The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery

Tri County Clippings- Page One Hundred Sixty Four

WOOD, MRS. S. L. (Emma DOTY)
 Mrs. S. L. Wood died at her home on West Elmira street Saturday morning at 10 o’clock, of apoplexy, aged 75 years.  Mrs. Wood is survived by her husband, S. L. Wood, and several sons and daughters.  Mrs. Nelson Holly, of Sullivan; Frank Wood, Jamestown, NY.; Welland Wood, of Rochester; Mrs. L. W. Hitchcock, of Mansfield; Ernest Wood, of Columbia X Roads;  Norton Wood of Elmira; Mrs. H. L. Streuse Brampton, North Dakota, for whose arrival the funeral was postponed until today. [Prospect Cemetery]

 There are times when a life in this community seems to merit words of appreciation for the good it brought along the way—although in a simple, quiet manner—recognized by few people.  Such was the life of Ellen Hart.  From childhood circumstances did not give her a beautiful outlook on the world, yet she possessed a background of family that mush have transmitted to her strength and dignity of character combined with sweetness of soul that made her loved and respected for sixty years.  Thirty-six of these were best with the companionship of a faithful kind, husband.  We recall her great desire to have in her care homeless neglected children and for a period of years three were entrusted to her through County Welfare.  First came Tommy, when nine years old, remaining at the Hart homestead near Lawrence Corners until he was fifteen.  He is a man now and should fulfill the hopes of his kind foster parents, who made great efforts to establish in his character right ideas of heart and mind.  Next came brother and sister—John and Lulu May—pitiably neglected waifs of six and seven years.  Their comfort in this home on Sullivan Street close to campus, schools—together with love and tender care from “Mommie” will always be a happy memory in their lives.  After five years—owing to Ellen’s ill health, they were placed in other good hands.  Giving them up was an experience from which Ellen never fully recovered.  When the doors of her new world open wide we believe she heard the words—“Inasmuch as you have done this unto the least of these you have done it unto me.”  Those who knew of her courage during the last months of her life, with frequent weeks in the hospital—unable to care for her home—her contacts with friends limited to a very few, we marvel at her patience and good cheer—with no word of discontent—nothing but kindness toward all; this with a spirit of Christian charity and no sign of bitterness.  We who understood and loved her for brave acceptance of her place in the world feel that she is a beautiful example of womanhood.  (Line missing) Kindly spoken by our Lord:  “She hath done what she could”  How many of us with rich, full lives, can claim this from Him. G. C. B.

 Oliver Ide, for many years engaged in the blacksmithing business in this boro, died suddenly at his home in Rutland on Thursday last, aged 63.  The remains were brought to Mansfield on Saturday by members of Seeley Creek lodge, I.O.O.F., of Daggett, of which he had long been a member.  Interment was made in Hope cemetery.  He is survived by a widow, two daughters, a son, a brother Will Ide, of Mansfield, and one sister, Mrs. John H. Bixby.

 Mrs. Della York Iszard, 82, of 60 Euclid Ave., died Sunday morning at 5:30 after an extended illness.  She was the widow of Samuel French Iszard, founder of Iszard’s department store, who died Sept. 30, 1945.  Mr. and Mrs. Iszard were married Apr. 7, 1891.  A family reunion in June 1941, marked their golden wedding anniversary.  Both natives of the Philadelphia section they had been sweethearts since meeting at a seaside resort when each was 14.  At the time of their marriage, Mr. Iszard was a traveling salesman for a wholesale dry good company.  Mrs. Iszard later persuaded him to take employment with B. F. D??? Proprietor of a small Philadelphia dry goods specialty store.  Mrs. Iszard was manager of that company in 1904 when he decided to enter business for himself.  He bought the Reynolds Bros. Department store in Elmira which he opened as the S. F. Iszard Co. Inc.  The store was located at Baldwin and E. Water Sts. For 20 years.  In 1923, Mrs. Iszard realized that her judgement as to her husband’s career had been vindicated.  The Iszard company had outgrown its East-side store and on Nov. 23 of that year Mrs. Iszard turned the first shovel of earth at the site of a new store.  A year later the new store was opened at its present location on N. Main St.  Mrs. Iszard also saw two of her children, Harry Y. And Franklin K. Iszard, enter the retail field and become associated with their father in the department store.  The Iszard’s also leave a daughter, Mrs. Muriel Chamouland of Pendle Hill, Wallingford, Pa., five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.  The funeral will be conducted Tuesday at 4 p.m. in the First Presbyterian Church, of which Mrs. Iszard was a member, with the Rev. Martin D. Hardin Jr. Officiating.  The department store will be closed all day Tuesday in Mrs. Iszard’s memory.  In a quiet way, Mrs. Iszard carried on a broad program of benefaction, aiding many an Elmiran in trouble or in need.  Mrs. Iszard was a past president of the Rotary Anns, and an active member of the Elmira Garden Club and the American Legion Auxiliary.

