The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery
Tri County Clippings- Page Forty Seven
From the Cook Scrapbook-

Copied from a copy in possession of Kelsey Jones. Typed by: Barbara COMSTOCK Coy.. THIS PAGE is arranged in random scrapbook order. While I know (the computer database knows) the real names of many of the women, I have not had time to look them up yet, and so have not attempted to put his is any order   

COGGESHALL - Death of Mrs. Leon O. Bailey - Last Saturday a dispatch was received here announcing the sudden death of Rose Coggeshall, wife of Hon. Leon O. Bailey in Indianapolis, Ind., last Friday night. Her death was caused by an overdose of chloral. Mrs. Bailey had been sick, but was better on Friday morning. She had taken tea with a musical friend, but when her husband came home at 10 0’clock he found her breathing heavily. Her physician had prescribed a preparation of chloral, and it is supposed that while she was alone and suffering pain she had taken too much of a dose or the doses too frequently. Rose Coggeshall was born on the island of Nantucket, her parents being descendants of Sir John Coggeshall and Isaac Coffin. After graduation from the Woodhull Seminary she taught music in the public schools of this borough for two years. She then took up the thorough study of music and under Signor Carlos Overest her fine contralto voice was cultivated to a rare state of perfection. Under his direction she made her debut at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia. Soon afterwards she married Mr. Bailey and went to Indianapolis. 
PUBLIC SALES By Eugene Criss, on his premises- the Griff. Grinnell farm in Wells, Pa.- Wednesday, Feb. 15th, at 10 A.M.: 14 cows, 5 two-year-old heifers and one yearling bull, span heavy horses, span two-year-old matched colts, harnesses, wagons, farming tools and machinery, 1 hogs, about 30 tons hay, 700 bushels oats, 100 bushels buckwheat, etc., etc. Terms as usual. S. E. Ayers, Auctioneer. 
Married, at Nelson, Pa. July 5, by Rev. Hallock Armstrong, Mr. James Shepard, of Judson Hill, and Miss Hattie Still, of Coryland, Bradford Co., Pa. 
Fred Fletcher, a popular employee of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western freight house, and Miss Sarah Steinberger, of Herrick street, were married by Rev. Dr. Henry Wednesday. 
Lemuel Trowbridge, of Trowbridge station, and Miss Maud Bailey, of Mansfield, were married by Rev. Dr. Henry at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Frank Beach, in Elmira, last Tuesday. After a short wedding trip they will return to Trowbridge to reside at the old homestead. They are estimable young people and have the best wishes of a host of friends. 
Lewis J. Park aged twenty five years and Miss Lottie Henry, aged twenty, both of Trowbridge, Pa. were made man and wife by Justice Andrew B. Galatian at the Western house opposite the Erie depot, at 10:30 o’clock Wednesday. An elaborate dinner was served by Landlord Grover after the marriage ceremony was performed. 
SMITH-GONZALES Judge Walter Lloyd Smith and Miss Jesse Gonzales were Married Today. Official Dispatch to the Gazette 
London, July 10 - Justice Walter Lloyd Smith of the Supreme Court of the state of New York, and Miss Jessie Gonzales, of Elmira, N.Y, were married today in the Marylebone Congregational church. The Rev. Dr. Wilton Merle Smith, a brother of the groom, officiated. Many Americans were present. A reception was given at the Hotel Victoria after the wedding. The couple will return to New York at the end of July. 
Going to Get Married - Cards of invitation have been issued for the wedding of Miss Lena Stillwell and Mr. D. N. Findlay, of Riverside, Cal. Miss Stillwell spent about a year in California, but has been east several months. She is the daughter of Mr. Jerome Stillwell, a prominent and respected farmer of Jackson, Tioga Co., Pa. at whose home the ceremony will take place. Miss Stillwell’s sister is the wife of Mr. George W. Hurd, of the Elmira Mutual Loan association
. Mr. Amos Baker and his bride arrived in this place last Friday.The boys at once proceeded to arrange a band and made the night hideous by cannons, horse and other instruments of torture. 
Vice President Stevenson’s daughter, Miss Julia Stevenson, will be bridesmaid at the wedding of Miss Ewing, daughter of James S. Ewing, United States Minister to Brussels, and B. S. Beecher of Memphis, Tenn., which is to take place in Baltimore, Dec.23. 

TO TRY WEDLOCK AGAIN Mrs. Marie Nevins Blaine Married on Memorial Day

New York, June 3 - A national holiday does not seem an unfitting date for Mrs. Marie Nevins Blaine to celebrate her marriage with Dr. William Tillinghast Bull. Her various afflictions, domestic and otherwise, have brought her conspicuously before the people of the United States- and she absorbed the attention of the nation more than any other woman in her sphere of life. The South Reformed church, Madison avenue and Thirty- eighth street, was the scene of the wedding at 11:45 o’clock Tuesday morning, The Rev. Dr. Roderick Terry officiated. There were no attendants. The pulpit was daintily decorated with bouquets and flowers. Mrs. Blaine was becomingly attired in a traveling costume of pale gray with white lace trimmings on the corsage. Her hat harmonized with her costume in coloring. She carried a bunch of bride roses and lilies of the valley. The ceremony was followed by a wedding breakfast at Mrs. Blaine’s apartments at the Belmont. Only intimate friends and relatives were asked to the ceremony and wedding. It was Mrs. Blaine’s desire that the marriage should be celebrated as quietly as possible. Not more than fifty people were asked to the marriage. Among those present were Colonel and Mrs. Nevins, the parents of Mrs. Blaine;Dr. and Mrs. Gerardus H. Wynkeep, Mrs. M. Augustus Field, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bull, of Newport, parents of the bridegroom: Augustus Bradhurst Field, Professor and Mrs. R. Ogden Doremus, Miss Doremus, Dr. Robert Fulton Weir, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Montagne jr., Miss Nevins, sister of Mrs. Blaine, and other relatives of Dr. Bull. There were absolutely no attendants. This wedding is a happy consummation of a romance begun when Mrs. Blaine was seriously ill three years ago. That she would be a cripple for life was the verdict of the physicians who attended her. Dr. Bull, however, gave more hopeful assurances, and it is to his efficient skill that she owes her comparatively good health today. Mrs. Kendal, the English actress, took a keen interest in Mrs. Blaine’s condition also, and was the first to arouse her from an almost abject state of despair. Mrs. Kendal for some time visited the sufferer daily, ministering to her with her own hands and inspiring her with strong hopes for her recovery. After a brief wedding trip in this country, Dr. and Mrs. Bull will sail for Europe. 

