The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery

Tri County Clippings- Page One Hundred Thirty One

Berniece REED Clippings, Submitted by Walter SAMSON
Following clippings are submitted by Walter R. Samson, Rock Creek, OH.  His mother was Helen MacDougall Samson.

In 1909 my Grandmother Berneice Reed MacDougall made a Christmas present for her mother Sophia Emmeline (Emma) Webster Reed.  It was a booklet with fancy edges cut from card stock containing envelopes, and found with a red ribbon.  In each envelope were newspaper clipping of interest to the family, mostly centered on activities in Chemung Co., NY.

Saturday afternoon, Sept. 18 the citizens of Millport and vicinity will dedicate a tablet to the memory of Green Bently, the first settler in that locality, the ceremonies taking place at the little cemetery a little north of the village, where his remains rest.
An elaborate program has been arranged, which will begin at 2 p.m.  The first part will take place in the Masonic Lodge rooms of Old Oak Lodge, Charles Sleeper will introduce Abner C. Wright, local historian for the Town of Ashland and the Village of Wellsburg, who is well versed in history of this section of the country, and well informed in the facts concerning Green Bently and who will be the principal speaker at the lodge hall.  The meeting will be opened with prayer.  Selections by a local quartet will also be a part of the program.
Following the meeting in the lodge hall, a procession will be formed in which will be delegations from the Grand Army of the Republic, the Spanish War Veterans, the Veterans of the World War, all preceded by the fife and drum corps of Watkins Glen and Montour Falls.
The procession will move to the cemetery where the dedication ceremonies will take place, G. Archie Turner delivering the dedication address.  Following the address the Boy Scouts will take a solemn pledge to keep inviolate and undesecrated the little plot of ground on which the marker will stand.  This will be followed by a salute by the firing squad and “Taps” the service to be ended by benediction.  It is expected that many from outside the community will be in attendance.
Green Bently was born about 1741, was a soldier of the Revolution and from his known character as a patriot, when the town was organized it was given the name of Veteran in honor of him.
Green Bently emigrated from Rhode Island to Warwick in Orange County in 1775, just before the outbreak of the Revolutionary War.  There he joined the patriots and served as an officer during that long struggle, and was ever after known as Sergeant Bently.  It is said that he also served in the French War.  At the close of the Revolution, he with several other families, who had started from Rhode Island with him, removed from Orange County to the Wyoming Valley in Pennsylvania, where he remained for three years, when the quarrel arose between the New England settlers and the followers of William Penn, with reference to the title of the land; the former claiming it under the new Connecticut charter, and the latter as coming within the charter given to William Penn, both of which had been granted by the King of England.
The quarrel proved serious and many deaths resulted, and as the New England people were in the minority, it became obvious that their only chance for peace and safety depended on their leaving the valley Green Bently with sixteen other heads of families built a boat, on which they placed their effects, and pushed and poled it up the river, while others drove the cattle and horses along the banks.  In 30 days they reached what is now Wellsburg, where Bently purchased all the land lying between the river and the Pennsylvania line, including about three hundred acres at the point where the creek since known by his name, Bently’s Creek, enters the Chemung River.  Here he stayed until 1798, when he sold out and bought three hundred acres of land, on a part of which Millport now stands.  He built a log house upon it.
The cemetery in which his remains rest was a part of his original plot of land purchased in 1798.  About a year ago, the Boy Scouts held a field day and among the guests invited was the Elmira Heights troop.  During the day the scouts ascended the pinnacle near the pinnacle near the village, where, it is said the Masons in Sullivan’s army held communication.  In order to understand the history of the spot Err Locke was invited to and did explain the situation.  It was suggested at that time that the resting place of Green Bently be marked in some manner, but it was not until the past spring that the matter of a marker was finally decided upon.
The proposition was brought to the attention of the Chemung County Historical Society, and application was made to Dr. A. C. Flick, state historian, for the marker, which will be dedicated Saturday.  The Boy Scouts have taken a great deal of interest in the matter since a year ago, and it is under their auspices that the celebration will be held.
Millport has always been a patriotic community, contributing liberally to all causes for the benefit of the country.  In all wars they have contributed their full quota in the service of the State and Nation.
Under a committee of local citizens, the cemetery has been improved and presents a creditable appearance, the ground leveled and the stones straightened.  Many of the oldest citizens were buried there, previous to the purchase of the cemetery to the east of the village.

Horseheads, Nov. 19, 1921 (1921 handwritten)---The marriage of Miss Persis Louise Miller, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Miller of Horseheads and George W. MacDougall, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. MacDougall of Horseheads was solemnized Wednesday night at the home of the bride’s parents.
Evergreens and bittersweet effectively arranged were the chief decorations.  The ceremony was performed under a bridal arch of evergreen and bittersweet.  The Rev. C. E. Christian of Horseheads officiated.  Miss Lavina Slavin of Horseheads acted as bridesmaid and Burr MacDougall, brother of the bridegrrom, as best man.
Immediately before the entrance of the bridal party “Oh, Promise Me” was played and sung by Miss Louise Slavin, and as the bridal party entered Miss Louise Slavin played the wedding march from “Lohengrin”.  Little Miss Mavis Wheeler of Horseheads acted as ring bearer.  She was gowned in pink organdy and carried the circle of gold in a rosebud.
The bride was attractively attired in a gown of ivory crepe de chine and chantilly lace and carried a showed bouquet of Bride roses and maidenhair fern.  The bridesmaid wore pink organdy and carried Ophelia roses.
A reception and supper followed the ceremony.  Mr. and Mrs. MacDougall left for New York City.  The will be at home to their friends after December 1, at their newly furnished home on Henry street, Montour Falls.

