The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery
Tri County Clippings- Page Eighty Eight

Millerton Area Clippings obtained from Gertrude CRUM Strunk


Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Hemly of South Corning announce the marriage of their daughter, Dorothy Agnes, to W. Glenn Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Smith of Gillett. The marriage took place at the home of the bridegroom’s brother in Binghamton Saturday evening, the Rev. Joseph Smith, pastor of the First Methodist Church performing the ceremony. The bride wore a gown of tea rose and brown with matching accessories. Her corsage was of roses and lily of the valley. Mrs. Elsie Smith, matron of honor, wore an ensemble of green and brown. Clifton Smith of Binghamton, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Mrs. Smith has attended Northside High School and Corning Free Academy. Mr. Smith is a graduate of Millerton High School and has attended Elmira Business Institute. The couple will make their home in Gillett where Mr. Smith is employed. 


Jackson Center—Charles H. Johnson of Jackson Center, Pa., died at his home Jan. 1, 1935, after a lingering illness. He was born in Rutland Township, Nov. 2, 1851. Surviving are his wife, Lillie C. Smith, and two sons, A. Ford, and C. Paul. Funeral arrangements later. 


Wellsboro—John R. Grubham and Effie L. Knickerbocker of East Smithfield, Pa., were married in Wellsboro, Friday , Nov. 23, by Peace Justice Andrew Yoggy. They were attended by Mrs. Catherine Doughty of Roseville. 


Miss M. Helen Rosekrans, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Rosekrans of Millerton, became the bride of Herman A. Messing, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Messing of Millerton, Sunday morning at the Methodist Church of Millerton. The ceremony was performed by the bride’s father, pastor of the church. She was given in marriage by her grandfather, Merritt Rosekrans. The double ring service was used. The bride was dressed in a floor length gown of powder blue lace with matching hat and accessories. She carried a bouquet of Talisman roses. Her only attendant, Miss Rachel Rudolph of Burdett, N.Y., wore a gown of pink taffeta with tan hat and accessories, and carried Johannah roses. Charles Messing of Millerton was best man. Mr. Messing is a graduate of the Millerton schools and Elmira Business Institute. For the past eight years he has been associated with the Wyckoff Wood Pipe Company of Elmira. (handwritten on article Apr 19 1936) 


Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stone of 218 South Avenue announce the engagement of their daughter, Velma Mae, of Brooklyn, to Benny Manna, son of Mrs. Joseph Manna of Brooklyn. The marriage will take place in June. (handwritten on article May 21 1936) 

Mrs. W. Glenn Smith of Gillett before her marriage Saturday was Miss Dorothy Agnes Hemly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Hemly of South Corning. 

Fred C. White of 209 W. Henry Street, arrested Wednesday upon complaint of W. W. Allen cashier of the Mansfield Bank, on the charge of obtaining a credit of $8,800 on the strength of a false statement of assets and liabilities, was released Thursday by Judge Newman under $500 bond, pending the withdrawal of the complaint in Pennsylvania by Mr. Allen.

It appeared that the Mansfield Bank had released Mr. White from all liability in April, 1926. When Mr. Allen appeared in Elmira Thursday he was served with a summons in a suit instituted by Mr. White for false arrest and malicious prosecution. After a conference between Gardner and Moseson, attorneys for Mr. White and Mr, Teeter of Mandeville and Personius, attorneys for the Mansfield Bank, the bank agreed to withdraw the complaint and Mr. White agreed to drop his suit. (handwritten on article Nov 11, 1927) 


Mrs. Louise Monroe Allen, R. D. 1, Gillett, was killed Sunday in an automobile accident a short distance west of Erie, Pa. Details of the fatality were not available here today. The girl was enroute to Toledo, Ohio, at the time. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Freda Judson; two brothers, Daniel and Thomas; and a niece, Dorothy Slawson. The others escaped with minor injuries and are receiving treatment in an Ohio hospital. Mrs. Allen lived with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Monroe, between Bentley Creek and Gillett, Pa. The body will be brought to the Soper and Mosher funeral home, Troy, Pa. (handwritten on article May 31 1931) 


Dr. Claude Taber of West Water Street and Miss Carol Eighmey of Daggett were united in marriage at high noon today at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Eighmey of Daggett. The maid of honor was Miss Ada Maude Eighmey, sister of the bride, and a brother of Doctor Taber, acted as best man.

Doctor Taber, who was graduated from Buffalo University, is associated with Dr. L. A. Roth, dentist in this city. The bride, a graduate of Mansfield State Teachers’ College, is a member of the Millerton High School faculty. (handwritten on article July 15, 1933) 

The former Miss Hazel V. McDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. McDonald, 954 Charles Street, who announce her marriage on Mar. 3 in Pine City to Harold G. Sheive of this city. They will reside at 954 Charles Street. (handwritten on article 1934) 
J. Irving Lawler, 813 Holdridge Street, died at 4 p.m. Wednesday, June 10, 1936. He is survived by his wife; one son, G. Lawrence Lawler, Waverly; five sisters, Mrs. Frank S. Lovell, Chemung; Mrs. Smith Halstead, Centerville; Mrs. Hovey Doty, Binghamton; Miss Anna Lawler, Ten Eyck, N.J. and Mrs. Earl Van Gorder of Chemung; one brother Purley Lawler of Horseheads and one grandson. Mr. Lawler was manager of the Grand Union grocery at Baty Street and Broadway. He was a member of the United Commercial Travelers and of the Church of Redeemer, Sayre, Pa. The body is at the Page funeral home, Park Place. It will be taken to the family home late this afternoon where a private prayer service will be held Friday at 3 p.m. The funeral will be held in Emmanual Episcopal Church, Elmira, at 3:30 p.m., the Rev. W. Paul Thompson officiating. Burial will be in Tioga Point Cemetery, Athens. Pa. 