The Susquehanna Transcript says that at the marriage of Miss Kate E. Leonard of Jackson, Pa., to E. T. Hopkins of New York, the other day; Among the beautiful, useful and substantial presents was $100 in bank notes from the bride’s father, and a mysterious box labeled with the signal injunction, “Not to be opened until October 12, 1893!” - presented by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rouse of DeRuyter, N.Y. Let no curious fingers let out the “little mouse” until the appointed time. 

The marriage of Lucile I. Besley of Columbia Cross Roads, Pa., to Ray W. Mitchell, of this city took place yesterday morning at 11 o’clock in the Lady Chapel of Grace church, the Rev. Frederick Henstridge performing the ceremony. They were attended by Mrs. Margaret M. Hunt and Frank Barnum. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell will reside on West Second street, this city. 


The funeral of Nathaniel H. Ellison was held this afternoon at 2 o’clock in the Baptist church at Pine City. The Rev. Charles Pittman officiated. Burial was in the Pine City cemetery. 


The funeral of Marshell E. Spencer was held today at 2 p.m. in the church at Mosherville. The Rev. Mr. Bashford officiated and burial was in the Mosherville cemetery. 

Mrs. Nancy Miller, one of the oldest residents of the county, died at her home on the plank road in Southport Saturday. She was the daughter of John Weir, one of the earliest pioneers of this section, who came there from New Jersey about 1785 and purchased a large tract of land of the government. Mrs. Miller was born in 1808 on the same farm where she died, this being part of the original purchase of her father. 
MRS. LAURA MILLER BROWN Mrs. Laura Miller Brown died this morning at 1:30 o’clock at the home, 203 Railroad avenue, aged sixty-three years. She is survived by one son, Fred Brown of this city. The funeral will be in Webbs Mill cemetery. 
Eugene Gaylord, son of the late S. H. Gaylord, of Blossburg, died recently at his home in Kane,Pa. His widow, eight children, his mother and one sister, all residents of Kane, survive. Death was caused by pneumonia. 
Frederick Sheely, who died at his home near Bulk Head Saturday morning, was one of the most widely known residents of Elmira, and was highly respected for his honesty and integrity. His age was seventy-three years, and his death was ascribed to heart failure. 
Della, wife of Alfred Buchanan, of Caton, N.Y. died last sunday, Dec. 22, aged thirty- eight years. The funeral was held Tuesday at the house and Kelly Hill school-house at 11 a.m. and 12m., respectively, Monroe Miller officiating. 

The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Cunningham was held at the family home in Mosherville, Pa., this morning at 9 o’clock and at the St. Mary Church at 10 o’clock. The Rev. J. O’Brien of Scranton, Pa., officiated assisted by the Rev. J. J. Moriarity and the Rev. G. V. Predmore. The pall bearers were Neil O’Dea, Thomas Maley, Daniel Cusick, Frank, Cusick, John Bolan, John Rowan. Burial was in SS. Peter and Paul cemetery. 

