The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery
Tri County Clippings- Page One Hundred Eighteen
These obituaries are presented in scrapbook order. I can't think of a better way of understanding a community than by reading an obituary scrapbook. If the scrapbook compiler did not include a date or newspaper, then we do not know that information.
Guest Submissions

The Wellsboro Gazette  30 Dec 1897 Submitted by Wendy Marani

 Mr and Mrs R.E. Baker returned from their wedding trip Saturday evening.

 Mr and Mrs I.T. Ritter, of Westfield, lost a little daughter last week. Her death was caused by membraneous croup. The family is having more than its share of affliction, Mr Ritter having been crippled for life, losing one of his legs by an accident in the woods a short time ago.
 Mrs Stella F Smith, widow of Hon Frederick E Smith, died at her home in Tioga, last Wednesday. She leaves three sons, A. Lee Smith, a banker at
blossburg, the Hon Frederick B Smith, of Tioga, and Dr W. Clive Smith, of Wilkesbarre. The funeral was held Friday afternoon. Mrs Smith had a large circle of friends and will be missed by many families in Tioga.
 George A. C. Orme, the old man who shot and killed James Punzo, an Italian, last summer was acquitted last Thursday by a Chemung county jury at Elmira. Orme's pleas was self defense. He found the Italian alone with his wife. He began remonstrating with the woman, when both attacked him. Drawing a revolver he shot both his wife and Punzo. The former recovered and testified against Orme at the trial.
 Estell Sweasey, the Millerton bigamist, is in jail at Elmira awaiting trial. The Millerton Advocate last week published a letter from his former home, Tigusville, NJ. In this the writer says Sweasey has always been a shiftless sort of a fellow, with little if any ambition. His wife died of consumption last January, and a few months later his only child was taken off by the same disease. Sweasey then had the sympathy of the citizens of Titusville. His actions since then have resulted in arraying his former friends against him and all wish for his conviction.

 In Charleston Pa Dec 21 1897 by Rev W.L. Clough, Mr Bert R Reese and Miss Myrtle E Drew.
 At Corning NY Dec 21 1897 by Rev P.W. Crannell, Mr Delos W Ford of Ansonia Pa and Miss Jennie Hastings of Kennedy Pa.
 At Corning NY Dec 21 1897 by Rev P.W. Crannell, Mr John J Thonton of Marsh Creek Pa and Miss Mildred Moore of Stony Fork Pa.
 At Wellsboro Pa Dec 22 1897 by Justice A.S. Brewster, Mr James E Morris and Miss Bertha Morris, both of Morris Pa
 In Delmar Pa Dec 22 1897 by Rev G.W. Doane, Mr Stephen L Hoag and Miss Addie L Moyer, both of Delmar
 At Corning NY Dec 18 1897, Mr Lewis F Foster of Corning and Hattie M Hosmer of Cherry Flats Pa
 At Nelson Pa Dec 22 1897 by Rev Mr Armstrong, Mr Henry L Bosworth and Miss Myra L Bosard, both of Nelson Pa
 At Addison NY Dec 20 1897, Mr Theodore Church of Deerfield Pa and Miss Ellen Starr of Bath NY
 At Westfield Pa Dec 23 1897 by Rev O.B. Weaver, Mr William J Hunter and Miss Susie Perrigo, both of Westfield.
 At Wellsboro Pa Dec 28 1897 by Rev James A Boyce, Mr Fred E Lovell and Miss Winogene L Peake, both of Charleston.
 At the home of the bride, Catlin Hollow Pa, Dec 23 1897 by Rev W.L. Clough, Mr Albert Jones of Elmira Heights NY and Miss Florence Mitchell of
Catlin Hollow.

 In Delmar Pa Dec 17 1897 of consumption, Mrs John Reppard, aged 30 years, 5 months and 19 days.

 Miss Mabel Clayton, a neice of Mrs Walter Sherwood and well known in Wellsboro, was united in marriage at Washington, D.C., last Thursday to
John S Bonner, a journalist of that city.
 Mrs Fanny Johnson, widow of Silas Johnson, died Monday at the home of Darwin Johnson, her son, aged 79 years. She was a sister of Harvey Young,
of Charleston and had a large circle of warm friends. The funeral was held yeaterday afternoon, Rev Wm Heakes, of St Pauls' Church, officiating.

 During the present year Knoxville has had 15 deaths and 17 births.  John C Seely, a native of Millerton, died at his home in Elmira the other evening, aged 66 years. He was the owner of much valuable property in Jackson township.
 Mrs Horace Fellows, well-known in this county, died Monday at her home in Liberty, aged about 80 years. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs Maggie
Beck, of Elmira.
 Mrs Mahala A Tripp died at her home in Ogdensburg, a few days ago, aged 74 years. An aged husband survives her. She had resided in Ogdensburg for the
past forty-one years.
 Mrs Elizabeth Foder, who had been a resident of Ralston since 1841, died at her home in that village a few days ago, aged 85 years. She leaves one
daughter, Mrs G.W. Stratton, of Ogdensburg.

 Estate of Charles D Derry, late of Charleston township, deceased; widow's inventory of personal property
 Estate of Joseph C Hooker, late of Shippen township, deceased; widow's inventory of personal property.
 Estate of John B Nestor, late of Union township, deceased; widow's inventory of personal property.
 Estate of Albert M rumsey, late of Jackson township, deceased; widow's inventory of personal property.
 Estate of Andrew G Sturrock, late of Wellsboro, deceased; widow's inventory of personal property.

 Partial account of Francis A Veil, Guardian of Louise Beauge, minor child of Eppolite Beauge, deceased.
 First and final account of Christina Beuter, Administratrix of the estate of Charles Beuter, late of Liberty township, deceased.
 Final account of M.R. Herrington, Guardian of Harry W collins, mino child of william Collins, deceased.
 First and final account of Walter Sherwood, Administrator de bonis non of the estate of Eunice McInroy, late of Wellsboro, deceased.
 First and final account of Charles Corzett, Executor of the will of Angeline Retan, late of Jackson township, deceased.
 Final account of John Haggerty, Executor of the will of William H thomas, late of Morris township, deceased.
 First and final account of Daniel M Wilson, Administrator of the estate of Hannah Wilson, late of Charleston township, deceased.

 Crist Backman, Delmar
 Robert Benson, Landrus
 Fred Weigold, Gaines
 Carl Johnson, Arnot
 Frank Kruger, Morris Run
 Morris A Gell, Blossburg
 Antoni Gilbalski, Blossburg
 Thomas Mowcoomber, Elkland
 John Geisenhof, Elkland
 Louis A Silver, Blossburg
 Frank Racki, Blossburg
 Walter Wiezorck, Blossburg
 Fred Dollmetsch, Elkland
 Casper Huggler, Leetonia
 John Wyler, Leetonia
 Peter Brimmer, Tioga
 Gust Heymann, Morris
 Thomas Higgin Jr, Clymer
 Frank Fitch, Knoxville
 John Maezurkiewicz, Morris Run
 Thomas Ingham, Gurnee

The Wellsboro Gazette  Dec 23 1897 (Aubmitted by Wendy Marani)

 W.L. McLaw is the important father of a bouncing boy baby.

 Mr Earl Ferris and Miss Lena Cloos were united in marriage, at the home of the bride's mother, on the 15th inst. Only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present, no others having been invited. The bride was attired in a brown velvet dress, trimmed with ribbon of a lighter shade and white lace. The gifts were both useful and varied, consisting of chairs, silver ware, table linen, mapkins, towels, and two parlor lamps.
 One of the most enjoyable surprise parties ever held was given at the home of Ira Doane last Wednesday evening, it being the fifth anniversary of Mr and Mrs Doane's marriage. Nearly 100 guests were present and partook of a nicely prepared chicken-pie supper, with cake and pie of different kinds. The presents were numerous and useful, among them being a set of dinning(sic) room chairs, three rockers, a parlor lamp, table linen and towels.

 A report from O'Shanter Pa, states that Ebenezer Thomas, an old man who made Antrim his home for many years, is dead. He had many friends here who
will regret to hear the sad news.
 Martin Fish, an aged citizen, died here last week.

 A quiet home wedding took place here Monday, when Miss alice M babcock became Mrs Raymond E Baker. Both reside here and will be at home after
January 1st. They are now enjoying themselves in New York.   Monday's wedding had a distrubing effect on the school.

