Tri County Clippings- Page One Hundred Twenty Nine |
In 1909 my Grandmother Berneice Reed MacDougall made a Christmas present for her mother Sophia Emmeline (Emma) Webster Reed. It was a booklet with fancy edges cut from card stock containing envelopes, and found with a red ribbon. In each envelope were newspaper clipping of interest to the family, mostly centered on activities in Chemung Co., NY.
Golden Wedding – Handwritten date September 25, 1914
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Carpenter, of 156 North Main street, celebrated their
fiftieth wedding anniversary yesterday. A delicious dinner was served at
their home at noon, those present being their two daughters, Misses Fanny H. And
Aimee Carpenter, who reside at home; their son, B. F. Carpenter, of this city;
Mr. Carpenter’s sister, Mrs. Catherine Miller, and his sister-in-law, Mrs.
Margaret Carpenter, both of Horseheads; also Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gaul and Miss
Louise Trost.
One son, Grant S. Carpenter, died in 1911, and another son, Frederick
Carpenter, of Toledo, Ohio, was unable to be present.
The table decorations were prettily carried out in gold and white. The
centerpiece was an elaborate pyramid cake. Mr. And Mrs. Carpenter were the
recipients of several gold pieces.
Mr. Carpenter is a prosperous farmer of Veteran for 35 years. Mrs.
Carpenter before her marriage was Miss Matilda Cornish of Spencer, N.Y.
Their friends hope they may enjoy many more anniversaries.
Sunday, August 4th, at the home of Mrs. S. C. Parker, a sister of the bride,
at 1456 Forty-seventh avenue, Mr. Andrew M. Hinmann, of Bowman, Placer county,
California, to Miss Frances M. Egbert, of Horseheads, N.Y. A number of relatives
and intimate friends witnessed the beautiful ring ceremony by the Rev. F. C.
Stannard of the Melrose Baptist Church, and afterwards sat down with the bride
and groom to refreshments of ice-cream and cake. Mr. And Mrs. Hinman will
make their home at Bowman, Placer county.
Miss Beard A Bride
Daughter of Mr. And Mrs. George H Beard Married at Auburn on Tuesday Last.
The Auburn Citizen of Feb. 22, gives the following account of the Beard-Lee
wedding. Mr. And Mrs. Beard, the bride’s parents being former residents of
A Washington’s birthday wedding took place at noon today at the Second
Presbyterian church when Miss Mabel E. Beard, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. George H.
Beard, became the bride of William Jacob Lee. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Allen Macy Dulles, D.D., pastor of the church and a large number of the
friends of the young couple, who are well known in Auburn, were present to
witness it. The bride was given away by her father. She was attended
by Miss Laura Zimmerman of Horseheads, as maid of honor, and by two bridesmaids,
Miss Mabel Hamlin of Baldwinsville and Miss Emma Lounsbury of Auburn. The
bride wore a gown of champagne crepe de chine and carried a bouquet of English
violets. The maid of honor wore pink and carried pink carnations, and the
bridesmaids wore cream colored gowns and carried white carnations. The
groom was attended by William B. Dunning of Auburn, and the ushers were Paul C.
Dunning and Bernard O. Beard, both of Auburn, Lee Terry of Maiden, Mass., and
Howard Peterson of Interlaken. There were no decorations at the church
beyond banks of ferns and palms on the altar. During the ceremony Miss
Alice M. Jones played the Mendelsohn and Wagner bridal marches and several other
numbers appropriate to the occasion. The wedding party was transported in
automobiles from the Whiting garage and at the close of the church ceremonies
returned to the home of the bride’s parents, No. 3 Van Anden street, where a
reception was held and a wedding breakfast followed. The interior of the
house was decorated with smilax and was in the spirit of Washington’s birthday.
(Sentence unreadable) ...who is an uncle of thre bride, had assumed charge
of the decorations, and the bridal table presented some very original things in
the way of decorations and favors. The white linen was attractively set
off with the red of cherries and the green of leaves, and each place favor was
in the form of a small stump of a real cherry tree with real hatchets sticking
in the stumps. Mr. Zimmerman had sent for real cherry tree branches in
constructing the favors, which were pretty and very appropriate to the holiday.