MILLER - Celastia, widow of Lyman Griswold, a resident of Addison, N.Y., died at her home in that village on Wednesday night of last week, aged seventy-three years. Mrs. Griswold was a native of Millerton, a sister of the late James H. and Jessie B. Miller. She was a member of a family of twelve children, six sons and six daughters, of whom but one now survives: Mrs. Mary E. Stone, aged eighty-five, who by reason of a mental affliction has been an inmate of a New York state asylum for the past twenty-five years. She leaves a son and daughter and several grandchildren. The funeral was held in Addison Saturday afternoon; burial in the village cemetery. 
Laura Havens will sell at public vendue on her premises on Bear Creek,Saturday, Nov. 20, 1915, commencing at 1 o’clock, the following property: 2 horses, 1 cow, 1 heavy platform wagon, 1 top buggy, 1 Portland cutter, 1 lumber wagon, 1 wagon box, 1 hay rigging, 1 drop reaper, 1 mowing machine, 1 horse rake, 1 level land plow, 1 side hill plow, 1 shovel plow, 1 harrow, 1 cultivator, 1 fanning mill, 1 corn sheller, 1 churn machine, 1 grindstone, chains, whiffletree, oats and 1 stove. Terms under $5.00 cash; over $5.00 one years time with approved security . Auctioneer S. L. Cummings.
Morell Buchanan, whose illness has frequently been referred to in the “Advocate” during the past six months, died at his home near Mitchell’s Mills at about five o’clock Monday afternoon of a complication of diseases. He had been troubled for years with an abscess in his stomach; and this coupled with diseased lungs brought on a decline with above sad ending. Mr. Buchanan was universally esteemed as a citizen and his friends were legion. He was a veteran of the late war in which he served in the 161st N.Y. Vols., together with his two brothers - Jesse and William - the three having been charter members of Chas. W. Deming Post No. 476, of this place, and all of whom now sleep side by side, having answered the last roll-call and been tenderly laid to rest by that organization. Deceased was thoroughly impregnated with true soldierly spirit, and nothing during his illness seemed to do him more good than to chat with visiting comrades and recall the experiences of long ago in “Dixie’s Land.” Mr. Buchanan must have been somewhere from 48 to 50 years old, and leaves a devoted wife to mourn the loss of one of the kindest of husbands. Mrs. Buchanan was sick at last accounts, worn out with watching and anxiety, which adds another sad feature to the case. The bereaved family and friends have the sympathy of all in their affliction. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon, meeting at the house at one o’clock and at the Bechtel school-house at two, burial being in the cemetery at the latter place. Deming Post had charge of the services, which were very affecting and impressive. 
Mrs. VanAuken Montanye, relict of Jacob Montanye, died at about 1 o’clock last Friday afternoon at her home at Gillett, aged about 78 years. She had been a great sufferer with “creeping paralysis” for upwards of a dozen years, and another stroke Friday morning hastened the end. Deceased lived with her daughter, Ella Montanye, who with other relatives at a distance West survive her. Her husband died about six years ago. The funeral was held Monday, in charge of J. W. Beaman, of Troy. Interment at Gillett. 
Proposed Once a Year, Until He Won Her, From the Chicago Tribune

Congressman John M. Wiley of Buffalo, whose marriage to Miss Virginia E. Cooper of Indianapolis Tuesday night was one of the most notable society events that ever took place in the Hoosier state, was introduced to her by the late Vice-President Hendricks, and it was he who said that Mr. Wiley surrendered his heart on that occasion. The Congressman’s friends claim he proposed the next day. Miss Cooper replied that he would forget all about the proposition in a few days, but encouraged him to try again just one year from that time. This he did, and again the next year, and so on. One of his friends twitted him about this yesterday and he said: “While I won’t plead guilty to$that, I’ll acknowledge that I have kept`close track of Mrs. Wiley from the time Tom Hendricks introduced us until now. 

Mrs. Susan C. Arnold, widow of Thomas Arnold, died at her home in this village last Saturday morning, March 1st, aged seventy-five years. Deceased was a member of the Pine City Baptist Church, and was buried there by the side of her husband on Monday last. She was the owner of a fine property, the bulk of which she left by will to missionary societies and her church. 
Isaac Edwin Hill, a former resident of Caton, N.Y., died in Ithaca April 30th, aged seventy-five years. Monroe Miller conveyed the body from Elmira to Tobeytown for burial Short services were held in Elmira and at the grave. 
Mrs. Wealthy MILLER, widow of Mart Miller died in Elmira on Thursday morning of last week at an advanced age. She leaves two sons, Arthur and Mack, both of Elmira. The funeral was held in this place Saturday; burial in Millerton cemetery. (Welthy's real name (Birth name) was Miller as was her married name)
The first church wedding every held in Jasper, was the marriage of Dr. Wm. Loughead of Pine City, and Miss Jennie Fisk, of that town, in the Methodist church. 

Mr. and Mrs John Lain of 513 West Fourth street announce the coming marriage of their daughter, Myra to Harry Mills of Hart street. Miss Lain has been an office employee at the LaFrance Garage until recently. Mr. Mills is an employee of the Howell Box factory. The marriage will take place in the near future.

Murder Committed in Heat of Rage by Samuel Wheeler, Whom His Victim, George Kline, Had Been Called To the House to Quell - as Kline Enters Door Wheeler Empties Contents of Shotgun Into His Breast- Kline is Killed Instantly - Murderer is Arrested and Taken to Towanda Jail.

