The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery

Tri County Clippings- Page One Hundred Twenty

The Merrill Scrapbook

Mrs. Rhoda L. Boyce, 81, died Monday, Jan. 22, 1940 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ranchford Buchanon, Sagetown. Surviving besides Mrs. Buchanon are two daughters, Mrs. Clara Blakeslee, Center Village, and Mrs. Mildred Bennett, Horseheads; four sons, Jesse and Frank, Elmira and Elliot and Lloyd, Elmira Heights; several grandchildren and five great grandchildren.  Body is at the Hagerman Funeral Home where the funeral will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. the Rev. Paul Rickabaugh. North Chemung Cemetery.

James Arvine Barrett, Town of Catlin. The body is in the Holly Funeral Home, where the funeral will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. Elder William Fagal will officiate. Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Horseheads. (handwritten on article April 14, 1940)

Harry Botsford, 58, formerly of Horseheads, Sunday, June 6, 1943, in New York City. Survived by Robert, Africa, son; Averil, New York city, daughter; Charles, Greene, Frank, Florida, brothers. Body will arrive from New York Friday and will be taken to the Buskirk Funeral Home, Horseheads. Funeral announcement later.

Supreme Court Justice Ely Watson Personius ranking member of the Chemung County Bar and one of New York State’s leading jurists, died unexpectedly at 2:20 a.m. today at the Arnot-Ogden Hospital after two heart attacks. He was 69. Justice Personius had been confined to his home, 709 W. Clinton St., for three days with a slight cold and his condition was not believed serious. However, he had a heart attack between 11 and 11:30 p.m. Monday and was taken to the hospital shortly after midnight. Death came after a second attack. Justice Personius had been on the State supreme court bench since 1930 and would have retired next year on reaching the mandatory retirement age of 70. His judicial abilities and outstanding position of trust on the bench had been recognized by two New York governors. In 1939 he was appointed by former Governor Lehman to preside at a special Grand Jury investigation into alleged vice gambling and corruption of public officials in Orange County. Death cut short his latest assignment. Last December, Governor Dewey designated justice Personius to preside at an extraordinary term of Supreme Court to investigate the State Legislature. The Elmira jurist convened the extraordinary term in Albany last Jan. 18 and only last Thursday the Grand Jury made an interim report stating that the Legislature’s payroll system was studded with laxities. The report included five specific recommendations and Justice Peronius ordered copies sent to the Governor, the Senate, the Assembly and the State Budget Director John Burton. The special Grand Jury now is inquiring into horse racing, paramutual legislation and betting. In addition to his activities on the bench, Justice Personius was one of Elmira’s civic leaders was an officer and Sunday School teacher at the First Methodist Church and a prominent Mason. The body is in the Holly Funeral Home and will be removed Wednesday to the family home. The funeral will be held Thursday at 11 a.m. at the First Methodist Church, with the Rev. Lester Schaff officiating. From 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Thursday the body will lie in state at the church. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery

Ely W. Personius, 709 W. Clinton St., Tuesday, Dec. 12, 1944. Survived by his wife, Iantha Eastgate Personius, daughter, Miss Catherine of Ithaca; sons, Kirkwood E., William W., James E., all of Elmira; brother Horace W. of Elmira; nine grandchildren. Body is at Holly Funeral Home and will be moved to the family home, Wednesday morning and Thursday 9 a.m. will be moved to First Methodist Church where funeral will be held at 11 a.m. Rev. Lester Schaff. Woodlawn Cemetery. Omit flowers.

John L. Fiester of 35 Roe Ave., Chemung County Treasurer since 1929 and one of the most popular officeholders in the county died at 5:15 Saturday afternoon at his home. He was 64. Mr. Fiester had been ill of a heart ailment and complications since last November. Shortly after being taken ill he recovered sufficiently to spend a part of nearly each day in his office, but during the May flood, he caught cold and had since been confined to his home. He was show a slow improvement until early last week when he had a relapse. Death came near the end of his campaign for the Republican renomination as county treasurer. Seeking his seventh three year term, he was opposed by John F. Madden. (rest of article is missing)

Mrs. Mae Manley, 87, of 306 Lynhurst Ave., Horseheads, Thursday, Aug. 11, 1955. She was a member of the Horseheads Methodist Church and the Loyal Philathea Class; the Women’s Christian Temperance Union and Horseheads Grange. Survived by daughter, Mrs. Purley Lawlor, and brother, G. Archie Turner, both of Horseheads; 3 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren and 6 great-great-grandchildren. Body at Shields Funeral Home, 109 Fletcher St., Horseheads, where friends may call tonight from 7 to 9 and Saturday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral there Saturday at 2 p.m., the Rev. Augustus N. Peckham, assisted by the Rev. Earl H. Robertson of Corning, Vary Cemetery, town of Veteran.

Mrs. Jacob Miller, Jr., died Saturday at 1:30 a.m. at the family home in the town of Big Flats, aged thirty-six years. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Bernice; two sons, Elmer B. and Harry A all at home; her mother Mrs. D. F. Marvin, of Elmira; three sisters, Mrs. William Smith of Santa Anna, Cal., Mrs. A. C. Marvin, Akron, O., and Mrs. R. D. ?itts, Elmira. A prayer service will be held at the home Tuesday at 12:30 o’clock and the funeral at Woodlawn Chapel, this city at 2 p.m. The Rev. ??mma E. Bailey of Mansfield, Pa. will officiate. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery. (handwritten on article Feb. 28, 1914)

Barney Featherman, a resident of Elmira many years died this morning at the family home, 119 Orchard Street, aged sixty-nine years. He is survived by two sons, Louis of Connellsville, Pa. and Joseph of Toledo, O., also five daughters, Mrs. Goldstein of New York, Mrs. London and Mrs. Weinstein of Perth Amboy, N.J., Mrs. Silverman of Toledo, O., and Mrs. William Baker of this city. The funeral will be held at the Orchard Street Synagogue, instead of at the family home Tuesday at 2 p.m. The Rev. Mr. Silverman will officiate. (handwritten on article Feb. 22, 1915)

SEPT. 7, 1943
New York—Frank Crumit, radio entertainer and former vaudeville star, died unexpectedly of a heart attack early today in his suite at the Hotel Gotham.
He had not been ill and visited with friends yesterday.
His wife, Julia Sanderson, also an entertainer, was at his bedside when he died. They had appeared together frequently on the stage and on radio programs.