Mrs. Theresa Johns died Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Mary Johns, on St. James Street. A prayer service will be held at the home Thursday morning at 11 o’clock; interment in Williamsport, with services at Wildwood Chapel at 2:30 p.m., Reverend John H. Stanton, pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiating. She is survived by a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Mary Johns, and five grandchildren, Theresa, Robert, Winthrop, Wilbur and Eleanor Johns. (handwritten on article Sept. 20, 1927)


Mrs. Theresa Johns died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary W. Johns in Mansfield, Pa., Tuesday morning, aged 83 years. Besides her daughter she is survived by five grandchildren, Theresa, Eleanor, Wilbur, Winthrop and Robert. A prayer service will be held in the Wildwood Chapel in Williamsport, Pa., Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. The Rev. John H. Stanton of the Mansfield Presbyterian Church will officiate. Burial will be in the Wildwood Cemetery at Williamsport. (handwritten on article Sept 20 1927) 


Mrs. Harriett Osborne Morrell of 626 Pennsylvania Avenue, died Monday at 11:45 a.m., after an extended illness. She is survived by her husband, Frank B. Morrell at home; a son Edward of West Palm Beach, Fla.; three sisters, Mrs. Forest Corbin and Mrs. Ernest Tomlinson of Elmira; Mrs. W. J. Perrin of Harrisburg, Pa.; two brothers Roy and Erliss Osborne of Elmira. Mrs. Morrell was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Pine City. The remains repose in the Wilson Funeral Home and this evening will be removed to the family home. The funeral will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. The Rev. C. G. McConnell will officiate. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery. (handwritten on article Apr 14, 1927) 


Jackson Summit—James Hopkins, about 89, who had been residing near Watkins Glen, dropped dead while running to catch a train here at 10 a.m. Thursday. A former Jackson Summit resident, Mr. Hopkins had been in town to look after property. He was apparently in good health and spent Wednesday evening and Thursday morning visiting with friends. 


Lewis H. Wilbur, 52, for many years one of Elmira’s best known grocerymen, died at the family residence, 531 West First Street, late Tuesday night, following a brief illness. Mr. Wilbur had been in the grocery business since 1912, his store being located at the corner of West First and Grove Streets. He was highly respected. Mr. Wilbur was a member of Union Lodge, F. & A.M.; Cashmere Grotto and Corning Consistory, Scottish Rite Masons. He was a communicant of Trinity Episcopal Church. Mr. Wilbur is survived by his widow; a brother, William M. Wilbur of Elmira; an uncle Henry Rulison of Corbettsville, N.Y. The funeral will be held at the family home Friday at 3 p.m. The Rev. H. E. Hubbard will officiate. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery with the committal service conducted by Union Lodge, F. & A.M. (handwritten on article Sept 20 1927) 


Union Lodge, F. & A. M. Members will assemble at the Masonic Temple Friday at 2:30 p.m. to proceed to Woodlawn Cemetery, and conduct the committal service of our late brother, Lewis Wilbur. Members of Ivy and Cooley Lodges, and sojourning craftsmen, are invited.




Mrs. Sarah A. McClure, 75, died Friday at 3 p.m. at the home of her son, John McClure, at Coryland, Pa. She is survived by three sons, John of Coryland, Pa.; Louis of Barnes and Alfred of Elmira; and three sisters, Mrs. Ida Lanterman of Horseheads, Mrs. Anna Kelly of Canton, Pa. and Mrs. Bert Webster of Roseville, Pa. The funeral will be held Monday at 2 p.m. at the home of her son John in Coryland. The Rev. Ora Crippen will officiate. Burial in Baptist Hill Cemetery, Coryland, Pa. (handwritten on article May 3, 1929) 


Elmer Aldrich, ]SRGP 05056] aged 31 years, a former resident of Mansfield, has been declared insane, and removed to the asylum at Fairview. He was examined by a commission appointed by the court, at the request of his family. It is alleged by his family that he was always absent minded and forgetful, but that he did not show signs of an abnormal mental state until recently. During a conversation with Detective Young he acted extremely nervous, and immediately afterward he disappeared from home for eleven days His whereabouts during that time were not known, though it is believed that he lived in the ?(unreadable). When he did return home, he showed unmistakable signs of mental disturbance. With the assistance of neighbors, his wife attempted to care for him though she soon found it impossible and notified the authorities to come for him and after a hearing he was committed to Fairview. 


