Obituaries and other newspaper items on this page are from the scrapbook collection of Joyce M. Tice . |
These obituaries are from the James Wilson Scrapbook. (This was presented to
me as a James Wilson Scrapbook, but I believe the credit should more
appropriately be given to his second wife, Clarissa Robbins. It is owned by
Louis G. Wheeler. These were typed for Sullivan-Rutland Genealogy Project by
Ellen L. SMITH Jacobus and scanned by Joyce M. Tice of SRGP. Submitted to
Tri-Counties Genealogy Site by Joyce M. Tice. The people in this scrapbook are
located at the point of Sullivan-Rutland Genealogy Project. If you are related
to any of them. please contact Joyce M. Tice
AUSTINVILLE column in Troy paper - Austinville
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Shaylor and family, Mr and Mrs Edward Shaylor motored to Elmira on Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs Murray Woodward.
Or and Mrs S.B. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs Harmon Woodward and son, Alden, Miss Cecile Bailey and Russell COWL called on Mrs JamesWilson Sunday.
Mr John Heib and Miss Bertha hood visited in the home of Charles Brown recently. Mrs. Brown is ill.
On Mar. 29th, there was an attendance at the Union Services in the Baptist Church, a fine representation of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Eleven were in full regalia. The leader gave an interesting talk on Klan principles, ending by presenting the church with a liberal sum of money as a token of the Order. Rev. Ora Crippen preached a very fitting sermon for the occasion from Romans: 12.
BAILEY - Born: This morning, December 8th, to Mr And Mrs William Bailey, of Austinville, in the S.B. Bailey home on John Street, a daughter, Betty
BAILEY /COWL -Miss Cecile Gladys Bailey, daughter of Mr and Mrs Samuel Bailey, and Russell J. Cowl, son of Mrs Charles Martin and the late Merton Cowl, were married in Ulysses, Pa., last Saturday ,…. Mrs Cowl was graduated on Thursday from Troy HighSchool and Mr Cowl is a member of the class of 1925. She took a leading part in the operetta "The Windsmill of Holland" and is one of the most popular members of her class. Mr Cowls has been a member of the Gazette Register staff for several years. They are on a motor honeymoon, which will include Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Endicott, N.Y. and will be at home after their return in the house recently purchased by Mr Cowl on Jon Street
BARDWELL - James J. Bardwell son of Mr and Mrs H.H. Bardwell of Troy, Pa. has the distinction of having been a member of the gun crew of the Standard Oil tanker "Westwego" which on July 13th last sank a German submarine 200 miles off the French coast. He enlisted in the navy last January and was sent to Newport, R. I. for three months training. He then went on the "Prairie" to the inauguration of President Wilson after which he was assigned to the U.S.S. Pennsylvania in Cuban waters, where he qualified as first class gun pointer.
Young Bardwell was later transferred to the American liner "Kroonland" and sailed for Liverpool. Nothing of special interest happened on this trip and three weeks after his return to New York he made his second trip across on the "Westwego" when the U boat was encountered.
BARDWELL - The Bardwells had a narrow escape from being burned out on Monday evening. The fire started in the garrets but was discovered in time and help summoned by telephone. Mrs Bardwell while hurrying down stairs to call help fell and hurt her shoulder badly, but no bones were broken and it is hoped she will rapidly recover.
Miss Julia Bardwell, daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Bardwell, sustained a wrenched back, broken rib and other painful injuries early Saturday morning when a car driven by Jerry Norcross of Elmira left the road and plunged into the creek just this side of Fassett. A party of six was returning to Elmira from the dance at Columbia Cross Roads and the driver was not accustomed to the road and rain made the visibility very low. Miss Bardwell, who is a stenographer employed at the Morrow plant in Elmira was taken to St. Joseph's hospital and expects to be brought this week to her home here where she will recuperate before returning to her work. Leon Summers suffered a fractured skull and is in the Arnot-Ogden hospital, Elmira in very serious condition. Miss Mildred Summers suffered a broken rib. The other members of the party of six were not seriously injured.
BARDWELL - Alfred G. Bardwell, a Civil
War veteran and a member of John S. Melvin Post No. 141, G.A.R. who lived in Len
LaFoy's rooming house at 12 Congress Street, died sometime during the night
Tuesday and was found dead in his bed Wednesday morning by Mr LaFoy, who went to
his room to see if he was all right as Mr Bardwell had been complaint of not
feeling well on Tuesday. Deputy Coroner H.C. Heffner was notified of the sudden
death. Mr Bardwell was 81 years of age, died from natural causes. Mr Bardwell
resided in Bradford for many years. For 38 years he lived in the old Pullmc
house. He has not been able to work for some time.
