The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery

Tri County Clippings- Page One Hundred Fifty Six

 On Saturday afternoon, May 14, the Elk Run church basement was the scene of a very pretty and delightful occasion when the girls of the True Blue class entertained their mothers and other ladies of the community.  On entering the women found themselves in a room elaborately decorated in blue and gold and after a hearty welcome and some visiting together the girls, with Dorothy Smith in charge, held their regular meeting consisting of business, mission study, and a short program of readings in honor of mother then all were ushered to the tables which were beautifully decorated in the class colors, blue, white and gold.  The colors were used not only in the flowers, favors, napkins and place cards (very cleverly hand painted by Ellen Garrison) but in the tempting lunch which was served.  In the center of the guest table on a blue decorated standard was placed a huge white and gold cake (most artistically designed by Hazel Reynolds), the top layer being a heart and on it the word “Mother”.  During the lunch the girls all joined in songs and yells and a most excellent short speech was given by Hazel Reynolds, in behalf of the class, with a seemingly perfect response from the women by Mrs. Henry Beardslee.  Following a few remarks by Mrs. Louis Tears, teacher of the class, all were dismissed by singing “Blest Be the Tie That Binds”.  There were about thirty-five present despite the thunderstorms and all expressed their appreciation of a most delightful time.  (Handwritten date 1932)

 Living at Mainesburg, Pa., are:  Seated, Orin Smith; Mrs. Bessie Chamberlain, his daughter; Mrs. Ted Wilcox, great-granddaughter of Mr. Smith, holding her son Gordon, who is a great-great-grandson of Mr. Smith.  Standing, Rex Chamberlain, son of Mrs. Chamberlain and father of Mrs. Wilcox.

 Mr. James Gurney Frasier, age 74, of 1680 Penna Ave., Pine City, Tuesday Dec. 1, 1970 at Port Orange, Fla.  Friends are invited to call at the Olthof Funeral Home, Friday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.  Funeral there Saturday at 10:30 a.m., the Rev. James Collee officiating, Woodlawn Cemetery.  Survived by wife, Mrs. Sarah M. Frasier; daughters, Mrs. Jeannette Frasier Keyser of Pine City, Mrs. Kathleen Frasier Rathbun of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla; grandchildren, Catherine, Douglas and James Rathbun all of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla; Richard and Sarah Keyser both of Pine City.  Mr. Frasier was a member of North Presbyterian Church; Union Lodge No. 95 F&AM; Corning Consistory; Cashmere Grotto; Harry B. Betley Post of American Legion; Webb Mills Volunteer Fire Dept.; was a veteran of Wold War 1.

 Participating in mortgage-burning ceremony at East Sullivan Grange of Chandlersburg, Pa., were from left:  Mrs. John Toothaker, chaplain; Mrs. Wilbur Smith, assistant lady steward; George F. Ruth, executive committee; Mrs. Glenn Brace, secretary; Mrs. Oscar Sherman, lecturer; Lawrence Button, district state deputy; Raymond Van Zile, past master; Stuart Ream, Pomona master; Roland Smith, master; Warren Nash, past master; Gilbert Furman, past master; Harold Hulslander, treasurer; Wilbur Smith, assistant steward; Glenn Brace, past master.

 Around fifty friends and neighbors attended a farewell party, held in the elk run church Annex on Saturday eve. July 11, for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilcox and family who are leaving next week for Ithaca, N.Y. where they will reside.  A program of fun directed by Mrs. Louis Tears and her daughter, Sue preceded refreshments.  Gifts were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox and Miss Joan Wilcox and a wedding gift was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Wilcox, who were recently married.  Mr. J. A. McConnell by whom Mr. Wilcox has been employed as manager of his chicken farm and Mr. Lynn Williams spoke fittingly concerning the merits of the Wilcox’s and of the high esteem in which they are held by the entire community.  Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox graciously responded.

 Front row, from left:  The Rev. Orey Crippen, Archie Benson, Mansfield; W. C. Bailey, Columbia Cross Roads and Raymond Van Zile, Snedekerville.  Rear row:  Norman Tears Jr., Snedekerville; Thomas Wood, Mansfield; Clarence Bailey, Towanda; Lee D. Tice, Mansfield; Olen Smith Sr., Canton and L. P. Wood, Mansfield.

 Canton—Two services were held Aug. 15, at the century old Rutland Hill Methodist church annual meeting with about 80 attending the afternoon session.  At the 11 p.m. service congregational singing was enjoyed and Fred Jupenlaz, Mansfield, great-grandson of Jesse Smith, one of the organizers of the church in 1840, was guest speaker.  Mr. Jupenlaz is a teacher at Mansfield State Teachers’ College and active in Civil Defense work in Tioga County.  Archie Benson, Mansfield, was chairman of the afternoon program in the absence of the Rev. Frease Hess of Benton, Pa.  Mrs. Bertha Bailey presented the musical program:  vocal duet, Mrs. Bailey and John Wood; violin and organ duet, Misses Daisy and Genevieve Avery, Mansfield, accordian solo, Libby Wright, Millerton; vocal solo, Carol Jean Sterling; vocal duet, Mrs. Harriet Ayres and Mrs. Eleanor Morse, Elmira.  John Benson sang two solos.  Mrs. Sophronia Bailey, Troy, was organist.  The Rev. Orey Crippen of the Coryland Presbyterian Church delivered the sermon.  Mr. Crippen conducted services at the Rutland Hill church during 1916.  An offering was taken toward the expense of keeping up the old church  Through the years the trustees wisely have refrained from "improving" the church so the furnishings are those originally installed.  Four chandeliers each holding four antique oil lamps provide light when necessary.  Two small iron chunk-wood stoves stand one on either side of the large room with many feet of black stovepipe running from them and connecting at a large drum in front of and above the pulpit to diffuse extra heat before entering the chimney.  The original wide board floor and square backed pews are still in good condition.  A reed organ provides adequate accompaniment for congregational singing and soloists.  Relieving the plainness of white plastered walls is a framed certificate stating a chapter of the Epworth League was organized there March 23, 1893.  The exceptionally fine toned bell can be heard for miles.  Older members present recalled vivid memories of days when the church was crowded for revival services; when “singing school” was held there and of the fine training they received in the Sunday school.  Many stated the tiny wood stoves really heated the building in cold weather.  The Rutland Hill Methodist Church was organized in 1840 and for a time meetings were held in homes and briefly in a barn.  The present edifice was probably built in 1843 on a plot of land donated by the Rev. Mansfield.  Raymond C. VanZile, one of the present trustees whose land surrounds the church, states that it truly is “founded on a rock” as the ground on which the church stands is solid rock, while fields on all sides are nearly free of stones.  Original trustees were Jesse Smith, Arad Smith, Samuel Willson, the Rev. Mr. Mansfield, the Rev. Mr. Hodge and James Dunn.  Present trustees are the Rev. Frease Hess, Benton, Pa., president; Archie Benson,  Mansfield, vice president; Thomas Wood, Mansfield, treasurer; W. C. Bailey, Columbia Cross Roads; Raymond C. VanZile, Snekederville; Herman Tears, Jr., Snedekerville; Clarence Bailey, Townada; Lee D. Tice, Mansfield; L. P. Wood, Mansfield and Olen Smith, Sr. Canton.  These men meet between the morning and afternoon services of the annual meeting to discuss plans for the upkeep of the old church.

