The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery

Tri County Clippings- Page One Hundred Ninety Six

"AN INTERESTEING OLD LETTER"  ---- Which Peter P. Loop Wrote in 1817 - Some Extensive Financiering of that Early Day.
Edward S. Loop was very much pleased the other day at being handed by Edward Welles a letter written by Mr. Loop's father, Peter P. Loop, to George M. Hollenback in 1817.  The letter was written while Mr. Loop was yet a young man, and the chirography is beautifully neat.  After telling Mr. Hollenback about the safe arrival of goods (at Athens, where Mr. Loop was clerking for Mr. Hollenback) by John Griffin's boat, he goes on to gossip very pleasantly on social topics.  He had just attended a ball at Chemung with Lyman Covell and Lathrop Baldwin.  He expressed himself as wearied with the dullness of Athens and put in his leisure studying French.  Were it not for the hope of returning to Wilkes-Barre, he could not be content to stay at Tioga Point.   He was happy to hear the Bridge Company were doing so well and hoped they would finally triumph over their enemies.  "I have been of great service here to their paper.  I have done away with many false reports which were in circulation and have given it a good name, and it passes well.  Their tickets pass better than any others. I have been assured that it is in the power of your father and Mr. Tuttle to get from the Bridgeport or Derby Banks $0x,xxx, paper payable in New York at three per cent.  (all of which I suppose you are acquainted with-if not, keep it still,) to put the new bank in operation. I think they ought not to sleep on such an opportunity of completely vanquishing the new school.  A gentleman acquainted with the circumstances declared to me a few days since that they (the old school) ought not to stop at a loss of $5,000 to put it into operation. Should anything be done, I rely on your and your father's promises of doing something in it for me.  My respects to all who feel any interest in my good or evil fortune, and especially to Emily and Mrs. Cist."  It is not difficult to see in the light of this letter, where the younger Loop gets his taste for financiering.  He has the same faculty for "getting in on the ground floor" that his father had.   The letter is full of scholarly sentences and quotations.  Mr. Welles could not have disposed of the old manuscript more appropriately than by placing it in the hands of the son.  The postage on it was 12 1/2 cents.  Peter P. Loop was born in Elmira, N.Y., in 1793 and died at Belvidere, IL, in 1854.  His father, also named Peter, was one of the commissioners appointed by the Susquehanna Company, September 25, 1786, any five of the commissioners constituting a court with power to determine whenever a form of interval government shall be established in that country.  Peter P. Loop married Elizabeth Irene, daughter of Gen. William Ross, born 1799 and married 1820. Their children, all living are D.J.M. Loop, Edward Sterling Loop and Rev. Dewitt Clinton Loop.  Above submitted by Cinda Marsh

The Canton Independent-Sentinel, Canton PA
Thurs, Sept 17, 1998
Annual WESNESKI Reunion Enjoyed By Many
The 9th annual Wesneski reunion was held Aug 23, at Island Park, Blossburg.   A chicken barbecue was provided by Bob Wesneski and his helpers.  It was enjoyed by everyone.  The children played games which were fun and they enjoyed winning prizes.  A piñata with lots of candy was broken.    A Chinese Auction was held for both adults and children.   Attended this year from Blossburg were:  Bill and Delores Wesneski, Rona and Marge Wesneski, Rose Wesneski, Greg, Kathy, Jeremy and Lauren Books, June Fro and daughter-in-law and grandson, Lisa and Ben.   From Williamsport were Roy and Fran Wilson, Jerry, Darlene, and Angela Wesneski, Tammy and Terri Koser and Gayle and Zack Mahaffey.   From Morris Run was Francis Skolney and from New York State was Sam Wesneski and Kim Hickok.  They are planning a wedding Sept 26, 1998.  Canton area attendees were Bob and Donna Wesneski, Aaron, Stacy, and Austin Robbins, Jacki, Paul and Loren Wesneski, John, Loren and Josh Wesneski, Brad Wesneski, Mike, Cheryl, Chelsey, Mandy and Trevor Wesneski, David, Bev, David Jr, Derek, Jordan and Cody Wesneski.    Larry Sr, Joan, Brian, Jason and Nicky Wesneski, Dan, Michelle and Lindsey Wesneski, Josh, Dawn, and Alison Pepper, Rob, Jodi and Brandon Wesneski, Gene and Edwina Wesneski, Vonnie Wesneski, Chuck Sr, Sandy and Chuck Jr Kilmer.  Jodi and Evan Kilmer, Gordon Sr, Karen, Jen, Gordon Jr, Rachel Wesneski and Larry Jr and April Chestnut whom are planning to marry Sept 19.  Guests this year were Smitty and Tara Willow, Mark Sterle, Heather Bailey and Jill Sechrist.   The oldest was Frances Skolney; the youngest was Angela Wesneski.    Next year they are planning a trip to Knobel's Grove.  It will be Sat Aug 21, 1999.  See you there.  

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 13 FEB 2003
By Joyce M. Tice