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Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery

From Newspaper Records from Tioga County PA Multiple Volumes, Abstracted by Ruth Wetherbee, Julia Wetherbee, Rhoda ENGLISH Ladd, William A. Ladd. Also additional submissions sent in by Tri Counties Web Site Volunteers

All data copied from newspaper file as it appeared in the record using their spelling. The original copies of the newspapers are on file at the Green Free Library located in Wellsboro. Published 1981. Permission for reprinting on the Tri-County Web Sites given by Rhoda ENGLISH Ladd in 1997.

Tioga Agitator 1862 / 1863 - Abstracts

Reprinted with permission of Rhoda ENGLISH Ladd from Tioga County Newspaper Records Volume NINE. Thank you Harold Hooper for retyping these.
Year Day/Month Event Name  
1862 15 OCT Anderson, Thomas d in the Hospital at Washington D.C. on the 26th of September of Chronic Diarrhea, Thomas L. Anderson, son of James and Rosina Anderson ( of CO. E. 1st Rifle Regt.) of Middlebury, Tioga Co., Pa. Aged 23.
1862 19 NOV Andrews, Angeline d in Asbury, Columbia County, Pa., October 9th, 1862, Angeline, wife of Martin V. Andrews, aged 22 years. The deceased was a daughter of marshal Dartt of Charleston, Tioga, Pa.
1862 10 DEC M Andrews, Jonas m by Andrew Crowl, Esq., on the 3d of Dec. 1862, Mr. Jonas D. Andrews of Elmira, N.Y. to Prudence E. Fical, of Wellsboro, Pa.
1863 7 JAN M Ayer, O.F. m 23d ultimo by Rev. R.L. Stilwell, Mr. O.F. Ayer to Miss Anna Morley of Burlington, Pa.
1862 24 DEC Bacon, T.S. War Cadualties, Co. A. 136th Killes, T.S. Bacon, Lawrenceville.
1862 24 DEC Barker, Charles d in Wellsboro, the 18th instant, of diphtheria, Charles Daniel, only son of George W. & Susan M. Barker, aged 2 years 5 months and 20 days.
1862 17 DEC Barney, Roseltha d in Clymer, on the 15th ultimo, of diphtheria, Roseltha M., youngest daughter of Mason and Mary Barney, aged 7 years, 3 months and 15 days.
1863 7 JAN M Bartle,Alice m 1st inst., at the house of the bride's father, by A. Crowl, Esq., Mr. W.F. Horton of Wellsboro to Miss Alice Bartle of Delmar.
1862 5 NOV Bartlet, George Casualties, (letter from 45th dated October 29, '62.) Died in the hospital at Frederick City on Oct. 12th, George Bartlett.
1862 19 NOV Billings, Charlie d in Knoxville, Pa., October 15th, Charlie, son of Charles and Helena Billings, 2 years of age.
1862 5 NOV Bird, Gates B. d Gates B. Bird, on the 27th ultimo at Daggetts Mills. Mr Bird was born and raised in this vicinity ( Dagget Mills ) He leaves a wife and three children. Funeral today, Rev. Mr. Putnam officiating. (Daggets Mills dated October 29, 1862)
1862 10 DEC M Bottom, Dolly m in Farmington, at the house of the bride's father, on the 2d instant, by Rev. Francis Rand, Mr. Joseph D. Campbell of Nelson to Miss Dolly V. Bottom.
1862 10 DEC M Boyden, Melvin m in Wellsboro, at the Methodist Parsonage, December 6th, 1862 by Rev. J.D. Bell, Mr. Melvin Boyden to Miss Sarah M. Fellows, both of Delmar, Pa.
1862 10 DEC Bulkley, Luther d in Camp, near Fort Scott, Va., on the 31st of October 1862, Corporal Luther G. bulkley, of Deerfield, Tioga County, Pa., a member of Co. S. Pa. Cavalry.
1862 10 DEC M Campbell, Joseph m in Farmington, at the house of the bride's father, on the 2d instant, by Rev. Francis Rand, Mr. Joseph D. Campbell of Nelson to Miss Dolly V. Bottom.
1863 7 JAN M Canedy, Mary m in Ward, Pa., on the 1st instant by James D. Hill, Esq., Mr Moses Comfort to Mrs. Mary Canedy, both of Ward, Pa.
1862 29 OCT Carle, Charles d in Farmington, 21st of October of Diphtheria, Charles H., son of John and Maria Carle, and a brother of Captain James Carle.
1863 7 JAN M Churchill, Marion m 1st instant at the Parsonage, by Rev. J.F. Calkins, Mr. Charles Oscar Palmer to Miss marion Churchill both of Middlebury.
1863 7 JAN M Clark, John m at the same time and place, by Rev.J.F. Calkins, Mr. John Clark to Miss Desta Amelia Moyer, of Delmar.