ISZARD, SAMUEL FRENCH   1868 to 1949
 Samuel French Iszard was born in 1868 in Gloucester County, New Jersey.  He was introduced to the retail business while living in Philadelphia, and eventually established a dry good business of his own.  In 1904, Mr. Iszard bought the Reynolds Brother Store on the corner of Water and Baldwin Streets in Elmira.  On February 4th, 1904 the first Iszard Store opened its doors.  Samuel French Iszard became known in the community as a wide-awake, up-to-date merchant and the Iszard Store prospered.  Then in November, 1923 construction started on the new Iszard Store, located at its present site on Main Street in Elmira.  On November 15th, 1924 the modern S. F. Iszard Co. opened for business.  This fulfilled a growing dream S. F. Iszard had formulated for more than 30 years.  In 1949, Samuel French Iszard died but left a well established business that has continued to grow with the community.

 Mrs. Kathryn (Grandma) Teneyck, age 90, of Elmira, formerly of Mansfield died on March 21, 1979.  She was a member of Centenary ?? Methodist Church and wife of the late Ed TenEyck who died on December 31, 1963.  She is survived by her daughters and son-in-law, Enda and Eugene ??enter, Gertrude and Edwin Rip??  Both of Elmira.  Theodosia and ??ster Schanbacher of Mansfield, several grand and great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews.  Funeral services were held at the ???of Funeral Home on Saturday, March 25, 1979, with the Rev. Voight ???, her pastor officiating.  (?? Indicate where one edge missing)

 John Teneyck died at his home in Roseville, Monday, April 24, 1905, from apoplexy, aged 74 years.  He was born at Albany, NY., where he lived until 23(?) years of age, when he left his home and took up the work of canal boy on the Erie Canal, which work he pursued until 27 years of age, when he came to this county to visit a brother and being persuaded to remain here, did so, living at Austinville and Roseville during the entire time.  Uncle John, as we were wont to call him, was a handy, useful citizen.  He was a man who could do almost any kind of work with tools and was as adept at putting tools in working order.  He was very industrious, but was not given to hoarding money, using his ??? for the welfare of himself and family.  He married Eunice ??? with whom he lived very happily until the time of his death.  To them were born six children, those living being, Fred and William, of ???; Merritt, of Mansfield, and Mrs. ??? Perry, of Wilkesbarre, Pa.  The funeral was held at the Roseville Baptist Church at 1 p.m., Wednesday, where a goodly number    (Can’t read rest of clipping)

 Mrs. Daisy P. Starkey Tanner died Sept. 7, after an illness of ten weeks.  She was the second daughter of L. C. And Ella A. Starkey and was born June 29, 1883, on the Newtown Road, near Mansfield, Pa.  September 30, 1905, she was united in marriage with Bruce E. Tanner of Harford, Pa.  She was a woman of a jovial disposition and made friends wherever she went.  She endeared herself to a large circle in the church where she served.  She was a faithful member of Centenary M. E. Church of Elmira.  She was a loving daughter and ever thoughtful of her family’s comfort, a kind sister and a loyal wife.  She is survived by her husband, Bruce E. Tanner; a son, Robert B. Tanner; a sister, Mrs. Lulu F. Howell of New Milford, Pa.; two brothers, Ross L. Starkey of Niagara Falls and Ray C. Starkey of Rochester.  The funeral was held at the Wilson funeral home Sept. 10, at 2 p.m.  The Rev. C. G. McConnell officiated.  Burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery.

