The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery
Tri County Clippings- Page Twenty - Seven
From the COOK Scrapbook. Kelsey Jones provided the copy.

Retyped by Barbara COMSTOCK Coy,

ARMSTRONG - Joe Armstrong, an inmate of the county house near Wellsboro, aged seventy two years, was so badly injured last week Sunday evening, by being gored by a vicious bull, that he died Wednesday morning. 
AYERS - A Home Sadly Bereaved Lucy Dillistin Ayres, a Lovely Little Girl, Dies of Diphtheria.

Mr. and Mrs. Decker E. Ayres, of No. 720 West Water Street, have been sadly bereaved by the death of their only child, Lucy Dillistin Ayres, aged thirty-four months. The little girl was sick eleven days, with diphtheria, and her sweet life, so full of sunshine and joy to her loving parents, ended Sunday morning, leaving this world as a golden cloud of the evening sinks to rest beyond the western horizon. The lives of both the fond mother and father were so wrapped up in this tender little bud that blossomed in their happy home, that their loss seemed well nigh inconsolable. They had hoped beside their darling's couch that the hand of death might be stayed and the faint spark of life might again illuminate their home. But the cruel disease held its sway and the angel of death came and bore the little sufferer away to the realms of the blest, and the parents wept as Rachel wept and could not be comforted. There were many sympathizing friends and many beautiful floral tributes to relieve death of its gloom and to assuage the grief of the mourning ones. Their friends came to the house Monday afternoon, and just as the sun sank to rest they laid the remains away in Woodlawn. Bereavements of this kind are the hardest to bear, but beyond the gloom, the grief, the tears, safe in the arms of Him who wanted little children to come, the beloved little girl rests secure from all the storms of this life for such is that kingdom of the beautiful shore's still waters green pastures and never ending life. 

AYERS - Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ayres, of Job's Corners, have the sympathy of numerous friends in their late bereavement through the loss of one of their twin sons, aged about fourteen years, whose death occurred a little over two weeks ago. 
(Ayers) - Mrs. Decker E. Thursday, at her home, No. 720 West Water street of neuralgia, aged thirty-eight years. Funeral from the house yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. 
AYERS - Selaer E. Ayers, an aged and respected resident of Wells, died at his home July 10, 1900. Mr. Ayers was born in Sussex county, New Jersey, May 10, 1828. A greater part of his early life was spent in teaching school in New Jersey, Ohio, and in Pennsylvania. He was married to Julia A. Collum March 20, 1851 and from that time since has lived in the same house. Mr. Ayers was a prosperous and progressive farmer and had been a life-long democrat. He is survived by a widow and two daughters, Mrs. Edwin Jennings and Mrs. Willard Jennings, both of Daggett. His death was caused by a tumorous cancer of the liver. 
AYERS - Frederick C. Ayers, the well-known Elmira marble and granite dealer, son of A. W. Ayers, deceased, died Sunday afternoon of pneumonia at his home in Elmira, after an illness of less than a week. He was born in Wells, Bradford county, Sept. 4th, 1862, and since the death of his father had conducted the business in the old firm name of A. W. Ayers & Son. He had many relatives throughout Jackson and wells, and was highly regarded by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and two children. 

At Wells, Pa. Wednesday, occurred the death of Jacob J. Ayres, who was eighty-four years of age. He had been a resident of Wells since he was fourteen years old. There survives three sons, G. W. of Wells; Sylvester, of Missouri, and Archie, of Michigan , and one daughter Mrs. J. E. Dobbs of Elmira. The obsequies were held Friday afternoon. 

