The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery

Tri County Clippings- Page One Hundred Thirty Nine

These obituaries are presented in scrapbook order. I can't think of a better way of understanding a community than by reading an obituary scrapbook.
 The recent death of Mrs. Louise McMaster, wife of Rev. John McMaster, has left a burden of sorrow on a large circle of friends in this vicinity who knew and prized her so well.  This is the scene of Mr. McMaster’s earliest pastorate, and on the 6th day of October, 1875, when he brought his young bride to grace the circle of his home parsonage, there gathered a company of friends to give them congratulations, who have cherished the highest feelings of regard for them ever since.
 Mrs. McMaster’s maiden name was Louise Reynolds, and she was born in Nichols, N.Y., where her early childhood was spent.  So early in life did she give her heart to the Savior that she could never remember when she did not love and trust in Him.  The graces of christian meekness and filal trust seemed almost an intuition with her.  These developed into a cheerful, hopeful character that always surrounded her presence with sunshine, and made her patient under the trials that came across her pathway.  She received her education at the Elmira Female College, where she graduated in 1873.  This course of mental discipline fitted her for the life of usefulness that she afterwards so credibly filled.
 During the six years pastorate of Mr. McMaster in the Presbyterian church in this place their home was the centre of a religious influence that radiated all through the church and community, offering guidance and council to all who were seeking the “better way”, strengthening all those who were “feeble in the faith”, and giving consolation to those in affliction.  With such unassuming grace did she assist in the offices of the ministry that the bonds of God’s servant were upheld and the blessings of heaven followed all their efforts.  Many can look back to those years and remember when their hearts were inclined to turn toward the heavenly mansions, through the faithful presentation of the gospel message in the sanctuary seconded by religious conference at the home parsonage.  With such the bright star of hope all along the journey of life is filled with remembrances of those servants of His who so faithfully directed their steps in the better way.
 The crown of rejoicing is won through patience and trial and perseverance, and now for the husband and two daughters that remain there is the sweetest compensation for their sorrow and bereavement.  In the legacy of such a christian life and example that will lead their aspirations to the beautiful beyond, where there shall be an eternal reunion in the mansion of the blest, and all will cherish them in fondest remembrance.
 The Rev. Mr. McMaster has filled the following pastorates:  At Athens, Pa., six years; Rose, N.Y., three years; Akron, N.Y., one year.  Mrs. McMaster died at Akron, May 8th, 1889, and was buried at that place.

 Mrs. Frances E. Fitzgerald, wife of Charles Fitzgerald, and eldest daughter of I. N. Evans, Esq., departed this life on Sunday last, the 21st inst, yielding to that dread disease and fell destroyer, consumption, from which she had long been a sufferer.  She leaves to mourn her early death, a father and mother, a hustand, two sisters, three brothers and two infant daughters, Kittie and Bertha, too young to fully realize their sad bereavement, and yet of an age when the want of a fond mother’s caressing tenderness and protecting care will be most keenly felt.  But thirty-two years of age—not yet arrived at the full zenith of womanhood—yet her sun has set, and her life work is thus soon completed; called by that mysterious providence whose ways are past finding out, she has left home and loved ones to dwell in that eternal hereafter of which some shall know or see, but with the eye of faith, until they too have passed through the dark valley and shadow of death.  Of a blithe and happy nature, genial and obliging disposition, ever looking on the bright side of life, she drew around her a large circle of friends on whim the sad news of her death, though not unexpected, will fall like the sombre shadows of an untimely night.  Loving hearts and willing hands administered to her every want during her long illness, and as she lived so has she died—esteemed and beloved by all who knew her, and like the golden setting of a summer sun, her virtues appear more resplendent now that she has passed from view.  Her funeral, at her late home on Main street, in our beautiful village where she was born and has always lived was largely attended.

 Dr. F. W. Brown, who moved from this place to Pueblo, Colorado, in June 1888, died in that city yesterday—Wednesday—at 3 p.m.  Dr. Brown came to Athens some fourteen years ago, and during his residence here gained to an unusual degree the confidence and respect of all who knew him.  His many friends in this county regretted his removal from this place, and now sincerely mourn his departure.  Mrs. Brown and her three children will likely return east.  Dr. Brown has a brother Henry Brown, of Windham and two sisters, Mrs. E. Dunham, Nicholas N.Y. and Mrs. Joseph Johnson, LeRaysville, Pa.

