The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery
Tri County Clippings- Page Eighty
Century Old Gossip from in and near Waverly
-SWEETLOVE-HAWORTH-In Waverly, N. Y. at the home of the bride's parents, Waverly street on Wednesday, March 11, 1885, by the Rev. S. Moore, Mr. Fred N. Sweetlove, of Cortland, N. Y. and Miss Medora M. Haworth.

TOMPKINS-BASSETT- In VanEttenvill, N. Y., at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bennett, March 4, 1885, by the Rev. M. Coyles, Mr. Elmer E. Tompkins and Miss Lena Bassett.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul McIntyre, of Catlin, this county, have a daughter two weeks old, who has seven toes on the right foot. All the toes are of a length and perfectly formed.

Mrs. Corey, of Factoryville, mother of L. C. Corey, has been granted a pension of eight dollars per month, and received $1,920 back pay on Monday last. The pension was granted on the death of a son. The case was a worthy one, and we are pleased to learn that it was allowed.

Enos Stebbins, one of the old residents of this town, left here on Monday, with his family, for Rochester, Minn., where they will reside in the future.

Mr. and Mrs. Peak, the original Swiss bell-ringers, and who stopped in this village several weeks last summer, and lost part of their baggage in the Warford house fire on the fourth of July, are now inmates of the Cortland county poor house. An effort is being made for their removal to the Old Folks' Home at Elmira.

Isiah Flamer, who has conducted a barber shop in this village (Waverly), for several years, has returned to Owego, where he resided before removing to Waverly.

Regents certificates have just been received for Fred. A. Masterson, Margaret Iliff, Rosa May Johnson, Grace M. Merriam, Gertrude Mercereau, Jessie M. Watkins. These pupils passed the examination last November.

Feb. 28, 1885 -Mr. Wesley Sweet, was sixty-eight years of age last Saturday, and we regret to learn that he has been confined to the house for over two weeks from kidney disease, but he hopes to be out again in a short time.

Feb. 28, 1885 -Doctor E. Gere is still at Eldred, Pa., attending his daughter, Mrs. Jas. P. Morgan, who is yet not out of danger.

James Lounesberry, of Nichols, died on Wednesday of last week, aged 75 years.

Feb. 14, 1885. -Judge Morrow, at Towanda, on Monday, sentenced three men, James Lynch, John Burns and Nelson Palmer to the penitentiary, and John Adrian and Frank Moore to the county jail, for larceny.

The name of the man found hanged on the hill-side near Towanda, Jan. 11th (1885), was Frederic Guilleaume Cuche, of No. 67 Thompson st., N. Y. city. He was fifty-two years of age, and a watchmaker by trade. It is thought he was not in his right mind when he committed the act.

Mead Burgess has gone to Ithaca to reside, where he has accepted the position of book-keeper in a dry goods house. He is a steady and trusty young man.

Feb. 14, 1885 -Will Topping of the Spencer, Herald, visited his parents in this village, on Sunday last.

Feb. 14, 1885 -John Swartwood, an old resident of this village, died in Binghamton on Thursday evening. His remains will be brought to Waverly to-day for burial.

Feb. 14, 1885 -Stella J. Holt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Holt, was married on Wednesday evening at the residence of her parents, Barton, to Mr. Fred. C. Dailey.

Feb. 14, 1885 -Elmer A. Tichenor of Ellis, Tompkins county, formerly a resident of this village and engaged in the livery business, died at his home as above, on Monday, from consumption.

Feb. 14, 1885 -Miss Nora Dodge, of Providence street and Miss Jennie Johnson of Athens started on Monday morning for the "Hub," where they will spend a month or two visiting relatives and friends. They go by way of Albany and return by way of New York, stopping with friends both ways. Formerly Misses Dodge and Johnson were members of the Boston Conservatory of Music, and will enjoy visiting their old quarters. It is hoped that Miss Dodge's health which has not been good lately, will be improved by the trip.

Feb. 14, 1885 -Michail O'Brien, of Clark street. conductor on the D.L.&W. railroad, who was running a wild-cat train that left Buffalo Tuesday afternoon, met with an accident at Darien, about ten miles east of Buffalo, receiving severe injuries. He was reported fatally injured at first, but it is thought his injuries will not so prove, and that he will be able to be removed to his home in a few days. The particulars are as follows: His train was snowbound, and he with his crew were shovelling snow to release the train, when he stepped on the west bound track and was struck by a train whose approach they did not see or hear until it was upon them, the snow being driven in blinding fury and the roar of the wind drowned the noise of the approaching train. We learn that Mr. O'Brien is doing as well as can be expected and is receiving the best of care. Feb. 14, 1885

Submitted by Stephanie Johnston 

-Rev. Marvin Vail and wife, of Lincoln street (Waverly), were the happy recipients of twins, on Tuesday-a boy and a girl. Feb. 16, 1884.

-Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Lemon are the happy parents of an eight pound girl, which arrived on Saturday, February 9th (1884).

