The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery

Tri County Clippings- Page One Hundred Twenty Six

A 1940s Troy Area Scrapbook

These obituaries are presented in scrapbook order. I can't think of a better way of understanding a community than byreading an obituary scrapbook

WARNER/STANTON/WARD  - One Party Celebrates Five Birthdays, 2 Weddings - East Troy, April 19.  Mrs. and Mrs. Arthur Warner entertained last sunday at their home in honor of the 80th birthday of Mrs. Flora Stanton, Mrs. Warner's mother.  The occasion also celebrated the 63rd birthday of Mrs. Arthur Warner and the 38th birthday of Mrs. Arthur Ward, daughters of Mrs. Stanton; the 68th birthday of Milton Ward, a brother; the third birthday of Julia Warner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Warner; the 41st wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Baxter and and the 18th wedding annivesary of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Warner.  Those having birthdays received gifts and those having wedding anniversaries received flowers.  Those present were:  Mrs. Flora Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Darrow, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Dexter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ward and daughter, Buleigh Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Warner and family, Mrs. Warren Lammy and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Garrison and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Foulkrod and family, Merle and Willett Brown.

(Stanton) - Mrs. Elora Stanton -  1944 - Celebrates 80th Birthday - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Warner entertained Sunday April 16th at their home in honor of the 80th birthday of Mrs. Elora Stanton, mother of Mrs. Arthur Warner.  The occasion also celebrated the 63rd birthday of Mrs. Arthur Warner, the 38th birthday of Ruth Stanton Ward, daughter of Mrs. Elora Stanton, 68th birthday of Milton Ward, a brother.  The 3rd birthday of Julia Warner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Warner, the 41st wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Dexter, and 18th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Warner.  Those having birthdays received many beautiful gifts and those having anniversaries received flowers.  Those present were Mrs. Elora Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Darrow, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Dexter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ward and daughter, Mr.Burleigh Ward, Mrs. and Mrs. Milton Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Darrow, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Warner and family, Mrs. Warren Lammy and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Garrison and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Foulkrod and family, Merle and Willett Brown.

(French) - Mrs. Lura French - 1944 - E. Smithfield Woman Has 95th Birthday - East Smithfield, Oct. 17 - Mrs. Lura French celebrated her 95th birthday last Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Albert Hall.  Guests were Mrs. Flora McKinney, Mrs. Sadie Brown, Mrs. Vina Kier, Mrs. Addie Smith, Mrs. Percy Balmer, Mrs. Nellie Kier, Mrs. Wilbur Baker, Mrs. Mary Hall, Miss Angie Grenell, Miss Matie Wright, Mrs. Mae Dvies, Mrs. John Wittig, Prof. and Mrs. Nathan Hall and daughter Sarah of New Valley, NY.

HULL - Cordell Hull - 1944 - Cordelll Hull Has 73rd Birthday - Washington, Oct. 2 - Moving toward several new diplomatic crises brought on by approaching victory in Europe, Cordell Hull turned 73 today - apparently a bit reluctant to tear another leaf from his personal caldendar but glad to be still in harness as secretary of state.  When reporters at his news conference congratulated him on the anniversary, the white haired veteran of half a century in American politics and diplomacy, broadened the subject to include not only his personal experience of the day but also its value to him as a landmark in his dealidngs with the nation's affairs.

(McGee)  Mrs. Rosanna McGee - July 1941 - Chain Letters Again in Mail; Mrs. McGee Warns Senders - Because the mails are being flooded again with chain letter schemes for getting rich quick Mrs. Rosanna McGee, Towanda postmistress,  yesterday called attention to the following notice issued by the Post Office Department:  The mails in all parts of the country are being flooded at the present time with letters relating to so called endless chain schemes soliciting defense saving stamps.  Patrons of the various post offices depositing in the mails matter relating to schemes of this nature should be warned that the sending of such matter through the mails is a violation of the postal fraud and lottery statutes.  Notices are served upon persons participating in such schemes whose names come to the attention fo the Post Office Department requiring them to show cause why fraud orders should not be issued against them.  Such orders forbid the delivery of any mail to persons named therin.

(Sharts) Mrs. Ella Sharts - 1941 - Endless Chain Letters in Mails Again; This Time Hankies - Mrs. Ella Sharts, Sugar Run postmaster, sends the following notice from the May supplement of the Postal Guide:  Notice to all Postmasters:  The mails in all parts of the country are being flooded at the present time with letters and postal cards relating to so called endless chain "Hankie Club", "Apron Club", "Flower Club", "Towel Club", "Hobby Club", etc. schemes.  Patrons of the various post offices depositing in the mails cards and letters relating to schemes of this nature should be warned that the sending of such matter through the mails is a violation of the postal fraud and lottery statutes.  Notices are served upon persons participating in such schemes whose names come to the attention of the Post Office Department requiring them to show cause why fraud orders shold not be issued against them. Such orders forbid the delivery of any mail to the persons named therein.__

