Obituaries and other newspaper items on this page are from the scrapbook
collection of Joyce M. Tice . Typed for JMT - SRGP by Jill Toia, Kelley Kimball,
and Carlton Wolfe. Thanks also to Joan NASH O'Dell for her role in obtaining
some of the scrapbooks in the SRGP Collection. Most of the clipping on this page
are from my very favorite scrapbook which represents Sullivan towpship in the
1880s & 1890s.
BOWERS-LEONARD - Elmira Starr,
May 9, 1904- Miss Blanche Bowers, of Columbia Cross Roads, and Mr.
Paul Leonard of Watkins, were married last Thursday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot B. Leonard, of West LaFrance street, in
the presence of a few relatives. The Rev. C. C. Crawford officiated.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard will reside at Watkins.
CARNWRIGHT - Birthday Party -_ Eighteen little friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Carnwright, Columbia Cross Roads, on Friday afternoon, May 8th, 1903, in honor of Miss Ruth's eighth birthday. The afternoon was joyously spent with games and music, swings being put for the convenience of some. At 4:30 o'clock the children were served to dainty light refreshments by Mrs. Carnwright and Mrs. Fuller, after which all dispersed to their homes, wishing Miss Ruth many more happy birthdays.
JEWELL - Quite a number of invited guests met at the residence of Mr. Joseph Jewell on Wednesday, the 11th, to celebrate the 88th anniversary of the Rev. Joel Jewell's birthday. The day was beautiful and all that could be desired to make everything pleasant and happy in doors and out, and certainly all appeared to enjoy themselves as the time flew rapidly away. Dinner announced, and as we marched and took our places around the festive board the table fairly groaned under the load of eatables which could but tempt the greatest epicure. After all had satisfied their appetites the most of them repaired to the parlor to listen and join in the further exercises. After a few remarks by the writer, that aged veteran of the cross of Christ, who had for more than thirty years stood upon the walls of Zion, preaching a full and free salvation to a world of sinners lost and ruined by sin, arose, and a feeling manner, gave a brief history of his life, with some interesting accounts. The writer afterwards offered thanksgiving and prayer to God, and the services were closed by a short and fervent prayer by the Elder. The occasion was one of the pleasantiest and most enjoyable of my life; a day which, while memory lasts, will not be forgotten. May the blessing of God rest upon the entire family, is my prayer. L. P. N.
Miscellaneous-_ A place to be well entertained is at the Mosherville Hotel with S. V. McClellan, an up-to-date landlord. If in need of a "square meal," give him a call; As he can satisfy the most fastidous, and excel all others in supplying your want.-- Millerton Advocate
Harrison Smith, of Sullivan, is in a very critical condition and his recovery is considered doubtful.
Mr. Bert Bristol, of Sylvania, and Mr. Philip Dewey of Marshfield, were calling on friends in town yesterday.
Mr. Justus Rew left to-day for his home in Illinois, accompanied by his niece, Miss Eleanor Rew, of Sullivan.
The ice cream sociable given by the Ladies Aid Society last week, was a success and netted the society over eleven dollars.
Mr. J. B. Dewey, of Sullivan is staying with his grand-daughter, Mrs. E. G. Rumsey and visiting other friends and relatives in this vicinity. He is over 82 years old, and is quite hale and hearty, and can tell a story as well as ever.
It is expected that Covington Grange will be reorganized this week, locating in Frost Settlement. As many are making inquiry about organizing, we will say that it required at least thirteen members to start a grange, and may be composed of part old and part new members, or all old or new. The fee is three dollars for males and one dollar for females, unless they have previously been members, in which case is one dollar and twenty cents. For information apply to A. S. Ashley, of Mainesburg, or to Wm. R. Jones of Round Top.
The M. E. church will give a variety supper and mum sociable at Parkhurst's Hall on Friday evening, April 29th. The novelty of the party is that _____________ till 9 o'clock is the time for the mum party and all who refrain from speaking between those hours get their supper for the small sum of twenty cents, and all who speak are fined twenty-five cents and given a ticket for supper. They will be waited upon by a committee of six whose part is to make all talk that they can, being permitted to talk themselves until their supper is ready when they are forbidden to talk under a fine of twenty five cents, while if they keep from talking they get their supper free. A very good time is expected and all are invited to attend.
MAINESBURG LODGE I. O. O. F.- April 25, 1887 History of Mainesburg Lodge, No. 754 I. O. O. F. , from the times of its institution, March 15, 1871 up to present time to appear in each week's issue until completed.
On the 15th of March 1871, there assembled at their Hall, which had previously been converted from a wagon shop into a lodge room, the twenty-five charter members for the purpose of forming themselves into a separate Lodge of the order. D.D.G.M., O.G. Gerould, with the following Grand Lodge officers, all of whom were members of Covington Lodge, announced themselves in readiness for work; D. G. M. H. G. _____________, G. S., A. M. Bennett; G. W., S. L. Barber, G. T., S. F. Richards; G. O. G., George Cowan. Lodge was opened in regular form and Mainesburg Lodge, No. 754, organized under a dispensation from the Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. The following candidates then presented themselves as charter members and were obligated as such, and accepted the trust reposed in them by the D. D. G. M., who declared the lodge duly instituted: A. M. Haiaght, C. D. Rumsey, D. S. Peters from Adelphie Lodge, S. Dewey, R. G. Shelton from Adelphie Lodge, O. T. Haight, J. N. Harvey, A. Bartlett, S. N. Davenport, E. McConnell, G. E. Stauffer, D. S. Dewey, F. Ashley, T. O. Doud, R. B. Rose, R. F. Ashley, M. F. Dewey, Lloyd Squires, A. T. Smith, Peleg Doud, Harrison Smith, Ed Grey, Wm. Orvis, Ellis Welch, Elijah Welch. The following officers were then nominated: N. G. Peleg Doud; V. G., R. F. Ashley; Secretary, A. M. Haight; Treasurer, O. P. Haight. There being no objection, they were elected by acclamation. The N. G. then made the following appointments: R. S., A. T. Smith, L. S.; C. D. Rumsey, W., G. E. Stauffer, C.on., E. McConnell, R. S. S., T. O. Doud, L. S. S, P. Ashley, O. G., D. S. Peters, I. G., D. S. Dewey. The Vice Grand made the following appointments: R. S., R. B. Rose, L. S., Nelt Davenport. The officers were all regularly installed and the lodge property delivered over to them. After a few remarks from the D. D. G. M., the lodge closed to open at seven o'clock is the evening. Lodge opened at seven o'clock and seventeen propositions were received. On the same evening. Sixteen of them were elected and the degrees conferred. Thus ended the first meeting.
Note: the Dues and Membership ledger of this lodge is in Joyce's Sullivan Township Museum, where you may view it. It is not this early, but dates from the 1920s to 1970s.
