The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery

Tri County Clippings- Page One Hundred Forty Two

Submitted by Marolyn CAMPBELL Cole
These obituaries are presented in scrapbook order. I can't think of a better way of understanding a community than by reading an obituary scrapbook.
 The death of the Rev. Edgar Pierson Salmon of St. Luke’s Church in this city on Thursday last was one of those mysteries which human knowledge is not allowed to anticipate nor the best reasoning to fathom.
 Out of a thousand men he would have been among the last chosen for a possible fatal exigency.  He was muscular, he was stalwart, he took abundant exercise in the open air, was in splendid physique for endurance, with not a suspicion of a deteriorating bad habit, yet the collapse from over anxiety and solicitude came like a shock from a clear sky.  Nature was dethroned and could not rally.  Observation chose him as one who could be illy spared from the busy sphere he filled.  He was devoted to a growing church.  His energies, the best time of life, were being utilized for the spiritual interests of the people whom he served.  During the weary hours of waiting illness his thoughts and even half-consciousness were rehearsing his abiding prayer for the people he served.  But his personality was felt in the world at large.  In the casual acquaintance of the street, in the lodge, in the commandery, in social circles, in parish visits his presence was gladly welcomed.  In sorrow, distress, family ministrations how many recall the solace he gave and not a few think of him closely knit as a brother.  His religion was broad.  All churches and conditions held him, as in full accord with the Master.
 “He was a noble character,” a “splendid man”, have been the daily comments, since his death, from friend and acquaintance.  He was a self-made man.  He sought positions as a young man, to aid in securing a college education and a seminary course, when he decided to be a minister.  He was an Erie ticket agent at Binghamton and gaining other opportunities to supply himself with funds until the end was accomplished, when he gained his first pastorate, near Geneva, next at Knowlesville, Orleans County, thence to Campbell, Steuben County, and to Galeton, Pa., where he gathered a new congregation, built a beautiful new church and parsonage, temporary service at Tioga, Pa., and Lawrenceville, lastly at St. Luke’s, this city, where in three years he left an attractive church edifice fully equipped and provided for earnest and abiding church work, only waiting a grand rallying of all in the congregation to carry it forward to a high position among city churches.
 Those who knew him best made a note of a chief characteristic, a power of acute observation almost amounting to double sight sometimes.  His eyes caught objects on the streets the quickest, the passing sight of men and vehicles, the phases of interior audiences, the action of crowds, the movements about him.  His quick, boyish eye delighted in birds, poultry, animals.  He loved their care.  In his pastoral recreations he reared half a dozen horses, their training and driving calling out his quick fancies and keen observations.  But it was in his last days when the cultivation of an ancestral farm loomed up before him absorbed his leisure and needful vacations, that the land and its growths seemed to offer the realization of declining years.  The exercise of his close observation had already served a great purpose in the plans he was forwarding.  While thus communing with nature, to ease a burden of care, the end came.  There is treasured, though, the comradeship which the church, the clergy, the world, society have cherished, shown in the bestowment of emblems, testimonials, floral and written, how he walked out and in among men and left an indelible record.
 His wife was Fanny Evelyn, eldest daughter of Dr. Ira F. Hart of this city.  Two children survive, Frances and Pierson, two more having preceded the father to the better land.  He was a college classmate at Hamilton of Vice-President Sherman.  If a “physical wreck” on earth, his death-bed remark, he is made whole in glory.  His works will follow him.  The last sermon he preached, on the evening of Palm Sunday, is laid up by every hearer.

 DRAKE – Howard Drake of the National School of Oratory is visiting his parents on Elmira St.
 GREEN – Miss Francis Green of Walton, N. Y., is visiting at the home of Mrs. D. T. Benjamin, Tyler street.
 PRINCE – Miss Katherine Prince entertained last evening in honor of her friend, Miss Louise Morgan of Schenectady.
 BONNEY – Miss Irene Bonney, Miss Emma Bonney and Mrs. Pearl Hemenway are visiting in Towanda, the guests of Miss Obenauer.
 MINER – Mr. J. W. Miner arrived in Athens yesterday from her home in Michigan, and is visiting at the home of her father, N. C. Harris, of South Main street.
 COWELL – Miss Margaret Cowell left this week for Wells College.  The College reopened on Tuesday, after being closed for several weeks owing to the epidemic there of tonsillitis.
 POMEROY – Mrs. Lafayette Pomeroy, of Troy, Pa., arrived in Athens yesterday afternoon and will be the guest for a short time of Mrs. Arthur Macafee, of South Main street.  Mr. Pomeroy is expected later in the week.

