The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery
Tri County Clippings- Page Seventy Five

Tri-Counties Scrapbook 3C-B

From Photocopy in possession of J. Kelsey Jones

ROBINSON DR. JOHN A ROBINSON Dr. John A. Robinson died at the Arnot Ogden Hospital this morning at 7:30 o’clock under very sad circumstances. Last week Monday while Dr. Robinson was calling on his patients he was taken ill suddenly with symptoms indicating an attack of appendicitis. He went directly to the Arnot-Ogden Hospital, where a surgical operation was performed for the relief of the disease. The patient was improving satisfactorily until last Tuesday when a case of tetanus, better known as lockjaw, developed and caused a serious complication, which the attending physicians were unable to overcome. The case was studied very carefully and it is the opinion the tetanus was the result of a bite received from a cat about May 28, the pet having been ill and inflicted the injury while Dr.Robinson was treating it in the yard at his home. Antitetanic serum was administered and efforts made to force stimulants into the stomach but all efforts were in vain. Dr. Robinson remained in a very critical condition last night and
ROBINSON DR. JOHN A. ROBINSON The funeral of Dr. John A. Robinson was held this afternoon at 3 o’clock from the First Presbyterian Church. Rev. Arthur Dougall officiated assisted by the Rev. Charles H. McKnight and Dr. Webb. Interment was in Woodlawn Cemetery and was private. Local Lodge No. 8879, Modern Woodmen of America attended the funeral in a body. The active pall-bearers were : Dr. Jay F. Robinson, Dr. Ralph Robinson, Edward Robinson, James R. Robinson, jr, J. Theodore Robinson, Rev. H. B. Reddick, Walter A. Smith.The Honorary pall bearers were: Drs. R. P. Bush, H. H. Ford, F. C. Annabel, H. W. Fudge, R. G. Loop, A. W. Booth, Larue Colegrove, G. M. Case, Sherman Voorhees, R. B. Howland, A. J. Westlake, C. W. M.Brown, H. D. Wey, Henry Flood, A. H. Baker.
ROCKWELL DANA LOUISE ROCKWELL - Dana Louise, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Rockwell, died at the family home, 825 Erie street, Saturday at 4:30 p.m. aged fifteen months. Besides her parents, she is survived by two brothers, Russell and Lewis. The funeral was held today at the home at 2 o’clock. (handwritten on article Aug13 1921)
ROCKWELL LOUIS ROCKWELL Louis Rockwell; aged five years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rockwell of 825 Erie Street, died Tuesday afternoon about 3 o’clock following injuries received in an automobile accident. He is survived by his parents, a sister, Doris and a brother Russell all of Elmira. The body was removed to the Wilson funeral home. Funeral service will be held from the family home Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock. The Rev. A. M. Laird will officiate. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery. (handwritten on article Sept 1 1925)
ROFFE BLANCHE MAY ROFFE A prayer service will be held over the remains of Blanche May Roffe at the Harrington undertaking rooms tomorrow at 9 am, The remains will be taken over the Tioga Railroad to Lawrenceville, Pa. at 9:35 a.m. Funeral and burial in Lawrenceville.
ROGERS FELL ASLEEP “A flower too fair for earth Transplanted to paradise.” The family of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Rogers, of No. 359 College Avenue, mourn the loss of a little son, none-months old. The funeral will be held this afternoon, at 3 o’clock from the house, interment in Woodlawn Cemetery. (handwritten on article Jan 30 1902)
ROSE REBECCA PACKARD Woman Who Lived In Three Centuries Regarding the life of the late Mrs. Rebecca Packard, who died at Covington, Pa., Tuesday, at the advanced age of 105 years, the Covington Sun says: “Considering her activity, her bright mind and the preservation of all her faculties at her great age, she was without doubt the most remarkable woman in Pennsylvania. She had lived under the administration of every President since the formation of this government, having been born a year and a half before Washington retired from the Presidency. She was eleven years of age when Robert Fulton’s steamboat made its first trip up the Hudson, and she was married six months before General Andrew Jackson won his victory over the British at New Orleans. She was a middle-aged woman when he read with interest about Fremont’s heroic expedition of discovery in the untracked region of the Rocky Mountains, California and Oregon, and she was comparatively an old woman when the first railway was built in this country, when Morse 
ROSS PRIVATE GEORGE ROSS, U.S.A. The remains of Private George Ross of the U. S. Army, who died of pneumonia while on an army transport en route to France, arrived last night in Elmira, in charge of an Army non-commissioned officer, and were removed to the Van Buskirk undertaking rooms at Horseheads in a motor ambulance. The remains will be removed this afternoon to the family home on O’Hanlon Street in this village. A prayer service will be held at the house Monday at 1:30 p.m. The funeral will be held in the Elmwood Avenue Baptist Church, Monday, at 2 o’clock, the Rev. Hugh Kane to officiate. A detail from the State Guard in Elmira will assist. Burial in Maple Grove Cemetery at Horseheads. The decedent is survived by his widow, three step-children, Anna, Ray and Clarence McInerney, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ross of this village, two brothers, John E. and Edward Ross; also six sisters, Mrs. Herbert Treese of Buffalo; Mrs. David Gibson and Mrs. Jacob Swartz of Leroy, N.Y., Mrs. Henry Rutty and the Misses Sara
