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Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Litchfield Township, Bradford County PA
Diaries & Letters of the Tri-Counties
Julia Ann Park Diary 1869
Diary: Julia Ann Park
Township: Litchfield, Bradford County PA
Year: 1869
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Transcribed and Submitted by Chris Painter
Formatted & Published by Joyce M. Tice April 2005
1868 1869 1870
Joyce's Search Tip - December 2010
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Diaries and Letters
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1869 Friday January 1
Last night it commenced snowing about 1 o’clock and snowed steady all day from the north.  I think there will be but few visits made today.  Pa and I decided to have went over to Uncle Harrison’s but we had to give it up.  If the storm turns into a bluster, the roads will be impassible.  I cleaned the pantry and put up clean papers and made out quite a day’s work for the commencement of the year.  Cobe split wood in the wood shed and Pa drawed wood from Russell’s until noon.
Saturd 2nd
The storm has ceased and the wind is in the east.  This afternoon it rained a little and moved quite hard for a while, but there seems to be a crust on the snow and we do not look for much of a blow.  John Neaves came and hired our cutter and harness to go to Windham with Carrie over to Mr. Anderson’s.  They moved Thursday.  Cobe worked half of the day.
Sund 3rd
It has been quite pleasant today.  Pa and I intended to have gone to quarterly meeting, but as the cutter was gone, we stayed at home.
Mond 4
Pa and Cobe split wood in the wood house.  I baked some cookies and practiced and done up the work. We had to wait some time for John to hitch the cutter that we might go to singing school.  He was with it at last and we went.  There was not as large a school as last Monday.  We had an invitation to go to Athens to a donation party on Tuesday and another to Uncle John Parks on Thursday evening.  Think I shall go to the last one also.
Tues 5th
Pa went to Waverly and we went along as far as Uncle Heman’s.  Cobe split and piled wood in the wood house and I washed, mopped and practiced.
Wednes 6th
Ma trimmed my merrino (sic) dress three sews around the skirt and three around the waist and sleeves.  I did some ironing.
Thursd 7th
Did up the work and got dinner and then Pa took me down to Uncle Moses’s.  Sarah was nearly ready so she ate her dinner and Orlando took us down to Uncle Joe’s.  We stayed there the afternoon.  Then they got ready and we all started for the party.  We had to go around by Smith’s house in our road there was Uncle Joe, Aunt Lib, Sarah, Dell, John, Dan, Myles Osborn, Jim Shoemaker and Ella.  We had a very pleasant ride though the sleighing was going off fast.  Everything went off well at the party.  There was over 70 people there.  They had a nice lunch and very good music.  There players were Morgan and Son, from Waverly.
Frid Jan 8th
 I got back to Uncle Joe’s and about half past four, got to bed at five and slept until 7 o’clock and then got up and ate our breakfast then Aunt sat down and began to talk and shortly Dell came up and we had a gay old time over the party.  We sat until 11 o’clock and looked out and saw a cutter draw up with three persons in it, Ma, Mr. Derce and his sister Mary and Josephine Swartwood.  They had been home from the party, got ready and came around by Smith’s and got there before our dishes was washed.  Sarah and I had been waiting for some of her folks after us but they did not come, so we started off a foot.  Got up to Uncle’s and they had gone to Athens and had supposed Uncle Joe would bring us.  I stayed until 5 o’clock and looked for Pa to come after me and then started for home.  Got here just before dark.  Was very tired and drabbled.  In a little while John and Mary Jones and Betsey Jane and Jack Horton and Jane came.  They stayed until after 3 and then I went to bed half dead.
Saturd 9th
Laid in bed until 11 o’clock and then got up and got dinner.  Ma went over to Mr. Haselton’s and spent the afternoon and practiced the rest of the day.  Cobe and Pa split wood.  It commenced raining just before dark from the south and the snow is just going off.  The fields are nearly naked of snow.
Sund 10
It has turned colder and has frozen up.  The winter wheat is all naked, the first it has been uncovered since the first.
Mond 11
Pa and Cobe sawed wood.  Ma made Rose a red shoulder blanket and I done up the work and went to bed and laid until Ma got dinner ready.  I then washed the dishes, swept and made the beds and mopped the kitchen.  Got supper and then baked bread.  Got ready to go to singing school but it has stormed all day from the north east, so we gave it up.  The storm has snow rain and hail.  The thermometer stands up to 34.  It has been very mild winter weather so far.
Tuesd 12
It has blowed all day and snowed part of the day, but has not been very cold.  Pa and Cobe sawed wood.
Wednes 13
Pa and Cobe sawed wood in the rode.  Ma did the work and I had the headache and took a sweat.  Pa and Cobe went over to a caucus.  Next Friday is town election.  Pa brought me a letter with a picture in it from Michigan.
Thursd 14
Done up the work and practiced and patched my calico dress.  Ma darned stockings.  Pa and Cobe sawed wood.  This afternoon there was four men, two foxes and one hound came over the hill found in Russell’s wheat field.  They shot them both.  They were from Nichols.  Also, Henry Hayes brought over a quarter of beef weighing 105 pounds for ten cents per pound.  Just as we were getting up from the table, we looked out and saw two sleigh loads come up.  It was Uncle Moses, Aunt Hanna, Harriett, Sara, Leander, Lizzie and Betsie Bixbie in one load, the other was Susie Merrill and Elonzo.  They did not stay long as she came after an order for teaching.  Pa did not give her any because there had been some misunderstanding about the wages to be given to the teachers among the directors.  The others went home before 9 o’clock.
Frid 15
Pa split blocks and Cobe drawed them up to the wood house.  They worked until noon and then started for election.
Saturd 16
 I mopped the floor and baked some pies, put up a swing, calculated to go over to Uncle Harrison’s, but Russell wanted our cutter, so I gave it up.  Just before night, Rosa and I got ready and went over as far as Uncle Heman’s with Thommy.  He was going over to Rowens after Seba Watkison.  The whole family had moved from Del. 3 years ago.  They went to Delaware and bought a farm. _____ all had in to it and vow it is sold and they have nothing.  Also, Charles York went there, sold off everything he had here and he and his family are all back and are worth nothing.  So it is with nearly all who _____.  The country is very poor and unwhealthy.  Well when we got there we found Uncle Heman sick with chill fever.  Mary Morse and _____ were there but _____ went home.  Found Mary _____ _____ and _____ _____ big boy weighed 9 ½ lbs. ____ _____ old.  Arch and Edd had gone to Connecticut to Frank Browns.  Nellie was sick and _____ received a dispatch that she was dying, so they started straight off.  About 9 o’clock Lo___ came home from Wills.
Sund 17
Got up helped Aunt get breakfast and got _____ ____ with _____ and Geo to church.  There was but a few out.  Pa was there and we went home with him.  It commenced snowing from there out just bad.
Mond 18
Today Johnson Rogers and William Wright have a law suit about one sheep that J~ charges Wm with hiding some of his sheep.  Did not settle it.  To be decided next ____.  Pa and I went to singing school.  Let _____ Conner to come home with us.
January Wedns 20
It has been quite cold and blustering.  I did a large washing but did not hang it up.
Thurds 21
Hung up my clothes mopped the floor and practiced and done the Thurs work in _____.  Pa went to Waverly.  I sent off a letter to F.
Friday 22
Ironed and baked pies, pieced blocks for a bed quilt.
Saturd 23
Done some baking, churned and cleaned the _____ and _____ _____ _____ pieced some blocks.
Sund 24
IT has been a lovely day.  The sun has shone all day.  This morning Mr. Davis came over and got an order of _____ dollars.  He is working at the follow school.  Pa and Ma and Rosa went down to Uncle Moses this afternoon.  Eli Merrill, his wife and their children Lyman M____ came over but finding my folks not at home did not stay.  They wanted me to go home with them.
Mond 25
Baked some bread in the evening.  Afternoon, Mr. Towner came and ate his supper, but out his horse and went to singing school.  There was quite a large congregation.  After instruction I played the violin.  Mr. T~ came home with us and stayed until Tuesday.
Tues 26
We practiced all forenoon but did not practice anything very difficult.  Just before noon Uncle Ben came out, wanted Pa and I to go down to his house to an oyster supper.  We went.  The evening was light as day and the evening sleighing was excellent. There was but a few there.  There was Mr. & Mrs. D_____, Miles Osborn, L____ _____ and Elders John Dunken, Jim and Ella Shoemaker, Uncle Joe and Aunt Lib, and Alvardo, Lott Mills, Pa and I.  The supper was splendid.
Wends 27
Laid a bed all day and _____ _____ _____ of doing much of anything.
 Thurs 28
Washed in the forenoon and mopped.  Finished piecing the blocs for my quilt and practiced _____ the Triumphant _____ and songs the _____ _____ at Home, Scandle Lane.  Pa, Ma and Rosa went over to John Rogers for an evening _____.
Frid 29
Went over to Hemans.  Mrs. Maslian & Hyman were _____ _____ _____. _____and his wife are _____ _____.  Hanna has not ____.  That was put up there before _____ but _____ _____
January, Friday 29th (continued)
in time to keep it.  Hanna’s mother is a violin player.  We played together with the two instruments and had a few games of dominoes.  I enjoyed my visit very much.  Pa came after me just at dusk.  It has thundered all day and now it is commencing raining.  Mercury has stood at 56 degrees all day.
Saturday 30th
Got up and done up the Saturday’s work and just before noon Lizzie Park came up from Russes.  She stayed until dark.  Last night it thundered and lightninged very sharp.  Has ____ again today.
Sund 31st
It is cold today.  Pa and Ma was intending to go to church, but it was so cold she did not venture out.  Mercury stood at 4 degrees today.

