The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery
Tri County Clippings- Page Forty Four

From the Cook Scrapbook-

Copied from a copy in possession of Kelsey Jones. Typed by: Patricia Warren and Barbara COMSTOCK Coy.. THIS PAGE is arranged in random scrapbnook order. While I know (the computer database knows) the real names of many of the women, I have not had time to look them up yet, and so have not attempted to put his is any order 

McCULLOUGH - A fine memorial window for Rev. J. S. and Mrs. McCULLOUGH is soon to be placed in the Tioga Presbyteran Church. Rev. Mr. McCULLOUGH was the first pastor of the Church, and he served it from its organization in 18--(?) until his death in 1868.

Ex-county clerk Henry V. Ransom died at 3 o’clock Tuesday morning at his home on West Water Street. Death resulted from congestion of the brain. Mr. Ransom had been an invalid for some years but his death came very unexpectedly, it not being thought that he was fatally ill until within a few hours before his demise. Owing to ill health he had been unable to attend to business since last spring. For the past twenty-five years he had been a great sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism, never being free from pain but such was his dauntless determination and courage that he had made for himself a career that any man might feel proud of. Mr. Ransom had been a resident of Elmira since 1859, when he came here from his former home in Madison county, where he was born in 1844. He attended school at the Elmira free academy, from which he was graduated, afterwards entering the employ of the United States Express Company. He soon became one of the most valued employees in the office and displayed marked business ability. On the organization of the Merchants Union Express Company in 1868 he became manager and agent for the city of Elmira. That company was later consolidated with a larger company and the local office was abandoned. Mr. Ransom then took charge of the Southern Tier Savings bank, continuing in charge of that institution until he was obliged to resign on account of poor health. In 1822 he was elected Justice of the Peace, which position he held until elected County Clerk in 1887. As a magistrate he at once secured the approval and support of the entire bar and the whole community for the fairness, marked integrity and ability which he displayed in the discharge of the duties of that office. It was due to the excellent record he then made that the Democratic party tendered him, without any solicitation on his part, the nomination for County Clerk, and elected him to that office over Colonel Archie E. Baxter, the incumbent of the office at that time, and a candidate for re-election. As County Clerk, Mr. Ransom displayed the same excellent business qualities and fidelity to duty as had characterized all his business career, and the administration of his office met with the approval of everyone, irrespective of party. The condition of his health precluded him from accepting a renomination, and since his retirement in January, 1891, he had not been actively engaged in business for the same reason. There was never a truer Democrat than Henry Ransom. His devotion to his party was intense.

Arthur McAllister, the Pine City young man who was sentenced to twenty nine years at hard labor in Auburn prison for an outrageous assault on Miss Grace Smith, of the same place, wants to die. He says he will not serve the term and that Sheriff Smalley will never take him from the county jail alive. He doesn’t apparently regret his act, yet he sighs to think he must serve such a long term in prison. Sheriff Smalley is preparing to take McAllister to Auburn this afternoon. He will be securely chained and although it is expected that he will fight for liberty or death, close watch is being kept over him and it is more than probable that he will be safely landed in Auburn prison. 
EX-ALDERMAN JOHN CLARK, a highly esteemed citizen of the second ward, died last Thursday morning of Brights disease, at his residence No. 709 Park place. The deceased was born at Spencer, N.Y. in 1835, and came to Elmira in 1853. He resided here during that time until he died, and became prominent in business circles and won a reputation for probity and integrity that gained for him the respect of all who knew him. He was a kindly man, and his genial disposition gained him the friendship and love of his neighbors and relatives, who attended the funeral in large numbers at the house at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon. The interment was private. Mr. Clark leaves a wife and one daughter, whose husband, Elmer Dean, is a leading Elmira business man, and a member of the firm of Sheehan, Dean & Co.

Prof. H. B. Corey was united in marriage to Miss Maria Pettingill at the home of the bride, by Rev. Grover, on Tuesday evening of last week. The groom is a popular young gentleman, highly versed in science and literature;an expert lawyer, and all in all, a gentleman. The bride is a charming, bright and accomplished young lady. They took their departure to attend the World’s Fair on their wedding trip. Their legion of friends wish them happiness and prosperity. 

