Columbia Township, Bradford County, and very often had aSylvania mailing address.

4. Sarah's mother was Dorcas Card. Her sister Melinda was married to Daniel Bradford. In the custom of the time, all property was referred to only in the male name even thouth the female householder may have been a closer relative. Even in the case of sisters or daughters, people referred only to the home of the brother in law or son in law. This custom lingered in to the early part of the twentieth century.

5. Lin was apparently the nickname for Melinda Card, aunt of Sarah Monro

6. Fred Bradford was Sarah's young cousin

7. Dorcas Matilda "Til" Monro was Sadie's sister, married to Charles Reitz. They lived in sullivan near the Richmond Border. In modern times Daisy Griffin and Owen Hart lived at their locatin. The road is now called Reitz Road.

8. Sarah Monro was aunt to Sadie. She was married to Henry Card, and their daughter, Mary Amy Card was married to Thomas Ames. This is another case of referring to visiting her own cousin as a visit to the home of the cousin's husband. It sounds strange to us, but it made send to them in a time when women did not hold full rights of citizenship.

9. Dr. Leonard Bradford was brother to Sadie's uncle by marriage, Daniel Bradford. He practiced medicine in Columbia and Sullivan townships and environs.

10. Abbie was Sadie's little sister. To spell down the school would be to win a spelling bee.

11. Teachers stayed with local families on a rotation basis during the school week. Watson is apparently the teacher, probably at the Hulslander School on North Road (presently called Hulslander Road) {PA DOT renamed many roads and merged into one, multiple roads with separate names. }

12. Sarah Styres (1859 - 1938) was daughter of William Styres and Rachel. She later married Orrin Aonzo Smith. The Styres place was also on the North Road and remains only as foundations now. The Emerson Smith diaries contain multiple references to the Styres of Sullivan Township.

13. Lavinia Pettibone was Sadie's aunt by virtue of her marriage to Peter Monro, brother of Sadie's father. George Monro was her son and Sadie's cousin.

14. Clarissa Metler was a cousin of Sadie through her aunt Sibyl Monro who maried James mettler.

15. Elizabeth Ames, daughter of Sadie's cousin Mary Amy Card and her husband Thomas Ames (mentioned earlier) was a graduate of Mansfield Normal School. She went on to medical school in Philadelphia and died of an infection contracted from a cadaver in the course of her studies.

16. "Sean" is a nickname for Asenath Cole, wife of Sadie's brother Thomas Monro.

17. Henry Card, husband of Sadie's aunt, Sarah Monro.

18. Gertrude Styres, born 1862, was sister of Sate (Sarah) Styres mentioned earlier.

19. Bateman Monro

20. Sadie's examination was in preparation for teaching. Requirements for teachers at this time were very minimal.

21. Alva Gray, husband of Caroline McConnell, was a mason. He eventually was blinded by the powder of the mortar he used.

22. Susan, mentioned so frequently, is Susan Besley, third wife of Bateman Monro 2nd.

23. Apparently a meeting for teachers was held at the Robbins Hill School in Sullivan

24. Mary Elizabeth Smith, 1854-1896, was daughter of Mary Abbott Bradford and Alexander Cumstock Smith. She married Frank Avery in Sept 1875 and they divorced many children and some years later.

25. This is probably Mary Turner Monroe, aunt of Sadie. She had son raymond Gernert, but I do not know which Gernert she was married to.

26. I can not identify Robert and Margaret. However, Sadie's grandfather was Robert Card, so possibly Dorcas and Melinda had a brother Robert ??

27. This is probably a misspelling of Lily York's married name of Hapeman.

28. Royal Colby is the man Sadie eventually married

29. Sadie is now calling her friend Mary "Mate" Smith by a married name.

30. Lily York Hapeman

31. Johnny is son of Thomas and Asenath

32. Dollie Smith, daughter of Jesse Smith and Annis Worden, was first married to Arba Wood and then to his cousin Thomas Wood.

Thanks so much for the continuation of Sadie Monro`s diary!!!!!!!!! You are correct on note 26. I have on p.143 of Charles H Card`s 1994 work CARD HERITAGE: Robert Gardner Card, son of Robert and Mary Gardiner Card [and] therefore a brother of Dorcas and Melinda, m.Margaret Bailey 31Oct 1849 at Warwick RI. I`ve enjoyed the other recent additions of diaries. Clarice 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On ? 
By Joyce M. Tice