Tri County Clippings- Page Thirteen
AUSTIN - Even Dozen Children, Boy, 12, is Oldest - ( Large picture of family) Mr. and Mrs. Augustus E. Austin of Gillett, Pa., with 12 children have one of Bradford County's largest families. Top picture from left, rear row: Linwood,7; Leo,8; Gerald, 5; Merle, 6; Mrs. Austin holding Marcia Joan and Marle June, infant twins; Paul, 12, the oldest, (behind his mother) and Mr. Austin holding Milton, 18 months old. Front, seated: Dorothy,4; Rosalie Marilyn,3; Cora may, 11 and Joyce, 9. Lower picture, Mrs. Austin with Marcia Joan and Marle June, 4 month old twins.
(Beckwith) Mrs. Bettie B. Beckwith - Mrs. Bettie B. Beckwith, 85, died this morning at 2:30 o'clock at the home of her son, Charles Beckwith at Pine City. Her son is her only near relative. The funeral will be held at the home in Pine City Friday at 2:30 p.m. The Rev. H.E. Hubbard will officiate. Burial will be in the Webb Mills Cemetery.
BENSON - James G. Benson of Col. X Roads Falls from Window in Elmira and is Instantly Killed (Linked from Crime Section)
Suspicions Of Murder Colored Woman Last Person with Him and May Have Pushed Him Out of the Window Intentionally, But She Denies it.
Wednesday's edition of the Elmira Advertiser contains the following account of the fatal fall of James G. Benson of Col. X Roads, from a Baldwin street building in that city. Wild stories that murder had been committed in a house in Baldwin street swept through the business section of the city last night. The rumors had it that Mrs. Ida S. Johnson, a negress, residing in well furnished apartments over W. T. Read's picture frame store, at 161 Baldwin street, had pushed James G. Benson from a front corner window, death resulting from a fracture of the skull at the base of the brain. Coroner Annabel and Captain Patrick Hartigan have decided that the man's death was the result of an accidental fall from the open window and that the woman had nothing to do with it. The other members of the force who were on the case concurred with the Coroner and the Captain, and Mrs. Mary F. Parmenter, of 211 Pennsylvania avenue, corroborated the principal points mentioned by Ida Johnson regarding the movements of Benson almost until the moment of his death. The police found that Ida Johnson did not tell the exact truth regarding the affair when first questioned and will hold her in a cell in the Police Matron's section of the City Hall, where she will be more closely examined by Chief Cassada and his assistants this morning. At 9:25 o'clock Joseph Laidlaw, a former Health Inspector, crossed the narrow alley which runs from Baldwin _(missing info)________________ East Market street back toward Exchange street. He had taken but a few steps when he was horrified by the thud of the falling body. He leaped forward and turned to look back, and there on the flagstone sidewalk on the spot where he had last stepped and close to the entrance to the Read store, lay the body of a man. His face was turned under and audible groans escaped from his lips. Startled and almost unnerved, Laidlaw instinctively knelt beside the man and turned him over. Blood poured in streams from his ears and nose and mouth and the flattened portion of the back of the head, as large as a saucer was evidence of the location of the fatal injury. He summoned aid and the body was carried to the Carey Pharmacy, No. 165 Baldwin street, and laid on a large table. The man was dead when he was placed on the table.
A Wideawake Officer
Policeman John Flahive was not on duty, but was in the vicinity at the time the fatality occurred, and took charge of affairs at the place where it occurred and also at the drug store. He placed an officer at the door leading to the Johnson woman's apartments with orders to allow no person to pass either way. The Carey store was close to the public and the police patrol was sent for Coroner Annabel, who arrived 10 minutes after the man fell from the window. A search of the clothing failed to reveal the man's identity. A gold watch, $10.10 in money and a memorandum book containing a receipt signed by James H. Strong and dated August 10, for $14.99 in groceries, was the only clue on which the police had to work out the man's identity. An attache of a local wholesale grocery house stated that James H. Strong conducted a general store at Columbia X Roads. The body was removed to the Morgue, and Coroner and police continued the investigation of the case.
Johnson Woman Arrested
Ida Johnson was taken to Police Headquarters and examined closely. She gave her age as 45 years and stated that she worked as a domestic for several families in the city. Her story is as follows. Benson came to her apartments at 7:30 o'clock. He was drunk and remained there 10 or 15 minutes and left. Stating that he would return in a short time. She stated that she had never met him before. At 8:00 o'clock he returned with a quantity of ice cream and half a dozen bananas. At that time she was talking with Mrs. Parmeter and Mrs. Sullivan at the foot of the stairs. Benson went up to her apartments and she followed him. He had a half pint of Cornhill whiskey in a bottle and as she left the room to speak a word or two more to the two women she saw him drink the whiskey. When she returned after several minutes, all of the liquor had disappeared and the empty bottle laid on a stand. She told Benson that she would get dishes and serve the ice cream, but he stated that they would have that later. She started to put the ice cream and bananas in the refrigerator in the rear apartment. Benson was in the front room, which was not illuminated. He staggered badly and the Johnson woman him to keep away from the three low-seated open windows. This was the last seen of Benson. She returned to the front room, having disposed of the sweets, and noticed that Benson was absent. In a moment she heard cries in the street and rushed to the window. She realized what had occurred and returned to the middle room, where she remained until she was accosted by a newspaper reporter and later by a policeman. She insisted that it was purely accidental. The Woman's Denial
Had she told this story in the beginning, the Johnson woman would probably not have been held by the police. When first questioned she stated that she knew nothing about the affair. Then she said she knew all about it and would tell what she knew when the proper time came. The police are positive that Benson had frequented the place from which he fell to his death before. Mrs. Johnson denied this, but the police believe she will admit it this morning. They questioned Mrs. Sullivan and Mrs. Parmeter at their respective homes, and all agree that Benson was drunk.