I’m really lost in wonderment! Will wonders ever cease? At how you, genial editor- (My blunders still increase) Decipher out my scrawling- Perhaps that isn’t right; I should have said chirography. Now did I spell it right? Must be you’re very patient, And perhaps you’re eagle-eyed; For really if ‘twas Job of old His patience would get tried. 
WERE TWICE WEDDED Prominent Young People of Wellsboro, Pa. Have Two Weddings

Once married is usually regarded as well married, but not so with two prominent young people of Wellsboro, Pa., who have twice sought union in Hymen’s bonds. About three months ago Mr. and Mrs. David Cameron issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth, to Frederick W. Bailey, a son of the late Hon. John W. Bailey, one of the most prominent residents of Tioga county. The marriage was celebrated with all the éclat usual at society weddings, and it was looked upon as one of the leading social events of the season among Wellsboro’s Four Hundred. Numerous guests were present, a royal reception was given and the young couple started forth on their bridal tour overwhelmed with congratulations and good wishes-but after all it was not a wedding, at least not one that would be recognized in the courts of law, for on the 28th day of April, 1891, over a year before, the same couple was married in this city by the Rev. L. H. Pearce, pastor of Hedding M. C. church-at any rate, that is what the records show. Miss Cameron, the twice-made bride, is the beautiful and accomplished daughter of one of Wellsboro’s most prominent attorneys. She has light hair, delicately cut features and a handsome form, while the groom is tall and also handsome. His father died a few months ago leaving him a fortune which is all sufficient to keep the wolf from the door. A “Gazette” reporter called on Mr. Pearce to ask if he knew anything regarding the “whys and wherefores” of the couple being married twice but he was out of the city today and hence could not be seen. Just why the first marriage was not made public is not accounted for in the statement of the facts from which the “Gazette” derives its information. It is said, however, that immediately after returning home, after the first marriage Mr. Bailey took leave of his bride and went South and later went West, where he and his wife have resided since their second wedding several months ago. Mrs. Bailey has a sister who is a student at the Elmira College. The two weddings of Miss Cameron and Mr. Bailey, it seems are not the only bits of romance that have occurred in the Bailey family. On the fourth day of last October Miss . Edna McClelland, a step sister of Fred Bailey was married in this city by the Rev. Dr. W. T. Henry of the First Baptist church, to Harry Landrus of Syracuse, who was a student at St. John’s military school at Manlius.. It is said that the marriage occurred unbeknown to parents of the young couple and that the parental sanction recognizing the marriage has never yet been forthcoming and the couple have never lived together. The records show that the groom gave his residence as Wellsboro, but his parents, it is said, reside in Syracuse. Miss McClelland, before her marriage, visited occasionally in Elmira. She is a talented musician and a handsome and accomplished young woman. Since the death of her stepfather the family has moved away from Wellsboro. All of the young people spoken of above are highly respected by their friends and associates, and, while the fact of the first couple having been married twice will no doubt occasion a goodly amount of surprise among their friends, still everyone will look upon the affair as one of those bits of romance which occasionally occurs in real life, and, like the happy denouement in the play, turns out well and to the satisfaction all concerned before the curtain drops in the last act. The “Gazette” Monday announced, the fact of a young couple from Wellsboro, Pa., having been married in this city a year ago last April, and then being remarried at the home of the bride in Wellsboro several months ago. The second marriage occurred on the 16th of last June, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. A. C. Shaw. The couple, who were Miss Elizabeth Cameron and Frederick W. Bailey, went at once to Indianapolis, where they now reside. John W. Bailey, the groom’s father, died on the 12th of last July and his step-mother has moved to Jersey Shore, Pa. The “Gazette” also mentioned the fact of Fred bailey’s step-sister, Miss Edna McClelland, having been married, secretly, in this city last October to Harry Landrus. The young man was a student at St. John’s school at Manlius, but his home is in Wellsboro, and not in Syracuse as stated last evening. It seems, however, that the above marriages are not the only ones which have occurred in the same families unbeknown to the parents of the contracting parties. A search of the records today revealed the fact that on September 23, 1891, Miss Maggie Williams was married to William R. Cameron, a brother of Mrs. Fred Bailey, by the Rev. Dr. Henry, who also marrmed Miss Edna McClelland and Harry Landrus. The last marriage was only kept secret three or four days and the young people, who are very popular and most highly respected by everybody, have lived as`happily together as though they had had a big wedding with hundreds of guests instead of having sought the Gretna Green of the Southern Tier in which to plight their troth and swear eternal allegiance to the other. 

WILSON AGAIN WEDDED A fovmer Well-known Elmira Newspaper Man’s Latest Matrimonial Venture.

Rufus R. Wilson, the former well-known Elmira newspaper man, whose wife week before last secured a divorce, was married in New York, on Wednesday last, to Miss Jennie Florence Jones, of that city. Wilson is still a young man, but this is his third matrimonial venture. 

