The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery

Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts of Isabel Ridall

Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts Elmira Daily Republican 1853

From Marriages and Deaths Elmira Republican, Elmira NY Abstracted by Isabell Rydel and retyped by Diane Bender

Newspaper Date   M Name Notice
Elmira Republican 1853 30-Jun D Abby, Augusta d in Southport on the 23d inst Mrs. Augusta Abby, dau of Anthony F. & Hannah M. Decker, aged 18 yrs & 3 mos.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 20-Jan M Adams, Eliza C. m in Riga on the evening of the 13th inst by the Rev. Charles Jerome, Mr. Leander Huntley of Royalton, Niagara Co., to Miss Eliza C. Adams, eldest dau of Asa Adams, Esq, of Riga.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 3-Jun M Adams, Mary E. m in Millport on the 19th ult by the Rev. A.c. Huntley, Mr. Alonzo Brown to Miss Mary E. Adams of Millport, Chemung Co. NY.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 10-Jan D Baldwin, William d in Addison on Fri the 28th ult, William Baldwin, aged 25 years.
Elmira Republican 1853 30-Jun M Barbour, Elijah m on the morning of the 22d inst at the residence of S.R. Jones, Esq, by Rev. C.N. Chandler, Mr. Elijah Barbour & Miss Adaline T. Wisner. [see 30 Jun]
Elmira Republican 1853 30-Jun M Barbour, Elijah N. m on the morning of the 22d inst at the residence of S.R. Jones, Esq, by Rev. C.N. Chandler, Mr. Elijah N. Barbour & Miss Adeline T. Wisner. [see 30 Jun]
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 16-Feb D Bartlett, John d at the Brainard House, Elmira, Jan. 30, John Bartlett of NY, aged 34 years. His remains were carried to Lee, MA, for interment. Relatives expressed gratitude to Messers[sic] Coleman & Pike of the Brainard House & to Dr. Stanchfield…
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 10-Feb D Beers, Eunice E. d at Barton, Tioga Co. NY, Miss Eunice E. Beers, formerly a resident of Franklin, Delaware Co. NY, Feb 3d, on her way from Elmira home, aged about 19.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 7-Feb M Bennett, Mary Jane m by Rev. C.C. Carr on the 2d inst, Mr. Joseph Sill of Herrick PA and Miss Mary Jane Bennett of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 16-Feb M Billings, Emma m on the 22d inst by the Rev. A.M. Ball, Mr. G.W. Fishler of Pine Creek, formerly of Wellsburg NY, to Miss Emma Billings of Owego NY.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 15-Feb D Booth, Mary Jane d in this village on the 8th inst after an illness of 65 days, Mary Jane, dau of Rev. Elisha & P.M. Booth, aged 14 yrs, 2 mos & 6 das.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 24-May M Bowman, George D. m in this village on Mon morning May 23d by the Rev. George Hood, Mr. Geo. D. Bowman of St. Anthony, MN, to Miss Jane P. Derby[?] of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 3-Jun M Brown, Alonzo m in Millport on the 19th ult by the Rev. A.c. Huntley, Mr. Alonzo Brown to Miss Mary E. Adams of Millport, Chemung Co. NY.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 2-Feb M Burnham, Charles F. m in this village on the 29th inst by the Rev. C.N. Chandler, Mr. Charles F. Burnham to Miss Martha H. Chapin, both of Ridgebury PA.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 2-Jun M Butler, Samuel P. m at the Water Cure in Elmira on the 14th ult by the Rev. Wm Bement, Mr. Samuel P. Butler and Miss Sarah P. Field, both of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 4-Jun D Callahan, William MURDER AT HAVANA. Yesterday morning, William Callahan, an Irishman, in the employ of Dr. Winton, of Havana, was shot by Asa Winton, a brother of the doctor…
Elmira Weekly Gazette 1853 16-Jun M Carey, Eliza L. m in Corning on Mon Jun 6 by Rev. Mr. Davis, Mr. John Terwilliger of Elmira to Miss Eliza L. Carey of Waterloo.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 2-Feb M Chapin, Martha H. m in this village on the 29th inst by the Rev. C.N. Chandler, Mr. Charles F. Burnham to Miss Martha H. Chapin, both of Ridgebury PA.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 22-Feb M Covell, Lyman m on the 16th inst at the Ah-wa-ga House, Owego, by the Rev. Dr. Porter, Mr. Lyman Covell, Jr., Agt. of the Chemung Station of the N.Y. & E.R.R., to Miss Julia Yontz, asst. teacher at the Union School, Chemung. [see item]