 Although the sad event was not unexpected the GAZETTE with sincere sorrow chronicles the death this week of one of Athens’ most venerable citizens.  On Monday morning last, at five o’clock, the spirit of John M. Pike passed peacefully to its eternal rest.  His demise was anticipated, yet the death angel ever makes his advent with a suddenness that chills the lingering spark of hope.  Mr. Pike had been an invalid for two years, suffering with a disease that stubbornly resisted the assaults of medicine and defied scientific skill.
 Mr. Pike was born in the city of New York in 1817, and had he lived until March next he would have been 73 years old.  He came to this country about 1838, and settled in Ulster, where he was engaged in the mercantile business for a number of years in partnership, at different times with his brother-in-law, S. S. Lockwood, and others.  He also kept hotel there.
 In 1838 he was married in New York City to Miss Miami Russell, daughter of Robert and Mary Ann Russell, of Ulster.  The fruit of this union were six children—John, anna, Fred, Frank, Ulilla and Charles.  His daughter Anna, the wife of Charles Kellogg, is the only one of these who survive him.  He also leaves an aged sister, Mrs. Anna Muzanne, 84 years old, to mourn his loss.
 From Ulster, the deceased moved to Athens, nearly forty years ago, and kept the old Pike hotel, of which he remained the landlord for many years, until it was destroyed by fire.  He then embarked in the mercantile business in the Harris and Wells’ store and continued there until about five years go when that building was also consumed by fire.  Since then he lived a retired life.  In November 1887, Mr. Pike was first attacked with the disease which caused his death.  He rallied from this, but was subsequently taken down by a second attack in the following May, which confined him to the house until his death.
 The deceased was of a genial disposition, had good conversational powers and possessed an infinite fund of incident and ancedote which made him a most popular host in his day.  He was a man of great business capacity and enterprise, of strict integrity, and a consistent member of the Methodist church for many years.  Notwithstanding the character of his ailment, he was always cheerful, and his death was peaceful.  Like the dripping into a gentle sleep his spirit passed beyond the portals, taking its place in the spectral columns full of the ripeness of the patriarch and crowded with the respect of his generation.
 The funeral took place on Wednesday last at 2 o’clock, and was largely attended.  The services were conducted by Rev. G. A. Place, assisted by Rev. W. H. Sawtelle.  The Interment took place at Tioga Point cemetery.

 Schuyler Fraser, who commenced business in this town a little over twenty years ago in what was known as “hemlock row”, now the business portion of town, died at his home in Otisville, N.Y., January 15.  Young Fraser was a thorough business man from the very first and from his light commencement he soon launched out with a large wholesale dry goods and notion store, which was successfully managed here for about two years.  During this time E. D. Drew, his brother-in-law, and James Bristoll became partners in the concern.  They finally moved to Elmira and after remaining in business there for a number of years they dissolved partnership and closed out the stock.
 Schuyler was accommodating and in every way perfectly reliable, and during the ten long weeks that he suffered from the disease that carried him off he uttered not one word of complaint but in a business way prepared for the end.  For years past he has been a faithful and earnest Christian.  He leaves a wife and two children.  He married the only daughter of James Easton seven years ago, the man for whom he first clerked.  They had three children but lost one a year or so ago.
 The deceased had many warm friends throughout this entire section who will regret to learn of his early death.