Troy, Pa., Feb. 17—Newton Merrick Pomeroy, one of the best known long time residents of this borough, died at 4:15 o’clock this morning after three days’ illness of pneumonia. He was eighty-one years. Mr. Pomeroy was the last and youngest of the Pomeroy brothers who had been so prominent and influential in Troy affairs for fully 75 years. His wife died in October, 1912, and he is survived only by his son, Daniel Pomeroy and his nephew Henry Davison, of J. P. Morgan & Company, New York, who are now touring in Egypt. A cablegram was at once sent them conveying the sad news. Merrick Pomeroy, as he was best known, was a merchant in Troy for many years. He amassed considerable wealth and about 20 years ago retired to enjoy to fruits of his labors. He never sought public office but had served the borough as burgess and in other capacities. The family has long taken an active part in Troy’s affairs and the passing of the last member of the older generation is noted with peculiar sorrow for that reason. (handwritten on article 1914) 


Annie Swift Henry passes Away After a Lifetime as Aide to Beloved Pastor of First Baptist Church

Mrs. Annie Swift Henry, widow of the Rev. William T. Henry, D. D., died at the family residence, 460 West Church Street, Tuesday at 6 p.m.

Mrs. Henry was born at Hamilton, N.Y., the daughter of Abijah S. and Eunice Swift. She was graduated from the Ladies’ Seminary at Hamilton, and resided there until after her marriage. She became acquainted with Dr. Henry while he was a student at Colgate University, located at Hamilton. After his graduation from the Colgate theological Seminary, Doctor and Mrs. Henry removed to Elmira, where Dr. Henry had accepted the pastorate of the First Baptist Church. They lived in Elmira continuously.

Mrs. Henry, of appealing personality, with a sweet and lovely character, took an active interest in the work of the church of which her husband was pastor, an interest that continued to the time of her passing. She served as the head of various women’s societies, and aided Dr. Henry to a great extent in building up his church to one of commanding influence in the community.

The ministrations of Mrs. Henry extended beyond her own church. She early took a deep interest in the activities of the Southern Tier Children’s Home and served for many years on its board of managers, filling the office of president for several years. She brought love and sympathy to the orphans of the home family and made many a little life happier by her humane interest. Her work at the home will stand as an everlasting memorial.

Mrs. Henry was a member of the Entre Nous Club and the Wednesday Morning Club, in each organization she contributed liberally of her talents and was held in deep affection by her fellow members.

Mrs. Henry is survived by six children, Mrs. William M. Ufford, Mrs. Seth Winner, Mrs. Merle D. Thompson, Mrs. Oscar N. Reynolds, Mrs. Benjamin Rathbun, and Lewis Henry all of Elmira, a son, William T. Henry, Jr. having died several years ago; eighteen grandchildren, Mrs. E. S. Underhill, Jr. of Corning, Mrs. J. Craigen Bruce of Montclair, N.J., Mrs. Howard H. Clute of Elmira, Mrs. Irving Copeland of Miami, Fla., Henry Ufford of Corning, Elizabeth, Ufford, William Winner, George Winner, Tyler Thompson, Henry Swift Thompson, Norma Thompson, Eunice Thompson, William Reynolds, Lucy Ann Rathbun, Benjamin Rathbun, Jr., Henry Rathbun, Anne Marianne Rathbun all of Elmira, and three great-grandchildren, Margaret Underhill and E. S. Underhill, third, of Corning and Anne Clute of Elmira.

The funeral will be held at the family home Thursday at 4 p.m. The Rev. Hugh Chamberlin Burr, minister of the First Baptist Church, will officiate. Interment in Woodlawn Cemetery.

Mrs. Henry’s death occurred within a few days after the First Baptist Church had observed the 50th anniversary of the coming of Dr. Henry to the Elmira church. 


Floyd Marsh, 77, died Sunday, Nov. 4, 1934, at the family home 1267 College Avenue after an extended illness. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Bertha York of Rochester; three sons, Charles, Ernest and Fred all of Elmira; two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Gould and Mrs. Nellie Kent of Elmira; four brothers, Sevellyn of Beaver Dams, Howard of Elmira Heights, Hugh of Groomstown, and Bert of Breesport, also several grandchildren, nieces and nephews. The body is in the Hagerman funeral home and will be removed to the family home this evening. A prayer service will be held from the family home Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. Funeral will be held from the Epworth M. E. Church at 2 p.m., with the Rev. L. E. Otter officiating. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery. 


Dundee—Mr. and Mrs. George Rosenkrans of this village recently celebrated the 46th anniversary of their marriage.

They were married at Weston, Sept. 13, 1888, and for 37 years lived in that village where Mr. Rosenkrans was a teacher. They later opened a general store which he operated for some time. He also was postmaster and justice of the peace, active in political affairs and a former member of the Republican County Committee of Schuyler. Mrs. Rosenkrans was formerly Miss Julia Daddin. Nine years ago they sold their business interests in Weston and moved to this village. (handwritten on article Sept. 13, 1934) 


One year ago this date, Esther Rumsey, beloved elder daughter of Albert J. and Florence S. Rumsey, was taken from life in Homeopathic Hospital in Rochester. She was teacher in Roosevelt School, of that city, and dearly loved by her Principal and associate teachers and friends. Her Principal said, "Her place can never be filled. Her qualities of head, heart and mind were most unusual." A most intensely crushing blow to her family.

