The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery
Tri County Clippings- Page Forty Two

From the Cook Scrapbook-

Copied from a copy in possession of Kelsey Jones. Retyped by  Carlton Wolfe. THIS PAGE is arranged in random scrapbnook order. While I know (the computer database knows) the real names of many of the women, I have not had time to look themup yet, and so have not attempted to put his is any order

The business troubles of William BROWN, of Webbs Mills, as noted in the Elmira papers, has awakened sincere sympathy among his numerous friends in the section, who have unbounded confidence in his integrity. THOMAS - DEATH OF N. SPENCER THOMAS. A Good Man and a Public-Spirited Citizen Passes Away. N. Spencer Thomas, who suffered a stroke of paralysis a week ago Friday, from which he never regained consciousness, died Sunday last at his home, 368 West Clinton street. The deceased was sixty-two years of age, and was one of Elmira's most prominent business men. He was well-known in the city and was respected by all his acquaintances and warmly esteemed by his friends. Mr. Thomas was the proprietor of the Peerless Dye works, on West Second street, which were erected in 1836. He succeeded in building up a large business in the manufacture of patented dyes, and at the time of his death was furnishing employment to a large number of working people. He was born in Hartsville, Bucks county, PA, in 1828. His parents were Quakers, and he was also a member of the Society of Friends. At an early age he was apprenticed to a chemist of Philadelphia, and after he attained his majority he embarked in business as a wholesale chemist, having graduated some time before at a pharmacentical college in Philadelphia. Mr. Thomas successfully experimented with the problem of concentrating the extract of hemlock bark for tanning purposes, and desiring to put his discoveries into practical use he removed to Painted Post, NY, and built an extract factory in that village. He continued his researches into the mysteries of chemistry and succeeded in making the extract of hemlock bark for the base of dyes. He built the bark extract works at Trout Run about twenty years ago, and several years ago he removed to Elmira and built an elegant residence on West Clinton street, which he made his home. Mr. Thomas is survived by one son, Charles I., a resident of Philadelphia, and a daughter, Reba R., of this city. He was a broad-minded, charitable man, a good citizen and a kind husband and father. The funeral was largely attended Wednesday afternoon. The services were conducted by Rev. Thomas K. Beecher, who spoke of the deceased as a pure minded, public spirited citizen and a consistent member of the Society of Friends. The pall bearers were E. N. Palmer, William C. Buck, John Brown, H. C. French, Charles E. Rapelyea and Hosea H. Rockwell. The burial was in Woodlawn.

DANIELS - Clarinda DANIELS, aged sixty-nine years, was found dead in an up-stairs room in the house of Emily J. Howland, of 259 West Clinton street, last Sunday night. Miss Daniels was sent by Mansfield people to visit Mrs. Howland, a distant relative. Her death was caused by erysipelas, gangrene and several other complications. Undertaker Lynch prepared the body for burial, but not at public expense, as stated in the daily papers. Mrs. Howland, who is a poor woman and could illy afford it, paid the bills.

KRAUSE - John KRAUSE, an employee of the tannery at Wells, NY, died Monday at his home in that place after a lingering illness caused by rheumatism. He is survived by his wife.

IN MEMORY OF LEE. The Unveiling of His Statue at Richmond Thursday. SPLENDID WEATHER FOR IT. The Souther City Thronged With People - The Procession - Gen. Archer Anderson's Oration - The Statue Described - Incidents of The Day. Richmond, VA, May 29, ..... The crowing events of a most memorable occasion were enacted to-day. The weather was clear and balmy. Since daylight knots of those who.................... At the head of the procession rode ex-gov. Lee, mounted on an iron gray horse. In the first carriage were Gov. McKinney, Col. Archer Anderson, Gen. Jubal Early and Gen. Joseph Johnson. In some of the other carriages were Capt. R. E. Lee, Gen. W. H. F. Lee, Curtis Lee, Miss Mary Lee, Gov. Fleming of West Virginia, Senator Reagan of Texas, ex-Postmaster General of the Confederacy, and Hon. H. H. Walker of Morristown, NJ. As the lead carriage passed down Broad street it was greeted with demonstations by the enormous crowd. Fair hands flung roses from the windows, banners were torn from the fronts of buildings and tossed high in the air, and as the band struck up the familiar air of "Dixey" gray heads bowed low and tears coursed down furrowed checks. The passage of the processional column through the principal streets was a continued ovation. PEOPLE GREATLY EXCITED. Such a scene has probably never before been witnessed in this country. The crowd shouted and cheered until buildings fairly shook and the very earth seemed to tremble. Men embraced each other in the streets and the old battle yell resounded from one end of the line to the other. It is estimated that 15,000 men were in line. Those participating were cheered almost continually. Every window and other valuable space for sightseeing was crowded. Intense enthusiasm prevailed on all sides. When the head of the procession reached Harrison street it halted and the veteran cavalry, volunteer troops and mounted alliance formed on the northside of Franklin, facing south. The veteran infantry then continued their march to the monument followed by the veteran cavalry and volunteer troops. At the monument the organizations on foot were massed immediately in front of the grand stand. The mounted veterans passed by their rear and formed on the left near the monument, facing down Franklin and the mounted alliance formed in their rear. The artillery took position in line west of the infantry facing west. The volunteer cavalry formed facing the grand stand in the field near Broad street. AT THE MONUMENT. The procession's progress was much impeded by the crowd that filled the streets and it was nearly 2 o'clock when the monument was reached. A great crowd was in waiting there. A large stand in front of the monument had been reserved for distinguished guests, the orator of the day and women. It was well filled when the procession arrived and the grand marshall dismounted and offered his arm to Gen. Johnson to escort him to the seat reserved for him. When Gov. McKinney, Col. Anderson and the other guests and officers of the occasion had taken places on the front of the stand the procession passed in view before them. The arrangement of the mass of people occupied half an hour. When the organization was complete and something like quiet could be had Gov. McKinney arose and called the assemblage to order. After a brief invocation by Rev. Charles Minnigerode of the Episcopal church, Gov. McKinney introduced Gen. Early announcing in a few well chosen words the orator of the occasion Col. Archer Anderson, who delivered an eloquent oration. Gen. Robert E. Lee died October 12, 1870. The 25th of October following Jubal A. Early issued a call addressed to the surviving officers and sailors of the army of Northern Virginia to meet in Richmond November 3 to take action to perpetuate his memory. The ....................................

