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Wellsboro Agitator

*all articles, unless the township is stated, are for Wellsboro.
(Some excerpts are extracted from the readable portions of the Wellsboro Gazette).

November 4, 1890
Local News
--FATAL ACCIDENT NEAR MORRIS.—About eight o’clock on Monday morning as the bark train on the new narrow gauge railroad up Long run from Morris was making a “flying switch” at a place known as Webster’s, about four miles south of Morris, a flat car jumped the track, and three cars were wrecked by being thrown against the rocks.  Messrs. George Russell, Herman Berquist and L. R. Campbell were standing upon the car and were thrown between the cars.  Russell’s legs were crushed, and Berquist was terribly crushed about the hips and abdomen.  Mr. Campbell’s left leg and right ankle were broken.  It is thought he will recover.  The physicians at Antrim were telegraphed for, and they went down to Morris and amputated Russell’s leg and did all in their power for Berquist, but both men died the same day.

--It is stated that there was a sensation at Roseville recently over a squabble between two women to gain possession of the remains of the late Orrin Schrader.  His remains were laid to rest in the Roseville cemetery some time ago.  His first wife came up from Elmira, to have the body exhumed and moved to a cemetery in that city, when another woman, who also claimed to be his widow, forbade it.  It is said that she was unable to prove her claim to being Mr. Schrader’s widow, and the first Mrs. Schrader carried out her plans as she had first intended.

--On Tuesday Mr. David Billings, one of the oldest and best known citizens of Elmira, N.Y., committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.  Mr. Billings had been in poor health for five or six years, having suffered a stroke of paralysis.  Mr. Billings went to the polls and voted in the morning and then started home.  He was not seen again until his dead body was found about noon in a work shop near his house.  Mr. Billings was a brother of Mr. Charles F. Billings, Mrs. Abby B. McNeil and Mrs. John M. Dexter, of Elmira, and he was well known in this county.  His age was seventy one years.

--Another shooting affair occurred in Elmira last Friday evening.  Mrs. Nellie M. Foster, a handsome brunette and a widow, 26 years of age, was taking supper with Mrs. Ophelia Brees, a dressmaker, at the latter’s home.  They had just finished eating and were conversing together when the dining room door was opened and Will E. Decker, a milk peddler, 83 years of age walked in.  He spoke to the women and turning to Mrs. Foster asked if he could have the pleasure of her company home.  She answered, “No, it’s early yet and I am not afraid.”  Decker then stepped into the front room, turned and came back; walked up to the rocking chair, a short distance from the supper table, in which Mrs. Foster was seated, placed a revolver within a few feet of her head and fired, the bullet entering the left side of her head just in front of and very near the center of the ear.  At the time of the shooting Mrs. Brees sat in a chair on the opposite side of the room and her little girl was in the kitchen washing dishes.  Mrs. Brees says that Decker did not utter a word of warning, and that the first intimation she had of his intention was when she saw the flash from the revolver.  Mrs. Foster fell over unconscious without an exclamation, and Decker placed the revolver in his hip pocket, turned and passed quickly through the front room, down the front stairs, and out to the street and away.  Decker was infatuated with Mrs. Foster, who has several times repulsed his advances.  She was engaged to Emmett Broxley, foreman at the bridge works.  When Decker learned of this he swore that she should never become the wife of any other man, that he would kill her and then commit suicide.  Mrs. Foster lingered in an unconscious condition until Saturday night when her death occurred.  Decker is still at large.

--Yesterday morning Mrs. Edward McInroy broke her wrist by a fall upon the sidewalk in front of her home on Charleston Street.

--Miss Amie Horton is teaching the primary department of the Millerton school in the absence of Miss Eva Gustin, who has resigned to accept a position in Philadelphia.

--Mr. C. C. Wells, whose eyesight failed him last year while working in the glass factory, has gone to Philadelphia for medical treatment.  He learned there that he was suffering from cataracts, and that the surgeons expect that his sight will be fully restored.

--Mr. John Smith, the track supervisor for the Fall Brook Coal Company, expects to start next Saturday, in company with his niece, Miss Georgiana Smith, for a three months’ visit in Europe.  Mr. Smith has been employed by the Company for about thirty five years.

--We find the following personal item in the Port Townsend, Washington, Leader, of the 26th ultimo, which is of local interest, “Miss Anna R. Kelsey, of Wellsboro, PA., who has been a missionary at Sitka, Alaska, five years, returned there on the steamer, MEXICO, from a visit to her home and will go to work at once in the old field.  She was met there by former Wellsboro friends, Mrs. George Sturrock and Miss Jennie Sturrock.  Miss Kelsey was accompanied by two Indian girls she sent east to be educated.  One of them will go back as a teacher in Alaska. Miss Kelsey was here five years ago.

--Mr. H. E. Smith, one of Tioga’s veteran merchants, is seriously sick.

--Mr. Israel Biddle, of Blossburg, has received arrears of pension amounting to $2,019.47.

--Last week Sunday afternoon the dwelling house of Mr. L. C. Smith, of Lawrenceville, was some what damaged by fire, which started in the roof near the chimney.

--Miss Fanny A. Dyer, of Covington, the Recording Secretary of the Pennsylvania Society for Missions, attended the annual meeting at Erie a few days ago.

--Mr. Eugene Bentley, of Mansfield, is the foreman of the gang of workmen who are erecting thirteen iron bridges for the Fall Brook Coal Company on the line of railroad between Corning and Jersey Shore.

--Last week Mr. Charles Neidrick was terribly injured by a fall of coal in the Antrim mines.  Both legs were broken below the knee and one arm and two ribs were broken.  At last accounts he was in a critical condition.

--Last Sunday evening about 70 of the friends of Rev. O. C. Hills made him a pound party at the home of Mr. D. M. Lounsberry, at Stokesdale.  There was good music and recitations in English and German, and the preacher found himself with $20 worth of groceries on hand after the guests had departed.