"We know not what it is, now, this sleep so deep and still,

The folded hands, the awful calm, the cheek so pale and chill;

The lids that will not lift again, though our hearts do call and call;

The strange white solitude of peace that settles over all.

We know not what it means, now, this desolute heart pain;

This dread to take our daily way, and walk in it again;

We know not what other sphere the loved who leave us go,

Nor why we’re left to wander still, not now, we do not know.

But this we know: Our loved and lost, if they should come this day

And ask of us: What is this life? Not one of us could say.

Life is a mystery as deep as ever death can be;

Yet, oh, how dear it is to us—this life we live and see!

Then might they say—those vanished ones—and blessed is the thot,

So death is sweet to us, beloved; though we may show you naught;

We may not to the quick reveal the mystery of death—

Ye cannot tell us if ye would the mystery of breath.

The child who enters life comes not with knowledge or intent,

So those who enter death must go as little children sent.

Nothing is known. But we believe that God is overhead;

So life is to the living; so death is not to dread."

The sorrowing parents can only contritely submit to the inevitable and wait.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rumsey 

 Mrs. Addie L. Cleveland, 73, of 465 Riverside Ave., widow of Emory Cleveland, died Saturday, Mar. 12, 1938 after an extended illness. She is survived by five sons, George and Milo of Elmira; James and Lisle of Geneva; Lee of Lockport; several grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Martha Sharp of Ithaca, Mrs. Mae Seeley of Spencer, Mrs. Bertie Pashley of Interlaken. Prayer service at the Davis funeral home Tuesday, 1 p.m. Funeral in the Jackson Summit, Pa. Church, 2:30 p.m. Burial in the Alder Run, Pa., cemetery. 

Milton S. Ciscoe, 64, of 710 West Gray Street, died Friday at 5:30 p.m. after an extended illness. Mr. Ciscoe was formerly a member of the firm of A. F. Werdenburg Company. He was a member of the vestry of Trinity Church; Jesse L. Cooley Lodge, F. & A. M., and Cashmere Grotto. Mr. Ciscoe is survived by his widow; two sons, Ralph M. of Rochester, Harry R. of Elmira. The funeral will be held at the family home, Monday at 4:30 p.m. The Rev. H. E. Hubbard will officiate. Burial in the Montecello, Pa., Cemetery Tuesday. (handwritten on article Nov. 29 1929) 


Tioga—Mrs. Augusta Bergh died Friday at the family home in Tioga, Pa., following a few days’ illness. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Oscar Hahlstrom, Mrs. P. M. Bystrom of Elmira; Mrs. A. E. Riss of Williamsport; five sons, Axel Algott and Albin of Tioga, Herming of Elmira and Harold of Flint, Mich.; 16 grandchildren.

The funeral will be held at the home Monday at 2 p.m. with burial in the Tioga Cemetery.

Mrs. Bergh was the widow of August Bergh. (handwritten on article July 14 1933) 


Mrs. Lewis Daggett died unexpectedly at the family home at Daggett, Pa., Tuesday afternoon after a brief illness. The decedent had spent the greater part of her life in Daggett, Pa. She possessed a Christian character and was highly respected by all, being a member of the Daggett M. E. church.

She is survived by her husband, Lewis Daggett, of Daggett, Pa., four daughters, Mrs. Philip Wilson of Elmira Heights; Mrs. Ray Ayers of Elmira; Mrs. Grover Shieve of Daggett; Mrs. Wayne Webster of Springville, Pa.; one son Lewis L. Daggett of Daggett, and seven grandchildren; four sisters, Mrs. N. H. Kimball of Elmira; Mrs. George W. Clark of Pine city; Mrs. Henry Shieve of Elmira; Mrs. Louise Wilson of Danbury, Conn; two brothers, Uz and Frank Van Auken of Bay City, Mich.

The funeral will be held at the family home at Daggett, Friday at 2 p.m. Burial will be made in Daggett Cemetery. (handwritten on article July 14, 1925) 


A pretty wedding occurred Saturday at noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Eighmey, at Daggett, when their daughter, Carol J., became the bride of Dr. Claude E. Taber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Taber, of Buffalo. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Lawrence Eilgmey, using the ring ceremony. The bride was gowned in white maline and carried a bouquet of bride’s roses and gypsophalia. The bridesmaid was Miss Ada Maude Eighmey, sister of the bride, who wore green organdy and carried Talisman roses. Victor Taber, brother of the bridegroom was best man. Phyllis Eighmey, niece of the bride, acted as flower girl.
Following the ceremony luncheon was served to thirty guests. Places were arranged for ten at the bride’s table, which was prettily decorated in green and white, which color scheme was used throughout with ferns and white hydrangeas.
Mr. and Mrs. Taber left during the afternoon for a week’s motor trip to Boston and other points of interest, later returning to Lake Waneta, where they will spend a week. (handwritten on article July 15, 1933) 


Frank Spencer, age 90, died at 11:30 p. m. Friday, September 6, at the home of his niece, Mrs. Mert Scott of Daggett, near Millerton. Mr. Spencer is survived by several nieces and nephews. He was a member of the Millerton M. E. Church. Funeral services were held Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Miller funeral home in Millerton. The Rev. Clyde Rosekrans of the Millerton M. E. church officiated. Burial in Maple Ridge Cemetery. 


