Our heartiest felicitations to Rev. Edward P. Morse, Elmira, who attained
the 82d anniversary of his birth yesterday, February 23d. Two years ago he
preached here in his church of so many years, the First Presbyterian, on the
80th birthday and the 40th anniversary of his candidacy sermon. We have the very
highest regard for Mr. Morse as a man and as a minister.
On last Thursday, January 11th, 1940, the following people from Bentley
Creek, his former home, gathered at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Abbey, Harknessburg,
to celebrate the 77th birthday of Mr. Emerson Miller; Mr. and Mrs. Donald
A. Pipher and two children; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Raynor, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark
and son, James, Mr. and Mrs. LaRue Miller and son Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
May, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford May and son David, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen May. The
evening was spent playing 500. Refreshments were served, and all wished Mr.
Miller many more happy birthdays.
William L. Riggs of East Smithfield celebrated his 88th birthday on
Saturday, August 18, by attending the annual school picnic of the East
Smithfield High School, which he helped to organize some 66 years ago.
He is still very active in community life and is the last surviving charter
member of the I. O.O.F. Lodge No. 928 in East Smithfield. He has a vivid memory
pertaining to the institution of the lodge in January, 1876, and is the
community’s best authority on the history of I.O.O.F. Other charter members
besides Mr. Riggs were Clarence and W. B. Voorhees, J. L. Vincent, L. E. Wilcox,
S. K. Brigham, H. R. Tuttle, Robert Templeton, E. G. Dorsey, D. G. Phelps, W. E.
Barton, I, K, Wright, J. Allen Gerould, Wallace Scott, Edwin Blakeslee, John
Jones, S. G. Thomas and James H. Webb. Mr. Webb later became speaker of the
Pennsylvania House of Representatives.
Mr. Riggs has served several years as Smithfield Township supervisor and was
also school director at one time.
In 1879, he married the former Miss Cora Wood of East Smithfield. Of their
five children two still survive, George E. Riggs and Mrs. Laura Wakely, with
whom he makes his home. He is a life-long resident of East Smithfield and until
very recently was very active in the Baptist Church. (handwritten on article
Springfield, Jan 25—Mrs. Arthur Burnham will entertain at a tea on Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Cyria Burnham’s 90th birthday.
Mrs. Morton Monks of 1301 Maple Avenue, Elmira, will have an “open house”
party Sunday, October 27, from 2 o’clock until 4 o’clock in honor of her mother,
Mrs. Lizzie M. Rightmire, who will celebrate her 80th birthday on October
Mrs. Rightmire has many friends in Bradford County, having been secretary of
Bradford County Pomona grange for more than 30 years. (on article 1940)
E. A. Kilgore, Coryland, unable to get off the hill all winter on account of bad roads, drove his team to Gillett Tuesday morning. Mr. Kilgore is near 78 years but full of grit and stamina.
Harrisburg, July 12—Arthur Horace James, Pennsylvania’s 31st governor, will
be 57 years old Sunday.
The governor said today he will observe the occasion quietly at his summer
home at Harvey’s Lake, going to Luzerne County tomorrow. His daughter, Dorothy,
will drive up Sunday. (handwritten on article 1940)
Mr. A. C. Blackwell, who can rightly be called “The Grand Old Man” of
West Burlington, was 92 years old yesterday, Wednesday, March 20th, 1940, and
the happy even was celebrated in the home of his son, County Highway Supt.
Joseph Blackwell, West Burlington. The guests included his two sisters, Mrs.
Helen Ballard, Troy and Mrs. Delos Rockwell, West Burlington and his daughter,
Miss Rebecca Blackwell, Troy, Mrs. A. B. McKean, Troy also attended. Mr.
Blackwell and his family enjoyed the day thoroughly.
Mrs. Emmor Devoe was surprised Wednesday evening, April 17th, on her
83d birthday. Twenty-five friends and neighbors brought refreshments and spent a
very pleasant evening. She was presented with a Bible.
Mrs. Irene Tanner celebrated her 87th birthday last Saturday, April
Mr. Dudley Lewis was surprised by friends on his 81st birthday, the
20th of April.
A party in honor of Mr. Archie Raynor’s 67th birthday was held last
week. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Raynor and daughter,
Alberta, Waverly, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Roy Raynor and son Robert. (handwritten on
article 1940)
Mrs. Harold F. French and Miss Ruth Smithers leave next week for Miss Smithers’ home at Thief River Falls, Minn. They will return about the 18th of November.
Born to Dr. and Mrs. Jay B. Westcott, of Philadelphia, a daughter, Diana Mae, on Tuesday, October 22d. Mrs. Westcott is the former Janet Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Jones of Columbia Cross Roads. (handwritten on article 1940)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Strange of Mainesburg announce the birth of a daughter, Aug. 2 at the Packer Hospital in Sayre. (handwritten on article 1940)
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bly of Troy announce the birth of a daughter, Carol Louise, at the Arnot Ogden Hospital in Elmira, July 8, 1940.
Mrs. A. B. McKean observed her 54th birthday on last Tuesday, July 16th. Scott McKean and family came from Newberry to help celebrate the day. Present also was Mrs. John Randolph, Rahway, N.J., who is spend a time with Mrs. McKean and Miss Rebecca Blackwell. (handwritten on article 1940)
Born Thursday evening, December 19, 1940, a daughter to Raymond and Edith Williams Morse in the Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre.
A son, Thomas L. was born to John Leonard and Evelyn Kresge Parsons in the Ross Hospital, Canton, Friday, July 19, 1940.
Born Friday May 24, 1940 in the Ross Hospital, Canton, a daughter Nola Leigh to Victor and Vera Beaver Ellenberger.
A daughter was born Wednesday September 11, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hager, Elmira in St. Joseph’s Hospital. Mr. Hager is a son of Mrs. Lillian Hager, Troy and Mrs. Hager was at one time a teacher of the Taylor School, Porter Road.
The daughter born Thursday, August 20, 1940 to Lewis and Addie Smith Van Vliet in the Ross Hospital, Canton, has been named Charlotte Myrtle. Mrs. Van Vliet and daughter were brought to their home on Prospect Street last Tuesday.
Born March 12, 1940, at the Blossburg State Hospital, a son William Russell, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Putnam, Mansfield.
A daughter, Janice Esther, was born February 14, Valentine’s Day, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer C. Wood, Washington, D.C. Mrs. Wood was the former Miss Esther Foulke, daughter of F. A. Foulke of the staff of the Bradford County Home and the late Mrs. Foulke, and was a former employee of the Handran Brothers store here.
The son, born on Thursday morning, November 14th, to Dr. and Mrs. Wilson N. Smith, Towanda, has been named Merritt Roe, after his grandfather, Merritt and his uncle, the late Roe Smith. (handwritten on article 1940)
A son, John Howard, was born last Tuesday morning, November 19, 1940, in the Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, to Howard and Dorothy Putnam Herrington, Troy.
Born Friday, July 5, 1940, a son, Samuel Numan III to Samuel and Lizzie Allen Manley, Troy at the St. Joseph’s Hospital, Elmira.
Mrs. Leo Rice and infant daughter have returned to their home from the Packer Hospital.
Born March 26, to Robert and Katherine Besley Hillyer, in the Ross Maternity Hospital, Canton, a daughter, Myrna Lou.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ballard of Troy announce the birth of a 7 lb. Son, Thomas Congdon.
Mrs. Stephen Cornell has received an announcement of the arrival of a son to Craig and Clara Reddington Kennedy at the Columbia Hospital, Washington, D.C. on February 29th, 1940. Mrs. Kennedy is on leave of absence from her position as secretary to J. Edgar Hoover, in the Department of Justice. Mr. Kennedy is a nephew of Mrs. Cornell.
Born to Lewis and Ruth Braund Bly, a daughter Alice Susan, in the Arnot Ogden Hospital, Elmira, Wednesday, June 15th.
Born in the Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, Sunday morning, April 3d, to Harry and Rena Terry Crumbling, a fine son, who has been named Harry Ammon.
A fine daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bradley, Sunday evening, Feb. 4th. The baby has been named Bonnie Lee. Mrs. Edith Hoyt, New Albany, is caring for Mrs. Bradley.
Born to Bernard and Arlouine Cooley Dunn at the Ross Hospital, Canton, on Sunday, July 30, 1939, a daughter Patricia Ann.
A daughter, Matilda Ann, was born on August 11th, in the Arnot Ogden Hospital, Elmira, to Mr. and Mrs. Caspar McClelland, Washington, D.C. Mr. McClelland is the son of the late Sid McClelland, and Mrs. McClelland. Mrs. McClelland is the former Miss Matilda Jupenlaz, Mansfield, known to many in this section.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Leo B. Rice, a daughter, March 23d, at the Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre. (handwritten on article 1939)
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones were in Harrisburg Monday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Beachley and infant grand-daughter born on Wednesday, Feb. 22d.
A daughter was born February 5 in Sibley Hospital, Washington, D.C. to Mr. and Mrs. Edmund B. Redington, formerly of Waverly and known to many in Troy.
Twin daughters were born Wednesday, March 8, 1939, in the Tioga General
Hospital, Waverly, to Harold and Bernice Cole Lewis, Towanda, R.F.D.
Mrs. Lewis was until the first of the year teacher of the 2d grade in the
local schools and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole, East Troy. We
understand that one has been named Mary Frances.
A daughter, Mary Adrienne, was born last Thursday, January 4, 1939, to Robert J. and Gladys Schwab Merrill. Mr. Merrill is a member of the High School faculty.
A daughter, Elaine Kathleen, was born on Sunday, January 7, 1940, to Nelson and Marian Inman Case, Troy, R.D.1.
A daughter, Bonnie Lou, was born October 17, to William T. and Florence Stevenson Hickok. (handwritten on article 1939)
A picnic dinner in the Scouten-Simmons home on Tuesday was enjoyed by a few friends and honored the birthday of Miss Jennie Scouten.
A son, Ronald Wolcott, was born Wednesday morning, January 31, 1940 to Rev. and Mrs. Philip Wolcott Furst, Troy, in the Ross Hospital, Canton.
Born Thursday, January 18, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bloom in the Jamestown General Hospital, a son, Jon Hendrik. Mr. Bloom is a son of Mrs. Mary C. Bloom, Troy.
A son, Ronald James, was born on January 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Hazleton Littley, of Seward, Alaska. The baby is a grandson of Mrs. Belle Littley, who spent some time in Troy caring for the late Mrs. Thomas Mitchell in the home of H. K. Mitchell. (handwritten on article 1938)
A son Harry Dean, was born last Saturday, August 12 to Willis and Lois Freelove Kittle, Columbia Township. (handwritten on article 1939)
Mr. and Mrs. E. Lloyd Mason of East Canton announce the birth of a daughter Patricia Jane, Tuesday, Dec. 12, 1939.
