The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery
Tri County Clippings- Page Ninety Five
Millerton Area Clippings obtained from Gertrude CRUM Strunk 


Once we had a little girl, but we haven’t any more.
In her place there is a lady with her skirt upon the floor.

Once we had a little girl who wore stockings to her knee.
Now, instead of girlish stockings, she is wearing hosiery.

Once we had a little girl. Hand in hand we’d walk about.
Now a dignified young woman takes my arm when we go out.

Once we had a little girl who’d just learned her A B C’s.
She is now sophisticated, reading novels, if you please.

Once we had a little girl and it wasn’t long ago.
Now we have a charming maiden who believes she has a beau.

Oh, these changes come so swiftly that the child you put to bed
May wake up a grownup lady with much wisdom in her head.

Copyright, 1935 by Edgar Guest 


Dr. Andrew Thomas Smith, for several years principal of the Mansfield State Normal School, died at his home in West Chester, Pa., February 8, where he had held the position of principal of the West Chester State Normal School for the past eight years. He had been ill since last October, and because of illness had resigned his position.

Following his resignation resolutions attesting Dr. Smith’s worth were adopted by the board of trustees, the faculty and the student body, and were published in the college paper.

Dr. Andrew Thomas Smith spent his boyhood days in and about Norristown, Pa., attending the public schools of that town, and later went to West Chester, where he was graduated from the State Normal School in 1883. He was president of his class, which contained 21 members, and also had prominent parts in the Commencement program. From there he went to Chester Springs Soldier’s Orphan School, where he remained a year and a half, the greater part of that time acting as principal.

Being called to West Chester, he taught fourteen years, and during nine years of that time was vice-principal. He filled the Chair of History of Education and Psychology and Methods. For half a year, in 1898-9, he was acting-principal while Dr. George Morris Phillips was in Europe.

In the summer of 1899 he was called to the principalship of the Mansfield State Normal School, where he remained fourteen years, going thence to Clarion to fill a similar position, but remaining only six months because he was summoned to Detroit to become principal of the Educational department of the Thomas Normal Training School, remaining there until 1916, when he returned to West Chester. On leaving Clarion he was asked to name his successor and did so, this indicating the confidence shown in him by the board of trustees.

All his life he has done much lecturing. Until recently he had gone on a tour every summer, speaking to large institutes, summer schools, and popular audiences. Some of these tours took him as far west as the Pacific coast. He held the degrees of M. A. from Lafayette College, and Ph. D. from the New York University.

Dr. Smith married Miss Elizabeth F. Ogden, of Cape May Court House, N.J. who survives him.

Nearly a thousand students in solemn mien filed past the bier of their former leader, who lay in state in the Phillips Memorial Library at the State College.

Assembling in the auditorium of the building the students walked up the main aisle to the stairway which leads to the lobby adjoining the private library on the second floor of the south wing of the building. Upon entering the library the students proceeded in single file along the right side of the room to the spot where the casket lay banked with ferns, at the east end of the library. Before the casket lay a beautiful blanket of rose, given by the faculty of the college in tribute to their former principal.

Dr. Smith was here over fourteen years, and was well liked by all. The students were fond of him although they sometimes thought he was strict. He had a free-hearted and genial nature, and unlike many teachers, he had the confidence of most of his pupils while here in Mansfield. He was a man of strict and intense integrity, and he lived a life that was above reproach.

Dr. Andrew Thomas Smith was truly a great man. 

 I have often thought, when sunset
Burned on the mountain-crest,
And its strange, unearthly glory
Kindled along the west.
In a vision of wonderful splendor,
That the gates of heaven were ajar
And thro’ them I caught faint glimpses
Of the land where our loved ones are.

Behold: But is it but fancy?
The sunset gates swing wide,
And I see thru their parted portals
The hills of the heaven side,
The hills that are crowned with sunshine
Of a day that never ends,
In a country where no grave is,
And no one mourns lost friends.

I fancy I catch thru the gateway,
A glimpse of the golden street,
And an echo of wonderful music,
Mystic, low, and sweet,
Comes on the winds of twilight,
From the country far away,
Where the dear remembered voices,
Sing in God’s choir today.

And see—but a shadow hides it—
I thought that I saw a hand
That beckoned me to come over
To the beautiful summer land.
Oh, love of mine, whom I miss so!
Are you there at the sunset gate,
That leads to home, soon or late?

The angels of dusk are closing
The gates to my longing eyes,
And no longer I see the city
On the hills of Paradise.
But love, like to soul, is deathless,
And some day—God know when—
I shall pass thru the sunset gateway
And find my own again. 


(This hymn is said to have been written by a 19-year –old servant girl. It was read to a large congregation by Dr. G. Campbell Morgan at one of his services last Summer at Westminster Chapel, London.

Lord of all pots and pans and things; since I’ve no time to be

A saint by doing lovely things, or watching late with Thee,

Or dreaming in the dawnlight, or storming heaven’s gates,

Make me a saint by getting meals, and washing up the plates.

Although I must have Martha’s hands, I have a Mary mind;

And when I black the boots and shoes, Thy sandals, Lord, I find.

I think of how they trod the earth, what time I scrub the floor;

Accept this meditation, Lord, I haven’t time for more.

Warm all the kitchen with Thy love, and light it with Thy peace;

Forgive me all my worrying, and make all grumbling cease.

Thou Who didst love to give men food, in room or by the sea,

Accept this service that I do—I do it unto Thee

M.K.H. in the Westminster Record 


By Edgar Guest

The world is filled with curious things,

As Ripley says: "Believe it or not!"

A snail that runs, a frog that sings,

And ice that keeps the kettle hot;

A chicken with a rabbit’s ears,

Upset the universal plan;

But stranger than all these appear

An arrogant, conceited man.

At freaks of nature jarred and glassed

On dusty laboratory shelves

I’ve stared the while the thought has passed;

Poor things, they could not help themselves!

Some slight mischance brought them about

When generation first began;

But harder this to figure out:

An arrogant, conceited man.

So much there is to learn and know,

So vast the world and man so small,

How can a mortal boastful grow

And act as if he know it all?

Whatever be his place of post,

Whatever curious freaks I scan,

This creature puzzles me the most:

An arrogant, conceited man.

Copyright, 1935 


Dr. and Mrs. Merton E. Seafuse of Pennsylvania Avenue, have issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Hazel Marie to George R. Hanselman, of Ithaca. The wedding will take place Wednesday morning, September 5, at 11 o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents.

Miss Seafuse is one of Elmira’s most popular young women. She is especially well known in musical circles, possessing unusual ability as a violinist and pianist. She is a graduate of Elmira College and Elmira College School of Music. During the past year, Miss Seafuse took graduate work at Cornell University where she received the Masters Degree. She is a member of the Epsilon Gamma Sorority.

Mr. Hanselman is a graduate of Cornell University where he received his M. E. Degree in 1922. At present, he holds a responsible position as a member of the faculty in the mathematics department in the College of Engineering at that university. He is a member of the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity. 


By James Edward Hungerford

(all rights reserved)

I’ve made "mistakes"—just the same as you;

The same "mistakes," that all mortals do;

Just little "mistakes," and big "mistakes"—

Bringing us little and big heartaches;

Bringing us sorrow and sighs and tears;

Some of them shadowing all our years;

Turning life’s song to a sad refrain—

Let’s try to FORGET them, and START AGAIN!

