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Wellsboro Agitator
September 2, 1890
Local News
--Mr. John E. Bacon is temporarily acting as Railway Postal Clerk in
place of Mr. E. J. Merrick on the Geneva and Williamsport run.
--Mr. William E. Champaign is about to move from Gaines to this borough. His family will occupy the house lately vacated by R. G. Austin.
--Prof. James B. Hastings, the new principal of our public schools, arrived in town last week with his family. He is to reside in Mrs. Pearson’s dwelling house on Grant Street.
--Last Wednesday Mrs. Gideon S. Cook stumbled and fell breaking her left hip. Mrs. Cook is upwards of eighty years of age and it is probable that she will never be able to walk again.
--Mr. George M. Hathaway, of this borough, has patented a cigar making machine, which he claims will manufacture 2,000 perfect cigars in ten hours, besides making a great saving in the cutting of the wrappers. The machines are to be let out on a royalty of $130 a year.
--Mr. William G. Shaw has been appointed manager of the glass factory for the next year. It is understood that Mr. Rosenbaum, who was first named for that position, is to remain in control of the factory at Bowling Green, Ohio. Mr. Shaw has been stock keeper here for a number of years and he is thoroughly conversant with the business.
--Mr. George Ludlow has a cat which has been in the habit for two years past of living with the chickens and going to sleep with them regularly every night. About two weeks ago pussy became the mother of a litter of kittens, and now an old hen has adopted them as her own covering them as she would her own downy brood and the kittens seem to enjoy being under the wings of their foster mother. The old cat isn’t jealous a bit.
--Mr. James H. Metcalf, of Potter Brook, has secured and increased pension.
--Mr. Thomas Dix, of Rutland, has received arrears of pensions amounting to $611.
--Mr. Augustus Alba, formerly of Knoxville, has moved from Norwalk, to St. Augustine, Florida.
--Mrs. Mary Smith, of Rutland Township, had $80 in money stolen from her house on a recent night.
--Mr. Lafayette Gray, of Sullivan, has gone to Elmira to be treated for cataracts and granulation of the eyelids.
--Original pensions have been granted to William A. Bailey, of West Covington; William Bloom, of Millerton; and Mrs. W. D. Jones, of Cherry Flats.
--Mr. David Smith, of Sylvania, is 98 years of age and he is still hale and hearty. He has applied for a pension on account of his service in the War of 1812.
--The officers of the new hose company at Westfield are as follows: Foreman, J. B. VanDusen; Secretary, Dr. F. H. S. Ritter; and Treasurer, Perry Tucker.
--Mr. Fulton Smith, of Cherry Flats, has received an original pension through B. M. Potter’s agency. He will get $360 in arrears and an allowance of $4 a month.
--Dr. Bellows, of Knoxville, has a can which is inscribed “John Howland, Mayflower, 1620”. He claims it has been in the possession of the family for over 270 years.
--Mr. H. C. Kinney, who has been the telegraph operator at Mansfield for several years, has secured a clerkship in the general business office of the Erie Railroad Company in New York City, and his wages will be doubled.
--Dr. C. W. Brown, formerly of Mansfield, has given up his practice at Elmira, N.Y., and gone to Washington, D.C. to reside and practice his profession. His successor at Elmira is Dr. E. G. Drake, formerly of Antrim.
--Dr. J. S. Mosher, of Sylvania, who has been attending the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Baltimore, has been appointed to the position of assistant to the resident physician of the city hospital, which usually contains about eleven hundred patients and is the finest hospital in the city of Baltimore.
--Mr. George V. Smith has found a number of Indian relics which were uncovered by the flood of June, 1889 at Tioga. They comprise flint arrows, stone hammers, pots and other utensils. He also found some charred corn and parts of human skeletons which are undoubtedly the remains of Indians. Mr. Smith is confident that he has found the location of an Indian camp and he intends to continue his research in order to add to his interesting collection of relics.
--Last week Monday afternoon a car loaded with rails escaped from the workmen at Mills and started down the grade on the new railroad towards Harrison Valley. At the latter place on the track by the depot stood a freight train with a caboose behind. In the caboose was Mr. William Kent who intended to go out on the train. Mr. Kent heard the runaway car coming but not in time to get out. He got up on a seat and the car struck the caboose. The runaway car was literally smashed. The seat was driven from under Mr. Kent and he fell upon the rails cutting his head severely but not fatally. Mrs. Kent and her child were at home hastening preparations to go on the same train and a few minutes later would have been in the caboose too. It was a very narrow escape.
--The August term of court convened last week Monday afternoon with
Judge Mitchell on the bench. Mr. Sylvester Houghton was appointed
Court Crier to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Lucius Truman, who
so long acceptably held the position. Mr. Lovel Plank, of Westfield,
was appointed foreman of the grand jury. The grand jury found the
following true bills:
-Orrin Dyke, Robert Bennett, Elmer Gardner and Charles Gardner
assault and battery, and assaulting a police officer, two counts.
The same defendants were also indicted for riot and assault two counts.
-C. V. Dare, opening an office and practicing medicine at Blossburg
without being a registered practitioner of Tioga County.
-Walter Collins, fornication and bastardy.
-William Laury, fornication and bastardy.
-Abe Shein, larceny as bailee.
-Abe Shein, embezzlement.
-Al Williams, assault and battery.
-Stephen Wakely, assault and battery.
-William Benson, selling liquor without a license.
-William Benson, selling liquor on Sunday.
-George Watkins, aggravated assault and battery, assault and
battery, and assault upon a police officer.
-Seth Watkins, assault and battery, assault upon a police officer.
-George Kizer, assault and battery.
-Charles J. Wheeler, fraudulent appropriation of firm property,
or use if firm name by copartner.
-Adelbert Moore, larceny.
-Rowland Sherman, assault and battery, and aggravated assault
and battery.
-Jay Boom, wantonly pointing a revolver at a person.
The following bills were ignored:
-Joseph Goldberg, larceny as bailee.
-Joseph Goldberg, larceny.
-Joseph Goldberg, false pretenses.
-William Laury, seduction.
-John Woods, assault with intent to ravish.
-E. Bederman, assault and battery.
-Moses Wladisloosky, embezzlement.
-Daniel Clark, assault and battery.
-W. S. Hutchinson, assault and battery.
-Delbert Whitten, seduction.
-Norman Strait, fornication.
-Jacob I. Signor, assault and battery.
-Lafayette Mattison, furnishing liquors to a person of known
intemperate habits.
Other cases:
-William Anderson, charged with riot and assault, was brought
into court and surrendered by his bail, and was taken to jail.