History of Mainesburg's Lodge of Odd Fellows. Our last communication closed with the term ending Sept. 21st, 1872. We now commence with a special meeting held on Thursday evening, Oct. 10, 1872, called for the purpose of installation. D.D.G.M., O.G. Gerould was present and after making the Grand lodge appointments proceeded to install the following named officers in their respective offices: Ephraim McConnell, N. G.; A. S. Ashley, V. G.; D. R. Doud, Sec'y; D. S. Dewey, Ass't Sec'y; R. F. Ashley, Treas. The Noble Grand made the following appointments: J. Schemerhorn, L. S.; C. M. Doud, R. S.; F. Ashley, Con; G. E. Stauffer, War.; F. Parkhurst, R. S. S.; H. Montgomery, L. S. S.; C. M. Shaw, O. G.; G. W. Doud, I. G. The Vice Grand made the following appointments: C. A. Smith, R. S., and J. B. Dann, L. S. D. D. G. M. Gerould gave a very interesting lecture on Odd Fellowship after initiation had been participated in by many visiting brothers and by brothers of Mainesburg Lodge. At this meeting an effort was made to prohibit the use of tobacco in the lodge room during lodge meetings. I am sorry to say the motion was lost. Another motion was put before the house to fine a brother one dollar for spitting tobacco juice on the floor. This was also lost. November 23d the lodge granted a withdrawal card to brother L. M Doud. At a meeting held Nov. 30th brother Peleg Doud was reported as being in distress, having had his leg broken while at work in the lumber woods south of Blossburg. At this meeting a committee was appointed to circulate a petition for a Rebecca Degree charter. It was also decided to have a Christmas tree and supper for the benefit of the lodge. Brother A. J. Brown was reported sick in Blossburg, and a committee was appointed to attend to him and render such relief as might be needed. The receipts from the Christmas tree and supper were very light, netting only $12.69. Jan. 8, 1873, a traveling card was granted to brother L. Dodge, also a withdrawal card to brother P. E. Kniffin. A committee was appointed to revise our By-Laws. During this winter our members were much afflicted with sickness. Communication from G. M. Steadman received also communication from D. D. G. M. Gerould, of Covington Lodge, No. 274. March 22nd it ws decided to notify the D. D. G. M. to come to Mainesburg on Wednesday, March 26th at 10 o'clock a.m. for the purpose of organizing a lodge of the Daughters of Rebecca. Receipts during the term, $279.81; expenditures of all kinds, $260.59.
Very cold weather.
The snow on the mountain is 18 inches deep.
The job is let for building a hall for Sullivan grange.
Lewis Slingerland is attending Commercial school in Elmira.
Rumor has it that we are to have a candidate for Representative.
There was a party at A. Slingerland's on the evening of the 20th ult.
John Shattuck's house near Sylvania was destroyed by fire on Sunday night.
There was a big turnout at the East Sullivan grange supper on Wednesday evening last.
Miss Minetta Welch has learned the dress-makers trade and is ready to help those in want of help.
There will be a donation given at the house of Edwin Dewey to-night for the benefit of Rev. Porter.
It is reported that the bill of one supervisor is $228. That looks as though there ought to be better roads.
MAINESBURG March 2, 1886
Cold weather this.
Mrs. N. E. Calkins and Mrs. A. M. Haight are both in poor health.
Mrs. E. R. Maine has returned from a visit to friends in Williamsport.
Miss Hattie Pitts and Alice Cruttenden of Mansfield, spent Sunday with Miss Getta Warren.
Dr. Musgrove has been confined to the house by illness, during the past week.
The Dime Society will meet at the residence of Mr. Lucas, on Friday evening of this week.
On Wednesday evening March 10th, the M. E. Church will hold their annual sugar-festival, in Parkhurst Hall.
Mrs. Jessie Rumsey, an aged and highly respected lady, died at her home on Friday evening last. The deceased has been a great sufferer for several years, but has borne her afflictions patiently, only waiting for her loved Master to call her home. The funeral will take place from the residence today.
CHERRY FLATS - March 1, 1886
The Revival at the Methodist Church is progressing finely.
M. C. May has sold his property to Gerald Smith who takes possession April 1st.
L. M. Rose has bought the house of H. J. Elliott on Market St.
The boys keep the air perfumed with the scent of the skunk.
A. W. Mudge and J. N. VanValkner each lost a horse last week.
Miss Edna Parsons, who is teaching the Ogdensburg school, was at home over Sunday last week.
A party of young folks from Wellsboro paid Mr. Landon a visit last Wednesday evening, bringing their music with them and dancing was indulged in till a late hour.
Mr. H. H. Downing our popular shoe maker has been confined to his house for the past week with a severe cold which he caught while going to Wellsboro after a stock of goods.
We understand "Chick" Harkness has about finished his course of instruction in vocal music. Oh where was Charlie when the house plants froze.
MAINESBURG Mainsburg, Oct. 25, 1886
Miss Minnie Welch, of Sullivan is visiting at Floyd Ashley's.
Rev. Geo. Fosbinder and family will leave her to-morrow for their new home.
Dr. Musgrove talks of selling out and leaving here soon.
Robert Shelton is some better so he was moved to-day, to his daughter's. Mrs. Harmon Scouten.
A young son of Mrs. Rose Soper is sick with typhoid fever at his uncle's. E. G. Rumsey, of Rumsey Hill, and another son is very low with the same disease at her home in Blossburg. Certainly she is having her share of affliction.
Remember the Band supper on Friday evening, at Parkhurst Hall. Oysters, cold meat, biscuit and butter cakes and pickles—all for 66 cents a couple. Come.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Christian Church will meet at the residence of G. W. Doud, on Thursday forenoon.
And now Sullivan has a wife-beater, and the citizens are undecided which remedy to apply, a coat of tar and feathers, lynching or the whipping post. We think that any brute of a husband that will kick his wife down stairs and out of doors, and then kick her back into the house again, and then strike her mother for trying to protect her child, ought to be hung up by the heels and have an old tom cat scratch his eyes out. We do.
MAINESBURG - May 4, 1886
Cold nights.
Ministerial meeting at the M. E. Church last evening
John DeWitt's house is much improved by its new coat.
Dr. Musgrove has a new fence in front of his residence.
Sheriff Ferris, of Wellsboro, was in town on Monday, looking after business pertaining to his office.
Mrs. Lyman Smith, of the State Road is reported better.
Asa Silingerland, of Sullivan, has purchased property in Mansfield, where he intends to make his future home.
The midnight prowler was out again last week, and visited Manley Smith's soap kettle.
Mrs. Adelbert Doud was reported very sick on Sunday.
Jesse Austin has the contract to build the foundation for B. Parkhurst's new barn.
G. W. Doud has found his gun which was spirited away on Saturday.
William Smith expects to supply this section with honey hereafter.
Miss Eva Jackson opened school at the Doud school house on Monday.
PARACHUTE POINTERS Prof. E. D. Hogan, who will Drop Here Fair Time, Relates Some of His Experiences to a New York Evening Sun Reporter. (N. Y. Evening Sun, Aug 15.)