Mond 1st
The weather has _____.  Mercury went up to 25 degrees and I went to singing school.  There was a large audience. ______ _______ were there from Athens.  Windham ____ ____ hill in two or three _____ ______ the _____.  Mr. Towner _____ in the play _____ _____ ____ the rest of the school, so I agreed to _____ for him.
Tuesday 2nd
Got up early and went to Waverly with Pa.  He got me a new skirt.  It was $7.  Pa went up to Will’s and got his money, then we went up, we ____ at Bowens and _____.  We came back by Athens and called at Uncle Heman’s a little while and got home just before dark.  It was very cold riding.
Wednesday 3rd
We got up early and done up the work and locked up the house and went over to Robert Sanders.  They were looking for us.  Perhaps we should not have gone.  It was foggy and _____, but we was round well and did not get wet.  I had not been there long before they began to ____ on new music for me to play but they did not trick me as they had expected.  Before we came away, they had made up their minds that ____ ought to take lessons and thought that they could come to me.  ____ will be.  I can’t say if she does.  I shall do my best to help her along.  When we got home, Pa done up the chores and went over to see _____.  Found him some better.
Thursday the 4th
 It snowed all night and is snowing still with a strange glow from the west.  Pa could not get the cattle to the spring to drink.  We looked for Hannah and ____ ____ and _____ over but the storm prevents their coming.  About 10 o’clock this afternoon along came Hannah and her folks.  The wind was rising higher all the time.  Henry went back home and in the evening when he came back he brought John and Mary.  They got here just before we got tea ready.  After Pa, John and I played a while, and then Hannah and ____ danced a polka and a _____.  Then they all told some funny stories.  Then we played a while and had some apples.  Then we played and Rose danced for some time.  So the ____ passed until 12 o’clock, and then they all went home.
Friday the 5th
Today the sun has shown nearly all the time and the wind has blown steady.  The west side of the yard is full of snow clear up to the fence and some past the well, the _____ and about two feet from the top of the drift.  It is the first I have seen since past winter.  I got up this morning, got breakfast, washed the dishes, the cupboards and all the dishes therein, churned, made the beds, mopped the floors and put the parlor ____ right, scoured all the trim and polished the spoons and forks and done some mending. Got supper and washed the dishes and got potatoes ready for breakfast.  Quite a day’s work for me.  I ____ as I have not done as much this winter.
Saturday the 6th
Today it has been warm and pleasant.  It has thawed and the snow has packed a good deal.  I have mopped, baked, and done the Saturday’s work.  Pa went to Nichols to finish paying for the Parsol lot and Ma went down as far as Johnses with him.
Sunday the 7th
We stayed at home all day and did not go to church.  It has been mild and pleasant.  I read a few chapters in Able C. Thomas’s autobiography.  This evening Pa went down to Johnses and heard that Mr. Woolhiser was dead.  Died yesterday afternoon.  It has been a fairly full winter.
Monday the 8th
Pa and I went over to the funeral.  There was a large congregation out.  After meeting, I went over to S. B. Carmer’s and stayed until singing school.  There was _____ Campbell there from Athens.  We had music all afternoon.  Edd Lunger brought over his violin and we played some together.  We went to the church and waited until after the usual time and then Geo Morse commenced it. Towner soon came and took charge of the service.
Tuesday 9th
I worked around all day, then Pa went and took Aunt Linda home (she came home with him from the funeral) and I ____ over to Haseltons.  John and Mary were there when I got there.  We had some apples to eat and then we played a while and then had some tea.  We then played a while and some of them danced and told stories and sang songs and finally had a ____ and a ____ and then came home.
Wed 10th
Pa went down on the river to ____ some seed.  We got some of miro Osborn.  Russell brought Mary Ann up and she stayed all afternoon and Rosa went over to the Center.  Got back and stayed to tea.  We had an invitation to go Ann ____ to a turkey ___ _____.
Thursd 11
Pa went to Waverly after a load of plaster and took off a head of cabbage.  I commenced a washing, but could not ____ steady at it for the others.  Maggie came up for a pat of buttermilk and sauerkraut when ____ Merrill came and wanted me to go over to Charles Vandusers to a donation party for Miller in the evening (but I could not go).  After Almira came after some butter and sauerkraut so it was _____ _____ ______ _____.  I got my washing on and the mopping done.
Frid 12
Pa went over and invited John and Mary to go to_____.  I went over to _____.  Today has been as warm as any spring day.  There was an eclipse over the moon, but it was cloudy and so we could not see it.
Saturd 13
 Last night we went down to Hurds?.  There was a band.  Then John took his violin along and we played.  He had a new ___ and I should think a very good one.  They had a splendid supper and everything we could think of there was.  The same fare that ____ ____ to Uncle Bens and a _____ _____ Will this evening as ____ _____ ____ _____ _____.  Pa and Ma went to Athens a while after they went Emma Park and her husband come up and stayed all day.  Tommy and Mary came up after them and stayed a while.  They got home just as I had finished the chores.  It has been so warm and pleasant that I have had the door open all afternoon and morning.  Mercury stood at 64.
Sunday 14
It has been warm and has rained nearly all day.  We are having our February thaw.

Monday 15
It has been quite warm and has rained some but last night it began to snow and turned some colder.  Pa and I got ready and went around to Haseltons and they all went down to Uncle Joe’s to a party.  There was about 35 or 40.  We had a splendid time, had very bad going.  I has shoved so in places that we couldn’t hardly get along.
Tuesd 16
It has been cold and blustering all day.  Pa and I went to singing school.  There was a real rush and just before we closed there was a couple loads from Athens came in and stayed until it was out.  After it was out (the 30 that came up from Athens all went over to S. B. Carmer’s to see a dance.  Stayed until 3).
Wed 17th
I ___ around and did up the work, scrubbed the floor.  Had just got through when Geo and Mary came up.  We began to practice and kept it up all day.  Went over all our new pieces.  Also some that Pa got me last night from the office.  Also got a letter from F~.
Thurs 18
Last night it began to snow and blow so that Geo and Mary stayed all night so we had another good time singing.
Friday 19
Got up and could hardly get to the barn for the snow that was being blown about.  11 o’clock Towner came stayed and went to singing school.  There was a great many out.  The wind had gone down and the moon shone very bright.  He goes from here to Barton and ____ to schools running them, comes back here Friday nights.
Saturd 20
It has been snowing steady from the east and I think we shall have some more sleighing this evening.  Pa went up to the center and I went along as far as Mr. _____.  Pa came back and we stayed the evening. _____ has a melodion, one that was left there.  They have not concluded to take it.
Sund 21
Today there is a new Baptist preacher at the church.  His name is (Shwank). It has been warm and sunny.
Monda 22
It has rained all day and just before night it began to ____.  There would be a hard gust.
Tuesday 23
 Has blowed hard and snowed by squalls and has been quite cold all day.  There is a thick crust on the ground and on the ____.  The wind has blown some of the _____ off the barn as large as the ____.  Pa and I went to singing school.  There was a great many considering.  The ____ at Towners was _____ to ______ took charge of the classes.  Also, Pa killed ____.  I could hardly think of _____ _____ was _____ _____ and _____.
Feb Wed 24
It has been cold and blustering all day until just before night then just wind and rain.  We all went over to Hazelton’s.  There was there beside us Uncles Moses, Ben and Joe and Aunts Maria and _____.  Dick and Helen have come back from _____.  We had a very nice time.  They called it the Park visit.  They invited John and Mary over but he had to play over to _____ _____’s and Dick and I had to do all the playing.  They had a few pieces ____ _____.  We got home about 1 o’clock.  I think it was a beautiful evening.  The moon shown its brightest and its crest shown like one vast sheet of silver.
Thurs 25
Pa and Ma have slept most of the day and in the evening have gone to Johnses a visiting.  Mrs. Maslain and Maggie called and I visited a while with them.  I practiced a couple of hours and answered Fred’s letter.  They got home about half past 9 o’clock.  They had a good visit.  There was Lide Ball and his wife, Mrs. Park, Josh and Neal; Wm _____ and his wife, ______ and some of their children.
Friday 26
Mrs. Maslain came up and was going to the Center, so she rode over with us.  Ma went over to Harrison McKineys.  We went to singing school.  Before it commenced, Nansie Brown and I went over to the store.  I put my letter in the office and got the paper.  It stormed all the while we were gone and coming back, but it quit before singing school was out.  They _____ to home and Dell and a Conscerta ____ from _____ _____.  We went down to McKinney’s and stayed until after tea and _____ home.  Pa did not harness the horse.  We all went to bed and ___ ____ and got up, did up the chores and found some _____ _____.  Started over to Uncle Harrisons.  People were not up long. ____ ____ until _____ to the Center just ____ going ____ Keler Hill, we met Uncle Hary and Aunt Bet.  They had wished to come here.  We went on and got there before the ____ was closed off.  We stayed until 12 o’clock.  Then there was another bad ____.  Dell and Geo and the little one, George and Mary and the little one, Arch and Ida, Del___ and _____ had a good time though the day was as cold as we have had in some time.  We sat around for some time and then we went out and rode in the new churning machine, then some of us went up and called on ____ and Frank.  We came back and had a good sing and they had our dinner.  After dinner, Geo and Mary, Delmer and I went over to the Brink’s.  There were some friends of Edd’s from Waverly.  Then Mrs. Brown and Frank McKinney and another fellow ____ ____ ____ and ___ _____ and.  Pa and Ma came along and we went home.  We had a great ride but we got home before sundown.
Cold and clear with high wind. 

