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Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery

Tri County Clippings- Page Three Hundred Forty

1883-  Wellsboro Agitator - Obituaries

Perez Gilmore
Perez Gilmore, an aged and respected citizen of Bath, NY, died a few days ago.  He was born at Bennington, Vt., in 1791, learned the tailor’s trade in Connecticut and opened a shop in Bath in 1817.  He built two or three hotels in that village and subsequently kept a large boarding house for several years.  He was an honest, generous-hearted man, and although a cripple all his life from an injury received at the age of eight years his industry and perseverance enabled him to gather a fair competence and rear a family of most estimable daughters.  For several years Mr. Gilmore had been retired from active life, and passed his declining years in the full possession of all his faculties, cheered by the regards of troops of friends and by the affection of the surviving members of his family.  He was a good man, and he has gone to his rest full of years and good works.  (Tuesday, October 2, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Peter Halsey
Mr. Peter Halsey, an old citizen of Bath, Steuben county, died last week Sunday night in the 80th year of his age.  For several years he held the office of County Treasurer.  He was a man of the most sterling integrity and was held in the highest esteem by all who knew him.  (Tuesday, October 2, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Samuel Miles
Mrs. Samuel Miles, of Rathbone, NY, died recently from an excessive use of morphine.  She had taken in 14 days 36 grains of the deadly drug.  Mrs. Miles was about 60 years of age and was highly esteemed.  (Tuesday, October 2, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Hannah Kinney
At Blossburg, September 21, 1883, Hannah, wife of Aaron Kinney, aged 68 years, 5 months and 23 days.  (Tuesday, October 2, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Antoinette Nowlan
At Blossburg, of dropsy, September 25, 1883, Antoinette, wife of Truman Nowlan, aged 57 years, 3 months and 15 days.  (Tuesday, October 2, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Joshua R. Sands
Rear Admiral Joshua R. Sands, retired, died last Tuesday, aged 98.  He served in the war against England on Lake Ontario and in the Mexican war.  He also participated in the late war.  (Tuesday, October 9, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

J. P. Kidder
Judge J. Kidder, of the Fourth district of Dakota and a member of the Supreme Court of that Territory, died on Tuesday, aged 67.  He was Lieutenant Governor of Vermont one term.  He was appointed Judge by Lincoln and was elected a Delegate to Congress.  He was reappointed Judge afterwards.  (Tuesday, October 9, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

James McStein
James McStein was hanged at Pittsburgh last Thursday morning for wife murder.  (Tuesday, October 9, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Levi Smith
While Levi Smith was sitting at home by his wife, at Gadsden, Ga., on Thursday, Henry Hart entered and shot Smith dead.  (Tuesday, October 9, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Frank Hopping
Frank Hopping, aged 4 years, was killed at Lebanon, Ohio on Wednesday, by a drove of hogs which attacked him in the street.  (Tuesday, October 9, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Marquis D. Harcourt
Marquis D. Harcourt, the French diplomat, died last Tuesday.  (Tuesday, October 9, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Lucius C. Barlow
Mr. Lucius C. Barlow, formerly of Charleston township, died suddenly at his father’s house at Eau Claire, Wisconsin, on the 22d ultimo, of heart disease.  The remains were embalmed and brought to Middlebury for interment one day last week.  Mr. Barlow was about 22 years of age, and possessed an unblemished character.  He went to Wisconsin a few months ago with his father, Clark W. Barlow, in the hope of improving his health, which was quite delicate.  His health did improve wonderfully, to all outward appearance, but a slight indisposition brought on the old trouble, heart disease, and he died with scarcely a moment’s warning.  (Tuesday, October 9, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Samuel McDonnell
Samuel McDonnell, was hanged at Fort Wayne, Ind., last Tuesday, for the murder of Louis Laurent in March last.  (Tuesday, October 16, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