BACKER - HAPPY HOME WEDDING George E. Backer Married to Miss Lucy A. Higgins

The Elmira "Advertiser" of Thursday, contained the following notice of the marriage of a former Tioga County boy: "Yesterday afternoon Miss Lucy A. Higgins and George E. Backer were happily married by the Rev. George H. McKnight at the home of the bride's parents on Euclid Place. The occasion was a delightful one and the wedding, though a simple one, was one of the prettiest of the season. Mr. Backer is a son of E. R. Backer, president of the State Bank of Elmira, and is a succesful young business man and prominent in social circles. Miss Higgins is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Higgins, and is a beautiful and charming young lady, possessing those qualities which always make a home bright and happy. The spacious house was beautifullly decorated . The large veranda was enclosed with awning curtains while the parlors were appropriately decorated with palms, begonias, and potted plants. There were no bridesmaids or ushers. Between two large urns of palms in the front parlor the rector in his Episcopal robes read the marriage service. The bride was given in marriage by her father. The back parlor was adorned with red carnations and red gladiolas. In the library were arrayed the many presents of the bride. Among the presents was the deed of alarge lot at the corner of West Clinton and Walnut Streets, and a check on the Wellsboro, Pa. national bank for $2,000 from the groom's father; also a seal skin cloak from the bride's father. After the wedding ceremony all partook of elaborate refreshments served by Mrs. DaFrance, the caterer. Mr. and Mrs. Backer left on Erie train number one for Cincinnati and other western cities. Their wedding tour will include the southern states and they will return to Elmira in about a month. They left amid showers of rice. Their many friends wish them unlimited happiness and success in their married life. 

(Baker)- The death of Mrs. BAKER, of Washington, D.C., mother of Cyrus and Ira BAKER and Mrs. E. P. SHERMAN, all of that city, is reported as a recent occurrence. Mrs. BAKER and family were former residents of Jackson Summit, where the deceased lady was held in high regard by numerous friends.
BALDWIN - At East Troy L. T. Baldwin went to milk his cow, and not coming back to breakfast, his folks became uneasy about him and went to see about it, and found him in the pasture unconscious. The neighbors got together and carried him to his home, where he died about noon. He was an old resident of our town, and will be missed by all. 
BORDEN - Wedding at Tioga Miss May Borden Married to a New York Physician. Tioga, Pa. June 17 - Miss May Borden, youngest daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H. H.Borden, of this place, and Dr. J. F. Moore, of New York city, were married at the home of the bride's parents, on Baptist street, by Father Manley, of Wellsboro, Wednesday last, at noon. Miss Borden was widely known as a most popular musician, having attended the conservatory of music in New York, where she first met Dr. Moore. Dr. Moore is a very popular physician in New York. Among the invited friends that witnessed the ceremony were: Mr. Fell, of New York;Miss Moore, of South Weymouth, Mass;Dr. Smith and wife, of Binghamton, N.Y.;Miss Mary Smith, of Binghamton, N.Y.;Dr. C. B. Borden, of Marion, Ind.;Mr. and Mrs Charles Wickham, of Hornellsville;Leon Francis, of Knoxville, Pa.;Everett Smith, of Trenton, N.J.;Miss Mabel Smith, of Trenton, N.J.;Mrs. A. M. Bennett, of Covington, Pa.;Miss Louise Bennett, of Covington, Pa.;Mr. Schuyler, of Covington, and Mrs. Leonard, of Lawrenceville, Pa. The presents were elegant and expensive. After the ceremony a reception was given from 1 until 3 o'clock. The bridal party left for New York on the 3:36 train amid showers of rice and scores of good wishes. 
BRADBURY - W. W. BRADBURY, manager of the company store at Arnot, and well known throughout the county, died last week Thursday afternoon from an attack of typhoid fever. Mr. BRADBURY was about 40 years of age and leaves a family and a host of warm friends to mourn his untimely death.
CALAHAN -While Mrs. James Calahan was taking an afternoon nap last Saturday her little baby, about a year old, crept on the Northern Central railroad track and was killed by a passing train. 
TERRIBLY AFFLICTED - Three Children of John COPP Die of Diphtheria in October - The family of John COPP, of the town of Southport, has met with a terrible affliction. In the month of October three of his children died of diphtheria, and now the only remaining child is seriously ill of the same dreadful disease. Raymond, aged six, was the first to die, and on October 9 God summoned his spirit to the land of the angels. Two days afterward, Mary, a bright girl of twelve, succumbed to the scourge, and on Sunday last, Minnie, aged nineteen, died. The sympathy of every one will go out to the poor father and mother, whose only remaining child is now battling with the disease monster that destroyed the lives of his brother and sister. 
CURREN - Jesse CURREN, one of the oldest and most highly esteemed residents of Jackson, was found dead in bed last Saturday morning at the residence of G. W. FRIENDS, about two miles northwest of this village. Mr. CURREN's age was about seventy-eight years, and he had been in feeble and failing health for some time, notably since the death of his wife, which occurred in February last. He complained of being in pain before retiring, but otherwise seemed as well as usual. Mr. CURREN was universally respected, and a host of friends will learn of his death with sincere sorrow. Deceased leaves a son and daughter: William CURREN and Mrs. G. W. FRIENDS. The funeral was held at the FRIENDS residence last Monday, many attending from this village. Interment was in Seely Hill cemetery. 
DAVIDSON - Death of Mrs. Mary H. Dumars

