[Note: What Next was a 4-page small-format local Van Ettenville advertising
paper, similar to a "Penny Saver," containing jokes, local news tidbits, and
village business advertisement. The duration of this paper's print history is
unknown. Publisher was Charles F. Cannon.]
What Next, Vol. I, No. 28, Saturday, Dec. 7, 1889
Published every Saturday at Van Ettenville, N.Y. by C.F. Cannan.
Subscription price 15 cents per year.
Van Ettenville and Vicinity
There will be a Christmas tree at the M.E. church this year, and if every one
will help a little they can make a grand success of it, and they should do so
for it is three years since we have had a tree.
We hear there is to be a Christmas tree at the Jackson Hollow school house
this year.
J. Goldsmith and Dr. J.W. Gree, attended the hunt at Elmira, the first of the
Fred Hotchkiss' team caused quite a little excitement Tuesday morning by
running away up Main street. They were stopped before doing an damage.
Wilbur Nichols is quite sick and it is feared that he will have a run of
F.B. Shelton's oldest child, Harry, is sick with Scarlet Fever.
J.M. Qualey, one of our former "boys," was in town Thursday and called on
several of his old friends. "Jim" looks natural and as jolly as ever. He is
traveling for a large Syracuse firm.
We hear that Hedding Church will have a Christmas tree, also.
The people of Georgia Hill will have a tree this Christmas.
West Danby celebrates Christmas with a tree this year.
Dell Stewart's children who has all been sick with the Scarlet Fever, are
well again.
Mrs. Dorman is very sick at her home in this place.
Miss Iva Barnes is quite sick.
Our merchants are preparing for a very large holiday trade and any one
looking for presents will find as nice a line and at much lower prices right
here in Van Ettenville, than they will in any town or city in this part of the
state. Just come and see for yourself.
An effort is being made to start a dancing school here this winter.
The Young People's Society gave a free entertainment at the Baptist church
last Tuesday evening. The various parts were all well rendered.
G.S. Dwinell's celebrated Original Norfolk Jubilee Singers will appear at
Rochford's Opera Hall tonight. There are three male and three female
vocalists in the company and the performance is one which gives excellent
satisfaction and it should be well patronized.
Miss May Garrison, of Williamsport, Pa., is visiting Mrs. Kerrick's.
Mrs. S.A. Cannan has put in a nice assortment of fresh candies for the
holiday trade.
Miss Gusty Head, of Spencer, is visiting Mrs. Georgia Shoemaker.
Another! There will be a Christmas tree on Austin HIll this Christmas. This
isn't any year for Christmas trees - Oh, no.
S.W. Cooley and Mary Shoemaker were married at the Baptist parsonage Nov.
27th. We extend to them our best wishes.
Levi Bower left here Friday morning for Wyoming T., where he will stay some
The Chemung County Teachers' Institute will begin Jan. 6th.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Vredenburg are visiting her sister, Mrs. J. R. Coolbaugh,
at Wysox, Pa.
The Biggest Bargains in Christmas Goods That You Ever Saw at Cannan's Busy
Bee Bazar, Van Etten, N.Y.
A.S. Ward, Fire Insurance Agent. The Oldest and Best Companies represented.
Give him a call, at the Post Office, Van Ettenville, N.Y.
J. Goldsmith. Dealer in Drugs and Medicines, Fine Toilet Articles, Etc.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Van Ettenville, N.Y.
Banfield Bro's, Dealers in Hardware, Groceries, Boots, Shoes and Fine Teas
and Coffees. Van Ettenville, N.Y.
Owen S. Clark, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries Boots and Shoes. All kinds of
goods sold on a cash basis. Van Ettenvlle, N.Y.
G.W. Harvey, Dealer in Harness, Lap Robes, Blankets, Whips, Etc. Harness
repairing done cheap and on short notice. Van Ettenville, N.Y.
Mrs. S.A. Cannan's Busy Bee Bazar. Dry Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods,
Tinware, Glass-Ware, Stationery and Notions. Van Ettenville, N.Y.
Van Ettenville news from the Spencer Needle, Vol. 36, No. 13, Thursday,
March 29, 1923.
Page 8
Miss Simi Eskell was taken sick in school last Friday and about 11 p.m.
Doctor B. F. Colegrove was called and Ross Taggart's Garage man took her
to the Packer hospital at Sayre, where she was operated on for appendicitis.
She is now reported as doing as well as can be expected.
Owen Hill had his father Dute HIll sent to the Glen Mary Sanitarium at Owego
last Friday. Ross Taggart took him by auto. Mr. Hill had been in poor
health for sometime, and was unable to work. He had always been a hard working
man, and was respected by all who knew him.
Mrs. Carl Borgart, of Watkins, was in town over Sunday.
Francis Thomas, of Elmira, visited his parents over Sunday.
Miss Hilda Briggs, of Elmira College, was home over Sunday.
Mrs. Thomas Shoemaker came home Saturday night.
Beatrice Eaton is home for the week.
Mrs. Merritt Shoemaker, of Elmira, was in town over Sunday.
Clarence Westbrook is working in the Banfield Company office.
Mr. W. Wormerly and son, of Ithaca, were home over Sunday.
Leon Bachelor, of Myers, was in town over Sunday and is packing his good to
move to Myers, where he has employment.
Lewis Benson was home over Sunday.
Mrs. Fred Moulter, of Elmira Heights, was home over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Swartout, of Weedsport, were in town last week.
Horace Hollenbeck, has moved his household goods to Ithaca.
Fred Hotchkiss is able to go out again.
Mrs. Nina Ballman, of Corning, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Fay over
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knettles was in Elmira Saturday.
John Rochford was home over Sunday.
Julian Goldsmith was home Sunday.
Mrs. B.C. Robinson and Mrs. Ernest Robison were in Elmira Monday. [Note:
surnames exactly as printed.]
Mrs. William Goldsmith and sons, William and Charles are visiting Mrs. Ida
Goldsmith for sometime.
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Harry Booth and both
are sick, one with pneumonia and one with grippe. Harry Booth is reported
a little better.
Mrs. Steve Callahan was in Elmira Monday.
Miss Rena Lott who teaches at Lockport was home over Sunday.
Miss Blanche Mabee came home last week.
Mrs. Hollenbeck and daughter, of Erin, were in town Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shepard, of Endicott, were in town the week end.
The Valley Breeze, Vol. I, No. 14, Friday, December 11, 1891
Published every Friday by the Breeze Publishing Co., D.W. Murray, Editor
Local Zephyrs
Mrs. A. Van Horn visited relatives in Waverly last week.
Miss Mamie Downs has returned from a visit to Ithaca.
Minor Parke, of Tyrone, spent Sunday at Albert Whitleys.
The village of Dryden is to be supplied with a system of water works.
Frank Hicks closed a successful term of school at Hicks last Friday.
Misses Anna and Neva Fulton, of Spencer, spent Sunday with Mrs. S.A. Mabee.
John Shields, jr., and family have removed from Cross street and now occupy
rooms in the brick block.
Mr. La Rue and family of Havana, spent Sunday with Mrs. La Rue's parents,
Rev. and Mrs. J.H. Ross.
Jacob Schwartz, a prominent citizen and lawyer of Elmira, died at his home in
that city, Saturday evening.
Wm. Reynolds, son of one of the old time pastors of our M.E. church has been
in town this week on business.
The heavy rain of Friday last caused several washouts on the new railroad
which will increase both labor and expense.
Corr Burch has recently purchased of Mrs. J.B. Dimon the building near the
depot known as Hixson's office. He will make extensive additions and open
a first class hotel.
Thos. Fleming, of Swartwood, passed our office one day last week, laboring
under the weight of a fine turkey. He informed us that he was making an
attempt to coax up his appetite for Christmas.
Asa B. Clark, of Bayonne City, N.J., was in town a few days last week. Asa is
one of our old town boys and has a host of friends here. He now
occupies the responsible position of Inspector of Fire Alarms in Bayonne
Genial John Clapp, of Lockwood, has been in town.
F.B. Shelton and wife made a trip to Elmira yesterday.
Uriah Osborn wishes to rent his farm near this place.
Chas. Bennett, who has been ill for a few days, is out again.
Dr. Murray offers for sale, his black mooley cow. She is in excellent
Roy Hotchkiss, of Odessa, has been spending a few days with his cousin, Fred
Chas. Salmon and wife have returned from a visit among friends and relatives
at Smithboro.
Mrs. Alice and Miss Eva Newland, of Waverly, were the guests of Mrs. A. Van
Horn last week.