 The oratorical exercises given by the junior class at the High School hall Monday evening were well attended and the following excellent program, which was much enjoyed, was rendered as follows:
PIANO DUET......Misses Jordan and Krom
AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT.....Louis Page, William E. Gladstone..Florence Barber
THE BATTLE OF MARATHON.....Katherine Haupt
BOOKS.....Helen Myer
 The orations were all written and delivered in a manner which did credit to those taking part and their instructors.  The piano duet deserves especial mention.  The technique of the piece had been thoroughly mastered and it was played with much expression.  The vocal solo was listened to with pleasure.  Mr. O. E. Hovey, who was to have furnished a flute solo, was not able to be present on account of illness.  We congratulate the High School Mandolin Club for the excellent way in which they rendered their music.  With the exception of their leader, Archie Ranney, all, we believe, are beginners, but a person not knowing this, after hearing them, would have said that they had appeared before the public many times before, they were all so self-possessed.  They responded to the hearty encore given them by playing another selection.

 The following letter is from Col. John Franklin to Dr. Solomon Beebe, of ------Madison county, N.Y.  The letter was handed in by Ralph Tozer, who found it while looking over some of his old papers a few days ago.  It will be interesting to many of the older inhabitants:
 Dear Sir:  Though scarce able to hold my pen, I shall attempt to inform you of my state of health.  On the 15th of August, just at evening, being in my little house, got off the seat with my feet on the floor, I had a hard stroke of the palsy, struck my head and passed into my body, affected my tongue.  I fell helpless to the floor; the shock and fall wrenched my hips and back.  I was not able to get up.  Two men came about that time and led me to my house.  I sent for Doct. Hopkins.  He came and bled me freely.  In addition to the palsy, I have the rheumatism in all my joints, in my back and limbs, that I am confined to my bed almost helpless; have not been out of my bedroom only by being drawn in a chair.  I cannot get on or off my bed without help.  I cannot walk a step or stand on my feet without help.  My strength is nearly gone and failing fast.  I wish you to come with Kezia and see me as soon as may be.  Write to me as soon as you see this.  I have accidentally heard that my nephew, William Franklin, of Huntington, son of Sam’l Franklin, has lately died, but my friends at Huntington have wrote to me since his death. I have wrote to my brother Amos to have him write to me.  I got a letter some weeks since from Almon Cronk, dated at Herkimer, July 20th; gives an account of the death of his mother.  She died of her old complaint; was taken worse on a Saturday and died the next Tuesday, Oct. 25, 1826.  He wrote that his father and family were all well; that he now lives in the edge of Schuyler, five miles from Herkimer village.  Almon proposes going to Huntington this fall to try to get money for his mother’s land.  She had a share in two lots of 100 acres each.  Thos. Stubbs has got one lot in possession, purchased of the other heir, and a Mr. Watson, who married Esther Franklin, daughter of my brother Samuel has purchased of some of the heirs their shares in the other lot.  I have wrote to my brother Amos to let me know when they will be ready to pay Almon for his mother’s share, as he is the only heir of his mother’s estate.  When I hear from Huntington I shall write to Almon to come and see me; that if my health will permit I will take my horse and wagon and take him to Huntington, but it will be uncertain as to my health.  I had extreme pain for several weeks when first taken ill, but have not so much pain at present.  Although feeble in body, blessed by God!  I enjoy perfect mind and memory; the thundering of Sinai and horrors of that poor - - - pulpits gives me no trouble, does not disturb my rest.   Shepherd Patrick a few weeks since set out with a wagon to bring his mother to Nathaniel Flower’s, and turned over in Sheshequin.  The old lady was badly hurt.  He took her back to Wysox.  I heard a few days since that she has recovered-was not so bad hurt as was expected; that when she gets well she is coming to live with Nathaniel Flower.  Shepherd hires him to take care of her.  I have nearly lost the use of my left hand, and my right hand is almost useless, and my eyes very weak, that it is difficult to write.  This is the 2d day I have been writing this letter.  My respects to you and to all acquaintances and friends.
 Thy friend and father, John Franklin

Sept. 20, 1829
 Eighty years old last Saturday.  Pray write to me and come to see me soon.  Solomon and Kezia Beebe.  Grandmother Franklin keeps about her business as usual, is feeble and infirm.  The family as well as usual.  I must drop my pen, as my hand and eyes fail that I can scarcely read my own writing.  My disease is the dumb or dead palsy.      J. FRANKLIN
 I have never shook any, but numb.  I have much headache and deafness; my back very weak.  I can write no more at present.  I must go to bed.         J. FRANKLIN
 Solomon and Kezia Beebe, come and see me, and I will explain my letter.  Although my strength fails, my faith and belief in the goodness and mercy of God in the salvation of all men by Jesus Christ is preserved.