 Mrs. Anna L. Thompson, 76, died at the family home, 303 Pleasant Street, at 8 p.m. Monday.  Surviving are three daughters, Belle, Grace and Elsie, at home; a brother, Isaac Rhodes, Elmira; several nieces and nephews.  Mrs. Thompson was a member of the First Baptist Church, Elmira.  The funeral will be held in the family home Thursday at 2:30 p.m. the Rev. H. I. Stewart will officiate.  Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery.

 William L. Tobias, 60, of 310 Mr. Zoar St., died Wednesday morning, Nov. 19, 1941, at a local hospital.  He was a member of the ?? board and president of the ?? Bible Class of Centenary Church.  Mr. Tobias is survived by his wife, Mrs. Margaret Brownlee Tobias; six daughters, Mrs. Ellison Parfitt of Elmira, Miss Irene Tobias of Hartford, Conn., and the Misses Verva, Jeanne, Rosemary and Lucy Tobias of Elmira; two sons, William L. Jr. And David of Elmira; a sister, Mrs. Grace Glascock of Green Castle, Ind; two brothers, Harry of Towanda and  (Can’t read anymore of clipping).

 Mrs. Hattie Kilgore of 213 Mt. Zoar Street died unexpectedly Saturday, Nov. 14, 1936.  Surviving are her husband, Floyd Kilgore; a son, Hallock; a brother, William Holly, and a niece.  She was a member of the First Church of Christ, Disciples, and the Troy Club.  The funeral will be held at the home Tuesday at 2 p.m., the Rev. Allan M. Laird officiating.  Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery.

 At 11:30 Friday morning occurred the death of W. W. Kelley, a well known grocer.  Mr. Kelley died of general debility and a complete nervous breakdown.  He had been sick for about a year but not until last June did he give up hope of recovery.  Mr. Kelley was born in Rutland township, January 25, 1867, and was in his 48th year.  He has been engaged in the grocery business here since March 1, 1911, when he and Leon Baynes formed a partnership and opened the grocery of Kelley & Baynes.  Mr. Kelley worked in the general store of Cleaver & Bailey at Troy, but gave up his position on account of poor health.  He then went to Roseville where he worked at farming, and later in the general store of C. R. Hanyen.  He came to Mansfield in 1900 to secure the educational advantages of the town for his children.  He worked at the Novelty works for a time and later entered the store of Pitts & Judge, staying with its successive owners until March 1, 1911, when he went into business for himself.  Mr. Kelley is survived by his wife and his son, Harry, who was formerly principal of the Millerton High School, but resigned to take up his father’s duties, and by his daughter, Mrs. E. L. Kirkendall, of Elmira.  His brother, G. E. Kelley and mother, Mrs. Alice R. Kelley also survive.  Mr. Kelley had always enjoyed the respect and good will of a host of friends who were attracted to him by his many sterling qualities.  He was a straightforward and intelligent business man who experienced the confidence of a host of patrons.  He was a hard worker and always willing to lend his hand to every good work.  Just as he had become financially able to rest from his hard work he was called away.   Mr. Kelley was a member of the First M. E. church of Mansfield and also a member of the Knights of   (Can’t read rest of clipping)

 Mrs William Longwell, a long-time respected resident of Rutland, died Tuesday, October 18, at her home, aged nearly 75 years.  She had been feeble for some time but was confined to her bed only a day or two.  Her husband, one son, Charles and a sister survive.  The funeral was held from the home at 2 p.m.

 William T. Longwell died at his home in Roseville boro, Thursday, April 20, at the age of 76 years.  The funeral services were held from his residence on Sunday at 12:00 M., Interment in the Baker cemetery near the deceased’s old homestead, Rev. Miller of the M. E. Church, officiating.  Mr. Longwell, who has been in poor health for several months previous to his death, left an estate valued at from $16,000 to $18,000, which he disposed of as follows:  First, that all his just debts and funeral expenses be paid; then, that the sum of $500 be given to William H. Longwell, $500 to Charles E. Longwell, $500 to Miss May Soper, $500 to Lida Monroe, and all the rest and residue of his property, both real and personal to be equally divided between E. F. Sweely and William T. Sweely.  C. W. Kelly, of Roseville, is named as executor.  He was a staunch Republican and a good citizen, and was much respected.  He never married.  A somewhat remarkable circumstance is that under the law a portion of the estate of each of the Longwell family, with one exception, went to the state.  Elmira Longwell, John D. Longwell, Timothy Longwell, and William T. Longwell all died without issue.  The exception is S. K. Longwell who had three daughters.