Let’s turn our thoughts to the FUTURE, friend,

And let the "past," with its sorrows, end;

Let’s turn our eyes to a brighter day,

And let the bitterness fade away;

I’ve made "mistakes"—just the same as you,

And millions of souls have made them too;

We’ve made "mistakes," like all mortal men—

Let’s try to FORGET them, and SMILE again!

Let’s turn away from the yesteryears,

And cease our sighing, and dry our tears;

"What’s done is done," and we can’t turn back—

Let’s bravely start down the future’s track,

And sternly strive to efface, erase

"Mistakes" we’ve made, and with smiling face

Do what we can to help OTHER men

Who’ve made "mistakes," to take HEART again! 


The marriage of Miss Lugene Earl and Donald Chamberlain took place Saturday, May 14, in the Austinville-Union Church. The Rev. Kenneth Marple officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Heater of Mansfield. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chamberlain of Mainesburg. Mrs. Susan Godoy of Mansfield was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Brenda Hilfiger of Mansfield, Cathy Lynn Earl of Sayre and Christine Earl of Waverly. Flower girl was Courtney Van Orden of Belfonte, Pa., and ring bearer was Troy Godoy of Mansfield. Serving as best man was Steve Antes of Mansfield. Ushers were Randy Heater and Todd Tice, both of Mansfield, and David Cunningham of Mainesburg. The reception was held at Tioga County Youth Center, Whitneyville. The couple graduated from Mansfield High School and is engaged in farming. The couple live at Mainesburg, RD 3. (handwritten on article 1983) 

 As our own poet Longfellow puts it,

"In the elder days of art,

Builders wrought with greatest care

Each minute and unseen part,

For the gods see everywhere."

"Let us do our work as well,

Both the unseen and the seen;

Make the house where gods may dwell

Beautiful, entire and clean." 


Honk, honk, Toot, Toot, Toot!

Let’s all toot for Institute.

The week the school ma’ams great and small,

The lean ones, fat ones, short and tall;

The young ones, old ones, those just in between,

The ones turning sixty, and those only seventeen;

The lazy one, the foxy ones, the ones always flying ‘round,

The thick heads, the bald heads, the ones with their heads all sound;

The ones badly wrinkled, whose faces are in a frown,

The ones always smiling, and the ones with their mouth drawn down;

The ones that are frigid, and so keep the kids afraid;

The ones that are sober, and so always cast a shade;

The ones that are human, with a great big loving heart,

The ones that are brilliant, because they are so awful smart.

The ones meek as Moses, that the kids don’t mind a bit,

And those pretty young things, that make such an awful hit.

They are heading with their satchels and their boxes all one way,

And when they come together, won’t they have lots to say?

They’ll fill all the houses up, and jostle folks on the street,

They’ll haunt candy counters and buy all that’s good to eat.

They are like a swarm of locusts, but folks needn’t be afraid,

For the Boro’s got all ready for the school ma’ams’ yearly raid.

Give ‘em goodbye and a send-off that will every last one suit.

Hip, hooray! Good luck you school ma’ams, for the teachers’ institute. 


Former Pastor of Hedding M. E. Church Writes of "Easter and Beyond," at His Home Now in China. Bishop F. T. Kenney of Foochow, China, formerly pastor of the Hedding Methodist Episcopal Church of this city, has written the following on Easter and Beyond, which will be read with keen interest by hundreds of his friends and admires in this city:

"Eater is an open window on the far side of the grave through which streams the splendor of an eternal day. Without it the grave forever would have been shrouded in the shadows of midnight blackness. But on that resurrection morning long ago a radiant presence illuminated its dark depths, as death gave place to life. "Christ had very little to say concerning death but very much to say concerning life. He for the most part was looking out toward the skyline far above the grave. His plans and program were too large to be shut in by seventy short years. Death is not a terminal of the life journey but only a way station at which the express train of the soul does not stop. The grave has no more control over life than the calendar hanging on the wall has over time. As the year progresses we tear off month after month from the calendar pad until we get the last leaf, but when December is torn off time does not stop. Time takes no account whatever of our calendars. The sun keeps on its course marking off the years without reference to the figures which we may write down on sheets of paper. The sun does not rise at a certain hour and minute in the morning because the almanac records a given time. The astronomers do not dictate terms to the planets; they are but pupils sitting at the feet of the heavenly bodies to learn God’s thoughts as revealed in the orderly movement of the stellar host. "Likewise the grave cannot dictate the terms of life or measure its bounds. No workman can cut a date on a block of marble or granite which declares that this date marks the end of a man’s life. Life takes as little note of dates and centuries as does the sun of last year’s almanac or as the birds take of their last year’s nest. Each spring for a time the nest is the center of the universe to the bird; ever thought centers in its architecture and its comfort; the highest point in the sky is directly overhead; the sun shines only to illuminate it; every breeze becomes a nurse maid to rock it. As long as life is there, no other spot can be compared with it. Every treasurer of the field or forest is brought thither; ever son centers about it; there contentment is. The down-lined nest is the center and circumference of every plan and hope. But one day the little birds take flight never to return. From that hour the next loses its grip. Life has gone out from it; and when the nest is robbed of the life that it has sheltered it becomes powerless longer to attract.

"Likewise this house of flesh in which we live is the center for a time of all our hopes and plans. It enshrines the heart-beat of affection and shelters for us earth’s most previous treasures. But the tenant is of vastly greater worth than the house. With the soul’s growth the tabernacle of clay becomes too small and one day, like the bird, the soul takes flight. From that hour the body is precious only for the memories that cling about it. The life that once made it beautiful has gone on and up into the larger spheres and more abundant activities of God’s eternities to which Christ, who is the way, the truth and the life has pioneered its upward course. It is ours to abandon the backward look, and with eyes uplifted to the eternal hills, press forward with a triumph song of Easter joy upon our lips." 


By Edgar Guest

"A dull and dreary day!" I said

As I was tumbling into bed.

And then in those few moments ere

Sleep came to close the mind to care

I though a small voice asked of me;

"Did you this morning’s sunrise see?

I wonder if by chance you heard

The lovely music of a bird,

A crimson cardinal on high

Who sang to you as you went by?

"Across the street with news to tell

There walked a man that you know well

Who tried his best to catch your eye,

But all unseen you passed him by.

So buried in yourself were you

And all the tasks you had to do

From dawn until the even-fall

No joyous sight can you recall.

And yet about you everywhere

Was much to balance toil and care.

"Had you but walked with eye-sight keen

A thousand charms you might have seen

Which never, as you journeyed on,

You stayed or turned to gaze upon.

Where’er you went today occurred

Much that you neither saw nor heard;

Scenes that had thrilled you through and through

Had you not been so wrapped in you.

Life offered flowers you failed to cull,

The day was bright, but you were dull.

Copyright, 1933 


By Edgar A. Guest

The going back is difficult. The little house of old

Has lost the charm which once it had when we were young and bold.

For strangers live across the street and strangers dwell next door,

And tough the road is much the same, our friends are there no more.

We loved it in our golden days, when all its paint was new,

But now we find that going back is difficult to do.