1863 7 JAN M Comfort, Moses m in Ward, Pa., on the 1st instant by James D. Hill, Esq., Mr Moses Comfort to Mrs. Mary Canedy, both of Ward, Pa.
1862 24 DEC M Copestick, Mary m on the 12th instant by Rev. J.F. Calkins at the house of the bride, Mr. R.S. Walbridge to Miss Mary Copestick, both of Delmar.
1862 5 NOV Costly, John John Costly, another of our Regt. Died near the same time at Frederick City.
1862 22 OCT Curran, Thaddeus d in Salamanca, Cattaraugus CO. N.Y., Mr. Thaddeus Curran, aged 44 years.
1862 5 NOV Deryea, Sarah d in Cherry Flatts, October 10th 1862 of Diphtheria, Sarah, wife of Andrew Deryea. (Duryea), aged 31 years, 7 months and 18 days. She leaves a husband and four small children
1862 19 NOV Dickinson, George d in the Hospital at Washington, D.C. on the 7th instant, George W. Dickinson, of Middlebury, age 40 years. He was a member of Co. H. 45th Regt. Pa. Vols.
1862 19 NOV M Donnel, Mary m in St. Mathew's Church, Sunbury, Pa., 11th Nov. by the Rev. B. Wistar Morris, the Rev. Lewis W. Gibson and Mary, daughter of the late Hon. Charles G. Donnel.
1862 24 DEC Duryea, Ida Jane d in Cherry Flats, the 14th instant, of diphtheria, Ida Jane, second daughter of Andrew J. Duryea, aged 2 years 8 months & 7 days.
1862 3 DEC Duryea, Mary d in Cherry Flatts, November 30th 1862, of Diphtheria, Mary Kate, oldest daughter of Andrew I. Duryea, aged 4 years, 7 months and 15 days.
1862 17 DEC M Elliott, G.L. m in East Charleston, the 14th ultimo, by Holman Morgan, Esq., Mr. G.L. Elliott of Charleston and Miss Helen Ingals, of Covington.
1862 19 NOV M Farmer, Cynthia m at Cleveland, N.Y., 20th of October, by the Rev. Mr. Wells, Dr. Otis W. Gibson, U.S.N., and Miss Cynthia M. Farmer.
1862 10 DEC M Fellows, Sarah m in Wellsboro, at the Methodist Parsonage, December 6th, 1862 by Rev. J.D. Bell, Mr. Melvin Boyden to Miss Sarah M. Fellows, both of Delmar, Pa.
1862 10 DEC M Fical, Prudence m by Andrew Crowl, Esq., on the 3d of Dec. 1862, Mr. Jonas D. Andrews of Elmira, N.Y. to Prudence E. Fical, of Wellsboro, Pa.
1862 8 OCT Gates, Arlettie d in Chatham, September 28th, Arlettie, only child of Addison and Adeline Gates, aged 3 years and 14 days.
1862 19 NOV M Gibson, Lewis m in St. Mathew's Church, Sunbury, Pa., 11th Nov. by the Rev. B. Wistar Morris, the Rev. Lewis W. Gibson and Mary, daughter of the late Hon. Charles G. Donnel.
1862 19 NOV M Gibson, Otis m at Cleveland, N.Y., 20th of October, by the Rev. Mr. Wells, Dr. Otis W. Gibson, U.S.N., and Miss Cynthia M. Farmer.
1862 8 OCT Gile, George d in Hospital, Jackson, Tenn, of typhoid fever on September 6, 1862, George W. Gile, of the 4th Minnesota Regiment, formerly of Charleston, Tioga Co., Pa. Aged 35.
1862 5 NOV Grall, Daniel` Daniel Grall was killed by accident on the 23d.
1862 8 OCT M Grose, William m in Delmar, September 21st at the residence of Hiram Wariner, byJ.D. Houghton, Esq., William Grose (Gross) to Miss Julia Kennedy.
1863 7 JAN M Hackett, Lucinda m at the same time and place, by Rev. A.A. Marple, Mr. Hiram Kilburn to Miss Lucinda Hackett, both of Middlebury.
1862 8 OCT M Hanford, Eliza m at the Parsonage of the Presbyterian Church in Wellsboro, on the 8th of October by the Rev. J.F. Calkins, Mr. John Marshall of Hamilton, Canada and miss Eliza W. Hanford, of Elmira, N.Y.
1862 26 NOV Hart, Harriet d in Charleston, October 25th 1862, Harriet C., wife of Lyman Hart, aged 25 years and 10 months.
1862 3 DEC Hathaway, Charlie d, Charlie Hathaway, of Tioga, died of wounds received at Antietam. ( No date given)
1863 7 JAN M Herrington, David m in Wellsboro, 1st instant, at the house of Rufus Farr, by Rev. A.A. Marple, Mr. David Herrington to Miss Helen Niles of Middlebury.