EAST TROY - May 1942 - Floor of East Troy Bridge Being Poured - The ten inch concrete floor of the new bridge at East Troy is now being poured.  We understand due to the condiditon of the fill that the concrete highway over the approaches will not be poured for about three weeks.  Preliminary grading is practically completed.  The bed of Sugar Creek beneath the bridge has been widened and straightened.  A new bit of road will connect the relocated highway with the East Troy School  building and with the macadam road leading to Leona.  The barn and other small buildings in the rear of the Ann Baxter residence were removed last week.  The lumber was purchased by Ben Ballard who will erect a tenant house.  The new route crosses the Orris Warner yard, rejoining the former route just East of his residence. (See Postcard above of the East Troy Bridge)

(Jones) Mrs. Catherine Jones - 1944 - Mrs. Catherine Jones and daughter, Miss Florence, of Elmira, Ernest Jones and Archie Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Switzer and two children of New YorK Mr. and Mrs. Lou Jones spent over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Sol Ballard.  The gathering was honoring Mrs. Catherine Jones' 87th birthday.

Miss SAWYER - Mrs. Amasa Sawyer Finch - 1944 - Observes 104th Birthday - Waverly, Sept. 27, Mrs. Amasa Finch of 495 Cayuta Avenue is celebrating her 104th birthday at her home tomorrow.  She is the oldest resident of Waverly and was born Sept. 28, 1840, the daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth Johnson Sawyer on Talmadge Hill in the town of Barton about two miles north of Waverly.  Her parents moved to Milltown for two years and then settled in Waverly where she has lived ever since.  In 1857 she married Amasa Finch and a year later he built the house in which she has lived for the past 86 years.  Their only child, Miss Mary E. Finch, lives with her mother, Mr. Finch having died in 1916.  Mrs. Finch is the oldest living resident in Tioga County and has seen her country engaged in five major wars.  Although there was no Red Cross in the Civil War she remembers a group of women who gathered at the old Davis Hall in Waverly on the southeast corner of Broad and Fulton Streets where they made bandages and packed boxes of food to send to the soldiers.  Mrs. Finch has among her prized possessions several pairs of stockings which were knitted by her mother in the 1830's.  They are made from flax grown on her father's farm which her mother had spun and woven.****

DARE - Beatrice M. Dare - In a recent issue of the Courier Journal Roto Magazine, Louisville, Kentucky, appears a picture together with a story of First Lieutenant Beatrice M. Dare, known to many in Troy, as Chief Nurse at Fort Knox, Ky., where she looks after the training, morals, morale and happiness of 160 war nurses.  In an inteview Miss Dare says "It's just twenty-four years since I came in. I began my service April 16, 1918.  No, I didn't get to France.  I was sent, instead, to San Juan, Puerto Rico.  I was affiliated with Bellevue Hospital before coming into the service. I've been a lot of differnt places, Honolulu for three years, Beaumont Hospital outside of Fort Bliss, Texas, for four.  I came here from Camp Livingston, Louisiana, June 17,, 1941.  There's plenty to do.  I've got 160 girls to supervise."  Miss Dare, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Dare, former Trojans, is a niece of George Hickok and cousin of the Misses Franc and Laura French, Troy.

(Mason)  Mrs. Edith Mason - 1942 - Leroy, May 17 - Mrs. Edith Mason was hostess for the May meeting of the LeRoy W. C. T. U.  The president, Mrs.Stella Van Dyke, presided.  Devotions by Mrs. Miller Haight, followed by reading of the minutes and business.

BAXTER - 1942 - Leroy, Aug. 13 - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baxter of Athens brought their mother, Mrs. Edith Mason, home Sunday where she has been their guest for the past week.  Sunday evening they spent with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mason.

(Spalding) Mrs. John Spalding - 1942 - The Sunshine Birthday Club met last Thursday, July 24th with Mr. and Mrs. John Spalding in honor of the former's birthday.  A delicious picnic supper was served to 18 members and friends and evening spent in playing bingo and recalling many pleasant events of the past.

HAIGHT - Alec Haight - 1942 - Austinville Has 82 Year Old Berry Picker - Alec Haight, our oldest resident, has picked better than 3 bushel of berries this season and is still picking.  Mr. Haight is 82 years old.

Town of TROY - 1942 - Mrs. Alida Peckham, Mrs. Jennie Beardsley, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones attended a picnic supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Peckham, Troy.  The occasion honored the birthdays of Miss Marjorie Mahood and James Peckham.  Others present were Miss Alberta Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peckham and daughter, Anna Mae, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Ritz, Ralston, Mr. and Mrs. Joab Mahood, Marjorie Mahood and Mr. and Mrs. James Peckham and sons.