Willard S. Reed, Head of the First National Bank, Is Found Dead in His Office by Janitor—Leaves Note Saying Funds of Bank Are Intact---Had Suffered From Asthma For Several Weeks and Was Unable To Sleep—Was Prominent Clubman and Conspicuous in Business and Philanthropic Affairs.
Corning, Oct. 24,--(Special)—Willard S. Reed, fifty years old, president of the First National Bank here for several years, committed suicide by shooting himself in the bank last night.  His body was found by the janitor this morning.
Mr. Reed had been in ill health for several months and his suicide is attributed to this cause.  He suffered from asthma, which prevented his sleeping at night.  His illness had kept him away from the bank for several weeks.
Beside Mr. Reed’s body was found a note stating briefly that the funds of the bank were intact and that all notes, securities and cash would be found as indicated in the report of the institution.  He made no reference to himself or his rash act.  Mr. Reed was born in Hammondsport in 1871, and educated in Bath.  He was admitted to the bar in 1897 and came to Corning immediately practicing law until 1907 when he was elected cashier of the First National Bank, later becoming its vice-president.  He became president of the bank at the death of General George H. Bradley, long the head of the institution.
Under Mr. Reed’s presidency, the bank prospered most gratifyingly.  Its business increased three fold and it just completed an addition which will double the capacity of its banking quarters, having taken over the store formerly occupied by the Tarbell-Calkins Drug Company.
Mr. Reed was a charter member of the Corning Elks and the Corning Rotary (?).  He also was a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, Corning City Club and the Corning Country Club.  He is survived by his widow one son Walter, a clerk in the First National Bank; one daughter Charlotte.
Mr. Reed was regarded as one of the most successful bankers in the state, and one of Corning’s most prominent and dependable men. He was conspicuous in many movements for the upbuilding of the city and in philanthropic work.  In a quiet and dignified way, he became a power in the city and his death has caused widespread sorrow.

Former Sheriff of Chemung County Suffers Stroke at 7 O’clock This Morning and Passes Away Before Physician Arrives—Was Discussing Plans for Day When End Came—Funeral Will  Be Held Sunday Afternoon at the Home in Breesport—Masons to Have Charge of Burial in Spencer.
A Roselle Hoke, county superintendent of the poor, died unexpectedly at 7 o’clock this morning.  The end came as the result of a stroke of apoplexy while talking to his wife at the superintendent’s private residence at the county farm, Breesport.  The unexpected report of his death, which reached Elmira shortly after 7 o’clock, was a shock to the entire city, for no public official is more honored respected and loved than A. Roselle Hoke.
Three years ago he completed a term as sheriff of this county, and it is admitted by all that Chemung county never had a better, more efficient or more trustworthy sheriff.  Everyone held the highest respect for Mr. Hoke.  He possessed a kind loving disposition.  He was charitable to all, magnifying the virtue and ignoring the faults of others.  His life was filled with charitable deeds, usually known only to those benefited.
Mr. Hoke served as county supervisor from the town of Veteran several terms.  He made an excellent record on that board.  Six years ago this fall he was nominated for sheriff by the Republicans and was elected.  His excellent record in that office is well known.  Had the law permitted, there is no doubt but Mr. Hoke would have been re-elected but the law does not permit a sheriff in this state to succeed himself.  When he retired from the sheriff'’ office he went to his farm on the Ridge Road, town of Veteran.  One year later the Republicans sought him as candidate for county superintendent of the poor and finally inducted him to accept the nomination.  He was endorsed by the Prohibitionists and easily elected.  His term of office does not expire for another year.  His record at the county farm has been as successful as his term of sheriff.  The taxpayers of this county have been saved thousands of dollars through his efficient management.
Superintendent Hoke was in this city yesterday, for it has been his practice to be at his office at the county buildings for a few hours on each Wednesday and Saturday.  Mr. Hoke told friends here yesterday that he was feeling better physically than for some weeks.  He has been troubled with a weak heart and had been taking treatments.
Mr. Hoke was specially interested in the welfare of the Baptist Church at Breesport, and induced a large number of his friends in this city to purchase tickets to a roast port supper to be served at that ...... this evening.  Mr. Hoke was a member of Veteran Grange No. 1108 and of Southern Light Lodge of Masons of Breesport.  He has been an active member of the Horseheads Baptist church many years.
The funeral will be held at the home at the county farm, Breesport, Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock.  The Rev. C. E. Christian, pastor of the Baptist church, Horseheads will officiate.  Burial will be in the family plot at Spencer.  The masons will have charge of the services at the grave.