Mrs. Nancy Miller, late of Pine City, died Sunday, May 12, 1935, at 7:30 p.m. at a local hospital after an extended illness. Besides her husband she is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Shirley Garrison of Jobs Corners and Mrs. Ernest Kelly of Pine City; her mother, Mrs. Isaac Terwilliger of Elmira; four brothers, Ralph, Charles and Elmer Terwilliger of Elmira, and Harris Terwilliger of Turlock, Calif., and six grandchildren. The funeral will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the family home. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira. 


One by one we leave the homestead,

When our boyhood days are past;

And our boats upon the billows

Of Life’s stormy sea we cast.

Thus we go with hearts expectant,

Seeking homes to call our own;

Till the last one quits the fireside,

Leaves the old folks there alone.

All alone, how strange and solemn,

Now their fireside seems to them;

And how oft they wish the children

Were at home with them again.

But, alas! No more the children

Shall be children as of yore.

For the merry days of childhood

Will return to them no more.

But we’ll go to see the old folks,

Talk with them of bygone days,

Make the house resound with laughter

Telling of our sports and plays.

Oh, the bright days of the present,

We would have them longer last!

For too soon the scenes we cherish,

Change to memories of the past.

Yes, we’ll gather at the homestead,

For ‘ere long the time will come

When with bursting hears we murmur,

"There’s no need now to go home!" 

 Elmira Heights—In a pretty mid-summer wedding Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. at the Oakwood M. E. Church, Miss Arlene Fritsch, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Fritsch, 300 East 14th Street, became the bride of the Rev. Roy Smith of Daggett, Pa., son of Mr. and Mrs. James Smith of Erin.

The ceremony was solemnized by the Rev. E. D. Van Dyke before an altar banked with palms and ferns and lighted with candles. Organ music was played by the Rev. Paul Hulslander of Wyalusing, Pa., accompanied by Mrs. Hulslander, violinist, who also sang "I Love You Truly." The bride who was given in marriage by her father, was gowned in white satin, princess style with Victorian collar. Her long veil of tulle and lace was caught with a coronet of pearls, and her only ornament was a string of pearls. She carried a shower bouquet of white roses, sweet peas and baby breath. Miss Marion Sherman, maid of honor, wore melon colored mousseleine de soie with matching accessories and carried a shower bouquet of Talisman roses, delphinium and baby breath.

Raymond Smith of Erin, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Candle lighters were the Misses Bernice and Blanche Chalmers of Elmira, twin sister and cousins of the bride. Ushers were the Rev. Warren Odom of Burlington, Pa. and the Rev. Leland Barnes of Forksville, Pa.

After the ceremony, the wedding dinner was served at the Miller Villa in Horseheads. After a two weeks’ trip through New England, the Rev. and Mrs. Smith will be at home in Daggett, Pa., where the bridegroom is pastor of the Methodist Church. The bride, a graduate of the Elmira Heights High School and Keuka College, has been a member of the Heights school faculty for three years. The bridegroom, a graduate of Taylor University, Upland, Ind., has been preaching in the Central New York Conference for two years. (handwritten on article July 29, 1936) 

 Fred Newton Lobdell, 71, of 762 E. Water St., died Wednesday, Dec. 14, 1938, at 9:30 a.m. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Florence Mae Lobdell; a son Philip P.; two nephews, Edward and John Wrigley Lobdell of Detroit, Mich.; four nieces, Dorothy Mousley of Irvington, N.J., Catherine Welsch, Virginia and Betty Jane Lobdell, all of Detroit, Mich. The body is in Davis funeral home. Funeral notice later. 


Fred N. Lobdell of 762 E. Water St., retired Elmira meat retailer, died Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. He was 71.

Mr. Lobdell was a native of Elmira, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lobdell. His father was engaged in the meat business here for many years and Fred N. Lobdell became associated with him after completing his studies in the local schools.

Before his retirement Fred N. Lobdell conducted three retail meat markets in various parts of the city. He was a member of Elmira Aerie, Fraternal order of Eagles, Elmira Lodge, BPO of Elks, and The Park Church. (handwritten on article Dec. 14, 1938) 

 Charles L. Scott, 73, died Wednesday, Nov. 25, 1936, at 6:45 p.m. at the family home, 376 South Main Street. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Scott; eight children, Joseph J., Nevada; Mrs. Mary Grimm and Mrs. Harriett Roberts, California; Miss Martha Scott, Charles M. Scott, David B. Scott, Harold J. Scott and John H. Scott all of Elmira; a brother, John Scott, Worcester, Mass.; two sisters, Miss Harriett Scott, Massachusetts, and Mrs. Bradley, Springfield, Mass. A prayer service will be held at the family home Saturday at 2:30 p.m. with funeral services in the Daggett, Pa., church at 3 p.m. The Rev. Roy Smith will officiate. Burial in the Daggett Cemetery.