PAINE/SMYTH/PIERCE -1942 - David Paine to Practice Law in Troy - New York Attorney and C. Wayne Smyth Announce Opening of New Offices in the Grange Bank Building - Of interest to his many old friends in the Troy community is the annoucement of this week that David Paine, New York City attorney and C. Wayne Smyth have become associated for the practice of law and will open offices in the Grange Bank building as of May 1st, 1942. Mr. Paine is a native of Troy, son of the late Charles C. and Mrs. Paine.  He is a graduate of Cornell University, studied at University of Pennsylvania Law School and was admitted to the Bradford County bar in 1902. He was an outstanding guard on the Cornell Unversity football varsity.  Mr. Paine has been singally successful as a trial lawyer in New York and for the present will dvote part of his time to the Troy business.  Mr. Smyth has made many friends since beginning the practice of law in Troy about a year go.  His offices have been located at No. 4 Canton Street.  The First National Bank owners of the Grange Bank building will remodel the north side into a complete suite of offices, including a recpeption room, private conference rooms and office space for Harry C. Pierce's insurance business.

BEERS -  J. Maxwell Beers - 1942 - Tax Filed on Beers Estate - A gross estate of $24,580.67 was left by the late J. Maxell Beers, Elmira well known in Troy, who died Nov. 29.  It was revealed in Surrogate's Court last week when a tax appraisal was filed.  After deductions, including $1,000 to the Park Church to be known as the Elizabeth Helena DeWitt and J. Maxwell Beers Fund, a net estate of $21,250.53 subject to $212.51 tax, remained.  Bequests included $9,750.52 representing property of the Chemung Valley Reporter to O. Stephen Popovich, 409 Broad St., Horseheads; $9,800.01 to William Treat DeWitt, Scranton, PA; $500 each to Howard Treat DeWitt of Wayne, PA and Harry A. Ellman of 354 W. Water St.; $200 each to Robert M. Carl of Pinnacle Road, Elmira and Paul A. Kuntz of Horseheads.

Business Women of TROY - The following business women of Troy went to Elmira by special bus Monday evening, enjoyed dinner at the Langwell Hotel and attended the theater; Mrs. Bernice Nash, Mrs. Betty Slingerland, Mrs. Edna Murray, Mrs. Dorothy Cooke, Mrs. Dorothy Jenkins, Mrs. Lois Mitstifer, Mrs. Sue Morris, Mrs. Eva Pfannmuller, Mrs. Frances Elsbree, Mrs. Ruth Manley, Mrs. Crystal Whittaker, Mrs. Clara Havens, Mrs. Mary Darrow, Mrs. Lillian Edwards, Mrs. Viginia Hungtington, Mrs. Mary Jones and the Misses Adda B. King, Esther Elsbree, Catherine Greenough, Dorothy Nash, Doris Smith, Geraldine Flick, Helen Manley, Betty Morris, Jeanne Morris, Lois Schwab.

PARSONS -  Mrs. Sophia Parsons Carnochan - 1941 - Mrs. Sophia Parsons Carnochan, Troy's most remarkable woman, will celebrate the 100th anniversary of her birth this coming Sunday, July 27, 1941.  With her for the day will be Mrs. John Carnochan, Princeton, N.J., Mr. and Mrs. John Carnochan, Portland, Maine, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Far and children, New York City. Mrs. Farr was Miss Kathleen Carnochan, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John Carnochan.  Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Parsons will entertain for Mrs. Carnochan Sunday evening at the "The Ledges", Mountain Lake.  Daughter of the late Dr. Alfred and Jane Wilber Parsons, she was born on Alparon farm and has spent the largest part of her life in Troy.

(Pratt) Mrs. Mary Ann Pratt - 1942 - Mrs. Mary Ann Pratt, who makes her home with her aunt at Luthers Mills. "Aunt Anna" is the oldest resident of Luthers Mills, being 96 today.

DAVIES - 1942 - Mr. and Mrs. R. LaRue Davies, Williamsport, were guests last week of their parents, Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Davies and with Mr. and Mr. H. J. Pierce all were in Elmira on Friday afternoon for the observance of the 81st birthday of Mrs. Arminta Baldwin, sister of Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Davies who lives with her daughter, Mrs. Samuel Pulford.

(Davison) Mrs. Kate T. Davison - 1942 - Mrs. Kate T. Davison, wife of the late Henry P. Davison, was honored on Thursday evening, March 19th, when the Nassau Daily Review Star Distinguished Service Citation was conferred on her.  Through the courtesy of Mrs. H. D. Holcombe, we have examined the very handsome program and menu for the thrid annual award presentation of this citation, reception and dinner to Mrs. Davison, the recipient for 1941.  There is an excellent picture of her and the program says "beloved resident and humanitarian, representative of the finest quailities of womanhood, leader and benefactor of the Red Cross, patron of the Nassau County Cancer Committee and public spirited citizen, she has been a generous and consistent supporter of all programs for the betterment of the community and the alleviation of suffering and distress among the people.  Her husband, Mr. Davison, was the donor to Troy of the Davison Green, principal's home and apartment houses.