Succumbs suddenly to an Attack of Pneumonia
The community was shocked by the sudden death of Increase B. Stoddard, which occurred at his residence in the town of Veteran on Sunday last.  It seems that he had been suffering for several days with a mild form of pneumonia, but with his usual indomitable will, continued about his customary pursuits until Saturday evening, the day before his death.  Then the disease had ravaged and depleted his system to such an extent that no human power or medical skill could stay it.
The funeral was held at his late home on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. W. H. Yard officiating.  The interment was at Maple Grove cemetery.  The pall bearers were Conrad Smith, Charles F. Taber, Joseph H. Palmer, R.G. Eisenhart, Henry Thomas and Horace J. Weller.  Notwithstanding the condition of the roads the services were as largely attended as any in recent years.  Among those in attendance from out of town were (some are unreadable) – Mr. & Mrs. D. B. Sherman of Columbia X Roads; Fred N. Drake of Sayre, Pa; Mr. W. E. Drake of Trenton, N.J.; and Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Stoddard of New York City.
Mr. Stoddard was born on December 8, ??? in a log house on the land on which he died.  His parents Jonathan and Eliza Shute Stoddard, were pioneers in this section, having emigrated here from Orange county in 1832.  Increase was the third child.  Six others came later and nearly all married and settled in this county.  The only surviving ones are Mrs. George M. Parsons of Millport; William B. Stoddard of Janesville, Wis; Mrs. Anna Rarrick and Mrs. William D. Perkins of this village.
The entire life of Mr. Stoddard—nearly seventy years—was spent on the homestead.  When only a young man the responsibilities of a large family and heavy indebtedness was thrown upon him by the death of his father.  From that early date until the day of his death a great part of his time was consumed in efforts and thought calculated to lighten the burdens of others whom he conceived to be in some measure dependent upon him.  His education was derived mainly in the district school, but through his own efforts he managed to spend several terms at Alfred university.  No man realized more keenly than he the importance of education.  "It is something,” he used to say, “that a young man cannot dissipate.”

In the early evening of May 2, 1905, the entire community was startled by the announcement of the sudden death of Charles W. Phillips, who resided about two miles southeast of this village.  At the time of his death he was apparently in his usual health, although during the winter he had had several attacks which were, however, not considered alarming.  About six o’clock on the day of his death he had left his team in the field and gone to the house for supper.  Upon his return to the field his wife noticed that he was suffering from one of his old attacks, and in a few moments he expired in her arms.  How true it is that in the midst of life there is death. “Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken and the other left.”
Charles W. Phillips was born in New York city, July ??, 185?.  Nov. 19, 1879, he married L. Irene Rhode, who survives him.  In 1872 he joined the Baptist church.  April 12, 1903, he was received into fellowship with the Baptist church of Dundee, since which time he has been closely identified with its interest.  Charles Phillips was a man who was respected by his fellow citizens.  To us, it means much to have the esteem and honor of those in the community where one resides.  He was devoted to the interests of his church and pastor, and always showed a willingness to do whatever was assigned him.  A great lesson is brought home to this community by the sudden departure of this brother and neighbor, as well as by other sudden deaths in our midst.  He had no time to set his house in order.  The summons came too quickly, but we who tarry know that he was ready.  Let us all put our faith in Christ and live such lives that we shall be ready, should the call come at morning, noon, or night.

The funeral of Mrs. Harriet Sayre a Bentley was held this afternoon at the family home on the Middle Road, in the Town of Veteran.
The death of Mrs. Harriet Sayre Bentley has caused this community to mourn the loss of one of its most perfect characters of motherhood and womanhood.  For over eighty-four years she has lived near Horseheads.  Nearly all of her earlier friends—those of her own generation, have passed on before her, but her children and all those of their generation, who knew her were her loving friends.
Mrs. Bentley was a member of one of the pioneer families of this valley.  She was the daughter of Hector Sayre and he the son of Ebenezer Sayre, who located near Horseheads about 1792, coming here from Orange County.  Among the Sayre descendants are many respected residents of Elmira and Chemung County.   ????are Justice Walter Lloyd Smith, ??? L. Curtis, Mrs. H.H. Sayles, Mrs. Jarvis Langdon, Mrs. Nelson Wells of Elmira, the VanDuzer family of Horseheads and others besides the many who bear the Sayre name.
Mrs. Bentley leaves two sons, Attorney Frank S. Bentley of Horseheads and J. Fred Bentley of Binghamton and Horseheads, and Mrs. T. E. LaFrance of Elmira, a daughter.  The father and grandfather were among the organizers of the First Presbyterian Church at Horseheads, which church the children of Mrs. Bently are at present aiding to repair and improve impelled and inspired in their work by the loving care their mother.  In her family, in her church, in the community everywhere she was the lovely and lovable Christlike being always seeking and working for the good, the happiness and betterment of others with never an unkind word or sign of selfish thought.

