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The preceding paragraph added by my mother, Eunice R. Stamm, nee Rosekrans, as completeness of diary is unknown.
Oct. 20, 2003
1850 age 23 years
Jan 1. For a while back, I have constant thoughts of recording some of Gods goodness to me, and as time passes, the thought grows stronger, and today this trembling hand takes up the pen with that intention.
Dec. 20.
Long weary months have passed since I have wrote here, full of pain and misery they have been.
1851 age 24 years
April 20. The weather is yet stormy and dismal.
April 30. O, the splendor of this days setting sun, the clouds so rapt in fire!
May 16. Those beautiful days are rolling away, like a weavers shuttle they quickly fly..
July 29. An absent sister comes today to visit us for a while. [Probably Lucinda Brockway who lived near Albany when she first married. Fletcher was born there - typist]
Aug. 5. Reapers are gathering grain.
Aug. 6. So little I can do in this great uncultivated vineyard of the Lord. Not a person that profess Christ publicly anywhere near here.
Sept 6. Spent this day at the bedside of a sick woman.
Sept. 18. Spent the last 2 days in the house of sickness.
Oct. 7. Lovely twilight hours of as beautiful a day as ever passed over earth.
Oct. 9. Spent part of the day in writing to a friend in New Jersey.
Oct. 10. This day bid farewell to an uncle for a time.
Nov. 2. A sister has gone far on her journey.
1852. age 25 years.
Jan. 3. The trees and shrubs are all robed in white.
Jan. 4. Beauty everywhere we look, this first Sabbath morn of the New Year.
Feb. 5. The visit of a colporter. He is the first colporter I have ever seen in this place. Rev. Godell preached..
Feb. 21. Heard the glad news that a sister living at a distance had surrendered her heart to God and her husband, C. B. {Charles Brockway.} and are walking in the path of life eternal.
March 4. Spring greets us again but wintery winds howl around our dwelling.
March 24. Been visiting, returned today.
May 19. Terrible indeed was the display of Almighty power this afternoon. Thick clouds gathered to a fearful darkness, lightning flashed and thunders rolled. Anon, the storm burst upon us, forests were torn and swept to the earth.
1853. age 26 years.
During this year Adeline Park (her sister) started teaching on Rumsey Hill, quit, and married Peleg Blauvelt.
Feb. 15. E. Austin has gone from usefulness here to heaven. Truly one of whom the world was not worthy. His sun set at noonday, and that was very sudden.
May 28. Far from my parental home and all I hold dear this lovely Sabbath morn, my thoughts wander back to the home of my childhood, to my parents, brothers and sisters far away.
June 25. Enjoyed the privilege of hearing a sermon at Castleton, Rennselaer County.
July 24. Cared for my sister, L. B. (Lucinda Brockway)
Dec. 12. Through the godliness of God I am home to my parents and friends, and I must record the remarkable preservation of my life through dangers seen and unseen, and the safe return after an absence of six months.
1854 age 27 years
May 26. This afternoon saw the sun almost totally eclipsed, the darkness so deep that the fowls went to roost, and it looked like a solemn time.
Aug 3. Just heard of an uncles death, my fathers only brother whom I never saw to my recollection. (Col. James Park.)
1855. age 28 years.
Feb. 7. Time of fearful cold weather.
July 22. Heard a sermon this day by Rev. Mr. Burkite from near Spencer.
Dec. 22. Just heard of the death of a neighbor, Swartwood, very sudden.
Note: one could cross the U. S. in about a month traveling on trains and stage coaches.
1856. age 29 years.
Aug. 1. Eight months or more have passed since this pen has been taken up by my hand. Sickness, last Feb. Father, Mother were spared and all the family except my dear Aunt Polly. She seemed to be ours in a double sense of the word. Her funeral sermon by the Rev. Sniffen. I was so sick at the time that I could not sit up. Sickness seized us both suddenly the same hour. She had gone upstairs to her bedroom while I was sitting up with father and mother, both very sick. She came downstairs about 10 o= clock. I asked her if she was sick and she said A Oh, what pain I have in my ear.@ I told her that was my case. Together we passed that long winter night of suffering, and I never saw her but once after that night. We were in different rooms and I was only able to go to her once while she lived and when she was dying they did not tell me until she was far too gone to speak.
Sept. 21. Away from home for some time and under the Drs. care, no public worship, no place of retirement.
Oct. 10. Southport, it seems like a long time since I have been home, since July.
Dec. 13. Today a surgical operation, removal of a cancer with a knife, from one of my lower limbs.
1857. age 30 years.
Jan. 1. Visiting at the house of Uncle Webster today, the first time ever to the Pine Woods hotel.
Surrounded by noise, bustle and confusion.
Feb. 22. A year ago today my dear aunt left the stormy regions of this world.
July 15. Attended camp meeting this evening in the grove near Erin for the first time in my life. Sermon by Rev. Mr. Greatsinger. (Grove across from Frank Howards in the little valley near the creek. Uncle David lived there then.)