Risking his life once too often for friendship’s sake, George Kline, aged 63, a Bentley Creek farmer, was murdered cold blood at 4 o’clock this morning by Samuel Wheeler, aged 65, a neighboring farmer Kline received the full charge of a shotgun through the left lung and died almost instantly. Wheeler was taken into custody and is now in the Towanda jail awaiting the outcome of his crime.. Samuel Wheeler lived about one and one-half miles from Bentley Creek, Pa., on what is known as Buck’s Creek. He was a man of ugly disposition and some time ago served a term in the Eastern Penitentiary in Philadelphia for biting the lip of Frank Thomas, his nephew, with whom he got into an altercation about four years ago. In the Wheeler home on Buck Creek were his mother, Mrs. William Wheeler, an aged woman; his sister, Mrs. Ella Mott and a hiredman, William Snyder, aged 20. Quite frequently Wheeler would get ugly and rampageous and the family would be frightened badly by the threats which he would make. UGLY AT TIMES When he would have one of these “fits”, it was necessary before life for the family was again tolerable, to have him quieted. No one in the family could restrain the man’s fierce rage and he would rave and threaten and vent his ugly spite on anyone who came near him. It chanced that George Kline who lived on an adjacent farm, a man of large physique, much courage and the firmness of will that could quell weaker spirits, was the only man in the neighborhood who could calm Wheeler. Others had tried but it seemed only to increase his almost insane rage. Several times had Kline been asked by the family to curb the rampageous Wheeler and each time had done the dangerous task gladly for the sake of the family. During last night Wheeler had another “spell”. He threatened to kill the family as he had done many times before and during the early morning hours his actions became so intolerable that at 4 o’clock this morning Mr. Kline was sent for “to come and quiet Sam”. SHOT IN COLD BLOOD Mr. Kline arose, dressed himself quickly and went the short distance to the Wheeler home. He opened the door and that instant received a charge of shot from a shotgun in Wheeler’s hands, full in the left breast. Kline sank on the doorstep, his life blood flowing from the great gaping wound. He died in a moment without uttering a word. Constable Ralph Swartwood then was called. He, too, is a large man and fortunately endowed with courage. To enter the house where he knew there was an armed man, with a proved likelihood of killing anyone who entered, was no child’s work. But Swartwood entered boldly and found Wheeler in bed. He went quickly to the bedside. Wheeler clenched his fist and demanded to “see the warrant”. Swartwood’s answer was a blow over Wheeler’s head with a club that put him out of commission for a moment. The constable was taking no chances with the murderously inclined man and did not mean to have his own name put down as a homicidal victim. To handcuff Wheeler was the work of an instant and the prisoner was taken by Constable Swartwood to Wellsburg, thence by trolley to Waverly and to Towanda where he now is lodged in the Bradford county jail. ALL LIKED KLINE The murder has caused great excitement in the usually peaceful countryside at Bentley Creek. The victim, George Kline, was a man who was respected highly in the community. He was a large, hearty, whole-souled farmer, ever willing to aid his neighbor in distress and do the kindly act whenever occasion arose. It was this generous trait in his nature that brought him to such a tragic end this morning. He was married and had lived for a long time on the Bentley Creek farm which he had tilled. He leaves a widow and one daughter, Edna Kline, aged about 14 years. Wheeler’s traits have quite the reverse. Crabbed, and often times ugly, he has allowed his temper to get the better of him until a very real homicidal mania developed and the outcome has been appalling. It is thought by those who know him that he will be found to be insane, because no one knowing George Kline could have rationally raised a weapon to wound him. 

About 5 o’clock on Thursday morning May 24 th, Welby W. Lawrence aged 47 years a long time resident of Roseville, killed himself by cutting his throat, following an attack upon his wife, during which he succeeded in badly wounding her. She was about to begin preparing breakfast for one of their daughters, when the assault was committed. She fought fiercely to free herself from her husband’s grasp, but he cut two gashes three inches in length in her throat. Her right hand was also badly cut between the thumb and index finger as she strove to take from him the razor he was wielding, in an insane effort to take her life. Dr. O. S. Nye, who lives across the street from the Lawrence home heard the screams, and reached the scene as soon as possible. He found Lawrence unconscious, and went at once at work to stop the flow of blood. But vital spots had been reached by the razor blade, and in about half an hour Mr. Lawrence died. Dr. Nye dressed Mrs. Lawvence’s wounds and had her removed the of her sister, Mrs. Anna Rose, where she is being given every possible care. Dr. Nye says she will recover, which is one fortunate phase of the very unfortunate affair. Mrs. Lawrence, previous to her marriage, was Miss Vinnie Benson, and is a daughter of Elijah Benson, a prominent Rutland farmer. Several weeks ago the county commissioners investigated Lawrence’s condition, taking him to Wellsboro for a medical examination. It was determined that he was harmless, and he was allowed to return to him home. Besides his widow, he is survived by eight children - Edit, Lewis, Hobart, Mildred, Hannah, Ella and Rose, of Roseville, and Mrs. Hattie Fullwood, of Wellsburg; his mother, one brother, Dr. Frank Lawrence, of Washington, D. C., and four sisters = Mrs. George Baker, Mrs. Charles Richards, Covington; Mrs. Frank Luckey, Sylvania; Mrs. Clarence Rorapaugh, Ithaca, N.Y. The funeral was held on Sunday and was largely attended by relatives and friends, to whom goes out the sympathy of who knew Welby Lawrence. 

Wellsboro Gazette, Tioga, PA -- Thursday, January 23, 1913
CHARGED WITH ARSON, Father and Son, Formerly of Knoxville, arrested in Corning.
Thaddeus Schoonover and his son, Gussie Schoonover, have been arrested at Corning and held to bail in the sum of $2,000 each on a charge of arson.    Thaddeus Schoonover, formerly lived at Knoxville and a Westfield, but about five years ago he bought and moved onto a farm two miles north of Corning.  He lived there until last March when his house burned down, and he removed to Corning.  The house burned in the day time and the Farmers' Alliance Insurance Company, which is the complaint in the cases against the two men paid $1,500 insurance upon it.  On election day in 1910 a barn on the farm had burned and $200 insurance had been paid upon it.  According to Mr Schoonover the insurace did not begin to cover the loss at either fire.  On May 3rd last a large cattle and hay barn, a horse barn, tool shop and carriage barn located on the farm burned.  Insurance of $800 was carried on the large barn, $200 on the horse barn, $200 on the shop and $100 on the carriage house.  This insurance money has never been paid, and now the company charges that the fires were set by Schoonover and his son with the motive of securing the insurance money.  A witness testified that he talked with the Schoonovers on the day after the latter fire and that the younger man had said that there was nothing left but the hencoop, "and if I had another match, I would have fired that."
Mr. Oliver Lewis and Mrs. Wilcox were united in marriage at State Line, Nov. 27th by Mr. Pedrick. 

