The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery

From Newspaper Records from Tioga County PA Multiple Volumes, Abstracted by Ruth Wetherbee, Julia Wetherbee, Rhoda ENGLISH Ladd, William A. Ladd. 

All data copied from newspaper file as it appeared in the record using their spelling. The original copies of the newspapers are on file at the Green Free Library located in Wellsboro. Published 1981 

Permission for reprinting on the Tri-County Web Sites given by Rhoda ENGLISH Ladd in 1997. This page retyped by Bruce Preston for Tri-Counties

Year Day/Month   Name Text
1849 02-Jan M Bodine, Ellis M. In Delmar, on the 4th in-st., by Rev. S. Nichols, Mr. Ellis M. Bodine, of Wellsbbro, Miss Aurelia Coolidge, of Delmar.
1849 02-Jan M Coolidge, Aurelia In Delmar, on the 4th in-st., by Rev. S. Nichols, Mr. Ellis M. Bodine, of Wellsbbro, Miss Aurelia Coolidge, of Delmar.
1849 02-Jan M Videon, Thomas Tioga Co., Pa., on the 1st of Jan., inst., by the Rev. John B. Allen, Mr. Thomas Videon, and Miss Sarah Hulbert, all of Covington. In Covington
1849 02-Jan M Hulbert, Sarah Tioga Co., Pa., on the 1st of Jan., inst., by the Rev. John B. Allen, Mr. Thomas Videon, and Miss Sarah Hulbert, all of Covington. In Covington
1849 02-Jan D Dixon, James In Philadelphia, on the 22nd ultimo, Mr. James Dixon aged 68.
1849 02-Jan D Jackson, Leavin H. In Little Britain, Lancaster Co., on the 24th ultimo, Leavin H. Jackson, Esq., aged 66.
1849 02-Jan   Note Both of the above named gentlemen were among the earliest settlers of this County, but removed to the southern part of the state, and have been honored members of the commun-ities in which they lived, and which now deplore their loss.
1849 09-Jan   None  
1849 16-Jan   None  
1849 23-Jan M Howland, Charles M. In Covington, on Monday, Jan. 1, 1849, by Elder Miller, Mr. Charles M. Howland, and Miss Eliza Walker, both of Covington, Tioga Co.
1849 23-Jan M Walker, Eliza In Covington, on Monday, Jan. 1, 1849, by Elder Miller, Mr. Charles M. Howland, and Miss Eliza Walker, both of Covington, Tioga Co.
1849 23-Jan M Dart, Solon In Charleston, on Thursday, the 18th inst., by Rev. Samuel Nichols, Mr. Solon Dartt, and Miss Sarah M. Dockstader, both of Charleston, Tioga Co.
1849 23-Jan M Dockstader, Sarah M. In Charleston, on Thursday, the 18th inst., by Rev. Samuel Nichols, Mr. Solon Dartt, and Miss Sarah M. Dockstader, both of Charleston, Tioga Co.
1849 30-Jan D Boodman, Rev. O. M. at his residence, in Wellsboro, on Thursday morning, February 1, 1849, Rev. O.B. Boodman. His funeral will take place at the Methodist Church on Sunday morning, (the 4th) at 10 O'clock.
1849 13-Feb M Page, Jacob In Elkland, on Friday, the 2d of February inst., by George C. Blake, Esq., Mr. Jacob Page and Miss Phila Helmer.
1849 13-Feb M Helmer, Phila In Elkland, on Friday, the 2d of February inst., by George C. Blake, Esq., Mr. Jacob Page and Miss Phila Helmer.
1849 13-Feb D Davenport, Oliver In Richmond, Tioga Co., Pa., at the house of Elder Sherwood, on the 31st of Jan., 1849, Mr. Oliver Davenport, in the 75th year of his age.
1849 22-Feb D Hance, Alma A. In this Borough, on Wednesday afternoon, the 21st inst., Mrs. Almia A. Hance, aged 30 years, wife of John L. Hance, and dau of Hon. Jonah Breiaster. The funeral will take place at the Episcopal Church in Wellsboro on Sunday morning the 25th inst.