ROUSHEY MRS. JOSEPHINE A. BENTLEY Mrs. Josephine A. Bentley, widow of William G. Bentley, died yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the family home at South Creek. She was eighty-one years old and had been ill and confined to her room during the past seven years. She was a daughter of the late Hiram and Sarah Roushey, who settled in South Creek 100 years ago, and the vicinity in which she lived is now and has been for years known as the Roushey Settlement. Her father and a brother, the late Michael Roushey, were prominent in politics in the town of Southport many years and held many offices. Mrs. Bentley is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Clarence Stevens of Ridgebury, Pa., Mrs. John R. Pratt of South Creek, Misses Ada and Mae J. Bentley who reside at home; two sons Hiram and Grant who reside at home and a sister, Miss Susan Roushey. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at an hour to be announced later. The Rev. J. D. Warren of the South Presbyterian church will officiate. (handwritten on article May 16, 1915)
ROUSHY MICHAEL B. ROUSHY The funeral of Michael B. Roushy, who died Saturday morning at his home on the South Creek road will be held Wednesday afternoon at 1 o’clock from the home and Rev. H. E. Spase will officiate. Burial will be in the Roushy private cemetery. He is survived by a wife and three sisters, Mrs. William Bentley, Miss Susie Roushy, of South Creek, and Mrs. William H. Cleveland of Corning. He also is survived by one stepson Frank E. Phillips; one granddaughter, Gretchen Roushy and by three grandsons, John M. , David S., and Charles O. Phillips of South Creek. (handwritten on article Mar 4 1905)
ROWLAND URI G. ROWLAND - Uri G. Rowland of No. 2 Holdridge place, this city, died at his farm in Christian Hollow yesterday morning at 7 o’clock, aged sixty-five years. Mr. Rowland left his home in this city Tuesday to look after some live stock on his farm. He suffered a stroke of apoplexy and his condition became worse until his death yesterday. He is survived by his widow, two daughters, Mrs. F. P. Atwater of this city, and Mrs. John Sherwood of Westfield, Pa., three sons, Charles of Westfield; James of Painted Post and Eugene of Lyons. The remains were removed to the home on Holdridge place yesterday afternoon. Monday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock the remains will be removed over the Erie Railroad to Sabinsville, Pa., where the funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon in the church at 2 o’clock. Burial will be in the family plot of the Sabinsville Cemetery. (handwritten on article Mar. 17 1911)
ROWLAND U. S. ROWLAND U. S. Rowland, a farmer at Christian Hollow, died at his farm this morning. The remains will be brought to the Harrington undertaking rooms this afternoon and the funeral notice will be announced later. 
ROY WISNER J. ROY Wisner J. Roy died at the family home, in the town of Southport, just south of this city, early this morning. He is survived by his widow and two sons, Fred and Edward, also two sisters, Mrs. Dix W. Smith of this city and Mrs. L. F. Shepherd of Bracy, Virginia, also a brother Charles H. Roy of Hillsadle, Mich. Mr. Roy was one of the best known farmers and stock men in this vicinity and was widely known as a breeder of French coach horses and Shetland ponies. A visit to his fine stock farm was a rare treat. He had been officially connected with the Chemung County Agricultural Society for many years and was one of the solid men of Southport, and an active force for good in his community. He was a member of the Baptist church at Pine City for more than 40 years, for a long time chairman of the Board of Trustees and a teacher in the Sunday School. He was an exemplary man in all the relations of life. The funeral will be held at the residence Monday at 1 p.m. (handwritten on article Jan 14, 1910)
SAGE WILLIAM S. SAGE William S. Sage of Seely Creek died at the family home Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock. He was a member of the Charles G. Fairman Lodge No. 769, I. O. O. F. of Pine City. He is survived by his widow, two daughters, Mrs. Frank D. Dersberger of Buffalo and Mrs. Norman Hays of Gassport; two sons, Lewis J. of Malden, Mass., and Dr. Harrison M. of Columbus, O. Funeral announcements will be made later (handwritten on article July 7 1925 - buried at Caton)
SAMPLE HUGH SAMPLE Hugh Sample, 66, of South Creek died this morning in the Town of Horseheads.There are no near relatives. The remains repose in the Page funeral home, Wellsburg. The funeral and burial will be in the Roushby Cemetery at South Creek Monday at 3 p.m. (handwritten on article Jan 10, 1931)
SCHULTZ CHARLES H. SHULTZ Charles H. Shultz died this morning at 1:30 o’clock at the family home, 223 Brand Street, after an extended illness. The decedent was born in the Town of Southport in 1873 and had passed his entire life in Elmira. He was a junction car inspector for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company and had many friends among his fellow employees with whom he was highly respected. In 1910 he was united in marriage with Miss Jessie Brown of this city. He was a member of Ivy Lodge No. 397, F. & A.M. Cashmere Grotto, No. 11 M.O.V.P.E.R., and the Masonic Club. Mr. Schultz is survived by his widow, his mother, Mrs. Mary Shultz and two brothers, Robert and Raymond Shultz, all of this city. The funeral will be held in Woodlawn Chapel Wednesday at 3 p.m. in the charge of Ivy Lodge, F. & A.M., the Rev. N. S. Boardman to assist. Burial in Woodlawn cemetery. (handwritten on article Oct 30, 1916)
SEAFUSE DR. MERTON E. SEAFUSE Dr. Merton E. Seafuse, 59, a practicing physician in Elmira for many years, died Thursday at 2 p.m. at the family home, 542 Pennsylvania Avenue. He was a member of Ivy Lodge, F & A.M., the New York and Pennsylvania Medical Societies; the Bradford County, Pa,. Medical Society, and of Centenary Methodist Episcopal church. He is survived by his widow; a daughter, Mrs. Hazel Hanselman of Ithaca; a son, Merton E. of Elmira; three brothers, Dr. Samuel, Frank and Smith, of Elmira; and two half brothers, Ernest Enman of Elmira, and Edward Vetter, of Bentley Creek, Pa. The remains repose in the Holly & Phillips funeral home until Saturday night, when they will be removed to the family home. The funeral will be held in the family home Monday at 2:30 p.m., the Rev. C. G. McConnell will officiate. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery. Committal service by Ivy Lodge, F. & A.M.( handwritten on article May 9, 1929)