Mr. Lamar W. Capwell, of Millerton, and Miss Carrie Wilson, of Pine City, were married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, on Thursday of last week, Presiding Elder C. C. Wilber officiating. Mr. Capwell has our congratulations on securing for a help-meet an esteemed graduate of the “Advocate’s” composing room, which is sufficient guaranty that she will make one of the best of wives. To the bride we tender best wishes and the hope that she has struck a “fat take,” may never run “out of sorts,” and that her revised proof, in accordance with our confident expectation, will show no errors. The “devil”and “crank” performed a war dance around the big press on hearing of their former associate’s matrimonial break, and add their best wishes to those of the bald headed wielder of the pencil, whose productions in the past have furnished her with so many hours, weeks and months of busy employment. 
Mrs. Sidney White, of this township, died on Wednesday of last week, Dec. 13th, aged about 71 years. Deceased was a sister of the late Wellen S. Muiller, and also of Mrs. Robert Capwell, of this village, and was therefore one of Jackson’s pioneers and oldest residents. The funeral was quite largely attended last Friday.

GAYLORD - Sudden Death at Blossburg- Blossburg, Pa., Sept. 24 - S. H. GAYLORD, a prominent citizen of this place, was found dead in his bed yesterday morning. His heath had been failing for some time
WORMLY - Death of a Big Flats Lady. - Mrs. Lucy Ann Wormly, wife of Simeon L. Wormly died at her home in Big Flats, N.Y., Aug. 15th, 1888, aged fifty-eight years and seven months. She was a member of St. Johns church, and a lady loved and respected by all. The funeral which was held from the family residence on Saturday afternoon was largely attended, showing the high esteem in which she was held. No dread of wasting sickness, No thought of ache or pain, No trying hours of weakness Shall mar her pence again. No death her home o'ershading Shall e'er her harp unstring, For all is life unfading In presence of our King. 
HOLBERT-PINCKNEY -At Park church Thursday evening, by Rev. Thomas K. BEECHER, Miss Mattie PINCKNEY, the beautiful and accomplished daughter of G. W. PINCKNEY, of this city, was united in marriage to Judd A. HOLBERT, one of Elmira's leading citzens. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. HOLBERT left for an extended wedding trip to New York and other points of interest. Their hosts of friends united in wishing them a long life and future prosperity. 
Burial Places of Our Presidents. The burial places of our dead presidents are widely scattered. Washington's body lies at Mount Vernon; the two Adamses are buried under the old church at Quincy, Mass.; Jefferson rests at Monticello; Madison's grave is at Montpelier, not far from Monticello; Monroe's remains lie in the Richmond cemetery; Jackson's grave is in front of his old residence, "The Hermitage;" VanBuren was buried at Kinderhook; Harrison at North Bend, near Cincinnati; Polk at Nashville; Taylor's remains are near Louisville; Fillmore lies in Forest Lawn cemetery, Buffalo; Pierce was buried in Concord and Buchanan at Lancaster; Lincoln's grave is near Springfield; Johnson's at Greenville; Garfield's at Cleveland; Grant's at Riverside and Arthur's at Albany.
BAILEY - McCLELLAND - A Thanksgiving Day Marriage. John W. BAILEY, of Wellsboro and Mrs. C. C. McCLELLAND, of Jersey Shore, Pa., were married Thursday at the DELEVAN house in this city, in the presence of a few intimate friends. Mr. BAILEY is a wealthy business man with extensive financial interests throughout northern Pennsylvania and a man who has as many friends as he has acquaintances. His bride was the widow of a former landlord of the PARKHURST house, in Wellsboro, and a lady of the most winning character. Mr. and Mrs. BAILEY are enjoying a trip through this state and will shortly return to Wellsboro to reside and receive the congratulations of their friends who are numerous and include the Gazette. 
LUDLOW - It has been reported that Miss Lena LUDLOW, of this place, but of late employed at Starkey, N.Y., was recently married. We cannot vouch for the truth of it. 
WHITNEY - Sorrow at the Normal School - Mansfield, Pa., Jan. 15 - The remains of Miss WHITNEY of Scranton, PA., who died suddenly at the normal school, were taken home by her relatives yesterday morning. The faculty and students accompanied the remains to the depot, and this death, the first one in years in this institution, has cast a gloom over the entire school. 
CROWLEY - IN LOVING MEMORY OF - John Crowley, Who Died March 25, 1889, Aged Seventy-Six Years. A precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled, A place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled. God in his wisdom has recalled, The boon his love had given, And though the body slumbers here, The soul is safe in heaven.