The Whiel's End Park cabins are fully occupied this month and many tents have been pitched in the space allotted to tent campers. 1942

CARPENTER/KING - Troy borough, H. C. Carpenter et ux to Percy S. King, July 15, 1939

CORNELL -1942 - Albert M. Cornell, former resident of the Austinville section, while here on "vacation" has driven tractor for loading 31 big wagon loads of hay.  Mr. Cornell, in fine physical shape, is 81 years old.

HICKOK - 1942 - Mrs. and Mrs. George Hickok and family have moved from the Troy Hotel into Mrs. Monro Wood's house, Exchange Street, recently vacated by Loren Roupp.

ADAMS - Miss Winifred Adams of Grenlock, N.J. has been in the Jennie Strong home for several days.  She was a dinner guest of Mrs. L. M. Fanning Saturday.  Miss Adams called in the D. M. Sargeant and Harold Sargeant homes.

CARPENTER/DUTCHER - Troy Township, H. C. Carpenter et al to Mary Dutcher, January 25, 1943.

HAGER - Troy Township, Lillian Hager at al to Burton Hager et ux, August 29, 1942

BORGESON/BOYER - Troy borough - Nels Borgeson to George E. Boyer, Jr. et us, September 10, 1942.

BULLOCK/PORTER - Columbia township - Belle Bullock to Emmett Porter, January 23, 1943.

GARRISON - Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Garison and Louis WOOD have purchased the John VanHORN property in East Troy and will move there soon.  1942

SCOTT - Russell Scott has purchased from Harry A. Crumbling the residential property on Canton Street, where the Crumblings are living at present.  Mr. and Mrs. Scott will occupy the place the latter part of the month and the Crumblings will move their new home across the street.  1942

PIERCE / BENNETT - Troy township, Allen F. Pierce et ux to Hiram R. Bennett et ux, Nov., 1942.

HANDRAN - Handran Store at Leona Moved - Leona, Oct. 16 - John Handran after nineteen years of service in the Daly store has moved his merchandise to his home here and will continue to do business just the same.  He wishes to thank everyone for their kind patronage and will be glad to see all, the same as usual, in his new location.

WOLESLAGLE - Troy City Carrier Service Has 25th Anniversary - Troy, Nov. 20. - On November 11, mail delivery to homes in Troy celebrated its 25th anniversary.  Guy Woleslagle was one of the two original carriers and thus has spent 25 years in the postal carrier service here.  The other original carrier was P. J. Williams who resigned after a short time.  His place was taken by Edward Snyder, who was succeeded by Harold Bardwell, present carrier.  1942

MASON - Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mason are spending the winter with their son, Robert Mason and Mrs. Mason.  1942

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baxter, Sayre, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wright, East Canton, were guests Sunday of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mason.  Mrs. E. M. Mason had the misfortune to fall in the bath tub recently inuring herself quite severely.

WOOD / ROUPP - The house on Exchange Street recently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wood has been sold to Loren Roupp, an employee of the Cummings Mill.

BORNMAN - Certificate Awarded to Troy Engine and Machine Company - Mr. W. H. Bornman, Williamsport, came to Troy Wednesday and at 4:30 p.m. presented a certificate to the Troy Engine and Machine Company for enrollment of 90 per cent of its employees for the purchase of War Savings Bonds under the payroll deduction plan.

BALLENTINE / KEELER - Smithfield Township - Gerould Ballentine et ux to Hugh Keeler, November 12, 1942.

CASSADA / BEAMAN - Troy borough, Effie B. Cassada et al to Frances R. Beaman, Mary 27, 1935.
Columbia Township - Effie B. Cassada et al to William W. Beaman, May 27, 1935.

BIXBY / McINTYRE - Armenia Township - Olen T. Bixby to James McIntyre, Oct. 16, 1942.

PACKARD / McINTIRE - Armenia Township - Olive E. Packard et al to James McIntire, Sept. 1, 1942.

HENDERSHOT - Mrs. and Mrs. Thomas Hendershot have moved from Wetona into the former Nels Borgeson house, Canton Street, recently purchased by Dr. G. E. Boyer who in turn sold it to the Hendershots.  1942

COBLEIGH - The apartments in the Van Keuren duplex on Center Street to be vacated soon by Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scott, has been rented to Mr. Cobleigh, an employee of the Troy Engine & Machine Company.  He will move his household goods here from Wilkes-Barre.  1942

BEARDSLEY - Mrs. Jennie Beadsley leaves Monday for Starucca, Pa., were she will spend the winter with her son.   1942

MAHOOD - Miss Marjorie Mahood has left for Mansfield to resume her studies at M.S.T.C.   1942

FRENCH - A freak gas well that produced over two million feet, open flow, at a depth of 881 feet in Penny Sand, was brought in last Tuesday near Genesee, Potter County by Harold F. French and four associates.  The gas has been sold to the North Penn Gas Company.  Work was started Monday on a 2-1/2 mile pipe line which will connect with their main distribution line at Genesee.