Prof. E. D. Hogan, who is now making balloon ascensions at Rock-away Beach, related some of his experiences yesterday to the writer.
"I have made," said he, "163 ascensions and three jumps. One jump made out in Jackson, is the biggest on record—9,800. I shot down 400 feet before my parachute opened. The popular impression is that the parachute opens with a snap. But this is not so. First one section opens, then another, and so on by easy degrees, and as I've watched it opening when it was just above me and was thousands of feet up in the air, it reminded me of a rose opening in the morning. "How did I feel when I made my first jump? Oh, well, rather afraid. I looked down and saw the hills and fields away below me, and the people looked barely a foot high, and the buildings looked like toy houses. I looked down and shivered when I saw the space between me and the earth, and then looked at barometer and found this distance to be almost 1½ miles but all the same I jumped. I leaped into space hanging on to the parachute, and down we went like a shot for 200 feet. The parachute then begun to open, gradually increasing my velocity. I heard the people's applause very faintly. It rose up to me like the merest suspicion of a sound. I afterward learned they clapped and cheered for all they were worth. The parachute was oscillating somewhat, and I came near being banged against several chimney tops. The buildings are our greatest terror. Many an aeronaut has been dashed against a building and killed—more in fact, than by being dragged over rugged ground. I met with one accident. See here," pointing to big bulb on his right ankle. "I got that in Nebraska in August of 1883 by being dragged over a heap of rocks. I never could bend that ankle since—can't even stand on that foot alone. "You see a grand panorama from a balloon in mid-air," continued the professor, "but of course the landscape is all in miniature and through a slight haze."
MAINESBURG - April 6, 1886
Mrs. Caleb DeWitt of this Borough is visiting friends in Troy, Pa.
It is estimated that the freshet, last week will exceed $1,000 damage. Clarence Connely left this place Monday for his home in Kansas, where he has a fine farm of 160 acres of land.
Sneak thieves are abroad in this locality. The hen house of G. R. Crawford has been raided several times of late and George is afraid he won't have enough left for a setting, but thinks he may save a few by borrowing a shot gun.`The barns of J. A. Fellows is often vismted by the midnight prowlers. We have often heard that stolen fruit was the sweetest but did not know that the saying was applicable to the hen fruit.
Ephram Smith has made over 1500 pounds of maple sugar this spring.
The heavy rains of last week has done great damage to the roads. In many places they are impassible.
Mrs. A. J. Shaw, of Mansfield is visiting at Asa Slingerlands this week. Miss Kittty Slingerland is very sick with measles.
of W. F. Squires. Sept. 15th, 1886, in Elmira by Rev. G. Rhinevault, Mr. E. R.
Orvis and Miss El Squires, only daughter of Isaac Squires, Ea_________ both of
Sullivan, Tioga Co., Pa.
The Grange is flourishing.
Gardens are about all made.
Rose Brothers are selling a great many goods these days.
Floyd Ashley has put down a fine stone walk in his door yard.
Elder King is to deliver the address in Canton, N. Y., on Decoration day.
We are pleased with the success of our band as they furnish us with excellent music.
A new sport has been inaugurated in Mainesburg, hunting the caterpillar with a shot gun.
Elder King is building a wire fence about his garden. This we think is a good thing, as it will not only keep the cattle out, but will prevent the Elder from sitting on the fence in potato hoeing time.
Mr. And Mrs. A. Swope returned from their visit to Allenwood to-day bringing with them their little grandchildren, Owen and Avabel Smith.
Arthur Bixby, of Sullivan, is very sick.
The Farmers in this vicinity have begun haying.
Master Roy Dewitt is visiting friends in Troy this week.
Elder McGennis , of LeRoy, is in town calling on old friends.
The Grangers' picnic on the Fourth of July was a grand success.
Mitchell Calkins is expected home this fall after an absence of nine years.
Mrs. Tinkham is home agin after visiting friends at Sylvania and Mansfield.
Milo Struble is getting along finely now, though of course his recovery will be slow. Misses Phoebe Strong and Blanche Dewitt spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Troy.
Elder King and family are taking a three weeks' vacation visiting friends in New York state.
Jonathan Leiby has three children sick, one with diphtheria and one with inflammatory rheumatism.
A party of six young people, friends and relatives, visiting Mrs. N. E. Calkins last Thursday; among the number a niece and nephew from Michigan.
Elder Lamkin will occupy the pulpit of the M. E. Church next Sunday morning, and Elder Murray, of Mansfield, will preach in the Christian church at 12 o'clock.
Walter Calkins and Bert Taylor arrived safely at Helena, Mon., on Saturday, July 7th. They were to spend Sunday with Mitchell Calkins and leave Monday morning for Butte City, their destination.
G. E. Stauffer wishes to acknowledge the receipt last week of some very fine news from F. L. Landon. Among them is a view of a house once owned by "Old John Brown" near Meadville, Pa., also the first house built north of Franklin, Pa., besides several others, and last though not least, a view of his office and the gentlemen employed by him seated in their several rigs. We recognized Messrs. Austin, Emory and Ditts among the number.
Much fall plowing is being done.
Will Rumsey has been away on a visit.
Elder King and family will visit Caton soon.
The prayer meeting this week is to be held at the house of Randall Tinkham.
Mr. Thayer has moved his saw mill to Bradford county and will move his family to the same place.
Rev. Mr. Adams, of the State Road Baptist Church will exchange pulpits with Elder King next Sabbath. Revival services are being held on the State Road at the Baptist Church, conducted by Rev. Mr. Adams, the pastor. Elder King was seen sharpening his hand saw not long ago, and it is hinted that he is getting ready to build the new walk from the parsonage to the corner.
A very pleasant entertainment was given last Friday night at the school house, consisting of declamations, dialogues, singing, etc.
Mr. Strait is doing good work and is well liked.
Nov. 1, 1887 Mr. John Blair, of Arnot, has married Miss Maggie Pryde, of Gazzam, Pa., Rev. M. Blair, of Arnot, a brother of the groom, performed the ceremony.
CANOE CAMP CREEK - July 9, 1888
Bees are on the swarm.
J. E. Gardner has bought a piece of land on Poverty hill.
Arthur Corbin will build a dwelling house this summer.
Dr. Vedder made a professional visit to this place last week.
J. E. Frost will erect a large dwelling house upon his farm this summer.
Mr. Bentley of Mansfield is selling considerable nursery stock this season.
MARRIAGES: DOUD—SMITH—By Rev. E. D. Rawson on March 26 at the home of Sanford Smith, Mr. George E. Doud, of Mainesburg, and Miss Carrie K. Smith of Rutland.
RUMSEY—DIMMICK—At the residence of the bride's parents at Wellsboro, Pa. Dec. 24, ‘85 by Rev. Q. C. Hills, Mrs. James L. Rumsey and Miss Jennie A. Dimmick, both of Wellsboro.
CHERRY FLATS - August 2, 1886.
Fine weather since the rain storm of last Sunday night and Monday.