Born Wednesday morning, November 15th, 1939, to Jonas and Catherine Sweeney Fox, Sayre, a son, in the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Sweeney, Troy.
A son, James Edward, was born Friday February 26 at the Ross Hospital, Canton, to Edward and Betty Jefferson Brenchley, Canton, R.D., former Trojan. (handwritten on article 1939)
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hulslander received word of the birth of a son, Henry Kent, March 29th, to Harold and Eva Hulslander Mitchell, Albany, N.Y. (handwritten on article 1939)
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Corey are the proud parents of a baby girl, born Sunday, April 2, 1939, at the Arnot Ogden Hospital, Elmira.
Born Saturday July 23d, to Arthur and Dorothy Bohlayer Loomis , a fine son, who has been named David John. (handwritten on article 1938)
Mr. and Mrs. Cortland Smith of East Smithfield announce the birth of a son July 27 at the Packer hospital in Sayre. (handwritten on article 1938)
A son, Robert Biddle, was born Thursday, May 5th, in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. to Dr. and Mrs. Robert Rockwell. Dr. Rockwell is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rockwell. (handwritten on article 1938)
Born Tuesday morning May 11th, in the Ross Hospital, Canton, to Donald and Henrietta Weigester Cook, a fine son, who has been named Donald Thomas. (handwritten on article 1938
A son was born in the Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, Thursday, August 25, to Pomeroy and Esther English Mitchell, Troy. (handwritten on article 1938)
Born to John J. and Elizabeth Morris Harvey, Germantown, in the home here of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, at 10:55 last evening, July 20th, a son, who has been named William Everett. (handwritten on article 1938)
A fine daughter was born on Tuesday, August 9th, to a. Henry and Sophia Pomeroy Case, in the Ross Hospital, Canton. (handwritten on article 1938)
A daughter, Sara, was born August 8, to Clifford and Mildred Wolcott Field, Lake Mahopac, N.Y. Mrs. Field is the daughter of Mrs. Burton Kiff, Troy.(handwritten on article 1938)
Born Thursday, July 7th, in Arnot Ogden Hospital, Elmira, to Oliver and Freda Jaynes Schwab, Elmira Heights, a fine daughter, who has been named Roxanna Edna.
A son was born last Saturday, August 27, in the Ross Hospital, Canton, to Walter and Elizabeth Belknap DeWitt. (handwritten on article 1938)
Born to William J. and Laura Canfield McClelland in the Horton Memorial Hospital, Middletown, N.Y., Thursday, April 21st, a fine son, who has been named John Canfield.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Cease Tuesday afternoon in the home in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, a fine son. Miss Mary Cease, Endicott, N.Y. is spending the week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Cease and assisting in the care of Mrs. John Cease and the new baby. (handwritten on article 1933)
A daughter, Susan Rae, was born on Monday, January 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Schell (nee Nancy Wolcott) at the Ridgewood Maternity Hospital, Ridgewood, New Jersey. Mrs. Schell is the daughter of Mrs. Burton Kiff and a former Troy High School basketball star. (handwritten on article 1935)
Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hufford (nee Irene Harkness) of Philadelphia, a son Samuel Argyle, on last Thursday, Nov. 9th. Mrs. Huffon is a daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. Harkness, Mansfield. (handwritten on article 1933)
Born this Thursday morning, June 8th, a fine daughter, to Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Meikle. She has been named Elizabeth. (handwritten on article 1933)
A Christmas gift to Mr. and Mrs. John R. Deemy was a fine son, James Pomeroy, born at 11:45 p.m. December 25th at the Ross Maternity Home, Canton. (handwritten on article 1933)
A daughter, Anne, was born recently to Attorney and Mrs. Judson A. Parsons, Rochester. (handwritten on article 1938)
Born Monday morning, September 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Silas Mason, in the home near Minnequa, a fine daughter. Mrs. Mason was Miss Lucinda Buckford, former Troy High basketball star. (handwritten on article 1933)
Born Monday evening, September 11th, in the Ross Maternity Home, Canton, a fine son to Mr. and Mrs. D. Frederick Pomeroy, Jr. (handwritten on article 1933)
The depression must be over. Four births within twenty-four hours last Sunday and Monday. Louise Leslie Corl to Mr. and Mrs. James Morley Corl, Snedekerville; Joan Louise and Jacqueline Hoose to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoose, Sylvania; Patsy Anne Christman to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Christman, Alba (handwritten on article 1934)
Born Tuesday morning in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Elmira, a fine daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Mitchell. She has been named Polly Ann. (handwritten on article 1934)
A fine daughter was born Monday morning in the Ross Maternity Home, Canton to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mitchell. She has been named Emily Frances. Mrs. Mitchell was Miss Frances Dewey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burt Dewey, former Trojans, now of Painted Post. (handwritten on article 1934)
Mrs. E. F. Ruggles, Mainesburg announced the marriage of her daughter, Eloise Frances, to Mr. Roy Besley, Columbia Cross Roads. (handwritten on article 1934)
Born a daughter, Edith Elaine, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bailey, August 3d in the Chauncey Whiting home. Mrs. Bailey was Miss Beatrice Whiting. (handwritten on article 1934)
Three daughters, two of whom died shortly after birth, were born last Monday in the Blossburg State Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Fay Purvis, Covington, RFD, the three, had they lived, would have made eleven children for Mr. and Mrs. Purvis. She is a sister of Mrs. Rodman Case. (handwritten on article 1934)
Born on March 18th, a fine son, Robert Sanford, to Dr. and Mrs. George W. Westcott, in Ntondo, Congo Belge, Africa. Mrs. Westcott was Miss Ellen Peckham, daughter of Mrs. Alida Peckham and the late C. E. Peckham of Columbia Cross Roads. The Westcotts expects to return to the United States next Spring. (handwritten on article 1934)
Born October 29th, a son, Clyde Burton to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall.
Born November 13th, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gerould. She has been
named Mary Ellen after her great grandmother, Mrs. Mary Ellen Gerould who is 101
years of age (handwritten on article 1934)
A son was born last Monday to Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Trumbore, Wilkes-Barre. Mr. Trumbore is a former pastor of St. Paul’s Church, Troy. He has been named Frederick Rhue Trumbore. (handwritten on article 1934)
A daughter, Ellen Josephine, was born last Friday evening, November 2d, to Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, Philadelphia. Mrs. Morris was Miss Madeline Van Sycle. (handwritten on article 1934)
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Van Vechten, a fine daughter, Nancy Louise, in the Ross Maternity Home, Canton on Saturday November 3. (handwritten on article 1934)
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wells, a daughter Florence Emily, last Monday, November 19th, in the Ross Maternity Home, Canton. (handwritten on article 1934)
Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Parke, Elmira, former Trojans, are being congratulated on the birth of a grandson, John Shepard Parke, Jr. to their children, Mr. and Mrs. John Shepard Parke, of New York City, in the New York Hospital on Armistice Day, November 11th. Mrs. John Shepard Parke was Miss Dorothy Simpson, Elmira. Mrs. Albert T. Parke is spending some time with her children, Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Parke, Perryville, Md. (handwritten on article 1933)
A son Gary Stuart, was born Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Leonard, Big Pond. Mrs. Leonard was Miss Faith Williams, daughter of Mrs. John Vroman, Troy. (handwritten on article 1935)
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mitchell, Albany, N.Y. are parents of a baby daughter, born July 9th. Mrs. Mitchell (nee Eva Hulslander) formerly lived in this community. (handwritten on article 1935)
An 8 ¾ pound son was born Tuesday morning, October 29th, to Stephen and Ora Stevens Lewis, Redington Avenue. Mrs. Lewis is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Stevens. (handwritten on article 1935)
Miss Florence Bishop, Pittsburgh, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Montague White, and Mr. White, coming with them last Wednesday when Mr. White motored to Pittsburgh to get Mrs. White, who had been with her mother there for two weeks.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ballard at the Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, Friday, July 26, a son Ronald Charles. (handwritten on article 1935)
Mr. and Mrs. LaRue Stanton are being congratulated on the birth of a son, Richard LaRue, at the Arnot Ogden Hospital, Elmira, Sunday, May 12.
A daughter, Priscilla Ann, was born January 27 to Mr. and Mrs. William Montgomery, Jr., Washington, Pa. (handwritten on article 1936)
East Smithfield, Mar. 8—A son was born Saturday night, March 2, to the Rev. and Mrs. O. J. Steverson. The proud parents have named him Francis McConnell. The mother and baby are doing fine at the Tioga General Hospital in Waverly, N.Y.
A daughter, Carol Dale, was born on December 24th to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilber, Halstead. Mrs. Wilber was formerly Miss Esther Burley, daughter of Frank Burley, Millerton.
Mrs. Lydia Murphy, who was born in Mosherville, April 3, 1841, observed her 95th birthday on last Friday at her home in Elmira. She is a sister of Mrs. Maria Wolfe, Snedekerville, and a great-aunt of Mrs. Mable Van Dyne Lundgren, formerly of Troy. During the Civil War, Mrs. Murphy cooked for her husband and eight other soldiers in Virginia. She reads the newspapers daily and follows the news closely. Her hobby is raising flowers and plants. Mr. Murphy died in 1900 and she resides with her two daughters, Mrs. Lydia Griffin and Miss Luella Murphy. (handwritten on article 1936)
A son, Stanton Cameron, was born Monday, September 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Leland Clark, Plainsboro, N.J. Mrs. Clark was Miss Jennie Bell Stanton, formerly of Troy, and a granddaughter of Mrs. Jennie R. Stanton, John Street. (handwritten on article 1936)
Born Wednesday, July 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Morris in the home here, a fine daughter, Barbara Rae. (handwritten on article 1936)
Born a son, James Richard to Mr. and Mrs. James Kenyon (nee Miss Ruby Ross) in the Ross Hospital, Canton, on Friday, December 4th. (handwritten on article 1936)
Born last Thursday, July 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wolfanger, a fine daughter, Lynn in the Ross Hospital, Canton. (handwritten on article 1936)
Born July 7, at the Ross Hospital, Canton, a 7 ½ pound son, John Frederick to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ferguson, Windfall. Mrs. Ferguson was Miss Malene Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Baker, Troy. (handwritten on article 1936)
A daughter, Kalma Elizabeth, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Chase, Unadilla, N.Y. on Thursday October 22d. Mrs. Chase was formerly Elizabeth Joralemon, Troy. (handwritten on article 1936)
W. J. Westervelt came last week from Umatilla, Fla., and Mrs. Westervelt and son, John, who have been in Troy for some months will return with him the middle of next week.
