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Tri County Clippings- Page One Hundred Fifty Eight |
Fatally Injured in Mansfield – Albert Johns, a Mitchell Creek farmer, died in the Blossburg hospital on Wednesday evening last, a few hours after being injured at the hay barn near the Erie station in Mansfield. Death was due to internal injuries. Mr. Johns was assisting his adopted son, Fred Johns, of Rutland, to unload pressed hay when the accident occurred. As the 11:20 express train approached, Mr. Johns grasped the bits to hold the horses, a spirited team. They became frightened and, jumping, crowded Mr. Johns against the barn with great force. His cries quickly brought assistance, and Dr. B. Moody was summoned. Mr. Johns was suffering intensely. He was conveyed to Dr. Moody’s office, where he was given every possible attention. An hour and a half later he was taken to the Blossburg hospital by one of Liveryman Swan’s employees and Fred Johns. Mr. Johns was 51 years old, and is survived by a widow and the son above mentioned. The funeral was held from the home at Mitchell Creek on Saturday morning. Burial was in the Jobs Corners cemetery. (Handwritten date May 15, 1907)
SWARTWOOD, MRS. GEORGE (Mary (surname unknown)) (SRGP 63856)
Mrs. George Swartwood of Tioga, died on Friday last in a Williamsport
hospital, following an operation for removal of a tumor. Mrs. Swartwood
was twice married, her first husband being Aaron Johns, who was fatally injured
at the hay barn near the Erie station in Mansfield a few years ago The
funeral of Mrs. Swartwood was held from the home in Tioga on Monday.
Burial was in Evergreen cemetery. (Handwritten date 1910)
With the death of Amanda M. Updyke, a shadow has fallen upon a household,
whose thickness and darkness seem impenetrable. A bright and beautiful
form has departed; a pure and lovely spirit has flown. Terrible is the
blow, and we wonder not that the afflicted are smitten to the very dust in
sorrow. Long and lovingly they watched over the patient sufferer, hoping
against hope that she might recover, unwilling at the last moment to give her
up. Amanda was twenty-one years of age. When but a child, she gave
her heart to God and joined the Methodist church at Elk Run. Her genial
disposition and thoughtfulness for others won for her a legion of friends, as
was shown by the large number in attendance at the obsequies. Her last
hours were spent in talking to the members of her family about the mysterious
journey she was about to take and assuring them that she was ready and anxious
to go. She asked her friends to sing “Rock of Ages” and thus calmly,
sweetly fell asleep to awake in that world of glory and beauty “where the wicked
cease from troubling and the weary are at rest.”
Thomas W. Johns died at his home in Rutland last Sunday of valvular heart
trouble. He had been ill with the grip and was taking a walk in the fields
with his daughter when he collapsed. His daughter ran to the house and
told her mother that her father was sick but investigation proved that he had
died. Mr. Johns, or “Tommy” Johns as he was familiarly known, had lived in
Rutland for the last twenty years or more, coming from Williamsport, where he
was born 49 years ago. He married Mary Wilcox, daughter of Asa Wilcox, of
Mosherville, and to them four children were born: Teresa, Wilbur, Winthrop
and Robert. His widow and children survive him, as well as his mother,
Mrs. Therese Johns. He was a man of good sound principles and was held in
high respect by all who knew him. The funeral was held today at 11 a.m. at
his home in Rutland, with burial in Williamsport.
Hugh Jackson, an old man living with his brother and sister, both
unmarried, between Troy and Sylvania, committed suicide last Friday by cutting
his throat with a jackknife. He was insane. After inflicting the
fatal wound, he crawled under the barn. He lived until about 2 o’clock
Saturday morning.
Mrs. Bertha Birkett, wife of Daniel M. Birkett, died at their home in
Extension street on Friday afternoon last. Her death was the result of an
accident. Suffering from teethache, she lay upon a bed and applied
chloroform to her face to allay the pain, pulling a comfortable over her head.
She accidently upset the bottle, spilling the chloroform in the bed, and was
suffocated by the fumes of the anesthetic. Mrs. Birkett, a daughter of the
late Harvey and Louise Horton, was born in Rutland township, and all her life
was passed in Mansfield and vicinity, where she was highly regarded by a great
number of friends, possessed as she was of those qualities which make for
friendship and its firm cementation. She was 32 years old, and for
many years was a faithful member of the M. E. church. She was also
affiliated with Tioga Valley Grange of Mansfield; the local Woman’s Relief Corps
and the W. C. T. U. There survive, besides her husband, two sisters, Mrs.