Millerton—The Friends family 42nd reunion held at Hoffman Park, Elmira, attracted 83. Of these, 10 had attended the first Friends reunion. They were : Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Friends, Leonard Friends, Jessie Friends, Mrs. Stella Miller, Fannie Simpson, Gladys Myfelt, Nina Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Signor and George White. Officers elected were: President, Fred Friends; Vice-president, Leonard Friends; Secretary, Marion Friends; Treasurer, George White. The program included: play, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bradshaw and Miss Marion Friends: music, Richard Seeley; recitation, George Myfelt; duet Mrs. Cassius Paris and Lewis Knight. 

When he pleaded guilty to charges of public intoxication and resisting an officer, Manley Smith, formerly of Elmira and now a resident of Rutland, Pa., was given the alternative of paying a $20 fine or going to jail for 20 days, He was unable to pay the fine and Justice of the Peace Joseph F. Kienzle ordered him confined to jail. Smith was arrested Sunday afternoon by Sheriff Dale and Deputy Snyder on the Dry Run Road near Pine City. A light touring car owned by Smith had become stalled in the road and Smith was unable to start it. After being placed under arrest; Smith broke away but was apprehended resulting in the additional charge of resisting an officer. 

Mansfield—Miss Alice Irene Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hall of Bound Brook, N. J., became the bride of Winthrop Asa Johns, son of Mrs. Thomas W. Johns of Mansfield in a pretty ceremony performed at 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 17, in the Presbyterian Church at Bound Brook. The ring service was performed by the Rev. William Rock, pastor, in the presence of 300 guests. The church was beautifully decorated with palms, ferns and poinsettia. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white satin tulle over white satin, made with white satin packet and white tulle veil with train. She carried a bouquet of white snapdragons, orchids and lilies-of-the-valley, tied with white satin streamers. Her maid of honor, Miss Catherine Booth of Bound Brook, wore blue taffeta trimmed with rose and carried red roses and white snapdragons tied with rose ribbon. Miss Eleanor Johns of Mansfield, sister of the bridegroom and maid of honor, wore rose taffeta trimmed with blue and carried red roses and white snapdragons tied with rose ribbon. Wilbur W. Johns of Mansfield, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. The ushers were James P. Eder, New York City; Arthur Gould, Lynn, Mass; Morris Nicholson, Cleveland, Ohio.

Miss Frederica Merril of Bound Brook, organist, played "Bridal Chorus" from "Lohengren," by Wagner, and "Wedding March", by Mendelssohn. A reception for 60 guests at the home of the bride’s parents followed the ceremony, after which Mr. and Mrs. Johns left for a motor trip to points south and east. The bride is a graduate of the Bound Brook High School and Rider College, Trenton, N.J., and has been employed as private secretary for Johnson and Johnson Company. Mr. Johns is a graduate of the Mansfield Senior High School and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., and is employed in research work by the Research Corporation of Bound Brook. Those who attended from Mansfield were Mrs. Thomas W. Johns; Miss Eleanor Johns, Mrs. Janet Jerald and Miss Esther Jerald. (handwritten on article 1938)

Mrs. Ida M. Eiffert, late of 911 Pennsylvania Avenue, died Monday morning at 6 o’clock after a brief illness. She is survived by her husband, Lee Eiffert; two daughters, Mrs. Walter Carpenter and Mrs. Glenn Banfield of Elmira; two sisters, Mrs. Emma Pettigrew of Elmira Heights; Mrs. Susie Wood of Elmira; nine brothers, Samuel Niles of Elmira; Russell Niles, Lambs Creek, Pa.; Nathan, Wilson and Floyd Niles of Mansfield, Pa.; LeVern Niles of Manistee, Mich.; Edward and Fred Niles of Chicago; Fred Niles of Jackson Summit, Pa. The funeral will be held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery. 


Canton—The Rev. Lee Francis, 39, until recently pastor of the Methodist Church at Burlington, died at a Canandaigua hospital Friday, Jan. 11, 1935. A native of Kentucky, he had lived in Bradford County about five years. He was serving the Aloquin, N.Y., Methodist charge when he became ill. He is survived by his wife; three daughters and one son. 


By Mrs. J. H. Williams

Wellsboro, June 16.—A recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Shattuck was Mrs. Emma Shattuck Verrell, widow of Prof. Charles H. Verrell, who went to the Mansfield State Teachers College in 1861 as professor of mathematics. Mrs. Verrell, whose father was superintendent of the Tioga Branch of the Erie Railroad, went to Mansfield as a pupil and May 3, 1871, she and Professor Verrell were married in Blossburg by Elder N. L. Reynolds.

From 1873 to 1875 Prof. Verrell taught at Homer Academy and in 1877 he went to Delaware Literary Institute at Franklin, N.Y., where he staid until 1896, when his old pupil, Governor William Stone called him to Harrisburg to re-catalogue the capitol library. Professor Verrell had a wonderful memory for statistics, and was dubbed "Governor Stone’s Encyclopedia."

