The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery
Tri County Clippings- Page Thirty Five
From the Cook Scrapbook-

Copied from a copy in possession of Kelsey Jones. Retyped by Robin Poses & Gloria (Meg) Wilkinson and Barbara SAXBURY Freeman

BAKER - Mrs. Laura Baker Gardener. Mrs. Laura Baker Gardener, wife of William Gardener, died on Thursday last at her home in this place after a lingering illness aged about forty-seven years. The funeral which was largely attended occurred Sunday at Baptist Hill Church. The presiding Elder at that place officiated and delivered a very pathetic and impressive sermon on the many Christian virtures of the departed. The interment was at Baptist Hill cemetery. Deceased leaves to mourn her death a husband and two daughters, who are the recipients of much sympathy in their sorrow. 
BENSON - C. A. Benson - A Frightful Accident Witnessed by a Crowd Friday Afternoon. C. A. Benson, a farmer from Pine Valley, about sixty years of age, was run over and instantly killed at the Erie's Water Street crossing at 3rd. He had been shopping in Durland & Pratt's [?] o'clock Friday afternoon. Mr. Benson had just come out of there. The gates at the crosssing were down and a freight train was going west. Just as it passed the crossing the unforunate man dodged under the gates and was struck by the engine of an east bound Lehigh train. His body was cut all to pieces and scattered for a considerable distance along the track. It was said he had two daughters in this city. The horrified spectators sent for the coroner. 
BENSON - William Benson - William Benson was found dead in his bed at Roseville last Tuesday morning. It is supposed from heart desease. He was very well known through this section having run a hotel at Pine City for some time. Mr. Benson was 65 years old and a widower, his wife having died at Pine City a few years ago. He is said to have been as well as usual when he retired Monday night. 
BLOSS - Warren W. Bloss - Warren W. Bloss died at his home at Webb's Mills, N. Y., last Saturday morning after a long and painful illness aged 59 years. Mr. Bloss was well known in this county, having resided at Covington, Roseville, Mansfield, Millerton and other places within its borders all his life up to four or five years ago He was son of Everett Bloss of Covington and a grand son of Aaron Bloss, the founder of Blossburg, both being equally famous as hunters and pioneers. Deceased's illness originated over a year ago in a neuralgic difficulty, which progressed until the bones of his face decayed to quite an extent poisoning his entire system and destroying his lungs, causing death from consumption. He was one of the most patient of sufferers and hoped for recovery to the last. Mr. Bloss leaves a widow and one son to mourn the loss of a devoted husband and father. The funeral was held at the family reisdence Monday at 11 a.m. many relatives from a distance being in attendance and interment was in the Webb's Mills cemetery. 
BOWMAN - Nelson Bowman - Nelson Bowman, well known in this village as a former resident, a son of our respected townsman David Bowman died suddenly at Big Flats, N. Y. in his home last Friday night. He had been around the village and returning home suddenly fell to the floor unconscious and died about two or three hours later. His death is supposed to have resulted from heart disease. He leaves an estimable wife and five children, who have the sincere sympathy of many friends in their bereavement. The funeral was held at Big Flats last Monday. 
BOYNTON - Result of Bloodpoisoning Charles Boynton, who has been critically ill from blood poisoning, contracted by the scratch of a dead fish's fin last fall has partially recovered, but the hand is deformed and entirely useless. 
BUDD - Helon Budd - A Death at Southport Corners. Helon Budd of Southport Corners died there Sunday in his eighty-third year. The funeral was held at his late residence at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. The interment was at Troy, Pa., The deceased is survived by a wife, two sons and three daughters, O. H. Budd and C. E. Budd of this city, Mrs. C. S. McKean, Troy, Pa., Mrs. C. K. Spencer, Chicago, Ill., and Mrs. A. H. DeWitt, Anderson, Ind. The deceased was a life long Democrat and a highly respected gentleman. He lived in this county for twenty years, having come here that long ago from Bradford County. 