Evident He Had Taken Medicine Just Before He Died But What It Was is Not Learned—Coroner Finds Acute Alcoholism the Cause—Had Been Ill All Winter—Wife Makes the Ghastly Discovery.
Carl Culp, sixty-five years old, custodian of the Detention Hospital, two miles east of the city on the north side of the river, was found dead on a couch on the first floor of the hospital at 2 o’clock yesterday by his wife, who returned after being in the city shopping. Nobody had been in the hospital during the afternoon and nobody was there when Mr. Culp died.
He had been ill all winter of heart trouble and suffered great pain at times. He took medicine to quiet the pain.
Mrs. Culp was greatly shocked upon making the ghastly discovery. She called Coroners Loop of Wellsburg and Turnbull of Elmira. Dr. Turnbull said that it would be proper for Coroner Loop to attend to the case and the coroner made his investigation yesterday.
Mr. Culp was feeling in his usual condition late this morning when Mrs. Culp left the hospital to come to this city. It is not known that anybody visited the hospital after she left. When she returned she opened a door leading to the sitting room and the first object that met her eyes was the body of her husband stretched on a couch. It was apparent to her immediately that he was dead.
There was evidence that he had taken a dose of medicines immediately before death.
Carl Culp was well known in Elmira for many years. He formerly was a city expressman here. Since the establishment of the hospital several years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Culp had been the custodians of the institution and had lived there.
During the past winter Mr. Culp’s health had been poor and he had been ill in the house most of the time.
It is probable that he was attempting to gain relief from such an attack of heart trouble today when he died.
Mr. Culp was a veteran of the Civil War and a member of the 141 Regiment New York Volunteers. He was formerly a nurse by profession and was a smallpox immune which made his services valuable when the city had several cases a few years ago.
Mr. Culp is survived by his wife, a sister, Mrs. Mary C. Heath and a brother John Culp, all of this city. The notice of the funeral will be given later.
The Coroner found tat death was due to acute alcoholism. (handwritten on article May 5, 1910)

Drs. Colegrove and Lande, under the direction of County Coroner Loop of Wellsburg, performed an autopsy yesterday afternoon upon the remains of MacGee Carlton Culp, the custodian of the City Detention Hospital, who was found dead in that place yesterday afternoon.
The autopsy was performed at the City Morgue and developed the fact that the cause of death was acute alcoholism and that there was no trace of poison as was first suspected.
The decedent was sixty-two years old and was a member of one of the oldest families in the Chemung Valley.
The remains were removed to the Hubbell undertaking rooms and the funeral will be announced later.

The funeral of MacGee Carlton Culp will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the residence of Francis M. Lucas, 411 West Fourth Street. Burial will be in the Second Street Cemetery. (handwritten on article May 5, 1910)

Atty. Frank s. Bentley, 86, died Wednesday, Feb. 26, 1941, after an extended illness at his home, 409 S. Main St., Horseheads. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Mary Thompson Bentley; a daughter, Mrs. A. J. Westlake, a granddaughter, Mrs. Harriet W. Manning, a great granddaughter, Miss Suzanne Manning and a great grandson William Robert Manning all of Elmira. The body is in the  Barber Funeral Home, Horseheads. The funeral will be held at the family home Saturday, 2 p.m. Rev. Harry E. Malick, Maple Grove Cemetery, Horseheads. Mr. Bentley’s survivors include a sister, Mrs. T. E. LaFrance of Horseheads.

Odd dining room chairs, each………50c
Reed baby carriage……………….$3.50
Card tables………………………. $1.00
Mohair davenport…………………$9.95
3-piece living room suite…………$29.00
Bird cage with standard…………..$1.00

Death and Burial of a Highly Esteemed and Worthy Man
Sad indeed came the tidings of the death last Tuesday at Buffalo, where he had gone upon the advice of his physician, of Michael Bermingham, for years a respected and worthy citizen of Elmira. In life he seemed all that God wished man to be, charitable always; forgiving and forgetting an injury; honest in all that the term implies; devout to a marked degree, fulfilling to the greatest extent religious obligations and encouraging others to the better and nobler life. He was always contented with his lot, although striving by ambitious effort to accomplish the most with his talents. In the family he will be remembered as a devoted husband and a loving father. Born in Ireland, County Clare, in 1840, he grew to manhood, receiving the advantages of such education as was afforded by common and parish school facilities in those days. In 1860 he came to this country and found employment in Elmira as a blacksmith. For years he was one of the foremost master horseman of the vicinity, and, with the exception of a short time spent in conducting his shop at Pine City, was in business at his shop on East Market Street. It was a favorite place for those who wanted to pass a few pleasant moments, to hear words of good cheer from the master as he worked the forge. In 1865 Mr. Bermingham was united in marriage to Miss Nora McInerney and she survives him with six children namely; Thomas F., Mary, Michael, John, Susan and Rev. Joseph Bermingham , the latter of St. Mary’s Church of Niagara Falls.
The funeral services were held at 9 o’clock Friday morning from the late residence, No. 310 Washington Street, and the large concourse that assembled there and at SS Peter and Paul’s Church at 10 o’clock was a glowing testimony of esteem and love borne for the departed. Martin Shannon, Thomas B. Jones, William J. Burke, Abe O’Connor, Thomas Lynch, and Andrew O’Dea were the bearers. At the church solemn requiem high mass was celebrated, with the son of the deceased, the Rev. Father Joseph Bermingham, as celebrant; Father Long, the pastor, as deacon; Father Sullivan as sub-deacon, and Father McNab of Niagara Falls, as master of ceremonies. In the sanctuary were Fathers Bloomer, Maley, Stemler, McCrone and Wall. The burial was in SS Peter and Paul’s Cemetery.
Among those from out of the city who were in attendance, were Mrs. Timothy Spillard, of Williamsport; John Spillard of Renova; John Leonard, Thomas Bermingham, and Michael Bermingham, of Blossburg; Timothy and Thomas Shannon, of Hallstead, Pa.; Mrs. McMahon of Susquehanna, Pa.; Mrs. McMahon and Miss Mollie Quinlan, of Jersey City; Miss Susan Bermingham of Bath; Mrs. Nora O’Connell and Mrs. McCarthy of Corning, Dr. Thomas Foley, John Mack and Mrs. Catherine Cunningham of Buffalo; Dr. A. J. Lawler, Daniel M. Lynch and Miss Elizabeth Lynch of Niagara Falls.
The master horseshoers, who called at the house in a body, and took a last view of all that remained of their friend, adopted the following preamble and resolutions:
   Elmira, N.Y., Sept. 1, 1904
It is with profound regret that we, the members of the Master Horse-Shoers Protective Association, Local No. 237, of Elmira, N.Y., are called upon to record the death of one of our esteemed members. Brother Michael Bermingham, it having pleased Our Almighty Father, in His divine dispensation to remove him from among us, be it further.
Resolved; That by his death, there has been removed from us one of our faithful and loyal members, loved and respected by all.
Resolved: That we extend to his afflicted family our heartfelt sympathy in their affliction.
Resolved: That a copy of these resolutions be given to his family, a copy sent to the Horse-Shoers’ Journal for publication, and that a copy be spread upon the minutes of our local.