For wind and weather, time and grief have brought about a change,

And all the faces everywhere upon the street are strange.

Time was when happy mothers wheeled their babies up and down,

But now you’ll find the brides and grooms live not so close to town;

And all the countless joys we know, which proudly we recall,

Like us have moved away from there and cannot be found at all.

The going back is difficult. However many may yearn

To find the scenes of yesterday, he never can return;

For wind and weather, time and grief will take their toll in change,

And all the old familiar haunts are tramped by people strange.

Copyright, 1932 


By Edith L. Young

I’ve heard of a Father whose love never fails,

Whose heart is tender and kind;

I wish I might find Him and draw near His side;

I wonder if He would mind?

I’ve heard of a Friends of the weary and lost;

The name that they called Him by

Was Jesus, Who came to the earth and the Cross

For every sinner to die.

There’s no one to tell me the story again,

But since to my heart it came,

I’ve longed to know more of this wonderful Friend

Who has such a beautiful name.

Perhaps it was only one half that I heard,

Of tidings so new and sweet;

I wonder if ever another will come,

And make the story complete?

They say that He knows all the thoughts of our hears,

And sees us wherever we are;

That if we the Saviour will earnestly seek

He never is very far.

Sometimes when I’m lonely and thinking of Him,

It almost seems He is near,

And then I speak softly His name o’er and o’er,

As though I knew He would hear.

I wish I could know He is listening now,

I’d tell Him I heard some one say

He loves even poor little heathen girls,

And never will turn them away.

Perhaps He would lovingly whisper to me:

"The story you heard is true;

I love all the children, wherever they are,

And want them to love Me, too."

If now from this sin-darkened land I should call,

I’m sure He would hear my cry,

And make me His child if I ask Him to-day;

The best I can do is to try.

I’ll tell Him my longing to share in His love,

I know that He’ll understand,

And come to the heart that without Him is lost,

In the heathen’s cheerless land.

The Youth’s Counsellor 

 MEMORY OF THE NINETIES (the 1890s that is)

By Edgar Guest

Men used to drink in the nineties gay

When I was a youngster small,

But always the old horse knew the way

Back home to the barn and stall,

Then the neighborhood sot could drop the rein

On the dashboard at his feet

And Dobbin would canter him home again

While he snoozed on the buggy seat.

When the wine was red and the beer wore foam

‘Twas a common sight to see

The gray mare taking her master home

From a night of revelry.

She would jog along with a clickety-clack

With her sodden, senseless load

And even stop at the railroad track

For the old horse knew the road.

But times have changed and the foolish man

No more has a faithful friend.

Life has speeded up to a swifter plan,

Death lurks at each curve and bend

And the fool who climbs in a motor car

With a booze-befuddled brain

Has but to doze where the dangers are

And he doesn’t get home again.

So I pen this verse to the nineties gay,

Although drunkenness I condemn,

At least for the sots of old, I’ll say

They had horses to care for them.

They never killed children on the street,

When their brains began to roam

They could safely snooze on the buggy seat

And Dobbin would take them home.

Copyright, 1936 

 Along in November, when chill was the weather,

Two ballots were cast in a box together;

They nestled up close, like brother to brother,

You couldn’t tell one of the votes from the other.

They both were rum rotes,

And endorsed the license plan;

One was cast by a brewer;

And one by a Sunday School man.

The Sunday School man, no man could be truer,

Kept busy all summer, denouncing the brewer,

But the fever cooled off with the change of the weather,

And late in the autumn they voted together.

The Sunday School man had always been noted

For fighting saloons, except when he voted;

He piled up his prayers with a holy perfection,

Then knocked them all down on the day of election.

The foxy old brewer was cheerful and mellow;

Says he "I admire that Sunday School fellow;

He’s true to his church—to his party he’s truer;

He talks for the Lord, but he votes for the brewer." 


By Edgar Guest

He gathered wealth; he gathered fame,

But when to him a sorrow came

He found his shattered faith to mend

That what he needed was a friend.

The money which had served him well

Had not one soothing word to tell.

The fame for which his life was planned,

His grief seemed not to understand.

Within his purse the yellow gold

Seemed all indifferent and cold.

Despite the power his strength had gained,

Uncomforted his heart remained.

Then one who pitied and who knew

The anguish he was passing through

Remembered and returned to share

His bitter burden of despair.

Not gold nor fame nor all his power

Could serve him in his darkest hour.

All that could do him any good

Was one true friend who understood.

Copyright 1935 

Composed on the Death of


Who died Jan. 20, 1896.

Frankie now sleeps in the cold, cold grave

Where naught disturbs his rest.

Do not let your grief be bitter

For it was Christ’s hand and he knew best.

So young it seems so sad,

Just in his boyhood prime,

Could you not spare that bitter grief

Oh mighty hand of time?

How could you break a father’s heart

And take a mother’s joy?

Her heart is sad and lonely

Since you took her darling boy.

And two brother’s kind and faithful

Look up now as of old

And remember that dear Frankie

Is safe within the fold.

It seems so hard to part with him,

The load we think we cannot bear.

But he’s with loved ones in heaven,

He is waiting over there.

We will keep his grave wet with tears,

His image in our fond embrace;

We had him with us those few short years

But we cannot forget his face.

We will go at times where he slumbers,

To the place where he is laid,

And a little vine or blossom

We will plant on Frankie’s grave.

He will wait beside the river

Till the loved from earth can come.,

He will watch the lilies quiver

With the golden rays of the sun.

Meet me loved ones up in heaven,

There is room for all to dwell,

And there will be no death or parting,

This is Frankie’s last farewell.

Lucy Rosa

Troy, Bradford Co., Pa.

 In Memoriam of


Another dear one is taken,

Taken from the bonds of love.

He has gone to be with Jesus

In that home prepared above.

How we miss him, dear, dear Frankie,

He so young, so bright, so fair.

Here we have no more his presence

He has gone from earthly care.

In his home is grief and sorrow,

In his place a vacant seat,

But he has not gone forever

God has promised we shall meet.

He has gone to live with Jesus

And an angel’s crown doth wear,

But he has not gone forever,

He is waiting for us there. 


Sure, this world is full of trouble—

I ain’t said it ain’t.

Lord! I’ve had enough, an’ double

Reason for complaint.

Rain an’ storm have come to fret me,

Skies were often gray;

Thorns an’ branches have beset me

On the road—but say,

Ain’t it fine today?

What’s the use of always weepin’

Makin’ trouble last?

What’s the use of always keepin’

Thinkin’ of the past?

Each must have his tribulations,

Water with his wine;

Life, it ain’t no celebration;

Trouble? I’ve had mine—

But today is fine!

It’s today that I am livin’,

Not a month ago;

Havin’, losin’, talkin’, givin’,

As time wills it so;

Yesterday a cloud of sorrow

Fell across the way;

It may rain again tomorrow;--

It may rain—but say,--

Ain’t it fine today?

James Whitcomb Riley 


By Edgar Guest

He set them all to laughing with his nonsense and his fun

And all of there were sorry when his foolishness was done.

For troubles that had vanished when the jester took the floor

As soon as he departed came back to mind once more.

‘Tis strange what changes happen in the presence of a clown,

The heart that’s sad and lonely puts all its burdens down,

The man with doubt affrighted soon forgets to be afraid

And grief and heartache vanish when a comic’s on parade.

