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Events in Brookfield The Agitator: Wellsboro, Pa. July 10, 1888 submitted by Kelly WILCOX Kimball
The Crop Prospects- Celebrating the Fourth of July- Personal Notes Brookfield, July 6, 1888-
We are in need of a continued rain- something we haven't had in a long time- not since April. Grass is good, taking into consideration the fact that the weather has been dry, nearly the whole time since it began to grow. Oats promise a good crop, but I think there will be short straw. Corn is looking tip-top- of good color, good size, and promising a full yield. Potatoe vines are small on average, and unless we have some soaking rains soon I think there will be a small crop. As near as I have been able to learn, there will be light crops of all kinds of fruit. I haven't heard any complaints from the farmers: they are content to have things as favorable as they are. Some farmers are engaged in haying, and are cutting from one to two tons to the acre. Some pieces of winter wheat are good, and some about half a crop. The grain is ripening and will soon be ready to harvest.
Mr. C. C. Mead, the genial Postmaster and grocer at Sylvester, entertained his patrons with fire-works on the evening of the Fourth. All who were present enjoyed them immensely.
Mr. N. B. Sellick is building a house on his lot in Westfield, and he expects to move there as soon as it is finished.
Mr. C. A. Hoffman has rented his farm for three years at an annual rental of $200.
Rev. Mr. Watrous and his wife, of Knoxville, were in town two days this week, visiting their Baptist brethren and sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Hamblin visited their daughter at Knoxville on the Fourth.
A large number of our citizens went to Wellsboro to celebrate the Fourth. They were well pleased with the trip, and all of them, except those who were married on the 4th of July, pronounce it the best celebration they ever attended.
ROUND TOP NEWS The Agitator: Wellsboro, Pa. submitted by Kelly WILCOX Kimball
A Sudden Death- Personal Mention- A Record of Improvements
Round Top, July 6, 1888-Mrs. Sterry Starkweather died of dropsy of the heart last Tuesday while sitting at the breakfast table. She had been in poor health for some time. The funeral was yesterday in the school-house at the Summit in Duncan township, that being the neighborhood in which she lived. Her husband and seven children survive her.
Some of the farmers have commenced their haying.
Rev. Mr. Taggart reports six conversions in his meetings at Broughton Hollow up to last Sunday.
The Wesleyans will hold their quarterly meeting on the conference year of the Church.
Mr. John Evans is having a hydraulic ram put in position at a spring, which is several rods from his house, to force water up an ascent of thirty-five or forty feet to the house. He has the pipe laid and will soon have a fountain playing at his door. Mr. John Willard expects to obtain water to be used at his house from a driven well. He is driving pipe. He tried digging to find water, but in the excavating process he struck a vein of quicksand, an obstacle which was not an easy one to overcome. He gave up the former plan therefore and adopted the present one.
PEBBLES FROM STONY FORK The Agitator: Wellsboro, Pa. submitted by Kelly WILCOX Kimball
Interesting Personal and Local Items From That Quarter
Lower Stony Fork, April 13, 1888- Sowing oats is all the go here now. Our roads are in better condition now than they have been.
I am sorry ro learn that Miss Kate Symonds has been quite sick.
Mrs. Stephen Sabin received a stroke of paralysis last Tuesday, from which she is nearly helpless. The old lady is in her 87th year.
Miss Nellie Roberts returned from home to this place a few days ago from Little Marsh where she has been teaching school. I understand she is to teach the Marsh Creek school the coming term.
Mr. A. S. Torpy intends to start his mill next week.
Mr. William Toles, of Little Marsh, and Mr. Marsden Roberts, of Stokesdale, made a flying visit to J. W. Ingerick the first past of this week. Mrs. Ingerick is Mr. Robert's mother.
Mrs. Patience Palmer, of Galeton, is here on a visit to her son, Joseph Warriner. Mr. Leroy Kilborn has two houses to build this summer- one for Mr. Charles Orr and one for Mr. William Gitchell.
There have been nearly 200 loads of hay and straw hauled down Stony fork since last fall. During the months of January and February there were over 100 loads hauled down the creek, and yet hay seems plenty in this vicinity.
There are some youngsters here who seem inclined to bend the law in fishing for trout.
Mr. A. S. Torpy is making great improvements on his new farm. His barn was raised this week Monday.
You will always find our shoemaker in his shop on Osborn's corner at Lower Stony Fork. You can also get your watch, clock or wagon repaired under the same roof.
Sugar-makers are still very busy.