1862 19 NOV M Hiltbold, Mary m in Wellsboro, at the house of Charles Siemen, November 8th 1862, by the Rev. A.A. Marple, Mr. James Spencer to Miss Mary Hiltbold.
1863 7 JAN Holmes, Helena d in Shippen, 33d ult., Helena M., daughter of Isaac & Amelia Holmes, aged 3 years, 2 months & 8 days.
1863 7 JAN M Horton, W.F. m 1st inst., at the house of the bride's father, by A. Crowl, Esq., Mr. W.F. Horton of Wellsboro to Miss Alice Bartle of Delmar.
1862 10 DEC M Houghton, Edgar m in Wellsboro, the 30th ultimo, at the residence of E.H. Hastings by Andrew Crowl Esq., Mr. Edgar Houghton to Miss Ruth Jenkins, both of Delmar, Tioga County, Pa.
1863 7 JAN M Hovey, C.H. m 1st ultimo, by Rev. R.L. Stilwell, Mr. C.H. Hovey of Ulster to Miss Theresa Mundy of Towanda, Pa.
1862 24 DEC Howell, Ellen d in New York, on the 9th instant, Ellen M., wife of Charles J. Howell, and daughter of P.S. Tuttle, of Tioga, Pa.
1862 17 DEC M Ingals, Helen m in East Charleston, the 14th ultimo, by Holman Morgan, Esq., Mr. G.L. Elliott of Charleston and Miss Helen Ingals, of Covington.
1862 10 DEC M Jenkins, Ruth m in Wellsboro, the 30th ultimo, at the residence of E.H. Hastings by Andrew Crowl Esq., Mr. Edgar Houghton to Miss Ruth Jenkins, both of Delmar, Tioga County, Pa.
1862 22 OCT M Johnson, James m in Tioga, by Rev. S.J. McCullough, on the 11th inst., Mr. James M. Johnson to Miss Philena Lamb, both of Mansfield.
1863 7 JAN M Johnson, Mercie m in Lock Haven, at the residence of Dr. tipple, 18th ultimo, by Rev. Joseph Nesbitt, Mr. Daniel Mack to Miss Mercie Johnson, both of Wellsboro.
1862 8 OCT M Kennedy, Julia m in Delmar, September 21st at the residence of Hiram Wariner, byJ.D. Houghton, Esq., William Grose (Gross) to Miss Julia Kennedy.
1863 7 JAN M Kilburn, Hiram m at the same time and place, by Rev. A.A. Marple, Mr. Hiram Kilburn to Miss Lucinda Hackett, both of Middlebury.
1863 7 JAN M Knights, m. Sophia m 11th ultimo, by Rev. R.L. Stilwell, Mr. Thomas Woodfield of Wyalusing to Miss M. Sophia Knights of Troy, Pa.
1862 22 OCT M Lamb, Philena m in Tioga, by Rev. S.J. McCullough, on the 11th inst., Mr. James M. Johnson to Miss Philena Lamb, both of Mansfield.
1862 19 NOV Leete, Albert d in Middlebury, the 10th instant, Albert, infant son of Clark and Sally Leete.
1862 24 DEC Locey, Moses War Casualties: Co. A. 136th Died-- Moses D. Locey, Tioga-- had knee amputated and died.
1862 5 NOV M Lovejoy, Elibabeth m in Tioga, Pa., on the 28th instant, by C.J. Humphrey, esq., Mr. George B. Mann to Miss Elibabeth Jane Lovejoy, all of Tioga.
1863 7 JAN M Mack, Daniel m in Lock Haven, at the residence of Dr. tipple, 18th ultimo, by Rev. Joseph Nesbitt, Mr. Daniel Mack to Miss Mercie Johnson, both of Wellsboro.
1862 5 NOV M Mann, George m in Tioga, Pa., on the 28th instant, by C.J. Humphrey, esq., Mr. George B. Mann to Miss Elibabeth Jane Lovejoy, all of Tioga.
1862 22 OCT Margraff, William The body of William Margraff of Co. H, 6th Regt., who was killed at South Mountain was brought home by his brothers and interred in the new cemetery. Mr Marple preached the sermon.
1862 8 OCT M Marshall, John m at the Parsonage of the Presbyterian Church in Wellsboro, on the 8th of October by the Rev. J.F. Calkins, Mr. John Marshall of Hamilton, Canada and miss Eliza W. Hanford, of Elmira, N.Y.
1862 17 DEC Miller, Lewis d in Delmar, November 25th 1862, of consumption, Mr. Lewis Miller age 58 years.
1863 7 JAN M Moyer, Desta m at the same time and place, by Rev.J.F. Calkins, Mr. John Clark to Miss Desta Amelia Moyer, of Delmar.