I watched him making merry, For an hour or two I’ll swear

The men and women round him had forgotten every care.

The eyes of all were twinkling with the glistening light of mirth.

And one swift gale of laughter swept all sorrows from the earth.

But when the jester left us, and the merriment was o’er

We picked our burdens up again and murmured as before,

And some remembered losses and some their griefs retold

And some went back to sighing over hurts and heartaches old.

Copyright 1932 


Hear de sleigh bells ringing,

De snow is falling fast

I’ve got dis mule in harness,

I’ve got him hitched at last,

So! Liza get your bonnet,

And come and take a seat;

Jest grab de boards your sitting on—

And cover up your feet.


Whoa! I tell you.

Whoa! I say.

Keep your seat Miss Liza Jane

And hold on to de sleigh.

Whoa! I tell you.

Whoa! I say.

Keep your seat Miss Liza Jane

And hold on to de sleigh.

Just watch dis mule a-climbing

For there ain’t half a load,

You find a mule dats roomy

You’ll give him all the road.

He won’t get scared at nothing

That he sees or hears,

But ("Liza help me hold dis mule

Or else he’ll get away.")

Watch dis mule a flying

Look out there! Let him sail,

Just watch his ears a flopping,

Just see him shake his tail.

We’re going down to "Parsons"

So Liza you keep cool,

I ain’t got time to kiss you now

I is busy wid dis mule.

Franklin County, Pa. A.M.B. 


S. C. Allen

Who of us know

The heartaches of the men we meet

Each day in passing on the busy street.

The woes and cares that press them.

Forebodings that distress them—

Who of us know?

Who of us think

Of how hot tears have chased the smiling cheek

Of some we meet, who would not dare to speak

The pangs they feel, the burdens that they bear,

Each hour that passes through the solemn year—

Who of us think?

Who of us care

To try and think and know their pain and grief.

And help to bring to breaking hears relief;

To help to bear the burdens of their care

By tender word, and loving look, and prayer—

Who of us care?

Christian Commonwealth 

 JUST FOLKS By Edgar Guest


A wife is one who lifts from chairs

The hat and coat her husband wears;

Who cleans the bathroom day by day

And puts his razor blades away.

She finds pajamas on the floor

And hangs them on the closet door.

She takes his shirts and studs and ties

And hides them right beneath his eyes

That, when he’s hunted near and far,

He’ll find them where they always are.

A wife is one who understands

The endless care a man demands.

Though fully grown, she comes to see,

That still in much child, is he.

He must be babied, petted, pleased,

And never criticized or teased.

He must be flattered and admired;

Be pitied when he’s ill or tired

And when he has an aching head

With tenderness be put to bed.

A wife is one by duty bound

To think her husband most profound.

If she with him would get along

She must pretend he’s never wrong.

However foolish he may be

With all he says she must agree

For once she points his follies out

For days the dear old thing will pout.

To every wife this praise is due;

Her’s is a job no man could do.

Copyright 1937 


By: Lena B. Ellingwood

Lesson III Sponge Cake

"I have another girl today,

Who’ll learn to cook with you.

I’m sure you’ll find it pleasanter

To have a class of two.

Said Auntie Gray to Doris, when

She came for lesson three.

"Her name is Bertha, and perhaps

She’ll stay and live with me."

The little girls shook hands and smiled

In shy but friendly way.

"I hope you’ll stay" said Doris, "so

Together we can play."

"We’ll start right now," said Auntie Gray,

" A lesson on sponge cake.

‘Tis simple, yet too many cooks

A failure of it make.

"One cup of sugar, three egg yolks,

Pinch salt—together stir.

One-half cup milk—one teaspoon

Any flavor you prefer.

"One teaspoon cream of tartar take,

Half-teaspoon soda, too,

With one and one-half cups of flour

Sift well—three times will do.

"Three egg-whites now you need to beat

Till stiff as stiff can be,

Mix everything together—beat

Til bubbles you can see!

"Grease well your tins, and fill half full

with golden sponge-cake dough.

Bake in an oven not too hot,

Nor yet extremely slow.

"It should be golden-brown when done,

All springy soft and light;

Watch carefully while baking, and

I’m sure ‘twill be all right.

"Your Mother’s coming, Doris, dear!

We’ll have some cake and tee

And show here what a famous cook

I’m teaching you to be. 

 Eugene L. Luckey

Eugene L. Luckey, 78, of 509 Balsam Street, for 41 years a salesman for the Singer Sewing Machine Company, died at 6:15 a.m. today. He is survived by five brothers, Frank, Charles and John of Troy, Pa., George of Mosherville, Pa., and William of Leolyn, Pa. The funeral will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at the home of a nephew, John Oldroyd, 519 Luce Street. The Rev. William V. Allen will officiate. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery. (handwritten on article Sept 8 1931) 


Bert D. Hyde, of Bradford, Pa., and Miss Manda M. Holton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Newman Holton, of Jobs Corners, Pa., were married at the Methodist Parsonage, Blossburg, September 12, 1933, by the Rev. Owen Barrett. Mrs. Hyde is a graduate of Millerton High School. They will reside at Bradford, Pa. 


By Dorothy Dix Porges

It never comes near Christmas but I think about the times

When we used to save our pennies and our nickels and our dimes,

And we bunched them all together—even little baby brother

Put in something toward the present that we always gave to Mother.

We began to talk about it very early in December—

‘Twas a very serious matter to us children, I remember—

and we used to whisper nightly our suggestions to each other.

For by nothing cheap and tawdry could we show our love for Mother.

Hers must be a gift of beauty, fit to symbolize her ways;

It must represent the sweetness and the love that marked her days;

It must be the best our money (all combined) had power to buy,

And be something that she longed for—nothing else could satisfy.

Then it mattered not the token, once the purchase had been made

It was smuggled home and hidden, and with other treasures laid;

And we placed this treasure proudly in her lap on Christmas Day,

And we smothered her with kisses, and we laughed here tears away.

So, it never comes near Christmas but I think about the times

When we used to save our pennies and our nickels and our dimes’

And the only folks I envy are the sisters and the brothers

Who still have the precious joy of buying presents for their mothers. 


Mrs. Margaret E. Sangster

You are face to face with trouble,

And the skies are murk and gray;

You hardly know which way to turn,

You are almost dazed, you say.

And at night you wake to wonder

What the next day’s news will bring;

Your pillow is brushed by phantom care,

With a grim and ghastly wing.

You are face to face with trouble;

A child has gone astray;

A ship is wrecked on the bitter sea;

There’s a note you cannot pay.

Your brave right hand is feeble,

Your sight is growing blind;

Perhaps a friend is stern and cold

Who was ever warm and kind.

You are face to face with trouble!

No wonder you cannot sleep;

But stay—and think of the promise;

The Lord will safely keep

And lead you out of the thicket,

And into the pasture land;

You have only to walk straight onward,

Holding the dear Lord’s hand.

Face to face with trouble;

And did you forget to look

As the dear old father taught you,

For help to the dear old Book?

You have heard the tempter whisper,

And you had no heart to pray;

And God was dropped from your scheme of life

For many and many a day.

Then face to face with trouble,

It is thus that He calls you back

From the land of dearth and famine,

To the land which has no lack.