SETTLE TRACY SETTLE Tracy Settle 52 of 711 Columbia Street, died Saturday night. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Lucy Settle; two sisters, Mrs. Henry Rorick of Elmira and Mrs. Fred Davis of Addison; two brothers, John Settle of Elmira and Wilfred Settle of Avon.The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o’clock, at 711 Columbia Street. The Rev. H. C. Geckle will officiate. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery. (Oct 31, 1926)
SEYTER The death of Mrs. Mary Tobey occurred at her home in Caton Center, this week after a lingering illness. Deceased was a very estimable woman and highly esteemed by all who knew her. She had a large circle of friends and acquaintances who will regret to learn of her demise. Her husband, Christopher Tobey, died some time ago and she is survived by one son, Charles L. Tobey, formerly of this city. She was sister of Patrolman Robert Seyter, of this city; and also of Charles and Bert Seyter, of Caton. The funeral was held at Caton Center on Wednesday and the interment was at that place. (handwritten on article May 29 1899)
SHANNON Dundee, Oct 6 – The funeral of Albert Shannon was held from his late home in Barrington this afternoon and interment was made in Hillside cemetery. His death occurred at Geneva City Hospital Tuesday, following an operation. He was 37 years of age and born in Crystal Springs, near this village, and he had always lived in this vicinity. He leaves his widow who was Miss Lucy Bell and a daughter, Esther,and a son George; his mother, Mrs. Cassie Shannon, of this village; two sister Mrs. W. H. Wood of Cleveland and Mrs. Orville Beyea of this place; one brother, Henry, of Dundee. (handwritten on article 1922)
SHAPPEE LESTER L. SHAPPEE Lester L., the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shappee, died yesterday afternoon at the family home in the town of Southport, near Bulkhead. The parents, a sister and brother survive. The funeral will be held at the home Thursday at 3 p.m. , the Rev. F. G. Andrus to officiate. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery. (handwritten on article June 16, 1914)
SHEARES(a) Joshua Sheares, a veteran of the Civil War, was found dead in bed yesterday at his home in Christian Hollow, under circumstances which indicate that the aged man had succumbed to delirium tremors after a heavy debauch. Sheares received his pension on the twelfth of April, and , as was usual with him at such a time, he proceeded to indulge in a protracted spree. During this period of intoxication he is known to have plunged deeply into the desire for liquor, although a few days ago he made an effort to sober up, and as was his custom, tried to overcome the influence of alcoholism with doses of morphine. He was noticed last Tuesday morning by the neighbors with a handkerchief tied about his head. This is the last time he was seen alive. Mrs. Combs, a sister of Sheares, went to the house yesterday and found everything in a topsy-turvy condition. Chairs were tumbled about and nearly everything was out of place. A lamp had been left burning on a mantle after the oil had been consumed, and the smoldering wick gave 
SHEARES(b) There were two beds in the room occupied by the old soldier and his wife. Mrs. Combs was horrified to discover her brother lying cold and still, his chin touching the edge of his wife’s bed, with the motionless form of her sister-in-law stretched across him. The condition of the bed clothing made it evident that there had been a struggle between the aged pair. Sheares was dead, and his wife unconscious. There were bruises about her head, face and right side. Mrs. Combs gave the alarm and word was sent to Frank Qates, a stepson of the deceased, who resides at No. 202 Chestnut Street, Elmira. Accompanied by Dr. Love, he went to the house and viewed the ghastly scene. A closer examination showed that Sheares, who had been dead several hours, had several contusions upon the head, but there is no means of determining whether he received them from his wife or inflicted them himself. Mrs. Sheares will probably recover, although she is in a precarious condition. Coroner Jones, of North Chemung, was informed of the di
SHEELY FREDERICK SHEELY, SR. One of the oldest residents of this vicinity died early this morning when Frederick Sheely, Sr., died at his home on South Broadway, near Bulkhead. The death was very sudden. For some time past Mr. Sheely has been in failing health, and bout two weeks ago sustained a fall, from the effects of which he was yet suffering.Last night he was seemingly as well as usual when he retired. He was heard up about the house at 3 o’Clock this morning, and upon being asked about the matter by a member of the family, complained that heart was troubling him. The household was immediately aroused. The aged gentleman failed fast and before Dr. G. D. Smith, who was hastily summoned, arrived at the house, he was past help. The death occurred at 3:30 o’clock.Frederick Sheely was born seventy-three years ago in Wurtemberg, Germany. He came to this country at the age of three, and lived in Syracuse till ten years old, when he cam to Elmira. He remained here until 1850 when he went to Belfast, N.Y. and en
SHEELY WILLIAM T. SHEELY, MEMBER OF WELL-KNOWN FAMILY OF THIS CITY, PASSES AWAY IN NEW JERSEY—PNEUMONIA. William T. Sheeley, who was about fifty years old died at his home at Passaic, N.J., this morning at 2 o’clock of la grippe and pneumonia. He had been ill two weeks. He formerly lived here and is a member of one of Chemung County’s best known families. He moved to Passaic from here twelve years ago to engage in the lumber and coal business, and also has been engaged into motor car business. He is survived by his wife and two daughters, Misses Anna and Minnie, and one son William,. He also leaves five brothers and one sister in this city and in the town of Southport. They include George, Frederick, Henry, Edward, John and Mrs. Ephriam Dalrymple. Mr. Sheeley visited this city frequently after he moved to Passaic and had many friends here, who will regret his death. He was a prosperous business man and a good citizen. The funeral will be held Monday at Passaic. (handwritten on article Jan 16, 1913)