Ransom Bryant, of Mansfield; Mrs. John P. LeBarron, of Elmira, N. Y., and a
brother, Bruce Horton, resident in the south. The funeral was held from
the home at 1 o’clock on Monday afternoon, and was largely attended. There
was a profusion of beautiful floral tokens. The Rev. A. W. Fenton, pastor
of the M. E. church, was the officiating clergyman. Hymns were sung by
John P. Bates, Lynn Hall, Mrs. L. B. Shaw and Miss Helen Shipman.
Interment was in Hope cemetery, by the side of her mother, who was buried just
five weeks prior to the day on which Mrs. Birkett died. The pall bearers
were: George Colony, W. R. Avery, Paul Bailey, Benjamin Jones, Charles
Oliver and Charles D. Sweet.
Philander Gould died at the family home, 55 Gould street, this city, after
an extended illness, which covered the past two years. The decedent was
sixty-five years old and is survived by his widow; a son, Almond of Elmira; four
brothers, Lafayette of Elmira; Royal of Illinois; Frank and Floyd of Michigan.
A prayer service will be held at the home today at 8 a.m. The funeral
service will be held in the Methodist Church at Lawrence Corners, Pennsylvania.
Burial in Lawrence cemetery.
Charlotte Ella Gould, 6, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Almond Gould of 510
Fitch Street, died Tuesday morning at 8:30 o’clock. She is survived by the
parents; two sisters, Mazie and Helen, a brother, Phillander; two grandmothers,
mrs. William Wilcox of Interlaken; Mrs. Philander Gould of Elmira. The
funeral will be held at the home Friday at 2 p.m. The Rev. Lilliam Chapman will
officiate. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery.
Mrs. Roxana Benson died Feb. 26, 1904, at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Charles King, in Rutland, age 82 years, 8 months, 14 days. She leaves six
children: Mr. Henry Benson, Mrs. J. C. Lam, Mrs. F. L. Miller, of
Mansfield; Mr. Frank Benson, of Blossburg; Mr. Edward Benson, of Elmira; and
Mrs. Charles King, of Rutland, and one step daughter, Mrs. Syntha Williams of
Tioga, Feb. 11—The funeral of Mrs. James Decker, who died at her home on
summit Street Monday evening after an extended illness, was held at the home
Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Dr. William McCormick officiated.
Interment was in Evergreen Cemetery here. Mrs. Decker was born Feb. 29,
1862(3?), at Mill Creek, the daughter of Milton and Mary Ellis. About 46
years ago she married James E. Decker of Tioga. They have resided here
since. Mrs. Decker is survived by her husband; one son, Leo Decker of
Tioga; two grandchildren, Mrs. Edward Early of Mansfield and Victor Decker of
Tioga; three brothers, Frank J., Jared and Jack Ellis of Tioga; one sister, Mrs.
David Phillips of Tioga. She was a member of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
of Tioga.
Mr. Edward Oldroyd, who has lived the past year upon Mr. D. H. Pitt’s Mann
Creek farm, died on Saturday last of pneumonia. He had been ill since Jan.
15th. Mr. Oldroyd was about 55 years old and leaves a widow and six
children. He was a son of Col. Morton Oldroyd, of Rutland, and is survived
by four brothers—Judson, Mace, Torence, and Henry Oldroyd. The remains
were taken to Troy yesterday for burial. {Note: Edward was also survived by
several sisters whose names are not included in this obituary}
Clarina M., daughter of Jefferson and Elvira Sherman, passed peacefully
away at her home in Rutland, on February 3. Death was caused by paralysis.
She was born in Rutland township, Pa., on November 24, 1833, making her 79 years
old. She was the youngest of four children—Raymond, a half-brother; Adelia
Deliverance and Allen E. Sherman. Her mother’s maiden name was Elvira
McArthur, born in Columbia township, Pa. her father’s birthplace being in Rhode
Island. The only survivors of her immediate family are the children of her
sister, who reside in Colorado and California. In this vicinity she has
several cousins living. She was married to Charles H. Benson on November
8, 1902, who died in May 1906. She passed all of her life in Rutland,
where she made many warm friends by her quiet, genial manner. She was
loved and respected by all who knew her. She lived a conscientious
Christian life, and has gone to live in a mansion prepared for her, eternal in
the heaven. The funeral was held from the M. E. Church, the pastor, The
Rev. I. T. Johnson officiating. He spoke from John 5:28-29—“I am the
resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet
shall he live. Marvel not at this, for the hour is coming in which all
that are in the graves shall hear His voice and come forth.” Miss Jennie
Hanyen and Mrs. I. T. Johnson sang two selections—“Some Day He’ll Make It Plain”
and the “Christian’s Good Night,” with Miss Louise Garrison as accompanist.