You would not hear in the sunshine,

You hear in the midnight gloom;

Behold, His tapers kindle

Like stars in the quiet room.

Oh! Face to face with trouble,

Friend, I have often stood,

To learn that pain hath sweetness,

To know that God is good.

Arise and meet the daylight

Be strong, and do your best!

With an honest heart and a childlike faith

That God will do the rest.

Publisher Unknown 


By Edgar Guest

As nearly as I now recall

I’ve always done as people told me.

When I was but a youngster small

I had to wear what salesmen sold me.

My mother and my doting aunts

Called me a little harem-scarem;

And though I hated velvet pants,

Persistently they made me wear "em.

Plagued by the task of looking nice,

The sparks of rage began to smolder,

I’ll scorn the women folks’ advice

Some day, thought I, when I am older.

But as the years went speeding by

Their care of me no whit abated.

Merely to please the women, I

Kept right on wearing stuff I hated.

Then marriage came. At last it seemed

To please myself must now be lawful,

But Nellie look at me and screamed;

"Your taste is positively awful!

Let me pick out your hats and ties."

And though the urge was strong to seize her.

And stifle those incessant cries,

For 30 years I’ve dressed to please her.

I hope no longer to be free,

Man’s life is as the Lord has planned it.

Mothered by women he must be,

And now I think I understand it.

She’d hide his flaws at any price,

So great is her devotion to him.

She always wants him looking nice

When strangers, passing by, may view him.

Copyright, 1936) 


One part of me would give away

The trinkets, gathered day by day.

The other whispers: "Guard your shelf,

You’ll later need those things yourself."

One side of me says; "Let it go,

Such words are never worth a blow!"

The other cries: "Don’t stay so cool,

Fight, or the world will call you fool."

One says: ‘be kind"; one says, "be stern."

I’m puzzled oft which way to turn.

One says, "be fair"; one cries, "be strong!"

Nor can I tell which one is wrong.

Hearing what these two counselors say,

I walk the world from day to day,

Oft wondering if true greatness lies

In being meek or being wise.

Copyright, 1930 


By Edgar Guest

"A gift for you," my darling said,

"From Sis and Bess and Flo.

A present tied with ribbon red

Their love for you to show."

My strange surprise I can’t begin

Sufficiently to tell.

I opened the box and found within

A blue nightgown for Nell.

"I thought the gift was mine," said I,

When speech again began.

She answered: "It’s so hard to buy

A present for a man!

"The girls decided after all

That happier you’d be

If they should make their token small

A blue nightgown for me."

Had I the words of Shakespeare wise,

The genius of Shelley,

Some fitting tribute I’d devise

To that nightgown for Nellie.

I’d sing of lovely woman three

Who would a man delight

And bought for him a drapery

His wife could wear at night.

Oh, gifts with her I’ve shared before,

Since good friends oft must choose;

Handpainted barriers for the door

And things we both could use.

Grateful for years I’ve had to be

For cakes and Christmas jelly;

But now the girls have given to me

A blue nightgown for Nellie

Copyright 1933 


The marriage of Miss Beulah Elizabeth Hanna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanna of 463 West Second street and Charles M. Gould of Corning was solemnized Saturday evening at 8 o’clock at the parsonage of the First M. E. Church. The Rev. John Richards, pastor of the church, performed the ceremony. They were attended by Miss Ethel Hanna, sister of the bride, and Hiram B. Pritchard, Jr. The double ring service was used.The bride wore a navy and tan ensemble suit with a matching hat. Her flowers were Bride roses. Her attendant wore navy blue suit and a hat to match. She wore a corsage of sweet peas.Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride’s parents, covers being laid for 30. Tulips and daffodils centered the bride’s table at which 12 were seated.Mr. and Mrs. Gould left later in the evening by motor for their honeymoon. They will make their home in this city upon their return.


John J. Benson, 89, of 801 Grove Street, died unexpectedly of a heart seizure this morning at 11 o’clock. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Charles Hollenbeck of Elmira; a nephew, William H. Benson of Rochester. Mr. Benson had resided in Elmira since about 1882 and was highly respected. The remains repose in the Harrining funeral home. Funeral notice later. 


A pretty and attractive home wedding took place this afternoon at 1 o’clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Capwell, Wyalusing, Pa. when the former’s sister, Miss Ruth Anna Fanning, youngest daughter of Mrs. Clayton M. Fanning became the bride of William R. Kinkade of this city, youngest son of Mrs. Ella M. Kinkade, 407 Grove Street.

Miss Marguerite Coon of Burdette was the maid of honor. She wore a lovely gown of yellow crepe de chine. She carried a large bouquet of yellow and white Ophelia roses.

Claude L. Kinkade of this city, a brother of the bridegroom, was the best man. Little Miss Dorothy Kinkade, niece of the bridegroom, was flower girl. She was daintily dressed in white French organdie trimmed with a yellow sash. She wore a wreath of daisies and carried daisies and buttercups. Miss Ernestine Thorne of this city was the ring bearer.She also was dressed in white organdie and wore a wreath of daisies. She carried the ring in a bouquet of daisies and buttercups.

The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Luther J. Fanning. She wore a lovely gown of white Canton crepe trimmed with pearls. Her tulle veil was caught with orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of Bride roses arranged with a shower of white ribbon tulle.

The impressive ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. Roscoe Walker , pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Tunkhannock, Pa., in the presence of fifty friends and relatives of the contracting parties.

Preceding the ceremony, Miss Lillian Palmer of Athens, Pa., cousin of the bride, gave a musical program. Mrs. L. A. Terryberry, also cousin of the bride sand "Oh, Promise Me". To the strains of Wagner’s "Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin" the bridal party slowly moved to the bower which was banked with profusions of mountain ferns, baskets of daisies and yellow and white roses.

After the ceremony to the strains of Mendelssohn’s Wedding March the bridal couple proceeded to the dining room. At the bride’s table, which was centered with a huge bouquet of daisies and butttercups, covers were laid for eight.

Mr. and Mrs. Kinkade left immediately after the luncheon for a trip to Buffalo and a lake trip to Cleveland and other points on the lake.

The bride is a graduate of Cazenovia Seminary and for the past four years has been an employee of the American-LaFrance Fire Engine Company, this city. Mr. Kinkade, who was a recent clerk at the Hotel Rathbun, is now connected with the National Cash Register Company of this city. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kinkade have a large circle of friends who extend best wishes. They will be at home at 407 Grove Street after July 15. Out-of-town guests were present from Elmira, Binghamton, Tunkhannock, Monroeton, Towanda, Athens and Troy, Pa. 


At high noon today, the marriage of Miss Jane Lyle Seafuse, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Seafuse of 518 Fitch Street and Howard Palmer Garman, son of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Garman of Canisteo, was solemnized at the home of the bride’s parents. The Rev. Walter D. Cavert, pastor of the North Presbyterian Church, performed the ceremony in the presence of a number of guests. The couple had no attendants. Miss Jessie Andres, pianist, charmingly played the wedding music. The bride wore a becoming gown of white Canton crepe. Her flowers were Bride roses arranged in a corsage bouquet which she wore. Following the ceremony a wedding luncheon was served at the Brookside Inn to thirty guests. Covers were laid for ten at the bride’s table which was prettily centered with a huge bouquet of bachelor buttons and galardias.

