The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery
Tri County Clippings- Page Fifty Five
Obituaries from Scrapbook 3C-A

Scrapbook obtained from Kelsey Jones. Scrapbook preparer not identified.

ROSS CHARLES H. ROSS Charles H. Ross, 94 one of the oldest residents of Chemung County, died at the home of his granddaughter, Mrs. John Harbol of 1161 South Main Street Friday at 10 p.m. He is survived by two sons William of Alba, Pa. and John H. of Elmira Heights; one daughter, Mrs. John McCan of Binghamton, 17 grandchildren and 41 great grandchildren. Charles Ross was born in Waldokopal Hessen, Germany and came to America at the age of 20, being one of the early settlers in Rosstown, which was named for his family. For many years Mr. Ross conducted a general store in that settlement. The remains repose in the Wilson funeral home where friends may call until Monday at 11 a.m. The funeral will be held in the Rosstown Schoolhouse Monday at 1 p.m. Burial in Rosstown cemetery. (handwritten on article Feb 1931)
ROSS Charles Ross Charles Henry Ross celebrated his 90th birthday Wednesday holds the record for the number of Blacksmith shops he has established and has a town named after him. The town is Rossville , a little hamlet one mile from Christian Hollow where Mr. Ross formerly kept a blacksmith’s shop and grocery store. Mr. Ross is Scotch-German, having been born in Essen Jan. 5, 1837. His father, keeping with the occupations of Northern German Folk, was a farmer. The son, Henry, did not take readily to the land-tilling jobs, came to America on a sailboat in 1857 when he was 20 years old. The boat, of a type now obsolete, took 62 days in going from Bremen to Baltimore. An epidemic of small-pox broke out on the ship. Mr. Ross contracted the disease and slowly recovered after six months in the port of Baltimore. Mr. Ross’ first job in America was obtained in Baltimore where he became a blacksmith. Not satisfied with the conditions in a large city, he went to Towanda, Pa. and set up a blacksmith shop. Later he came to Elmira. Here h
ROSS William Ross William Ross, 79, of Alba, Pa., died unexpectedly at 1:30 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 23, 1939. He leaves a brother, John, of Elmira Heights; a sister, Mrs. Emma McCann of Binghamton; three sons, Charles and William, Jr. of Elmira, and Oscar of Campbell; four daughters, Mrs. O. L. MacKinster, Mrs. C. C. MacKinster, Mrs. John Harbol and Mrs. William Folmer of Elmira; 22 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. The body is in the Sopher funeral home, Troy, Pa., where the funeral will be held Saturday at 10 a.m. The Rev. John Osberg will officiate. Burial will be in Troy cemetery.
ROUSHY Susan Roushy Miss Susan Jane Roushy, 93, died Sunday morning at the family home on the South Creek Road. She is survived by three nieces, Mrs. Della Pratt, Miss Addie Bentley and Mrs. Thomas Slattery, all of South Creek Road; also two nephews, Hiram and grant Bentley, also of South Creek Road. Miss Roushy was a member of the South Presbyterian Church. She was a graduate of the Clarissa Thurston Seminary which was the incentive institution for the organization of Elmira College. Her father was a former storekeeper and postmaster at Ashland and Miss Roushy recalled many incidents of the early history of Chemung County and when the Pennsylvania Railroad was extended through Elmira; also in the Chemung Canal days. The funeral will be held at the family home Wednesday at 2 p.m., the Rev. I. J. Shafer to officiate. Burial in the Roushy Cemetery.