 The home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prince on South Main St. was the scene of a very pretty home wedding last evening at 8 o’clock when their oldest daughter, Mable Elizabeth, was united in marriage to Guy Ebert Boyle of this place.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. H. Sawtelle of the Presbyterian church in the presence of only the relatives and most intimate friends of the contracting parties.  After the ceremony a wedding supper was served and Mr. and Mrs. Boyle left for nobody knew where.
 Mrs. Boyle was educated in the Athens High school and has been book-keeper at Karner’s for some time.  Mr. Boyle who came here from Titusville is employed at the pumping station of the United States Pipe Line.  Mr. and Mrs. Boyle are well known and highly respected young people of Athens, and the bride was the recepient of many beautiful presents.  Mr. and Mrs. Boyle will commence housekeeping in the Haupt house on North St. at once.

 Mrs. Charles Field died at the home of her brother, A. A. McKean on Walnut St. at 11:20 o’clock this morning after a long illness.  The cause of her death was a complication of diseases from which she had suffered for over two years.  Mrs. Field was born in Sheshequin 46 years ago and after her marriage lived in Athens until about three years ago when they moved West.  While in the West their only son Harry was taken ill with typhoid fever and died.  He was brought here for burial a year ago last April, at that time Mrs. Field was seriously ill.  Owing to the poor health of Mrs. Field she was brought home last April only to gradually fail until death came.  She had a wide acquaintance here and was highly respected by all who knew her.  She leaves a husband, three brothers, Fred and A. A. McKean of Athens and Lamont McKean of Lestershire and one sister, Mrs. Goodsell of Sayre.  The funeral will be announced in Monday'’ issue of the News.

 Lester J. Wright, for many years a resident of Athens, died yesterday in his room in the Buley block in Waverly, alone and unattended.  He was formerly engaged in carpet weaving, but had to give it up recently on account of ill health.  He had no near relatives and lived alone.  Dr. Betowski called on him yesterday and he said he was better and wanted to get up.  The doctor advised him not to, but he evidently did not obey for he was found in a dying condition sitting in a chair a few hours later by Miss Mabel Sawyer, who went to his room to see if she could do anything for him, as she was in the habit of doing every day.  She hastened for assistance, but when the doctor arrived he was dead.  He was 55 years old.  The funeral was held this afternoon and interment made in Tioga Point cemetery.

 A copy of the Charleston Daily Mail has been received here announcing the death of W. A. Gill, who formerly resided in the Peachblow cottage on South Main St. and was connected with the Athens Furniture company.  He has many friends here who will be shocked to learn of his untimely death.  The Charleston Mail published the following:  “At 10:30 o’clock Thursday night, W. A. Gill, one of the most prominent furniture manufacturers of this city died at his home on the corner of Delaware Ave. And Wyoming St. after a four weeks’ illness with cirrhosis of the liver.  The deceased has been engaged in the lumber and furniture business in charleston for the last five years and was considered one of the best lumbermen in this section.  William Albert Gill was born in Philadelphia in 1853.  He married Miss Minnie Church of Grand Rapids, Mich., in 1883.  He engaged in the lumber business in all parts of the country and came to this city from athens, Pa., in 1889.  Since here he was engaged with several lumber and furniture enterprises.  He was general manager of the large furniture plan of the Glen Elk Furniture company until the plant was burned and it was decided not to rebuild.   The W. A. Gill, Manufacturing company was then organized and Mr. Gill became manager.  Several months ago he left this company to accept a responsible position with the Ohio Valley Furniture company which has a large factory in the western suburbs of this city.  The deceased was taken to his bed about four weeks ago with an illness that the family supposed was merely an attack of grip so prevalent at this time.  Up until two days ago they considered him in no danger whatever.  However in two days he became unconscious and from that time until the end never regained consciousness.  Besides his wife he leaves a son Harry, 19 years old, two smaller boys and three small girls.