Mrs. Mary H. Dumars, widow of the late Captain Dumars, died at the Arnot-Ogden hospital Wednesday morning. Her death was the result of a surgical operation, which , owing to her weak condition, was not successful. The deceased was born in Oneida county. Her age was sixty-four years. She was a sister of Captain John T. Davidson, of this city, and is survived by a stepson, James H. of this city, and a stepdaughter, Emma Dumars of Brooklyn. The funeral took place from the family residence, West Water street, Friday afternoon. The remains were interred in Woodlawn cemetery. 

FERGUSON - The Death and Burial of Mrs. Cornelia D. Ayers The sudden, but expected, death of Mrs. Cornelia D. Ayers occurred at her home, No. 110 West Chemung place, Sunday afternoon, as a result of the paralytic stroke which she suffered Saturday morning, and which was reported in the Telegram. Death came quietly, and the beloved woman passed into her rest. The deceased was fifty-nine years of age, and had never recovered from the death of her husband, who died in 1890 She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Ayers-Decker, and one son, Frederick Carew Ayers, also an aged mother, Mrs. W. H. Ferguson. The funeral was held from the house Tuesday morning, the Rev. Thomas K. Beecher officiating. 
FINLEY _ Death at Dry Run

Mr. John Finley, the son of a well known farmer residing up Dry Run, died Monday afternoon aged 35 years. The funeral was held Wednesday and the interment was in SS. Peter and Paul's Cemetery.

The funeral of the late John Finley, who died in Pine City Monday afternoon, was held Thursday at St. Mary's church. Rev. Father O'Dwyer officiating. Solemn high mass was held and the church was completely filled with mourning friends. The pall bearers were John O'Connor, Abraham O'Connor, Michael Bermingham, John Bermingham, Richard Maloney and Thomas Ryan. The remains were interred in SS. Peter and Paul's cemetery. The deceased is survived by a wife and two children and two brothers, Daniel of Albany, and Edward, of Ashland county, Wisconsin. Mr. Finley was highly respected in the community in which he lived. 

FUERY - A Memorial Poem

The following poem was written in memory of John Fuery, who died July 4 at his home, 208 Park street, aged twenty-six years: Brother's hands are folded o'er his bosom, As he lay there dead and cold, But Jesus, the good shepherd, Brought his spirit to his fold.

When death's messenger came to him He smiled, then closed his eyes, And lay like an infant sleeping, But never more to rise.

He has always done his duty, The holy Lord to please he tried, And now he will be well rewarded In that place where the good abide.

The angels always hovered near him, And he has gone to join their band, To enjoy eternal happiness In that holy, blessed land.

The Savior came down to him, He said, "My child, you now will go Up in heaven to reap the harvest That you sowed down here below."

You shall see your son, dear mother; You shall see him, father, too; You shall see your brother, children, When God to him will call you.

He has departed from this world of sin. From his parents he was torn; His brother and his sisters Were also left to mourn. 

GERNERT - George Gernert, a resident of Troy, was instantly killed by the evening express at Ralston last Monday. His body was fearfully mangled. The remains were brought to Troy Wednesday morning for interment. 
HAGER - Myron D. Hager, a Former Resident of Elmira, Dies in Philadelphia Myron D. Hager, who formerly resided in this city, where he was connected with the Prudential Insurance Company, died of heat prostration in the city of Philadelphia. The remains, accompanied by his brothers, Peter Hager, of Washington, and Hite S. Hager of Newark, N. J. arrived in Watkins on Monday, where brief funeral services were held at the Methodist church. The burial took place in the family cemetery, at Logan, in the town of Hector, by the side of his father, the late Edwin S. Hager. Mr. Hager was a popular man and highly successful as an insurance solicitor. His age was thirty-three years and he leaves a wife but no children. 
HALLAHAN - KILLED IN HAMMOND, PA. Pataleh Hallahan Meets With Death by the Cars to be Buried Here