-ANOTHER RAILROAD ACCIDENT. Again we are called upon to record an appaling railroad accident. On Thursday afternoon as a freight train on the Southern Central railroad was crossing the Seneca river near Weedsport, the bridge gave way, plunging the engine and two box cars into the water, with Engineer, Burr Ridgeway, Fireman John Strait, of Owego, and Patsey Donahue, a brakeman imprisoned in the cab. Engineer Ridgeway, for the past two years has resided at Auburn, but for many years previous he was a resident of South Waverly, where he was and still is highly esteemed as a man, a neighbor and a Christian gentleman. He was a devoted member of the Baptist church of Waverly, and his daily walk and conversation was in keeping with his profession. He was a brother of the wife of Engineer Joseph Glazier, of South Waverly, and as soon as the news of the accident reached here, Mr. Glazier and his family left for the scene of the disaster. The railroad company immediately sent to the Lehigh Valley company for their wrecking aparatus and their most experienced wreckers, and are making all efforts possible to recover the bodies of the victims. Up to our going to press they have not been secured. February 16, 1884 -

Aaron Shaw, who lived near Flemingville, and who attempted to murder his wife, and afterward shot himself in the head, died early Tuesday morning. It is thought his wife will recover. This last act of his in the terrible drama, has saved Tioga county a large bill on costs. January 9, 1886

-James Griswold, one of the oldest citizens of Chemung county, died a 11 o'clock this morning at his residence in the town of Southport. The deceased was born and always lived on the farm where he died and will be buried on the ninety-first anniversary of his birth, Saturday next at 2 p.m. He was the first Supervisor chosen after Southport was organized as a town. January 9, 1886.

-Miss Theressa Hireen, daughter of Timothy Hireen, is to married to D.P. Casey of Binghamton, next Tuesday. January 9, 1886

-Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sproul, of Spalding street, celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on New Year's evening, about sixty of their numerous friends being present. Rev. S. Moore delivered a short congratulatory address and all joined in wishing them many returns of the happy anniversary. Elegant refreshments were served, and all thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Mr. and Mrs. Sproul were the recipents of many beautiful and useful presents. January 9, 1886. -Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ball, Pine street, will celebrate their golden wedding on the 29 inst. January 9, 1886

-Miss Ella M., daughter of Theo. Mullock of Athens, was married New Year's Evn to Chauncey M. Heath, of Ithaca. A large number of relatives and intimate friends of the contracting parties, were present from this place. January 9, 1886 -Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Sherry are the happy parents of a fine boy, which was born on Sunday. Hiram was busy for several days thereafter, receiving the congratulations of his many friends and serving them with the best Havanas the market affords. January 9, 1886.

-Andrew Hamilton of Sayre, a machinist, was arrested and brought to jail Monday, being charged with surety of the peace. It is believed the man is crazy. January 9, 1886

-As Wm. Olin, of Baldwin, with his three daughters, Mrs. Bunto, Mrs. Norse, Mary Olin, and his grand-daughter, daughter of Mrs. Bunto, was driving down the Water Cure hill in Elmira, on Thursday morning last, the wagon tongue fell to the ground, frightening the horses and causing them to run away. The wagon was overturned and Mrs. Bunto was fatally injured and died that evening. Mrs. Norse was also seriously injured, being unconscious for some time, and the others were somewhat bruised. January 9, 1886

-G. Spillane, of Elmira an Erie brakeman, fell from his train near Cameron Mills, last Sunday night and was seriously injured. January 9, 1886.

- Lina May, the only daughter of Lehigh Valley yardmaster L. H. Sheaver of Buffalo, was buried at Lowmanvill, on Sunday last. Roadmaster John Rhoam of Sayre, and a number of Lehigh Valley men were present at the services. January 9, 1886

-Ray, the two-year old son of Henry Vose, who was one time school commissioner of this county, was scalded to death at Fremont, Neb., about two weeks ago, by kettles of scalding water falling upon him, caused by a stove tipping over. January 16, 1886

-We regret to learn the death of Mrs. Mary C. Beebe, wife of Hon. Hiram A. Beebe, of Owego, which occurred on Thursday evening of last week. She was a sister of Hon. Joseph Powell of Towanda, and mother-in-law of Hon. Ralph L. Goodrich of Little Rock, Arkansas. January 16, 1886

-William F. Geary, the Northern Central brakeman who lost an arm in Southport a short time ago died from the effects of the injury, Tuesday evening. January 16, 1886 

-CHEMUNG -Dr. Hillyer spent last Sunday in this village, visiting friends. -

Gen'l N. J. Jackson returned from Dunkirk Wednesday evening.

-Charles Swain and Henry N. Hoyt enjoyed last Tuesday in Elmira.

-Mrs. J.H. Clark visited friends and relatives at Towanda, during the week.

-Judge G. L. Smith and wife were the guests of Mrs. James H. Owen on Wednesday.

-Miss Gracie Hill, of Penn Yan, is visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Chas. Sherman.

-Presiding Elder Crans, of Orange county, has been visiting at the home of B. F. Livingston.

-C. C. Wiswell left for New York city on business Tuesday evening and returned home Thursday morning.