 Mr and Mrs Max Bernkopf were summoned to Montrose, Susquehanna county, Saturday, to attend the funeral of Jesse Dessauer, a nephew, who died very
suddenly in New York City.
 Thomas Rhone, a meat cutter, at one time employed in this place, died suddenly at his home in Elmira, the other evening. He had just finished his supper and his wife was reading  the paper to him, when he complained of feeling badly. His wife was startled at the strange look on his face and hurried for a doctor. The latter could do nothing, however, and Rhone died about an hour later. Heart failure is said to have caused his death. He was 34 years of age and leaves a widow and child five weeks old.

 Ex-county Cimmissioner, John Karr, died at his home on Morris street, Sunday morning. For several years he had been a sufferer from a complication of diseases. During the past year it was apparent to his friends and likewise to himself that he was failing very rapidly. thanksgiving day he was compelled to give up and go to bed and although he seemed to rally at times, he grew steadily worse until he died. Mr Karr was born in Delaware in 1829 and came to Delmar township in this county when he was only eight years of age. When he grew to manhood he followed the business of farming, lumbering and rafting with considerable success. he took an active part in public affairs and filled the offices of Collector, Supervisar(sic) and Assessor with credit and efficiency. In 1884 Mr Karr received the Republican nomination for Commissioner and was elected. He served the people faithfully and well. At the close of his term of office he settled in Wellsboro where he has since resided. The voters of the 2nd ward selected him to fill the position of assessor and he was kept in that place for seven years--up to the time of his death. He was married in 1852 to Amanda Teall, who survives him. They were the parents of five children, three of whom: Mrs H.L.Davis and Mrs W.W. Tate, of this place, and Mrs Perrin VanHorn, of Charlesto, are living. Their two sons, Ralph E and William P, died in 1887 and 1891 respectively. Under the pressing call of President Lincoln for volunteers to suppress the rebellion, Mr Karr enlisted in the 207th Regiment, Pa Volk, in September, 1864 and was soon promoted to First Lieutenant of Company K. He followed the fortunes of his regiment and participated in the several engagements in from of Petersburg including Hatcher's Run, Fort Steadman, Fort Mahone and the campaign that terminated at Appomattox. He was mustered out May 31, 1866, with an hounorable and untarnished record as a citizen soldier. The funeral was held from his late residence Tuesday afternoon and was largely attended. The members of George Cook Post, G.A.R. escorted the remains of their comrade to their last resting place. Rev A.C. shaw conducted the services and S.F. Channell, Geo. W. Williams, Henry C Cox, Lloyd Smith and Aaron R Niles acted as pall bearers.

 Samuel Reynolds, a respected citizen of Daggett, died last Sunday, aged 74 years.
 Mrs Hannah C Lewis, the oldest resident of Westfield, died on the 9th inst., aged 92 years.
 Mr and Mrs charles bubb, of Roaring Branch, celebrated their golden wedding a few days ago.
 Mary Rudinski, of blossburg, died of appendicitis at the hospital in that village, the other day. She failed to recover from the operation.
 The marriage of Miss Alice Watson, of Williamsport, to Mr Waler S Robinson, of Mansfield, is to take place at high noon, Saturday (Christmas) at the home of the bride.
 Noah H Parker, many years ago a resident of Osceola, and at one time a prominent teacher in the Cowanesque Valley, died a few days ago at Gardeau, Pa. He will be remembered by many of the older residents.
 Albert Lewis was burned to death in the Prattsburg NY, lock up, Thursday evening. He had been arrested while attempting to burglarize a dwelling. Lewis was intoxicated at the time he was locked up and it believed he overturned the oil stove, with which the place was heated, expecting to be released when the fire was discovered. His wife who was quite ill died on hearing the terrible news.
 Mang Endres, a beam hand in the Tioga tannery, was taken suddenly ill the other evening. He complained of a terrible sore throat. The next morning his neck and body began swelling. Physicians could not relieve the suffering man and he died last Tuesday evening. His death was caused by the poison in the hides, and one of the physician called in consultation, says it was a case of anthrax. Deceased was 25 years of age, an Odd Fellow and a member of this Lodge of Red Men. It is said the diseased hides came from China.

 At Lindley NY Dec 12 1897, Mr Charles Dates and Miss Clistie Mosher, both of Tioga Pa.
 At Sylvania Pa Nov24 1897 by Rev Mr Burrell, Mr burt Preston, of Columbia X Roads and Miss Essie Pierce, of Sylvania.
 At Elmira NY Dec 15 1897 by Rev F.T. Keeney, pastor of the Hedding M.E. Church, Mr Clarence M Brion and Miss Sarah H Woodruff, both of Liberty Pa.

> The Wellsboro Gazette    16 Dec 1897 (submitted by Wendy Marani)
>  Alexander Brown died last Wednesday night at the home of Simeon Ames. the  deceased was ill but twelve hours, his death being due to neuralgia of
the  heart. He was 63 years of age. The funeral was held at Keeneyville where  the interment was made. He leaves one sister and a brother to mourn his  death.

>  Mr & Mrs Arthur W Spencer returned  Monday from their wedding trip.
>  Mrs Leonard Ames, aged 90 years, died a few days ago at the home of her daughter, Mrs Vangorder, in East Lawrence.
>  Mr Oscar S Watterson, of Blossburg, died of blood poisoning last Thursday, aged 39 years. He had been out of health since July. He leaves a wife and son to mourn his untimely death. The remains of Mrs Rachael Robinson, who died at her home in findlay,  Ohio, on Monday, were interred in the Catholic cemetery at Blossburg on Wednesday. Deceased was 86 years of age and is survived by six children,  three sons and three daughter. Charles W Spencer, at one time a resident of Jackson, died at the poor  house Saturday. His death was due to St Vitus dance. At one time the afflicted man was sent to a Philadelphia hospital by the County Commissioners, but he returned without receiving any benefit. He was 48  years of age. The remains were shipped to Philadelphia.

>  At Little Marsh Pa, Dec 25 1897, Mr Earl J Ferris and Miss Lena E Cloos,  both of Little Marsh.
>  At Fall Brook Pa Dec 8 1897, Mr J.A. Anderson of Corning NY and Miss Murn  Armstrong of Fall Brook.
>  At Elkland Pa Dec 8 1897, by Rev John Segwalt, Mr Arthur J Jones and Miss Rose Campbell both of Elkland.
>  At Troupsburg NY Dec 8 1897 by Rev J C Brown, Mr Arthur Converse of  Westfield Pa and Mrs Etta LaBarr of Knoxville Pa.

>  In Delmar Pa Dec 2 1897 Elizabeth, wife of Mr William Moyer, aged 52  years, 10 months and 9 days.
>  At Newark NJ Dec 3 1897 of gastric tumor, Mrs Elmer Jewett, daughter of Mr  & Mrs W.E. Deming of Jackson Pa, aged 20 years.

The Bradford Star, Thursday, January 1, 1903

SEGAR - Henry Segar, died at his home in Ulster village, Dec. 28, in his 86th year.  Deceased was a son of Ebenezer and Sibyl (Brown) Segar and was born in Sheshequin Feb. 15, 1817.  He married for his first wife Almira Rogers of Litchfield by whom he had two sons and two daughters. In 1869 he married Maria P. Lockwood of Ulster, where he has resided since that date.  He was the last survivor of a family of six children and until the close of his life had many clear and interesting recollections of early times.
Submitted by Suzette SEGAR Goodrow

The Bradford Star, Thursday, January 1, 1903

SEGAR - Henry Segar, died at his home in Ulster village, Dec.
28, in his 86th year.  Deceased was a son of Ebenezer and Sibyl (Brown) Segar and was born in Sheshequin Feb. 15, 1817.  He married for his first wife Almira Rogers of Litchfield by whom he had two sons and two daughters..; In 1869 he married Maria P. Lockwood of Ulster, where he has resided since that date.  He was the last survivor of a family of six children and until the close of his life had many clear and interesting recollections of early times.
Submitted by Suzette SEGAR Goodrow

Bradford Star,  July 27, 1915

SEGAR - Ulysses C. Segar, died May. 22, at his home in Sayre, after a illness of five weeks, aged 67 years.  He was a son of Collins Segar and was born in Sheshequin.  One brother and three sisters survive.  Funeral services were held Tuesday with internment in Sheshequin cemetery.
Submitted by Suzette SEGAR Goodrow

Bradford Star,,; July 27, 1915

SEGAR - Ulysses C. Segar, died May. 22, at his home in Sayre, after a illness of five weeks, aged 67 years.  He was a son of Collins Segar and was born in Sheshequin.  One brother and three sisters survive. Funeral services were held Tuesday with internment in Sheshequin cemetery.