BEARDSLEY - George Beardsley for many years a farmer died at the family home near Greene's Landing Monday afternoon. He is survived by two sons, Jay and Carl Beardsley of Elmira and a daughter, Mrs Lotta Vedder of Minoa. Funeral services will be held at the home near Greene,s Landing Thursday afternoon at 2 o,clock. The Rev. c. Wellington Hardy of the Athens Baptist Church will officiate Burial in Troy, Pa. (04 Mar 1923)
CEASE - Mrs Mary Newell of South Main street died this morning at o'clock. She is survives by four sons: E.G. Newell of Lowman; William J. of Elmira I. Newell of Montour Falls and , Leon E. of Towanda, Pa; two brothers Daniel Cease of Painted Post and John of Montour Falls; a sister Mrs. Belle Mosher of Elmira. The remains repose in the Harrington undertaking rooms and the funeral will be held at that place Friday at Burial in Woodlawn Cem.
CEASE - Daniel A. Cease died Friday at Corning after an extended illness. He was the father of Veral Ceace of Elmira and a half brother of Mrs Judson Mosher of Elmira, The funeral was held at Riverside Corning Sunday.
CHAMBERLAIN - Mr and Mrs F.B. Larcom spent last weekend in Burlington and Castle Creek, N.Y. Mrs Larcom's mother and brother, Mr. F.A. Chamberlain, a successful rancher of Bakersfield, Calif., who has been visiting relatives and friends in the East for the first time in nineteen years, went with them. Mr. Chamberlain took the train at Binghamton and returned by way of New York City and Jacksonville,Fla. to visit another sister, Mrs Martin Morse.
CLEVELAND - Mrs Nettle Stickles, wife of Stickles of East Smethport, one of the best known and most highly respected women of McKean county, died at the family home at o'clock Saturday, following a long illness primarily due to pneumonia. Funeral services were conducted at the United Brethren church in East Smethport, Monday at 2 o'clock and interment was made in Rose Hill cemetery. Those left to mourn the loss of a devoted wife, mother , three sons; Merle Stickles of Scottsdale, Pa; G. L. Stickles of Bradford and Miller Stickles of East Smethport; two sisters , and one brother; Mrs Charles Patterson of Olean; Mrs Linda E. Bush, of Manor,Pa. and S.H. Cleveland, of Wellsville, NY. Four grandchildren also survive. Mrs. Stickles was 67 years of age. She was united with Jay Stickles at Farmers Valley, Oct. 25,1880, and always lived near her birthplace. She was a a daughter of Horace and Arabella Cleveland of Farmers Valley. The bereaved family extend their sincere thanks to all who offered help and comfort in their hour of sorrow. (about 1926)
HANYEN - Miss M. Louise Hanyen of Roseville,Pa., a former teacher in School No 4 of Elmira a period of about 30 years died Thursday at 6 a.m. at Sayre, Pa. after an extended illness. Miss Hanyen was born in Elmira, a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Cornelius B. Hanyen . The family resided many years on the southeast corner of West Church and Walnut Streets and the father conducted the C.D. grocery house at 117 East Water Street. Many years ago the family removed to Roseville, Tioga County,Pa. where Mr Hanyen conducted a general store. He died several years ago. Miss Hanyen was a graduate of the Mansfield, Pa. State Teachers College and began teaching in the Elmira schools in 1889. Her entire period of teaching in Elmira was confined to School No 4 where she proved a very capable teacher and was highly respected. Miss resigned as a teacher Jan.1916 and was placed on the teacher pension fund. She returned to the former home at Rose ville, . where she remained until after the death of her father. Miss Hanyen As an active member of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Elmira where her parents formerly many years before. She is survived by a sister Mrs Lewis Palmer 50 StJames Street, Mansfield, Pa. two brother C.B. Hanyen of Wilkes Barre,Pa. and Frederick C. Hanyen of Scranton, . The funeral will be held at home of Mrs Lewis M. Palmer, Mansfield, Pa. Saturday at 1 p.m. The Rev. W.W. Taylor of Daggett,Pa. will officiate. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira about 3 p.m. Saturday. (01 OCT 1927)
JERALD - William B. Jerald died last Wenesday evening at his home at Richmond. Death was caused by apoplexy. Mr Jerald was about years old, and for many years had been a successful farmer and substantial citizen. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs Grant Lewis, of Richmond; Mrs Andrew Nelson Mansfield; Mrs Carl McConnell, Varna, N.Y.; two sons Charles Jerald, of Richmond and George Jerald of Slate Run, and several grandchildren. The funeral will be held from his home on Saturday at (11 MAR 1914)
MAKELEY, Elizabeth - Mrs Eliza J. Brace died Thursday at 9 p.m. at the family home at Roseville, Pa., aged seventy-four years. Mrs Brace is survived by daughters, Mrs Grant Stickler of Mansfield, Pa. Mrs Maude of Pa.?