Clusters of cherries were placed before each of the 12 guests at the bridal
table. The wedding cake was an elaborate product and was made last
December especially for today’s occasion by Mrs. A. S. Terry of Malden, Mass.,
and is guaranteed to produce dreams that presage happiness and success.
Following the merry making this afternoon the couple left for a visit of two
weeks in St. Louis. They will be at home to their friends after April 1 at
No 3 VanAnden street. In addition to Mr. And Mrs. Eugene Zimmerman and
Miss Laura Zimmerman of Horseheads, and the guests mentioned there were many
others from Syracuse, Ithaca and Bradford, Pa. The couple received a
roomful of gifts from their well wishers. Mr. Lee is at present in the
employ of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company.
Golden Wedding - dated Jan. 13, 1913
Married in Horseheads, January 13th Eighteen Sixty-Three
On Jan. 13, Mr. And Mrs. Uriah Hammond celebrated the fiftieth anniversary
of their marriage at their home near Bradford, N.Y., having lived there nearly
40 years. Their marriage took place at Horseheads, Jan. 13, 1863.
There is a family of four children all living, three of which were present to
help celebrate the event; also four grandsons, one Ned Hammond from Chicago.
Nearly all the invited guests were cousins of the aged couple and one peculiar
feature is that the marriage tie of nearly all has not been broken by death.
There were present relatives from Chicago, Penn Yan, Dundee, Wayne, Horseheads,
Corning and Bradford. Letters of regret were received from various places
of relatives who were unable to be present. At 2 o’clock all repaired to
the dining room where Rev. L. N. Gates made a very appropriate prayer, after
which all sat down to tables laden for a bountiful dinner. At evening all
returned to their homes leaving behind their sincere wishes that Mr. And Mrs.
Hammond would enjoy the facilities of life and that they with them might
celebrate their Diamond Wedding.
DEATH – MRS. J. W. BALES – dated Jan. 29, 1912
Mrs. J. W. Bales died this morning at 6 o’clock at the family home at
Millport, aged seventy-two years. She is survived by her husband, two
daughters, E. J. Bales of Millport and L. D. Bales of Elmira; also a brother,
Joriah Hammond of Tyrone, N.Y. The funeral will be held at the family home
Wednesday at 2 p.m. Burial in the Millport cemetery.
VanBuskirk Brothers, the undertakers and furniture dealers, have traded
teams with Charles McDougall, of Veteran, and secured an even better pair of
blacks than they had before. The animals are of equal size, marked the
same and make a perfect “match”.
DEATH – MRS. MARY A. TIFFT - Feb. 9, 1905
Mrs. Mary A. Tifft died at 6 o’clock Saturday night at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. H. H. Sofbeck, at Big Flats. She was 76 years of age, and a
woman of noble traits of character. There survives another daughter Mrs.
J. C. Hadley, of Rochester. The funeral will be held at the house at 2
o’clock this afternoon and at 2:30 o’clock at the Presbyterian church.
Burial will be in Rural Home cemetery.
Mrs. Hiram Wheeler died at the family home in the town of Veteran, Friday,
aged sixty-one years. Besides her husband, she is survived by three
children, Mrs. Alberta Stevens at home, Claude of Veteran, and Charles of
Elmira; a brother, Charles Dewey of Elmira; three sisters, Mrs. Nelson Waite, of
Elmira Heights; Mrs. E. E. VanGorden, Horseheads and Mrs. Frank Ream of Arkport,
NY. The funeral will be held at the home Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock.
Burial in Veteran cemetery.
Mrs. Albertina A. McDougle died at her home, on South Main street, last
evening at 10 o’clock, aged 76 years She is survived by four nieces:
Mrs. John Kent of Millport; Mrs. F. F. Root, of Albion, NY; Mrs. S. G. Campbell,
of Breesport; Mrs. Albert Hosie, of Horseheads; two nephews, Henry Plants, of
Veteran, and Milton Plants, of Montour Falls. The funeral will be held
from her late home on Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Interment in Maple
Grove Cemetery.