Laidlaw's Story
Joseph Laidlaw stated to an Advertiser reporter and to the police several minutes after the affair that he heard nothing until the body struck the flagstone near him. Later he went to Police Headquarters and stated that as he was passing the place he heard some person in the upper apartments say: "Then, damn you get out," and that then the body came tumbling out of the window. The police place no credit in this later story. John Heib, the complainant in the noted Heib vs. Town of Big Flats damage case, stated that he believed he knew the unfortunate old man and positively identified the body at the Morgue. James H. Strong, the Columbia X Road store keeper, was placed in telephonic communication with the Advertiser and from him the story of the man's movements for the entire day was secured.
Who Benson Is
Benson was 60 years of age and a veteran of the Civil War. He had lived at Columbia X Roads all his life and drew a quarterly pension of $36. His wife owns property in the village, but Benson had no regular occupation. He worked at times as a laborer. He was a heavy drinker at times and would go on protracted sprees. Yesterday morning he presented his pension check to Strong and, having deducted $14.99 for grocery bill from the $36, Strong returned $21.01. Benson had been ill about a month ago and started for Troy, Pa., where he intended to pay Dr. Ballard for services rendered during that illness. He probably went to Troy and came on to this city on the Northern Central train which arrives here at 5:20 o'clock. The gold watch was...... (illegible - this is a cliff hanger)
BREWER-SISSON- Willard Sisson and Miss Eileen Brewer of Millerton, Pa., were united in marriage at the home of Re. George G. Burroughs at Pine City Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Sisson will reside at Mosherville, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Conklin of Troy, the latter's brother, Landlord James McKay, of the Park Hotel, Canton, and Mrs. McKay left this boro a merry family party in Mr. McKay's automobile early Tuesday morning for the New York State Fair and Ka Noo No Karnival in Syracuse, N.Y. Four miles out of Syracuse, at 4:20 p.m., while making 20 to 30 miles an hour they turned from the trolley track to pass an oncoming car, but not quickly enough. Instead of clearing there was a collision. Mrs. McKay was thrown high in the air and came down on the brick pavement some yards away so injured that she died shortly afterward in a nearby house. Mr. McKay was hurled from his seat against the steering wheel which he broke off, and landed on the pavement under the forward wheels of the street car. When picked up he murmered "No one is to blame." His skull was fractured and with internal injuries he will probably die. Mr. and Mrs. Conklin were both thrown out , and the former seriously injured. Several ribs were broken. He did not recover consciousness for some hours. Mrs. Conklin alone of the party escaped serious injury. The corner of the street car was wrecked by the impact, and a wheel, the front seat and the hood torn from the automobile. Nine passengers in the street car, the motorman and the conductor escaped injury save for a severe jolt. The injured were rushed to St. Joseph's hospital, Syracuse, where everything possible is being done for them. News of the accident reached Troy about 5:30 by telephone from Mrs. Conklin to C. J. Bloom whom she asked to notify her parents, Mr. and Mrs. McKay of Leona. They were at Mrs. Conklin's home, keeping house until the party should return the first of next week. The sad story was everywhere received with expressions of regret and sorrow. Mrs. Conklin's father, her brother from Austinville, and Charles Smith, Mr. Conklin's business partner, left for Syracuse on the evening train. A telephone from the senior Mr. McKay this morning, holds out no hope of his son's recovery. Mr. Conklin, however, is not so seriously hurt as reported and is expected to make a speedy recovery as is his wife, from cuts and bruises. The McKays have no children. Mrs. McKay was Miss Elizabeth Campbell. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Campbell are living and she leaves a brother and a sister, all residents of Canton. She was 37 years old.
ELWELL - ANDREWS - Births To Mr. and Mrs. Floyd N. Elwell of 705 Hopkins Street, a son, Robert Edwin, Dec. 4. To Mr. and Mrs. Leon Andrews of Pine City, a son, Leon Duane. on March 27.
GILLETT News- Gillett, Pa., July 9. -Floyd Elwell of Corning and miss Berth Wheeler of this place were married in Elmira July 5. Mr. and Mrs. harry Thompson motored to Deposit, N.Y., Friday where they visited the latter's brother for a few days. H.T. Andrus and family and E. A. Boughton spent Friday at Mountain Lake, Pa. -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kennedy of Elmira spent Saturday with Mrs. Mary Stuart.
-Earl Harkness has moved into the Passmore Building, which he recently purchased. George Morse has moved into the house which Mr. Harkness vacated.
-Issac Kiersted has moved into the Wheeler house which he has purchased.
-Mr. and Mrs. Sylvellen Tunicliff and three children of Watkins spent a part of last week with his parents here.
-The Camp Fire Girls returned Sunday from Mountain Lake where they have camped for a week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Sewerd Turncliff, Jr., have begun housekeeping in Mrs. Nina Fivie's house.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kordon and two children of Deposit are visiting relatives here.
-Mrs. Annie Ameight and daughter, Mrs. Ada Wheeler visited her son, Frank near Grover Saturday.
-D.H. Aird was in town Monday. -Mrs. Thomas of Alba, Pa., is visiting her son, Sherman Thomas.
-Jerome Kingsley of Smithfield, Pa., is visiting his uncle, Dr, Kingsley.
GREENO, (1907) Death Claims Mrs Warren Case. Mrs Warren Case died Tuesday evening, Dec 3, at 8 O'clock at the home of her nephew, Mrs Guy Case, in Canton street, this boro, aged about 72 years. Mrs Case was a daughter of Amasa and Sally Greeno and she was born in Troy township in August, 1836. She was married to Warren Case, April 5, 1857. Two sons survive, Mr. M. L. Case of Syracuse, and Mr Arthur A. Case of Corning, also Two brothers, Col. C. L. Greeno of Cincinnati, Ohio; and Amor Greeno of Sturgeon, Mo. The funeral at 2 this afternoon from the late home of the deceased will be conduced by the Rev. Thomas Mitchell who received Mr. And Mrs. Case into membership of the Baptist church, married them, officiated at the burial of the late husband some years since as he is today doing at the obsequies of the wife and mother.