General Lee's Desk. From the New York Tribune. There is and old desk in the United States Engineer's office at Baltimore, which was used by General Robert E. Lee when he was in charge of this office, a great many years ago. The desk is about four feet long by three feet wide and is made of white pine veneered with mahogany. The central part of the top is raised and inclined at a convenient angle for writing, leaving a space on each side for papers. A more valuable relic of General Lee's occupancy of the office and one that will increase in value is a large volume, containing the records and copies of the correspondence of the office made by General Lee, and signed with his well known signature. The book has been mutilated in some parts by persons cutting out the autograph of General Lee.

................................................Daniel Webster and His Father.......................................................... An incident in the early life of the great Daniel Webster will better illustrate one of these, rare, but well defined characters to which is here referred. Webster's father was a farmer, and he wanted Daniel to become a farmer too. But Daniel did not take to the idea very kindly. One day the old gentleman took Daniel with him to the hayfield and gave him a scythe and he says: "Now, Daniel, I am going to start off here, and I want you to start right along behind me and now." Daniel said nothing, but took the scythe for he always tried to mind his father. The old ‘gent went along right ahead, never looking back, but Dan took one or two strokes and stopped. He looked at his scythe and began tinkering it. Meanwhile the old gent went right throught with his swath, and when he got to the end of the field he turned around and lo! there was Dan away in the other part of the field. He shouldered his scythe and marched back to where Daniel was, and says he! "Daniel, what is the matter with you?" "Well," Dan says, "this it don't hang to suit me." The old man took the scythe and hung it as Dan directed. Several throughs were made in succession, and each time the old man turned around at the end he would discover Daniel in the same position at the other end fixing his scythe. Finally the old man, after trying in vain for so many times to hang it to suit Dan's notion, came back, and in an angry tone, said: " Daniel, you are lazy. You will never make a farmer. Now, take the scythe and just hang it to suit yourself." Dan took up the scythe and marched off quietly by the fence and hung it in the sapling. He looked up in the tree and said: "Well, old fellow, now you hang to suit me." There are many Websters in the land who could never make successful farmers. But for every Webster whom we find at the plow we might discover a score of natural-born farmer who are trying to practice law or medicene or teach school.

CASS - ACCIDENTLY SHOT. A Tioga County Man Makes a Most Fatal Mistake. Mansfield, Jan. 7, ..... — Thursday afternoon a young man by the name of Willis CASS, son of M. A. Cass, of this place, while attempting to shoot some chickens at Frost Settlement was accidentally shot dead. Young Cass set his gun against a barrel and attempted to stone the chickens out from some bush. He succeeded in scaring them out, and reached for his gun, grasping it by the muzzle. While dragging it towards him, the hammer caught, raised, and dropped, sending a bullet through the unfortunate young man's hand entering back of mouth passing through the brain and out again. Cass lived for a short time only. Medical aid was summoned from Covinton but it arrived too late. Cass was recently married, and the saddest thing of all was that the young bride witnessed the scene from a window, while watching her husbands efforts.

DECKER - The Late Thomas Decker of Ashland. Thomas DECKER, whose funeral occurred last week from his late residence in Ashland, near Wellsburg, NY, was born in the town of Chemung, Chemung county, September 25, 1793, and died January 11, 1882, thus reaching the great age 88 years and 3 months and 18 days. With the exception of a few years spent in Cayuga county, his whole life was spent in the county where he was born. He was the father of seven children, two sons and five daughters. Mr. Decker was a quiet, industrious farmer, attending strictly to his own affairs and especially to the interests of his family, for which he had very strong attachments. By perseverance, great carefulness and integrity he attained to an age thet but few reach. But one grandchild was given to him among all his children, and that was born in his own house just a few days before his death and was an event to the aged pilgrim of wonderful joy. His funeral was attended by many of his old friends and neighbors, who came to pay him the last tribute of respect. He made his own arrangements for his burial. Selecting the undertaker and pall-bearers, as followw: Jud Smith, George Roberts, Jesse Leverich, Addison Roberts, I. O. Scudder and Mr. Merriam. The funeral sermon was preached by P. S. Everett, of the Wellsburg Baptist church assisted by Rev. S. F. Sanford of the M. E. church. His remains were taken to the Wellsburg cemetery and buried beside his friends.