ROWLEY MARY ANN ROWLEY With the death of Mary Ann Rowley, which occurred yesterday morning, there died one of the oldest residents of Southport, and the oldest member of the South Presbyterian Church. She as lived in her home on Pennsylvania avenue for forty years and is remembered by many who knew her in her active days as a woman of sterling Christian character. One of the pathetic things about old age is its isolation. Memory makes by-gone days and experiences more real than the actual occurrences of yesterday; but the young feel little sympathy with things that are often the most cherished recollections of the old. It was interesting to hear Miss Rowley tell of things that related to the early history of the community, particularly of the church. She belonged to the very few who “do what they can” to make this a better and happier world because they have lived in it. None doubt that she has entered into a well deserved reward, promised those who are “faithful in that which is least.” Funeral services will be held at the
SAGE Hiram S. Sage Hiram G. Sage, a former business man at Southport Corners, died last night at 9:40 o’clock at the family home, 1001 Pennsylvania avenue, aged sixty-eight years. The decedent also was a partner with his brother, William S. Sage, in the flour mill at Bulkhead, and had conducted a general store at Southport Corners many years. He retired from business recently. Mr. Sage was a member of the South Presbyterian Church and Union Lodge, No. 95, F & A.M. of this city. He is survived by his widow and the brother, William S. Sage. Mr. Sage had been subject to a heart affection for some time past and last night as he prepared to retire for the night a heart seizure resulted and death followed in a few minutes. Dr. Stewart S. Piper was called and made a hasty response but death had resulted about three minutes before he could reach the family home. Mr. Sage was highly respected by a host of friends. The funeral will be held at the family home Tuesday at 2 p.m., the Rev, H. A. Depfer to officiate. Burial in Woodlawn cemet
SANDERS Milford B/ Sanders Milford B. Sanders, 63, of 207 W. 12th St., Elmira Heights, died Tuesday, June 27, 1939, in Binghamton City Hospital. He is survived by his wife, Edith; two daughters, Mrs. Albert Wagner and Mrs. Herbert Swartout; a son Milford Jr.; a foster-brother , George Wending; several grandchildren, all of Elmira. Funeral announcement later.
SEAFUSE RUTH ESTHER SEAFUSE Ruth Esther, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merton E. Seafuse, died at the family home 524 Pennsylvania avenue Saturday afternoon at 4 o’clock, aged thirteen years. She had been ill some time and every effort was made to restore her to health. The decedent was a graduate of School No. Nine last June and was of a pleasing disposition, whose death is mourned by a large circle of young friends. She is survived by her parents, a sister Hazel and a brother, Merton, Jr. The funeral will be held at the family home Tuesday at 3 p.m. The Rev. H. A. Depfer of St. Lukes’ church will officiate and burial will be in Woodlawn cemetery. (handwritten on article Sept 23, 1911)
SEELEY William Hoffman SEELEY William Hoffman Seeley of Pine City, died Wednesday, Apr. 5, 1939, at 11:30 a.m. He was a retired painter and paperhanger. Mr. Seeley is survived by a sister, Mrs. Lina Morrell of Cayuta; two brothers, Lysander and Lewis, both of Elmira. The body is in the Holly funeral home. Funeral notice later.
SEVALY LEONARD F. SEVALY Leonard F. Sevaly died at the family home in Pine City this morning at 6 o’clock, aged seventy-two years. The decedent has resided in Pine City over 40 years and is survived by his son Henry at home and a daughter, Mrs. Jerome Smith of Elmira. The funeral will be held at the home Friday at 1 o’clock. The Rev. C. E. Ferguson of the Pennsylvania Avenue Methodist Church will officiate and burial will be in Woodlawn cemetery. (handwritten on article – June 1, 1910 – buried June 3)
SEVALY MRS. CLARA S. HAM Mrs. Clara S. Ham, aged thirty-five years, died this morning at 11 o’clock at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. Smith, 552 Thompson street, where she had been visiting. She is survived by her husband, Arthur Ham, of Penn Yan, her father Leonard Sevaly of Pine City, her sister, Mrs. Smith, and one brother Henry Sevaly of Elmira. Funeral announcement later. (handwritten on article – Feb 17, 1905)
SEVALY LEONARD F. SEVALY The funeral of Leonard F. Sevaly will be held at the family home in Pine City tomorrow at 1 p.m. The Rev. C. E. Ferguson of the Pennsylvania Avenue Methodist Church will officiate and burial will be in Woodlawn cemetery. (handwritten on article – June 1, 1910)
SEYMOUR Frederick J. Seymour Frederick J. Seymour of 112 ½ E. 11th St., Elmira Heights. Friday, 2 p.m. at Ballard Funeral Home, Elmira Heights, Rev. J.D. McDanel. Maple Grove Cemetery, Horseheads.