Addison, N.Y., Nov. 30—Harry Bush, eighteen years of age, an employee of the Inter-State Commerce Association, was struck by Erie train No. 4, going east at noon, here today. He died an hour later without regaining consciousness.
Mr. Bush had been an employee of the commission for two months. Today he and other employees were working on the Erie tracks on a curve near Addison, under the direction of H. L. Buck, stepping out of the way of a westbound freight train, he got directly in the way of the first passenger train.
Mr. Bush is survived by his father, A. Bush of Smithboro, N.Y. The remains are here awaiting word from the father. (on article 1918)

Mrs. Esther A. Brown, who died in this city Tuesday, January 12, was one of Elmira’s oldest residents, being eighty-four years old. She well remembered when Elmira was but a small hamlet known as Newtown with but the one business street and a few houses. She had talked of the time when the surrounding country was but farms and woods, when she came and went on horseback through fields. Mrs. Brown was the youngest child of Walter Brown, a pioneer Baptist preacher through northern Pennsylvania and southern New York. She was born in April, 1831, and in April, 1851, were married to Anthony Brown of Southport. They lived in Southport for many years driving from their farm eight or ten miles Sundays to attend the First Baptist Church of Elmira, there being no church nearer until the Southport church was organized at Pine City. They joined there and remained life members. Mrs. Brown was the last of her husband’s family and the last of her own, except a surviving sister, Mrs. Sarah Bingham of this city, who is nearing her eighty-eighth year. Mrs. Brown was the mother of six children, three of whom died in infancy; and two surviving daughters being permitted to care for her to the last. Her husband died in April, 1899. She had since lived with her widowed daughter, Mrs. Lingle. Mrs. Brown had kept active and busy trying to do for others up to a little more than two years ago, when her failing strength obliged her to yield herself to the care of her children, gradually failing and since last October having been almost helpless from weakened mind, as well as body. Mrs. Brown was confined to her bed only a few weeks, having failed each day until finally, like a tired child, worn out at play, she fell asleep—the sleep which knows no waking here. We know that “joy cometh in the morning”. And trust that “in the dawning of the morning when the mists have rolled away” she shall awake in His likeness, to know the joy of the presence of the Lord forever more.

Mrs. Esther A. Brown, widow of Anthony Brown, who resided on John Street, died Tuesday at 1 p.m., aged eighty-three years. She is survived by two daughters, Miss Sarah Brown, Mrs. Daisy E. Lingle, and one granddaughter, Helen Lingle; also a sister, Mrs. Sarah Bingham all of Elmira. The funeral will be held Thursday at 1 p.m. at the Harrington undertaking rooms.  The Rev. Delos E. Abrams of the Southside Baptist Church will officiate and burial will be in the Pine City Cemetery. (handwritten on article 1915)

Mrs. Elizabeth Bravoo, a resident of Elmira until 1885, died at the family home in Rochester, Monday, aged eighty-eight years. The remains arrived in Elmira at noon today and were removed to the Fudge undertaking rooms. The burial was in the family burial plot in the Second Street Cemetery at 3:30 p.m., the Rev. S. E. Eastman of the Park Church conducting the committal service.

Miss Madeline Blauvelt. The body is in the Hilton and Lindgren Funeral Home and will be removed to the family home Friday afternoon. The funeral will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Erin Methodist Church. The Rev. Norman Campbell of Candor and the Rev. Arnold Mellin of the Erin Methodist Church will officiate. Burial in Scotchtown Cemetery.

Mrs. Myrtie Brink, 68, died unexpectedly at her home in Swartwood Saturday, Jan. 11, 1941. She leaves her husband, Lavern Brink; two sons, Cameron and David of Erin; three daughters, Mrs. Bernice Luff of Syracuse, Mrs. Harriett Chaffee and Mrs. Helen Musto of Ithaca. The body was taken to Arnold funeral home, Van Etten, and Monday was removed to the family home, where the funeral will be held Tuesday at 1 p.m. The Rev. Kenneth Anderson will officiate. Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Candor.

Miss Kate M. Bristol, 79, of Albany, Thursday afternoon, Sept. 14, 1944. Survived by several nieces and nephews in Albany and Gillett, Pa. The body is at Smith and Fudge Funeral Home, where funeral will be held Sunday, 3 p.m. Rev. George Evans. Webb Mills Cemetery.

Elliott M. Blauvelt of Erin was named in Surrogate’s Court Monday administrator of the estate of a sister, Madeline Blauvelt, who died Aug. 2. William M. and Anna S. Blauvelt, parents, also were named as beneficiaries.

LaVerne Brink, 79, of Ithaca, former resident of Van Etten, Saturday, Dec. 29, 1945. Survived by sons, Cameron and David of Erin; daughters Mrs. Bunie Luff of Syracuse, Mrs. Harriet Chaffee and Mrs. Helen Musto of Ithaca; two grandchildren; one great-grandchild. The body is at Arnold Funeral Home, Van Etten. Services Monday at 2 p.m. Rev. Carlton Stevens, Candor Cemetery.