March Mond 1
 I got up early and started to Waverly.  Found good sleighing until we got down on the river road.  There it was better sleighing.  Today beside the road we ____ ____.  Pa bought some dishes and _____ and I went up and ____ some ____ dishes and took on _____.  Pa and Ma’s pictures formed in Frankies taken over in a larger scale.  We went up to Mr. Russell’s and examined a couple of ____ for Sam _____.  He made up his mind to ___ by Manners for one of ____.  We went up to Mrs. Smiths and borrowed a couple sheets of music. ____ ____ ___ came ____ _____ _____ his _____ and I went up and had a bath ____ at _____’s office just before we got ready to go home.  Pa went on and got me ____ cloth dress and trimming, a ____ apron and a pair of Pearl ___ buttons.  We got home before dark.  Mr. Shipman came along and stopped over. ____ ____ Pa went down to get Russ to help saw wood.
Tuesday 2
Pa and Russ sawed wood for the school house and about 9 o’clock we had _____ and Russ went home and Pa went to doing the ____.  He had done them and was nearly ____ for singing school when Pa found Frankie was very sick so Pa gave up all thoughts of going.  We put some ____ ____ _____ and soon Fred Biddle and his sister Cat and Nancy came along.  They were ____.   ____ _____ school _____ they waited until she was better and then I went ____ with ____ and Pa soon came on horseback.  I went ____ all evening.
Wednesday the 3rd
It has been clear and cold all day and this evening we all went to Mr. Russells.  Mrs. ____’s people rode with us.  We had a good _____ _____ _____ _____ _____.
Thursday 4th
I had to practice my pieces to get ready for the drill next week.
Frid 5
Did not get up until Ma had breakfast, and the work ____ done up.  About 9 o’clock, Aunt Judith, Roger ____ and old Mr. D_____ and a couple of Roger’s children.  They stayed until ___ and ____ went home.  Almira brought _____ _____ _____ _____ a _____ of the day.  Also, we heard that ____ Camp, former ____ Munn was dead.  And ____ said ___ ___ and up to singing school tonight.  I did not feel ____ _____.
Satur 6th
The sun has shown all day, but it has been quite blustering and cold.  Pa and Ma went to ___ ___ and I did up the Saturday’s work ____.  They said the church was filled.  Ma said she had never seen the house so crowded.  The corpse was buried in her wedding clothes. ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___.
Sund 7
It has been quite warm again.  We got up early and I done up the work.  I had just got ready to sit back when along came Roger C__ell to have a good sing.  We practiced ___ ___ pieces that we proved quite ____.
Mond 8
I did a large washing.  Almira came up and sewed on my new dress.  Also, Mary Ann and Minerva came up around 9.  The sun shown all day and the clothes got dry.
Tues 9
Today Eli Merrill has his sale.  It has been quite warm.  The sleighing is going fast.  Pa bought a fanning _____ and some other things.  Almira came up and rented a part of the _____.  Just before night, Mary Wheelhouse came up from ____ and went with us to singing school.
Wed 10
It has rained all day hard.  It is a sorry sight for ____ ____ tomorrow.  I have done up the baking and the work.
Thurs 11
 Got up and found it frozen up hard.  Got ready and went over to the church.  There was a good fire, but ___ ___ then, but they soon cancelled ____.  Mr. Towner ___ ___ to have Carmer’s Melodion, but for some unforeseen reason, they would not let it go.  Had 23 scholars in this evening.  There was 35.  The prospects are pretty good for a good Tuesday evening.  I took my ____ over ____ ____ ___ ____ SB.  I received a letter from ____ ____.  Also received my Phols? from M___.
Frid March 12
Went to the church and found no fire but there was ___ water.  There was a number more found this morning.  We came home for our supper.  Mr. Towner and Mr. P____ and Dell came home with us.  We all went to the evening session in our sleigh.  After the evening session ____ came home with us and Dell stayed to ____.
Saturd 13
There was a number more came in as to ___ ____.  We have had a hard time and a profitable one so far.  Dan and Dell came home with us after then we all got ready and went to the concert.  Ma and Rose ____ all our concert was a _____.  There was a good attendance.  The pieces were well planned and the singers was as good voices.  There were a few pieces sung by P____ ___ Towner and Ian? which added to our entertainment.  The house was well bright with 14 lamps.  We brought the melodian home and Fred Riddle stopped and helped us unload it.
Sund 14
Got up rather late and got breakfast and done up the work.  Went to bed and took a nap.
Mond 15
It commenced snowing last night and is still snowing.  There is about 5 inches deep.  If it could only have come before, might have had a better time clearing our hill.  This afternoon Mr. and Mrs. B____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ___ and Mrs. Bold___ came over to make a visit.
Tues 16
The sun has shown bright all day and has melted the snow considerable.  Pa took a load of grain down to the mill and then went over to Eli Merrills to get the rest of his purchases.  Got home before sundown.  Did the clean and we got ready and went to singing school.  There was a great many out.  I suppose they thought it would be the last of the sleighing.
March Wed 17
I did the washing, mopping and baked some cookies and crust cakes.
Thurs 18
Pa went down and got his grain from the mill.
Frid 19
This morning Ma had a spell of bleeding at the lungs which left her feeling very weak.  Pa went down to Nichols for the doctor, but he sent some medicine.  Came home and did up the chores and went over after his sleigh and stayed to singing school a little while.  Just after dark it commenced snowing.  Aunt Abbie came along and was going over to Saries? but I had her stay over night.
Sat 20
Got up and found the ground covered with snow 4 inches deep.  Today is Fred Riddels sale.  He is going out west and so sells off his horses and farming implements.  I received a letter from Geo White and his picture in it and Abbie went over to Saras with Jose Rogers.
Sund 21
 Got the work all done up and dressed and ready to sit down to write a letter and Samuel Hunt? Hellen and Eliza Slawson? came up.  They stayed until night.  I made a bargain with Sam.  I gave Hellen a lesson and helped her learn her first exercise.
Mond 22
Pa started off early this morning in search of a girl to work.  He went over in Sheshequin to see Ruth Towner but could not get her, so he brought Aunt Marie home with him.  It has been cold and blustering all day.  Pa got home just before dark but I had done all the chores before he came.  I did the washing but could not hang up the clothes.
Tuesd 23
Hung up the clothes, done the work in general, and Pa and I went to singing school as it was good sleighing and moonlit.  There was a host out.
Wed 24
Got up early and helped to do up the work and got ready and Pa took me over to Barton and stopped to Ira Parkes and found them not at home, so went down found Johns and found them there.  Aunt Vic got dinner for us and then Pa started home.  Eunice had been down to Mr. Binslys and when she came up we all went up to Dans.  Allic went up with us.  In the evening we went down to the church to singing school.  There was but a few out and it did not seem like attending a singing school.  After instruction I played the melodian.  Alic and I went back to Bens.
March Thurs 25
It thawed all day leaving the road all muddy.  After breakfast, I curled Allices hair and we went down in the village.  She wanted to make some purchases and to get her school books from the school house.  We had a very pleasant little trip but began to get muddy on the road before we got back.  In the afternoon Mr. Towner came and we practiced over a couple of pieces. ___ in the evening we looked for Pa to come over but he did not.  After tea, we went to singing school.  Mr. Tn?, Dan walked, and us girls drove his horse as it was a ____ school and the best night.  There was a general turn out.  It was a sight from the moon and the mud and some frozen up.  I played the melodian and just after services I sang When Grandma is Gone.  Mr. Tru_y the Bass.  I think it took well among them because they were still.  One could hear a pin drop on the floor after that.  (Mr. T___y putting on airs) and (on in the cold) and after it closed I went home with Uncle Johns folks.  We _____ up to Barton and walked down on the track.  Before we left the track, there was a train of cars passed us all lighted up.  They looked very beautiful.
Frid 26
Woke up and found it raining hard.  The scene was rather discouraging to me.  I was afraid I could not go home, but said nothing and helped Allic learn her music lesson.  After dinner it quit raining and began to clear off so Johnie harnessed the horse and we started for home.  The roads were bad but we got home in good season, had our supper and went to singing school.  There was but a few out.  We had one hard shower while there, but none after that.
Sat 27
After breakfast, Johnie got ready and started for home and after the work was all done up I ironed some garments that were left from the last week’s ironing.  Aunt Hanna and Uncle Mose called a while and also Kinan Haselton, Dick ____ called in the evening.  Today Pa went down after the ____.  Also, ____ a ____ by the name of Payne.  She ____ ____ ____ ____.
March Sund 28
 We have had more cold and changeable weather this month unlike any of the other winter months.  Mercury has stood at zero and below for several times.  Today it was very warm and springlike.  The snow is all gone except along the fences.  The robins and blue birds have been here more than a week.  This morning Pa took Aunt Marie home.  He found the roads very rough and muddy.  Today Mr. James Campbell is buried.  He died Friday of inflammatory ____ on the brain.  He was sick all winter.  This afternoon Mary Rogers came over and stayed a while.  Then Peter came up just before night.  He did not have any medicine, but Pa is going down in the morning to get some.
Mond 29
It commenced raining last night and has rained steady all day without slacking.  The fields and fields are all afloat with _____.  The large snow bank in the west of ____ ____ has disappeared a good deal.  It rained so hard that I put off washing and fixed a couple of dresses and practiced some pieces of music.  About made a sirup for Ma.  This is the receipt (sic).  Take of horehound, catnip, tansy, wissop? and hops? each one handful, boil them in one gallon of water until reduced to half the quantity, then strain and add one ounce cumfrey, one ounce alcompain?, one ounce licorice, one ounce gamarabie, one ounce sarsaparilla, three pints of molasses, then boil again until reduced to one half gallon.  Add one ounce anise, and one pint of brandy.  Flavor with wintergreen. Take one wine glass full 5 times a day.  Dr. Schanks Sirup.
Tuesd 30
Washed and mopped and did the work in general.  Ma is not much better.  Cough is very bad.  Pa went down and got her a bottle of sirup and some other medicine.
Wed 31
Hung up the clothes.  After they were dry, ironed them and put them to airing.

