The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery
Tri County Clippings- Page Ten
Obituaries and other newspaper items on this page are from the scrapbook collection of Joyce M. Tice . 
The Following are from the Marietta COOLEY Strange Scrapbook. 
Typed for SRGP by Ellen SMITH Jacobus and scanned and formatted for presentation by Joyce M. Tice

BAILEY - ESTEEMED MANSFIELD WOMAN DIES IN LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. News was received in Mansfield on Monday of the death,-in Lincoln, Neb., of Mrs Ellen Bailey Williams, one of the best known and most highly esteemed residents of this boro. Mrs Williams had long been a sufferer of asthma, and went west to the home of a niece, a few months ago, hoping that a change of climate would prove beneficial. Death came to her on Saturday afternoon last. The remains reached Mansfield today, and the funeral will be held at 1 o'clock Thursday afternoon from her late home, corner of East Main street and Normal avenue.

Mrs Williams was the widow of the late Philip Williams, and had lived in Mansfield for about forty-five years. She was in her 68th year. She was a daughter, by a second wife, of Roswell Bailey, a native of Vermont, who came to Tioga county about 1802, locating in Tioga township and eight years removing to what is now known as Dartt Settlement, in Charleston township where Mrs Williams was born. Her father was killed in a runaway accident, Oct. 24th,1840. She is survived by a large number of nephews and nieces. Since the death of her husband Mrs Williams has traveled extensively, visiting Europe and the principal points of interest in America. She was a good woman, giving cheerfully and liberally to aid good causes, and was ever mindful of the necessities of those less fortunate than herself with respect to this world's goods. 

CONGDON , Sylvia - Mrs C. H. Lawrence, for many years a highly esteemed resident of Mansfield, died suddenly at her home in Sherwood street Tuesday. In the early evening a neighbor called at her home, and found Mrs Lawrence lying lifeless on her bed. Dr. F. G. Wood was called. He said death probably occured five hours prior to the discovery of the body. Mrs Lawence's husband was killed several years ago by a team of runaway horses as he was on his way home from town. Mrs Lawrence was 75 years old, and is survived by one daughter, Mrs Chauncey Smith of Corning, N.Y., and several grandchildren. The funeral will be held from the home on Friday at an hour not yet appointed. Mrs Lawrence possessed a kindly disposition, which made friends and cemented friendship. In the home she ever was the true, considerate wife and mother. A good woman is gone. 
ROSE - MILLER (Morgan E. Rose and Nellie Miller m. 1883) Mr and Mrs M. Rose Observe Twenty-Fifth wedding anniversary, Monday. Mr and Mrs IMF. Rose, on Thursday evening last, at their pleasant home Sherwood street, entertained delightfully a company of twenty-five relatives. Games were enjoyed and a tempting luncheon was served. During the evening, Mr and Mrs Rose were presented with a china boat, which bore a cargo of silver dollars- probably signifying that their ship had come in." The presentation was made by Mrs Edwin S. Coles, with appropriate remarks. Mrs Rose responded, expressing her appreciation, and that of Mr Rose, the gift and spirit which prompted the donors. The guests from out of town were: Mrs Charles M. Rose of Pueblo, Col.; and Mr and Mrs Fred E. Rose and son, Warren, of Wellsboro. Mr and Mrs Rose are highly esteemed residents of Mansfield, and the Advertiser joins their numerous friends in the wish that they may at least celebrate their diamond anniversary. 
STRANGE - Mrs M.F. Rose was in Wellsboro on Wednesday last. She accompanied there her sister, Miss Julia Strange, who went that evening to Philadelphia to begin her course in Nurses Training School at the Presbyterian Hospital. 
(Webster) - Bath, May 9. - Mrs Ida Webster died this morning at the Bath Hospital, following an apoplectics seizure which she sustained ten days ago. Mrs Webster was a life-long resident of Williamsport,Pa., and came here with her daughter about two weeks ago for a visit with relatives on her way to Alpine, Oregon, where she has sons living and where she planned to make her home. Rev. T.W. Carter, of the Bath Baptist Church, will hold services at the home of Miss Reynolds in Robie street, Saturday morning and the remains will be taken to Williamsport for burial on Sunday. Mrs Webster leaves a daughter, Emma; and three sons Charles A., Daniel L., and Mark, all of Alpine, Oregon. She also leaves a sister, Mrs Martha Lucas, of this place. 
BELKNAP-DeWITT Mansfield, Aug. 18. - Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Elizabeth P. Belknap, daughter of Dr. and Mrs A. T. Belknap of Mansfield and Walter M. DeWitt, son of Mr. and Mrs R. J. DeWitt of Troy,Pa., which was solemnized in Kenmore, N. Y., July 16. Mrs DeWitt is a popular member of Mansfield High School, Mansfield State Teachers' College and the University of Illinois and is a member of the Sigma Kappa Sorority. She taught in the Coudersport High School for two years and the past year she taught in the Mansfield State Teachers' College. Mr DeWitt is a graduate of the Troy High School and attended Syracuse University. He is a member of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. 
BURT- NEW PRESIDENT Y, M. C. A. Arthur H. Burt, head cashier, was elected president of the Central Y. M. C A. at a meeting of the board of directors Tuesday. Mr Burt has been a member of The Y.M.C.A. board of directors for some time. Recently he was appointed a member of the National Council of the Y.M.C.A. Mr Burt has devoted a great deal of time and effort to the Y.M.C.A. and his new honor is a deserved one. 
BURT - Edith Burt, formerly or this city, died at the home of her father, I. N. Burt, in Watkins yesterday morning at 8:30 o-'clock. The funeral will be held at the home in Watkins this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Burial will be in the cemetery at Troy, Pa. Thursday morning at 11 o'clock 
BURT - The death of Mrs Francis Ellery Fitch occurred at her home, No.256 West Fifth street, yesterday day morning. This news was passed among her wide circle of friends yesterday. Many had an insight of her sterling qualities of mind and heart and these felt the loss keenly as a personal one. In the home she loved and in the church where her work was so beneficial this irreparable loss will be heartfelt. Surrounded by her loved ones, she quietly said: "Good-bye." and passed peacefully away to a better land where a resting place awaits her. Expressing no tear for the unseen, smiling and loving, she only regretted that she could no longer remain for those left behind. This had always been her first thought, and those who have enjoyed her hospitality, which was almost boundless, as well as the more intimate circle who make up the home,, feel that the light has gone out. Every care and thoughtfulness which love could suggest were ministered to her,, but all proved unavailing, all was in vain for the disease which had been preying upon her vitality, conquered. She leaves behind an inconsolable husband and an aged mother-in-law for whom she had cared with solicitous tenderness. Two sons and a daughter also survive her, - Francis E. Jr., and Miss Nellie G., the other son residing in the south, be-sides brothers and sisters who will never find her place quite filled. Mrs Fitch was born Julia Burt, the fourth of five children, three sons and a sister, at Springfield, Bradford county,Pa., fifty-tour years ago, on April 9, Her parents were Caleb S. and Jane E. Burt, prominent Baptists of that town, her father being leader of the choir for several years. She was baptized at the age of fourteen. She was married to Mr Fitch in Springfield February 9, 1864 They first took up their residence in Williamsport,Pa., where she united with the Presbyterian church with her husband. At the end of two years they came to Elmira and became members of the First Presbyterian church. She was an active member always delighted to offer tier best ability in the furtherance of the Sunday school and various other branches of the church. She had, also, for many years been an active member in the Women's auxiliary of the R.Y.M.C.A. One year ago to-day she was elected vice president of the Auxiliary. The funeral will be held from her late home, No.256 West Fifth street on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, The Rev. Isaac Jennings officiating. The interment which will be private, will be in Woodlawn. 
BURT - Miss Bertha Burt, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs I. N. Burt, died Wednesday evening, December 3d, at her home on North Monroe street, in her 18th year of her age. The deceased succumbed to a five weeks illness with typhoid fever and congestion of the brain, during which her condition was daily watched with the keenest solicitude by a host of friends and acquaintances, to whom the fatal termination brought unspeakable sadness. Miss Burt possessed rare gifts that made her a decided favorite with her schoolmates and all who had the pleasure of he acquaintance, and she was an earnest worker in the Baptist church and its auxiliary societies. A well written tribute to her lovely Christian character, written by one who knew her intimately, appears in this paper. The funeral conducted at the family residence Saturday at 1 p.m., was a sad occasion. The Rev. F.V. Atkinson officiated and spoke with much feeling of the departed one. There were many handsome floral tributes from the Christian Endeavor Society, Sunday-school and sorrowing friends. F.W. Hurley, Harry Durland, William Taylor and George Coons, Jr. acted as pallbearers. The remains were taken to Elmira, the former home of the family, for internment, the Northern Central kindly providing a special car for the funeral party.