Prominent Chemung County Resident, Former Supervisor and Secretary of County Draft Board, id Killed Instantly on Grand Central Avenue Last Night—Ford Automobile, Driven by Mr. Banfield, Crashes Into Front End of Street Car, Which He was Endeavoring to Dart Past, While the Trolley Was Proceeding in an Opposite Direction—Victim Sustains Fracture of the Skull and Found Dead in Wreckage of His Automobile.
Mark Banfield, one of the best known residents of Chemung County, a merchant and public official from the town of Van Etten many years, met an untimely and frightful death last night about 10 o’clock, when the Ford runabout automobile which he was driving north on Grand Central Avenue, near the St. Charles Church, Elmira Heights, crashed into a trolley car, which was running south to the terminal of that line near East Eleventh Street. The principal injury produced was a fractured skull and an open wound in the side of the head, which produced instant death.
Mr. Banfield came to the city in his automobile yesterday morning. After participating in the Decoration Day exercises he went to the Court House Annex, where, as the secretary of the Chemung County Board, he performed the clerical duties of that body. In the evening he enjoyed lunch with several friends and about 10 o’clock started on the return to Van Etten, riding alone in his car. He rode over the pavement north on Lake Street, to Division Street and turned north on Grand Central Avenue. When he arrived on the state macadam road at Elmira Heights. Mr. Banfield was traveling at a rate of about 25 or 30 miles an hour. At a point a few hundred feet north of the terminal of the trolley company’s tracks on Grand Central Avenue. Mr. Banfield’s car was traveling on the west side of the macadam road as he proceeded north. This placed Mr. Banfield’s car on the wrong side of the road, with other automobiles passing rapidly both north and south on the same drive.
Chief-of-Police Walker, of Elmira Heights, was on the sidewalk on Grand Central Avenue, near where the accident occurred. He was looking down Grand Central Avenue and noticed the Banfield automobile swing on the “left hand” side of the road, as it proceeded north.
At the same instance a large trolley car, which had turned south on Grand Central Avenue from 14th Street, was approaching the end of the line at 11th Street. Motorman Sherman was on the head end of the car and saw the automobile approaching on the west side of the road. As it neared his car, the motorman was startled to see the automobile turn sharply across the rails, directly in front of the moving trolley car. The two vehicles crashed together. The automobile was crushed together with its driver. The men in the immediate vicinity of the accident rendered quick assistance. Motorman Sherman was horrified to find the victim of the accident was his personal friend, Mark Banfield.
Following the crash between the automobile and the trolley car, Motorman Sherman and the men near the scene of the accident pulled away the wreckage of the automobile. The lifeless remains were found in the wreckage.
A report sent to District Attorney Personius has it that a young man Earl Buzzell was running his automobile south on Grand Central Avenue, headed toward the Banfield car, which was on the wrong side of the road. In order to avoid a collision with the Buzzell car, it is reported Mr. Banfield turned sharply across the car track and in front of the trolley car.
Another report being investigated is that there was no light on the head end of the trolley car.
An inquest will be held at the grand jury rooms Saturday at 2 p.m. when the case will be thoroughly investigated.
The funeral will be held at the Methodist Episcopal Church at Van Etten, Sunday at 2 p.m. and will be in charge of the Masonic fraternity.
Mark Banfield was descended from a very old and greatly honored family of Chemung County. The Banfield name has been a familiar one for three generations, and the untimely and saddening accident we have recorded has removed one not the least in honor or worthiness in his genealogical tree.
Mr. Banfield was frank and manly. He looked you in the eye. He was not afraid of the light. He walked with an upright step, and no one could accuse him and be justified. Cut off in the prime of his usefulness as a citizen and as a man beloved in his home in such an untimely taking off, and in such a way, is indeed an event both regrettable and heartrending.
Mark Banfield always was a busy man. He was born on a farm and early followed that life, later being interested in the business enterprises of which his family was well known at Van Etten and throughout the county. He became interested in the politics of his town and represented it several years on the Board of Supervisors, having also served as its chairman. In 1916 he became the Democratic candidate for state senator, but was not successful in gaining the office. The decedent also was interested in the Lowman Grocery Company at Lowman, and the Banfield Company Store.
Mr. Banfield gave his services without remuneration as a member and secretary of the Chemung County Draft Board, his associates being Philip Wynkoop of Chemung and Dr. C. N. Hammond of Elmira Heights. Mr. Banfield believed it to have been his patriotic duty to give his time to the government.
The decedent is survived by his widow and two daughters, Hazel, a graduate of Elmira College and Marguerite; a foster son, Hiram Baker, with Co. L. 108 U. S. Volunteers in France; also his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Banfield of Van Etten. (handwritten on article May 30, 1918)

Swept off their feet by an unusually swift current, two girls were drowned in the Chemung River at East Corning late Wednesday afternoon.
They were Jean Barrett, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theron Barrett of Big Flats, and Meredith Jones, 10, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Jones of Corning RD 1. The Jones girl lived on the James Strates Birchland Farm a short distance from the scene of the tragedy.
The girls went into the water from the north bank about a half mile west of the Suspension Bridge shortly after 4:30 p.m.
Their deaths brought to five the total of young people drowned in the Elmira area within one week.
The Jones youngster was about 300 feet east of Miss Barrett when she cried for help. Miss Barrett started for her companion, but was caught by the swift current and swept under water. Police reported that the Jones girl could not swim, while Miss Barrett was only a fair swimmer.
Three Corning men were fishing near the south bank when the girls went under water, but could not reach them because of the depth and current at that location. The men were Myron Prosser and Joseph Paciorek of 21 Maynard St., and Frank Bloom of 191 Columbia St.
Conflicting reports concerning the place where the tragedy occurred delayed Corning firemen in reaching the scene. One person who telephoned headquarters directed the fireman over the River Rd. while another sent them over Route 17. A woman who has lived on the River Rd. only a short time said a man ran up to her home, told her to telephone the Corning police that two youngsters had drowned and then disappeared. Acting Fire Lt. Michael J. Maroney and Fireman Francis Ryan loaded resuscitation equipment into Chief J. A. Doolittle’s car and hurried to the spot, returning for dragging equipment.
Tprs. Fitzwater, Moulthrop and Lawrence were called from the Painted Post substation and Tprs. Fordham and Cape form the Horseheads station. Gibson Fire Chief Ray M. Reed, head of the Corning Red Cross Rescue Squad had a full crew, including Dr. H. E. DeCamp, his assistant, at the scene. Neil C. Cotter, acting chief of the Painted Post Fire Department sent several men to help in the dragging operations.
Watson Scouten and William Uncapher, members of the Gibson Fire Department, were among the first to begin search for the bodies with boats. Ed. Everett, retired Corning Glass Works employee, whose home is near the scene of the tragedy, waded the river during the search. Members of the conscientious objectors’ camp at Big Flats turned out.
The body of the Jones girl was recovered at 7:25 p.m. and that of the Barrett girl at 8 p.m. Coroner C. J. Tomer permitted removal of both bodies to the Hilton Funeral Home in Big Flats.
Mr. Jones said that Miss Barrett came to spend the day with his elder daughter, Marlene. He said Marlene had to visit Corning on an errand in the afternoon and while she was away Jean and Meredith went to the river.

Miss Jean Elizabeth Barrett of Big Flats, Saturday, 3 p.m. at Hilton Funeral Home, Big Flats, Rev. John D. Wilcox, Rural Home Cemetery, Big Flats.

Juliann Louise Bales, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julian F. Bales of 217 ½  Vine Street,. Sunday June 21, 1953. Survived by parents; brothers, Richard, Rodney and Roger at home; grandmother, Mrs. Edward Kramer of Rochester; great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Horrod of Webster, N.Y.; one aunt and uncle. The body is at the Philip F. Wolf Funeral Home, 1880 Davis St. where friends may call and where private funeral will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. The Rev. Everet Duncan, Woodlawn Cemetery.

Louis Francis Butts, 53, 122 E. Mill St., Horseheads, Tuesday morning, June 8, 1943, after extended illness. Survived by wife, Mrs. Jennie Robinson Butts; daughters, Mrs. Mary Dutton, Syracuse, Hazel, Helen and Katherine all at home; sons Floyd and Louis, Jr. at home; sisters, Miss Anna Butts, Olean; Katherine Wade, Rochester, Miss Mary Butts, Denton, Ohio; a grandchild; several nieces and nephews. Body is at Barber Funeral Home, Horseheads, where funeral will be held Friday, 8:30 a.m. St. Mary’s Church, Horseheads, at 9, St. Mary’s Cemetery.

Joseph L. Barnhart of Perry, N.Y. Tuesday, Aug. 20, 1946. Survived by wife, Jane Morgan Barnhart; sister Erla Barnhart Livens of Elmira; brothers Gilbert Barnhart of Elmira, Gus Barnhart of Canandaigua. Funeral Thursday 2 p.m. at the Eaton Funeral Home. Burial at Perry.