April Thurs 1
Today Russell helped Pa saw wood until noon.  It then rained and he went home.  Tonight at singing school it is stormy there will be but few out.  It happened that April fool passed and no one got fooled.
Frid 2
It has been cloudy all day and ____ just before night it commenced storming.
Sat 3
Cleaned and baked some cake.  Pa went over to Director’s meeting at the Center.  Mary Wheelhouse came and got an order of 64$ for teaching at the Hunts School.  Mr. Hayes brought home some seed borrowed last fall.  Ma is feeling a good bit better tonight, has a little appetite.  They should not have my singing school.  Last night the teacher did not go out.  They meet ____ ___ and Friday evenings at winds not the _____.
Sund 4
Had just got the work done up when Arch and Kate came.  He did not stay long, but went over to Mr. Browns.  His mother is very sick.  It has snowed by drifts, and the sun has shown at times.  Once in a while a little bird will ___ out to put us in mind of the bright days to come.
Mond 5th
Today Pa went after our girl.  He found it ___ going.  The roads are very muddy and the drifts bad.  I did up the work first, and shut up the cows and ___ to everything.  Arch came after Kate.  Pa got home just before dark with the girl.
Tues 6
Sara did the washing and I then got dinner and did up the work and baked bread.  Pa sold John Rogers a ton of hay.  Mary came along with him and stayed the afternoon.  In the evening, Betsie Jane and Libbie called up.
 Wed 7
Today has been a long and pleasant one.  The little birds have sung all day and made it seem more like spring than before.  This morning I went out to the barn and sifted some grass seed.   Came in and helped around the house.  Dr. Cady came up and left Ma some medicine and thought she was some better than she was a week ago.
April the Wed 7 cont’d
This afternoon Sam, Eliza and Hellen came up.  I gave Hellen a lesson and Eliza looked over and learned what she could.  She took the three first exercises home.  After they went, there came a couple of nurse along, and one of them was a Root Dr. traveling along the country.  He is doctoring Hal Reasar, and they sent him here.  But Ma did not have much faith in him.  He is from Syracuse, a native of Eng.  Also, Dr. Cady came up and left some medicine.  After they was gone I went to the barn and sifted.
Thurs 8
Another pleasant day has passed.  Today Geo came over and made a little visit and we had a good sing out of the singing book.  After that Geo went home and we got ready and started for singing school, stopped and had Betsie Jane and Martha come up and stay with Ma and Rose.  There was a good many out considering how the going was.  I suppose this would be my last night, but Mr. ____ came home with us and said I think I shall go tomorrow night.
Frid 5
This afternoon Sara and I hurried around with the work and just before noon John and Mary came over and brought his violin.  After dinner we played a good while together, and then Mr. Towner sang some songs for us.  Then I copied the notes and words of the songs I Have No Mother Now, ___ __ Trundle Bed.  We then had tea and went to singing school as it was the last night and ___ there was a great many, but it went off very pleasant.  Just before Mr. T~ sang the song (Out In The Cold) then made a short speech to the school thanking them for their kindness to him during the winter and closing the ___ ____.  I did not hear a single person say they were glad singing school was out.
Saturd 10
Pa went to Nichols quite early and soon after he had gone Horace Rogers and Mifs L___ came for an order for teaching at the Rifin____ School.  They stayed until Pa came.  Also, Uncle Heman and Aunt Lind and Al and Sara came.  Then ____ ____ ____ was Sunday, and seemed quite surprised that our Saturday work was left until Sunday.  Also, it looked strange to see Aunt Lind ____.
April Sund 11
This morning Sara was off.  Jack and ____ go to ____ Ball visiting.  I got ready and was going over to ____ and Pa started off with Mary and ____ stayed at home.  I answered Aunt Rhoda’s letter with the last papers and ____.
Mond 12
Got up helped with the work.  Went out and milked and then Sara and I went out and worked in the yard until time to eat dinner.  After dinner we went out and worked until 5 o’clock.  Then Mr. Barnum and his sister Minnie came over.  I gave Minnie a lesson and she learned it the ___ of anyone that I have ever taught before.  Just before they had gone, Dick, Hellen and Hanna came over to spend the rest of the afternoon.  Dick and Hellen start from these ____ morning for VT.  They have made a good long visit.  Today Pa hired a Cole boy for a week, and then if he likes him, perhaps he’ll stay longer.
 Tuesd 13
We done up the work early and went to work in the yard.  Raked up and picked up and carried off the stone and _____ all around the _____.  It has snowed and the sun has shown bright for a short time, but April showers have ____ had yet.
Wednes 14
Today, Maggie came up and made a visit.  Also Frankie Baldwin came over to get an order for teaching at the Perry school.  John Smith brought her and Martha Park came along to show them the way.
Thurs 15
Sara washed and I did up the work and got dinner.  Pa and Calvin worked at the milk drawing boards around the follow.  About noon James Merrill came over from Haseltons.  She has very poor health and is not able to do her work.  This evening there has been the greatest display of northern lights that I have seen since the time of the war.  They streaked from all the points to one place in the center as they flashed and moved.  The whole heavens seemed to be in motion.  The nearest I can compare them to in shape is a bunch of ____ poles shocked all _uning around the center.  They lasted until midnight and then there were more to be seen.
Frid 16
Today Emma Woolheiser came over to get an order and stayed the afternoon.  Just before tea time we looked out and saw grandpa coming across the field.  We were all glad to see him once more, but was disappointed upon hearing that grandma had stayed at home.  Emma went down to Uncle Moses and Pa took Jane down to Russells.
Saturd 17
Gave Minnie Horton a lesson.  She had her first one very good.  This afternoon grandpa was over to Aunt Maries.
Sund 18
This morning was very bright and warm and the roads settled and dry.  Sara and I took old Jack and went to church.  There was no snow around, only in small places in the woods.  But when we got up on Barnums hill, we found a drift about 3 rods long and 2 feet deep, but we got through ____.  There was but a few out because the new minister had not returned from conference.  Mr. Joseph Munn preached.  When we got home we ate our supper and I practiced a little, then Sara and I took a walk.  Went over the hill and up on the high knob.  Got back about sundown.  Old Dr. Cady came up to see Ma and left her some medicine.  Tonight is the first that I have heard peepers this year.  Also, as we were coming off the hill we heard a couple wood robins warbling - the smallest legs.
Mond 19
Sara washed and I did the work.  The day has been most beautiful.  The grass is beginning to look fresh and green.  Just before sundown we had a very refreshing shower.
Tues 20
Last night about 2 o’clock Rose was taken sick, continued with vomiting.  She has been growing worse nearly all day.  We do not know what ails her.  All day yesterday she just played around as well as ever.  She is covered with a scarlet rash and has a very high fever.  This afternoon Pa went after Dr. Burlingame, but he had gone to Athens, and he did not get him.  Mary Ann came up and stayed the afternoon.  Also Almira was here a while.  About 4 o’clock it continued raining and wind blew at a fearful rate, but just before sundown the rain poured right down in ____.  There was a great muddy stream running from the house to the road.
 Wed 21
This morning, the Dr. came over early, but he could not tell what it was.  Thought it was some like scarlet fever, and some like the ____ but did not determine which.  She is very sick and worrisome.  I sat up with her until 3 o’clock then I went to bed and Pa sat up until morning.  She would not let anyone do anything for her.  This afternoon, Eliza and Hellen came up to take a lesson.  I gave her one page of exercises, the second lesson.
Thurs 22
The Dr. came over this morning but still he could not tell what ails her.  Today Sophie and Minnie came over.  I gave her the Whiticockade and __ then They Were Waltz.  Mary came over and sat up.
Frid 23
The Dr. came over and concluded it was the scarlet fever.  Also, Levi was over and he agreed with him.  They thought her symptoms were better.  I never saw a child broken out with a rash as she is.  Hanna came over to set up tonight.
Saturd 24
Last night Rosa seemed a great deal worse.  We were up the most of the night with Hanna easily.  This morning we sent Calvin down after Dr. Cady.  He came up soon, thought she would get along if there was no new disease set in.  Betsy Jane brought up her cradle for her to lay in.  She enjoyed it very much.  Today, Pa sold old Fan to Jose Rogers for $10.
Sund 25
Set up all night until daylight then went to bed.  After Sara got the work done up she went over to the meeting.  They have a new minister, but she did not hear the man.  Uncle Joe and Aunt Lib came up and stayed the afternoon.  After Sara got home, her and I went down to Johnses a little while.  Came back and found A. __. Merrill had come over to see how Rosa was.
Mond 26
We did some work and some ironing.  I got the wicks for the candle ____.  Pa plowed and planted the garden.  Also, got some ____ for ____.  I sent a letter to Mich(igan).
Tuesd 27
I dipped candles.  Did up the housework.  Calvin went over to the store, got a ___ and some ammunition.  Also got me a letter from Fred and a little song book titled “Fresh L____s”.  Mr. Gates is staying here all night.  He is getting up a subscription of the book titled “The Mississippi”.  Pa signed for it.
Wedn 28
Sara washed and I did the work and gave Minnie a lesson.  I ____ there has been a man here in the insurance business.  Also, Mary Rogers and Almira called a while.  Grandpa came over, is going to start for Lisle in the morning.
April Mond 29
Early this morning we had a very hard shower, so Grandpa concluded to stay another day.  After noon it cleared off, and after dinner I went over to meet Will.  Moses stayed the afternoon and got home just dark.
Frid 30
This afternoon Sara went home.  She went over to the Center and intended to ride as far as Bumptown with the mail carrier.  Have been doctoring Grandpa for pain in the stomach this evening.

 May Sat 1
Today it has stormed and all the afternoon it snowed hard.  The thermometer stood at 28.  If it should get any colder the fruit buds would be in danger of being blasted.  Today I have swept the house all over and done the Saturday’s work.  Last night Ma was taken with cramps in the stomach.  I got up and made her some hot tea and a large mustard _____ which seemed to help her.
Sund 2
It has rained and snowed all day without stopping.  I hardly think Sara will come today.
Mond 3
I did some baking, washed windows and scrubbed the floors.  It stormed steadily all day, mostly snow.  Pa started this morning to Towanda.  He was subpoenaed on the suit between Benj’ Ball and Rowan Munn.  Gave Minnie a lesson.  Grandpa went over to Aunt Maries.
Tuesd 4
Did housework.  About noon Sara came almost tired out.  She had walked from the Perry schoolhouse.  Today has been cold with high wind.
Wend 5
Took old Jack out of the stable and found him very lame and went to doctoring him.  Before night he got somewhat over it.  Tommy came up with their team and dragged in the oats in the 9 acre lot.  This afternoon Grandpa came over and soon after Uncle Harrison and Aunt Betsie came over.  Pa got home just 9 o’clock.  He had a very pleasant time, went all over the town and saw a great many things.  He went in Mixs flower garden and hot house, saw the most beautiful flowers and shrubbery. ____ D___s and a peacock with its tail all spread and lots of other things.
Thurs 6
Got up early and got breakfast so grandpa could go to the depot in season.  He is going to Lisle.  We suppose that Uncle Harr was to bed and upon inquiring found he had got up early and went to Smithboro to get a carriage frame.  Gave Hanna a lesson the first.
May 7
Today Russ and Tommy worked all day.  I helped to do housework.  Received a visit from Aunt Hanna.  Dr. Cady came up and left Ma some medicine, thought she was no worse and would get along.
Sat 8
Russ and Tommy worked until noon, and then Pa and Russ went over to Director’s meeting.  I gave Minnie a lesson.  Hulda and Emma Carmer came over with her.  This afternoon, Uncle Ira and Aunt Myra came over.  I went over to Director’s meeting.  This finishes his labor for the town.
Sund 9
Uncle Ira and Aunt Myra stayed part of the afternoon and then went over to Uncle Moses.  Just before they started, Aunt Vic, Dan, Eunice and Allic came.  They stayed until night.  Just before they started for home, Dell Munn, Aunt Marie and Alice came.  They went back soon, and Aunt stayed.
Mond 10
Sara and I did the work and ironed the rest of the time.  This afternoon Pa went and took Aunt home and brought my Home Circles home from the office.  They are very nicely bound.
Tues 11
 Sewed the most of the day.  Just before milking time we went out and worked at the flower beds.  The weather is very hot and would be stuffy if there was not a gentle breeze blowing.  We have not had any rain in some time, but we would rather have a drought now than after this we have both gardens planted and some in one is coming up.  Sun is going down behind the bank, and I think we shall have rain soon.  I got a letter from Mich(igan).
Wed 12
We did have a small shower, but today it is very clear and warm.  Sara and I sewed.
Thurs 13
We had another shower last night.  The peach, pear, plum and cherry trees are now in full bloom.  All prospects are good for a large crop of fruit.