COPLEY - Lauren Copley - Death of Lauren Copley. Lauren Copley, one of Elmira's oldest and most esteemed residents died on Sunday afternoon. The past forty years of his life was spent in Chemung County. He was born in October, 1803, at Sanford, this state, and was therefore in his eighty-fifth year. He was married in 1832 to Sally Stone of Bainbridge, and passed most of his time in farming. He was at one time engaged as a lumber merchant in this city. He erected and occupied for some years the house where Judge Dexter now resides on South Main Street. Four children surivive him. Mrs. Martin Palmer, Frank Copley, E. J. Copley of Tennessee and Major J. G. Copley. His wife died on December 24, 1883. 
DENNEY - LANNING - A Popular Elmira Pastor Weds a Charming Lady of Borden, N.Y. On Wednesday Rev. Oscar H. Denny, pastor of the Free Will Baptist church in the seventh ward, was married to Miss Lillian Lanning at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. & Mrs. H.L. Lanning at Bordon, N.Y. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Abbey of Port Allegany, N.Y. The Rev. Mr. Helleby of Murray, N.Y. acted as best man, and Miss Maude Harrison as bridesmaid. The wedding dinner was served by E. Hulcher of the Arlington, Elklamd, Pa. The bride and groom received many handsome presents and the congratulations of a large number of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Denny's bridal trip will last two or three weeks when they will return to this city and committee housekeeping in the family residence, near the church. 
DEWEY - HONORARY SERVICE to be held for Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Dewey Farmer, Preacher, Pastor, and Friend of the community & area for over 70 years Service at BAKERBURG COMMUNITY CHURCH SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd 8 PM The Austinville and Bakerburg Churches cordially invite all to come & participate int his appreciation service for Glenn & Florence Dewey. 
(Drake) Mrs. Mary L. Drake. Death of Mrs. Mary L. Drake. An Estimable, Beloved Lady Who Has Passed to Her Reward. But a week ago the telegram announced the demise of James H. Drake, one of the Elmira's oldest and most respected citizens, and today it becomes its painful duty to chronicle the death of his wife., Mrs. Mary L. Drake, who died suddenlin this city on Thursday last. Deceased had not been robust health for several years but no thought of fatal results was entertained until a few days ago. Pneumonia then set in and she survived but a few days. Mrs. Drake was sixty-two years of age and leaves to mourn their loss three children, L. B. Drake of Addison and Mrs. Clara A. Lane and George E. Drake of Elmira. to whom the sincere sympathy of many warm friends will be extended. The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the house No. 129 East Hudson Street, and attended by many friends. Truly a good woman and a brave Christian soul has gone to her reward leaving to the stricken children, one more heartstring drawing them to a higher and better world 
DRAKE - James H. Drake. For Many Years a Trusty Conductor on the Northern Central Railroad. Among the numerous deaths of the week that carry pain and sorrow to the families and are read with interest by the community in general, none call forth more expressions of regret and sympathy than that of James H. Drake, a venerable citizen, who passed to his eternal rest early yesterday morning at his residence, 129 East Hudson Street. The deceased had been a resident of our city upwards of fifty years, having come to Elmira in the year 1839 from Reading, Schuyler County. He was originally a carriagemaker and for a time pursued that avocation here. Afterwards he became a valued attache of the Northern Central Railway Company. For upwards of twenty-five years he held with credit and satisfaction the responsible position of railway conductor. He continued with the road, a popular and faithful servant, until the year 1878, when advancing in years compelled him to pursue some less active employment. His health gradually failed him but it was not until some two weeks ago, or less, that his condition became to serious that he took to his bed and death resulted at the time stated. The deceased was for many years an active and conscientious member of the Baptist Church of this city and in all the demands and requirements of citizenship he was an upright, faithful and public spirited man. His loss to the community is great and his death to his family, by whom he was held in high respect and veneration, will naturally be greater still. He leaves of his immediate family a wife and three children who are L. B. Drake of Addison, N.Y., George E. Drake of Elmira, N. Y. a Northern Central Railroad conductor and a daughter, Mrs. Clara A. Lane, also of this city. The deceased was in the seventy-fourth year of his age at the time of his death. The funeral will occur from his late residence at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. 