July 16. This evening heard a most powerful exhortation from a stranger that came on the ground this afternoon, from the state of Massachusetts, he said, by the name of Dunbar. Disturbance by evil fellows. Quiet was restored.
July 17. Sermon by Rev. Mc L. Henry. Order prevailed. Weariness caused me to retire to the nearest house (my Uncle David Parks) for the night.
July18. Heard a good part of the sermon last night as I sat in the portico of my Uncles house. Distinctly heard the text announced by Rev. Dunbar, A Weighed in the balance and found wanting@ His voice was powerful and the hills on both sides seemed to speak the same words to each other, and the echoes of those words sent forth on the evening air resounded for miles around.
July 19. Sabbath. Rev. Chubbic, Dunbar.
July 21. Closing exercises today.
July 24. Returned home today.
Aug. 17. Yesterday was openly and presumptiously violated, the people using the Sabbath Day to burn fallow grounds in many places, one near the place I tended public worship. (Greenbush schoolhouse.) Sermon by Rev. Chubbic.
Sept. 2. I was at my sisters, Adeline Blauvelts.
Oct. 8. Friends I never saw before from New Jersey, one Aunt Hannah Teeter and the other Miss Elsie Lance.
Oct. 18. This afternoon heard a sermon in the Rosekrans schoolhouse by Rev. Litts. Evening sermon in same house. [Rosekrans schoolhouse on the Erin state road across from road that goes down to Ivan Hummers.]
Oct. 29. Yesterday bid my aged Grandmother farewell, parted forever from here I expect. She is to start to the State of Michigan tomorrow. [This was wife of Robert Park 2nd, mother of the other David Park, Armilla= s father.]
Nov. 8. Have made up my mind to go the next Sabbath and identify myself with the people of God in ordinance of baptism.
Nov. 10. Will my father be willing for me to unite with the Methodist church. He was baptized in infancy, brought up strictly Presbyterian and not even allowed in boyhood to go to Methodist meeting with his fathers consent. Under such influences through childhood, it is no wonder that some little prejudice should remain through life.
Nov. 15. This morning, soon as my father had kindled a fire I rose and seated myself at his side. He said to me, A why did you get up so early?@ I had something to say to him and ask his advice if he was willing. I said A Dear Father, you know how much I have been sick through my life, and each time that I have been sick so long I have prayed to God to spare my life and raise me up in health, to go and unite myself with the people of God. I want to be baptized before I am taken sick again. Have you any objection to it?@A Do as you like, my child, I have no objections@ he said with tenderness and tearful eyes. After a few moments he said A Would you not let me take you to Horseheads and unite with the Presbyterians there?@ I answered A Father you know my health is so poor that I could never go to worship there.@ He said A very well, do as you think best.@
Nov. 26. Today is Thanksgiving.
1858 age 31 years.
Jan 3. Tended worship this evening, sermon by Rev. Chubbic.
Jan 5. Tended a prayer meeting.
Feb. 14. A few days ago I first read an advertisement of the Spurgeon sermons.
MarchB Sermon by Rev. Chubbic. John McDoele and ???? were present to receive ordinance of baptism previous to starting to the Western country. They sang A Homeward Bound@ for the last time ever in this church on Austin Hill. Prayer meeting tonight at her fathers (James Swayze) house, where the friends meet for prayer and then part forever here.
March 10. A series of meetings are being held at Austin Hill Church by Rev. Chubbic.
March 25. Have been to church and heard the closing exercise of this series of meetings.
May 9. Away from home.
May 13. Away from home.
May 25. Yesterday, confined to bed with sick headache.
June 30. Tended worship at Hedding church today, aged venerable Elder Dr. Paddock. Troublous times in the church at present mostly on account of local preacher and wife. (Mr. SB )
July 7. Rev. Chubbic sermon.
July 11. Went to grove near Rosekrans schoolhouse where meeting are to be held for a few days, short discourse by Rev. Golden.
July 16. Stayed on the Campground only a part of two days. Father and Mother went away from home and I was needed there.
July 20. I see the church door open which seems to say, A Come and Worship.@
July 25. Walked to the grove today. (Rosekrans grove.)
Aug 1. Sermon by Rev. Chubbic.
Aug. 8. Away from home.
Aug. 12. Heard a sermon last evening in Rosekrans school by a Wesleyan Methodist, Rev. May, a stranger here. A few good remarks, aside from sectarian views.
Aug 20. Assisted at a quilting from the preacher on charge. Came home and rested awhile, then father proposed that I read the same sermon that I read the night before, one of Spurgeon, as a stranger from Spencer was stopping overnight and had never heard of the sermons.
Aug 25. Away from home again, visiting another sister.
Aug. 26. Evening, went to meeting in the church and heard a powerful sermon, Rev. Chubbic
Sept. 1. Been away from home some time.
Sept. 2. This afternoon my father drove up to the house and said he called to see if I wished to go home. He had been to get an iron mended, that his men had broke this morn and had come back this way and I stepped into the wagon with thankful joy.
Sept. 12. Spencer camp meeting.