WILSON, MRS. BENJAMIN Lucy V. ??? (SRGP 77055) Does anyone know her
Mrs. Benj. Wilson died Saturday morning at 2 o’clock. She has been a
great sufferer for a long time with a malignant cancer. Mrs. Wilson was 77
years old. She leaves to mourn, an aged husband, one son, Thomas Wilson,
of Jackson Center, and one daughter with whom she lived, Mrs. Rouse, who
gave the sufferer the best of attention and care during her suffering. At
times it seemed almost impossible for her to endure the strain of lifting and
waiting upon her. The funeral was held at the M. E. Church Monday
afternoon at 2 o’clock, Rev. F. M. Smith officiating. The burial was in
charge of A. C. Young assisted by John Heeman, of Troy. Interment was in
Watson cemetery.
The community was plunged into grief last Friday morning to learn of the
sudden death of Mr. Laverne Barden, at his home South of this boro. He
died at 7 o’clock a.m. Friday. On the day prior to his death he was out of
doors, but was obliged before noon to take to his bed, from which he did not
rise. The funeral was held at the house last Monday. The interment
took place at Mansfield. The surviving family have the profound sympathy
of this section.
Mrs. Earl Morrell died Monday night at 10:50 o’clock at the family home on
South Pine street in the village of Horseheads, aged twenty-two years. She
is survived by her husband; an infant son, Earl Frederick, who is only a few
days old; the mother, Mrs. Anna Bennett of Elmira; two brothers, Erwin and Ralph
Bennett of Elmira. The funeral will be held at the home of P. F. Morrell,
657 Beecher street, in this city, Thursday at 2 p.m. Burial in Woodlawn
cemetery. (Handwritten date 1920)
Clarence Warters, whose tragic death was mentioned in last weeks
ADVERTISER, was next to the youngest son of Henry Warters, who has been the
operator at the Lambs Creek pump station of the Mansfield Water Company since it
was established. Clarence’s mother, Mrs. Lydia Warters, died six years
ago. Besides his father, decedent is survived by the following brothers
and sisters; Alfred Warters, Lambs Creek; George Warters, Corning, N. Y.;
Mary Warters, at home; Bertha Warters, a student in Mansfield Normal School and
Mrs. Edward TenEyck, Lambs Creek. Clarence was a faithful member of the
student body of the Lambs Creek school—a boy with a record which tells its own
story. For the past four years he won the county superintendent’s diploma
for perfect attendance, and this together with the marks recorded of work done
in his regular school course, show what a boy can do who is as faithful as
Clarence proved to be. He attended school every day during the present
school year until the holiday vacation, and took a very active part in the
Christmas exercises. On Tuesday, January 3, he opened with a pin a small
boil on hs nose. Blood poisoning developed immediately, and he died on the
following Friday night. The funeral was held on Monday, January 9, from
the Lambs Creek church, and was largely attended. The Rev. A. W. Fenton,
of Mansfield, officiated. Burial was in Hope cemetery, Mansfield.
Mr. Warters is deeply appreciative of the kindness shown him and the sympathy
extended. (Handwritten date Jan. 6, 1911)
Mrs. Minerva Wright Soper, wife of burr Soper, died at her home in
Roseville, on Thursday past, of pneumonia, aged 65 years. The funeral was
held from the Methodist church in Roseville, on Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock,
the Rev. Paul Smith officiating. Mrs. Soper is survived by her husband and
one son, William Soper. (Handwritten date April 8, 1909)
BENSON, MRS. GEORGIA COOK – This obituary and the previous one are found on an earlier page.
Mrs. Eleanor Cook, wife of G. Cook (deceased) died at her home in
Roseville, Wednesday, Dec. 5, at one o’clock after a lingering illness of
dropsy, being 81 years of age on August 10, 1928. Her daughter gave her
tender and faithful care during her sickness, and tried in every way to make her
last days as pleasant and comfortable for her as possible. She is survived
by five children: Merritt Cook, of Rutland; Otis Cook, of Mansfield; Mrs.
Edith Stone, Georgie Cook, and Minor Cook all of Rutland; two brothers, Lyman
Benson of Roseville, Otis Benson of Millerton; two sisters, Mrs. Rosetta
Hayward, of Mansfield, and Mrs. Charles Hayward, of Jobs Corners; 21
grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren. The funeral was held Saturday at
the Baptist church at Roseville which was largely attended. Two hymns, “An
Unclouded Day” and “Rock of Ages,” were beautifully sung by John Benson and Mrs.