1849 22-Feb D Norris, John At his residence near Wellsboro, on the 10th inst., John Norris, Esq., aged 81 years. The deceased was one of the early Pioneers of this county, and was actively instrumental in opening and improving the then wilderness regi-on of Tioga and Northern Lycoming counties. A native of England, he emigrated to Philadelphia in the year 1793--was naturalized soon after, and took the oath of allegiance to the Government of his adopted country, of which and its Institutions he was ever an ardent admirer. Being employed as an agent for the sale of lands, he removed in 1799 to Lycoming County (Tioga being then included in that county) where he was engaged in effecting various improvements for the benefit of the infant settlements, as building mills, opening roads, etc., among these was the “Old State Road”, leading from the settlements on the West Branch of the Village of Newberry, to the "109th Mile Stone" on the north line of the state. When the county of Tioga was organized, he was employed to septematise and arrange 
1849 27-Feb   None  
1849 06-Mar   None  
1849 13-Mar M Griffen, Philo In Chatham, on Sunday evening the 11th of March, inst., by William A. Falkner, esq., Mr. Philo Griffin, of Knoxville, and Miss Jane Leach, dau. of Doctor Harvey Leach of Chatham.
1849 13-Mar M Leach, Jane In Chatham, on Sunday evening the 11th of March, inst., by William A. Falkner, esq., Mr. Philo Griffin, of Knoxville, and Miss Jane Leach, dau. of Doctor Harvey Leach of Chatham.
1849 13-Mar D Paine, Clement At Troy, in Bradford Co., on the morning of Thursday, March 1st, 1849. Clement Paine, Esq., in the 80th year of his age. He was born in August, 1769, at Eastham, on Cape Cod, which had been the residence of his ancestors since their first arrival in America. Subsequently, in Portland, Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Charleston, S.C., he was engaged in the printing business, to which he was bred. In 1794, he settled at Athens, Pa., which place was for 50 years his home. He removed to the residence of his son, at Troy, in Dec. 1844.
1849 20-Mar L Lang, John Executor's Notice--Letters testam-entary granted to executors of will of John Lang, deceased, late of Richmond Township, Tioga Co. ---John Thompson, City of Philadelphia; Lambert Clark, Richmond Township---5th March 1849.
1849 27-Mar L Rixford, Thomas E. Admin. Notice--Letters of Admin.--Estate of Thomas E. Rixford, dec'd, late of Sullivan Twp., Tioga Co. Northrup Smith ..... Sullivan, March 26, 1849.
1849 27-Mar M Robertson, Thomas A. On the 8th inst., by Rev. J. F. Colkins, Mr. Thomas A. Robertson, and Miss Mary Ann Meyer, both of Delmar.
1849 27-Mar M Meyer, Mary Ann On the 8th inst., by Rev. J. F. Colkins, Mr. Thomas A. Robertson, and Miss Mary Ann Meyer, both of Delmar.
1849 05-Apr   None  
1849 12-Apr   None  
1849 19-Apr M Plumley, Christopher In Delmar, on Sat., the 14th inst., by Levi Warriner, Esq., Mr. Christopher Plumley and Miss Adelia Decker, all of Delmar.
1849 19-Apr M Decker, Adelia In Delmar, on Sat., the 14th inst., by Levi Warriner, Esq., Mr. Christopher Plumley and Miss Adelia Decker, all of Delmar.
1849 19-Apr D Wheeler, Emily In Charleston, on Friday the 13th inst., Miss Emily Wheeler aged 16 years and 8 months.
1849 19-Apr D Field, Barbara In Delmar, on Tuesday the 17th inst., Mrs. Barbara, wife of Prescott Field--aged about 28 years.
1849 01-May L Hazlett, John Executors Notice--Letters of executory, Estate John Hazlett, dec'd, late of Elkland Twp.,--Charles Blanchard---Samuel Hazlett--John Hazlett---Elkland April 24, 1849.
1849 08-May   None  
1849 15-May L Ripley, Ebenezer Administrator’s Notice--The undersigned as Administratix, has taken out letters of administrationt with the will annexed upon estate of Ebenezer Ripley, dec'd, late of Richmond Township. Richmond, May 14, 1849--Sophia Ripley.
1849 22-May M Calkins, J. F. In Wellsboro, on Sunday, May 20th inst., by Rev. J. F. Calkins, Mr. Henry G. Webb, of Bradford Co., and Miss Susan J. Abbolt, formerly of Conneout, Ashtabula Co., Ohio.
1849 22-May M Abbolt, Susan In Wellsboro, on Sunday, May 20th inst., by Rev. J. F. Calkins, Mr. Henry G. Webb, of Bradford Co., and Miss Susan J. Abbolt, formerly of Conneout, Ashtabula Co., Ohio.
1849 22-May M Hoyt, David At Beecher Island, on the 15th May inst., by Rev. John Sailor, Mr. David Hoyt and Mrs. Sarah Whitehead, all of Elkland Township. 