SEYMOUR MRS. EFFIE S. CLINTON Mrs. Effie Seymour Clinton of 52 Dewitt avenue, died this morning at 6:30 o’clock at the family home. She is survived by a daughter, Viola; a son, Walter; three brothers, Charles, Edward and Wayde Knoll. The decedent was the mother of Conrad Clinton, the little boy, who was electrocuted by an electric live wire at the power plant on East Water Street, May 2. The funeral will be held at the home Thursday at 2 o’clock. The Rev. Roy Weakland of Horseheads will officiate. Burial in Woodlawn cemetery. (handwritten on article 1923)
Shappee Franklyn Shappee Franklyn A. (Jack) Shappee, formerly of Elmira, died unexpectedly early Sunday, Feb. 23, at his home in Binghamton. He is survived by his parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shappee; two sisters, Lillian and Frances, and a brother Fred, all of Pine City. The body is in the Hagerman funeral home. Funeral Wednesday at a time announced later.
SHEELY George H. Sheely George H. Sheely, 77, of 514 W. ? St., died at 9:39 a.m. Tuesday Feb. 11, 1941, at New Smyrna Beach, Fla. He is survived by three sons, Gordon, Burr and Charles Sheely, all of Elmira; a daughter, Mrs. J. B. Clark, Washington, D.C., and three brothers V. Sheely and Henry Sheely both of Elmira, and Frederick Sheely, Syracuse. The body will arrive in Elmira over the Pennsylvania Railroad at 5:01 p.m. Thursday and will be taken to the Davis Funeral Home. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
SHEPERD FRANK SHEPERD The funeral of Frank Sheperd was held this afternoon at the family home at Mosherville, Pa. Burial was in Woodlawn cemetery in this city. The decedent is survived by his widow, two daughters, Mrs. Viola Drake and Miss Dorothy Sheperd at home; three brothers, George and Fred Sheperd of Elmira and Augustus Sheperd of Corning; two sisters, Mrs. Belle Lewis of Elmira Heights and Mrs. Alice Backer of Waverly. (handwritten on article Aug. 14, 1920)
SHEPHERD MRS. CHARLES YOUNG Mrs. Olive Shepherd Young died this morning at 5:45 o’clock at the family home at Pine City, aged eighty-three years. The decedent is survived by her husband, Charles Young; two daughters, Mrs. Alice Backer of Waverly and Mrs. Isabella Lewis of Elmira Heights; four sons, George Shepherd of Elmira, Augustus Shepherd of Corning, Fred Shepherd of Bulkhead and Frank Sheperd of Millerton, Pa. The first husband of the decedent was Augustus L. Shepherd, who died several years ago. About six years ago she was united in marriage with Charles Young, who survives her. Mrs. Young was a woman of kindly ways and a wife and mother who ever was watchful over the needs and cares of her family and friends. In times of need and sympathetic attention Mrs. Young was the friend on whom her friends could ever depend for attention and assistance. The funeral will be held at the family home Sunday at 2 p.m., the Rev. Charles Henry of the Pine City Baptist Church to officiate. Burial will be in Woodlawn cemetery. (handwritten on artic
SHERER Francis Sherer RETIRED ELMIRA CLERGYMAN DIES SUDDENLY IN ANDOVER Remains Are Taken to Addison Where Funeral Was Held Yesterday – Addison Woman Succumbs to Paralysis – B. & S. Employes Hold Clamfest – Religious Revival Starts - Addison, Sept. 24 – The Rev. Francis Sherer of 452 South avenue, Elmira, a retired minister, brother-in-law of C. D. Hill and Arthur P. Hill and Mrs. Webb of this place, died suddenly Sunday in Andover, where he had gone to spend a few days with relatives. The Rev. Sherer was present at the meeting of the Chemung Valley Baptist Association held here last Tuesday and Wednesday and remained over until Saturday with relatives, when he started for Andover. His sudden death casts a shadow of gloom over relatives and friends in Addison and other places where he was so well known and universally liked. 