When asked where her home now was, Mrs. Verrell replied:

"Oh, I am a wanderer." Four months of the year she spends with her daughter, Mrs. George M. Sicard, at Pelham Manor, N.Y. Mrs. Sicard, who is a graduate of Elmira College, taught music there 10 years. She studied in Berlin a year and with Josephi and other noted pianists. Mrs. Verrell spends part of the time in Elmira, where she pays taxes and votes and belongs to the First Baptist Church. She also spends some time every year in Washington, D.C. where she enjoys being a spectator in the House and Senate.

One forgets all about the passing of years when talking to her. Not only her head but her hands keep busy. She does beautiful fancy work and yards of tatting, an art which Mrs. Verrell learned when she was nine years old, from her mother. Smilingly Mrs. Verrell told that she would be 81 years of age next March.

"You have to keep busy to keep happy, don’t worry, and have faith,"is her formula. She might have added "a sense of humor," for with that quality she is richly endowed.

Mrs. Verrell’s sister, Mrs. William Fox, 84, whose son is a professor of modern languages at Lehigh University, will attend commencement exercises at Mount Holyoke, where she herself graduated, and where her granddaughter was graduated this year. (handwritten on article 1928) 

 Mrs. Anna Cook, of 604 Dubois St., widow of Frank Cook, died Monday, Oct. 4, 1937, at 12:40 p.m. after an extended illness. She was a member of Hedding M. E. Church. She leaves a niece Mrs. Robert Grant, with whom she had resided for nine years. The body is in the Hagerman funeral home, where the funeral will be held Wednesday at 3 p.m. The Rev. Benjamin Rowe will officiate. The body will be placed in the family crypt in the Woodlawn Cemetery Mausoleum. 

A pretty wedding took place Saturday evening at 8 o’clock when Miss Agda T. Olson, daughter of Mrs. Lottie Olson of 704 East Church Street, was united in marriage to Raymond Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wilson of 212 Lynnwood Avenue, Elmira Heights. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's mother, by Mr. Wilson’s brother, the Rev. Delbert Wilson, pastor of the Forest Home M. E. Church at Ithaca.

The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother, Wilfred Olson, was attired in tan canton crepe with matching hose and brown slippers. She carried yellow roses. Her sister, Miss Viola G. Olson, as maid of honor, wore powder blue georgette and carried pink roses. Russell Gordon was the bridegroom’s attendant. Following the ceremony a wedding supper of 20 covers was served. The house was attractively decorated with chrysanthemums. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have returned from a brief trip and are residing at 704 East Church Street. Out-of-town guests at the wedding included: The Rev. and Mrs. Delbert Wilson, Ithaca; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Olson, Covington, Pa.; Harry Daly and Lewis Daggett, Millerton, Pa. (handwritten on article Nov. 3, 1928) 


A pretty wedding was solemnized Wednesday morning when Velma Irene Smith and James Edson Smith were united at 137 Cedar Street. The Rev. H. S. Bacon, pastor of the Pennsylvania Methodist church, performed the ceremony. The bride was attired in blue georgette crepe and carried a shower bouquet. A dainty breakfast was served after which Mr. and Mrs. Smith left for a motor trip to the Thousand Islands. They will be "at home" to their friends at 137 Cedar Street after Sept. 1. The following attended the wedding: Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Smith, son Gerald, daughter Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith all of Millerton; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Seeley, son Richard and daughter Marilyn of Lawrenceville, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith, the Rev. and Mrs. H. S. Bacon, Miss Lena Hogaboom all of this city. (handwritten on article Aug. 10, 1927 


Montour Falls—Miss Grace Semple of Watkins Glen and Horace A. Thorp of Montour Falls were married Saturday Nov 24, by the Rev. John W. F. Maxwell at the Baptist parsonage. (handwritten on article 1934) 


Will the kind friends and neighbors who so graciously assisted us in so many ways in connection with the illness, death and funeral of our beloved wife and mother, please accept our sincere thanks. Your word of sympathy, your tokens of appreciation and your kindly deeds of helpfulness will long be treasured in our hearts.



 Miss Theodosia TenEycck of Mansfield, formerly of Elmira, whose engagement to Chester Schanbacker of Mansfield has been announced. (handwritten on article March 1937) 

Mrs. Grace G. Hungerford of Jackson Summit, Pa., died of pneumonia at the Blossburg Hospital Monday, March 19. She is survived by her husband, W. J. Hungerford; six children, Ralph, Vivian, Myrtle, Jasper, William and Raymond, all at home; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Little of Wells,Pa.; a sister Mrs. Curtis Smith of Gillett, Pa.; also an aunt, Mrs. F. W. Husted, and grandfather, J. A. Gifford, both of Elmira. 