Gilbert C. Barnhart, 82, formerly of 408 Phoenix Ave., Saturday, May 24, 1947. Survived by wife Josephine Barnhart; a grandson Gilbert Barnhart of Boston; sister, Mrs. Erla Livens of Elmira; brother Gustin Barnhart of Canandaigua; nephew, Jack Livens of Elmira. Body is at the Hagerman Funeral Home where the funeral will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. Rev. Willard W. Davis, Woodlawn Cemetery.

Atty. Henry Bush, 64, of 107 Broad St., Horseheads, Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1950. Survived by wife, Mrs. Martha H. Bush; son, Robert H. Bush of Schenectady; daughter Mrs. Donald B. Seem of Toledo, Ohio; grandchildren, Thomas H. Seem and Robert Bush Seem; brothers, Rho L. of Horseheads and Walter W. of Elmira; sisters, Mrs. Henry Emmons of Spencer, Mrs. George McGraw of Newtown, Conn., and Miss Laretta Bush of Horseheads; several nieces and nephews. The body is at the family home where funeral will be held Saturday at 2:30 p.m. The Rev. F. L. McCauley, assisted by the Rev. Waldo Kilstrom. Maple Grove Cemetery.

Atty. Henry Bush of Horseheads, active in legal, civic, fraternal and religious life of Chemung county for 40 years, died Thursday afternoon, following illness which began last October. He was 64.
A native of Horseheads, Atty. Bush attended Horsehead’s schools and graduated from Albany Law School in 1910.
At the time of his death he was attorney for the Village of Horseheads and a director and the counsel of the Horseheads Savings & Loan Association.
Atty. Bush was the son of the late Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Bush. His father was a Speaker of the New York State Assembly and a major in the Civil War.
After graduating from college, Henry Bush was associated with Atty. Lewis E. Mosher for a year. He then was appointed special deputy to County Clerk John T. Smith, holding this position until March, 1914.
For the next nine years Atty. Bush was clerk of Surrogate’s Court, having been appointed by Judge Charles B. Swartwood.
He later entered into a partnership with Atty. Frank S. Bentley at Horseheads. After Mr. Bentley’s death in 1941, Mr. Bush practiced law alone.
Atty. Bush served as clerk of the Chemung County Selective Service Board during World War I. A member of the Horseheads School Board from 1922 to 1933, he served as its president during his last year as a member. He resigned in 1933 because of a coronary condition.
From 1922 to 1938 he was attorney for the Town of Horseheads.
He was past president of the Chemung County Bar Association, a charter member of the Horseheads Chamber of Commerce, director of the First National Bank of Horseheads from 1917 through 1937 when the bank became an office of the Elmira Bank & Trust Co.
Atty. Bush was also a past president of the Horseheads Rotary Club, past president of the Seneca Lake Club at Glen Eldridge on Seneca, past master of Horseheads Lodge, 364, F&AM; past high priest of Horseheads Chapter 261, RAM; and a member of the Corning Consistory, Kalurah Temple at Binghamton and A. S. Diven Camp 77, Sons of Union Veterans.
A member of the First Presbyterian Church at Horseheads, he was also a church trustee, from 1931 to 1948, and church treasurer since 1937.
On June 24, 1915, he married the former Miss Martha Hoffman Holbert who survives.
The Bush home is at 107 Broad St., Horseheads.

Albert (Bert) C. Baldwin, 66, of 205 Westlake, Horseheads, Sunday, Nov. 2, 1947. Survived by wife, Jennie; daughters, Mrs. Anna Garrabrant and Mrs. Helen Hendrickson, both of Horseheads, and Mrs. Fannie Morell of Interlaken; sons, John Burgett of Horseheads, George Burgett of Willard and Theodore Burgett of Elmira; several grandchildren and great grandchildren; sister Mrs. Belle Eames of Dundee; cousin, Clifford Baldwin of Elmira; several nieces and nephews. The body is at the Barber Funeral Home.
Albert (Bert) C. Baldwin, of 205 Westlake St., Horseheads, Thursday, 1 p.m. at Barber Funeral Home, Horseheads, Rev. Harry E. Malick, Hillside Cemetery, Dundee.

Mrs. Jennie B. Baldwin, 61, of 205 Westlake St., Horseheads,Sunday afternoon, Feb. 19, 1950, following an extended illness. She was the widow of Albert C. Baldwin. Survived by daughters, Mrs. Anna Garbrant, Mrs. Helen Hendrickson, both of Horseheads, Mrs. Fannie Morrell of Interlaken; sons, John Burgett of Horseheads, Theodore Burgett of Elmira, George Burgett of Willard; sister, Miss Elizabeth Mallon of New York City, Mrs. Nellie Brown of Elmira; 15 grandchildren; three great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. The body is at the Barber Funeral Home, Horseheads, where friends may call today from 7 to 9 p.m. and Tuesday and Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., and where funeral will be held Thursday 2:30 p.m. TheRev. Waldo H. Kihlstrom. Maple Grove Cemetery, Horseheads.

Samuel J. Brasted, 69, of Mosherville, Pa. died Monday afternoon, June 29, 1942, at Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre. The body is at the Miller Funeral Home, Millerton, until the funeral Thursday at 10:30 a.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson of Mosherville.

Samuel J. Brasted, 69, of Mosherville, lifelong resident and peace justice of Wells Township for the last 17 years, died Monday at the Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre.
Mr.Brasted gain recognition and became known among many as the “peacemaker” often times settling civil suits and other grievances out of court.
His acquaintances in Elmira and nearby communities in this state were many. Persons desiring Pennsylvania fishing and hunting licenses about always went to “Sam” as he was commonly known. He was an ardent fisherman for many years.
His life was symbol of peace-loving people as exemplified at Mosherville, his home and the scene of his career.
“I don’t like to issue a summons and bring people into my court,” he said once, “so I talk to the complainant and then invite the interested parties to meet in my office and we talk it over. I am proud to say that it has been a long time since a lawsuit has been the last resort.”
For nearly 17 years this direct way of administering justice in Wells Township, where he was the sole peace justice, spread his name far and near and was reflected in the peaceful ways of the region where as a rule residents respect the law.
The living room of the substantial farmhouse, where Mr. Brasted lived a bachelor, served as his office. A large rolltop desk was filled with papers, documents, and law books, etc. It was heated by a three-foot cast iron chunk stove. It was the same stove, probably, that heated the office of Samuel H. Ingersoll, his grandfather, who also served as a Peace Justice for 25 years in the same community.