--A few days ago Mr. James McConnell, of Lawrenceville, was badly injured by a vicious horse.  About noon his wife called him to dinner and he replied that he would go to the house as soon as he was finished brushing one of the horses.  After waiting some time, Mrs. McConnell went out to the barn and found him lying unconscious behind the horse.  He had been kicked in the breast and abdomen. At last accounts it was feared that his internal injuries would prove fatal.

--Rev. Mr. Jones, of the Antrim Presbyterian Church, has resigned and is to go to Youngstown, Ohio, to edit a musical journal.  It is said that failing health has compelled him to retire from the ministry.

--ROUND TOP.—The doctor was called last Thursday to see Mrs. Charles Coolidge, who is quite ill.

--ROUNDTOP.—Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark are recovering from a very serious illness from the influenza.

--ROUND TOP.—Mr. Luther Carpenter attempted to move last Thursday to Roaring Branch, Lycoming County, where he had engaged to work in a tannery, but on getting about half way there his teamster became disheartened by the drenching rain and muddy roads and refused to go on.  They returned with the goods, which had to be overhauled and placed to dry.  The time to resume the moving was postponed indefinitely.

--DRAPER.—Old Uncle Hiram Warriner slipped and broke one bone in his leg one day this week.  He is the only one left of a large family, the only Democrat of his name, and he is almost eighty years old.

--BROOKFIELD.—A house belonging to Mr. J. B. George burned down one night last week.  There was an insurance of $400 on the building.

--Mr. F. K. Green, of Elkland, is teaching school in Rutland.

--CROOKED CREEK.—Mrs. Alonzo Mitchell and son, Ed Mitchell, were called to Woodhull, N.Y., last Sunday by the severe illness of her father, James Anderson.  He is reported to be dying today.  About four weeks ago he was granted a pension of $12 per month and $700 in arrearages.  He had been trying for many to get this pension, as he needed assistance very badly, being almost helpless.  He formerly owned a home on Hill Creek, but was compelled to sell it.  If he could have had his pension some time ago, it may have done him some good.

--The Williamsport Republican tells this deluge story:  “During the day of June 1, 1889, while this valley was inundated, a horse belonging to James and William Gibson, of this city, escaped from the big barn on their farm, which is located on the south side and is cultivated by W. A. Rosencrans.  Diligent search was made without success. Imagine Mr. Rosencrans’ surprise, a few days ago when he received word from Columbia that the lost animal was in possession of a man near that place.  Sunday afternoon, after the big flood, a party of men at Highspire, along the river, espied coming down the stream some dark object on top of a big float of plank and saw that the object was a horse.  With difficulty the raft was towed in ashore, the horse taken off on dry land, fed and cared for.  It was very stiff in front as a result of its perilous voyage over the turbulent Susquehanna, but otherwise uninjured.  Shortly after the horse was sold to a Safe Harbor man, who owned him up to a short time ago, when he was traded to a party near Columbia, in whose possession Mr. Rosencrans found him.  The animal had been worked in a stone quarry and was broken down.

--Mr. Gregg J. Stewart, of Ithaca, N.Y., was in town yesterday.

--Mrs. Caroline D. Willis and her daughter, Miss Grace Willis, expect to start tomorrow for New York City, and on Monday they are to sail for San Francisco by way of the Isthmus of Panama. They expect to spend the winter in California.

--DRAPER.—Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Symonds are visiting their daughter at Leetonia.

--WESTFIELD.—Mrs. Joe E. Broughton has returned home from a four weeks’ visit with her sister at Walton, N.Y.  Her mother did not return.

--KEENEYVILLE.—Mr. John West and his family started last Thursday for their southern home.

--KEENEYVILLE.—Miss Mertie Keeney, who has been at Corning the past two months for medical treatment, has returned home much improved in health.

--KEENEYVILLE.—Mrs. William Hunt and her daughter Edda Hunt, of Mills, Potter County, are visiting friends at this place.

--Mr. Norman Buck, of Mansfield, made us a pleasant call on Wednesday.

--Mr. Alex W. Pollock has returned home from Troy to Antrim, his former home.

--Miss May E. Condit, of Phelps, N.Y., is visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. E. J. Condit.

Land/Business/Farm Transactions
--Mr. Max Bernkopf has gone to New York City to purchase a second stock of goods.

--Mrs. Belle M. Allen has opened a dressmaking shop in the Harden Block.

--Mr. Casper Herrmann’s family has moved from Covington to this borough.

--A. Redfield, Esq., is fitting up an office in the Hemlock block at Covington.

--Mr. K. B. Hill, of Westfield, reports a sale of his entire tobacco crop at 15 and one half cents a pound.

--It is understood that Mr. W. H. Vermilyea will rebuild his hotel at Gaines next summer.

--Mr. E. H. Kimball has moved from Westfield to Elkland, where he has opened a photograph gallery.

--Mr. John Lain, who was recently a resident of Daggett’s Mills, has gone to Trenton, N.J., to engage in the produce business.

--It is reported that Messrs. Hirsch, Ely & Co., of Blossburg, are making preparations to start a glass factory at Kane, McKean County.

--ROUND TOP.—Mr. Harry Carpenter is to manage Mr. Darwin Thompson’s farm on Shumway hill, and he is getting ready to move to the premises.

--ROUND TOP.—Messrs. Rob Carpenter and Nate Willard came home yesterday from Potter County, where they went a couple of weeks ago hoping to obtain employment which would last through the winter.

--ROUND TOP.—Mr. Frank Peake has agreed with Mr. Benona Short for the purchase of his farm near the Young school house for $2,500.  When that bargain is consummated Mr. Darwin Kimball is to have Mr. Peake’s farm at this place for $1,800.

--DRAPER.—Mr. J. W. Symonds has rented his farm of Kriner hill to Mr. William T. Gitchell and Mr. H. Symonds has moved to Draper and gone into the Palmer Borden house.

--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. Elwin T. Bates has rented Mr. T. McPeck’s farm for the next five years for $100 per annum.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. E. S. Horton is building a very large house, on the corner of Lincoln and Railroad Streets.  Mr. E. Lahar is doing the carpenter work, assisted by Mr. Horton himself.