Dundee, March 17—The funeral of Mrs. Lucy E. Rhodes was held from the home of her brother, LeRoy Green, Wednesday afternoon and interment was made in the Hillside Cemetery.  Mrs. Rhodes died in Lockport on Monday and her remains were brought to this village Tuesday afternoon for the funeral and burial.  She was the widow of the late Maxwell Rhodes, a former resident of this village.

The funeral services of Mrs. Theo. McDougal were held Friday morning at 11 o’clock, at her late home in Veteran.  The Rev. Wm. H. Yard of Horseheads, officiated, and interment was made in the Vary cemetery.  Mrs. McDougal’s maiden name was Emily Cornish.  She was born in Tompkins county, August 21, 1849, and is survived by her husband and two sisters, Mrs. John L. Carpenter of Elmira and Mrs. Judson Primmer of Kenzual, Pa.  Since her marriage she has always lived in Veteran, and her death removes from that place a respected resident from the church, a faithful sister from the home a beloved wife.  The ??? and tribulation which prevented this faithful woman from performing her household duties, cut her off from social life and from the ?? of the served, only made her faith in him stronger.  When her spirit answered the summons to return to Him who gave it she surrendered to her Maker, saying, “Not my will but Thine be done”, and in departing left an example of true Christian living whose sweet and ennobling influence will ever dwell in the hearts and appear in the lives of those she knew best.
The bereaved husband and family wish to thank the many kind friends who administered to her in her sickness and them in their bereavement.

Cardwell D. Judson died this morning at 7 o’clock at the family home in the town of Veteran, aged sixty-four years.  Mr. Judson arose this morning in his usual health and was at work around the farm when he became ill of heart disease and died in about an hour.  He is survived by his widow, two sons, Elmer B. Judson of Veteran, and Clayton L. Of Horseheads; five sisters, Mrs. Sarah Breese of Cayuta, Mrs. Martha Clark of Elmira, Mrs. Harriet Harding of Erin, Mrs. Julia Goodyear of Morence, Mich., and Mrs. V. Swazy of Veteran.  Mr. Judson was a member of Southern Light Lodge, No. 726, F. & A. M. of Breesport.  The funeral will be held at the home Saturday at 2 p.m.  The Masonic burial service will be conducted at the grave in Maple Grove cemetery at Horseheads.

Mrs. J. C. Roberts died at the family home in the town of Veteran yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock, aged seventy-six years.  Mrs. Roberts was one of the first students in Elmira College over a half century ago.  Her grandfather was a soldier of the War of the Revolution and her father was a veteran of the War of 1812.  Mrs. Roberts is survived by a daughter mrs. Alvin Green of Veteran, two brothrs, Marcus of Oakland, Cal., and Joseph of Fort Worth, Kansas; two sisters, Mrs. Adelia Catlin of Dolgeville, and Mrs. Francis Filkins of Corning.  The funeral will be held at the family home in the town of Veteran, Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock.  Burial will be made in the Vary cemetery in the town of Veteran.

Mrs. Grace L. Green, Estimable Horseheads Young Woman, Expires After Only a Few Hours’ Illness.
Horseheads, Feb. 10 – The death summons that came so unexpectedly this morning to Miss Grace L. Green an estimable and popular young woman of this village, brought a general expression of sincere sorrow.  At breakfast Miss Green complained of feeling ill and lay down in hope the ill feeling would pass off.  About 9 o’clock she called her mother and told her she was much worse.  A moment later she lapsed into unconsciousness and all efforts of the physicians to revive her were without avail.  She died at 10 o’clock.
Miss Green was twenty-six year old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Green of Pine street.  For several years she had been stenographer in Attorney Frank S. Bentley’s office.  A devoted member of the Presbyterian Church, and also possessed of social accomplishments to a marked degree, the loss occasions by her death will be felt keenly in the community.  The funeral will be announced later.

Mrs. Willet Hegeman died at the family home in the town of Veteran yesterday morning at 6 o’clock, aged fifty-three years.  She is survived by her husband, her step-mother, Mrs. Sarah Jackson of Washington, D.C., four brothers, O. H. Jackson of Horseheads, Herbert J. Of Portland, Ore., J. Jackson of this city, and Floyd of Endicott; two sisters, Mrs. Charles Ferguson of Syracuse and Mrs. Harry Kenner of Washington, D.C.  The funeral will be held at the home Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock.  Burial will be made in Maple Grove Cemetery, Horseheads.

Dundee, Nov. 7 – The death of Mrs. William Webster occurred at the family home in Starkey Sunday morning about 10 o’clock.  Mrs. Webster was forty-two years of age, having been born in Wayne, Steuben county, August 20, 1874.  She lived in that vicinity until about six years ago when the family moved to the Coleman farm near Starkey.  Mrs. Webster was highly esteemed and leaves many friends to mourn her loss.  She is survived by her husband and one daughter, Wilma, who lives at home.  She also leaves one brother, George Bailey of Munich, Mich.  The funeral will be held from the Starkey Methodist Episcopal Church, Wednesday afternoon at one o’clock, the Rev. C. G. McConnell officiating.  Interment will be made in Starkey cemetery.