1849 22-May M Whitehead, Sarah At Beecher Island, on the 15th May inst., by Rev. John Sailor, Mr. David Hoyt and Mrs. Sarah Whitehead, all of Elkland Township. 
1849 29-May M Bartholomew, Ira In Shippen, on the 18th of April, by Henry Sligh, Esq., Ira Bartholomew, of Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. to Miss Julia Chandler of Shtppen, Tioga Co., Pa.
1849 29-May M Chandler, Julia In Shippen, on the 18th of April, by Henry Sligh, Esq., Ira Bartholomew, of Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. to Miss Julia Chandler of Shtppen, Tioga Co., Pa.
1849 29-May L Inscho, Moses Admin. Notice---Letters of Administration--on estate of Moses Inscho, dec'd late of Deerfield Township, Tioga Co. Mary Inscho---Hiram Inscho--Admins. Deerfield, Feb. 20, 1849.
1849 01-Jun M Fellows, Elijah J. At the residence of David Reese, in Charleston, on the 30th inst., by the Rev. A. M. Brown, Mr. Elijah J. Fellows, of Wellsboro, and Miss Charlotte Harris, of the former place.
1849 01-Jun M Harris, Charlotte At the residence of David Reese, in Charleston, on the 30th inst., by the Rev. A. M. Brown, Mr. Elijah J. Fellows, of Wellsboro, and Miss Charlotte Harris, of the former place.
1849 01-Jun M Crowl, Andrew Jr. In Columbia, Bradford Co., on the 24th inst., by Rev. Amos Mansfield, Mr. Andrew Crowl, Jr., of Wellsboro and Miss Sarah Jane Potter, of Columbia.
1849 01-Jun M Potter, Sarah Jane In Columbia, Bradford Co., on the 24th inst., by Rev. Amos Mansfield, Mr. Andrew Crowl, Jr., of Wellsboro and Miss Sarah Jane Potter, of Columbia.
1849 01-Jun D Wickham, Mrs. Died--In Tioga Village, on Sat. morning, May 26, 1849, :Mrs. Wickham, wife of B. C. Wickham, aged 28 years,
1849 01-Jun D Northway, William In Tioga Village, on Tuesday evening, May 22, 1849, William, aged about 4 years, son of Rev. L. Northway.
1849 12-Jun   None  
1849 12-Jun M Dexter, Lewis In Shippen, on the 4th of June inst., by Henry Sligh, Esq., Mr. Lewis Dexter, and Miss Chloe Hemminger, all of Shippen, Tioga Co., Pa.
1849 12-Jun M Hemminger, Chloe In Shippen, on the 4th of June inst., by Henry Sligh, Esq., Mr. Lewis Dexter, and Miss Chloe Hemminger, all of Shippen, Tioga Co., Pa.
1849 12-Jun D Rexford, William At his residence in Gaines Township, Tioga Co., on Friday, the 15th of June inst., of Small Pox, Mr. William Rexford. Mr. Rexford leaves a wife and five children. From so sudden a death, and from so terrible a disease, one may well see the necessity of precaution and care Mr. Rexford had never been vaccinated and all efforts to save him were unavailing.
1849 26-Jun M Bache, Wm. In Hartwick, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. J, Pixley, Mr. Wm. Bache, of Wellsboro, and Mrs. Adeline B. Alyworth, of Hartwick, N. Y.
1849 26-Jun M Aylworth, Adeline B. In Hartwick, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. J, Pixley, Mr. Wm. Bache, of Wellsboro, and Mrs. Adeline B. Alyworth, of Hartwick, N. Y.
1849 03-Jul D White, Minerva C. In Knoxville, on Monday, the 18th ult., after a lingering illness, Mrs. Minerva C., wife of Mr. J. E. White, aged 40 years.
1849 03-Jul D Bowen, Phoebe On the same day, in the same place of consumption, Miss Phebe, daughter of Martin & Freelove Bowen, aged 18 years.
1849 10-Jul D Cole, Royal In Wellsboro, July 4, 1849, Mr. Royal Cole, aged 89 years and six months--A soldier in both the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812.
1849 17-Jul M Martin, H. G. In Wellsboro, on the 10th inst., by Rev. J. F. Calkins, Mr. H. G. Martin, of Mansfield and Miss Sarah M. Taylor of Covington.
1849 17-Jul M Taylor, Sarah M. In Wellsboro, on the 10th inst., by Rev. J. F. Calkins, Mr. H. G. Martin, of Mansfield and Miss Sarah M. Taylor of Covington.