A little son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wolcott, Penn Yan, recently. Mrs. Wolcott was formerly Miss Bernice Eaton of this place. (handwritten on article 1937)
January 15—Phillip L. Hubbard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hubbard of Columbia Cross Roads, who is two years old today. (handwritten on article 1937)
Born on Saturday night, November 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Newell in their Troy Township home, a fine daughter, who has been named Barbara Ellen. Mrs. Newell was Miss Dorothy Ward.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reidy, Columbia Cross Roads, announce the birth of a son, Charles Walter, September 9th, at the Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre. (handwritten on article 1937)
Mrs. Faith Leonard is in Elmira caring for her sister, Mrs. Mary Eiffert and infant son, Russell. (handwritten on article 1937)
A daughter was born last Saturday, July 31st, in the Arnot Ogden Hospital, Elmira, to Harry B. and Marie Watkins Corey, Gillett. Mr. Corey is a former Trojan. (handwritten on article 1937)
Born March 30 at the Packer Hospital, Sayre, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John Gustin of Burlington. The baby weighted seven pounds and nine ounces. Mr. Gustin is the superintendent of the county home.
Among famous Americans born in February besides Lincoln and Washington,
there are Horace Greeley, born on the 3d in 1811; Aaron Burr, on the 6th in
1750; William T. Sherman, February 8, 1820; William Henry Harrison, ninth
President, February 9, 1773; Samuel J. Tilden on the same date in 1814; Thomas
A. Edison, February 11, 1847; Daniel Boone, the same date in 1735; Elibu Root,
February 15, 1845; Edgar Allen Poe, February 19, 1890; James Russell Lowell,
February 22, 1819; “Buffalo Bill” Cody, February 26, 1846 and Longfellow,
February 27, 1807.
A son Donald Carl, was born March 17, in the Arnot Ogden Hospital, Elmira to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rockwell, West Burlington. Mr. Rockwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rockwell, West Burlington, is a former employee of the Carpenter & Pierce Co. drug store. (handwritten on article 1937)
On Tuesday, Jan. 26, Mrs. Cyria Burnham celebrated her 89th birthday. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. John Ludington, Miss Alice Fraley of Sylvania; Mrs. Iva Chamberlain and Mrs. Harry Chamberlain of Troy; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gates, Mrs. Evelyn Kniffen and Mrs. Flora Gates of this place. (handwritten on article 1937)
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Weller Bohalyer, yesterday, June 25th, a fine daughter, in their home on the Fall Brook Road.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Eaton of Troy RD announce the birth of a son Jan. 17 at the Packer hospital in Sayre. Mrs. Eaton is the former Miss Betta Eskell, for several years a member of the supervisors’ staff at the hospital. (handwritten on article 1938)
Born last Friday morning, January 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Berry, in their home between Snedekerville and Gillett, a fine daughter, who has been named Kay Diane. (handwritten on article 1938)
A son Richard Harrison, was born December 31st to Raymond and Frances Schermerhorn Forney, Cogan Station. Mrs. Forney, former Trojan, is a daughter of Mrs. Esther Schermerhorn, Troy. (handwritten on article 1937)
A son, Howard Milan, was born last Sunday, January 9, in the Ross Hospital, Canton, to Milan and Laura Putnam Selleck, Bailey’s Corners. Mrs. Selleck is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Putnam, Troy. (handwritten on article 1938)
Born December 14th to Lester and Ruth Putnam Bauman, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Azor Putnam, an 8 lb. Daughter, Dorothy Waneta.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Fox (nee Katherine Sweeney) on Sunday morning, November 28th, a son. Mr. Fox is manager of the American store. (handwritten on article 1937)
Prof. and Mrs. L. R. Guillaume motored to Wilkes-Barre last Sunday to act as sponsors at the Baptism into the Episcopal church of the small son of Rev. and Mrs. Fred W. Trumbore, former Trojans.
Willis Spalding, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Spalding, entertained eighteen of his little friends at a birthday party at the home of his parents on Kenyon Hill on May 6th, the occasion being his eighth birthday. (handwritten on article 1925)
Mr. and Mrs. John Howland have a fine daughter, Julia Alida, who arrived Tuesday of this week.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Cole Mudge in the Blossburg State Hospital, Easter Sunday morning, April 17th, a daughter, Linda Lou. By a peculiar coincidence, a son was born Easter evening in the Blossburg State Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Adams, Blossburg. Mr. Adams is a brother of Mrs. Mudge.
(1936 Review) In taking a retrospective view of the year just past,
the outstanding event in the Troy Community was the opening of the fine new
concrete paving on Elmira Street—an improvement that we shall appreciate more
and more as time goes on. As has been said, it gives Troy a metropolitan air and
creates an exceedingly favorable impression on the passing tourist.
Our first issue of the year announced two marriages—Miss Dorothea Johnson,
Binghamton, to Clyde M. Strope, and Miss Ethel Garrison to Lloyd C. Wolfe.
Engagements announced included that of Miss Sophia e. Pomeroy to A. Henry Case,
Miss Carolyn Elizabeth Jones to Kenneth Beachley, Miss Helen Bourne to Rev.
Warren G. Odom. Frank Haven died on January 1st. Judge A. C. Fanning died on
January 6th and George Hoff Webb died on January 8th. On Tuesday morning,
January 15th, over 1000 enjoyed the Troy business men’s reception in the High
School building. It was a most successful affair and cemented even closer the
bonds of community friendship. On Sunday, January 20th, Rev. J. Sidney Kane
tendered his resignation to the Gillett Baptist congregation and announced that
he had accepted a call to Linesville, Pa. Alvin Thomas died on January 23d. Our
last issue of the month announced that Rev. Hiram Rockwell Bennett had accepted
a call to become the first Dean of St. Johns Cathedral, Wilmington, Delaware, a
fine advancement for this former Troy boy.
In the issue of February 14th, the engagement of Dr. Wilson N. Smith and
Miss Eleanor Fitzgerald was announced. Patrick E. Hooley died on February 10th
and Alanson L. Rolison died on February 12th. Edward S. Barrett was found
mortally wounded on February 13th. James Batterson celebrated the 7th
anniversary of his successful South Troy store on Saturday, February 16th. Elmer
J. Kennedy died on February 20th. Lester Osgood, manager of the J. C. Penny
store, was transferred to Red Bank, N.J., and the Red Bank manager, Mr. c. A.
Morris came here on February 20th. Burglars ransacked High School rooms and took
some $70. In February’s last issue, the annual Rod & Gun Club banquet was
announced for March 14th.
Rev. Alan Douglas, Norwich, N.Y., was announced as the new pastor at
Gillett, March 7th saw another accident on the dangerous East Troy bridge, a bad
check artist began to operate in this section, several stores in Troy and Canton
being victimized. Thad Watkins, well known Austinville merchant, died on March
7th. Beatrice Ludington Lee died on Tuesday, March 19th. Helen J. Card died on
March 20th. Troy High School basketeers lost the League championship in a fast
and exciting game on the Southside High School court in Elmira. The issue of
March 28th announced Dr. Charles Gordinier as commencement speaker. Deaths the
latter part of March included Jennie Greenough, David B. Keir, Lucinda Marie
King. The engagement of Raymond E. Morris and Miss Edith Williams was announced.
March, 1935, went out in a more or less lamblike manner.
The issue of April 4th carried the interesting news that 10,000 Norway
Spruce seedlings were to be planted by the boro on the Carnright farm, Armenia,
a part of the boro watershed. Grass fires were causing trouble in East Troy and
Wetona. Boxing matches were being held at the high school. Political ads began
to appear as primary aspirants for office got on the job. The American Legion
announced that it would hold a Fourth of July celebration. Mrs. Charles M.
Howland and Mrs. H. M. Varney died on April 5th, Mrs. Lewis Soper died on April
6th and Mrs. Kathleen Kenyon Taylor died on April 10th. A lathe was bought for
the high school shops. Troy Masons honored Rev. Hiram Rockwell Bennett with a
dinner on April 16th, Easter was celebrated on April 21st. Dr. Francis H. Riley,
popular local dentist, was stricken while attending a funeral in Canton on April
24th and died on Sunday evening, April 28th, Harry J. Fenwick was appointed
Rector of St. Pauls Episcopal Church.
Two roughly dressed men held up the Comfort & Holcombe garage on May 8th,
the Troy Business Mens Club braved the mires of Elmira Street to hold a dinner
in the Grange Hall at Fassett and hear a good address by President Frederick
Lent, Elmira College, on May 5th. Miss Charlotte E. Paine died very suddenly on
May 2d in her Elmira Street home. The Troy Music Club announced its annual lilac
festival at “The Elms” for May 18th. Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Dewey celebrated
their golden wedding anniversary on Monday, May 20th. Troy triumphed in the
annual Susquehanna Valley Track and Field Meet at Canton. Samuel W. Salisbury
died on May 12th. Milton E. Greenough died May 20th. Prof. James Morgan was
announced as the Memorial Day speaker, the Methodist church completed some fine
improvements to its floors and pews, the Bradford County Baseball League season
got underway with N. Towanda, Bentley Creek, East Smithfield and Cowley winning
their first games.
On June 6th another good High School class, 73, were graduated from this
fine institution. W. Alonzo Thomas and Miss Vadys A. Resser were married in Alba
on June 1st. Deaths during the first week of June included O. Burr Ballard in
his Eureka, Cal. Home, and Muarice L. Roy, Gillett man. Miss Harriett Baker and
Byron E. Van Noy were married on June 12th in Blossburg. Miss Mable Donna Van
Dyne’s engagement to Mr. Thor Lundgren was announced. On June 22d came the
official celebration marking the opening of the new Elmira Street paving—the
largest evening that Troy has seen for many a year. There was a huge parade with
many floats in line, Hon. S. S. Lewis and many other notables talked, there was
block dancing, in from of the Civic Building and the hilarity continued until
far into the night. In the issue of June 27th, the marriage of Miss Florence
Porter and Harry S. Mitchell, Jr., was announced. Raymond E. Morris and Miss
Edith Williams were married in Binghamton on June 28th. (handwritten on article
Fitting right in with our editorial of last Thursday on propaganda in the west against the Roosevelt Highway and Pennsylvania routes came the announcement in the evening papers that day that a Northern Ohio motor club has been induced to cancel an order of 50,000 “Don’t Go Through Pennsylvania” stickers. The announcement came from Roy E. Brownmill, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Highways, said that a representative of the club was a member of the “All-Pennsylvania” tour, sponsored by the state’s public commission. The Ohio man changed his belief—that our speed limit was unjustified—admitted that the limit was necessary for our conditions and promised to encourage tourists to visit Pennsylvania because of the safety program and the scenic beauty.
During the days of Jim and Dick Smith, colored residents of Troy, they issued
invitations for a ball in Mitchell’s Hall, the letters: A.A.F.O. on the corner.