Frid 14
Today, Pa, Rosa and I went to Waverly.  We crossed at Goulds Ferry.  When we came to the RR tracks we came near being run over by the Express.  Had we been one minute or half a minute sooner, we certainly would have been run over.  We had a very pleasant ride.  We got Grandpa and Grandmas picture and also Franklin.  It is taken over splendid and looks as though it could talk.  When we came back it commenced raining and rained from the time we were coming from Mr. Osborns until we got to Uncle Bens.  We stalled at Hunts a little while and Hellen came out.  When we got home there had not been much of a shower here.  I had a dreadful headache from the ride and the cars and was going right to bed when Hanna came for a lesson, so I had to sit up and give her a lesson.  Before we got through, Lide Ball, Josh Turk and Betsey Jane came and I had to play for them.
Sat 15
Sara helped do up the Saturday work, then she went over to Lide Balls and is going from there home in the morning with them.
Sund 16
Did up the work early and changed my dress and set down to read.  Uncle Heman came and stayed a little while and then the doctor came and left Ma some medicine.  About noon John Merrill and No__ and Lib came and stayed the afternoon and it rained hard by ____ and hailed a little but not enough to do any damage.  Just before night All and Sara came.  During the shower this afternoon, the lightning struck Uncle Hemans hop house.
Mond 17
Sara came about 11 o’clock, stayed to Balls all night.  Found her folks had moved in another house.  Saw three baptized at the Bumptown Church.
Tues 18
We did the housework and cleaned the wood house chamber.
Wed 19
Gave Hellen a lesson, the Whitecockade, and did some baking.  We cleaned the cellar.
Thurs 20
Gave Minnie a lesson and Sara cleaned the chamber and I did the work and worked upon the flower beds.
Frid 21
Sara and I washed all the curtains to the beds and windows and did the spring washing in general.  Just before tea time Josh Turk came over to buy some seed, corn.  He stayed until after tea.
Sat 27
 Hung out the washing, did up the Saturday’s work and worked in the yard.  Sewed the flower seeds.  Just after we got them sewed there came up a nice shower which came in ____ for washing.
Sund 28
Sara and I took old Jack and went over to Uncle Moses.  Had a good visit.  We came back by Henry Morris.  When we got home Jane and Hanna Haselton were here.
Mon 24
Sara did housework and I had the sick headache.
Tuesd 25
Sara and I did the ironing.  Took us all day.
May Wed 26
The apple trees are nearly in full bloom and the other fruit trees are laden with bloom.  The weather is very hot and dry.  The afternoon there came up a good shower which rained all the blooms off except the apples.  After the shower Pa and I went to Nichols.  Got there just before dark.  I got me a pair of garters upon my own hooks for $2.25.  Pa got me a new dress and several other articles.
Thurs 27
Cleaned the parlor and put up the curtains.  I gave Minnie a lesson.
Frid 28
Sara washed and I did the housework.  We had three very hard showers.
Sat 29.
Cleaned, ironed, cooked and did the Saturday’s work.  Pa went over to Waverly.  Got Ma some fresh fish.  This afternoon Hanna Snover? and Flora came over, walked from the Center.
Sund 30
Sara, Laura and I got ready to go to church but Pa could not catch the horse so we gave it up.  Uncle Will and Aunt Judith came over and stayed the afternoon.  After tea Pa took Hanna and Flora as far as Uncle Heman’s.  Sara and I went down to Russes a few minutes.  Heard that Charles Park and Lydia Hadlock was married today.  She is 17 and he is 17.
May Mond 31
It began to rain here this morning, but Pa, Sara and I got ready and started to Waverly.  Before we got to the river it cleared off.  When we got there the streets was thronged with people awaiting to see the caravan come in.  It came in and it was a grand sight to look upon.  There was 30 wagons beside the band wagon.  Each wagon was drawed by gray horses from 2 to 4 or six of each and at last came Tippersabe, the great elephant.  They say his weight is 10,000 lbs.  Upon the wagon lay a very large lion.  At 2 o’clock the tents were all raised and the cages all ready and went in the small tent and saw the Irish giantess, Mrs. Shirwood (sic).  She is 5 feet 4 inches high and seven feet around the waist, 27 inches around the fleshiest part of her arm and takes 29 yards of silk for her a dress.  Also, we saw the Scottish clown dwarf, a boa constrictor and a learned __ig.  It could tell the day of the month and the time of the day, the number of days, weeks and months in a year and could answer almost any question.

June 1
Helped at housework and had company.
Wed 2
Gave Hellen a lesson.  Moved Ma in the parlor and took the sitting room _____ up and cleaned the room.
Thurs 3
 We washed the carpet and ____ ____ old Mr. Kurt came over and cleaned the clock and mended some pans.  Sara and I went over to the Center and got some tacks and C.
Frid 4
Papered the room, did some baking and Mabiel and ____ Himes came over and also Mary Ann came up and made a visit.  Aunt made Ma some syrup.
Sat 4
Got up and did up the Saturday work.  Ma had a very hard time coughing.  Thought she could never stand another such.  Betsy Jane, Mary and Almyra came up and stayed until 11 o’clock at night.
Sund 13
There has been a week passed and I have not touched my diary to write.  We have had to work very hard all week.  Ma is no better.  Seems to be failing all the time.  The Doctor says this is her last sickness.  Oh what shall I do when I am motherless?  I cannot bear to think of it.  Today the house has been thronged with visitors.  There was 26 different persons here that I can remember.  Dell and Aunt Marie, Justa and Allice came over.  As ___ and Alice were going to church, Sara and I went with them and left Ma in care of the rest of the folks.  Aunt Marie is going to stay this week.
Wed 16
Heard that Aunt Mollie Munn was dead.  Died at 6 o’clock this morning.  Gave Hellen a lesson, The Round.  Gave Minnie one yesterday.
June Frid 18
Aunt Marie and I went to the funeral.  The church was very full.  We heard a very good sermon.  She was almost 90 years old.  Has been more than a child for years.  After the funeral, Aunt went out to Uncle Hemans with them and Geo drove my horse down to the graveyard at Baldwins.  Wilda Carmer went along with us.  We sang, “He’s Gone” at the grave and changed it to “She’s Gone.”
Sat 19
Sara and I did up the work and baking for tomorrow for I suppose there will be another house full then.  We have had company every day since last Sunday.  The weather is very hot and dry, have had no rain in some days.  The grain needs rain now very much.  Ma is no better.
Sund 20
This morning Uncle Daniel and Aunt Kate came.  They came down Friday and brought Grandma.  Soon after they came, Uncle Ira and Aunt Myra came, stayed but a short time.  They came over from All VanGorders.  Sara and I went over to Baptist Meeting.  There was quite a congregation out.  After Meeting we came home, got dinner, then Sara went down to Johnses and stayed a while.  Before night Uncle Will and Aunt Judith and Mrs. Childs came over.  She is a sister to Uncle Will.  (Note: from the 1870 Census, I think this is Wm MORSE and wife Judith.  Verify this.)  It has been warm all day.  We could see showers going all around us, but none here until now.  We are having a good heavy shower.
Mond 21
Today Uncle Heman brought Grandma and Grandpa over.  Aunt Kate and Uncle Daniel went along with them.  Ma was much overcome upon seeing the folks from Marion.
Tuesd 22
Today Alice and ____ came up from Uncle Joe’s. E__ is as tall as ____ and weighs 117.  Allice went over to Uncle Will’s after tea.
 Wed June 23
Today Uncle Harr and Aunt Bett came and brought Aunt Kate over.  They stayed until after dinner and then went over to Uncle Hemans.  Are going to start home in the morning.  This morning, old Doctor White called to see Ma.  He thinks he can cure her.  We have but little faith, but concluded to try.
Thurs 24
The doctor came up early this morning and gave Ma a charge of Electrilyt (sic).  She felt ___ bad all day.  Kate Brown came over and stayed all day.  Just before cow time I went down in the ___ cover and picked a bowl of strawberries for Ma which she relished very much.
Frid 25
The doctor came this morning and gave Ma an E___e, which made her very sick and left her very weak.  Also, he commenced doctoring Phillip Staff last night.  Also gave Minnie a lesson.
Saturd 26
Today we did up the work and made calculations on going to Mr. Paynes.  The doctor has been here all day.  Ma does not get any better, but still, he says he can help her.
Sund 27
Got up very early, did up the work and started for Paynes.  We went by way of the Perry schoolhouse and came by Bumptown and while we were going over it rained nearly all the way, but coming back it was very clear.  I liked the country around Bumptown much better than I had expected.  Grandpa and Grandma and Mary came over and took care of Ma.  The doctor has been here all day.
Mond 28
Today I ripped my summer mohair up and cut it over Aunt Malinda and Uncle Heman came over but did not stay long.  The doctor went away this morning saying he could not help her.  He charged $10.
Wedn 30
Today Pa went to Waverly.  I gave Hellen a lesson.  We had a swarm of bees come out and we hived alone, but they did not stay.