George and daughter Webb
On Wednesday George Webb, of Tregarden, Ind., fatally shot his two year old daughter, and then killed himself.  His wife recently sued for divorce on account of his cruelty.  (Tuesday, October 16, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Guy Hall
A young man named Guy Hall, well-known to many residents of this borough, died at Catskill, NY, a few days since of tetanus, or lock jaw, caused by having his knee drawn into the cog-wheels of a printing press a few days before.  Young Hall made many friends during his frequent visits to his grandfather, the late John F. Donaldson.  (Tuesday, October 16, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. John M. Phelps
Mr. John M. Phelps, Superintendent of the Mansfield iron works, died in that borough last Saturday afternoon.  (Tuesday, October 16, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Irvin Ellis
A Roseville correspondent gives further particulars regarding the death of Mr. Irvin Ellis, noted in this paper last week.  He says that Mr. Stephen Johns was riding with Ellis, and they had been to Roseville for a pint of alcohol and had been drinking.  They started for home, and on the way attempted to pass a lumber wagon loaded with potatoes.  Both parties were running their horses, and as they passed the wagon the wheels caught and broke the forward wheel of the buggy.  Ellis fell out; Johns also fell out, but was not hurt.  Johns called for help, and Orren Furman, who lived near, responded and found Ellis still breathing, but he died immediately after being carried into the house.  Daniel Watson, Esq., was summoned, and the following persons acted as jurors at the inquest:  Dr. Nye, Warren Rose, Halsey Updike, Leon Hall, Emmet Baker, V. H. Lombard, Lafayette Stevens.  The jury rendered a verdict that he came to his death by falling from a wagon and dislocating his neck; cause, liquor.  (Tuesday, October 16, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Jacob B. Hammersley
Jacob B. Hammersley, a pioneer hunter of the West branch of the Susquehanna, died a few days ago.  During his life he has killed 300 deer, 3 elk, 150 bears, 1 panther, 46 wild cats, and 48 foxes.  (Tuesday, October 16, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Freddie Close
In Farmington, October 5, 1883, Freddie, youngest son of Reuben and Esther O. Close, aged 4 years, 3 months and 11 days.  (Tuesday, October 16, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

James Doane
At Knoxville, October 11, 1883, James Doane.  (Tuesday, October 16, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Delia C. Matteson
At Knoxville, October 4, 1883, Mrs. Delia C. Matteson, aged 67 years.  (Tuesday, October 16, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Ethel Peterson
At Ansonia, Pa., October 4, 1883, Ethel, only child of Charles J. and Lydia Peterson, aged 2 months.  (Tuesday, October 16, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

George Wells
At Ogdensburg, October 10, 1883, Rev. George Wells, aged 76 years and 7 months.  He was well known in this county as a man of fine abilities.  He was a Christian preacher and an author.  (Tuesday, October 16, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Joseph P. Hale
Joseph P. Hale, the piano manufacturer, died a few days ago in New York of heart disease, leaving $10,000,000.  (Tuesday, October 23, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Emily P. Jones
Emily P. Jones, a young lady of Richmond, was fatally injured, Thursday night, by falling down stairs while walking in her sleep.  (Tuesday, October 23, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Thomas Coats
Thomas Coats, the head of the great spool cotton house known throughout the world, died on the 15th instant, at Paisley, Scotland.  (Tuesday, October 23, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

George Cromer
George Cromer, a carpenter, of West Willow, Lancaster county, was accidentally hanged at that place last Wednesday.  He was working on the upper floor of a building, when he is supposed to have been seized with an apoplectic fit, and falling between the hoists, he was caught by the neck and strangled to death.  (Tuesday, October 23, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

George B. Alley
George B. Alley, a well known Wall street operator, formerly Commodore Vanderbilt’s broker, died Tuesday in New York.  He was prominent in sporting circles and introduced Dexter to the turf.  (Tuesday, October 23, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Male Well
John Well’s five year old son was bitten by a dog at Sag Harbor village, Pa., on the 29th ultimo, and died of hydrophobia last week Monday.  (Tuesday, October 23, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Michael Watters
Michael Watters, who was sentenced to imprisonment in Dublin for complicity with an assassination society, recently died in prison, protesting his innocence to the last.  (Tuesday, October 30, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Myra Campbell
At Nelson, October 18, 1883, Myra, daughter of Joseph D. and Dolly Campbell, aged 16 years.  (Tuesday, October 30, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Mary Evans
In Blossburg, October 23, 1883, of diphtheria, Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Evan J. Evans, aged 13 years, 6 months and 15 days.  (Tuesday, October 30, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Elias Keeney
At Covington, Kenton county, Kentucky, October 21, 1883, of dropsy, Elias Keeney, formerly of Tioga county, Pa., aged 83 years, 3 months and 25 days.  Mr. Keeney, formerly resided at Keeneyville, in this county.  He moved to Kentucky about 15 years ago where he has since resided.  For nearly half a century he has lived a consistent Christian life.  (Tuesday, October 30, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John Kimble
At Catlin, Chemung county, NY, John Kimble, aged 94 years, 4 months and 27 days.  (Tuesday, October 30, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mary Barry
Six months ago Mary Barry, of Germantown, aged 18, was bitten by a pet dog and a few days since she died of hydrophobia.  (Tuesday, November 6, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. George K. Leib
Mr. George K. Leib died very suddenly last Friday at Gunnell’s lumber camp on Asaph run.  Mr. Leib, we understand, died almost instantly a few moments after eating a hearty dinner.  It is thought that his death was caused by heart disease.  He was well known in this borough and was the son of Mr. G. D. Leib.  (Tuesday, November 6, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Thomas Johnson
Thomas Johnson, the well-known Elmira jeweler, died suddenly a few days ago of paralysis.  (Tuesday, November 6, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