Master Ray Osborn has returned home from Pike Mills, where he has been the past winter.
Mr. G. S. Wilcox's mill is running again.
Waverly Free Press-November 15, 1884
Col. Archie E. Baxter, of Elmira, was elected county clerk of Chemung County.
C.A. Smith and his mother, returned from New York and Long Island, Tuesday evening.
The Owego Blade says sheriff elect Rodman, intends to occupy the sheriff's residence during his term of office.
One hundred dollars worth of goods were stolen from the store of Monroe Ayers, of North Towanda, Monday night of last week.
Danford Chaffee, aged 70, of Rome, Pa., committed suicide by hanging, last week Tuesday.
Edwin Blakeslee, proprietor of the hotel at East Smithfield, Pa., died very suddenly one week ago last Monday morning.
Edward Hughes, of Penn Yan, was shot by his son, Michael, on Sunday lasst, four bullets taking effect. No cause is assigned for the act.
Michael Kiley, of Elmira, an engineer on the D.L.&W. railroad, fell from his train at Savona on Saturday evening last, and was fatally injured.
Fred F. Ellis is seriously ill at his home on Broad street, with kidney disease.
S.A. Seacord, of Meredith, Delaware county, is visiting his brother John Seacord, Lincoln street.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Lovel, of Enfield Centre, N.Y., visited J.C. Haworth and family, west Broad street, lawt week.
The many friends of Rev. Charles Seymour, will regret to learn that his estimable wife died from paralysis a few days since.
Willis Howard, son of Clark Howard, died from typhoid fever at his home in South Waverly, on Tuesday. He leaves a wife and one child. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon for the residence.
We are informed that two small wires were stretched across the streets on Monday evening, just high enough to strike those who were on horseback. One was stretched across Broad street near Penn. avenue, and the other across Penn. avenue near Maple street. It is not known who the perpetrators are, but it was a most dangerous act, as serious results might have ensued by horsemen coming in contact with them, but luckily no one was injured. We suggest that the authorities offer a reward for the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators. We can see no fun or common sense in such wanton acts.
Mrs. M.J. Smith, of Elmira, has a silver table spoon, an heir loom, that has been in the family since the year 1700.
Perry Knightwine is building a house on the corner of Keystone avenue and Pitney street, South Waverly, and has it nearly completed.
Wm. B. Howe and a Polander, of Swartwood, were thrown from an E.C.&N. car at Van Ettenville, on Monday, and were run over by the tender and killed.
The Elmira Reformatory contains 315 inmates.
Look out for counterfeit silver dollars dated 1884. S
ubmitted by Stephanie Johnston-Waverly Free Press-November 15, 1884
March 27, 1886
Frank Dolloway was arrested in Owego Wednesday evening and sent to Ithaca the next day, to answer the charge of horse stealing.
The suit of John Murray, of South Waverly, to determine the legality of his claim to the estate of the late Hugh Tyler in Ohio, was decided in his favor last week.
Geo. Burnham, of Smithboro, died from consumption on Monday.
Fred Jakway, for many years a hotel keeper at Nichols, and step-father of J. V. Dinmore of this village, died a few days since. The funeral was held on Thursday of last week, and was largely attended by the Masonic fraternity, of which he was a member.
The fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. David Wainright, held at their pleasant home in South Waverly, on Saturday evening last, was one of the most enjoyable events of the season. About forty guests were present to enjoy their hospitality. An elegant repast was served, and fine music was discoursed during the evening for those who desired to "trip the light fantastic." Numerous presents were received from friends in Owego, Athens and Waverly, all of which will be treasured as tokens of the high esteem in which the worthy couple are held.
Milk is to be sold in Owego after April 1st, for four cents a quart.
Joel S. Whitley, of the town of Tioga, died at his home near Jones's mill last Saturday, aged seventy-six years.
Mrs. Lydia Burgess, of Breesport, comitted suicide early Monday morning, by drowning herself in Newton creek, while insane.
Mrs. Bertha Brown, wife of Erie conductor, John Brown, committed suicide last Saturday, at Jersey City, by shooting herself twice in the head.
Nicholas Proper, engineer in a tannery in Elmira, was instantly killed on Thursday afternoon of last week, by an iron pipe about four feet long being hurled against his head by steam from the boiler waste pipe.
Fred Decker, better known as the "Ossian Giant," died at his home at Swains, Allegany county, Sunday night at the age of fifty years. During hiw earlier life he was seven feet two and one-half inches in height, and weighed 325 pounds.