On Tuesday morning, at the parsonage of the Hedding Methodist Episcopal
church, 304 West Clinton St., the Rev. Eli Pittman united in marriage Miss Anna
J. Brown, of Horseheads, and Theodore McDougal, of the same place. Mr.
McDougal is a highly respected farmer of Horseheads and he and Mrs. McDougal
will reside in that town. Mr. And Mrs. Tyler P. Thompson of Horseheads,
attended the bride and groom.
The Reporter of Port Allegany, Pa., under date of Feb. 2, printed the
William W. Stackhouse, father of Rev. W. A. Stackhouse, died quietly at the
parsonage, Jan. 28, after a week’s illness from grip resulting in uremic
poisoning. He was 84 years of age, having been born in Florida, Orange
County, NY, on April 14, 1833. He and his wife came to live with their
children two years ago last November and have resided here since. Mr. And
Mrs. Stackhouse were married in the summer of 1869, she being Miss Marie Allen,
daughter of an old pioneer family of Chemung county, NY, whence he moved with
his folk when a young man. Mr. Stackhouse early joined the Methodist
church and continued the membership faithfully during his life. The
funeral was held from the Methodist church, Jan. 30, Rev. I. W. Hill of Roulette
having charge of the services assisted by Rev. Prosper Miller and Rev. Havard
Griffith. The remains were taken to Odessa, NY for interment in the
Mitchell cemetery in sight of his farm where he passed so many happy years with
his wife and family, a successful farmer. Rev. & Mrs. Stackhouse
accompaning the remains to their last resting place. During their absence
from the home on their said mission the aged mother died. She too had been
ill with grip and the shock of the loss of her husband no doubt hastened
dissolution. Mrs. Stackhouse was born in Chemung county, NY, on Sept. 26,
1841, and was 76 years of age. Born of good pioneer stock, she early
developed those characteristics that later made her a useful citizen, wife and
mother. She was a student at the Genessee Wesleyan seminary in Lima, NY,
and later of the Starkey Seminary, and for 10 years after taught in the public
schools near her home a successful teacher. The funeral is being held from
the Methodist church this afternoon, the same ministers who were present at the
father’s funeral, will officiate and the interment will also be made at the old
home. Rev. Stackhouse is the only surviving child. A daughter Sarah
Grace, died in infancy and a grown-up son was drowned in the Hudson river while
skating Dec. 31, 1893. Both of these old people had made many friends by
heir honest, kindly, old-fashioned ways, since their residence among us.
DEATH – FRANK M. BANKS – (Died Dec. 17, 1905
Frank M. Banks died at his home near Millport early yesterday morning after
an illness of nearly four months of a complication of diseases. He was 61
years of age and leaves a widow and two daughters, Mrs. Chauncey V. Frost of
Odessa, and Mrs. George W. Briggs, of Elmira. There also survive his
mother, Mrs. Mary Ann Banks, of Millport and four brothers, Wheadon and Milton,
of Horseads, Hiram, of Cortland, and Edwin of Millport. The funeral
services will be held at the house at 2 o’clock Tuesday afternoon and burial
will be made in the Millport Cemetery. (Buried Dec. 19, 1905)
Mrs. Hannah Carpenter died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Milton Banks of
Horseheads, at 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon, aged 84 years. She is
survived by one daughter, Mrs. Banks and five sons, Daniel B., Myron L. And
Ambrose H., all of Horseheads, and W. E. Carpenter of Burdett and Charles of
Ulysses, Pa. Also two sisters, Mrs. S. J. Turner of Veteran and Mrs. L.
Hall of Elmira. The funeral arrangements have not been completed.
Fred E. Stone, of Montour Falls, died this afternoon at about 2:30 o’clock
after a brief illness of less than forty-eight hours. Mr. Stone was well
and favorably known throughout Schuyler County. He was a prominent member
of the Methodist Episcopal Church, also of the Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellow
lodges. His untimely demise came as a shock to his many friends and
relatives. Notice of the funeral will be later. (1913)
A prominent Resident of Horseheads Who Died Christmas Morning.