Pataleh Hallahan, son of a section foreman on the Fall Brook Railroad, was killed near his home at Hammond, Pa., while trying to jump on a moving train. His legs were nearly cut off and he only lived about forty minutes after his injury. He was assisted by kind neighboring women who procured some brandy which he refused to take, saying "I have never yet tasted intoxicating liquor and will not go to the grave with the taste of it on my lips." The funeral will be held at St. Patrick's Church in this city tomorrow at 10 o'clock. 

HART - Death of Colonel H. C. Hart - Colonel H. C. Hart, one of the most highly respected and best know citizens of Christian Hollow, died Sunday, aged 75 years. He had been ill for some time. The remains were taken to Savona, N.Y. for interment. 
HEPBURN - Mrs Harriet Hepburn Hart widow of the late Dr. Erastus Langdon Hart, passed from earth Saturday, August 6 at 8:30 a. m. in the home of her niece, Mrs. John M. Diven, where she was visiting when taken ill. Born in 1804, Mrs. Hart was in the eighty-eighth year of her age. Her widowed years have been passed with her son and only child, Charles Langdon Hart, at whose home on West Clinton Street the funeral will be held on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Hart and her husband were among the original founders and members of the Lake Stree Presbyterian church. She was an affectionate wife, a loving mother and a faithful friend, because she was a vital Christian. Her soul, replete with Christian charity, glorified her home with a hospitality that won for her a host of friends. though bowed with the weight of years and weakened by a stroke of paralysis, experienced three years since, she, nevertheless, was ever cheerful and submissive to the heavenly Fathers will. Mrs. Hart was an ardent lover of little children, and in her Christian faith very much resembled a little child;"Of such is the kingdom of heaven." This was most fitting inasmuch as she was one of a family of nineteen children. Though very many mourn her here, many more have welcomed her yonder. "Servant of God, well done" 
DEATH OF FOX HOLDEN - An Aged and Once Prominent Business Man Passes Away - Fox HOLDEN died at the home of Frederick BOWLES on West Church street yesterday afternoon. Deceased was 84 years old and his death removes one of the links which binds the history of the present to the records of the past. His birth occurred in Lansing, Tompkins county, in 1806. In 1841 he settled in Elmira, engaging in business with Anson O. Ely, a relative. Retiring from business in 1855, he soon after built the Holden block on the corner of Baldwin and East Water street, now occupied by Dey Bros. In 1863 he became a silent partner with his son Delos HOLDEN in the wholesale grocery business and after three years sold his interest to his son and removed to Watkins. Mr. HOLDEN together with Dr. S. O. GLEASON and a Mr. HALE of Michigan conceived and executed the plan of building the sanitarium now known as the Flaura (sp?) Water Cure, which is still under the management of Dr. GLEASON. Mr. HOLDEN was twice married. Miss Harriet STRONG was his first wife, her death occurring in 1882. His second wife who is still living was Mrs. Christinana ROBBINS. Five children of his first wife survive him; Mrs. W. R. STURGES and Mrs. L. H. DENT of Washington, D.C., Omer S., of San Diego, Cal., Hiram D., of Chicago, and Delos L., of Pueblo, Colo. The third daughter, Mrs. Belle ----------- (Joyce, the rest of this is unreadable. Sorry.) 