 On Saturday last, at the residence of his father-in-law, Elisha Forbes, in Sheshequin, Snover L. Osborn bid farewell to this  beautiful earth and all  that was near and dear to him here below.  He was sick only one week with typhoid pneumonia.  All that kind and loving hands could do was of no avail.  Without a struggle and a smile on his countenance, he passed beyond the beautiful river, leaving a devoted and loving wife and many friends to mourn his premature death.
Possibly there is not one of the heroes of the late war whose sufferings would compare with that of the late Colonel Loren Burritt, who expired at his residence on Hopkins street Saturday morning at three o’clock.  He was one of the brave men who shouldered his musket in the early part of the struggle, to give battle in defense of his country.  He received a wound in 1864 that caused his death in 1889.  While many of the brave boys are dropping out day by day, there are but very few cases that will anywhere near compare with that of the late Colonel Burritt.  He has given both his life and years of untold suffering for this country—devotion indeed!  Colonel Burritt married Miss Dell Rainsford of Owego, who has proved her devotion through all his sufferings—with him day and night, looking to his every want.  Her lot would seem a hard one, but she answered every requirement with the love of a true woman and an affectionate wife.  The Colonel and his wife moved to this place about ten years ago, and during the whole time of his residence here he was almost perfectly helpless, requiring a constant attendant.
 At the breaking out of the war Loren Burritt was a student in the law office of F. B. Streeter (afterward Judge of the 13th District), at Montrose, Pa.  In January, 1862, he entered the service as a private in company K, 56th Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was soon after made first Sergeant; serving one year as first Sergeant to February, 1863, when he was promoted to second Lieutenant.  From the fore part of March to the first of July, 1863, he was acting Adjutant of the 56th Pennsylvania Volunteers.  On the second day of July, during the battle of Gettysburg, he was assigned to duty on the staff of Brigadier-General Cutler, commanding the second Brigade, first division of the first arm corps, and served on the staff until Nov. 1863.  In November, 1863, he joined the 8th United States colored troops as Major; he having been appointed by the Secretary of War, Oct. 31st, 1863.  Went with the regiment for a short time again in Sept. 1864, it being then on duty in the trenches in front of Petersburg—in the meanwhile, in April, 1864, he had been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel.  But one of his wounds now re-opening he was obliged to go to the hospital, after about three weeks service in the field.  In Nov. 1864, he was ordered by the War Department to take command of the recruiting rendezvous at Newport News, Va., and remained in command of this post until the recruiting rendezvous was discontinued in March, 1865.  He was then detailed as a member of a Court Martial at Norfolk, and was subsequently appointed president of a military commission in that place, and still later president of a Board of Inquiry to investigate the administration of Commandant of the eastern division of Virginia.  He was relieved from duty at Norfork near the end of May, 1865, and re-joined his regiment which was then on board a transport at Hampton Roads, on the way to Texas.  Spend the summer and fall of 1865 in Texas, mostly at Ringald Barracks, and was mustered out with his regiment at Brownsville in Nov., 1865, and accompanied it to Philadelphia, where it was finally discharged in Dec., 1865.  He was mustered out of service in 1865 with his regiment, after which he served a term in the Legislature and shortly after commenced the practice of law in the city of Philadelphia, building up a good substantial business which he was compelled to abandon.  The case is indeed a sad one.
 The funeral occurred from his late residence this afternoon, at one o’clock, conducted by the Rev. ---------, of Owego after which the remains were taken by special train to Owego for burial.
 The following named gentlemen, and we believe his personal friends, were the pall bearers:  J.G. Holbrooke, C.S. Maurice, G.T. Ercanbrack, M.P. Murray, Joseph Hines and Charles T. Hull; also the following named comrades detailed from Perkins Post acted as an escort, or guard of honor:  Captain Daniel Bradbury, D.W. Tripp, Commander of the Post; W.H. Nutt and G. H. Weeks.  We learn that all the details for the funeral were arranged by the Colonel himself, and were carried out as near as possible.

 Emma Josephine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Mullock, whose death was noticed in the GAZETTE last week, was born in Towanda, Pa, May 25th 1872.  In the spring of 1882 she came with her parents to this village, where the rest of her life has been spent.  She was naturally of a bright and happy disposition, such as attracts the love of companions, and, as a consequence, she drew and bound to herself a large number of her young associates.  She possessed fine musical talent which made her especially attractive and helpful in social and religious gatherings.  From childhood she was a member of the Sabbath school of the Presbyterian church, and in the spring of 1886, in company with a number of her young companions, she made a public profession of her faith in Christ, and united with the Presbyterian church.  In her last sickness, which was very painful, her faith and hope did not forsake her, but were her support and comfort, and made her willing to die.  It was her special desire and prayer to recover, but she was submissive to the will of God and ready to go if it was His will.
 Her early death has thrown a shadow over a large circle of relatives and friends.  She will be greatly missed among her companions, and especially in the home where her presence seemed to be essential to its happiness.  Yet this event, sorrowful as it is, is not without its compensations.  There is comfort for the friends because there is hope in her death.  There are pleasant memories that will be ever cherished and, may we not hope, very tender and serious impressions have been made which will not be easily eradicated, and may so influence the lives of some who were near to her that they shall hereafter feel that it brought an invaluable blessing to them.  The strong regard felt for her in the community was evidenced by the large attendance at her funeral which occurred Saturday afternoon, October 5th.  The floral presentations were many and beautiful, among which were an unstrung harp from her late school-mates, and a broken column from the young men.  The services were conducted by her pastor, the Rev. W. H. Sawtelle, and Evangelist E. E. Davidson made some tender and appropriate remarks.  The coffin was borne by six of her young men associates, preceded by a large company of young ladies from Mrs. Park’s school, and the remains were laid to rest in the Forest Home cemetery at Waverly, N.Y., to await the resurrection of the dead, when Christ shall welcome all of His own into His everlasting kingdom.