LaMotte P. Breese of 108 Broad St., Horseheads, a prominent Chemung County farmer for 30 years, died Tuesday night at the Arnot-Ogden Hospital for injuries suffered when he was gored by a bull at the County Fair. He was 55.
Mr. Breese operated a farm on Lower Maple Ave., near Seeley Creek. For many years he was a leading breeder of Holstein cattle, and also operated a dairy and milk route for a number of years. His thoroughbred Holsteins took many prizes at county and state fairs.
Among his entries at the County Fair two weeks ago was a Holstein bull.
On the afternoon of Aug. 16, the veteran farmer entered the bull’s stall to ready the animal for the show ring.
As the line holding the animal to the wall was released, the bull suddenly turned on Mr. Breese and impaled him against the wall with one horn.
The horn went through the victim’s left side near his groin. Mr. Breese was carried from the stall and given first aid treatment before being taken to the hospital.
Mr. Breese was born on a farm between Horseheads and Breesport. He attended schools at Horseheads and graduated from high school there.
In 1920 he took over the Lower Maple Ave., farm. Since then he had attracted statewide attention by his breeding of thoroughbred cattle.
Mr. Breese was a past director of the Chemung County Agricultural Society and a member of the Grange and the Elmira Elks Lodge.

LaMotte Paul Breese, 55, of 108 Broad St., Horseheads, Tuesday evening, Aug. 29, 1950. Survived by wife, Mrs. Cornelia Banks Breese; daughter, Mrs. Lucy Breese Brisky of Batavia; sons, LaMotte Paul Breese, Jr., of Lower Maple Ave., John Lewis Breese of Painted Post, Harry Robert Breese of Levittown, L.I.; parents Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Breese of Horseheads; sister, Mrs. Robert Dann of Painted Post; one grandchild; several nieces and nephews. He was a member of the Horseheads Presbyterian Church and the Elmira Lodge of Elks. The body is at the Barber Funeral Home, Horseheads, and late this afternoon will be removed to the home, 108 Broad St., Horseheads, where friends may call after 7 p.m. today and until noon Thursday, and where private funeral will be held Thursday afternoon. The Rev. Waldo H. Kihlstrom. Burial in Maple Grove Cemetery, Horseheads, at the convenience of the family. Please omit flowers.

David A. Bowman, 55, of 331 Soper St., late Sunday night, June 1, 1952. Mr. Bowman was a Pennsylvania Railroad conductor and a member of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen and Elmira lodge of Elks. Survived by wife, Mrs. Ethel Bowman; sons, Nelson B. Bowman, with the U. S. Navy in the Pacific, Harold A. of Hopkinton, Mass., Gerald and Mike Bowman of Elmira; daughters, Mrs. Grace E. Langston and Mrs. Alberta Stokes of Charleston, S.C., Mrs. Ivis May Sally and Miss Ilene K. Bowman  of Elmira; mother Mrs. Harold Carter of Elmira; six grandchildren. The body is at the Holly-Keck Funeral home where friends may call today from 7 to 9 p.m. and Wednesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and where the funeral will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. The Rev. J. T. M. Wilson.

Nelson B. Bowman, 49, of 454 Mr. Zoar St., early Sunday, Aug. 22, 1948. Member B.P.O.E. No. 62, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen 413. Survived by wife, Angie Purvis Bowman; daughter, Marilyn at home; mother Mrs. Edna Carter; brother D. A. Bowman; several nieces and nephews. Funeral at family home Wednesday at 2 p.m. the Rev. L. A. Guiles, Woodlawn Cemetery.

The Rev. George C. Burroughs, 75, of Pine City. This morning, Nov. 1, 1951. A retired Baptist minister, he served pastorates at Mosherville, Jackson Summit, Harrison Valley, Pine City and Tioga, Pa., retiring in 1941. Survived by wife, Mrs. Lottie M. Burroughs; son Gordon D. Burroughs of Pine City; grandchildren, Miss Jeanne Burroughs of Long Beach, Calif. , Miss Jo Ann Burroughs and John Burroughs of Pine City. The body is at the Holly-Keck Funeral Home. Funeral Saturday 2 p.m. in the Pine City Baptist Church. The Rev. L. M. Blackmer. Woodlawn Cemetery.

Mrs. Theresa E. Beers, 63, of Chemung, Thursday morning, Sept. 15, 1949, at Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital, Penn Yan. Survived by husband, Floyd J. Beers; daughter Mrs. George Snell of Elmira; sons, Franklyn and Carlton Beers, both of Chemung; sister Mrs. Stella Welstead of Wellsville, Mrs. Carrie Johnson of Trenton, Mo.; four grandchildren. She was a member of Waverly Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. The body is at the Page Funeral Home, Wellsburg, and Saturday at noon will be removed to the family home, where funeral will be Sunday, 2:30 p.m. TheRev. Charles C. Townsend, Chemung Cemetery.

Edward Beers, 69, died Saturday, Jan. 23, 1937, at Mitchellsville, near Bath. Surviving are a son Earl of Bath; a brother, Charles Beers of Gillett, Pa., and three sisters, Mrs. William Wilson, Miss Ida Beers and Mrs. Charles Morehead, all of Elmira. The funeral was held at 2 p.m. Monday at the family home with burial in Pleasant Valley.

Mrs. Dora Mourhess, 67, 804 Holdridge St., died at 10 p.m. Thursday Jan. 9, 1941, after a long illness. She was a member of the Pennsylvania Ave. M. E. Church. She leaves her husband, Charles Mourhess; a daughter, Mrs. Gladys Straw of Elmira; two sisters, Mrs. Ida Beers of Elmira and Mrs. William Wilson of Pine City; a brother Charles Beers, Pine City; granddaughter, Miss Phyllis Straw and a grandson Lawrence Straw. The body is in the Hagerman Funeral Home. Funeral notice later.

Mrs. Ida M. Beers, 88, 202 Home St., Saturday Jan. 20, 1945. Survived by daughters, Mrs. W. J. Foster of Cohocton, and Miss Aura Beers, at home; brother Charles Beers of Seeley Creek; sister, Mrs. W. H. Wilson of Pine City; granddaughter Mrs. R. B. White, Elmira; grandson, Egbert Phillips, Alfred, N.Y.; four great grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.
The body is at the Hagerman Funeral Home where the funeral will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. Rev. Herbert J. Gordon. Woodlawn Cemetery.

Charles Beers, 81, of Seeley Creek, Sunday, May 26, 1946. Survived by wife, Elizabeth; daughters Mrs. Warren C. Stevens of Mosherville, Pa.; sister, Mrs. William Wilson of Pine City; several nieces and nephews. The body was removed to Holly Funeral Home and Monday afternoon will be taken to family home, where funeral will be held Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. Rev. O. H. Travis and Rev. John F. Bellville, Woodlawn Cemetery.

Mrs. Hattie Beers, 74, formerly of Elmira, at E. Orange, N.J., Wednesday, Mar. 17, 1943, at 2 p.m. Survivors; a daughter, Mrs. Frank Weinhart of E. Orange; son, Floyd of Chemung. Funeral service in E. Orange Friday, 8 p.m. Body will be brought to Elmira 3:55 p.m. Saturday and taken directly to Woodlawn Cemetery. The Rev. Charles Townsend will have charge of the committal service.

Mrs. Leva May Bortle, 53, of Pine City Rd., Monday, June 21, 1948. Survived by husband Jay R; daughter Miss Millicent of Pearl River N.Y.; sons, Eldred H. and James R. at home. Body is at the Hagerman Funeral Home.