Farewell, my wife; dear, farewell; Adieu, farewell to thee; And you, my dear children, all, Farewell, farewell to you. Our father is gone and we are left The loss of him to mourn, But may we hope to meet with him With Christ before God's throne.

Call not back the dear departed, Anchored safe where storms are o'er; On the border land we left him, Soon to meet and part no more, Far beyond this world of changes; Far beyond this world of care; We shall ---- our missing loved one ----------------------------- (Rest is unreada

ble - sorry!) _____ "Too Many of We" "Mamma, is there too many of we?" The little girl asked with a sigh. "Perhaps you wouldn't be tired, you see, If a few of your childs should die."

She was only three years old - this one Who spoke in that strange, sad way, As she saw her mother's impatient frown At the children's boisterous play.

There was a half dozen who round her stood And the mother was sick and poor, Worn out with the care of the noisy brood, And fight with the wolf at the door.

For a smile or a kiss no time, no place; For the little one least of all; And the shadow that darkened the mother's face O'er the young life seemed to fall.

More thoughtful than any she felt more care, And pondered in childish way How to lighten the burden she could not share, Growing heavier every day. Only a week and the little Claire In her tiny white treadle bed, Lay with her blue eyes closed and the sunny hair Cut close from the golden head.

"Don't cry," she said - and the words were low, Feeling tears that she could not see - "You don't have to work and be tired so, When there ain't so many of we."

But the dear little daughter who went away From the home that for once was stilled, Showed the mother's heart from that dreary day, What a place she had always filled. ___

PICKLE - A Heartbroken Man - George PICKLE, a heart broken man who lives on East Clinton street called at police headquarters Monday afternoon to see if the diphtheria placard which was placed on his house about a month ago could be removed. Since that time his entire family of five children have died. The last one died and was buried Sunday. The poor man was quite beside himself with grief, and cried pitifully. 
WASHINGTON - Mary, the Mother of Washington's Grave - Fredericksburg, Va., Jan 25 - The libel suit over the grave of Mary, the mother of Washington, was ended yesterday. G. W. SHEPPARD, the defendant in the lawsuit, and his wife convey to the Mary Washington Monument Association all their interest in the lot in which the grave is. 
BELLINGER - Last Sunday morning, H. J. BELLINGER, of Mitchell's Creek, was found dead in his bed. He went to bed at ten o'clock apparently in his usual health. Mr. BELLINGER formerly lived in Charleston. He was about forty years of age. He leaves a wife and three children destitute circumstances. 
GARDNER - The Late Mrs. William KENYON - Mrs. Jeannette C. KENYON, who died at the home of her husband, William KENYON, on Herrick street, Friday morning in her sixty-seventh year, was the daughter of Matthew GARDNER, who will be remembered by many of the older citizens. She was born on Mt. Zoar, and after her marriage removed to Michigan, where she resided until about twenty years ago, and where one sister, Mrs. Clarissa CASSADA, and three brothers, Hammond, John and Lewis GARDNER, survive her. The deceased leaves, besides her husband, one son, Clayton L. KENYON, and four daughters, Maria A. and Edith, of this city; Mrs. Frank BART, of Wellsburg, and Mrs. Sarah E. ROCKWELL of Muskegon, Mich. In the forty years of her married life there had occurred but one death in the family up to the present time. The funeral will occur at No. 424 Herrick street at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. 
MURPHY - DEATH OF A YOUNG BOY - Frank F. MURPHY, a Boy of Nine, Dies in the Seventh Ward - Frank F. MURPHY, the nine-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. MURPHY, of Lake street, in the seventh ward, died recently, after a week's illness. His parents wish to give thanks --- friends who lent them their sympathy -- their hour of trouble, and desire -----wledge the many beautiful floral -- which were received. The following -- was -- by a friend of the deceased -----. (unreadable) (In memory of Frank MURPHY, died on July 29) Do not ----------- dear parents, God has -------- from your home; I am safe ------------- and sorrow, With my ---------- gone before.

I will wait your coming, parents, On the ever golden shore; He sent the ark that bore me safely, Where I'll live forever more.

Keep up courage, dearest parents, He is loving, true and kind; He will send the ark to bring you And not leave you far behind.