 Mrs. Carrie Bridge, while walking on South Main St. shortly after 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon, was stricken with heart failure and expired instantly.  Mrs. Bridge, accompanied by Miss Jennie Rutledge and two young men, had walked down below the White Gate and were returning home.  When just south of the residence of Howard Allen Mrs. Bride, who was talking to her companions in her usual jovial manner and who was apparently in her usual health, suddenly said that she felt faint and sat down beside a tree near the sidewalk.  Death must have come instantly, for when Miss Rutledge, who was a short distance ahead, reached her side and tried to rouse her, she gave no evidence of life.  Water was brought and dashed in her face, her clothing was loosened but she was beyond all human aid.  She was carried into the residence of Mr. Thurston and Dr. Badger summoned.  The physician after examining the body, expressed the opinion that death had been practically instantaneous.  For the last eight years Mrs. Bridge had been a great sufferer from acute heart trouble and yesterday, although she complained of not feeling well after dinner, she evidently did not think that her condition was any worse than usual.  She attended services at St. Joseph’s church in the morning and went walking in the afternoon, having planned to go to church again last evening.  Her maiden name was Carrie Wickwire and she was the daughter of Mrs. Jerusha O. Wickwire, who lives at the corner of Elmira and North Sts.  Her father was the late Albert Wickwire of Athens.  She was born in Wyalusing 34 years ago.  Her husband died eight years ago.  She is survived by a ten year old son Emerson, her mother, two sisters, Mrs. Henry of Rome and Mrs. Wainwright of Elmira, and one brother Frank also of Elmira.  The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 1 o’clock.  Rev. E. W. DeWitt officiating.   Interment in Tioga Point cemetery.

 Waverly—The funeral of Wm. H. Allen took place from his late home on Broad street last evening at 7:30 o’clock.  About 40 members of the local Masonic lodge were present and had charge of the service.  This morning the body was taken to East Smithfield for burial.

 Waverly—Philip Which died at the county house this morning.  Deceased was a well known character in Waverly, and had been an inmate of the soldiers’ home before he went to the county house.

 Waverly-Louise Wynkoop died this morning at the home of her mother, Mrs. Phoebe Synkoop at Chemung.  Deceased was 65 years old and the cause of her death was paralysis.

 Funeral services over the remains of Mrs. J. C. McMynn were held at the residence of Charles Kellogg, South Main St. yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, the Rev. H. G. G. Vincent of Trinity church officiating.  The interment was in Tioga Point cemetery, the pall bearers being A. S. Maurice, C. R. Lowe, M. H. Sawtelle, W. T. Page, G. H. Maurice and H. W. Preston.
 Clara Augusta (Kellogg) McMynn was born at Athens, January 17, 1869, in a house which stood on the premises now occupied by the residence of the family.  She attended the Athens academy from whence she was graduated in 1886, and finished her education at Miss Bliss’ school for young women at Yonkers-on-Hudson.  June 14, 1894, Miss Kellogg was married to John C. McMynn of Chicago, the ceremony taking place in Trinity church, Athens.  Mr. and Mrs. McMynn made their home in Chicago until about a year ago, when Mrs. McMynn’s health began to fail, and she joined her parents at their summer home on Cayuga lake last June.  After coming East she complained of intense pain in the head and an increasing dimness of vision.  Eminent physicians exhausted their skill to alleviate her suffering and restore the failing sight, but the difficulty did not yield to their efforts and she became entirely sightless in August.  Three weeks ago she was removed to Philadelphia where the case was diagnosed as sarcoma, or tumor of the brain, by Dr. C. K. Mills and other noted specialists in such diseases.  An operation last Tuesday by Dr. W. W. Keen revealed the existence of a tumor so interwoven in the brain tissue that its entire removal would have resulted in the immediate death of the patient.  So the last resort to surgical skill proved of no avail.  With the knowledge that she could not recover the sufferer bore her trials with fortitude that is seldom equaled, and passed from earthly pain into heavenly peace in the early morning of March 1st.
 It is unnecessary for The News to remind the friends of the departed of the many excellent qualities she possessed, but it is due the readers of this paper who were not intimately acquainted with her that a few words be said in this respect.  Mrs. McMynn was confirmed in Trinity Episcopal church and was a faithful communicant of that denomination.  Her devout Christian character was in accord with her earnest and lovely nature.  She was gifted in her ability to do for others, and whatsoever she did was with all her might.  Sweet and bright, noble and true, her memory will glow as a beacon light on the way whither she has gone.