SHEEN ERWIN J. SHEEN Erwin J. Sheen of 311 Baldwin Street died Sunday, September 13. He is survived by his widow; two sons, Erwin J. and Earle; and four daughters, Mrs. Bert Stage and Mrs. H. L. Preston, all of Elmira and Mrs. A. S. Pontilitz of Grand Rapids, Mich. The funeral was held at 311 Baldwin Street, Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. The Rev. W. H. Benham officiated. Burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery. (handwritten on article Sept 13, 1925)
SHEPARD MRS. B. F. JAYNES Mrs. Edna Shepard Jaynes died this morning at 1:35 o’clock at the family home, 79 Bonaview Avenue, near West Hudson Street, after an extended illness, following a severe attack of influenza. She is survived by her husband, Benjamin F. Jaynes; a son, ?; two sisters, Mrs. Charles Mitchell and Mrs. Robert ? of Elmira. The funeral will be announced later. (handwritten on article May 1920)
SHEPERD FRANK SHEPERD The funeral of Frank Sheperd was held this afternoon at the family home at Mosherville, Pa. Burial was in Woodlawn cemetery in this city. The decedent is survived by his widow, two daughters, Mrs. Viola Drake and Miss Dorothy Sheperd at home; three brothers, George and Fred Sheperd of Elmira and Augustus Sheperd of Corning; two sisters, Mrs. Belle Lewis of Elmira Heights and Mrs. Alice Backer of Waverly. (handwritten on article Aug 13, 1920)
SHEPHERD GEORGE SHEPHERD George Shepherd died Friday at 5:30 p.m. at the funeral home, 764 Spruce Street. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Winfred Hovencamp of Sullivanville; and a son, Fred of Detroit, Mich. The remains repose in the Honan funeral home, where the funeral will be held Monday at 2 p.m. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery. (handwritten on article Nov. 29, 1929)
SHEPHERD AUGUSTIN L. SHEPHERD Augustin L. Shepherd,aged seventy-seven years, died last night at 6 o’clock at his home, No. 724 Hopkins Street. He is survived by his wife and four sons, George of Elmira, Augustin L., jr. of Corning, Frederick and Frank of Elmira; two daughters Mrs. R. P. Backer of Rena, N.Y., and Mrs. Henry Lewis of Elmira Heights and one sister, Mrs. Hanna Sheffler of Ithaca, N.Y. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Interment will be in Woodlawn cemetery. (handwritten on article July 1907)
SISSON JOHN SISSON Penn Yan, June 13 – John Sisson, 68, died at the Soldiers and Sailors’ Hospital, this village, Tuesday afternoon. He is survived by his widow; three daughters, Mrs. Fred. A. Wren, Mrs. Fred Corey, Penn Yan, and Miss Leona Sisson, Milo; a son, Laverne, Milo; three brothers, Banoni, Milo; George and Wesley, Jerusalem. The funeral will be held from the family home in Milo Saturday at 2 p.m., the Rev. S. G. Houghton, pastor of the Methodist Church, officiating. Burial in Lake View. (handwritten on article June 12 1929)
SISSON MRS. CARRIE WREN Penn Yan, May 4 – Mrs. Carrie Wren, 40, died at Pleasant Valley Sanitarium Friday. Surviving are her husband, Fred Wren, of Penn Yan; three sons, Clarence, Leland and Burton, all at home; one brother Laverne Sisson, of Barrington; two sisters, Mrs. Frank Corey of Penn Yan and Miss Leona Sisson of Hammondsport. The funeral was held today at 2 p.m. The Rev. R. D. Jessup officiated and burial was in Lake View Cemetery. (handwritten on article May 1, 1931)
SITZER GLEN SITZER - Glen Sitzer, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stizer died yesterday at 2:30 p.m. at the family home in Christian Hollow, aged seven months. The decedent is survived by the parents, three sisters, Leah, Ruth and Cleo; also a brother Lynn. The funeral will be held at the family home Saturday at 1 p.m. The Rev. J. D. Warren will officiate and burial will be in Woodlawn cemetery. (handwritten on article Oct 29 1914)
SITZER SETH SITZER Seth Sitzer died at his home,No. 850 East Market Street, this morning at 4:30 o’clock. He is survived by his wife, a son Charles of Elmira and Arthur, sailor in the United States battleship Illinois, and one daughter, Mrs. Hattie Collins, of this city; also four sisters, and four brothers, Mrs. William McCumber and Mrs. S. T. McCumber of Corning, Mrs. Rebecca Rickard of North Bluheim and Mrs. Phoebe Shafer of West Fulton, N.Y., Benjamin, of Southport, Charles of Hudson, N.Y., William of Glens Falls. Funeral announcement later. (handwritten on article Jan 29 1904)
SITZER MRS. DANIEL J. BARRETT Mrs. Daniel J. Barrett, formerly Miss Bessie Sitzer of this city, died this morning. She is survived by her husband, Daniel J. Barrett, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sitzer, four sisters, Mrs. Louis Barker,Miss Pearl Sitzer, Eleanor and Florence Sitzer; a brother Leon Sitzer all of this city. The remains will be removed to the home of her sister, Mrs. Lewis Barber 54 South Main Street, where the funeral will be held Friday afternoon, the hour to be announced later. The burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery. (handwritten on article Feb 4, 1915)
SKINNER NATHAN SKINNER Nathan Skinner, a bond salesman, residing on Dalrymple Avenue, in the Town of Southport, died this morning at 9 o’clock after a few days’ illness of the grippe. He is survived by his widow, two sisters, the Misses Florence and Bessie Skinner of Milansville, Pa. The remains repose in the Harrington funeral home. Funeral notice later. (handwritten on article Jan 17, 1931)