Miss Elvira Julia Carpenter died this morning at 10 o’clock at the family home, 320 East Fourteenth street,, Elmira Heights, after an extended illness. She was seventeen years old and is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith F. Carpenter; two brothers, David L., of Cedar Grove N.J. and Smith J. of Elmira Heights. 

John Impson, a veteran of the civil war, died quite suddenly at his home at Daggett last Saturday night, of hear disease. He was a former resident of Jackson Summitt, but recently removed to Daggett, where the family occupied the Dr. Voorhess residence. The funeral was held Tuesday, under the auspices of Deming Post, G. A. R., of which deceased was a member, Spencer Camp, Sons of Veterans, also turning out a good delegation. The attendance at the house was large. Burial was in Maple Ridge cemetery, Monroe Miller officiating.
MR. GUNDERMAN DIED SUDDENLY Employee on Hall Farm on Upper Lake Street Stricken This Morning George Gunderman, who was employed on the Hall Farm, on upper Lake Street, dropped dead at about 9:30 o’clock this morning. He had been suffering from neuralgia of the heart for some time. This morning he had been out of doors about the farm, and at about 9:30 o’clock entered the house, preparing to come downtown. He was suddenly stricken and fell. Dr. Woodhouse was summoned, but before he reached the house the man was dead. Coroner F. C. Annabel was also called, it decided that an inquest was unnecessary. 
A Devoted Life Ended

louise, wife of Prof. L. W. Hallett, died at her home in this village on Wednesday morning, Sept. 30th, after a brief illness, aged about sixty-eight years. The community was greatly shocked and saddened by the report of Mrs. Hallett’s sudden death. Although it was known that she was in very poor health, brought on by untiring care and ceaseless devotion to her husband, who had been ill for a year past, it was not realized that her condition was critical. She had performed her home duties as usual, and attended to necessary errands about town up to about twenty-four hours previous to her death. As stated to a friend, who remarked upon her appearance, she really could not give up and take to her bed. And thus, which practically engaged in ministering to the needs of her afflicted husband, the end came suddenly and she entered into vest. Mrs. Hallett’s maiden name was Louise Ferris, and she was a member of a prominent family of Cayuga county, N.Y. She married late in life as the second wife of Prof. Hallett, and has been to him a noble helpmeet. His loss is incalculable, his present condition of absolute helplessness awakening the profound sympathy of all. Deceawed was a noble Christian woman whose life was an enduring monument to her sterling worth. Wholly devoid of meddling ov gossiping tendencies, she discourageddthem in others, and thought no ill of her neighbors. Every ready to extend a helping hand to the unfortunate, it is pathetic to realize that her last days were so clouded by trouble and misfortune. But God know best; whom he loveth he chasteneth. His acts are not to be questioned. The funeral wmll be held at the M. E. church in this village Friday at 2 p.m. under the supervision of George Miller, Rev. J. W. Miller, the pastor. 

Mrw. Owen Judson died last Saturday at her home at Gillett, aged about sixty years. Mrs. Judson was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Liddy, and is survived by a husband, two sons and two daughters, M. R. Judson, of Sprmngfield,James Judson, of Fassett, Mrs. M. E. Seafuse of Pine City, and Mrs. D. Post, of Gillett. The remains were taken from Gillett Monday morning to Elmira on the 10:30 train and interred in SS. Peter and Paul cemetery. Funeral director Connelly, of Elmira, had charge. 
TRIPLE WEDDING AT WHITE HOUSE? Washington Gossips Busy With Rumors of Two More Engagements - Would Break Record.

Washington, March 16 - The possibility of a double, possibly a triple wedding, at the White House is the topic with which all Washington society is entertaining itself. Miss Eleanor Wilson is to marry Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo. This has been announced. The announcement of the engagement of Miss Margaret Wilson, eldest daughter of the President, to Boyd Fisher of New York and Princeton is expected by many friends of the President’s family. Finally there is a strong rumor that Miss Helen Woodrow Bones, cousin of the President, is engaged to Dr. Cary T. Grayson, U. S. N., the President’s friend and physician, who is attached to his personal staff at the White House. If these anticipations are realized, it is expected that three weddings will occur at once and all will be held in the White House. Miss Bones has made her home with the Presidents family ever since Mr. Wilson has been in the White House. Such an event would of course smash all precedents. There never has been a double, much less a triple wedding at the White House. Nor has there ever been a President who had the honor of having three of his daughters married in the White House. 

GRANDISON GRIDLEY Prominent Citizen died This Morning In Business 60 Years.

Man of Flawless Integrity, Pure and Honorable in All His Ways

Grandison A. Gridley died at the home of his son, Charles H. Gridley, 113 Walnut street, Saturday morning at 1:30 o’clock, aged eighty-one years. The deceased had been failing for some time and the end was expected almost hourly for the past two weeks. Mr. Gridley is survived by one daughter, Mrs. H. C. Underhill of Aurora, and two sons, Leonard and Charles H. Gridley, of this city. The funeral arrangements will be announced later. The deceased was born of Scotch ancestry in Cazenovia, N.Y. on the 18th of May, 1819. Mr. Gridley was somewhat fortunate in his boyhood in living in a village noted in those days for its superior educational advantages, the Cazenovia seminary having long enjoyed an excellent reputation. In that institution he secured as good an education as was possible for the period. When he was sixteen years old he left school, immediately picking up the tinner’s trade. He worked at it until 1`840, when he came to Elmira and in May of the same year he opened a small shop and store at East Water Street. For the succeeding years Mr. Gridley continued in successful trade, gaining the respect of the community and enjoying a good measure of success. In 1874 the firm became Gridley * Son, and it so remains, being composed of G. A. Gridley and his son, Charles H. Mr. Gridley was first married in 1842 to Miss Harriett Jones of this city. She died in 1844. In 1847 he married Mary Brownell Hubbard, also of this city. Her death occurred in July 1887. While always taking a deep interest in public affairs and good government, Mr. Gridley had not devoted much time and effort to the field of politics, preferring to exert his energies to the advicement of his business. But his well-known qualifications of good judgement, foresight and integrity led his fellow citizens to select him for public titles and in 1868 he was elected alderman of the Fifth ward and served two terms. He also served as supervisor. Mr. Gridley was a consistent member of the Park church and was a trustee for a number of years. In educational matters he took an active and wise interest and was a trustee of the college for eight yearw. Mr. Gridley was a man of courteous and genial address to those around him. 