Sept. 25. Had the great privilege of hearing the old church dedicated and called Hedding church. Rev. Paddock, his head silvered with age.
Sept. 26. Tended Hedding Chapel this morning, great crowd in the newly fitted temple. Rev. Ellis, Rev. A. Smith.
Sept 28. Heard the closing sermon of this series in Hedding Chapel, Rev. Chubbic.
Oct. 6. Winding yarn today.
Oct. 9. Tended a Wesleyan Methodist meeting in Rosekrans schoolhouse this PM. Sermon by Rev. Payne.
Oct. 10.Sun. morning sermon by Rev. Payne. PM sermon by the E. M. preacher in same place.
Oct. 11. Tended meeting this Mon eve again same place. Sermon by Wesleyan Rev. May. Went back to bro. Lyman and sister Rosanna Rs house, very weary.
Oct. 13. Last evening I spent at house of Mr. R., he is member of the Wesleyan and she of the M. E. church. The evening passed very pleasantly.
Oct 14. Evening finds me home again, safe.
Oct. 21. I was knitting stockings.
Oct. 25. There has been 4 funerals within 6 mi of here within 3 days.
Oct. 31.Walked to the orchard this pleasant day.
Nov. 7 Tended meeting once more in our church, Rev. Chubbic.
Nov. 8 Just commenced reading the Bible the 12th time in the past 12 years.
Dec. 5. Tended public worship in our church. Rev. Chubbic.
Dec. 13. Last night I tended meeting the R. schoolhouse, Rev. Armitage.
Dec. 18 Greenbush schoolhouse, Rev. Chubbic.
Dec. 19. Today our pastor called at my brother-in-law Peleg Blauvelt house where I was visiting.
Dec. 28. Tended the first Watch meeting ever on Christmas Eve past in our church, first sermon by G. Rumsey, Golden, Chubbic.
1859. 32 years
Jan 5. Just finished Adam Clarks Christian Theology.
Feb. 6. This day is communion and my sister Lucinda Brockway is to be baptized.
March 16. A frame for a new schoolhouse is raised today near us.
March 28. Tended public services to hear Bro. Chubbic once more, probably the last time.
April 10. Two days ago an aged, pious woman, Mrs. Vaughn, was laid in the grave. Brother and sister Blauvelt have gone to meeting.
May 1. Our new schoolhouse was filled today with an attentive congregation who listened to the first meeting ever held within its walls, Rev. Sniffen. We might say he dedicated the house to the parents and children of this school district. The preacher said their American spirit was praise-worthy. He was glad to see them care so much for the little ones God had given them.
May 29. Heard sermon by Rev. Sniffen who has left the M. E. Church and joined Wesleyan.
June 1. Yesterday tended the funeral of a young man, S. Ogden, Rev. Sniffen.
July 7. Evening, rode to church this afternoon on horseback. Stopped and took on with me my little nephew Floyd and we went very comfortable on the horse, Rev. Pitts.
July 10. Rev. G. Rumsey preached, text not very ably explained. Public class meeting. I felt that the heaviest part of the cross for me was to rise and speak for Jesus before my father, as I know his views of woman speaking in church, and had never done it before in his presence.
July 24. Enjoyed first discourse ever heard by Bro. McIntre, which was at our schoolhouse today.
July 26. Just heard that my dear grandmother left this world over a week ago. She died in Michigan. (She was wife of Robert Park II)
July 30. Tended quarterly meeting in grove by Uncle David Parks, Rev. Haven.
July 31. The Sabbath dawns without a cloud, and many people repair to the grove to worship. Rev. Haved of Millport.
Aug. 1. Enjoying a visit with a good old lady, Mother Becker.
Aug. 7. Rev. G. Rumsey preached in our school.
Aug. 10. Tended a picnic or sociable as it might be termed, in the grove near Barnes schoolhouse, Swartwood
Sept. 5. After meeting I went home with bro. and sis. Blauvelt and on the way I was thrown from a horse, falling on my head, yet receiving no injury.
Sept. 9. My sister A. [probably Adeline] and myself visited at Bro. and sis. McIntyres.
Sept. 12. Started home today and called at my sister Rosanna. Found her sick and stayed with her. Tended meeting in Rosekrans schoolhouse, Rev. Robinson.
Oct. 9. Neuralgia pains in head and face.
Oct. 16. Been visiting with an aunt and cousin from New Jersey.
Nov. 1. Writing to an aunt in Michigan.
Nov. 5. Tended meeting last eve at Vanettenville, first time ever, at the M. E. church. My mind went back to the time when this church was being raised, and some of the timbers fell and killed one of the carpenters (R. B.) almost instantly.
Nov. 7. People are gathering at the funeral of an aged lady. (Mrs.Houck.)
Nov. 27. Stayed all week with sister Rosanna..
Dec. 1. Our folks think my melancholy looks is because my head aches.
Dec. 4. All our folks gone to the schoolhouse here to listen to Rev. Golden, except mother and myself.
Dec. 25. Watch meeting in our church last P. M. Rev. Debell, Rev. Pitts.