Elmira Weekly Gazette 1853 16-Jun M Cowen, Ursala m on the 3d inst by Rev. W.H. Goodwin, Mr. John R. Sage to Miss Ursala Cowen, all of Elmira [see Jun 10 & 11 & note spelling change in Ursula]
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 10-Jun M Cowen, Ursula m b Rev. W.H. Goodwin June 3, Mr. John D. Sage to Miss Ursula Crow [see Jun 11 for correction to Cowen & Jun 16]
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 11-Jun M Cowen, Ursula m on the 3d inst by Rev. W.H. Goodwin, Mr. John R. Sage to Miss Ursula Cowen, all of Elmira [see Jun 10]
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 27-May D Crane, Hiram d in this village on the 25th inst, Mr. Hiram Crane, aged 47 years. Funeral service at his late residence at 2 o'clock P.M.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 22-Jun D Curtin, David Coup de Soliel. A young man, about 18 yrs of age, named David Curtin, fell upon the sidewalk on Water St. yesterday...from the effects of a sun stroke…an Irishman in this country only 2 weeks…relatives in this village [see item]
Elmira Republican 1853 30-Jun D Decker, Augusta see Abby, Augusta (married name)
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 24-May M Derby, Jane P. m in this village on Mon morning May 23d by the Rev. George Hood, Mr. Geo. D. Bowman of St. Anthony, MN, to Miss Jane P. Derby[?] of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 19-Jan M Dewey, Phebe Elizabeth m at Elmira Jan 13 by Rev. William Bennett, Mr. Randolph Stoner and Miss Phebe Elizabeth Dewey, all of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 26-Jan M Dougherty, Ellen A. m on the 13th inst by the Right Rev. Arch Bishop Hughes, William E. Robinson of NY to Ellen A., dau of George Doughtery, Newark, NJ.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 4-Mar D Dunn, Lida M. d in this village on the 2d inst after a short illness of 24 hours, Lida M., wife of C.W. Dunn, Jr, & dau of Wm. H. Phillips, Esq, aged 21 yrs. Funeral at the Presbyterian Church on Fri the 4th inst at 2 o'clock P.M….numerous friends..bereaved husband…
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 16-May M Fanton, John C. m b Rev. Bement May 10th, Mr. John C. Fanton to Miss Rosemary Ralyea, both of Catharine.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 2-Jun M Field, Sarah P. m at the Water Cure in Elmira on the 14th ult by the Rev. Wm Bement, Mr. Samuel P. Butler and Miss Sarah P. Field, both of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 16-Feb M Fishler, G. W. m on the 22d inst by the Rev. A.M. Ball, Mr. G.W. Fishler of Pine Creek, formerly of Wellsburg NY, to Miss Emma Billings of Owego NY.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 16-May M Gallagan, Margaret A. m at Elmira May 2d by Rev. Bement, Mr. James A. Trip to Miss Margaret A. Gallagan, both of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 10-Jun M Goky, Noah m at the Empire Hotek at 9 o'clock Thurs evening by Rev. W.H. Goodwin, Mr. Noah Goky to Miss Anna L. Monroe, all of Rathbonville.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 12-Feb M Gross, James E. m at Vienna on the 8th inst by Rev. Mr. Tooker, James E. Gross, M.D., at the Clinton[?] Springs W.O. Institution, to Miss Maria Maxwell Tooker of Vienna NY.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 2-Jun M Harkness, Esther A. m by the Rev. Wm. Bement May 28, Mr. Orrin E. Wilcox of Springfield PA & Miss Esther A. Harkness of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 9-Jun D Hathaway, Thomas Thomas Hathaway d at his residence in the Town of Torry, Yates Co., NY, Sun May 22d, in the 8th yr of his age…first settlers of this county…b New Bedford MA 1768..long obit from Penn Yan Democrat.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 15-Mar D Huntley, Ezekial d in Granger, Medina co. OH on the 5th inst, Ezekial Huntley, Esq, aged 75 yrs. In the same place, Mrs. Mary Ingraham, aged 48 yrs, father and sister of E.S. Huntley, Esq, of this place.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 20-Jan M Huntley, Leander m in Riga on the evening of the 13th inst by the Rev. Charles Jerome, Mr. Leander Huntley of Royalton, Niagara Co., to Miss Eliza C. Adams, eldest dau of Asa Adams, Esq, of Riga.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 15-Mar D Huntley, Mary see Ingraham, Mary (married name)