-Charles Murphey, of Westfield, Pa., has rented the Wood store, and will open up for business with a stock of goods on April 1st.. -

Our public school has closed until April 1st, and Prof. Sherman will enjoy his vacation at the home of Wm. Bennett, near Elmira. -

Henry B. Carpenter has accepted a position as traveling salesman for the well-known cigar factory of E. J. Eichenberg, Waverly. -

Our supervisor, Morgan S. Manning ranks as a general in the Elmira milk war, he sending every day to that city, the milk from forty cows.

-The yearly meeting of the M. E. church Ladies' Aid Society, was held at the residence of Owen Swain, last Wednesday evening. The following ladies were elected officers for the year: Mrs. Rhoda Frost, president; Mrs. Dr. Colegrove and Mrs. K. B. Mathews, vice presidents; Mrs. J. H. Clark, secretary and treasurer. The R's, S's, T's, U's V's and W's furnished the refreshments. March 21, 1885

-Mrs. Daniel Smith, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Becker, at Newark Valley. March 21, 1885.

-We learn that Dr. E. J. Stone has sold his property here, and expects to move to Duluth, Minn., in a few weeks. March 21, 1885

-Miss Cora Smith, daughter of John L. Smith, Clark street, started for Dayton, Ohio, Wednesday, to visit her brother, Frank A. Smith. March 21, 1885

-The twenty-fifth wedding anniversary reception given Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Moore, at the M. E. parsonage on Saturday evening last was very largely attended. March 21, 1885

-Mrs. Nelson Cady, nee Miller, of Logansport, Ind., who has been visiting her parents in this village, for a couple of months, returned home on Thursday evening in company with her husband, Dr. Cady. March 21, 1885

-Major Mercereau, one of the oldest inhabitants of Union, died Tuesday morning quite suddenly of pneumonia. He was about 83 years of age. March 21, 1885

-Jacob G. Beckhorn of Erin, Chemung county, attemped to kill Henry E. Beckwith of the same town, on Wednesday because he would not let him have a drink of cider, he already being drunk. He was arrested, but made his escape from the officers. March 21, 1885

Submitted by Stephanie Johnston 

-Thomas W. Hotchkiss of Elmira, has been appointed consul at Ottawa, Canada. (May 23, 1885.)

-Frank B. Towner, of Hornellsville, an Erie brakeman, was caught between the cars at Elmira on Wednesday, and severely injured.

-Cassie Coney, of VanEttenville, a girl under fourteen years of age, was married Sunday evening to a man named Truman Van Ostrand, without the consent of the girl's parents. (May 23, 1885.)

-Robert E. Odlum, formerly a professor of a swimming bath at Washingtom, jumped from the East river bridge, a distance of 135 feet, on Tuesday and received injuries from which he died in a few minutes. (May 23, 1885.)

-Howard Epley, a yound married man aged about 30 years, residing across the Susquehanna river about a mile from the borough of Athens, committed suicide on Tuesday morning last, the 19 instant, by taking laudanum. (May 23, 1885.)

-John Davidson, who resides on Pennsylvania avenue, south of the high bridge, is suffering from a large cancer which affects his chin, tongue and throat. (May 23, 1885.)

-John W. Traviss, of Sayre, died from consumption, Monday, aged twenty-six years. The fourth death in the family within a year. (May 23, 1885.)

-J. M. Slawson received a dispatch from Wellsville, on Tuesday evening, announcing the death of his brother, Ferdinand Slawson, of Stannard's Corners. The deceased was about thirty-five years of age and an oil well driller of considerable note in that section. (May 23, 1885.)

-One of the strangest freaks in human nature is that of a young man in Almond, N.Y., who married a hay press.

-Some evil disposed person came to Mrs. Sharpe's residence recently, during the lady's absence, and picked off all the blossoms from her beautiful house plants which stood on the piazza. We would warn such depredators that the penalty for such acts is not light.

-Stephen P. Forman, a prominent man of Nichols, died Wednesday afternoon, after a brief illness. (June 6, 1885.)

-Mrs. Harry Baker, died at her home in East Waverly Wednesday afternoon. She leaves a husband and six children; the oldest child is thirteen years of age and the youngest one week old. (June 6, 1885)

-Charles F. Lantry, formerly an operator of our village, a very well-known, handsome, accomplished and popular young man, and at the present one of Elmira's finest young men, and most successful operators, was married on Thursday eveng of last week, in North Elmira to Miss Nina DeWitt, one of Elmira's most accomplished and wealthiest young ladies. The wedding ceremony was very unostentatious, witnessed only by a few intimate friends, and was performed by Rev. Shaw, of North Elmira. The bridal pair left on Friday for New York and other eastern points. Mr. L. is president of the D.M.I. club; is about the only operator in the U. S. who takes messages on a type writer, of which he is the inventor. That unbounded happiness may be theirs throughtout a long life is the sincere wish of hundreds of friends in Waverly and Elmira. (June 6, 1885)

Submitted by Stephanie Johnston 

-Winn, son of E. F. Woodhouse, of North Chemung, fell on Tuesday while running, and broke his right arm above the wrist. (June 6, 1885)

-We are sorry to learn that Mr. S. Annable, of Milltown, is seriously ill from heart disease, and fears are entertained for his recovery. (June 6, 1885)

-Rev. F. J. Shackleton, of Westchester county, N. Y., is home on a few days visit.