Many of their white friends were included. They were curious as to the meaning
of the letters. It transpired that they represented “Ask and Find Out.” A
colored employee of the Dick Smith barber shop prone to use large words and one
of his expressions has come down through the years: “Your conversational
capacity is copious for my comprehension.” Other gentlemen of color that day
included Ed Jones, a porter at the Troy Hotel. He was possessed of a fine tenor
voice and for years carried the mail on his shoulder between the postoffice and
the station. Many times he was accompanied to the “mid-night”. While waiting for
the train they would render some very enjoyable harmonizing—sounds of which
could be heard all along the upper reaches of Canton Street.
(rest of article is unreadable)
It has been recently stated, according to “The Weekly Ledger” Susquehanna, that the cost of a loaf of bread includes 53 taxes levied on it and its materials from the time the seed of the grain is planted until the bread is delivered to your door.
Some one hundred and thirty members and guests of Trojan Lodge, No. 306, F.
& A.M. enjoyed a banquet and special meeting last Thursday evening in the Mount
Moriah Club rooms and the lodge hall. The banquet was excellently served under
great difficulty by Maxwell Chapter, O.E.S., the Slingerland orchestra making it
the more enjoyable. Benjamin Page, Grand Master, of Pennsylvania, members of his
staff and officers of the local lodge were seated at a special table and the
Past Masters of the lodge were seated together.
At each place was an anniversary booklet, complied by D. F. Pomeroy, Mr.,
Junior Warden, and containing much of interest to local Masons, including a
history of Mount Moriah Lodge, No. 150, as given by H. K. Mitchell on June 9th,
1908 the fifty-first anniversary, and a history of Trojan Lodge, No. 306, by
Benjamin S. Greene, Past Master, revised and amended by Mr. Pomeroy.
Masonry is closely linked with the early history of Troy as the first lodge
here was held in the inn of Major Ezra Long, which stood near the site of Long’s
Mills, on or about the 7th of October, 1817. In the Mount Moriah Club rooms
hangs Major Long’s tavern sign of 1812. On it is the Masonic emblem, very
possibly placed there to inform the passing traveler that mine host was a member
of the Craft. To the faithful few, who formed the membership of the first lodge,
and to their financial effort to keep the organization intact great credit is
due but Mount Moriah Lodge, No. 150 finally passed out of existence in 1828. The
charter members of Mount Moriah Lodge, No. 150, appear to have been John Barber,
Seth Rowley, Stephen Fowler, Elihu Case, Charles Taylor, Reuben Merritt,
Churchill Barnes, Stephen Hitchcock, Noah Wilson, Jr., Almerin Herrick, Jacob
Garber, D. A. Bahon, J. B. Murphy, Ezra Long, Clark Fowler, Wareham Gibbs, James
Long, I. C. Powell, Reuben Smead, John Gray, John McClelland, Howard Spalding,
Samuel McKean, John Calkins, James Calkins, Joseph Lillibridge, Jr., B.
Trojan Lodge, No. 306, came into existence on June 17th, 1857, with the
following charter members: Elihu Case, Jerre Adams, Reuben Wilber, William
Kendall, Amasa Greenough, William Scott and S. W. Alden. Elihu Case was the
first Master. Seventy-five years of healthy, constructive growth was celebrated
last Thursday evening. Excellent talks were given by the Grand Master and
members of his staff, Prof. James Morgan, Mansfield, Howard Vosburg, Mansfield,
James E. Peckham, Worshipful Master, John W. Codding, Judge A. C. Fanning and
Troy, April 7—A number of Trojans have returned to troy during the past week from visits and from schools, including Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Parsons who have been in Florida; William Weigester who has been a guest of his son in Washington; Miss Amy McClelland, freshman at Penn State, who incidentally has been appointed treasurer of the Women’s Student Govt. Ass’n; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Greene and two sons of Cambridge, Mass., who are spending the Spring vacation with Mr. Greene’s mother, Mrs. Charles H. Greene; Miss Mary VanDyne, of Maderia School, Greenway, Va., who is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry VanDyne after a visit with her brother, Edward, who is studying journalism at Northwestern University; Jack Bloom, a student at Union College, who has been visiting at his home here.
Louis Wagner has purchased the John Handran house in Elmira Street, now occupied by Otto Sonnekalb. Mr. Sonnekalb and family will move into Mrs. Beardsley’s double house on Canton Street. (handwritten on article 1938)
Many Troy people listened with interest to Leon Moore as his voice came over the radio from the Elmira broadcasting station yesterday at 11:15. He sang Moonlight on the river, By the Fireside, the voice in the Old Village Choir, The Night will be Filled with Music, River Stay ‘way from my Door. (handwritten on article 1933)
Athens—Mrs. E. E. Coeyman, East Smithfield, is in a Petersburg, Va.,
hospital, with an injury to her knee, as a result of an auto accident near there
With her husband she was returning home from Florida where they spent the
winter. Their machine collided with a car driven by a Passaic, N.J. man.
(handwritten on article 1935)
Nine Truckloads Leave in One Evening for Newark and New York
Nine trucks left Kennett Square Sunday evening with about 16,000 baskets of
mushrooms for the Newark and New York Markets, this being a good shipment for
this time of year.
Most of Outstanding Events of 12-month Period Not of Cheering Nature; County
Enters New Year with Hopes of Better Days Ahead.
That there is any regret in Bradford County over the passing of 1932 is
exceedingly doubtful. A check-up of local happenings during the past 12 months
as revealed little to delight the residents of this section. Death, tragedy,
business reverses with their attendant unemployment, all have played their part
in making 1932 one of the most dismal years in this county’s history, with few,
if any, constructive events, recorded.
Bradford county may be said truthfully to have felt the full effects of the
national depression during the year 1932. In 1931, while other sections were
being hard hit through the collapse of commercial and industrial enterprise,
this county was buoyed up by the gas boom, and by unprecedented highway
construction. However, 1932 brought no such antidotes for this section’s ills.
The secondary highway program which was started in the preceding year, was
continued in 1932, it is true, and many miles of road were built. However, the
construction was on a far smaller scale than in 1931, and the work was so split
up in an effort to alleviate unemployment, that the entire program came to be
looked upon as a relief measure sponsored by the state—thus emphasizing the
country’s woes.
Industries which in former years had been maintained in various communities
of the county were forced to close during the past year, some being permanently
forced out of business, others being shut down perhaps temporarily. However, the
effect was the same—they offered no employment and hundreds of citizens were
forced to look elsewhere for their livelihood. The J. O. Frost Sons’ furniture
factory at Towanda was closed during the past 12 months. The Ingersoll-Rand
works of Athens offered little in the way of employment in 1932, while the
Lehigh shops at Sayre, due to the general breakdown of railways throughout the
nation, was operated on the slimmest of margins, employees getting the least
work that has been offered in years. The silk mills throughout the county, and
the box factories at Towanda and Canton were able to operate consistently,
however, throughout the year.
Farmers in Bradford County received record low prices for their milk in
1932. Their purchasing power was cut accordingly, and the merchants who depended
upon them for the bulk of their trade were hit hard.
Of course, there are individuals to whom the past 12 months have brought
happiness, prosperity and enjoyment. The year of 1932 to them will always be
recalled with delight because of personal reasons, but to the mass of people in
all walks of life 1932 will always be remembered with bitterness.
Aside from the unhappiness brought about by the depression, the various
communities of the county were thrust into grief through the death of loved
ones. In Towanda, especially, does it seem that 1932 was particularly cruel in
this respect. Among the residents of the county seat who died during the past 12
months were O. L. Smiley, Mrs. W. F. Dittrich, Mrs. John Meredith, Dr. D. J.
Lane, the Rev. J. L. Weaver, Jr., Miss Nellie A. Ronan, Dr. Frank J. Kingsley,
Grant Blasdell, L. D. Bartlett, Harold Homet, Charles J. Depue, Mrs. C. L.
Tracy, George S. Russell and his son Harold; Mrs. Edward Elliott, Mrs. Albert M.
Baker and numerous others. Some died of natural causes, others met death through
accident. All were very well known, however, and the year in which they died
will be to their friends always be recalled with sadness.
Aside from the “big story” of the year, which of course concerns the
depression and its attendant evils, a dozen events in this county have been
selected as outstanding for 1932. Nearly all them deal with tragedy. They have
been selected upon the following basis—because of the interest they created at
the time of their occurrence, because of the prominence of the principals
involved, because of the number of persons affected by their occurrence, and
because of the deep feeling their happening aroused. The list is as follows:
Asphyxiation of Doris and Leo Myers, East Athens children; blizzard of March
6 and 7 with 17 inches of snow, with another following March 28 with 16 inches
of snow; death of Dr. D. J. Lane, Rev. J. L. Weaver, Jr. and Harold M. Homet all
Towanda young men very prominent in the affairs of the community; toy factory
fire at Towanda; primary election in which Congressman Louis T. McFadden
defeated Mrs. Cornelia Bryce Pinchot for the second time; burning to death of
Bernice Jenney, seven-year-old Milan girl who was trapped in her blazing home;
death of Captain S. K. Evans of Sayre, well known police officer, following
emergency operation; death of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walters of Elmira in
automobile accident near Troy; accidental shooting of Robert Siloer of Wyalusing
in hunting accident near Lovelton.
Dec. 31—River reaches height of 23.30 feet at Towanda as heavy rains and mild
weather bring flood conditions. Traffic curtailed, families living in lowlands
forced to evacuate homes.
Additional deaths: Mrs. Ulysses G. Russell, Rome Twp; Mrs. Agnes Lunn, 70,
Athens; Percy Rolls, 52, Gillett; Mrs. D. F. Pomeroy, 69, Troy; Ernest M. Mason,
79, LeRoy; Mrs. Alice Perry, 84, Canton; Mrs. Lena Wolfe, 71, Weston; Victor V.
Vargason, 82, Towanda; Mrs. Helen Smith, 70, Towanda; John Waldron, 69, West
Burlington; Joseph B. Kerrick, 82, Athens; Armsby Stephens, 77, East Herrick;
Mrs. M. B. Loomis, Athens; Mrs. Ruth Ellen Hayden, Sayre; Joseph Hayes, 72,
Warren Center; Mrs. Emma Vanderpool, Norway Ridge; Mrs. S. R. Wickwire, 88,
Macedonia; Mrs. Margaret E. Perry, 59, East Troy;. Paul; Gorman, Towanda; Miss
Marie Wilson, 70, Canton; Harry Boyle, 53, Towanda; John Brennan, 75, Liberty
Corners; Mrs. Helen Wilcox, 84, Monroeton; Myron Briggs, 50, Sayre; Olyn J.