WILSON, MRS. JAMES  Clarissa Robbins (SRGP 7145)
 Mrs. Clara A. Wilson, 73, died Monday morning at the family home in Austinville, Pa.  She is survived by her husband, James Wilson and the following children.  Samuel of Austinville, Pa.; Mrs. Bertha Bailey of Columbia Cross Roads, Pa.; Manley of Austinville, Pa., 13 grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren.  The funeral will be held Thursday at 2:30 p.m. in the Baptist Church at Austinville, Pa.  The Revs. Glen Dewey and James Carter will officiate.  Burial in the Besley Cemetery.

 Mrs. Hiram H. Wilson died at her home in Mansfield Thursday, August 14, at the age of seventy-five years.  Death came after a brief illness.  Mrs. Wilson’s death will be a great loss, as she was a much-loved woman, always leading a Christian life, lending a helping hand whenever it was needed.  She endeared herself to everyone who knew her.  She was the daughter of Sally and Tristram Smith, of Rutland.  She was married to Mr. Wilson in 1869, three children being born to them.  She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, one daughter, Mrs. H. B. Rose, one brother, Ira Smith, seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.  Mrs. Wilson’s funeral was held at the Roseville M. E. church Sunday, where she had been a member for over fifty years.  Burial was in the Watson Cemetery at Roseville.

 Hiram Wilson died at his home in Mansfield on Friday morning, December 28, 1928.  Mr. Wilson was born in Rutland, Pa., June 26, 1851, the eldest son of William Soloma Howe Wilson.  His parental ancestors came from New Jersey and made a settlement in Rutland township.  Nearly all his life he resided in or near Rutland.  He moved to Mansfield in 1919.  He was married to Emily Smith, June 6, 1868.  To this union were born two sons, Bert and Lafayette, both deceased; and a daughter, Mrs. Herman Rose, with whom Mr. Wilson lived since the death of his wife in August 1924.  Mr. Wilson was most highly esteemed by all who knew him.  He had many friends and was a kind and thoughtful neighbor.  It is a great loss to the community when such a beautiful character is taken away.  Mr. Wilson’s death was caused by a paralytic stroke.  He was ill three weeks and his passing out was quiet and peaceful.  He is survived by his daughter, Mrs. Herman Rose, of Mansfield; seven grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Carrie Van Zantt, of Elmira, N.Y.; a brother, James Wilson, of Troy, Pa.  The funeral services were held Sunday, December 28, at the Roseville Methodist Church, the Rev. Orey Crippen officiating; interment was in Watson Cemetery, Roseville.  The pall bearers were Adelbert Allis, William Wheeler, Otis Cook, and B. A. Harris.

 Mrs. Lucy D. Brace, aged 58, died Monday, April 1, at 6:45 a.m. at her home at Lawrence Corners, following an illness of four weeks.  The daughter of Joseph and Julia Smith Tanner, she was born at Rutland Hill November 13, 1876, and spent her entire life in that vicinity.  November 27, 1894, she was united in marriage to Harry G. Brace, of Rutland.  A woman of sturdy Christian character, a devoted wife and a kind neighbor, Mrs. Brace leaves a host of friends to mourn her loss.  She was a member of the Lawrence Corners Baptist Church.  Besides her husband she is survived by seven daughters, Mrs. Edith Smith, Painted Post; Mrs. Edward J. Smith, Beaver Falls; Mrs. Harold Cole, Ithaca, N.Y.; Mrs. Edson Wetmore, Wellsboro; Misses Winifred and Eloise Brace, Wellsboro, and Frances, at home; five sons, Glen and Boyd of Mansfield; Harold, Gordon and Sterling, at home.  The funeral was held today at 2 p.m. at the family home, the Rev. Orey Crippen, of Tioga, officiating.  Interment in the Watson Cemetery, Roseville.  (Handwritten date 1935)

 Louise Horton, widow of the late Harvey Horton, died this morning shortly after 1 o’clock, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. M. Birkett, in Extension street.  Death followed a fortnight’s illness.  Mrs. Horton was in her 63d year.  She was a long time member of the M. E. church, faithful to the duties and demands of that membership.  In the home circle she was ever the devoted, solicitous wife and mother, and was an estimable woman in all walks of life.  There survive, two daughters—Mrs. D. M. Birkett, of Mansfield, and Mrs. John P. LeBarron, of Elmira, N.Y.; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Ransom Bryant; one stepson, Bruce Horton; two brothers, henry and John Makely, of Rutland, and three sisters, Mrs. Jonathan Wood, of Sylvania; Mrs. G. Washington Reynolds, of Roseville, and Mrs. Horace Smith, of Rutland.  She was preceded to the better world by two children—Freddie and Hattie.  The funeral will be held from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Birkett on Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock.  Interment in Hope cemetery.