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 15-Mar D Ingraham, Mary d in Granger, Medina co. OH on the 5th inst, Ezekial Huntley, Esq, aged 75 yrs. In the same place, Mrs. Mary Ingraham, aged 48 yrs, father and sister of E.S. Huntley, Esq, of this place.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 31-May M Marsh, Cordelia m in Pleasant Valley, Livingston Co. MI, on the 28th ult, Mr. Elisha Smith of Hartland to Miss Cordelia Marsh.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 1-Feb D Moe, Charlie d at Great Bend, PA on the 24th of Jan, Charlie, son of Mortimer and Adelaide T. Moe, aged 8 mos & 15 das.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 10-Jun M Monroe, Anna L. m at the Empire Hotek at 9 o'clock Thurs evening by Rev. W.H. Goodwin, Mr. Noah Goky to Miss Anna L. Monroe, all of Rathbonville.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 1-Feb D Moore, James Coroner Shockey held an inquest yesterday on the body of Jas. Moore - shot with a gun by some one at Arnot's Mill…was stealing flour or grain [& see article for other inquests]
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 4-Mar D Phillips, Lida M. see Dunn, Lida M. (married name)
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 16-May M Ralyea, Rosemary m b Rev. Bement May 10th, Mr. John C. Fanton to Miss Rosemary Ralyea, both of Catharine.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 26-Feb D Reynolds, Jane A. d in Wayne, Steuben Co. NY, on the 19th inst, Mrs. Jane A. Reynolds, cousin of Mr. Wm. Reynolds & dau of Mr. Reuben H. Schuyler, late of this village, aged 23 yrs & 9 mos [& see Feb 28]
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 28-Feb D Reynolds, Jane A. d in Wayne, Steuben Co. NY, on the 19th inst, Mrs. Jane A. Reynolds, wife of Mr. Wm. Reynolds & dau of Mr. Reuben H. Schuyler, late of this village, aged 23 yrs & 9 mos [& see Feb 26]
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 26-Jan M Robinson, William E. m on the 13th inst by the Right Rev. Arch Bishop Hughes, William E. Robinson of NY to Ellen A., dau of George Doughtery, Newark, NJ.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 10-Jun M Sage, John D. m b Rev. W.H. Goodwin June 3, Mr. John D. Sage to Miss Ursula Crow [see Jun 11 for correction to Cowen & Jun 16]
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 11-Jun M Sage, John R. m on the 3d inst by Rev. W.H. Goodwin, Mr. John R. Sage to Miss Ursula Cowen, all of Elmira [see Jun 10]
Elmira Weekly Gazette 1853 16-Jun M Sage, John R. m on the 3d inst by Rev. W.H. Goodwin, Mr. John R. Sage to Miss Ursala Cowen, all of Elmira [see Jun 10 & 11 & note spelling change in Ursula]
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 26-Feb D Schuyler, Jane A. see Reynolds, Jane A. (married name)
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 7-Feb M Sill, Joseph m by Rev. C.C. Carr on the 2d inst, Mr. Joseph Sill of Herrick PA and Miss Mary Jane Bennett of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 31-May M Smith, Elisha m in Pleasant Valley, Livingston Co. MI, on the 28th ult, Mr. Elisha Smith of Hartland to Miss Cordelia Marsh.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 1-Feb D Smith, George Coroner Shockey held an inquest on Sun last on the body of George Smith, a German, found lying in the doorway of the hen house on the premises of David Conklin in this town…came to his death by falling from a horse [& see article for others]
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 20-May M Staring, A. L. m in Horseheads on Wed morning 17th inst by Rev. Z. Grinnel, Mr. A.L. Staring to Miss Sarah E. Wintermute, dau of I. Wintermute, Esq, all of the above place.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 19-Jan M Stoner, Randolph m at Elmira Jan 13 by Rev. William Bennett, Mr. Randolph Stoner and Miss Phebe Elizabeth Dewey, all of Elmira.