T. V. Wellar, a prominent resident of Horseheads, died in that village
Christmas morning of a disease of the stomach and liver. He was a justice
of the peace and police justice for many years and was always highly esteemed by
the residents of the village and all others who knew him. He was the
father of Mrs. Clinton Merrick, formerly of Elmira. Mr. Wellar was born in
the town of Veteran, this county, and removed to Horseheads twenty-five years
ago. For fifty years he held the office of justice of the peace and was at
the time of his death a police justice. For the same period he was a
prominant member of the M. E. Church and leader of the choir. A widow,
formerly Cordelia Thorne, of Horseheads, survives him, together with seven
children, Horace J. Of Horseheads; Edwin of Havana; Monroe of Ithaca; Leroy of
Grand Forks, Dak; Mrs. F. F. Freeman of Minneapolis, Minn.; Mrs. P. T. Tabor of
Brooklyn and Mrs. C. V. Merrick, of Bradford Pa. The funeral was held
Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Bradley Coon, aged forty-eight years, died at her home in the town of
Veteran, Friday afternoon. She is survived by her husband, two sons,
Harold at home, and Charles of Pine Valley; one daughter, Mrs. Herbert Erway, at
home; also her father, Sillin Erway of Watkins, and three sisters Mrs. John
Perry and Mrs. Charles Dixon of Elmira, and Mrs. Cecil Davenport, of Burdett;
three brothers, Olin Stuart, of Rochester, and J. B. Stuart, of Elmira Heights,
and Clarence Coon, at home. The funeral will be held from the home
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Rev. Albert H. Youhel, of Fabius officiating.
Interment at Millport.
The special committee appointed by the L. A. S. Of the Veteran Baptist
church have adopted the following resolutions: Whereas, Our Heavenly
Father has seen fit in His wisdom to remove from our midst one of our youngest
members, Mrs. B. J. Earl, therefore be it Resolved, That the
members of this society ever hold in grateful remembrance the memory of the
deceased and be it also Resolved, that we tender to the
bereaved husband, children and parents our sincere and heartfelt sympathy; that
these resolutions be spread upon the minutes, a copy transmitted to the family
and published in the Chemung Valley Reporter.
Mrs. Nelson Rosa, Mrs. Bernice McDougall, Mrs. Martha Stevens, Committee
ATTENDED FUNERAL (of Mrs. Hannah Carpenter)
The following attended the funeral of Mrs. Hannah Carpenter, widow of the
late D. B. Carpenter, that was held at the home of her daughter, Aug. 16:
John M. Carpenter and wife, Mrs. Charles Roberts, J. W. Hammend and wife, J. H.
Bartholomew, Mrs. L. Hall of Elmira; Mrs. John Fell, Benjamin Carpenter of the
lake road; William Campbell of Athens, Pa.; Mrs. Kittie Carpenter Bennett of
Binghamton; Mrs. S. J. Turner, S. Westlake and wife, son, Edwin Banks and wife,
Mrs. Marion McDougall and son of Veteran.
DEATH – MRS. EDWIN S. MILLER - May 31, 1910
Mrs. Edwin S. Miller died at the home in the Town of Veteran, Saturday
evening at 8:30 o’clock, aged 57 years. She is survived by her husband,
three brothers, E. N. Turner and G. A. Turner of Veteran, and Fred Turner, of
Elmira, and one sister, Mrs. Doolittle, of Rochester. Burial will be in
the Vary Cemetery in the Town of Veteran.
DEATH – JOHN COGSDILL, JR. - Feb. 2, 1916
John Cogsdill, Jr., died Monday morning at 5 o’clock at the family home in
Veteran, aged eighteen years. He is survived by his parents, Mr. And Mrs.
John Cogsdill, two brothers, Clair L. Of Austin, Pa., and Lewis at home; also
three sisters, Mrs. Archie Lovell, of Catherine, and the Misses Millie and
Agnes, at home. The funeral was held at the home Thursday at 1 p.m., and
burial was in the Vary cemetery on the Ridge road.