James Hawkins
James Hawkins, a colored preacher, was shot and killed at St. Louis on Wednesday afternoon.  Jealousy probably prompted the act.  (Tuesday, November 13, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Arthur Williams
Arthur Williams, editor of the Logansport (Ind.) Advertiser, was shot and fatally wounded, Wednesday night, by a bill poster named West, whom Williams accused of being too intimate with his wife.  (Tuesday, November 13, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. A. B. Johnson
Mr. A. B. Johnson, a prominent lawyer of Utica, NY, and an uncle of Johnson L. Lynch, who was recently shot by an outraged husband at Batavia, committed suicide a few days ago.  (Tuesday, November 13, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Theodore F. Randolph
Ex Senator Theodore F. Randolph died suddenly last Wednesday morning at Morristown, New Jersey.  Although not ill he has been complaining.  His death is attributed to heart disease.  (Tuesday, November 13, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Kate Townsend
Kate Townsend, the woman recently killed at New Orleans by her lover, had bequeathed her property, over $20,000, to her murderer.  (Tuesday, November 13, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

R. D. Joyce
Dr. R. D. Joyce of Boston, the author of several poems has died in Dublin, whither we went for his health.  (Tuesday, November 13, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Jacob Kipp
Jacob Kipp, a wealthy resident of Milwaukee, was recently robbed and murdered by road agents in Mexico.  (Tuesday, November 13, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Charles E. Dix
Charles E. Dix, cashier of a savings bank at Council Bluffs, Iowa, committed suicide by shooting.  (Tuesday, November 13, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Northrup Young
Mrs. Northrup Young, who made a statement regarding a mysterious murder in this county many years ago, died in Farmington a few days since.  (Tuesday, November 13, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. John Bigler
Mr. John Bigler, of this borough, died at the County Poor house last week Monday morning at the age of 80 years.  He had been a county charge for about 10 years.  Mr. Bigler was of French birth, and he served seven years in the French army.  (Tuesday, November 13, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Charles Owens
Mr. Charles Owens, of Mansfield, died very suddenly at his home last week Monday evening.  He was sitting engaged in conversation when he coughed slightly, a hemorrhage followed, and he died almost instantly.  He was about 50 years of age and leaves a wife and one child.  (Tuesday, November 13, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Phoebe D. Aldrich
At Blossburg, Pa., November 3, 1883, Mrs. Phoebe D., relict of the late David Aldrich, aged 75 years.  (Tuesday, November 13, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Mary Evans
At Blossburg, October 23, 1883, Mary, daughter of John Evans, aged 13 years.  (Tuesday, November 13, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John Smith
John Smith was hanged at Oakland, Md., on Friday, for murdering Joseph Harden and outraging his wife.  (Tuesday, November 20, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Sofia Woskrepensky
Sofia Woskrepensky, a member of the Red Cross Society, was hanged at St. Petersburg on Thursday for complicity in Nihilist plots.  (Tuesday, November 20, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Lafayette Cook
Lafayette Cook, an eccentric citizen of Auburn, Me., three weeks ago predicted that he would die November 11th.  Sunday morning (the 11th) he remarked that he would never eat another breakfast with the family.  He appeared to be in usual good health, and went for a walk in the afternoon.  On returning he said he would prepare himself for his coffin, which he did.  He then bade his relatives good-bye and laid down on the lounge.  He soon fell asleep and sank into a stupor, from which he could not be aroused.  A physician was summoned, but the man died Monday morning, the 12th.  A post mortem disclosed no evidence of poison.  (Tuesday, November 20, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Lyman Wetmore
Mr. Lyman Wetmore, who died at Lincoln Center, Kansas, on the 8th instant, was one of the early settlers of Charleston township.  He was a native of Vermont, and moved to Charleston with his father at an early age.  He cleared a large farm on Wetmore hill in plain sight of the borough, and lived on it until after 1860.  In 1869 he moved to Nebraska, and a few years ago he went to Kansas, where he remained until his death.  His first wife was Miss Deborah Cole, a sister of Mrs. Erastus Fellows, and they raised 10 children--six boys and four girls--all of whom are now living, the oldest being 62 and the youngest 42 years of age.  Three of the sons--Seth, Job and Almon Wetmore--are residents of this borough.  (Tuesday, November 20, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Margaret L. Bailey