MAYO - Crockett Lodge, Canton, home of the late Frank Mayo, which back in the "Gay Nineties" was one of the show spots of western Bradford County, has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. Lazelle Thomas on Canton, who plan to tear down the famous home and build a modern one.

WEISBROD - Mrs. and Mrs. Stephen Weisbrod have bought from R. H. Van Keuren the building now occupied by George Hickok who will move into the place last occupied by the Troy Ice Cream Store.  We undersatand that Mr. Weisbrod will demolish the present building and erect a cinder block building for Troy Lunch with second story storage space.1942

The following deeds have been been recorded here:

McCLELLAND - Wells township, Commissioners of Bradford County to Anna W. McClelland, Sept. 9, 1942.

FRAWLEY / COVEY - Sheshequin Township, Frances W. Frawley to Leonard B. Covey et ux, Sept. 15, 1942.

HOLMES / NICHOLS - Smithfield Township, Nettie T. Holmes to James E. Nichols et
ux, Sept. 15, 1942

DICKINSON / ROBERT - Smithfield Township, Madolen E. Dickinson to Lester B. Robert et ux, August 5, 1942.
BALMER / GARRISON - Burlington Borough, Percy Balmer et ux to Rex. M. Garrison et ux, Sept. 5, 1942.

TRACY / FRENCH - Smithfield Township, M. Jennie Tracy to Luke W. French, October
22, 1930.

FRALEY / KELLOGG - Smithfield Township, Carl B. Fraley et ux to Fred T. Kellogg et
ux, February 8, 1943.

CLEVELAND - Armenia Township, Commissioners of Bradford County to Lee Cleveland
et ux, March 11, 1943.

HARKNESS - South Creek township, Ralph R. Harkness to Merle M. Inman et ux, October 20, 1943

DOTY / CHILSON - Smithfield Township, Edward Doty to Arthur L. Chilson, et al, September 28, 1943.

MacNETT - Stephen D. MacNett may like to have his latest address which is A.R.S. 1, F.M.F. Service Group, M.A.S.W's Pacific N.A.S., San Diego, Calif.

MacNETT - Pvt. Stephen D. MacNett is now somewhere in the Pacific and his mail should be addressed to U.S.M.C. Unite 725, San Francisco, Calif. c/o Postmaster.1943

NAKASHIMA -Mother of Seven Annuls Marriage - Long Beach, Calif., Dec. 22 - (AP)-
After 28 years, a Mexican mother of seven children today obtained an annulment of her marriage to a Japanese on the ground it was illegal in the first place.  It happened this way:  Paula T. Nakashima and Carl Nakashima, now in a Japanese relocation camp, were purportedly wed by the capotin of a small vessel off San Diege, March 3, 1914.  They separated Dec. 24, 1933 and Mrs. Nakashima recently petitioned for an annulment on the ground that California law would not allow the mariage of a Japanese and Mexican.  Superior Counrt Judge Benjamin J. Scheinman agreed.COWAN - Fred M. Cowan of Monroe Township from Fern V. Cowan of Nichols; indiginities to the person.

LOSEY - Judge Charles M. Culver has granted a divorce decree to Cora Losey, Troy, from Chalres H. Losey, also of Troy. 1948._

SWEENEY / BURT / YOUNG - Willard Sweeney has sold his house on Elmira Street, formerly the Randolph Burt Place, to Mrs. Floy Young, who will move to Troy from Springfield._

BALEY / WARD - Mrs. Matie Bailey has sold her farm at Bailey's Corners to Mr. and Mrs. George Ward, Granville.   1943

TRACY / PIERCE - Springfield Township, Leonard Tracy, et al to Harry E. Pierce et ux, March 1, 1943.

WOLFE / SOPER - Columbia Township, Lloyd C. Wolfe et ux to Guy Soper et ux, February 6, 1943.

PIERCE / SEELEY - Canton township, Allen F. Pierce et ux to Clyde H. Seeley,  February 25, 1943.

PAGE / SCOTT - Troy Borough and township, George E. Page et ux to George Scott, et al, April 17, 1943.

HEALD / THOMAS - Troy Township, Harvey L. Heald et ux to W. Alonzo Thomas et ux, January 29, 1943.

DICKINSON / CONGDON  - West Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Dickinson have sold their farm to Mr. and Mrs. Congdon and family, Gillett.  They expect to take possession, May 1, 1943.