BLOSSBURG'S MURDER Bert Hughes Was Stabbed in the Heart Vet Lived For Many Hours Blossburg, Pa. Aug 2. The post-mortem examination of the body of Bert Hughes was held Saturday eveing by the Drs, Haley and Crandall in the presence of Coroner A. E. Niles amd a jury compose of the following: H. Hollander, D. H.Stratton, O. Taylor, N. E. Gaylord. They found that Regani's stilleto had cut entirely through and penetrated the heart ot the depth of one and a half inches. The cuts in the clothes show that the instrument used was sharp on both edges, and could not have been made with a jackknife as Regani claims. The inquest will be held August 16. In his statement Hughes acquitted John Roff of all blame. Bert Hughes lost his life trying to save a companion. He had been in the store but had gone out on the walk when he heard the cry of a fight and ran in the back room where the trouble commenced just after John Scott had been stabbed. Seizing Regani, Hughes held him against the wall where the death blow was struck. He then walked across the street to the pool room and sat down before any one knew how badly he was hurt. After Regani was lodged in the lockup a search was made for the dagger but it has not been found. Ben Hughes, a brother of the deceased who has been away the past two years, had just been home for a visit and started back to his place of business in Lancaster, O., Friday. A telegram, informing him of the terrible affair, reached him at Corning, and he returned Saturday noon too late to see his brother alive. Bert Hughes was a quiet and gentlemanly man and was liked by all who knew him. His funeral was held at the M. E. Church 2 o'clock this afternoon. 
INSCHO - Ruby I. Inscho, wife of A. C. Kinney, died at her home near Mansfield, September 7. She was born at Mitchell Creek in 1817. June 4, 1837,she was united in marriage with A. C. Kinney, who survives her with one daughter, Mrs. R. E. Gifford. The deceased was a member of the Tioga Baptist Church from 1833 to 1889, at which time she joined the Mansfield church of the same faith. She was a God-fearing woman, and one who carried her religion into her daily life. 
KARR - S. S. Karr of Almond, has in his possession a rebel flag that floated over Andersonville prison when he was there as a prisoner. When they were liberated he sewed it up in a piece of cloth, and brought it home with him as a relic of the "late unpleasantness." 
LOGAN - Laura, the seven year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Logan of Arnot, died the 17th inst. of croup. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Logan have the sympathy of many friends in their bereavement. 
MILLS _ Dr. E. M. Mills is one of the most earnest of preachers. He is a church-building and debt-raising man. Any one who hears him preach is at once convinced of his fervency. At the same time he is a genial man, full of pleasantry and altogether an agreeable companion. By his brother clergymen he is regarded as a valuable addition to all their social gatherings. In fact, one recently told me that Dr. Mills is always the life of any party whom he is with, and his stock of stories is like the little brook that goes on forever. His dry humor creates a continual stream of good nature and merriment, which shows that the most earnest and consistent minister can also realize that smiles were given to people by the Almighty to use. 
NICHOLS - A SOUTHPORT LADY'S DEATH Mrs. Bernetta Streeter Called to the Mysterious Beyond.