Mrs. Julia J. Ross died Sunday night at 11:30 P.M. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lewis Leonard in Sullivanville, aged seventy-eight years.  She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Leonard; a son, Hyatt Ross of Breesport, and a sister, Mrs. Kate Hazelton of Springfield, PA  The funeral will be held at the home of her daughter, Wednesday at 2 p.m.  Burial in the Breesport cemetery.
Mrs. Ross was a member of a family well known in that section of the county, having spend practically all her life there.  She had been in ill health for more than two years and her death was not unexpected.

Walter Reed, aged 82 years, died on Sunday of the infirmities of old age at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Asa Robbins, on the Hamlin farm,  near North Urbana.  Mr. Reed was born in Honesdale, Pa.  For many years he had resided in Yates county until the death of Mrs. Reed a few months ago.  Since then he has been with his daughter.  Mr. Reed has for many years been identified with the vineyard interests of this region.  He was a man of independent thought and action, a great reader and an original reasoner.  He was a student of nature and often expressed his views in verse and prose some of which were of real merit.  Mr. Reed is survived by three sons, George Reed, Wayne; Lawrence Reed, Horseheads; and Willard Reed, Corning, and two daughters, Mrs. Theodore Bennett, Wayne; and Mrs. Asa Robbins.  Burial in the Pleasant Valley cemetery this afternoon.

Frank Green died Thursday afternoon at the Arnot-Ogden hospital in Elmira, following an operation for appendicitis.  Mr. Green was taken suddenly sick at Rorick’s Glen Wednesday afternoon.  It was found that he was suffering from appendicitis and an operation was decided upon at once and he was taken to the hospital and the operation performed that night.  He had been a resident of Horseheads for many years, and was formerly a member of the grocery firm of Manning & Green.  Deceased is survived by a wife, one son Howard, and a sister, Mrs. Mary Billings of Pine Valley.  The funeral was held at the home Sunday afternoon, the Rev. C. E. Christian officiating.  Burial in Maple Grove cemetery.  VanBuskirk Bros. had charge.

Corning, June 15—Mrs. Helen A. Lathrop, aged 69(?) years, of Galeton, Pa., died this morning at 8:30 o’clock at the Corning hospital, where she had been a patient since Sunday night.
She is survived by her husband, Charles K. Lathrop, of Galeton; by two daughters, Caroline H. Lathrop of East Erie Ave., and Lillian A. Lathrop of Galeton, and a brother Harry Pachall of Corning.  The body was taken to the former home of Mrs. Lathrop, at Galeton, for funeral and burial.

Mrs. Moses Hill died this morning at 6 o’clock at the family home on the Lake street road, in the town of Horseheads, aged seventy years.  She is survived by her husband, two sons, Clarence of Troy, Pa; Chauncey  at home; a daughter, Mrs. Frank Austin of Horseheads, two brothers, Daniel Burdick of East Cortwright, NY, and Wesley Burdick of West Davenport, NY; three sisters, Mrs. Eloda Hotaling and Mrs. Louisa Gibson of Oneonta and Mrs. C. A. Brady of Bath; also eight grandchildren.  The funeral will be held at the home Tuesday at 2 p.m., the Rev. M.A. Soper of  the Horseheads Methodist Episcopal Church is to officiate.  The burial will be in the Maple Grove Cemetery.

George Ade, the American author was born in Kentland, Ind. Feb. 9, 1866.  In 1887 he graduated from the University of Purdue.  From that time until 1890 he was engaged in newspaper work in Lafayette, Ind.  He then worked on the Chicago Record until 1900.  In 1908 Ade was a delegate to the national Republican convention.  The same year he was made a trustee of Purdue university, and the following year grand consul of the Sigma Chi fraternity.  He is the author of Artie, Pink Marsh, Doc Horne, Fables in Slang, More Fables, The Girl Proposition, People You Knew, Breaking Into Society, In Pastures New,  The Slim Princess and Old Stories Done Over.  His plays are as follows:  The Sultan of Sulu, Peggy from Paris, The Country Chairman, The Sho-Gun, The College Widow, The Bad Samaritan, Just Out of College, Marse Covington, Mrs. Peckham’s Carousel, Father and the Boys, the Fair Co-Ed and The Old Town(sp?)

Alice Maude Hibbard, the second daughter of Mrs. Thomas H. Hibbard was united in marriage at 12 o’clock today to Clayton Lester Judson at the brides home in Horseheads.
About 75 Horseheads and Elmira friends and relatives witnessed the ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. David H. Weeks, rector of St. Mathew’s Episcopal Church in Horseheads.
The couple stood beneath a canopy of floral decorations and horseshoe.  The house decorations were of yellow and white.  This was the Rev. Mr. Weeks’ first wedding.  He is a young man, but a few months in charge in Horseheads.  The full Episcopal ring service was used.
Preceding the service Miss Georgia Weller sang “Oh Promise Me,” accompanied by Mis Laura Zimmerman.  During the entrance of the wedding party Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March” was played by the piano and two violins by Miss Zimmerman, Miss Martha Holbert and Miss Helen Reynolds.
The bride was accompanied by her brother, Thomas R. Hibbard, and attended by her sister Miss Mary Hibbard.  The best man was Sylvanus Wood.  The rope bearers were Mrs.V.R. Edington and Miss Alice Dibble.
A delicious wedding dinner was served.  Miss Murphy catered.
Mr. & Mrs. Judson left for a two weeks’ trip.  The bride is one of Horseheads’ most estimable young women, and the groom a successful young business men associated with the Horseheads Creamery Co.  The bride received many beautiful presents.