HOWLEY, William Bernard, (January 26, 1905), Took Carbolic Acid Lived Twelve Hours, William Bernard Howley died at the home of his parents, Mr. And Mrs. Patrick Howley a little before 12 o'clock last night from an overdose of carbolic acid. Deceased was 18 years old last Decoration Day. Besides his parents there survives one brother, four sisters and a wife to whom he was married in Elmira on Christmas Eve. Mrs. Howley was Vernie Campbell. Their marriage was known only to a few very near friends, and the bride was still living with her parents, Mr. And Mrs. Byron Campbell, High street. No reason appears for the rash act. He spent Tuesday evening with his wife and a brief hour before he took the fatal dose he was in rational conversation with his brother. About 10 o'clock he bought two ounces of carbolic acid. At 11:30 or thereabouts he swallowed all but a half teaspoonful of the poison and when his mother returned at noon she found him lying on a couch unconscious. She applied simple restoratives without result. On a stand she found a note urging her not to be to too much expense for the burial, to take care of herself, not to work too hard and closing with a farewell kiss. The note was signed Bernard Howley. A good bye note to his wife with a kiss for every day she lives, was also left. In neither was the least reason given for his desire to die. Dr. Barker was called a little before 1 and by every known means tried to save the young man's life, though without hope, as the dose was necessarily a fatal one. The only wonder is that he lived so long-nearly twelve hours. A single teaspoonful of carbolic acid has been known to produce almost instant death. The poison was taken from a glass and the bottle thrown away. Howley had been an apprentice in the Troy Engine & Machine works since last September. Though not working on the day he took the poison he had not lost his position. He was a member of St John's Catholic Church, and a regular attendant upon the services of that denomination. The funeral is planned for 10:30 from the house on Friday dependent upon the ability of relatives from a distance to reach here at that time.
LANDON, Louis G., The funeral of Louis G. Landon Monday afternoon was attended in a body by the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, of which he was a member, and by large number of friends from Corning and vicinity. Services were conducted at 2:30 o'clock at the residence at 175 West Pulteney street by Rev. Leo J. Engler, pastor of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church. Floral tributes were profuse. Bearers were: Louis Walker, Maurice Walker, Stanley Walker, and Charles Bierwiler, Corning; Hugh Whitmore and F. H. Brant, Elmira. Chester J. Hardenburg was in charge of the Trainmen's committal service at the grave in Hope Cemetery Annex.
LEONARD-CURREN- David Curren, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Curren of Gillett, Pa., and Miss Marie Leonard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyde Leonard of Pine City, were united in marriage at the home of Rev. George G. Bourroughs at Pine City Tuesday Evening. The bride and groom were attended by Burton Comfort and Miss Lucine Wade of Troy, Pa.
MERRILL - Elmira Heights News- Many Attend Funeral Services For Late Dr. C E Merrill Elmira Heights- The funeral of the late Dr. Clarence E. Merrill, held Sunday at 3 p.m. in the Oakwood M.E. Church, was one of the largest ever held in Elmira Heights. A large number of relatives and friends came long distances to pay last respects to the deceased. Large representations were present from Height Lodge, 931, F&AM of which the late Doctor Merrill was a past master, and of the Merrill Bible Class, which bears his name and of which he had been a teacher for 23 years. The Rev. E D. Van Dyke officiated. Mrs. L. T. Ballard, and Mrs. Claude Rugar sang, "He Leadeth Me", accompanied by Mrs. Ivan Soper. The pall bears, all past masters of Heights Lodge, were: Ben E. Welch, John A. Wenck, Mason Oldroyd, Guy E. Hawley, Edward K. Fromer, Robert J. Walters. Burial took place in Rural Cemetery, Big Flats, where the committal service was conducted by heights Lodge. The entire group of the Lodge and of the Bible Class accompanied the family to the burial place. The following out of town relatives and friend attended: Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Merrill, Horace Merrill, Mrs. Clayton Waltman, Mrs. Gladys Lynn, Ruth Merrill, Ester Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Macafee, Miss Claudia Merrill, Lyman Shaw, Mrs. George Norris, all of Sayre, Pa.; Mrs. S. G. Sarkissian of Croton-on- Hudson; Mrs. Nellie Monroe of Buffalo; Mrs. Mary Jaynes, Paul Jaynes of Hornmell; Mr. and Mrs. John Porter of Interlaken; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wescott of Waterloo; Fred Porter, Lucille Porter and Mrs. Grace Porter of Waverly; Fannie Hitchcock, Milo Hitchcock of Montour Falls; Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Stuart of Hicks; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Scott, Mrs. Frank Packard of Milport; Mr. and Mrs. W. Eaton of Pine City; Mr. and Mrs. Myron Stuart, Mrs. Alice Converse and Curtis Stuart of Horseheads; Charles Stuart, Frances Foster of Odessa; Joel Wood and Mrs. Lina Travis of Big Flats; Mr. and Mrs. George Knight of Canton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred LaValley, Mr. and Mrs.A. E. Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Hicks, Ralph Porter, Mrs. H. S. Perry of Elmira.
We desire to thank our friends for their kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of our little one, Helen Louise. We wish to thank our minister, Mr. Randall, for his words of encouragement and the choir who sang so beautifully at the funeral services. Mr. And Mrs. J. F. Monro
PELLHAM - WHIRLING BLADE HURTS WORKMAN- Oliver Pelham of Pine City Comes in Contact With Airplane Propeller at the Wilys-Morrow Plant. Oliver Pelham of Pine City, employee at the Willys-Morrow plant was injured at the plant late yesterday afternoon, when he came into contact with a whirling propeller. His shoulder was bruised severely. He was removed to the Arnot-Ogden Hospital, where an X-ray was taken of the injury today to determine it the shoulder was broken.