A reception was held at the Seafuse home after the luncheon, the bride and bridegroom leaving later in the afternoon by motor for a two weeks’ trip through the Adirondacks and New England states. They will make their home in Canisteo, where Mr. Garman is manager of the Garman Motor Sales Company. The bride is a graduate of the Elmira schools and of Syracuse University, class of 1920. This year Mrs. Garman took graduate work at the university receiving a master’s degree in history. She is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa fraternity and also of Phi Kappa Phi Sorority.

Both have a wide circle of friends who will extend best wishes to them. The following from out of the city attended the wedding: Mr. and Mrs. George B. Garman, Miss Florence Garman, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Garman and Miss Alice Linderman, all of Canisteo; Miss Marjorie Garman of Rochester; Dr. and Mrs. H. O. Kingsley of Gillett, Pa., and Mrs. L. B. Harford of Waverly. (handwritten on article July 18, 1923) 

 Miss Minnie Owen, a retired Elmira school teacher, died Tuesday night at the family home, 1009 Pennsylvania Avenue. She was a member of the South Presbyterian Church. Surviving are one sister, Miss Jennie Owen; and a brother Thomas, both at home. The funeral was held in Westfield this afternoon with burial in that village. (handwritten on article Apr. 25, 1933) 

Famous Steuben County Murder Case Principal Flees From Guards This Morning While Working With Convict Gang at Auburn Prison Where He Was Sentenced, in 1920, to 20 Years to Life Imprisonment—Posses Search for Man Convicted of Murdering Farmer Near Hornby, N.Y.

Auburn, April 27—Jady Kelly, 35, serving a term of 20 years to life, for murder, escaped from Auburn Prison this morning and posses of guards are scouring the city in hopes of a quick capture. Kelly was working with a convict gang in the garden of the women’s prison under the eye of but one guard. No wall surrounds the garden and the man slipped from among his fellows, and vanished into the street before his action was noted.


Kelly was received from Steuben County April 20, 1920. His home is in Orange, N.Y., and he has a wife and child at Painted Post. He was dressed in prison clothes when he escaped and officers believe he had no outside assistance.

He is described as weighing 198 pounds, five feet 11 inches tall, has dark chestnut hair, light complexion and scars on both thumbs. He was suffering nervous and stomach troubles, prison physicians said.

The murder for which Jady Kelly was sentenced to Auburn Prison was committed on the morning of June 16, 1919. Harry Smith had been called from his bed by knocking at the front door of his little home near Hornby. He arose, went to the door and received a charge from a shotgun in the chest, it was brought out at the trial.


Mrs. Smith, one of the principal witnesses at the trial,claimed that she had followed, heard the shot and saw the outline of a man through the screen door. The first trial was held at Corning. The jury disagreed. The second was held at Hornell and Kelly was sentenced to 20 years to life imprisonment for the crime.

Kelly’s wife and three children are living in Corning, it was reported today. Mrs. Kelly, it is claimed, has not been in communication with her husband for three years.

Judge F. Nelson Sawyer presided at the second trial in Hornell and sentenced Kelly, in April, 1920. Attorney Thomas F. Rogers of Corning defended Kelly while E. S. Brown, now Steuben County Judge, was district attorney. (handwritten on article 1927) 

 The golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams was celebrated on Thanksgiving evening at the Jackson Center Church, which was beautifully decorated with palms and flowers and emblazoned with lights. It was a bower of beauty. Surrounded by their numerous relatives and friends who had come to felicitate and congratulate them, Mr. and Mrs. Adams came through the center aisle to the altar rail, where, in the presence of Rev. Clyde Rosecrans of Millerton they renewed their marriage vows. Mrs. Albert Miller dressed in the costume of 50 years ago, sang several solos. After the ceremony a nice luncheon was served in the dining hall after which all departed wishing the happy couple "at least fifty more years of happiness," or that they might at least live to celebrate their diamond anniversary. 


Watkins Glen, June 23—The marriage of Harold L. Greene of Trenton, N.J. and Dorothy May Gould of Beaver Dams, N.Y., was solemnized by the Rev. Harry C. Geckle., D.D., pastor of the First Baptist Church, Saturday. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Lynn R. Greene at Beaver Dams. They will reside at Trenton, N.J. 


Utica Press, December 16

Ezra Ripley, 86, former resident of Utica, and Civil War veteran, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Howard Clark, in Camden, Wednesday night. Mr. Ripley was born in Mansfield, Pa., February 5, 1841. October 14, 1861, he enlisted in Company B of the 101st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry and served until June 3, 1865, when he was mustered out at Annapolis, Md., as a corporal. His regiment served in the Army of the Potomac in the Peninsula campaign. He was taken prisoner at Plymouth, N. C. and was kept in Andersonville and Florence prisons for ten months. or over 30 years he lived within a mile of Elpis, near Camden, and was engaged in farming. Since October, 1899, he had lived in Utica, leaving for Camden two months ago. For ten years up to 1913 he operated the elevator in the Clarendon building. Mr. Ripley was a member of Post Bacon 53, G.A.R., and he also attended the meetings of the Oneida County Veterans’ Association. He was a member of the Free Methodist Church. January 1, 1868, he married Mary A. Will. Besides his daughter in Camden, he leaves three sons, Eugene R., of Madison; Roswell, Utica; and Homer, Taberg; two daughters, Mrs. G. M. Audas, Utica, and Mrs. Louis Webb, Newberg; two brothers, Roswell, Mansfield, Pa. and Philander, Pontiac, Michigan. (handwritten on article 1927) 


Jason Smith, formerly of Erin, died Friday at his home 56 George Street, Owego. He was a retired farmer. He is survived by his widow, who was formerly Gertrude B. Baker; two daughters, Mrs. Allie Decker, Owego; Mrs. Fred Parnussie, Erin; one son Hudson Dewey Smith, Erin; two brothers, Wayne Smith of Mansfield, Pa. and Victor Smith of Elmira. The funeral will be held at the home Monday at 2 p.m. The Rev. Mr. Meyers will officiate. Burial in Tioga Cemetery, Owego. (handwritten on article Feb. 10, 1933) 

 Mrs. Mary Jane Barrett, 65, of Painted Post, died Mon. Feb. 21, 1938. She was a daughter of A. W. and Anna Hendrickson Owen, and was born at East Canton, Pa., Nov. 30, 1872. Her marriage to the Rev. Seymour Barrett took place in Wellsburg Apr. 12, 1889, and she lived in Tioga, Pa. for many years before locating in Painted Post four years ago. Surviving are three sons, the Rev. Owen Barrett of East Smithfield, Pa.; Glenn S. Barrett of Columbia Cross Roads, Pa. and Melvin A. Barrett, Painted Post; three daughters, Mrs. B. W. McClelland of Columbia Cross Roads, Mrs. A. J. Dickinson of Elmira and Mrs. D. F. Wilson of Jackson Summit, Pa.; a brother George Owen of Penn Yan; a sister, Mrs. Alice Bird of Wellsburg; 16 grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Funeral in the family home at Painted Post, Wednesday afternoon. Burial in Troy, Pa. Cemetery. 
 A daughter was born Friday, June 17, 1938, at the Arnot-Ogden Hospital to Max and Hazel Carpenter Smith of 508 W. Hudson St. 