-The following defendants were discharged: Alfred Hart,
John Woods, Charles Martin, Ed Sherman, surety of peace case, Harvey Mosher,
Moses Wladisloosky, George Wilkinson, of Morris Run, and Fred Miller, surety
of peace case.
-In the case of the Commonwealth against Magnus Cole, charged
with assault and battery and battery, the defendant pleaded guilty and
will be arraigned for sentence of September 6.
-On Tuesday afternoon the case of the Commonwealth against A. J. Smith, of Mainesburg, charged with assault and battery, three counts, was called for trial. The private prosecutrix was Mrs. Lorinda S. Packard, also of Mainesburg. The jury found Mr. Smith guilty of assault and battery and aggravated assault and battery, but acquitted him on the third count charging intent to commit murder. Judge Mitchell sentenced the defendant to a fine of $10, the costs of prosecution and two months imprisonment in the county jail. The costs of the case run up to something over $200. The testimony on behalf of the Commonwealth developed the following facts: On the 17th day of January last the defendant came upon the premises of Mr. and Mrs. Packard and helped himself to a hoe, shovel and pickaxe. He took these tools to the public road in front of their premises and began working with them, picking in the road. Mr. Packard went out and remonstrated and tried to get Mr. Smith to give up the tools. The defendant refused and said that if he wanted to get back his tools he must bring an action of trover and conversation to get them. Mr. Packard got hold of the hoe and with it he tried to pull the pickaxe away from the defendant, whereupon the defendant grabbed the hoe and threw it over into an adjoining lot and then went for Mr. Packard with the pickaxe knocking him down. Mrs. Packard then came out of the house and went to the assistance of her husband with an axe helve in her hand. The defendant swore at her and struck her on top of the head with the pickaxe, cutting a deep scalp wound and felling her to the ground. This ended the assault and Packard led his bleeding wife back into the house, where she remained disabled by the blow for some weeks. The defendant went upon the stand in his own behalf and testified that the assault which he made upon the Packard’s was in self defense, that they attacked him first and that he only used such force as he deemed necessary to repel them.
-In the case of the Commonwealth against Jay Boom, charged with wantonly pointing a revolver at James Edwards, the jury found the defendant guilty and also found him of unsound mind.
-The case of the Commonwealth against Al Williams, charged with
assault and battery, the defendant pleaded guilty, and the Court sentenced
him to pay $1 fine and the costs of prosecution and undergo imprisonment
in the county jail for one month.
-The case of the Commonwealth against George C. Signor, of Elkland,
charged with furnishing liquor to persons of known intemperate habits,
was called on for trial on Friday afternoon. The Commonwealth closed
the testimony at about 3 o’clock Saturday afternoon, and upon agreement
of the parties and sanction of the Court the cause was continued till Tuesday
morning, September 21, as it was found impossible to finish the case during
the criminal week and as the jurymen were anxious to get home to spend
Sunday with their families.
-On Saturday Mr. George O. Derby adopted Bessie Derby, the five
year old child of E. H. Derby, his son.
--MORRIS.—Mr. Alfred Hart, the blacksmith who cut his own throat at Oregon Hill, was still alive a day of two ago, but it is believed he cannot live long. He can not eat anything and of course must starve to death.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. William Kelsey captured a rattlesnake five feet three and one half inches long a few days ago and presented it to a train hand.
--DRAPER.—It is expected that Mrs. Stephen Warriner will soon move to Westfield.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Miss Agnes Keeney started yesterday for Johnstown, N.Y., where she is engaged as teacher for the ensuing year.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Our school expects to begin Monday, September 1st, with Mr. Philip Carpenter and Miss May Smith as teachers.
--OSCEOLA.—Mrs. James Weeks was found in the mud by some boys last Tuesday afternoon. She is over 80 years old and quite feeble. She insisted upon going out along the road to pick blackberries and had fallen down in the mud and was unable to rise. She would have died had not the boys came along just in time.
--OSCEOLA.—Mrs. Frank Torrey is quite sick with lung trouble.
--OSCEOLA.—Robert Hammond is confined to his bed, he is over eighty years old.
--Mr. Vin Dailey, the Osceola ball player, has been compelled to give up playing by reason of a lame arm.
--Mr. Oscar F. Ellis, of Catlin Hollow, has secured an original pension of $4 a month and arrears, through Joseph W. Brewster, of this place.
--A Tioga man named Jerome Brady, shot himself in the leg with a revolver last Friday night at the Brooklyn Hotel, near Fall Brook depot, while under the influence of liquor. A correspondent says, “He had been quarreling, and threatened to shoot others, and the revolver had been taken from him, but was returned on his promising to go home.” A doctor dressed the painful wound and he was taken home.
--The store of Mr. E. W. Toles, at Little Marsh, was entered by burglars on the night of the 15th ult. A correspondent says: “The money drawer containing six or eight dollars in change was carried away, but was afterwards found in A. D. Rice’s potato field. The safe was drilled through the first plate near the lock, and two or three indentions leading from it were made with a punch or chisel, showing it to be the work of skilled crackers, but owing to some reason best known to the thieves, they abandoned the job. No clue was left whereby the parties could be apprehended, although suspicion seems to rest on two showmen who held forth here the day before.”
--Mr. Fred Bodine leaves Monday for Philadelphia, to take a course in the College of Dental Surgery.
--Mrs. Rebecca McEwen, of Williamsport is visiting her brother, Dr.
M. L. Bacon.
--Mr. Lloyd Smith is visiting his family in this borough. Mr. Smith has been traveling in the Northwest in the interest of the Joseph Gillett steel pen house.
--BLOSSBURG.—Mr. Joseph Martin is in a visit to Cleveland, Ohio.
--BLOSSBURG.—Mr. William R. Jones, of Charleston, was in town last week.
--BLOSSBURG.—Mr. and Mrs. James Howard are visiting Bradford County.
--ROUND TOP.—Mr. Frank Peake made a business trip to Elmira, N.Y. last week.
--ROUND TOP.—Mrs. Benjamin Borden and children, of Wellsboro, are visiting relatives here.
--ROUND TOP.—Mr. Benjamin Tucker and daughter started last Monday on their return trip to Ohio.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Miss Bertha Maynard, of Williamsport, is visiting her aunt Mrs. Joseph Potter.
--Mr. L. W. Babcock, a former resident of this county, but now principal of a high school in a flourishing California town, is visiting relatives in this vicinity. On his return to the Golden State he will be accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Kilborn Coolidge, of Charleston, and her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Elliott.
Land/Business Transactions
--Miss Minnie Burgin has sold out her stock of fancy goods to Mrs.