 Miss Melvina Allen, daughter of Dr. E. P. Allen, of Athens, died on Wednesday of this week, of consumption.  Miss Allen was well known throughout this town and surrounding county, she having been one of the leading teachers in the Athens graded school for a number of years, and only retired on account of failing health.  She took a heavy cold about two years past from which she never recovered.  She traveled west, in company with friends, hoping to check the disease and regain again her usual health, but the first medical skill of the country and the most favorable climate failed to accomplish anything further than temporary relief.  She was a talented, kind hearted Christian lady, loved and respected by all.  The funeral services took place from the residence of her father, Friday morning, Rev. Horace Williston, of Candor, N.Y., preaching the sermon.

 Miss Carrie Brown died at the residence of Mrts. Emma Paris, of a complication of dropsy, tumor and cancer, Sunday night.  The funeral services were held at the late residence Monday at 4 p.m., and the remains were accompanied to New Haven by her friends, Mrs. B.J. Davis and Mrs. A. Ellis.

 Ebenezer Coburn, aged fifty-seven years, died after a short illness, Tuesday morning, of heart failure.  He was a well-known citizen and a former business man of this place.  His funeral was held at his late residence, Main street, Thursday, at 11 a.m., and the remains laid to rest in Evergreen cemetery.

 Mrs. Will Morgan died last Sunday, at her home on Broad street after a short illness.  She was about forty years of age and leaves one child, a boy of twelve.  The funeral services were held Tuesday at 2 p.m., from the saddened home.  Rev. D. H. Cooper officiating.  The interment was in Forest Home.  The pall-bearers were members of Sayre division, Brotherhood of Engineers, and large delegations were present from Iroquois tribe of Red Men and Ladies branch 520 Iron Hall.

 Owego, NY, March 16—It is seldom that the death of as young a person causes as much comment and universal regret as did the death of James Brunell Keeler, which occurred at 7:55 a.m., Friday, March 15, 1889.  That his condition had been serious, even critical, for several days, many or all were aware, but on Wednesday and Thursday his improvement was no marked that so serious fears were entertained by his family, but that he would recover.  It appeared that the sad news of his death spread like wild fire on the streets, and in less than a brief half-hour after he had breathed his last the fact was known all about town.  The universal comment was that of sympathy and regret.  It seems sad, and to us, looking on the wrong side of the loom, it appears that it is too heavy a tax for human endurance, to have all the visible chords of love and life severed thus suddenly in a young man, who had just reached the age and condition when life could be best and most reasonably enjoyed.  Twenty-nine years ago last October J. B. Keeler was born to Albert H. And Sarah Keeler in their present residence corner Central avenue and Temple street, Owego, N.Y.  Two other children were born to them, but no other son, and he richly deserved all the love that they gave him.  He attended the Owego academy, where he attained a good business education.  He assisted his father as book and time-keeper in his business, that of builder and contractor, until 1880, when he was engaged in superintending the putting in of the water works system at Towanda, Pa., where he had charge of the men employed.  In 1881 he was appointed to a lucrative position in the money-order department of the New York post-office, which he filled acceptably, but was compelled to resign on account of failing eyesight, caused by the excessive brightness of the electric lights used in the office.  He returned to his home and again assisted his father until 1885, he began business in the Empire Soap works, which he had conducted successfully to the time of his death.  In the summer of 1886 he formed a partnership with his brother-in-law, J.A. Mabee, under the firm title of Keeler & Mabee, and they have since carried on the City Steam laundry, at No. 83 North avenue, in the same building with the Empire Soap works.  For many years he was prominent in the Owego Fire department, holding important offices in both the department and Defiance Hook and Ladder company, No. 5.  About five years ago he became a member of Ahwaga tribe, No. 40 Improved Order of Red Men, and had worked up to the junior sagamore’s stump, but two removes from the sachem’s stump.  The loss occasioned by his death will be felt by the public and by his friends and acquaintances, but in its deepest poignancy and heart searching grief it is felt by the bereaved wife, parents and sisters and other relatives.  Deep as is the sympathy for his parents, it is deeper for his young wife of a year.  On her must the burden of grief fall with a double weight.  It will be hard for her to pass the accustomed hour of his home-coming, and not see him nor hear his footsteps; hard to realize that never again will the loved one meet her and greet her, and that all she has done is all that can be done, and that all is over.  It is sad enough when death assails those to whom it would seem a boon, but how doubly sad when it comes, as it did on this occasion, to cut short the thread of life, which promised as fair as did his!  The funeral will be conducted by Rev. T. W. Teller Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock, at his father’s residence, and will be under the auspices of Ahwaga tribe.  The members of Defiance Hook and Ladder company will attend in a body, accompanied by those of the department who can turn out.