 Walter H. Smith, age 78, of Millerton RD died Monday, Aug. 3, 1964.  He was a member of the Roseville Baptist Church and the Jobs Corners Grange and a charter member of the Tri-County Rural Electric Cooperative.  Survived by wife, Nora E. Smith at home: sons, Boyd and Wilbur of Mansfield, Warren of Wellsboro, daughters, Mrs. Myrtle Trowbridge and Mrs. Geraldine Brewer of Millerton  RD; sister, Mrs. Lucy Stone of Elmira; 13 grandchildren; 10 great grandchildren.  Body is at the Shaw & Robena Funeral Home where calling hours will be Thursday: 3 to 5 and 7 to 9.  Funeral service will be held there Friday at 2 p.m. with Rev. Orey Crippen officiating.  Burial will be in Watson Cemetery, Roseville.

 Sarah E. Styres Smith, 80, died Thursday, August 28, 1938 at the home in Sullivan Township.  Mrs. Smith was born in Sullivan Township May 25, 1858, and spent her entire life in that vicinity.  November 6, 1879 she was married to Orrin Alonzo Smith who with the following children, survives her:  Mrs. Jennie L. Hotchkiss, Mainesburg; Wellon J. Smith, Jackson Center; Grant I and Tracey W. Smith, Mansfield, and Hugh M. of South Williamsport; two grandchildren, Rachel and Lyle Smith; one sister, Mrs. Jesse Marsh of Bath, N.Y. and several nieces and nephews.  Funeral services which were largely attended, were held at the home Sunday at 2:30 p.m., the Rev. Homer Cole, pastor of the Mainesburg Methodist Church, officiating.  Burial was in the Mainesburg Cemetery.

 Orrin Alonzo Smith, 62, died at 1:30 a.m. Friday Dec. 2, 1938, at his home in Sullivan Township following an extended illness.  The son of John and Harriet Reynolds Smith, he was born in Rutland Township and passed his entire life in this vicinity.  Nov. 6 (?) 1879 (?) he married Miss Sarah Styres who died August 25, 1938.  Mr. Smith was an experienced butter maker and was employed in that capacity by the West Sullivan Creamery Company a cooperative organization of farmers that operated a creamery for many years on land adjoining Mr. Smith’s farm.  Mr. Smith was highly esteemed if this community where he spent a long and useful life.  Surviving are daughters, Mrs. Jennie L. Hotchkiss of Mainesburg, four sons, Wellon J. Smith of Jackson Center, Grant and Tracey of Mansfield and Hugh M. of South Williamsport; two grandchildren Lyle and Rachel Smith and several nephews and nieces.  The funeral was held Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at the home, the Rev. Homer E. Cole pastor of the Mainesburg Methodist Church officiating.  Burial was in Mainesburg.

 William O. Wells, of Buffalo, 58 years old, died at the State Hospital, Blossburg, last Saturday of pernicious anemia.  His funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the residence of F. L. Jennings, 354 Maple avenue, Elmira, Reverend G. A. Baldwin, pastor of Mansfield Methodist Episcopal church, assisted by Dr. John B. Shaw, of Elmira College officiating.  Burial was made in Woodlawn cemetery.  Mr. Wells had been at the hospital since April 13, 1917.  William O. Wells was born in Jackson township and graduated at M. S. N. S. In the class of 1880.  He frequently made short visits here.  He was a brother-in-law of L. M. Palmer, of this place.  Surviving Mr. Wells are one daughter, Lenore, a student at Elmira College, one brother, C. S. Wells of Trenton, N. J. And one sister, Mrs. John Lane, of Jackson Summit.  Union Lodge, F. & A. M., 96, of Elmira, of which deceased was a member, had charge of the funeral and burial.  Mr. Wells was a member of Richmond Avenue Methodist church of Buffalo.  The following members of Friendship Lodge, F. & A. M., of Mansfield, attended the funeral.  W. W. Allen, L. M. Palmer, M. H. Shepard, A. H. Vosburg, G. L. Palmer, J. E. Farrer, J. S. Hoard, Charles McDowell, F. A. Clark and G. L. Strait.  Mrs. L. M. Palmer also attended the funeral.  (Handwritten date 1917)

WELLS, MRS. WILLIAM O. Harriet Palmer (SRGP 8560)
 Mrs. William O. Wells died yesterday morning at 3 o’clock at the family home in Buffalo, after a week’s illness of pneumonia.  The decedent was forty-three years old.  Before her marriage she was Miss Harriet Palmer of Rutland, Pa.  Mr. and Mrs. Wells and daughter, resided in Elmira about 15 years.  Two years ago yesterday they removed to Buffalo to reside.  While in Elmira Mrs. Wells was an active member of the First Methodist Episcopal church and was a practical Christian woman.  As a wife and mother Mrs. Wells was devoted, self-sacrificing, with all those womanly characteristics which endear, enrich and make up a true home.  Among her associates she exemplified the Master she lovingly followed, and the sunlight of her countenance illumined any social gathering.  The decedent is survived by her husband, William O. Wells, who was formerly associated at the F. L. Jennings store on State street; a daughter Lenore, her father, Charles E. Palmer of Rutland, Pa., and a brother, Lewis M. Palmer of Mansfield, Pa.  The remains were removed to Elmira today and were taken to the home of  Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Jennings, 614 West Church street, where the funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock.  The Rev. A. J. Saxe, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church, will officiate.  The burial will be in Woodlawn cemetery.  (Handwritten date 1912)

 Mrs. Charlotte Chamberlain, an aged lady of Rutland, died on Monday.  She was the mother of Mr. Thomas Chamberlain, of Mainesburg, and six other sons.  She will be buried tomorrow (Thursday.)  (Handwritten date 1904)

MC MCLURE, MRS. W. A. Julia M. Wolfe (SRGP 8738)
 This community was startled with sad intelligence of the death of Mrs. W. A. McClure.  She died Thursday afternoon.  The funeral was held at the house Sunday at noon on account of the illness, Mr. McClure not being able to attend at the church.  The services were very impressive.  Sermon by Rev. C. Crowl of Tioga, assisted by Rev. Stoker of the M. E. church and Gates of the Baptist church.  The burial was in charge of Monroe Miller of Millerton.  Interment in Watson cemetery.  That Mrs. McClure was a faithful wife, a loving mother and a kind neighbor was manifested by the large concourse of sympathizing friends and neighbors who followed her remains to the cemetery.  She leaves to mourn her loss a husband and three sons, Shef, Jay and Ben, and several grandchildren.