1860 33 years.
Jan. 1. New Year comes with cold piercing wind yet sun shines mildly down..
Jan. 20. Spent past week with Uncle David Parks and family.
Feb. 24. Death came suddenly and unexpectedly and called W. Rosekrans and today friends lay all that remains of husband and father to rest on a quiet hillside not far from his dwelling place, of his own choosing.
Mar. 17. It is near midnight and I am watching beside the bed of sister Rosanna. It appears as though the disease was fastening upon her tighter than she is aware of.
April 12. Yet staying with Bro. and sis. Rosekrans.
April 21. Home to my parental roof again.
May 16. A solemn day. Two funerals in our church. Both aged men. Neighbors leaving earth within a few hours. Mr. S. Vaughn was being lowered in the grave as the other procession reached the church, Mr. J. Hummer.
May 21. Today a Sabbath school was organized at our schoolhouse. My bro. Alexander declined to superintend the school and they chose me for superintendent.
June 22. Catherine Hummer died sudden and unexpected, leaving husband and 5 little ones. Grandmother Dibble died a few hours ago.
June 24. On way back from Mrs. Dibbles funeral called to see S. Vredenburg, he having one leg almost sawn off in a steam sawmill.
June 25. Spent part f this day by the bedside of that suffering man.
July 5. This morn Charles Vredenburg died. For 12 days he has suffered excruciating pain.
July 18. This A.M. there was quite a deep eclipse of the sun. Went out to pick berries.
July 19. Went to gather berries.
Aug. 26. Tended the funeral of a little babe of Uncle D. Parks. (Probably Linda Ann.)
Sept. 2. Went home with my sister, Lucinda Brockway.
Sept. 9. Prayer meeting in Barnes school. G. Rumsey.
Nov. 29. Visited with sister E. Vredenburg. Went on to Greenbush schoolhouse where they are holding revival service.
Dec. 13. Rumors of war are circulating and if it should break out in this country it will not be nation against nation but neighbor against neighbor.
Dec. 16. Sermon in our schoolhouse, Rev. Golden. Controversies of the day, slavery, war, union, and disunion.
Dec. 22. P. M. Hedding Chapel, Elder Pierce.
1861 Age 34
Jan. 1. The war news seems to be more exciting every day.
April 14. A severe sickness has caused me terrible pain, inflammation of the head, of two months duration.
April 23. Rode a short distance, the first that I have been from home since Jan. 27. Glad to get home and rest. Yesterday the first troops started from Elmira for the seat of war.
April 25. Last night, the torch of incendiary fired the steam saw mill of H. Vredenburg. Malice and revenge.
June 3. Tended a quilting, a the nearest neighbor, I H, for Rev. Golden. (I. H. probably Isaac Houck) Prayer by Rev. Rose, preacher in charge now.
July 21. Beautiful Sabbath. Father, brothers and sisters gone to camp meeting at Hammonds Corners.
July 23. Just heard of a terrible battle in Virginia, between two and three thousand northern people killed and great loss on both sides.
Aug. 17. A Mrs. Vosburg is dead.@ is told from house to house with astonishment. Her death so sudden. Lat Mon. she done her usual washing and today (Sat.) she is gone.
Sept. 1. P. M. Just returned from a prayer meeting in our schoolhouse. We have a class of ten formed in this place now and God is answering prayer offered years ago when there was not a person in the neighborhood that professed Christ except myself. I now have one bro. and his wife, two sisters and their husbands and one sister-in-law, all followers of Christ besides other friends and neighbors.
Sept. 22. Vanettenville at sister Eliza V. Sermon, Rev. Kinney.
Oct. 31. Last night sister Isabel was married.
Nov. 8. (Birthday) 34 years I have lived. Two days ago I saw my bro. Jackson married.
Dec. 1. Last week a neighbor passed away, Charles Ruger.
1862 age 35 years
Jan. 5. North and south arrayed in such hostility and England sending troops by the thousands into Canada, bloodthirsty against us (the North) and war on both sides seems inevitable at present.
Feb. 23. Last night I left home to stay with bro. and sis. Brockway to tend a series of meetings at Barnes schoolhouse. Sermon by Rev. Benham of Newfield, Rev. Rose, Rev. McIntyre.
March 3. A noted Dr. of Albany wrote me no encouragement from present symptoms.
March 18. Mr. D. White has just left this world. Sick 2 days, speechless, insensible, helpless.
March 20. Mr. White carried to rest, I sit by the window looking over to the graveyard.
March 23. War news is terrible, thousands losing their lives every week.
March 24. Just heard of the death of an acquaintance, Mrs. Osgood. Leaves 5 children.
March 30. Funeral of Mr. Jesse H. who has lingered long with a terrible disease of the stomach.
April 13. Within the past week there is said to have been 36 thousand people killed in battle on this once civilized continent.
April B . Last night a wounded soldier, my mother= s youngest brother J. B. Park, came to see us and the details he gives us are revolting to nature. He is recovering and anxious to get back to the battlefield.
May 25. Some days ago my sister Mary was married, which leaves our home more lonesome.