1849 17-Jul D Locke, Jesse At his residence, in Shippen, on Thursday morning last, July 12th, of apoplexy, Jesse Locke, Esq., aged about 45 years--a very estimable and worthy citizen
1849 24-Jul D Guernsey, Joseph W. At his residence in Tioga Twp., this county, on Wednesday evening last, the 18th inst., Ex-Sheriff, Joseph W. Guernsey, after a lingering illness of eight weeks.
1849 24-Jul O Guernsey, Joseph W. Obituary--Joseph Warren Guernsey--He was born in Windsor, Broome Co., N. Y., Oct. 5, 1799, and would have been 50 years old next October. He lived with his parents success-fully in Windsor, Delaware, and Susquehanna counties until 1822, when he was married to the daughter of Judge Brewster who then resided in that section of country. In 1827, his father-in-law and himself came to Tioga, then called Willardsburg, and engaged together in the merchantile business. He soon became interested in the lumbering property, at which place he moved in 1833, and resided until his death. In 1843 he was elected sheriff of this county, and those who had business with that office during the three years of his service, can witness the fidelity and efficiency with which he discharged the duties of his trust -- knowing the value of knowledge, he has ever improved every oppor-tunity of educating his large family of children.---About 10 weeks ago he was taken with the inflammatory rheumatism, which induced an inflammation of the l
1849 24-Jul O Locke, Jesse Obituary--Jesse Locke--Mr. Jesse Locke died at 4 o'clock Thursday morning the 12th inst., of apoplexy. He was born in Cincinatus, Courtland Co., N.Y., April 3d, 1804. When he was yet a boy of 9 years, his father was accidentally shot and killed instantly. In 1824, he was married, and for 18 or 20 years pursued generally the farming occupation in the vicinity of his native place. In 1832 he came to Round Island and performed a job of work, and in 1840 he built the mills at Slide Island. He grad-ually became interested in several lumbering establishments on Pine Creek; and in 1842 moved his family into this county, and soon settled in the place where his family now resides. His life has been one of labor and trial, like other men engaged in the lumbering enterprise demanding great vigor of body and mind. Last winter he was laid aside from business for 4 months by a bit of sickness, which reduced him very low, and rendered his recovery for a long time extremely doubtful. But to the happy disappointment of many, 
1849 31-Jul M Greene, Daniel H. On Sunday the 29th of July, 1849, by Samuel Brooks, Esq., Mr. Daniel H. Green and Miss Henrietta Vaugh, all of Lawrence, Tioga Co., Pa.
1849 31-Jul M Vaugh, Henrietta On Sunday the 29th of July, 1849, by Samuel Brooks, Esq., Mr. Daniel H. Green and Miss Henrietta Vaugh, all of Lawrence, Tioga Co., Pa.
1849 07-Aug M Booz, Frederick In Delmar, on Sunday, the 5th of August inst., by Rev. Frederick Moyer, Mr. Frederick Booz and Miss Maria Broughton.
1849 07-Aug M Broughton, Maria In Delmar, on Sunday, the 5th of August inst., by Rev. Frederick Moyer, Mr. Frederick Booz and Miss Maria Broughton.
1849 07-Aug M Cole, William At the same time and place, by the same, Mr. William Cole and Miss Betsey Frederick.
1849 07-Aug M Fredrick, Betsey At the same time and place, by the same, Mr. William Cole and Miss Betsey Frederick.
1849 14-Aug D Christinot, Nelson In this place, on the morning of the 13th inst., Nelson, son of Rudolph and Adaline Christinot, aged 2 years and 6 months.
1849 14-Aug D Ensworth, Mary Ellen In this place, on the evening of the 13th inst., Mary Ellen, daughter of Samuel E. & Eunice Ensworth, aged 14 months.
1849 14-Aug D White, Minerva C. In Knoxville, this County, on the 18th of June last, Mrs. Minerva C., wife of John E. White, Esq., aged about 40 years.
1849 14-Aug D Bowen, Phoebe In Deerfield, on the 18th of June last, Miss Phebe, daughter of Martin and Freelove Bowen, aged 18 years.
1849 21-Aug D Christenot, Cornelia In this place, on the 16th inst., Cornelia, daughter of Frederick and Aseneth Christinot, aged 2 years and 4 months.
1849 21-Aug D Thompson, Frances Lura In this place, on the 17th inst., Frances Lura, daughter of William and Jane Thompson, aged about 11 months.