MC CLURE, MR. W. A. (SRGP 8737)
 Mr. W. A. McClure, a well known and long time resident of Rutland, died Monday night at his home.  His wife died some years ago.  Mr. McClure leaves three sons and a large circle of friends.

 The body of Lorenzo W. McClure, a prosperous farmer of Rutland, was found Monday afternoon hanging in the wagon shed on his farm.  There is no apparent reason for the act, unless it be that he had become mentally unbalanced over worry that his sons might be called to war.  Mr. McClure left the house about ten o’clock Monday forenoon, and as far as known was not seen alive after that hour.  Around one o’clock his dead body was found in a wagon shed where he had hanged himself.  Early in the fall of 1916 Mr. McClure’s son-in-law, Loren Noble, committed suicide by hanging.  Mr. McClure was a member of the Seeley Creek I. O. O. F. lodge.  He was one of Rutland’s most substantial and prosperous citizens.  His family, a wife, two sons and one daughter, are grief stricken over the sudden ending of Mr. McClure’s life.  His funeral will be held at his late home Thursday at ten o’clock and at the Baptist church of Roseville at eleven o’clock in the forenoon.  Mr. McClure was 53 years old and is survived by his wife, two sons, Ma?t and Will, and one daughter, Mrs. May Noble.

SOPER, ROY C. (SRGP 14662)
 Roy C. Soper, 63, of Sylvania, died at Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre at 11:05 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 29, 1940.  He had been a merchant for many years in Sylvania where he was a partner in the Soper and ?osher general store.  He leaves his wife, Lillian, at home, a son Rexford H. Soper, funeral director at Troy; a brother, Rexford R Soper; two sisters, Mrs. Ethel D. Hinds, of Missouri and Miss Metta B. Soper of Danville, Pa. And two nieces.  The body was taken late Monday to the Soper funeral home in Troy and from where the funeral was held today at 2 p.m.  The Rev. Orey Crippen officiated.  Burial in Besley Cemetery, near Columbia Cross Roads.

UPDYKE, MRS. MARY E. Kennedy (SRGP 14755)
 Mrs. Mary E. Updyke, 72, of 711 College Ave., ended her life by hanging in a clothes closet at her home this morning.  Her body was found by her daughter, Miss Maude Updyke, with whom she resided.  Miss Updyke told police her mother had been in poor health.  A verdict of suicide was given by Coroner S. Tracey Hamilton.

WILLIAMS, MRS. J. Martha Avery (SRGP 8583)
 The funeral of Mrs. J. Williams was held from the Baptist church in this place on September 2, and was largely attended, as the decedent had always lived near here, and will be remembered as Martha Avery.  She was twice married, her first husband, Frank Stout, having died on December 5, 1880, and by whom she had one daughter.  She was married to her present husband on September 9, 1883, who, with four daughters, Mrs. Guy Soper, Mrs. Earl Soper, Mrs. Thomas Armstrong, Mrs. George Kelley, and one step-son, Frank Williams, are left to mourn a faithful wife and mother.  Three brothers, George and Menzo Avery, of Elmira, and James Avery, of Sylvania, and a large circle of friends and neighbors join in sympathy for the bereaved family.  Mrs. Williams had been a sufferer for years, but bore her afflictions with great patience until at the age of 71 years and 10 months she passed to the Great Beyond to meet her God.  The Rev. S. Barrett officiated at the funeral, and appropriate hymns were sung by Mr. and Mrs. Roy James, John Wilcox, Miss Louisa Crippen, with Mrs. D. Watson as organist.

 Mrs. Alberta Wilcox Soper, wife of Roy Soper, died last Monday after a short illness with typhoid fever.  Mrs. Soper had been nursing her husband who was ill with the same disease, when she was stricken down with the fever.  With all that loving hands could do, and with the best medical skill the disease still made its propress, and at last the cord was broken, and the soul took its flight.  The funeral was largely attended from the Baptist church Wednesday afternoon, Rev. S. Barret officiating.  Mrs. Soper was held in high esteem by her many friends, as was evidenced by the many beautiful floral offerings.  She leaves a father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Wilcox, of Tioga, her husband and several brothers and sisters to mourn her loss. (Handwritten date  July 17)

 Orrin J. Furman died Saturday night at 8:40 o’clock at the Arnot Ogden Memorial Hospital, following a paralytic stroke.  Mr. Furman was 64 years old.  He lived at 355 West Clinton street, Elmira.  Mr. Furman is survived by his wife, Mrs. Katherine Furman; three sons, Attorney F. J. Furman, of butte, Montana; Harry H. Furman, local manager of the Empire Produce Company, and Orrin J. Furman, Jr., of Jobs Corners, Pa.; one brother, Everett J. Furman of Minnesota and one sister, Mrs. George Morrell, of Moshierville.  Mr. Furman had been in rather ill health for some time, but he was able to be about and visited the central section of the city Thursday on business.  He was strickenill suddenly Friday morning and immediately taken to the hospital where his condition grew worse until the end came Saturday night.  Mr. Furman was born in Elmira and during the active years of his life had been a prosperous farmer.  He retired a few years ago, returning to Elmira to make his home here.  Mr. Furman was a member of the First Methodist Episcopal church.  While retired from active farming, Mr. Furman was engaged in a small way in real estate and farm dealings.  The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'’lock at the residence, 355 West Clinton street.  Burial will be made in Woodlawn cemetery.—Elmira Advertiser