RUSSELL - Mrs Martha Loretta Benson died Saturday at 8:30 p.m. at the family home in Millerton Pa. aged sixty two years, Mrs Benson is survived by her husband Otis Benson; four daughters, Mrs Frank Crumb of Wells, Pa.; Mrs Rose Ripley, Mrs Matilda Pease, and Mrs Joseph Wheeler, all of Elmira; six sons. Elmer, Frank, and George 0. Benson of Wells, Pa.; Ashford and Homer J. Benson of Rutland,Pa. Emerson Benson of Catlin 33 grandchildren and six great grandchildren; a brother, Willis Russell of Wisconsin. The funeral will be held at the family home at Millerton, Pa. (5 SEP 1925)
SMITH-Mrs. Mary Smith Brace died at the home of her son. Verne Brace on North Main Street, May 18, following an illness of three weeks of complication of diseases. Mrs Brace was the daughter of Jesse and Polly Smith and was born in Richmond Township February 21,1855. She was united in marriage to Charles Brace in 1873. Five children There born to them; George of Mansfield; Jessie of Corning; Bertha (Mrs George Gould) of Mansfield; Laverne of Mansfield and Hazel (Mrs Ernest Stout) of Eau Gallie, Florida. She has lived her entire life in Mansfield and vicinity and had many warm friends. She was a member of the Free Methodist Church at Painter Run and was a devoted Christian. Only a few minutes before she died she tried to sing her favorite hymn "Jesus Lover of My Soul" Prayer services were held at the home Saturday at 12:30 p.m. Rev. Barnes of Elmira, officiating, assisted by Rev. David J. Griffiths with funeral services at the Painter Run Free Methodist Church in charge of Rev. Barnes assisted by Rev. Floyd Wright, pastor of the church and Rev. Phelps of Corning. John Benson sang " Jesus Lover of My Soul" She is survived by her five children, and twelve grandchildren and several nephews and nieces.
SMITH - GARRISON Troy, Aug,18 Miss Mary Ellen Smith, dau. of Mr. and Mrs Dennis Smith of Troy, and Rex Garrison of Roseville, were married in Towanda Monday. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs Herbert Garrison. The bride is popular in Troy's younger set, They will make their home in Austinville.
STOUT - Mansfield Oct 24 Josephus Stout, a resident of this place for many years died at his home October 14 at the age of 78. He was a veteran of the Civil War and served as Justice of the Peace at Roseville for more than 30 years. He is survived by his widow and four children, Lilian Levey of Rutland, Jonah Stout of Rutland, Leon Stout of Canton, and Joseph Stout of Troy. Mr Stout was a member of the Rutland Methodist Episcopal Church (14 OCT 1924)
VAN NESS - One of the most deplorable deaths the ADVERTISER, has had to record in a long time is that of Mrs Lucy Van Ness Smith, who died at 8:3Q Sunday morning at her home in Extension street following an illness of about ten days of double pneumonia and pleurisy. Her death. leaves motherless and fatherless two bright little boys, Rayburn and Anson. The husband and father died on August 15,1904, as the result of injuries sustained at a barn raising some time previous. Mrs Smith moved from her farm in Rutland in Rutland to Mansfield on April 1, last in order that her sons might have the benefit of the superior educational advantages afforded here She was 50 years old on Tuesday, February 13. For many years she was a devote and consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and ever active in all Christian work. In the home she was a devoted wife and a loving , an indulgent mother. Besides her sons, she is survived by her parents Mr and Mrs John Van Ness; three sisters Mrs Seymors Squires, Mrs Judd Seeley, Miss Susie A. VanNess and one brother, William Van Ness . John Van Ness who died on Monday morning was a cousin. The funeral was held from the house at l p.m.. Tuesday afternoon and at 2 o'clock from the M.E. church. The Rev. Theron R. Green officiating. (18 FEB 1906)
WALTERS - FUNERALS Orson E. Walters The funeral of Orson E. Walters of Job Corners was held at 412 Baty street this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Burial was in Woodlawn cemetery. The Rev. C.G. McConnell officiated Orson E. Walters of Jobs Corners died in Elmira Monday afternoon. He is survived by two sons, Raymond J. Walters of Lowman and Orson E. Walters Jr. of Elmira; four daughters, Mrs Walter Arnold, Mrs Thomas Rachford, Mrs Thomas McCauley and Mrs John F. Lester, all of Elmira; a niece, Miss Ruth Walters of Jobs Corners. The funeral was held at 413 Baty street Thu Thursday afternoon. Burial in Woodlawn cemetery.