Miss Edna Parsons returned home last evening having just finished a three months school at Ogdensburgh.
Mr. Joseph Baker and George Rouse have dissolved partnerwhip, Mr. Baker retiring and opening business in Rose's wagon house.
Our boys have been very busy the last few days working on their new ball grounds, and they had the pleasure of playing their first game on it last Saturday with the Mainesburg club, and the visitors proved too much for our boys, who came out second best by one score, the score being 10 to 11 in favor of the visitors at the end of eleven innings. The return game will be played at Mainesburg next Saturday.
Mrs. G. S. Parsons left last Monday for Rochester and returned Wednesday evening. His son C. J. is playing ball with the Rochester club and Mr. Parsons not only had the pleasure of seeing the first game he ever saw between professional clubs, but had the pleasure of seeing C. J. pitch his club to victory, and do up his opponents to the tune of 10 to 2. Charlie's many friends will be pleased to hear that he is enjoying the best of health.
Ed. B. Roberts has moved to Armenia Mountain.
Miss Millie Reynolds is teaching the school in the Doud district.
Miss Lucy Dewey is in quite poor health. She is said to be troubled with lung difficulty.
Mrs. Van Buren Reynolds has recently had a serious time with a felon on one of her fingers. Two pieces of bone is said to have come out.
A little daughter of Morgan Rose, said to be about two years old, was somewhat scalded by falling into a boiler of warm water on Saturday, May 21st. The child is reported to be doing as well as could be expected.
The home of Oliver C. Hilfiger was a scene of youthful joyousness on Saturday the 21st, ult. The occasion being the celebration by quite a number of the youths of the vicinity of the eleventh anniversary of the birth of his youngest daughter, Miss Lillie C. Hilfiger.
MAINESBURG - July 2, 1886
Brewster - After a protracted illness Miss Melissa Brewster died on June 29th , 1886, aged 37 years. Her gloom over the community, young ladies have so endeared selves to a large circle of friends selfish devotion to the cause of Christ. Early in life she sought Christ and became a member of the M. E. church at Chandlersburg, and from that time on until her death she never ceased to be identified with every interest pertaining to church and Sunday school. Naturally inclined to teaching, she began the same in the public schools of the neighborhood and for several years was a beloved and successful teacher. She was unselfish as she was kind, although loving her chosen occupation, she gave it up because she considered it her duty to remain at home and minister to the comfort of her mother who was in very poor health. It was while taking care of her beloved mother in her last sickness that she contracted the disease which resulted in her death. She was a member of the school at Chandlersburg, where her loss is mourned as irreparable. She leaves a kind and loving father, three sisters and one brother to follow her to the better land. Her funeral took place from her home in Sullivan July 1st. . A large concourse of friends gathered to pay their last tribute of respect. Rev. Fosbinder, of Mainesburg, preached an impressive discourse from John 16, 33; "I have overcome the world, the family are deeply bereaved, but they sorrow not as those who have no hope. With christian fortitude they are bearing their great grief, for they know that if our earthly house of this barnacle be dissolved, we have building of God an house not made with hands eternal in the heavens."
There will be a festival at the hotel in Mainesburg on Wednesday evening, Aug. 11th, for the benefit of the Mainesburg band. Refreshments, consisting of ice cream, peaches and cream—and scream, if you feel like it. A good attendance is solicited. Come one and all and have good time.
Mr. L. B. Lucas and wife, visited friends and enjoyed a birth-day party on Saturday, the 31st ult., at Mansfield.
Dr. Musgrove is entertaining old friends from Lock Haven.
Mr. J. B. Strong is in very poor health at present.
Mainesburg seems to have a full share of sickness at present.
Dr. Maine was called to see one of the children of Charles Soper today.
Mrs. Seeley Johns, one of the oldest residents of Sullivan, is very sick.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Horton were in town yesterday.
N. E. Calkins is confined to the house by a slight hurt, received while unloading flour one day last week..
G. Doud has been calling on friends and acquaintances here today. He says the drifts are bad up the mountain.
R. H. D_ _ d, who has been hovering as it were between life and death for several days, seems to be a little better at present.
There will be special meetings at the Christian Church every night this week except Thursday, when there will be singing school, as usual.
Charles Maine is home from his school at Nelson. He was called here very suddenly on account of the illness and death of his uncle and adopted father, Mr. B. Parkhurst.
The latest curiosity in Mainesburg is the Siamese twins. They are not exactly matched as to size or the color of their hair or eyes, but they are inseparable, all the same.
Mrs. Cyrus Rumsey, who has been prostrated nearly all winter with an aggravated catarrhal difficulty, is very bad at this time and her physician has given up all hopes of her recovery.
Mrs. H. F. Dewey, of Wellsburg, N. Y., has been visiting friends and relatives here for the past week. She will leave here tomorrow to return to her son's, Lucien Doud's, and from there, home.
H. P. Maine, of Williamsport is at his father's, E. R. Maine's, in this place. He was on his way to visit his brother at Nelson, when they met in Lawrenceville and came together to the deathbed of their uncle, Mr. B. Parkhurst.
The Odd Fellows of Sylvania will celebrate the twelfth anniversary of their organization on Wednesday, Feb. 1st. Rev. David Craft of Bradford county, and G. T. Losey, D. D. of Tioga county, will be present and deliver addresses upon Odd Fellowship. Several from here are going to attend.
A young gentleman and lady from this place drove over to Sylvania last Friday night to see the Sylvania Dramatic Club play the popular drama "Out in the Street." Coming-home their horse ran away and overturned the cutter, leaving the young couple in a snowbank, thus giving them a chance to realize to the fullest extent what it is to be out in the street, in the snow. They say Dan froze his face.
Thursday, the 19th inst., was the occasion of a very enjoyable surprise party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Austin, of Mainesburg. The day was the fifty-eighth anniversary of Mrs. Austin's birth. She had been induced to make a call in the morning and on returning found her home invaded by a large number of relatives and friends who were making themselves at home and who proceeded to bestow on her the numerous presents and tokens which their love and esteem had prompted them to bring. She was the recipient of a nice easy chair, a fine clock, a dress pattern, set of glassware and many presents of less value. At about two o'clock the company, numbering about fifty, responded to the call to dinner and sat down to tables loaded with every delicacy which the ladies of our little village could think of or procure, and which was a high compliment to their skill and taste in the culinary line. At about four o'clock the guests began to leave for their homes each and all feeling that they had made glad the heart of an estimable lady and friend as well as having a most enjoyable time themselves. [Mary Shelton born 1828 in England SRGP 06695]
ELY - Alberta M., youngest daughter of the late Rev. William A. ELY, died at the home of her mother on St. James street of heart disease, Thursday evening, Feb. 10, l887, aged 8 years. Services by the pastor at the house on Friday. Mr. T. V. Moore, of this place, Mr. Ely of Ilion, Mrs. Ely's father and sister attended the burial at Oneida, N. Y., where the family burial place is.