The funeral of Lyman Brewer will be held at the Methodist Episcopal church at Mosherville, Sunday at 2 p.m. and will be in charge of the I.O.O.F. Burial in the Mosherville Cemetery. (handwritten on article, died March 14, 1912, aged 84)

Mrs. John T. Dobney died at the family home in Pine City Thursday morning at 11:30 o’clock, aged fifty-seven years. She is survived by her husband and several nieces and nephews. Mrs. Dobney was a member of the M. E. Church of Big Flats for many years. Funeral services will be held at the home in Pine City Sunday at 1 o’clock and the funeral will be at the M. E. Church of Big Flats at 2:30 o’clock, the Rev. L. A. Giles of Millerton, Pa. to officiate. Burial in the Rural Home Cemetery at Big Flats.

John T. Dobney, 81, Pine City, Thursday Oct. 31, 1946. Survived by a sister, Miss Mary D. Dobney of Rochester. Body is at Van Buskirk & Lynch Funeral Home.

Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Beers, widow of Charles Beers, died at the home of her son, Charles Beers at Wells, Pa., Thursday at 10:30 a.m. after an extended illness. She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Ida M. Beers, Mrs. Carrie Davis, Mrs. Charles Morehouse all of Elmira, and Mrs. W. H. Wilson, of Jackson, Pa.; three sons, Edward of Hammondsport, Henry and Charles at home; also a brother, Harrison Carr of the State Line. The funeral will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. at Wells, Pa. Burial in the Mosherville Cemetery. (handwritten on article Aug. 23, 1917)

Henry Beers, 74, died Saturday at 7 a.m. at the home of his brother, Charles Beers, at Wells, Pa. He is survived by another brother, Edward of Hammondsport; three sisters, Ida Beers, Elmira; Mrs. Charles Mourhess of Elmira and Mrs. William Wilson of Wellsburg. The funeral will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the residence in Wells, Pa. Burial will be in Mosherville Cemetery.

Well-known Show Man, Who Traveled Around Country With Small Circus, Passes Away in Binghamton
Emery, better known as “Dad” Backer, died Monday night at the New York State Hospital at Binghamton, aged fifty-two years.
The decedent was a resident of Horseheads and was the proprietor of a small road circus, which traveled by wagons and was well-known in the small towns within a radius of about 75 miles of Elmira.
“Dad” Backer’s show was an annual feature in many of the towns of northern Pennsylvania for the past 20 years but for the past few years he had not been on the road because of ill health.
The decedent is survived by his widow, in Horseheads; two daughters, Mrs. Leon  S. Brown of Brookfield, N.Y., and Miss Maude Backer of Nichols, N.Y.; two sisters, Mrs. Lewis e. Rice of Elmira, and Miss Stella Backer of Blossburg, Pa.; also a brother, Peter Backer of Waverly. The remains were removed this morning to the family home on Center Street in the village of Horseheads, where the funeral will be held Thursday. The Rev. Harry Smith will officiate. (handwritten on article June 22, 1914)

Burns and suffocation, “evidently self-inflicted” were announced today as the cause of death of Miss Lois Chapman, 71, by Dr. Charles S. Dale, coroner.
Miss Chapman’s body was found late Wednesday in a cornfield a few hundred feet from her home, two miles east of Sullivanville, by Sergt. Charles S. Roche and Trooper Cody Compton of the State Police. Rags, saturated with kerosene, had been wrapped about her head, then ignited.
Miss Chapman lived with her nephew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dobell, in a double house. Mr. Dobell said his aunt left her home about 4 p.m. Sunday. Alarmed at her absence, when a check failed to locate her at the homes of relatives or friends, he called the State Police into the search Wednesday.
Trooper Compton followed a trail into the cornfield, marked by a quilt and farther on a pillow and other articles.
In the woman’s quarters Sergeant Roche found notes believed to have been written by Miss Chapman directing disposition of her effects and directing that she be buried n a dress she had laid out.
Dr. Dale ruled that her death was “evidently suicide”. He said the nephew told him Miss Chapman returned to her home, about four weeks ago after having been under treatment for an illness.
Miss Chapman is survived by a brother, W. B. Chapman of Elmira Heights; a sister, Mrs. Frances Linderbery of Sullivanville, and several nieces and nephews.
The funeral will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at the Sullivanville M. E. Church. Burial will be in the VanDuzer Cemetery.

John Collins, a resident of Horseheads, died Monday afternoon at 4:14 o’clock following an illness of five weeks, aged sixty-four years. Mr. Collins was born in Horseheads and lived in that village and vicinity all his life. During the past 12 years he was engaged in the retail coal business and he was known for his square dealings and his help to those in need. He was unmarried. His parents, brother and sister died a number of years ago. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 9 o’clock at the family home on Mill Street, Horseheads and at 10 o’clock at the St. Mary Church, Horseheads. Burial in the St. Mary Church, Horseheads. (handwritten on article April 14, 1924)

Miles Criss died this morning at 2:30 o’clock at the family home in Millerton, Pa. after an extended illness, aged fifty-four years. He was a member of the Alder run Grange and held the respect of many friends. He is survived by his widow; two sons, Floyd of Millerton, Pa. and Roy at home; a grandchild; a sister, Mrs. Frank Weller of Horseheads. The funeral will be announced later. (handwritten on article May 22, 1922)

Abner Chapman, 75, died Sunday at the family home, 207 John Street, following an extended illness. He is survived by his widow; one daughter, Mrs. Roy Davis of Horseheads; three sons, Elmira of Erin, Merritt of Peruville, and Byron of Horseheads; two sisters, Mrs. Stella Garabrant of Center Mills and Mrs. Fred Bixby of Erin; also eight grandchildren. The remains repose in the Chilson and Shields Funeral Home, Horseheads, and will be removed to the family home Wednesday, where the funeral will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. The Rev. Frederick Maunder will officiate. Burial in the Scotchtown Cemetery, Erin. (handwritten on article Jan. 10, 1932)

Mrs. Elmina Chapman, widow of Abner Chapman, died Sunday at the home of her son, Merritt Chapman at Peruville, N.Y. after an extended illness. She is survived by three sons, Merritt of Peruville; Byron and Elmer of Horseheads; a daughter, Mrs. Roy Davis of Horseheads; four sisters, Mrs. Hattie Roy, Mrs. Diana Lock, Mrs. Edward Sweeze, all of Van Etten; Miss Elizabeth Rumsey and a brother, Andrew J. Rumsey of Auburn, nine grandchildren. The body is in the Chilson & Shields funeral home, Horseheads. The funeral will be held in the family home, 207 John Street, Horseheads, Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. Burial in the Scotchtown Cemetery, Town of Erin. (handwritten on article June 24, 1934)