WATKINS - BAKER - The marriage of Miss Irene Watkins, daughter of Mr and Mrs Edward E. Watkins, and Alfred Floyd Baker, of Columbia Cross Roads was solemnized Thursday afternoon, September 17th, at the home of Rev. H. Bacon of Canton. Mr and Mrs Baker left immediately for Niagara Falls and Southern Canada. (17 SEP 1925)
Had been failing for sometime confined to bed only one day. Funeral services will be held Saturday. Selah Watkins one of the oldest and best known residents of the vicinity, died at his farm h home on the river road at three o'clock this morning of heart failure, following an illness of one day. Mr Wilson had been failing the last years but it was only in the past few days that his condition was considered serious. Mr Watkins had been identified with the farming industry about Mansfield all his life and had accumulated considerable property . The funeral services will be held Saturday. A complete obituary will be published later. (16 SEP 1925)
(WHEELER) -Mrs Adeline M. Wheeler Blossburg July 20 Mrs Adeline M. Wheeler , aged 95 years, the oldest member of the Friendless family at Williamsport, died Thursday afternoon at 1 o,clock after an illness of two days. Mrs Wheeler was born March 23,1829, near Covington. During her life she saw many changes in modes of travel and manners of life. She was one of the few people living near here who saw the first train run through the section and remembered vividly the Civil War and the emancipation of the slaves by President Lincoln. Mrs Wheeler's death was due to old age, her condition became serious two days ago. Two sons, Austin of Williamsport, and Orville, of New York , two grandsons, one granddaughter and a number of great grandchildren survive her. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon with interment in Wildwood cemetery, Williamsport.
WILSON - Cecelia M. Wilson the infant daughter of Mr and Mrs. S.W. Wilson died at the family home in the town of Horseheads Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock, aged seven weeks. She is survived by the parents and two brothers Francis and Carlton. The funeral was held Thursday at 2 o'clock. The Rev. E.J. Yerden of the Horseheads Methodist Episcopal church, officiated and burial was in Maple Grove .
WILSON - The people of Austinville were greatly saddened by the sudden death of recently of Edgar Wilson, due to brain trouble. Mr Wilson was a lifelong resident of that place. Besides his widow, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs Samuel Bailey, and Mrs Will Bailey, both of Austinville,; two sons Samuel Wilson of Horseheads, N.Y., and Manley Wilson at home, one brother, Frank Wilson of Austinville and one sister Mrs John VanNess of Mansfield. The funeral was held from the Austinville church on Wednesday at 2 p.m. Rev. Mr Johnson officiating.
BAILEY - Edward J. Bailey died Sunday morning at the home of his daughter, William Curtia, 275 Lincoln Street , aged sixty-six years. He is survived by the daughter, Mrs Curtis ;four sons Ralph E. of Dubois, Pa.; Earl H. of Starkey; Abner E. of Athens, Pa.; and Leland of Halstead, Pa. a sister, Mrs P. Wood of Austinville, pa. The remains will repose in the Smith & Fudge undertaking rooms until Wednesday morning when the will be removed to Canton, Pa. The funeral will be held at Canton, the time to be announced later.
BENNETT, Mary Mariah -Mrs Mary Rumsey died Friday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs Roland Shelton 417 West Second street, aged seventy-eight years. She is survived by the daughter, Mrs Shelton and a son, Ripley Rumsey of Gillett, Pa. Funeral services will be held Monday at 1 p.m. at the home of her daughter. Burial in Alder Run cemetery
CRIPPEN - Mrs Harriet Crippen Benson died at the family home at Austinville, Pa. Wednesday at 2 p.m. She is survived by her husband, Harry Benson and the father, Fred Crippen both of Austinville, Pa. The funeral will be held at the Baptist Church at Austinville, Pa., Friday at 1 p.m. The Committal service will be held at Woodlawn Chapel, Elmira Friday at 3 p.m. Burial in Woodlawn cemetery.
DOTY - Mrs Cordelia Doty died Tuesday at the home of her daughter Mrs Elmer Van Valkner on West Hill, aged eighty-nine years. Mrs Doty is survived by two daughters, Mrs Elmer Van Valkner of West Hill, Elmira, and Mrs Horace Hulslander of Mansfield, Pa.: six grandchildren and four great grand children. The funeral will be held Friday at 2 o'clock at the family home on West Hill, the Rev. C.G. McConnell will officiate . Burial in Woodlawn cemetery |
Elk Run Items
Reuben Squires and Mrs. Nettle Smith attended the funeral of their sister, Mrs J.W. Mc Connell, of Prattsburg, N.Y., last Friday. They were accompanied by Mrs Squires daughter, Mrs Cora Benson of Austinville.
Mabel McConnell and H. Delos Knapp were married Thursday last, Feb.10,1921, in Elmira. their friends all wish them a happy and prosperous life.
A sleighload from here attended the meeting at Mainesburg Sunday night. A number of single sleighs attended, also.
Mr and Mrs Henry Van Horn were in Roseville Monday on business.
Mrs Lynn Willams and daughter Nellie were calling at Wesley Sherman's Sunday last.
Mrs H.H. Hulslander is on the sick list. She is ill of grip.
ELLIOTT - Mrs C. W. Brown, widow of Dr Brown formerly of Elmira died recently in Washington, D.C., where the family had resided about 30 years after removing from the city. The family resided in the residence located on the east adjoining the Lutheran Church on West Church street The decedent is survived by her daughter, Catherine, who is Mrs .? J.S. Gaius Brumbaugh of Washington, D.C. Mrs Brown formerly was Miss Nellie Elliott, a daughter of the late Dr. Elliott who resided near Wyalusing. She had many friends in Elmira with whom she was highly respected The funeral was held at Washington, D.C. where Dr. Brown died about two years ago.