“Uncle” Morgan Egbert Liked Fast Horses
The following sketch was read at the 90th birthday anniversary of Morgan L.
Egbert on Wednesday of last week, by Mrs. J. B. Coats of Watkins:
Ninety years ago, in a modest home in the town of ????, ??? county,
was born a boy, the youngest of seven sons, who was named Morgan L. Egbert.
I suppose he was much like other babies, laughing and crying, kicking, cutting
teeth, and getting the measles and chickenpox, as all well brought up children
are supposed to do. But I have his mother’s opinion that he was a handsome
baby, looking like the famous Boston beauty.
Well, his appetite was good and he grew and thrived, and after the death of
his father the home was sold and the family came to the town of Veteran, in what
was then Tioga county, where my first memories of them are as living cosily in a
log house, with an outside milk room with smooth stones for a floor on which
they always seemed covered with the richest cream that made most delicious
butter. The fertile acres about the home were carefully farmed by the
mother, a thrifty and industrious woman, and her two young sons, and prosperity
came to them. The years slipped along and the boys grew into young
manhood. The older one went out in the world to seek his fortune. He
was fairly successful but years ago exchanged his life of hard labor for the
home where no weariness is known. After the brother left the
responsibility of the farm fell on the shoulders of this younger son, and well
and bravely he met each duty as it came. Frugal and industrious, square in
deal, ready to help the needy and with a fine sense of humor he became a
universal favorite. If he had a weakness it was for good horses and I used
to have a great many rides after his fast team. One of his sons I am sure
inherited the same taste, and handles the reins with skill. My dear uncle
was always very kind to me and I remember to this day his unfailing
thoughtfulness for my comfort. About this time a commodious farm
house was built and arranged for two families and the log house with its sanded
floor, the great fireplace with its cherry glow were things of the past.
But the dresser with its bright pewter dishes was moved to the new home.
Of course it was only natural that our uncle should covet a home of his own and
to the new house he brought his chosen bride. For many years they toiled
side by side, bringing up their sons and daughters in their own thrifty ways,
bequeathing to them traits of character that have helped them to become
prosperous honorable men and women. But there came a sad day when the
mother’s hands were folded away beneath the daisies and only precious memories
were left to the bereaved household. For many months and years the husband
mourned, but there came a time when an early friend, a lovely self-sacrificing
woman, consented to share his home and bring to him such comfort as only a
loyal, faithful wife can do. Right nobly has she fulfilled her promise to
love and cherish and today she is with him passing down the slope of life side
by side, each helping the other over the hard places, both trusting in the
divine helper. One of the daughters, speaking of the mother, said to me,
“She will not need to knock at the door of heaven for the angels will hasten to
open it for her”.
In our pleasant gathering two years ago were our cousins from the Pacific
coast, who were glad to meet so many dear friends, many of whom they will never
meet again in this life. The last visit I had with my only sister, was at
that time. A few months longer she tarried, ministering as best she could
to her dear ones until one day without previous warning closed her eyes to open
them in the mansions where husband and children were waiting for her. Her
daughter, Delia Tifft Hadley, is surely failing in health. It seems hard
that a lovely cultured woman should be stricked down while comparatively young
to suffer and die. She sent me a most pathetic account of her experience
before she became reconciled to the loss of health, and the prospects of an
early death. I wish we might send her a cheery word to brighten her lonely
life and also to the absent son whose memory is fondly cherished in the home and
by the friends gathered here today. Shall we not send a loving message?
And now, dear friends, I am glad to meet you all, proud of your record as a
family and hope the time will never come when any of our number will bring
sorrow to the honored name. I am more than thankful that our dear relative
has lived a clean, pure life these 90 years, and I hope that his health and his
faculties may be preserved until the change comes when this mortal shall put on
immortality and he shall hear the “welcome, good and faithful servant, enter
thou into the joy of our Lord”.
The 90th birthday anniversary of our esteemed citizen, Morgan L. Egbert was
celebrated at his residence on Ithaca street yesterday, when a very large
company was present. A brief biographical sketch of the life of Mr. Egbert
was written and read by Mrs. J. P. Costa, a niece of Mr. Egbert, who is 80 years
old. This will be published in the Reporter next week.