1849 21-Aug D Ensworth, Cassius M. In this place, on the 17th inst., Cassius M., son of Samuel E. and Eunice Ensworth aged 4 years.
1849 21-Aug D Sherwood, Harriet A. In this place, on the 20th inst., Ida, daughter of Morgan and Harriet A. Sherwood, aged about 4 years.
1849 21-Aug D Lowrey, Samuel Morris In this place, on the evening of the 20th inst., Samuel Morris, son of James Lowrey, Esq., aged about 2 years.
1849 28-Aug D Thorp, Rose Ellen In this place, on the 22d inst., after a brief illness, Rose Ellen, infant daughter of Henry W. Thorp, Principal of Wellsboro Academy.
1849 28-Aug D Feegles, Delos In this place, on the 24th inst., Delos, son of Henry L. and Ann Feegles, aged 8 months.
1849 28-Aug D Elliot, Margaret At Cherry Flats, on the 25th inst., Margaret, daughter of Levi H. and Mary Elliot, aged about 4 years.
1849 28-Aug D Elliot, Franklin At Cherry Flats, on the 26th ins,., Franklin, son of Nathaniel and Charlotte Elliot, aged about 3 years.
1849 28-Aug D Elliot, Ellen At Cherry Flats, on the 27th inst., Ellen, daughter of Nathaniel A. Elliot, aged about 6 years.
1849 28-Aug D Wood, Lucy Norah In this place, on the evening of the 27th inst., Lucy Norah, daughter of J. D. and Rebekah Wood, aged 2 years, 9 months and 12 days.
1849 28-Aug L Locke, Jesse Admin. Notice--Letters of Adm. of Estate of Jesse Locke, late of Shippen Township. B. B. Smith, David Ellis, Adm. Wellsboro, Aug. 24, 1849.
1849 04-Sep M Weatherbee, Ira At St. Paul's Church, on the 29th ult., by Rev. A. A. Morple, Mr. Ira Wetherbee, and Miss Amanda Stratton, of this county.
1849 04-Sep M Stratton, Amanda At St. Paul's Church, on the 29th ult., by Rev. A. A. Morple, Mr. Ira Wetherbee, and Miss Amanda Stratton, of this county.
1849 04-Sep M Adam, Christopher In Tioga, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. Jacob Kennedy, Mr. Christopher Adam, and Miss Catherine Dill, both of Tioga.
1849 04-Sep M Dill, Catherine In Tioga, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. Jacob Kennedy, Mr. Christopher Adam, and Miss Catherine Dill, both of Tioga.
1849 04-Sep D Wilson, Luman Died--In this place on the morning of the 2d inst., Luman Wilson, aged 43 years.
1849 04-Sep D Thomas, Son of Thomas P. On the morning of the 3d instant, Thomas, son of Thomas P.
1849 18-Sep D Whittamore, Edmond In Covington, on the 6th inst., Edmond, aged about 9 months and on the 9th inst., Elsey, aged about 3 years--children of Edward and Mary Whittamore.
1849 18-Sep D Whittamore, Elsey In Covington, on the 6th inst., Edmond, aged about 9 months and on the 9th inst., Elsey, aged about 3 years--children of Edward and Mary Whittamore.
1849 18-Sep D Jennings, Francis In Charleston, on the 8th inst., Francis, aged 3 years and 10 months, son of Elijah F. and Betsey Jennings.
1849 18-Sep D Kelly, Jane Elizabeth In Charleston, on the evening of the 7th inst., Jane Elizabeth, daughter of Sylvester and Harriet Kelly, aged 2 years, 2 months and 27 days.
1849 18-Sep D Harris, Charles M. At Cherry Flats, on the 17th inst., Charles M., son of David W. and Ann Harris, aged 1 year and 6 months.
1849 18-Sep D Jones, Ezekiel L. In this place on the 3d inst., Ezekiel L. Jones, aged about 62 years.
1849 18-Sep D Blake, Charles In Delmar, on the 6th inst., Charles, son of C. W. and Catherine Blake, aged about 8 years.
1849 18-Sep D Sykes, Harriet In Richmond, on Saturday morning, August 26th, of croup, Harriet, daughter of Charles N. & Susanna Sykes, aged 4 years and 4 days.
1849 18-Sep D Wingate, Albert In this borough on the 16th inst., Albert, son of Thomas P. and Lucinda Wingate, aged 5 years.