 John Tenyck died Sunday night aged 73 years.   (Clipping has date April 26, 1905)

 The death of Mrs. Hannah Lawrence at the home of her daughter in Covington, last Saturday night brings sorrow to many hearts here.  Mrs. Lawrence was a resident of Rutland for many years, and has a host of friends in this locality who will miss her.  Two years ago she was presented the prize at Old Home Days for being the oldest person present.  The sympathy of a large number of friends is extended to the family.

 James M. Longwell, 78, died at the family home at Roseville, Pa., at 7:30 p.m. Friday.  Survivors include two sons, Louis and Harry, and two grandsons, Stanley and Robert Longwell, all of Roseville.  The funeral will be held at the family home at 1:30 p.m. Monday.  Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira.

 Mrs. Nellie Laman, late of 408 Mt. Zoar St., died Saturday, Aug. 3, 1935, about 12:30 a.m.  She is survived by her husband, Fred E. Laman, a son, Leslie at home; several nieces and nephews.  The body is in the Wilson funeral home, where the funeral will be held Monday, at 2 p.m.  The Rev. H. A. Park will officiate.  Burial in Glenwood Cemetery, Waverly.

 John B. Luckey, for many years a resident of Rutland township, died last Wednesday at the home of his son, George Luckey in Wells, aged 86 years, 11 months and 25 days.  Mr. Luckey was a native of New Jersey.  He lived for a time after his marriage in Hyde Park, a suburb of Scranton, whence he moved to Sheshequin and thence about 35 years ago to Rutland where the remainder of his active years were spent.  Latterly he made his home with his sons and was well known here.  Besides his wife and one daughter, Mrs. Henry Smith of Chemung county, NY., he leaves one daughter and seven sons by a former marriage:  John H. of Troy; William of Grover; Nelson of Troy township; Eugene of Elmira; Libbie, Mrs. Oldroyd, of Canoe Camp; George of Wells; Frank of Sylvania; Charles of East Troy.  The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the M.E. church, Troy.  (Can’t read rest of clipping)

 Mrs. J. B. McConnell, 72, widow of J. B. McConnell, died this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Foster Updyke, on the Lowman Road after an extended illness.  She is survived by five children, Mrs. Foster Updyke, the Rev. C. G. McConnell, of Elmira; Mrs. H. C. Beardsley of Columbia Cross Roads, Pa., James McConnell of Peoria, IL, and Mrs. J. G. Frasier of Pine City.  All of her married life, Mrs. McConnell had passed in Sullivan Township, Pa., where the children were born and reared.  She was a faithful member of the Methodist Church, where for years she taught in the Sunday school and actively engaged in the life of the church.  The funeral services will be held Monday at 10 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Foster Updyke and at 1:30 o’clock at Mansfield, Pa., in the Methodist Church.  The Rev. Eli Pittman and the Rev. H. C. Sterns, will officiate.

MC CONNELL, SON [Gerald McConnell SRGP 10124]
 The one year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ainsley McConnell, formerly of Mansfield, met with a fatal accident at the family home in Elmira Heights, NY., one day last week.  The child slid partially from his high chair, and was caught by the strap which was intended to hold him in the chair, and was strangled.  He was dead when discovered by a member of the family.

 Mrs. Loraine Manwaring, widow of Leroy Manwaring of 803 Holdridge Street, died this morning at 3 o’clock.  She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. George Comfort of Elmira, several grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Addy Atwater of Miami, Fla.  The remains repose in the Wilson funeral home where the funeral will be held Friday at 2 p.m.  The Rev. C. G. McConnell will officiate.  Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery.  The W.C.T.U. will conduct the committal service.