Last evening Mrs. Margaret L. Bailey, wife of John W. Bailey, of this borough, died at her home, after an illness of about two weeks, from congestive apoplexy which followed bilious fever.  Mrs. Bailey’s maiden name was Lewis, and she was born at Munworthshire, South Wales, in 1827.  She came with her father, Thomas Lewis, and family to New York city in 1833, where they remained six years.  The family then came to Charleston township and located on a farm.  On Christmas day, 1843, John W. Bailey and Margaret L. Lewis were married and they settled on the Bailey homestead at Dartt Settlement, in Charleston township.  Unto them 12 children have been born, 10 of whom are now living.  About 15 years ago the family moved from the farm to this borough where they have since resided.  Mrs. Bailey united with the Baptist Church in New York city, where she retained her membership until coming to Wellsboro, where she immediately united with the Methodist Episcopal Church.  Mrs. Bailey’s life has been an active one and full of toil and self denial for her family.  Her Christian rectitude, kindness of heart and sympathetic nature endeared her to all who knew her.  The funeral will be held at her late residence at two o’clock to-morrow afternoon.  (Tuesday, November 20, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. John Comino
Mr. John Comino, who was badly hurt on the 10th instant near Arnot by being thrown from a car against a ledge of rocks, died last Wednesday evening from his injuries.  He leaves two children, one dangerously ill.  His wife died about six months ago.  Comino had a life insurance for $1,000.  (Tuesday, November 20, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. James Huff, Charles Riggs, and Nathan Ridout
Early last Friday morning, the boiler exploded in Marlette Maxwell’s steam saw mill in Jackson township, Lycoming county, with terrific force, killing Mr. James Huff, the foreman, Charles Riggs, fireman, and Nathan Ridout, sawyer.  Huff was blown about four rods, and his mangled body was found under some heavy timbers.  He was about 45 years of age.  Riggs was also instantly killed, and his body was found nearly 200 yards from the scene, his limbs broken, the body doubled up and badly burned.  He was about 24 years of age.  Nathan Ridout, who was also instantly killed, was standing in the engine room, together with the other employes, when the boiler exploded, and had not yet removed his overcoat when the fireman started the engine, and the next instant came the explosion, blowing him several rods, wedging his limbs in an adjacent lumber pile and tearing his clothes entirely from him, with the exception of a shirt, which was wound around his neck.  He was scalded so badly as to cause the skin to drop off, leaving his body to resemble a great piece of raw meat.  Mr. Ridout was a single man, 22 years of age, and came from Winn., Maine, a few months ago, at which place his people reside.  Five men were wounded.  John Pepperman was badly bruised by falling timbers, and his body was badly scalded.  It is thought that his injuries will prove fatal.  James Campbell, Levan Moyer, Grant Huff, a son of the foreman who was killed, and Alfred Reed were all more or less burnt, but it is thought they will recover.  (Tuesday, November 20, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John Chisholm
John Chisholm, the Newark, NJ, wife-murderer, was hanged in the county jail last Thursday morning.  (Tuesday, November 27, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Andrew Taylor
Andrew Taylor, the last of three brothers who killed two Sheriffs and captured a railway train, was hanged at London, Tenn., on Friday.  (Tuesday, November 27, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Jacob Crouch, Henry White and wife, and Moses Polley
Jacob Crouch, a very wealthy farmer in Michigan, his daughter and her husband--Henry White--and Moses Polley, a visitor, were found dead in bed last Thursday morning, evidently murdered.  All had been shot through the head behind the ear.  It is supposed they were first chloroformed, as there were no signs of a struggle, each of the victims lying as if asleep, and the odor of chloroform was noticeable when the bodies were discovered.  No clue to the murderers was discovered, though tracks around the house indicated that a guard was placed while the murders were perpetrated.  (Tuesday, November 27, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Robert Pattison
Governor Pattison’s only son, Robert, aged 5 years, died of croup at Harrisburg last Tuesday morning.  (Tuesday, November 27, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Matthew Waddell, Jr.
We regret to learn that Matthew Waddell, Jr., son of Matthew Waddell, of Morris Run, was recently killed by an accident in a Colorado mine.  (Tuesday, November 27, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Erastus Fellows