BURT - In Memory or Bertha Burt

For some people life's journey is a long one- For others very brief: all too brief in the case of some whose personal endowments and qualifications for usefulness draw all hearts most closely to them and make their stay in this world most desirable. It was so with regard to our young friend, Bertha Burt, who, on Wednesday evening of last week, after only eighteen years or earthly life, parted the veil between the seen and the unseen and entered upon the mysteries to which we are all so near- and yet cannot discover. Admired, esteemed, lamented! How much is embodied when those three words are written: None or us are long remembered, when, over the lifeless form is uttered: - Earth to earth, ashes to ashes dust to dust!, but there are many in this village, and in other places who as long as they live will recall with delight and gratitude the fact that they were privileged to know Bertha Burt. How many have said during the weary weeks of her illness and suffering , "I always liked Bertha," Iintelligent, bright cheery winsome, earnest, affectionate taking a serious view or life: energetic and striving, to be helpful for others as well as herself reverent, and devoted to the Savior- to whom and to whose service, she publicly consecrated herself only ten months ago, with no premonition that before Christmas she would stand where the redeemed ones veil their races and$cry ,Holy! Holy! Lord God Almighty! Great and Marvelous are Thy work just and true are Thy ways Tlou King or Saints! -, Can any one of us$conceive what flashed through her minddwhen just as she was passing into the great unknown, she looked up into her sister's face and said: "I am dying." How will it be with each one of us when that same declaration rises to our lips as the varn being sensations of the parting of the spirit from the body tell us that we are directly on the margin? There come to mind these memorial lines, which many of us, Bertha's friends will be glad to link with her memory: ... Dec 7., 1902 

BURT - Henry Jarvis Burt known as Jarvis Burt, a native of Springfield, this county, died very suddenly Tuesday morning at his home in Elmira from heart trouble, aged 65 years. For forty years Mr Burt had been a valued employee of the Northern Central railroad, more than twenty two as a passenger conductor. He was a son of Deacon C. S. Burt of Springfield, long since gone to his reward, and a brother of Ezekiel Burt of Frewsburg, and Isaac Burt of Watkins Glen, N.Y. All were present at the recent reunion of the Springfield Baptist church and as usual Jarvis led the singing as his father before him. His religious activity was by no means confined to these annual gatherings. For 35 years he had been a member of the First Baptist church, Elmira, being one of its deacons for a number of years. He is survived by his wife and two sons, Arthur of Elmira and Alpha of Boston, Mass. The funeral is to be held at two this afternoon from his late home in Elmira. Up and down the line of the railroad he served so long in Springfield, in Elmira, wherever he was known, the death of Jarvis Burt is recognized as a real loss. 
CLARK - Frank Clark was the only son of Phineas M. and Adaline Kniffin Clark. He was born on the Clark homestead in Richmond Township, September 26, 1862. He attended the public schools.

He was one of the founders of the church in Mansfield. Like his father, Frank A. Clark took an active interest in the affairs of the town and --as also a member of the Methodist church. He served as trustee of the old Building and Loan Association, as treasurer of the School Board, and as Burgess of Mansfield from 1909 to 1914. He was a member of Friendship Lodge No. 247, F. & A. M. and, at his request, his remains were laid away in Oakwood Cemetery by his friends among the brother Masons. Frank Clark was a man who bad won and deserved popularity wherever believed. He was a cheery fellow, always ready to give or take a joke. His generous impulses and kindly nature endeared to a large number of people in Mansfield and vicinity. Having had more than his share of what are ordinarily called the troubles of life, he had not let it effect his cheery disposition, nor his broad minded outlook of things. In all his life he was a man of exemplary character, being a fond and indulgent husband and father. He is survived by his widow, a daughter, Mrs Maxwell Baxter, of Waverly, N.Y., two grandchildren in who, he took considerable pride also another daughter, Mae, and a step-daughter Janice M. The funeral was held from the late home on South Main Street, Monday afternoon at 3 P.M., the Rev. F. F. Simmons officiating. The Masonic Lodge attended in a body and conducted interment at Oakwood cemetery. 