Misses Emma Osborn, Etta Washburn and Mrs. James Gunderman were in Spencer
For Sale - a four year old bay colt. Enquire of Mrs. Mills Westbrook, Van
Ettenville, N.Y.
W. H. Bassett has improved his residence on Main street by the addition of a
handsome bay window.
Clara and Elva Murray entertained a number of their young friends last
Saturday to celebrate their birthdays.
A Mite social for the benefit of the M.E. church will be held to-night at the
residence of Mrs. R. Rumsey, on Spencer street. The proceeds of these
socials are to be used to pay the rent of the parsonage.
Mrs. L. Kerrick returned on Wednesday from Lebanon, Pa., where she has been
several weeks attending her sister, Mrs. Dwight Woolever who has been
dangerously ill. Mrs. Kerrick was accompanied by her sister who is
convalesclent. Mr. and Mrs. Woolever removed from this place two or three
years ago but intend soon to make their home among us.
Guy Tory, of Cayuta, lost a barn to fire this week.
Are you going to attend the pie social Friday evening.
James Moreland completed the chimney on the church Monday.
Mr. Kendall, of Erin, was taken quite ill while visiting his son F. W.
Kendall, of this place last week.
Mrs. M. Loncoy sustained several quite serious bruises by falling down stairs
while at VanEtten last Saturday.
We called at Thomas Flemings a few days since and saw strawberries four
inches in circumference. Who can beat that?
Charles Brockway is spending part of the week on business at Bernice, Pa.,
where his son Dr. F. W. Brockway has for several years enjoyed a very
lucrative practice.
Frank King, of Van Etten, was in town last week as assistant in the office
work of Tyler Woolever, who has been somewhat indisposed. Frank is a
genial fellow and has a natural business tact.
We are pleased to note the outside work on the new church nearly done with
the exception of siding. It is thus far done in a workmanlike manner
though the inclemency of the weather has been to some extent a hindrance.
However the inside work will be done in less time and with less
A Ladies Aid Society was recently organized here with Mrs. Charles Brockway
as president, Mrs. C. B. Snyder, secretary and Mrs. F. W.
Kendall, treasurer. Meetings will be held every two weeks, and we hope that
all ladies interested in church work will attend these meetings
without fail.
The People of the State of New York, by the Grace of God Free and
Independent, To Rollin Rolfe, Deforest Rolfe, Virginia Henderson, Furman
Rolfe, and Parthemia Reed heirs at law, and next of kin of Mahala Knettles,
late of the town of Van Etten, in Chemung County, N.Y.,
deceased, Greeting. [Note: notice goes on to say that they are to appear
November 30, 1891, at Surrogate's Court in Elmira, to attend the proof and
probate of the last Will and Testament, relating to both Real and Personal
estate, of the deceased. Executor was Isaac Knettles.]
In Pursuance of an Order of the Surrogate's Court of the county of
Chemung, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the
estate of Henry R. Maine, late of the town of Van Etten, Chemung Co., N.Y.,
deceaed, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the
subscriber, at office of Hala Barnes, VanEtten, Chemung Co., N.Y. on or
before the 5th day of May next. Dated this 28th day of October, 1891.
LUCY MAINE, Administratrix, Etc.
Factoryvillle Mill's Full Roller System IMPERIAL Winter Wheat Family Flour,
made by Ira Dodge of Waverly, NY. for sale at Banfield Bros., Van
Ettenville, N.Y.
Long ad itemizing holiday gift merchandise of dry goods, boudoir sets, books,
etc. available at Chas. F. Cannan's store in Van Ettenville.
E.H. Bostwick, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, office in the Town Hall,
Spencer, N.Y.
Stoves and Ranges available at Banfield Bros.' General Store in Van
Fire Insurance. Your choice of twelve companies. A.S. Ward, Van Ettenville,
New Bakery! Benj. Hummer, Prop. Van Ettenville, N.Y.
J. Goldsmith, dealer in drugs, chemicals, patent medicines, dye stuff, art
supplies, Van Ettenville, N.Y.
J.B. Swarthout, dealer in Hard and Soft Coal, Office, E.C. & N.
Station, Van Ettenville, N.Y.
John Harris, dealer in Tinware and repair of same, Van Ettenville, N.Y.
H. Huber, dealer in Hard and Soft Coal, Lehigh Anthracite, Seasoned Wood.
Corn, Oats and Feed available at The Elevator, Van Ettenville, N.Y.
F.B. Shelton, Horseshoer and Carriage Ironer, Van Ettenville, N.Y.
Kellogg's Market, fresh beef, mutton, pork, ham, poultry, fish, game, Van
Ettenville, N.Y.
D.S. Adamy having leased the Willow Grove Grist Mills, would say to the
Farmers of Van Ettenville and vicinity, that he is now prepared to do
grinding on the shortest possible notice.
Van Etten House, A. Bois, Prop., Van Ettenville, N.Y.
Shaving and Hair Cutting, go to Lee Harding's, Van Ettenville, N.Y.
Also full line of fruits, tobaccos, confectionery, etc.
O.S. Clark Van Ettenville, N.Y., good goods for the least possible money.
"Don't be Fooled by Trash and Trashy Premiums."
The Valley Breeze, Vol. VIII, No. 16, Thursday, January 5, 1899
Published every Thursday by the Breeze Publishing Co., D.W. Murray, Editor
North Van Etten and South Newfield
Miss Emily Decker is spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. A. J. Decker.
Mr. Howard Reed is a guest at the home of Wm. Ackles.
I. Allen and wife spent last week with friends in Horseheads and Breesport.
Miss Alleba Knettles and Miss Flora Drake spent Saturday and Sunday with
their teacher, Miss Nettie Georgia.
The social last Wednesday evening was a success, the receipts being
between ten and twelve dollars.
A load of young people from this place attended a school entertainment to the
House district Tuesday night.
About 25 of the friends of Laura Ackles made her a surprise last Friday
night. A pleasant time is reported.
The semi-annual election of the Y.P.S.C.E. resulted in the election of the
following officers: President, Olin Congdon; vice-president, M. B. Decker;
secretary, Grace Allen; treasurer, Jessie Titus.
Preaching next Sunday at 5:30 by the Rev. S. S. Vose. C. E. meeting at the
usual hour.
Austin Hill
Mr. Simpson Wanamaker, of Elmira, was calling on old friends here last week.
Miss Mable Hubbard visited her parents at Owen's Mills from Friday until
Misses Lola McDowell and Bertha Hollenbeck are attending the teacher's
institute now in session in Watkins.
M. F. Drake was at North Chemung Friday.
We learn that the Erin baker makes regular trips to Swartwood Sunday.
F. C. Rosencrans and family visited friends in Tyrone last week.
Mrs. Harriet Swayze, Miss Mary and Ray Swayze, were entertained at the home
of Johnson Hummer Friday.
Messrs. D. D. and J. D. Houck spent New Years with friends at Van Etten.
Rev. H. Gardner and family are at East Cayuta this week, where they are
holding a series of meetings.
Bad L. V. Wreck.
Ill luck seems to follow the Lehigh Valley railroad company unrelentingly of
late, and the number of wrecks occurring is something startling.
Quite a serious smash-up happened in this village last Friday morning,
resulting in badly wrecking an engine and several cars. Freight train 522,
run by Conductor Brees, was making up in the yard here and a portion of the
train was standing on a switch and a portion on main trackof E. & C.
branch, while the engine was making the run around the "Y" to turn
around. An extra north bound train with a heavy load pulled in at this
time, and although prompt call for brakes was saounded and engine reversed,
the great momentum of the train and inadequate brakes caused the
crash. The extra was run by Conductor Shepherd, with Engineer Mike Kane. In
jumping from the doomed engine the firemen sustained some injuries,
which, however did not prove serious.
Of the standing cars, two box cars loaded with merchandise were completely
demolished and contents strewn. Of the running train the engine and one
car of coal were badly smashed and another coal car crippled.
The wreck occurred at 9:05 a.m., and the track was obstructed until about
2:45 in the afternoon. A wrecking train arrived at about non and hustled
the work of clearing up the wreckage. The work was not completed until
Sunday afternoon. John Dohern, one of the wrecking crew, was injured while
at work, and the report is that his leg was broken. He was taken to his home
at Cortland.