Mrs. Bernetta Streeter passed peacefully to rest at her residence in the town of Southport on Friday last. The deceased is survived by her husband, Meletius Streeter. She left no children. She was the daughter of Samuel Nichols, one of the first settlers of this valley, and a sister of Nathan Nichols, who died last winter. The funeral will be held today (Sunday) from the family residence in Southport, near the toll gate, on Plank road. Mrs. Streeter was an earnest, Christian woman, of loving sympathetic nature, and by her gentle manner and universal kindness, had endeared herself to a large circle of warm friends, to whom the shock of her death comes with terrible force. If her reward be commensurate with her devoted and unselfish life here, then indeed, will her reward be great. 

(Rogers) - A Woman Terribly Burned

Last Thursday afternoon while Mrs. Phebe Rogers, of Blossburg, was at work about the cook-stove her clothing caught fire and burned from her body. The unfortunate woman was a mass of blisters and her suffering was excruciating. At last reports her condition was considered critical.

Blossburg, Pa. Sept 23 - Dr. Phebe A. Rogers, who was so terribly burned last week, died Wednesday afternoon. The funeral will be held at the Congregational church. 

ROY - MRS. SARAH ROY WHITE One of the Early Settlers of Southport Passes to Her Long Home.

Mrs. Sarah Roy White, wife of Seth M. White aged seventy-seven years, has died at Sandwich, Ill. The "Free Press" of that city, speaking of her death says; Sarah Roy White was born in Orange county, N.Y., August 22, 1815, and was the fourth child of Alexander and Joana Roy: who moved to Wells, Pa., where they raised a family of nine children, only two of whom are now living. She was married August 22, 1833, to Seth M. White, son of A. G. White, one of the early settlers and first physicians of Chemung county, N.Y. The deceased began her married life at Southport, Chemung county, N.Y., where she lived nearly twenty-seven years. She was the mother of two children, Austin Gates White, the surviving son, at whose home her last days were happily spent, and Julia, a dear little daughter, who in their mature years came to gladden the home and went to the Saviour in babyhood. She united with the State Line Presbyterian church, and was an active and leading member for many years. Came to Sandwich with her husband and son in 1861, sadly leaving church, friends and relatives, but with true Christian spirit, entered on the new life with hope and courage, bravely giving her only child to the defense of his country, and during the dreary years waited, hoped and prayed for his safe return. She united by letter with the Congregational church of Sandwich, and although through delicate health her activity had left her, yet she remained an earnest member to the end, and her life was not void of many good deeds. "Blessed are they who die in the Lord." Mrs. White was the aunt of "Brick" Pomeroy, and taking him when a babe, at the death of his mother, raised him to manhood. She was the sister of John A. Roy, a well-known farmer up the Plank road, and also an aunt of Harvey E. Jones of this city. 

SPENCER - Miss Grace Spencer, daughter of the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Spencer of Savona, was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. C. McKelvey of Rochester on Wednesday, Jan. 18. 
(Stewart) - Mrs. Maggie Stewart, a widow, died at Jackson Summit last Friday morning after a short illness. She was to have been married on Saturday, and the circumstances surrounding the case are peculiarly sad. Deceased left four small children, two by a divorced husband, and two by a second partner, a veteran soldier who died three or four years age. It is said that the father of the two eldest will care for them; for the others Philip Petty qualified as guardian last Tuesday. 

London, Oct. 6 - Lord Tennyson died at 1:30 a.m. Immediately after the death of Lord Tennyson the representative of the Associated Press had an interview with Sir Andrew Clarke,one of the physicians who attended the Poet Laureate. Sir Andrew said Lord Tennyson's death was the most glorious he had ever seen. There was no artificial light in the room and the chamber was almost in darkness, save where a broad flood of moonlight poured through a western window. The moon's rays fell across the bed upon which the dying man lay, bathing him in their pure pellucid light and forming a Rembrandt-like background to the scene. All was silent save the soughing of the Autumn wind as it gently played through the trees surrounding the house, a fitting requiem for the gentle poet, who sang of love and of the beauties of nature. Motionless Lord Tennyson lay upon his couch, the tide of his life gently and slowly ebbing out into the ocean of the infinite. No racks of pain or sorrow checked its course or caused a ripple upon the outgoing tide. As peacefully and as gently as he had lived, so he died, looking until the end into the eyes of those dear to him. All the members of his family were by the bedside, and Sir Andrew Clarke remained by his side from the moment of his arrival yesterday until he breathed his last. So gentle and painless was his passing away that the family did not know he had gone till Dr. Clarke broke the news to Lady Tennyson, who bore the closing scenes of her great trial well in spite of her extreme delicate health. The Hom. Hallam Tennyson, the poet's son, says his father's death was eminently peaceful. He did not show a single trace of suffering to distress his sorrowing relatives. Once or twice during the night he lifted his eyes to the faces of the watchers by his bedside and a beautiful smile played over his features. No doubt as to the future was in his wan face, and as the end came he appeared to fall asleep. So restful was he, and so calmly did he respond to the beckoning hand of the Angel of Death, that those who stood by him scarcely knew he had died. Hallam further says that Lady Tennyson bears up with fortitude under the sorrow that has come to her. She was with Lord Tennyson throughout all his illness and ministered to all his wants so far as it was in her power. All hope was practically abandoned early in the afternoon. The doctors were surprised that he lasted through the previous night, so great was his debility. He could take no nourishment and continued to grow weaker and weaker until the end. I may be mentioned as a coincidence, that a year ago today a man died who was a preeminent in his field of labor as was Tennyson in his. On October 6, 1891, Charles Stewart Parnell, the great Irish leader, died.