COOLEY -Mrs Marietta Strange, Aged Mansfield Lady Dies (1934)

Mansfield, Feb. 7. - Mrs Marietta Strange, lacking two days of being 90 years of age, died at her home here Monday. She was born February 9, 1844 in Springfield township, Bradford county, later moved to Sullivan township, this county, where she lived until she moved to Mansfield in 1899. She was the eldest parishioner of the Baptist Church. Survivors include three sons, Joseph, Charles and John Strange, of Sullivan township: three daughters, Mrs M.P. Rose and Mrs Harry D. Kingsley of Mansfield and Mrs Fred S. Rose of New York City and 12 Grandchildren.

Friends Help Woman Observe 87 Birthday

Mansfield, Pa. Feb. 13- Marietta Strange, one of Mansfield's most highly esteemed women, celebrated her 87th birthday Monday, at her home on Sherwood Street. She was the re cipient of many flowers, gifts and a large number of friends called on her in the day. She is the mother of six children, Joseph, Charles and John Strange, Sullivan; Mrs M.F. Rose, Mans field Mrs Fred Rose of New York City and Mrs Harry B. Kingsley, Mansfield; all of whom came to her home to help celebrate her birthday. She has 12 grandchildren and 15 great grand children. (Note from JMT: Marietta is the woman who collected most of the glippings in this scrapbook) 

COOLEY - Laura A. Porter, daughter of John N. and Mary A. Cooley, was born August 5, 1834, in Springfield Township, united with the Springfield Baptist church at the age of eleven; was married to William W. Spalding, of Canton, September 5, 1858. To this union five children were born, two dying in infancy, Norman L. of Mainesburg; Mrs E.A. Hull of Reynoldsville, Pa. and John C. of Springfield, together with six grandchildren, survive her. Her husband, William W., died June 2, 1897. Married to Lyman Porter June 7, 1898, she died July 26, 1908. Two or three months ago Mrs Porter found that her health was failing. Medical aid was sought yet she continually went down in strength by some internal disease undermining her constitution, until the end came. She was a woman of great faith, putting her confidence and trust in her blessed Lord, and dying in the triumphs of faith. The family and relatives mourn her loss, and the church loses a ve helpful and consistent member. Mr Bemont, of Troy, took charge of the remains, while her pastor of Springfield, gave an appropriate address, founded on Rev. 14:13, to a large concourse of people after which the body was taken to the Springfield cemetery, and beside her first husband she was placed, awaiting the resurrection morning.

Mrs Laura A. Porter, wife of Lyman Porter, died last Sunday at the family home in Springfield from cancer of the liver, aged 74 years Besides her husband , Mrs Porter leaves two sons named Spaulding and a daughter, Mrs Hull of Reynoldsville, by a former marriage. The funeral at 1 on Tuesday from the home was conducted by Rev. Hazelton of Springfield. 

DORSETT - Alice Dorsett Holden, widow of the late Charles Holden, died at the home of her sister Mrs Henrietta Bodine, Tuesday morning. Although she had been in ill health for several month she had been confined to her home only about two weeks, and her death came as a shock to her many friends. She was the daughter of Philetus and Sophronia Phelps Dorsett, and was born June 8, 1852. Practically all her life has been spent in Mansfield, with the exception of a few years, when she lived in Corning. Mrs Holden possessed a sunny disposition, which with her desire to help others, made for her a host of friends. She is survived by her sister, Mrs Henrietta Bodine, a brother George Dorsett, of Jersey Shore; a niece, Miss Martha Bodine, of Mansfield, and several nephews. Two children, a daughter, Rena and a childhood. Burial in Corning cemetery. 
EARLY - The Rev. Samuel Early, a former pastor of the Roseville Baptist church, died on Wednesday last at the Baptist parsonage, Millport, N.Y. He was 72 years old, and for more than three years had served as pastor of the Millport church. Of him the Elmira Star Gazette said: The decedent was a man of more than ordinary intelligence, and a very gifted speaker. By his upright life, and sunny disposition he had endeared himself not only to his church, but to all who came in contact with him, especially the young people. He was a veteran of the civil war, and a member of the Wilson Dean Post G. A. R. . He is survived by his widow and three children- William N. Earley, Cleveland, 0.; Mrs William Cole and Mrs Charles Longhon, of Columbia, .; three sisters Mrs Jane Collins, Swartwood, N.Y.; Mrs Hannah Atkinson, Addison, N.Y.; Mrs Sarah Lester, Springfield, Mass. The funeral was held from the Baptist church in Millport Friday at 1:30 p.m., the Rev. C. E. Christian, of Horseheads, officiating. Burial was in Columbia, 0.11 
FITCH - At about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon Francis E. Fitch, division trainmaster for the Pennsylvania railroad in this city, died suddenly in his office. The deceased had been in ill health for some time and his friends say that he had been especially so of late. George W. Newberry a Northern Central telegraph lineman, was in the front office of the North Central office building on Railroad avenue at the time Mr Fitch died. He had Mr Fitch trying to call some one on the telephone and a moment later lie heard a fall in the next room. Rushing in he found the trainmaster on the floor. He died in a few minutes. Mr Fitch was born in Troy, Bradford county,Pa., January 3, 1840. He received his education in the grammar schools and academy at that place. At the age of fourteen he entered the service of the Elmira and Williamsport railway as a water boy on passenger trains. He served in this capacity until November 1855, when an opportunity offered to learn telegraphy in the company office in this city. He soon mastered the business and was retained as operator and clerk in the Elmira freight office. At that time Elmira was the northern terminus of the road and Mr Fitch was the only clerk in the freight department. In 1863 the Elmira and Williamsport was leased to the Northern Central Railway Company and Mr Fitch was promoted to superintendent clerk and in 1864 was appointed train dispatcher with offices at Williamsport. In 1866 lie was transferred to Elmira and was made division operator in addition to his duties as a train dispatcher. He continued serving the company in this capacity until 1872, -when he was promoted to the position of trainmaster on the Elmira and Canandaigua division. Mr Fitch was twice married. His first wife was Miss Julia Burt. They had five children, three girls dying in infancy. Two sons,Burt S. Fitch, of Newport, Neb. and Francis Ellery Fitch,,Jr. of Cornell University, survive. He also leaves an adopted daughter, Mrs Nellie G. Root, of Geneva. Mr Fitch was an active member of the First Presbyterian church and had been one of the trustees since April 30,1880. He was also one of the directors of the Second National Bank His first wife died on May 1, 1899 and on December 8, 1902 he married Mrs Mary E. Gregg, widow of the late J. Leslie Gregg. She survives him, as does his aged mother, who lived with him. He and Mrs Fitch attended the mid-week prayer meeting at. the First Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening and Mr Fitch took part in the service. He leaves a host of friends not only in the city but along the line of the Pennsylvania to mourn his loss. The deceased had returned Tuesday from a southern trip with his wife, having been through Florida and the southern States. The funeral announcements will be later. 
CREDIFORD - Mrs Mary L. Guthrie died at her home in Leona, Sunday evening, after a four weeks illness ' She is survived by one daughter, Mrs May Hooker of Troy; two sons, Mark of Leona and Claude of Elmira; one brother, E.O. Crediford of Springfield; three sisters, Mrs Wolcott, Mrs Rose Harkness and Alice Crediford. 
HART - Henry Hart son of Daniel and Amelia Pierce Hart, was born in Sullivan township, near what is known as Robbins, Hill, April 27, 1865. His father went west never to return when Henry was a baby, so he was obliged at an early age to take upon himself the cares of a grown-up. He attended school at the Robbins Hill school and worked among the farmers, helping his mother all that he could; thus early learning lessons of value of a dollar, which was a help to him in later life. He was always destined to be handicapped by a not very robust constitution, but by his thrift and industry made a home for his mother in her declining years and comfortable provided for his own family and left some inheritance to his children. He married in 1884 Euphemy Jones of Richmond. To this union four children were born, two dying when infants. His wife preceded him to the other shore some five years ago. He was faithful member and worker of P.O.S. of A. for thirty-one years and at the time of his death was treasurer of the organization. He was also a valued member of the Grange. He leaves to mourn his loss, one son Owen Hart of Mainesburg; one grandson, Dewayne Henry Hart; one daughter, Mrs Nellie Kosteski of Elmira, and one sister, Mrs Alice Hart Rumsey, of Mainesburg; also a large circle of friends and acquaintance, all through Sullivan township, for here he had lived out all his days, known and respected for his sterling qualities. 
MOSHER - Mrs Laura Strange, 86. died at her home in Sylvania on Saturday morning. The funeral was he d at the home Tuesday at 2 p.m., Reverend Claude Shafer officiating; interment in Gray Valley Cemetery. She is survived by one son, Burt Strange at home, and three grandsons, Harry of Elmira; Frank of Wyalusing and George of Corning. 