The 11:20 passenger Friday forenoon was obliged to make a detour around the
"Y" to avoid the wreck, and consequently had to run backward to
Elmira. The local freight made the trip as far as Ithaca in a similar
We understand no blame is attached to any of the train hands for the
In Pursuance of an Order made by the Hon. Charles B. Pratt on the 30th day of
November 1898, and duly entered, Notice is hereby given to all the
creditors and persons having claims against Luman L. Briggs, lately
doing business in the Village of Van Etten, Chemung County, New York, under the
name of Luman L. Briggs, that they are required to present their claims,
with the vouchers therefore, duly verified, to the subscriber, the duly
appointed assignee of the said Luman L. Briggs, for the benefit of his creditors
at his residence in Clerk's brick block in the Village of Van Etten, Chemung
County, N.Y., on or before the 17th day of February, 1899.
SHERMAN MORELAND, Attorney for Assignee.
OWEN S. CLARK, Assignee.
Local Zephyrs
M.L. Daly was in Elmira yesterday.
Edwin Forsyth and wife passed last Sunday at Halsey Valley.
Peter Baker, of Elmira, was in the place last Saturday evening.
F. H. Maher and wife, of Halsey Valley, visited in this place yesterday.
Lawrence Getman, of Hector, is passing some time in this place and vicinity.
Sherman Cooley, of Ithaca, has been a guest at the home of his parents here.
Miss Winifred Barns came from Ithaca last Thursday and is remaining here for
the present.
Miss Blanche Crandle visited New Year's day at the home of Bessie Canfield,
at Waverly.
Miss Minnie Rorick returned Monday to Binghamton after passing some time in
the place.
Mrs. E. H. Lowman and children, of Waverly, were New Year's guests of H. F.
Banfield and wife.
Coal took an appropriate leap in price to correspond with the drop in
temperature during the last cold snap.
W. W. Warner left Tuesday morning to resume his work in Pennsylvania for the
Baunis Castornie company.
John Ackerman, now residing in Millport, is reported as having been quite ill
with the gip for some two weeks.
Editor S. C. Cassidy of the Burdett Home Record was in Van Etten last
Saturday and made the BREEZE office a pleasant call.
Jerome Davis and wife are the happy parents of a daughter, born to them
Wednesday, Dec. 28. The BREEZE congratulates.
A. J. Barnes and sister returned Wednesday of last week from Binghamton,
where they attended the funeral of their brother, Barton A. Barnes.
Miss Frances Ward, the obliging assistant to Postmaster Banfield, is again
able to perform the work at the postoffice after several days' illness.
Fennimore Rosencrans and wife, of Erin, and Mrs. Chester Park, of Tyrone,
visited Tuesday at the home of Albert Whitley and wife, in this place.
The ice in Langford creek broke up during last night, and those residing near
its banks were active a good portion of the night with an eye to the
welfare of their property. Ice blockaded the channel north of Cemetery
street, also just north of Clark avenue, and the torrent flowed to the
west inundating the lots and flowing through the streets in its wild course.
The volume of water is not so great as on some previous occasions
and the damage is not likely to be heavy.
Waverly Free Press: F. S. Crum, of Newark, N.J., spent Christmas at the home
of Miss Bessie Canfield, Waverly street. Amos Canfield of Cornell is
a guest at the home of his uncle, Amos Canfield, Waverly street.
South Erin
Sleighing seem to be appearing again.
Jonas Blauvelt and son James made a trip to Elmira on Saturday last.
Nannie Crouch visited friends at Swartwood last week.
Mr. Millspaugh and family are on the sick list.
Little Robert Crouch, son of S. T. Crouch, has a very bad cold.
Craig Young was at Breesport Saturday last.
James R. Mitchell had the misfortune to lose a valuable cow and also a sheep
that was injured by dogs.
S. T. Crouch made a business trip to Erin on Tuesday last.
Charles Ellison and wife and Miss Matie Inman passed through this place
Monday last.
[Note: the next 9 items' column had no location heading. Possibly Van Etten.]
W. H. Cooper was in Elmira, Tuesday.
H. Huber and daughter, Helena, were at Elmira yesterday.
P. M. Seager and wife, of Cayuta, are in town to-day.
Evangelist Fuller, of Ithaca, is at present assisting Rev. P. R. Pittman in
meetings at the Swartwood church.
Misses Lena Murray, of Ithaca, and Millie Converse, of Spencer, called on
Miss Clara Murray last Friday afternoon.
W. W. West and wife, of Reniff, and F. L. Van Horn, wife and daughter, Flora,
of Burdett, were guests New Year's day at A. H. Van Horn's.
The harvesting of ice was pushed rapidly the early part of the week but
was suddenly interrupted by the thaw. Toward the close of the work ice was
hauled on wagons.
John Hill and family are removing into their home on South Hill street, where
they will remain during the winter. They then expect to return to
the place they occupy on Ward hill.
John Hill wishes to inform the public that he is now prepared to do draying
or any manner of team work. Will give all work entrusted to me
prompt and careful attention and will make my charges low as possible. I
solicit a share of the public patronage.
Services appropriate to the observance of Christmas were held New Year's eve
at St. Thomas' church. A Christmas tree was erected and made beautiful by
artistic arrangement of numerous little ornaments and lighted candles. The Rev.
Mr. Griggs delivered an excellent discourse and special music was furnished by
the choir. The members of the Sunday school and many others were remembered in
the distribution of the numerous gifts. Quite a good sized congregation was
present. Sunday morning service was to have been held but the rector being
suddenly taken ill this service had to be taken up.
The world must be growing better. In one feature at any rate we observe some
improvement. There seems suddenly to have come an end to back door
prowlings and such like depredations. There is now apparent a decided
inclination to march boldly to the front door when any villainous acts are
contemplated. But a short time ago some one who obviously would have liked
to have burned Myron Van Etten's house, strode with an aggravating
unconcernedness to his front stoop and kindled a fire against the door.
During Monday night equal effrontery was manifested when burglars stepped
to the front door of J. Goldsmith's drug store, broke out a pane of glass,
reached through and unlocked the door and entered the place. As village
clerk, Mr. Goldsmith has collected small amounts of village funds and placed
the cash upon his store shelves. These amounts were pocketed by the
burglars. They then proceeded to the safe, which was left unlocked, secured
a few dollars in cash and sorted over a large number of papers,
which were found strewn about the floor next morning beside the coal stove.
The total amount of money taken will amount to but a few dollars
and no sign is observed of anything else having been molested. No tangible
clue is secured, nor are well-founded suspicions very publicly announced.
It is evident that the perpetrator was quite familiar with the arrangement
of the store.
Mails close at this office as follows:
8:30 a.m. E. & C. North.
8:57 a.m. Ithaca Branch East.
6:45 p.m. E. & C. Branch South.
4:31 p.m. Ithaca Branch West.
GEO. W. BANFIELD, Postmaster.
President - Enos Canfield
Trustees - Luther Clark, Henry Moreland
Police Justice - Jesse Hobson
Treasurer - Henry Huber
Collector - Geo. A. Shepard
Clerk - Julian Goldsmith
Chief of Police - Jas. McGiven
Policemen - John Buttles, Myron Van Etten, Chas. Stevens, Horace Bullard
Health Officer - Dr. C. A. Murray
Supervisor - Albert S. Ward
Town Clerk - D. Wilson Murray
Commissioner of Highways - Geo. Ennis
Justices of the Peace - Jesse Hobson, Merritt D. Bogart, A. J. Conner,
Albert J. Whitley
Assessors - Benj. U. Osborne, Dute R. Lott, Miles B. Decker
Collector - Anson Blake
Overseers of the Poor - Junius Ackles, John Beach
Inspectors of Election Dist. No. 1 - Curtis Loomis, Wm. W. Long, Orrin
Scott, Henry G. King
Inspectors of Election Dist No. 2 - Grant Davis, Isaac Earl, Jacob Drake,
J. Jackson Parke
Constables - King B. Swartwood, John Van Marter, Wm. Kirkendall, Horace
Ballard, E. L. Bogart
Health Officer - Dr. Enos Canfield
School building, Van Etten, N.Y. Open to the public 8:30 to 9 a.m., 12:50
to 1:10 and 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. N. C. Gile, Librarian.
HOTEL WOOLEVER, Van Etten, N.Y. Convenient to the depot and admirably
adapted to the needs of the traveling public. Heated by furnace. Good
livery. Rates $1.50 per day. C. Woolever, Proprietor.
SHERMAN MORELAND, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Office in Village Hall,
Van Etten, N.Y.