ROSS, (Nov. 5th, 1904) COMMITTED SUICDE., Revillo E. Ross Suddenly Ends His Life. Revillo E. Ross of Troy township ended his life on Saturday morning, by swallowing a teaspoonful of aconite. He had been in a despondent mood for some time past on account of ill health, and was troubled with great nervousness. The deed was committed about 5 o'clock in the morning, and Mrs. Ross was able to speak a few parting words with him before two sons who resided with him before passing into unconsciousness. Mr. Ross was born October 1, 1854 in Springfield township. He had always followed the occupation of a farmer and moved in 1883 to a farm on Pisgah and in 1888 to the Delos Rockwell farm in Farmer's Valley near Troy. In the spring of 1903 he again moved to the Fowler Case farm on the Armenia road, the place of his death. It will be remembered that Mrs. Ross died on January 7th of the present year from effects of heart trouble. Mr. Ross is survived by two sons, Olen and Dean, residing at home, one daughter Mrs. Lee Knights of Alba, and one brother George Ross of Burlington, and one sister, Mrs. Ed Shaylor of Austinville. Funeral services were held on Monday morning at 10 o'clock at the late home of deceased, conducted by Rev. A. E. Hall and Undertaker J. W. Beaman.
The Columbia and Wells Baptist church was prettily decorated with ferns and laurel last evening when in response to about 100 invitations a large company assembled to witness the marriage of Lucy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rutan to Mr. George Parcell Knapp. The bridal party gathered at the church promptly at 8:30 to the strains of the wedding march by George Mosher of Sylvania. Two little girls, Pearl Brown and Verla Varney, led the way, scattering flowers as they proceeded down the aisle to the altar where the Rev. A. G. Cameron awaited the contracting parties and impressively performed the ceremony. The bride was handsomely gowned in white landsdown and carried a shower bouquet of white roses and maiden hair fern. She entered on the arm of her brother, Mr. Lon Rutan, of Troy. Mr. and Mrs. James Watkins were best man and matron of honor respectively; the latter carried white roses. The bridesmaids were: Misses Margaret and Katherine Smith, troy; Miss Grace West, Columbia X Roads; and Miss Bertha Knapp, sister of the groom, Coryland. Acting as ushers were Messrs. Harry Gernert, Ross W. Soper, L. Brown and Andrew Strong. Both bride and bridegroom are highly respected and all wish for them a happy, prosperous career. They will be at home in Coryland after July 1st. Among those bidden to the reception which immediately followed the ceremony at the bride's home were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Mrs. Partridge, Mrs. Earl Nichols, Eddie Partridge, East Smithfield, Pa., Hattie and Harry Weller, Bentley Creek; Mrs. Lena Wood and daughter Rose, Dundee, N.Y.; Elmer Cunningham and daughters, Mae and Maud, and son, Fred, Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe and daughter and son, Mrs. Lucy Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Gustin, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ayers, Mrs. Anna Young, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allen, Weston, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watkins, Mrs. Hattie Knapp and family, Misses Lucy, Bessie and Libbie Dillon, Tracy Wilson, Ward Burrows, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gustin and Harry Gustin; Mr. and Mrs. Lon Rutan, Troy; Miss Olive Wolfe, in addition to the wedding party.
The Montour Falls Free Press devotes a column to the sad story of the drowning of little Laura Ward and her older brother, Cecil, aged 12. The children went to Watkins with their step-father, C. W. Hotalen, Wednesday afternoon by trolley that Laura might see for the first time the great lake (Seneca) about which her brother with a youthful show of wisdom had told her. They were left to return alone and after visiting some Watkins stores in their holiday decorations, started on foot for Montour Falls. Cecil thought to shorten the distance by cutting cross lots and piloted the way to Perch bridge where they saw a stretch of smooth ice on the canal and ventured upon it. It was here that their hats were found frozen in the ice over their bodies on Thursday forenoon by the searchers who had been scouring the country for the lost children since 11:00 o'clock Wednesday night when it first became certain that some mishap had befallen them. Following funeral services at the home in Montour Falls on Saturday the remains were brought to West Burlington for burial by the side of their father.
WILLIAMS, Hazel, Death of Miss Hazel Williams. The remains of Miss Hazel Williams will be brought to Sylvania tomorrow from the home of her sister, Mrs. Fred Card, in Kingston, R.I.. Miss Williams was a former resident of Sylvania but a short time ago went to Rhode Island to live. She was taken ill with typhoid fever on Thursday and died on Tuesday, aged 18 years. Miss Williams was a young woman highly esteemed by all who knew her genial manner and thoughtfulness of others won herself friends who with her father, James Williams, and two sisters-Mrs. Fred Card of Kingston, R.I., and Miss Mildred Williams of Sylvania-she leaves to mourn her loss. Funeral services will be held in the Presbyterian church at Sylvania at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
BALMER - MARGARET L. BALMER- The funeral of Margaret L. Balmer, the infant daughter Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Balmer of Bulkhead, in the Town of Southpost, the child which died of eating poison tablets, Monday afternoon. The funeral will be held at the family home Thursday at 2 p.m., will be private. Burial in Woodlawn cemetery.
BOOTHE - VOSBURGH - A pretty wedding took place at high noon Wednesday, November 4, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Boothe, 310 Harmon Street, Elmira, when their daughter Miss Maude E., was united in marriage to Lou Emerson Vosburgh of Rochester. The ceremony was performed by Rev. L. D. Vosburgh of Sylvania, PA., father of the groom, assisted by Rev. C. C. Crawford, pastor First church, Elmira. The house as very beautifully decorated with evergreens and chrysanthemums. After the ceremony the large number of guests present sat down to a sumptuous dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Vosburgh were the recipients of many beautiful and valuable presents. Mr. Vosburgh is superintendent of the Gilbert Manufacturing Co. in Rochester, NY The bride is a young woman of culture and refinement, and will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends. She has been the efficient organist at the First church of Christ, Disciples, for the past five years. Mr. and Mrs. Vosburgh left in the evening for an extended trip in the East. They will make their home in Rochester. The bride is well known in Troy where she formerly resided with her parents.