If you're ever sorely tempted, Think of God and trust in him; I will watch and wait your coming, Where we're ever free from sin. __

It would perhaps be difficult to tell whether the frequency of circulation or the value of the note determined the relative esteem in which our Congress held the faces of the various men whose faces appear on our national currency. The following list tells what portraits are on the different notes: On United States - $1, Washington; $2, Jefferson; $5, Jackson; $10, Webster; $20, Hamilton; $50, Franklin; $100, Lincoln; $500, General Mansfield; $1,000, DeWitt Clinton. On silver certificates - $10, Robert Morris; $20, Commodore Decature; $50, Edward Everett; $100, James Monroe; $500, Charles Sumner; $1,000, W. L. Marcy. On gold notes - $20, Garfield; $50 Silas Wright; $100, Thomas Benton; $500, A. Lincoln; $1,000, Alexander Hamilton; $5,000, James Madison; $10,000, Andrew Jackson.
The Kickapoo Indian show at Mosherville has caused more excitement in this locality than if a skating rink were in operation. 
TAYLOR - FLOWER - The New York Congressman's Daughter to be Married in Washington Jan. 2 - Watertown, N.Y., Dec. 17 - The engagement of the marriage of J. Bryon TAYLOR of this city to Miss Emma Gertrude FLOWER was made public yesterday. The ceremony will take place at the residence of the bride's parents in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, Jan. 2, 1890. The bride is the only daughter of Congressman Roswell P. FLOWER of New York and is 19 years of age. She has a fortune of about $100,000 in her own name and her parents' wealth is estimated at least $10,000,000. Mr. TAYLOR is a native of Three Mile Bay, where his parents now reside. He is a brother of B. L. TAYLOR of this city and is 21 years of age. The announcement of the engagement was received with no little surprise in social circles here. The cards have not yet been issued. 
MERRILLS - TENEYCK - Married, at the Methodist parsonage in Elmira, March 25th, 1890, by Rev. John H. DAY, Mr. Israel MERRILLS and Miss Minnie TENEYCK, both of Seeley Creek, N.Y. 
CHAMBERLAIN - ENDICOTT - The Principals in a Recent High Life Marriage - Marie ENDICOTT, daughter of Secretary of War ENDICOTT, is the latest American young lady to wed a prominent Englishman. Hon. Joseph CHAMBERLAIN is the lucky man and it is said that he is indeed lucky, as his bride is beautiful, accomplished, wealthy and comes from good old Puritan stock. Mr. CHAMBERLAIN himself has noted ancestry to boast of, being son of a wealthy screw manufacturer. He is member of Parliament and not yet a nobleman, although he probably soon will be, as he stands next to Premier SALISBURY in importance. He was a widower, 52 years old, and resides near Birmingham, where he contrives to get along on L30,000 a year. His wealth is partly inherited and partly acquired by manufacturing. Mr. CHAMBERLAIN has three terms been mayor of Birmingham, and was the idol of the working people because of the interest he showed in their welfare. He was a member of Gladstone's cabinet before the introduction of home rule, and since then has been a Tory, thoroughly detested by his former associates. He is very unpopular in the United States for his connection with the late fisheries treaty, and every Irishman cordially hates him for his Tory proclivities. The bride is a very popular young lady, 28 years old, tall and handsome, and is the life of the ENDICOTT family. She is well educated and converses brilliantly in several languages. At first her parents, on account of the disparity of their ages, opposed the match, but the young lady and the Briton were fascinated with each other. Her friends predict for her a brilliant future in English society. 
McNISH - NICHOLS - Married at the residence of the bride's father on the avenue - Wednesday, Lena McNISH to Grant NICHOLS, of Pine City, by Rev. G. H. NEWMAN. After the ceremony the couple left for Mansfield, Pa., where they will spend the honeymoon. 
STILL - In Aspinwall, Jan. 20, 1891, of consumption, Mrs. John STILL. 
HOFFMAN - HOMMEL - Last Tuesday evening, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John HOMMEL, at Pine City, N.Y., George W. HOFFMAN, second, and Miss Georgia HOMMEL were united in marriage by the Rev. T. K. BEECHER, of Park church, in the presence of relatives and a few intimate friends, the ceremony taking place at 7 o'clock. The bride wore a costume of brown silk. After congratulations had been offered a bountiful repast was served, Mr. and Mrs. HOFFMAN leaving on Erie No. 12 for a wedding trip to Newark, N.J., and New York. On their return they will reside on West Water street. Their friends will unite in wishing them a happy and prosperous married life.
CASSADA - ROSEGRANT - Wedding at Webb's Mills - Miss Eva CASSADA, the accomplished daughter of Miles T. CASSADA, of Webb's Mills, was married there yesterday afternoon to the Rev. Mr. ROSEGRANT, of East Troy. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. HERMANS. Fifty or sixty friends of the happy couple were present. They received many elegant and valuable presents. Mr. and Mrs. ROSERGRANT went east last night on Erie No. 12. May happiness be theirs.
WELLS - HAINES - From the Trenton (N.J.) Daily True American we learn that Chas. S. WELLS, of Trenton, and Hattie M. HAINES, daughter of James H. HAINES, were married at the house of the bride's father, Sing Sing, N. Y., Feb. 26th, 1890. Mr. WELLS is a Jackson boy who by energy and perseverence has fitted himself for and attained a fine position as stenographer in the employ of the P. R. R. Co. Many friends among the readers of the ADVOCATE will join us in offering congratulations and good wishes.