SHERER THE REV. FRANCIS L.SHERER The Rev. Frances L. Sherer, an active minister in the Baptist church over forty-five years, died suddenly at Andover, N.Y., Saturday morning and the funeral was held at Addison yesterday afternoon. The Rev. Frances Sherer resided for the past ten years on South avenue in this city. He was an active member of the Southside Baptist church, and not being located as a pastor, he filled many vacancies temporarily in churches of Elmira and nearby towns. For the past few weeks he had been preaching in the Horseheads Baptist Church. Mr. Sherer was an enthusiastic temperance worker and for several years was one of the leaders of the county Prohibitionists movement. He was a man of practical Christian character and, while well advance in years and not in robust health, he was most active and never neglected an opportunity to do good. He was one of the old time preachers, whose power was realized in his sermons followed by his practical personal work. The deceased was superintendent of the Sullivan Street Mission for so
SHERMAN MINOR E. SHERMAN,  MINOR E. SHERMAN, AGED 71, MAY HAVE SUFFOCATED WHEN HE FELL IN COW’S STABLE – CORONER HAMMOND PRONOUNCES DEATH DUE TO NATURAL CAUSES. Minor E. Sherman, aged 71, was found dead at 9 o’clock this morning in the barn at his nephew’s home at Pine City. The body was discovered by his nephew, Allen F. Sherman. It is thought the man died of natural causes, as he was subject to epilepsy, although the nephew said he may have suffocated, as when he discovered the body it lay face downward in the cow stable, with the head buried in the bedding. At 7 0’clock this morning Mr. Sherman appeared to be in his usual health which has been poor of late, but he was not complaining. Allen Sherman went up on the hill back of the farm to look after some stock, and returned at 9 o’clock. He was looking around for the aged man, and was startled to find him lying in the cow stable. He picked him up and carried him out to the barn floor, but he was beyond all aid. Mr. Sherman had been subject to epileptic fits since he was eighteen ye
SHERMAN MRS. CHARLES G. TOBEY Mrs. Lulu Edna Tobey, formerly Sherman, died unexpectedly Saturday evening at Cleveland, O. She is survived by her husband, Charles G. Tobey, formerly of Elmira, four children, Marion, Gorton, Delbert and Maybelle, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Sherman, and three brothers and a sister, Robert, Guy and Mildred, all of Cleveland, O., and Elmer D. now with the United States forces in France. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon, November 5 at 2 o’clock. Burial in vault at Highland Cemetery at Euclid, O. (handwritten on article Nov. 2, 1918)
SHUART MRS HANNAH PITT Hannah Ophelia Pitt, died at the family home in Gillett, Pa., Tuesday at 12:30 a.m.aged seventy-five years. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Mary E. Shuart of Gillette, two sons, Franc C., of Gillett and Harry N., of Albany, and several grandchildren. The funeral will be held in the Baptist Church at Gillette Thursday at 11 a.m. The Rev. C. F. Booth will officiate. Burial in Gillett cemetery. (handwritten on article March 8, 1921)
SICKLES PRICE SICKLES Price Sickles of 100 West Water Street died this morning at 8 o’clock after an extended illness, aged seventy-five years. He is survived by his widow, four sons, William, Fred and Albert of Elmira and Edward of Kent, Ohio; a sister, Mrs. Frank Kinner of Proctor, Pa., and a brother, George Sickles of this city. The remains were removed to the Wilson undertaking rooms where the funeral will be held Friday at 2 p.m. Burial in Woodlawn cemetery. (handwritten on article – Dec. 8 1921)