 William Andrew McConnell, of this boro, was found dead in his bed at an early hour Monday morning, having died during the night.  Heart failure was, without doubt, the cause of his death, as he was lying on his right side in exactly the same position he took on retiring the night before.  Death had apparently come to him within a few moments after lying down.  At the time of the railroad accident here last January,  Mr. McConnell was injured but not seriously.  Since then, however, his health had not been so robust as formerly, and at times he would be compelled to suspend work for a day or two.  His condition had at no time been considered alarming, and the news of his death came as a shock to the community.  William A. McConnell was born in Bradford county, Pa., October 23, 1847, and has lived in this vicinity for more than forty years past.  During the earlier years of his life he followed the occupation of farming, but for the past seventeen years had been in the employ of W. D. Rose, of this place.  Five years ago he moved to this boro and has resided here since.  He was held in high esteem by his fellow citizens and last spring completed a term as member of the boro council.  For years he had been a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and for several years past had been a member of its Official Board.  William A. McConnell was a good citizen, an honorable and open hearted man.  On April 27, 1871, he was married to Ellen A. Watson, of this boro, and seven children have blessed their union.  He is survived by his wife, three sons, Charles W. Of Mansfield, Herbert W., of Elmira, and Lee R., of Canton, and four daughters, Mrs. Claud Ely, of East Charleston, Minnie E., Dora E., and Mildred R., all of Mansfield.  Besides his wife and children, his aged mother and two brothers, Samuel B. And Allen N., both of Mansfield, also survive him.  The funeral services were held this afternoon at 2:00 o’clock, from his late residence, his pastor, Rev. Theron R. Green, officiating.  His remains were laid at rest in Oakwood cemetery.

 Mrs. Olive Tears, wife of I. N. Tears, was born on February 19, 1841, in Columbia township, Bradford county, and died on April 7, 1909, at her home in Sullivan township.  She was a daughter of Abraham I. and Delana Updike, who were among the early residents of Tioga county.  On August 19, 1867, she was united in marriage to I. N. Tears.  Mr and Mrs. Tears were blessed with five children—two daughters and three sons, Florence, wife of E. M. Shaw, of sullivan; Addie, wife of Ray Card, of Columbia X Roads; Burt and Herman C. Of Rutland, and Oscar W. Tears, at home.  They with the husband and nine grandchildren, and one brother, H. C. Updike of  Sullivan, and other relatives, mourn the calling from their presence of one who, as wife, mother and friend, was to every duty faithful, in all good works abundant.  For the past year or more, Mrs. Tears has been gradually failing in health, and for several weeks husband and children had realized that the parting soon must come.  Their solace in the great bereavement that has come may be ??? that all that loving hearts could prompt or willing service render, was done for the comfort of her who had done so much for them.  She was a woman of excellent character, esteemed in life and mourned in death.  The funeral was held on Sunday April 11, at 1 p.m., from the home, and was attended by a large circle of relatives and friends.  Burial was in the Mainesburg cemetery.  The Rev. Mr. Fitzgerald, pastor of the Mainesburg M. E. church, officiated.  Hymns were sung by Mrs. York and Mrs. Slingerland, of Sylvania.  She died in peace, trusting fully in the blessed Savior.  Her memory is precious.

 The marriage of Miss Olive A. Cornwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer G. Cornwell of Mansfield, Pa., and Blair Lambert of Ulysses, Pa., took place Friday evening, June 30, at the home of the bride’s parents.  The ceremony was performed by Dr. Chester A. Feig of Mansfield, Pa., a member of the faculty of Mansfield State Teachers College.  Present were members of the two families and close relatives.  Both Mr. and Mrs. Lambert are graduates of Mansfield State Teachers College, class of 1938, and Mrs. Lambert is employed as instructor in home economics in the North York High School.  After their wedding trip, they will live for the summer months on Bailey Hill, Ulysses, Pa.

 John J. Benson, 89, of 801 Grove Street, suffered a fatal heart seizure in front of the Spillan Drug Store at 126 Lake Street about 11 o’clock this morning and died before medical aid could be summoned.  He was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital in the Hughes ambulance, but had expired before being received at the hospital.  Dr. S. Tracey Hamilton, city coroner, pronounced death due to acute dilatation of the heart.  He was identified by several letters in his pocket which bore his name and an address on East Center Street.  Investigation by the police disclosed that he resided with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hollenback, at 801 Grove Street.  He leaves a nephew, William H. Benson of Rochester.  Funeral announcement later.  (Handwritten date April 30, 1927)

 Willmot Baker died in the town of Horseheads Sunday at 10 a.m., aged sixty-six years.  He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Jason Smith of Erin; Mrs. Wayne Smith, of Mansfield, Pa., and Mrs. Henry Johnson, of Horseheads; three sons, John, of Alabama, Ralph, of Mosherville, Pa., Lester, of Kansas.  Funeral announcement later.  (Handwritten date 1913)

 Mr. John Benson, aged 76 years, and commonly known as young John, died at the home of his son-in-law, Mr. Rockwell, Tuesday, the 26th ult.  Mr. Benson is the third of our older residents to be taken from among us, all within three weeks.  He will be remembered by many because of his willingness always to help his fellow man to tide over any financial embarassment, often when he could not expect that his kindness would be reciprocated; thus showing he had confidence in his fellows and emphasizing the truth, “It’s more blessed to give than to receive.”   (Handwritten date 1901)

 Miss Amanda Updyke, of Rutland, whose friends have hoped against hope for her ultimate recovery, died last Saturday night after a heroic fight for life at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Updyke of consumption of the bowels, aged 19 years.  Deceased was a loveable girl and her untimely demise is a great blow to her parents.  She had been ill about six months.  (Handwritten date Aug. 1903).

 Mrs. Emeline Porter, 88, widow of Daniel Porter, who was a Civil War veteran, died Tuesday at 9 a.m. at the home of her son, Barton Porter, at Gillett, Pa.  She is survived by three sons, J. L. Wallace and Barton of Gillett, Pa.; two daughters, Mrs. Jane Faulkner of Corning, Mrs. Lydia Forrest of Troy, Pa.; two brothers, Amos Sargeant of Roseville, Pa., Royal Sargeant of Wheelerville, Pa.; 17 grandchildren; 27 great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild.   The body will be placed in the receiving vault at Troy, Pa., and the funeral will be held at a later date, when the roads are opened at Shunk, Pa.