Nellie Watson. Rev. Orey Crippen gave a fine prayer at the house.
Rev. Seymour Barrett, of Tioga, officiated. Interment was in Jobs Corners
cemetery. (Handwritten date 1923)
Dennis Johns, a former resident of Mansfield, died today at the Corning
Hospital. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 10:30 a.m., at the
home in Corning; burial services at 2 p.m. in the Mainesburg Cemetery.
(Handwritten date Nov. 22, 1933)
Mrs. Earley E. Wood, who died at her home in Roseville last week Monday
morning had been ill only three days. She had been ill of
pleuro-pneumonia, but heart trouble is supposed have been the direct cause of
her death. Mrs. Wood was a daughter of the late Daniel Watson, Esq. and
leaves a husband and a daughter, aged 14. She is also survived by her
mother, two sisters and one brother, who deeply mourn her loss. She was a
devout Christian and the assurance that their loss is ger gain is a comfort to
the family. She was greatly devoted to her home and seldom left it except
to attend church. The funeral services were held from the Baptist church
on Wednesday, the Rev. Frederic H Baker of Tioga, officiating. The church
was filled with sympathizing friends and there was a profuse display of floral
offerings. Interment was in the Roseville cemetery. (Handwritten
date 1904)
A. L. Davis, a well known barber of this city, died on Monday at 1 p.m. at
the family home, 511
Spaulding street, aged 50 years. He is survived by his widow, one
daughter, Ellie, at home; one brother, John C. Davis, of this city; and two
sisters, Mrs. I. C. Bosworth, of Mansfield, Pa., and Mrs. Elwyn Soper, of
Rutland, Pa. The decedent was a member of Big Flats Lodge, No. 378, F. and
A. M. Mr. Davis conducted the West End barber shop for some time, but for
the past two months has been located in South Main street. The funeral
will be held on Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. The Big Flats Masons will have
charge of the committal services in Woodlawn cemetery. The Rev. A. E.
Atwater will officiate—Elmira Star Gazette (Handwritten date Dec. 16,
Mrs. Emily Chapin Davis, whose death on May 30th was briefly noted in our
Rutland Correspondence last week, was born in the town of Butternut, ???county,
N. Y., Oct. 22, 1835. On ?? 12, 1854, she was united in marriage with
Lucius M. Davis, of the same town, where they continued to reside until 1875
when they moved to Rutland, this county, where they had since lived. Four
children blessed their union and with the husband and two sisters of the
departed survive to mourn their loss—Mrs. Delia Soper, A?? L. And J. C. Davis,
of Rutland, and Mrs. I. C. Bosworth of Blossburg. Mrs. Davis united with
the Baptist church of Gilbertsville, in her native sate, in February 1858.
Kind, generous, a faithful, consistent Christian and excelling in womanly grace
and devotion to her home and family, Mrs. Davis’s death is deeply lamented.
Her funeral was largely attended from her late home, the Rev. L. M. Gates of
Mansfield, and Smith of Rutland officiating.
Mrs. Bessie M. Bement died this morning at 1:30 o’clock at the family home,
1305 Pratt street after an extended illness. Mrs. Bement had been a member
of the Northside Baptist church many years and was the teacher of a class of
young women of about forty members. She was a woman of a beautiful
Christian character and was a patient sufferer. She is survived by her
husband, a son, Asa M., two daughters, Mrs. Eugene Crippen and Dorothy M., a
brother, Asa Crippen; two sisters, Mrs. Bertha Webster of Rutland, Pa., Mrs.
Anna Tomlinson of Troy, Pa. The funeral will be held at the Northside
Baptist Church Saturday at 2 p.m., the Rev. J. E. Calyvin to officiate.
The members of the Young Women’s class will attend in a body. Burial in
Woodlawn cemetery. (Handwritten date 1917)
This community was much saddened by the news that Maud White had died at
the Blossburg hospital where she underwent an operation on the 27th day of
December and had died the next day. The funeral was largely attended at
the M. E. church at Lawrence Corners, Rev. Mr. Crippen conducting the service.