July 9. Tended the funeral of one of our neighbors who died very sudden. L. V. She is out of the hearing of censure.
July 25. A lonely day. Two of our neighbor boys have enlisted and gone. Three hundred thousand is the call now and it takes many from every town and place and leaves sorrow at home.
July 27. Another Sabbath, no public worship near.
Aug. 10. Took my place at my sister Isabel McDowell who is now mother to a lovely boy.
Aug. 24. Drafting to fill up the quota is to take place in a few days and one bro. says he will be shot here before he will go into the army. A felon on my finger is very painful.
Oct. 28. Have been with my sister Rosanna and her little one the past 3 weeks.
Dec. 21. Another battle at Fredricksburg, between 10 and 15 thousand of our people fallen there and no signs of peace.
1863 age 36 years
Feb. 2. Tended the funeral of old Mrs. McDowell nearly 90 years of age. Sermon by Rev. Alabaster.
March 1. The cause of religion seems to have suffered dreadfully since the war.
March 22. Mother is sick and I am caring for her.
April 5. Snow is falling and getting quite deep.
May 3. Stayed with my sister Rosanna some time, whose child has been very sick with croupe. [Fennimore, 8 months old.]
July 31. My father has been sick and in a dangerous condition from inches high into his ear and after a few days inflammation set in, then erysipelas in the head. Word came that my bro. Jackson was drafter, he will not have to so south this time, money will get a substitute.
Aug. 1. The awful cloud that hangs over this country is gathering blacker and fiercer, threatening to devastate all the states and take the last drop of life from the last man, woman and child. East and west, north and south, the gloom deepens, aged men sit and weep at the prospect today, feeling their children must be killed at the will of the politicians of the present administration.
Nov. 8. Another birthday. My brothers feel sober and melancholy, the 5th of January another draft is appointed.
1864 age 37 years
Feb. 1. Just heard that the County house was struck with lightning night before last. No one was killed, but some hurt.
Feb. 14. Oh, what a warlike nation has this become. Another proclamation for 200 thousand more men to come to the slaughter ground, being five hundred thousand in the past 5 months.
March 27. Call for two hundred thousand more men.
April 24. To church today. New preacher, Rev. Barter. Just heard of the death of a cousin, Johnson Park, 10 or 12 years of age, who died this morn of measles or rather congestion of the lungs after 2 days sickness.
May 16. Away from home, just recovering from a violent attack of sick headache.
May 21. Call for four hundred thousand more men.
June 4. Today the remains of an old lady, Mrs. Ruth Barnes have been laid in the grave, she being nearly 92 yrs of age and died after one days sickness.
June 5. Three hundred thousand to be raised by conscription of they cannot be raised without.
June 26. Sabbath school did not seem so interesting as usual, neither did the preaching by G. Rumsey.
July 3. My youngest sister (Ada) sick, taken yesterday, but is easier today. (She had typhoid fever.)
July 19. The day of her sisters funeral. (Ada)
July 24. Last night the neighbors were alarmed by the cries and screams of a woman badly burned by the explosion of a kerosene lamp, so badly that she cannot live.
Aug. 29. My youngest bro. seems determined to enlist.
Aug. 30. Brother says he will not go to war if we are going to cry ourselves to death about it. Some people are so anxious to enlist, others leaving to avoid the draft, many wishing they were in Canada.
Sept. 11. My bro. Byron and Bro. in law Lyman Rosekrans were baptized and taken into the M. E. church today.
Sept. 25 The eldest son of G. Rumsey is just buried. (Josiah Rumsey.)
Nov. 4. It is near the time for another presidential election and people seem to be in a terrible commotion. I will bear in silence and keep aloof from helping to make flags to take any part.
Nov. 8. This election day there is a great struggle going on between the two political parties
and bloodshed is expected at all events.
Nov. 10. Funeral of Charles Hollenbeck. Typhoid fever.
Nov. 14.Received a visit from Rev. Barton and wife today. They were very anxious to hear the full particulars of my sisters death and the vision she had before she died. She thinks it should be published.
Nov. 22. Mary= s babe, Effie in my arms. Daughter of Mary Park and J. W. Houck.
Nov. 25. Today Harvey Houcks two little girls are both buried in one coffin, died of diptheria.
Nov. 26. Proclamation for a new enrollment of all liable to a draft, and that will now include every bro and bro in law that I have. Preparation for a draft instead of the peace promised if Lincoln was elected again.
Nov. 29. Mrs. Sally Vaughn, wife of T. or J. Vaughn buried today.
Dec. 3. Typhoid and diphtheria are taking away many. a woman of 35, a young man of 19, and a youth of 8 years.
Dec. 15. A way for my bro. Byron to go to school.
Dec. 25. The president calls for three hundred thousand by Feb. 15 or an immediate draft to bring them.
1865 age 38 years
March 16. Hills are bare for the first since December.
April 4. There has been dreadful fighting for the past week. For an hour back there is a continual firing of cannon again, and some say the northern armies are victorious.