BREWER - Burt Brewer is Victim Of Tetanus In Hospital; First Case Here in Years Mosherville Resident Injured While Operating Corn Shredder Succumbs To Dreaded Ailment in Local Hospital- Funeral Will Be Held Sunday. Burt Brewer, aged 27 years, died of tetanus and blood poisoning in a local hospital at 2:30 o'clock this morning. This is the first death from these combining causes in this city in many years, it is said. Mr. Brewer lived at Mosherville, Pa. Early this month he was operating a corn shredder, when his left hand became caught in the machinery and so mangled that the fingers of the hand were severed. He was brought to this city to a hospital for treatment and in spite of medical attention and nursing, blood poisoning developed and lock-jaw resulted. Mr. Brewer is survived by his wife and twin daughters, about one year old; his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Brewer; two brothers, William a Jerome, all of Mosherville, Pa. The funeral will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Methodist Church in Mosherville. The Rev. Seymour Barrett of Tioga will officiate. Burial will be in Woodlawn cemetery this city.
CAMPBELL, Justin S., a lifelong resident of Springfield township died on Sunday at his home in Leona, aged about 65 years. He had been ill for several weeks and last week suffered a stroke`of paralysis. Mr. Campbell was born and always lived on the farm where he died. Surviving him are his wife, three sons, Clarence of Waverly, Frank E., of Montour Falls, NY, E. E. of Elmira, and one daughter, Mrs. L. B. McDowell, residing at home. Funeral services were held at the late home, Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock in charge of Undertaker Beaman of Troy. The impressive Masonic burial rites were observed at the grave, deceased, being a member of that order.
CANEDY -- WHEELER - At the Christian parsonage, Sylvania, PA., Tuesday evening, March 8th, 1904, William Canedy and Miss Ella Wheeler were united in marriage by the Rev. L. D. Vesburgh. Mr. Canedy is one of the most prosperous young farmers in this section, Miss Wheeler a young woman of sterling worth. The bride was attended by her sister Miss Jennie Wheeler, the groom by William Sherman. The many friends of the bride and groom join heartily in wishing them a happy and prosperous future. -
CARNWRIGHT---COOPER - A very quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrus Case on Wednesday afternoon, March 9th, at two o'clock, uniting Mv. Edmund Carnwright and Miss Minnie Cooper. Mr. John Carnwright acted as best man and Miss Cora Bullard as bride's mamd. The bride was attired in a dress of frown silk. The presents were useful and numerous. Mr. and Mrs. Carnwright will reside on a farm given to the bride by Mr. Jacob Fries of Columbia.
CURREN - PHINNEY - ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE- Gillett, Nov. 20.- Mr. and Mrs. John Curren of Gillett announce the marriage of their daughter Ida M. Naomi and Fred A. Phinney Saturday at 6 o'clock by the Rev. H. S. Bacon at the parsonage of the Pennsylvania Avenue Methodist Church. The couple was attended by Miss Evel}n R. Curren, sister of the bride, and Glen C. Simkin. (hand written notation- Wat. Nov. 17, 1928)
DIVORCES GRANTED IN TOWANDA COURT- Towanda, Feb. 2- The following divorces have been granted: Ida Cole, vs. William Cole, Sayre, cruelty, indignities: Nina Mae Brown, vs. Robert M. Brown, Wells Twp., desertion: Alice H. Bradler vs. Harry Bradler, Sayre, desertion
ELY Alberta M., youngest daughter of Rev. William A. Ely died at the home of her mother on St. James street, of heart disease, Thursday evening, Feb. 10, 1887, aged 8 years. Services by the pastor at the house on Friday. Mr. T. V. Moore, of this place, Mr. Ely of Ilion, Mrs. Ely's father and sister attended the burial at Oneida, N. Y. where the family burial place ms.
Twas hard to part with thy darling. And the tears fall thick and fast; The sunshine was gone from thy dwelling, Leaving only the wintry blast.
An angel lived in thy dwelling, That the Savior has called home; Safe forever to His keeping, And her feet shall never roam.
Welcome, welcome, Bertia, darling, Lo! She heard the angels sing, And her childish voice is joining In the praises of the King.
Paradise in now resounding To the patter of her feetl For the street's He's surly filling With little faces bright and sweet.
Boys and girls each day are playing In the streets of purest gold, And the sun is ever shining On the shepherd's precious fold.
Ah, me thinks there was a meeting Of the father and the child; Happy, joyous was the greeting, Filling each with rapture wild.
Do not say that this is dying, For the child is now at rest, Free from pain and all her suffering, Jesus knew that it was best.
Leave her then, to Jesus keeping; Be submissive to His will Though your heart is crushed and bleeding, Jesus' smile is on you still.
(Fletcher) Died in Sullivan Jan. 19th of typhoid pneumonia, Mary, wife of Riley FLETCHER. The burial services were held at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon. Elder Adams officiating. (SRGP 09329)
JUPENLAZ - Father, Son Serve Nation, Mansfield---A Mansfield father and his son, Fred A. Jupenlaz and Lt. Frederick Jupenlaz are serving in the war zone. Mr. Jupenlaz with the Red Cross in North Africa and Lt. Jupeniaz with the Marines in the Southwest Pacific. Mr. Jupenlaz is a veteran of World War I. He was principal of the Covington Junior-Senior High School for 10 years and for two years was supervisor of social studies at the Junior High School. He has been given a leave of absence from the latter position to go with the Red Cross. He is a graduate of the Mansfield State Teachers College and Bucknell University. Lt. Jupenlaz enlisted in the Marine Corps, Aug. 15, 1940. He was graduated from the Armorers School in Philadelphia in 1942 and in August 1942 left for duty in the Pacific. He had previously served six months in Cuba. He is a graduate of the Covington High School and attended the Mansfield State Teachers College one year.