Burial in Cumming’s plot at Tower Hill. She leaves to mourn her loss, her
husband, Miles White, four children and seven grandchildren. She was a
quiet woman, devoted to her family. She will be much missed by neighbors
and friends. (Handwritten date Dec. 28, 1920)
The people of this place were greatly saddened by the sudden death of Edgar
Wilson, which occurred on Sunday evening last. Death was due to brain
trouble. Mr. Wilson was a lifelong resident of this place. Besides
his widow, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Samuel Bailey and Mrs. Will
Bailey, both of Austinville; two sons, Samuel Wilson, of Horseheads, N. Y.;
Manley Wilson, at home; one brother, Frank Wilson, of Austinville, and one
sister, Mrs. John Van Ness, of Mansfield. The funeral will be held from
the Austinville church on Wednesday at 2 p.m., Rev. Mr. Johnson officiating.
(Handwritten date Nov. 24, 1912)
Mrs. E. E. Wood died at her home in Rutland, on Monday, of typhoid
pneumonia. She leaves besides her husband, a daughter. The funeral
services were held today.
Mrs. Nye died last Wednesday morning at the home of her son, Dr. O. S. Nye,
in Roseville, at the age of 77 years. She had been in poor health for some
time. She was a kind and devoted mother and was loved by all that knew
her. She leaves a husband, five sons and three daughters.
Universal sorrow over the loss from the community of one whom all held in
the very highest esteem and sympathy for those left behind, attended the sudden
death last Saturday evening of Loutie Theetge, beloved wife of Mr. W. D.
Shepard, in the 33d year of her age. Alarmingly ill less than two hours,
the death of Mrs. Shepard was a great shock to her innumerable friends, many of
whom had known and admired her from early childhood. A devoted wife, the
inseparable companion of a twin sister, stricken on the threshold of maternity,
her going was of peculiar sadness. The funeral was held on Monday
aafternoon from her late home on St. James Street, conducted by the Rev. E. J.
Rosengrant, who officiated at her wedding the day before Thanksgiving, six years
ago. In the flower enshrouded casket were the remains also of the infant
daughter for whom her life was given. Burial was in Hope cemetery.
(Handwritten date 1902)
This community was startled by the sad announcement of the death of Mrs.
Dr. O. S. Nye. She died at 6:30 o’clock Monday afternoon. Although
she had been sick for some time, no one thought of her death so soon. Mrs.
Nye was a lady that was loved by all who knew her. She was ever ready to
help those in need. She was often found by the bedside of the sick and
suffering. She will be greatly missed by her family and the
community at large. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband two daughters
and one son, besides brothers and sisters, and the whole community where she has
lived over twenty-one years. Funeral at 2 on Thursday from the house.
Mrs. Hannah Johns Gould died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Myron
Webster, in Jackson, on July 25, 1908, after an illness of more than a year,
although confined to her bed only two weeks. Her illness was cancer of the
throat, causing her untold suffering, yet it was all borne with patience and
Christian fortitude, her greatest anxiety being for the welfare of loved ones
ministering to her. She talked calmly of the future, arranged all her
earthly affairs, and attended to the details of her funeral, selecting the text
for the sermon, hymns, etc. Several days before her death she called her
children to her bedside, giving them such Christian counsel and advice, that
they should so live as to be permitted to one day come to her. Mrs. Gould
was born in Cayuga county, N. Y., October 2, 1846. She leaves to mourn
their loss four children, Mrs. Myron Webster, of Jobs Corners; Mrs. Theodore
Crumm, and George and Glenn Gould, of Rutland; one sister, mrs. J. B. Johns, of
Webb city, Mo., and one brother, Henry Johns, of Tioga. She was a member
of the Jobs Corners Baptist church. The funeral was held from the Rutland
Baptist church on Monday, July 27, at 1 o’clock, the Rev. S. Barrett, her
pastor, and Rev. Foster, of Daggett, officiating. Burial in Rutland
Mrs. Ada C. Gould died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Minnie Gould, 55
Gould street, Saturday evening at 7:15 o’clock, aged fifty-seven years.