FRED BARDEN, Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing. I am located in the
Rodbourn shop, Swartwood, N.Y., with a full equipment for all kinds of
work in this line. I respectfully solicit public patronage.
J.W. GEE, M.D., Physician and Surgeon. Office hours 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p.m.
every day except Wednesday, when office will be closed from 1 to 3.
DRS. J. B. & F. B. HOWE, Dentists. One and Eleven Bates Block, Aurora
Street, Ithaca, N.Y.
WM. DECKER, Funeral Director and Embalmer. Department at Banfield Bros.' new
brick block. Calls promptly attended day or night. Embalming free. Full
line of Jewelry, Watches, etc., carried on hand.
VAN ETTEN SHAVING PARLOR, I.E. QUICK, Proprietor. Give us a call if you
desire an easy shave or a neat haircut. All work artistically performed.
GODFREY & GILBERT, 31 South Cayuga St., Ithaca, N.Y. Repairing of Machinery
of all kinds a specialty. All kinds of Castings and Machinery
made to order.
D.W. MURRAY, Fire Insurance. A long list of old-line companies represented.
All business given prompt attention. Call at BREEZE office.
O.A. SCOTT'S MODEL MARKET. Beef, Veal, Pork, Lamb, Mutton, Provisions,
Oysters, Clams, etc. Fresh Fish Every Week. Cash Paid for Hides, Pelts and
Tallow. Very Respectfully, O.A. Scott.
B.G. DALY. All kinds of flours, corned beef, carpet, dress goods.
M. D. FISHER & SONS, BIG STORE. Clothing, horse blankets, shoes.
N.E. BAILEY'S CASH STORE. Flour, teas, coffee, candies.
H. HUBER. Chestnut, Stove and Pea Coal.
GOLDSMITH. Wall Paper and Window Shades.
A.S. EMMONS. Rubber and Leather Goods, Shoes, Boots. Spencer, N.Y.
BANFIELD BROS. "The Installment Dealers." Annual Inventory Sale in progress.
McDOWELL. Feeds and Flour.
THE HOWE STUDIO. Cabinet Photos. 137 E. Water St., Elmira, N.Y.
NEW CLOTHING STORE. No. 7 Main Street, Van Etten, N.Y. "The Crisis has come
and we are given just Thirty Days to close entire stock." Clothing and Shoes at
half price.
The Valley Breeze Vol. VII, No. 16,
Thursday, January 14, 1898
School opened Monday after a short vacation.
Revival meetings continue this week. All are welcome.
A. J. Conner was in Van Etten Tuesday.
J. E. Dresser, of Spencer, was in this place Tuesday.
Mrs. C. Simpson passed Tuesday with friends in Spencer.
Harry Bogart, son of M. D. Bogart, of Van Etten, was a guest at the Swartwood
birthday party last Saturday evening, especially invited in honor of his own
birthday, he celebrating his tenth on that day.
Mr. F. G. Weeks, formerly of this place, now of Cooper's Plains, is passing a
few days with friends here.
Mrs. E.J. Hemingway is entertaining her brother, Mr. Warner, of Port Huron,
Mrs. C. D. Hemingway and son, Ray, of West Danby, passed a few days last week
in this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Swartwood and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Swartwood have returned
home after a short visit with relatives in Tompkins county.
Miss Gertrude Gates passed a part of last week with relatives in Sayre, Pa.
She was accompanied home by Miss Hattie Barnes, who will pass some time here.
Miss G. seems to have some attraction that way.
James C. Swartwood was the victim of a most admirably planned surprise last
Saturday evening, Jan. 8. While seated quietly in his own home an astonishingly
large number of guests commenced to arrive and Mr. Swartwood finally realized
that his home had been selected for seizure that evening. After recovering from
the shock of the surprise he gracefully gave up possession and continued to
greet arrivals until his pleasant home was possessed by some 140 guests. The
company had come to make things pleasant for their genial host on the occasion
of his eightieth birthday anniversary. When once engaged in the enlivening games
and other pastimes the hours sped most rapidly and pleasantly. John Ballard,
recently returned from the West, pleased all with some of his celebrated violin
selections. All present did ample justice to a fine spread of refreshments. Mr.
Swartwood gets about remarkably well for a man of his years and did much toward
the entertainment of his large company. The event broke up at a late hour and
all expressed their pleasure with the evening's entertainment and wished their
benevolent host many more birthdays as happy. Parties were present at the
gathering from Van Etten, Newfield, Cayuta and other places.
North Van Etten and Vicinity
Miss Jessie Dean, of Newfield, closed her school in the North Van Etten
district last Friday.
D. S. Catchim spent a few days in Elmira the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson were in Erin Friday.
Marcellus Henry and family visited at T. J. Parsons' Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sabin Robinson, of Breesport, were in this place Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Catchim and children were guests at Z. Dean's in Newfield
last Saturday.
Mrs. S. D. Norris is on the sick list.
Walter Elston is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Parsons and Miss Belle Horton were in Erin Friday evening.
John Hollenbeck and son, of Erin were in this place Friday.
is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of
Van Etten, held on Dec. 23, 1897, a quorum being present, the following
ordinances were duly adopted:
Section 1. No person shall set, place or plant, or aid in setting, placing or
planting, any tree, shrub, plant or flower, or any other kind of vegetation
within the boundaries of Mount Hope Cemetery, in the Village of Van Etten, N.Y.,
or cast, sow, or distribute, or aid in casting, sowing or distributing, seeds of
any kind or nature except Timothy or Clover seed upon said cemetery or within
the boundaries thereof except by the written permission of the President of the
Village, under a penalty of ten dollars for each offense.
Section 2. No person shall dig, pick, hoe, scrape or otherwise disturb the
turf or ground, or aid or assist in digging, picking, hoeing, scraping or
otherwise disturbing the turf or ground, within the boundaries of said cemetery,
for the purpose of grading over, around or about any of the graves, lots or
aisles of said cemetery, or for other purposes, except by the written permission
of the President of the Village and under specifications furnished by the person
making the application for such permission, under a penalty of ten dollars for
each offense.
Section 3. No person, except by written permission of the President of said
Village, shall make or dig any excavation, or aid or assist in making or digging
any excavation within the boundaries of said cemetery, for the purpose of
preparing a grave for the burial of a corpse, or for other purposes, except the
person duly appointed as the sexton of said cemetery by the Board of Trustees of
said village, under a penalty of ten dollars for each offense.
Section 4. No person shall, in any manner, or for any purpose place or
deposit refuse or rubbish or litter of any kind, on or about the graves or lots
or within the aisles of said cemetery or within the boundaries thereof, or
commit any other nuisance of any kind or nature therein, under a penalty of ten
dollars for each offense.
Section 5. Any person who shall, without lawful authority, willfully injure,
disfigure, remove or destroy a grave stone, monument, work of art, or useful or
ornamental improvement, or any shade tree or ornamental plant situate within the
boundaries of said cemetery, or removes from any grave in said cemetery any
flowers, memorials or other tokens of affection, or other thing connected with
them, shall be subject to a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each offense.
Section 6. No person shall set, place or locate, or cause to be set, placed
or located, any monument, marker, gravestone, or other obstruction within any of
the aisles of said cemetery, under a penalty of ten dollars for each offense.
Section 7. Any person who shall set, place or locate or aid in setting,
placing or locating, any improper monument, effigy or other structure within the
boundaries of said cemetery, shall be liable to pay a penalty of ten dollars for
each offense.
Section 8. Any person who shall act, perform, or conduct himself in an
improper, indecent or disorderly manner within the boundaries of said cemetery,
shall be liable to pay a penalty of ten dollars for each offense.
Dated, Van Etten, N.Y., Jan. 4, 1898.
A. BURCHARD, President.
In Pursuance of an order of the Surrogate's Court of the county of Chemung,
Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of John
Denmark, late of the town of VanEtten, Chemung Co., N.Y., deceased, to present
the same at the office of Sherman Moreland in the Village Hall, Van Etten, N.Y.,
on or before the 25 day of June next.
The People of the State of New York, By the grace of God free and
independent, To Dan Beckhorn, heir at law, next of kin, legatee and devisee of
James G. Beckhorn, late of the town of Van Etten, in Chemung county, deceased,
greeting: [Note: Dan Beckhorn is asked to appear at Surrogate's Court in Elmira
on Feb. 28, 1898, to attend the proof and probate of the last Will and Testament
of James G. Beckhorn.]
Local Zephyrs.
Mrs. S. Briggs was in Ithaca last Friday.
Picture frames made to order by Wm. Decker.