ELLENBERGER - The Husband of Bill Edwards Alleged Slayer Pays nature's debt. At Stroudsburg, Pa., last Sunday, J.M. Ellenberger, husband of Mary Ellenberger, who was tried in this city for killing Bill Edwards, died. He was Mrs. Ellenberger's second husband and lived with her for several yeara on a farm near Waverly. It was alleged at the time, that Ewards was killed that he drove Ellenberger out of the house and took possession of the farm. Mr. Ellenberg was a quiet kindly disposed man, and had contributed considerable money to the support of his daughter, Fanny, who has been quite ill in New York city for some time past. There were no relatives present at the funeral. 
ENOCH - Hiram R. Enoch - Pension Examiner Enoch Dead. Hiram R. Enoch who conducted the investigation into and prosecution of most of the men alleged to have implicated in the Patterson and other pension cases here a few years ago, died in Washington the 8th inst [?], aged sixty-three years. Mr. Enoch was well known in masonic and Grand Army circles. While he was in Elmira he lived in one of the Richardson blocks on West Water Street, and had a son die while living here. Mr. Enoch was formerly editor and proprietor of the Rockford, Ill, Journal. His death was caused by a tumor on the brain, caused by injuries received during the war. 
GOODSPEED - Watson Goodspeed. Foolish Imitator of Dr. Tanner Dead. Gardiner, Me., June 24 - the East Pittston, Maine, imitator of Dr. Tanner named Watson Goodspeed, who has fasted thrity-nine days, died today. 
LaFRANCE - L. L. ("Lem") LaFrance. "Lem" LaFrance, a former well known Elmira jeweler, who has been in the asylum at Middleton, N.Y. for some time escapeda few days since, took two doses of poison, cut his head with a knife and bruised himself with a stone, dying later from the effects of his injuries. He was a brother of "Coon" LaFrance, late of Daggett's Mills and his father is the well known cabinet maker, also at various times a resident of this township. The funeral of L. L. LaFrance was held at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternnon at his former reisdence., No. 115 Catherine Street. all the jewelry stores in the city were closed in honor of the dead. A very large number of friends and neighbors were present and the floral offerings were numerous and beautiful. Mr. Beecher spoke briefly and addressed consoling words to the stricken family. At the grave Ivy Lodge of Masons, assisted by Union Lodge, had charge of the remains The following gentlemen acted as pall bearers: D.J. Kniffen, James M. Moffett, J. R. Tabor, I. S. Copleland, M. A. Ruger and Henry Strang. 
MARCELLUS, Narcissa Eva -(Benson) Mrs. John Benson - Mrs. John Benson, of Roseville, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. W. Eighmey, Dec. 10th of a complication of diseases. She leaves a husband, two sons and three daughters, all married to mourn their loss. The funeral and interment occurred at Roseville Dec. 12, Rev. Dewitt Myers and Rev. Paul Smith officiating. Her age was sixty-three years.