R. L. Eastman.
--Mr. L. L. Bailey has bought of Mr. Leonard Harrison the Jersey stock farm just east of this borough.
--Mr. J. A. Elliott has moved his jewelry store into the post office building at Mansfield.
--John C. Horton, Esq., of Mansfield, is to open a law office at Sayre, Bradford County. His family will continue to reside at Mansfield.
--BLOSSBURG.—Mr. H. H. Roberts is in New York City purchasing a stock of goods for his new dry goods store.
--BLOSSBURG.—Mr. L. Myers has closed his business here and moved his stock of goods to Corning, N.Y., where he will open in a gentleman’s furnishing store.
--BLOSSBURG.—Mr. Albert Williams has opened a fruit and confectionary store in the Post Office building.
--DRAPER.—Mr. A. L. Ingerick is running his threshing machine, threshing oats and wheat. The oats are turning out poorly.
--ROUND TOP.—Mr. Charles Cooley moved yesterday into the railroad station building at this place.
--Mr. R. W. Coles took possession of the Case House at Elkland last Monday. He has leased the hotel for five years.
--Mr. D. H. Pitts, of Mansfield, bought 7,500 pounds of “gilt edged” butter of the Elkland creamery a few days ago.
--Mr. Charles Rexford, of Gaines, has just contracted with the Goodyear Lumber Company, of Austin, Potter County, to peel and deliver 15,000 cords of bark and get in 20,000,000 feet of logs. Mr. Rexford had engaged a large force of men and teams and has already commenced active operations.
--At Elmira, N.Y., August 18, 1890, Mr. Ben C. Ball, of Blossburg,
and Miss Susan Field, of Ward Township, PA.
--At Addison, N.Y., August 23, 1890, Mr. Orlando Bruce, of Greenwood, and Miss Lottie May Gray, of Sabinsville, PA.
--At Mansfield, PA., July 29, 1890, J. D. Catlin, of Washington, PA, and Jessie Whitcomb, of Mansfield.
--At Blossburg, PA, August 20, 1890, Mr. W. C. Lewis and Miss Carrie Lienhardt, both of Blossburg.
--At Elmira, N.Y., August 20, 1890, Mr. John D. McDonald, of Tioga, PA., and Miss Mary A. Strach, of Frambois, Nova Scotia.
--In Lindley, N.Y., August 20, 1890, Mr. Oscar E. Norwytzkey, of Sylvania, and Mrs. Mary Pitts, of Sullivan, PA.
--In Lindley, N.Y., August 21, 1890, Mr. John Pequignot and Miss Martha Norman, both of Arnot, PA.
--Mr. Charles Marvin, of this borough, and Miss Maggie Landon, of Liberty, will be united in marriage at Elmira today. After a brief visit to Buffalo and Niagara Falls, the happy couple will take up their residence at Jeannette, Westmoreland County.
--In Brookfield, PA, August 20, 1890, by Rev. D. A. Parcells, Mr. Fred A. Brown and Miss Rose B. Coffin, both of Brookfield.
--Mr. Augustus Bernard was stricken with apoplexy while at work at
the Stokesdale tannery last Wednesday. He was brought to the home
of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Charles Shaffer, where he died the same night.
He was fifty years of age and leaves a widow and two children. The
funeral was held on Friday.
--Last Saturday evening Mr. Tilden Cruttenden died at his home on Pearl Street after being confined to his bed only a few days. He was eighty years of age. He seemed to suffer from no organic disease, but there was a general breaking down of the vital forces. Mr. Cruttenden was born in Sussex County, England. He came to this county about fifty years ago and settled in the woods in Charleston Township. He built a log house and labored untiringly in clearing up his large farm, and he lived to see the place one of the most productive farms in the whole township. Three or four years ago he sold his farm to Mr. William Busted and moved to this borough. Mr. Cruttenden had been married three times and he leaves a widow and four sons. The funeral was held yesterday, and the remains were interred in the Charleston cemetery.
--Mr. John Lent, of Charleston, died last Thursday at the age of about 80 years. The funeral was held on Saturday.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Corwin, of Charleston, buried their only child in the cemetery here last Saturday.
--At Blossburg, July 30, 1890, Mrs. Levi Fulkerson, aged 20 years.
--At Covington, PA, July 29, 1890, Mr. Evan Lewis, aged 62 years.
--In Chatham, PA, July 28, 1890, Louisa Short, wife of Newberry Short, aged 73 years. Mrs. Short was a woman of pure character and was highly esteemed by all who knew her.
--In Tioga Township, PA., August 28, 1890, of consumption, Mrs. Aaron Squires, aged 62 years.
--In Rutland, PA., July 31, 1890, Delos White, son of Thomas and Blanche White, aged 2 years.
--[Katie L. Flaitz] The 13 year old daughter of Mr. Simon Flaitz died last Sunday morning of heart failure, super induced by an attack of diphtheria.
--The sudden death of Mrs. Alvina Josephine Hardt, wife of Chief Engineer Hardt, of the Fall Brook railroad, at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon cast a gloom over this community. Mrs. Hardt had been in poor health for the past two days previous to her death, the immediate cause of which was heart trouble. Mrs. Hardt was born in Wurttemberg, Germany and has been a resident of Wellsboro for the past twelve years. She leaves a grief stricken household of a husband and five children, two of which are quite young. [Most of this article is unreadable]
--At Little Marsh, PA, August 22, 1890, Mrs. Lucy A. Mosher, aged 64 years.
--At Potter Brook, PA, August 3, 1890, the infant daughter of Thomas and Edith Lucas.
--At Elkland, PA., August 22, 1890, to the wife of Mr. Frank Clark,
a son.
--At Lawrenceville, PA, August 28, 1890, to the wife of Mr. L. C. Smith, a son.
--At Elkland, PA, August 26, 1890, to the wife of Mr. Frank Stevens, a daughter.
--At Covington, PA, August 27, 1890, to the wife of Mr. John Hermann, a son.
--At Wellsboro, PA, September 1, 1890, to the wife of Mr. Frank Bradley, a daughter.
September 9, 1890
Local News
--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. M. J. Bernauer started for the State Normal School
at Mansfield last Monday.
--MARSHFIELD.—School has commenced here with Mr. Frank Bernauer as teacher.
--Mr. Winfred Marsh is attending an academy at Lima, N.Y.
--Miss Carrie Close has resumed her duties as teacher in the Westfield graded schools.