 Mrs. May L. McLaughlin, 49, died Tuesday afternoon at the family home, 601 Coburn Street.  She is survived by her husband, James H. McLaughlin; two sons, Dr. John and Gordon L., both of Elmira; one daughter, Mrs. Eldred G. Storch of this city; three brothers, Liston Larrison of Caton, Frank C. Larrison of Elmira and Oscar L. Larrison of Honolulu; two sisters, Mrs. John Hopkins of Rochester and Mrs. Ruth Riffle of Caton; her mother, Mrs. Juliet Larrison of Canton and one grandchild.  The remains repose in the Wilson funeral home where the funeral will be held Friday at 2:30 p.m.  the Rev. C. G. McConnell will officiate.  Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery.

 Mrs. Mary Metcalf, 77, late of Corning, died Monday in that city.  She is survived by a son, Fred C. Metcalf of Coudersport, Pa.; two daughters, Mrs. John Wilcox of Batavia and Mrs. Ellsworth Richards of Corning; a brother, Seth Savage of Kettle Falls, Washington; two sisters, Mrs. Edward Horn of Jersey Mills, Pa.; Mrs. Charles Hyman of Binghamton; three grandchildren, Robert Metcalf of Elmira, J. Wilcox of Batavia and Hildred Metcalf of Binghamton; several nieces and nephews.  The funeral will be held in the family home 124 East First Street, Corning, Thursday at 11 a.m.  burial in Elmwood Cemetery at Caton.  Mrs. Metcalf was a member of the Baptist Church at Roseville, Pa.

 Miss Julia Mast, 38, died Monday, July 22, 1940, in a Rochester hospital.  She had been connected with M. Doyle Marks and Son Inc. For 23 years and for the past several years had been secretary and bookkeeper.  She was born in Oregon Hill, Pa., the daughter of Fred and Marie Miller Mast.  She leaves her mother, six sisters, Mrs. Robert Thomas, Oregon Hill; Mrs. Roy Coats, Wysox, Pa.; Mrs. Stephen Duffy, Morris, Pa.; Mrs. Walter Gamble, Painted Post; Mrs. Austin Gilbert, Dundee; Miss Dora Mast, at home; two brothers, William and John, at home; 21 nieces and nephews.  The body is in the Bastian funeral home, Wellsboro.  The funeral will be held Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. EST, at the Oregon Hill Church.

NYE, MISS SYLVEEN V. (SRGP 80509) [sister of Dr. Orin Nye of Roseville]
 Miss Sylveen V. Nye, 75, died at her home in the Town of Reading Sunday night, Aug. 16, 1936, following an extended illness.  For 30 years, until 1931, she had been employed in the Buffalo office of the New York Life Insurance Company.  She retired in 1931.  Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Lizziebelle Storch of Indianapolis, Ind., and three brothers, former Judge Olin Nye of Watkins Glen, Att. Bertram W. Nye of New York City and Dr. John H. Nye of Cornwell, Ind.  The funeral will be conducted at the home Thursday at 2 p.m. by the Rev. Wayland L. Beers of the Reading Community Church.  Burial will be in Glenwood Cemetery, Watkins Glen.

WAS FOUNDER OF STATE UNIT – MISS SYLVEEN V. NYE  (SRGP 80509) [sister of Dr. Orin Nye of Roseville]
 The passing of Miss Sylveen V. Nye, who died Aug. 16, at her home in the Town of Reading, is mourned by local members of the New York State Nurses Association.  Although for 30 years, until 1931 when she retired, Miss Nye had been employed in the Buffalo office of the New York Life Insurance Company, she was a registered nurse, a founder of the New York State Nurses Association, which was organized about 35 years ago, and its first president.  Nursing and its problems had always held a large place in Miss Nye’s interests and she made the acquaintance of the Elmira branch of the association three years ago at the annual meeting of the state group held in New York City when the other past presidents were honored guests.  Previously unaware that a founder resided in the vicinity, District Three of the Nursing Association, which includes Schuyler, Chemung and adjacent counties, invited Miss Nye to become an honorary member.  On several occasions since then, local nurses have been guests at her home, a renovated farm house near Reading Center.  Miss Nye was a girlhood friend of Miss Jane Delano, director of the American Red Cross Nursing Service during the World War.  When Miss Delano died abroad in 1919, she left Miss Nye many of her personal belongings.  These were among her effects at her death.