She is survived by a son, Willard L. Gould; her mother, Bernet Mathews both of
Elmira; three sisters, Mrs. Minnie Gould, Mrs. A. C. Keat, both of Elmira, and
Mrs. L. J. Fish, of Big Flats; five brothers, Floyd, Marsh and Herbert Marsh of
Elmira; Sewellyn Marsh and Hugh Marsh of Jackson Summit, Pa. she was a
member of the first Methodist Church of Elmira. A prayer service will be
held at the home of Mrs. Minnie Gould, 55 Gould street, Tuesday morning at
10:30. The funeral will be held at the Methodist Episcopal Church, Beaver
Dams, at 2 o’clock, the Rev. John Richards will officiate. Burial in
Beaver Dams cemetery. (Handwritten date Feb. 24, 1923)
Myron Webster died this morning at his home in Jackson Township. He
is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lourinda Gould Webster, and a brother, Fred
Webster, of Rutland. A prayer service will be held Friday at 1:30 p.m. at
the home and services at the church at Jobs Corners at 2 p.m. Burial will
be in the Watson Cemetery at Roseville. (Handwritten date 1938)
Naam T. Gould died at the home of his son, George Gould in Richmond, March
1st, 1916. On Saturday morning he arose feeling well as usual, ate a
hearty breakfast and went to the barn to help do the chores, when suddenly he
was stricken with paralysis; although able to walk to the house, he gradually
grew worse and peacefully died the following Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Polly Johns arrived in town from Missouri on Saturday evening to visit
her brother, Henry Johns, and family. On Sunday evening she was taken alarmingly
ill with what appeared to be a stoppage of the bowels, and gradually grew worse,
although everything possible was done to relieve her suffering until Wednesday
afternoon, when she expired. Decedent was 68 years old, and is survived by
her brother mentioned, who had not seen her before this visit for thirty years.
The funeral will be held from the house this (Friday) afternoon at 2 o’clock.
The Rev. George G. Borroughs officiating; burial in Evergreen cemetery—Tioga
Argus (Handwritten date 1912)
Mrs. Theresa Johns died Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock at the home of Mrs.
Mary Johns, on St. James street. A prayer service will be held at the home
Thursday morning at 11 o’clock; interment in Williamsport, with services at
Wildwood Chapel at 2:30 p.m., Reverend John H. Stanton, pastor of the
Presbyterian church, officiating. She is survived by a daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Mary Johns, and five grandchildren, Theresa, Robert, Winthrop, Wilbur and
Eleanor Johns. (Real Name MOREHOUSE)
Mrs. Lorinda Gould Dunbar, 25, died unexpectedly Saturday morning at 5:30
o’clock at the family home in East Troy, Pa. She is survived by her
husband, Willis Dunbar, a daughter, Virginia May; the parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Gould of Mansfield, Pa.; a sister, Mrs. John Gustin of Burlington,
Pa.; two brothers, Wells Gould of Dunkirk; Alfred Gould of Florida. The
funeral will be held today at 2 p.m. in the Baptist Church at East Troy, Pa.
Burial in Glenwood Cemetery, Troy, Pa. (Handwritten date Nov.18, 1933)
Mrs. Ida Benson VanNess died this morning at the family home in Mansfield,
Pa., after a few hours illness of pneumonia. She is survived by her
husband and several children of Mansfield; also a brother, A. E. Benson of this
city. The funeral will be announced later. (Handwritten date 1918)
JOHNS --- ROCKWELL, MRS. SYLVIA [SRGP 07604] Mainesburg Cemetery
Mrs. Sylvia Rockwell died at the home of her son, Sam B. Rockwell in Grays
Valley, Friday morning, March 14, following an illness of one week, which
confined her to her bed only one day. Her sudden death came as a shock to
her relatives and friends. Mrs. Rockwell was born September 5, 1836 in
Sullivan, Tioga Co., Pa. She was the only daughter of Seeley and Miriam
Johns, five brothers having preceded her to the Great Beyond. She was
educated at Alfred, N. Y., afterward teaching in the schools of Sullivan
Township until her marriage to Allan Rockwell on March 2, 1856 who died
September 4th, 1875, leaving her with the heavy responsibilities of the farm,
which she managed until her children were able to relieve her of the burden.
She then retired to the “old homestead” where she spent the remainder of her
life until the past few months. She is survived by two sons Burt J.
Rockwell of Towanda, Pa., and Sam B. Rockwell of Grays Valley, four
grandchildren Allan Rockwell of Towanda, Pa., and Sylvia, Alice and Warren
Rockwell of Gray Valley, besides several nieces and nephews. She was a
loving and thoughtful mother, kind and generous to all. (Handwritten
date 1919)
Although the community was aware of the serious illness and removal to a
hospital in Rochester two weeks ago of Miss Elma Johns, it was not prepared for
the shock of the announcement of her death, which occurred there, after a
surgical operation at 9:30 o’clock Turesday evening. Miss Johns was about
22 years of age and had lived nearly all her life in this village, where she was
highly esteemed by all. She is survived by her parents, two sisters and
one brother, besides many other relatives, nearly all living in this village and
nearby places. The funeral will be held this afternoon from the house at
1:30 o’clock and from St. Andrew’s church at 2 p.m. Burial will be in
Evergreen cemetery. Tioga Argus..(Handwritten date 1911)
Mansfield. Dec. 31—Royal Gould, a former resident of this section died at
his home at Long Point, Ill., Dec. 7, at the age of 80 years. He was the
son of Philander and Patience Gould, who were pioneer settlers of Bailey Creek,
where Mr. Gould spent his early years. About 50 years ago he went West and
became one of the prosperous farmers of Illinois. He is a cousin of Mrs.