-Miss Addie Orcutt, of Towanda, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. I. Decker, Chemung street (Waverly).

-Mrs. J. B. Sliter and Arthur Sliter went to Honesdale, Pa., on Monday, to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Male.

-We understand that four of our oldest and most reliable teachers, Misses Carrie Tuthill, Ida Clark, Ida Hemstreet and Ellen Golden have resigned their positions as teachers in the Waverly public schools.

-Mrs. Margarette Cortright, of Corning visited her sister, Mrs. R. H. Bruster, Clark street, over Sunday.

-Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Holbert and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shear, are spending the week with relatives in Horseheads.

-Miss Julia Ransom, of Cincinnati, who has been visiting relatives in Waverly for some weeks, leaves on Saturday for Poughkeepsie.

-Rob't G. McDowell, the popular station agent, of Pittston, Pa., paid his numerous friends and relatives in Waverly a visit this week.

-Dr. A. L. Jenks, wife and daughter, left here on Monday for Avon Springs, where he contemplates establishing a sanitarium.

-Miss Anna Knapp, of Elmira, was in Waverly, Monday and Tuesday visiting her numerous relatives. She left on Wednesday for Orange county.

-Chas. P. Masterson, well known here, has organized a banking house at Tacoma, W.T. His father and sister reside in this village (Waverly), where he has many friends who wish him success.

-George Axtell shot and killed William Perry and Ellis Freeman, and mortally wounded F. A. French, at Deposit, last Saturday. He was arrested and taken to jail at Binghamton. Another temperance hearing. June 6, 1885

-Miss Gussie Whitman, of Wilkes-Barre, arrived in Waverly last week to visit her brother, Mr. Will Whitman, Chemung street and soon after her arrival she was stricken with paralysis, and returned home as soon as she was able.

-C. E. Baxter, of Wilkes-Barre, has accepted the principalship of the graded schools of Sayre, and will begin his labors September 1st. (Aug. 1, 1885)

-John R. Rowland and wife started for Cooperstown, on Friday, to visit his old home.

-Miller Knapp was killed by the cars on Thursday of last week at Rummerfield while intoxicated.

-Jeannette Schaffer, formerly of this village, (Waverly) committed suicide at Omaha, Neb.. on Monday, July 27th, (1885) by taking laudanum.

-Rev. and Mrs. B. G. Boardman left here on Wednesday, for Havana, where he assumes the pastorate of a church, his labors beginning on August 1st.(1885) Their many friends here bespeak for them a pleasant and prosperous charge.

-Rev. S. I. Prime, for nearly fifty years, editor of the New York Observer, died at Manchester, Vt., on Saturday June 18th (1885), aged 76 years.

-Mrs. Lute, of Nanticoke, Pa., is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. B. Gridley, Tioga street. (Waverly.)

-Mrs. Dell Becker, of Newark Valley, is visiting her parents, on Fulton street this week.

-Mrs. Jessie Hibbert, of Owego, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Pierce, east Broad street. (Waverly)

-We are in receipt of a card bearing the following: "Compliments of Bertha Cortright Nixon, Spencer, Tioga Co., N.Y., July 23, 1885. Weight 11 avoirdupois." We congratulate editor Nixon and wife, and hope the young lady may bring even more gladness and sunshine to the happy home, and live to smooth the wrinkles of time and care from their brows. -

Mrs. John Reigluth went to Corning on Monday, to visit her parents.

-GENERAL GRANT DEAD-Gen. Grant died at 8:08 a.m., surrounded by all his family. He passed out of life peacefully and without evident pain

-Barton Atkins, of Elmira, has been appointed by the president, United States marshal for Alaska; salary $2,500 per year. (July 25, 1885

-Turney-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Will E. Turney, Clark street, on Thursday, July 23, 1885, a son. W. E. Turney, of the "Shanty of the Sweets" is the proud father of a bouncing son who arrived on Thursday. Will's face wears a wreath of smiles, and he steps lighter than for many a day.

-Miss Nellie Vail, of Athens street is visiting her uncle Mr. G. M. Jarvis, Cooperstown, N.Y.

-Prof. W. S. Smith of Candor, has been elected principal of the schools at Elgin, Ill., and assumes duties Sept. 1st. (1885)

-Mrs. Emma Howard, mother of Mrs. S. O. Shoemaker, is visiting friends in Ludlowville, where she will remain for several weeks.