A Good Woman Gone

Sophia Briggs Hall, widow of Rev. U. S. Hall, died in Port Chester, N.Y. Jan 23, 1907, aged$64 years, 9 months and 16 days. She lived about twelve hours from the time she was taken sick;was unconscious. They hardly knew whether to call her sickness apoplexy or Bright’s disease. She has had indigestion and some weakness of the heart for a few years past. She is survived by one son, Prof. A. B. Hall, of Port Chester, N.Y., one grandson, two step-sons, Joshua Hall in Elmira, Carrie Hall Wilson in Ithaca; two brothers, three sisters. The funeral was held in Elmira at L. D. Hall’s Saturday p.m.; burial in Horseheads by the side of Rev. Hall. The Revs. Pitman, Ferguson and Haigh took charge of the funeral. The scripturedreading, the sermon and prayer were sodcomforting. The ministers sang “Shall We Gather At The River”, the same that was sung at Bro. Hall’s casket. Thus ends the earthly life of our sister, mother, friend. But her influence does not end here;as teacher in schools, in Sunday School, in the home, wherever she was, she was zealous for the Lord, anxious that souls might be converted, and God’s cause prosper. She was especially interested in missionary work. She has entered into rest; the future life is real to her now. She loved children and young people’ they were drawn to her. less than four years ago Dr. Hall died in Maillerton, “in the midst of labor abundant”, died at his post. Their going was just as they wished it might be: “The workmen die, the work goes on. O, Lord, raise up men and women to carry on the work to take the places of those who fall.” 

In these columns, died at his home in Webb’s Mills on Tuesday last, Oct. 14th, aged probably about sixty-five years. Mr. Rhinesmith had been in failing health for more than a year past and his death was therefore not unexpected, yet it will occasion deep sorrow among a wide circle of friends. He was a former resident of this vicinity for a number of years, and was universally esteemed for his sterling integrity, genial ways and generous disposition. He was a civil war veteran with an excellent record, and had been a member of Deming Post No. 476, G. A. R. , since its organization some fifteen years ago. He was one, too, who was thoroughly imbued with the order’s principles of fraternity, charity and loyalty, and not appeal to him was ever made in vain for the aid of any worthy comrade or the family of this deceased; his hand and heart were ever open to such objects. Every inch a soldier, he knew no greater enjoyment than meeting with old associates of war-time. Deceased is survived by a wife, one son Joseph Rhinesmith, and a daughter, Mrs. Walter A. Graves, both of Elmira. The funeral will be held at Webb’s Mills M. E. church on Friday of this week at 11:30 a.m., Rev. Rosengrant, of Towanda, officiating. Deming Post will doubtless attend in a body and conduct the ritual services, as the organization had no more worthy or deserving member. 
LINCOLN’S SUBSTITUTE He Was a Minister’s Son, and Made a Good Soldier.

It is not generally known that Abraham Lincoln sent a substitute to the war against the south, but such is a fact. During the earlier days of the war it seems to have been the desire of all prominent men in Washington to have a representative in the ranks, and Lincoln was no exception to the rule. At that time there was a minister named Staples in Washington, one of whose sons, then aged nineteen, had a desire to go to the front. Lincoln heard of him, and after a conference selected him as his representative and he proved worthy, for he won honor on the field. He survived the war and finally died in Stroudsburg, Pa. The inscription on the stone over his grave reads as follows: J. SUMMERFIELD STAPLES, A Private of Company C 176th Regiment, P. V. Also a member of the Second Regi- ment, D. C. Vols., as a substitute for Abraham Lincoln.