Died at his home in Mainesburg, at ten minutes past twelve o'clock Thursday night Jan. 26, 1888, Mr Baldwin in the 56th year of his age. The funeral was held in the M. E. Church on Sunday, Elder King officiating. Deceased leaves a devoted wife, to whom his death is a great affliction, having been in very poor health herself for several years. He also leaves three brothers, P.D. of Painted Post, N.Y. Philemon, of Auburn, N.Y., and Frank of Mainesburg beside many other relatives. Deceased was for a number of years engaged in the mercantile business in this place, but about a year ago he closed his stock of goods and has since given his entire attention to farming. He was successful business man, in whatever he engaged, and having a very large farm gave employment to a good many laboring men, who will miss him and mourn his sudden and unexpected death. He had been sick most of the winter, and was a terrible sufferer Mr Parkhurst was the son of Dr. Dexter Parkhurst, a brother of the late Joel Parkhurst, of Elkland,Pa. He was born in Mansfield near Smythe Park. 

RIPLEY, Maria Martha - Mrs M.M. Harvey, for many years a resident of Mansfield, died last Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs C.E. Moore, aged seventy-four years, eight months and twenty-eight days. She leaves seven children, three sisters and one brother to mourn her loss. She was a loving mother, and a true friend to all, with a loving faith in the Lord. The funeral was held in Schodac, Monday afternoon, the Rev. A.H. Simpson officiated. (1905, buried at Orebed Cemetery) 

ROSE - Morrison F. Rose was born in Sullivan township January 12, 1862, and lived on a farm until he was twenty years old. Then he came to Mansfield and was a clerk in J. M. Clark's store for one year, going to Mainesburg where he and his brother, R.W. Rose, built the store recently destroyed by fire, being in business there twelve years. He then returned to Mansfield where he went into business with R.W. Rose in the store in which the present business of R.W. & M.F. Rose Company is located. He was married to Mary Strange, August 6, 1889, and she survives him.

M.F. Rose was a Mason, a member of Friendship Lodge, of this place, a member of the Chapter at Blossburg, and a member of the Commandeer at Wellsboro. He was a member of the Mansfield Baptist church, being deacon at the time of his death. He was also a member of the executive committee of the Red Cross and an earnest worker in same. When the Business Men's Association was organized Mr. Rose became a member. He was always ready to lend his presence and assistance to any move that was worthy. On Mother's Day, at Lamar, Col., Mr, Rose had gotten off the train on which he and Mrs Rose were traveling to Pueblo. The train, when on time, has a wait at Lamar of fourteen minutes, and Mr. Rose thought this a good opportunity to get off and rest himself by walking up and down the platform. While engaged in this manner he noticed that his train was pulling out, it only waiting three minutes as it arrived late. He hurried to catch it and evidently slipped just as he extended a hand to grasp the railing, falling head first between the coaches.

One wheel of the front trucks over his body and the next wheel pushed him along the track. Some one who had seen his attempt to catch the train realized that an accident had happened and pulled the emergency cord, the train stopping immediately.It appears that there is a church in the near vicinity of where the accident happened and that the people were just being dismissed. Anyway, among the first arrivals at the scene was a member of the Masonic fraternity at Lamar, and he noticing that Mr. Rose wore a Masonic button, immediately took charge of the body in the name of Lamar Lodge. The most courteous attentions were paid Mrs Rose on the part of the Masons of Lamar and everything that they could do for her was done For this kind attention Mrs Rose is very grateful to the Masons of Lamar - Thursday noon the body was brought to Mansfield, brother Masons meeting the train and acting as bearers to the home. The funeral was held at his late home Saturday afternoon, Reverend FE Eden, a former pastor, coming here to officiate. The bearers were: Joseph N. Strange, Charles H. Strange, John C. Strange, Marcus Strange, Fred E. Rose and Carl W. Doud. Mr. Rose beside his widow, is survived by two brothers, J.F. Rose of Colorado Springs; R.W. Rose of Pueblo, Colorado; and one sister, Julia Rose, a teacher in Montana. 