-Judge Hiram Gray, of Elmira, was eighty-four years old last Monday. (July 1885)

-Mallory Hinman, Monroeton, Pa., while assisting to lower a box into the cellar, on Wednesday, lost his balance and fell into the cellar, breaking his neck. He was a justice of peace of that town says the Towanda Republican. (July 1885)

-E. B. Youmans of Elmira, has been appointed chief clerk of the treasury department at Washington. (July, 1885)-

-Mrs. Joseph Reber, of Hartford, Conn. is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs.Muncy, Loder street. (Waverly)

-Another man made happy. John Besley, of Monroeton, Pa., was in town on Thursday and received his vouching papers for $950 pension. (July 18, 1885

-Geo. Spurr, of Mansfield, Pa., formerly of this village, (Waverly) sold his trotting horse a few days since to Wm. Snyder, of Sheshequin, and Alex. Ellsbree of Athens, for $2,000. In three one mile heats trotted at Athens July 4th, he showed remarkable speed, considering he had not been trained any of this season. He made a half mile in one minute and twelve seconds.

-Mr. Charles E. Scott, who for some time past has been living at Bernice, was in town on Wednesday on his way to Waverly, where he will open a coal yard. He has secured the exclusive sale for that locality of the popular Loyalsock coal, and we hope to hear that he has built up a lucrative trade. His many Towanda friends will certainly wish him well.

-A. R. Bunn was in Homer, N. Y., on Monday to attend the funeral of his brother's son, a very promising young man aged twenty-one. (June 1885)

-Adolph Unger and family, Solomon Unger, wife and daughter left Waverly Sunday night, for New York whence they sailed on Wednesday for Germany, where they will spend two or three months sight seeing and visiting relatives. The business of Adolph Unger, during that gentleman's absence, will be conducted by his brother-in-law, Hugo Sellner, late of Tennessee.

-A very amusing scene was witnessed near the Bradford house on Monday evening. An officer and a culprit whom he wished to arrest sat side by side-the former in New York state, and the latter in Pennsylvania, engaged in conversation. The officer dare not lay a hands upon his companion while he was in Pennsylvania. The state line, which was between them, was indeed very narrow, but they were far removed from each other-yea-so near and yet so far!

-Mrs. Hannah Gibbons was called to Tama, Iowa, a couple of weeks ago to the bedside of her sister, who died in that place last week. (June 1885)

-Newton C. Brewster, one of Waverly's boss penmen, left Waverly on Wednesday for Ithaca or Geneva, where he will engage in business for himself. May success attend his every effort, is our wish.

-A young man was run ove by the cars near VanEttenville on Wednesday evening and mangled beyond recognition. A vest found later containing papers addressed to George Cassady, seemed to establish the fact that such was the name of the victim. He was employed in Lott's mill, near VanEttenvill. (June 1885)

-Howard C. VanDuzer and wife, of whose happy marriage we spoke last week arrived in Waverly on Monday afternoon and are at present guests of R. D. VanDuzer, Esq., the father of the groom. It is the first time in several years that the familar form of Howard has graced our streets, and we are glad to welcome him back to his native town, and doubly so since he comes with a charming wife. They were warmly welcomed in Waverly by hosts of friends, and they have our hearty congratulations and best wishes. They will spend a couple of weeks visiting friends and relatives here and farther east, after which they will return to Defiance, Iowa, Mr. H.'s present home and place of business. (June 1885)

Submitted by Stephanie Johnston. 

-CHEMUNG -James A. S. Warren is getting worse. (June 13, 1885)

-Frank Sayre, commander of the post at Hicks, received his pension last week. (June 1885)

-Fred Tooker manages the Junction House to the satisfaction of his many customers. (June 1885)

-Moses Peterson is once more seen in this village after a months' absence visiting at Addison, N. Y.

- Mrs. Jesse Owen and Mrs. W. H. Owen and son Robert, of Elmira, were the guests of Mrs. J. H. Owen last Thursday.

-Lieut. Geo. A. Crispin and Ed Meyers of Elmira, and Fred Pilgrim and wife of Waverly, visited at the home of M. M. Crispin last Sunday.

-George W. Foulke, our enterprising road commissioner, has the thanks of all our citizens for the improvements made on our streets this spring.

-There are not too many towns of its size that have a finer opera hall than Chemung, it having been fitted up with two full sets of scenery, side wings, patent foot-lights and is, withal, a first-class opera hall.

-Joseph Luce, a lad of 15 years, whose father lives at Sayre, was convicted of vagrancy, in the police court some three weeks ago. Sentence was suspended, he agreeing to leave the city for good. He returned soon, however, and yesterday was again arrested and this morning sentenced to the house of refuge. ( Elmira Gazette, June 9, 1885)

-The body of a female infant was found buried in a field near Elmira on Monday afternoon. It had been buried but a few hours, and bore evidence of having been strangled.

-Miss Ella Mullock, of Athens, was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. G. C. Bruster, last week.

-Miss Anna Dubois has returned from a several weeks visit with friends and relatives in New York.

-The tin wedding of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Snook occurred at their home, on Pennsylvania avenue, on Tuesday evening. The occasion was most enjoyable to all the numerous friends and relatives from Waverly and elsewhere. The presents were very numerous. That they may live to enjoy many such anniversaries, is the wish of their hosts of friends.