John Orcutt, a well-known former resident of this vicinity, now of Rathbone, N.Y., was married at that place about two weeks since to Miss Lyda Bowyer. The wedding occurred at the home of the bride’s mother, and after a dainty supper was served to the guests the pair left at 10 p.m. for a trip to Buffalo. They are spoken of by a correspondent as among the most popular young people at Rathbone. 
A printer in making up the newspaper forms in a hurry the other day got a marriage and a grocer’s advertisement mixed up so that it read as follows: “John Brown and Ida Gray were united in the holy sauerkraut by the quart or barrel. Mr. Brown is a well known young codfish at 10 cents a pound, while the bride, Miss Gray, has some nice pig’s feet which will be sold cheaper than any in town.” 
DR. VOORHEES IS WEAKENING Condition is Slightly Worse Than Few Days Ago-Nervousness and Restlessness Have Bad Effect. Dr. Sherman Voorhees, who was the victim of an automobile accident July 5, in which his wife was killed and himself severely wounded, is reported as nervous and restless today and very weak. However, he is able to be about the room on his crutches at his home, 408 North Main street. His condition is not quite so satisfactory as a few days ago. 
W A. MClure, an aged resident of Rutland, died at his home, Feb. 17. Funeral was held Friday, Feb 20th., in Roseville; burial in Roseville cemetery. Monroe Miller officiating. 
Joel E. Sheive died, Sunday at 10:30 a.m. at the home of his son, Daniel Sheive on Upper Lake street. He is survived by his widow, a son, Daniel; two brothers Lanson of Daggetts and William of Philadelphia, Pa., a sister, Mrs. A. B. Garrison of Daggetts; two grandchildren, Joseph, jr. and Leo Ayres all of Elmira. Prayer service Tuesday at 10 a.m. at the home of his son on Upper Lake street. The funeral will be held at the Daggett M. E. church at 1 o’clock Tuesday and the burial will be in Jobs Corners. 
Henry H. VanNocken, of Roseville, died Saturday, a week, very suddenly. He was feeling well in the forenoon but was dead in the afternoon. A widow, one son, Moses, of Rutland, four daughters, Mrs. Lyman Smith and Mrs. Ira Smith, of Mansfield; Mrs. Aaron Hall and Mrs. Cora Burton, of Lawrenceville, mourn his loss. 
In Memoriam

On Friday, Oct 30th, at his late home in Northwest Jackson, at 1:30 p.m., occurred the death of George Graham, a highly respected, industrious citizen and prominent member of Mitchell’s Mills Grange. He was a fond father, a devoted husband and a thoroughly moral man, whose every thought was for his home and his family Although Mr. Graham had been suffering for a long time of Bright’s disease, his numerous friends were shocked to hear of his death. His demise is especially sad because little over two years ago his only son, Edward, died, which was a crushing blow to his parents. Deceased is survived by his widow, Katherine Collins Graham, to whom the sympathy of the community is extended, she have been bereft of her mother, son and husband in the short space of four years, and is the sole survivor of her family. We can only say to her in such an hour, may the God of all comfort and be with you, may He, who can give “beauty for ashes, and the oil for mourning, and the garment of praise for heaviness” enable you to bear this great trial and though the way is dark and “His way mysterious yet He makes all things work together for good to those who love Him.” His survived by three brothers, Charles, Alonzo, and Walter Graham and one sister, Mrs. Frank Cooper of Caton. The funeral, which was largely attended, was held on Monday, at 1 p.m., in the Baptist church at Caton Center, Rev. L. D. Ayers and C. D. Smith officiating. Music was pathetically rendered by a quartet, composed of Mr. and Mrs. Edson Gaige, Mrs. Frank Stilwell, and Herman Gaige. The selections were “In That Fair Land” “Some Day, Some Time” “I Want To Go There” and “He Will Meet me at the Portal.” The remains, which reposed in a beautiful oaken casket covered with magnificent flowers, was borne to its last resting place in Elmwood cemetery by the following gentlemen: Arba Wood, Charles E. Andrews, Jonas Seeley, William H. Hudson, Monroe Friends and Fred Smith. 

Mrs. William Kimball, wife of the former superintendent of the County Home, died on Saturday last at her home in Tioga township, following a long illness. Mrs.Kimball was the only daughter of Wright and Bethiah Dunham, and was born at Jackson Center on October 24, 1850. She is survived by her husband, three children, Jesse Kimball and Mrs. Milton Cummings, of Tioga; Frank Kimball at home; two grandchildren, her mother, Mrs. Wright Dunham, and a half-sister, Mrs. Theodore Weller, of Troy, Pa. She was a great sufferer, but very patient, causing little trouble to those who tenderly cared for her during her illness. In many ways she helped herself until about a week before her death, when she fell asleep and her passing away was peaceful. Her life was largely passed in caring for others. She was a kind, loving wife and mother. 

Mrs.A.E. Strait,mother of our townsman, B. V. Strait,and formerly for several years matron of Blossburg Cottage State hospital , was united in marriage at the home of the groom in Jacksonville, N.Y., recently, with Jesse Blue. The ceremony was performed by Rev. L. S. Boyd, assisted by Rev. Frank Blue. Mansfield Advertiser 

Born, on Thursday, Nov. 7, 1895, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lewis, of Baker Hill, twin daughters. The happy mother is one of the twin daughters of Wm. Gardner, and she and her husband naturally feel proud of these their first offspring.