Hutchinson, 80, LeRaysville; George W. Henry, 70, West Burlington; Mrs. Matilda
Ellen Selleck, 70, Mountain Lake; William E. Lewis, 80, Powell; Mrs. Mary Ella
Mitchell, 80, East Smithfield; B. Franklin Zeller, 85, North Ghent; Mrs. Mary
Cobb, 86, LeRaysville; Liston Luther, 61, Monroeton; Dr. Clifton Doane, 43,
Troy; Mrs. Ada Clara Molyneaux of Towanda; William Porter Towanda; Mrs. Margaret
E. Powers, 76, Canton.
Among the better known Towandians to pass away during the past year were:
Mrs. B. Worth Jennings, Mrs. Thomas Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. William K. Breen,
Mrs. Thomas A. Meehan, George B. Winter, Harlow S. Webb, Mrs. Anna H. Meredith,
widow of James E. Meredith, Frank P. Welch, Mrs. Hanna P. Hoffman, Miss Margaret
Fleming, Miss Harriet Bessie Means, Miss Matilda Blight, Mrs. Edna Dickerson,
Jesse M. Scovell, Michael L. Fox, Mrs. John Burns, Maurice J. Allen, Mrs. Noble
Betts, Jr., Ralph V. Funk, Newman E. Benson, Miss Ione L’Amoureux, Charles M.
Bender, Mrs. Raymond West and son, Paul R. West, Dr. Charles S. Reed, William
Blend , James Carman, Mrs. S. A. VanGorder, T. L. Dickerson, Mrs. Anna Citlen,
James A. Scott, Mrs. William L. Woodin, Mrs. Mabel A. Bride, Harry Ellsworth,
George E. Rockwell, Mrs. Thomas A. Curran, Mrs. Frank J. Kingsley, John C.
Ingham, Esq., Daniel D. Webster, Victor V. Vargason, Mrs. Helen Smith, Paul
Gorman, William Potter, Sr.
June 11—Donald Fleming, 22, of Granville Township dies of brain injury,
sustained while at work on far, object striking him in head.
June 12—Mrs. Helen M. Kellogg of Athens observes 100th birthday.
June 14—St. Agnes High School of Towanda graduates a class of 11.
June 17—Harold Owen, 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Owen of Laurel
Hill, succumbs to injuries sustained when kicked in stomach by horse.
June 19—Jack E. Marshall, 28, of Wilmot killed when lightning strikes him
while he is working on Wyalusing bridge.
June 20—Mrs. Angevine Avery of Monroeton succumbs to injuries sustained when
squeezed between gate and post by horse at her farm.
June 21—Tony Roger Pleto of Sayre, third class aviation radio-man is
reported missing by the Navy.
June 23—Ford O’Dell, 42, South Waverly drowns in Chemung River near Tozer’s
June 24—Charles C. Codet, Sayre’s first police chief, dies at the age of 86.
June 28—Dr. Nelson Weinberger of Sayre, outstanding eye, ear, nose and
throat specialist and member of Packer Hospital staff, taken by death.
June 29—Samuel J. Brasted, prominent Mosherville Justice of the Peace,
passes away.
Other deaths: Mrs. Harry L. Norton, 71, Liberty Corners; William J.
Dickinson, 75, East Troy; Oscar H. Harden, 63, Towanda; William C. Park, 66,
South Waverly; Thomas L. Kinch, Troy Township; Mrs. Mary E. Haflett, 79,
Windfall; Fred Chaffee, 61, Black; Pearl Marie Williams, 19, Sayre; Mrs. Ellen
Chadwick Brownless, 90 of Herrickville; Mrs. William R. Madigan, 73, Overshot;
Charles A. Brown, 63, Myersburg; Frank B. Belles, 59, Wysox; Mrs. Elroy Runyan,
60, Warren Twp; Mrs. Charles S. Stevens, 71, Standing Stone; Mrs. Emily J.
Porter, 88, Columbia Cross Roads; Daniel Benjamin of Liberty Corners; John M.
Haverly, Overton; Leonard J. Slater, 78, Sayre; Ulysses Grant Baker, 60,
Wyalusing; Mrs. Carrie Archer Overton, 81, of Wyalusing; Mrs. George W. Shultz,
76, Weston; Walter Bancroft, 60, Mosherville; Mrs. Lovica Ackley, 89, Orwell;
Daniel O’Leary, 68, Athens RD 1; Fred Heverly of Browntown; Mrs. E. L. Haverly,
58, of Sayre; Edward P. Rockwell, 66, Sayre; Mrs. Fred Tuttle, 58 of Windham;
Mrs. John Burns, Towanda; Maurice J. Allen, 48, Towanda; Albert Segur, 35, Alba;
John Shires of Hornbrook; Mrs. W.L. Neigh, 73, Athens.
July 3—Mrs. Noble Betts, Jr., of Towanda, the former Jean Kenyon of
Monroeton, passes away.
July 5—Wesley S. Kimmich, retired Sayre business man, passes away at the age
of 74; Mrs. Harvey Cortright, prominent Sayre club woman, is taken.
July 6—Death summons Ralph V. Funk, 54, Towanda business man and former
minister at Alba.
July 12—Dr. Bruce E. Cobb of East Smithfield, aged 55, suffers fatal heart
attack; was well known veterinarian.
July 13—Newman E. Benson, aged 53, former sheriff of Bradford county,
suffers fatal heart attack at his home in Towanda.
July 24—C. Elgin Bennett, Laceyville garage man, suffers fatal injuries in
auto accident; George L. VanScoten, 89 and retired Athens business man, dies.
July 25—New Susquehanna river bridge at Wyalusing is dedicated, named
Wyalusing Rainbow Bridge; cost approximately half million dollars.
July 28—Clifford Houghten, 16, of Wilawana drowns in Chemung River.
Additional deaths: Mrs. Alice Gibbs VanNoy, 62, East Troy; Mrs. Amelia
Rosbach, Monroeton; Mrs. Jennie Doane, 76, Windham; James C. Evans, 73,
LeRaysville; Robert K. Evans, 73, West Burlington; Cecil L. Allen, 36, Athens;
Mrs. Eva M. Johnson Kellogg, William C. Schultz, 76, Terry Township; John A.
Keene, Standing Stone Township; Mrs. Arvilla E. Richar, 81, Sayre; Mrs. Amy
Johnson, Troy; Mrs. Cora Dunbar, Armenia Twp.; Miss Ione L’Amoreux, 81, Towanda;
Abraham Blodgett, 90, Gillett; Mrs. Anna Files, 82, Canton; Mrs. Elnora Morris,
85, Orwell; Mrs. Arthur Crandell, Milan RD; Mrs. Alice B. Russell, 73, Canton;
Harry Adelaide Fitzwater, 87, Canton RD; Samuel Demoski, 78, Sayre; Harry B.
Carey, 67, Sciotavale; William C. Schulze, 76, New Era; Fred Knauu, 73, North
Orwell; Reuben Squires, 84, Troy; Anna S. Barnes, 55.,Towanda; Mrs. Mary
Blackman Horton, 88, North Towanda; Mrs. Mary Demoski, 39, Athens; Ernest C.
Morrow, Athens; Mrs. Charies Frisbee, 62 of Windham Township; Alton Bailey, 37,
Troy; Mrs. Donald Green, 32, Athens; Mrs. Angie Brown, 57, East Towanda;
Ira P. Coons, 74, Canton; James A. Gleickler, 69, Grover; Lewis H. Davis, 62,
Ulster; William Bigler Harris, 66, Athens RD 1; Mrs. Mollie M. Davis, 72, East
Smithfield; Calvin Woodruff, 79, Fowler Hill; Mary McNamara of Cadis; Mrs.
Esther Ross of Ghent; Mrs. Anna Duffy Austin of Sayre; Guy A. Fuller, 72, of
Troy RD.
East Smithfield, July 12—Prof. C. P. Howland, one of East Smithfield’s most prominent men, died at his home here late Friday night. He had been ill but a short time and his passing came as a great shock to a host of friends and admirers throughout the county.
Prof. Howland known at one time as one of the county’s most active educators, had lived retired for some years past. However, he at one time was head of the schools here, being an instructor for a number of years as well as principal. Following the war he took a trip around the world and has often lectured on it since.
The funeral will be held in the Federated Church here Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock, with burial at Marion, Massachusetts. (handwritten on article 1936)
Canton, July7 – Mrs. Lulu Watson Gleason, well known in Canton, died while
returning from an auto ride to the Park Hotel in Williamsport on Sunday at 8
p.m. She was a native of North Bend and had resided in Williamsport for 17
years. She is survived by her husband, James Gleason, a former resident of
Canton. The funeral will be held at Wildwood Chapel in Williamsport, Wednesday
afternoon. (handwritten on article 1936)
Mrs. Mary Davison LeBras, sister of Harry Pomeroy Davison, and wife of the late Doctor Anatole LeBras, of Brittany and Paris, died in New York July seventh. Interment was in the Davison plot, Locust Valley, Long Island. (handwritten on article 1936)
Nelson A. Maynard of Troy, Pa., died at his home July 3, aged 93. He is
survived by three daughters, Mrs. Gordon Case, Mrs. LaCell Dickinson and Miss
Lucy Maynard; one son, Amasa; seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
The funeral was held at the home Monday, July 6, at 2 p.m.
![]() |
Word has been received in Troy of the death on Sunday, November 23d, of Mrs.
Annie Paine McCurdy of Clearfield, Pa., daughter of Mr. Seth W. Paine and
sister of Mrs. Mary Paine Sayles of Vineland, New Jersey, and of the late Dr.
Charles F. Paine.
Photo scanned by JMT from Paine - Pomeroy album found in dumpster in Troy PA [Fortunately rescued and loaned for scanning] |
Willis L. Smiley, 88, native of this section, died December 31st at his home in Alhambra, Calif. He was a brother of the late Charles Smiley and the late Mrs. William Weigester, Troy. He is survived by one son, Philip and a sister, Mrs. Dudley Channell both of California. The funeral was held in Alhambra and the burial will be at Maryville, Mo. in the spring. (handwritten on article 1936
Former Trojan, 72, died in her home in Miami, Florida at 3:45 Wednesday,
December 30th, after an illness of an hour and a half. Alice L. Qua
was the only child of the late Burdick H. and Susan Bradford Hobart, who
established a home in Troy in 1866. Mr. Hobart became a member of the
harness-making firm of Hobart & Porter, now Rockwell & Gallatin. Mrs. Qua was
twice married, her first husband being Charles Cosper, father of the late Harry
Cosper. She is survived by Mr. Qua and a grand-daughter Mary Alice Witters.