 Charles L. DeGroff, aged forty-two years, died in a hospital at Philadelphia, Saturday, from hemorrhage caused by an operation which he submitted to three hours before his death.  Mr. DeGroff has been gradually failing in health for the past two years.  At the time of his first illness he was living in Nebraska where he carried on an extensive dry goods business in Nebraska City and a department store at McCook, Neb.  At the time of his illness he was operated on in a hospital at Omaha for appendicitis.  From the time of that operation until his death he never regained his health.  Mr. DeGroff was born in Athens 42 years ago and was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Minor DeGroff, of this place.  About 25 years ago he went west where he has since resided.  About two months ago he came east to Philadelphia with the intention of staying there a short time and going south this winter in hopes of benefiting his health.  Besides his parents he is survived by his wife, who was formerly Miss Sallie Fee, daughter of the late Andrew Fee, of Wyalusing and four children, one son and three daughters whose ages range from 3 to 14 years.  One sister, Mrs. O. L. Jordan, and one brother George DeGroff, both of this place, also survive.  The remains arrived in Athens yesterday afternoon on train No. 1 and were taken to the home of O. L. Jordan, where the funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2 o’clock, Rev. W. H. Sawtelle officiating.  Interment will be made in Tioga Point cemetery.

A.William Hood and Miss Louise Lynch were married in Utica, N. Y. This morning at the home
of the bride’s sister, Mrs. John Foley.  James Grace was best man and Miss Lera Lynch, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid.  After a brief visit with relatives in Cooperstown, Mr. and Mrs. Hood will be at home on Bridge St., Athens.  The young couple are very popular and will receive the congratulations of their friends.

 Fred C. Carpenter died at 1:30 o’clock this morning at his home on Chestnut Street.  He was 29 years of age and is survived by his wife and one brother William, of this place.  The funeral services will be held at the house Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock, interment in tioga Point cemetery.

 George, the 2 months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Loop, Elmer Ave., died at their home yesterday morning at 5:30 o’clock.  The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. K. M. Craig at the house this morning.

 W. A. Mitchell, one of Athens best known citizens dropped dead at 6 o’clock last evening.  Death was caused by apoplexy.  Mr. Mitchell, though aged, was very active and seemed to be in his usual health yesterday.  He walked to the top of Mile hill twice yesterday to superintend the laying of a stone walk on a lot owned by him.  The last trip up there he picked a quantity of green-corn and brought it back home with him, returning shortly before 6 o’clock.  On reaching home, Main St., he went to the garden but soon started to enter the house.  When near the door he uttered a slight groan and fell to the ground.  Mrs. Mitchell heard the noise and immediately rushed to her husband’s assistance, but found him dead.
 William Austin Mitchell was born in England, October 14, 1828 and came to this country during his youth, residing for many years at Millport and Horseheads, N.Y.  In December 1856 he married Miss Harriet S. Vail, a sister of George Vail of this place.  To them were born two children, a son Maurice Mitchell, Pine St. and a daughter Cora Bell, who was married to I. K. Park and died in October 1888.  He came to Athens in 1865 and entered the mercantile business with his brother Miles under the name of Mitchell Brothers.  Their place of business was in a building located on the site of the present Franklin block.  They were in business in Athens until 1888, with the exception of one year, 1876, when they opened a store in Hornellsville.  Mitchell Brothers during their business career in Athens occupied the building now occupied by Ballard’s shoe store and stores in the Stimson and Estabrook blocks.
 William A. Mitchell retired from business in 1888 and since then has lived a quiet life.  Besides his wife and son he is survived by a brother, John, and a sister Mrs. Emily Bishop, both of Elmira.  Mr. Mitchell was a lifelong member of the Presbyterian church.  He was one of Athens pioneer merchants and both in his business and private life showed the honesty and integrity of the Christian religion which he followed.  The funeral arrangements have not yet been decided upon.