CORNELL - TAYLOR - A Brilliant Wedding in Ithaca - Ithaca, N.Y., Feb. 19 - The wedding of Miss Eunice CORNELL and Charles Leigh TAYLOR took place at Sage chapel at 6 o'clock last evening. The bride is a granddaughter of the founder of Cornell university and the groom the junior proprietor of the St. Denis hotel, New York. One thousand invitations were issued and the event was the most brilliant affair of the season. A reception was held at the bride's residence from 7 to 10 o'clock, at which many distinguished guests were present. The couple left at 9:35 in a special car on the Lehigh Valley railroad.
DEWITT - REYNOLDS - Married, at the residence of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Caleb DEWITT, Jan. 22, 1891, Mr. Lyman REYNOLDS and Miss Blanche DEWITT. The ceremony was performed at 6 p.m., after which a splendid supper was served and the happy couple started for Philadelphia to visit the bride's aunt, Mrs. McKAY; thence to New York to visit her Grandmother MAINE and Uncle Mac MAINE. The presents were very nice and I will mention a few: L. L. SMITH gave $50 in gold; the groom's mother $20 in gold; the bride's grandmother a full set of decorated china dishes; her father 12 solid silver teaspoons; (the rest unreadable).
FRIENDS - EVERETT At the home of the bride's mother, in Jackson, Tioga county, Pa., Oct. 20th, 1890, by Rev. Paul SMITH, Mr. Monroe M. FRIENDS and Miss Minnie D. EVERETT were united in the bonds of holy matrimony. A few of the near relatives were invited. The presents were numerous, beautiful and useful; among them was a $50 note from the bridegroom's father. After the ceremony a nicely-prepared dinner was served. The parties took the evening train, proposing to go to Smethport to visit relatives of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. FRIENDS rank among the first of the community, and we are glad to know that they intend to make their home with us in the future.
HOGABOOM - BRENCHLEY In answer to cards issued by Mr. and Mrs. J. L. KING, of Columbia X Roads, Pa., seventy-five guests were welcomed at their residence Oct. 16th to witness the marriage of their daughter Letta to C. E. HOGABOOM. At 7:30, to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Libbie BRENCHLEY, the bridal party, preceeded by Rev. Thomas MITCHELL, entered the room and were quickly made one, when all were immediately invited into the dining room where a tempting and bountiful repast was awaiting them. After the inner man had been supplied, congratulations were in order, which were showered in profusion. The bride was beautifully attired in a dove-colored satin. The presents were numerous, handsome and useful. Among them were the following: (unreadable).
MAGEE - BOISSEVAIN - Miss Magee Married Last Week to D. A. Boissevain. A MAGNIFICENT AFFAIR. Guests from Europe and all the Principal Cities of America Attend the Wedding - The Ceremony in Church. - The marriage of Miss Anna Stothoff MAGEE, eldest daughter of General and Mrs. George J. MAGEE of Watkins, to Mr. D. A. BOISSEVAIN of Amsterdam, Holland, occurred in the First Presbyterian church in Watkins Thursday at 2:30 o'clock, the Rev. F. S. HOWE, a former pastor of the church, assisted by the present pastor, officiating. The church was profusely decorated with evergreens, palms and flowers. The bridesmaids were the bride's sister Miss Helen MAGEE, and Lutie WOODRUFF of Knoxville, Tenn. The bride was followed by her two little sisters, Emma and Lucy MAGEE. The ushers were Messrs. John MAGEE of Watkins, brother of the bride, and Duncan ELLSWORTH of Penn Yan, cousin of the bride, George B. HARRIS, of Boston, and Joseph H. DURKEE, of New York. The groom was attended by H. I. VANEMERT of Amsterdam, Holland, his groomsman. AFTER THE CEREMONY from 8 o'clock til 5 o'clock a reception was held at Glenfield, the home of General MAGEE, overlooking Seneca lake. The house was a bower of palms, chrysanthemums and roses and was thronged with guests. The bride and groom received the congratulations of their friends in the drawing room at the right of the main entrance. An orchestra hidden in a wilderness of palms and behind curtains of smilax rendered selections during the afternoon. A temporary corridor had been erected leading from the house to the handsome Casino, which has recently been built in the spacious grounds. In this building every art of the decorator had been exercised and the interior was given up to a Rochester caterer and his corps of assistants, who served the wedding feast. A second orchestra discoursed sweet music during the repast. The bride and groom departed after the reception via the Fall Brook in General MAGEE's private train for Lyons where they take the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. for New York. The bridal gifts were magnificent among them being a tiara of diamonds given by the groom. Among the many guests from other cities were Mr. and Mrs. D. A. BOISSEVAIN of Amsterdam, Holland, parents of the groom, Mrs. James W. GERARD of New York, Mr. and Mrs. ANGELA of Geneseo, Mr. and Mrs. EDWARDS of New York, Mr. and Mrs. BOGGS of Washington, D.C., Mr. and Mrs. VANEMBERT of Amsterdam, Holland, Mr. and Mrs. MUMFORD of Rochester, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Bert HARRIS of Rochester, N.Y., Mrs. N. R. and Miss Florence SEELEY and Miss PARTRIDGE of Elmira.