SMITH THREE CHILDREN BURN TO DEATH NEAR OLEAN Olean, N.Y., April 28- Three children of Arthur Smith, were burned to death when his farm house near Keating Summit, Pa., was destroyed by fire early this morning. Smith was severely burned in attempting to rescue the children. The dead are: Helen, 7 years old, Ray 4, and Dorris, 18 months old. The fire started while Smith and his two oldest boys were in the barn feeding the live stock. The four-year-old boy is reported to have called for help but was not understood and obeyed when told to return to the house. (handwritten on article 1922- grandchildren of Carrie Woodward)
SMITH HARRY SMITH Harry Smith, 56, of Pine City, died Monday at 4:15 p.m. after one week’s illness of blood poison, following an injury to a finger. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Alma Smith, a daughter, Eva; a son Claude; his mother Mrs. Susan Smith all of Pine City. A prayer service will be held in the family home Thursday at 1:30 p.m. The funeral will be held in the Pine City Baptist Church at 2 p.m. The Rev. George Burroughs will officiate. Burial in Woodlawn cemetery. (handwritten on article Oct 12 1931)
SMITH SYLVESTER SMITH Sylvester Smith died yesterday morning at 8 o’clock, aged 76 years. He is survived by three daughters, Helen of this city; Mrs. Elizabeth Lovell, also of Elmira, and Mrs. Mary Smith of Pine City; one son, William Smith of this city; one sister, Mrs. Morgan of South Tacoma, Wash.; one brother Charles Smith of Michigan. Funeral announcement later. (handwritten on article May 7 1906)
SMITH OFFER WILL FOR PROBATE The will of William H. Smith has been offered for probate in Surrogate’s Court, Mary B. Smith being named as executrix. The estates is valued at $8,000 real and $2,500 personal property.
SOPER MRS. CORA LUCY S. WHITE Mrs. Cora Lucy S. White, died Saturday night at 12 o’clock at the family home on West Hill, aged forty-two years. She is survived by her husband, George White, one son Raymond and a daughter Dorothy White; also by her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Soper. The funeral will be held at the home Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. the Rev. C. E. Ferguson will officiate. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery. (handwritten on article 1911)
SQUIRE WON DISTINCTION, AS DID HIS FATHER BEFORE HIM- ACTIVE UNTIL HE REACHED HIS 75TH BIRTHDAY FEW -MONTHS AGO- SISTER ALSO WON FAME. Dr. Charles L. Squire, 75, leading physician and surgeon in Elmira many years, died Thursday at 5 p.m. at the family home, in which building he had passed his entire life. Dr. Squire was the son of the late Dr. and Mrs. Truman Hoffman Squire. His mother was a daughter of the late Dr. Nathaniel Smith, South Creek, Pa., prior to which time he was located at Bennington, Vt. She was a sister of the late H. Boardman Smith. Dr. Squire was graduated from the public schools of Elmira and the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York City. He returned to Elmira in 1874, to commence the practice of medicine and surgery. He speedily became one of the best liked of Elmira’s physicians and surgeons and increasing years added to his popularity. A thorough student of medicine, with gentle and sympathetic ways, he won the affection of patients and citizens alike and became a
SQUIRE MRS. POTTER PASSES AWAY IN CHICAGO Distinguished Elmira Woman Well known as Scholar, Writer and Lecturer - Dies in Her Western Home—Remarkable Career. Mrs. Frances Squire Potter, a native of Elmira, died yesterday afternoon at the family home in Chicago after an extended illness. The decedent was born forty-seven years ago as Frances Boardman Squire, a daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. Truman H. Squire of this city. She was educated in the city schools and Elmira College. She received the degree of A.M. in the University of Minnesota, and did graduate work in Cambridge University, England. She was for ten years in the English department of the University of Minnesota, resigning her professorship there to go into the lecture field, where she was increasingly successful and prominent. Mrs. Potter attained a marked reputation as a university extension lecturer, in which she attracted attention which led to her being secured by various organizations to represent them in the lecture field. Among there were the Gen
STADELMAIER HERMAN STADELMAIER Herman Stadlemaier of Bulkhead, died this morning at 5:30 o’clock, aged thirty-six years. He is survived by his widow, two daughters Mary and Louise; four sons, Herman, jr., Jacob, Frederick and Carl; his parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stadelmaier of Bulkhead; a sister, Miss Minnie Stadelmaier; a brother Frank Stadlemaire of Elmira. The funeral will be held at the home Thursday at 2 o’clock the Rev. H. A. Depfer to officiate. Burial in Woodlawn cemetery. (handwritten on article Nov 7 1922)
STANNARD FRANK E. STANNARD Frank E. Stannard, a well known farmer and dairyman, in the Town of Elmira, over East Hill, died Monday night at the family home. Mr. Stannard was a member of the Board of Supervisors of Chemung County several terms and represented his town in that body. He was a past master of the Chemung Grange; a member of Tooka Tribe, I.O. of R.M.; the Royal Arcanu, Farmers Alliance and other societies. Mr. Stannard was a reliable business man and faithful public official, who held the respect of many friends. Mr. Stannard is survived by his widow, son Dana at home; three grandchildren Monroe, Helen and Dora Stannard; by three sisters, Mrs. Anna Monroe of Lockwood, Mrs. Margaret Morrell of Binghamton, and Mrs. Harriet Komary of Binghamton. The funeral will be announced later. (handwritten on article Nov. 20, 1922)
STEWART N.M. STEWART The funeral of N. M. Stewart, was held at the family home in Sagetown this afternoon at 12:30 o’clock and at the Webb Mills Church at 2 o’clock. Burial was in the Webb Mills Cemetery. (handwritten on article 1912)