Elmira Weekly Gazette 1853 16-Jun M Terwilliger, John m in Corning on Mon Jun 6 by Rev. Mr. Davis, Mr. John Terwilliger of Elmira to Miss Eliza L. Carey of Waterloo.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 7-Feb D Thompson, Russel d at Horseheads on the 31st ult, Russel, only child of John & Susan Thompson, aged nine months - "Of such is the kingdom of Heaven."
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 12-Feb M Tooker, Maria Maxwell m at Vienna on the 8th inst by Rev. Mr. Tooker, James E. Gross, M.D., at the Clinton[?] Springs W.O. Institution, to Miss Maria Maxwell Tooker of Vienna NY.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 16-May M Trip, James A. m at Elmira May 2d by Rev. Bement, Mr. James A. Trip to Miss Margaret A. Gallagan, both of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 19-Jan M Waefler, John A. m on the morning of the 17th inst at the residence ofJohn R. Jones, Esq, by the Rev. C.N. Chandler, Mr. John A. Waefler of Warwick, Orange co. NY, to Miss Harriet E. Wisner of this village.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 28-Feb D Wells, Charles d on the 21st inst with scarlet fever, Charles Wells, only son of John C. & Jane Ann Wells, aged 4 yrs, 1 mo & 29 das. [& see Wells, Frances]
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 28-Feb D Wells, Frances d in Southport on the 20th inst with scarlet fever, Frances Wells, dau of John C. & Jane Ann Wells, aged 6 yrs, 7 mos & 11 das. [& see Wells, Charles]
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 12-Mar D Wells, William d in Adams Co. IL on the 7th of Feb last, William Wells, formerly of Southport in this county, aged 63 yrs, 11 mos & 29 das.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 2-Jun M Wilcox, Orrin E. m by the Rev. Wm. Bement May 28, Mr. Orrin E. Wilcox of Springfield PA & Miss Esther A. Harkness of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 20-May M Wintermute, Sarah E. m in Horseheads on Wed morning 17th inst by Rev. Z. Grinnel, Mr. A.L. Staring to Miss Sarah E. Wintermute, dau of I. Wintermute, Esq, all of the above place.
Elmira Republican 1853 30-Jun M Wisner, Adeline T. m on the morning of the 22d inst at the residence of S.R. Jones, Esq, by Rev. C.N. Chandler, Mr. Elijah N. Barbour & Miss Adeline T. Wisner. [see 30 Jun]
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 19-Jan M Wisner, Harriet E. m on the morning of the 17th inst at the residence ofJohn R. Jones, Esq, by the Rev. C.N. Chandler, Mr. John A. Waefler of Warwick, Orange co. NY, to Miss Harriet E. Wisner of this village.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 20-Jan M Wooster, B. W. m in Elmira on the 18th inst at the Congregational Church by the Rev. Wm. Bement, Mr. B.W. Wooster of Albany, of the firm of Merrifield & Wooster, to Miss Kate M., dau of Thomas S. Wright.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 20-Jan M Wright, Kate M. m in Elmira on the 18th inst at the Congregational Church by the Rev. Wm. Bement, Mr. B.W. Wooster of Albany, of the firm of Merrifield & Wooster, to Miss Kate M., dau of Thomas S. Wright.
Elmira Daily Republican 1853 22-Feb M Yontz, Julia m on the 16th inst at the Ah-wa-ga House, Owego, by the Rev. Dr. Porter, Mr. Lyman Covell, Jr., Agt. of the Chemung Station of the N.Y. & E.R.R., to Miss Julia Yontz, asst. teacher at the Union School, Chemung. [see item]

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 2/13/99
By Joyce M. Tice