GARRISON - Emma Baxter, widow of the late Ezra Baxter, suffered a stroke on Wednesday at eleven o'clock and died at one in the home of Mrs H.S. Leonard where she had been nursing. She was 63 years old and a native of Granville, a daughter of Mr and Mrs Lewis Garrison. Following the death of Mr. Baxter several years ago, Mrs Baxter devoted her time to practical nursing and latterly made her home with Or and Mrs Smith B.Wilcox. She is survived by one son, John Ezra Baxter, who lives on the Baxter farm near East Troy. The funeral will be held on Friday at three o'clock the H.J. Pierce home on High street, the Rev. Lester Tar. Bumpus officiating, and the remains will be placed in the receiving vault at Glenwood until interment in Granville.
GILLETT - Nancy, daughter of Mrs Anna Gillett of Roseville, died yesterday morning, aged 34 years. The funeral will be held Thursday at 1:00 P.M.
(HICKOK) Adeline Hickok, wife of the late Henry Hickok and for many years a resident of Troy township died in the home of her daughter, Mrs George Peters on East Main street yesterday morning March 10th. She would have celebrated her 83d birthday on the 22d of April. She is survived by the daughter with whom she lived and by three grandchildren. The funeral will be held on Saturday at 1:30 from the Peters home.
Troy, Jan.26 Unconscious since Friday, as a result of injurious received two weeks ago, resulted in the death early this morning of Alfred Johnson, 73, since 1878 engaged in the dray business here and one of the most popular men in town. Mr Johnson was hurt while loading an engine from the Troy Engine & Machine Company when the motor slipped and pinned him between it and his dray. The decedent sustained internal injuries. Mr Johnson was a son of the late Simon and Eliza Johnson of Columbia township, one of six children. In 1877 he married Miss Amy Kerrick and they removed here in the fall of that year, where they have made their home since. Mr Johnson was a member of the Baptist church and one of the best liked men in town. He is survived by his widow, one daughter, Mrs John H McClelland and two sons, Harry of Troy and Charles of Columbia Cross Roads. The funeral will be held from the home of Mrs McClleland Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock the Rev. Lester W. Bumpus officiating. Interment will be in Glenwood cemetery
JOHNSON - Alfred Johnson affectionately called "Dad'' by Trojans since fathering the whole town during the typhoid epidemic of 1912 when he was mayor, died quietly away in his Elmira street home at 7:30 Tuesday morning, January 26th. Injured by a falling box on January 11th, his condition was not at first thought serious but complications arose and for several days his passing has been expected. Alfred Johnson held a place all his own in Troy hearts. His long residence here, his remarkably even disposition, his many little acts of thoughtful kindliness endeared him alike to all ages and classes. His death has brought profound sorrow to Troy and to Western Bradford County.
Mr Johnson was a native of Bradford county, born to Simon and Eliza Johnson in Columbia township on February 1,1853. Left an orphan at three, he lived with his brother Reuben Johnson until his twentieth years . At that time John A. Parsons was living on Alparon farm in the house that burned in the fall of 192~. Mr Johnson entered Mr Parson's employ and was with the Parson family for five years. On September 27,1877, he married Amy S. Kerrick and to them four children were born: Mary Edna who died at the of three ; Bessie Louise(Mrs J.H. McClelland; Harry A. and Charles F. Johnson. Mr and Mrs began housekeeping in the house now owned by Perry Chamberlain, then a part of the Parsons farm. In 1878 they to the house now occupied by A.J. Sadler and family and Mr Johnson began his draying experience with H.M. Spalding. Mr Johnson and Ulysses Nanley bought Mr Spalding's interest in the dray line in 1882 and the Johnson family moved to their present home. Mr. Johnson
Murray's bought Murray's holdings and for many years the Johnson drays have been an important part in the local business fabric. Mr Johnson became a member of the Baptist church on June 14th, 1874 and was a faithful supported of this faith until his last illness and death . He is survived by his widow and children mentioned. There are five grandchildren: William, Esther, Amy Frances McClelland; Eleanor and Florence Johnson, Largely attended funeral services were held from the McClelland home on Elmira street at 2:00 on this Thursday. The Rev. Lester W. Bumpus officiating and interment was in the family plot in Glenwood cemetery.
LOVELL - Mrs C.M. Robbins, whose maiden name was Phoebe Lovell, died at Griswold, Ia, on March 3, of heart trouble, after an illness of two years. She was born in Sullivan township, and had lived many years on the H.S. Rockwell farm, going to Iowa last August to be near her daughter. Besides her husband she is survived by one daughter, Mrs Archie Rockwell, of Elliott, Ia. and two sons, Robert and Calvin at home.