(Dunham) - Mrs. Marinda Dunham, wife of A. Dunham, banker at Havana, died yesterday afternoon. She was a life-long resident of Havana and leaves one son, Fred J., cashier in his father's bank.

HENDY - DEATH OF SATIE HENDY. Miss Satie HENDY died in Hoboken, NJ, Tuesday, January 21. The funeral services were held at Grace church Friday at 10 o'clock a. m. Miss Hendy was aged twenty-nine years, and a daughter of Dewitt Hendy and a relative of the late Colonel John Hendy, Maxwell Haight's wife and Jud Hendy, and a niece of Mrs. M. W. Palmer and of Mrs. C. H. Dill, of the city. She was engaged as a teacher in a parochial school in Hoboken, and was a greatly respected young lady.

(Johnson) - News was received here last Monday of the death of Mrs. Jacob Johnson, of Walton, KS, which occurred last week after an illness of only two days. Deceased was a former resident of Covington and a sister of Mr. Thomas Graves, of this village. She leaves a family to mourn the loss of a devoted wife and mother.

JELLIFF - Thomas J. JELLIFF, station agent at Canoe Camp, was instantly killed during the storm of last Friday afternoon by a stroke of lightning. Barney Whittaker, who stood within two feet of Mr. Jelliff on the depot platform and was talking to him at the time, was uninjured. Deceased was a respected citizen, and leaves a wife and two daughters in comfortable circumstances.

HENDY - DEATH OF GUY HENDY. A Member of One of the Oldest Pioneer Families of the Chemung Valley. Mr. Jud Hendy received a message yesterday conveying the sorrowful information that his uncle, Guy Hendy, died at Napoleon, MI, Saturday morning. The deceased was about seventy years of age. He was of the well-known and original Hendy family of this valley, and a son of Colonel John Hendy, who was the son of the old pioneer of the same name. The deceased removed to Michigan about twenty years. He never married. He had one brother, Lewis Hendy, of Olean, NY, and two sisters, Hannah, widow of Caleb Brown, and Myra Russell, wife of Thomas B. Russell, at whose house Mr. Hendy died. He was a person of considerable property and was a staunch, upright man, highly respected by a large circle of friends and old-time acquaintances.

HOLDEN - Will C. HOLDEN, son of the late Clinton Holden, of Mansfield, was killed by the cars and his remains shockingly mangled at Sabula, IA, about half past six o'clock last week Wednesday evening. For a number of years deceased had been a train news agent on various railroads, principally in the West, but for the past two or three years in the Southern States. He received an ugly scalp wound in a railroad disaster in North Carolina or Tennessee last July, and again in October he was badly hurt in a railroad smashup. All that is known is that he reached Sabula on the six o'clock train from Chicago. He had a few moments conversation with the station agent, and enquired the leaving time of the next train for North McGregor, IA, where his brother, Edward D. Holden, resides. The depot agent writes that he saw him on the platform just before a long freight train arrived. In some unaccountable way he fell beneath the cruel wheels of this train and was instantly killed. The entire train passed over the remains, frightfully mangled them.

STEVENS - Eliphalet STEVENS, an old and respected resident of Jackson, died at his home on Maple Ridge last Saturday, and the funeral was held on Monday.

Married, at the State Line Hotel, April 29, 1890, by Rev. Dewitt Myers, Mr. Lewis Slingerland, of Mansfield, and Miss Maud Doud, of Mainesburg, PA.

Mrs. Garfield at the White House. [ By Telegraph;] Washington, D.C., April 26. — Mrs. James A. Garfield and Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanley Brown visited the White House today for the first time since the death of President Garfield, and were received in the red parlor by President and Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. McKee.

The Eldridge Memorial Window. The gut below is a very correct representation of the magnificent memorial window recently placed in Trinity church in memory of Hannah C. Eldridge, by her daughter, Mrs. S. F. Reynolds. A recent issue of the Telegram contained an extended and comprehensive description of the window, which cost about $3,000.

The Northwestern Printer, a monthy magazine published at St. Paul, Minn., in its issue for May, 1890, presents a portrait and biographical sketch of John W. Moore, a native of Wells, PA, who has attained prominence and gained a competency in that city during the past forty years. Mr. Moore is an active politician and has held many offices of honor and profit. The sketch states that "Mr. Moore has been an invalid for many years, and yet he keeps about and is quite active in attending tohis new building and real estate. He is an old landmark in the printing business and has outlived nearly all of his cotemporaries." Mr. Moore is a brother of John Moore, of Wells, PA, and is wll remembered by some of the old inhbitants.