--Mr. Richard Urell has purchased the Brooklyn hotel property at Tioga for $3,500.

--Mr. George Baker, late of Mansfield, has opened a furniture and undertaking establishment at Covington.

--Mr. S. B. Plank, of Brookfield, shipped his hay to New York City and received a price of $8 per ton.

--Mr. H. G. Lamb, of Elmira, formerly of this place, has gone to Chicago.  He has secured the agency for the States of Wisconsin and Illinois, for the Hoyt coupon system.

--The property of Reuben Crumb and Theodore Bergman, Blossburg lumbermen, was attached by Deputy Sheriff Sheffer last Thursday.  Crumb’s property is to be sold today and Bergman’s on the 15th.

--Mr. J. H. Smith has greatly improved the gun shop in the Coles House block.  It has been thoroughly renovated and overhauled and a new stock of guns, revolvers, ammunition, etc. has been added.  The improvements about the premises are very noticeable.

--In Jackson, PA, October 20, 1890, by Rev. Paul Smith, Mr. Monroe M. Friends and Miss Minnie D. Everett, both of Jackson.

--At Pine City, N.Y., October 26, 1890, by Rev. DeWitt Myers, Mr. Jason Garrison of Job’s Corners, and Miss Della Shaw, of Mansfield.

--At St. Andrew’s Church, Blossburg, Pa, November 4, 1890, by Rev. James Connelly, Mr. James Howard and Miss Mary McEntee, both of Blossburg.

--Mr. A. A. Dodge, formerly of Westfield, died at Sunderlinville, Potter County, a few days ago.

--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. Charles Mascho died last Saturday after being sick but a few days.  He had lived in Brookfield a great many years.

--At the home of her parents in Nelson, PA, October 24, 1890, of typhoid fever, Ella F. Hazlett, beloved daughter of John and Lucy M. Hazlett, aged 27 years, 10 months, and 2 days.

--At Corning, N.Y., October 13, 1890, Mr. James Johnson, of Wellsboro, PA, aged 26 years.

--At Brookland, Potter County, last Friday afternoon, while feeding a threshing machine, James Leach was caught in the cylinder, drawn into the machine and killed instantly.

--Mr. Benjamin Franklin Milliken, who has long been a sufferer from a complication of diseases, died this (Friday) [November 7th] forenoon about 10 o’clock of dropsy.  Some seven or eight years ago Mr. Milliken while at the depot dropped a box of goods against his right leg causing a slight injury above the ankle.  He thought little of it, although it caused lameness for many days.  After a few months the wound resulted in a very obstinate ulcer, which could not be healed and which no doubt was primarily that cause of his death.  For the past six or seven months Mr. Milliken has been unable to attend to business and he has steadily failed in strength.  He had remarkable courage and up to the last his heart was filled with the hope of recovery.  Mr. Milliken was born at Deckerstown, New Jersey, June 5, 1852.   He came to this borough in 1869 from Elmira, N.Y. and for several years he clerked in the grocery store of Mr. L. A. Gardner.  In 1875 he bought out the bakery of Messrs. Wetmore & Wonder and since that time he has been identified with the business interests of the place.  A few years ago he became a member of the firm of L. A. Gardner & Co., but he retired from the concern and opened a restaurant at 102 Main Street.  Last Spring he formed a partnership with Mr. O. G. Padgett in the bakery and grocery trade.  He was married June 15, 1874 to Miss Lucy R. Navle who with one daughter survives him.

--At Mansfield, PA, October 25, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Osborn, a son.

--At Covington, PA, October 26, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Welch, a daughter.

--At Wellsboro, PA, October 26, 1890, to the wife of Mr. James Beach, a daughter.

November 11, 1890
Local News
--Mr. Charles Kohler, a 14 year old Mansfield lad, shot himself in the hand a few days ago while he was playing with a pistol.

--A few days ago, May Harris, the ten year old daughter of Mr. Henry Harris, of Stokesdale, was badly burned by upsetting a tea kettle of boiling water upon her lower limbs.

--The large barn of Mr. John Ingalls, at Mansfield, was burned a few days ago, with its contents.  There was an insurance of $100 on the property.  The dwelling house, which was very close to the fire, was saved by the firemen.

--Mr. John Doumaux returned home last week after an absence of over a year in Idaho.

--Mr. William Sweet was badly bruised by falling from a staging in the Sun Millrag Co.’s mill at Mansfield a few days ago.

--Mrs. Anna R. Guy, of Morris, an indigent and insane patient, was taken to the Danville Hospital yesterday by Commissioner Wheeler.

--Miss Anna Meine, of Germania, who has been attending the State Normal School at Mansfield, has been obliged to give up her studies on account of a difficulty with her eyes.

--Messrs. Bert Seeley and David Retan, of Millerton, each lost a valuable colt on Monday night of last week.  The animals became frightened and ran up the trestle in advance of a coal train.

--Pensions have been granted to the following: Increase—Rufus G. Treat, West Chatham; Horace N. Stone, Harrison Valley.  Original widows, etc.—Emeline Putnam, widow of John Putnam, Olmsville; minors of John H. Rice, Lawrenceville.

--Miss Clarina Sherman, one of the sufferers from the Roseville fire, has received a bed quilt and several other articles from Mrs. Hettie Mansfield and other ladies of Millerton.  Miss Sherman appreciates their kindness.  Mrs. Mansfield is visiting her old home and friends at this place.

--MITCHELL’S CREEK.—Alphonso Gregory and his mother, from Bloods, N.Y., intend to move into the Middaugh house, lately occupied by Charles Reynolds.