TANNER - Died in Rutland, Pa., February 28, 1886, Hannibal M. Tanner, in the 26th year of his age after an illness of eleven days. From the first he had no hope of recovery and calmly arranged his business. He was a firm believer in the truth of God's word. An affectionate husband, a loving son and brother, a good citizen and true friend. Gone in his early manhood, ere he had reached the meriden of his years. He leaves a young wife and infant son. We feel that God's chastening hand is heavy upon us, but still try to say "Thy will be done". Hoping that when life's changeful scenes are past, when God's mysteries are unveiled we shall find our friends in the many mansions, where we shall separate no more forever.
Sleighride and Social
The sociable of the Universalist Society will be held this week Friday, at the residence of Mrs. Merril Shaw, Mainsburg. A sleigh-ride and a good time is anticipated. All wishing to go will please be at the church on Friday afternoon at half past four.
Family Re-Union. A re-union of the Ingalls family was held at the residence of Mr. Erastus Ingalls, near Cherry Flats, on Saturday last, Sept. 18th. There were nearly forty persons present, including grand- children and great grandchildren. The seven children present were as follows: Joshua and A. H. Ingalls, of Covington; Elisha, of Cherry Flats; Electrus, of Fall Brook; Zelphia Smith and Elizabeth Dewey, of Cherry Flats, and Mrs. Helen Elliott, of Hillsboro, Kan., who has visited friends in this county for a few weeks past, and in whose honor the gathering was held. Mrs. Elliott returns to her western home this week.
(Willhelm) Cordelia F. Willhelm. Cordelia F., wife of John W. Willhelm, died suddenly at her home 416 W. Gray St., Elmira, N. Y., on Thursday evening, Jan. 13, 1887, at half-past eleven o'clock. The immediate cause of her death was apoplexy, of which she had three attacks, one four years ago, another in September leaving sligh impediment in her speech and the third half an hour before her death. She was born in Chautauqua county, N.Y., Nov. 11, 1830, she came to this county with her mother soon after the death of her father and had resided in Mansfield almost continuously since February, 1866. In the town of Sullivan, Oct. 22, 1852 she was married to John W. Willhelm who, with two children, William F. and Jennie C., aged respectively 20 and 18 years, survive her; four other children, Lillie, Eddie, Freddie and Frank H., the fist two in infancy. Having preceded her to the home beyond. She embraced religion in her youth, and joined the M. E. Church, and through all her life of labor, trials and disappointments maintained firm faith in God, at all times and under all circumstances bearing cheerful testimony to His goodness and memory. To her religion brough that peace which the world cannot give. Although called suddenly, she was ready to go and with an ineffable smile on her countenance commended her spirit to Him who who gave it. Her remains were brought to Mansfield on the noon train Saturday for burial, and the funeral, in the M. E. Church, was largely attended at one o'clock. The pastor, Rev. W. S. H. Hermans, assisted by Rev. Mr. Cochran, officiating.
Mr. Tinkham is still very feeble; no improvement.
Mrs. T. O. Doud has returned from Belmont, N. Y.
Born—To Mrs. Elmer Schermerhorn, April 29th, a son.
Miss Ruth Gitchell is very sick with neuralgia in the side.
Will Dewitt and family of Troy, visited his mother yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ripley of Wellsboro, were in town Sunday.
Mrs. P. W. Doud is nearly helpless from a recent shock of paralysis.
Ellsworth Schermerhorn has returned to Kansas, where his parents reside.
Mr. C. C. Whiting has been laid up the past week with a sprained ankle.
Mrs. Lily Haight of Mansfield, visited her uncle, A. M. Haight, last week.
Mr. Otis Brewster is still quite sick from the effects of an attack of pneumonia.
Mrs. Joseph Comfort has been quite ill with sore throat, but is now getting better.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Horton visited at Lawrenceville last Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Charlotte Crittenden, of Belmont, N. Y. is visiting her parents in this place.
Mrs. Eva Horton of Athens, Pa is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shelton.
The Grangers are laying the foundation of their new hall in this place. They are also filling in and grading their lot in good shape.
MAINESBURG - Mainesburg, Pa., Nov. 3, 1885
Election quiet.
Too wet for plowing.
The principal business is cider making.
We understand thtat Mr. James Frost, of Frost Settlement, who is mentally aberrated, is no better.
New wagon firm in town—Haight, Bryan, Dewitt & Co. Prices nowhere.
Butchering business lively. A. J. Smith & Sons are on the road.
G. W. Robbins, in addition his wagon shop, runs a cider mill; also added a horse shoeing department.
Miss Cora Haight, teacher of Rumsey Hill school, is ill.
Horse trading is lively.
Jas Cudworth, jr., has purchased his father's farm near Mainesburg.
Williamsport parties are buying cattle in this section.
Madison Rose recently sold a fine span of two-year-old Percherons to Williamsport parties.
H. E. Bardwell is about to take a trip to the Sullivan county woods, hunting ‘bar' and red tailed deer.
Wellsboro Agitator, February 26, 1889
Mainesburg Matters
About one hundred of the good people of Mainesburg and vicinity brightened
their intellects and refreshed the inner man at the house of F.L. Landon last
Wednesday evening, the gathering being in honor of Mr. Landon, who is soon to
start on a tour that will embrace many places of interest in the United States
and Canada. Mr. & Mrs. Landon are genial entertainers, and all unite in saying,
"We had a pleasant time."
It is quite a novel spectacle to see a little boy named Soper, who lives on
the hill this side of Robbins's Settlement, when he drives his yoke of steers
into town. The little bovines are well matched appear to be about a year old.
Young Soper rides on the sled and expertly guides his team by voice and whip.
Quite a large number of logs are being accumulated in the hollow north of
this borough. Mr. Orson Thayer has the job of sawing them
Mr. Amos Welch is hauling lumber for a house which he intends to erect in
the spring.
The band boys meet twice a week and keep up a lively interest in their
practice, Mr. E.B. Strait, of Sylvania, is their instructor.
Mr. Charles Bacon and family have moved into the old Austin homestead near
the Methodist church.
Mr. & Mrs. H.P. Maine have been on the sick list for a few days, but they
are improving now.
At ten o'clock this morning the mercury was but one degree above zero.
Oliver Rumsey will move to Mainesburg the last of this week.
J. A. Chamberlain visited at Covington the forepart of the week.
The snow drifts are still very deep making the roads nearly impassable.
The Ward school, ably taught by Mrs. Kiff, closed on Tuesday, Feb. 27.
H. Burnham visited at the home of his sister, Mrs. W. P. Chamberlain, over Sunday.
Ed. Roberts is fast pushing his new house to completion. He expects to occupy it April 1st.
The lumbermen are quite jubilant. They have their logs nearly all on the landing, in spite of reverses.
Intelligent animals of the lower order are very numerous in our salubrious climate. Among others are an educated fox and an intelligent turkey owned by J. Thompson.