McCLURE - GERNERT. (1904) On Wednesday, October 26th, at the Austinville Baptist church, occurred a pretty wedding, when Miss Harriet McClure of that place and Spencer Gernert of Columbia X Roads, were united in marrage, Mrs. Fred Crapser presiding at the organ. Promptly at 6 o'clock the bridal party entered. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Emma, and was preceded by the misses Hilda Moore and Emma Canfield, who opened the bridal gates. They were met at the alter by the groom$and best man. James Gernert, the Rev. J. W. Huff of Tully, N. Y., who performed the ceremony. The bride, carrying a boquet of carnations was becomingly attired in white, trimmeddwith lace, with a satin girdle. Guests`were present from all the surrounding towns. Only the families of the bride and groom partook of tle wedding supper served immediately after the ceremony. The presents were numerous, including linen, silver, cut glass, furniture, etc., and bespoke of the high esteem in which the bride is held. Mr. And Mrs. Gernert departed on the evening train for visit among relatives in Brookln and Providence. They will be at home after December 1st, at Columbia X Roads.
MABEE, Parents of Local Man Married for 74 years. (1937), Parents of I. S. Mabee, of 827 First Avenue, this city, Mr. And Mrs. Peter A. Mabee, of Picton, Ontario, Canada, will tomorrow celebrate their seventy-forth wedding anniversary. They were married March 15, 1863. Both Mr. And Mrs. Mabee are in good health, and perform their daily tasks about their home in Picton. Mr. Mabee was 94 years old last October, and Mrs. Mabee was 92, Jan 20, Last summer, Mr. Mabee tended his own garden, and when their son was their guest Mrs. Mabee herself prepared the dinner which celebrated the occasion. In spite of their advanced years, Mr. Mabee , who is their only child, hears from his parents regularly. He had hoped to visit them on their wedding anniversary, but because of the ill health of his wife has been forced to postpone the trip to a later date. The couple will observe their anniversary at their home, receiving the congratulations of their many friends in the entire area.
MAINE - PARKHURST. Charles Maine is home from his school at Nelson. He was called here very suddenly on account of the illness and death of his uncle and adopted father, Mr. B. Parkhurst.
PARKHURST H. P. Maine, of Williamsport, is at his father's, E. R. Maine's, in this place. He was on his way to visit his brother at Nelson, when they met in Lawrenceville and came together to the deathbed of their uncle, Mr. B. Parkhurst.
MC KINNEY A young man named Charles McKinney was instantly killed last Friday, near Sullivan's Camp on Armenia Mountiain. He was employed as a bark job by his father. While felling a tree, a dead limb fell striking him on the head, and killing him instantly.
MITCHELL - Rev. Thomas Mitchell Anniversary Sermon, Much interest was attached to the morning service at the Troy Baptist church last Sunday, December 15th, It was the ninetieth anniversary of the Rev. Thomas Mitchell. He Celebrated his brithday by delivering a most excellent sermon. We were much pleased to welcome to this service the pastors and members from sister churches in Troy. The church was tastefully trimmed in evergreen. There were three plaques in white material upon which were placed figures of green; 1817, 1837, 1907. These were the date of his birth, the beginning of his ministerial life, and the present time, respectively. A large and sympathetic audience conspired to bring out the best in Bro. Mitchell and he was fully equal to the occasion. He close for his text the words found in Gen. 47:9: "And Jacob said unto Pharaob,******* few and evil have been the days of the years of my life." The preacher dwelt largely upon the words"few" and "evil." The retrospect in Jacob's life seems to him few, yet the patriarch had lived at this time 130 years. In connection with the unque character of Jacob the speaker tabulated some of the hardships of Israel's life to illustrate the meaning of "evil" as used in the text. His application was close and continuous throughout. Sin is the great evil eclipsing all other wrongs. If our body is sick we go to a physician for remedies. With the soul, many are endeavoring to be cured by homemade nostrums. Why not go to Jesus the great physician. There were in the audience a number of the older residents of Troy who had known Bro. Mitchell for many years and their minds had been reverting to the lights and shadows of the past. They remembered him while he was pastor of Troy Baptist church, October 1, 1852 to October 1, 1860, and while he shepherded the flock at Springfield and other fields; They thought of him as he had rejoiced with them at the wedding feast, and had "committed" today. The occasion is one of both pleasure and pain. "Now, if I had the old flock here that used to crowd the seats of the sanctuary, I would say as Peter did as he was about to depart, 'Giving all diligence, and to your faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge temperance, and to temperance patience, and to patience godliness, and to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness charity**** Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure; for ye do these things ye shall not fail; for so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.' But the old flock is not here. Homes into which I used to enter, gladdened by the presence of parents and childern, are either demolished or have been made desolate by the hand of death. Here and there one is left to straggle along alone near the end of life's journey waiting for the reaper's call. Here then, waiting friends, let us wait with patience. Wait till the night is o'er; wait till the morning breaks on the golden shore. "But I must say a few words to the younger portion of the congregation. It seems but a little while since I was a small child, or like you, I was a small boy or a joyous youth. But from my childhood I desired to be a christian and prayed in secret that I might be. And here I stand before you to testify to the pleasures of a christian life, after spending seventy-four of the ninety years of my pilgrimage, in the service of the Master. I desire to call your attention to the words of Solomon as found in the last chapter of Ecclesiastics. His words are to the young, 'Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.' " Many saw the speaker through tear-dimmed eyes. Here was a man, ordained sixty-six years ago last October, celebrating his ninetieth birthday, his voice ringing out clear and strong as he pleads with sinners to come to
Personal Mention PETERSON-CARD A pretty wedding took place at high noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Niles P. Peterson of Pine City, when their daughter, Cecelia M. and Nol N. Card were united in marriage by the Rev. S, Barrett of Jackson Summit. They were attended by Miss Mildred E. Roy of Southport, and Earl Peterson, a brother of the bride. The bride's gown was of white voile and she carried a bouquet of white asters. The bridesmaid wore white voile over blue silk and carried pink asters. The Lohengrin wedding march was rendered by Mrs. Shirley Garrison, who also rendered several beautiful selections during the afternoon. The house was handsomely decorated in evergreen and aserst. After the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served to about sixty guests with Misses Louise and Myrtle White assisting. Mr. and Mrs. Card left with best wishes of many friends on an auto trip to Niagara Falls and Canada. They will be at home in Jobs' Corners to their friends after September 30
PETERSON - Girl Burns to Death, Baby Boy is Drowned, Youth Kills Playmate- Wellsboro, Oct. 30.- Bradford and Susquehanna counties recorded tragedies last week. Leona Woolver, age 14, of Rummerfield, was burned to death when a can of kerosene oil exploded while she was making a fire. An infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Peterson of Wells was drowned in a puddle of water in an otherwise dry brook, and by the accidental discharge of a gun, in the hands of a companion, Robert Goodman, age 12, of Lanesboro, was instantly killed while shooting at toy balloons.