1862 5 NOV Mulkins, Charles d in Washington D.C. of typhoid fever, October 11th, Charles Mulkins of Troupsburg, N.Y. of Co. D. 136th Regt. Pa. Vols.
1863 7 JAN M Mundy, Theresa m 1st ultimo, by Rev. R.L. Stilwell, Mr. C.H. Hovey of Ulster to Miss Theresa Mundy of Towanda, Pa.
1863 7 JAN M Niles, Helen m in Wellsboro, 1st instant, at the house of Rufus Farr, by Rev. A.A. Marple, Mr. David Herrington to Miss Helen Niles of Middlebury.
1862 8 OCT M Olmsted, Sarah m in Delmar, 28th of Septemberm by J.D. Houghton, Esq., Mr. Isaac D. Walker of Covington to Miss Sarah L. Olmsted.
1863 7 JAN M Palmer, Charles m 1st instant at the Parsonage, by Rev. J.F. Calkins, Mr. Charles Oscar Palmer to Miss marion Churchill both of Middlebury.
1862 3 DEC M Rockwell, A.W. m in Farmington, November 26th 1862 at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Mr. Rockwell, Mr. A.W. Rockwell to Miss Maryett Welch.
1862 10 DEC M Rockwell, A.W. m on the 26th ultimo, at the house of A.J. Fisk, Esq., in Farmington, by Rev. Mr. Rockwell, Mr. A.W. Rockwell to Miss Mariette Welch of Farmington, Pa.
1863 7 JAN M Rockwell, Joseph m November 30th 1862 by Rev. R.L. Stilwell, Mr. Joseph Rockwell to Miss Emma Ross, both of West Burlington, Bradford Co., Pa.
1862 3 DEC Root, James d, Mr. James H. Root of Morris township, Tioga co. was engaged in falling timber on the 13th ultimo, a limb fell, striking him on the head, killing him instantly. He leaves a wife.
1863 7 JAN M Ross, Emma m November 30th 1862 by Rev. R.L. Stilwell, Mr. Joseph Rockwell to Miss Emma Ross, both of West Burlington, Bradford Co., Pa.
1862 26 NOV Saxton, John d at Mitchells Creek, November 13th 1862, John Saxton, aged 15 years, 5 months and 21 days. He was a member of Co. C. 107th N.Y. Vols. And a resident of Middlebury, Tioga Co., Pa. He enlisted to serve his country a few months ago-- was taken ill in camp, but got better so he started home---and came as far as his sister's where he was taken worse and died, after an illness of four weeks.
1862 19 NOV M Spencer, James m in Wellsboro, at the house of Charles Siemen, November 8th 1862, by the Rev. A.A. Marple, Mr. James Spencer to Miss Mary Hiltbold.
1862 22 OCT Stebbins, O.M. The funeral sermon on the death of O.M. Stebbins ("Crocket") was preached by Rev. N.L. Reynolds, at the Hammond School House, in Middlebury, on Sabbath last.
1862 22 OCT Stevens, Irene d on the 13th inst., a young lady named Irene Stevens of Rutland. Survivors named were her widowed mother and 13 year old brother.
1863 7 JAN M Sweet, Anna m in Tioga, 30th ultimo, by Rev. S.J. McCullough, Mr. J.P.C. Urell to Miss Anna Sweet.
1862 24 DEC Tuttle, Ellen d in New York, on the 9th instant, Ellen M., wife of Charles J. Howell, and daughter of P.S. Tuttle, of Tioga, Pa.
1863 7 JAN M Urell, J.P.C. m in Tioga, 30th ultimo, by Rev. S.J. McCullough, Mr. J.P.C. Urell to Miss Anna Sweet.
1862 24 DEC M Walbridge, R.S. m on the 12th instant by Rev. J.F. Calkins at the house of the bride, Mr. R.S. Walbridge to Miss Mary Copestick, both of Delmar.
1862 8 OCT M Walker, Isaac m in Delmar, 28th of Septemberm by J.D. Houghton, Esq., Mr. Isaac D. Walker of Covington to Miss Sarah L. Olmsted.
1862 10 DEC M Welch, Mariette m on the 26th ultimo, at the house of A.J. Fisk, Esq., in Farmington, by Rev. Mr. Rockwell, Mr. A.W. Rockwell to Miss Mariette Welch of Farmington, Pa.
1862 3 DEC M Welch, Maryett m in Farmington, November 26th 1862 at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Mr. Rockwell, Mr. A.W. Rockwell to Miss Maryett Welch.
1863 7 JAN M Woodfield, Thomas m 11th ultimo, by Rev. R.L. Stilwell, Mr. Thomas Woodfield of Wyalusing to Miss M. Sophia Knights of Troy, Pa.

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 9/5/98
By Joyce M. Tice