Mrs. Anna Beckwith Coyle, formerly a resident of Elmira, died Tuesday at 3 p.m. at Detroit, Mich. She was a daughter of the late Marvin and Lydia Beckwith and a granddaughter of the late Col. Robert E. Beckwith of Pine City. The body will be removed to Elmira Thursday night and will repose in the Honan Funeral Home, where the funeral will be held Friday, at 2 p.m. The Rev. Frederick Henstridge will officiate. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery. (handwritten on article Aug. 9, 1932)

Mrs. Emma J. Cuer, died Tuesday morning of pneumonia, at the family home, on East Hill, Town of Elmira, aged forty-eight years. She is survived by her husband, Jonathan Cuer, two daughters, Mrs. Giles of Elmira and Miss Leona Cuer at home; five sons, Roy D. of Elmira; James, Howard, Rowland and Lawrence at home; her mother, Mrs. Rodusky Seeley of Westfield, Pa. The funeral will be held at the family home, Friday at 2 p.m. the Rev. John Betlam of the Elmwood Avenue Baptist church, Elmira Heights to officiate. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery. (handwritten on article May 18, 1920)

Philo P. Cleveland, 75, died at the family home on the Ithaca Road, Saturday night after an extended illness. He is survived by his widow, two daughters, Mrs. George Hitchcock of Montour Falls and Mrs. Jay Horton of Elmira; two brothers, Ordine Cleveland and William Cleveland, Newburgh; two sisters, Mrs. Fred Bowers and Mrs. Charles Ferris, Elmira. Mr. Cleveland was a prominent farmer and a member of the Horseheads Grange. The remains repose at the Mathews and Van Buskirk Funeral Home, Horseheads. They will be removed to the family home Tuesday, where a private funeral will be held at 2 p.m. Burial will be in Woodlawn. (handwritten on article May 14, 1934)

Mrs. Cora Cleveland, 73, late of the Ithaca Road, Town of Horseheads, died Saturday, June 8, 1935, at 6 a.m. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Hitchcock, at Odessa, after a brief illness. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Anna Horton of Elmira, Mrs. George Hitchcock of Odessa; a sister, Mrs. Nettie Warner of Elmira; a brother, Freligh Hommel of Elmira; several grandchildren. The body is in the Mathews & Van Buskirk Funeral Home, Horseheads, and will be removed this morning to the home of Mrs. Anna Horton, 465 West Church Street. The funeral will be held at that address today at 2 p.m. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery.

Mrs. Addie L. Cleveland, 73, of 465 Riverside Ave., widow of Emory Cleveland, died Saturday, Mar. 12, 1938 after an extended illness. She is survived by five sons, George and Milo of Elmira; James and Lisle of Geneva; Lee of Lockport; several grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Martha Sharp of Ithaca, Mrs. Mae Seeley of Spencer, Mrs. Bertie Pashley of Interlaken . Prayer service at the Davis Funeral Home Tuesday, 1 p.m. Funeral in the Jackson Summit, Pa., Church. Burial in the Alder Run, Pa., Cemetery.

Mrs. Maria Cummins, a resident of Caton Center many years, died very unexpectedly this morning at 6:30 o’clock at the home of her niece, Mrs. S. E. Bailey of Pine City, where he had made her home the past eighteen months. Mrs. Cummins was eighty-five years old and had not been ill recently. She arose in her usual condition of health early this morning and spoke of her having felt very well. As she was dressing her hair she settled back in her chair and expired. Death resulted from natural causes. Her niece, Mrs. Bailey is her nearest relative. The funeral will be held at Caton Center Thursday at 2 p.m. Burial in the Caton Center Cemetery. (handwritten on article April 13, 1915)

George R. Curtiss, 22, of 289 Glenwood Ave., Elmira Heights, died unexpectedly Sunday afternoon, June 5, 1938. He leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Curtiss; two brothers, Robert and Leland; a sister, Aldean, all at home. The body is in the family home, where a private funeral will be held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. The Rev. E. D. Van Dyke will officiate. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery. Friends may call at the family home until Wednesday noon.

The funeral of George P. Crowell will be held at the family home, 116 Lormore Street, Thursday at 2 p.m. the Rev. C. E. Fry to officiate. The committal service at Woodlawn Chapel will be conducted by Union Lodge, No. 95, F. & A.M. The remains will be deposited in the Mausoleum. Please omit flowers.

Robert G. Collier, 17, of 305 West Ave., died unexpectedly at 2:51 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 4, 1938, at the family home. He leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant E. Collier; two sisters, Virginia and Joyce Collier; and two grandparents, Mrs.. Louise Collier of Pine City and Mrs. Susie Dengle of Binghamton. The body is in the Hilton and Lindgren Funeral Home. Announcements later.

George P. Crowell of 116 Lormore Street, a well known painter contractor, died unexpectedly Monday afternoon at the family home. The decedent was seventy-one years old. He had passed the greater part of his long life in this city, where he had many friends and was universally respected.
Mr. Crowell was attending to his duties yesterday morning and planned to go to the banquet of Cashmere Grotto last night.
At the close of his noonday meal, Mr. Crowell suffered a heart seizure and died in a few minutes, before medical assistance could be summoned. The decedent is survived by a daughters, Mrs. Louis A. Northrop, with whom he made his home; a sister, Mrs. Charles Newell and a brother, J. B. Crowell, both of Canton, Pa. His son-in-law, Louis A. Northrup left the city yesterday morning for Albany to attend the annual convocation of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in that city today. He returned to Elmira today.
Mr. Crowell had been a member of Union Lodge, No. 95, F.&A.M., many years. He also was a member of Cashmere Grotto, No. 11, M.O.V.P.E.R., and Local No. 324, Painters and Decorators’ Union. The funeral will be announced later.

Mrs. Ella L. Crowell died this morning at 9 o’clock at the family home, 211 Lormore Street. She is survived by her husband, George P. Crowell, a daughter, Mrs. Louis Northrup; her mother Mrs. Louis Holmes; also a sister, Mrs. William H. White, of Pittsburgh and two brothers, Charles and George Holmes of Elmira. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon and will be strictly private. The Rev. W. T. henry will officiate and interment will be in the mausoleum at Woodlawn Cemetery. (handwritten on article Jan. 19, 1914)

Mrs. Maria Crowell died Wednesday at 9:30 p.m. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. B. Collier at Pine City, aged ninety years. She is survived by two sons, J. Boardman Crowell of Canton, Pa., and George P. Crowell of Elmira. Two daughters, Mrs. C. P. Newell of Canton, Pa., and Mrs. Collier of Pine City; also four grandchildren and five great grandchildren. The funeral will be held in the Pine City Baptist church Saturday at 11 o’clock, the Rev. Charles Henry to officiate. Burial in Pine City Cemetery. (handwritten on article Mar. 21, 1917)

The funeral of Mrs. Laura Marie Crowell late of Pine City, will be held at the family home, Saturday 1 p.m. and at the Pine City Baptist church at 2 p.m. The Rev. Chas. Henry will officiate and burial will be in the Pine City Cemetery.