Two Year Old Frederick Peterson Drowns in Surface Water of Dry Brook- Rushed to St. Joseph Hospital Here, but Efforts for Resuscitation Are Futile- Was Playing About Parents' Home. - While playing about his parents home of the Bird Creek Road in the Town of Wells at 9:30 o'clock this morning Frederick Nils Peterson, two years of age, fell in a dry creek and was drowned. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Peterson, rushed the child to the hospital in this city where futile efforts were made to revive the little child by Dr. Abraham Lands and Dr. Floyd H. Jones. The tragedy causes profound sorrow for the bereaved parents, who are well known and respected in the community in which they live. The father carried the lifeless body of his baby from the home to the hospital, hoping against hope, the little life could be saved. After it was announced that the child had died, the father again carried the body of his son, this time to the funeral parlors. The body was taken to the Harrington undertaking rooms and will be removed to the home of the parents in the Town of Wells. The child is survived by his parents, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roy, of Bulkhead and Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Peterson of Town of Wells, Pa. The announcement of the funeral is to be made later.
FREDERICK N. PETERSON- the funeral for Frederick Nils Peterson, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Peterson will be held at the family home on the Bird Creek road Friday at 2 o'clock. The Rev. H. A. Depfer will officiate. Burial in Woodlawn cemetery.
PUTNAM - Mrs M. M. Putnam gave a surprise party to her daughter Abbie, April 25th 1904, a goodly number being present to enjoy the event, the time being spent in games and music. At 6 o'clock refreshments were served under the assistance of Miss Eva Wood. Those present were Lottie Wood, Mabel Shade, Irene Rolison, Vronica Smith, Lena Maher, Mary Belle Sadler, Margaret Willour, Elizabeth VanDyne, Bessie Kellogg, Angeline Smith, Jane Parsons, Anna Vineski; James Batterson, Harold Borden, Edward Parke, Robert Gaten, Norman Gerber, Frank Case, John Collins, George Gibson, Carl Kellogg, Lewis Batterson. Many tokens of remembrance were left the guest of honor.
ROWE - CONGDON - SOCIAL NOTES- ROWE- CONGDON- Saturday evening at the home of the Rev. C. D. Smith, of Elmira Heights, Miss Hazel Rowe and Jasper Congdon were united in marriage. The Rev. Smith performed the ceremony. The couple was unattended. The bride wore a suit of dark blue ? trimmed with gray squirrel and a gray hat. She wore A corsage bouquet of pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. Congdon will be at home to their many friends at 250 West Chemung place.
SHANNON--HANDRAN - Two of Troy's Popular Young People Take Upon Them the Solemn Oaths. - A wedding in Troy of large interest, was that of Josephine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Shannon, and John J. Handran, which occurred last evening. The ceremony took place at 6:30 o'clock at St. John's church which was filled to its capacity with the admiring friends of the bride and groom. The church had been extensively trimmed for the occasion, and presented an enticing appearance in its decorations of flowers and palms. Miss Genevieve Connolly presided at the organ, and rendered the strains of the wedding march at the advent of the bridal party. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Elizabeth Shannon, and the groom by his brother, M. J. Handran. The bride was most becomingly attired in silk chiffon with the long bridal veil, carrying lillies-of-the-valley, and the bride's maid in pink chiffon, carrying large bouquets of sweet peas. The ushers were John Shannon of Troy, James Burke of Canton, Mac Shannon of Barnesboro, Pa., and J. P. Handran of Houtzdale, Pa.
Immediately following the ceremony the guests repaired to the home of the bride, where a reception was held. The home was elaborately trimmed throughout with May flowers, lillies-of-tle-valley, carnations and palms, and the elements of joy and cheerfulness held away in the atmosphere of the occasion. The guests where treated to an elaborate six course dinner,M and the bride's table tastefully trimmed in the colors of pink and green was occupied by the bridal party and Father Connolly. The collection of wedding presents, the remembrances of many well wishing friends and acquaintances was an elaborate one. At a later hour music was enjoyed and dancing mndulged in.
The bride and gvoom were escorted to the evening train by a number of ------- and we extend our congratulations with those of their many other friends. Mr. Handran is a junior partner of the firm DeWitt, Ballard & Handran, and in his business interests he is also as popular as otherwise.
Following is the list of guests from out of town with those above named who were present at the happy affair: J. E. Sullivan and wife and Misses Margaret Doherty, Anna Sullivan and Katherine Gernert of Watkins; Messrs. Ted Burke and Daniel Shannon and families of Canton; Mr. Wm Shannon and family of Jersey Shore; Miss Mary Burke and Mr. and Mrs. J. Maxwell Beers of Elmira; and Mrs. and Mrs. James Shannon of Corning
SMITH-FULLER - Joseph H. Smith and Miss Lillie E. Fuller, both of Springfield township, were married on Wednesday of last week in Elmira by Rev. W. T. Henry.
TANNER Died in Rutland, Pa., February, 28 1886, Hannibal M. Tanner, in the 26th year of his age after an illness of eleven days. From the first he had no hope of recovery and calmly arranged his business. He was a firm believer in the truth of God's word. An affectionate husband, a loving son and brother, a good citizen and true friend. Gone in his early manhood, ere he had reached the meriden of his years. He leaves a young wife and infant son. We feel that God's chastening hand is heavy upon us, but still try to say "Thy will be done".