STILSON NEHEMIAH W. STILSON Nehemiah W. Stilson died at the family home in South Creek Tuesday night about 12 o’clock. He is survived by his widow, two daughters, Mrs. Nelson Casey of Gillett, Pa.; Mrs. Charles Conklin of Christian Hollow; a son, William of Pine City; also a sister Mrs. B. Tobey of Pine city and a brother Alvin Stilson of Corning. The funeral will be held at the home tomorrow at 2 p.m. in the Baptist Church in Gillett, Pa. Burial in the Gillett Cemetery. (handwritten on article June 21, 1910)
STRADER SAMUEL M. STRADER Samuel M. Strader died yesterday at 1:30 p.m. at the family home onWest Hill, aged seventy-one years. He is survived by his widow; two sons Elmer and George of Elmira, and a daughter, Mrs. Frederick Hugg of Elmira. A prayer service will be held at the home Monday at 10 a.m. and the funeral will be held at Woodlawn chapel at 10:30 o’clock. The Rev. A. E. Atwater of Riverside church will officiate. Burial in Woodlawn cemetery. (handwritten on article Jan 3 , 1913)
STREETER-RUGUR STREETER-RUGUR The marriage of Miss Helen L. Streeter and Byron B. Rugur, both of Horseheads, was solemnized Saturday at 3 p.m. in the parsonage of the Northside Baptist Church. The Rev. Grant Chambers, pastor, performed the ceremony. (handwritten on article Emma Farrons girl May 24 1930)
STREETER-RUGUR HAROLD LOUIS STREETER Harold Louis Streeter, aged eleven months and nine days, died Thursday at 3 o’clock at the home of the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Farran of Wells, Pa. he is survived by his parents and one twin sister Helen Louise. The funeral was held today at 12 o’clock at the house and at 2 o’clock at the church in Wells, Pa. The burial was in the Mosherville Cemetery. (handwritten on article Sept 9 1909)
SWARTOUT SENECA DEMOTT SWARTOUT EXPIRES IN MONTOUR FALLS Montour Falls, Nov. 9—Seneca DeMott Swartout, for most of his lifetime a resident of Lodi, Seneca County, died at the home of his son-in-law E. W. Lingins, of this village, Sunday, aged 66 years. Death resulted from pneumonia which was the culmination of a considerable period of illness. Funeral services were held here at 1 p.m., Wednesday, the Rev. Maurice J. Hamm of the Federated churches officiating. The burial was at Lodi. Mr. Swartout is survived by daughters,Mrs. George Backman, of Niagara Falls; Mrs. E. W. Linings, Mrs. Ray Wheeler, of Geneva; sons, Wirt Swartout of Geneva; George Swartout of Detroit, Mich.; Claud Swartout of Lodi; three grandchildren and a brother Nathaniel Swartout of Wellsville, N.Y. (handwritten on article 1918)
TAYLOR ALBERT TAYLOR Albert Taylor of South Creek died at Binghamton this morning. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs.Viola Gilbert of Elmira, Mrs. Jennie Spear of Caton, two brothers, W. J. Taylor of Elmira, Edward Taylor of Mansfield, and a half-brother, Chauncey Hamm of Southport; also several nieces and nephews. The funeral will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Wilsons undertaking rooms. (handwritten on article Aug 16 1920)
THAYER SAMUEL I. THAYER Dundee, July 9 – Samuel I. Thayer, 75, prominent resident of Yates County and interested in politics in this community for many years, died at his home in Dundee Wednesday morning. He was born in the town of Barrington, Nov. 7, 1855, the son of Samuel and Ann Thayer. Mr. Thayer was clerk of the Yates County Board of Supervisors in 1901, and a member of the board for six years, representing the Town of Barrington from 1905 to 1911. He was an ardent Democrat. He leaves his widow, Georgia Thayer. The funeral will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. at the home in Dundee. The Rev. George McCulloch of the Presbyterian Church will officiate and interment will be in Dundee Cemetery. Keuka Lodge, I.O.O.F. will have charge of the committal services. (handwritten on article 1931)
THOMPSON MRS. MARY WALSH Mrs. Mary Walsh, widow of Patrick Walsh, former residents at Bulkhead, in the town of Southport, died Wednesday at the home of her niece, Mrs. Emma Nichols, 658 Oak Street. Her husband died one year ago. The survivors are a sister, Mrs. Margaret Thompson; three brothers, John Thompson of Gillett, Pa., Frank Thompson of Stanley and James Thompson of Elmira; a niece Mrs. Emma Nichols. The funeral was held at the home 658 Oak Street, Friday at 8:15 o’clock and at the SS Peter and Paul Church at 9 o’clock. Burial in the SS Peter and Paul Cemetery. (handwritten on article Feb 21, 1923)
TOBEY CHARLES TOBEY - Charles Tobey, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tobey, formerly of this city, died at their home in Cleveland, Sunday. The remains will arrive in Elmira today and will be taken to the home of the child’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Tobey, 708 South Broadway, where the funeral will be held this afternoon at 2 o’clock. The Rev. Mr. Sirrell will officiate and the remains will be taken to the Christian Hollow Cemetery for burial. (handwritten on article May 22 1910)
TOBEY MRS. RUTH S. TRIPP Mrs. Ruth S. Tripp of Los Angeles, cal., and formerly a resident of Elmira, died Monday evening at 6 o’clock in this city, aged forty-four years. She had been in Elmira, about three months for medical treatment and is survived by her husband, Albert G. Tripp; an adopted daughter, Virginia Mary; two sisters, Mrs. George K. Sheely of Elmira, and Mrs. Ashley Packard of Los Angeles, Cal; three brothers, M. R. and B. J. Tobey of Elmira and Benjamin Tobey of Pine City. The funeral will be held at the home of Mrs. Sheely, 514 West Hudson Street, the time to be announced later (handwritten on article 1916)
TOBEY CHARLES TOBEY Charles, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tobey, formerly of this city, died at their home in Cleveland Sunday. The remains arrived in Elmira yesterday morning and were taken to the home of the child’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Tobey, 708 South Broadway where the funeral was held yesterday afternoon at 2 o’clock. The Rev. L. N. Sirrell officiated, and the remains were taken to the Christian Hollow Cemetery for burial. (handwritten on article May 22, 1910)