The following were present: Morgan L. Egbert, Mary W. Egbert his wife.
The following children were present: Charles R. Egbert, Auburn; Mrs. A. O.
Morgan, Auburn; Mrs. Katharine Burris, Ithaca; Ada Beard, Auburn. All the
children of Mr. Egbert were present except William H., who resides at Kalispell,
The following grandchildren were present: H. A. Morgan, Mrs. H. A.
Morgan, Miss Mabel Beard, Auburn; Mrs. James Swartout, Elmira.
The following great grandchildren were present: Mrs. Florence
Swartout, Elmira.
The following relatives were present: Mrs. J. B. Coats, Watkins; Lewis
Egbert, Fred Egbert, Mrs. Fred Egbert and daughter Miss Pearl Lattin, Charles S.
Lattin, Mrs. George Egbert and son, Mrs. Lewis Rosse, Miss Maggie Egbert,
Horseheads; Mrs. Dell Egbert, Mrs. Amy Rose and son, Painted Post; Marian
McDougall and wife, Mr. And Mrs. Julius Lattin, james Lattin, Carmi Lattin, and
wife, Veteran; Mr. And Mrs. Henry Burris, Pine Valley; Julia Edwards, Corning.
The funeral of Miss Emily MacDugall was held at the family home in the
Town of Veteran, Friday afternoon. Burial was in the Vary cemetary.
GRANTED A DIVORCE – Mrs. Ada Crandall
Mrs. Ada Crandall has been granted an absolute divorce from Edwin J.
Crandall, both of Elmira.
AN ANNIVERSARY SURPRISE – Mr. & Mrs Nathan Vary Married Fifty Years Ago
On Thanksgiving Mr. And Mrs. Nathan Vary were given a surprise by a number
of their friends, the occasion being the 50th anniversary of their marriage.
The following were present: Mr. And Mrs. Nathan Vary, Mr. And Mrs. C. E.
Vary, Nathan and henry Vary, Emeline, Kathryn and Dorothy Vary of Newark, NY.;
Mr. And Mrs. H. O. Ayer and son Frederic of Ulster, PA; Mrs Mary U. Spaulding,
Mr. And Mrs. C. V. Spaulding and daughters Helen, Mildred and Catherine, and son
Howard, Mr. And Mrs. B.E. Beers and daughter Ethel, Marie Singerhoff and Sarah
and Maud Judson of Elmira; Mr. And Mrs. Harvey Turner, Mr. And Mrs.
Charles H. Couch of Odessa; Mr. And Mrs. J. B. Kays, Reuben Tifft and Mrs. Mary
A. Coleman, Harvey Tifft, David Tifft, W. T. Wood, Mrs. P. J. Turner, Mr. And
Mrs. J. H. VanDuzer and sons Edward and james, Jr., and daughter Ellen, Mr. And
Mrs. S. D. Westlake and sons Robert and William and daughters helen and Julia,
Fred D. Herrick, Miss Lilliam B. Herrick and Mr. And Mrs. John Brooks, Jr., of
Elmira; Mrs. Louisa Herrick, Mr. And mrs. John Brooks and sons Leon, Karl and
Frederic and daughters Rachel and Jessie of Horseheads; Charlotte and Helen
Doolittle, Rev. And Mrs. F. A. Stevens, Mr. And Mrs. A. W. Dalrymple, Mrs.
Harriet Woodruff, Mary Dalrymple and Mrs. Emma McDougall, making 70 present.
After a bountiful dinner was served, Rev. T. A. Stevens made a few remarks
expressing the congratulations of all present and their appreciation of the
long, useful Christian life of Mr. And Mrs. Vary. This was followed by the
reading of letters of congratulations from friends who were unable to be
present, by Mrs. Stevens.
Mr. And Mrs. Vary responded, expressing their appreciation of the kindly
remembrance of their friends.