Submitted by Suzette SEGAR Goodrow

The Bradford Star, Thursday, January 25, 1906

SEGAR - Mrs. Maria P. Segar, relict of Henry Segar died Jan. 22, at her home in Ulster, aged 80 years.  She was born and had always lived in Ulster.
Submitted by Suzette SEGAR Goodrow

As reported in the Bradford Argus January 1, 1903.

SEGAR -  Henry Segar, a lifelong resident and one of the oldest citizens of Ulster, died at his home in that village at 3:30 Sunday afternoon, aged 86 years.  The infirmities of his advanced years caused his death. He is survived by his aged wife, two sons who reside in Michigan and an adopted daughter, Mrs. J. D. Ammerman.
Submitted by Suzette SEGAR Goodrow

As reported in the Bradford Star January 17, 1901

relict of  C. M. Segar, died at her home in Sayre, Jan. 12, from old age and paralysis.  Deceased was born in Franklin township, Oct. 4, 1814. She was a resident of Sheshequin many years, having removed to Sayre about 20 years ago.  Three sons and Three daughters, one of which is Mrs. W. K. Marshall of this place, survive her.  The remains were taken to Sheshequin for interment on Sunday.
Submitted by Suzette SEGAR Goodrow

As stated in the Reporter Journal January 17, 1901

SEGAR - Mrs. C. M. Segar, mother of Mrs. William K. Marshall of this place, died at her home at Sayre on Thursday night, aged 86 years.  The deceased had suffered several light strokes of apoplexy during the past year. The following children survive: William M., of Seattle, Ulysses of Sayre, Lawrence W. of New Orleans, Charlotte M. of Washihngton, Mrs. Anna W. Simpson of Sayre and Mrs. Marshall. Funeral services were held at the Universalish church at Sheshequin at 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoon; interment in Sheshequin cemetery.
Submitted by Suzette SEGAR Goodrow

 As reported in the Bradford-Argus October 29, 1903.
SEGAR - Lawrence W. Segar, aged 51 years, died in New Orleans, Louisiana, Sunday, October 18.  He was a brother of Mrs. W. K. Marshall of this
place.  His youth was passed in Towanda, but he was born in Sheshequin, and left here in 1869.  He learned the trade of printer in the Reporter office, and afterwards worked in the Argus office, from where he drifted to Chicago and then to New Orleans.  He leaves four children.  We remember him in his younger days as a very jolly compositor and a good workman.
Submitted by  Suzette SEGAR Goodrow.

Elmira Advertiser March 4, 1929
"Mrs Anna Baker(Silsbee) of 654 E. Church St. died at the family home at 7:20p.m. Sunday after an extended illness.   Survived by the husband Bert Baker, three daughters, Mrs Archie,(Anna) Bentley, Mrs James (Helen) Barnstead, both of Elmira, Mrs John Gunter of Rochester.  Two sons, James Baker and Robert Baker both of Elmira.   Bocy was removed to the McInerny and O'Dea funeral home where the funeral service will be held at a time to be announced later.  Burial at Woodlawn Cemetery March 6, 1929 by Rev. Lew Williams.

Sonja DePalma

A Golden Wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ruggles celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage last Saturday at their home in Chemung.  Mrs. Ruggles' maiden name was Britania Jackson, and both have lived all their lives in the town of Chemung, save that Mr. Ruggles spent two or three years in Michigan.  He engaged in the mercantile business in Chemung village in 1865, and continues in it to-day.  He was postmaster there for twenty-five years.  Fifty years of marital happiness and of prosperity have been theirs, and their lives of integrity and usefulness have won for them the respect and good will of all.  Among the guests at this joyous anniversary occasion were the four daughters, Mrs. U. W. DeWitt, of Waverly; Mrs. John Strouse, of Southport; Mrs. E. J. Masterson, of Chemung, and Mrs. Dr. Colegrove, of Horseheads.  Twelve grandchildren were also present.  It was a thoroughly enjoyable affair.  The FREE PRESS wishes them many added years of happiness.--The Waverly Free Press;
Saturday, January 26, 1895.  Submitted by Kathy Kuroda.

Her 100th Birthday
Mrs. Betsy Lawrence, of this Boro, Probably the Oldest Person in the County

Last Wednesday, Feb. 11th, was the 100th or centennial anniversary of the birth of Mrs. Betsy Lawrence, of this boro, who, without doubt,  is the oldest person now living within the county boundaries.  Other centenarians there are in other states and localities, but none to the writer's knowledge, in the length and breadth of old Tioga.

Mrs. Lawrence was born in the State of Massachusetts, on Feb. 11, 1791.  She was the youngest of ten children equally divided between the sexes, of Mr. And Mrs. Robert Bailey.  When eleven years old she accompanied her oldest brother, Roswell Bailey, to this county and continued to reside with him on a farm hewn from the wilderness near the present hamlet of Dartt Settlement until, a few years later, her parents left their New England home to take up their residence on one of the Bingham estate possessions embracing the farm near the mouth of Mill Creek, subsequently known as the Joseph Guernsey place.  The house in which they lived was a rough log structure, and stood between the railroad tract of today and the Tioga river.  Roswell Bailey, previously mentioned as the brother with who Mrs. Lawrence came to Pennsylvania, was the father of John W. Bailey, of Wellsboro; Mrs. Philip Williams, of this boro, and Clark, Robert, Benjamin, Wilson and Rockwell Bailey and Mrs. Richard Moore, all long since deceased.  Among the near neighbors of the Bailey family at Mill Creek, was Lyman Adams, father of William Adams of this boro, who conducted a general store and carried on a saw mill in the neighborhood..  From the mouth of Mill Creek, which at the time of which we write was an important business centre, the Bailey family moved to the farm in Rutland, near the mouth of Bailey creek, now owned by William Lawrence, of this boro.  In 1811 or 1812 the subject of this sketch was married to Jonathan Lawrence, a native of Connecticut, who had learned the hatter's  trade in the east and for some years after coming to Pennsylvania manufactured the head gear for his fellow citizens both far and near.  Soon after their marriage Mr. And Mrs. Lawrence moved to Columbia Flats, now Sylvania, just over the county line in Bradford county.  Here they lived happily for nearly a quarter of a century, for many years conducting a hotel or old-time tavern.  About the year 1840 they moved to the farm in Sullivan township subsequently owned by Nathan Palmer, where five years later, at the age of 63, Mr. Lawrence died, leaving to his windowed companion the care of their three oldest children; six other children having preceded their father to the great beyond.  Those living were Caroline, (Mrs. Nathan Palmer) who died two years ago, aged 73, Herrick, who died in Mansfield in 1872, aged 47, and Mr. C. H. Lawrence, the youngest child, with who the aged lady has for several years made her home.

Notwithstanding her great age Mrs. Lawrence is still quite active, and can see to read and sew without glasses, having laid aside her spectacles nearly twenty years ago.  She pays occasional visits on foot to relatives living on another street and moves about the house with freedom and apparent perfect ease.  Since moving to Mansfield five years ago, she has neatly pieced several bed quilts, among others one for her granddaughter, Mrs. Chancy Smith, of Corning.  It was her practice at the age of ninety-five, while living in Sullivan, to plant and care for a small garden adjoining the cottage in which she lived.  It is an interesting fact in this connection that of Mrs. Lawrence's five brothers and five sisters, not one died under seventy years of age.

Mansfield Advertiser, Sunday, February 15, 1891
See Also Her Obit

Miss Sara A. POLLOCK was born in Antrim, PA April 19th, 1881, the daughter of Alexander Wells and Mary GREGORY Pollock. She was a granddaughter of the late James Pollock, also of Antrim. She died March 6th, 1963 in a Charleston, W. Va hospital.

She is survived by aunts, Mrs. Jese H. STEINMESCH of Eldorado, Ill., Mrs. Christine P. GRINNELL of Wellsboro, and Mrs. William J. NEAL of San Manuel, Arizona; an uncle, Raymond GREGORY of Nauvoo, Pa, and several cousins.