 Mrs. Minerva M. Rouse Wood, wife of the Rev. G. R. Wood, died quietly at her home in Penn Yan, N.Y., on August 3.  Funeral services were held at the Free Methodist church of Painter Run, of which she became a member twenty years ago.  The deceased was born in Schuyler county, N.Y., in 1853 and came to Pennsylvania at the age of twelve years and resided with her parents on Pickle Hill until her marriage at the age of fifteen.  Five years ago she and her husband entered into Rescue Mission work and devoted her time and talent to the work of bringing souls to Christ.  In her last illness she was attended by five competent physicians, all agreeing that to them the cause of her illness was unknown.  Apparently her life work was ended and her Master had called her home.  Deceased is survived by her husband and nine children, Henry, Lamont and Mrs. Golda Sargeant of Corning, N.Y.; Joseph of Bailey Creek; Edgar and Leon, of Mainesburg, Mrs. Bertha Kristler, of Benton, N.Y., and Nellie and Faye at home.  She also leaves a brother, George and a sister, Mrs. Nelson Love of Mansfield.  (Handwritten date 1906)

 Stanley Newbry Benson, the only son of Anthony and Helen Newbry Benson, died July 20, 1904, aged 3 years.  His death was very sudden, having been sick but a few days with spinal memingitis.  The funeral services were held at the family home, and were conducted by Rev. Walker, of Daggett, who preached an excellent sermon from the text:  “God shall wipe away all tears.”  Beautiful selections were rendered by Misses Wilcox and Adams and Mrs. Lewis Palmer, and Messrs. Chas. Longwell and J. F. Wilcox.  The bearers were C. Humphrey Blood, Thomas Gillett, Guy Brown, Ernest Argetsinger.  Interment in Evergreen cemetery.

 On Saturday morning, August 21, 1926, our community was saddened by the death of Charles H. Hayward.  Although he had been in failing health for several years, he was taken suddenly worse on Sunday morning, the 15th.  While everything that loving hands could do was done, death came the following Saturday morning; his going was as the going down of the sun, so peaceful.  Mr. Hayward was born in West Danby, N. Y., September 19, 1844, thus he attained the age of nearly 82 years.  Mr. Hayward was a man of many sterling qualities, one who will be greatly missed, as he was always interested in the welfare and upbuilding of the community.  He was a member of Lawrence Corners M. E. Church; but best of all was a Christian man.  In his declining years he spent much time in reading his Bible and singing some beautiful hymn.  He often told his friends that he was only waiting until God called him home.  He leaves to mourn their loss, one daughter, Mrs. J. M. Frost; two brothers, Sidney, of Detroit, Mich., and Orleyette, of Mansfield, also one sister, of Detroit.  The funeral services were largely attended at the home on Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Kochler, of Daggett, officiating; interment in the family plot at Roseville.

PARSONS, MRS. FRED Minnie Veva Walker (SRGP 13718)
 Mansfield. Feb. 25—The Rev. W. D. Walker of Fulton, Mrs.Henry French of Millerton, Mrs. Willard J. Brace of Mansfield and Mrs. Elmer E. Wilson of Horseheads were called to Byrnedale recently by the death of their sister, Mrs. Reuben Smith.  While the family was assembled in the church for the funeral, a telegram arrived announcing the death of another sister, Mrs. Fred Parsons of New York City.

 At 7 o’clock p.m. on Wednesday, October 11, 1911, in Sullivan township, occurred the death of Isaac Nelson Tears, one of Sullivan’s most highly respected citizens.  He was in his 74th year.  Death was due to Bright’s disease.  The funeral was held from the home on Saturday afternoon at 1 o’clock, the Rev. Seymour Barrett officiating.  Burial was in the Mainesburg cemetery by the side of his wife, who died two years ago in April last.  Mr. Tears was the only son of Zopher A. And Lorinda Tears, who came to Sullivan township in an early day and settled on the farm where he was born and lived until his death.  He was honest in his dealings, kind hearted, a faithful father and husband, a good citizen, a man of good counsel, always ready to lend a helping hand in time of need.  He had served in many township offices, discharging the duties of the same with credit to himself.  He was married to Miss Olive Updyke, on August 19, 1867.  She was a true helpmate.  His last illness was severe, yet it was all borne with Christian fortitude, his greatest anxiety being for the welfare of his loved ones.  He talked calmly of the future, arranged all his earthly affairs, and attended to the details of his funeral, selecting the text for the funeral, and the casket bearers.  He is survived by two daughters and three sons—Florence A., wife of E. M. Shaw, of Sullivan’ Addie, wife of Ray Card, of Columbia X Roads; Burt and Herman C. Of Rutland, and Oscar W. Tears, at home; also a number of grandchildren and other relatives.  He was well acquainted with the Scriptures, and had stored away in memory many precious passages.  In his last days these were a great comfort to him, and how anxious he was that all should read and study the Bible.  (Handwritten date 1915)

 Henry Benson died Saturday morning at about 1:30 o’clock in the hospital at Blossburg where he had been taken Monday of last week to receive treatment for tuberculosis of the ???, from which he had suffered more or less for some time, having undergone operations for the removal of some of the toes of each feet some time ago.  Last week it was found that his condition had again became serious and he was taken to the hospital, but blood poisoning had also developed, and he, in connection with the other trouble, was also suffering with the flu, so the complications were too many for his weakened state of health, and he died as noted above.  Mr. Benson was born in Rutland township in 18??, and had resided in the vicinity of ??? most of his life.  He is survived by his wife and one daughter, Florence, three sisters, Cynthia Wheeler of Sylvania, Mary King of Rutland, Christiana Lamb of Mansfield, and one brother, Franklin Benson of Blossburg.  The funeral was held from the late home Tuesday, at 2:00 p.m., the Reverend Glenn A. Baldwin of the First Methodist Episcopal church of Mansfield officiating.

 Otis Jacob Benson, 85, died at the home of his youngest daughter, Josephine Wheeler, of Alder Run, Pa., Monday Jan. 2, 1939.  He leaves four daughters, Mrs. Jennie Crumb of Millerton, Mrs. Rose Ripley of Elmira, Mrs. Mathilde Pease of Gillett, Pa., and Mrs. Josephine Wheeler of Alder Run; six sons, Elmer Benson of Millerton, Emerson of Horseheads, Ashford of Mansfield, Bradford County Sheriff Norman Benson of Towanda, George of Mansfield and Homer of Lavonia, N.Y.; also 43 grandchildren and 28 great-grandchildren.  A prayer service will be held at the home of the daughter Thursday at 2 p.m. with the funeral service in the Millerton Church at 3 p.m.  Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira.