Funeral services were held in the W. H. Combs Funeral Home, Miami, on Thursday
at 1 p.m., Rev. Glenn James, White Temple church, officiating and burial was in
Woodlawn Park Cemetery, Miami. Of Mrs. Qua, “The Herald”, Miami, says:
“Mrs. Qua was one of the original settlers of Elmira Street, which now is
N.E. Sixty-eighth Street. The street was the site of a number of winter homes of
the New York residents. During the World War Mrs. Qua took an active part in Red
Cross work and was one of the charter members of the Lemon City Library. She
also was an accomplished musician and was a member of Grace Episcopal Church of
Elmira.” (handwritten on article 1936)
Colton E. Sturgis, Wetona native, died in Chicago last Wednesday, April 3d. The funeral was held from the Belmont Chapel there on Saturday April 6th. For many years he was watchman at the Pennsylvania Railroad crossing on East Main Street. Mr. Sturgis was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Sturgis, Wetona, and was known to many people in Western Bradford. He is survived by his wife and one sister Mrs. Nettie Harkness, Moravia, N.Y. (handwritten on article 1936)
Mrs. George Powers of Athens died yesterday morning after a short illness.
Besides her husband, she is survived by one son, Frederick N. Powers of Sayre;
two daughters, Mrs. B. R. May of Lancaster, Pa. and Miss Katherine at home; also
a sister Mrs. Bessie Wheeler of Valparaiso, Ind.
Ida May Longwell, 78, Rutland, died Wednesday, May 27th, in her home there. She was of an old and respected family of the Roseville section. (handwritten on article 1936)
Norman Hosley, a former resident of this place, died at his home near Chemung, N.Y. on Monday. He was brought here for burial on Wednesday. (handwritten on article 1936)
Mr. Walter Scott attended the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Lawrence Burley, Mansfield on Monday.
Where is the grave of Benjamin Franklin? Benjamin Franklin and his wife are both buried in the old cemetery of Christ Episcopal Church, Philadelphia.
February 7—Mercury falls to 15 degrees below zero here: Mrs. Samantha Lilley, 94, of LeRoy passes away.
Names not given - Mrs. Fred VanVeghten and Mrs. B. J. Parmenter were called to Lounsberry, N.Y., Monday by the serious condition of their sister, Mrs. Orrin Robbins. Mrs. Robbins died Tuesday morning. She had been an invalid for fifteen years, most of the time confined to her bed, but through all her suffering she was bright and cheerful. Besides her husband she is survived by one son and one daughter, both at home. Her girlhood was spent in this place, and she leaves the following brothers and sisters: Warren Gernert of Cleveland; William H. Gernert, Bowling Green, Ohio; and Harry Gernert, this place; Mrs. Milton Russell, East Smithfield; Mrs. Fred VanVeghten and Mrs. B. J. Parmenter, this place. The funeral will be held from her late home Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. William Jackson Merrill, the former Dorothy Ruggles, Towanda, died Tuesday evening in the Robert Packer Hospital , Sayre. Her husband, Dr. Merrill, died but a few weeks ago. She is survived by two sons, William J. and Brewster, and a brother Brewster A. Ruggles, widely known Towanda business man. The late Brewster A. Long was Mrs. Merrill’s grandfather. The funeral will be held at 3 p.m. Saturday from the Ruggles home in Towanda.
Funeral services were held at Kane Thursday for B. N. McCoy, 93, retired industrialist. Mr. McCoy established the first glass plant in Kane in 1891 and was well known through the East for his connection with the glass industry. He was a member of a group that established a glass plant at Blossburg in 1867 and later owned plants in Findlay, O., Covington, Mr. Jewett and Hazelhurst. He retired in 1909, when he sold his interest to the American Window Glass Company and the Consolidate had spent their entire life here. (handwritten on article 1936) (Her name not given)
HAVENS - Mrs. Ada Evelyn King, 77, died at her home near Westfield, June 8, 1936. Surviving are two sons James and Walter; a sister, Mrs. Julia Rolison, and a brother Byron Havens, both of Westfield. Funeral services were held at the home Thursday at 1:30 p.m., with burial in the Grange Jemison Cemetery.
Mrs. A. J. Sadler, Mrs. J. J. Handran, Miss Katherine Paine and Dr. M. B. Ballard were in Syracuse for the funeral on Monday of Miss Lena Sadler, a niece of the late A. J. Sadler and a former Trojan. (handwritten on article 1936)
Mrs. James H. Ruggles died at her home on Watkins Road, Horseheads, at 2
a.m. Sunday, June 16, 1935, following an extended illness. She was a member of
the Emanuel Episcopal Church in Elmira. She is survived by her husband; two sons
and a daughter by a former marriage, George Newell, New York City and Lester
Newell, Elmira; Mrs. Helen Sterner, Horseheads and a sister, Mrs. Hillis
Spalding, Troy. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at her late home
with the Rev. Louis E. Ward, Jamestown, officiating. The Rev. Ward was formerly
Pastor of the Emanuel Church. He was assisted by the Rev. W. Paul Thompson.
Burial was in Oak Hill Cemetery here.
The many friends of Miss Lena B. Sadler, of Syracuse, formerly of Troy, will
be saddened to hear of her death in that city at the home of her brother, Judge
John W. Sadler, last Saturday morning, August 29th, after many months of ill
health. A fine personality and much beloved by all her friends, she will be
sadly missed. Besides her brother, she leaves her mother, Mrs. Frances Blakesley
Sadler and her sister, Miss Nettie M. Sadler. The funeral services were held at
the home on Allen Street, on Monday August 31st, at 2:00 p.m. with burial in
beautiful Morningside Cemetery in Syracuse. (handwritten on article 1936)
Mrs. Asenath Shoemaker died in her Grover home. Among the survivors were Mrs. James Haxton and Charles Shoemaker, Granville Summit,
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hovey celebrated the 47th anniversary of their marriage entertaining an informal dinner party of 25. (handwritten on article 1936)
Mrs. Augusta M. Wagner died in her home at the corner of Center and High Streets. Mr. Lyman Porter died in his home in Springfield.
East Smithfield, died Saturday evening, October 10th, at her home following
a long illness. She is survived by five sons, William Kellogg, Thornton Kellogg,
Levi Kellogg, Clarence Kellogg and Amos Kellogg, all of East Smithfield; two
daughters, Mrs. Frank Dunbar, Big Pond and Mrs. William Grace, Elmira; 25
grandchildren and 24 great grandchildren. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon
at 2 o’clock in the East Smithfield Methodist Church, Rev. O. J. Steverson
officiating. Interment was in Tioga Point Cemetery at Athens. (handwritten on
article 1936)
Widow of the late Charles Joralemon, died at 6 o’clock Tuesday morning,
October 13th, in her home, 106 North Oleander Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida.
She was 73 years old. Her death occurred three weeks, to the day, from the death
of her husband. Mrs. Joralemon had been in poor health for some time. She was a
former resident of Troy and had lived in Daytona Beach for some 15 years. While
here she was a member of the Methodist Church and of Os-co-hu Chapter D.A.R. She
is survived by several nieces and nephews including Mrs. Gerald Transue, Roaring
Branch, Miss Winifred Mix, Renova, Mrs. Eugene Schleh, Williamsport and Lucius
and Chester Mix, Canton. The funeral was held from the Haigh & Brooks funeral
chapel, Daytona Beach, Thursday, October 15th at 3 p.m., Rev. William V.
Meredith officiating and interment was in Pinewood Cemetery there. (handwritten
on article 1936)
Canton, Nov. 15—While preparing to go Friday evening with other members of
the Beethoven Club to Alba for a musicale, Mrs. Jennie Biddle, wife of
Claude S. Biddle of Canton, suffered a fatal heart attack. She died in an
automobile on Union Street before she could be taken to her home. Mrs. Biddle’s
passing was very sudden. All of the Beethoven Club members were planning to go
to the home of Mrs. C. L. Leggett in Alba to entertain the members of the Troy
Music Club. Some of the women had gone, others were preparing to go. Mrs. Biddle
got in the car in which she was to make the trip and had just settled herself
for the ride when she suffered the attack. Mrs. Biddle was an active woman of
the Church of Christ and of the Beethoven Club, being very well known in local
music circles. At one time she taught in the schools here. Her survivors are her
husband, local clothing merchant; two daughters, Mrs. Randall Warne of Syracuse
and Laura a student at Syracuse; two sons, Donald of New York City and Phillip
of Canton; a sister Mrs. U. G. Palmer of Verona. The funeral will be held Monday
afternoon at 2 o’clock at the home. (handwritten on article 1936)
Charles Gray Thrush, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Thrush, Shippensburg, died November 3 in the Chambersburg Hospital from typhoid fever. He attended Shippensburg High School and completed his high school course at Staunton Military Academy, in Virginia, in 1930 and was graduated from Dickinson College last June. He was an outstanding athlete and a member of several fraternities. He was also a member of the Presbyterian Church. The funeral and interment were in Shippensburg. Mrs. Thrush is a former Trojan. She was Ethel Gray, a niece of Ira Parsons, Troy and the late Dr. E. J. Tracy. (handwritten on article 1936)
Dr. Joseph May, 34, of the famous Rochester, Minn, family of surgeons, was killed Monday when his car was struck by a train as he was returning from a hunting trip near Cochran, Wisconsin. His brother, Dr. Charles Mayo, was an interne for a time at the Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre.
Oldest Resident of Springfield Township; Funeral to Be Friday
Mrs. Cyria M. Burnham, the oldest resident of Springfield Township,
died at 3:30 p.m., Wednesday at the age of 90 years, six months. She is survived
by two sons, Arthur D. Burnham at home and Floyd J. of Milton, Pa.; two
grandsons in Elmira. The funeral will be Friday at 3 p.m. at the residence.
Burial will be in Grover Hill Cemetery located on the farm. The Rev. Paul
Rockwell will officiate. (handwritten on article 1938)
Former cashier of the Farmers National Bank, Canton, and Vice-President of
the First National Bank, Canton, died in the Corning City Hospital, Corning,
N.Y., Wednesday evening, July 6th, at the age of 62. He was a native of Canton,
a graduate of that high school, Blairstown Academy, Blairstown, N.J. and
Lafayette College. He was President of the Canton school board for many years,
prominent in Boy Scout circles and the breeding of Holstein-Friesian cattle and
was a member of the Lycoming and other clubs. He is survived by his wife and two
daughters; Mrs. Maynard Gurnsey, Corning, N.Y., and Mrs. Donald Benson,
Mansfield. The funeral was held from his late home at 3 p.m. Saturday and burial
was in the Main Street Cemetery.
Mrs. Metzger (given name is unreadable) was almost instantly killed about ten o’clock last Friday morning when a car, driven by her husband, got out of control and crashed, head-on, into the concrete underpass, just this side of Bulkhead. There were no eye witnesses to the accident. Mr. Metzger and a son, Walter, 13, were seriously injured and were taken to the Arnot Ogden Hospital, the former with a broken right thigh bone and possible internal injuries, the latter with a broken left leg, bruises and shock. Besides her husband and the son mentioned, Mrs. Metzger is also survived by two other sons, Dale Lee 3 and Glenn 10. Tracy Metzger is a brother of Mr. Metzger. The funeral was held from her late home at Beech Flats Monday at 2 p.m. and burial was in the cemetery there.