MAXWELL - William Maxwell. Billy Maxwell. The Noted Elmiran and Temperance Orator Passes Away. The widely known temperance advocate, William Maxwell, died at the Bath Soldier's Home on Friday afternoon last. He was naturally a brilliant, gifted man and came from an illustrious family. He had been in failing health for a year or more. The news of his death was learned with painful interest. He was known to every man, woman and child almost in Elmira, when he was born on the 31st day of December, in the year 1828. This would make him at the time of his death, nearly sixty-two years of age. He was of the old-time Maxwell family, so prominent and renowned in this valley very many years ago. His father was that noted Thomas Maxwell, an intellectual giant in the days of yore, and of whom there are most pleasant and honorable remembrances. The elder Maxwell was one of the ablest and most remarkable men of his time and was noted for a remarkable memory which, allied with the systematic methods of recording the important events of the interesting period in which he lived and prominently took part, caused him to be looked upon as a reliable historian of the early days of this county and section. Nearly all of his papers, of which he had a vast collection, were, however, unfortunately destroyed. The elder Maxwell himself lost his life in a tragic manner, having been killed by the cars. Billy Maxwell came of good stock - the best there was. He was highly favored naturally and had he in early life applied himself to some profession and proved faithful to it, he would have risen to eminence. He was an original wit, and it was always interesting and laughable to hear him relate, as he was fond of doing in his latter years, his experiences which though of a long and checkered career, were of an eventful character. Mr. Maxwell was patriotic in the war days and as a member of the 161st regiment under the command of Captain Dumars, served with credit. Exspousing the temperence cause he was a faithful, conscientious worker in that noble cause. Both in America and in England he appeared on the platform with great success. He was considered the equal of the great Gough in ability to move an audience, his impassioned appeals carrying his hearers by storm. Thousands took the pledge and kept it through his efforts and eloquence. Mr. Maxwell was really a great temperance orator. He often said to the writer that somehow or other he could never do himself justice before an Elmira audience. He said they all knew him here and it was only Billy Maxwell that was talking to them and he couldn't disabuse his mind of that depressing idea. At other places all say he was grand - a truly eloquent, impressive speaker. He certainly did great work in the temperance field and will be principally remembered for that. Personally he was a genial, companionable man, much delighteing to have about him a little company of congenial souls to chat and laugh with. He will ever be held in kindly memory by all Elmirans - a brilliant fellow and one who by self-martyrdom proved himself worthy of recognition and honor. The deceased leaves a wife, who showed herself faithful and devoted to him in his declining years. The remains will be brought to his old loved Elmira for burial, arriving on the 1:30 Erie train. From the depot they will be taken to Woodlawn. 
(Miller) Mrs. George Miller. Mrs. George Miller who died at St. Johns, N.B., recently, was betrothered to Dr. W. D. Vedder, of Mansfied, Pa., a promising young physician. In speaking of the engagement in an article on her death, the Progress newspaper published at St. Johns, says "While she was seriously ill her friends did not think it necessary to summon him until a few days before her death. He came at once and arrived but a few minutes before she passed into unconsciousness and death." It is related that the deceased lady had a strong presentiment of her coming death and said to her mother "Mother, would it not be strange if I had just come home to die?" Mrs. Miller was sick for a long time in Elmira of typhoid fever and it is said that she had not fully recovered when she started on her homeward journey. She leaves several warm friends in Mansfield besides her grief stricken betrothed. Dr. Vedder is a widower, his young wife having died suddenly a few years ago while on a visit to friends in a western state. To be thus twice bereaved in so short a time would seem to be more than one man's share of grief, and a host of friends extend sincere... (end) 
MORRIS - How He Chose to die. A Tombstone on which the Dead is Pictured in the Act of Suicide. There is a remarkable tombstone in Round Grove cemetary, srven miles east of Dwight, Ill. It marks the last resting place of Enoch, son of James and Charlotte Morris, who died August 9, 1897, aged nineteen years and three months. The tombstone is of white marble, about five feet high and half a foot thick. On it's front is the figure of a youth is the act of blowing out his brains. It is brought out in relief, and below it is the following inscription:

Between this stone the ashes lay Of him who was my darling boy: Alas, alas, his race is run. Caused by a double-barrel gun, Bereavements sure my heart will break. Show pity, Lord, for mercy sake; Oh, let me to thy will resign These two unfortunate boys of mine 

PARNELL DEAD The death of Charles Stewart Parnell which occured on Wednesday was a surptise to all and a shock to many. It was not known that this great Irish leader was considered ill, although it is said that of late he was not as robust as formerly. But it was in just that state of physical weakness that rendered him the chill and subsequently fatal illness.

In him passes away probably the best known of the Irish leaders of this generation. Whatever may be said of him, and there is much, for he had his good and bad points, as have other men, it cannot be said that he lacked courage or that he was vacillating. In the face of obstacles that would have intimidated many others after the Kitty OShea episode, when all men's hands were against him, he made a most remarkable fight for political life and was defeated solely by the force of numbers. Now that to defeat is added death, his bitterest enemies who were once his friends, and such are always the most malignant, cannot refuse, the poor tribute that he was the greatest promoter of the cause of Ireland and the Irish. 