LUDINGTON - Ruptured appendix is cause of death .
Mrs Bertha Johns of Erin lived only 20 minutes after being received at the hospital in this city Friday night, a ruptured appendix causing death. Surgeons were preparing to perform an emergency operation when she expired. Dr. Tracy Hamilton, city coroner was called and performed a postmortem operation, finding the cause of death. The body was removed to the family home for burial.
Troy, Jan.25. Mrs Bertha Johns, wife of Samuel Johns of Erin, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs John Ludington of Sylvania, died at the St. Joseph hospital, Elmira, Thursday night, aged 35 years. The funeral was held from her parents, home in Sylvania Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Claude Shaffer officiated and burial was in Sylvania cemetery
MASON -Judson H. Mason died this morning at 7:30 o'clock at the family home in Austinville, Pa. aged seventy-five years. Mr Mason is survived by his daughter, Mrs Laura Ameigh of Gillett, Pa. two sons, George and Carl at home; a sister, Mrs George Strong of Canton, Pa. The funeral will be held at the family home Wednesday at 2 p.m. Burial in the Gillett, Pa. cemetery.
MEEKER - SMITH - Eva M. Meeker, daughter of Mr and Mrs W.E. Meeker, and Harold S. Smith, son of Mr and Mrs. C. Albert Smith, were married in Binghamton, September 18. Mr and Mrs Smith will be at home on Canton Street after October first.
MILLER - Mrs Ada Havens died Sunday at 2:30 a.m. at the family home at Austinville, P.A aged sixty eight years. She is survived by her husband, Seth Havens, two sons, Austin and Frank of Columbia Cross Roads, Pa. A daughter, Mrs B.B. St of Austinville, Pa. The funeral will be held at the family home, Wednesday at The Rev. Ora Crippen will officiate. Burial in the Besley cemetery.2 p.m.
MOSCOW, Louisa - Mrs Elias Wright died at the family home near Columbia Cross Roads, Pa. of pneumonia , after a brief illness, March 14th, aged seventy-seven years. She was born in Germany in 1844 and came to the United States in 1846. She lived the greater part of her life near Elmira. The decedent is survived by eleven children, sixty-three grandchildren and great grandchildren. The eleven children were to see their mother during her illness and were there together. The children are John H. Storch, Towanda, Pa. John H. Walch, Hornell; Charles N. Walch, Addison, N.Y.; Mrs Charles Smith, Elkland, Pa.; Gust Walch, Waverly, N.Y.; Henry Wright, Elmira; Mrs Oscar Tears, Mansfield, Pa.; Mrs Roy Soper, Sylvania, Pa.; Lonnie Wright, Columbia Cross Roads, Pa. Louie Wright and Ernest Wright at home. Six sons were the pall bearers according to her wish. The decedent had a great mother heart and Iotas "mother" to the whole country side. No woman in the community was more greatly loved or more sincerely mourned. The family life in the home has always been very beautiful and the brothers and sisters have always manifested a tender devotion to each other. The floral tributes were many and very beautiful showing in part the esteem in which she was held. The Rev. Seymour Barrett conducted the services and the burial was in the Besley cemetery at Columbia Cross Roads.
For the past several weeks Goucher College has been holding a contest for an original poem dedicate "Danny Brooke," the College year book which is given each year by the Juniors in honor of the Senior Class. This contest has been open to all members of the Junior class, in which are enrolled four hundred girls.
This morning the board voted unanimously in favor of an excellent poem, "Our Dream Come True,' written by Miss Carolyn Nye.
Miss Nye's home is in Rutland, Pa. Ability and pleasing personality nave made her One of the most popular members of the class of 1917; and she well deserves the honor received.
PRESTON - Burt Preston, aged 49 and for many years the blacksmith at Sylvania died at his 'come in Addison, N.Y. on Saturday morning, February 13th. The remains were brought to Sylvania for burial in the cemetery there at three o'clock on Tuesday. He is survived by a widow and one son Harold of Elmira.
QUEAL - Mrs Melvina H. Garrison died at the home of her son, Herman Garrison, of Austinville, Pa. Thursday afternoon at 4:50 o'clock, aged eighty-one years. She is survived by the following sons: Herman of Austinville, Pa.; Harry, of Mansfield, Pa. and Burke of Elmira. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Job's Corners Church. Burial in Job's Corners cemetery. The Rev. C.G. McConnell of Centenary M.E. church of Elmira. (1926)
REYNOLDS - The sudden death of Will Reynolds, a lifelong resident of Rutland, came as a shock to his many friends. He had been in poor health for some time, but was about the house as usual on Friday. Shortly after eating supper he complained about not feeling well and grew worse until eight o'clock when he became unconscious and died at 10:40 o'clock at the home of his nephew, Leon Reynolds, where he had been living for the past few months.