 Mrs. Juliette M. Ely died at her residence in this village, Friday afternoon, December 18th, after an illness of but few days.  As her death removes an old resident of this village, and one who has been long and well-known in a large circle here and elsewhere, a brief sketch of her life will be of interest to very many:  Mrs. Ely was born in Owego, Tioga county, N.Y., April 8th, 1807.  Her father was William “Camp, one of four brothers who were pioneer settlers and merchants in Owego.  Their business required an annual trip to new York city; and when returning from such a trip in 1825, William Camp took passage at Wilkes-Barre on board a steam boat which had been fitted up to ply between that place and Owego.  This was the trial trip of the boat, and proved disastrous.  The boiler burst and injured several passengers, among them Mr. Camp, and he died in a few days.  Mrs. Ely’s mother was Abigail Whittlesey, the only daughter of Captain Asaph Whittlesey, who, with his command of forty men, was killed at the Wyoming massacre in June, 1778.  But before the battle began Captain Whittlesey placed his daughter, who was a babe of fourteen months, on a raft in charge of a hired man, and sent them down the river.  Her life was thus saved, and she was subsequently taken to Connecticut and reared by her father’s relatives, and was married to William Camp about the year 1800.  Mrs. Ely was eighteen years of age at the time of her father’s death and although her family was in comfortable circumstances, she determined to care for herself.  Having built and fitted up a building she opened an infant school in Owego.  This she carried on successfully for several years, when she gave it into the care of her sister, and spent two years in New York city in the special study of music and drawing.
 On her return to Owego she met Prof. Joseph M. Ely, of Springfield, Massachussets, a graduate of Yale College, who had become the Principal of Owego Academy, and they were married in 1834.  In 1837 they removed to New York where Prof. Ely opened a select school for boys which he conducted successfully for a number of years, numbering among his patrons many of the leading men of the city, and among his pupils some who afterwards became prominent.  In 1861 Prof. Ely removed to Waverly, N.Y., and the following year he came to Athens and took charge of the academy here, in connection with which was a select boarding school.  In this position he continued until his death in November, 1873
 When Prof. Ely took charge of the schools in Athens, Mrs. Ely became associated with him in the care of the primary department.  It was therefore in her life and work here that she probably exerted her widest influence as a teacher—an influence which all her pupils felt, and have testified to in their subsequent life.  As a woman, Mrs. Ely possessed many very strong and marked traits of character.  She was naturally endowed with a clear mind, and was accustomed to think for herself.  She formed no opinions hastily, but when formed it was but natural that she should hold them tenaciously.  She was a woman of positive convictions, and with a strong sense of duty.  She gave her heart to Christ when she was a girl and united with the Presbyterian church in Owego.  While living in New York she was a ember of the University Place Presbyterian church of which the Rev. Dr. Potts was pastor, and in 1862 she and her husband united with the Presbyterian church in this village.  Christianity exerted a powerful influence on her whole life and character.  She studied her Bible, and her belief of its teachings and her faith in God were as firm as the hills.  All of her faculties were remarkably preserved until the last.  Although more than four score years of age at the time of her death, she was young in spirit.  She lived in the present and not in the past.  She kept abreast of the times in this stirring age, and was interested in the movements of the times.  This was especially true of all religious movements, both in our own and foreign lands.  She read much and rejoiced in every thing that promoted the cause of Christ in all churches, and in all lands.
 Her last illness was short but painful, and death was met with calmness and joy.  She prepared for it as one would prepare for a long anticipated journey to a brighter and better home—as a discharged soldier would lay down his arms to return to his home.  Of the seven children which were born to her, three are living, viz: Mr. George Ely, of New York; Joseph M. Ely and Mrs. George A. Kinney, of this village.  These were all with her when she died, and at the funeral which was attended on Monday afternoon.  The services were conducted by her pastor, the Rev. W. H. Sawtelle.  The interment was in the Tioga Point Cemetery, beside her husband and children.

 Died at her late residence on Maple street, February 25th, 1889, Mrs. Lafayette Anson, aged 42 years.  The deceased was a great sufferer for a long time.  Her death was a glorious relief.  She started out brightly in the Christian life years ago, and through all her afflictions she never gave up her hope in Christ.  At the time of her conversion she united with the Baptist church where her membership was retained until her death severed it.  Her funeral took place February 27th, attended by a large concourse of people, W. H. Mentzer officiating.  The bereaved family were especially remembered in the service and all were “commended to God and to the word of His grace”.  In this bereavement they have the sympathy of many friends and neighbors.