Miss Lillian B. Herrick, a member of the faculty of the Elmira academy, gave
a very interesting account of her trip abroad last summer, describing in detail
the Fourth of July celebration on board an Italian liner, and her visits to
Vesuvius. Then the company broke up, wishing Mr. And Mrs. Vary many more
years of happiness together.
ELECTROCUTED AT MILLPORT – Son of Chauncey Sterling Killed Instantly on
Friday afternoon Harry Sterling was killed at Millport by a live electric
wire. Harry Sterling was 14 years old and the son of Mr. And Mrs. Chauncey
Sterling. He was playing along the banks of Catharine creek north of the
village, and near a point where the track of the Elmira & Seneca Lake railway
crosses the stream. It is supposed the boy fell into the creek and in the
effort to reach land grasped a wire charged with an electric current and was
instantly killed. A frightful cry was heard and several persons ran to the
boy’s assistance, among them George Conkrite, who in an attempt to rescue him
was badly shocked. When he was released from the wire life was extinct.
Dr. Elliott Bush of this village, was in the place at the time and was called,
but could render no assistance, life having been extinct some minutes. It
is understood the wire which caused the accident was a loose guy or telephone
wire which had crossed the trolley wire in the recent rain storm and flood.
The awful death of the boy, which was witnessed by the mother, has caused sorrow
in every home in the village.
Coroner Jones investigated the case and Monday afternoon examined several
The funeral was held at the home Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock.
Deceased was a member of St. Mark’s Episcopal church, and was confirmed in
April. He was a pupil of the Millport union school, where he will be sadly
missed, and also at St. Mark’s church and Sunday school, where he was one of the
regular attendants.
DEATH – Anson A. Hart (Feb. 7, 1913
Anson A. Hart died at 4:15 o’clock yesterday afternoon at his home in
Millport. He was seventy-seven years of age and a well known resident in
the community. The deceased was born in Saxony, Germany, and came to this
country when a young man. He was a member of the Old Oak Lodge, No. 253, F
& A. M., and the Wilson Dean Post, No. 416, G. A. R., both societies located in
He is survived by his widow, one son Fred A. Hart of Horseheads, and one
daughter, mrs. Carrie Worden, of Elmira. The funeral will be held Tuesday
afternoon at 1 p.m., for the home, the Rev. R. G. Whiting officiating.
Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery of which the deceased was a member will
have charge of the services at the grave.
While on the Atlantic seaboard and throughout the East bitter cold weather
was the Thanksgiving day environment, in Santa Cruz the weather was as perfect
as on one of those rare days of June, of which the poets are so wont to sing.
There was an outdoor Thanksgiving dinner party at Laveaga park Thursday,
attended by Mr. And Mrs. George Cleveland and son. Mr. And Mrs. Frank T.
Hart and daughter, mrs. M. B. Bond and son, and Mr. And Mrs. George W. Clark.
The roast turkey was taken piping hot to the park by automobile, and the coffee
was percolated right in the park at the public range. It was a novel and
delightful affair, with the panoramic view of the city of Santa Cruz spread out
before them.
DEATH – BARTON L. BENNETT - September 29, 1918
Barton L. Bennett died Monday at 9 o’clock p.m. at the family home, 460
Franklin street, aged 65 years. He was a resident of Elmira forty-three
years and was an employee of the Northern Central Railroad Company car shops in
this city many years. The decedent was a veteran of the Civil War and
served in the 109th New York Volunteers. He is survived by his widow, a
son, Harvey N. Of Veteran, and a daughter, Mrs. Nettie L. Fassett of Elmira; two
brothers, A. F. Bennett of Elmira, and George W. Bennett of Waverly; two
sisters, Mrs. Vine Houghtaling and Mrs. Charles Southwell. The funeral
will be held at the home Thursday, the hour to be announced later.
HORSEHEADS IN OLDEN DAYS – Telegram, September 8, 1918
Before the Civil War They Had Dancing Parties There, Beautiful Women and
Gallant Men Participating in the Happy Events.
The “pome” given below will arouse tender memories with some Horseheads old
folk, and not a few in Elmira. The “pome” is introduced by a few lines
written by D. D. Turner, who was a printer in Penn Yan, where he was summoned
hence some years since. He was known as Dan Turner, and in Penn Yan was
the Telegram’s correspondent.