(Quackenbush) Mrs. Nora. - Death of Mrs. Nora Quackenbush. Mrs. Nora Quackenbush died at her home in Millerton, Pa., Thursday morning of heart disease. She leaves to mourn her loss two sons, John and Judge and three sisters, Mrs. M. L. Roll, Mrs. Mary Sullivan and Mrs. James Wells of this city. The remains were brought to this city and interred in SS. Peter and Paul's Cemetery. 
RICHARDS, William - William Richards aged about 45 years a prominent citizen of Blossburg, committed suicide about 7 a.m. Wednesday of last week at his home by shooting himself in the head. Deceased was in apparently good health and the only reason for such a step to be committed by him was financial matters. Mr. Richards was formerly State mine inspector of this bituminous district and was prominent in many matters for the advancement of the town, and was instrumental, in his way, in getting the State hospital located there. A widow and one adopted daughter survive him. 
(Robb) Mrs. Susan Robb - Mrs. Susan Robb, an old and respected resident of Tioga, died last week Sunday at the age of eighty-two years. Her funeral was held at the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday and the remains were taken to Farmington Hill for interment. 
ROBINSON, Chester - Chester Robinson whose death at the age of 83 years occurred at Wellsboro on Wednesday of last week, had resided in that boro since 1835. He was engaged for over a quarter of a century in the mercantile and lumbering business with his brother, John L. Robinson. About twenty-five years ago the brothers, established what is now known as the First Nation Bank. His death was due to a complication of diseases. He leaves two daughters, Miss Mary B. Robinson and Mrs. Juliette Converse, both of Wellsboro. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late residence. 
SCHULTER - Rev. Henry Schulter. Rev. Henry Schulter died at his home near Tioga last week Monday at the age of 75 years. He was a Free Methodist preacher but gave up preaching some years ago on account of failing health. 
SMITH - Albert Smith - Albert Smith, infant son of Elsey Smith, of Wells, Pa., died last Tuesday after a short illness aged two years and three days. The funeral of the little one was held at Wells, Pa., Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. 
STATES - H. C. States - He. C. States died Monday morning, October 27, at 316 South Avenue, the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Frank L. Hedges, aged sixty-five years. He leaves a wife and three married daughters besides one brother and two sisters to mourn his loss. Deceased was an upright, conscientious, Christian man who was very devoted to his family and strictly honorable in all his dealings. He will be missed by a wide circle of friends. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon from the house at 1:30. The burial was in the family plot at Webb's Mills. Rev. Mr. Robinson officiated at the funeral service. 
STOCK, Merida - Mrs. David Newton. Mrs. David Newton died at her home on Bird Creek in Wells, Pa., on Wednesday of last week, after a lingering illness. She was treated for cancer in Elmira some time ago and after her return home was badly injured by a fall and never recovered. Deceased had many relatives in this section and was highly esteemed by all. She leaves a husband and an adult son and daughter, the latter being the wife of Mason Oldroyd, of Wells. 
STRAIT, Bernice K. - Little Bernice Strait Dead. The Child weighed but three pounds and four ounces at death. Bernice K., the infant daughter of James W. and Luella Strait, died at 1:45 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The little one was but twenty three days old and at birth weighed but two and one half pounds. She however seemed perfectly well and healthy and in the two week succeeding her birth gained five and one half ounces. Her strength also developed rapidly and at the time of her death was quite remarkable for a child of her age. Her weight at death was three pounds and four ounces. It was not until Saturday afternnoon that the parents noticed that the little one was not feeling well but no serious symptoms of illness were apparent and the child seemed nearly as bright and happy as ever. About midnight she went into convulsions which lasted for some time. Dr. Ross was quickly summoned and said a blood vessel had bursted in little Bernice's stomach. She continued bleeding internally until the time of her death. Dr. Ross pronounced the case a very peculiar one, in fact the only one he had ever seen. The funeral will be held from the residence at 261 Baldwin Street at 2 o'clock this afternoon and the burial will be in Woodlawn. 