"A LIGHT IN THE WINDOW" — A Beautiful Story on Which the Well Known Song Was Founded. Few are probably the persons who have not one time or other heard the Sunday school song, "A Light in the Window." Unless I am mistaken, it is founded upon a story told upon the little island of Sylt, but might easily have its exact counter-part on almost any seashore where a mother's heart beats with yearning love for her sailor son and keeps its fond promise from night to night, says a writer in the LouisvilleM Times. Among the simple fisher folks on the island lived a woman and her son. He was her only child, the pride of her heart as well as the source of constant dread, for the boy loved the sea as his father before had loved it, and nothing gave him so much pleasure to watch the incoming tide tumble its curling waves over the sands. No`sooner was he strong enough to wield an oar and steer a boat than he joined the men in their fishing expeditions. The mother, with all her fears, and the fate of a long line of sailors in her mindl yet would not have had it otherwise, for it would have been deemed dishonor among the hardy coasters to have kept the boy at home or sent him safely at work for some farmer. Whatever the dangers, they must be faced for the sake of family pride. Had not the boy's grandfather been a captain when he went away the last time? Had not his father sailed his own ship when he went down in a great storm? The child was the last of his race, but he must not dishonor it by tame and cowardly safety on shore. So the boy grew up, tall of his age, and straight as a mast, nimble as the fleetest and handiest boat, blue-eyed, fair-haired, true-hearted, a real son of the sea. The fisherman taught him the tricks of his craft until he knew how to sail a boat, splice a rope, or do many little things which a sailor must know. Whenever a ship was in the offing he was soon aboard, learning the rigging and how work was performed upon her. He was a great favorite among the longshore folk and with the sailors, and when at last his thirteenth year came around and he obtained the consent of his mother to go to sea, he easily found a good ship and captain. Then there was parting, and tears shed by his mother, while he looked forward into the great, wide world with all the joyous eagerness of a boy. But with her last blessing the widowed mother promised that every night a light should burn in the seaward window of her cottage to light lim homeward and to show him that she was still lived, awaiting his return. The ship sailed. Six months passed and sailors dropped into the village and told how she had been spoken and all was well, and the neighbors came to the cottage and told the pleasant news to the waiting mother, who nightly trimmed the candle, lit it, and set it in the windows to make a bright path up the sands. Again six months elapsed, and other sailors arrived from far off lands, but they had no news to tell of the ship. A great storm happened and she was overdue. She might yet make port, but — and the people shook their heads and carried no tales to the widow, whose candle burned brightly every night and cast long streamers of light out upon the sea. Another year passed, but the sailors going or coming brought no news of the ship, and the neighbor's whispered apart and shook their heads whenever any any one spoke of the widow's son, but no one was cruel enough to cut the slender threads which held the anchor of hope. And thus the light continued to glow out toward the sea at every gloaming, and burned steadily through every night. Years came and went. The children who had played with the sailor lad had grown to be men and women, her own head had been silvered with age, her form was bowed yet no one dared to cut the cables of hope. Tender words cheered her and tender hands smoothed the way for her as she patiently waited for the home-coming of her fair-haired boy, and every night the glow of her candle streamed out to seaward and told the story of the loving heart waiting at home. How many years did she watch and wait? I do not know. But one day at eventide there was no gleaming patch of light across the sands. The window remained dark, and the accustomed beacon failed the fisher folk, and when they wondered and went to the cottage they found that the mother's soul had come out to seek the son.

Beware - Have nothing to do with a jealous man or with his family. If he has cause for his jealousy, even though slight, he may do you harm. If you are ever so innocent, his violent assertions will lead many persons to believe him, and thus damage your character. There are many persons who like to hear and believe ill of others, and these never take the trouble to ascertain the truth of derogatory stories.

Will Be Married Wednesday. On Wednesday evening of this week, Charles Fairman Copeland of the Star office, will be married to Matie C. Berk, a talented and handsome school teacher of the town of Ashland. The wedding will occur at the residence of the bride's uncle, Tim E. Lain, a well known farmer, who lives near Wellsburg. It is expected that the bridal trip will take in Canada. There seems to be nothing too rich for the Star people.

President Warner Married. A. J. Warner, president of the Elmira Business College was married in Middletown, NY, last Tuesday to Mrs. Oraella D. Soule, of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Warner went to New York where they remained a few days and then started on a trip to Chicago and other western cities. They will be gone several weeks, and will return to live in Elmira.

The statement made that Sheriff Stanley kept a chain on Macken when the death watch was over him is a mistake. When watchers were employed the chain was not used, but when they were removed the chain was put back.

WILLISTON - Death of Mrs. Clara WILLISTON Hull. Bath, NY, Sept. 6 - Mrs. Clara Williston Hull, wife of the late Henry H. Hull and mother of the late Harry S. Hull, died yesterday morning after a few days illness. She leaves two daughters. She was the daughter of the late Judge Horace Williston, of Athens, PA. The funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.

COVELL - Death of a Lady Formerly of Elmira. Mira C. Welles of Fonda Lac, WS, died suddenly last week at Beltiam, MN. She was a daughter of the late Robert COVELL of this city.