William H. Reynolds was the son of Norman J. and Maria Argetsinger Reynolds, and was born Marchl6,1850. He was united in marriage to Sallie A. Reynolds, who died in 1918, in the same house where he died, and which had been their home for many years. It is a historical fact of interest to know this house is one of the oldest, if not the oldest in Rutland township. A stone taken from the old fireplace bears the date 1830.
Mr Reynolds was a man who was quiet and unassuming in his ways, and was a friend to every body. He was a member of the Methodist church of Elk Run. He is survived by an adopted daughter, Mrs Emma Keys, of Troy, Pa., one sister, Mrs Celia Bronson, two brothers, John and Charlie Reynolds, of Tioga.
The funeral was held at the home of Leon Reynolds and the large attendance told of the high esteem in which he was held. Rev. Orey Crippen, of the Roseville Baptist church officiated and spoke from the text, John 16:22 "And ye now therefore have sorrow, but I will see you again and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh away from you." John F. Benson sang "Abide with Me," and "In the Upper Garden," both selections having been chosen by Mr. Reynolds. Interment was in the Reynolds Cemetery by the side of his wife. The pallbearers were Messrs. Roy James, Everett Nash, George Bardwell, Dan Smith, Frank Williams, and B. J. Smith.
ROCKWELL - WALTER ROCKWELL Well known and respected resident of Troy for many years died on Saturday, March 27th, in his home on the Canton Road. Death, which occurred about 11:30 in the morning, due to heart seizure. Or Rockwell was 76 years old and during his more active career was identified with the lumber business. He is survived by the widow and one daughter, Mrs Charles Stanton of Troy. The funeral was held from his late home on Tuesday at two and burial Has in Glenwood cemetery.
SEAMAN, Lydia - Mrs Charles Sturdevant, a former resident of this boro died rather suddenly in Syracuse recently. Her body was brought here for burial.
Mrs Lydia Sturdevant died in a Syracuse hospital Tuesday afternoon, aged sixty four years . She is survived by a son, John Wilson of Syracuse. The remains were removed to Troy, Pa. where the funeral was held this morning at 10 o'clock at the home of Mrs Bessie Brownell, the Rev. Charles Shaffer officiated. Burial was in the Sylvania cemetery. (D. of Elizabeth ROBBINS and Orrin SEAMAN)
(Spencer) - A telegram was received in Mansfield Saturday afternoon announcing the death in Miami, Florida, of Margaret, wife of F. M. Spencer, former residents of Mansfield. Further information is not available at present. Mrs Spencer will be well remembered by the older resident of Mansfield as Mr and Mrs Spencer and daughter Grace lived here for many years in the eighties and the early nineties. Mrs Spencer has been back in Mansfield for a visit on several occasions, They also lived in Troy for many years until their removal to Florida about ten years ago. Mr Spencer had some land in Florida and went there to try truck farming which he thoroughly enjoyed. The daughter, Grace went to New York and was a newspaper woman for many years. She married Winchell Smith, who later became noted as an actor and playwright. His dramatization of Browsers Millions, and his authorship of The Fortune Hunter were among the first to show his ability as a playwriter. His successes this season are Turn to the Right and Three Wise Fools.
Mrs Spencer was a brilliant woman and kept alive on all questions op the day She was especially interested in young people and watched their doings with as much pleasure as themselves. She was a communicant of the Episcopal church.
The funeral was held from the home in Miami, with burial in White Plains, New York.
SQUIRES, Nettie -Mrs William H. Smith died Sunday morning, September 27th at 3:30 o'clock at the family home at Elk Run, aged sixty-two. Mrs Smith. is survived h.y her husband, William H. Smith; a son Harry Smith; a grandson, Gordon H. Smith of Elmira. Me funeral was held at the family home Tuesday at 11 a.m. The Rev. C. L. McConnell of Elmira officiated Burial in the Squires cemetery (Now called Gray Valley Cemetery)
STRAIT - Mrs Minnie E. Wolfe died last Friday, September 25th at 10:15 p.m. at the family home at Austinville, aged fifty-nine years. Mrs Wolfe is survived by her husband, George E. Wolfe; a son, Lloyd C.; a daughter, Miss Dora M. Wolfe; two grandchildren, Josephine B. and Lloyd C. Wolfe,: a sister, Mrs Clifford A. Gray of Elmira; a brother, Floyd I. Strait, of Unionville, N.Y. The funeral was held at the family home, Monday at 2 p.m., the Rev. J.B. Herrick of Towanda officiating. Burial in the Besley cemetery.