STRUTHERS - Robert Struthers - The Late Robert Struthers. Lines in Memory of a Faithful Husband and Loving Father. As briefly noted, Robert Struthers well known as a railroad flagman, died on Monday, January 19. His age was fifty-eight years. He was born in County Armagh, Ireland, and had resided in Elmira for the past thrity years. He worked in the rolling mills for twenty-two years prior to becoming employed by the Lackawanna as a flagman. He leaves six children, five daughters and one son. Rachel Fancis, wife of an Erie conductor at Hornellsville, Anna, wife of Smith Chambers, and Jennie, wife of Ad. Jones, West Shore conductors; Margaret, wife of Michael Riley, a Lackawanna brakeman of this city and Lizzie, single, who lived with her father and Aaron, who is a Lackawanna fireman. 
(Stryker) - Mrs.Rachel Stryker. Dies at a Ripe Old Age. Mrs. Rachel Stryker, widow of Abram Stryker, died Saturday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Baker, 414 Main Street, at the good old age of eighty-eight years. Mrs. Stryker had been in her usual health until last night when she was suddenly taken ill and expired this morning from heart failure which was the result of advanced age. She was one of those pure, noble and delightful old time ladies whom everybody loved. Her influence, her words, and her actions were all gems that sparkled like brilliants in the sunlight and shed a luster upon all who came in contact with them. A devoted mother, honored and revered by her children a Christian in all things, she died full of years and constant in the faith of her Maker. 
STURDEVANT - Jesse Sturdevant. Jesse Sturdevant died quite suddently of heart disease at his home near Job's Corners in this township last Saturday evening. He was taken sick while sitting at the super table and expired almost immediately. Mr. Sturdevant was a veteran soldier and a member of Deming Post, G.A.R. of this village. He was in town a few days before his death and seemed to be enjoying his usual health. He was a brother of Wm. B. and Thos. B. Sturdevant, former residents of this village and A. B. Sturdevant of Elmira. 
THOMAS - Peobe Thomas. Miss Phoebe Thomas, who for twelve years was a missionary in Brazil, died June 16 of consumption. She was grand-daughter of Charles Miner, the historian. 
THORPE - Maud Thorpe - Maud, infant daughter of Frank Thorpe, died March 1, aged 7 months and 5 days. 
(Updyke) - Mrs. Al Updyke - Daggett's Mills. Mrs. Al Updyke died of pneumonia at the home of her son on Mount Zoar. Dec. 10th. 
WHEELER - Libbie Wheeler - Libbie, a young and promising daughter of H. B. Wheeler, died last Tuesday night of inflamation of the bowels. Funeral on Thursday at 2 p.m. 
WILCOX - Dr. W. B. Wilcox - The announcement of the death of Dr. W. B. Wilcox of LeRoy on Saturday last cast a gloom over the community in which he lived. Graduating from the Homeopathic Medical College of Philadelphia in 1858 he had been practicing medicine for over 30 years. The doctor was born in the town of Minisink, Orange Co., N. Y. in 1824; he came to LeRoy when three years of age. He died January 24th of typhoid pneumonia after an illness of one week aged 66. The deceased leaves a wife and three children - two sons and one daughter - to mourn his death. He was an affectionate and devoted companion, a kind and indulgent father. As a neighbor and wise counsellor he had few equals. He had no enemies. The funeral which was held on Monday the 26th inst. was largely attended. A feeling and appropriate sermon was preached by Rev. E. A. Baldwin of Canon. 
WILSON - Nancy Wilson Rockwell - Mrs. Nancy Rockwell of Rutland died on Monday last, aged 81 years. Mrs. Rockwell was one of the pioneers of that section and was highly esteemed for many good qualities. Her maiden name was Wilson and her relatives reside at or near Austinville. The funeral was held on Wednesday and was quite largely attended. Deceased was a sister of Judge Stephen F. Wilson of Wellsboro. She had resided in Rutland for nearly half a century. Her husband, a brother of Elder Rockwell, deceased, died many years ago. She leaves a son, H. L. Rockwell, with whom she resided at the time of her death and a daughter, Mrs. Lettie Baker, besides a large circle of friends to mourn her loss. She had long been a consistent member of the Baptist Church. The obsequies at Job's Corners were conducted by Rev. F. H. Cooper of Mansfield. 