April 10. The greatest excitement prevails, people seem nearly crazy with joy. News of the surrender of the Rebel Gen. Lee and army as prisoners of war. Cannons are booming in every direction, but I do not approve of such demonstrations of joy over victories bought with such streams of blood.
April 15. Sat. eve. This afternoon brought the startling news that the Pres. Abraham Lincoln is dead. He was shot in a theater and died this morning. Is a theater the place for the Pres. of the U. S. to go? Better to bind up the wounds of the poor wounded soldiers.
April 19. Today the remains of Abraham Lincoln are convoyed to their last resting place. Some people are mourning, some are rejoicing that he is gone.
April 30. My bro. A. and wife have been here and just gone. Stillness reigns. Father sits by the window reading. Mother lays on the lounge resting. Byron has gone to church and I set in my old arm chair thinking.
May 6. I do not admire the pageant made of so sad a journey as is made over the remains of the murdered President A. Lincoln. As that procession is marching half across the continent to deposit its dead, the murderer is burned out of a barn and then shot down rather than surrender, then served up in a blanket and taken at night by two men sworn never to disclose the place of burial.
May 13. Tended Mrs. Austin funeral. Sermon by Rev. Grimes, preacher just came on charge.
May 28. Have been to bro. Alexanders.
June 4. At sister Adalines.
Aug. 11.To Barnes schoolhouse meeting.
Aug. 12. Series of meetings at Barnes schoolhouse.
Sept. 3. Went with bro. and sis. Wes Houck and Mary to church, disappointed in finding Rev. Burgess in place of presiding elder. Decided to go home with sister Lucinda Brockway.
Sept. 12. To Spencer Camp meeting.
Sept. 20 Since my last record I have been staying with another sister 2 wks. Come home last Monday found a cousin C. Miller here from Michigan on a visit. Sister Adaline is sick and I must go to her.
Nov. 5. For past 2 wks have been caring for sis. A., sick of fever. Had a cancer on my leg eaten out again and it seems to be doing well.
Nov. 19. House full of brothers and sisters and I am getting ready to go home with sister Isabel.
Nov. 26. Home again.
Dec. 31. Ten days ago father was taken sick with inflammatory rheumatism and kidney disease and has been a great sufferer, but is easier now.
MidnightB between the years 1865-66 I have slept 2 hours and just risen to watch with Father and let Adeline and her husband go to bed.
1866 age 39 years
Jan 1. One o-clock. Father is easier. Sitting here I can see over in the graveyard. The moon is shining brightly.
MayB Have been confined to my room since last Jan.
May 13. Confined to my room most of the time and can only walk a little with a cane.
July 2. An invalid yet.
Sept. 16. People are gathering at the church, I see an old lady, Mrs. R., a widow living alone tried to walk to church, found she was too late and came into my room to rest and to talk awhile with me.
Sept. 17. Mr. John Barnes was killed near Vanettenville today, by horses running and the wagon tongue dropping and running in the ground throwing him out. Of late he lived west and just came back to see his 3 children. He had seen 2 and was on his way to see the other one. His bro . R. B. was killed by timber falling on him while helping to raise M. E. church at Vanettenville.
Oct. 2. two days ago an uncle came from his western home to consult an Elmira oculist for his eyes. He is entirely blind. The dr. gives no encouragement and his case is pitiful indeed. He is accompanied by his little girl only, who is under 7 years of age.
Oct. 10. Fifteen years ago he left this place for a home in Michigan young and healthy. He was very ambitious and overworked and inflammation ensued and the light of both eyes went out forever.
Oct. 21. Uncle starts in the morning for his western home, disappointed of any help for his eyes.
Nov. 4. Cousin Adaline has been with us the past 2 weeks, and just left. I miss her, she is so cheerful and lively. (N. J.)
Nov. 20 Just finished that manuscript.
Dec. 10. Just received a letter from that blind uncle. He says he has got to sawing wood again. He asks about the manuscript. It is ready for the press and the lowest price for publication is 100 dollars and I have only one of that hundred.
1867 40 years
Jan. 1.Father has a bad cough.
Jan 13. Blind uncle thinks he can get manuscript published on credit.
Jan. 27. Can walk from the bed to the stove with the help of a chair. Yesterday heard of the death of Aunt Mahala Miller in Michigan.
Feb. 24. My fathers cough is no worse and I am able to walk across the room without assistance.
March 27. The family have all retired and I am unable to sleep, thinking of my sister Mary; how death entered her house last night and tore her sweet little jewel from her bosom just as she thought it better. (Born last Dec., younger than Effie.)
April 7. Stayed with my sister Mary 2 days.
May 12. Sister Isabel brought a little girl 3 wks old for us to see today. She calls it Lola. (Lola Neish.)
June 9. Sister Rosanna more feeble.
June 27. Resting at home today. Been with sister R for 2 wks, and I must go back tomorrow.
July 20. Rosanna is failing.
July 22. Sister R and myself are at home today.
Aug. 30. Have been at home only once since sister went with me, She is better now and I am very lame.