was given for the bride and groom last evening, and this morning a special train was sent over the Fall Brook road to convey the guests from Corning, Bath, Buffalo and Rochester to the wedding. The church was crowded by the friends of the family who assembled from these places and Elmira, Williamsport, Binghamton, New York, Philadelphia and Washington. The bride was a great favorite in Washington and New York society, where she has visited during the height of the social season. Her debut was made in Elmira at a large reception given for her at the home of General Chas. J. LANGDON three winters ago. She was much admired in every city where she had visited for her beauty and gracious manners. Mr. nad Mrs. BOISSEVAIN will divide their time between London and Amsterdam where the banking houses of the BOISSEVAIN familyM are established. Mrs. BOISSEVAIN will doubtless be as much of a favorite in London society as she has been in the large cities of this country where she has visited. The distances which the friends of the family traveled to be present at the nuptials of the eldest daughter testified to the high esteem in which the family of General MAGEE is held througlout the country. How sweet, when Heaven unites, are youth and love, Yet beauty renders more divinely fair, Angelic combination quite too rare, As many high-toned, gorgeous weddings prove When Mammon rules the hour; but not so thine, O lady fair; for truly thou didst seem A bride in fairy land - or I in dream Beholding one of radiance divine - Yea, love is sweet in either youth or age Au attribute of soul it will not die, Though youth be flown, and with it beauty wane Doves mated coo in cote or gilded True love brings happiness without Such be thy lot, fair Anna BOISSEVAIN.

TO BE MARRIED IN APRIL Two Grandchildren of Queen Victoria to be Joined in Wedlock.

Berlin Dec. 21 - The wedding of Grand Duke Ernest of Hesse to Princess Victoria, duaghter of the Duke of Saxe Coburg and Gotha (the Duke of Edinburgh) will take place during the last week of April. Emperor William, Queen Victoria, the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Empress Frederick, the Duke and Duchess of Connaught,Prince and Princess Henry of Battenburg and some members of the Russian imperial family will be present.

The prospective bride and groom are grandchildren of Queen Victoria. The Grand Duke Ernest is the son of the late Grand Duke Ludwig IV, and Princess Alice of England, one of Queen Victoria’s daughters. He was born at Darmstadt on November 25, 1868, and suceeded his father on the Grand Ducal throne on March 13, 1892. The Princess Victoria is his cousin, being the second daughter of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, and is a niece, on her mother’s side, of the Czar Alexander II, of Russia. She was born at Malta, in the Mediterranean, on November 25, 1876, and will thus become a bride in her eighteenth year. Her eldest sister, the Princess Marie, was married on January 10 last to the Crown Prince Ferdinand of Roumania. 

ADLAI E. STEVENSON Democratic Nominee for the Vice-Presidency

The Democrats$have chosen a thorough going man as their candidate for the Vice Presidency. In all his former political relations he has shown himself practical, systematic and faithful. Gen. Stevenson is a Kentuckian by birth, but when sixteen years of age removed to Bloomington, Ill., where he studied law. His abilities won for him early recognition and he was called to various state and judicial offices. In 1864 he was candidate for Presidential elector on the McClellan ticket and in 1874 was elected to Congress, serving one term. Under Cleveland he was First Assistant Postmaster General and proved himself peculiarly well-fitted for that arduous position. 

GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS Noted Orator and Scholar Dies at His Home in Livingston.

New York, Aug. 31 - George William Curtis died about 2 o’clock this morning at his home in Livingston, Staten Island. While death was not wholly unexpected, still it was thought that the vitality shown by the patient recently would enable him to keep up for some time. However, he failed rapidly recently, and those who were nearest him had been prepared for the worst. Mr. Curtis was conscious to the last, and his death was a very peaceful one. The nature of Mr. Curtis’ disease has never been determined. It was announced some time ago that he was suffering from cancer of the stomach, but the physicians who attended him could not agree that his disease was of a cancerous nature, and it was the opinion of a number of them that Mr. Curtis suffered from some abnormal growth in the abdomen, which became very large. It is understood there will be no autopsy. Funeral At Noon On Friday New York. Aug 31. - The funeral of George William Curtis will be held at noon on Friday at the residence on Staten Island, and will be private. The Rev. Mr. Chadwick of the Brooklyn Unitarian church will officiate. Only the immediate relatives will attend the funeral. Three carriages have been ordered, and the interment will be in the Moravian cemetery at New Dorp, S.I. At the house great privacy is maintained. All the members of the family refuse to be seen except Dr. Curtis. there is no crape on the door and the usual signs of mourning are omitted Mr. Curtis’ Career George William Curtis was born at Providence, R.I. February 24, 1824. He received his early education in a private school at Jamaica Plain, Mass. At the age of fifteen he removed with his father from Providence to New York, where for a year he was a clerkin a mercantile house. In 1842 he went with his elder brother to reside at Brook Farm, in West Roxbury, Mass. where he passed a year and a half in study and agricultural labor, after which he went to Concord, Mass., and with his brother spent eighteen months there, living with a farmer, and both taking part regularly in the ordinary work of the farm and afterward for six months tilling the same piece of land on their own account. In 1846 Mr. Curtis went to Europe, and after a prolonged stay in Italy and Berlin traveled in Egypt and Syria. In 1850 he returned to the United States, and published his first book, “Nile Notes of a Howadji”. He soon after joined the editorial staff of the New York Tribune, and in the summer if 1851 wrote a series of letters to that journal from various watering places, which were afterwards collected in a volume under the title of “Lotus Eating”. His second book, however, was “The Howadji in Syria” published in 1852. In the autumn of 1852 Putnam’s Monthly was commenced in New York, of which Mr. Curtis was one of the original editors, and with which he continued connected till the magazine ceased to exist. In the meantime it had passed into the hands of the firm of Dix, Edwards & Co., in which Mr. Curtis was a special partner, pecuniarily responsible but taking no part in its commercial management. In the spring of 1857 the house was found to be insolvent for a large amount, and Mr. Curtis spent his private fortune in the endeavor to save its creditors from loss, which he finally accomplished in 1873. Portions of his contributions to the magazines were subsequently published under the titles of “The Potiphar Papers,” 1853, and “Prue and I,” 1855. As a lycetum lecturer, upon which field of labor, Mr. Curtis entered in 1853, he met with great success. He has delivered many orations and poems before literary societies and on public occasions, and held a high rank as a popular orater. In the presidental canvas of 1856 he enlisted with great zeal as a public speaker in behalf ot the republican party. In the winter of 1858 he advocated the rights of women in a lecture entitled “Fair Play for Women.” To the current literature of the day he has been a constant contributor since 1853, through Harper’s Monthly, and since the autumn of 1857 through Haroer’s Weekly newspaper, of which journal he was the principle editor. In 1858-9 he wrote for his paper a novel entitled “Trumps”, which was published in a volume in 1862. Upon the establishment of Harper’s Bazaar in 1867, he began a series of popular papers under the title of “Manners upon the Road,” which was continued weekly until the spring of 1873. In 1871 President Grant appointed him one of a commission to draw up rules for the regulation of civil service, and he was elected chairman of the commission and of the advisory board in which it was subsequently merged. In march, 1873, he resigned because of essential difference of views between him and the president in regard to the enforcement of the rules. Mr. Curtis was a delegate to the republican national conventions of 1860 and 1864, which nominated Mr. Lincoln, and the latter year he was the republican candidate for congress in the first district of New York, but was defeated. In 1862 President Lincoln offered him the post of consul general in Egypt, which he declined. In 1867 he was elected on of the delegates at large to the constitutional convention of New York, in which he was chairman of the committee on education. In 1868 he was a republican presidental elector. Since 1864 he has been one of the regents of the university of the state of New York. 

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 14 OCT  98
By Joyce M. Tice