 Benjamin Wanzer, one of the oldest residents of Athens township, a veteran of two wars and a sailor who had visited many ports, died at his home near Greene’s Landing early this morning from gangrene.  The funeral services will be held in Athens Presbyterian church Thursday morning at 11 o’clock; interment under auspices of the G. A. R. At Tioga Point cemetery.  Perkins post will start from the post room at 9 o’clock for Greene’s Landing.
 Mr. Wanzer was born at Lansing Tompkins county, N.Y., March 10, 1818.  At the age of 13 years he went to New York City and a few years later to Nantucket, Mass., where he enlisted in the army and was sent to Boston.  He did not then realize his hopes of becoming a soldier, for at Boston he was rejected on account of his stature not being up to the requirement.  He then enlisted in the navy and was sent to Portsmouth, N.H., to help rig out the frigate Congress.  On the Congress, Mr. Wanzer sailed to the Mediterrenean and remained in those waters 18 months.  At the end of that period the Congress was ordered to the Brazilian station, on the way passing the Belle Roephon, which was taking the body of Napoleon from St. Helena to France.  From the Brazilian station the Congress was ordered to Norfolk, Va., where the vessel arrived about three years and a half from the time Mr. Wanzer left Boston.  Mr. Wanzer loved a seafaring life and soon, hired out as a sailor on a merchant vessel Flying Cloud, which sailed to the West Indies.  He was gone about nine months on that cruise.  On his return to the States he again enlisted in the navy and sailed on the battleship Ohio, serving all through the Mexican war.
 In the spring of 1850 Mr. Wanzer was discharged from the navy and followed farming at Groton, N. Y., until the outbreak of the civil war when he enlisted in Company G. 137th New York Volunteer Infantry.  He served about nine months and was discharged for disability.  Returning to Groton he stayed until 1868 when he moved to Athens township and engaged in farming until his death.   Mr. Wanzer was twice married.   He had two children by his first union, Leroy and Sarah.  The latter was married to E. W. Davies, a former resident of Athens, but died some years ago, leaving a grandson, E. W. Davies, Jr., of Everett, Wash.  In 1870 Mr. Wanzer was married to Jane, the widow of George Lore of Athens township, who survives him.  The deceased is also survived by two brothers, Alvin and Charles of Windham township, this county.

 The funeral of the late John C. Stulen was held at the home of his parents, South Main Street, at 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon; interment being made in Tioga Point cemetery.  The Revs. H. G. G. Vincent and J. H. Ballou officiated.  A. H. Sawtelle, D. A. Keefe, J. T. Corbin, A S. Maurice, Charles F. Kellogg and George Rockwell were pallbearers.  Among the out-of-town people who attended were Fritz Bergengren of Harrisburg, who was associated in business with the deceased, Clark Wells of Bloomsburg, brother of Mrs. Stulen, and Mr. and Mrs. James H. Codding of Townada.

 Mrs. Rhoda Davidson, wife of ex-Sheriff C. C. Brooks of Tioga county, N.Y., died Tuesday evening at her home in Waverly from heart disease of long standing.  The funeral services were held at the house at 3 o’clock this afternoon, the Rev. D. H. Clare officiating; interment in Forrest Home cemetery at Waverly.  Mrs. Brooks was a native of Bradford county, having been born in Ridgebury township in 1825.  She was of Scotch parentage.  Thirty-eight years ago Mr. and Mrs. Brooks came from Athens to Waverly where they have since lived.  She leaves her husband and one son, C. E. Brooks, chief of the Waverly police department.

 Last evening passed from this life to his reward a Christian gentleman, a gallant soldier, Erastus W. Kellogg, of 114 West Market Street, formerly a well-known citizen of Athens, Pa., who was born May 8th, 1842, in Schoharie County, near Albany, N.Y.  When a boy, with the family, he moved to Easton, Pa., from which city he enlisted in the war of ’65 and’64 as a private in Company D, 12th Regiment, of the Northampton, Volunteers.  He was promoted through the different grades of the non-commissioned officers, and on April 26, 1863, was commissioned second lieutenant of the 113th Pennsylvania Volunteers, and for gallant services on February 25, 1864, was promoted to the office of first lieutenant of said regiment, both commissions bearing the signatures of the well-known war governor of Pennsylvania, Andrew D. Curtin.
 At the close of the war he became connected with a firm in bridge building with his father, who was one of the earliest manufacturers of those structures.  He removed to Athens, Pa., in the early seventies, and associated himself with his brother Charles in the firm of Kellogg & Maurice, where he was assistant superintendent for a number of years prior to his coming to Elmira in the fall of 1889.  Mr. Kellogg was superintendent of the shops of the Elmira Bridge company for eight years when he returned to Athens in 1897 and again became engaged with his brother and remained there until failing health compelled him to resign.  Mr. Kellogg was a quiet gentleman, without ostentation, who never strove to make his good qualities known except as they were recognized by a warm circle of close friends.  He leaves a widow and a brother Charles of Athens, Pa., who have the sincere sympathy of all who had the pleasure of knowing her late beloved husband.
 The funeral will be from his late residence on Monday morning at 10:30 o’clock from where the body will be taken for burial via the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad on the 12:48 train to Athens, Pa.

 Mrs. Elsie A. DeGroff, wife of Miner DeGroff, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. O. L. Jordan, Main Street at 11:o’clock last night.  She was 70 years old and had been in poor health for three years having been a sufferer from paralysis.  For the last six months her condition had become gradually worse.  She is survived by her husband, a daughter, Mrs. Jordan and a son George DeGroff of Athens.  Until her health prevented her she had been an active worker in the Presbyterian Church.  She had been a life long resident of Athens.  The funeral will be held at the residence Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock and interment will be made in Tioga Point cemetery.  Rev. W. H. Sawtelle  will officiate.