Oct. 8, With my sister yet, her health is improving.
Oct. 20. Just read of the fallen condition of one of Gods professed followers, in jail at present awaiting his trial. Ten years ago he preached one of the most powerful sermons I ever heard, in the grove near Erin Center. (Dunbar.)
Nov. 3. At sister Isabel's where I have not been for 2 years.
Nov. 17. Stayed a week with Isabel and I am back to sis Rosannas bedside from which I have been away only one week since last June.
Dec. 25. She is better and does not need so much care.
1868 age 41 years
Jan. 12. Nancy Davis, sick many weeks, buried today.
March 15. Arrangements are made for bro Lyman to move his family to my Fathers. (Rosanna Park married Lyman Rosekrans.)
April 12. My youngest bro. on his way to Michigan. (Byron Park.) Home again. In the other room sits my sister Rosanna, pale and emaciated but the dr. tells her, her symptoms are all better. My labor and care are all lightened as her family have moved here and we all care for her.
May 3. My bro Byron back to his parental home.
June 30. Have been to Greenbush, the first time I have been to meeting there since my sister Ada was with me. Rev. Pitts.
July 5. Walked to our schoolhouse. Rev. Bloodgood.
July 19. Rev. McIntyre, our schoolhouse.
July 26. Went with bro L. Rosekrans to Hedding (Swartwood) church to quarterly meeting. Rev. Clark.
Aug. 27. That book is published at last. I' m fifty dollars in debt. Tomorrow if able, I start to camp meeting in Spencer.
Aug. 28. Went with my bro. Jackson to the tented grove (Spencer) was welcomed by old acquaintances, M. Osborne and husband, to their tent. Rev. Krohne, Rev. Floyd, Rev. Brooks, Rev. Keatly, Rev. Judd, Rev. Owen, Dr. Clark, Rev. Eldridge, Rev. Cole, Rev. Wheeler, and Rev. Alexander. Hundreds listened with attention while bonfires lit up the encampment.
Walked to the village with friends, Mr. and Mrs. Houck.
Sept. 3. Here comes my sister Lucinda Brockway. I= m so tired that I still fo home when she goes if I can arrange my business. My books are among the people and in the tents unpaid for and will remain so if I go home.
Sept. 4. Reached home last night at 8 o= clock. Found I had sold 30dollars worth of books and left enough in the hands of friends to pay the debt for printing.
Oct 3. Had a talk with my bro in law, J. W. Houck on religion.
Oct. 18. Just came home from sister Mary= s, worked at the necessary work til 9 o= clock, then sewed until midnight as I have often done of late.
Oct. 20. Sister Rosanna is poorly now.
Nov. 20. Sister R and family move back home tomorrow and she clings to me so that father and mother tell me to go if I am able.
Nov. 29. Have been here 2 weeks and sister R is quite poorly.
Dec.5. The Baptist people are holding a series of meetings at the Rosekrans schoolhouse. Sorry to hear as some leaving the M. E. church to join them.
Dec. 20. Sister R is poorly. The house has been full of company. Lyman' s sister E. V. (Emily Van Gordon) and family have made their farewell visit here and start tomorrow for the west.
1869 42 years
Feb. 21. Sister has failed much. One could travel by train from coast to coast in 1 week.
April 11. I am yet with sister. She cannot take medicine and is the poorest person I ever saw, entirely helpless but not in great pain.
April 19. My head is aching so I cannot work. We have a colored girl to help.
May 30. Mother is better and so is sister R. Two weeks ago sister Lucinda had a tumor opened on her side and now lies in a critical condition.
June 7. Went to see Lucinda. Her tumor has filled again, limbs swelled full and no appetite. Dr. says she has one chance in two.
June 14 . Sister Rosanna is better and we are to have a change of help in the house. Cousin A. L. has come to help us. Nes
July 25. Cousin A. has gone west. I would rather do the work myself than have much of the hired help we get these days.
Aug. 18. Three years have I cared for my poor sick sister Rosanna.
Aug. 22. Sister Rosanna has revived a little and sister I is much cheered up, her tumor safely removed, and she is better.
Oct. 3. Bro Byron is sick, fever.
Dec. 20. Mr. Humphrey has died.
1870 age 43 years
Jan. 30. Sister R. is very poorly.
May 29. The 3rd day of April I was home for few hours, not having been home since Oct. last. Sister had an abscess commence about the first of April. I have done the work and cared for her with her husband.
Oct. 2. My parents, some of my brothers and sisters have had the measles, as well as myself. Have been home 3 times during the year, each time to see the sick. Before I was able to sit up much after having the measles, I was taken to see my father, typhoid had set in with measles.
Dec. 17. Sister Rosanna has gained wonderfully for 3 months. Day before yesterday morn, before daylight Bro Byron came for me. Father had been taken violently ill in the night and wanted me to come. I was sick with headache and by the time I was ready to go, I was obliged to give p and go back to bed. By 9 o' clock Byron came for me again saying Father was worse, such terrible pain around his heart. An hour later he sent B to tell me he was almost dead. Lyman went and stayed until he was easier. Next morning dr. called him better.