Sheriff Johnson Little was in Van Etten Monday.
A large crowd attended the Denmark vendue last Saturday.
The remainder of the stock of L. L. Briggs has been going rapidly this week
at auction.
H. H. Hudson, of Reading Center, is passing a few days in town greeting
numerous friends.
Jeweler I. W. Blackwell has removed his shop into the Bower building and will
there welcome all patrons.
W. H. Bassett visited Thursday and Friday last at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Elmer Tompkins, at Newfield.
UNDERTAKING.- I keep a full line of Undertaking Goods at B. B. McDowell's.
Prices away down.
Mrs. Ella Joslyn, of Elmira, arrived yesterday from the city to pass a week
or two at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Getman.
Fred Torrey, of Elmira, formerly a resident of Van Etten, is taking a week's
vacation from his work at the city and passing the time among relatives and
friends here.
TO RENT.- Will let my farm to reliable parties for term of from one to five
years. Apply after Jan. 14, to Jerome Davis,
J. J. BROWN, Swartwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Inman and daughter stopped one night last week at the
home of Mrs. Thomas Shoemaker, Mr. Inman's sister, in this place while on their
way from Genoa to Erin. Mr. Inman has recently recovered from a serious illness
which was mentioned some time ago in the BREEZE.
The marriage of Miss Alice Inman, and Mr. Wm. Baker, both of Ithaca, occurred
at that city last Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Baker came to Van Etten and
stopped until Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Shoemaker and then left
to pass a few days with other relatives at Chemung and vicinity.
Jas. Mitchell, of South Erin, is a guest at Don N. Booth's.
Guy Wells, of Laceyville, Pa., was the guest of Van Etten friends Monday
The recent census enumeration for the village of Van Etten shows a population
of 513.
Prof. G. T. Miller attended the Principals' Round Table at Horseheads last
Don N. Booth was in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., on business Tuesday and Wednesday of
this week.
Miss Maude Briggs left Monday morning of this week for Millis, Mass., where
she visits friends.
A new L. V. timetable goes into effect Sunday. The Wilkes-Barre train is
discontinued. Other slight changes should be borne in mind.
I shall be at Harvey's harness shop on Monday, Thursday and Friday of each
week to repair Boots and Shoes. ELMER BARR.
POVERTY SOCIAL.- A Poverty social will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Miles B. Decker, at North Van Etten on Friday evening of next week, for the
benefit of the North Van Etten church. Everybody is invited.
Rev. Manly S. Hard, D.D., general secretary of the Church Extension society
of the M.E. church, was a caller at the Methodist parsonage one day this week.
Many will remember that he was presiding elder on this district about twenty
years ago.
A company of some nine or ten couples of young people drove to Halsey Valley
for a sleigh ride last Friday evening. The party partook of a sumptuous supper
with Landlord Kellogg of the Valley House. The ride was concluded at a late hour
and everyone reported an enjoyable evening.
Thomas Shoemaker made a trip yesterday to Farmer, Seneca county, and made
contract for the lease of a farm some four miles from the village of Farmer. Mr.
Shoemaker has secured a first class property of some 160 acres, owned by O.
Howell. He intends moving there with his family about April 1st.
VENDUE.- J. J. Brown has decided to rent his farm and remove from this
section and will dispose of quite an amount of his property at public sale at
his place about 1 1/4 miles southwest of Swartwood on Friday, Jan. 14. Among the
articles listed are a span of good work horses, a young cow, pig, chickens, hay,
straw, grain, wagons, implements, harness, cook stove, carpenter's tools and a
great variety of other articles. Nine months' credit is given on usual notes.
Jesse Hobson is auctioneer.
For Training and Keeping.
Will sell on Saturday, Jan. 22, 1898, in the village of Van Etten, N.Y., a
fine, well trained Blue Belden Setter owned by Dr. W. H. Brewster. Sale is to
realize cost of training and keeping.
W. H. Cooper, Trainer.
Van Etten, N.Y., Jan.13, 1898.
Take Notice.
The census enumerator of the village of Van Etten has completed the
enumeration of said village and same has been filed in the office of the Village
The Board of Trustees will meet at their rooms in the Village hall on Monday
evening, Jan. 17, at 7 o'clock to hear all objections to such enumeration and to
review and revise the same.
J. GOLDSMITH, Village Clerk.
Dated, Van Etten, N.Y., Jan. 12, '98.
The Valley Breeze, Vol. VII, No. 42, Thursday, July 14, 1898
To the Public.
In answer to a letter written to the Bradford County Creamery Co., July 7,
1898, as to keeping qualities and health properties of their ice cream, I
promptly received the following answer same day.
Respectfully yours,
Laceyville, Pa., July 7, 1898.
Van Etten, N.Y.
DEAR SIR:- It affords us much pleasure and gratification to assure you that
the Ice Cream made from our Pasteurized cream is perfectly sanitary. The
Pasteurizing process through which it is put thoroughly destroys all the disease
germs which are always present to some extent in untreated milk or cram. When we
tell you that the J. M. Horton Ice Cream Co., of New York, the largest
manufacturers in the world will use none other and that we are supplying them
largely you will feel satisfied that it is worthy of the praise given it.
Thanking you heartily for your valued favors and wishing you entire success,
we are,
Yours etc.
S. Edwards.
Mark Banfield was in North Chemung Sunday.
G. M. Rose was in Van Etten last Saturday.
Prof. Wm. Sweet and granddaughter, Mabel Backer, accompanied by Harry Backer
have been visiting at J. D. Sweet's.
A little lady arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Weeks on Wednesday,
July 6. We congratulate.
F. C. Hicks returned to Waverly last Friday.
The funeral of Monroe Little was held at the residence of Fox Little, Sunday
at 2 p.m.
Geo. Case and wife and T. Jenkins and wife were in Elmira Saturday.
Stephen Grover was in Van Etten Saturday.
The many friends of P. M. Sweet regret to hear of his failing health.
Dr. E. Canfield, of Lockwood, was in town Friday.
Mrs. Mark Banfield is visiting at North Chemung.
Tyler Woolever was in Horseheads last Saturday.
Miss Jessie Simms, of Van Etten, called on friends here Thursday.
Mrs. Chas. McMillen, of Waverly, spent a couple of days in this place this
Mrs. Sarah Purdy returned from a visit with friends in this place this week.
J. Park and wife passed Saturday and Sunday with relatives at Ithaca.
Miss Grace Swartwood, accompanied by Miss Gertrude Jones, spent a part of
last week with old acquaintances at Horseheads, Cooper's Plains and other
places. Some attractions in these directions, we reckon.
The Jackson Hollow Sunday school will hold a picnic on the ground belonging
to Capt. J. Swartwood in front of his residence this Thursday. The M. E. Sunday
school of this place will by request join with them. A good time is anticipated.
Mrs. C. H. Barnes and Mrs. Geo. Ennis were in Elmira last week where they
report a very pleasant week spent among relatives and friends. They were
numbered among the many thousands that visited the beautiful Eldridge Park on
Monday evening, and join
with others in saying the Park is a resort of which Elmirans may well be
Howard and Wilbur Mattoon on Sunday conducted a very interesting and pleasing
service at the church here. A good congregation was present many of whom
expressed their appreciation of the excellent manner in which both rendered
their parts. We cordially invite them to come again.
The ladies of the M. E. church recently reorganized the Ladies' Aid with Mrs.
C. H. Barnes as president, Mrs. Geo. Gates vice president, Mrs. Geo. Ennis
secretary and Mrs. May Woolever treasurer. They will meet Saturday on afternoon
at the home of Mrs. J.
Jones. The ladies are all invited and it is hoped that each one will take a
good interest in this pleasant branch of church work.
Miss Inez Duffy returned home last Saturday from Wellsburg, where she passed
some time with friends. We understand that Miss McDuffy is sufficiently
recovered from her recent illness to anticipate resuming her work in the
Wellsburg school next fall.
Local Zephyrs.
Mrs. Ballard, of Leona, Pa., is a guest at the home of her brother, M. L.
M. L. Daly made a trip to Elmira Monday.
H.A. Briggs went to Brookton this morning.
Harry Andrews passed Sunday night in Ithaca.
Best Laceyville ice cream served every day by S. Briggs at the corner store
next to postoffice.
Mrs. S. D. Rumsey returned home Sunday from Oak Hill, where she had passed
several weeks.
Sherman Moreland has been at Elmira and Binghamton on legal business a
portion of this week.
A. D. Kellogg and son, Elmer, of Halsey Valley, are in town attending to
their agricultural interests.