In the Williamsport Hospital very seriously burned is Edward R. Parke,
48, former Troy boy and son of Mrs. Albert T. Parke, Elmira, and the late Mr.
Parke. He is an employee of the Pennsylvania Railroad in Williamsport and lives
at 680 First Avenue. The accident occurred about 4:50 last Saturday afternoon on
the Montgomery Pike about 150 feet east of the point where the Sylvan Dell road
enters the main highway. The car skidded completely around on the wet concrete,
crashed over a 25 foot bank at the north side of the road, hit a tree and caught
fire. First on the scene were two passing motorists-William Doyle and George
Meyer, who broke the windshield and pulled Parke through it. His clothes were
blazing and he was rolled in a blanket until the flames were extinguished. State
Motor Patrolman J. E. Miller arrived about that time and took him to the
hospital, where it was found that he suffered second degree burns of the face
and second and third degree burns of the arms and legs. The condition of his
hands is said to be serious. It was at first thought that there might have been
another person in the car but investigation failed to find any trace of another
occupant. Mr. Parke is a graduate of Troy High School and lived here for many
years in the house now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Benson.
A resident of 30 Hillcrest Drive, Pelham Manor, N.Y., and an officer of the
New York Trust Company, New York City, died suddenly from a heart attack Monday
evening, April 25th. He was a son of the late Frederick W. and Josephine Bell
Hovey and was a brother of Mrs., H. K. Mitchell (nee Miss Ethel Bell Hovey). Mr.
Hovey was a native of Troy, a graduate of Troy High School in 1894 and went to
New York City in the summer of the same year at the behest of the late H. P.
Davison to enter the employ of the Liberty National Bank. He was connected with
that institution until it was merged with the New York Trust Company of which he
became Treasurer and Assistant Vice-President. Mr. Hovey was born on the site of
the present Mrs. Wilber H. Parsons home on September 12, 1876, and married Miss
Grace Owen, Elmira on February 19th, 1915. He was a member of the Pelham Country
club, Pelham Manor, and of the Bankers Club, New York City. He retained his
membership in the First Presbyterian Church of Troy throughout the years. Always
a quiet and home-loving man, he was preparing to retire and was building a home
near Danbury, Conn, at the time of his death.
Formerly of Troy, died at 3 a.m. Tuesday, April 12th in the Williamsport
Hospital, from burns received in an automobile accident there on Saturday
afternoon, April 2d. He was a graduate of Troy High School with the class of
1908 and finished Bucknell University in the course in Civil Engineering in
1912. He was a member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, Sunbury Lodge No.
713, F. and A.M., and was affiliated with the Covenant-Central Church,
Williamsport. Shortly after his graduation, he entered the employ of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company and remained with the Company until his death. He
would have been 47 years old n the 30th of May and is survived by his wife,
Caroline Housel Parke, Williamsport, his mother, Mrs. Albert T. Parke, Elmira
and a brother John Parke, Larchmont, N.Y. The funeral was held from his late
home at 680 First Avenue, Williamsport at 1 p.m. today and burial was in
Mrs. Kingsbury Pomeroy died in Wilkes-Barre, October 4th at the age of
ninety-one. Her illness, acute indigestion, was but of a few hours’
duration. Everything possible was done for her, but her advanced age was against
her recovery. Her friends in Wilkes Barre testify to her beautiful Christian
character. Her own pastor of the First Baptist Church had charge of the services
and spoke feelingly of her faith and hope. One who had known her long and
intimately writes: “She has been a valiant soldier and has now been promoted.
She has fought such a good fight for ninety-one years and has triumphed in the
All Troy business places will close between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. Friday during
the funeral of the late Mrs. James L. Batterson.
William Carpenter, a former resident of Laurel Hill, died at his home in Athens, Friday, May 16th. Funeral was held Monday. Burial in Tioga Point.
Mrs. Berdell Phillips, 63, of New Albany died at 2:45 p.m. Tuesday afternoon at the Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre where she has been a patient for some time.
Mahlon Parsons, 53, was found dead on Wednesday of last week in from of the home of Elmer Howell, on the Tioga-Mill Creek Road. By the body was a .22 calibre gun, partly covered with a handkerchief. The bullet had penetrated Parsons’ right hand and entered his face at the left of the nose. It is thought the gun, known to be defective, was being lowered to the ground when it was discharged and the coroner’s jury returned a verdict of accidental death.
Manley Gates Eighmey, a former resident of Elmira, died unexpectedly Monday Sept. 5, 1938, at Costa Mesa, Calif. He is survived by his wife, a daughter, Virginia; the mother Mrs. Laura Eighmey of Farmington, Pa.; an aunt, Mrs. Charles Root of Elmira. Mr. Eighmey left Elmira about 1913 and was engaged in conducting a bird and game farm at Costa Mesa. The funeral and burial was held at that place, Sept. 7.
Tunkhannock, May 3—Dr. Edward A. Carpser, aged 31, of Mehoopany, well
known Wyoming county doctor, died Monday night at 10 o’clock in the Wilkes-Barre
General Hospital following an illness of three days. His death was caused by
streptococcus infection from a boil on the nose. He was taken to the hospital
Monday afternoon in Greenwood’s ambulance but his condition became rapidly
worse. He was highly respect and deeply loved by the people of the county where
he practiced. He was a graduate of Troy High School, Temple University, and the
Philadelphia College of Osteopathy. He was a member of the Iota Pau Sigma
fraternity and was a trustee of the Mehoopany Baptist church.
Dr. Crapser is survived by his wife, the former Miss Pauline Titus, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Titus of Tunkhannock; and his parents Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick Crapser of Columbia Cross Roads.
Fatally Stricken While Attending Church
Mrs. Elsie E. Mottram of 7 Gary Street, 76, died Monday afternoon at
3:15 o’clock following a stroke suffered while attending holy communion at
Trinity Memorial Church in the morning. The body was removed to the
Cornell-Dibble home for funerals at 55 Main Street where the funeral will be
held Thursday.
Mrs. Mottram had not been in good health for years, according to friends,
but attended Holy Week communion at Trinity yesterday morning. She was observed
to slump in her seat, and it was found that she had suffered a stroke. She
received communion rites and was then taken in Ben L. Joggerst’s automobile,
accompanied by Miss Florence M. Hissey, Trinity secretary, to her home.
She was born in Franklin Forks in 1862, the daughter of William Maders, a
native of Scotland and of Bertha Ann Jacques Maders. She married Richard Mottram
Binghamton druggist, and had resided in Binghamton for the last 50 years. Mr.
Mottram died 15 years ago. She was one of the oldest members of Trinity Church.
She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Leonard M. Todd of Binghamton; a son
Floyd W. Mottram, of Binghamton; a granddaughter, Nancy C. Mottram and several
nieces and nephews. (handwritten on article April 12, 1938)
Wife of Damon C. Baker, died in her home on the Fall Brook Road, last
Saturday morning, October 1st, at 9:15 o’clock. She was a native of Troy
Township, the daughter of the late Eugene and Helen Palmer Linderman. Mrs. Baker
was twice married, her first husband being the late Herman Slingerland. She was
a charter member of Os-co-hu Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, and
a member of the First Presbyterian Church and took an active part in the work of
the church. She is survived by her husband. George Linderman is an uncle. The
funeral was held at 3 p.m. (rest of article is missing.)
Mrs. David Paine and David Paine, Jr. were in the Paine home here the first of the week enroute from a month on a farm near Streeter, Ill., to their home in Montclair, N.J. (handwritten on article 1937)
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark, Cazenovia, N.Y., a daughter, Barbara Anne, in a Plattsburg hospital. Mrs. Clark was Miss Barbara Morse, daughter of Rev. Edward P. Morse and the late Mrs. Morse. The birth of young Miss Barbara Clark gives Rev. Morse six children, six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. (handwritten on article 1937)
In Owego, Dec. 18 by Rev. Warren C. Taylor, Eugene Stanton and Miss Martha Marshall, both of Troy.
Claude W. DeWitt and Mrs. Edna Fuller, Elmira, were married at ten last Saturday evening in the Methodist parsonage by the Rev. Paul M. Brown. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Williams. They will reside in his pleasant home on the Roosevelt Highway. (handwritten on article 1938)
A variety shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Overacker, Elmira Street, last Saturday evening honored Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Overacker, Elmira. (handwritten on article 1938)
Gerald H. Sargeant and H. Mara Tracy of Springfield Township.
Clinton L. Woodward of Fox Township, Sullivan County and Lois E. Figart of
Donald E. Norconk of Binghamton and Regina Svaboda of Endicott
LeRoy W. Schweiger and Leona M. Barnhart both of Barton, N.Y.
Arthur E. Loomis of Elmira and Mildred M. Ames of Blossburg.
Announcements have been received here by relatives of the marriage of Marion Rexford Jones (a former East Troy boy) now of Denver, Colo., and Miss Naomi Grace Hunter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mason C. Hunter, also of Denver, on Sunday, December 27, 1936. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are on a trip to the Pacific Coast and on their return will reside in Denver. (handwritten on article 1936)
Troy, Dec. 25—Mr. and Mrs. Perry Rockwell celebrated their 50th
wedding anniversary Wednesday. Friends gathered during the day to congratulate
them. A picnic supper was enjoyed by all. During the evening their son, Rev.
Paul Rockwell, Erie, Pa., entertained with moving pictures in the home.
(handwritten on article 1936)
Mrs. Esther Schermerhorn of Troy announces the marriage of her daughter,
Florence, to Raymond Forney, of Antes Fort, Pa. (handwritten on article 1936)
A wedding of interest is that of Miss Gladys Jaquish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jaquish, Mansfield, R.D., to Mr. Erling Buus, proprietor of the Thompson Nursery Company, Mansfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. Knud Buus, Denmark. The ceremony was performed last Saturday.
Several people including Mr. Herbert D. Holcombe, Mrs. Harry Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Mitchell, Jr., Mrs. H. B. Van Dyne, Miss Frances Beaman, W. W. Beaman, Miss Mary L. Saltmarsh and other will attend next Tuesday, June 15th, the wedding in St. Andrews Episcopal church, Tioga, of Miss Elizabeth Mersereau Berry to Dr. Milo Fritz, Pelham, N.Y. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Berry, Tioga. Mrs. Berry is the former Miss Margaret Gregory, once a resident of Troy. Miss Margaret Berry will be maid of honor. Rev. Donald Means will read the service and there will be a reception at the home of the bride’s parents. (handwritten on article 1937)
Mrs. Augusta Gazin, former Trojan, and a sister of H. J. Pierce, died last Wednesday, June 22, at her home in Ilion, N.Y. She is survived by her husband Layfayette Gazin, and two daughters, Mrs. Edith Buckley, Athens and Mrs. Ora Stanton, Baltimore, Md. The body was brought to Troy on Saturday afternoon for burial in the family plot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Rev. H. T. Punchard officiating. (handwritten on article 1935)
Who was the former Miss Mary Ada Gernert, daughter of the late Walter
Budd and Harriet Havens Gernert, prominent Troy people of their day, died in her
home in Oil City, Pa.,. She had been in failing health for some time. Mrs.