SHEPARD - WALTON Mansfield, July 1. -Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Ivah Shepard, daughter. of Mr and Mrs M. H. Shepard of Mansfield and Edward Francis Walton of Scranton, Nov. 26, 1926 in St. Bedes Chapel, Philadelphia. Mrs Walton is a popular member of the younger set of Mansfield. She is a graduate of the Mansfield Richmond High School, Mansfield State Teachers' College and Syracuse University, and has taught the past two years in the public schools of Camden, N. J. Mr Walton is a graduate of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and a member of the Delta Theta Phi fraternity. He is at present a student in the law school there and also a member of the faculty of the Camden Senior High School. 

STRANGE - Charles R. Strange, 66, a former resident of Springfield, Pa.,died Feb. 25 at Los Angeles" Calif. He is survived by a niece Mrs George S. messing and a grand nephew, Marcus G. Messing both or East Orange, N.J. The body is en route to Troupe., and the funeral will be announced later. Burial will Joe in the Springfield, Pa. cemetery. 
STRANGE - Charles Strange, one of the most substantial farmers and most esteemed citizens of Sullivan township, died quite suddenly on Thursday last, of pneumonia He had been sick with grip a good part of the winter, but his case was not considered alarming until the afternoon before he died, when pneumonia developed, and he died at 4 o'clock on Thursday morning. The funeral was held at his residence last Sunday at 1 p.m., Rev. Mr. Cooper of Mansfield, officiating. The burial was at the Gray Valley cemetery. The floral decorations of the casket were elaborate and extremely beautiful, and appeared doubly so, considering the midwinter season. There was an unusually large attendance at the funeral, and all seemed to feel that the community had, in the death of Mr. Strange, sustained an irreparable loss.

Mr. Charles Strange, for many years a prominent and influential citizen of Sullivan, died quite unexpectedly at 4 o'clock last Thursday morning, aged about 56 years. His disease was pneumonia following an attack of grippe. Mr. Strange leaves a widow , three sons and three daughters, all at home except one daughter, the wife of M.F. Rose, of Mainesburg. Deceased was a brother of Mrs A. Richmond, of this boro. He had held the office of Justice of the Peace a number of years, and was a generous supporter and consistent member of the State Road Baptist church, and enjoyed to a preeminent degree the respect and confidence of all who knew him. The funeral was largely attended from his home Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock, the Rev. Frank H. Cooper, of the boro officiating. The burial was in the Gray Valley cemetery.

The death of Mr. Charles Strange of Sullivan which was mentioned in these columns last week was an unusually sad event. His widow is almost a helpless cripple in consequence of a fall some months ago, and there are a number of children in the family to be looked after. 

STRANGE - Marcus Strange was born in Freetown, Mass. April 20, 1832. When he was six years old the family moved to Sullivan, Tioga Co. Pa. At 20 years old he learned his carpenters, trade and settled in Springfield. He was married to Sarah M. Johnson of Lapeer, N.Y. Nov. 3o, 1854. Tb this union were born two children, Mina Strange Mccarrick, who resides in Elmira, and Charles, who was with his father during the last year of his illness. He united with the Baptist church forty years ago and ever since maintained a strong faith in God, being a man of untarnished character, and having many friends. He lost his health and was obliged to give up work s years before his death, and during all these years was a great sufferer. He departed this life in Springfield Feb. 7, 1902, aged 69 years, 9 months and 13 days. His wife , son and daughter survive him. His funeral was held from his late residence Feb. 11, at 2 o'clock, Rev. Philander Reynolds officiating. 
STRANGE - Mrs Julia A. Rockwell, wife of J.L. Rockwell of West Burlington, a notice of whose sudden death was published in the Register of last week, was the daughter of Marcus and Hannah Burt Strange : Mr and Mrs Strange emigrated from Massachusetts and settled in Gray's Valley, Sullivan township Tioga Co. Pa. April 3rd 1838. In this place Julia was born October 1st, 1842, making her at the time of her death, November 7th, 1899; =7 years and twenty-six days old. Her mother was a sister of Deacon C.S. Burt. The grandmother, Mrs Hannah Burt, was an amiable and pious woman who died in old age at the home of her son Caleb in Springfield some thirty or some years ago. To Mr and Mrs Strange were born nine children. One daughter, Esther, died many years ago while on a visit to Massachusetts at the age of 18 years. The other members of the family were Marcus, Ezekiel, Charles, Joseph, Joanna, Hannah, Ellen and Julia. Margus, Joseph and Ellen survive. Joanna waw married to Joel Adams in October 1852, Ellen to R.H. Burley January 21st 1867, and Hannah to Ananias Richmond June 1st, 1869. Julia, the subject of this notice, was married to J.L. Rockwell May 27th, 1885. From that time she resided at West Burlington, until her death. Previous to that she and her brother, Joseph dwelt with and cared for their mother at the old home in Sullivan. Since her marriage the mother, who for many years, lived a devout and irreproachable Christian life, has gone to her reward. Joseph has written to us of his attachment to his sister, and says,"She was always good kind and true." He tells us her Christian life commenced when she was ten years old, but she did not by a public profession rank herself with the people of God until about twenty years go He says "she loved her kindred, her church and her Lord." In her new home at West Burlington she was always ready for every good word and work. Her funeral held at West Burlington was largely attended. Rev. T. Mitchell led the services assisted by Rev. H.E. Hyde. The singing was led by C.E. Gladding. The text was taken from Matt. 11-26- "Evenso, so Father, so it seemed good in thy sight." Her remains were carried to Sullivan for interment. 


Mansfield, Penna., Dec. 17, 1902 THE BAPTIST ROLL CALL An Event of Much Interest to the Membership Which is Largest in This Part of the State.

The Roll Call of the First Baptist Church of Mansfield was held Dec. 11, 1902, afternoon and evening. A heavy snow storm prevailed during the whole time of the meeting making it very difficult for many to attend, but there were 110 responses out of the membership of 448, ninety one of whom are non- residents.