Mrs. Bert E. Billings died at the family home in the town of Veteran Friday at 2:40 p.m., aged forty years.  She is survived by her husband, two daughters, Harriet E. And Katherine I. At home; one brother Samuel R. Randolph of Horseheads, two sisters Miss Harriet B. Randolph of New York city, and Miss Emma K. Randolph of Elmira.  The funeral will be held at the home Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock, the Rev. Harry Smith of the Presbyterian church of Horseheads officiating.  Burial will be in Maple Grove cemetery at Horseheads.

Horseheads, June 11. – One of the prettiest church weddings ever witnessed in this village took place last evening in the methodist Church when Miss Lulu Weller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace J. Weller was united in marriage to William Westlake Myers.  The ceremony was performed by the Rev. R. DeWitt Stanley.
While the guests were assembling at the church Miss Ruth Christian, violinst and Merritt S. Welch, organist, played an excellent program of music.  The church was trimmed with arches of laurel and festoons of evergreens and laurel.  The alter was banked with daisies, evergreens and palms, while over the kneeling desk a large cupid was hung.
The Lohengrin “Wedding March” was played at promptly 8 o’clock as the bridal party arrived.  The ushers marched down the two center aisles, followed by the bridesmaids, each alone, who formed an aisle for the bride.  Next cam two ushers, followed by the ring bearer, the maid of honor and the bride on the arm of her father.  They were met at the alter by the minister, the groom and the best man.  The ring service was used.  Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March” was played after the ceremony.
The maid of honor was Miss Ida L. Weller, a sister of the bride, and Walter Myers, a brother of the groom acted as best man.  The ringbearer was little Miss Mildred  Mathews, a niece of the bride.  The bridesmaids were:  Miss Maria Taber, Miss Georgia Weller, a sister; Miss Bess Weller and Miss Clara Slayton, cousins of the bride.  The ushers were:  Messrs. Charles Goodyear, Archie Matthews, Willard Gould, Robert Westlake, William Westlake and Theodore Weller, the bride’s brother.
The bridal party gowns carried out the rainbow color effect.  Miss Taber wore lavender silk mulle; Miss Georgia Weller, a gown of blue silk mulle; Miss Bess Weller, a gown of pink bengaline silk, and Miss Slayton, blue silk mulle.
The honor maid wore a pretty creation of yellow silk and Battenberg lace, and carried a shower bouquet of yellow roses.  The bridesmaids carried bouquets of pink carnations.  The bride was charming in a white Messaline satin in Princess effect with veil and carried a shower bouquet of white sweet peas.  Her traveling suit was a champagne color Rajah silk with hat to match.
After the cermony a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents, on Steuben street, about 75 guests being received.  The house was prettily decorated with cut flowers and palms.
A delicious wedding supper was served, Miss Reidy catering.  Mrs. C. L. Hathaway, an aunt of the bride and Mrs. Frank Mthews, a sister, presided at the bride’s table while the bridal party was being served, and were assisted by Misses Carrie Boeitker, Annette Hibbard, Lucy Havens and Grayce Sixby.  Mrs. George VanBuskirk and Miss Earl F. Osmun presided while the other guests were being served, and were assisted by Mrs. Benjamin F. Colegrove, Miss Maude Hibbard, Miss helen Updike and Miss Blanche Rockwell.
The color scheme of the bride’s table was of green and white.  Smilax was festooned on the sides of the table, while on each corner there was a large bow of white ribbon.  The festoons on the sides were caught with stalks of Easter Lilies.  The centerpiece was a large green basket which held the bride’s bouquet.  From the chandeliar a cupid was hung which hovered over the basket.  The table was lit by green shaded candlesticks.
During the evening Miss Bess Weller, controlto, and Miss Georgia Weller, soprano, were heard in several delightful duets, accompanied by Miss Slayton and Mr. Welch.
Mr. and Mrs. Myers left via the Erie for a trip of several weeks to Chicago and Seattle, Wash.  They are popular young people of this village and their friends extend best wishes.

Bath. May 2.—Following an illness of several weeks occurred the death yesterday of Walter Reed.  Mr. Reed was eighty-two years old, and for over 50 years had lived in the town of Wayne.  He was an extensive vineyardist and well known as a successful grape culturist.  He was a son of Nathaniel Reed, a soldier in the American Revolution, who removed from Massachusetts about 1790 and settled in Honesdale, Pa.
Mr. Reed leaves two daughters, Mrs. Theodore Bennett of Grove Springs and Mrs. Asa Robbins of Hammondsport; he also leaves three sons, Willard of Corning, Lawrence of Horseheads and George of the town of Wayne.  The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon, and the burial will be in Pleasant Valley cemetery.