--TIOGA.—Smith Beers’ team ran away last Wednesday afternoon. They ran into a horse and carriage belonging to Charles Webster, badly wrecking the carriage. George Wooster was thrown under the wagon and had his arm broken. He was fooling around the team and was the cause of the runaway.
--TIOGA.—Allie Dewey is clerking in the Post office.
--OSCEOLA.—Last Monday morning burglars broke into the store of Mr. F. R. Hazlett by breaking out the lower part of one of the front windows, and carried off a quantity of goods, mainly light articles. The work showed it was not down by professionals.
--OSCEOLA.—Mr. Robert Hammond is very low, and it is thought that he will not survive.
--BLOSSBURG.—Mr. J. F. Howard is on the sick list.
--BLOSSBURG.—Rev. J. A. Conley is recovering from a severe attack of nervous prostration.
--DRAPER.—Mr. H. H. Ogden sprained one of his wrists quite badly one day this week while unloading timber from a wagon.
--DRAPER.—Our school is to open next Monday with Miss Ruth Buckley as teacher.
--The Wellsboro Public Schools will open Monday, September 1, 1890, with the following Corp of Instructors: James B. Hastings, A. M., Principal; Ida Wells, Preceptress, High School Department; Mary H. Osgood, Assistant in High School; Miss S. D. Rouse, Junior Academic Dept.; Edith Wortendyke, Senior Grammar Dept.; Laura E. Cruttenden, Middle Grammar Dept.; Nannie Johnson, Junior Grammar Dept.; Blanche Warriner, Intermediate “A” Dept.; Lina G. English, Intermediate “B” Dept.; Ella McInroy, Intermediate “C” Dept.; Kate A. Young, Primary “A” Dept.; Carrie J. Hastings, Principal in Primary Dept.
--The family of Mr. Frank Miller has moved to Covington.
--Mr. and Mrs. John Karr were called to Rochester, N.Y., last week on account of the death of Mrs. Karr’s sister, Miss Louisa Teal. Miss Teal died on Monday at the age of 70 years. The funeral was held on Wednesday. She was well known here, where she had frequently visited.
--Last Thursday evening about half past eight, the firemen were called out by an alarm. The boys found they had a long run to Lincoln Street, where the dwelling house of Mr. James Dibble was enveloped in flames. The nearest hydrant was on the corner of Grant and Meade streets, and it was useless to attempt to get a stream of water upon the fire. The house and small barn were entirely destroyed with all of their contents. The property was insured for $850. The family was all away from home when the fire broke out and its origin is unknown.
--Dr. Will Humphrey has now located at Elkland.
--Mrs. Robert Bishop is very sick with fever.
--Mrs. Gottlieb Krause [Thursey Krause] has just received a widow’s pension of $12 a month with arrears amounting to $1,300. Mr. Wesley Saxbury, of Charleston, has secured an invalid pension of $12 and $100. Both are obtained through the office of B. M. Potter, Esq.
--Rev. J. H. Day has resigned his charge as pastor of the Millerton Methodist Church.
--Mr. James Green, the veteran engineer on the Tioga railroad, is critically sick with typhoid fever at his home in Blossburg.
--It is stated that Capt. E. R. Backer expects to go to Colorado soon to look after the silver mining operations of the late N. Strait, of Osceola.
--Prof. I. G. Hoyt, of Osceola, has been offered the position of Vice President of the Pennsylvania State Music Teachers’ Association for this county.
--Mr. Nelson Johnson, of Knoxville, has secured a patent on a glass ink stand and pen rack combined. The top of the inkstand is corrugated so as to form a rack for several pen holders. It is extremely simple and no doubt it will prove to be a valuable invention.
--It is stated that Mr. Alfred Hart, the blacksmith at Morris, who was recently arrested for poisoning cattle and who cut his own throat some time ago, live nearly two weeks after committing the suicidal act. His windpipe was severed, and he literally starved to death, being unable to take any nourishment except as is administered by his physicians. It is said that he wrote a confession which he said was not to be opened or read until after his death. In this confession he is reported to say that he killed his wife by poisoning her some time ago. He also confessed to having killed a peddler whose remains were found buried beneath a pile of brush by the side of the road leading from Hoytville to Liberty, a year ago last May. Besides confessing to having been a double murderer he also confessed to having poisoned the cattle of Mr. Rood, who he afterwards tried to shoot. Hart, it is stated, was a man of surly disposition and was generally feared in that section.
--[printed in the Wellsboro Gazette, Sept. 11, 1890 the following article reads]: The sensational statement that Alfred Hart, who recently committed suicide by cutting his own throat at Oregon Hill, had left a written confession, is denied by his relatives as being entirely without foundation. The alleged confession said Hart killed his wife by poisoning; that he murdered a peddler, whose partially burned remains were discovered about a year ago beneath a pile of brush on the side of the road leading from Liberty to Hoytville, and that he poisoned the cattle of Mr. Rood, who he attempted to shoot just before cutting his throat. In denying this story the relatives of the deceased state he never prepared any such paper, and that he insisted up to the last moment that he had been wrongly accused of poisoning Rood’s cattle.
--[taken from the Wellsboro Agitator, September 16, 1890, the article reads]: Relatives of the late Alfred Hart, of Morris, who recently committed suicide, say that the statement started by the Blossburg Advertiser and copied by numerous other papers about his written confession of several crimes is an infamous falsehood. On the contrary, Mr. Hart stoutly protested his innocence of the charge of poisoning Mr. Rood’s cattle. He was unable to talk, but we are informed that a short time before his death the doctor told him that he could not live, and Mr. Hart called for a pencil and paper and wrote in substance the following statement: “I am not guilty of poisoning Rood’s cows; I have done a good many things that I ought not to have done, but nothing so bad as that.” We regret that we gave currency to the “confession” story.
--Last Tuesday morning a two story wooden building opposite the Signor House at Elkland was burned. The lower part of the building was occupied by Mr. Louis Poley’s harness shop, and Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Titus, milliners, occupied the upper floor. The fire started from the explosion of a lamp in the millinery shop, and the ladies barely had time to escape by a back door with what little clothing they hastily gathered up. They lost all their millinery and household goods, saving nothing but a few dresses and a sewing machine. The Elkland Journal says that their loss is estimated at $1,200 and their insurance was $800. Mr. Poley succeeded in getting out most of his stock and tools. He estimates his loss at $100 and his insurance was $300. The building was the property of Mr. B. H. Parkhurst, and it was not insured. His loss is about $1,200. The residence adjoining, owned by Mr. B. H. Parkhurst, and occupied by Mr. F. W. Crandall, the blacksmith shop owned by W. H. Redfield and occupied by E. Cady, the Signor House and the Ryon Block were all more or less damaged by the heat.