THE OSCEOLA CLOUD BURST. The cloud burst in Tioga county, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday last, resulted in a serious destruction of property and the loss of at least two lives. Phenomena of this kind have frequent occurrence in the west, and their appearance there is justly and greatly dreaded by those who have learned from sorrowful experience their death-dealing power. Until very recently the east has been considered outside the sphere of those phenomena, but the Osceola disaster shows that no locality can be reasonably considered free from these unique and terrible visitations of the elements, which this year, especially in electrical disturbances, have been singularly frequent and disastrous.`Against the forces of nature man can contend only in a feeble and inadequate manner. Outside of rendering prompt and generous assistance to the afflicted, little can be done to stay the force of disasters which in a less enlightened age$would have been considered visitations from God, awe inspiring manifestations of the devine displeesure. Such assistance as can be given has already been extended to the Osceola sufferers. A detailed and graphic account of this extraordinary disaster will be found in another part of the TELEGRAM.

THOMSON - Last Saturday evening a party of boys were fishing at the head of the island at Nelson when they discovered the body of Miss Mary Thomson, one of the two women drowned on the 17th. The body was in the water, and it waw considerably decomposed, and most of the clothes were torn off. The remains were taken to Osceola and buried the same night.

(Tripp) - The decomposed body of Mrs. Tripp, one of$the ladies drowned in the cloud burst at Osceola June 17, was found at Corning yesterday in a heap of driftwood. The body was sent to Osceola.

STRONG - George W. STRONG, formerly of Judson Hill, in Wells, PA, as killed by a bull on Tuesday morning of last week, Aug. 5, on a farm two miles from Spring Valley, MN, where he lived. He went to a field with some calves about nine o'clock, and his body was found at 1 p. m., all torn to pieces. Deceased was born Sept. 17, 1834, on the John Strong farm, Judson Hill, and he was the youngest brother of Mrs. H. C. French.

Mr. Sam Racklyeft and Miss Effie Bump of this place, were married on Sunday, the 13th inst. They have the best wishes of numerous friends.

(Wheeler) - Ex-Commissioner Harry Wheeler's mother, aged 87, was found dead in her bed at Binghamton Friday morning, July 1.

BROOKS - A LITTLE ONE'S BURIAL. The Funeral Observances in Memory of a Beloved Child. The last sad rites of affection for little Florence BROOKS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Brooks, were observed on the self-same day she died, for owing to the nature of the disease, almost immediate burial was necessary. She died at sunrise. She was buried at sunset on Sunday last. Ther services were, of course, of a strictly private nature; there could be no general attendance of friendly sympathizers - only the bereaved father and mother and a few, near relatives, who had been in attendance on the sick one, being present. At the house of mourning Rev. Thomas K. Beecher, the pastor of the family, uttered a few words of hope and consolation. At the cemetery he offered prayer for strength and grace to those who suffered and had been called upon by the pitying Father above to bear the only great sorrow of their lives. Woodlawn never seemed half so fair and beautiful before, a fit place an moment to lay away in the placid repose of death - in the sweet serenity of a sleep which had its sure awakening in spheres seraphic - one who in life had been so dear and lovely and seemingly more precious than ever in the hour when, with tears and sobs, it was consigned to the bosom of fair mother earth. Just at eventide, ere scarce the sun in golden beauty had set, at the close of one of the loveliest days in all the sweetest season of the year - flowery June - amid the fragrance and bloom and the beauty of vernal things at their best, they laid the little one away, when all the world to others seemed so bright and beautiful and so well worth living in. But the mourners saw only, through tear-dimmed eyes, the casket that contained the form of their loved one - through the mists of their grief noticed only the minister of God tenderly help to lower the enshrined remains of their darling to its place of rest and then turned away with heavy hearts to take up again as best they could the burdens of life and its duties that must be performed, leaving amid the flowers and the blossoms, in the glow and the softness still silvering the silent shrine of the sleeper, a little green mound, which sweetest flowers flowers shall grace in loving, constant memory of her who rests within it, and over which the daisies and violets of remembrance shall love to bloom, the song of birds be heard morning and evening, and to which their hearts shall ever turn with tender, tearful longings.

Hearken, Angels, to Our Pleadings. Angels, in the happy heaven, Nearest to the Father's throne, Do you clasp and cheer a maiden, Little maiden, lately flown? Like a sweet and tender mother, Do you hold her tiny hand, Till she learns the strange, great glories Of the far, eclestial land? Angels, was ther one among you, On the glad day of her birth, Set to be her holy guardian While she tarried on the earth? Did you take her? Did you bear her When her shortened breath was gone, Through the beauties of the morning? Through the swinging gates of dawn? Angels, she was ours - and weakly, We whose hearts are so bereft, Somehow fancy she may miss us, And the homelife she has left; So we ask that you will whisper, In the midst of her surprise, Something that will bring the joyful, Old, earth love-light to her eyes. Tell her all the coming, coming Yeavs - (for which God gives us grace!) - We will think of her and love her, Though we cannot see her face. Tell her that her mother faltered, As she put her playthings by, Not yet used to being mother To a darling in the sky. Tell her that her stricken father, Since he heard dark Azrael's wings in the chamber of the dying, Scarce can turn to living things. Tell her that her little sister Longs$to have her back once more, That with child love she may love her Even better than before. Then O, angels, for our sorrow, If you feel your pity stir. Do this one more blessed kindness For our sakes who yearn for her, And of you are wise and gentle, Yet we fain would have her go, To the care of some dear angel Who has left a child below. O, the pangs of separation! Christ, divine, who mourning wept, With the pain of human grieving, By the grave where Lazarus slept, All our longing, all our crying, Thou canst bear with patience mild, Comfort thou the broken hearted, Keep for us our precious child.