In the “pome” “Uncle Dick” was Uncle Dick Hatfield. “Uncle Vin” was
the slender and gallant Vincent Conklin, George O’Hanlon was once sheriff and
Charley Kline a miller. George Stanley was a later sheriff and longtime
conductor. Mort Rickey was a famous civil engineer and surveyor, and once
county clerk. “Barney” Hoffman was Colonel Henry C. Hoffman, and Sile
Haight was Elmira’s famous boniface, the grandfather of Lieutenant Silas Haight,
now in the aviation service “over there”. John and Bill Sly were Elmira
farm magnates, members of a robust family now quite extinct. Walter Dailey
and M. V. B. Fachman will be remembered by our older lawyers.
In that “pome” cotillon is spelled cotillion and here it is:
NOTE:--In early days there were not a few in Horseheads who were given to
writing doggerel rhymes, of which the following may be considered a fair
example, and who were styled village poets.—D. D. Turner.
‘Twas winter yet in sixty-one,
The year the civil war begun.
A Ball was held in Horseheads town.
Before the Union block burned down.
Of dancers there were near ten score,
And every place the country o’er
Was represented at that ball—
About the last in Union hall.
The southern states thought to secede,
And roused the folks of northern breed
With such an ire, ‘twas fairly rife
That north and south must have a strife.
It seemed as if that country ball
Was ringing out a bugle call,
For friends and neighbors there to meet
While happy union was complete.
The fiddler, Azari by name
For dancing music had gained fame,
While second, basso, cornet too
Well played the part they had to do.
The prompter looked around the hall,
Then shouted “Take your places all”,
The ball was opened with a will
With an old-fashioned straight quadrille.
I tell you what, in olden days,
In dancing there was quite a maze;
But well the people took their part,
As every call was known by heart.
They didn’t used to walk to time,
The dancing then was something fine;
And when it came to old French Four,
You couldn’t keep them off the floor.
The names of some I will recall,
That had assembled at the ball,
‘Though very few now, by-the-way,
Will recognize these names to-day.
First George O’Hanlon, Charley Kline,
In Money Musk took place in line;
Then “Uncle Dick,” with “Uncle Vin”
A touchin’ elbows next to him.
Now facing on the other side
“Aunt Sally” Seeley next I spied;
Then Libbie Kline, Wilcoxes two,
With Susan Conklin in full view.
“Al” Terry, dancing with his niece,
Then next came Alexander Breese;
The Conklins, Jim and Fletcher fair,
Knapp Shappee, he himself a pair.
George Stanley, from Breesport came down
Ben Stimp, the landlord at Slabtown;
While Millport sent along the Pratts
To meet the people from the Flats.
Mort Rickey stood down near the foot,
A talking with his friend Hi Root;
And still above them, on the floor,
Sam Davis, from “Jo” Howard’s store.
Of maidens I recall but few,
The Jones girls and a Miss Devoe;
The Wordens from the “Ridge” drove o’er,
And Sing Sing sent at least a score.
Then Chauncey Taylor on his way,
Took Terry Dean into his sleigh;
And drove him to the Union hall
To see this old-time country ball.
No dance in this part of the state,
Was e’er complete without Sile Haight,
And with the Slys, both John and Bill,
Would help some set all night to fill.
Then Barney Hoffman, praise his name,
A man who gave to Horseheads fame;
Of dancers was the very king,
And came to cut the pigeon wing.
Of legal lights there were a few,
Clint Curtis, ad the Barlows two,
While Walter Dailey came to see
His neighbor Bachman M.V.B.
Bob Colwell kept a tavern small
And served the supper for the ball;
But now and then a few I think
Went up to “Van’s” to get a drink.
I tell you Horseheads in those day,
Was what it is to-day, and more,
Of what it is to-day, and more
Might yet be told of days of yore.
Francis M. Egbert, Andrew M. Hinman, married Sunday, August 4th, 1907.
This page added to the site on September 23, 2000