C.W. Clizbee, an Athens typo, was married to Mrs. S.A. Sweet of that village, on Sunday last. We always knew "Doc" was looking for the sweets of this life, and now that he has got his arms full, hope that he may live long to enjoy them. Waverly Free Press-March 27, 1886-Stephanie Johnston
Waverly Free Press-August 29, 1885
-Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Cain, rejoice in the birth of a bouncing baby boy, which arrived this (Friday) morning. Mother and babe are well. -
Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Lunn, Waverly street, will celebrate their fortieth wedding anniversary on Saturday, September 5th, (1885) invitations for which are out. -
C.A. Smith, foreman of this office, (Waverly Free Press) has gone to Iowa and Dakota to visit his brothers, and will make an extended tour through the west, being ebsent about a month. -
Moses Lyman, Jr., left this (Friday) morning for Concord, N.H., where he will attend school during the coming year. He went via Goshen, Conn., where he will make a short visit with relatives. -
James C. Cuff, who has been operator at the D.L.&W. station in South Waverly, for a long time, has been assigned to a similar position at Bath, at an increased salary. He is a steady and competent young man, and his many friends rejoice at his deserved promotion. -
Martin McMahon was injured again on Wednesday, while making a coupling in the Erie yard. His foot was caught in a frog throuwing him between the cars in such a manner that he was severly squeezed, but it is thought, not dangerously injured. This is the third accident he has met with in as many months. -
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sliney went to Buffalo on Monday, to visit his sister, Mrs. R.B. Fitzgerald, and were accompanied by their niece, Miss Josie Cain. They also visited Niagara Falls. Mr. Sliney and Miss Cain returned home on Wednesday evening, and Mrs. Sliney went to Clifton, Ontario, Canada, where she will remain about one month. -
On Sunday evening last as H.G. Kinney and John G. Kinney were returning from Sheshequin, and while driving through the narrows south of Athens, they found their way obstructed by a tree which had fallen across the road. John alighted and as the tree was not large, thought he might turn it to one side sufficient to allow the buggy to pass, and in endeavoring to do so, took hold of a limb which broke, precipitating him over the embankment which is very steep and several hundred feet above the river. He plunged head-long down the precipice, but fortunately he struck against a tree and some brush which checked his fall about thirty feet below the road, and he escaped without injury. It was a very narrow escape from a terrible death, and an event long to be remembered by him.
Stephanie Johnston Waverly Free Press-August 29, 1885
Chemung April 3, 1886
Four ladies were baptized at the Baptist Church last Sunday evening.
An attempt was made to burglarize Ruggles & Sons store Sunday night.
Hake & Books, of North Chemung will start their creamery about the first of the month.
Someone broke into the Junction house Sunday night and stole a small in change, and also helped themselves to some liquor.
Rev. F.A. Matteson, who has been pastor of the Baptist Church during the past year, has been compelled to resign on account of failing health.
Frank Hammond, of North Chemung was found dead in his bed last Saturday morning. A coroner's inquest was held on Monday, the verdict being that death was caused by blood clots retarding the action of the heart; also congestion of the other vital organs.
H. S. Soules of Owen's Mills, is out again after several days of sickness. We learn that his oldest son, Samuel, died at the residence of his uncle in Sullivan county, about two weeks ago while having his leg re-amputated. He was run over by the cars at Waverly a few years ago and lost his foot, and this winter he had the end of the leg frozen, and mortification taking place, he had to submit to an operation and died from the effects of it.