Mrs. Selina S. Rockwell, 86, of 370 Fulton Street, died Friday evening at 7 o’clock. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. J. D. Whitteger of Elmira; a son, M. E. Rockwell of Ithaca, and a brother G. W. Palmer of Mansfield, Pa.

The remains repose in the Wilson undertaking rooms, where the funeral will be held Monday at 11 a.m. The Rev. A. M. Laird will officiate. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery. (handwritten on article Oct. 1, 1926) 


Denver, Colo, May 22—Joe Maicewicz of Utica, N.Y. defeated Pat McGill, Irish heavy-weight wrestler here ,last night two falls out of three. McGill took the first fall in 32 minutes and Malcewicz the other two in 30:40 and 6 innings.

In a semi-final match Wayne (Big) Munn, former Nebraska collegian, won from Harold Cantowine, Iowa heavyweight, in straight falls. 


Hooray, Hooray, Hooray!

Bring your dinner and be gay,

For Roseville will have

An Old Home Day.

For this purpose a meeting was called in Longwell Hall, Rutland, Pa., Tuesday evening, July 31, 1923, and after discussion it was decided that in view of the fact that everyone had such a splendid time last year that another event similar to last year, but on a larger scale, should be "pulled of" this year on the same date as last year, August 16.

The following officers were elected:

President—Mrs. Roy James

Vice President—Mrs. Fred White

Secretary—Mrs. Orey E. Crippen

Assistant Secretary—Miss Bernice Williams

Treasurer—Miss M. Louise Hanyen

The following committees were appointed:

Advertising Committee—Orey E. Crippen, John McClelland, Roy Frost, Lewis Palmer Rexford Soper, and Herman Rose.

Grounds Committee—Harry Bond, Fred White, Mark McClure, William McClure, Frank Williams, Lewis Longwell, Hiram Sherman, John Benson, John Frost, Jonah Stout, and Melvin Doty.

Entertainment Committee—Roy James, John Wilcox, Fred Wilcox, Dee Watson and John Benson.

Mummers’ Parade Committee—Anna Niles, Belle Sweeley, Myrtle Doty.

Reception Committee—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams, Mr. and Mrs. John Frost, Mr. and Mrs. Mark McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos White, Dr. and Mrs. O. S. Nye and Mrs. Mary McClure.

Dinner Committee—Anna Rose, Susie Updyke, Anna Nash, Blanche White, Leda Wilcox, Lillian Longwell, Sally Longwell, Cora Sweeley, Lona Argetsinger, Grace Crippen, and Lillian Levey.

Sport Committee—Fred White, William Armstrong, Roy James, Fred Sweeley, E. R. Nash, Carl Webster, Augustus Crippen, M. V. Benson and George Kelley.

Prize Committee—Edith McClure, Edna White and Lillian Longwell.

Watch the papers for Particulars.

Mrs. Orey E. Crippen

Rutland, Pa. Secretary 


Towanda, Oct. 25—Five township men, Ray McClure, Hod Perry, Sam Barrett, John Perry and Frank Whittemore were arraigned before Justice of the Peace D. A. McNeal Friady on a charge of larceny. It is alleged that the quintet participated in the theft of 50 sheep from the farm of Harry Mitchell near Troy. The arrests were made Thursday by State Troopers Fred Everson and William Neiswinder. In justice’s court yesterday, the men were represented by Attorney David J. Fanning of Troy. Arraigned with the men was a 16-year-old boy named Rexford Moshier. A hearing was set for Oct. 28. Hod Perry was released under $500 bail while Mosier and Barrett were held under their own recognizance as witnesses. The other three, John Perry, Raymond McClure and Frank Whittemore were committed to the county jail. (handwritten on article 1930)

Frank E. Doolittle, retired Elmira business man, died Thursday after an illness of three years. Mr. Doolittle had been a semi-invalid since his serious injury in an automobile accident in Ithaca Nov. 7, 1935. For many years Dr. Doolittle in association with Mrs. Doolittle conducted dry goods stores on Water St. The business was established in 1885 on the present sit of the Merchants’ Branch, First National Bank & Trust Company, and later moved to the opposite side of the street. About 1910 Dr. Doolittle discontinued business and leased the location to Tepper Brothers, who occupied the store until a few years ago. Until incapacitated by injuries three years ago. Mr. Doolittle devoted his attention to his extensive real estate holdings which included both business and residential property. Among his holdings was the block on N. Main St. occupied by Burt’s Inc., Edgcomb’s and Montgomery Ward. Mr. Doolittle was a director of the Chemung Valley Savings and Loan Association until last spring. At the time of his retirement, he was the oldest member of the board of directors in point of service. At the turn of the century, Mr. Doolittle was prominently identified with Masonic activities. He was master of Ivy Lodge, F&AM,in 1885. As a member of Corning Consistory, Scottish Rite Masons, he was a member of several degree teams. He also held memberships in Elmira Chapter, RAM, and St. Omer’s Commandery, Knights Templars.


Words Repeated by Sheive on Hospital Bed Tend to Show His Passenger Held Dual Control in Fatal Accident.

"Let go of that stick, or we’ll crash! Let go! Let go!"

Critically injured in Sunday’s crash at the Hungerford Airfield in which William F. Schiefen was killed, Pilot Lawrence Shieve keeps moaning these words as he tosses in delirium on his bed at the Arnot-Ogden Hospital.

The words prompted by the airman’s subconscious mind,living over and over again the agonizing moment before the antiquated "Jenny" crashed, may have an important bearing in solving the cause of the accident.

Mr. Schiefen was riding in a plane for the first time. Pilot Sheive doubtless wanted to give him a mild thrill, instead of just a steady ride on an even keel, so he turned the plane into a vertical bank in order to wheel around and approach to field to land.

It is believed that Mr. Schiefen, frightened by the position of the plane and the apparent imminence of falling out, seized the first thing at hand, which was the stick near him in the dual control plane.

When one is greatly alarmed, the first thought is to grab something. This accounts for Mr. Schiefen’s death grip on the lever, the grip which put the plane out of the pilot’s control and quickly ended in the fatal crash.

Usually in dual control planes passengers are warned emphatically not to touch the stick whatever may happen. The stick near the passenger’s seat is removable by unscrewing it at the bottom in most such planes and can be taken out and eliminate the danger of interference.

A tail spin is a dizzy experience to a novice passenger, but ordinarily, without outside interference, a plane flying at a height of 1,000 feet will come out or can be brought out of a tail spin. Planes with a small tail are more likely to get into a tail spin than those with larger tails. Machines today are being made that cannot even be made to tail spin. They will swing in a wide circle but will not spin like the older type of plane. The explanation given above is not with any thought or intention of fixing blame in any way, but to show what probably happened during the fatal ride. (handwritten on article Sept. 18, 1927)

Waterman H. McIntyre, died Sunday noon at the home of his son, H. D. McIntyre, 604 Cypress Street, after an extended illness, aged eighty-five years. He was born in Daggett, Pa., and was the last of a family of nine children. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. W. H. Morse of Painted Post; his son, H. D. McIntyre, a grandson R. F. McIntyre of this city and a great granddaughter, Marian E. McIntyre of Bath. The decedent was a member of the Big Flats Lodge F&AM. Funeral service will be held at the home at 604 Cypress Street, Wednesday afternoon at 1 o’clock and will be private. Burial will be at Caton. (handwritten on article Feb. 8, 1925)


Jury Decides Against Many Contestants in Action which Occupied Four Weeks in Court at Corning.