--MITCHELL’S CREEK.—One day last week a young man called at the home of Mr. D. A. Lockwood, on Hill’s creek, and made arrangements to board with the family and attend school during the winter.  The young man was an entire stranger to the family and gave his name as Willie S. Jones.  Sunday afternoon he commenced living with the Lockwood’s.  He was given a room when he arrived for retiring and all soon all the members of the household, save Jones, was asleep.  Jones then began rummaging the house for plunder.  He secured a watch valued at $37, a pair of pants costing $6, shirts and underwear to the amount of $12 and a pair of gloves, costing $1.  When the family arose on Monday morning young Jones did not put in an appearance, and a visit to his room showed he had departed.  An investigation was then made, resulting in the discovery that they had been robbed by young Jones.  Mr. Lockwood immediately came to Wellsboro and swore out a warrant for his absent boarder.  Jones is still at large and his whereabouts is a mystery, though it is supposed that he has fled over into New York State.

--ORPHAN’S COURT NOTICE—Notice is hereby given that the following inventories of real and personal estate selected to be retained by the widow and children of the decedents will be presented in the Orphans’ Court to be held at the Court house in Wellsboro, in Tioga County, PA, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1890, at 2 o’clock, p.m., for final confirmation:
 -Estate of Nathan Austin, late of Charleston, deceased, widow’s inventory or personal property.
 -Estate of Albert A. Brown, late of Middlebury, deceased, widow’s inventory of real estate.
 -Estate of Harvey J. Campbell, late of Liberty, deceased, widow’s inventory of personal property.
 -Estate of Augustus P. Gray, late of Ward, deceased, widow’s inventory of personal property.
 -Estate of Timothy Griswold, late of Union, deceased, widow’s inventory of personal property.
 -Estate of Alexander Harris, late of Jackson, deceased, widow’s inventory of personal property.
 -Estate of Fred J. Hymes, late of Shippen, deceased, widow’s inventory of personal property.
 -Estate of Cornelius Kimball, late of Liberty, deceased, widow’s inventory of personal property.
 -Estate of Charles R. Purvis, late of Ward, deceased, widow’s inventory of personal property.
 -Estate of Augustine S. Torpy, late of Delmar, deceased, widow’s inventory of personal property.

--Mrs. R. B. Webb has been visiting her sister at Corning, N.Y.

--Mr. Frank A. Deans was in McKean County of business last week.

--Mr. John Fellows and wife, of Baraboo, Wisc., are visiting relatives in Wellsboro and vicinity.

--Miss Lilly Brock, of Knoxville, has gone to Boston to study music.

--KEENEYVILLE.—Mrs. R. G. Close is visiting her old home at Round Top.

--KEENEYVILLE.—Mr. John E. West who moved to Virginia a short time since reports very pleasant weather in that State.

--KEENEYVILLE.—Mr. Devere Shappee came home from Rochester to vote.

--KEENEYVILLE.—Charles Watts, of Chicago, was called here by the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. Harriet Watts, who recently had a stroke of paralysis.

--ROSEVILLE.—Mr. and Mrs. James Wood, of Elmira, are visiting here.  They talk of moving to Roseville.

Land/Business/Farm Transactions
--The handsome new dwelling house of Mr. Jessie Locke, on Bacon Street, is nearly ready for occupancy.  It is now being fitted with a heating apparatus and the painters are at work on the exterior.

--Mr. Henry Palmer has opened a harness shop at Mansfield.

--Mr. G. W. Sheffer expects to occupy his new hotel at Blossburg by the last of this month.

--Mr. L. G. Hammond, of Elkland, has gone to Reed City, Mich., to take a position in a bank.

--Mr. Tony Short, the market gardener who resides near the county poor house, raised 60 bushels of turnips and 20 bushels of potatoes this season on a piece of grounds 85 by 100 feet.  He also brags on two squashes which weighed 84 and 88 pounds respectively.

--Messrs. Joseph Harman and D. L. Deane, of this borough and H. B. Colegrove, of Lawrence, the bridge inspectors appointed by the Court, are today examining the new county bridge at Covington, which has just been completed by the King Iron Bridge Company.

--The firm of J. J. Burgin, Sr. & Co., formerly of this borough, is now well established in the confectionery trade at Corning, N.Y.  The Burgin’s were in business here for eighteen years and they won a large custom, on account of the excellence and purity of their confectionery.  We hope they may be successful at Corning, for they certainly deserve the confidence of every person with a “sweet tooth” in his or her head.

--KEENEYVILLE.—Mr. Fred E. Warner has moved into his new house.

--KENNEYVILLE.—Nelson Springer has moved into one of Mr. George Keeney’s houses.

--KEENEYVILLE.—Mr. A. M. Keeney has moved to Knoxville.  Wayne M. Croft has moved into the house vacated by Mr. Keeney.

--KEENEYVILLE.—Mr. Gilbert B. Owlett has purchased the hotel of Mr. A. J. Smith and will take possession in the near future.

--KEENEYVILLE.—Misses Lucretia Bradley and Martha Colegrove have started a dress making shop at this place in rooms at the W. H. Wood hotel.

--KEENEYVILLE.—Mrs. Nora Hurlburt has returned to her old home.

--Mr. S. V. Bennett will open his dancing school at Armory Hall tomorrow evening.

--Mr. Charles S. Rogers, an Elmira jeweler, has accepted a position in a jewelry store at Mansfield.

--Tom Anderson has added two young alligators to his aquarium at the City Bakery.

--Mr. William Riddle has resigned his position as bookkeeper of the Gaines Tanning Company, at Gaines, and hereafter will be employed as outside boss at the tannery.  Mr. Riddle will be succeeded by Mr. Frank Austin, of this place.

--Mr. Deck Bunnell, of this place, has been engaged by Mr. J. E. Ritter, of Gaines, to take charge of the Ritter House at that place.  Deck has had considerable experience in the hotel business and will prove to be the right man in the right place.  Since the burning of the Vermilyea hotel the Ritter House is the only hotel at Gaines.  Under the present management it is said that the hotel has been greatly improved, and will compare favorably with any similar establishment in the county.

--ROSEVILLE.—Dr. O. S. Nye has erected a neat wagon house near his barn.

--MITCHELL’S CREEK.—Elder McKinney, of Somers Lane, has rented William Kimball’s blacksmith shop and is prepared to do all kinds of custom work.

--Mr. Ward C. Elliott, editor of the Reynoldsville Volunteer, and son of Simon B. Elliott, formerly of this county was married recently, his wife being a niece of Gen. Daniel H. Hastings.

--Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Miss Carrie Cornelius, daughter of Mr. Joseph Cornelius of Elkland and Mr. F. T Smith, the station agent of the Addison and Pennsylvania railroad at Elkland.  The ceremony will take place tomorrow afternoon at the home of the bride’s parents.

--At Lawrenceville, PA, November 5, 1890, by Rev. Father Connelly, Mr. Theodore Hubert, of Washington, D. C., and Miss Edith Darling.

--At Westfield, PA, October 22, 1890, by Rev. J. M. Crandall, Carroll E. Reynolds, of Binghamton, N.Y., and Lillian A. Pease, of Westfield, PA.

--At Elmira, N.Y., November 6, 1890, by Rev. M. F. DeWitt, Mr. John H. Hamer, of Elmira, N.Y., and Miss Emily Braun, of Germania, PA.

--Mrs. Eliphez Fields died at the home of her daughter Mrs. Bassett, in Chicago, last Wednesday.  Mrs. Fields was eighty three years of age.  She was a resident of this borough for many years.  She went West twenty five years ago.

--Mrs. Vine Baldwin [Cynthia Baldwin] died of cancer last Saturday night.  She was 57 years of age.  Her maiden name was Cynthia D. Boyden and she was the daughter of Mr. Addison Boyden.  Last spring Mrs. Baldwin went to Philadelphia where she submitted to a surgical operation which did not affect a permanent cure.  For the past two months she has been rapidly failing.  The funeral is to be held this morning at ten o’clock.

--Mr. Loren Day, of Keeneyville, died last Sunday night at the age of 70 years.  He had resided in that neighborhood for forty years.

--Mr. Nelson Bowman, of Big Flats, N.Y., a former resident of this county, died very suddenly at his home a few evenings ago.  He had been around the village and on returning home suddenly fell to the floor unconscious and died about two or three hours later.  His death is supposed to have resulted from heart disease.

--Clarence Carpenter, the 12 year old son of Mr. James Carpenter of Middlebury, died last Sunday night from an injury which he received upon his head in falling from the roof of a shed on the school grounds about a week previous.  He remained unconscious most of the time.  Clarence was an unusually bright boy and his death is a crushing sorrow to his parents.

--Last Wednesday evening Mr. Thomas Brooks, a well known Blossburg citizen who kept a hotel, and brewery in the southern outskirts of that borough, was instantly killed by being struck by a special train on the Arnot railroad.  It is supposed that Mr. Brooks was walking on the track on his way home and mistook the noise of the approaching train for that of the tannery.  Only a few moments before the accident he had been talking with several persons on the street.  The engineer of the train knew nothing of the accident until he was on the return trip from Blossburg, when the train was signaled by a lumberman who had stumbled over Mr. Brooks’ body which was mangled almost beyond recognition.  Mr. Brooks had suffered from heart disease for years and some members of his family think that he fell upon the track and was probably dead before the train came along.  The engineer claims that he would have seen a man walking or standing upright.  Mr. Brooks was 60 years of age.  He leaves a widow, five sons and a daughter.

--At Blossburg, PA, November 6, 1890, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Doane, aged 8 months.

--At Walla Walla, Washington, October 12, 1890, Mr. J. L. Moyer, formerly of Stony Fork, PA, aged 42 years, 5 month and 10 days.

--At Blossburg, PA, October 23, 1890, Mrs. W. I. Thompson, aged 44 years.

--At Westfield, PA, November 7, 1890, Miss Maud Wakely, aged 17 years.

--In Sullivan, PA, October 10, 1890, to Mrs. Laura Cleveland, a daughter.

--At Lawrenceville, PA, October 23, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. George Colby, a son.

--At Knoxville, PA, October 29, 1890, to Mrs. Vera Johnson, a daughter.

November 18, 1890
Local News
--Mrs. W. M. Kizer is seriously sick.

--Mrs. A. B. Eastman is seriously sick.

--Messrs. William Spencer and Emmett Spencer, with their families, started yesterday for Knoxville, Tenn., where they are to reside.

--Misses Grace Ludlow and Victoria Ludlow left last evening for Philadelphia, where the former has secured a position as teacher in a cooking school and her sister is to find a place in a large chemical laboratory.  We wish these bright young women the greatest success.

--Last evening the following officers of the Wellsboro Fire Department were elected for the ensuing year:  Chief Engineer, Fay F. Howd; First Assistant, Henry D. Gifford; Second Assistant, Fred W. Siemens; Secretary, Frank Watkins; Treasurer, W. D. VanHorn.

--Last Saturday evening about 75 friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Johnson made them a surprise visit, the day being their silver wedding anniversary.  It was a highly enjoyable occasion.  A handsome silver water pitcher and a fine lamp were among the presents which the couple have to remind them of the respect and esteem of their friends and neighbors.

--Mr. Burt Warriner killed a large bear a few days ago on Little Slate Run.

--The following increased pensions were recently issued to persons in this region, James Labar, Elkland; George Hawley, Little Marsh; Albert Saxbury, Keeneyville; Ritner Weeks, Sabinsville.

--About forty friends of Mr. VanBuren Reynolds, of Sullivan, made him a surprise visit on a recent afternoon, it being his 54th birthday.  A large easy chair and a pair of gold spectacles were among the presents left with this esteemed citizen.

--Last Saturday afternoon a young son of Mr. Alexander DeHaas, of Williamsport, attempted to crawl under a coal train on the Fall Brook railroad at the crossing on Front Street, when the cars were started up and the little fellow’s right hip was crushed and he was injured internally.  The boy was taken from under the train, and he was able to give his name.  The physicians said that he could not recover.

--DRAPER.—There was a necktie party at Mr. John English’s last night for the benefit of Mr. William Playfoot.

--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. B. F. Shaw, of this place, is teaching at the Kohler school.