Miss Pollock was a member of the Presbyterian Church and was very active in both Church and Sunday School work. She was social director for the Spruce River Coal Company of Ramage, W. Va., for 15 years, and organized the first public library and 22 4-H Clubs in Boone County, W. Va. Before her retirement she was State Welfare Supervisor and had several counties under her jurisdiction. Before moving to W. Va. from the West, she was Dean of Women and English instructor at Windom College in Minnesota, and also Dean of Women and assistant professor at Alma College in Michigan. She was a graduate of Rockford College, Ill. and received her Master's degree from the University of Chicago. She was a member of the Madison, W. Va., Bird and Garden Club, president of Madison Woman's Club, and a member of Wellsboro Chapter DAR. Services were held March 10 with burial at Wellsboro Cemetery, the Rev. Porter officiating.

Submitted by Marjorie Pollock Bridges    3/26/99
I believe the obituary was in the Wellsboro newspaper.

          Wedding announcement of Enerenz-English

     A pretty Spring wedding occurred last Friday afternoon in the Baptist  church at Cherry Flats, when Miss Phyllis Glenore English, daughter of  Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L English, became the bride of George B. Eberenz, son  of Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Eberenz, of Wellsboro, R. D. 7.  The single  ring ceremony was performed at 2 p.m. by Rev. Charles W. Sheriff.
     The church was decorated with large baskets of flowers and two  candelabra, each with five lighted tapers.  Miss Betty Eberenz, sister  of the groom, played the wedding music, including the traditional marches,  List's "Liebestraum," and the accompaniment for the soloist, Leland  Haner, who sang "Always," by Irving Berlin, and "I Love You Truly," by  Carrie Jacobs Bond, preceding the ceremony.
     The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a long white  princess style gown of self-patterned mousseline de sole, with a high  neck, long sleeves and full skirt en-train, and a fingertip veil of tulle.  She carried a bouquet of white roses with satin streamers.
     Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Eberenz of R. D. 7, brother and sister-in-law  of the groom, were the best man and matron of honor.  Mrs. Ebernez wore a  gown of pale pink, with a jersey top, cap sleeves, full skirt and long  pink gloves; she carried a bouquet of yellow snapdragons and talisman  roses.  The other attendants were Kenneth English, brother of the bride,  and Mrs. Morton Wheeler of Cherry Flats.  Mrs. Wheeler wore a gown of blue  with a lace bodice and chiffon skirt and white gloves; she carried pink  snapdragons and roses.  Mrs. Marguerite English, niece of the bride, who  was ringbearer, wore a long yellow dress.  All the attendants wore head-  bands of sweet peas.
     The bride's mother was attired in a navy blue ensemble with black  accessories and wore a corsage of pink roses.  The groom's mother wore a  green and white print dress and had a similar corsage.
     Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the  bride's parents.  Out of town guests included the bride's grandparents,  Mr. and Mrs. W. S. English, of St. Petersburg, Florida; Mrs. J. Rudd and  daughter, of Elmira; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brown and daughter, Emily Sue,  of Elmira; Mrs. Phil Lombardi and Mrs. Dan Lombardi and daughter, Carol  of Bayonne, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon English, of Woodhull.
    For her wedding trip the bride wore a dress of aqua crepe with a  corsage of white roses detached from her bridal bouquet.     She is a graduate of Charleston High School and served in the WAC  during the war.  The groom is a graduate of Wellsboro High School and is  emplo ed at Corning Glass Works.  After their honeymoon the young couple's  address will be Wellsboro, R. D. 7, where they have almost completed a
 new home.

 This was transcribed from "The Wellsboro Gazette" for the week of  May 8, 1947, contained on microfilm at the Green Free Library  in Wellsboro, Pa.

                Wedding announcement of English-Dartt

 Paul E. English and Alma Dartt both of Wellsboro were married her  Friday at the Baptist Parsonage by Rev. C. W. Sheriff.  They were  accompanied by the following people:  Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Bliss,  Mr. and Mrs. Doyle English, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Dartt, Mr. and Mrs.  Stuart Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Meckes and children, Mr. and  Mrs. D. H. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. William English, Margaret and Leonard  English, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Monks, Miss Velma Simerson, Mr. and Mrs.  Robert Withrow.

 This was transcribed from "The Wellsboro Gazette" for the week of  September 5, 1940, contained on microfilm at the Green Free Library  in Wellsboro, Pa.


         Dartt Carriage and Auto Co., in their Up-to Date New          Building---Historical Sketch

 The new and up-to-date garage of the Dartt Carriage & Auto Company was  opened for business last week, there remaining but a few finishing  touches to make the new structure complete in form and equipment.

 During the process of building the company has put forth every effort to  take care of their large business and with a minimum of inconvenience to  its patrons.  With the present structure the needs of the automobile  public can be taken care of expeditiously and, we are sure, satisfactorily  to all concerned.

 Situate on East avenue near the intersection of Main the new structure  is directly on the route of tourists on the end of the Susquehanna Trail  and, with the building of the great East-West Highway the location will  become even more advantageous.  And the resulting increase in business  thus secured will, we have no doubt, entirely justify the confidence  which this enterprising concern has shown by adding to Wellsboro's busi-  ness houses a garage and sales room that is equal to any in Northern  Pennsylvania and southern New York, where the value of business amounts  to hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.

 The new building, which was started in October 1922, under plans drawn  by Harry Haskell, architect, of Elmira, is constructed of Wellsboro  shale brick, reinforced with steel, the first building on any size to be  put up from material furnished by the local plant.  It has a frontage of  82 feet on East avenue an extends back a distance of 121 feet.  The  structure is a full two stories in front and for 40 feet of its depth,  the remaining 80 feet in depth being so arranged that the second floor  can be added at any time with a minimum of trouble and expense.  The  company also has a lot in the rear of the building, on which a large  addition could be erected, should such a course be deemed advisable in  the interest of the great volume of business handled by this institution.

 The front of the building, both first and second floors, contains show  windows 12x26 in size, and this with the multitude of smaller windows  along either side insures perfect light in every part of the building.  Electric lights, 4 in number, with ornate fixtures, hang over the coping  on the second story which illuminate the front of the building at night  with a perfect blaze of light.  Close to the curb line are located two  gasoline pumps of latest design, also an air and water tower.

 There are two entrances on the front of the building and one on the East  side which affords an easy mode of ingress and exit and avoids any delay
 by reason of the congestion which often occurs when there is but a one  way entrance and means of exit.  The main floor, first story, provides sufficient space for about 75 cars  and in the shoe room proper space is available for perhaps a dozen more.  Two wash racks in the storage room far large enough to accommodate sev-  eral cars in process of cleaning.

 The service and main work shop is in the rear of the building and, in  equipment appointment and scheme of arrangement is entirely adequate to  take care of The company's business and in complete harmony with the other  departments of this great industry. On the second floor the company, mindful of the comfort of its tourist  patrons especially, has provided commodious rest rooms where every con-  venience incident to comfort and rest will be found.  This generous and
 thoughtfulness on the part of the Dartt Carriage & Auto Company will, we  are sure, be thoroughly appreciated by its patrons.

 On this floor is also located a battery room and general assembly room,  cars being hoisted to this space by a movable steel ramp, the use of  which insures much saving of time and energy.  With the removal into the new building completed, the present office and  sales rooms on the southeast side of the avenue will be taken over by  the used car department and for additional storage room.

 The Dartt Carriage & Auto Company is to be congratulated upon the new  structure and the people of Wellsboro are to be congratulated upon this  most desirable acquisition to the business activities of the community.

                            Historical Sketch

 A short historical sketch of the transitory stages which have gone to  make up this vast enterprise may be of some interest to our readers, and  especially to those whose recollections extend back to the time when  Hiram Dartt conducted a wagon shop on Main street, in a building that  stood on the present site of Erwin Hawk's residence.

 Hiram W. Dartt, born in Dartt's Settlement, October 27th, 1825, came to  Wellsboro at the age of 18 and became an apprentice to S. B. Kendall, to
 learn the trade of Wagon making.  A few months later purchased ab inter-  est in the business, which was shortly afterward established at the site  above mentioned.