--Last Thursday evening Mr. Smith Wilson was coming up Bacon Street on his way to the fire, when he noticed an object by the roadside at the foot of the hill just below Mr. Jesse Locke’s new house. He gave it no particular attention until he was within twenty feet of it, thinking it was a calf, but he discovered it was a cinnamon bear sitting upon its haunches and growling at him. Mr. Wilson took to his heels without delay and ran back to Mr. Ephraim Jeffers’s for a rifle, but there was no gun in the house. Mr. Jeffers went back with Mr. Wilson, however; but the bear had made off over the hill towards the reservoir, and they heard the cattle making considerable disturbance on the hillside, they evidently being frightened by the bear’s approach. We understand that on Saturday the bear was seen in the Stony Fork region, and yesterday it was again seen in a berry patch on the Kelsey farm above town. Several hunters started upon its track with their dogs. It seems that the two Norwegians who were around here about three months ago with a very large trained bear lost their pet somewhere in the mining region. The men hunted for it a couple of weeks and then gave up the search as hopeless and left with no stock trade whatever except their brass bugle. We are informed that about ten days ago several sheep were killed and partially eaten in the neighborhood on Antrim, and it is thought that the cinnamon bear was the culprit. Mr. Wilson has no doubt that the bear he saw last Thursday evening was the runaway.
--The second week of the August term of Court, devoted to the trial
of civil cases, closed Saturday afternoon.
-On Tuesday the prosecution against G. C. Signor, for selling
liquor to persons of known intemperate habits, was resumed, the case having
been continued from the Saturday previous at the close of the Commonwealth’s
testimony. Some twenty eight witnesses were sworn in the case, and
give days were occupied in its trial. The Court charged the jury
last Wednesday afternoon, and on Thursday morning the jury came into court
with a verdict of not guilty and that the county pay the costs of prosecution.
-The first suit on the civil list taken up for trial was the
trespass case brought by Charles L. Miller, of Liberty, against Delos Rockwell,
administrator of the estate of Morrell Henson, late of Burlington, Bradford
County, for the alleged burning of a barn and its contents, belonging to
plaintiff, by Henson in August, 1882. The damages claimed were $2,500.
The case was a peculiar one, being an arson case tried on the civil side
of the court to recover damages for loss by the fire. After the evidence
was all before the jury, a settlement was made between the parties whereby
a formal verdict was taken for plaintiff for the sum of $100.
-Jay Boom, convicted of wantonly pointing a revolver at Mr. Edwards,
was brought into Court on Saturday afternoon, and Judge Mitchell ordered
him sent to the Warren Insane Asylum for treatment.
--Miss Ada McNinch, the daughter of Mr. M. F. McNinch, on South Church Street, has a quadruple curiosity in a white pet kitten which has four toes on one foot, five on another and six and seven toes on the other two.
--SABINSVILLE.—There was great excitement here last Saturday forenoon when it became known that Mrs. Caroline Roberts, who resided in East Beach was lost. She left Friday afternoon in search of their cows, which had escaped from the pasture. Night came on, and as she did not return, searching parties went out after her. They were out all night in the drenching rain. Saturday morning a large number from the village, gathered near the homestead, assisted by all the neighbors for miles around. It was nearly noon before she was discovered, having been twenty four hours in the woods and twenty four hours without food or water. She was quite weak and exhausted. Two faithful dogs remained by her side. The place which she was lost is a very dense and extensive forest with plenty of wild animals and rattlesnakes. No one expected to find her alive. She was first discovered by her son.
--Mr. Will Blanchard has been appointed high constable of Covington, vice N. C. Ely, resigned.
--Harry Waterhouse was shot and killed instantly at Bellefonte on Wednesday of last week, by a jewelry faker named Smith, who was following E. O. Rogers’ circus. Smith was immediately jailed.
--The Miller-Wilcox murder trail was commenced at Towanda last week. It will be remembered that James W. Wilcox was murdered by his mistress, Mrs. Belle Hatch Miller, on the night of March 26th last. The crime was committed in Albany township and the building fired to destroy evidence of the body and deed.
--Charles Scofield was going up a hill near Bradford, Steuben County, a few days ago, with a traction engine, when some of the machinery became disarranged. While he was endeavoring to adjust in the engine tumbled over on him, killing him instantly. This is the second death from this cause that has occurred in Steuben County within the past two weeks.
--Willie Plaster, a 7 year old attempting to board the switch engine at the Niles Valley tannery last Monday afternoon. The little fellow slipped and fell and the wheels of the locomotive passed over his right ankle. Drs. Niles and Beers amputated the foot and the boy is getting along nicely.
--Last Thursday Mr. S. O. Daggett, proprietor of the Seymour Hotel at Blossburg, let a horse and buggy to J. C. Gulliver, a horse doctor. The doctor failed to return with the rig and it was learned that he had traded it for a white mustang pony and an old buggy. The doctor skipped away to New York state, and the last heard of the missing rig it was in the neighborhood of Watkins.
--Peter Ellsworth, a young man of this place, got into trouble while in Elmira last week. The Elmira Gazette says: “Peter Ellsworth went into his brother’s barber shop on State Street on Thursday afternoon and wanted some money. Mr. Ellsworth refused his brother, as he had been drinking. Peter then went into Gridley’s hardware store and told “Doc” Heller that he wanted a revolver and some cartridges to shoot his brother with. About that time, Mr. J. W. Ellsworth came in and the police were telephoned for. Friday morning Peter Ellsworth pleaded guilty of intoxication and was sentenced to thirty days in jail.”
--Mr. Ezra Swope has lost another horse. Mr. Swope has had the misfortune to lose one or more horses in every job he has undertaken.
--Mr. Max Bernkopf is in New York City this week.
--Mr. Carl S. Welch is in Chicago this week.
--Mr. R. E. Giles, of Jamestown, N.Y., is visiting at Mr. Arthur M. Roy’s.
--Mr. E. B. Young and his family returned home from Cayuga Lake last evening.
--Messrs. J. A. Boyce, F. K. Wright and W. C. Kress attended the Elmira Fair yesterday.
--Mr. Nelson Barrett, of Fall River, Mass., is visiting his sister, Mrs. Tilden Cruttenden.
--Mr. Harry C. Green and family expect to start today for a ten days sojourn at Silver Lake.
--Mrs. David P. Roberts, of Emmetsburg, Iowa, and her daughter, Mrs. Kate Wood, of Estherville, Iowa are visiting relatives here.
--Mr. M. G. Lamb, the special soliciting agent of the Adams Express Company, has been visiting his mother and sister here. Mr. Lamb has been spending some months in the South, working on the fruit trees.