-Silas VanGorder, of South Waverly, is dangerously ill of typhoid fever.

-BORN to Mr. and Mrs. J. O. B. Stivers, on Tuesday, Feb. 12, 1884, a daughter.

-Rob't G. McDowell, of Pittston, Pa. spent Sunday with his mother, on Chemung street.

-John B. Bailey has sold his coal and wood yard to Guyer & DeForest, and expects to go west in a few weeks.

-Ed. Walker has purchased the residence now occupied by A. L. Baker, on Pennsylvania avenue, having paid $3,000.

-John R. Jones, who has been seriously ill, is reported as improving, much to joy of his friends. He was visited a few days since by his brother Elijah Jones, of New York city.

-Oscar Hardin, who has been living in East Saginaw, Mich., for several months arrived home on Friday of last week called here be the serious illness of his sister, Mrs. Geo. P. Stone.

-Fred Soules, who was sent to the Monroe penitentiary several months ago, returned to this village on Monday only to be captured by an officer from Sullivan county, where he is wanted on two indictments, one of which is of a rather serious nature, and will probable furnish him free board for several months, if not years. Surely the way of the transgressor is hard.

-MISS PACKERS GREAT WEALTH.-The death of Harry E. Packer, the late president of the Lehigh Valley railroad company, leaves his sister to the enjoyment of the largest income possessed by any unmarried lady in America. Miss Packer's wealth consists mainly in a life interest in the stock of the Lehigh Valley railroad held by the Packer estate. This now amounts to 400,000 shares, and the executors have subscribed to 30,000 more shares under the recent extra issue of the stock. The dividends on this stock alone will amount to $700,000. It is doubtful if Mrs. A. T. Stewart receives a greater income from her vast estate. The richest single woman in the country is Miss Catharine L. Wolfe, of New York, who owns property worth nearly $4,000,000. The value of the Packer estate now reaches $12,000.000. and if it belonged to Miss Packer absolutely would make her the richest woman in America. She has no relatives nearer than cousins to share in the enjoyment of this vast property.

-Fred Moelich, who now resides in Pennsylvania, was in town this week, called here by the sickness and death of his mother, which took place on Sunday. (Feb. 1994)

-Mr. Cook, of East Waverly, has broken up housekeeping, and is to make his home with his son Anderson, at Spencer Summit, after paying a visit to his son Myron, at Milford, Del.

-William Curran, Erie track-walker, fell into the culvert west of Shepard's crossing on Sunday evening and it is feared received fatal injuries. He is unable to move his limbs, and the physicians fear he has sustained injuries to the spine which will render him an invalid, should he survive the terrible shock.

Submitted by Stephanie Johnston 

-Chas. P. Harvey, of VanEttenville, died very suddenly on Saturday last while at work in the woods on Dean creek. (April 1, 1885)

-Hon. A. W. Miner, of Friendship, has presented Hatch Post, 241, G. A. R., of that place, a $5,000 soldiers' monument, which is to be unveiled July 4, 1885.

-Frank Brearly, charged with burglary and larceny in robbing Armstrong's store at Barton, attempted to break out of the jail at Owego, Wednesday night, but was discovered in the act.

-Alfred C. Brink, of Elmira, for many years engaged in the marble business, was arrested on Tuesday evening, for forgery. It is thought the forgeries amount to nearly or quite $10,000.

-Mrs. Anna B. Hurley, of Athens, sister of Fred Weller, of this village, died on Tuesday, March 31, 1885, aged 32 years. She leaves a husband and three children. The funeral was held on Thursday.

-A new salt find on the Francis farm, west pf East Aurora, disclosed a bed of solid salt sixty-five feet thick. A brine rich with salt stands in a well several hundred feet down. In drilling at a depth of 1,355 feet the first layer was struck. After pumping several barrels the quantity is not reduced in the least.

-Amos Plummer and family started for Dakota, last Tuesday.

-Chas. Durkee and family left for Virginia on Wednesday evening.

-Mr. Detmer, of Loder street, has sold his fine residence to a brother of Daniel McCarty, of same street.

-Ira L. Berry has purchased the house formerly owned by Mark Dearborn, Fulton street. Consideration $2,200. A very cheap and desirable property at the price.

-Capt. Wm. Peck, a former resident of this village (Waverly), died at Toronto Kansas, March 19, (1885) aged 63 years. His remains were taken to New Milford, Pa., for burial.

-A meeting of the Town Board, composed of the supervisor, Town Clerk, and Justices of the Peace, all being present, was held at the Clerk's office on Wednesday forenoon at which Dr. D. D. Harnden was elected Health Officer, and A Hemstreet one of the board of health for the ensuing year. Action was also taken in regard to the family of Nelson Rye, and it was decided to send the children to the Susquehanna Home at Binghamton, and the parents to the county home at Owego. I. L. Raymond was also directed to disinfect the premises vacated by the Ryes.