Rev. N. L. Reynolds, of Wellsboro, who was pastor of the church 1860 to 1866 and who at this time undoubtedly the best loved man in the Tioga Association, was present at the afternoon service and delivered a very interesting, instructive and inspiring address, in which he said that when he came here there were only forty-five members, a large proportion of whom he was able to remember, and as he recalled them he mentioned them by name. He spoke in feeling terms of the faithfulness of these members, and gave as an example how Daniel L. Sherwood used to come every Wednesday evening from what is now known as the Shattuck farm to attend prayer meeting, saying no nobler man ever lived. Besides this man and his wife he named his three brothers, Rev. Abijah, Albert and Hiram and their wives; Father King (father of our townsman, Mart King), Mrs Mary Elliott( mother of our townsman, Dr. C. Elliott), E. P. Clark and wife, Mrs Philip Ripley, Deacon Putman, Mrs Schusler, Rev. D. P. Maryatt and wife, and others of blessed memory whose names the writer has forgotten; and he said it was to them and the foundation laid by them that we were indebted in great measure for the fact that we are today the largest Baptist church in northern Pennsylvania, and have been such a power of good and such a blessing to the M] ..who

In response to his name Mr. Andrew Sherwood, a grandson of Deacon Daniel Sherwood, the founder, read the following verse composed for the occasion which by request were re-read at the evening service and permitted to appear... 

COOLEY - Mrs M. Strange celebrated her 85th birthday, January 12, with a family gathering at the home of her daughter, Mrs H. B. Kingsley, all of her children being present, Mrs M. F. Rose, Mrs Harry Kingsley, J. N. Strange, Charles Strange, John Strange and Marcus Strange. 
DORSETT - Alice Dorsett Holden, widow of the late Charles Holden, died at the home of her sister, Mrs Henrietta Bodine, Tuesday morning. Although she had been in ill health for several months, she had been confined to her home only about two weeks, and her death came as a shock her many friends. She was the daughter of Philetus and Sophronia Phelps Dorsett, and was born June 8, 1852. Practically all her life has been spent in Mansfield, with the exception of a few years , when she lived in Corning. Mrs Holden possessed a sunny, friendly disposition, with her desire to help others, made for her a host of friends. She is survived by her sister Mrs Henrietta Bodine, a brother George Dorsett, of Jersey Shore; a niece, Miss Martha Bodine -F Mansfield, and several nephews. Two children, a daughter, Rena, and a son. Harry, died in childhood.

Funeral services will be held from the home Thursday at 2 P.M. , interment in the Corning Cemetery. 

DORSETT - Uhretta Dorsett Smith, wife of Willis J. Smith, died in her home in East St. Louis, Monday at midnight, aged about 62 years. She had been in failing health for some time, but her condition was not considered serious until recently. It is only a few weeks ago that her four brothers returned from a visit to her. Mrs Smith is well known in Mansfield, where she lived during her early life, being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs M. H. Dorsett. During the past few years she has been prominent in the club life of St. Louis. Besides her many friends in this vicinity, as well as in St Louis, she is survived by her husband, Willis J. Smith, two sons, Willard and Harry, and four brothers, Samuel and Edward Dorsett of Mansfield; Ernest of Philadelphia, and Harry of Punxsutawney. The funeral will be held at her late home on Thursday afternoon, interment in East St. Louis. 

Sullivan State Road Baptist Church

to the Rev.J. A. James.

Dear Sir and Brother:

Whereas, You, on the tenth of June presented your resignation of the pastorate of this church, and Whereas, We have with extreme reluctance accepted - having no other alternative- the same. We assembled therefore Resolved, That we take this opportunity of expressing to you our unfeigned appreciation and love of you as a man, Christian, pastor and faithful preacher of the word. For the eight years you have been our pastor you have steadily increased in the estimation and respect of the church and community, and none respect and love you those who know you best. As our pastor you have proven to be our friend and have lived out the Master's precept by rejoicing with those who rejoice, and weeping with those that weep. You have been patient and kind to the erring and tender to the fallen. Our children have found in you a true friend and a sympathetic teacher. In your public administration of the word you have proven to be a painstaking student of the Scriptures, a s ave of no particular school, either ancient or mode a fearless champion of applied Christian truths, morally, socially, politically, and ecclesiastically. Knowing no party, fearing no person, you have preached the word as you understood it, laying no claim to infallibility. You have held before us the rewards of Christian living, and have shown to us plainly the results of disobedience. By your preaching you have made the Bible an inspired and an interesting book to us. Our Savior has been ,rayed before us as the son of God crucified, living in our own day, and crucified by our own age. The tenor of your preaching has been the terribleness of sin: the God of Love, and salvation through Christ. We will ever thank God for your services and pray him that He may bless and prosper you wherever you may labor.

Signed by order of the Sullivan State

Road Baptist Church.

M. A. Webster, Church Clerk.

JAMES - The Rev. J. A. James, Ph. D., pastor of the Sullivan State Road church, preached his farewell sermon on July first. The church was filled with his friends and admirers of the departing pastor. The tension of emotion was very visible in both the speaker and the congregation, and it was only with heroic effort that it was kept under control. The work accomplished during his pastorate is very evident. The church has been brought from the half time class to maintain a minister of its own; and while it is said that the con mun ity has decreased in population the church has increased forty-five per cent. Mr James is a man of versatile ability, an accomplished musician, an indefatigable student, and an untiring worker. He has held prominent positions in the religious circles of the county; he has been the president of the Tioga Union of the Christian Endeavor Society; the secretary of the Tioga Valley Ministerial Club; the associational representative of the Baptist Foreign qionary Society; and member of the Missionary committee of the Tioga Association for seven. years. During the last few years the Sullivan State Road church has been affected materially by the removal of substantial members into Mansfield and elsewhere, and death has also made terrible inroads into its membership, among them the beloved wife of the pastor. Notwithstanding all these changes the pastor stood loyally by his people. Mr James goes to his new field with best wishes of all the people irrespective of church or political affiliations. The Sullivan State Road church and congregation tendered Rev. J. A. James a farewell reception on Thursday evening of last week. After a short program rendered by the young people, he was presented, in words well chosen and very appropriate to the occasion, with a beautiful interleaved bible. He leaves a host of friends, as this reception proved and never was a minister more genuinely loved than he. 