 It was in this shop that Mr. Dartt trained his own boys, and others of  the neighborhood, in the art that gave to the Dartt made wagon a most  enviable reputation throughout a vast territory.  Here the business was  conducted under the leadership of Mr. Dartt until 1884 when he disposed  of his interest to his son Albert P., who conducted it in the original  building until 1889.  At this time the demand for the Dartt product had  reached such proportions that the old red carriage shop and its equip-  ment was found entirely inadequate to handle the large volume of busi-  ness secured strictly on the merits of the output of the Dartt wagons  and sleighs.

 Accordingly in 1889 Albert P. Dartt and his brother Edgar S. Dartt re-  moved to East avenue where they purchased the wagon and repair shop of  Wiseheart & Keifer and established the Dartt Carriage Co.  At that time  the buildings in connection with the business consisted only of the  structure on the corner of Pearl street and East avenue, the large wood  working shop, blacksmith and painting shop on the opposite side of East  avenue being added by the new company.

 Here the Dartt Carriage Company continued to grow until its production  of wagons and sleighs, besides the large repair business enjoyed, reached a volume that would have been a source of great satisfaction to its  original founder and would have only added to the confidence he reposed  in the mechanical ability and business acumen of his boys.

 Hiram Dartt lived to 89 years of age, spending his declining years working about his home and garden, frequently called upon by his neighbors and friends to repair some prized article of furniture, which he did purely as a matter of accommodation, for, financially he was entirely without anxiety.  He zealously watched the growth of the business he had established and never for a moment lost interest in it.

 At this time, before automobiles came into general use, it was no uncommon sight to see one of the proprietors of this great concern of an employee, starting out, By team, to deliver a line of glittering buggies and surreys to points many miles distant.

 However, with the march of progress, and even when the owners of automobiles were the exception rather than the rule, the Dartt boys, in the exercise of that sound business discretion that has always obtained in  their activities, recognized that the automobile was destined to be the universal means of travel, and with that view in mind, they secured the agency for the Ford car in 1912.  The Ford sold at that time for $1000 and it took finished salesmanship to secure a prospect, hold his interest, and finally close the deal.

 As time went on and the sale of automobiles increased the Dartts added to their equipment and their force of experts until they had built up a  vast business in Ford cars and accessories.

 Edgar S. Dartt died in 1911 and shortly after this R. R. Dartt, of Blossburg was taken into the business.

 Prior to this time Mr. Dartt had been engaged in other business pursuits in all of which he had been signally successful.

 The present corporation, Dartt Carriage & Auto Company was formed in January 1917.  At that time the two Derbyshire boys, George and Frank,  who had been employed in the garage, both expert mechanics, were taken  in as partners, the incorporators, in addition to the Derbyshire boys being A. P. Dartt, and R. R. Dartt.  Upon the death of R. R. Dart in 1919 his interest in the business was purchased by Arthur H. Dartt.

 Albert P. Dartt the senior member of the corporation, has for years been one of Wellsboro's foremost citizens, his rare business abilities making his presence on the borough council, where he served for years, a valuable asset to the community.  He was Burgess for several years and President of the council for five years.  His interest in farm lands led him to purchase and put into productive state many neglected farms hereabouts, thus adding not a little to the general tendency toward high grade agriculture in this vicinity.  In addition he has been an active director of the First National Bank for five years.  His friends are legion and he enjoys the esteem of a large acquaintanceship throughout an extensive area.

 Arthur H. Dartt brought to the enterprise a varied business experience which made him an exceedingly valuable acquisition to the personnel of the corporation.  He had served eight years as Commissioners' Clerk and a full term as County Treasurer both of which positions he filled most satisfactory.  Following his term as treasurer he assumed the management of the Bache Auditorium and conducted that enterprise until 1917 when he sold the business to O. B. Roberts & Sons and became associated in the Dartt corporation.

 In the course of time the business had so expanded that additional room and equipment became desirable and the new building above described was decided upon and pushed to rapid completion.

 At present this corporation handles the Ford, Lincoln, Paige, and Jewett cars and the Forson tractor.  Their employees number about 20, all of whom are carefully selected and assigned to that department or occupation for which they are best fitted.  This discrimination on the part of the employers insures to patrons of each phase of the business the very best of service.

 The Derbyshire boys have supervision of the garage proper and by their direction and under their skilled hands a completed job means the very
 height of mechanical ability painstakingly applied.

 Of the boys, aside from his own, who learned a trade from Hiram Dartt in the old shop, Rudolph Etner, expert iron worker, has remained in the business throughout the years and has been ab interested party to its growth.

 Another of the present employees who has been associated with the Dartt boys for many years is E. W. Keifer, carriage and automobile trimmer. He was already in business on East avenue when the Dartt Carriage Company removed to that site and disposing of his interest to them, he has always remained in their employ until at the present time he has to his credit a record of 48 years of activity in the building in which he is still engaged in the prosecution of his trade.

 And so, from the modest beginning of Hiram Dartt in the old red building on West avenue there has developed, as a result of the mechanical ability and the second business principles inherent in his boys, an industry that is alike a credit to his memory and an important asset in the business life of our community.

 This was transcribed from "The Wellsboro Gazette" for the week of May 23, 1923, contained on microfilm at the Green Free Library in Wellsboro, Pa.

                     Dartt Family Reunion

     Nearly 50 persons participated in the Dartt family reunion in Woodland Park last Friday, a smaller attendance than usual. The event was enjoyable, as all such gatherings are     Col. Justus Dartt, one of the pioneers in Tioga county, was a Colonel in the Revolutionary war.  He came to Dartt Settlement
 in 1811, cutting a road through the forest from the Tioga river. He established the first school in the township on a lot out of own farm, and that is the site of the present township school, the first one in the county.  He built the first saw-mill in that township, helped organize the first church and was its
 choir leader for years.  He was also one of the promoters and one of the board of trustees of the Wellsboro Academy till his death.  He was the honored head of a large and respectable family.     The following officers were elected for the reunion to be held the second Thursday in August, 1913; President, Albert P.
 Dartt; Vice President, Hiram W. Dartt; Secretary, Mrs. Amelia Dartt Richards; Treasurer, Mrs. S. W. Bliss; Historian, Chauncey F. Dartt

 This was transcribed from "The Wellsboro Gazette" for the week of August 22, 1912, contained on microfilm at the Green Free Library in Wellsboro, Pa.

 Veterans of Battle of Drainesville.

   The following veterans of the regiments in the sixth Pennsylvania Reserves, who participated in the battle at Drainesville fifty years ago, were able to attend the banquet at Hotel Wilcox last Wednesday evening, mention of which was made in the last issue of the Gazette: Company H of the Sixth---Major George W. Merrick, Ransford B. Webb, D. D. Holiday, Job Wetmore, James Hazlett, Almon Wetmore, Asa Warriner;  Company E of the First Rifles, or Bucktails"---Geo. O. Derby, WILLIAM W. ENGLISH, J. V. Morgan, Peter D. Walbridge and Henry Varner;  of the 12th Regiment---Nelson H. Robbins and James N. Herbert.  Many of the vetrans were accompanied by their wives.   Short addresses were made by the following:  R. B. Webb, W. W
 ENGLISH, Major Geo. W. Merrick, J. V. Morgan, Dr. J. M. Gentry, Hon. F. H. Rockwell, Rev. C. G. Langford, Rev. A. C. Shaw, D. D. Rev. F. P. Simmons, Prof. W. H. Longstreet, Supt. E. E. Hubbel of the Corning M. E. district, Prothonotary E. J. Catlin, Hon. H. B. Parker, S. F. Channell, Arthur M. Roy and N. H. Robbins.   The veterans and their wives, togetherwith invited guests, numbered 75.  The occation was one that will be long and pleasantly
 remembered by all who participated.

 This was transcribed from "The Wellsboro Gazette" for the week of July 13, 1911, contained on microfilm at the Green Free Library in Wellsboro, Pa.

                      BUSINESS CHANGE.

 Dartt Garage and Dartt Carriage Company Consolidated, With New       Partners Taken In.