KENYON - Ms. and Mrs. John Kenyon, New York City, will come for the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Metzger and will bring with them Theodore Kenyon, who is recuperating from his second operation at the Medical Center, New York City.  He will remain for some time at his home in Springfield Township.  His sister, Mrs. Ada Ferry and her daughter, Mrs. Hope Taylor, came last week from Pittsburgh to be with him.  1942

KENYON - Mrs. and Mrs. John Kenyon will return tomorrow to New York City following a week in the Troy community.  The former's brother, Theodore Kenyon, who has been in his Springfield Township home for some weeks, will accompany them to New York and expects to go to Pittsburgh for the winter with relatives.

BAILEY - Richie Bailey, on vacation from the First National Bank last week, started for Miami Beach, Flas. to see his brother, Carson Bailey, Air Service, U.S.A. who was transfered to Texas after Mr. Bailey left Troy.  He received the news at Jacksonville and returned here.

BOYCE - Newton E. Boyce, former Trojan who left here in 1898 and was in the state service at Willard, N.Y. for 34 years, was a guest here Monday and called on several old friends.  Mr. Boyce retired 10 years ago and now makes his home in Interlaken, N.Y. were he is acting Mayor and President of the Library Board.  With him were his wife, the former Ruby Putnam, Granville, son, Russell, wife and daughter.

HOWLAND / NICHOLS / STANTON - East Smithfield, Mrs. Nettie Howland and daughter, Fanny, have moved into the Beach home for the winter; Mr. and Mrs. James Nichols have purchased the home of Mrs. Nettie Holmes and moved into it last week; Mr. and Mrs. James Stanton have moved from the Federated parsonage to the Mayme Schill house.

MORRIS - William "Bill" Morris, who has been manager of the Grand Union store, Canton, has been accepted for selective service and left the first of the week.  He is a former Trojan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Morris.

BEACHLEY / JONES - Carolyn and Michael [no other name here], have returned to Paxtang.  Mr. Beachley came for them.  They have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones.   1942

MAHOOD / PECKHAM - Mr. and Mrs. Joab Mahood and daughter, Marjorie, Master Danny Peckham, Troy, and Mrs. Alida Peckham were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Peckham, Ralston   1943

PECKHAM - Miss Winifred Peckham has returned to Washington, D.C. after spending her vacation with her mother, Mrs. Alida Peckham.

CANEDY - Miss Margery Canedy who teaches in Covington is taking a little  vacation and enjoying a trip to Denver, Colorado.  She will return the last of the week.  1942

WOLESLAGLE / ALLEN - Mr. and Mrs. Albert Woleslagle will move soon from the former St. Pauls Rectory house on Center Streeet to the farm of her father, Glenn Allen, Mountain Lake, where they will work a part of the place.

McCLURE - Mr. and Mrs. Thad. McClure will leave Sylvania April 1st and will live at the Mill Race Service Station, Elmira, St., Troy.  1943

MORRIS / WILSON - Troy Dairy Farms Buys Wilson Milk Trucking Business - George C. Morris had bought from A. B. Wilson four trucks with tank trailers and the milk hauling business which Mr. Wilson has conducted for 21 years.  We understand that Mr. Morris contemplates the erection of a garage near the Troy Dairy Farms plant and will operate his own repairing shop.  Mr. Wilson has been connected with the milk business in the Troy Community for many years.  In 1908 he operated a receiving station for Bliss & Teeter at Austinville and later one of similiar character at Roseville.  Those were the days of horse drawn milk wagons and deeply rutted dirt roads.  Then came the era of trucks filled with cans of milk before the modern glass lined trailer tank.  Mr. Wilson retained the Canton - New Albany milk route and one truck and tractor used in hauling feed from Buffalo to Troy.  He says that he estimates that the Troy Dairy Farms will be handling 1200 cans of milk this year in the height of the season.

HENRY - Among deeds recorded in the court house, Towanda, is Columbia Cross Roads Community Hall Association, Columbia Township to E. Lee Henry et ux, October 5, 1943.  This transaction involved the former Moose Hall there, scene of many gay times in the past.

KINGSLEY - ? Wilson, Montclair, N.J. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G.I. Kingsley.  Dec. 28, 1942

East Main Street is claiming the "street service flag" in Troy with the ten boys in our Armed Forces:  Robert SHOOK, Leo SLINGERLAND, Andrew BAILEY, Richmond BAILEY, Walter DePEW, Charles DEWEY, Paul BURGAN, Louise STANTON, Richard TATE, John HYDE.  What local street can best his record?