--Miss Anna R. Kelsey expects to start tomorrow for Erie to visit some friends, and about the first of next month she will return to her mission work at Sitka, Alaska. Last evening a reception was held at the Presbyterian Church parlors in her honor.
--Miss Maggie Navle is visiting friends in Elmira.
--Mrs. George P. Riberolle is visiting in New York City.
--Mr. Carl S. Welch is taking in the sights in Chicago.
--Miss Gertrude Bennett is visiting friends at Elmira.
--Mr. Dewitt C. Harrington is enjoying a visit to New York City.
--Mrs. Susan R. Hart has returned from Vermont where she has been making her sister and extended visit.
--Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Matson are in Cleveland, where they were called to attend the marriage of Mrs. Matson’s niece.
Land/Business Transactions
--TIOGA.—Following are brief abstracts of deeds filed in the Register
and Recorders office:
-RICHMOND.—Frederick A. Bodine to A. M. Pitts, 121 acres, $3,699.50
-RICHMOND.—A. M. Pitts and wife to James R. and Ann J. Burton,
121 acres, $5,000.
-WESTFIELD.—N. W. McNaughton and wife to H. Hunter, lot, $1.
-WESTFIELD.—Mary Tubbs and husband to Hiram Hunter, 2 lots, $325.
-MORRIS.—Samuel O. Watts and wife, et al. to Gustave K. Sharping,
lot, $650.
-KNOXVILLE.—Sidney Hall and wife to Frank L. Babcock, lot, $104.
-COVINGTON.—F. A. Dyer, et al. to James M. Everetts, lot, $15
-MIDDLEBURY.—Fred S. Prutsman to Elson Moore, 9 and one half
acres, $297.
-MIDDLEBURY.—Anna O. Bennett and L. C. Bennett to Creon B. Farr,
50 acres.
-RICHMOND.—Isaac Lownsberry to George W. Lownsberry, 3 lots,
-SULLIVAN.—Mary Ludington, et al. to Charles R. Palmer, lot,
-WELLSBORO.—C. S. Fisher and wife, et al. to Isadore Fisher,
2 lots, $1.
-DEERFIELD.—William S. Carpenter and wife to Menzo Rich, 28 acres,
-DEERFIELD.—William S. Carpenter and wife to Emma F. Rich, 12
acres, $400.
-TIOGA.—Joseph Maxwell and wife to Ralph E. Gambiel, 3 and one-half
acres, $2.
-TIOGA.—Ralph E. Gambiel to Joseph and Mary A. Maxwell, 3 and
one- half acres, $2.
--Mr. Edward Toles, of Little Marsh, has just moved to Westfield, where he has just completed a residence.
--TIOGA.—Mr. J. H. Olney has moved into his new house on Main Street.
--OSCEOLA.—Mr. A. Cadogan has purchased a new delivery wagon and he will make trips into the surrounding country, selling groceries, etc.
--BLOSSBURG.—Ben Frost and Ross Boon have retired from horse jockeying, Robert Fairhurst having bought them out.
--DRAPER.—Mr. John English is building himself a new house. Mr. C. R. Warriner has the contract.
--DRAPER.—Mr. B. H. Warriner expects to begin soon building a timber slide on Gravel Lick Run on Pine Creek for Messrs. Green & Congdon. Mr. Hiram Tomb has also engaged to build a slide for G. S. Wilcox east pf the Stony Fork creek.
--It is reported that Mr. Noah F. Marvin has purchased Mr. David H. Belcher’s brick store now occupied by Mr. O. L. Butts. It is said the price paid was $6,500.
--Mr. Aaron Hall has just purchased the Charles Corzette farm at Jackson Center.
--Mrs. L. R. Doud and Miss May Robins are about to open a millinery store at Covington.
--Messrs. W. Roberts and W. H. Roberts have sold their hardware store at Osceola to Mr. Lyman H. Roberts.
--Frank Eberlee, the Church Street tanner, is making some fine improvements on his property. A nice new brick office has recently been erected and is nearly completed. It is not very large, but of beautiful architectural proportion. We regret that it is almost hidden from the sight of passers-by by a wooden building of inferior appearance. Mr. Eberlee has his own system of water works by which he supplies his house and barn with pure spring water.
--Mr. John Ash, of Knoxville, has purchased a meat market at Addison.
--The grocery store of Mr. John Jones, of Blossburg, has been closed by the sheriff.
--At Wellsboro, PA., September 5, 1890, by Rev. A. C. Shaw, D. D.,
Mr. John Anderegg and Miss Rosie Zenger, both of English Center, PA.
--At the house of Mr. F. A. Klock, in Elmira, N.Y., September 8, 1890, by Rev. James A. Boyce, Mr. James O. Blair and Miss Anna Drew, both of Wellsboro, PA.
--At the house of Mr. F. A. Klock, in Elmira, N.Y., September 8, 1890, by Rev. James A. Boyce, Mr. Emerson E. Drew, of Corning, N.Y., and Miss Minnie Townsend, of Wellsboro, PA.
--In Rutland, PA., August 16, 1890, by Jefferson Prutsman, Esq., John Rathburn and Mary Stevens, both of Daggett’s Mills, PA.
--OSCEOLA.—Miss Edith Edwards, daughter of Prof. Edwards, of one of
our public schools, died last Sunday night of consumption; after and illness
of several months. The funeral services were held at the Methodist
church on Wednesday morning at 11 o’clock. The church was decorated
with flowers, of the offerings of her school mates. Eight young ladies
dressed in white acted as pall bearers. The remains were taken to
East Troupsburgh for interment. The funeral was largely attended.
--BLOSSBURG.—Archie Birriolo, a boy about 15 years old, died last Tuesday morning. He was sick about three weeks. Sunday he felt well enough to eat dinner with the rest of the family, but in the afternoon he was taken worse again. He was a very bright and intelligent boy.
--Last Wednesday the four month old child of Mr. Thomas Goff died of cholera.
--Mrs. Hannah M. Jones, of Delmar, died last Thursday at the age of 82 years. The funeral was held at the home of her son, H. E. Jones, of Friday, and the interment was at the West Branch cemetery.
--Last Friday, Emma N. Campbell, wife of Mr. James Campbell, of Delmar, died after a long sickness. She was born at Lodi, N.Y., September 29, 1816. Mrs. Campbell had been an invalid for about 30 years. The deceased was the mother of Mrs. John Wilcox and Mrs. O. E. Williams, of this place.