   On Monday an important business change took place in Wellsboro. Messrs. Albert P. and Robert R. Dartt, proprietors of the Dartt Garage and Dartt Carriage Company, took into partnership with them Messrs. George and Frank Derbyshire, both for years valued employes of the firm, although for the past year or more Mr. George Derby- shire has been employed at the Wellsbor Garage.   The change took effect with the beginning of the new year and the new firm will be styled The Dartt Carriage and Auto Company, Incorporated.
   In addition to the manufacture of buggies, carriages, wagons, sleighs, etc., of the highest grade and best of reputation, the company conduct an up-to-date garage and repair shop and have the agency for the Ford, Dodge, Reo and Oakland automobiles.  The company expect to retain all their old employes and the business will be developed extensively.   A hollow tile and concrete, fireproof building will be erected during the coming spring on the company's lot adjoining their garage, the building to be about 50 by 100 feet on ground area. This will be used for a salesroom and the display of new cars and accessories.  The present garage building will be used exclusively for storage and repair purposes, and the company contemplate either increasing the floor space of this building or making the new building larger than was at first planned.

 This was transcribed from "The Wellsboro Gazette" for the week of January 3, 1917, contained on microfilm at the Green Free Library in Wellsboro, Pa.

(Clipping from the Scrapbook of Freda May CAMPBELL, HORTON, KELLY)
Leroy H. BEEBE, 60, of  Big Flats, Tuesday, March 25, 1958. Survived by sisters, Mrs. Winifred PULVER of Penn Yan, NY, Mrs. Etta CAMPBELL of , Montour Falls, NY brothers, George Beebe of Elmira, NY, Harry Beebe of Big Flats, NY, Body at Hilton Funeral home, Big Flats. Calling hours: today 7 to 9 p.m. and Friday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral there Saturday at 2 p.m. the Rev. Paul ZELINKA. Rural Home Cemetery, Big Flats, Chemung Co., NY.
Connie L. Putnam

GENDROM - Sandra GENDRON, 55 Homemaker; Lakeland--Mrs. Sandra Jean Gendron of Lakeland died Tuesday (March 2, 1999) at Lakeland Regional MedicalCenter. She was 55. Born in Wellsboro, Pa, on Aug 29, 1943, she came to Lakeland from Spencerport, N.Y., 3 1/2 years ago. She was a homemaker. She attended Resurrection Catholic Church, Lakeland. She is survived by her hausband, Joseph W. Gendron; sons, Christopher, Naples, and Todd Gendron, Orland; daughter, Anne Marie Wainwright, Putney, Vt; brothers, Ronald Kimball, Lakeland, and Dale Kimball, Wellsboro, Pa; sister, Shirley Allred, Warren, Pa; and two grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, donations may be make to Lakeland Regiona Medical Center Foundation, c/o Lakeland Regional
Medical Center, P.O. Box 95448, Lakeland, 33804. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at Lakeland Funeral Home Chapel. Services will be at 1:30
p.m. Saturday at Resurrection Catholic church, 3720 Old Highway 37, Lakeland [The Ledger, Lakeland, Polk County, Florida; March 4, 1999] Submitted by Wendy Marani

TOWNSEND -  Donald TOWNSEND, 78, Corning Inc.; Haines City--Mr. Donald W
TOWNSEND of Haines City died Monday (March 1, 1999) at Heart of Florida Hospital. He was 78. Born in Blossburg, Pa., on Sept. 5 1920, he came to
Haines City from Wellsboro, Pa, 10 years ageo. He retired from Corning Inc. He was veteran of World War II. He was a member of the American Legion. He
was a Baptist. He is survived by his wife, Mary Townsend, Haines City; stepson David R. Anderson, Dallas, Texas; and brother Edsel Townsend,
Wellsboro, Pa. Cremation Servince of Mid-Florida, Davenport. [The Ledger, Lakeland, Polk County, Florida; March 4, 1999] Submitted by Wendy Marani

 Elizabeth M. Underwood, 66, died Wednesday, September 30, 1992 at St. Joseph's Hospital in Elmira, NY. She was a member of Fassett Baptist Church. She is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Alice and Wayne Groat; five brothers, Raymond, Alvin, Sam, Richard and Bill Kinner; two sisters, Barbara Stickler and Alice Groat; granddaughter, Michelle Zielinski; four grandsons, Leonard, Lee, Loren and Lynn Gill; 10 great-grandchildren; friend, Peggy Wright; several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held October 4 at the Barrett Funeral Home in Horseheads with the Rev. Donald Rockwell officiating and interment to be in White Haven Memorial Park, Pittsford, NY. (TGR, Thursday, October 8, 1992)

 Carl K. Darrow, 64, of Miami Beach, FL, died October 7, 1992.  He was formerly of West Burlington Township. Mr. Darrow was the son of the late Leon W. and Beatrice B. Darrow. Mr. Darrow formerly operated a flower shop in Troy.  He owned and operated "Your Flower Shoppe" in Miami Beach, FL before retiring. He was a member and organist of the Miami Beach Baptist Church for 25 years.  He was at one time organist at the Mountain Lake and Burlington Methodist Churches. He is survived by sisters and their husbands, Frank and Vera Harper of Granville Summit, Earle and Janet Stanton of Elmira, Thomas and Marcella Williams of Wellsboro; brothers and their wives, Leon L. and Winona Darrow, Granville Summit and Dr. Gerald and Sarah Darrow of Platteville, WI.  Also surviving are special friends, the Fuentes family, especially Leo, Sue and children of Florida.  Several nieces and nephews also survive. Arrangements were by the Fred Hunter Funeral Home of Hollywood, FL. (TGR, Thursday, October 15, 1992)

 Ronald Lynn Jennings, 39, of Farmer's Valley Road, Troy RR 1, died unexpectedly Friday, October 9, 1992 at the Troy Community Hospital. Born September 10, 1953 in Troy, he was the son of Donald L. and Leah Mae Sheive Jennings. Mr. Jennings was a 1971 graduate of Troy High School and later graduated from the Williamsport Area Community College with an associate's degree in forestry. He was employed by the Asplundh Tree Service for several years and was currently employed by the Department of Environmental Resources for the past 13 years.  He served with the Forestry Bureau and for the last ten years was at the Leonard Harrison State Park and Colton Point State Park (PA Grand Canyon). Mr. Jennings also operated the Jennings Tree Service in Troy for many years.  He was a former member of the Daggett Fire Company and was an avid outdoorsman, hunter and archery enthusiast. He is survived by his wife of 15 years, Nancy Scott Jennings, at home; daughter Sara Lynn Jennings and son, Jeffrey Ryan Jennings, at home; his parents, Donald L. and Leah Mae Jennings of Millerton RR 2; brother and sister-in-law, Richard E. and Susan Jennings of Lisbon, Iowa; a nephew, Russell Joseph Jennings; two nieces, Heather Renee Jennings and Barbara Lynn Jennings, all of Lisbon, Iowa; father and mother-in-law, Mark and Louise Scott of Troy; several aunts, uncles and cousins. Funeral services were held October 12 at the First Presbyterian Church in Troy with the Rev. Deborah Blair officiating and interment services following.  Arrangements were by the Vickery Funeral Home in Troy. Memorials may be directed to the Leonard Harrison State Park, Recreation Restoration Project, c/o Steven Farrell, Box 199, RR 6, Wellsboro, PA 16901 in Ronald Lynn Jennings memory. (TGR, Thursday, October 15, 1992)

 Hazel E. Estep, 74, of Painted Post, NY, died Wednesday, October 14, 1992 at her home. She was born May 12, 1918 in Sayre, PA to Wallace and Della Bailey Strope. She graduated from Troy High School and was a former member of East Troy Methodist Church. She is survived by her husband of 53 years, Eldon L. Estep; daughters, Roxanne (Mrs. Paul) Graham of Toledo, OH and Linda (Mrs. Kent) Knowlton of Corning, NY; sons, Richard of Virginia Beach, VA and Alan of Corning; a brother, Wallace Strope of Addison, NY; sisters, Lillian Crane of Addison and Rena Bonzo of Watkins Glen; 12 grandchildren; nieces and nephews. Her daughter, Jan Estep, died in 1982. Funeral services were held October 16 at the Carpenter Funeral Home with the Rev. Lawrence E. Dunn officiating and burial to be in Fairview Cemetery, Painted Post. Memorials may be sent to the American Cancer Society, 202 Denison Parkway East, Corning, NY or American Heart Association, 530 W. Church St., Elmira, NY 14905. (TGR, Thursday, October 22, 1992)