July Thurs 1
Today they set to go out to Levi Towners  ___ in two loads, but they gave it up.  Will go some other time.
Frid 2
We did up the Saturday work and I sewed some.  Hanna came over to set a while with Ma.  Today everyone is preparing to go to Rome to the quarterly meeting.
Sat 3
Sara went home to attend a political groove meeting at home.  Just before night Mr. Plummer came along, is going to stay over night.  Today, Roger came to Uncle ____’s.
Sund 4
I did up the work and went to church.  Walked as far as Barnums and rode the rest of the way.  Ma says she is feeling the best she has in two weeks.  They are going to Rome next Saturday.
Mond 5
This morning Uncle Harr came and he brought Grandma over.  Sara came from Balls this morning, stayed there all night.
Tuesd 6
 I did the washing and Sara the work.  This afternoon Pa and I went to Nichols.  I got me a bonnet frame a pair of gloves and a corset.  Got home just before night.
Wed 7
Took my old bonnet and new frame over to Aunt Janes to fix over.  Came back and Sara and I worked on my dress.
Thurs 8
Had a good shower which lasted all afternoon.  I did some of the ironing, and Sara finished it.  Did some baking and sewed a little.
Frid 9
It rained all forenoon.  Uncle Ben and Aunt Mary were here for dinner.  After the shower we had a swarm of bees come out.  Before night I went over to the Center to get the mail.  George was there.  Had just received a letter from Levi Towner saying his little boy was very sick and would rather put off coming yet a while.  I called at the doctor and got acquainted with Grace Gior.  Got home and found Sid Bostwick a visiting to ask me to go out to Towners.
July Sat 10
Did the Saturdays work and sewed some.  Today Levi and Betsy are to be married.  Pa went to Waverly today, saw Lovill and also Pauley is coming tonight.
Sund 11
Sara and I went to church, got home and found Levi and Betsy here.  They are going to start for Wells tomorrow.
Mond 12
Pa went to Nichols.  I did the washing.  In the forenoon, there was another swarm of bees came out.  Russ came and helped hive them.  I got stung twice on my hand, and it swelled so badly I could hardly use it.  Sophia and Minnie came to take a lesson.
Tuesd 13
Helped do the work the forenoon, and practiced two hours.  Gave Hanna a lesson.  Received a call from Mary and little Mary Rogers and Sara Park.
Wed 14
Baked a cake, helped to do the work, gave Hellen a lesson, sold Dil____ some paper rags.  Got a box of collars and cuffs, a cup and some ___.  After tea Sara and I went out and milked and then caught fireflies until bedtime.
Thurs 15
Today Geo brought Polly and Lovilla over.  They stayed all day and Grandma went home with them.  This afternoon Ma had another of her cold spells.  It took three of us to bring her out of it.  I fear she will not stand it to have any more of them.  She is fading very fast.  Today Pa commenced his haying.  Also we had our first mess of peas.  Had a heavy thundershower last night which lasted until 9 o’clock this morning, also had another this afternoon.
Wend down in the follow to pick berries.  Got 5 quarts.  Almira went with me.  There was two showers while I was there.  Sara went and we picked the same amount.  John Rogers mowed the 5 acre lot on the hill.
July Saturday 17
Went down in the Carmers berry patch, picked 8 quarts.  Got home at 1 o’clock.  Looked over the berries and canned them.  Had 10 quarts.  After they were canned Sara went over to Lide Balls.
 Sund 18
Went down and got Jose and Taylor Rogers to come up and help draw in hay before the rain.  Done up the work and got dinner for 10 men and boys.  Sara came from quarterly meeting just as we got through dinner.
Mond 19
Sara and I went down on Lowman and picked 16 quarts of berries.  Got home and did up the work and got supper.
Tuesd 20
Sara went berrying around the fields, got 8 quarts black.  Sara Park came up from her school.  I canned the blackberries and made 24 pounds of jam.
Wed 21
Sara washed and I did the work.  In the afternoon we went down to Johnses a visiting.  I had company.  Got tea and then did the ironing.
Thurs 22
John Rogers mowed with the machine across the road.  Ma had another spell.  She seems to be failing.
Frid 23
Went out and drove horses for Pa and Calvin and drawed in hay.  Also drove team to unload.
Saturd 24
Grandpa and I went down below Johnses mill and picked 8 quarts of berries.  Got home before dinner.  Done the baking.  This evening Carrie came over from Balls.  She said that she had milked 15 cows and washed 70 ___ and 15 pails, washed the dinner dishes and went berrying.  They milk 36 cows in all.
Sund 25
Had a good visit with Carrie.  Sara went to church.  Soon after she had gone, Andrew Yeller came up to see her, stayed the afternoon, then they went out to take a ride.  Uncle Heman and Aunt Malinda came over.
Monday 26
Sara went berrying and I did the work.
Tuesd 27
Sam Spencer and M___ Sanders were married today.  Her dress (Note: ends here; rest left blank)
Frid 30
Went to Nichols and got some medicine for Ma.  Grandpa started for Lisle.  Rode as far as the corner.  I got there at 10 o’clock and Sara and I went down to the spring to wash.

August Sunday 1
There has not been a great many in today, and we have had quite a day of rest.  Last night Ma did not rest at all.  She commenced coughing at 3 o’clock and coughed until sunrise.  Poor thing.  She was nearly exhausted.  I think she will never stand anther such.  Yesterday John Neaves came here and stayed until this morning.
Monday 2
Went over to Center to do some trading.  Got home about 10 o’clock.  Kate Brown was here, stayed all day.  Sent a letter to Aunt Rhoda to come.
Wedn 4
Gave Hellen a lesson.  Lottie Swain from Waverly came up with her.
 Thurs 5
It is so cold that we have had to keep good fires all the time.  The weather is more like that of October.  The high the thermometer has been this summer is 73 degrees.  But oftener it is at 50 degrees.  This evening Hanna and Lovill came over to set up with Ma.  I am very glad to have someone to come.  I have been up three nights running and have slept but 4 hours in that time.  I think I shall improve the time to sleep.  Sara’s brother came up after her to go to the picnic.  Today Pa and ____ ____ and got some tomatoes for Ma which she relished very well.
Frid 6
Last night there was a hard frost but on account of the wind it had not reached farther than the lower meadow.  It is a hard sight for corn and other things.  Sara went early to the picnic.  Aunt Marie came over and Pa worked at Johns in haying.  Tonight, Mary and Aunt Marie are going to sit up.  Aunt says she thinks Ma will not live a week.  She can see she has failed worse than I can, but oh, dear, I cannot realize it yet.
Sat 7
Today at 5 o’clock we watched the eclipse of the sun.  It was nearly covered and looked like the first new moon.  After tea, Lovill and Aunt went home and Mary Ann and Aunt Lib came up to sit up.  Uncle Ben and Aunt was up this morning.  All that see Ma think that it is the last.
August Sunday 8
This morning, before Aunt Lib went home, Ma had a seizure spell.  We thought she was dying, but she soon came out of it and felt quite comfortable the rest of the day.  Mrs. Doty and Aunt Rachel called a while, and Uncle Heman and Aunt Malinda came and stayed all day.  Sara went down to Johnses and little while.  Alice was here just before meeting for some time.
Monday 9
Last night I sat up with Ma.  She rested quite good.  Today Pa went down and got Aunt Marie.  Betsy Jane came up and set up with Aunt Marie.
Tuesd 10
Sara and I went down to the spring to wash.  I had the headache, so I did not help much.  Aunt Judith came over to set up.  I got a letter from Goodall.  He is at Lacyville.
Wed 11
Mary Rogers came over and set up.  Ma seems gradually to fail.  Pa cradled 7 acres of oats today.
Thurs 12
Pa and Rose went to Nichols to get Ma some medicine.  Came home about noon and picked some berries.  Sara Park came and set up.  I set up with her.
Frid 13
This morning we had a lovely shower.  It lasted about an hour.  We have hopes of a good crop of corn and buckwheat.  Pa had a few oats turned up that got out and he had to unbind them.  Today Aunt Lib came up and brought some cloth for Rosa and a hat.  The whole amounted to $3.80.  Got a letter from Neal.  Uncle Heman came over and Aunt Marie went home with him.  Almina came up and sat up.
Sat 14
Today about noon Aunt Rhoda came.  Ma was quite overcome upon seeing her.  Today they all went over to Levi Towners upon a visit.  S. B. came over after me to go, but I had to give it up.  Aunt Rhoda and Mary are going to set up.  I gave Minnie a lesson.
Sunday 15
 Sara went over to Lyde Balls and I took care of Ma.  Aunt Betsy and ___ came over and stayed the afternoon.  Sara and I went down to get Betsy Jane to set up.  I stayed up until morning.
August Monday 16
Today George, Levi and Aunt Linda came over and stayed a little while.  They then went home and Uncle Heman and Aunt Lind came back and set up.  Had a heavy shower.  Smith Barnum and folks came over to sit up, but went home again.
Tuesd 17
I went berrying around the fence and some down to Haseltons a few minutes.  Mrs. Elijah and Mrs. Elanson Munn came and made a short visit.  Barnums came and Smith went to bed.  I set up most all night with the girls.  They did not know what to do for me.
Wedn 18
I went to bed while the rest ate breakfast.  I took a short nap, got up and ready and went with Pa to Waverly.  Got me a dress, a vaill (sic) and a pair of gloves.  We got home about 10 o’clock.  The two Mrs. Corps? were here spending the day.  Traded in all $10.23 at Wilcoxs and Polly Spencer came over and cut out Rose’s dress and mine.  Just before night Arch came over and took her off with him.  Al and Sara came over and stayed a little while.  Ma is growing worse very fast.  One can see her fail hourly.  Today she wanted all of the clothes brought to the bed that are to be worn at her funeral.  She seemed well satisfied with them.  Oh it is so hard to bear.
Thur 19
Mary Rogers set up with Ma last night.  Pa and Aunt Rhoda were up also.  This forenoon Ma had a very heard time to get her breath and one time we all thought she was dying but she came out of it and seems a little easier. She called me to her and gave me good advice and things that I shall never forget.  Mrs. Peter Brown came over early this morning and stood over and waited upon her all day.  Betsy Jane and Mary, Mary Ann and Mrs. M came up and stayed a little while.  It begins to seem more like a reality than ever before.  How desolate the word motherless sounds.
Frid Aug 20 1869
Ma was in the greatest agony all last night.  We sent for Uncle Heman, Aunt Malinda and Aunt Marie.  They came just before dark.  We were all up all night.  She had two spells of gasping for breath before morning.  She was quite flighty at times and then she would become rational again.  At 8:00 she died.  Oh such a tragedy I never saw and all that witnessed it said the same.  She had her senses to the last breath.  About five minutes before she stopped breathing, Aunt Marie asked her if she could see us and she nodded her head, but could not speak.  She gave us such good advice, I should never forget it, though I never wrote it down.  She told grandma not to weep for her, for 41 years she had watched over her and took care of her, the last shall be first and the first shall be last.  She was perfectly happy and willing to go.  She gave each a kiss and a long lingering gaze and then her eyes rested upon my face a moment and became set.  Oh, such a face!  It is pictured and framed and hung on the walls of my memory, never to be removed.  The day before she died, I brought her grave clothes and mine and Rose’s funeral clothes to her for her inspection.  She was entirely satisfied.  Sara, Mary, Betsy Jane and Mary Ann laid her out.  Hays and Hanna set up.
Saturd 21
They went up by Wm Morse to get the coffin, but they did not get it.  The mourners came to put her in the coffin but could not.  Henry Merrill, George Brink, Wilda Carmer and Maggie Park sat up Saturday night.  We had to sleep in the kitchen and upon the floor, could not go to the other part of the house for the night.
Sund 22
 The undertaker had not got there with the coffin until the people began to gather.  Mr. Plummer preached a very good discourse.  There were a great many people here, 150 teams.
Mond 23
Sara did up part of the washing.
Tuesd 24
Aunt Rhoda went down to Uncle Joes and I went down and got Mary to come up and help do the rest of the washing.  They got through at noon.  Sara and I did up the work.
Wend 25
Sara and I did up the work early and started at 8 o’clock to go berrying.  We picked half a bushel of black berries.  Could have picked more, but a shower came up which prevented us from picking.  While we were gone Lovill and Mary came over and stayed a little while.
Thurs 26
Sara went to the Center, I did up the work and got dinner and looked over part of the berries and finished them and pickled them.
Frid 27
I took Grandma over to Uncle Will’s.  The thrasher commenced working this morning.  We have Doty’s machine.
Saturd 28
Sara and I got the work all done up after dinner and got supper on the table, then got ready and I took her as far as the Neals mill.  There was a very hard shower around us.  We got to Mr. Dimerests so we called there during the storm.  Rose and I got home just before dark.
Frid 29
Pa, Rose and I went to Baptist meeting.  After meeting we went down to Uncle Hemans.
Mond 30
Got breakfast, dinner and supper for the thrashers, did the work in general and gave Minnie a lesson.
Tuesd 31
Today if Ma had lived she would have been 41 years old.