Mr. Erastus Fellows, who died very peacefully last Wednesday evening at the residence of ex-Commissioner Purple, was one of the oldest residents of this borough.  He was born in the town of Canaan, Litchfield county, Connecticut, on the 31st day of July, 1800, his father being Mr. John Fellows, who subsequently lived and died in Delmar.  In the year 1821 Erastus left his Connecticut home and “went West” as far as this county, settling on a farm between this borough and Stony Fork.  He remained there but a year or two, when he gave the farm up to his father who, with the remainder of the family, had followed him to these western wilds.  Erastus then came to this borough and acted for a time as an assistant to Mr. Beecher in the hotel business.  He soon married the widow of Moses Johnson--Elizabeth, daughter of Royal Cole--and engaged in keeping boarders in an old log house standing where the west end of the Fellows Hotel now stands.  His business rapidly increased, and a frame addition was soon built just east of the log house, and before long the old house was torn away and the west end of the present hotel built in its place. The establishment became well known and grew in popularity with the people who were called to make transient visits to Wellsboro, and its landlord prospered accordingly.  Before long he had become possessor of a large farm extending from the Newton Johnson place to the west side of the Purple lot on Charleston street and including all the land now occupied by the depot and its surroundings.  On this property Mr. Fellows continued to reside all the remainder of his long life, keeping the hotel until 1870, when he gave up the business and went to live with his daughter, Mrs. E. J. Purple.  He was a most hospitable land lord, and his acquaintance with the leading people of the county was very extensive.  He was a good citizen and a man of unquestioned integrity.  Five children were born to him.  Of these one daughter died in infancy; but Mr. and Mrs. Fellows had the happiness to see the remainder of their children grow up to become respected and prosperous citizens.  The two sons, Homer F. and Norris W. are engaged in business at Springfield, Mo., while the two daughters Mrs. E. J. Purple and Mrs. A. M. Spencer, reside in this county--the latter at Canoe Camp.  The funeral was held at Mr. Purple’s residence Saturday afternoon and was largely attended by the old people of this neighborhood.  The services were conducted by Rev. Dr. Shaw and Rev. Mr. Moss, and the remains of the aged citizens were laid at rest by old residents of this borough--Messrs. J. L. Robinson, William Bache, B. T. Van Horn, H. Sherwood, A. E. Niles and Thomas Allen.  (Tuesday, November 27, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Erastus Stiles
Mrs. Erastus Stiles, of Hector, Potter county, was recently found lying dead on the floor of her home, and her little child, nearly frozen with the cold, in the same room.  Mrs. Stiles’s husband was away at work in the lumber woods.  The strangers who discovered the woman summoned the Coroner, and after an examination a verdict was rendered to the effect that the woman came to her death from self-inflicted injuries in an attempt to pruduce abortion.  (Tuesday, November 27, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Sally G. Dutton
On Wednesday, November 14, 1883, Sally G., widow of Dean Dutton, at her home in Tioga, Pa., in her 80th year.  Deceased was born in Vermont, January 23, 1804, and in 1820 came with her father, Martin Stevens, and family to Tioga county, where she has since resided continuously.  In 1827, August 15th, she was married and two years after, with her husband, settled in Tioga township on the farm where she died.  In all the relations of life she has occupied a warm place in the hearts of all her friends, and her valued traits of character will long be remembered with satisfaction.  About two years ago a cancerous eruption appeared in her right side, and although the best of medical skill was employed she declined rapidly and for several months prior to her demise was a great sufferer.  She bore her afflictions with patience and fortitude.  Love and good-will pervaded all her acts.  Surely, she hath lived a life of usefulness and her work has been well and nobly done.  The funeral service was held at her late residence at 2 o’clock in the afternoon on Friday and was largely attended.  Rev. E. Bailey, of Mansfield, delivered a very appropriate and satisfactory discourse.  Mr. J. McInroy, Miss May Cole, Mr. Lewis and Mrs. Mitchell--sang the beautiful appropriate hymns.  “There is light in the valley for me,” and “When the mists have cleared away.”  The remains were later rest in the East Middlebury cemetery.  (Tuesday, November 27, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Erastus Fellows
At Wellsboro, November 21, 1883, Mr. Erastus Fellows, in the 84th year of his age.  (Tuesday, November 27, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Hannah A. Gardner