TANNER - Mrs Eliza J. Brace
At her home in Roseville, at 9 p.m. January 7, 1926,occurred the death of Mrs Eliza Brace, aged 74 years, after a prolonged illness. Born on VanNess Hill in Rutland, on August 5, 1851, she was the only daughter of George and Jane Tanner. Two brothers, Joseph and Hannibal, and her parents, have long since preceded her to the glorious home above. After short periods of living at Chandlersburg and Roseville, the family moved to the home of her grandfather, Rev. Amos Mansfield, near the old Rutland Hill Church, which she joined at the age of 12. She passed a happy year at her aunts in Syracuse, N.Y. and on her return completed her education and taught several successful terms of school until on October 23,1873 she became the wife of Lewis E. Watkins, of Burton Hill. To this union was born a son, Ross, who, with an adopted sister, Mrs. Maude Stevens of Jackson, survives her. Joseph's daughter being now Mrs Harry Brace, and Hannibal's son, Mr Welland J. Tanner. Ten years of happy married life was saddened at its close by the long illness and death of her husband. All seemed lost, but with Christian fortitude she gathered up the broken strands of her life and carried on for her little ones. In 1887 she was married to Nelson E. Brace, and removed to his farm near Painter Run, where she remained until 1920, when she went to her son's in Knoxville, where she lived at the time of her death; Mr Brace having died in 1918. Of his six children, four survive to revere the memory of "Mother": Mrs Grant Stickler of Painter Run, Fred Brace, of Springfield; Orville of Mansfield, and Harry, near Painter Run. By this marriage she acquired 12 nephews and nieces who survive, and she has 25 grandchildren and 33 great grandchildren.
Each of her brothers had a child. (07 JAN 1926)
The twelfth annual reunion of the descendants of Philip and Amanda Tice was held at Brand Park August 25. A very pleasant time was enjoyed by all those present. At the close of a short business meeting was called and the following officers were elected. President Frank Doug'.ay Secretary Mrs Henry Tice Treasurer Elmer Breese
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tice and children, Leah, Lulu, Grace. Colie, Lewis, Helena, Elva and George; Clyde Smith, Mr. and Mrs Harry Tice, Bertha, Philip, Earl, and Abbie Tice and Louise Palmer, of Mainesburg; Mr and Mrs Frank Douughty, Mr and Mrs James Doughty, Jerry Edwards Mary Harvey and Raymond Wilson of Daggett; Frank Wilson, Philip Wilson, Louise, Florence and Fanny Tice, Jacob Elston, Mr and Mrs Henry Tice, Mr and Mrs S.T. Campbell, Georgia and Doris Campbell, and Walter Breese of Elmira, N.Y.; Mr and Mrs Noble Breese and sons Colie and Elmer; Mr and Mrs Arthur Balmer and children Glen and Clare of Pine City, N.Y., Mr and Mrs Verl Erway, and children, Charlotte, Muriel, Isabelle and Buster from Pine Valley, N.Y.; Mr and Mrs William Hakes and children, Edith, Carrie and Georgianne, Mr and Mrs Lynn Wager of Hector, N.Y. Mr and Mrs George Coates and children, Margaret, Alice, and Edith of Corning, N.Y.
TICKNER, Mary Jane - Obituary : Mrs James Queal died Tuesday morning at the home of her daughter , Mrs Earl Farren a Horseheads, aged eighty years. Mrs Queal is survived by three daughters; Mrs W.E. Swartwood, of Mansfield, Pa. Mrs Adelbert Tears of Gillett, Pa. Mrs Earl Farren of Horseheads, N.Y. three sons; Henry and Robert of Gillett, Pa. and Willard of Mosherville; a son-in-law, Bert Congdon, of Fassett, Pa.; brother Willard Tickner of Jobs Corners; a sister-in-law, Mrs H.B. Tickner of Elmira. The funeral will be held at Gillett, Pa. Friday at 11 a.m. Burial in Gillett cemetery (30 MAR 1926)
Van VALKNER - The death of Elmer Van Valkner occurred at his home north of this city in the town of Elmira, Monday afternoon. He is survived by his wife, one son, Winfield and one daughter, Mrs Muriel Reinbold, at home. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon, The Rev. Carl McConnell officiating. Burial in Woodlawn.
WHEELER - Mrs. Philena Squires died Wednesday afternoons at the home of her brother Edward d Wheeler. At Sylvania, Pa. aged seventy nine years. She is survived by three brothers, Edward Wheeler. of Sylvania, Pa. Lloyd Wheeler of Mansfield, Pa. and Peter Wheeler of Morris, Pa. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home. Burial will be in Squires cemetery The Rev. A.G. Cameron will officiate. (Now called Gray Valley Cemetery) |
WILSON - Mrs Frederick Watkins
Mrs Jessie Wilson Watkins died Friday at 2:30 p.m. at the family in Austinville aged sixty one years. Mrs Watkins is survived by her husband Frederick, a son, James of Elmira; a grandson Russell W., of Elmira; three sisters, Mrs John Wolfe of Snedeckervil1e; Mrs Stephen Kenyon Troy; Mrs G.M. Case of Elmira; a brother Stephen Wilson of Snedekerville. The Funeral was held at the family home Monday at 2 p.m. the Rev. A.G. Cameron officiating. Burial in the Besley cemetery. (a.k.A. Columbia Valley Cemetery)(1926)