Catherine Smith was born at Cayutaville, Schuyler county, NY., May 6, 1828 and died at her home in this place February 15, 1911.  About 63 years ago she married Walter Reed, who survives her.  She was the mother of six children; Lawrence Reed, of Horseheads, Willard S. Reed, of Corning; George Reed and Mrs. Theodore Bennitt of Grove Springs; Mrs. Asa Robbins of North Urbana, and Eugene who died at the age of two years.  The remains were laid to rest in Pleasant Valley cemetery on Friday.

Frederick Gottleib Kimmich passed from this life at the Delta Upsilon chapter house of Colgate university at Hamilton, N.Y.   Thursday morning last at 10 o’clock.  The funeral was held at the Baptist church, this village, Sunday afternoon and the burial took place at Maple Grove cemetery.
On the Saturday prior to his death Mr. Kimmich was taken with a slight attack of pneumonia, but his condition was not considered serious until  late Monday evening, when his sister, Miss Katharine Kimmich, a trained nurse of Rochester, was sent for.  A consultation was held Tuesday and it was found he had a severe case of typhoid-pneumonia, and Wednesday morning his mother, Mrs. J. G. Kimmich, and Rho L. Bush, a brother-in-law, left for Hamilton.  The best medical assistance and skilled nursing were employed by the young man’s family.  The disease was uncouquerable by all human agencies and the spirit and the body were speedily separated, while the hearts of friends were wrung with anguish.
Deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kimmich of this village.  He was born March 26, 1884, graduated from the Horseheads High School, June 1901, and entered Colgate University in the fall of 1902, and would have graduated from that institution with honors next June.  He was president of the senior class of the university, a member of the baseball team and captain-elect for 1906, and a member of Colgate chapter of Delta Upsilon.
The deceased is survived by the father and mother, Mr. & Mrs. J. G. Kimmich, four sisters, Mrs. Rho L. Bush, Mrs. H. H. McQueen, and Miss Katharine Kimmich of this village, and Mrs. F. G. Cole of Elmira, and one brother, Robert J. Kimmich of New York.  The funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. R. Timesou, pastor of the Baptist church of which the deceased was a member, assisted by Rev. C. E. Christian of Jeanette, Pa., a former pastor of the local church and also a close friend of the family.  Miss Margaret Whiting of Elmira sang, and members of the Delta Upsilon fraternity of Colgate were the bearers.  The service was largely attended and many people were unable to gain admittance to the church.  (Can’t read next paragraph).

Abaellino Crane, died yesterday at 218 East Market street.  He was a veteran of the Civil War and served an enlistment in Company A.  First Maryland Infantry.  He is survived by his son, York Crane of this city and a daughter residing in Petersburg, Va.  The funeral will be held Monday at 10 a.m. at the Smith Undertaking rooms and burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery.

Soon after retiring Saturday evening Dec. 30, Seymour Houck was stricken with paralysis.  He never regained consciousness and died early Thursday morning.  He was 61 years old and leaves a wife and six children:  Alonzo of Bradford; Henry of Dundee; Mrs. Jas. Knapp and Mrs. Geo. Wales, Bath; Mrs. Cyrus Morris, Dundee, and Mary who resides at home.  He also leaves a stepson, Orren Morris.  Mr. Houck was a kind and loving husband and a good neighbor and will be greatly missed.  The funeral was held at the home on Saturday at one o’clock in charge of Wayne Lodge of Odd Fellows.

W. D. Perkins died at his home on Grand Central avenue in Horseheads last night, aged 72 years, after a long illness.  Deceased was born in Columbia county coming to Chemung in 1876, purchased a farm in Veteran where he resided until he moved to Horseheads eight years ago.  Deceased is survived by one sister, Mrs. W. E. Taylor of this village.  The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Methodist church, Rev. E. J. Yerden will officiate.  Burial in Maple Grove, Van Buskirk Bros. Have charge.

Corning, Feb. 8 – IS BURIED TODAY  -  From the home of his parents Mr. & Mrs. William Clark 31 East Fourth street, the funeral of the late Austin L. Clark, who died in Phoenix, Ariz., was held this afternoon.  Burial was made in Hope Cemetery.

Miss Maude Coe of West Clinton Street and Dr. Fred A. Jordan of West Church Street were married Friday evening at the parsonage of the first Methodist Episcopal Church by the Rev. John Richard, the ring service being used.  They were unattended.
The bride is a teacher in No. 7 School, a graduate of Oneonta Normal School; a member of the First M.E. Church and a prominent teacher in the Sunday school
Dr. Jordan is an optometrist, having practiced his profession here 25 years.  He is a graduate of Shane’s College, Maine; also of the ??? College of Optholomology, Chicago, Ill.  He is a member of the First Methodist Episcopal church, a leader of the official board and assistant superintendent of the Sunday school.  Dr. Jordan is a member of the Masonic fraternity, a frater of Ivy Lodge, No. 397, F. & A. M., and of the Corning Consistory.  The couple will make their home at 910 West Church Street.