SILLMAN - Benjamin D. Sillman, son of A. B. Sillman, former Troy boy, is a Captain in the Coast Artillery now engaged in the air defense of San Francisco Bay, Cal., from Fort Funston, Cal.  He was an instructor in mathematics at Fortress Monroe during the First World War.  1943

BURR / STONE - Marcus Burr has sold his farm on Redington Avenue to Lindley Stone and has bought a farm near Alba.  1943

Through the courtesy of Frank BALLARD, we have been looking through a nicely bound file of Troy's first newspaper, the "Democratic Analyser" first published here
on May 22, 1840.  It was put out by SMITH (Frances) and BALLARD (O.P.) in a  building then on the site of the present Oliver building.  there were four five-column pages.  The first pages was filled with lengthy compostitons and poetical selections.  Martin Van Buren was the Democratic nominee for Presidnet,  his running mate was Richard M. Johnson.  The first issue contained notice of the marriage of Miss Olive WILLIAMS of Troy, to Jacob LINDERMAN of Tompkins County, N.Y.  Advertisers were William A. CHAMBERLAIN, Watchmaker, John BLACK. Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing.  In subsequent issues we noted that Charles MATTOCKS, Springfield, had recoved a lost mare colt for an unknow owner, James FRITCHER offered for sale teas, loaf lump, muscovado and maple sugar, liquors, London porter, strong beer, lemon syrup and hard cider. J. T. LEANRNED announced fresh meat for sale at the Troy New Market.  One notice announced that the Troy Infantry would meet for drill at the house of I. N. POMEROY.  In the last issue of the year, N. P. CASE cautioned readers against purchasing two promissory notes given by him to one William TALBOT for thirty dollars each.  He claimed that he had received no valuable consideration.*

MAHOOD - Miss Marjorie Mahood entertained a house party of fellow M.S.T.C. students in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joab Mahood, over the week-end.  With her were Misses Betty STROBLE, Mary MORGAN, Mary Louise SAXTON, Beatrice DUNBAR.  1943

MAHOOD / FOSTER - Miss Mahood's Engagement Announced  - Mr. and Mrs. Joab K. Mahood announce the engagement of their daughter, Marjorie, to Allen H. Foster, Torpedoeman 2/c, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elisha A. Foster.  Miss Mahood is a graduate of Mansfield State Teachers College, and has accepted a position in the Homemaking Department of Wellsboro High School  Mr. Foster who has been in the U.S.Navy two years, is serving in the South Pacific area.  1944

MAHOOD - Joab Mahood Named Secretary of Penna. State Grange - The Executive Committee of the Pennsylvania State Grange has appointed Joan Mahood as secretary of the State Grange to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miles Horat now State Secretary of Agriculture.  The appointment was effective July 1.  Mr. Mahood is one of the outstanding grangers in Pennsylvania's Northern Tier.  He served as master of Bradford County Pomona for four years and has held all of the important offices in Troy Grange of which he is a member.  Mr. Mahood has also been secretary of the Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Co., at Troy for the past ten yeas or more.  In connection with his state Grange secretaryship, the Troy man will be expected to also serve as editor of the State Grange News.  He will have an office at Harrisburg and hold the position until the next State Grange convention when his appointment expires. (picture)

MacNETT - Stephen D. MacNett, son of Mr. and Mrs. ARchie D. MacNett of R.D. 2, Columbia Cross Roads, Pa.   (picture)

COLEMAN / HANKINSON - 50th Wedding Day Observed - Mr. and Mrs. George N. Coleman Celebrate at Home - Mr. and Mrs. George N. Coleman of this place celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at their home, 316 Poplar Steet, on Sunday, October 25.  Their children all were home for the pleasant occasion with the exception of George Coleman, Jr. who is in the Army.  A bountiful dinner was served, two large tables being used to accommodate the guests, some of whom came from a distance.  Mr. and Mrs. Coleman were married October 25, 1892 at 16 Fifth Street, Towanda, by the Rev. M. G. Smith, pastor of the Baptist Church.  Mrs. Coleman's maiden name was Miss Edith Hankinson.

CARPENTER / GERNERT - Two Officials Have Anniversary On The Same Day - Yesterday was the wedding anniversary of two county officials and their wives.  Prothonotary and Mrs. H. C. Carpenter of Troy observed their Golden Wedding day on Monday while County Commissioner and Mrs. Spencer Gernert of Columbia Cross Roads celebrated their 38th anniversary.  Spencer says that it snowed on his wedding day in 1904 just as it snowed here yesterday.     9-25,26-1942

PARSONS - Mr. and Mrs. Ash Parsons of Towanda were married 28 years ago today.  9-26-1942

VARGASON / COOLBAUGH - Mrs. and Mrs. Victor V. Vargason of Towanda  were married 57 years ago today.  Mrs. Vargason was formerly Isabelle Coolbaugh.9-26-1942

MORSE - Mr. and Mrs. Andew T. Morse of "Caledonia Lodge", Powell, spent Sunday with his brother, W. D. Morse and Mrs. Morse at Athens, the occasion being in honor of the 34rd wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Morse.  1942