--Mrs. Clara Williston Hull, widow of the late Henry S. Hull, and mother of the late Harry S. Hull, died at her home in Bath, N.Y., last Friday morning after a few days sickness. She had been in precarious health however, for several months. Mrs. Hull was a sister of the late Judge L. P. Williston, of this borough.
--Last Sunday, Eunice B. Bartles, wife of Jacob C. Bartles, of Stony Fork, died after a long and painful sickness. She was 83 years of age. Mrs. Bartles was a daughter of the late Oliver Bacon. She was a most estimable woman. Although she had known for months that death must soon come to her she had been courageous and cheerful, resting upon her faith in the life immortal. The funeral is to be held this afternoon at the Bartles homestead.
--Last Saturday night, Mr. F. C. Washburn, the well known gunsmith, died very suddenly at his home on East Avenue, of heart disease. Mr. Washburn had been in his usual health on Saturday. In the evening he came down town and attended his marketing for Sunday and returned home and went to bed as usual. About midnight, he awoke in great distress and arose and went into the pantry and took a dose of medicine such as has helped him in former similar attacks. He then sat down upon the side of the bed, but he soon became unconscious and died in a few moments. Mr. Washburn was 56 years of age. He was born at Gibson, Susquehanna County, his family being among the most prominent in that region. He learned the trade of a machinist and worked for several years in the railroad shops at Scranton. He went to California in the early days of the state, but returned East on account of his wife’s failing health. He came to this place from Canton and started a gun shop about twelve years ago. Mr. Washburn was an excellent citizen, a genial companion, and a remarkably ingenious mechanic. He had a host of friends and no enemies. He leaves a widow, three daughters and two sons. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon, when Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne conducted the service.
--At Wellsboro, PA, September 5, 1890, William W. Myers, son of Mr. Fred Myers, aged 1 year 3 months.
--In Covington Township, PA., August 17, 1890, Marinda Orvis, aged 69 years.
--Mr. John G. Bowman and wife, prominent and influential residents of Cowanesque, met with a sad loss in the death of their accomplished daughter last Wednesday evening, from tracheal diphtheria. Carrie Bowman at the time of her death was about 19 years old and was in every sense a lovely and loveable young lady, dear to her parents, dear to her brothers, and dear to all her young friends and associates. With a large fund of general intelligence and natural and cultivated accomplishments the promises for her in the future was bright, and to be thus cut down after blossoming into lovely womanhood is a providence to which it is hard to reconcile oneself. This is the only case of diphtheria which has occurred in this section.
--In Wellsboro, September 6, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Shattuck,
a son.
September 16, 1890
Local News
--Last week Monday night burglars entered the gun shop of the late
F. C. Washburn, in the Coles House block, and carried off several revolvers
and some fishing tackle. They broke in through the back door.
The scoundrels are unknown.
--Last Saturday afternoon, Mr. Clark W. Dimmick was engaged in shingling Mr. Max Bernkopf’s new barn on Central Avenue, when he lost his footing and fell about 20 feet to the ground. He was picked up and taken home by his fellow workmen. Although no bones were broken, Mr. Dimmick was badly hurt internally, and his condition is still considered very serious.
--Mr. Abner Jenkins, of Lamb’s Creek, has received an original pension.
--Mr. Frank Birriolo, of Blossburg, has entered the Jefferson Medical School at Philadelphia.
--Hon. Robert J. C. Walker, of Williamsport, formerly Congressman from this district, is dangerously sick with typhoid pneumonia.
--Mr. Charles Smith, of Liberty, fell off a load of bark a few days ago and his leg was broken in three places by being caught in the wagon wheel.
--The young son of Mr. Isaac R. Doud was playing on the river bank at Covington last Sunday afternoon, when he fell into the water and was drowned.
--Mr. Jonas Beck, of Liberty, has patented an improved churn which runs by weights. It is so arranged that it will run one hour after being wound up.
--Mrs. Addison Dewey, of Mainesburg, was thrown backwards from a wagon a few days ago and was seriously injured. It was thought at first that her back was broken.
--Mr. J. L. Barnes, of Delmar, tells us that a few days ago he dug two potatoes from one hill and they were so large that seventeen persons made a meal off them and there was potato left over.
--Last Thursday afternoon, Mr. A. D. Griswold was driving a span of mules in Elmira, and when in front of the city hall one of the beasts got its hind foot over the trace. As Mr. Griswold was attempting to unhitch the trace the mule kicked him in the face, breaking his nose and injuring on eye so badly that it is feared that he will lose it. The unfortunate man was taken to the hospital. Mr. Griswold is well known through this borough, being a brother-in-law of Mr. A. L. Ensworth.
--Mr. W. G. Marvin, formerly of Covington, and a graduate from the State Normal School at Mansfield, class of 1888, was at that time offered a position in Walsenburg, Colorado. He accepted the offer, promising his friends to return in two years. But he was recently elected Principal of the High School at Walsenburg, --a school of four grades. He is to be congratulated on his success, and the school is fortunate in securing the services of so valuable a teacher. His numerous friends in this county hope to see his face after the close of school next summer.
--On a recent evening Mr. George Hillier, a teamster, arrived at West Pike from Galeton in an intoxicated condition. Mr. James Chaffee took the man and put him to bed. During the night the family was aroused by an explosion and the smell of smoke. It was found that Hillier’s room was full of fire, and when the flames were extinguished it was apparent that he had overturned the lamp, which then exploded. Hillier was so badly burned that he died in a few hours. The body was taken in charge and buried by the Overseers of the Poor. Hillier was about 50 years of age. His son and daughter reside in New York state.
--An Elkland correspondent says that the freshet last Wednesday caused considerable damage in that locality. The trestle of the Fall Brook railroad at Osceola was swept away. The temporary bridge over Tuscarora Creek on the Addison and Pennsylvania railroad was carried off, and no mail was transported over the road for twenty four hours. Mr. Charles L. Pattison had about two acres of tobacco flooded on his farm below town, although most of his crop had already been secured. William Cady had the greater part of his crop covered with water, but none of it was swept away. Several others suffered more or less, but as the flood lacked some three feet of being as high as the June flood of 1889, the people generally feel thankful that the damage was no greater. What effect so much rain will have on potatoes and corn remains to be seen.