The prizes at the Clark school house were awarded to Miss Allie Rumsey and Master Freddie Clark. Miss Rumsey received a beautiful oil painting 24x30 inches in a four inch solid gilt frame for the best rendition of the "American Flag."
Mrs. John Jones met with a very severe and almost fatal accident a few days ago. While she was attending a two weeks'-old baby she fainted and fell upon a red-hot stove burning herself about the face so that the skin stuck to the stove when she was lifted from it. The baby escaped with a slight burn on one of its hands. Mrs. Jones is doing well as could be expected.
R. H. Kelts closed a very successful term of school on Friday, March 2nd. The school gave a first class entertainment in the evening, consisting of recitations, and readings by members of the school, the same being illustrated by means of a powerful stereoptican. This was followed by a general stereoptican entertainment, consisting of colored and silhouette comic views, views from the Yosemite valley, a fine delineation of "Ten Nights in a Bar Room," by Mr. Kelts, besides several humerous transformations. The pupils, one and all, sequitted themselves creditably. All who attended the entertainments pronounced them thoroughly enjoyable in every respect.
Card of Thanks—Loss Adjusted.
MR. EDITOR—We wish through your valuable paper to express our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors who so kindly aided us during the burning of our residence on the morning of Thursday, March 25th. We were insured in J. A. Moody's agency and on Monday, March 29th, we were paid for our loss to our entire satisfaction. We are thankful that Mr. Moody induced us to insure our property. Mrs. C. N. Comfort.
There is considerable sickness in this neighborhood at present.
Mrs. Daniel Woodward is very sick.
Elbert Connelly's baby is very sick at R. F. Ashley's.
Mrs. T. O. Doud returned to her daughter's at Bolivar, N. Y. last week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Holiday, of Crooked Creek, are visiting in this place.
The Mainesburg Cornet Band will visit Sylvania this Wednesday evening, by invitation of the Sylvania Band.
Elder M. S. Blair, of Covington will preach in the Christian Chapel in this place, next Sunday morning at half past ten.
The Sylvania Band visited this place about a week ago, while Prof. Strait was holding his school here, and we had the pleasure of hearing some very fine music. After band meeting the two Bands adjourned to the hotel, where an oyster supper had been prepared for them during the evening. Landlord Struble making a trip to Mansfield to get the oysters. Mrs. James McConnell is lying dead at her home near Chandlersburg. Funeral services to-morrow. Rev. King will officiate.
(From another Correspondent.) Our Brass band has just passed through a week's drill three lessons per day and night, given by Mr. Strait, of Sylvania, with excellent results. The boys gave the town a serenade Saturday night which was a grand treat.
Elder King is still holding revival meetings at Elk Run. Ten to fifteen have experienced religion.
Minnie Rumsey has returned from an extended visit to her grandmother in Minnesota.
We are glad to report that E. C. Smith, who has been under the weather for a couple of weeks, is able to be out again.
MAINESBURG - (February 1, 1886)
W. R. Leet and Getta Warren are in town; school begins to-day.
Quite a number of the people of this vicinity are on the sick list.
Mrs. A. M. Haight has been visiting friends in Burlington and Towanda.
Mr. William Smith, who lately moved from Minnesota, is very ill with pneumonia.
A pleasant time was enjoyed at the Dime Society, at the home of Mrs. Calkins.
Rev. and Mrs. Fosbinder are visiting friends in Ithaca and Geneva. The pulpit was filled last Sunday by Rev. Rhinevault, of Mansfield.
Jonathan Leiby, who has been in Topton, Lehigh county, for the past four weeks, will return to-day. His father was buried on Saturday.
Rev. W. A. Smith, of Groton, N. Y., will lecture at the M. E. church on Tuesday evening, Februaary 9. Subject, "Different Sorts of Men." Admission 15 cents.
MAINESBURG - (May 31, 1886.
Miss Anna Fish, of Wellsboro, has so far recovered that she left here this morning to return to her home.
Mrs. G. D. ______aine and Mrs. G. O. Doud are improving, but still unable to walk without the aid of crutches.
Decoration Day was appropriately observed here on Saturday morning with a good attendance, and in the afternoon many of our citizens went to Mansfield.
On Sunday afternoon Elder Lewis, of Covington, delivered a Memorial sermon at the Doud school house, and Elder Fosbinder gave one at the M. E. Church in this place, in the evening.
Roland Sheldon and wife spent Saturday and Sunday visiting friends in this place.
Mrs. Emma Blair, of Covington, is visiting friends in this place.
There is some talk of organizing a company of state militia here, also a brass band.
A young man named Charles McKinney was instantly killed last Friday, near Sullivan's Camp on Armenia Mountain. He was employed as a bark job by his father. While felling a tree, a dead limb fell striking him on the head, and killing him instantly.
A son of the proprietor of the Adams House, at Troy, was accidentally shot and killed by a companion while they were out hunting one day last week. His remains were taken to Towanda for interment on Sunday.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Christian Church in this place will hold a strawberry and ice cream festival on Thursday evening, June 10th. All are very cordially invited.
Now that the post office is to be moved, there is to be a turn table put in so the mail train from Chandlersburg can turn around without going up to the cider mill switch. It is up grade and very expensive as it is now to make them turn.
WEST COVINGTON - (West Covington, Pa., Sept. 14, 1885)
The people of this valley are plodding along in their quiet way.
Rev. Headly is visiting here and at Covington. He preached to a full house of his old friends at this place last evening.
Ben Lamberton intends moving his saw mill to Blockhouse this fall.
Fred Simerson has got a watch, we hear.
CHERRY FLATS - (Cherry Flats, Pa., Sept. 14, 1885)
Mrs. A. F. Packard is visiting her mother in Monroeville, O.
The Methodist and Baptist Sunday schools held a picnic last Saturday and had a good time.
Some one shot a yearling heifer that belonged to A. F. Packard, either accidentally or maliciously. It was in the pasture of Frank Smith, and died last Saturday.
Constable A. M. Gillett drives a new team.
E. M. Cass is still unable to attend to business, owing to poor health.
Mrs. Philo G. Woodard is recovering from a severe attack of quinsy. Miss Sarah Whitney is sick with the same disease at time of writing.
The business of the late Thomas J. Jelliff is under the immediate supervision of his daughter, Jessie, who conducts it in a very proper manner.
Mr. Elmer R. Dewey, of Canoe Camp and Miss Laura Cass, of Mansfield, were recently united in the holy bonds of matrimony. May joy, peace and prosperity be with them.
Work is progressing finely on the new school house. Ward Lamb, of Lambtown is the contractor.
Dr. W. W. H_ _ _ett, of Covington, has recently purchased as fine a road horse as there is in this section. He don't have to take the dust from any of them. We would say from appearances that the Doctor's rapidly increasing business demands just such a "flyer."
NO REST ON EARTH Mrs. Harriet Ward Hodson
_______depart, for this is not your rest
Hasten, weary pilgrim, hasten, Though the skies seem soft and clear, Though the angry tempest sleepeth, Do not tarry- deeth is near.