SMITH HIRAM W. SMITH Hiram W. Smith died October 30 at the family home at Pine City after an illness of five days of pleuropneumonia. The decedent had been an employee of the Erie Railroad Company the past six years and was highly respected by many friends. (handwritten on article 1923)
SMITH DR. NATHANIEL SMITH Tidings of the death of Dr. Nathaniel Smith of Millerton will be received by a large number of friends in this city with sorrow and regret. Dr. Smith was one of the oldest physicians in Tioga County, Pa., if not the oldest one. He began the practice of his profession at Daggett’s Mills, Pa., more than sixty years ago and achieved immediate success. He was an ideal country doctor. His presence in a sick room brought cheerfulness, warmth and sunshine. For forty years Dr. Natt’s team was as regular in its courses throughout a large portion of Bradford and Tioga Counties as the sun itself. In hundreds of homes throughout the same section he was guide, counsellor and friend. He had a strong personality, which made him a leader in the community. For many years he was chairman of the School Board of Jackson Township. The writer was a country school teacher and will never forget the great benefit which he derived from the warm friendship and excellent counsel which he received from Dr. Smith. He was also for many yea
SMITH WILLIAM. H. SMITH William Henry Smith, proprietor of a grocery and general store at Bulkhead, on the state road south of this city, died last evening at 7:30 o’clock, after a brief illness, aged fifty-six years. He is survived by his widow, a daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Young of Pine City and two sons, Walter and Raymond at home: two sisters, Mrs. Grace Van Dyke of Elmira and Mrs. Alice Stillwell of Trowbridge, Pa.; two brothers, Edwin Smith of Mosherville, Pa. and Albert F.Smith of Breesport. The funeral will be held at the family home at Bulkhead, Sunday at 3 p.m. Burial in Woodlawn cemetery. (handwritten on article – July 17, 1919.)
SPEER John D. Speer John D. Speer, 81, of Caton,RD. This morning, Aug. 30, 1954. Survived by sister, Mrs. Grace Harris of Buffalo; daughters, Mrs. Alice Harris of Caton and Mrs. Myrtle Neal of Elmira. He was a member of the Caton Baptist Church. The body is at the Stover Funeral Home in Corning, where friends may call Tuesday from 2 to 4 and from 7 to 9 and where the funeral will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. The Rev. Paul F. Lilley of Orviston, Pa. Caton Cemetery.
SPRAGUE CHARLES T. SPRAGUE Charles T. Sprague, aged sixty-six years, died this morning at 11 o’clock at the home, 123 Judson street. He was a member of the Riverside Methodist Church and was a well known citizen. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Frances Sprague, four sons: Jonas E. of Horseheads; Leroy D. of Lella, Wash.; Winfield J. of Coubee City (the rest of the article is cut off) (handwritten on article Dec. 5, 1904)
STRYKER DAVID B. STRYKER David B. Stryker,a resident of the Town of Southport for many years died March 29th at his home at Waterman, Ill., where he removed with his family twenty-five years ago. The deceased was eighty-one years of age and is a member of the Masonic fraternity for many years. He is survived by a brother, William Stryker of South Main Street, Elmira, and two sisters Mrs. George Gardner of Nebraska and Mrs. Margaret Baker of Elmira.
SULLIVAN Eugene Sullivan Eugene Sullivan died Tuesday, Nov. 23, 1937, at the family home in Wells Township, Pa. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Fordyce Baker of Millerton, Pa., Sister M. Damian of the Sisters of Mercy at Rochester; five sons, Edward J. of Big Flats; Eugene M. of Lowman; Kenneth of Elmira; Fred and Harold at home. The body is in the Hughes funeral home. Funeral at that location Thursday 9 a.m. in the St. Mary Church 10 a.m. SS. Peter and Paul Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers.