 Mrs. Thomas Grantham, one of the oldest and most highly esteemed residents of Athens, died at the family home on South Main st. Saturday evening at 10 o’clock.  She had been ill nearly a year with heart trouble which was the remote cause of her death.  Last week Monday she fell and sustained such severe injuries to her back and hips that owing to her weakened condition the accident proved the immediate cause of her death.  The funeral will be held at the residence tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o’clock.  No woman in Athens was held in greater esteem than Mrs. Grantham.  Quiet and unassuming in her manner, she was devoted to her family and her home.  As member of the Methodist church, she was actively identified with its interests and no one was more faithful to its teachings or more regular in attendance upon its services than she.  Besides her husband she leaves two sons, Walter of Buffalo and Herbert of Philadelphia, and one dauther, Miss Agnes who lives at home.  All the members of the family were with her when the end came.

 City Judge Heller united in marriage Mrs. Susan DeBell and Theodore H. Rogers on Wednesday.  The bride gave her age as fifty-two years and this was her second venture on the matrimonial sea.  The groom was sixty-three years of age and took to himself his third bride.

 Justus Hade, one of Elmira’s oldest and most substantial German citizens, died at his home, 1128 Oak street, Monday, after an illness of about one week, of bronchitis.  Mr. Hade was born in Bebra, Germany, April 20, 1836, where he secured his education.  At an early age he came to the United States and at the opening of the Civil war enlisted as a private in Company B, Sixteenth Pennsylvania volunteers, in which he served during the war.  Mr. Hade later engaged in business on upper Lake street, where he continued until his retirement from business about sixteen years ago.  Mr. Hade was one of the charter members of the German Evangelical church, and for many years and until his death was president of the congregation and the church council, always taking an active and leading part in the church work.  He was also a past noble grand of Dowan lodge, No. 363 I.O.O.F., and for many years has been chaplain of that organization.  He was also an enthusiastic member of Baldwin post, No. 6, G.A.R., always found at their meetings and always present when a call was issued for assembly.  As a citizen Mr. Hade was always interested in Elmira and its welfare and promotion as an industrial center.  He is survived by one son, George W. Hade, and two daughters, Mrs. Henry V. Wood of Binghamton and Miss Minnie Hade of this city.  The funeral was held Friday afternoon.  A prayer service was held at 2 o’clock at the home, and at 3 o’clock services were held in the German Evangelical church.  The Rev. Randolph Vieweg officiated.  The members of Dowan lodge, No. 363, I.O.O.F., attended services and officiated at the grave.  Burial was in Woodlawn cemetery.  The casket was borne by W. Gamer, G. Pohlman, John Friend, J.B. Henry, W.F. Myer, Julius Janoski, M. Barchet and George Eggert.

 Is Susie Butters now Mrs. John Frisby of Pike, Pa.?  It will be remembered that Miss Susie Butters of Elmira Heights disappeared about one year ago and the authorities were unable to locate her for some time.  Finally it was heard that she was near LeRaysville, Pa.  She refused to return home and is said to have later left that place.  A LeRaysville paper contains the announcement of the marriage of Miss Susie Butters of Elmira Heights and John Frisby of Pike, Pa.  The reported marriage occurred April 21.

 At the home of the bride’s parents Mr. and Mrs. LeGrand Terry last evening occurred the wedding of Miss Lena Mae Terry and Harry Peck.  Rev. Dr. P.B. Ross performed the ceremony at 7:30 o’clock.  A large company of friends being present.  The wedding march was played by Miss Grace Surdam.  The ceremony took place in the front parlor, the bride and groom stood in front of a bank of ferns and hyderanges.  They were attended by Miss Lew Wellar, of Horseheads, as maid of honor, and Norman Thurston, of the same place, was best man.  Little Misses Ruth Baldwin and Marion Peck were staff bearers.  The bride’s gown was white mousseline; she wore a veil.  She carried a bouquet of white bride’s roses and wore orange blossoms.  She also wore a gold necklace set with pearls a gift of the groom.
 After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served, the color scheme of the dining room decorations being pink and white.  In the center of the table reserved for the wedding party was an immense bouquet of pink chrysanthemums and streamers of pink and white ribbon was festooned from the chandelier to the candelabra on the table.  The library was decorated with pink and white roses.  The following out of town guests were present; Mrs. Henry Hawn, of Brooklyn; Monroe Shoemaker, Guy Shoemaker and Floyd Shoemaker, of Elmira; Misses Lou and Ida Wellar and C.H. Goodyear, W. W. Myers of Horseheads.  Mr. and Mrs. Peck will spend their honeymoon in Boston, Mass.