(Norman) - Mrs Mary Norman Dies,

Served as President ofBoard of Home For the Aged Widow of Prentice R. Norman Passes Away at Age of 81-- Took Leading Part in Building Institution to Its Present Size.

Mrs Mary E. Norman, 81, widow of Prentice P. Norman, died Sunday at 3 a.m. at the family home, 356 West Gray Street after an extended illness of three years duration. Since 1874 Mrs Norman had given of her strength and vitality in the interest of the Home for the Aged, first as a member of the Board of Managers and for the past score of years as its president.

As head of the institution, Mrs Norman has accomplished results most -tifing to the institution and the city. She assisted in building the home from its small and unpretentious beginning to a point where it has become one of the outstanding units in Elmira's charitable group

During Mrs Norman's administration buildings have been added the membership increased, the system improved and new comforts and conveniences conceived for the happiness of those who partake of the Home's fine hospitality.

In the early days of the institution's history it was not an easy task to make ends meet, so to speak, without much work and sacrifice. For a long time funds for maintenance were secured largely from the sale of garments made at little weekly meetings held by those charitably inclined. Eventually this fund was enlarged in various ways until now under Mrs Norman's careful guidance the institution is able to share in the welfare fund, and consequently accomplish greater things for those dependent upon it.

Through a long period of failing health, Mrs Norman refused to relinquish her duties. Although confined to her residence, she kept a managerial finger on the pulse of the institution and through diplomacy and tact was responsib1e for its continued success. Her daughter Mrs Carroll C. Keeton was a great assistance to her in that work.

When she was finally compelled to relinquish the work, it must have been most gratifying to Mrs Norman to know that her daughter Mrs Carroll Keeton, was the selection of the Board of Trustees to carry on the responsibility that had been her's for so many years.

Mrs Norman was a woman of excellent ability, else she could not have succeeded in the gigantic task that confronted her.Her motherly influence, her fine understanding where inmates were concerned, together with her ability and business acumen, in behalf of the institution management, made her services as invaluable as they were necessary to success. Her heart and soul were in the work from the beginning of her interest and the magnificent charitable institution on Grand Central Avenue stands now as a monument to her personal effort and friendly influence upon others willing to share the responsibilty,

Mrs Norman was a delightful woman not only in her work but in her home. Always thoughtful of the welfare of others, there was no sacrifice too great for her to make in behalf of those around her, She was born in Starkey, Yates County ,in 1847. Her father and mother came from England. Mrs Norman migra t ed from Starkey to Elmira as a girl and married in 1874. Her husband, the late Prentice P. Norman, for many years was associated with the Second National Bank. She had spent the remaining years of her life in this city, a devout member of the First Presbyterian Church and an indefatigable worker in many of the city's civic inst institutions sponsored and carried on by the worthy women of the city.

Mrs Norman is survived by one daughter who resided i.. street home where the funeral will be ..h th her husband at the Gr ..w ..eld Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery. 


Death of an estimable Resident of Mansfield an Former Register and Recorder of Tioga County.

At 2 o'clock on Friday morning last, following a long illness, death claimed Capt. Homer J, Ripley, one of Mansfield's most estimable citizens, and former Register and Recorder of Tioga county. The funeral was held from the home, in Sherwood street, on Sunday at 11 a.m. and from the M.E. church in Mainesburg at 12:30, the members of the Masonic lodge and General Mansfield post G. A. R. with which both of which organizations he was affiliated, attending in a body. The Rev. F. J. Allington, pastor of the Mainesburg M. E. church, was the officiating clergyman.

Captain Ripley is survived by his wife and six brothers- Volney, Roswell and Cresson, of this vicinity; Hobart, of Missouri; Ezra, of Utica, N.Y., and Philander, of Scranton. Homer J. Ripley, son of Philip S. and Lorena Webster Ripley, was born near Mansfield, December 8, 1839. He lived and worked on his father's farm until he reached man's estate, and was educated in the district schools and Mansfield Seminary, now the Normal. In the summers of 1858/9 he assisted in laying brick in the erection of the seminary building, and in 1860 did similar work upon the jail in Wellsboro. In the winter of 1861 he entered the store & J. & R. R. Webster, in Mainesburg, as a salesman, remaining until the spring of 1862. He then entered a Binghamton, N.Y. commercial college. In August 1862, he enlisted in the Fourteenth U. S. Infantry, then a part of the First Brigade, Second division, Fifth army corps, Army of the Potomac. In September, 1864, he was promoted sergeant, and in November was made commissary sergeant. Having passed an examination for promotion before General Casey's board, he was commissioned second and first , successively, in the Fourteenth regiment, in June 1865. Soon after he was made adjutant, and left New York harbor with his regiment in November 1865, for California. The command reached Camp Goodwin, Arizona, in May 1866, and in July became 3rd battalion of the Thirty second U. S. infantry. He was promoted captain in the new regiment on September 15, 1867, and commanded at Camp Bowie, Arizona, until July,1869, and when he took leave of absence for a visit home, and was married on November 1, 11869, to Adalena Rumsey, a daughter of Aaron Rumsey, of Sullivan township. In February, 1870, Captain Ripley was assigned to duty as commissary for the Arapahoe and Cheyenne Indians, at Camp Supply, Indian Territory, and resigned from the service on January 1, 1871.

Upon his return to civil life Captain Ripley engaged in the mercantile business of Mansfield, subsequently located on his farm, but seven years later again embarked in merchandising at Mainesburg. He closed his store at the latter place in January, 1888, to enter upon his duties as Register and Recorder, in which he served three consecutive terms, and most capably. He then settled on his farm in Sullivan township, later to coming to Mansfield, where he passed the remainder of his life. In politics he was an unswervingly loyal Republican.. 

RUMSEY - Mrs Adalena Ripley, widow of Captain Homer J. Ripley, departed this life on December 22d, 1916 at her home on Sherwood street, where she had lived the past sixteen years. After years of increasing disability, she went quietly out to join the loved ones before. The funeral held at the home on December 26th, was largely attended and graced by many beautiful floral offerings. The service was conducted by Rev. Frank E. Eden, assisted by Rev. Emma E. Bailey. Rev. Eden dwelt upon the preparation Jesus makes in heaven for his beloved, who come up there from the earth sphere; and Miss Bailey spoke of the lovely characters and the beautiful 1 life of the departed.
Prof. Keim, of the State Normal Musical Department, and Rev. Eden sang together most effectively, two choicely selected hymns. At the close of the service, a long auto process ion of relatives and friends followed the remains for burial in the family lot of the cemetery at Mainesburg.
Mrs Ripley was well known in Mansfield and in the vicinity, and was greatly loved for her genuine worth, her winning ways, her kindly nature. Her home was one of blessed influence of generosity, and a real and wide spread hospitality. Her relatives and friends found a heart refuge with her. Her thoughts were for others rather than self, and though a sufferer for years, her words never indicated it, for no complaint passed her lips; and to the last she was calm, loving and trustful. Had she lived until the 13th of April next, she would have been 75 years old for she was born April 13th, 1842. 