Darling B. Harvey died at the home of his son, Delos R. Harvey on Upper Lake Street Sunday afternoon, aged 89 years. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. William Sickles; two sons, Delos R. and Floyd Harvey all of Elmira. Mr. Harvey was a member of the Baptist Church at Jobs Corners where he resided many years. On account of other illness in the family the body was removed to the Wilson Funeral Home where the funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock. The Rev. Henry C. Geckle will officiate. Burial will be in Big Flats. (handwritten on article Jan. 29, 1928) 


Almond Gould and his 13 year-old daughter, Maizie, of 55 Gould Street, narrowly escaped injury while driving south on Hoffman street during the electric storm Saturday afternoon when a large portion of a tree fell, completely surrounding the car and shattered the front fenders. Mr. Gould and his daughter were returning from an errand when the storm broke. While driving the Oldsmobile car south on Hoffman Street, between Roe Avenue and Clinton streets, a bolt of lightning struck a tree directly above the car. The upper portion of the tree became detached from the trunk and fell on all side of the motor. It was necessary to send for help to extricate the machine from the fallen debris.(handwritten on article Sept 12, 1925)


Wellsboro, July 30—Elmer Aldrich of Rutland township, held for breaking, entering and larceny, was brought before the court Friday and held under $1,000 bail. Two charges of larceny are lodged against him—one on Nov. 15, 1925, when he is alleged to have taken a quantity of goods valued at $300 from the Ellsworth store at Tioga, which he then managed, and for the theft of $80 worth of automobile accessories from the Charles Cudworth store at Rutland, on the night of September 15, 1928. He was arrested by Detective E. A. Young. At a justice of the peace hearing before W. N. Smith of Millerton he pleaded guilty to both charges. Since the charges against him are not bailable in Justice of the Peace Court, he was brought to Wellsboro and arraigned for bail. (handwritten on article 1927) 

 Mrs. Glenn Gould underwent a serious operation at Blossburg hospital last Tuesday. At present writing she is improving and her many friends are looking for her complete recovery. (handwritten on article Nov. 2, 1926) 
 Mrs. Adda Belle Daggett, 81, died Wednesday, Aug. 10, 1938, at 1:50 a.m. at the home of her son, Edson E. Daggett, 450 Pine St. She had been an invalid an patient sufferer a period of 35 years, much of her time having been passed in studying her Bible teaching. She was a member of the Mosherville M. E. Church. Mrs. Daggett is survived by her son and four grandchildren; Mrs. Kenneth Douglas and Mrs. Walter Good of Elmira; Mrs. Gordon Voorhees of Newark, N.J. and Richard Voorhees of Culver City, Calif. The body is in the Wilson funeral home and will be removed to the family home late Wednesday evening. Funeral Friday, 10:30 a.m. Rev. Benjamin Rowe. Woodlawn Cemetery. 

We shall miss thee, dearest Doris,

Yet we’d wish thee back no more;

For we know thou are rejoicing

With the loved one gone before.

Ever anxious, loving Doris,

Truly did’st thou seem the best,

But now, as we mourn, faith whispers

She has gone to her long rest.

Peaceful, happy was her last sleep.

Would that ours like this might be;

What a glorious, grand awakening,

Morning of Eternity.

Thou wilt stand to meet us, Doris,

As we pass the Golden Gate;

One by one may we all meet thee,

May none find it is too late.

What a happy, glad reunion,

Then, when all have entered in;

When together we can praise him,

Who redeemed our souls from sin.

Good-by, then, our own dear Doris,

Only for a few short years,

When life’s story voyage ceases,

And we leave this vale of tears;

We are waiting for the boatman,

Soon he’ll come to bear us o’er;

We shall see you as we anchor,

Watching from the other shore. 


Theft of two pocketbooks from the Franklin Street Presbyterian Church was charged against two Southside youths Wednesday.

David Newell, 16, of 477 ½ South Avenue, faces a charge of petit larceny in Recorder’s Court and is to have a hearing next week. Kenneth Stone, 15, of 508 West Hudson Street was charged with juvenile delinquency and is to come before Judge Bertram L. Newman in Children’s Court. The purses were owned by Myrtle Lyons of 311 Magnolia Street and Florence Dense of 465 Franklin Street. They contained about $17. When the boys were arrested, they had only $5.50 left of the money, claiming to have spent the remainder. (handwritten on article Feb. 16, 1933)


Gillett, July 1—A quiet wedding was solemnized Saturday evening in the Baptist parsonage when Miss Beatrice L. Wright of Rutland became the bride of Roger E. Russ of Millerton. The Rev. J. Sydney Kane performed the ceremony. After a wedding trip they will reside in Elmira. (handwritten on article June 28, 1930) 

 Mrs. George A. STOTT a former resident of Elmira. Funeral was held Wednesday afternoon in the First M. E. Church, Auburn. Mrs. Stott was the wife of former Evangelist George A. Stott, who has been the Protestant chaplain at Auburn Prison, the past 10 years. The Rev. L. F. Bashford of Syracuse conducted the prayer service. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev, Harold G. Stearns, a former pastor of the Westside M. E. Church, Elmira, assisted by Rev. Samuel G. Houghton of Syracuse, Rev. Philip Reigel of Cazenovia, formerly of Elmira, and Rev. Albert E. Davis of Auburn. Burial was in Fort Hill Cemetery, Auburn. Active bearers were Rev. Donald B. Cloward, Rev. Dewitt B. Stanley, formerly of Horseheads, Rev. John W. Faust and Rev. O. Blakley Hill of auburn, Rev. George N. Gates of Sennett and Rev. Lynn S. Bugbee of Fleming. Fifteen boys, members of the Sunday School Class of which Mrs. Stott was teacher for a number of years, acted as honorary bearers. 
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