 Mrs. Irene Heavener died at the home of Charles Powers in Cuba, N.Y., this morning where she was visiting.  No particulars were given in the telegram received here announcing her death.  Her son, John Heavener, of Towanda, formerly proprietor of The Forrest House, left this afternoon for Cuba to bring the body here.  Announcement of the funeral will be made later.  Mrs. Heavener was seventy three years old, and had lived nearly all her life in Athens.  She is survived by three sons: John of Towanda, Frank, of Athens and William long member of the Universalist.

 Mrs. Lydia M. Park, widow of the late Dana F. Park, died suddenly at her home on South Main St., about 6 o’clock last evening from heart failure.  She was born in Litchfield June 23, 1833, and had lived nearly all her life in Athens.  She is survived by a son, Charles Park, of New York, a stepson, I. K. Park of Athens, and an adopted daughter, Mrs. Carpenter, of Boston.  She also leaves a sister, Miss Julia Carner, of Athens.  The funeral will be held from the house at 2:30 o’clock Saturday afternoon; interment in Tioga Point cemetery.

 Athens, Pa., Jan. 18—The funeral of Mrs. Lydia M. Park, widow of the late Dana F. Park, was held from the family home on South Main Street at 2:30 o’clock this afternoon, the Rev. W. H. Sawtelle, pastor of the Ulster Presbyterian church officiating; interment in Tioga Point cemetery.  Mrs. Park died very suddenly from heart failure on Wednesday evening.  For the last two years her health had been gradually failing.  Mrs. Park, whose maiden name was Lydia M. Carner, was born in Litchfield, seventy-four years ago and had resided in Athens nearly all her life.  She was widely known and held in high esteem by all.  She was actively interested in charitable and club work, being a prominent member in the Ladies’ Library club and also Tioga chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution.  She is survived by one son, Charles Park of new York, a step-son I. K. Park of Athens and an adopted daughter, mrs. Carpenter of Boston and also a sister, Miss Julia Carner.

 Waverly, NY, Feb. 8—Dr. Frederick M. Snook died at his home on Pennsylvania Avenue at about 1 o’clock on Wednesday morning, aged sixty-nine years.  His demise was very sudden. Dr. Snook and family had entertained some friends during the evening, and at a late hour the party dispersed, leaving their host and hostess apparently in the best of spirits.  A little later Dr. Snook complained of a pain in the region of the heart, and Dr. William E. Johnson, the family physician, was summoned, but death ensued at the hour stated.  Dr. Snook was a native of Tompkins county.  His parents removed to Spencer, N.Y. when he was a boy.  He enlisted in company I 109th Regiment New York State volunteers, and served with commendable valor throughout the rebellion.  At the close of the war he returned to Spencer, and shortly afterwards came to Waverly and engaged in the profession of dentistry, which he practiced continuously up to the time of his death.  He was an enthusiastic volunteer fireman, being the first president of Gioga Hose company, upon its organization.  He was a member of Waverly lodge, No. 407, F. and A. M.  He was at one time a deputy collector of internal revenue for this district, and was once appointed postmaster, but did not serve.  He was also engaged for a number of years with O. E. Hart, now in the post-office department at Washington, in the fire and life insurance business, the firm name being Snook & Hart.  Besides his widow, he is survived by two sons, Dr. Fred Snook, of Pittsburg, and Dr. Theodore P. Snook, of Waverly; and tow daughters, Miss Dorelle E. Snook, now teaching in Portland, Ore., and Mrs. Harold L. Lindsay of Waverly.  Funeral services were held from his late residence at 3 o’clock Friday afternoon, the Rev. Charles T. Raynor, rector of Grace Episcopal church officiating.  As a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, all business places were closed during the hours of 3 and 4 p.m.  Interment was made in Forrest Home cemetery, and the remains were committed to the earth with Masonic honors.

 Saturday afternoon George H. King, a prominent business man of Owego died suddenly.  About 4 o’clock Mr. King entered the residence of Mrs. Berry, a next door neighbor, and had barely reached the apartments on the second floor, when he threw up his hands and fell to the floor, gasping for breath.  Mrs. Berry immediately called Sumner Dean, a brother-in-law, of Mr. King, who was near by in the grounds but nothing could be done, as Mr. King breathed his last when Dr. Dean entered the room.  He was the son of the late Rev. William H. King, D.D. who for many years was the pastor of the First Baptist church of Owego.  He was born in January 21, 1847, at Waverly, N. Y. And passed a few years, going to Owego in early youth, where he has since resided.  His father was formerly a resident of Athens and built the home no owned by J. A. Ruggles.