TAYLOR--CARD - The Taylor - Card Nuptials 1906 - "Hedge Rowe Farm" the home of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Taylor, was the scene of a pretty wedding Tuesday afternoon, June 19th. The contracting parties were their only daughter, Clara Bessie, and Mr. Walter Henry Card of Elmira, NY. Among the hundred guests from Burlington, Troy and East Troy, Sylvania, Sullivan, Canton, Elmira, New York City and Galeton, Pa. were representatives of many well-known families.
The house was prettily decorated. A rope of ground pine entwined the balustrade in the hall, the mantel was banked and white roses studden an arch of verdure supporting a wedding bell of white beneath which the ceremony was impressively performed by the bride's pastor, the Rev. Edward P. Morse, of the First Presbyterian church, following Shelley's Love Song by Mr. Wilson Weigester and the wedding march by Miss Amelia Lamkin. The bride was given away by her father. In attendance on the bridal couple were Miss Caroline Wagner, maid of honor, Misses Ella A. Maynard and Alice Colony, Mr. Maynard Bradford, best man, Messrs. George Case and Amasa Maynard with little Pauline Card and George Burritt Taylor as flower bearers. The bride's gown was cream silk trimmed with chiffon and applique. She carried dark red roses. Her going away gown was a pretty shade of gray taffeta. The bride's gift to her attendants were unique souvenir spoons and to the flower bearers pretty gold rings. The bride received many hansome tokens of the esteem in which she is universally held. Congratulations and felicitations over, a five-course dinner was daintily served under the direction of Cateress Jennie Nelson.
The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer B. Card, prominent residents of Sullivan, Tioga County. He is prominent in Odd Fellows' circles, having been district deputy grand master.
Mrs. and Mrs. Card left on the 4:25 Northern Central train north for New York, Philadelphia and Atlantic City.
Among the guests from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Randolph P. Hill, Misses Anna Laura and L. Bessie Hill, Mr. Harry H. Hill, Miss Brink and Miss Cummings, Elmira; Mr. and Mrs. Sherman H. Hill, New York; Mrs. D. H. Lamb, Galeton; Dr. and Mrs. Manley, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Whitman, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Greenough, Mrs. Sarah Packard, Canton.
Rev. Willits Gives Sermon For Downcast.. Rev. William H. Willits, minister of North Presbyterian Church, conducted an interesting "service for the discouraged" Sunday morning, he edifice being filled almost to capacity. In keeping with the theme, the Junior Choir sang " When the World Forgets," Mrs. Ruth Christian Welch directing while Mrs. W. H. Willits and Harry Mills sang the duet, "Love Divine." Rev. Mr. Willits, after giving a word picture of Elijah seated under a juniper tree, head in hands, the picture of despair, said this Biblical character was so discouraged he wished God to take away his life, feeling he had lived far too long and that the future held nothing of valve. "Just now," the minister continued, "thousands are particularly discouraged, not only on their own account but because great causes for which they have labored-peace, prohibition, prosperity---seem to have slumped. "However, in the very act becomming cynical and despairing those so affected have curtailed their power and made themselves useless. We do not doubt the sun is shining simply because clouds blot it from view and we must not doubt God lives and reigns when his face is obscured by the gloom of passing events. We realize our neighbor's house still stands despite the fog blotting it from sight and so, in adversity, why doubt our hold upon our neighbor's love and good will? All Have Moods "Jesus, speaking in times of doubt, mental conflict and earthly unhappiness, urged constantly a change in mood by saying, ' be not afraid,' He endeavored to lift up his follwers, to cause them to glance beyond the clouds into the golden glow that revealed the presence of the sun, and today more than ever we need to challenge doubt and fear with His ' be of good cheer,' be not afraid.' We all have moods as well as cellars but there is no good reason for living in either of them. "Go to faith's mountaintop, stand in the presence of God, be uplifted spiritually and faith and courage will be restored. With this result achieved we may face the future unafraid, knowing full well that regardless of conditions God's guiding hand controls the course of the universe and also the destinies of men-that He will not fail us in our need. The evening meeting of the Young People's Christian Endeavor Society was held at the home of Miss Winifred Dibbie, Lake Street, with Miss Dibbie as the leader. The worship service was largely attended.
(Willhelm) - Cordelia F., wife of John W. Willhelm, died suddenly at her home 416 W. Gray St., Elmira, N. Y., on Thursday evening, Jan. 13, 1887, at half-past eleven o'clock. The immediate cause of her death was apoplexy, of which she had three attacks, one four years ago, another in September leaving slight impediment in her speech and the third half an hour before her death. She was born in Chatauqua county, N.Y., Nov. 11 1830. She came to this county with her mother soon after the death of her father, and had resided in Mansfield almost continuously since February, 1866. In the town of Sullivan, Oct. 22, 1852, she was married to John W. Willhelm who with two children, William F. and Jennie C., aged respectively 20 and 18 years, survive her; four other children, Lillie, Eddie, Freddie and Frank H., the first two in infancy, having preceded her to the home beyond. She embraced religion in her youth, and joined the M. E. Church, and through all her life of labor, trials and disappointments maintained firm faith in God, at all times and under all circumstances bearing cheerful testimony to His goodness and mercy. To her religion brough that peace which the world cannot give. Although called suddenly, she was ready to go and with an ineffable smile on her countenance commended her spirt to Him who gave it. Her remains were brought to Mansfield on the noon train Saturday for burial, and the funeral, in the M. E. Church, was largely attended at one o'clock. The pastor, Rev. W. S. H. Hermans, assisted by Rev. Mr. Cochran, officiating.
Mansfield Trustee
MRS. HARRIET GILLETTE, of Mansfield, has been appointed a trustee of the
Mansfield State Teachers College by Governor Arthur James and her appointment
confirmed by the senate. Mrs. Gillette is Republican county vice chairman. In
1936 she conducted a “One Day Dollar Drive” in Tioga County, in which $1,600 was
raised for the campaign fund. She is active in the county and local Republican
Council of Women. For the last eight years Mrs. Gillette has served on the state
board of the United Christian Missionary Society of the Churches of Christ and
as tri-county district secretary. For seven years she taught in the public
schools. She is a sister of the late E. E. Marvin, Tioga County superintendent
of schools