TOBEY Nathan & Morgan TOBEY FATHER AND SON Two Deaths Recorded Since Saturday Afternoon - Nathan Tobey died at 8 o’clock Saturday night at his home in Christian Hollow. Apoplexy was the cause of death. The deceased was taken with a sudden attack two days previous to his death. Morgan Tobey, father of the deceased, died yesterday morning at 8 o’clock at his residence, No. 706 Holdridge street. The deceased was fifty-seven years of age. About one year ago he moved from his farm to the city, leaving his son Nathan to run the farm. Nathan was thirty-four years of age and leaves to mourn him his wife and four children. His father is survived by the following children: Miss Lottie Tobey, Mrs. H. D. Murphy, Matt A. and Benjamin of this city; Burr of Mansfield, Pa., and Mrs. G. K. Sneeley of Southport Corners. The mother and wife died last June. The funeral of the two will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock at the home on Holdridge street. The interment will be at Christian Hollow. Those who survive have the sympathy of the entire communit
TOBEY Emanuel Tobey DIED THIS MORNING Emanuel Tobey, aged eighteen years, died this morning at about 10 o’clock at the Arnot-Ogden Hospital. Death was due to peritonitus. The remains were taken to the home of his mother, Mrs. Nathan Tobey, No. 110 Holdridge street. The announcement of the funeral will be made later. Funeral Director W. C. Harrington has charge. (handwritten on article – Mar. 26, 1902)
TOBEY MARTIN A. TOBEY The funeral of Martin A. Tobey was held at the family home, 708 Broadway,. Today at 2 p.m., the Rev. Delos Abrams officiated. Burial was in the Woodlawn cemetery. (handwritten on article Jan. 25, 1925)
TURK GEORGE O. TURK DIES ALONE IN HIS HOME Gillett, Pa., March 4 – Geo. O. Turk died at his home here suddenly yesterday. He lived all alone and had been spending the winter with his children and arrived home on Friday of last week. He was not as well as usual when he arrived home but was better on Sunday and attended church. No stir was seen there on Monday and an investigation revealed the fact that he had departed this life. His two sons and two daughters were notified at once and came as fast as the belated trains could carry them. He will be buried on Thursday. He will be greatly missed here in this little village as he was prominent deacon in the church, was justice of the peace and a citizen well beloved. (handwritten on article 1914 – buried Mar 7)
VAIL Milton VAIL Milton Vail Is Found by Sister Hanging in Barn - Milton Vail a farmer 61 years old, residing with his sister Miss Minnie Vail, on a large farm two and a half miles south of Pine City on the Dry Run road, hanged himself yesterday afternoon. Millie Vail had come to Elmira Sunday and returned last night at 8 o’clock to discover the sight of her brother strangled to death in a slip noose which scarcely was two and half feet from the floor of the barn. It appeared that after fastening the upper end of the rope to a cross arm of one of the main floor barn supports which was seven feet from the floor, the suicide had arranged a perfectly tied hangman’s knot about his neck. He stood on a small box which he kicked from under him. Then the rope evidently stretched because it finally held his neck not more than two and a half feet from the floor. Determined to die he forced his feet out away from the post and finally lay at an angle almost parallel with the floor. When Miss Vail returned home last night and entered 
VAN AUKEN Uz Van Auken Uz Van Auken, sr., died Wednesday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. N. H. Kimball, No. 511 Spaulding street. The funeral was held Friday, the remains being taken to Bernerville, N.J., for interment. (handwritten on article Nov. 20, 1895)