 Terressa Brown Farr of Elmira, NY and formerly of Troy, PA, died Friday, October 30, 1992 at St. Joseph's Hospital in Elmira. She was a daughter of Thomas W. and Grace E. Brown. Mrs. Farr was a former employee of the Remington-Rand in Elmira. Mrs. Farr is survived by a sister, Elizabeth G. Manley of Troy; brother, Thomas W. Brown of Troy; sisters-in-law, Betty Brown of Troy and Mary Farr of Elmira. She was predeceased by her husband, William H. Farr, in 1983 and a brother, Willard Brown. (TGR, Thursday, November 5, 1992)

 Pauline M. James, Paso Robles, CA and formerly of Troy, PA, died October 23, 1992 following a brief illness. Pauline was in the Troy High School class of 1939 participating in many activities and having a host of friends.  She resided with her husband, Ralph James Sr., in the Troy area until 1950 when they relocated to Canoga Park, CA.  She returned to Troy annually to visit friends and relatives. Mrs. James was predeceased in death by her husband, Ralph Sr., several years ago.  Pauline lived in Heritage Ranch, Paso Robles, since her retirement. Surviving family include her mother, Anna P. French; brother, Francis French, Cape Coral, FL; sons, Ralph James Jr., David James, Scott James; daughter Penny Rae, married October 1992 to Lawrence Flynn of Burbank, CA; five grandchildren and three stepgrandchildren. A memorial service was held October 24 in Paso Robles with a gravesite service October 26 in Canoga Park. Memorials in Mrs. James' name may be made to the American Cancer Society. (TGR, Thursday, November 5, 1992)

 Alfred C. Kobbe, 91, a resident of Bradford County Manor and formerly of Elkland Township in Sullivan County, died Saturday, November 7, 1992 following a lingering illness. He was born on March 14, 1901 in Elkland Township, Sullivan County, the son of the late Christian and Minnie Beinlich Kobbe. Prior to his residence at the Bradford County Manor Alfred was a lifetime resident of Sullivan County. Surviving is a sister, Mrs. Lavina Chapman of Springfield, PA and numerous nieces, nephews and grandnieces and grandnephews. He was preceded in death by four brothers, Ernest, Delbert, Clarence and Edward and three sisters, Fredrica, Edna and Anna. Funeral services were held November 10 at the Russell P. McHenry Funeral Home in Dushore with the Rev. Robert W. Martin officiating and burial to be in St. Peter's Cemetery, Hugo Corners, Forksville RR. (TGR, Thursday, November 12, 1992)

 George "Butch" Roger Madara, 83, of St. Joe, AR, died November 11, 1992 at the Harrison Hospital in Arkansas. He was born in Mulica Hill, NJ. In addition to New Jersey, Mr. Mardara had also lived in Columbia Cross Roads, PA and a short time in Kingman, AZ and Fresno, CA. Mr. Madara was a retired firefighter and had also been employed with the Civil Service.  He founded the Garden State Emergency Team which used bloodhounds for tracking lost children. While in Columbia Cross Roads he helped establish the Happy Handlers CB Club. He is survived gy his daughter, Phyllis Alspach of St. Joe, AR; stepsister, Mary Brown of Pitman, NJ; two grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Funeral services were held November 14 at the Christeson Funeral Home in Harrison, AR with burial to be in Osborne Cemetery, St. Joe, AR. (TGR, Thursday, November 19, 1992)

 Daryl W. Thorp, 65, of Millerton, PA, died November 10, 1992 at home after an extended illness. He ws a former employee of Albee Truck Co. and the owner and operator of Millerton Truck Sales. Mr. Thorp was a United States Army veteran. He is survived by his wife of 44 years, Carolyn Smith Thorp of Millerton; sisters and brothers-in-law, Marian and William Avery of Burlington and Betty and Don Right of Southport, NY; brother and sister-in-law, Delos and Ethel Thorp of Gillett; sister-in-law, Margaret Thorp of Mansfield; brother-in-law, Wilfred and Vicky Smith of Lawrenceville, PA; sister-in-law, Wanda and William Allford of Milan; several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his brother, Lewis and sister, Glades Kliner. Memorial services were held November 12 at 2 pm at the Daggett United Memorial Church with the Rev. Allen Hulslander officiating. Those wishing to make contributions in Mr. Thorp's name may do so to the Daggett School Restoration Project, RR 2, Millerton, PA in care of Dorothy Wilber. (TGR, Thursday, November 19, 1992)

 Rev. Carroll F. Maynard, 74, of Canton RR 1, died Tuesday, November 17, 1992 at the Arnot-Ogden Hospital in Elmira, NY. He was born April 28, 1918 in Elk Township, Tioga County, PA, the son of Reuben and Lula Moore Maynard. He served in the US Army during World War II and graduated from Houghton College in 1951.  Rev. Maynard was pastor of the Gouverneur Wesleyan Church in Gouverneur, NY for 21 years.  He retired to Canton, PA in 1984. He was a member of the Central New York District of the Wesleyan Church and the Champlain District of the Wesleyan Church.  While in Canton, he attended the Canton Mennonite Church. He is survived by his wife of 44 years, Verna Merrick Maynard; children, Allaire and Stephen Bascom of Louisville, KY, Laurel Maynard of Columbus, OH, Rev. Michael and Linda Maynard of Altmar, NY, Faith Maynard of San Antonio, TX and Gregory Maynard of San Antonio, TX; five grandchildren; sisters and brothers-in-law, Gale and Dale Dutcher of Wellsboro, PA, Hilda and Charles Beckwith of Gerry, NY and June Gerow of Fairbanks, AK; cousin and wife, Arnold and Muriel Johnson of Canandaigua, NY. Memorial services were held November 20 at the Canton Mennonite Church with the Rev. Harry Barrigar and Rev. Doug Graybill officiating.  Arrangements were by the Vickery Funeral Home in Troy. (TGR, Thursday, November 26, 1992)

 Frederick Charles Steven Hoyler III, 38, of Troy RR 2 (Leona) died November 20, 1992 at home.  He had been a resident of the area for eight years, having previously resided at Howard Beach, NY. He was born September 27, 1954 at Howard Beach, Queens County, NY, a son of Frederick Charles Steven and Rose Mary Lindner Hoyler III. Mr. Hoyler had been operations manager for Pan-Air at JFK Airport. At the time of his death he assisted his wife as office manager in her insurance business. He was a member of the Big Pond United Methodist Church.  He coached and umpired Troy Little League was a Country Critters 4-H club leader in Troy and was involved with Boy Scouts of America Troop No. 144, Troy.  He was a member of the Big Pond Lions Club. Surviving besides his parents are his wife, the former Teryl J. Davis who he married in 1990; children and stepchildren, Vita Maria Hoyler, Port Richie, FL and Carol-Ann Julia Hoyler, Munson "Skip" Hoyler, Lacy Jane Hoyler, Daryle "Rick" Dawson, all of Troy RR 2, Kevin Swystun, Los Angeles and Bob "Muggins" Swystun, St. Paul, MN; brothers and sisters-in-law, Steven and Mary Hoyler and Kevin and Maria Hoyler, both of Howard Beach, NY; maternal grandmother, Barbara Lindner, Howard Beach, NY; aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins. Memorial services were held at the Big Pond United Methodist Church at the convenience of the family with the Rev. David A. Watkins officiating. Memorial donations may be made to the Big Pond Methodist Church of the Big Pond Lions Club in Fred's memory. (TGR, Thursday, November 26, 1992)

 Maurice Jay Warner, 82, of Jonesville, South Carolina, died Friday, November 20, 1992 in a local hospital after a brief illness. He was born July 9, 1910 in Roseville, PA, a son of Jay and Liza Prutsman Warner. Mr. Warner was a retired carpenter.  He was a member of New Hope United Methodist Church. Surviving is his wife, Esther Kilgore Warner, of 258 New Hope Church Road, Jonesboro, South Carolina; a daughter, Mrs. Jane Peay of Jonesville; four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held in Union, South Carolina with burial to be in Unity Cemetery, Fort Mill, South Carolina. (TGR, Thursday, November 26, 1992)