--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. Sperry Richmond met with a serious accident last Thursday.  He was going down a steep hill with a small load of bark, when both horses fell down, and the wagon ran over his leg, breaking it very badly.  With a broken leg he managed to get the horses up and unhitched them from the wagon.  All alone he then mounted one of the horses and rode to this place, a distance of nearly a mile, to get assistance.  After securing assistance he rode back home.  When he reached home his boot was running over with blood, and the bone protruded through the flesh.  Drs. DeVoe and Elliott, of Mansfield, are attending him.

--KNOXVILLE.—Last Tuesday about one o’clock our citizens were aroused by the alarm of fire.  The foundry operated by C. B. Bailey and Ransom Bailey was in flames and the fire had made such headway when discovered as to be beyond control.  The people did everything possible to remove personal property and to prevent the spread of the fire, but little of the property of the main building was saved, however as the fire burned very rapidly and the building was consumed within an hour.  The Baptist Church narrowly escaped as well as Charles Hurlbert’s and C. B. Bailey’s dwellings.  The foundry and its contents were insured for $2,800, which will not begin to cover the loss.  The Bailey’s have been doing a prosperous business and they have the sympathy of many friends in their misfortune.

--KNOXVILLE.—Some little commotion was caused tonight by the queer freaks of C. E. Lawrence’s gasoline street lamp. It suddenly burst into flames, enveloping the whole arrangement, and the flames were so high that the porch caught fire, and but for the prompt attention of John Kuhl the result might have been serious.  But John went to beating the fire with a shovel, and it didn’t take him long to demoralize Charley’s fancy street lamp.

--MORRIS.—Mr. Harry Waddell was kicked by a horse last Saturday, but he was not badly hurt.

--Mr. David VanZile has been granted a pension of $12 per month.

--The 14 year old son of Mr. John Turner, of Blossburg, had two of his fingers taken off in a cider mill one day last week.

-- Aylesworth Bros.’ large saw mill, about five miles south of Blossburg, was destroyed by fire last Friday night.  Loss, $3,500; insurance, $1,500.

--Mrs. A. C. Roland is visiting her mother at Williamsport.

--Mrs. Fidelia Wortendyke has gone to Manheim, Lancaster County, to spend the winter with her daughter.

--Mr. E. A. Bellis, of Portland, PA, is to spend the winter at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E. E. Raesly.

--Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bradbury, of Arnot, are visiting at Louisville, KY.

--Mr. William B. Wilson, of Blossburg, is attending the National Assembly of Knights of Labor, at Denver, Colorado.

--Mr. G. S. Trim, of the U. S. Army, has returned to his home at Westfield after three years’ service in New Mexico.

--Mr. Benona Short, of Chatham Valley, expects to go to Missouri in a few days.  He proposes to spend the winter out there.

--Mrs. B. N. McCoy, of Blossburg, is in attendance upon the National convention of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, at Atlanta, Georgia.  She is one of the State delegates.

--DRAPER.—Mrs. Guy Snover, of Canoe Camp, was a guest of Mrs. Gillett’s one night this week.  She has also been visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Houghton, at Stony Fork.

--ROUND TOP.—Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Morgan are arranging to drive to Sizerville next week, to spend a few days in visiting relatives living at that place.

--FARMINGTON.—Miss Addie Stull, of Canton, Bradford County, has been spending some weeks with friends here.

--FARMINGTON.—Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson have been spending a few days at D. A. Kemp’s.

Land/Business/Farm Transactions
--Mr. S. G. Keys expects to go into business at Jeanette, PA.

--Mrs. N. J. Bennett is in New York City buying holiday goods.

--The Wilcox House was re-opened yesterday.  Mr. M. H. Brown is the new landlord.

--Mr. James M. Bowen has secured a position as traveling salesman for Thurber, Whyland & Co., wholesale grocers, of New York City.

--Mr. Ira Keeney has opened a bowling alley at Elkland.

--Mr. Stephen Hyland has moved from Blossburg to Corning, N.Y.

--Mr. William Hall, of Blossburg, has gone to Philipsburg, PA to reside.

--Mr. George W. Stewart has opened a spring bed factory at Jackson Summit.

--Mr. Andrew L. Gilbert, of Syracuse, N.Y., is erecting a saw mill at Hoytville.

--Dr. A. L. Bottom is building a fine dwelling house on Main Street at Westfield.

--Mr. D. Herrington, of Ansonia, has secured a patent upon an improved wagon brake.

--Mr. T. D. Case, the veteran landlord at Elkland, now occupies his new dwelling house in that village.

--The drug firm of Schofield & Babcock, at Blossburg, has been dissolved.  Mrs. M. A. Schofield is to continue the business.

--It is stated that Messrs. Thomas & Lloyd, merchants at Hoytville, have sold their property and are to move to Denver, Colorado.

--The shaft at the Red Run coal mine near Roaring Branch, --Mr. Charles S. Green’s new mine, --is already down to a good vein of coal.  It promises to be a gratifying success.

--Capt. B. H. Warriner has taken the contract to build an oil slide on the mountain about a mile below Four Mile Run, on Pine Creek, for Mr. Harry Green.  The slide is to be about a mile long.

--Mr. William H. Vermilyea is building a new hotel at Gaines on the site of the structure which was recently destroyed by fire.  The new hotel is to be 50 by 60 feet and three stories high, and it is to have all the modern improvements.

--DRAPER.—Mr. V. G. Ives, of Wellsboro, has taken the mail route from that place to Olmsville of Mr. William H. Gitchell.

--DRAPER.—Mr. H. B. Gillett has been trading horses again.

--DRAPER.—Our carpenter, Mr. H. H. Ogden, is doing the joiner work on a house for Mr. Adelbert Moore.

--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. J. F. Ripley, of this place, is working at the Corning glass factory.

--KNOXVILLE.—I. M. Edgecomb & Sons have been purchasing land of Miss C. A. Inscho, on the east side of Troup’s Creek, and they contemplate extending their business.

--Dr. P. N. Barker, a successful physician at Troy, PA, was married last Wednesday morning to Miss Lillian Joralemon, lately a teacher in the Troy graded schools.  Dr. Barker formerly resided here.