Mrs. Levi Getman, of Sayre, and Mrs. Chas. McMillen and child, of Waverly,
have been visiting in town.
Amos Canfield has gone on a fishing trip down the Susquehanna river, with Dr.
Ezra Canfield, of Lockwood.
Miss Helena Huber returned yesterday from Geneva, where she visited at the
home of her sister, Mrs. D. Clarey, for some two weeks.
Mrs. Lynn Merrill and child and Miss Jennie Norris, of Ithaca, have been
passing a few days this week at the home of their father, O. T. Norris, in this
The annual Swartwood reunion is again drawing near, the date fixed being
Thursday, July 28. The gathering will occur just opposite J. P. Nelson's place,
the locality being made historic by the Swartwoods first settling there. A
usually good time is promised and numerous entertaining features are to be
carried out, announcements of which will be made later.
John Harris was at Elmira last Saturday.
N. E. Bailey made a trip to Elmira last Saturday.
Rev. V. W. Mattoon passed the first week in Elmira.
W. H. Cranmer and family visited relatives at West Danby over Sunday.
Mrs. M. D. Bogart went to Lockwood Tuesday morning for a few days' visit.
R. D. Murray attended the Ford-Parsons wedding at Elmira Tuesday evening.
Born, on Saturday, July 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parsons, in this town, a
Miss Lillian Goldsmith returned home Saturday afternoon from a visit with
relatives at Elmira.
Twin babies, a son and a daughter, arrived last Friday in the home of Eb.
Beekhorn in this town.
Frank C. King, operator in the Lehigh Valley office at Buffalo, is taking a
week's vacation from his duties, and passes the time at his home here.
Misses Edith Wager and Addie Moreland, of Alpine, were guests of Miss May
Shelton Tuesday. They were on their way to Ithaca to attend the summer school.
Chas. Jordan and son, Lewis, visited at Mr. Jordan's parents, at Speedsville,
last week. They were accompanied home Sunday by Miss Grace Jordan, who passes
some time here.
Acetylene Gas for Lighting.
Acetylene gas lighting is claimed by many to be the coming method for
ordinary lighting purposes and indeed a little investigation brings out for it
many commendable points.
Mr. E. L. Van Etten is in the place, representing a New York Construction
company and has succeeded in eliciting much interest from our citizens in the
project of an Acetylene plant for Van Etten. He has a three-light generator with
him and intends to show up its merits to the citizens. The equipment is very
simple and inexpensive and the cost of running is nominal. Generators of any
capacity can be procured, from one for a few lights intended for individual use
to a plant for lighting a whole village or city.
The results are far superior to ordinary city gas in brilliancy, steadiness
and quality of light and claims are strongly held that the Acetyline surpasses
It is still an uncertainty what will be done in the matter of Van Etten, but
many of our progressive townsmen are greatly interested and would like to see a
company form and put in a plant to supply any who would desire to take. If this
fails we understand that individual plants may be operated by some of our
business men.
F. B. Shelton made a business trip to Horseheads last night.
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Stanley, of Catharine, visited at F. B. Shelton's last
Saturday and Sunday.
Misses Gertrude Huber, Katie Van Valkenburg and Isabella Clark are in
attendance at the summer school at Ithaca.
Card of Thanks.
I wish to extend thanks through the VAN ETTEN BREEZE to all who so kindly
assisted in my sad bereavement. WILLIAM H. LONGCOY.
Married at Elmira
Wednesday's Elmira Advertiser contained the following:
Last evening at 8 o'clock a wedding ceremony was solemnized at which Miss
Nina A. Parsons, daughter of Mrs. Emma Parsons, became the wife of Gard W. Ford.
The marriage took place at the home of the bride's mother, No. 1,201 Lake
street, in the sitting room before a large mantle which was prettily decorated
with flowers and ferns. The bride was gowned in torquoise blue broad cloth and
she was preceded by her two sisters, Edith and Mamie B. Parsons. Rev. William T.
Henry performed the ceremony after which the guests were bidden to the dining
room, where a delicious wedding supper was served. The gifts received by
the bride were numerous and valuable.
The bride is a highly esteemed young lady and very popular among her
acquaintances. Mr. Ford is a well known young man and holds a responsible
position in F. E. Doolittle's store. Mr. and Mrs. Ford will move at once into
their newly furnished home at No. 412 West Fourth street.
The Van Etten friends of the bride extend congratulations and best wishes to
the happy young couple.
New Trains on the Erie.
About June 26, the Erie will add to their present popular service two
additional trains No. 4 and NO. 9 to run daily except Sunday, between Elmira and
New York. Equipment on these trains will consist of Pullman Buffet Parlor cars,
day coaches with high backed seats and smoking coach. No. 4 runs as follows:
Leave Elmira 9:20 a.m.; Waverly 9:46 a.m.; Owego 10:11 a.m.; Union 10:28 a.m.;
Binghamton 10:43 a.m.; Great Bend 11:02 a.m.; Susquehanna 11:18 a.m.; arrive New
York 4:48 p.m. thus enabling passengers to make rail and boat connections in New
York and Jersey City for New Jersey Coast....
Train No. 9 will leave New York 9:15 a.m.; Susquehanna 3:35 p.m.; Great Bend
3:48 p.m.; Binghamton 4:10 p.m.; Lestershire 4:15 p.m.; Union 4:25 p.m.; Owego
4:46 p.m.; Waverly 5:15 p.m.; Southport 5:41 p.m.; Elmira 5:45 p.m.
The Republicans
In response to calls issued the republicans gathered in caucus last Thursday
evening to select delegates to attend the county convention.
The caucus in district No. 1 was held in the village hall and was presided
over by Dr. J. W. Gee, Prof. G. T. Miller acting as secretary. The delegates
chosen were as follows: Sherman Moreland, Dr. J. W. Gee, J. Goldsmith, H. A.
Briggs, Peter Getman and M. D. Bogart.
In district No. 2 George Ennis presided at the caucus and Moses T. Barnes
acted as secretary. The delegates chosen were Moses T. Barnes, J. P. Nelson,
John Van Marter, Chas. Graham, and T. J. Parsons. This caucus also selected a
county committeeman, for the district, the choice resting with Moses T. Barnes.
These delegations, with some substitutions, attended the county convention
which was held at Horseheads Saturday afternoon. Supervisor Ward, Prof. Miller
and Geo. Ennis were in attendance as substituted delegates. The convention was
called to order at 2 o'clock by Chairman C. A. Pulford, of the Republican
county committee, who nominated Sherman Moreland, of this place, as chairman of
the convention. This honor was conferred upon Mr. Moreland by the unanimous vote
of the gathering. He accepted the position with brief remarks and ably piloted
the convention through one of the most harmonious sessions in the history of the
organization. The principal business was the election of delegates to attend the
state congressional and senatorial conventions, which was accomplished in an
expeditious and pleasant manner. Dr. J. W. Gee, of this place, was given a
position on the senatorial delegation. A series of resolutions was adopted and
then ex-Senator Fassett, being called upon, delivered a stirring and eloquent
speech, which was received with great enthusiasm by his audience. The convention
was then adjourned.
Mails close at this office as follows:
7:32 a.m. E. & C. North.
8:57 a.m. Ithaca Branch East.
4:31 p.m. E. & C. Branch South.
4:31 p.m. Ithaca Branch West.
GEO. W. BANFIELD, Postmaster.
President - Enos Canfield
Trustees - Luther Clark, Henry Moreland
Police Justice - Jesse Hobson
Treasurer - Henry Huber
Collector - Geo. A. Shepard
Clerk - Julian Goldsmith
Chief of Police - Jas. McGiven
Policemen - John Buttles, Myron Van Etten, Chas. Stevens, Horace Bullard
Health Officer - Dr. C. A. Murray
Supervisor - Albert S. Ward
Town Clerk - D. Wilson Murray
Commissioner of Highways - Geo. Ennis
Justices of the Peace - Isaac V. Rumsey, Merritt D. Bogart, A. J. Conner,
Albert J. Whitley
Assessors - Benj. U. Osborne, Dute R. Lott, Miles B. Decker
Collector - Anson Blake
Overseers of the Poor - Junius Ackles, John Beach
Inspectors of Election Dist. No. 1 - Curtis Loomis, Wm. W. Long, Orrin Scott,
Henry G. King
Inspectors of Election Dist No. 2 - Grant Davis, Isaac Earl, Jacob Drake, J.