BAKER-WESTERVELT On Thursday, February 18, at the parsonage of the Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, Auburn, Mrs. Laura Walls Baker of Elmira was united in marriage to Peter Y. Henry Westervelt of Interlaken, N.Y. by the Rev. Eli Pittman, pastor of the Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church of Auburn. 
Married, at Trinity Church, Elmira, by REv. Dr. McKnight, Horace Madison Darling, M. D., L. L. D., of Corning, N. Y., and Miss Hannah Mary Webb, of Southport, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1892. No cards. The ADVOCATE offers congratulations. 
Mrs. Jacob K. Richards died at her home on Tioga street last Sunday morning about half past ten o’clock. Although Mrs. Richards had been in poor health for some time, her death was unexpected. For many years she had been a great sufferer from asthma which developed into consumption, causing her death. The deceased was an estimable lady, and was the only surviving daughter of Gen. R. C. Cox. She was a devout member of the Methodist church and her sad death is deeply mourned by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. She was 42 years of age, and leaves besides her husband, two children, Nellie and Lee. The funeral was held last Tuesday afternoon from the late residence of the deceased. 
Giles Green, father of Honesdale’s famous poet-lawyer, Homer Green, died at his home at Lake Ariel on Saturday, aged 53 years. He was one of the pioneer settlers of Wayne County, and was widely known. 
On Sunday, Sept. 25, the youngest child of Ed. and Jennie Hall, aged about five months, died in its mother’s arms while on the road from Caton to William Burroughs’, in Jackson. The funeral was held at Alder Run Baptist Church, Rev. G. P. Watrous, officiating. 
S. W. Paine, an old and respected resident of Troy, died last week. He was at one time one of the foremost businessmen of Troy, owning and running an extensive foundry and machine shop on East Main street, employing a large number of hands, many of whom owe their start in life to employment furnished by Mr. Paine. Out of respect to his memory all business was suspended in Troy during the funeral services. 
Willie Hallet and Charles Utter, the two Nelson lads, aged respectively 14 and 16 years, convicted of larceny at the August court, were taken by Sheriff Irvin to the reformatory at Huntingdon, Pa. there to remain until they reach man’s estate.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Beckhorn, of this township, whose illness was noted last issue, died on Friday morning. The funeral and interment were at Daggett’s Mills on Sunday, a number from this place attending. 
The old Harrison mansion, built near Vincennes, Ind., in 1806, by the President’s grandfather, is still occupied as a residence. 
Henry Clay’s fine statue which stands in the court house square at Lexington, Ky., will be duplicated for the World’s Fair. 
The death of Samuel Irwin, formerly of Daggett’s Mills, which occurred at Sayre, Pa., recently, was a sad surprise to his many friends in this region. “Sammie” had been employed in the bridge works at that place for several years past, and was doing finely. His ailment was typhoid fever. He leaves a$wife, having been married but a short time.
SENATOR HILL He Turchases the Fritz Emmet Property in Albany

An Associated Press dispatch received from Albany says “Senator David B. Hill said tonight that he had purchased the well-known Emmet residence and it is understood that during the recesses of congress`he will make Albany his temporary resitence during his senatorial term, and resume the practice of law. The residencedin question is on the Van Ransalaer boulevard,was built by the late “Fritz” Emmet, the actor, at a large cost, and is one of the most beautiful and elegant places around the city. Although the terms of sale are not made public, it is said that Senator Hill purchased the villa of Emmet’s widow at a bargain. He will take immediate possession. Fifty thousand dollars is reported as the purchase price. 

Rev. DeWitt Myers preached a very appropriate farewell sermon to a large congregetion last Sunday evening, after which he was presented with a gold-linedsilver cream pitcher, spoon holder and sugar bowl, as a token of respect, by the many friends he has made here in the past. The people of Daggett’s Mills greatly regret that their gifted pastor, Rev. DeWitt Myers, having been with them the full limit of five years, must now be assigned elsewhere. It will be difficult to fill his place satisfactorily. 
The body of a man was found Monday night lying in the weeds near Eighth and Dodge streets, Omaha. It was identified as that of C. G. Miller, mayor of South Omaha.A forty- five calibre bullet had entered the forehead near the temple. It is rumored gamblers killed him. 
Mrs. W. K. Harris, accompanid by Mrs. D. H. Myers, of Daggett’s Mills, met with quite accident last Thursday evening while returning from a visit at the residence of G. W. Eightney, near that place. The horse became frightened and backed down a steep bank, overturning the buggy and throwing out the occupants, seriously injuring Mrs. Myers and completely demolishing the buggy. 
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Clinton, of this place, was buried at Webb’s Mills cemetery last Friday. 
Mr. Mott Pratt, of Caton, and Miss Lizzie Gerahm, of Seeley Creek, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony last Thursday evening at the residence of the bride’s parents. 
Lincoln’s Great Grandson From the Christian Advocate, July 14

An event occurred last week which is of interest to the whole country.( The brilliant wedding of the daughter of Robert Lincoln to Mr. Isham, Mr. Lincoln’s private secretary, in London a few years ago, will be remembered by our readers as described in the public press of that time.) Mr. and Mrs. Isham are living in this city,and last week there was born to them a son, who is, of course, the great grandson of Abraham Lincoln. He was named Lincoln for his illustrious great grandsire, and Mrs. Grant, the widow of the general, has presented him with a silver cup;so that with the beginning of his life are associated the two great names so beloved by the American epople. 

Decker E. Ayers died on Tuesday morning last at his home in Elmira, 316 West Seventh street, of a complication of disease. He had been in failing health for several years. Mr. Ayers was last employed as a salesman for Myer Friendly’s carriage establishment, and was an active, capable business man. His wide acquaintance through all the country surrounding Elmira made him a very valuable assistant. He leaves a wife, three sons and a daughter, the children being Eugene Ayers, of Job’s Corners; Mrs. James P. Slocum, of Wells, Pa.; Decker E. Ayers and C. Ayers of Elmira. The funeral was held from the late residence of deceased on Thursday morning at 11 o’clock. 
Mrs.Decker E. Ayers, an estimable Elmira lady who had many friends in Jackson and Wells, died one day last week. 
On the 30th of December the friends and neighbors of Mr. Robert Adams were assembled to witness the marriage of his eldes daughter, Alice, to Mr. Herbert Stevens, of Schoharie county, N. Y. They also received many useful and valuable presents, and the good wishes of their friends follow them to their new home. 
Married by Justice Williams Justice John D. Williams yesterday sealed Melvin D. Kenneday of Hammond, Pa., to Miss Nora L. Button, of Crooked Creek, Pa. A wedding dinner followed at the W. C. T. U. hotel. 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 16 OCT  98
By Joyce M. Tice