CHILSON -Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L Chilson of East Smithfield  were married seven years ago today.   1943

Monday, October 26, 1942 was the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. CARPENTER.  This day was the 38th wedding anniversary of County Commissioner and Mrs. Spencer S. GERNERT, Columbia Cross Roads.  Mr. and Mrs. T. W. PARSONS celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday, October 24th, 1942.  Mrs. and Mrs. F. L. BALLARD will celebrate their 46th anniversary on November 11th, Armistice Day.   1942

BURNHAM  / JELIFF- Golden Wedding Day Observed - Mr. and Mrs. Howell Burnham of Bentley Creek Celebrate - Bentley Creek, March 30 - Mr. and Mrs. Howell Burnham of Bentley Creek observed their Golden Wedding anniversary on Thursday evening, March 25, when relatives, neighbors and friends came to celebrate the happy occasion.  Eighty-five were present.  A luncheon was served.  Everybody enjoyed the occasion, including the bride and groom of fifty years ago who are both well preserved for their years and held in very high esteem.  Mrs. Burnham came as a bride to the village of Bentley Creek, where she and her husband have since resided.  Mr. Burnham was born in Ridgebury Township where he has resided for more than eighty years.  Mrs. Burnham's maiden name was Addie JELIFF.  1943

WILLEY / KIRKENDALL - Observe 54th Wedding Day - Mrs. and Mrs. F. B. Wiley of Monroeton Have Anniversary - Mr. and Mrs. Freeling B. Willey of Monroeton celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary last Saturday, July 3.  They were married at the home of Mrs. Willey's borther-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hall at Towanda on July 3, 1889.  They have one son, Leland, married and living in Towanda who spent part of the day with them.  Both Mr. and Mrs. Willey enjoy fairly good health and are now living on their farm on the Monroeton - New Albany Road.  Mrs. Willey, before her marriage, was Anna E. Kirkendall of Franlindale.   1943

DUNBAR - Well Known Big Pond, Pa. Family, Photographed in 1909 - The family of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Dunbar, Big Pond, Pa., as pictured in 1909  (picture).
Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar are seated in front.  Mr. Dunbar died about 1916, Mrs. Dunbar died in 1941 at age of 89.  Second row, from left are: the late Mrs. George POTTER; Mrs. A.C. POTTER, now of Pine City; Mrs. Manley BIRD, now of Monroeton, Pa.; and Mrs. John MASON.  Rear row:  the late Stanley Dunbar, Herman B. Dunbar (present chairman of the Chemung County Board of Supervisors),  Romie Dunbar of Big Pond and Frank, also of Big Pond.  Descendants of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Dunbar include more than 30 grandchildren and 40 great-grandchildren. 1943

KELLOGG - June 30 [1943] -   Mr. and Mrs. Fountain KELLOGG of East Smithfield were married 39 years ago today.  They have three daughters married; three sons married; three sons in the armed forces, one in the Marines, one a pilot in the Army Air Corps and one in the Army Signal Corps, and still another son at home.  They also have 18 grandchildren and Mr. Kellogg has four great grandchildren.  One of their granddaughters has just gone to the Mare Island Navy Yard at Philadelphia where she wll work for the next six monts as a welder.

DICKINSON - June 30 [1943} - Mrs. and Mrs. Charles E. Dickinson of Troy, RD 3, were married 25 years ago today.

BAILEY - June 30 [1943] - Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Bailey of Towanda RD 1 were married eight years ago today.

SAYMAN - June 30 [1943] - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sayman of New Albany were married 20 years ago today.

BURNHAM - Mr. and Mrs. Howell Burnham, Bentley Creek, observed their golden wedding anniversary on Thursday, March 25, 1943.

GUILLAUME - Eighteen friends of Prof. and Mrs. L. R. Guillaume celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at the home of Prof. and Mrs. Harty Crumbling last Thursday evening.   1943

YOUNG - 32d Wedding Anniversary Celebrated - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young, Wetona, were pleasantly surprised Wednesday, Jan. 3 at their home when some of their relatives came to help them celebrate their 32d wedding anniversary.  Those present were:  Mr. and Mrs. Roy Young and Mrs. Addie Bailey, Wetona, Mr. and Mrs. Damon Young and son, Bennett, and daughter, Elizabeth.  A delicious basket dinner was served.     1943

PARKS - Rome Couple Observes 55th Wedding Day - About 47 friends and neighbors from Athens, Herrickville, Towner Hill and Rome gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Parks of Rome on Satuday evening, June 19, to help them celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary.  Mrs. Flora Schoonover was in charge of the affair and brought a beautiful wedding cake.  Light refreshments were served.  Rev. and Mrs. Gilbert Clemens sang two beautiful selections and a life poem composed by Mrs. Earl Smith of Sayre was read by Rev. William Dudgeon of Athens.   1943.