GOULD - A shocking case of suicide occurred at Jackson Summit this week. A little daughter of Mrs. Heemans, while hunting for a cow on the hill back of their house Wednesday morning, found the dead body of a man hanging to a tree in a sitting position. The dead man proved to be Henry GOULD, of that place, a veteran soldier with a family, and a man of dissolute habits. He left home on Friday last and had not been seen or heard of up to the time the body was found. It is thought, however, from the condition of the corpse, that he could not have been dead more than two days. Justice L. C. Retan, of this village, took charge of the body, and summoning a jury, held an inquest, the verdict being suicide. It is reported that deceased had lately lost his property, and was not long ago heard to say that he "wished he was dead, and would be, too, before long." His family are left in poor circumstances.

MITCHELL - The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. MITCHELL, of Alder Run, died quite suddenly on Wednesday night of last week. The parents are the recipients of general sympathy in their bereavement.

FINN - An Aged Elmiran Passes Away into the Rest of the Better Life. Daniel FINN, an aged and respected citizen of Elmira, died at the soldier's home, at Bath, Friday, December 12. He was brought Friday night to his home in Elmira, where he was met by a circle of mourning friends and relatives. His funeral took place Sunday morning from his home to St. Mary's church and thence to the Catholic cemetery. He leaves a wife, three sisters and six children to mourn his loss. He was fifty-one years of age. His pall bearers were Charles McDonald, P. T. Reidy, John Cusick, James Wall, John Reidy and Patrick Ryan. LINES IN MEMORY OF THE LATE DANIEL FINN. Gone from out this world of woes, Gone from all care and sorrow, Gone to meet the heavenly judge, Nor will he come on any morrow. Life was yet long for him, But he was not to live; He has gone now from the living world, And is numbered with the dead. If we could have said farewell Before he died, Closed his eyes or soothed his pain, But father, we shall meet again In the realm of peace and love, When all earthly troubles are o'er, We shall meet in the home above, There to part, no, nevermore. He has left forever life's toilsome ways, And rest in peace and happiness, No more sorrow nor any pain, No more troubles he'll ne'er know again, But he's at rest forevermore, In the home of hope and light, On that bright and glorious shore, He is far happier to-right. Twenty-six years ago this Christmas eve, (As he has often himself said), He was lying waiting for the bugle to sound retreat, With his knapsack for a pillow and the snow bank for his bed.

RUTTER - DEATH OF NATHANIEL E. RUTTER. The Son of the Late James H. Rutter Dies of Pneumonia in New York. The following item of local interest appeared in the New York Herald of Sunday last: "Nathaniel E. RUTTER, who died of pneumonia at Irvington, NY, on Friday was the eldest son of James H. Rutter, late president of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad company. He was born March 18, 1853, at Elmira, NY, and was educated at St. Paul's school, Concord, NH. After graduating he entered the grain business at Chicago in the houses of Field, Lindley & Co., and remained in that business a numer of years. He went abroad, and on returning started in the banking and brokerage business in this city. He was of a kindly generous disposition; had a large circle of acquaintances, and his loss will be widely felt. His bravery at the time of the burning of theTheater Comique in Paris, a ten years since, in which he at the peril of his life succeeded in saving the lives of several others, was extensively commented upon at the time. Mr. Rutter married Miss Caldwell, daughter of Mrs. S. S. Rubira, by her first husband. He leaves her a widow with one child."