--OSCEOLA.—Last Wednesday at 1:30 p.m., Mr. L. S. Roberts, our hardware merchant, was married to Ruth Hammond, the youngest daughter of J. W. Hammond, of this place. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride and the invitations were confined to the families of those most interested.  The happy couple took the train for New York.  Success go with them through life.

--ELKLAND.—Last Wednesday at about 1:30 p.m., Fred Smith, son of Augustus Smith, of this place, was married to Miss Carrie Cornelius, at the home of her father.  Fred is, and has been for some time, the agent at the Addison and Pennsylvania station at Elkland.  May their wedded life thus suspiciously begun grow brighter till the close!

--At the Methodist parsonage in Millport, N.Y., November 11, 1890, by Rev. Charles M. Adams, Mr. George L. Abrams and Edith S. Adams, both of East Charleston, PA.

--At Addison, N.Y., November 9, 1890, Mr. George H. Bliss and Miss Ella Spencer, both of Nelson, PA.

--At Cameron Mills, N.Y., October 29, 1890, Jesse Crawford, of Knoxville, PA, and Lottie Rightmeyer, of Cameron Mills.

--In Troupsburgh, N.Y., October 23, 1890, by O. L. McFarland, Esq., Wilmont Winters, of Sabinsville, and Minnie Burnell, of Clymer, PA.

--Edward McInroy, Jr., a highly esteemed citizen of this place and a well known mason, contractor and builder, died at his home on Charleston Street last Tuesday evening, aged 52 years.  Deceased was a native of New York City, but had been a resident of Wellsboro for the past twenty years.  When eight years of age he removed with his parents from New York to Charleston.  He lived in the latter township until he reached his 18th birthday, when he returned to New York and learned the mason’s trade.  He was united in marriage in that city, in 1849, to Miss Eunice Dugan.  Mr. McInroy was respected for his worth and character as a citizen.  He was a kind husband, and affectionate father, and his untimely death will be mourned, not alone by the members of the family circle, but by the large number of warm friends and acquaintances.  He had been in failing health for the past two years, and an attack of the grippe last winter aggravated his troubles and hastened his demise.    He leaves and aged father, a wife and six children, namely:  John McInroy, Edward McInroy, Dugan McInroy, Miss Ella McInroy, and Mrs. Gilbert Atherton, of this place, and Mrs. John Mallen of New York City.

--A few evenings ago Frank Frazier, of Addison, N.Y., a young man about 19 years old met with a terrible accident at Waverly, which cost him his life.  Frazier, who was a brakeman on a train which was standing in the yard at Waverly, stepped from the caboose to turn a switch.  At that moment a switch engine was backing down, and he was thrown down and both legs ground under the wheels.  He was bruised on the head and parts of the body.  He was taken to a hotel near by and medical was summoned, but he only lived a few hours.

--It is reported that on Saturday, the 8th inst., while Mr. John Carroll, of Roaring Branch, was crossing a field where a 3 year old bull of his was feeding, the animal made a rush for the farmer, who ran towards the fence.  Before he reached it the bull struck him with its horns and threw him over the fence.  Carroll fell on his head and his neck was broken, death being instantaneous.  He was over 70 years of age.

--Last Friday, Mr. C. A. Benson, of Pine Valley, N.Y., was instantly killed by being crushed under the wheels of a train at the Water Street crossing in Elmira.  Benson was seen to come out of Durland & Pratt’s dry goods store and run under the gate, apparently heedless of the approach of the train.  His body was horribly crushed under the wheels.  Mr. Benson’s two daughters, young women, were waiting for him to meet them at a store down town, and when they learned of his death they were completely prostrated.  Benson was a well to do citizen, a widower, and about fifty years of age.

--Mr. James Dodge, a well known resident of Westfield, died last Thursday.

--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. Robert VanValen’s six months old child died last Wednesday night.  The funeral was held on Thursday at 2 o’clock, Rev. F. H. Cooper, of Mansfield, officiating.  The child was buried in the Lamb cemetery.

--COVINGTON.—Mr. J. Hermann came from Pittsburgh to attend the funeral of his little child, which took place today.  He went back this afternoon.

--At Covington, PA, November 1, 1890, John McCoy, aged 3 years.

--In Westfield, PA, November 4, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Marten, a son.

November 25, 1890 [Most of this edition is missing or unreadable]
Local News
--TIOGA.—Mr. J. J. Davis has been confined to the house for some time by an attack of muscular rheumatism.

--TIOGA.—Mr. M. B. Pratsman, of Tioga, broke his arm a few days ago while coupling cars.

--TIOGA.—Miss Inez Smith has nearly recovered from her sprained ankle.

--LIBERTY.—About three weeks ago Mr. Horace Fellows, an old resident of our township, was stricken with paralysis, and since that time he has been unable to leave the house.

--LIBERTY.—Another old resident of our township, Mr. Jacob Sheffer, has been severely afflicted with rheumatic complaints for the last four or five months.  He has been so disabled that he has been unable to do any work or to leave his home.

--CHATHAM.—Mr. Fay Doan has gone to Buffalo, N.Y., for medical treatment.

--Dr. J. J. Van Wert, a graduate of Bowdoin Medical College, has located at Fall Brook.

--Dogs killed several sheep belonging to Mr. Alfred Davis, of Little Marsh, the other night.

--While at work on the new M. E. Church at Elkland last week, Mr. W. O. Preston was quite badly injured by a severe fall.

--Mr. Adam Schopp, of Blossburg, who has been ill for the past year, has been taken to the Williamsport Hospital for treatment.

--Mr. George Cook, one of the original corps who explored the Fall Brook coal fields with Duncan S. Magee in 1856, and now resides at Fall Brook, is in very feeble health.

--Charles Schoner, who has been conducting the McAllister grist mill and feed mill at Tioga, has skipped out leaving Mr. McAllister to mourn his loss, having failed to settle his accounts.

--The dwelling house of Mr. Louis Curran, of Blossburg, together with nearly all the household goods, was entirely destroyed by fire last Friday afternoon about one o’clock.  The fire originated from a defective flue. The loss is estimated at about $800.