- Orville S. Sherwood, 74. died at the hospital in Utica, N.Y., from a cerebral hemorrhage. He had been ill for nearly three years. The remains were taken to Northumberland, Pa., where the funeral services were held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m., with interment in the Northumberland cemetery.

Mr Sherwood was born at Mansfield, the son of former-Representative Daniel L. Sherwood and Caroline Sharpe Sherwood, and spent his early life in Mansfield. The greater part of his life was spent in Northumberland, and he had resided with his brother, Warren, in Utica, about two years. He was a retired conductor, having been in the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad for many years. He was a member of the Northumberland First Baptist church.

Mr Sherwood spent a year in Mansfield prior to going to Utica, and during that time made new friends, who, with the old friends will be sorry to hear of his death. Although away from Mansfield so many years, he did not forget the town of his birth, as is evidenced by a generous gift to the Baptist Church, of which his parents were ch ter members.

He is survived by his brother, Warren of Utica, and six nephews; Frank A, and George W. Sherwood of Utica; Myron J. Sherwood of -rquetic, Mich.; Dr. Warren G. Sherwood, of Johnstown., Pa.; Harry L. Sherwood of Geneva, N.Y.; and Charles Seeley of Northumberland. He was cousin of C. B. Sherwood of Mansfield. 

SQUIRES - Mrs Eva Squires Urell died early Saturday morning at her home in Mansfield after a short illness. Mrs Urell was born February 14, 1864, in Sullivan township, Tioga County, the daughter of Aaron and Julia Ann Squire. On June 21, 1893, she was married to Robert Emmett Urell of Tioga who . survives her.

Mrs Urell was a lifelong member of the W. C. T. U. and was Tioga County president of the organization for four years before failing health compelled her to resign. She was a member of the Mansfield Baptist Church and the Mansfield Grange, and was always most interested and active in all attempts for the betterment of the community. She was a woman of strong mind and character, with many devoted friends throughout the county.

The funeral took place at the home on South Main Street in Mansfield on Monday afternoon, April 16, at 2 o'clock, Rev. Orey E. Crippen of the Tioga Baptist Church officiating, and assisted by Rev. J. H. Stanton of the Mansfield Presbyterian Church. Interment was in Gray Valley Cemetery.

Among the relatives at the funeral were: A. Mort Crippen and Mr and Mr Crippen of Corning; Mr and Mrs Ford Crippen of Rutland; Mrs Tom M. Urell and Mr Tom Urell Jr. of New York; Mrs Ella Orvis and Mr and Mrs Fred K. Stone of Elmira; Mr and Mrs Burt Holcomb and two daughters

of Mainesburg and Marguerite R. Baldwin and Walter T. Urell of Tioga. 

STRANGE - Maurice Strange, one of the star players of last winter's championship team of the local high school, was in the Advertiser office one day last week. "Strangy" has been out of school this Spring helping his father in the work on the farm, and we have missed his smiling face very much. He is a mighty popular boy because of his everlasting good-nature and has a host of friends who always look forward to seeing him in the line-up when the season for basketball starts. 
STRANGE - A coat and pair of trousers, 100 years old, once the property of Mr Charles Strange, who was born in 1758, was shown to an Advertiser representative by Mr Ananias Richmond last Thursday. The coat was made after the style of the full-dress suits of to-day; but the trousers were of more ancient origin. Instead of buttoning up in the front, they buttoned on each side near where the pockets are located, and was known as the "barn door" style. The goods looked like blue denim, but were of a much finer texture. Mr Strange weighed 340 pounds. The trousers measured fifty-three inches around the waist. He was great-grandfather to Mrs M. F. Rose and Mrs M. H. Shepard of this boro. 
STRANGE - Mrs J. M. Mcmullen

Mary A. Strange was born in Oneida September 25, 1842, daughter of John and Emma Orinda Strange who were among the earliest pioneers of this region and founders of the First Presbyterian Church of Oneida.

This church with but seven members was organized in the wilderness in the log house of Samuel Preston in May 1848, and regular service and weekly prayer meetings were Faithfully and persistently continued for many years in the old log school house.

The first member to join this church after its organization was the subject of this sketch, then but twelve years old. She was required to sign the covenant and her childish round hand signature is still preserved in the church archives and doubtless will be for many future years. She was active in church service from the very first and during erection of the present church edifice she was most efficient in securing subscriptions which were mainly in labor rather than

-sh, which was then very scarce. She continued her membership in this church until the day of her death although her residence was far away. Both of her parents had been teachers and her early aspiration was to follow in their footsteps. She attended Olivet Institute for a time in her early teens and was later graduated from the Michigan Female College the first person it is said, from the east half of the country to become a college graduate.

She taught for a time in Portland public schools then in schools in the vicinity of her home and later in California and then in Massachusetts where she cared for an aged and invalid aunt. She then returned to Michigan and gave perhaps her best years to the care of an invalid brother. Much of her life was that of an ministering angel.

In Oct. 1881 she married J. M. McMullen. She bore him four sons, two of whom died when quite young. They abode for many years near the door of the church they loved and cherished. When their sons married they removed to Grand Lodge, where she took active interest in church literary activities, joining the A. B. C. club etc.

Her health was injured by a severe fall many years ago and since the birth of her children, she has been a great sufferer, but she continued active until three years ago since which time she has been confined to her home with much prolonged and intense suffering. She died Feb. 11 at the age of 85.

Besides her aging husband she is survived by two sons, Geo. S. and F. Benjamin and their families, one surviving brother, Daniel Strange, nephews and nieces. Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon at 1:00 o'clock at the home and two o'clock at the Strange church in Oneida. Rev. F. E. Ogle of Holly officiating. Burial in Strange Cemetery

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09/15/98
By Joyce M. Tice