Waverly Free Press-April 3, 1886-Stephanie Johnston
Tidbits from Waverly 1890
Grover Cleveland passed through this village on the G&S on Thursday, enroute for Geneva. Waverly Free Press-February 8, 1890
Judging from the profane, boisterous language used on Fulton St. last Saturday evening, one would suppose there was a general drunk in progress. Waverly Free Press-February 8, 1890
Wm. Cramer, of South Waverly, had the fingers and thumb of one hand crushed on Wednesday, while coupling cars at the Junction. The wounds were dressed at the Packer Hospital. Waverly Free Press-February 8, 1890
H.W. Gore, formerly with J.C. VanAtta has moved to Towanda. Waverly Free Press-February 8, 1890
We learn that Frank Fish, who murdered John Cullinane at Canandaigua, formerly resided here, and his father kept the Bradford House. Waverly Free Press-February 8, 1890
The sensational case of Dr. W.H. Barr of Ludlowville, N.Y. and Miss Jennie Weller of this village, terminated in their marriage here last week Thursday, January 30. Waverly Free Press-February 8, 1890
The body of Emma Beals of Canton, Pa. was found in the lake near that village on Monday. She had been missing since Saturday. Waverly Free Press-February 8, 1890
A well-dressed woman has been caught several times lately, doing the "Peeping Tom" act, on Pennsylvania avenue, and this is to give her fair warning, that if she continues the nefarious business, she will be publicly exposed. Waverly Free Press-February 1, 1890
Thomas Gilligan, an old and well-known citizen of South Waverly, is lying dangerously ill of pneumonia. His recovery is considered impossible. Waverly Free Press-February 1, 1890
Look out for strangers who are soliciting subscriptions for city papers and magazines. We see many accounts from various sections of swindlers working that game. Waverly Free Press-February 1, 1890
Frank Webb, the well-known printer and engraver, of Elmira, in attempting to get on a moving train in that city last week, Friday, fell beneath the wheels, which passed over his right leg. It was amputated above the knee, but he was not strong enough physically to survive the shock, and he died on Saturday. He leaves a wife and two children. Waverly Free Press-February 1, 1890 Submitted by Stephanie Johnson
Tidbits from Waverly 1890
Mrs. F.N. Sweetlove and her two children of South Cortland are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Haworth, Johnston St. Waverly Free Press, December, 1890
A cock fight occurred in South Waverly Monday night. Waverly Free Press, December 6, 1890.
We club the Waverly Free Press and Weekly World for only $1.35 a year. December 6, 1890
Born in Waverly, N.Y., April 25, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs.Charles Wolf, a daughter. Waverly Free Press
F.E. Lyford of the First National Bank has a fine canoe which was built by Wm. Park of Athens. Waverly Free Press May 3, 1890
The idea that a gentleman always tips his hat to a lady is nonsense. In future keep your hat on your head if you want to be in style. Make a semi-military salute, just touching the brim of your hat. Waverly Free Press, May 3, 1890
Henry Hagadorn, West Broad St., lost his grey horse one day last week, from grippe. That makes the fifteenth horse he has lost since he lived in this village. Waverly Free Press, May 3, 1890
Five cents a roll buys a nice gilt wall paper at VanAttas. Waverly Free Press, May 3, 1890
Miss Mary Dorsey, who was assaulted by Lyman Melvin has been obliged to quit work on account of the injuries she received. Waverly Free Press, May 3, 1890
S. T. Lawrence of Spencer has lost 2 children from diptheria and a5 more of the family are suffering with the disease. Waverly Free Press, May 10, 1890 Submitted by Stephanie Johnson
We are sorry to learn that Frank Hammond, of Wellsburg, has been suffering for the past three weeks from an attack of typhoid fever. He is better now, however, and we hope to see him aaround again in a short time.
Mrs. Lewis Mills is visiting friends and relatives in Susquehanna.
Scott Pultz left last Saturday morning to visit his parents in Burlington.
Will Case is dangerously ill at his home on the plains, near the residence of John Mills.
Mrs. Chet Hoyt, of Waverly, was visiting her aunt, Mrs. Couglass a few days since.
Mrs Theron Detrich has been very sick at her home on Elmer Avenue, but is now slowly improving.
Lew. Brock,who is employed at the wheel foundry, will return with his family to their home at Lockwood, April 1st.
C.L. Buley, attended the funeral of Thomas Moore, the engineer, who was a lifelong friend, at Wilkes-Barre on Tuesday.
Mrs. George Case of Waverly and Mrs. Silas Case of Milltown, were the guests of Mrs. C. P. Buffington, one day this week.
Mrs. John R. Raymond has a pansy geranium over three feet high, on which we counted one hundred and seventy-nine blossoms. Who can beat it?
Grandma Morgan, aged sixty-six years, mother of David S. Morgan, fell from a chair Sunday afternoon and broke her left arm. This is the third time that that arm has been broken.
Tom Bennett, an Erie brakeman on train 31, had his right hand crushed while coupling cars at Binghamton, Tuesday.
Mrs. E. O. Ellis has sold her house and lot on west Broad street, to C. V. Groesbeck, who will take possession April 1st.
We are sorry to learn that Miss Katie Kennedy is slowly failing. On Thursday, it was thought she could not live the day out.
D. G. Carey purchased the house and lot of John Shackleton, corner of Chemung and Lincoln street on Monday. Consideration $1800.
J.F. Shoemaker is spending a few days at his old home in Susquehanna county, Pa.
Mrs. Della Becker, of Newark Valley, who has been visiting her parents here for several days, returned home on Thursday.