More of the Murderous Plot. Secretary Seward Getting along Finely. NO HOPES ENTERTAINED OF FRED SEWARD'S RECOVERY. $30,000 Reward Offered for the Appreenhsion of the Assassinators. A DESCRIPTION OF THEM WHAT LEE SURRENDERED. ABOUT THIRTY THOUSAND MEN Reported Surrender of Johnston. New York, April 17. The Post's special says: Several additional arrest have been made to-day of Maryland rebels, but no prominent man has been caught yet. Another Cabinet meeting was held to-day Gen. Grant was present. At general headquarters this noon (to-day) there was a confident hope that Booth would be arrested before to-morrow. The Commercial's special says: It is feared the assassins have escaped and taken to the mountain fastnessess across the Potomac. Fresh developments point to certain parties in New York as accomplices. Lee turned over, in round numbers 30,000 men. Our losses will probably not exceed 10,000 or 11,000. Johnston has surrendered his entire array to Sherman. This virtually closes the war. The rebels generally express their desire to submit to the United States authority. The Post special says: Booth has been traced to Port Tobacco, Charles Co., Maryland. New York, April 17, The Times's Washington special says: Sec'y Seward is decidededly better. Fred is still neconscious. The ...........special special of 4:50 says — No hopes are entertained of Frederic Seward's life. The Secretary shows wonderful vitality. There is no danger from his wounds, it is the prostration his system received from his first injuries which excite apprehension: Secretary Stanton inclines to the belief that the murderer Booth is secreted in the city; but if he and his accomplice have escaped, it was across the eastern branch. The Evening Star says: "Friday last, Booth was about the National hotel as usual, and strolled up and down the avenue several times. During one of these strolls he stopped and sent in to the Vice President Johnson a card, upon which was written, I do not wish to disturb you. Are you in? J. Wilkes Booth. "A gentleman of Booth's acquaintance at this time met him in front of the Kirkwood House, and in the conversation which followed made some allusion to Booth's business, and is jesting way asked, What makes you so gloomy? Have you lost another thousand in oil? Booth replied that he had been hard at work that day, and was about to leave Washington never to return. Just then a boy came out and said, Yes he is in the room — upon which the gentleman walked in, supposing Booth would enter the hotel. About seven o'clock on Friday evening he came down from his room at the National, and was spoken to by several concerning his paleness, which he said proceeded from indisposition. Just before leaving, he asked the clerk if he was not going to Ford's Theatre to-night, and added, "there will be some very fine acting." The door-keeper of the theatre noticed Booth as he passed in, and shortly after the latter entered a restaurant next to the theatre, and in a hurried manner called for "brandy, brandy, brandy!" rapping at the same time on the bar.l The Star also contains the following article headed ‘A Clue to the Assailant of Mr. Seward': "About three weeks ago a man named Atzerard, represented as being a merchant at Brigantown, Charles Co., Maryland, went to the stable of Thompson Naylor, corner 13 ½ and E streets, for the purpose of selling a stallion, and a brown horse, blind in one eye. Atzerard made a attempt to sell the horses to the Government, but without success and finally disposed of the stallion to Mr. Thompson, stage conductor to Port Tobacco. He continued to visit Mr. Naylor's stables however, and in a short time reported that he also sold his brown horse. "On Friday afternoon a man named Harald, who appeared to be intimate with Atzerard, came to the stable and hired a roan pacing horse, which he left, telling the hostler to it ready for him at ten o'clock. Upon calling for the horse at the appointed time, the hostler asked what had become of his friend Harald and the roan; to which Atzerard replied, ‘Has he not returned yet? He'll be here directly.' "Some time after the hostler heard the pace of the roan coming down from the direction of the Treasury, and went out to meet him. But the rider, apparently to avoid the hostler turned up 14th and then down F street. The hostler went back to the stable, and fearing Harald intended to make off with the horse, saddled another and followed him to the Navy Yard Bridge, when, in answer to his inquiry the guard stated that a man riding such a horse had passed over, and was probably about a quarter of a mile in advance. He was told that he might go over but could not return before evening. He then came back to the stable, and hearing that a horse had been picked up on the street by the detectives, made inquiries and after giving his statement todthe Provost Marshal was shown a saddle which he identified, beyond doubt, as the one used on the brown horse when at Naylor's stable, which Atzerard said he had sold." Washington April 17. — Every effort that ingenuity, excited by fervor can make is being put forth by all the proper authorities to capture or trace the assassins of Mr. Lincoln and the would-be-assassins of Mr. Seward. The Common Council have offered a reward of $20,000 for the arrest and conviction of the assassin and to this sum another $10,000 is added by Col. L. C. Baker, agent of the War Department, making a total of $30,000. To this announcement are added the following description of the individuals accused: Description of J. Wilkes Booth who assassinated the President on the evening of April 14, 1865: Height 5 feet 8 inches weight 160 lbs; compact build: hair jet black inclined to curl of medium-length and parted behind; eyes black, and heavy dark eyebrows; and wears a large seal ring on his little finger; when talking inclines his head forward and looks down. Description of the person who attempted to assassinate Hon. Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of State. Height. 6 feet 1 inch; hair black, thick full and straight; no beard or appearance of beard; cheeks red on the jaws; face moderately full; twenty-two or twenty-three years of age; eyes large, not prominent, color unknown; brows not heavy but dark; face not large but round; complexion heathy; nose straight, well formed and of medium size; mouth small, lips thin - the upper when talks, chin pointed and prominent, head medium size, neck short, hands soft and small, fingers tapering and showing no signs of hard labor, broad shoulders, taper waist, straight figure, strong looking man, manner not gentlemanly but vulgar, wears an overcoat with pockets in the side and one in the breast, with flaps or lappels, pants black, and of common stuff, new heavy boots, voice small an thin, inclined to tenor. There is a story to the effect that Booth had planned his escape with a completeness of detail only equaled by that with which he laid his scheme for the diabolical act of Friday night, and that relays of horses had been provided at various points, by which means he has gained Mosby and is now with the forces of the guerrilla, who is known to have been hanging around in this vicinity for several..........

HANSE & FISHER- The body of Henry HANSE, who with John FISHER was drowned in the river near the Lake street bridge, some weeks ago, has been found. A lad named John Meade, while fishing in the river, almost opposite Sullivan street, discovered the body lodged in the roots of a fallen tree. Notice was given, and the body was taken in charge of by friends. A coroner's inquest was held over it last evening. The funeral was attended this afternoon, from the Second Presbyterian church. Haase was drowned March 25th. Of course the body was greatly decomposed. At the time of the sad occurrance and for some days thereafter the water was quite high, and the body, floated down or being thrown up caught in the roots of the tree as found. The discovery is a source of comfort to the bereaved family and friends, that they are permitted to pay the last christian duties, and ....... of kindness.