 Miss Minnie Stedge of this place and Mr. W. B. Camp, of Athens, whose marriage was announced last week, will leave for Spokane Falls, Washington Territory, after the ceremony.  The groom intends engaging in business there.  They will be married this (Thursday) evening at 8 o’clock.

 Miss Sallie Morrow Fee, of Wyalusing and Charley DeGroff, of Unadilla, Neb., son of Minor DeGroff, of this place, were married at the home of the bride Wednesday evening.  The genial George Murray, of this place, acted as best man.  O.L. Jordan and wife and George DeGroff and wife were present at the ceremony.  Charley was at one time a compositor in this office and has been unusually prosperous in the west.  His many old and warm friends in town wish him a long and happy life.  The bride was the recipient of many handsome and valuable presents.  They leave for their western home this afternoon.

 Sayre, April 28—Mrs. Arzilla Cotton of Sayre died Saturday afternoon at the home of her daughter in Sheshequin, at the age of sixty-one years, from heart disease from which she had suffered for a long time.  She was the widow of the late Thomas B. Cotton of Litchfield, who died in 18??.  She is survived by two sons, Andrew, city editor of the Sayre Times-Record and Arthur, also of Sayre, and three daughters, Mrs. G. Floyd Childs and Mrs. M. B. Bidlack, both of Sheshequin and Winifred of Sayre.

 Harrison Fowler, the Fourteen Year Old Son of Rev. F. K. Fowler, Lost His Life Yesterday in an Attemp to Save That of His Younger Brother—Story of the Terrible Accident.
 There was a sad ending to the Baptist Sunday School picnic at Bouton’s grove yesterday.  The grove is an ideal picnic ground—a level stretch of grass carpeted earth shaded by large and beautiful maples.  It is a most picturesque spot, too, on the banks of the Allegany river, just this side of the village of Allegany and about three miles from the city.
 Several picnics have been held here of late years and the grounds have each year steadily grown in popular favor, and when the Sunday-school of the First Baptist church of this city decided to hold their picnic there this year the hearts of the younger members of the school were filled with delight.  Nearly two hundred people, mostly small children, attended the picnic.  The weather was all that could be desired and the little ones enjoyed themselves hugely until about 4 o’clock, the time set for starting home, when an accident occurred which entirely destroyed the pleasures of the day and which will cause all who attended the picnic to remember Bouton’s grove with sadness if not horror.
 Prominent among the young lads who were bubbling over with an exuberance of spirits was Master Harrison Fowler, the 14 year old son of Rev. F. K. Fowler, the popular pastor of the First Baptist church.  Before leaving home his mother, who did not attend the picnic, had given him permission to go in swimming.  He was a very sensible lad and his mother knew he could be trusted not to foolishly expose himself to any unnecessary danger.
 As the time approached to leave the pleasant picnic grounds, Harrison proposed to his younger brother Monroe and to Walter Gale, the 12 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gale of Laurel avenue, that they find a secluded nook and take a refreshing bath in the Allegany river before returning home. The boys were heated by their sports and hailed the proposition with delight.  The spot they selected for their bath was beneath the W.N.Y. & P. Railroad bridge which crosses the river near the Healey & Sons tannery just east of Allegany.  The river all about there is shallow except around the stone abutments of the bridge where the action of the swift current has worn deep holes.
 The boys were paddling about in the water in great glee when Monroe, the younger of the Fowler boys, got into one of the deep holes.  He could swim some, but the knowledge that he was beyond his depth frightened him and he called to his companions for help.  Harrison could not swim and up to that time he had carefully avoided the deep water, but no sooner did he see his younger brother struggling to keep his head above the surface than he bravely went to his assistance.  He could not help his brother out, however, and both began to sink.  Young Gale saw that his companions must drown unless assistance was speedily procured, and hastily scrambling out of the water and up the river bank he ran toward the tannery screaming for help.  A man who happened to be outside of the buildings heard his cries and hastening to the spot was just in time to rescue the youngest boy as he was going down for the last time, but Harrison was nowhere to be seen.  Several other men from the tannery and picnic grounds were soon on the scene, and after about ten minutes search the lifeless body of the brave boy was found in the holes.  A couple of doctors were hastily summoned and every known means of resuscitating drowning persons was tried, but without avail.  The young hero had sacrificed his own life in trying to save that of his brother.
 The drenched and lifeless body of the young hero was brought to the city immediately and taken to his home on Laurel avenue, where kind friends had already tenderly broken the terrible news to the fond mother.  The boy’s father, Rev. F. K. Fowler, and his eldest sister Clara, were at Silver Lake, when they received a telegram containing the news of their sudden and terrible bereavement.  They arrived in the city at 8:20 o’clock in the evening and were meet at the train by sympathizing friends and escorted to their home.  Both Mr. and Mrs. Fowler are nearly prostrated at the untimely death of their eldest son, and they have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community.  He was a manly little fellow and beloved by all who knew him.  The funeral was held from the parsonage, 9 Laurel avenue, at 8 o’clock this afternoon, and was very largely attended.  The interment was at Oak Lawn cemetery.