A. H. Wilson and Geo. H. French have purchased the local express line of John F. Tozer. Orders left at the D.L.&W. Express office, will receive prompt attention.
Dr. Ernest E. Hamilton, who has been attending medical college in New York City for some time past, was visiting relatives and friends in Waverly this week. He was on his way to Garnett, Kansas, where he expects to make his home in the future. May success attend him!
Selim Kirby is the owner of over three thousand acres of land in Potter county, Pa., a short distance from Pike Mills, where the oil fever is so furiously raging just now. We hope that Mr. Kirby's land may prove to be in the cente of the oil belt, and many "gushers" developed theron. He has owned this land for many years.
A party of young people from this place enjoyed a hop at Warren's hotel, Chemung, on Tuesday evening.
Makes the printer smile. C. S. Burton, a saloon keeper of Owego, furnishes free soup every Saturday. We'll be up.
Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Merrill celebrated their golden wedding at their pleasant home on Clark Street, on Saturday evening last, and was an event of unusual enjoyment, about fifty of their intimate friends being present. The three children of the honored couple, Mrs. Ira Dodge and Mrs. W. H. Loomis, of this place, and Mrs. A. H. Thomas of Ithaca, with their husbands and children, were also present. Numerous and valuable presents were received showing the high esteem in which they are held.. An excellent supper was served at eight o'clock, and at a late hour the friends dispersed, with the best wishes for many happy returns of their anniversary.
Tidbits from Wavery 1886
Chemung Oliver Nichols is still very low from nervous debility.
John Elliott is slowly improving, but is not able to get out as yet.
John Crispin had the misfortune to lose a valuable mare one day last week.
The real estate of General Jackson, one of the finest properties in this place, is still for sale.
Mrs. J. J. Johnson of Sand Lake, Mich., died at the residence of her brother J.W. Simcoe, on Tuesday night from heart disease.
Two Italians had a quarrel at Nichols on Wednesday of last week, when one attempted to cut the other up with an ax. The would-be murderer escaped.
Hon. Geo. F. Horton, M.D. of Terrytown, died on Monday, at the age of eighty-one years. He was one of Bradford's distinguished men.
S. C. Gaylord, a former prominent man of Wyalusing, died at his home in Westfield, Mass., this week. His remains were interred at Wyalusing on Friday.
The Horseheads Journal says Cora Fish, who lived near Cayutaville, accidentally shot himself last Sunday, the charge taking effect in one side of the face tearing his head open.
Dr. Will Allen, of Smithfield, Pa., started for Montana last Monday. (Athens Gazette)
Mrs. Coffey of Wellsburg, a highly respected lady, died last Monday evening, aged 70 years.
Cameron B. Dean, Erie ticket agent at Owego, was married on Thursday to Miss Ada Ferguson of Elmira.
The Latest Arrivals GOBLE-In Waverly, N.Y., Dec. 18, 1886, to Mr. and Mrs. Abner Goble, a daughter. CARPENTER- In Waverly, N.Y., Dec. 18, 1886, to Mr. and Mrs. H>W. Carpenter, a daughter.
Drifted with the tied CRANDALL-INMAN-At the parsonage of the First Methodist Episcopal church in Elmira, Dec. 22,1886 by the Rev. E. M. Mills, Thadous O. Crandall and Grace D. Inman, both of North Chemung.
Mrs. Mary Conlon of Owego, died on Tuesday, aged ninety years.
Three and a half pounds of good tea for one dollar, at E.E. Horton's.
Mrs. John L. Smith and her son Fred are visiting friends at Taukhannock, Pa.
Geo. DuBois of California is visiting his uncle Joseph DuBois, Waverly street.
Mrs. Homer Head, of Ithaca, who was shot by her husband about one week ago is recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buffington, of Stillwater, Minn., are visiting relatives in Towanda and Waverly.
Two hundred and twenty-five took supper Wednesday evening at the band entertainment, and the receipts were $120.
Amasa Finch's wagon shop was burglarized for the third time within one year, on Sunday morning last, and a number of tool taken.
Mr. and Mrs. G.P. Doane return thanks to Mrs. G. Williams for valluable service rendered, and to other friends for floral decorations at the burial of their only child-Percy.
THE FORTUNE TELLER Madame Clair, who is more widely known than others of the same profession, now has rooms formerly occupied by Spalding Hose Co., No.3, next door to the Waverly Tea Store.
W. H. Ives, an Owego merchant will soon remove to Oneonta.
Waverly Free Press-December 25, 1886 Submitted by Stephanie Johnston