Submitted by Stephanie Johnston 

-D. Newland and Miss Emma Conklin were married on Saturday last, at the home of the bride's father, John Conklin of Milltown, in the presence of a large number of invited friends. (April 1885)

-Frank Brearley, indicted for burglarly and larceny, for breaking into Armstrong's store at Barton and stealing some goods, and Mary Curkendall, indicted for secreting the stolen goods, had their hearing at Owego this week, and both plead guilty.

-At a meeting at Grace church, Monday, April 6, 1885, W. F. Warner and Dr. E. Nelson were elected Wardens and Geo. B. Morgan, Thomas P. Yates, William L. Watrous, M. H. Mandeville, Dr. F. M. Snook and Murray Fairchild were elected Vestrymen.

-Elmira feels much elated over the fact that Charles Beckwith, a roller skater of that city, can jump over sixteen chairs. That's nothing to boast of for even Waverly has known men who could beat that. Some of the greatest jumpers of the age have lived here and they have been known to jump over the state line and their honest debts, but we never considered it worthy of praise.

-Mrs. Lain, Elmira, is visiting her brother M. Heeman, Loder street.

-Mr. Hugo Sellnor, of Colorado, is the guest of Mr. Adolph Unger, his brother-in-law.

-Miss Julia Ransome and mother, formerly of Factoryville, now of Cincinnati, Ohio, are visiting relatives in town.

-Mr. and Mrs. Smith Goble wish to return their thanks to those who have so kindly remembered them in their affliction, and especially for the bill of trade. Mr. Goble has been suffering from consumption for the past year, and his wife is now suffering from intermittent fever, we are informed.

-DAUGHTERS, WIVES AND MOTHERS-Physicians heartily endorse the use of Speer's celebrated Port Grape Wine for the use of debilitated females. It is not an intoxicant, and is absolutely pure, being made from grapes at Speer's Vineyards, N. J. For sale by Mullock Brothers.

-Geo. H. Estell went to Waverly last week to attend the funeral of his son-in-law, James Thomas.

-Starr Stanley, of Ithaca, died on Monday, aged one hundred years and three months. (April 1885) -

V. C. Seeley, porter for the Addison House, of Addison, was killed at that place on Tuesday, by Erie extra No. 4. (April 1885)

-Wm. Donovan, Elmira's champion long distance roller skater, died in New York city on Friday of last week, from pneumonia. (April 1885)

-The ten children of Joseph Pettijohn, of Prescott, Wash. T., are marvels of height and weight. A 17-year-old son is seven feet high and weighs 265 pounds. The average height of the whole is six and a half feet and average weight 224 pounds.

-Miss Mary Packer, the only surviving child of the late Judge Asa Packer, projector of the Lehigh Valler railroad, was married very privately Tuesday afternoon to Charles H. Cummings, of New York. The ceremony was performed at the bride's palatial residence in Mauch Chunk. Miss Packer, now Mrs. Cummings has perhaps the largest income of any lady in the United States, it being estimated at about $1,000 a day.

-MADDOCK-INGLEY - In Wellsville, Allegany county, N. Y., at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage, on Wednesday, April 15, 1885, by Rev. L. D. Chase, Mr. John P. Maddock and Miss Celia Ingley, both of Wellsville.

-HOLMES-FRENCH - In Waverly, N. Y. Wednesday evening, April 15th, 1885, at the residence of the bride's sister, Broad street, by the Rev. D. H. Cooper, pastor of the Baptist church, Mr. Addison Holmes, of St. Louis, Mo. and Miss Luella French of Waverly.

-The funeral of the late Patrick Maroney, an old and highly respected citizen of South Waverly, was held from St. Johns church, on Saturday last. His remains were laid to rest in St. James cemetery. (April 1885)

-John Laugheed has purchased the house and lot located just east of the Hoyt property, on Chemung street, near Dry brook, and is putting on extended repairs.

-Egbert Hammond, for several years foreman of the Waverly Advocate, went to Cohocton to-day, to accept a like situation on the Cohocton Valley Times. Ed's many friends here hope he may "wax fat," and prosper in his new home. -

Major A. Field, of this village, has accepted the Roman Catholic faith, was baptized on Thursday afternoon, by Rev. Father Callagan of Corning. Rev. Father Liddy, of Wellsville, N. Y., was chosed god father, and Mrs. Margaret Kinney, of Waverly, N. Y., god mother.

-James Murray, a switchman in the Lehigh yard at this station, met with another misfortune this (Friday) morning, by having his left hand caught between the bumpers, while in the act of coupling cars. It was found necessary to amputate the thumb and a portion of the hand and it is not unlikely that a finger, and perhaps the balance of the hand will have to be taken off, as the finger and the palm of this hand are badly jammed. "Jim" was badly injured in the back by the cars the 19th of last December by being squeezed, and it was only the first of this month that he sufficiently recovered to be able to again resume work. He is stopping at the Christie house and is attended by Dr. R. S. Harnden.

-Fred Curtis, of Ellistown, has sold his farm of fifty-six acres of land to Thad Ellis for $5,700. Mr. Curtis will remain on the farm another year.