Spalding was born here on November 15, 1882, was graduated from Troy High School
and was married to Mr. Spalding on June 6, 1906. In Oil City, she was a member
of the Presbyterian Church and numerous clubs. She is survived by Mr. Spalding
and one daughter, Virginia (Mrs. Harry F. Miller), Chicago, Illinois. Mrs. W. H.
Woodard (Anna Budd Gernert), Horseheads, N.Y. is a half sister. Funeral services
were held Wednesday at 3:30 from the home of Mr. Spalding’s sister, Mrs. D. F.
Rolison, Rev. Herbert T. Punchard officiating, and burial was in Oak Hill
Cemetery. (handwritten on article 1938)
For many years a resident of Troy and known throughout Bradford County as a
manufacturer of cigars, died in his home, 510 William Street, Elmira, Wednesday,
May 11th. He was about 68 years old. His cigar factory was for some years in the
rooms now occupied by John A. Bailey’s restaurant at 23 Canton Street. He had a
good bass voice when he was a resident here and sang with different quartets.
Mr. Ellenberger is survived by his wife, Nellie Ellenberger, a sister, Mrs. A.
L. Sisson, Binghamton, a brother, Robert also of Binghamton. Services were held
last Saturday at 11 o’clock from the Hughes Funeral Home, Elmira. Rev. L. Ernest
Otter, Riverside M. E. Church officiating and burial was in Chenango Cemetery,
Binghamton. (handwritten on article 1938)
Mrs. Florence Josephine Braund died at Cresson, Pa., Friday morning, Dec. 9, 1938. She was born Feb. 5, 1897 at Troy Township, Pa., the daughter of Wesley and Alice Van Horn Hanscom. She graduated from Troy High School in the class of 1916 and attended the Mansfield State Teachers College. She taught several terms of school in Western Bradford County. On March 6, 1923, she was married to Ward Braund. Two sons, Raymond, deceased and Elwood, and a daughter Janet Ellen were born to them. Mrs. Braund is survived by her husband and two children; two sisters Mrs. Esther Webler of Alba, (rest or article missing.
Miss Jennie Culp of Wellsburg died at 12:40 p.m. Tuesday, June 14, 1938, at the home of her niece, Mrs. Floyd Vaughn, in Wilawana, Pa. She leaves a sister, Miss Emma Culp of Wellsburg; a brother J. Thompson Culp of Miami, Fla.; a nephew John J. Culp and a nice Mrs. Vaughn of Wilawana. The body is in the Page Funeral Home, Wellsburg, where the funeral will be held Friday at 3:30 p.m. Revs. George K. Hamilton and George Burroughs. Mountain View Cemetery, Wellsburg. Kindly omit flowers.
Aged 55, of 507 South Keystone Avenue, Sayre, died early Sunday morning, May
15th, after a brief illness. Besides her husband, Lynn E., she is survived by
two daughters, Mrs. Edward Knolles, East Athens, and Mrs. Clifford Grant, Jr.
Waverly; two sons, Lee D. at home, and F. Kenneth, Sayre; one sister, Mrs. John
Rockwell, West Burlington; two grandchildren.
She was a member of the Sayre M. E. Church and its organizations; the church
choir and of the community choir.
Funeral services were held from her home Tuesday at 2:30. The Rev. E.
Lawrence Martin, pastor of the Sayre M. E. Church, officiated. Burial was in the
Tioga Point Cemetery. (handwritten on article 1938)
Married in Washington, D. C. on Sunday, the 25th of June, were the daughters of Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Clay Scurlock (nee Miss Mable Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, former Trojans), Miss Dorthea Constantia Scurlock became the bride of Mr. Jesse O. Dedmon, Jr., and Miss Mabel Eudora Scurlock became the bride of Mr. William Cleaver Lewis. Mr. Smith will be remembered as the colored barber, who was for many years in business here. (handwritten on article 1938)
Announcements have been received of the marriage in Yuma, Arizona, on Sunday
the third of January, of Miss Margaret Lois Chace, Los Angeles, California, to
Lieut. Eli Burton Parsons, son of Mrs. E. B. Parsons. Lieut. Parsons is
stationed on the U.S.S. Langley, San Diego, California.
Mrs. Frances E. Webb, formerly of Troy, now of 633 W. Water St., Elmira announces the engagement of her daughter, Sallie Marion to Merton David Cole, also of Elmira. The wedding will take place in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chase Hurlburt of Montclair, N.J. announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Virginia Louise Hurlburt to Mr. Philip Marshall Johnson. It was a church wedding on August 30th. The bride is a granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McCollum of Troy.
Solomon Ballard and Miss Edna Jones, Canton, were married last Thursday evening, April 7th, by Rev. Owen Barrett at East Smithfield. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. John Handran and Jeanette Ballard. Congratulations! (handwritten on article 1938)
Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Hallock of Huntington, L.I., announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Elizabeth Hallock, to Verne Myron Haight, son of Mr. and Mrs. Seward M. Haight of Troy, Pa. Mr. Haight is a theological student at Houghton College, Houghton, N.Y. where Miss Hallock also is attending.
Mrs. Mary L. Newell, formerly of Troy, and James H. Ruggles, Elmira were married
Announcement was made in Williamsport of the engagement of Miss Catharine Celeste Webb to Mr. John W. Twomey.
Miss Myrtle Adelaide Hill, Millerton, and Mr. Stanley Lewis Longwell, Rutland, were married Thursday evening December 23, in the Methodist Church, Canton, by Rev. L. A. Guiles. The bride wore a gown of royal blue velvet with veil and accessories to match and carried a bouquet of Talisman roses and baby’s breath. The bride, a graduate of Mansfield State Teachers College, has been teaching at Mosherville. The groom is a salesman for the International Harvester Company. Following a honeymoon through the Southern States, they will reside in Rutland.
Clarence R. Harkness, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harkness, Berrytown and Miss Gladys Geraldine Keeler, daughter of Mrs. Frank Wright, Milan, were married New Years Day morning at 12:20 in the Disciple parsonage, Elmira, by Rev. A. M. Laird.
The marriage of Miss Louise Denison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Denison
of Camp Hill, and Henry Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Graham, of Harrisburg,
took place at 8 o’clock June 8th at The Pines, the summer home of Mr. and Mrs.
Denison, in the presence of the two families and a few close friends. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev. Homer Snitcher, pastor of the Camp Hill
Presbyterian Church. The wedding music was played by the bride’s aunt, Mrs.
Catherine Newton, of Alderson, W. Va. The bride, who was given in marriage by
her father was gowned in a chiffon frock of navy blue made in princess lines
with touches of embroidered white organdy. Following the wedding supper Mr. and
Mrs. Graham left by motor for Atlantic city. Mrs. Graham is a graduate of Camp
Hill High, West Chester Teachers College, and of New York University, and is a
member of the Women’s University Club of this city. She is now employed as a
secretary in R. N. Hosler’s office in Payne-Shoemaker Building. Mr. Graham is a
graduate of Harrisburg High School and a student in University of Pennsylvania
Wharton School. His fraternity is Pi Delta Upsilon, of which he is secretary. He
is employed by the Bell Telephone Company. Mrs. Graham was guest of honor at a
bridge and shower party at the Stone House with Miss Harriet Williams and Miss
Henrietta Miller, the entertaining hostesses. Mrs. Harold McMillen and Miss
Marian Foberg also entertained at the latter’s home with a tea and linen shower
for Mrs. Graham.
Edward C. Weaver of Fillmore, N.Y., and Lillian Mae Bell of Alba.
The Ward twins turn 80
Geraldine (Jery) and Gerald, children of Merritt and Elizabeth Ward, graduated from Troy High School in 1939. Geraldine has spent her 63 years following graduation living in Elmira and Pine City, NY. She and her husband Clarence Messing have lived throughout their lives in a home they built on Dry Run Road, Pine City, NY. They had a daughter Cindy and a son Dann. Clarence was employed by Hardinge Brothers, Elmira, NY as a machinist for forty years. Geraldine was employed as a bookkeeper by Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. for 17 years; after that she collected school taxes for Elmira for over eight years. Jery has been an active bowler, golfer and deer hunter throughout her life. She bagged an eight point buck in 2000. She was inducted into the Elmira All Sports Hall of Fame in 1983. She and Clarence have been avid gardeners throughout their lives, raising vegetables and freezing them for consuming through the winter. They have continued to be active in retirement- gardening, playing golf, cards etc. and also enjoying their two grandchildren and one great grandson. Gerald was employed at the First National Bank of Troy until called into the Army in October 1942. He married Laura Putnam in 1942 and they had three daughters. Two are surviving. Following Gerald's release from the Army in 1945 Judge Evan S. Williams and Evan's father encouraged Gerald to go to Cornell University, Ithaca, NY to complete his college education. After checking various schools Gerald decided to attend the Cornell University Veterinary Clinic. After graduating in 1949 with his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine he decided to open a veterinary practice in Olean, NY. A year later the army recalled Gerald and he spent two years of duty at Fort Slocum, NY as a veterinary officer. From 1953 to 1966 Gerald was in veterinary practice in Olean, NY. From June 1966 until August 1968 he was at Cornell University College in a post-doctoral program. From October 1968 through June 1984 he was employed as a veterinary scientist and/or professor by the New York State Department of Health or the University of Maryland until his retirement July 1, 1984. Gerald was employed by the Department of Agriculture in meat inspection for six months in 1987. In retirement Gerald and his wife Jane had lived in Florida seven years and in New Bern, NC for ten years. We enjoy playing golf and traveling, etc. Jane and I and Jery and Clarence will attend a luncheon get together June 19th at Edgewood for our 63rd graduation class from Troy High School. Ed. Note: Jery adds a footnote: "We don't forget all the teachers and students that we had such great times with." (Thursday, June 13, 2002)
Timothy J. Slattery, 78, of Troy, PA died Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at Troy
Community Hospital. His wife, Marie Anna Slattery, predeceased him. Timothy is
survived by his son and daughter-in-law, Robert and Rae Slattery of Lake St.
Louis, MO; daughter and son-in-law, Patrica and Mark Connell of Troy, PA; and
grandsons, Michael, Ryan and Christopher Connell and Adam Slattery. It was
Timothy's request that there be no calling hours and a private funeral service
be held at the convenience of the family. Arrangements were entrusted to
the Olthof Funeral Home in Elmira, NY. Those wishing to make memorials may
direct them to Troy Community Hospital, 100 John St., Troy, PA 16947. (TGR,
Thursday, July 4, 2002)
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