TOMPSON MRS. MARY C. LATTIN Mrs. Mary C. Lattin died this morning at 5:30 o’clock at the family home, 514 West First Street. She is survived by her husband, Carmi Lattin, a daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Beebe, of Washington, D. C., two sons, Charles S. of Toledo, O., and Lewis N. of Corning; a sister, Mrs. Lorenzo Cass of Romeo,Mich.and a brother Omer D. Thompson of Romeo, Mich. The funeral will be announced later. (handwritten on article Oct 6, 1914)
TRIPP ALBERT TRIPP Albert Tripp, a former resident of Elmira died Saturday at Jerome, Arizona, after an extended illness. Mrs. Tripp died in this city August 1, last year. A little daughter , Virginia May, aged three years survives them. Mr. and Mrs. George Sheely, of West Hudson and Walnut Streets, are also relatives of the decedent. The remains will be removed to Elmira for burial in Woodlawn cemetery, the date to be announced later. (handwritten on article June 30 1917)
TUNNICLIFF The funeral of S. S. Tunnicliff of Gillett, Pa.,was held Friday at 10 a.m. at the Gillett Church, the Rev. Sidney Kane officiating. (handwritten on article July 7 1929)
VanDYKE MRS.SARAH E. PRATT At 11 o’clock this morning occurred the death of Mrs. Sarah E. VanDyke Pratt at the Pratt private hospital, aged sixty-eight years. The deceased has been ill since last March, valvular heart disease being the cause of death. The remains were taken to her home, No. 367 West Gray Street, where the funeral will be held Thursday afternoon and will be strictly private. Mrs. Pratt was the first graduate of the Women’s Hospital in St. Louis, where she afterwards conducted a large sanitarium. Later she came to this city, where she has practiced for the past forty years. She is survived by one son, Dr. R. M. Pratt of this city. Mrs. Pratt was a woman whose characteristic traits won for her many friends to whom the news of her death will be sad intelligence.
VanORSDALE MRS. ANNIS S. LEE Mrs. Annis S. Lee died Sunday at 6:15 a.m. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred. H. Rogers, 1115 Lake Street, aged sixty-eight years. She is survived by one brother, Edwin E, Van Orsdale, and a sister, Miss M. Augusta Arnot both of Elmira. The funeral will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. and will be private, the Rev. H. A. Depfer officiating. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery. (handwritten on article Feb 22, 1914)
VAUGHAN DAVID L. VAUGHAN David LaMott Vaughan, 80, of West Elmira, died Sunday night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Edmund Ilsley, in New York. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Vaughan; three daughters, Mrs. Clara Miller, of Elmira Heights, Mrs. Ewald Menzel and Mrs. Edmund Ilsley of New York; two sons, William L. Vaughan of Elmira and Erie E. Vaughan of Rochester; a brother Eric t. Vaughan of West Elmira. The body will arrive in Elmira, over the Lackawanna Railroad today at 4:38 p.m., and will repose in the McInerney and O’Dea funeral home until Wednesday, at 1 p.m. The funeral will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. in Woodlawn Chapel. The Rev. A. G. Cornwell will officiate. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery. (handwritten on article May 5, 1929)
WALSH PATRICK WALSH Patrick Walsh died at the family home in the Town of Smithport, near Weyers? Crossing, Tuesday at 11 a.m. The decedent had resided in that location over thirty-five years, during which period he had been an employee of the Pennsylvania railroad many years and had many friends. Mr. Walsh retired several years ago from the railroad service and was a member of the Railroad Honor Roll. He is survived by his widow, several nieces and nephews. The Misses Mary, Anna, Agnes and Margaret Walsh, Mrs. John Richardson, Daniel and Thomas Sheehan; Dr. James Walsh of Cortland; James and Frederick Walsh of buffalo; John and Bridget Sullivan of Washington, D. C. The funeral will be held at the family home Friday at 8 a.m. and at the St. Mary church at 9 o’clock. Burial in SS Peter and Paul’s cemetery. (handwritten on article Feb 21 1922)
WATER Levi Water, a laborer employed at the Empire Bridge Plant in Elmira Heights, was killed about 2 o’clock this afternoon by a falling girder. Mr. Waters was working in the main shop of the plant with other workmen, engaged in moving massive girders through the shop. One of them slipped and pinned him beneath it. Death was instantaneous. His neck was broken and five or six ribs were crushed. Dr. Mottran, the company’s physician, was called and every aid was dispatched from the plant hospital, but to no avail. Coroner Turnbill was called immediately. The unfortunate man resided on Glenwood Avenue in Elmira Heights, and leaves a wife and several children. (handwritten on article Dec. 21, 1910)
WATKINS MRS. VENA E. WESTBROOK Mrs. Vena Elizabeth Westbrook, formerly of Elmira Heights, but for the past two years a resident of Elmira, died yesterday morning at 6:30 o’clock. She is survived by her husband, J. E. Westbrook, 208 Scottwood Avenue, Elmira Heights; her mother, Mrs. Julia Watkins of Elmira Heights; a sister, Mrs. H. L. Howland of Elmira;three brothers, Stephen B. Watkins of Elmira, Harry E. Watkins of Elmira and S. Earl Watkins of Corning. The remains were removed to the home of her sister, Mrs. H. L. Howland of 409 South Main Street, Elmira, where a prayer service will be held Wednesday at 1:45 p.m. The funeral will be held in the Elmwood Avenue Baptist Church at 3 p.m., the Rev. c. E. Christian of Horseheads to officiate. Burial in Woodlawn cemetery. (handwritten on article July 30, 1916)
WEAVER CHARLES WEAVER Charles Weaver died this afternoon at 1:30 o’clock at the family home in Wellsburg, aged sixty-eight years. The family formerly resided at Pine City. He is survived by his widow, a daughter, Mrs. Lettie Rhodes, a son George, two grandchildren, all at home. The funeral will be announced later.