-Miss Fannie Arnot, only daughter of the late Stephen T. Arnot, was quietly married Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, to Mr. Warham Whitney, of Rochester, N. Y. (April 1885)

-Mrs. William House, a resident of VanEttenville for many years, and whose husband was once a promenient merchant of that place, died on Sunday, April 15, 1885. The funeral occurred on Tuesday, Rev. M. Coyle officiating.

-Mrs. Burr Ridgway, having sued the Southern Central railroad company for damages for the loss of her husband, who was an engineer on the train that fell through the bridge over Seneca river over one year ago, has removed to Auburn to better look after the pending suit.

-Mrs. Vaughn, wife of Wm. Vaughn, conductor on the Lehigh Valley railroad, died at her home in Sayre, on Saturday of last week. She was a most estimable woman and her death has cast a gloom over a large circle of friends, whose sympathies go out to the husband in his bereavement.

-Frank Swartwood, for a long time clerk in J. L. Tracy's news room, started for Hulton, Pa., on Erie No. 1, Wednesday evening, whither he goes to enter a machine shop. He is one of our best and most esteemed young men, and his many friends wish him prosperity in his new home and business.

-Mrs. John Heffernan, died at her home on Dry Brook, on Saturday last, from consumption. The funeral was held from St. James church on Monday. (April 1885)

Submitted by Stephanie Johnston 

Tioga County Locals
Happenings of General Interest in This County
Wellsboro Agitator, June 23, 1909, p.3

Millerton will celebrate on Saturday, July 3.

Mr. Delos Rexford, of Manhattan, died on June 13.

Dr. H.E. Caldwell, of Blossburg, has bought a Buick automobile.

Citizens Hose Company of Mansfield, will celebrate Independence day on Monday, July 5.

Mr. Ed. Parker, of Brookfield, was thrown from his horse the other day and dislocated his left shoulder.

Justus Watkins, of Austinville, PA, died on June 13. He is survived by three children, two brothers and one sister.

Freeman S. Hager has been appointed temporary carrier on Mansfield RFD2 in place of Andrew J. Brown, who is ill.

Mrs. F. Bennett, of Hammond, has gone to Bolivar, NY, where she will stay with her daughter, Mrs. Anna Tomton, this summer.

Knoxville will celebrate Independence day on July 3rd. There will be ball games and other sports, fantastic parade and fireworks in the evening.

Mr. & Mrs. M.F. Rose of Mansfield, and Mr. Rose's sister, Mrs. I.R. Doud, of Covington, have gone to Colorado Springs, where they will spend several weeks with relatives.

Miss Marguerite Wood, of Corning, NY, formerly of Mansfield, has been awarded a gold medal for advancement in her work in the piano department of the Corning Conservatory of Music during the past year.

Prof. Hamlin E. Cogswell, head of the Music Department of the Indiana State Normal School, and who formerly filled a similar position in the Mansfield Normal School, will be an instructor of music at Chautauqua, NY, this summer.

At a recent meeting of the School Directors of Deerfield township the following teachers were hired for the coming year: Academy Corners, Miss Dorothy White; Bush School, Miss Madge Kilburn; White School, Miss Ethel Brimmer; Troups Creek, Miss Mayme Terry; Butler Hill, Miss Laura VanDusen; Gravel Deerlick, Miss Frederika Willour [?]; Boatman, Miss Katharine VanDusen.

Mrs. Edith Bostwick, wife of Mrs. John Bostwick, died last Wednesday afternoon at her home in Lawrenceville. She is survived by her husband and three children - Louise, Lowell and Loretta. Mrs. Bostwick was a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Mulford of Corning and was married about six years ago. Besides her parents, one sister also survives her, Mrs. George E. Cook, of Corning.

The varied and extraordinary successes of Lieutenant Ernest H. Shackleton in the Antarctic regions are the subject of an article by Major General A.W. Greely, Commander of the United States Arctic Expedition of 1881-4, the be published in the July Century. It will be a story of unusual fascination for Lieutenant Shackleton's discoveries are the most important and extensive ever made within the Antarctic circle.

Guy Stowell, aged 43, formerly of Millerton, died recently at his home in Elmira, following an operation for appendicitis. He is survived by his wife and two children: Clara Leona and William J., also his mother, who resides in Millerton, PA, and two brothers, Howard and Charles Stowell, of Elmira. Mr. Stowell was a member of Southern Tier Lodge, No. 344, IOOF, Chemung Encampment, No. 18; the Carpenter's Union and the Woodmen of the World. He also was a member of Franklin Street Presbyterian church of Elmira.

The following is from the Homer, NY Republican: "A quiet home wedding took place at the home of Mr. & Mrs. P.S. Preston, friends of the bride, last night at 8 o'clock, when Edwin Eugene Cook and Miss Harriet Bertha Hultsman, both of Corning, were married in the presence of the family, by Rev. E.W. Huelster. The bride was becomingly gowned and the ceremony was beautiful and impressive. The rooms were prettily decorated with vines and flowers for the occasion. Mr. & Mrs. Cook will leave this evening for their future home in Blossburg, PA."

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 12/04/98
By Joyce M. Tice