Jackson Parke
Constables - King B. Swartwood, John Van Marter, Wm. Kirkendall, George Hill,
Myron Van Etten
Health Officer - Dr. Enos Canfield
School building, Van Etten, N.Y. Open to the public 8:30 to 9 a.m., 12:50 to
1:10 and 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. G. T. Miller, Librarian.
The Valley Breeze, Vol. VII, No. 43, Thursday, July 21, 1898
Erin News
Dished Up in an Interesting Style for Breeze Readers.
Miss Maud Hollenbeck spent last week in Elmira.
Mrs. David McIntyre spent last Tuesday in Elmira.
Miss May Breese, of Breesport, spent last Wednesday in Erin.
Frank Rogers and family, of Erin, spent Sunday in Elmira.
Frank Van Gorden and wife, of Horseheads, spent Sunday in Erin.
Chas. Rumsey and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter.
F. W. Cole, of Elmira, spent Sunday in Erin, the guest of John Smith.
Mrs. J. Houck and sons, of New York, are the guests of Harvey Houck and wife.
Mrs. Wheat, of Elmira, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Dunning, last week.
Chas. Goodrich and wife, of Horseheads, called on Erin friends last Sunday.
Mrs. Jerry Smalley, of Elmira, was the guest of Mrs. James H. Rodbourn last
Miss Louise Hollenbeck spent last week in South Erin, the guest of Miss
Jessie Rumsey.
Alonzo Van Gorden and wife and Mrs. Armstrong, of Horseheads, visited in Erin
last Sunday.
Erwin Hummer has a fine patch of black raspberries which will keep him busy
this hot weather.
Miss Mildred Fox spent several days last week in South Erin the guest of Miss
Marne Blauvelt.
Miss Bertha Wheat, of Breesport, spent the latter part of the week with Mrs.
David McIntyre.
Master Rowland Osborne, of Elmira Heights, spent a few days last week at the
residence of Erwin Hummer.
Mrs. Geo. Seager and daughter, who have been spending some time in Freeville
and Cazenovia, have returned home.
Miss Mary Swayse, of Austin Hill, formerly of Ithaca, spent last week in
Hicks the guest of Mrs. Calvin Blauvelt.
Misses Nellie Smith and Jennie Neish and Alex Neish spent Sunday in South
Erin the guests of Chas. Rumsey and family.
James Bennett and wife, of Corning, are passing some time in Erin the guests
of their parents, O. P. Robinson and wife.
Misses Bonnie and Gertrude Decker, of Lowmanville, are spending their summer
vacation with their grandparents, David McIntyre and wife.
The Rev. Mr. Hazleton, of Breesport, will preach in the Baptist church
at this place next Sunday afternoon at 2:30. If the people turn out well he will
probably be there every Sunday.
Miss Maud Kirkhuff, of Trenton, N.J., who has been visiting her parents at
this place, wheeled to Enfield Falls last Saturday, where she will be the guest
of her cousin, Miss Olive Rose.
A large number from this place attended the barn social which was held on
Austin Hill at the residence of Cashaday Swayze last Friday evening. There was a
large crowd notwithstanding the severe heat and the dust.
Hiram Bennett, a popular resident of this place, met with a very painful
accident last Wednesday while drawing in hay. By some misstep he fell from the
load striking on his head and shoulders hurting him quite badly. He is still
suffering from the shock but hopes to be able to be out soon. Mr. Bennett has
lived in this place a great many years and is held in high esteem by his friends
and neighbors.
The annual picnic of the W.C.T.U. will occur Wednesday Aug. 3, at Erin N.Y.
in Chas. Rumsey's grove in South Erin. A cordial welcome is extended to all and
ample entertainment will be provided for. The annual gathering of this famous
band of women is a grand location, with ample grounds and shade and refreshing
coolness and it seems fitted by nature for picnics and reunions. Able addresses
and fine music will be special features of the occasion. Preparations are being
made for a large assemblage. The Sunday school will be a basket affair, the same
as to say everybody take enough for your family and somebody else. We hope to
see a large crowd in attenance. The W.C.T.U. ladies are all right.
The W.C.T.U. of Erin and Breesport gave a parlor meeting last Wednesday
afternoon at the residence of Mrs. J.B. Bonnefond. There was a large number of
ladies present, but the male sex was strictly out of it. A very fine literary
program was rendered in which Mrs. D. McIntyre gave a very fine selection on the
habit of cigarette smoking, which was followed by an eloquent discussion by the
members of the union. Mrs. Bonnefond also gave a selection on bad cooking which
was very fine. Mrs. Thressa Crouch read a piece which called forth quite a few
remarks. A conference meeting was then held in which nearly all took part. The
president asked the questions and the answers were given by the members. After
the programme was finished they all repaired to the spacious dining rooms where
all the delicacies of the season were indulged in which included ice cream,
water-melon and cake, after which the company dispersed, voting Mrs. Bonnefond a
very royal entertainer.
Attention! Swartwood Reunion.
The annual reunion of the Swartwood family and friends will occur on
Thursday, July 28 at Swartwood, in Albert Swartwood's maple grove, near Hedding
church. A cordial welcome is extended to all and ample entertainment will be
provided for everybody. Conveyances will meet all trains at both depots and
convey the people to maple grove free of charge. The place selected for this
annual gathering of this famous family is a grand location with ample ground and
abundant shade and refreshing coolness. It seems fitted by nature for picnics
and reunions. Able addresses and fine music will be special features of the
occasion. A musical program has been arranged consisting of a cornet band of
twelve pieces, also a male quartette will favor the company with vocal
selections and in addition to music furnished by home talent, there will be
music by the well known "Swartwood Band", of Elmira, with Prof. S. Swartwood as
leader. Addresses will be delivered by Rev. J. H. Ross and Rev. V.W. Mattoon and
Preparations are being made for a large assemblage and it is a notable fact
that we never grow less, but each year finds us increasing in numbers as well as
interest in the reunion. Friends are already beginning to arrive from far and
near. Representatives from Minnesota and California are present awaiting that
important event - the Swartwood reunion.
T. WOOLEVER, Secretary.
North Van Etten and Vicinity.
D. S. Catchin and daughter made a trip to Erin Sunday.
Mrs. Ella Herrick is on the sick list.
Georgia Wood, of Elmira, who has been spending some time in this place has
returned home.
C. M. Brown, of Elmira, visited at D. S. Catchin's recently.
Corey Harte, of Elmira, is passing his summer vacation in this place.
Grace Herrick, who has been spending some time in Newfield, has returned
Mr. Baird, who has been spending some time in Savona, has returned home.
Miss Jennie Dean is attending the summer school at Ithaca. Miss Kate
Cavanaugh, of South Newfield, has been engaged to finish her term of school.
Seamon Larow was in Spencer Saturday.
Mrs. Phoebe Wheat, of Elmira, is passing some time with her daughter, Mrs. D.
Quite a number attended the ice cream social held at Cashaday Swayze's on
Austin Hill last Friday evening.
Andrew Scott's Sufferings End by Death Last Saturday.
Death relieved Andrew Scott from the trials and sufferings of this life at a
few minutes before 7 o'clock on Saturday morning last. Mr. Scott was 70 years of
age and his death was caused by consumption, which dread disease had rendered
him feeble for the last several years of his life. Although far from well Mr.
Scott was able to be around most of the time and was only confined to the bed
two days previous to his death. His last illness was of about six months'
duration, his health constantly failing in this time until death came as
above stated.
Mr. Scott was born in Catherine, Schuyler county, March 26, 1828. His whole
life was devoted to hard work and he was ever found industriously engaged upon
the farm or in work connected with his meat market business, which he conducted
a number of years. He married, in 1858, Miss Margaret Page, of Veteran. In 1880
Mr. Scott and family moved to this place and he had since resided here. During
the years passed in this community the family have won the respect and esteem of
all, who now sympathize with the survivors in their bereavement. There remain of
his direct family, his wife; a brother, John L. of Alpine; four daughters - Mrs.
Hattie Heaveland of Breesport, Mrs. Jennie Allick of Vestal, Mrs. Minnie Coney
of Halsey Valley, and Miss Jennie Scott of this place; and three sons, George of
Vestal, Burr and Orrin of this place.
The funeral was held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Baptist church,
the Rev. S. C. Welsh officiating. Numerous floral pieces and boquets had been
presented by kind friends. One cross of flowers was very thoughtfully presented
with sympathy for the daughter Jessie by her class mates of the Baptist Sunday
school. The funeral was attended by a large concourse of friends and
acquaintances. The interment was made in Mount Hope cemetery.