See the clouds upon the mountain Gathering darkness o'er thy path! Hasten, pilgrim, ere the storm king Pour on thee his fiercest wrath.
Onward, ere the shadows deepen, Linger not in all the plain, Let not earthly pleasures woo thee- Nor the honors, nor the gain.
Here is no shining city; Naught but change, with doubts and fears. Hawten ere the twilight gather O'er thee in this vale of tears.
Though the flowers bloom around thee, While their fragrance fills the air, And sweet waters gently murmur, Sparkling, bright, beyond compare.
Though the landscape glows with beauty, While the birds, on soaring wing, In the groves and shady woodlands, For thy pleasure sweetly sing.
These should cheer, but not detain thee, In thy weary tollsome way- The sweet earnest of thy home-life In the gloriouw realms of day.
Though the pathway straight and narrow, Hard and rugged, lone and drear, Hasten onward, Life's before thee, Do not falter, Heaven in here.
The horizon soon uplifting, Thou shalt view the landscape o'er Of thy wonderous home in glory, To go out again no more.
Death gone by and thou a victor, Leaning on thy Savior's breast, Thou shall enter joys immortal, Enter everlasting rest.
No smile of welcome met me, As there ever did of yore, But all was still and silent Around the unopened door.
The tears would fill my eyes, As thought flew swiftly back; And my saddened heart soon told me What charms the place did lack.
A smiling face to meet me, With "Oh, Kate, how do you do? I am so glad you've come at last; We'll have a game or two!"
There oft I've heard sweet music, As I laid me down to rest, And my thoughts turned to the happy In the world forever blest.
But a deep sigh rent my bosom, As I thought that I no more Should meet your mother's welcome, As I always did before.
Yet, who would call her back to earth, If, as we fondly trust, She sings the "song of Moses' In the ____?____of the just?
Up! Awaken from slumber! There is work for you to do; Would you plod along life's pathway With no better aim in view Than your silly, selfish pleasures? If another's way is dark, Shed some sunlight o'er his pathway- Lend a hand to steer his bark.
Each one has his work appointed- Has some field to labor in, While ambition pulls us upward To the motto, "Work and win." Do not think yourself degraded- We have our respective spheres; All can not be doctors, lawyers, Merchants, ministers or peers.
Every person has his station- Has some duty to perform, Which, if nobly done, is worthy Of the highest honors worn; Let us live then, truly, nobly, And in life's incessant din Have some aim for which to labor, With the motto, "Work and win."
There are thorny paths before us- Paths that other feet have trod, Until, wearied with life's burden, They are laid beneath the sod. We all must toil up the hillside- Up where bravest sons have been, Never faltering, always striving, With the will to work and win.
Beyond the balsam thicket the gambler made his stand. Carson, the detective, was in full pursuit, and as he burst through the balsams, he found himself within twenty feet of his antagonist. Both men stood for an instant, each looking full at the other. Both were experts. Each one knew the other. "You count," said the gambler, cooly. "One, two," said the detective, "three, fire." One pistol alone sounded. The gambler's had failed to explode. "You've won; you needn't deal again," said the gambler. And then he dropped. The red stain on his shirt front showed where he was hit. "There's some lint and bandage," said the detective, and he flung a small package into the gambler's lap. "I hope you won't die, Dick Raymond." "Oh, it's all fair, Carson," said the other carelessly. I've held a poor hand from the start." He paused, for the detective had rushed on, and he was alone. Twenty rods further on the detective caught up with the trapper who was calmly recharging his piece. On the edge of the ledge above, the half-breed lay dead, the lips drawn back from his teeth and his ugly countenance distorted with hate and rage. A rifle, the muzzle of which was smoking, lay at his side; and the edge of the trapper's left ear was bleeding. "I've shot Dick Raymond by the balsam thicket," said the detective. "I am afraid he is hard hit." "I'll go and see the boy," answered the trapper. "You'll find Harry furder up. There's only two runnin'. You and he can bring them in." The old trapper saw as he descended the hill, the body reclining on the mosses at the edge of the balsam thicket. The earth gave back no sound as he advanced and he reached the gambler and was standing almost at his very feet, ere the young man was aware of his presence; but as the trapper passed between him and the shining water, he turned his gaze up to the trapper's face, and after studying the grave lines for a moment, said: "You've won the game, old man." The trapper for a moment made no reply. He looked steadfastly into the young man's countenance, fixed his eyes on the red stain on the left breast, and then said: "Shall I look at the hole, boy?" The gambler smiled pleasantly, and nodded his head saying, "It's the natural thing to do in these cases, I believe." Lifting his hands, he unbuttoned the collar and unscrewed the solitaire stud from the white bosom. The trapper knelt by the young man's side and laying back the linen from the chest, wiped the blood stains with a piece of lint, from the white skin, and carefully studied the edges of the wound, seeking to ascertain the direction which the bullet had taken as it penetrated the flesh. At last he drew his face back and lifted himself to his feet, not a shade in the expression of his face revealing the thought. "Is it my last deal, old man?" asked the gambler, carelessly. "I have seen a good many wounds," answered the trapper, "and I've noted the direction of a good many bullets, and I have never known a man to live, who was hit where ye be hit, ef the lead had the slant inward as the piece had that's gone into ye." For a minute the young man made no reply. No change came over his countenance. He turned his eyes from the trapper's face and looked pleasantly off toward the water. He even whistled a line or two from an old love ballad, then paused, and, drawn perhaps by the magnetism of the steady gaze which the eyes of the trapper fixed upon him, he looked again into the old man's face and said: "What is it, John Norton?" "I be sorry for ye, boy," answered the old man, "for life be sweet to the young, and I wish yer years might be many on the earth." I fancy there's a good many who will be glad to hear I'm out of it," was the careless response. "I don't doubt ye have yer faults, boy," answered the trapper, "and ye may have lived loosely and did many deeds that were better undid, but the best use of life be to learn how to live, and I feel certain ye'd have got better as ye got older, and made the last half of yer life wipe out the fust, so that the figures for and against ye would have balanced in the judgment." You aren't fool enough to believe what the hypocritical church members talk, are you, John Norton? You don't believe there's any day of judgment, do you?" "I don't know much about church members," answered the trapper, "for I've never been in the settlements; least wise I've never studied the habits of the creturs, and I dare say they differ, bein' good and bad, and I've seen some that.............
Wellsboro Gazette, 22 October 1891
Mainesburg’s Newsy Letter
Funeral of Bert Dewey – J.B. Clark’s Fearful fall in a Barn
Mainesburg, Oct. 20 – The remains of Bert Dewey, of Cherry Flats, who met
death in such a tragic manner last week, were brought to the Baptist Cemetery in
Sullivan for interment on Saturday. Many of his old friends and acquaintances
were present to pay their last tributes of respect to his memory. His last
resting-place is within a quarter of a mile of his old home, where he first saw
the light of day. He sleeps by the side of his father and brother, who preceded
him a few years ago.