 Mrs. Lovina Lane Nurss, age 65, died at the family home at 533 Mt. Zoar Street, Sunday at 4 p.m.  She is survived by one son, Harry A. Nurss, two grandsons, Robert and Ronald.  Mrs. Nurss was a member of the Southside Baptist Church and a charter member of W. B. A. No. 212, Elmira.  The funeral will be held at 533 Mt. Zoar Street, Tuesday at 2 p.m.  The Rev. W. Allen will officiate.  Burial will be in Woodlawn.

 Tioga, April 5, Miss Elma Johns died at a hospital in Rochester last week, Tuesday evening, following a surgical operation.  She was about 22 years of age.  Most of her life was passed in Tioga, where she had many relatives and friends, by whom she was highly esteemed.  The funeral was held at St. Andrew’s Episcopal church Friday afternoon at 2 o’clcok.  Interment in Evergreen cemetery.

CRUMM, MRS. ABAGAIL Coleman (SRGP 54565)
 Corning. Feb. 14—Mrs. Abagail Crumm, wife of Reuben Crum, died Sunday afternoon at the home of her son, George Crum of West William street after a lingering illness.  Funeral services were held Monday afternoon and the body taken to Wellsboro, Pa., where the funeral was held Tuesday.  Mrs. Crumm lived in Wellsboro, Pa., for 22 years, coming to Corning six months ago.  Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Crumm would have celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary.  (Handwritten date 1923)

 Wellsboro, Feb. 21.—Reuben Crumm, 80, who died Saturday at the home of his son in Corning was a former resident of Wellsbor, Stokesdale and Roundtop.  His body was brought to Wellsboro Monday for burial.  He is survived by three children, George, Corning; William, Wellsboro; Mrs. H. L. Wetmore, Wellsboro, also a brother, Edgar of Jersey Shore.  (Handwritten date 1929)

 Blossburg. Mar. 16—Franklin Benson, a resident of this place for many years, died Thursday afternoon at the family home.  Mr. Benson was born in Rutland and when a young man came to Blossburg where he had since resided.  His wife died four years ago.  Mr. Benson is survived by a son, Olen of Blossburg and a sister, Mrs. John Lamb of Mansfield.  The funeral was held today at 3 p.m.  The Rev. Thomas Trevor, pastor of the Baptist Church, officiated.  Burial was in Arbon Cemetery.

 Mrs. Beulah Elizabeth Gould, 29, of Chambers, N.Y., died in Elmira Thursday at 11 a.m.  She is survived by her husband, Charles Gould of Chambers; the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hannah, of 463 West Second Street; a sister, Mrs. H. Pritchard, and a brother Norman Hannah, both of Elmira.  The remains repose in the Ballard funeral home at Elmira Heights and will be removed this evening to 463 West Second Street.  Funeral notice later.

 Louise Horton, widow of the late Harvey Horton, died this morning shortly after 1 o’clock, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. M. Birkett, in Extension street.  Death followed a fortnight’s illness.  Mrs. Horton was in her 63d year.  She was a longtime member of the M. E. church, faithful to the duties and demands of that membership.  In the home circle she was ever the devoted, solicitous wife and mother, and was an estimable woman in all walks of life.  There survive, two daughters—Mrs. D. M. Birkett, of Mansfield, and Mrs. John P. LeBarron, of Elmira, N. Y.; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Ransom Bryant; one stepson, Bruce Horton; two brothers, Henry and John Makely, of Rutland, and three sisters, Mrs. Jonathan Wood, of Sylvania; Mrs. G. Washington Reynolds, of Roseville, and Mrs. Horace Smith, of Rutland.  She was preceded to the better world by two children—Freddie and Hattie.  The funeral will be held from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Birkett on Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock.  Interment in Hope cemetery.

 Mrs. Mary E. Pixley, died Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Burt Osman of 535 Decker Avenue.  She was eighty years of age.  She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Burt Osman, one son, Ray Pixley, of Chemung; six grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.  Mrs. Pixley was formerly of Millerton, Pa. And had a large circle of devoted friends.  The funeral will be held at the home of her daughter, Thursday at 2 p.m.  The Rev. John Blanchards will officiate and burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery.

 Mrs. Bessie H. Card, 32, died at the family home in Columbia Cross Roads, Pa., at 7:15 p.m., Tuesday Oct. 26, 1937.  She leaves her husband, Henry B. Card; three children, Caroline Lucille, Harry Bowen and Ida Rose Card; her father Emerson C. Holton of Jobs Corners, Mrs. Ella Oldroyd of Austinville, William Holton of Gillett, Dewey Holton of Elmira, Mrs. Peary Brewer of Elmira, Miss Hazel Holton of Elmira and Miss Marie Holton of Rochester.  The funeral will be conducted at the home Friday at 2 p.m. by the Rev. Paul M. Brown of the Troy M.E. Church.

 Mrs. Nancy Benson, widow of Henry H. Benson, a former resident of Erin, died Thursday at 3 a.m. aged eighty years.  She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Ada Van Aukin.  The remains were removed to the Harrington undertaking rooms where the funeral will be held Saturday at 1:30 p.m., the Rev. W. T. Henry to officiate.  Burial in the Hilltop cemetery at Breesport.

 Mrs. Ora Lanterman Wood, born Nov. 7, 1881, was carried away in death’s arms from this sinful world to the golden gates of heaven beyond, Sept. 27.  She was a patient sufferer, and one of God’s innocent children.  Mrs. Wood had been ill for a long time.  The 11th of last December she went to Sayre.   From there to Elmira, taking treatment through the winter.  In April she went to Binghamton to be treated by Dr. Kilmer.  When she came back home the first of September she was much worse and the cold merciless arms of death crept closer to her and seemed to whisper its dreadful message in her ear.  She was a faithful Christian woman and she often said, “My faith in God is all that keeps me breathing.”  She will be greatly missed by her family and neighbors.  She was married to Stephen Wood Oct. 7, 1898.  Mrs. Wood is survived by her husband and three daughters, Beatrice of Elmira; Bernice and Mildred at home.  Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lanterman of Elmira, one sister, Ola Lanterman, of Elmira, two brothers, Dan of Horseheads, and George of Elmira, also survive.  The funeral was held at her home in Rutland Sept. 29, Reverend Abram of the South Side Baptist church officiating.  Interment in Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira.  (Handwritten date 1925?)