Wedn Sept 1 (blank)
Thurs Sep 2
Mary Morse came over and stayed all day.
September Saturday 4
Had a call from the Barnums and their cousin.  In the afternoon Pa and I fought fire on the hill.
Sund 5
Pa went after Sara.  John Neves was here a little while but went away with Pa.  I kept Grandpa most of the day and then he went to Mrs. Andrews and Carrie came over from church and stayed all night.
Mond 6
Carrie subpoenaed Pa on her suit with Ben ____ but he did not go.  They started away as soon as it was light.  Pa and I went to Nichols.  He sold his grain.
Tuesd 7
Pa went to Smithboro with a load of grain.  Sara and I did up 4 gallons of plumb preserves.
Wed 8 (blank)
Thurs 9
 Grandpa came over.  Pa finished drawing grain.
Frid 10
Sara and I went over to see them pick hops.  I went down to Aunt Marie’s and brought Grandma home with me.
Saturd 11
Done up the Sunday’s work and in the evening Pa, Sara and I went over to the lodge of the Sons and Daughters of Temperance.  We got home about 12 o’clock.  Mr. Shoemaker and Mr. Seacord came home with us.
Sund 12
Sara went to church and Minnie Horton came home with her.  She stayed a while and then Sara and I went to Haseltons to get a recipe for pickling plumbs.  Got home and milked.
Mond 13
Sara went over to Uncle Heman’s to pick hops.  I picked 3 gallons of plumbs, canned some and filled up the jams and preserves, cut and fitted my black dress and took it down to ___ to ____.

Tues 14
Did the wash and sewed on my dress.  Geo brought Sara home.  Today the New York State Fair commenced.
Wen 15
Pa and I got up early and started for the fair.  We got down on the river before sunrise.  There was a very heavy dew.  We left the horses and wagon at the stone mill and went into Waverly afoot.  We purchased some __  __  and a wash basin and a pitcher.  Had to wait at the depot an hour and a half before cars came, and when they did come, they were loaded.  So, but few of the people could get on.  We could barely get on at all.  Had to stand nearly all the way to Elmira.  Got there and went right to the fairgrounds.  When we got there we could not see anything for the people.  We traveled all day looking at new things at every step.  We came out at half past 3 o’clock and walked all through the city and saw a large building burning and saw the fire engine work.  They left it and they thought it was all out, but it burned after they left.  We got on the car at 5 o’clock and came on towards home.  We were over an hour coming to Waverly.  We came afoot to the stone mill and then came home.  The moon shone very bright.
Thurs 16
Helped to do the work and pared apples.  The rest of the time, lounged around.
Frid 17
Today Pa went to Waverly and it rained very hard so the river raised a good half inch an hour.  He was soaked.  Though the cellar was covered with winter, we had a chicken ___ for supper.  Grandpa went down to Uncle Joe’s.
Saturd 18
Pa took Grandma over to Uncle Hemans.  Perhaps this is the last time her eyes shall behold this place.  She is quite feeble.  He brought Aunt Rhoda back with him.  Sara and I canned 20 quarts of peaches and 4 quarts of black berries.
Sund 19
Done up the work and then Geo and Mary, Betsy, Lovill and Geo Brink came over.  We had chicken pie again.
Mond 20
I did the washing and Sara made soap.  Aunt Rhoda got dinner.  After dinner we all worked on my dress.
 Tuesd 21
Aunt Rhoda and I went over to Henry Morses a visiting. ___ was going up to Barnums a visiting, but she gave it up.
September Wednesday 22
Done housework and sewed on my dress.
Thurs 23
Pa and I went down to Uncle Bens.  Stayed the rest of the day.  Uncle Ben had gone to Waverly.  Mr. & Mrs. Mead and Mifs Swain were at Uncle Joe’s.
Frid 24
Sara went down to Uncle Moses, stayed most of the day.  Pa made a bargain with Russ for his farm and they went over to the Center to draw ____.  He paid him $23 hundred and $250 ___ it.
Sat 25
We done up the work early and then sat down to our sewing.  Went down and had ___ stitch my cape.  There was a ___ over on ___ hill today.  Pa, Sara and I went over to the lodge.  It was 12 o’clock before we got home.  We left Rose to Mary Rogers.
Sund 26
It commenced to rain last night soon after we got home and it is still raining.  2 a.m. o’clock it has stopped raining.  Sara went down to Johnses visiting.  Pa went around and got Rose and then went up to Uncle Heman’s.  It commenced raining and we took a basket of fruit up to Grandpa and Grandma, apples, pears, peaches and grapes, but they were not there.  They had come down to Aunt Marie’s.  Uncle Heman and the rest had gone to Lisle. 

Sunday October 3
Rained today.  All the past week Sara and I have picked and dried apples and peaches.  There were but three days of sunshine and so have kept them around the stove. Thursday Sara Park made us a good visit.  Pa and C___ have worked on the follow all week, took their dinner with them.  Friday morning Grandpa and Grandma and Rhoda started for home.  The last they should ever see of them here again.  Tuesday the folks came from Lisle to ___.  John Neaves has been here and also Sara and John Rogers wife came with them and stayed all day.
Friday 8
Sara and I commenced housecleaning, took up the carpets and cleaned the chamber.
Saturd 9
We cleaned the parlor and bedrooms and whitewashed them.
Sund 10
Sara took Jack and went over to Balls.  It rained.  I finished canning my pears, peaches and grapes and have now 58 cans of fruit, mostly 2 quart cans.  Sara sent word to her folks that she was coming home next Sunday.
Mond 11
Cleaned the sitting room and pantry.  George, Mary and Lovill came over and spent the evening.  Geo wants to get up a school at the church and wants me to play, but I hardly think I can.
Tuesd 12
We finished cleaning house.  Pa paid Sara $27.
Wed 13
We pared peaches and did some washing.
Thurs 14
 Paled peaches and baked and C.
Frid 15
Sara ironed and I sewed.  Also, Sara got her Kormickal Konversation Kards.
Satrud 16
I baked and mopped and Sara ironed again.  After noon Kathie Ball came over and made us a visit.  Went from here over to the doctor to take a lesson of Grace Gear.  We were just finishing up the work and Frank and Art Brown and Kate came over and stayed the evening.  Today Ca__ quit work.  He has worked since the 12th of April.
Sund 17
Got up early and started for the Payne farm.  It was a beautiful clear day, though a little chilly.  We got there at noon.  They were looking for us and had the chickens a cooking.  Geo Phillips was there.  After dinner, Mr. Payne, Pa, Sara and I went up to Mr. Voughts to hear him play, but he could not play much on account of a sore hand.  We started for home at 4 o’clock and got there at 7 o’clock.  I borrowed three books of Mr. Vought.
October Sunday 23
I have finished putting up curtains and setting the house in order.  Done housework, pealed peaches, sewed some and practiced a little.  Had an invitation to go to Charlie Brown’s singing school Thursday evening.  Accepted it, but when the time came, did not go.  By the way, Geo did not get a school and was defeated by Charlie.  Today, Oscar Carmer and Sara came over and stayed the afternoon.  They had just gone and Flora Snover came.
Wed 27
This morning Flora went home.  Last night, Libbie, Hanna and Alice Park came up.  They stayed until just before sundown and then went to Uncle Joe’s.
Saturd 30
Pa, Rosa and I went over to John Rogers and spent the evening.  Rosa stayed.  Yesterday, I got a letter from Fred.  He’s in Kansas.

Sund 31
Here it is the last day of October, the ground has been frozen up solid for a week past.  There is snow on the ground about an inch deep and the leaves on the peach and apple trees are frozen stiff and as green as Sep.  One half the farmers have all their potatoes in the ground, undug, and their corn not husked.  This afternoon Hanna and Hays called a while.  I went over to Johns to get Rosa.  Also, we bought some fresh fish of Foust.