 Harris R. Jenkins, 92, formerly of Cayutaville, NY, died Wednesday, November 18, 1992 at Bethany Village, Horseheads, NY. Mr. Jenkins had been a dairy farmer for over 50 years and was a member of the Kayutah Lake Grange and a member of the Schuyler County Farm Bureau. He is survived by his daughters, Mrs. Irene Hubbell of Newfield, NY, Mrs. Harriet J. Bailey of Fort Myers, FL, Mrs. Marjorie Bailey of Alpine, NY, Mrs. Mary J. Hubbell of Newfield, NY, Mrs. Kay J. Kannegiser of Wawarsing, NY and Mrs. Wilma J. Paige of Grove City, OH; 21 grandchildren; 39 great-grandchildren; sister, Mrs. Mary Beardslee and brother, Edward (Mike) Jenkins, both of Columbia Cross Roads, PA; several nieces, nephews and cousins. He was predeceased by his wife, Martha, in 1978 and in 1990 by his great-grandson, Matthew Scott Edsall. Funeral services were held November 21 at the Vedder & Scott Funeral Home in Odessa, NY with interment to be in Laurel Hill Cemetery, Odessa, NY. Expressions of sympathy may be made to a charity of one's choice. (TGR, Thursday, November 26, 1992)

 Charles G. Perry Sr., 62, of Columbia Cross Roads RR3, died Wednesday, November 25, 1992, at the Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre. Born July 1, 1930, in Wellsville, NY he was a son of Coley and Elsie Green Perry. He was a mechanic for the Warner Equipment Co. in East Troy for many years and he also worked on farm machinery in his spare time. He enjoyed hunting and fishing, and he had a special love for gardening. Mr. Perry is survived by his wife of 38 years, Majorie Barrett Perry; his father, Coley Perry of Big Flats, NY; daughters and sons-in-law, Bonnie and David Kinner of Lawrenceville, PA, Karen and Lewis Route of Blossburg, PA, Teresa and Abdul Malik of Columbia Cross Roads, Diane Perry of Granville Summit and Janet Perry of Columbia Cross Roads; sons and daughters-in-law, Charles and Barbara Perry Jr. of Columbia Cross Roads, Harold and Lenda Barrett of Mansfield, and Ralph Perry of Columbia Cross Roads; seven granddaughters; 12 grandsons; one great-grandson; sisters, Florence Sedgwick of Elmira, NY, and Louise Bristol of Granville Summit; brothers, Raymond Perry of Big Flats, Oliver Perry of Monticello, NY, Sheldon Perry of Big Flats, Thomas Perry of Monticello, Edward Perry of Elmira and Fayette Perry of Canton; aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his mother, Elsie Perry, and brothers Bernard Perry and Richard Perry. A memorial service was held Sunday November 29 at the Austinville Union Church in Austinville with the Rev. Kenneth Marple officiating. Arrangements were by the Vickery Funeral Home, Troy. Memorials may be sent to the Austinville Union Church. (TGR, Thursday, December 3, 1992)

 The Rev. Larry Clark, 64, of Deltona, FL, a retired United Methodist minister in the Central Pennsylvania Conference, died November 13, 1992 at his home. Rev. Clark was born in Jersey Shore, PA, the son of Rockey Clark and Nellie Williamson Clark. Before entering the ministry Rev. Clark had his own garage and welding business in Salladasburg and was a Nationwide Insurance agent. In 1961 he entered the ministry and served charges in Raltson, East Canton, Wallis Run, Eagle-Mill Creek, Montandon, Milton, St. Peter's and Mifflinburg, St. Paul's. Survivors include his wife Rae; two children and six grandchildren; a sister and brother. Memorial services were held on November 29 at the Salladasburg United Methodist Church. Donations may be made to Hospice of Volusia/Flagler, 655 North Clyde Morris Blvd. Daytona Beach, FL 32114. (TGR, Thursday, December 10, 1992)

 Paul E. Kress, 46, of Wellsville, NY, died Saturday, December 5, 1992 at the Troy Community Hospital. He was born on December 21, 1946 in Bath, NY, the son of Paul B. and Norma Moon Kress. A former resident of Galeton and Troy, Mr. Kress was a graduate of Campbell Central High School. He was a veteran of the Vietnam War, serving with the US Air Force. Mr. Kress was employed by Dresser-Rand of Wellsville, NY from 1987-1992. He is survived by his wife of 19 years, the former Paula A. Cranmer, of Wellsville, NY; his father and mother, Paul and Norma Moon Kress of Columbia Cross Roads; daughters, Belinda J. Parton of Roaring Branch, Robin A. Abel of Wellsboro, Kelly J. Parton of Troy and Tammy L. Perrealt of Ontario, Canada; sons, Paul C. and Jason C. of Wellsville, NY, Jeffrey Kress-Somerton of Ontario, Canada and Todd A. Parton of Altus, OK; two grandsons and six granddaughters; sisters, Karen Dickson of Bath, NY, Peggy Westfall of Cicero, NY and Kathy Roloson of Jobs Corners; a brother, Jerry D. Kress of Gaines, PA; several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by a sister, Tana I. Kress, in 1992. Funeral services were held December 9 at the J.W. Embser Sons Funeral Home in Wellsville, NY with Darwin J. Cranmer officiating and burial to be in Woodlawn Cemetery. Donations may be made to the American Cancer Society in Mrs. Kress's memory. (TGR, Thursday, December 10, 1992)

 Lester Gordon Thomas, 48, Canton RR 2, died Thursday, December 10, 1992 at Memorial Hospital, Towanda. He was born December 17, 1943 in Sayre, Bradford County. He operated a farm for several years and later was employed as a heavy equipment operator and truck driver for J & B Mining Co., Morris Run, PA. He attended Mansfield University and worked as a counselor for Northern Tier Youth Services in Blossburg until his health prohibited him from continuing. Recently he was able to do counseling for the Northern Tier Christian Counseling Center in Canton and participated in prison ministry at the Bradford County Jail. Mr. Thomas was an active member and past officer of the East Canton United Methodist Church.  He was a former member Cub Scout master in Canton. Survivors include his wife of 21 years, the former Lillie DeWalt; sons, Timothy and Jeffrey Thomas and a daughter, Miss Martha Thomas, all at home; mother and her husband, Pauline and Charles Richard Earle of Troy; sister and brother-in-law, Bonnie and Terry Austin of Blossburg; father and mother-in-law, Charles and Melvia DeWalt of Columbia Cross Roads; brother-in-law, Wallace DeWalt of Knoxville, TN; aunts, uncles, nieces and cousins. Memorial services were held December 12 at East Canton United Methodist Church with the Rev. Jeffrey Patton officiating. Memorial contributions may be directed to Mrs. Lillie Thomas, Canton RR 2 in Mr. Thomas' memory. (TGR, Thursday, December 17, 1992)

 I. Boyd Rosencrance, 79, of Laceyville, PA died Tuesday, December 15, 1992 at Tyler Memorial Hospital in Tunkhannock following a short illness. Born in Laceyville September 26, 1913, he was a son of the late Ira and Mattie Heberling Rosencrance. His wife, the former Rachel Comstock, died in June, 1990. Mr. Rosencrance was a 1931 graduate of Laceyville High School and was employed as a mill manager for Vandervort Mills in Laceyville for over 40 years.  He later worked for Benscoter Trucking Company in Laceyville and Indian Hill for many years. He was a member of the Braintrim Baptist Church and served as church treasurer for over 39 years and as secretary of the men's Bible class of the church for many years. He was also a member of Franklin Lodge No. 263 F & AM of Laceyville where he was a past master and a former chaplain. He served several terms as a member of the Wyalusing Valley Joint School Board. He is survived by sons, Daniel Rosencrance of Cogan Station, PA and Kenneth Rosencrance of Troy, PA; daughter, Phyllis Rosencrance, at home; brother, Robert Rosencrance of Laceyville; four granddaughters; several nieces, nephews and cousins. Memorial services were held at the Braintrim Baptist Church on December 19 with the Rev. Richard Vieldhouse and the Rev. Reuben Judson officiating with interment to be in the Lacey Street Cemetery.  Arrangements were by the Sheldon Funeral Home in Laceyville. Memorial contributions may be made to the missionary fund of the Braintrim Baptist Church, Laceyville. (TGR, Thursday, December 24, 1992)

 Cecil R. Ford, 84, of Columbia Cross Roads RR 2, died Monday, Jan 3, 1994, at Towanda Memorial Hospital. Funeral arrangements will be announced by the Vickery Funeral Home, Troy. (TGR, Thursday, January 6, 1994)