The will of Aaron Johns, late of Corning, which was contested by several relatives, among them Mrs. Belle Spaulding, 1015 Lake Street and Mrs. Sarah Bump of 120 Garfield Street, Elmira Heights., has been sustained in a trial before Surrogate Judge Edwin C. Brown of Corning. The case occupied four weeks, the longest of its kind ever tried in Corning. Approximately 90 witnesses were sworn and there were between 300 and 400 exhibits. Mr. Johns died June 4, 1925 at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Della Satterly, wife of Fred Satterley of 117 Draper St., Sayre, Pa.

Several weeks before his death he deeded certain pieces of property to Mrs. Satterly and during the middle of May he made his will, making the daughter the sole beneficiary. Justice of the Peace Willis J. Masters of Erwin, now deceased, drew the will and William McCarthy of Caton, was named executor. The estate is estimated at approximately $20,000. Eight other sons and daughter contested the will on the grounds that at the time Mr. Johns made the will he was of unsound mind and that the will was procured by fraud and that undue influence was used.

The contestants were :Jesse D. Johns of Painted Post; Clarence H. Johns of Waverly, RD1; Mrs. Sarah Bump of 120 Garfield Street, Elmira Heights; Warren E. Johns of 60 Mary Street Binghamton; Mrs. Belle Spaulding of Elmira; Carrie L. Rose of Painted Post; Mrs. Mary A. Bush of Corning and Mrs. William Williams of Cleveland, O.

Age 65, of Mainesburg, Pa., RD1, Saturday, July 23, 1983 at Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hospital, Wellsboro. Friends are invited to call at the Kuhl funeral home in Mansfield Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral there Tuesday at 11 a.m., Rev. Edwin Green, Pastor of Mainesburg Methodist Church, officiating. Burial in Mainesburg Cemetery.

Mrs. Lillian COREY Blodgette, (SRGP 78672) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Corey of Mainesburg, and Philip Isaacs, son of Samuel Isaacs of Alba, Pa., were united in marriage, Tuesday afternoon in Campbell, N.Y. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hugenors, Rev. Keller of Campbell performed the ceremony. Miss Ellen Isaacs and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hugenor were the attendants. They will be at home in Alba after May 21.


Keyport, N.J.—A flash of lightning as she lay in bed reverently uttering her prayers was credited today by Miss Adeline Slover, 40, with restoring to her the use of limbs she said were crippled for 15 years.

"It was a miracle sent from heaven," she exclaimed as she demonstrated to friends that she could walk unassisted, the first time, she said, since she suffered an attack of arthritis when she was 25 years old.

"I was saying the Lord’s Prayer in bed Friday night," she explained, "when a bolt of lightning seemed to strike outside my window. It flashed before my face and I fell back stunned. Then I began to shake all over."

Soon she "had a feeling" in her arms and legs, she said, and the next morning found she could move them. Until that time, she declared, her arms had been useless and her legs so crippled that she spent most of her time in bed and could not walk without the aid of several persons.

"I felt strength surgeon into my arms and legs ever since Saturday", she said, "and Tuesday I decided to try to walk alone." She smiled happily. "I showed my neighbors that I could and they were amazed."

Miss Slover said she had been treated by a number of physicians and had tried "everything suggested" to her to effect a cure, but did not improve.

"Then I began to pray each day that I would get well.’ She said. "And now my prayer has been answered."



Pennsylvania Fireman Wins in Highest Court, Which Approves Judgment of More Than $50,000—Jury Gave Verdict for $77,000.

The Court of appeals has upheld the case of the plaintiff, Edsal E. Hammond of Connelly Avenue, against the Pennsylvania Railroad, in which the former fireman is granted a sum aggregating more than $50,000 for injuries received while in the employ of the railroad.

The case was one of the most important negligence cases tried by Elmira attorneys in years and resulted in the largest verdict ever given in a similar action. Attorneys Mortimer L. Sullivan and Levi Ginsburg appeared for the plaintiff and Alexander S. Diven for the railroad.

Mr. Hammond was given a verdict of $47,000 in the first trial. This verdict was reversed for errors of law and on the second trial a verdict of $77,000 was obtained. The attorneys stipulated to reduce the verdict to $47.,000, less costs, but the case was carried by the railroad to the Court of Appeals which upheld the plaintiff’s case for $47,000, with interest and costs, bringing to total to more than $77,000.

Mr. Hammond was injured by a blow from a car while he was looking out of a cab window. He suffered a broken neck and other severe injuries.


Sayre, April 14—The executive committee of the Board of Trustees of the Robert Packer Hospital met Wednesday. The report for the month of March showed 463 patients admitted during that period, while 370 new dispensary patients were treated. There were 165 patients in the hospital on March and 179 on March 31. The matter of proposing a plan for financing the proposed new clinic and dispensary building did not come up today, but it is still being formulated and will be announced later.

The marriage of Miss Alice Jane BREWER (SRGP 19523) of Mosherville and Edson E. Rynearson of Gillett was solemnized Friday morning in the Baptist parsonage in Pine City. The Rev. G. G. Burroughs performed the ceremony. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Rexford Smith of Millerton (handwritten on article Dec. 23, 1931)


Mrs. Elsie L. Lyon, 212 South Main Street and Sam B. Allen of Pine City were married Thursday evening at the M. E. parsonage at Webb Mills by the Rev. Emil A. Premru. Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. George Bryan of Pine City. After Aug. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Allen will be at home at Spring Brook Farm, Pine City.

Towanda—Mrs. Howard L. Bailey, wife of Bradford County’s sheriff, died Monday evening at a Sayre hospital where she underwent an operation two weeks ago. Born in North Towanda 47 years ago, she had spent most of her life in Burlington until her removal to Towanda in 1932 when Mr. Bailey became sheriff. Thirteen years ago Mrs. Bailey became matron of the county home at Burlington, her husband at the same time becoming superintendent of the institution. She was a life-long member of the Methodist Church and a member of the Ladies Aid Society. She is survived by her husband and one daughter Louise, at home; five sisters, Mrs. Homer Davis of Milan, Mrs. J. T. Elwood of Andes, N.Y., Mrs. Charles Wheeler of North Towanda, Mrs. W. J. Manning and Mrs. Edward Quinn of Buffalo, N.Y.; and two brothers, Francis Simons of Smithfield Township and Clarence Simons of North Towanda. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. 

Millertown Items.
To the Editor of the Agitator:  The dwelling house of Ellen Searles, of Daggett’s Mills, burned down to-day (Thursday.)  It is said that the loss was considerable, though the exact amount is not yet determined.  The fire caught in the roof.  This accident is the more serious as there was no insurance either upon the building or goods.

Oliver Hamilton has moved his steam sawmill, including planer, lath mill &c., to Millertown.  It will be put up and in running order by the first of April.  There is already quite a large stock of logs on the ground waiting for the whistle to sound.
Millertown is growing and there is some talk of incorporating.
Millertown, Feb. 18, 1875

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