The following relatives from out of town were present at the funeral: Geo.
Scott and wife, Nelson Allick and wife, of Vestal; Frank Coney and family, of
Halsey Valley; Wm. Heaveland and family, of Breesport; John Richards, of Cayuta;
and Chas. Page and wife, of Odessa.
Fifth Annual Swartwood Reunion.
The fifth annual reunion of the Swartwood family will be held at J. P.
Nelson's, Swartwood, N.Y., on Thursday, July 28, 1898. The event will afford an
opportunity for the usual social pleasures and various entertaining features
will be provided. Among the chief will be speaking by Chas. B. Swartwood,
Cayuta, and Sherman Moreland, Van Etten; reading of the Swartwood Family History
by Chas. B. Swartwood; music by the Canandaigua Full Orchestra; free dancing
both afternoon and evening; game of base ball between Cayuta and Geneva nines;
handicap bicycle race around the 1 3/4 miles square for good money prizes,
open to bicyclists of the town of Van Etten. (An entrance fee of 10 cents will
be charged. Make application of entry to Jas. Phillips, Swartwood, N.Y.)
Aside from the pastimes announced every effort will be put forth to make the
gathering one of genuine enjoyment to all who attend. Let every member and
friend of the Swartwood family be present. Special musical renditions by Fred
Sutton, of Geneva, and Edward Lyman, of Manchester. Miss M. Ethel Nichols will
assist as pianist.
Refreshments and the celebrated Laceyville Ice Cream will be served for the
benefit of the orchestra.
Remember the date and all come.
Committee - Daniel Decker, Chas. B. Swartwood, King B. Swartwood.
Committee on entertainment - Jas. Phillips, Chas. B. Swartwood.
The Lehigh Valley pay car made its regular visit here to-day.
Mrs. Tyler Woolever is visiting friends in Elmira a few days this week.
Chas. Brockway and wife spent Monday of this week with relatives in West
Laura Ennis, of Elmira, was a guest of a friend here, from Friday till
Sunday. Miss Ennis is an employee in Rosenbaum's store.
Margaret Sullivan, of Horseheads, teacher in our school for the past year,
was a pleasant caller here last week. On her return home at the close of her
school she was horrified
to find her sister dying and unable to recognize her. Yet this does not end
the affliction in her family. A brother now lies seriously ill and no hopes are
entertained for his
recovery. We, with many others here, join in extending our sympathy to the
bereaved family.
By order of the President, Capt. J. Swartwood, the committee of the Swartwood
reunion were called together last Wednesday and decided to hold the annual
Swartwood reunion in the grove just back of the residence of Albert Swartwood,
near Hedding church, on next Thursday, July 28. A nice program is to be carried
out and will consist of addresses by Rev. V.W. Mattoon, Rev. J. H. Ross
and others. Some fine local talent from out of town have been secured. Everybody
is invited to come and spend a pleasant and enjoyable day.
Local Zephyrs.
Mrs. J. W. Gee went to Ithaca Tuesday.
Supervisor A. S. Ward went to Saco Monday.
Picture frames made to order by Wm. Decker.
Mrs. S. F. Norton was in the village last Thursday.
Prof. and Mrs. G. T. Miller are passing the week at Horseheads.
Miss Satie Cooper returned home Saturday from her visit at Elmira.
Quite a company of young people pleasantly passed last Friday at Spencer
Jefferson Lynch and family, of Brookton, visited in the place Saturday and
H. A. Briggs made a bicycle trip to Chemung and Elmira Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mrs. F. W. Purdy and son, Rev. G. H. Purdy, of Trumansburg, were in this
place Monday.
Mrs. L. C. Smith, of Ithaca, came to this place Tuesday to pass a few days at
her mother's.
The immediate return of all library books is requested. GEO. T. MILLER,
M. D. Bogart and daughter, Miss Nellie, left Tuesday to pass a few days at
Ithaca and Mecklenburg.
Miss Daisy Mingos, of Laceyville, Pa., arrived in Van Etten last Thursday and
is visiting here for a season.
Mrs. Julia Wheeler and son, Glenn, are passing the week at the home of Mrs.
Elmer Tompkins, at Newfield.
Miss Lena Swartwood returned home yesterday from a visit at the home of Thos.
K. Swartwood, at Breesport.
Miss Laura Ennis, of Elmira, visited her aunt, Mrs. L. Vaughn, Saturday also
Mrs. J. E. Nobles, of Swartwood.
Mrs. D. Clarey and son, of Geneva, have been passing a few days in this
place. Mr. Clarey was here with them Sunday.
Born July 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Print Huddle, in this town, a daughter. The
happy parents have the congratulations of their many friends.
UNDERTAKING.- I keep a full line of Undertaking Goods at B. B. McDowell's.
Prices away down.
Miss Bessie Canfield, of Waverly, and Mr. Fred Bingham, of Lockwood, drove to
this place for a short call on relatives and friends Sunday afternoon and
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fleming very pleasantly entertained Rev. and Mrs. V. W.
Mattoon and sons, Wilbur and Howard, last Saturday, at their home at Hedding.
The ladies of Beekhorn Hollow Sunday school will give a ten cent tea social
for the benefit of Rev. S. C. Welsh, Wednesday evening, July 27, at Mrs.
H. Lambert's, Ward Hill.
C. F. Cannan, of Laceyville, visited from Thursday to Monday last at
Supervisor Ward's. Mrs. Cannan and children, who had been passing some time
here, accompanied him home Monday.
Geo. Van Etten returned home yesterday from Farmer.
Mrs. W. H. Bassett and Mrs. Garrett Davis are spending the day at Erin.
Carl Heath, of Candor, is passing a week at the home of his uncle, G. W.
Mrs. Sarah Hovencamp and daughter, Winnie, of Ithaca, were guests last
Thursday and Friday at G. W. Harvey's.
Rev. J. H. Ross is to officiate at the M. E. church at Montour Falls next
Sunday, during the absence of the pastor, Rev. A. W. Fenton. Mr. Ross intends to
leave Saturday and will be accompanied by Mrs. Ross.
Arthur C. Bloodgood, of Delavan, Wis., arrived in Van Etten Monday and visits
relatives and friends for a season. Mr. Bloodgood formerly resided here and now
returns to visit the scenes of his boyhood after an absence of seventeen years.
CAUSED EXCITEMENT.- The vigorous tooting of a railroad engine whistle aroused
our citizens to quite a pitch of excitement last Friday afternoon at about 1:40
o'clock. The engineer had noticed a slight blaze in the roof of Banfield's saw
mill and instantly blew an alarm. The mill was in operation but the employees
had not noticed the conflagration. It would undoubtedly have been discovered by
them, however, within a short time. The prompt alarm called the firemen and
citizens to the spot before the flames had gained much headway and they were
quickly extinguished. The fire caught from sparks alighting upon the dry roof.
The extreme dryness of the buildings and all inflammable matter at that time
would have rendered a conflagration most disastrous. STILL ANOTHER.- The mill
was again the scene of an excitement Monday evening when a slight fire was
discovered beneath the engine. The mill had been started up early Monday evening
to finish a job for shipment and was shut down at about 9 o'clock. It was
thought that sparks from the arch had blown beneath the engine room and had been
smoldering slowly in an imflammable accumulation which caught the oil drippings
from the engine. It was burning quite briskly when the townsmen arrived but they
experienced no difficulty in quickly extinguishing the blaze.
All the Sunday schools in the town are cordially invited to unite in the
union picnic and excursion at Renwick Park, Ithaca, N.Y., on Wednesday, Aug. 3,
1898. This is an opportunity that all should avail themselves of, as the fare to
and from Ithaca has been placed for this occasion at the low price of 50c; 25c
for children from 5 to 12 years of age.
Henry L. Adams, representing the Adams Portrait company of Auburn, has been
in town the past week canvassing for portraits. He had with him this time a
furnished portrait of Miss Mary Hobson. It is done in pastel and is a fine
picture. The drapery is a perfect copy the artist having had a sample of the
dress. It shows that the work done by this company is of a high grade and the
best ever exhibited in this place. The art exhibit will be held in the parlor of
the Van Etten house on Thursday evening, Aug. 4, from 7 to 10, to which
the public is invited. All may take their portraits on the evening of the
exhibit after 9:30. Everybody come and bring your picture.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to the friends and neighbors who so
kindly aided us during out sad affliction. We would especially thank those who
presented the beautiful flowers.