1849 18-Sep D Case, Julia F. On the 17th of September inst., at the residence of Gen. Elihu Case, in Troy, Julia F., aged 4 months and 13 days, infant daughter of Nathan P. and Sarah M. Case, of Coving-ton, Pa.
1849 18-Sep L Guernsey, Joseph W. Adm. Notice--Letters of Adnin. on Estate of Joseph W. Guernsey, dec'd, late of Tioga Township. Ann B. Guernsey, A. S. Brewster, Adm. Sept. 10, 1849.
1849 25-Sep   None  
1849 02-Oct D Bodine, Eliza Jane In this borough on the 22d ult., Eliza Jane wife of Frederick Bodine, aged 38 years.
1849 02-Oct D Henry, James In Charleston, this County, on Saturday, the 29th ult, James Henry, aged about 60 years.
1849 02-Oct D Cole, Leonard In Delmar, on the 30th ultimo, Leonard and Elizabeth Cole-husband and wife--the former aged about 42 and the latter about 45 years.
1849 02-Oct D Cole, Elizabeth In Delmar, on the 30th ultimo, Leonard and Elizabeth Cole-husband and wife--the former aged about 42 and the latter about 45 years.
1849 02-Oct D Vanhorn, Nancy In Charleston, on the 28th ultimo, Nancy, daughter of William and Amanda Vanhorn, aged 2 years and 7 months.
1849 02-Oct D Blake, Samuel In Delmar, on the 29th ult., Samuel, son of Charleston and Catharine Blake, aged about 3 years.
1849 02-Oct D McCarty, Polly In Delmar, on the 1st inst., Polly, wife of Thos. B. McCarty aged 58 years.
1849 13-Oct M Morple, Augustus P. In Bloomsburg, on the 12th ulto: by Rev. Joel Rudderrow, the Rev. Augustus P. Morple, Pastor of the Episcopal Church of this place, and Miss Harriet N. McKelve, of the former place.
1849 13-Oct M McKelve, Harriet N. In Bloomsburg, on the 12th ulto: by Rev. Joel Rudderrow, the Rev. Augustus P. Morple, Pastor of the Episcopal Church of this place, and Miss Harriet N. McKelve, of the former place.
1849 13-Oct M Locke, John Jr. In this place on the 8th inst., by J. P. Magill, Esq., John Locke, Jr., and Miss Cornelia M. Willard, all of this place.
1849 13-Oct M Williar, Cornelia M. In this place on the 8th inst., by J. P. Magill, Esq., John Locke, Jr., and Miss Cornelia M. Willard, all of this place.
1849 13-Oct M Griffis, William In Blossburg, on the 2d inst., by John Evans, Esq., William Griffis and Mary Allen, both of Blossburg.
1849 13-Oct M Allen, Mary In Blossburg, on the 2d inst., by John Evans, Esq., William Griffis and Mary Allen, both of Blossburg.
1849 13-Oct M Cummings, Alfred In West-field on the 30th ult., by the Rev. R. B. Hunt, Alfred Commings, and Nancy Stone, both of Potter County.
1849 13-Oct M Stone, Nancy In West-field on the 30th ult., by the Rev. R. B. Hunt, Alfred Commings, and Nancy Stone, both of Potter County.
1849 13-Oct D Robinson, Adeline In this borough, on the 5th inst., Adaline, daughter of John L. and Azuliah Robinson, aged 13years.
1849 13-Oct L Rexford, William Admin. Notice--Letter of adm. on estate of William Rexford, dec'd, late of Gaines Township. Au P. Cone, Adm. Betsy Rexford, Admx. Wellsboro Oct. 6, 1849.
1849 23-Oct D Lovell, Anna In Charleston, Tioga Co., on the 31st inst., Mrs. Anna Lovell, relict of the late John Lovell aged 67 years.
1849 06-Nov   None  
1849 13-Nov D   In Delmar Township, on Saturday the 10th inst., Sarah, daughter of Lewis and Mary C. Smith, aged 6 years and 9 days.
1849 20-Nov   None  
1849 27-Nov   None  
1849 04-Dec D Emmick, Samuel In Morris Township, this county, on the 3rd. ult., Samuel, son of William and Sarah Maria Emmick, aged 3 years.
1849 04-Dec D Emmick, William In this same place, on the llth ult., Mr. William Emmick, aged 46 years.
1849 13-Dec   None  
1849 21-Dec D Daggett, Charlotte In Tioga, on Monday, the 10th of December inst., Miss Charlotte Daggett, youngest daughter of Maj. Seth Daggett.
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09/08/2000
By Joyce M. Tice