MISCELLANEOUS clippings from the COOK Scrapbook

A CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank the people of Blossburg for their kind assistance in our late affliction occasioned by the death of our father Deacon Cornelius V. Putnam and for the sympathy expressed in our bereavement. 

--Rev. J. H. Day’s retirement from the ministry and Millerton charge has occasioned genuine and wide-spread regret among not only those identified with the church, but the “world’s people” as well. His plain, unassuming manners and hearty friendliness have won the sincere regard of all, and him incumbency of the charge will be remembered with unmixed pleasure. Pastor Day and his most estimable family will be followed by the sincere good wishes of their warm friends in this section, which comprises the entire community. 
--Probably the oldest man now living in northern Pennsylvania, says the Agitator, is Robert Burns, of East Charleston, who is now in his one hundred and sixth year. He was born in Montgomery county, N. Y., on the 14th of October, 1784. He came from that place to Charleston fifty-eight years ago, and has remained ever since. He was married in 1819, and his wife died in 1874, at the age of seventy-four. They had eight children, seven of whom lived to reach adult years. Mr. Burns says that his father lived to be 115 years old, and from present appearances he bids fair to reach that age himself, for he is still hale and hearty with a good memory and digestion. 
Thursday was Mr. Allen Daggett’s birthday, and he celebrated the occasion by visiting his birthplace here. It is a custom he has observed for several years, and he makes it a point to be on the ground at the very hour, which he says is 2 o’clock, p.m. Mr. Daggett is 74 years old, and says he is the oldest man living born in Tioga county. He is very smart and active for one of his age. 
--A party of about one hundred persons, seventy of whom were relatives, celebrated Elder Myron Rockwell’s 80th birthday in Roseville recently. The proceedings were very interesting and were greatly enjoyed by all present. Elder Rockwell has been a faithful laborer in the vineyard for the past generation, and has officiated at more weddings and funerals than any other clergyman in the county. Miss Maggie Hubers closed a very successful term of school last Friday. 
FRANK J. CASSADA the nominee for Sheriff is about as well known as any man in the county. He is a young man but he has as many friends and acquaintances as most men obtain in a life time. He was born in the town of Southport and is the son of Miles Cassada, a well known Democrat and he comes from a line of Democratic ancestors. Three years ago Mr. Cassada was a candidate for the office and 36 delegates stood by him to the last, but when finally the nomination of Allen Cooper was secured Mr. Cassada, like a good Democrat, acquiesced and from that hour until election night no one worked more faithfully for the success of the ticket than he. 
COL. JOSEPH LEFFEL Of Springfield, O., the Smallest Alderman in the World Colonel Joseph Leffel, the midget ex-museum freak, was recently elected a Councilman in a special election held in the Fifth ward of Springfield, Ohio, to fill a vacancy. Leffel is the smallest official of the kind in the country. He is 46 inches high, weighs 60 pounds and is 67 years old. The was elected in the face of heavy odds, his opponent being H. G. Marshall, an extremely popular Democrat. Mr. Leffel was the Republican candidate, and polled more than the full vote of his party. It will be rather ludicrous to see the midget in council, as he will be hidden by his desk when he takes the floor to speak. He married a midget, who still lives. They have two full-sized children. 
The late Father Cahill enjoyed the distinction of being the first native Elmiran to be ordained to the Roman Catholic priesthood. He was born up near the present Eldridge lake, and early in life he decided to try and become a priest. In his ambition father Bloomer was his best friend. But two young men born in Elmira have become priests. The first as stated was John T. Cahill and the next native was Rev. William Dunn, now in charge of the mission at Horseheads, N. Y. Both were ordained from the same institution, Father Cahill a dozen years ago and Father Dunn two or three years since. Another resident of Elmira was also ordained a priest. But Elmira was not his native place. He was born in Ireland and Elmira became his adopted home. We refer to Rev. William E. Walsh, now in charge of a Canadian mission. Father Walsh was a cousin of the late Police Commissioner William Walsh. 