WHEAT MRS. MILES B. BOUGHTON Mrs. Carrie Mead Boughton, a resident of Mt. Zoar Hill, died in this city last night. She is survived by her husband, Miles B. Boughton; a daughter, Mrs. Clara Weller of Athens, Pa., and a son, Alfred A. Mead at home; a sister, Mrs. Mary A. Sanford of Kent, O., and a brother Asa Wheat of Fairfax, N.D. The remains are in the Harrington undertaking rooms and the funeral will be announced later. (handwritten on article May 21 1913)
WHEATON Charles E. Wheaton. A prayer service will be held in the home of Mrs. Mary Bowman, 219 O’Gorman Street Wednesday at 11 a.m. Funeral service at 2 p.m. in the Alpine Church. Burial in the Laurel Hill Cemetery, Odessa. (handwritten on article June 7, 1931)
WHEELER EIGHTY-EIGHT AGE ATTAINED Minor Wheeler Dies and Funeral is Held in Baptist Church— Gillett, Pa. Aug. 5—The funeral of Miner Wheeler was held from the Baptist Church Saturday afternoon, the Rev. A. J. Osborn officiated. Mr. Wheeler was past eighty-eight years old and was the father of Willis Wheeler and Mrs. Tunnecliff of this place. He also had a daughter in Elmira. Mrs. Wheeler died a little more than two years ago.
WHEELER WILLIAM H. WHEELER William H. Wheeler died unexpectedly Saturday afternoon while working in a field on lower Maple Avenue, aged seventy-seven years old. A son, Charles B. Wheeler, is a well known chauffeur here. Mr. Wheeler is survived by his widow, a daughter, Mrs. Burr Crane of this city; a son, Charles B. of lower Maple Avenue. The funeral will be held at the family home Tuesday at 2 p.m. The Rev. B. G. Sanford, of Wellsburg, will officiate. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery. (handwritten on article July 6, 1918)
WILLS JAMES L. WILLS James Lenard Wills died this morning at 10:30 o’clock at the family home, 524 Dewitt Avenue, after an extended illness. Mr. Wills was a wood turner by trade and was employed many years by the H. C. Spaulding Company and also by Fitch & Aldrich. His condition became serious Wednesday with a paralytic seizure, which was followed with a second attack Friday. The decedent is survived by his widow, two daughters Mrs. Ella Clayton of Philadelphia and Mrs. Martha Lanthro of Rochester; four sons, John of Torrington, Conn, Charles, William and Harry Wills of Elmira and Thomas of Rochester. The funeral will be held at the home Wednesday at 3 p.m. Burial in the Big Flats Cemetery. (handwritten on article 1911)
WOOD GIRDEN WOOD Girden Wood died Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock at his home 477 Roe Avenue, aged 56 years. He is survived by his widow; four sons, Fred, Lynn, Ernie and Herbert all of Elmira; four daughters, Mrs. Clyde Hewitt, Mrs. Raymond Hollander, Mrs. Orlo Ward and Miss Sadie Wood also of Elmira and one sister, Mrs. John Marcellous of Pine City. Mr. Wood was a member of the First Methodist church in Elmira and of the Loyal Order of Moose. The funeral will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery, the Rev. John Richards will officiate. (handwritten on article Nov. 30, 1925)
WRIGHT MRS. SALLY W. BRIGHTMAIER Mrs. Sally Wright Brightmaier died Sunday at the family home at Seeley Creek. She is survived by four sons Luther and Norman Wright of Seeley Creek; Willard of Buffalo and Joseph of Elmira; a sister, Mrs. Corlinda Wilkins of Elmira and a brother, Truman Riley; also seven grandchildren and four great grandchildren. The funeral will be announced later. (handwritten on article Mar 11, 1914)
YEISLEY WALTER C. YEISLEY Walter C. Yesley died this morning at 10:30 o’clock at the family home, 1324 Pratt Street aged fifty-four years. He had been an employee of the American-LaFrance Manufacturing Company several years as a machinist and was well known. The decedent is survived by two sons, Charles and Lawrence; his mother Mrs. Adelia Jenkins; a brother Charles Yeisley and two sisters, Mrs. Florence Balmer and Miss Alice Yeisley. The funeral will be announced later. (handwritten on article Dec 29 1919)
YOUNG MRS. MARY WILLSEY Mrs. May Willsey, formerly of Pine City, died yesterday at Archmore, Pa. She is survived by her husband, George W. Willsey, a daughter, Margaret and a son, Norman; her father Charles H. Young of Pine City; two brothers, Wesley and Fred Young of Pine City. The remains will arrive in Elmira Sunday at 5 a.m. and will be removed to the Harrington undertaking rooms. The funeral will be held Monday, the arrangements for which will be announced later. (handwritten on article Jan 18, 1913)