--Pensions have been granted to the following residents of Tioga County:  Original—James H. Thompson, Roaring Branch; Increase—James S. English, Wellsboro; Original, Widow’s, etc.—Mary A. Prutsman, mother of Harland Prutsman, Tioga.

--Willie Fields and Susie Cole, of Fall Brook, were arrested one day last week, charged with stealing clothes from the clothes line of Mr. James Howe, on the night of the 10th inst.  Justice Shepard, of that place, held the prisoners to bail in the sum of $400 for their appearance at court.

--Mr. Hugh Crawford, of Canton, formerly of Fall Brook, whose leg was badly crushed by an ambulance during the war, recently went to Philadelphia to have the diseased limb amputated, but the doctors told him they did not dare to do it as he was not able to live through the operation.

--Last Friday afternoon William Burke, a brakeman on the way freight which runs between this place and Corning, fell off the platform of the caboose near Lawrenceville, receiving some serious injuries.  One of his legs was broken and he received several bad scalp wounds.  He was removed to his home at Corning on the special car “John”.

--Last Monday morning about 6:30, Frank W. Fretz, a brakeman on Conductor Child’s “pick Up” train, which runs between this place and Slate Run, met with a horrible death at Stokesdale Junction.  Some switching was being done at the Junction preparatory to starting on the trip.  Young Fretz was standing on the end of a bar car which was being pushed along by the locomotive.  He was holding his lantern in one hand and grasped a hold of the railings of the bark car with the other.  [Most of the body of this story is unreadable]  The remains were carefully gathered up and removed to the home of the deceased on Charleston Street near the depot.  Frank Fretz was the eldest son of W. H. Fretz, of this borough.  He was 23 years of age and had been married less than a year.  He was a hard working and industrious young man and well liked by his brother railroad men.  His untimely death is a horrible blow to his young wife.

--TIOGA.—Messrs. Thomas D. VanOsten and Grant VanOsten have been spending a few days here with their parents.

--TIOGA.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ryan have returned home from an extended visit to Pittston and vicinity.

--OSCEOLA.—Peter Bosard, of Farber, Mo., is visiting relatives in this place.

--OSCEOLA.—Vine Crandall and his family are at Athens, Bradford Co., for a few days.

--OSCEOLA.—John Butcher, of Corning, a former resident of this place, is spending a few days here with old friends.

--OSCEOLA.—Frank Seeley and family have gone to Corning to visit Mrs. Joe Oakden.

--OSCEOLA.—O. H. Perry has gone to Tennessee to work during the winter.

--OSCEOLA.—Mrs. H. F. Jones, of Elmira, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Nancy Atherton.

--WESTFIELD.—Mrs. Kate Wakely is spending a few days on Pine Creek as the guest of Mr. James Losey.

--WESTFIELD.—Misses Inez Vermilyea and Allie Phillips are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Closson.

Land/Business Transactions
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. J. J. Green’s new store on Main Street is rapidly nearing completion.  It is expected that it will be occupied by A. C. Cunningham, tonsorial artist.

--WESTFIELD.—The new residence of Mr. E. S. Horton, near the Fall Brook Company’s depot, is enclosed, and the work on it is progressing rapidly.

--WESTFIELD.—The family of Mr. Ed Albee, late Western Union telegraphs operator here, have gone to Newberry Junction, where Mr. Albee will again engage in railroad business.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. George Buckley is now in the employee of F. B. Holcomb.

--Mr. A. Mudrack’s barber shop has been purchased by Mr. John Davis, of Morris Run.

--Mr. James L. Snyder, of Leetonia, has gone to Michigan to look over some timber lands belonging to Lee & Co.

--Miss Mina R. Doud, of Blossburg, has secured a position as stenographer and typewriter in a wholesale house at Elmira.

--Messrs. Morgan Kimball and John McInroy, masons, left on Monday for Bayonne, N.J., where they have secured employment for the winter.

--CHATHAM.—Mr. Miles Brown was married last week.  He now has a wife and four children.

--At Morris Run, PA, November 17, 1890, by Rev. Thomas McKay, Mr. Robert Baxter and Miss Lottie Emms, both of Morris Run.

--At Arnot, PA, November 20, 1890, by Rev. Father Connelly, Mr. Michael Lynch, of Buffalo, N.Y., and Miss Sarah Keenan, of Arnot.

--At Williamsport, PA, November 15, 1890, Mr. John Kohler, of Liberty, and Miss Mary Loudenschlager, of Williamsport.

--At Mansfield, PA, November 19, 1890, Mr. Arthur Grant Brown, of Elmira, N.Y., and Miss Ruth Adams, of Mansfield.

--WESTFIELD.—The people of our borough were startled last Tuesday morning by the announcement of the death of Mrs. E. G. Davidge, which occurred about midnight of Monday.  She has been sick some weeks, first with nervous prostration and then with intermittent fever which assumed a pernicious character, and although not entirely unexpected her death occasioned wide spread sorrow in the community.  Harriet Rich Davidge was 32 years of age and was the daughter of Mr. George E. Rich, a leading business man at Owego, N.Y.  She became the wife of Mr. E. G. Davidge, a member of the tanning firm of H. H. Crary & Co., in 1875, and immediately after their marriage the couple came to this place, where Mr. Davidge’s business interests are located.  The young wife soon became a leader in social life and in all good works at her new home, and she grew to be very dear to a large circle of friends.  She was foremost in advancing every good cause, an active helper of all the Churches and munificent friend of the struggling poor, for whom her purse strings were ever loosened.  Never has Westfield more deeply mourned the death of any citizen, and the bereaved husband and two little daughters have the sympathy of the whole community in their great loss.  The funeral was held at the house Thursday morning at 9:30, and then by a special train the party started for Owego; where the mortal remains of our friend were laid amidst the scenes of her childhood.

--The daughter of Mr. John Blanchard [Alice Blanchard], of Cherry Flats, died of diphtheria last Tuesday morning, aged 16 years.