Dec. 19.Just able to sit up and ride home to see my dear father.
Dec. 21. He is gone
Dec. 24. Went to my dear Father= s funeral.
1872 age 45 years
Sept. 2. When I go to my parental home I listen in vain for his footsteps. Mothers grief and loneliness has changed her so much. Sister R is better but cannot walk, her limbs are gaining as well as her health.
Nov. 24. The people are gathering on the hill for Quarterly meeting. Received a deed of 40 acres of land; and a few days ago apportioned to me of the land Father left to his children.
1873 Age 46 years
Feb. 1. Rev. Compton and wife came to see us.
Mar.7. Last Sunday went with Mother and sister R and husband to see A.. B. who was sick and glad to see us.
April 20. Have been to see Mother 3 times, she has been very sick. Sister R much worse.
July 20. Our folks all live and are better but sister R is sick yet.
Nov. 3. Rev. Bull came to talk to me, to have a new edition of that book and says it ought to be doing its work. He wishes me to get it done and appropriate the avails of it towards furnishing a new church in contemplation in Erin. Could make no promise.
Nov. 8. Last night a young friend, Josephine Vosburg came to see us and help me get the Saturdays work done. Today she tells me to go to quarterly meeting at Breesport and she will do the work. Excellent sermon by Rev. Tousey.
Dec. 19. Recovering from terrible headache.
1874 age 47 years
Jan. 1. Just welcomed a new sister in law to my heart. Bro Byron is married.
March 19. Our folks came home telling that Garret Hollenbeck= s barn was struck by lightning and he was burnt severely but not killed.
May 16. Sister Charlotte has a baby, a girl born last Tuesday. (Bertha Hollenbeck.)
May 16. Sister R and her son Fennimore taken into the church.
July 5. Fenn and myself have been alone most of the day. His father has gone to a dr. and his mother is visiting uncle David Park at Tyrone.
July 19. Gathered a large pail of berries. Soon after retiring heard a call that a near neighbors child was sick., N. R. and his wife alone with 3 little ones, the youngest 4 weeks old. I went and stayed til near morning.
Sept. 4. Last night my dear Aunt Ann Shepard came to make us her last visit. Tomorrow she starts to her Michigan home.
Oct. 30. The family and 4 men all week. Men in the woods getting out bark, men drawing to market and men on the farm.
Nov. 26. Today the family are gone to a Thanksgiving dinner, except the workmen. In the afternoon my bro Alexander came, how glad I was.
Dec.1. Had prayer meeting here at bro. L. R. [Lyman Rosekrans]
Dec. 13. Went with family to a tea party at G. S. Beckers for benefit of new M. E. church.
Dec. 30. Family gone to an oyster supper and donation.
1875 48 years
Jan. 20. Went to see mother.
Feb. 10. The whole family have gone to the dedication of the M. E. church at Erin. 7 PM the family came home well pleased and hastened back to evening services, Rev. bro Byron came and stayed an hour with me. He says Mother is poorly. Miles Ennis died today. (His widow married Lyman R.)
Feb. 14. The funeral was last Fri. a terrible cold day. The church will miss him and oh, his family will miss him.
Feb. 25. A widow signed a hundred dollars for the new church. Funeral of Mrs. Tailor, leaves a babe 4 days old.
March 7. Communion day at Erin.
March 18. Went to see friend, widow Ennis as family were going to a donation at Erin.
March 25. Went to see dr. for pain in head, stopped for Mother to go with me but found her very sick.
April 5. Have been sick so that I could not go to see Mother. She is suffering so much and is helpless with rheumatism, but is better.
April 9. Prospect of household labor being lighter, the man that had been here 2 years and had all his washing and mending done by this feeble worm, has gone away and the one that is here now does not have his work done here, for which I am glad..
April 12. Watched with my sick mother last night and she is much easier today.
April 24. Had another attack of vomiting and pain in back.
May 1. Rain.
June 30. Have a girl of 11 years to help in housecleaning.
July 4. Prepared breakfast, then put up dinner for men to take with them to the other place, seen to the butter after it was churned, made cheese of the milk, boiled my soap, carried it down cellar with water added to it to made 15 pails of soap, then cleaned the kettle, warmed water and done Saturday cleaning, baked, finishing with a large pan of crackers, then found it time to prepare supper for all, then dishes and pails washed and breakfast partly prepared again, beds made, I find not time to spend reading and today am almost sick and very lame.
Aug. 10. Erin church.
Aug. 28. A hard week of labor has passed, company from Pennsylvania and Michigan much of the time and more men in oats harvest.
Aug. 30. Went to see a root dr. yesterday to get relief for my head.
Sept. 1. Alone most of the day and very sick. Near night, company came.
The following information is not in the diary, included only for the sake of history.
Picture of Marilla Park added by William R. Stamm. I have the original picture. Marilla Park never married. Her parents were David J. Park and Susan Eliza Park, also buried at Austin Hill Cemetery, Chemung County, Erin, New York. They were first cousins.