 Levi Crumm died at his home in Elmira street, on Tuesday evening, May 12, following a brief illness of typhoid pneumonia.  Mr. Crumm was long one of Mansfield’s respected citizens, and a ember of Micca Hatke tribe of Red Men.  He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Media Crumm; his mother, Mrs. Betsey Crumm, of Millerton, and three brothers—Edgar Crumm, of Leetonia, David Crumm, of Pine Creek, and Reuben Crumm, of Wellsboro.  The obsequies were observed from the home on Friday afternoon, the Rev. A. W. Fenton, pastor of the M. E. church, officiating.  Interment was in Oakwood cemetery.  Among those from out of town in attendance at the funeral were Mrs. Rose Durfee, of Lawrenceville; David Clark, of Elmira; Henry Clark and Henry Varner, of Lawrenceville.  (Handwritten date 1908)

 Corning, May 5—Meyers Gould of 50 William street, who conducted a livery at 17 River street, died at the Hotel Fulton on West Market street at 11:20 o’clock.  Mr. Gould who was 38 years old, had been a resident of Corning for several years.  He was formerly associated with Herman Snearly in the livery business, but four years ago discontinued partnership with Mr. Snearly and opened a livery on River street.  He is survived by his wife, who was formerly Miss Nettie Backer of Chambers; by three children, Alta, aged 15 years; Charles, aged 12 years, and Grace aged 8 years, and by a brother, John Gould of Elmira.  (Handwritten date 1917)

 The people of Charleston and Richmond townships were shocked by the rather sudden death on Saturday at noon, November 27th, of Eli F. Benson, a much respected citizen of Charleston township, aged 60 years, 9 months.  He is survived by Mrs. Benson, one son, Finley, and one daughter, Miss Bernice, two grandchildren, Miss Helen and James and a host of relatives and friends.  His ancestors were of the earliest settlers of Rutland township and named the township after Rutland, Vt., from whence they came.  We will all miss Mr. Benson very much.  The funeral was held Monday, at 1 o’clock at the house.  Rev. Wright, of E. Charleston M. E. church officiating.  Burial was in the Sweet cemetery.  (Handwritten date 1915)

TEARS, MRS. NELSON (Olive Updyke, SRGP 4264)
 Mrs. Nelson Tears, a long-time resident of Sullivan, died on Wednesday last at her home, whence the funeral was held on Sunday afternoon at 1 o’clock.

BENSON, MRS. OTIS  Martha Loretta Russell (SRGP 8844)
 Mrs. Martha Loretta Benson died Saturday at 8:30 p.m. at the family home in Millerton, Pa. Aged sixty-two years.  Mrs. Benson is survived by her husband, Otis Benson; four daughters, Mrs. Frank Crumb of Wells, Pa.; Mrs. Rose Ripley, Mrs. Matilda Pease and Mrs. Josephine Wheeler, all of Elmira; six sons, Elmer, Frank and George O. Benson of Wells, Pa.; Ashford and Homer J. Benson of Rutland, Pa.; Emerson Benson of Catlin; 33 grandchildren and six great grandchildren; a brother, Willis Russell of Wisconsin.  The funeral will be held at the family home at Millerton, Pa. Wednesday at 2 p.m., the Rev. Seymour Barrett to officiate.  Burial in Woodlawn cemetery, Elmira.

 Charles Johns, of Sodus Point, N. Y. Formerly of Mansfield, died Thursday, Sept. 2, in a Rochester hospital, where he had been taken for an operation the Monday previous.  He was born in Sullivan sixty-five years ago, and lived most of his live there.  He went to Nebraska about a quarter century ago, and after his return to the east lived in Mansfield until a few years ago when he moved to Sodus Point.  He is survived by five sons and two daughters, as follows:  Dennis of Corning; Victor, of Rochester, Seely, of Pittsburg; Burnsey, of Sodus Point, Herbert, of Providence, R. I., and Mamie Wilson and Ruth Harmon of Sodus Point.  The funeral was held Saturday at Sodus Point, with burial in Sodus City.  The death of Charles Johns leaves Mrs. Sylvia A. Rockwell as the only surviving member of a family of six.  (Handwritten date 1915)

MILLER, MRS. FRANK L. Fanny Benson (SRGP 18707)
 Fanny Benson Miller, 59 years old, wife of Frank L. Miller of this place died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Charles King, in Rutland, Thursday afternoon, November 15, of dropsy of the heart.  Her funeral was held at her late home, North Main street, Sunday afternoon at two o’clock interment was in the family plot at Oakwood.  Mrs. Miller was born in Rutland August 2, 1858, and in 1881 was united in marriage to F. L. Miller.  To them were born three children, the first dying shortly after birth; a daughter, Mrs. Eli Tong, and a son, Ray W., of this place.  Mr. and Mrs. Miller came to Mansfield about thirty years ago and have resided all these years in the present home.  Mrs. Miller was a woman who did unto others as she would be done by.  She was a good neighbor and ever extended a helping hand in times of distress.  She will be missed greatly by her friends.  The large offering of beautiful flowers at the funeral showed that she enjoyed the esteem and friendship of many.  Besides the husband and children, Mrs. Miller is survived by two brothers, henry Benson, of Mansfield; Franklin Benson, of Blossburg; two sisters, Mrs. Charles King, of Rutland, and Mrs. John Lamb, of Mansfield.

SMITH, MRS. REUBIN  Atta Walker (SRGP 13717)
 Mrs. Atta Walker Smith, 59, died Wednesday night at the family home in Byrnedale, Pa.  She was a native of Rutland, Pa.  Mrs. Smith is survived by her husband, Reuben Smith; a son, Frederick, four sisters, Mrs. Frederick Parsons of New York City; Mrs. Willard Brace of Mansfield, Pa.; Mrs. Henry French of Millerton, Pa.  Mrs. Elmer Wilson of Horseheads; a brother, the Rev. William Walker.  The funeral and burial will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. at Weedville, Pa.  

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 19 FEB 2001
By Joyce M. Tice