The Vacant Post of Poet Laureate The Pall Mall Gazette thinks Mr. Gladstone will appoint A. Swinburne to the post of Poet Laureate made vacant by the death of Tennyson. It quotes from a recent article in the Speaker, written by Mr. Gladstone, entitled. "British Poetry in the Nineteenth Century." After awarding Tennyson the palm, Mr. Gladstone wrote:"Pressing upon him, or walking in the same path, we have had many true poets, some extraordinary and many of very considerable powers. Among those claiming the first of these descriptions we have mentioned Browning, and merest justice requires that we add Swinburne." The Pall Mall Gazette adds: In view of the abuse Swinburne has lavished upon Mr. Gladstone, the choice would be characteristic and an instance of a great man's mamagnanimity. The few privileged visitors entering Aldworth House are interested in the many things lying about the entrance hall on chairs and on the floor. On an umbrella stand is a large collection of soft brimmed half-brigand-like hats, black and white which are so familiar in the public portraits of the dead poet. Dr. Clarke saw Lord Tennyson in London three months ago. He then told Hallam Tennyson he thought his father was breaking up. Sir Andrew said today that death was partly the result of suppressed gout, complicated with influenza, but it was chiefly due to natural decay. He added: His end Lord Tennyson himself might well have pictured and earnestly desired as his lot. Tennyson spoke to his wife about an hour before he died and his words to her were the last words he uttered. Lady Tennyson bent over here dying husband and he whispered a few words to her. His features in death bear a look of absolute peace. The Tennysons have no family burial ground, and it is expected Lord Tennyson's remains will be interred in Westminster Abbey. His funeral will be a public one. 

VanBENCOTEN - It is with regret that we announce the death of Miss Belle VanBencoten which occurred on Thursday of last week at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jerome VanBencoten, about a mile and a half west of Seeley Creek. The cause of her death was diphtheria and her age was probably about fifteen years. 
WHEELER - A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Osie Wheeler of Alder Run, aged about two years, died one day during the past week. 
John Greenleaf Whittier

Death of the Venerable Quaker Poet at Hampton Falls, N. H.

Hampton Falls, N.H. Sept 7. John Greenleaf Whittier died at 4 o'clock this morning. Mr. Whittier died peacefully. His nearest relatives and Dr.Douglas were at his bedside when death came, and he seemed to be conscious of his surroundings at the last moment. The funeral will take place at Amesbury, Mass, at 2:30 P.M. Saturday next. According to the Quaker custom, the services will be quite simple and no sermon will be preached.

Flags at Half-Mast at Amesbury

Amesbury, Mass, Sept 7 - Upon the announcement of the death of Whittier, the bells were tolled 81 strokes, the age of Amesbury's famous citizen, and the flags on the public buildings were placed at half-mast.

Mr. Whittier's Life

John Greenleaf Whittier was born in Haverhill, Mass Dec. 17, 1807. His parents belonged to the Society of Friends, of which he was also a member. He worked on the farm till his 20th year, attended Haverhill academy two years, and in 1829 became editor if the American Manufacturer in Boston, and in 1830 of the New England Weekly Review at Hartford. But he soon returned to the farm, and in 1835-6 was a member of the Massachusetts Legislature. In 1836 he was appointed secretary of the American Anti Slavery Society and removed to Philadelphia, where in 1838-9 he edited the Pennsylvania Freeman, the office of which was sacked and burned by a mob. From this time he was one of the most prominent anti-slavery men in the country, and his writings, both prose and poetry, were largely in support of that cause. In 1840 he moved to Amesbury, Mass., and has resided there since. In 1847 he became corresponding editor of the National Era, an anti-slavery newspaper published in Washington. Ne never married. His prose publications are "Legends of New England," partly in verse,(Hartford, 1831):"Justice and Expediency, or Slavery Considered With a View to its Abolition,"1838;"The Stranger in Lowell,"1845; "Supernaturalism in New England," 1847; "Leaves from Margaret Smith's Journal,"1849; "Old Portraits and Modern Sketches," 1850. Several collective editions have been published of his poetical works. He wrote a hymn for the opening of the Centennial exhibition at Philadelphia in 1876. 

WOODFORD - Mrs. Alva McIntyre died at her home in Caton last Monday, and the funeral was held Tuesday. Mrs. McIntyre was a sister of William Woodford, of this place, and James Woodford, deceased, late of Elmira, and was a former resident of Jackson township. 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 25 SEP 98
By Joyce M. Tice