July 15, 1926  -  Miss Jane Snow of this city and Howard G. Becker of Gowanda, N.Y. were united in marriage in the Grace Episcopal Church Thursday morning, the Rev. S. W. Hale rector of St. Phillip’s Church at Belmont, performed the ceremony assisted by the Rev. Frederick Henstridge, rector of Grace Church.   Mr. & Mrs. Becker are graduates of Cornell University.

Mrs. Jennie Ross, 60, widow of Hyatt Ross and a resident of Breesport, died unexpectedly Friday evening at the home of her son, Byron, 220 First Street, Horseheads.  She is survived by the son and two grandchildren, Jean and Elizabeth Ross.  Mrs. Ross was a member of Southern Light Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, and a devoted communicant of the Breesport Baptist Church.  The remains repose in the chilson and Shields funeral home, Horseheads, where a private prayer service will be held Monday at 2 p.m.  The funeral will be held in the Breesport Baptist Church at 2:30 p.m., the Rev. Mr. Genoung of Breesport officiating.  Burial in the Hilltop Cemetery, Breesport.

Mrs. Martha Allen Stevens of Millport, died Sunday at Akron, O., aged seventy-six years.
Mrs. Stevens is survived by her husband Frederick Stevens, a sister in Loveland, Colorado; a brother Alfred Allen of Elmira; two nieces, Mrs. Edna Dill of Calif., and Mrs. Mabel Fassett of Washington, D.C., four nephews:  The Rev. Willis Stackhouse of Rochester, Floyd Allen of Buffalo; LeVern Allen of Ithaca and William Allen of Corning.
The remains were removed to Millport, where the funeral was held in the Baptist Church Wednesday afternoon.  The Rev. Mr. Stocum officiated and burial was in the Vary cemetery on the Ridge road.     (Handwritten date 1925)

Mrs. Ida H. Judson died Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock at the family home, 119 Sayre Street, Horseheads.  She was seventy-three years old.
She is survived by two sons, Elmer and Clayton L. Judson, both of Horseheads, three half-sisters, Mrs. Frank Hilliker of Breesport, Mrs. John Bryan and Mrs. Roy Noble, both of Horseheads; four half-brothers, Ulysses Breese of Elmira, Harvey and Ernest Breese of Horseheads and Orrin Breese of Columbia, Nebraska.
The funeral will be held at the family home Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock.  Burial in Maple Grove cemetery, Horseheads.   (Hand written date – June 24, 1925)

Mrs. Margaret A. Davidson, 92, died this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Crystine Beardsley in the Town of Veteran.  She is survived by the daughter, Mrs. Beardsley.  The remains repose in the Mathews & Van Buskirk funeral home, Horseheads and will be removed to the family home Saturday evening.  The funeral will be held at the family home Monday at 2 p.m.  The Rev. H. A. Malick will officiate.  Burial in the Millport Cemetery  (Handwritten note – Feb. 5, 1932)

Edgar L. Crane, 51, died unexpectedly at the family home in Pine Valley Thursday.  He is survived by his widow; two daughters, Miss Harriet B. Crane of Painted Post and Mrs. Stanley Dann of Horseheads; one son George Crane of Elmira; one sister, Mrs. Charles Dewey of Elmira; one brother William Crane of Elmira; also four grandchildren.  Mr. Crane was a member of Chemung Valley Lodge, I.O.O.F. of Horseheads.  A prayer service will be held at the home Sunday at 2 p.m., and the funeral in the Pine Valley Baptist Church at 2:30.  The Rev. Mr. Harris will officiate.  Burial in the Pine Valley Cemetery.  (handwritten date – Feb. 4, 1932)

The ranks of the blue and grey clad Civil war veterans will be thinned this Memorial day with the passing of Alonzo McDougal, 92, of Bay Park at noon today.  With his death there are now only three Civil war veterans in Marshfield.
McDougal became ill last year at his place near Bay Park, where he has resided for may years.  He never married and his niece, Mrs. W. L. Couch, came out from New York months ago to take care of him.  He has one living nephew, George McDougal, at the I.O.O.F. home in Portland.  The body is at the Thuerwachter Funeral home, where arrangements will be made later.

In reference to the obituary for Alonzo McDougal posted here:
The obituary is from the Coos Bay Times, dated April 28th, 1933. We have just found that Alonzo McDougal is buried in an unmarked grave in Sunset Memorial Park, Coos Bay. We plan to work with the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War to request that a G.I. headstone be issued for Alonzo. If anyone can provide additional documentation of his service or would be interested in our progress, please contact the Marshfield Pioneer Cemetery volunteers <>

Mrs. Frank R. Mosher died Sunday noon at the family home in the town of Veteran, aged thirty-two years.  The decendent is survived by her husband; a daughter, Gladys Rowley of Horseheads; a son, William H. At home; by his (NOTE:  probably should be HER)  mother Mrs. William Upson of Big Flats; a sister, Mrs. William Fisher of big Flats.  The funeral will be held at the family home in the town of Veteran Wednesday at 1 o’clock pm., and burial will be in Maple Grove cemetery, Horseheads.  (hand written date  Mar. 4, 1917)

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