 Dr. Corbin, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Athens, died at his home on Main St. at 10:20 o’clock yesterday morning.  He had been in enfeebled health for some time owing to his advanced age, and several weeks ago he became so week as to necessitate his taking to his bed.  He had gradually failed ever since until the end came yesterday.
 John T. Corbin was born in Warren township, in this county—July 26, 1819, and finished his medical education and commenced to practice here in 1848, where he has since resided.  In 1850 he married Mary A. Tozer, who survives him, and to them were born six children, one of whom died in infancy; Mary, deceased; Annadell, wife of W. H. Benedict of Elmira; Julius T. Of this place; John E., deceased and Ida W., of this place.  Dr. Corbin was a man who will be remembered long by all the citizens of the valley, as a learned and sympathetic physician, in which profession he was a success and as a man of the highest idea of integrity and honor.  He took, even up to a few months before his death, the keenest interest in the affairs of the borough and was a staunch supporter of anything that would be of benefit to the community.  The funeral will be held at his late home tomorrow at 1:20 o’clock; interment in Tioga Point Cemetery.

 Word was received here this afternoon of the death of Ralph Tozer, an old citizen of Athens, which occurred at the Arnot Ogden hospital in Elmira about 11:30 o’clock this morning, following an operation to which he submitted Sunday.  C. F. Rogers, of the undertaking firm of Rogers and Miller, will bring the body here this afternoon.  Funeral arrangements have not yet been made.
 Ralph Tozer was born in Athens seventy eight years ago, a son of the late Guy Tozer, and with the exception of about fifteen years he had resided all his life here.  He attended the old academy on South Main St., and upon completing his school work read law in the office of H. W. Patrick, whose office and residence was in the house now known as the Perkins homestead on South Main St.  I. N. Evans, of Athens the late Miles Kinney, of Sheshequin, and the late D. A. Overton, of Towanda, were students in Mr. Patrick’s office at the same time.  He was admitted to the Bradford county bar, but never practiced his profession as he preferred business to law, becoming general manager of a large mercantile establishment at Stockton, Pa.  At the close of the war he went to Memphis, Tenn., where he followed mercantile pursuits for several years.  Later he was manager of the general store of the Bethlehem Steel & Iron company at Bethlehem.  He returned to Athens about twenty four years ago and established a coal business which he sold to D. J. Macafee in 1892.  He then became engaged in the furniture business in the store now occupied by Rogers & Miller.  About twelve years ago, he retired from active business and three years ago he was elected Justice of the peace, an office he resigned last September, when he went to Elmira to make his home with his son.
 He was married to Miss Sarah Ovenshire, who died in 1892.  To them was born one son, Bert, who now lives in Elmira.  He is also survived by two brothers, Guy Tozer of Athens, and George K. Tozer, who lives in Arkansas.  Mr. Tozer was a man whose personality made friends of all who met him and he was universally respected by the citizens of Athens.  He had always taken a deep interest in the welfare of the town, being public spirited to a marked degree.  For fifty six years he had been a loyal member of Rural Amity Lodge, F. & A. M., always striving to live up to the teachings of the fraternity in his intercourse with his business and social associates.

 Susie May, only child of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kellogg, died at the home of her parents, No 623 Lake street, Friday morning, of typhoid fever, aged seventeen years.  Her sickness from the beginning was of a very severe nature and though everything was done that medical skill could devise she failed gradually till she passed quietly and peacefully away.  The family removed to Elmira in 1889 from Athens, Pa., Mr. Kellogg being superintendent of the bridge works here for several years.  She was of a loving and kindly nature, yet had that resolute disposition that spurned all evil and stood firmly throughout her young life for those principles which go to make up the qualifications of a true Christian character.  These should be comforting thoughts to the bereaved parents in their present affliction and bring them closer in their declining years to the great Redeemer who doeth all things for the best.  She, with her parents has been a regular attendant at the First M. E. Church, where she was always active in the church and Sunday school work.  She was educated in the Riverside public school and later took a course in Warner’s Business college.  Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg have the heartfelt sympathy of their many friends in Elmira in these sad hours of sorrow.  A short service will be held this morning at the house, No. 623 Lake street at 11:45, conducted by the Rev. Dr. Keppel.  The remains will be taken to Athens for burial over the Lackawanna at 12:50.  

Tri-Counties Genealogy & History  
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