The revival meetings which have been conducted for the past four weeks
closed on Wednesday evening with nine additions.
Many of the Mainesburg brethren attended the quarterly meeting at Covington
on Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. George Edgerton, of Creighton, Knox County, Neb., is visiting his brother, Bradford Edgerton, at Chandlersburg. He went of Nebraska eighteen years ago and took up a soldier’s claim. At that time there was no settlement within a number of miles of his claim. He lived in his wagon for two months while building his house, with not a neighbor in sight, nothing but the boundless prairie. Now he has a splendid farm with buildings of all kinds, and is in condition to take the world easy and enjoy life. He was a member of the 101st Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, and served through the last two years of the Rebellion.[SRGP 18961]
Mr. J.H. Clark, of Richmond, fell through a trap door in the upper story of
John Pitt’s barn, last Saturday. He struck a beam in the basement and fractured
all the ribs but one on his right side and two on the other side. There is
little hope of his recovery.
Mr. Merton Rorapaugh will return to Westfield today to resume his old place
in the sawmill of George Pardon.
C.J. Soper has about completed a fine dwelling house for William and Amos
Welch. He has also built a house for E. R. Maine and a barn for P.W. Rose.
Farmers are busy husking corn, digging potatoes and picking up apples, all
of which are good crops. Apples sell for 25 cents a bushel and cider for $1.50
to $2 a barrel.
Mr. Wm. Squires [SRGP 03192] and wife left here last week for Orvisburg, Miss., for the benefit of Mr. Squires’ health. They do not intend to return until next June. They were accompanied as far as Elmira by Mr. Squires’ father, Hon. Isaac Squires.
Mrs. Sophia Doud, of Wellsburg, NY is visiting friends in Sullivan and
Mesers Archie Austin and Aaron Bryon attended the quarterly meeting at
Covington on Saturday evening, going on their bicycles. On Sunday they took a
trip to Troy on their wheels, returning by way of Farmers’ Valley and thence to
Charles Maine has gone to Baltimore to attend a course in a medical
college. – by Sparks
Wellsboro Gazette, 12 November 1891
Mainesburg Newsy Letter
A great Deal of Sickness – Odd Fellows Installed – Removals
Mainesburg, Nov. 10 – There is much sickness in the vicinity of this place.
Among those afflicted is the wife of Commissioner Dewitt, who has been confined,
to her bed for several weeks. Many families in Robbins’ Hollow are sorely
afflicted with measles; among them are Oscar Hilfiger and wife and three
children; and the family of Theodore Bardwell; Mrs. Charles Seeley, who has been
dangerously ill with typhoid fever, is reported convalescent.
The remains of George Fields, who died at Ogden’s Corners at the home of
his father, Sidney Fields, were brought here last Saturday for interment in the
M.E. cemetery. The funeral was held from the Christian church, Rev. M. C. Frick
officiating. Deceased was 40 years of age and leaves a widow, two sons and three
daughters, one a mere infant. His death was caused by Bright’s disease of the
Fine Autumn weather, cool nights, but beautiful days.
D.D.G.M. George T. Losey installed the officers of Mainesburg Lodge, No.
754, I.O.O.F., on Monday evening of last week. Visitors from Mansfield and
Covington were present and assisted in the ceremonies. Following is a list of
the elective officers – N.G.H.S. Stauffer, V.G.W.A. Ide, Secretary, J.B.
Woodhouse, Assistant Secretary, C.J. Soper, Treasurer, W.F. Rose. The members of
this lodge are to have a variety supper on Thanksgiving night. M.C. Frick, of
Sylvania is to deliver a lecture on Oddfellowship, after which supper will be
served at the hall for 50 cents a couple. A cordial invitation is extended to
members of the order and others to attend, as a jolly good time is promised.
Mainesburg boasts of having the boss hunter and trapper in this part of the
country. Mr. Daniel Boone Fletcher has captured 48 mush rats, two coons, seven
foxes, 21 skunks and one mink this season.
George E. Rumsey has removed from the Parkhurst house on Main Street to the
Whiting house, north of Cory creek.
Mrs. George McCully has removed from the Bert Squires house on Ames Hill to
the house of her brother, Mr. Alex Austin, on the State road.
The race at Covington on Saturday between the Barber colt and the Brigham
horse, of Mansfield, resulted in a victory for the colt. – by Sparks
Wellsboro Agitator, 08 JAN 1889
Mainesburg Matters.
Amateur Theatricals – A Lively Grange – Remarkable Accident
Correspondence of the Agitator.
Mainesburg, January 4, 1889. – Last Tuesday evening the Mainesburg Dramatic Company rendered the drama “Past Redemption.” Mr. George E. Robbins proved to be an excellent New England farmer by the name of John Maynard, and he and his son, Harry Maynard (G. W. Hall), rendered some high tragedy in a most satisfactory manner. Lyman Reynolds, as Capt. Bragg, was too irresistible for anything and frequently brought down the house. Want of space forbids mention of each character. Suffice it to say that the acting was much better than would be expected of amateurs.
A gang of sharpers in Jersey City have been trying to victimize at least one farmer in this locality. They send a confidential letter proposing to meet you at any hotel in Jersey City where, if you give them $1,500, they will give you $35,000. A newspaper clipping is sent with the confidential letter, showing that the sharpers are not shoving counterfeit money, but doing an honorable business. Look out for them; the fool and his money are soon parted.
Sullivan Grange is said to be the largest in the county, and for pluck, vim, energy, enterprise and enthusiasm it will be hard to find a collection of farmers that can equal them. They have recently completed a handsome new hall and are constantly adding to their membership.
In make a short trip across the country, lately, the writer noticed a large number of farming implements exposed to the elements, such as mowing machines and horse rakes left in fence corners, plows standing in the furrows where they were used last fall, etc. And yet some farmers complain that they cannot make a living.
Some lively young chaps from out of town have been disturbing the general tranquility of this place by moving panels of fence and bunches of shingles form their proper places and leaving them on a front porch in a certain locality. These meddlers had better take care, as it is known who they are.
Large quantities of baled hay are being hauled to Mansfield.
Mr. E. B. Strait, of Sylvania, is teaching the Mainesburg Cornet Band.
Mrs. Electa Doud is improving the looks of her residence with a new roof.
Archie Austin threw a pebble at his father’s cow on New Year ’s Day and killed her dead as a door-nail. Such accidents do not often happen, and would not this time, only the stone, coming in contact with the animal’s head, caused concussion of the brain.
Hobart Webster is visiting friends in town.
Miss Tillie Maine is home for vacation
Covington Items.
Personal Movement – A Funeral
Correspondence of the Agitator
Covington, January 3, 1889. – We are having summer like weather for this time of the year.
Mr. John Kiley has gone West on a visit.
Mr. R. Marvin and his granddaughter are visiting friends at Liberty.
The remains of Mrs. Samuel Rogers, of Cherry Flats, were buried here to-day.
There is to be a temperance lecture in the Baptist church next Sunday evening.