VAN BENCOTEN BRADLEY VAN BENCOTEN Bradley Van Bencoten, 43, custodian of the Horseheads Village Hall and driver of the fire truck in that village, died Tuesday at 5 p.m. in the family apartment in the village hall. Mr. Van Bencoten at 11 a.m. indulged in a friendly scuffle with a friend in the fire station. During the scuffle he suffered a rupture of the muscles of the heart, and died at 5 p.m. Mr. Van Bencoten is survived by his widow, four daughters, Mrs. Marge Van Kuren, the Misses Mary, Frances and Loraine: two sons, Thomas and Jerome: a granddaughter, all at home: two sisters, Mrs. Henry Ernst of Chagrin Falls, O.: Mrs. Earl Rinerson of Gillett, Pa.,: a brother, Loren of Seeley Creek. The funeral will be held at the apartment Saturday at 2 p.m. The Rev. Mr. Guiles of the M.E. Church, Millerton, Pa. will officiate. (handwritten on article Jan. 5, 1928)
VETTER George J. Vetter George J. Vetter, 65, of 267 W.? St. died Thursday morning, Sept. 12, 1940, at a local hospital. He is survived by his wife, a daughter, Mrs. Walter Rockey, Elmira; three sons, Herbert, at home; ? George, Pensacola, Fla., and George J. Jr., North Tonawanda, Pa.; three sisters, Mrs. Koeppe, Mrs. Mary H? (can’t read) and Mrs. Charles Yeska, all of Elmira, and a brother, Charles, Elmira. He was a member of the German Evangelical church. The body was removed to the Wilson funeral home. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
WARNER NELSON S. WARNER Nelson S. Warner, a resident of Elmira, died unexpectedly last Wednesday at the home of his sister-in-law Mrs. Hannah Warner at Coryland, Pa. Mr. Warner had been making his home with his daughter Mrs. Hattie Stannard in Elmira. A few days ago he went to Coryland to attend to some matters connected with his farm. Tuesday afternoon between 4 and 5 o’clock he became ill and while seated near the fire apparently dropped asleep. At supper time he could not be roused and coma continued until his death at 2 o’clock Wednesday morning. His wife died very unexpectedly eight years ago. He was sixty-nine years old and Mrs, Stannard is his only surviving child. The funeral was held Friday afternoon from the Baptist Hill Church. (handwritten on article Dec. 8, 1929)
WEEKS   The 3d reunion of the Weeks family was held at the home of William D. Weeks, near Wetfield, Thursday, September 30. The weather was propitious, it being a perfect autumn day, warm balmy air, just right for such an occasion. A good number were present, which included four generations, Aunt Lucy, widow of Dyer Weeks, who has her home with her son William and who is the oldest of the family now living, welcomed with her usual smiling face and contributed much to the joy of the occasion by her jolly good nature; four sons and four daughters were present. Although in her 87th year she is still young and enjoys very good health. Groups gathered on the porch and lawn, as well as indoors, and talked of other days when the number who have crossed over the river were with them or recalled the hardships and privations of the pioneer times. Some were there who had never met with them before in these reunions. Some were not there who were present one year ago. A bounteous feast was spread and all enjoyed this part of prog
WHEAT   Mr. and Mrs. Hobart C. Wheat of East Water Street and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Easterbrook of West First Street left this afternoon for a motor trip.
WHITNEY Jean WHITNEY Shappee Mrs. Jean A. Shappee, 24, formerly of Elmira, died unexpectedly early Sunday, Feb. 23, 1941, at her home in Binghamton. She was a member of the Baptist Church. Surviving are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raynard Whitney of Elmira, a brother Leslie Whitney and one niece. The body is at Hagerman funeral home. The funeral will be held Wednesday time to be announced later. Burial in Woodlawn cemetery.
YOUNG MRS. MARY WILLSEY Mrs. May Willsey, formerly of Pine City, died yesterday at Archmore, Pa. She is survived by her husband, George W. Willsey, a daughter, Margaret and a son, Norman; her father Charles H. Young of Pine City; two brothers, Wesley and Fred Young of Pine City. The remains will arrive in Elmira Sunday at 5 a.m. and will be removed to the Harrington undertaking rooms. The funeral will be held Monday, the arrangements for which will be announced later. (handwritten on article – Jan. 17 1913)