CONNORS - Mr. Kerran CONNERS, a soldier who served under General Logan, died in Wellsboro, aged sixty-five years.

Failed to Connect Once Again. John B. Gouch, the great lecturer, in this section of the county will soon be noted as a great failure. People going to the Hall last evening, instead of a rich treat promised met with this jolt of cold comfort:- "NO GOUCH TO-NIGHT - GOUCH MISSED THE TRAIN." If this were the first time GOUCH has disappointed our people this season, the failure would have been overlooked and borne uncomplainingly, but "patience ceases to become a virtue" in view of the gentleman's repeated futscos. The following official report of Gouch's campaign is published by the lecture committee: The Lecture Committee of the Y.M.C.A., while declaring it unnecessary to make any explanation as for their good faith to the public is concerned in the matter of procuring lecturers, still esteem it their duty to make a statement regarding the failures of John B. Gouch. As in the usual custom, Mr. Gouch was engaged early in the season for two evenings, and the earliest promises he could make were for March 20th and 21st. These dates were accepted and duly recorded by himself and the committee. On account of the flood and illness, about which the Lecture Committee were not advised, except as they saw it announced in the Rochester papers, he failed to meet his engagement. So far as the flood was concerned, Mr. Gouch could have reached here via Canandaigua, during the whole time, and he recovered so rapidly from his illness that he lectured East the first part of the next week, in Boston. Correspondence was at once opened with his agent, who appointed two evenings two evenings, again, and then revoked one, afterwards re-appointed two, Monday and Tuesday, April 17th and 18th. In this faith the committee rested, only they were about to be tempted to send a special messenger to Rochester, on Saturday last, to see Mr. Gouch safe through, but after a second thought, it seemed a foolish project as trains were running so regularly. Northing more was heard until about 3:12 p.m. yesterday, when the dispatch was received "Failed to meet the train. What shall I do: Answer. Signed John B. Gouch." Answer was immediately sent back. "Come, by all means, take the first train to Elmira," to which he replied, "Cannot lecture, Tuesday, home to-morrow, sick," signed John B. Gouch. The lecture committee make the above statements that the public may know upon whose ....

SMITH - Mrs. B. E. McConnell, of Charleston, this county, died March 2, 1890, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. F. Marshal, Stony Fork, PA. Mrs. McConnell had been a resident of Charleston over forty-five years. She was the mother of twelve adult children, seven sons and five daughters, the latter being Mrs. A. Webster, of Elmira; Mrs. J. L. Redfield, Seeley Creek, NY; Mrs. J. H. Purdy, Lowell, IN; Mrs. J. C. Nightingale, Oxford, NY, and Mrs. J. F. Marshall, of Stony Fork, PA. Her sons are all residents of this State. Deceased was born May 25, 1808, and was the daughter of James SMITH, of Corning, NY. Her husband, Mr. McConnell, died four years ago, aged over seventy years. They were a loving father and mother and were highly respected and esteemed.

Willis M. Baker, administrator of the estate of J. J. LUDLOW, late of Wells, PA, deceased, will sell the personal property of said estate at public vendue on Saturday.

COPP - Lines Written On the Death Of Our Three Loved Ones, by their mother, E. C. Copp, in memory of Minnie, Mary and Raymond Copp, who died of diphtheria, on Miller street, Elmira, NY, in the month of October, 1889. Raymond's death occurred first on the 9th, Mary's on the 11th, two days after, and Minnie's on the 27th. Minnie's age was nineteen years, one month and twenty-seven days; Mary's age was twelve years, nine months and seventeen days; Raymond's age was six years, six months and two days, the beloved children of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Copp. It leaves a home broken and desolate, and a heart-broken father and mother, and only one boy at home; one son and one daughter married. We are left to mourn the loss of our dear children, and they are left to mourn our dear brother and sisters. Raymond was the first to die, How sad it was to see him lie, With his gentle hands laid softly o'er his breast, But we know that he has gone to rest. Our dear little Mary was the next to go, To leave this world of pain and woe, But she has gone to heaven above, To sing our Savior's dying love. Minnie was nineteen years old, But the shepherd took her to his fold, She says dear friends I'm going to die for I can hear the angels in the sky. O, cruel death, why come so soon To take our loved ones to the tomb, But our dear Savior he thought best To take our loved ones home to rest. Our children were our darling ones, Joy of all our hearts at home, But the angels came and whispered, Little children do come home. Hang the crepe upon the door knob, a written notice on the door, Three more loved ones gone to heaven, Our dear darlings are no more. We miss them at the table, And miss their good night kiss, But they have gone and left us To a brighter world than this. They have left a world of sorrow, And have left a world of care To join a heavenly mansion Where all is happy there. We never can hear their sweet voices calling to us on earth no more; We must prepare to meet them On that bright and shinning shore. And when our trials of life wear o'er, And our Savior calls us home, May we see our loved ones there On that bright and glorious morn.

NEWTON - Delos NEWTON, a well-known resident of Wells, PA, died of pneumonia at the home of his father, David Newton, on Bird Creek, last Saturday. He was a young man without a family, having been legally separated from his wife three or four years ago.

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 14 OCT  98
By Joyce M. Tice