Rosetta Hayward, of Mansfield.
Corning. May 11-William Edward Benson died at the Corning Hospital at 6
o’clock this morning as the result of the injuries he suffered when he was
struck by an E. C. & W. Car while seeking to avoid being hit by an automobile
passing in the street. Coroner Herbert B. Smith, who investigated the case
to-day has decided that an inquest will not be necessary in the case, as
everything indicates that the accident is one for which no one except Benson
could be blamed. Benson, the Coroner found, was walking on the wrong side
of the road at the time of the accident, and when he turned to permit the
automobile to pass he necessarily turned towards the car tracks. He was so
close to these that the front end of the car struck him as it passed.
Coroner Smith learned that Motorman William Piper, of Elmira, was not driving
the street car at an excessive speed at the time of the accident. The
Coroner has the word for this of eye-witnesses of the accident who were not on
the car itself. William Benson was employed for many years as a yard
foreman for he had been employed by the Corning Building Company as a teamster.
He had been twice married, his first wife having died a number of years ago.
He is survived by a widow in Corning; by four children by his former marriage:
Blanche, Elma, Leda and Harmon Benson, all of Mansfield, Pa.; by two brothers,
Henry Benson of Mansfield, Pa. and Franklin Benson, of Blosburg, Pa., and by two
sisters, Mrs. S. Miller, of Mansfield, Pa., and Mrs. Charles King, of Roseville.
The funeral arrangements will be announced later. The remains are to be
taken elsewhere for interment. (Handwritten date 1915)
Mrs. Emeline Porter, 88, widow of Daniel Porter, who was a Civil War
veteran, died Tuesday at 9 a.m. at the home of her son, Barton Porter, at
Gillett, Pa. She is survived by three sons, J. L. , Wallace and Barton of
Gillett, Pa.; two daughters, Mrs. Jane Faulkner of Corning, Mrs. Lydia Forrest
of Troy, Pa.; two brothers, Amos Sargeant of Roseville, Pa., Royal Sargeant of
Wheelerville, Pa.; 17 grandchildren; 27 great-grandchildren; one
great-great-grandchild. The remains will be placed in the receiving vault
at Troy, Pa., and the funeral will be held at a later date, when the roads are
opened at Shunk, Pa. (Handwritten date April 16, 1929)
The funeral of John Gould, 53, was held at his home Saturday afternoon.
He leaves his widow and six daughters, Mr. Gould had recently removed his family
from Beaver Dam to the Ed Berry farm, south of Burdett. He was stricken,
suddenly while at his work. The Rev. Clyde Rosecrans preached the funeral
sermon. Burial was in the Bear Dam Cemetery.
Sanford Johns, aged 82, died at the Blossburg hospital Friday, Feb. 7th
after an extended illness although he had been in the hospital two weeks.
He is survived by two sons, Samuel E. Johns, of Painter Run, and Louis F. Johns,
of Jackson Summit, three daughters, Mrs. Paul Waltz and Mrs. Ernest Waltz,
Pickel Hill, and Mrs. Lou McConnell of Dykes Mills, sixteen grandchildren and
three great-grandchildren. The funeral was held from his late home at
Painter Run, Tuesday at two o’clock, p.m. the Rev. Carl Chatterton, pastor of
the Free Methodist Church at Painter Run, officiating. Burial was in the
family plot at Lawrence Corners.
The remains of Emmet Johns, aged 20 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace
Johns, were recently brought from Manhattan to Lawrence Corners for interment in
Rural cemetery. The decedent had been employed as a machinist in
Rochester, N.Y., until about two months ago, when he was obliged to resign his
position on account of ill health. His death came as a shock to his family
and friends, as he was not supposed to be in any immediate danger. He is
survived by his parents, four sisters, Mrs. Harry Sutton, Mainesburg; Mrs.
Hulsey Wheeler, Arnot; Lena Johns, Armenia; Lucy Johns, Manhattan, and two
brothers, James of Presho and Oley, of Somers Lane.
Mrs. Henry Warters departed this life last Thursday morning, Nov. 3d at 5
o’clock, at her home in Lambs Creek, after an illness of about one year.