Nov 1
Pa and I drawed in the stalks.  Also, Russ finished drawing his part of ____.
Tuesd 2
John and Mary came over and spent the evening this day and ____ Cat came along.
Wed 3
Got the work done up early and Mary Rogers came along and we went over to Al Vangorders.  Got there and Sara was scrubbing. Polna? Neal came up and stayed the afternoon.  Al and Sara brought us home.  Got here to find the house all cold and dark and Pa had gone to bed.  But what a sight met my eyes when I had lit a light.  There lay my favorite cat, Malta, stiff and dead.  Pa had killed him while I was gone through anger.  He was 11 years old and the largest in the town.  Pa wants me to help him skin it, but I cannot.  It makes me feel bad to look at him.
Thurs 4
 Pa went over and helped John dig the rest of his potatoes.  I did the washing, mopping and ironed.  Also had a call from Mrs. Barnum.  She wants me to go to Jefferson with them.  Mary’s brother, James, came to see her.
Frid 5
Baked bread, cakes and cookies, blacked the stove and finished ironing.  John, Mary and James came over and spent the evening.  It has been very (left blank)
Saturd 6
Pa went to Mrs. Maslain’s wood bee.  Lovilla came over and is staying here.  Pa went to the Center.
Sund 7
We got ready and went to church.  Left Rosa at Mary’s.  There are but a few out.  It was so cold and storming.  After church we went out to Uncle Heman’s and stayed a while.
Mond 8
It is the most blustering day we have had yet.  It snows and blows terribly.  Mrs. Maslain called a few minutes.  Pa went down to Uncle Moses.  Elmira has come up to help me sew.  Her and Bill have parted for a while.
Tuesd 9
Went down to Johnses and got a pants pattern.  Elmira cut them out and commenced them. James  Wood came over and stayed the afternoon, is going to start home in the morning.  Just heard that Hayes and Hanna were married and started for the west at 5 this afternoon.  The M. E. Minister _____ married them.
Wed 10
Killed the hogs.  Had Haselton and Joe to help.  Also, Myra and Maggie Park came up and made me a visit.
Thurs 11
Cleaned up after butchering and went out to Mary’s and took her some fresh meat.
November Friday 12
Lovilla and Asa came over and made a short visit.  He came home from Mich. last Monday.  He has had the ___ and chills.
Satur 13
Uncle James was here and stayed the evening.  Also, Tommy and Maggie were here.  Pa went to the Center.  I received a letter from Fred.  He has got home.
Sund 14
Uncle Joe and Aunt Lib have been here all day.
Mond 15
Pa went to the Center to the shop and Mr. Carmer’s folks set out ___ evening for the contest between Mifs Gier and myself.
Tuesd 16
Pa went to Waverly, took off some batter and some turkeys and ___ for the Maslains.  I did the washing.
Wed 17
It commenced storming last night and kept it up until midnight.  Pa went over to the Center.  He got some nails and stops and told Carmers folks to put off our visit until Saturday evening.  I went over to Mary’s.
Thrus 18
 Thanksgiving day has ___ to us, but not all of us, for one dear is absent that was with us last Thanksgiving.  It seems but a short time to look back over.  It has been very clear and bright all day.  The ground is thawed out and the snow is all gone.  It seems strange to see the woods and trees full of leaves and snow as bright as they were six weeks ago.  The peach trees have all their leaves and they are as green as the summer.  Today Pa picked about two quarts of chestnuts from under one tree.
Frid 19
Did up some of Saturday’s work.
Saturday 20
It rained all forenoon, but cleared off so we could go over to S. Carmer’s.  Fred came over just as we were getting ready to go so he went with us.  There was Dell and Gusta, Asa, Lovill, George and Kate, Edd Demerest and Dell Brink, but also Mifs Gier came near.  She went to singing school but would not come in.  Her excuse was that all my friends were there and would make fun of her.
November Sunday 21
Pa went to church.  After church, Aunt Marie and Dellmer came over.  Uncles James and Joe called a little while.  Fred went home after dinner.  Had an invitation to go to Henry Cooper’s to go to a visit Tuesday evening.
Monday 22
I washed and did some baking and sowed some.
Tuesd 23
It rained all last night and it has rained all forenoon.  It cleared off before night and we started for Coopers.  Got there just 6 o’clock.  It soon began to snow and there was no one but Carmer’s folks came, seven in the back, Mifs Gier with the rest.  We sat a part of the evening and visited, ate apples, drank cider and finally music was proposed.  I thought the long look for a contest had come at last, but when she sat up to the instrument and played a few pieces, all fears vanished.  I never was more surprised in my life.  Instead of hearing an equal to Goodall, as had been expected, I heard hardly a good common player.  During the evening we became acquainted with each other and she promised to come over in a few days to see me.  They proposed making a quilt and presenting it to Mrs. Plummer at the donation party.  When we started home it was storming very hard and continued all night.  It was 4 o’clock when we got home.
Sund 28
Today the sun has shown bright, but it is quite cold.  Old Mr. Andrews stayed here last night.  He wanted to take the ___.  Sara and her brother, Martin, had just come.  Pa and Rosa have gone to bed.  She is going to work for Andrew Hunt this winter.
Mond 29
Pa went to the shop with the horses.  Heard there was a lot coming here Wednesday evening.  Sara went home this morning.  I went over to Mary’s and then went to baking.
Tues 30
Baked and arranged the house for company.  Pa went to Waverly, did not get home until late.  It has rained all day.

December Wednesday 1
 This is my birthday again.  It does not seem but a short time that I was a little girl and to look ahead when I will be 19 seemed a great while, and yet, here it is.  The ground is frozen up and it has cleared off.  I finished making preparations for corn candy, have four kinds of cake, cookies, tarts and raised ___ and I think I have had good luck.
Thurs 2
Well, my visitors all came that I had expected.  There was Mrs. & Mr. Cooper and Andrews, Mifs Gier and Edd Lunger, Silas Carmer and wife, and five of the oldest children, George, Mary Ann, Lovilla, Uncle Joe and Aunt Lib, John and Mary and Sarah came.  The evening came off planned by us all we seemed to enjoy it.  Mifs Gier goes home Saturday for good.
Frid 3
It has been clear but cold all day.  Jacob Vangorder brought $196 from his wife, Marie, to Pa to be applied on a bond and mortgage on the Stephens lot in Athens Township.
Sund 5
Pa, Rosa and I went down to Uncle Joe’s.  Dell and her cousin came up and visited with us.  Uncle Mose and Aunt Hanna were there also.  John Neaves came here and stayed over night.
Frid 10
Today went over to Mary’s and stayed while Pa went to the shop.  Got my block for Mrs. Plummer’s quilt.
Sat 11
Got ready to go over to Haselton’s, but just before I started, Aunt Judith and Eugene came.  Just before night, Horace Shoemaker and Mr. Pratt from Philadelphia came.  He is the Past Worthy Patriarch of the Sons of Temperance.  Pa went over but they did not have a meeting.
Sund 12
It has stormed all day and I finished my block, made a vase of flowers.  Mary brought her block over.  It was four hands.
Mond 13
Pa went to Waverly and Rosa and I went as far as Mary’s, and I went to Uncle Heman’s.  Got home just before dark.
Thurs 16
Got ready for donation, but it stormed, so we gave it up.  Yesterday went down to Henry Morses to help set the quilt together and help make a bouquet of flowers.
Frid 17
Sara Park and Wilda Merrill came over and made one a visit.  They said they put off the donation until Monday.
Saturday 18
It snowed very hard all day and drifted.
Sund 19
Pa went to Waverly to get a doctor for Johnson Rogers.  He has been ver poorly for several weeks. ___ has been doctoring with Madill? From Towanda.  He has the softening of the brain.  Pa got Purce to come up and see him.  Rose and I went as far as Dell Munn’s.  George, Mary and Lovilla went down.  While over there, John C. Campbell came to see Alice.
Mondy 20
 Got ready and started for the donation.  We found good going until we got up above Barnums.  There we had to leave the road and go on the field.  We got out near Mr. Plants? and there met Mr. & Mrs. Plummer coming this way.  They had gone as far as they could get and had to go back as far as Harrises and go through the fields all the way to Henry Cooper’s.  We were the first ones there, but they began to come soon and there was a great many more than we had expected.  They had Amanda Cooper’s melodian there.  They took in $65 ____ the quilt.  That was a clear surprise to them.  Mr. Plummer accepted the things, made a short speech thanking them for their kindness to them and then prayed.  It was very touching to hear.  We had moonlight to go home in, though we had a much better than I had expected.
Tuesd 21
Got up rather late and ate breakfast.  Pa went to see Johnson.  Think he will not make again the doctor says there is no possible hope of his recovery.
Wen 22
It has rained most of the day, but the sun has gone down clear.  Mr. Pratt and Shoemaker were here to tea and have just gone over to the M. E. Church to hold a temperance lecture.  Pa has gone with them.
December Thursday 23
It has been very clear and pleasant all day.  I did up the washing and cleaning and some baking.
Frid 24
Got up and had my work nearly done up when Uncle Joe and Aunt Lib and Mifs Swain from Waverly came.  Uncle was going to mill, so we all got in the sleigh and went down to the Jonse.  He was breathing very shortly, and I see he was dying.  I stayed a little while, and then Mifs Swain and I came home and Pa went down, but he was dead before he got there.  This afternoon Pa went to Nichols to engage a minister and a hearse.  Mary went down with him.  I finished the ironing.
Saturd 25
Pa and I went to Waverly, took some apples and butter along.  John Rogers Jr. and Sr. went along.  We left Rosa to Aunt Lib.  We stopped at Jacob Vangorders.  Today Horace Cole’s wife was buried.  Found them holding Christmas with a lot of friends.  We found our poor sleighing on the river, so we came home by the Center.  The ___ John traded $52.  I bought a sack at Wilcox, paid $3 per yard.
Sund 26
Awoke and found it raining very hard, but we got ready and went to Johnses.  There were a good many people there waiting for the hearse to bring the coffin.  Meeting was appointed at 11 o’clock, but they did not start from the house until nearly 12 o’clock.  Got to the church and house was full and waiting.  They had a melodian, and the gallery and the singing went off very well.  There were some masons who performed the services at the church and all went to the grave where they perished.  Pa had a large load of mourners and I rode over with Arch Brown.  It rained all day.
December Tuesday 28
It has rained steady since Sunday and has been foggy.  John Neaves came here this evening.  Says he was married last Thursday to Alice Andrews.
Wen 29
Had a visit from Mary Morse.  The snow is all off the ground except along the fence.
Thurs 30
Got up early and got breakfast.  There was an Irish linen peddler stayed here last night.  I had gotten my work nearly done up when Hellen Hunt and Addie Swain came up to take a lesson.  Hiram Ellis helped saw wood.  Asa came up from Uncle Joe’s and stayed here the afternoon.
Frid 31
Hiram helped Pa saw wood and I got the work done up for New Year.

1868 Diary of Julia

1868 1869 1870
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 03 APR 2005 
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice

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