 Shot by His Own Hand in His Own Parlor this Morning-Ill Health the Supposed Cause
 At seven o’clock this morning or two or three minutes later, the muffled sound of a revolver shot was heard from the parlor of the flat occupied by John Lyon on Main street, the first floor over the place where he had so long carried on the business which he recently sold to James Robinson, his former clerk.  It proved to be a faatal shot, fired by Mr. Lyon himself, the bullet taking effect between the second and third ribs on the left side, passing through the heart and lodging in the body, causing almost instantaneous death.  He had arisen and dressed himself as usual, gone below into the store and about 6:30 a.m. his brother Frank Lyon, had stopped and talked with him, as had been his custom mornings for a long time.  He asked John how he felt this morning and the latter responded, “I feel pretty badly and if I don’t feel better soon, I shan’t live long.”  Frank tried to cheer him up by telling him that he would get better now that he was out of business and would have less resting on his mind.  When he departed John, whose usual custom was to say “Good morning!” said this time, “Good-bye!” but he thought nothing strange of it until the news of his brothers fatal act reached him.
 It appears that Mr. Lyon came upstairs from the store and entered the parlor.  Sitting down in a chair and opening his coat at the left side, he fired the fatal shot.  His wife was with her son and her sister in the rear portion of the rooms, but heard the report and feared that her husband had shot himself.  She opened the door to the parlor and saw him sitting in the chair.  She did not approach him, dreading to do so, but called her sister, who was the first one to reach him.  She found no sign of pulse.  Jack Ringrose, employed in the store of Shaw and Ringrose opposite Lymon’s rooms, heard the report and stepped to the Main street door to see where it came from.  He heard someone rapping at the window of Lyon’s rooms and hastened to render any assistance in his power.  The body rested in the chair when he arrived and there was no signs of life visible.  His long-continued ill health had made him despondent of relief and his dyspeptic symptoms had developed into nervous prostration and insomnia, which evidently had made life unbearable for him.
 He would have been 49 years of age May 12th and leaves a wife, one son, Percy, his parents and several brothers and sisters.  The funeral will be held at 2:30 p.m. Friday and the remains placed in the receiving vault at Evergreen cemetery.  He was a member of Friendship Lodge, No. 153, F. and A.M., and the funeral will be held under the auspices of that organization.

 Tidings came here on Sabbath last of the death of Mrs. Denniston at the home of her brother in Georgia, whether she had gone but a short time before.  Mrs. Denniston was well known in this village, having removed here from Sullivan county, N.Y., with her family many years ago.  She was naturally of a buoyant and hopeful nature and maintained a cheerful and courageous spirit amid afflictions and trials that would have crushed many less hopeful than she was.  She made a profession of her faith in Christ in early life and seemed always to have a strong reliance upon and confidence in His promises.  Her many afflictions brought her nearer to God.  Within the last few months she had become very much broken in health, and in the hope of recovery had gone to reside with her brother, Mr. Palen, in the milder climate of Georgia.  She had been there but a few days when she was taken with a cold which terminated her life on Saturday afternoon, Jan. 17.  Accompanied by her brother, the remains were brought here and the funeral services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. W. H. Sawtelle, at the Presbyterian church, Tuesday, Jan. 20, at 10 a.m.
 The peculiarly sad circumstances surrounding her death drew together a large and sympathetic concourse at her funeral.  Many hears were moved and filled with sorrow that her life should have gone out so sadly in the very prime of her womanhood.  Three children remain behind her, and several had preceded her to the grave, and she was laid beside them in Tioga Point cemetery.  

Tri-Counties Genealogy & History  
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