Her maiden name was Lida Gould. She was born in Rutland township, Tioga
county, Pa. Sept. 25, 1857. On July 3d, 1877, she was married
to henry Warters. To them seven children were born, six of whom are
living, one having died when 5 years old. Those left to mourn their loss
are her husband and the following children: Alfred, George, Kittie,
Bertha, Clarence, and Mark, all at home, save one. The funeral was held at
the Lambs Creek M. E. Church last Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock, of which the
deceased was a member for many years. She was a loving wife and mother and
a good neighbor, always happy in doing a kind act or in helping any person in
need or distress. She will be missed by all who knew her. Burial was
in Hope cemetery, Mansfield, the Rev. Theron Green, of the Mansfield M. E.
Church, officiating.
Lafayette Gould died Monday at 10:30 a.m. at the family home, 200 Caldwell
Avenue, aged sixty-nine years. He is survived by his widow Mrs. Alda (?)
Gould, a son, Willard at home; three brothers, R. B. Gould, a resident of
Illinois, Frank and Floyd residents of Michigan. A prayer service will be
held at the home Wednesday at 11 o’clock and will be private. A service
will be held at the M. E. Church in Beaver Dams at 2 p.m. Burial in the
Beaver Dams cemetery. (Handwritten date 1921)
Tioga, Pa., Sept. 11—Henry A. Johns died at his home on Wellsboro street
Sept. 3, after a long illness. Mr. Johns was born Jan. 25, 1852, near
Auburn, N.Y. He was taken to Michigan by his parents, and came to Tioga as
a young man, where he married Celestia A. Ellis, Nov 26, 1871. She died
some years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Johns went to Michigan for a time, but
returned to Tioga, where they resided for over 45 years. The decedent is
survived by two daughters, Mrs. Lula Berg and Mrs. Bertha Engler both of Tioga
and two grandchildren. The funeral was held from the late home Sept. 15,
the Rev. Dr. William C. McCormick officiating and interment was in Evergreen
Cemetery. (Handwritten date 1926)
The community was saddened last week to learn of the death of mrs. Rosetta
Hayward, of this boro, which occurred Tuesday evening, February 22, 1927, at
8:30 o’clock, at her home on Wilson avenue. She was born in Rutland
township on December 27, 1849. Her parents were Otis and Matilda Benson.
She was married to Sanford Jones, deceased, man years ago, and to this union
were born two daughters, Ella, deceased in early childhood, and Mrs. Theresa
Johns Gould, at home. Her entire life was spent in and about Rutland
township and Mansfield boro. Mrs. Hayward was loved by all who knew her,
thru her suffering, her presence full of sunshine and cheer, she will be missed
by all who kenw her, and to the loved ones at home who have cared for her so
lovingly all through the weeks of her illness. She leaves to mourn her
loss, a daughter, Mrs. Theresa Gould, one granddaughter, Mrs. Armina Boyce, and
one great grandson; two brothers, Lyman C. Benson, of Roseville, and Otis J.
Benson, of Millerton. We cannot utter words of praise too great in behalf
of the departed. We can truthfully say of her that she was a woman who
possessed many noble traits of character. She was kind and charitable, a
faithful wife, a loving and dutiful mother, a good true neighbor. Her
constant aim in life was to live the life of a Christian. Many can testify
to the many acts of kindness she has done for them. She will be missed by
many of us who have learned to love her next to a mother, and may we try to
imitate her good example and heed the good advice given by her. The
funeral was held Saturday, February 26, from the M. E. Church in Roseville,
though she was long an active and earnest member of the Bailey Creek church.
Rev. H. G. Stearns, of mansfield, officiated, who choose as his text II Timothy,
4-7. The floral tributes expressed beautifully the high regard in which
Mrs. Hayward was held. The flowers were without equal, both as to numbers
and beauty. She was tenderly borne to the last resting place in Watson
cemetery by her nephews, Messrs. Merritt Cook, Minor Cook, Charles Benson,
Halsley Benson, Norman Benson, George Benson.
Philander M. Gould died at his home, 55 Gould street, Elmira, Sunday, and
was buried at his hold home at Lawrence Corners yesterday. He is survived
by his widow and one son, Almond M., two grandchildren, four brothers,
Lafayette, of Elmira, Royal, of Illinois, and Frank and Floyd of Michigan.
The deceased was a resident of Rutland for many years but left there three years
ago and moved to Elmira where he had pruchased a plot of ground and laid it out
in city building lots. Mr. Gould was an invalid for two years. About
six months ago he underwent an operation and had gradually failed until his
death. He was aged 65 years, 5 months and 20 days.