GENERAL GRANT’S MONUMENT. The Ground For Its Base Formally Broken Sunday Last. Amidst the plaudits of thousands of citizens, the blare of trumpets, the beating of drums, the booming of cannon, the melody of children’s voices and the eloquence of orators, ground was broken last Sunday for the monument which is to be raised at the tomb at Riverside park where rest all that is mortal of the greatest of the heroes of the war of the rebellion, the immortal Grant. The services were most imposing and were participated in by the G. A. R. and other societies, together with 300 children, each of whom dropped a bouquet of forget-me-nots on the hero’s tomb. General Horace Porter delivered the oration and Department Commander Freeman formally broke the sod with a spade which was a superb specimen of American handicraft. The singing of national airs was interspersed through the services. Over 1,000 persons were present. Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Nellie Grant Sartoris witnessed the cutting of the sod. They stood at the time within the hollow square in front of the tomb. Among others present were Secretary Noble, ex-Mayor Grace, Sir George M. Pullman, Minister Romero, General Howard and General Daniel E. Sickles. the spade with which the cutting was done was of rosewood and silver. Just as Mr. Freeman removed the turf a soldier, who stood on a mound, waved his hand and the big guns of the United States steamer Yantic belched forth a salute. The force of the discharges shook the ground and frightened some of the children. 
How a Pig Caused the War of 1812. It all happened in this wise: Two citizens of Providence, R.I., fell into a most unseemly discussion on account of the lawless trespassings of a pig owned by one of them. The aggrieved party possessed a very fine garden, in which it was his custom to spend his hours of leisure, weeding, grafting, and transplanting the flowers and vegetables in which he delighted. But often, as he entered the garden in the evening, his ears would be saluted with a grunt and a rustle, and the fat form of a neighbor’s pig might be seen making a hasty flight from the garden, in which it had been placidly rooting all day. In high dudgeon the gardener sought his neighbor and complained of the pig’s frequent visits, declaring that a little time spent in repairing the pig-sty would restrain the animal’s roving propensities. But to this the owner of the pig responded that if his neighbor would keep his rickety fences in proper repair, the pig might take its daily airing without temptation, and the garden would not be endangered. Repeated misdeeds on the part of the pig fanned the smoldering fires of dissension into the flames of open hostility. At last the crisis came. The owner of the garden, rising unusually early one morning, discovered the pig contentedly munching the last of a fine bed of tulip-bulbs. Flesh and blood could stand it no longer. Seizing a pitchfork which lay near at hand, the outraged gardener plunged its sharp tines into the hapless pig, and bore the body, thus fatally impaled, to the sty, where it met the gaze of its owner an hour or two later. Thereafter, it was war to the knife between two neighbors. Now, what had all this to do with the war of 1812? The answer is simple. The two neighbors belonged to the political party known as the Federalists. Through all the outrages that Great Britain inflicted upon the United States; while seamen were being impressed, American vessels stopped on the high seas, and while every possible indignity was being committed against the flag of the United States, the Federalists remained friendly to Great Britain, and contested every proposition for the declaration of war. But the Democratic party was eager for was and as British oppression became more unbearable the strength of the Democrats increased. It so happened that the election district in which the two neighbors lived had been about equally divided between the Democrats and Federalists, but the latter party had always succeeded in carrying the election. But in 1811 the owner of the garden was a candidate for the legislature on the Federalist ticket. His neighbor had always voted that ticket, but now, with his mind filled with the ??? recollection of the death of his pig, he cast his ballot for the Democrat. When the ballots were counted the Democrat was found to be elected by a majority of one. When the newly elected legislator took ???, his first duty was to vote for a United States Senator. He cast his vote for the candidate of the Democrats, who was also elected by a majority of one. When this Senator took his place in the United States Senate he found the question of war with Great Britain pending, and after a long and bitter discussion it came to a vote. The Democrats voted for war, and the Federalists against it. As a result of the voting, was declared-again by a majority of one vote.---From “A Pig that Really Caused a War” by Willis J. Abbot, in St. Nicholas for July.
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 04 OCT 98
By Joyce M. Tice