 Dr. John H. Nye, Wednesday, Jan. 10, 1945, at Cromwell, Ind.  Survived by his wife, Pearl Voorhees Nye of Cromwell.  (SRGP 80510) [brother of Dr. Orin Nye of Roseville]

 Mansfield—Fire Wednesday destroyed the large residence on the Mrs. Anna Niles farm at Lawrence Corners, five miles from here, and burned all of the furniture and clothing of Mrs. Niles and the Lloyd Brace family, also occupying the house.  The loss will be heavy.  Mr. Brace, employed by Mrs. Niles, was milking when he noticed flames coming from the house and summoned Mansfield firemen who were unable to save the home, but protected farm buildings.  Mrs. Brace was in Mansfield.  An appeal has been made for clothing for Mr. and Mrs. Brace and their children, a boy of 8, one of 10, and a girl 13.  They lost everything but the garments they were wearing.

 Dr. Sherman Voorhees, a prominent physician of Elmira and well known throughout Tioga county, died at the home of his sister, in Brooklyn, NY. After an illness of several months’ duration, caused by injuries received in an automobile accident on South Mountain, near Wellsburg, NY., last July, in which Mrs. Voorhees was almost instantly killed and their only child, a son, was slightly injured.  The decedent was a native of Daggetts, where he passed his early life, at the family homestead.  He prepared his college course as a general practitioner of medicine but later he specialized on the eye, throat and ear practice.  He located in Elmira bout eighteen years ago and enjoyed a large and profitable practice.  His reputation as a successful surgeon was well known over a large part of the Southern tier of New York and Northern Tier of Pennsylvania.

 The funeral of Dr. Grant Voorhees, formerly of Elmira, will be held at Prescott, Mich., Thursday at 2 p.m.  Dr. Voorhees died in Miami, Fla., last week.  He is survived by his widow; two sons, Shirley and Glen.  Dr. Bert G. Voorhees of Elmira is a nephew and Jesse Voorhees of Elmira is a brother.

 Emory D. Vedder died unexpectedly at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at the family home, 445 Golden Glow Road, Town of Elmira.  He was associated in business with the Bush Motor Company in Elmira.  Besides the widow, he is survived by a son, Kenneth E. of Big Flats; his mother, Mrs. Anna Vedder of Elmira; two sisters, Miss Myrtle Vedder, Elmira, and Mrs. Arthur Heavland of Montour Falls; and three brothers, Benjamin of Syracuse, Robert of Elmira Heights and Thomas of Gary, Ind.  The funeral will e held in the family home Saturday at 2:30 p.m  the Rev. R. Vieweg will officiate.  Burial in Woodlawn cemetery.

 Methuen VanNess, 72, of Mansfield, Pa., died Saturday at 1 p.m.  He is survived by his widow; one daughter, Mrs. Cyril Gibson of Elmira; two brothers, Henry VanNess of Mansfield and George VanNess of Troy, Pa.  Mr. VanNess was born at Roseville, Pa., July 14, 1858, a son of Peter and Celia VanNess.  He had passed his entire life in and near Mansfield and was highly esteemed as one of the leading citizens.  Mr. VanNess was a trustee of the Smythe Park Association of Mansfield and was a tax collector several terms.  The funeral will be held in the family home Tuesday at 2 p.m.  The Rev. D. W. Bayliss will officiate.  Burial in the Oakwood Cemetery, Mansfield, Pa.

 Mrs. Ruth Updyke died at her home in Roseville, April 19, 1915, following a short illness of pneumonia.  She was 76 years of age and had always enjoyed the best of health until stricken with the illness which proved.  (Rest unreadable)

 Mrs. Adaline Updike, 88, died Sunday at 11:30 p.m. at the family home in sylvania, Pa.  She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Joel Clark and Mrs. Dummer Sweet, both of Sylvania, Pa.  The funeral will be held at the family home Wednesday at 2 p.m.  The Rev. Orey Crippen of Tioga and the Rev. A. G. Cameron of Sylvania will officiate.  Burial in the Sylvania Cemetery, Gladdings, Pa.