In Westfield, November 18, 1883, Mrs. Hannah A. Gardner, aged 40 years, 10 months, and 12 days.  (Tuesday, November 27, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Emma C. Williams
At Arnot, Pa., of diphtheria, Jennie, only daughter of T. F. and Emma C. Williams, aged 6 years, 10 months and 7 days.  (Tuesday, November 27, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Rev. J. T. Brownell
The wife of Rev. J. T. Brownell, formerly of Mansfield, died at Auburn, NY, on the 24th ultimo.  (Tuesday, December 4, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John Clare
John Clare, a mine superintendent, was murdered near Wilkesbarre, Pa., a few days ago.  (Tuesday, December 4, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Lemuel Judson
Lemuel Judson, of Montrose, Susquehanna county, 60 years of age, committed suicide by hanging, a few days ago, during a fit of despondency.  (Tuesday, December 4, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Guy H. McMaster
Mrs. Guy H. McMaster of Bath was found dead in bed last Thursday morning.  She was feeling perfectly well when she went to her room the evening previous.  She was found lying on the bed dressed.  Judge McMaster, who was in Hornellsville at the time was immediately summoned.  She leaves a family of three children, all grown up.  The event is a very sad one.  (Tuesday, December 4, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Kendrick E. Church
Mr. Kendrick E. Church of Hornellsville, formerly of Bath, died suddenly at the St. James Hotel Corning of heart disease last Wednesday evening.  He was on his way to Bath to spend Thanksgiving with his mother and numerous relatives.  He was a well known business man in the employ of Sheldon Brothers hardware dealers of Hornellsville.  His remains were taken to Bath for burial.  (Tuesday, December 4, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Dorcas E. Codney
At Blossburg, Pa., November 22, 1883, Dorcas E., wife of William Codney.  (Tuesday, December 4, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Sarah Flanders
At Osceola, November 30, 1883, Mrs. Sarah Flanders, aged 77 years.  (Tuesday, December 4, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Mahle Erwin
At Blossburg, December 3, 1883, of diphtheria, Mahle, daughter of H. P. Erwin, aged 7 years, 8 months and 24 days.  (Tuesday, December 11, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Bernard Lorenz
At Wellsboro, December 5, 1883, Mr. Bernard Lorenz, aged 36 years.  (Tuesday, December 11, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Josephine Bosworth
Mrs. Josephine Bosworth, a widow with one child, committed suicide at Columbia Cross Roads, Bradford county, on the 1st instant, by taking a dose of strychnine.  She formerly kept a boarding-house at Washington, D. C.  She had been suffering from hydrophobia for some months.  (Tuesday, December 18, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. George F. Allen
The body of the late George F. Allen, who was drowned off Newport some months since, was brought to Mansfield for interment last Wednesday.  The memorial service was held on Thursday, Rev. B. F. Brown officiating.  Several citizens of this borough were in attendance.  (Tuesday, December 18, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Cyntha Smith
In Delmar, Pa., December 7, 1883, Cyntha E., wife of Greene Smith, aged 58 years.  (Tuesday, December 18, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Henri Martin
Henri Martin, the French historian, died at Paris a few days ago.  (Tuesday, December 25, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Charles McLaughlin
Charles McLaughlin, a San Francisco millionaire, was shot and killed a few days ago by Jerome B. Cox.  The tragedy was the result of 17 years of litigation.  (Tuesday, December 25, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

W. J. Pearson
W. J. Pearson, Postmaster at Batesville, Ark., who was found dead there was $4,000 short in his accounts.  (Tuesday, December 25, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Thomas J. Cram
Brevet Major General Thomas J. Cram, retired of the Engineer Corps, died suddenly Friday afternoon in a Chestnut street horse car in Philadelphia of apoplexy.  (Tuesday, December 25, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Jesse N. Catlin
In Charleston, Pa., September 20, 1883, Mr. Jesse N. Catlin, aged 53 years, 8 months and 19 days.  (Tuesday, December 25, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. --- Dailey
In Covington, Pa., December 15, 1883, Mrs. ---- Dailey, aged 78 years.  (Tuesday, December 25, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Clyde Farley
At Marshfield, Pa., December 14, 1883, Clyde, son of John and Amelia Farley, aged 1 year, 1 month and 15 days.  (Tuesday, December 25, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Cyrenus Garret
At Westfield, December -, 1883, Mr. Cyrenus Garret, aged 78 years.  (Tuesday, December 25, 1883, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 15 MAR 2008
By Joyce M. Tice

Deb JUDGE Spencer typed these for us.