--Last Wednesday afternoon as many people were on the river bridge watching the flood at Addison, N.Y., a young man named Charles Townsend, aged about nineteen years, in company with several others at the south end of the bridge, proposed to jump in the river and swim across. His ability to do it was doubted by those about him, and finally he bet twenty five cents with “Way down” Beebe that he could do it. Everybody was astonished to see him deliberately jump into the raging torrent, not one in a hundred at the time knowing the meaning of it, and there were over 500 people that saw him. He made a desperate effort to swim across, but he could make but little headway and was carried down about thirty rods to the dam and over it, when he disappeared beneath the mad waves. He was not seen again, and it will probably be several days before his body can be recovered. It is said that all the parties connected with the affair were more or less intoxicated, and they all bear the unenviable record. The boy was a son of Fletcher Townsend, a carpenter, and had drifted about without any fixed habitation or occupation. For a while he was at Westfield, PA, working around barns and blacking boots and recently had been braking on the Erie railroad.
--ROUND TOP.—Mr. Samuel Evans is again suffering from his old hurt. It was thought his leg would have to be amputated, but a later report of his condition is more favorable.
--LITTLE MARSH.—[Sept. 12, 1890] A large party spent a very enjoyable afternoon at the home of Mr. Milo Goodwin last Monday. The day was the sixty third anniversary of Mr. Goodwin’s birth, and his children gave the party as a pleasant surprise to their father. The old gentleman soon grasped the situation, however, and it was not long before a box of cigars made the smoking part of his visitors happy. About one o’clock the tables were spread and the party sat down to a dinner that a king might enjoy. The party consisted of his children, grandchildren and other relatives and a few old soldier comrades, making in all fifty three persons present.
--LITTLE MARSH.—Prof. P. T. Carpenter is to go to Clearfield County next week to teach in a graded school.
--LITTLE MARSH.—Miss Stella Merrick is on the sick list.
--LITTLE MARSH.—Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Rice’s little girl has had scarlet fever in a mild form. She is now convalescent.
--Mrs. O. S. Chamberlayne is slowly recovering from a very serious illness.
--Sam McCarrick, well-known at Millerton, is in jail in Elmira, charged with picking the pocket of a farmer.
--Miss Alma Butler, of Westfield, accidentally shot herself through the left arm on Tuesday night of last week.
--Mr. Henry L. Wilson is instructing a newly organized band of 14 pieces at Asaph. It is called the Marsh Creek Band.
--Charles Smith and George Smith, sons of Dr. Robert E. Smith, of Tioga, have gone to Schenectady, N.Y., to attend Union College.
--While attempting to make a coupling at Stokesdale Junction last Friday afternoon, Will Davis, of this place, had his hand badly injured.
--As Daniel Plank was driving over the county bridge at Roaring Branch a few days ago with a heavy load of lumber, the bridge gave way. Mr. Plank was but slightly injured and the team escaped unhurt.
--Mr. John Whittaker, formerly freight agent on the Fall Brook between Corning and Wellsboro, on Monday assumed the duties of conductor on the “bob-tail” train between this station and Stokesdale Junction, owing to the continued illness of Conductor Fay.
--Pensions have been awarded to the following residents of Tioga County: Increase—Stephen Andrews, Tioga; Chancey W. Wheeler, Roaring Branch; Abram Hallock, Austinburg; John S. Kelley, Millerton; Edward Rice, Sabinsville; Lovel Plank, Westfield; John C. Nelson, Liberty.
--The residence of Truman Gardner, at Westfield, narrowly escaped burning a few nights ago. A lamp was upset in the pantry and the oil at once took fire. Mr. Gardner’s mother was in the room at the time, but managed to escape with her hair badly burned. The flames were smothered by a prompt application of some bed quilts.
--Horse doctor John C. Gulliver, mentioned last week as having disappeared with a horse and buggy hired of S. O. Daggett, of Blossburg, was arrested on a train near Havana, N.Y. last Monday, by Mr. Daggett. Gulliver was taken to Elmira and placed in jail on a charge of larceny, and will be brought to Wellsboro as soon as a requisite can be obtained. After trading Mr. Daggett’s horse to a man in Covington, Gulliver drove to Havana, where Mr. Daggett discovered his carriage and harness. Upon conviction of Gulliver, Mr. Daggett will secure the reward of $100 offered by the Jamestown Horse Protective Association.
--Mr. John Daguier, of Blossburg, has commenced a suit for $10,000 damages against the New York, Lake Erie & Western railroad for the death of his son, Eugene Daguier, who was killed in the wreck at Tioga Junction on September 16, 1890. The case will come up at the November term. Young Daguier was employed as news agent on the ill-fated train, and on hearing the engineer’s frantic call for brakes, rushed to the platform and seized a brake wheel. While so engaged the train collided with freight and the unfortunate young man was thrown violently under the wreck. When taken out by a party of rescuers the terrible discovery was made that both of the little fellow’s legs had been cut off. He was conscious and lingered for some time until death came to his relief.
--CROOKED CREEK.—Rev. F. Wilson baptized Amasa Hazlett at Middlebury Centre, on Sunday, the 7th inst.
--Mr. James L. White was in Buffalo, N.Y. last week.
--Mrs. DeForrest Stamp, of Elmira, N.Y., is visiting in town.
--Mr. J. H. Brewster has returned to Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia.
--Mrs. Enos G. Nichols, of Elmira, N.Y., is visiting her mother, Mrs. B. T. VanHorn.
--Miss Cora Wells, of Kansas City, Missouri, is visiting her twin sister Miss Ida Wells, Preciptress of our schools.
--Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bristol, of Sylvania, Bradford County, have been visiting friends in town.
--Dr. W. D. Vedder, of Mansfield, was in town Thursday. The doctor has just returned from a trip through the West.
--Mr. Henry Milliken, of Unadilla, N.Y., is in town, being called her by the serious sickness of his brother, Mr. B. F. Milliken.
--Mr. Morrell G. Spalding, of Syracuse, N.Y., was in town several days last week, being called her by the death of his niece, little Madge Spalding.
--Mr. Carl S. Welch returned from Chicago on Saturday. He was greatly delayed on the Western division of the Erie by floods. He says that the damage to growing crops on the river bottom in southern New York must be very great, as they were all submerged.
--Mr. Arthur B. Chubbuck, editor and proprietor of the Tribune, at Ipswich, South Dakota, is visiting his mother and sister at R. L. VanHorn’s. Mr. Chubbuck left this place as a boy about twenty years ago. We are glad to know that he is a good Republican and that he has made his mark in the new State. The Tribune is an influential newspaper.
--Miss Jennie Wood, of Elkland, has gone to Rushville, Nebraska, for an extended visit.
--Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Congdon, of Nelson, have gone to St. Paul, Minn., to visit their son.
--Mr. L. R. Gale, of Galeton, has gone on a pleasure trip to the Thousand Islands and several Eastern cities.
--Miss Minnie Williams, of Brockport, Canada, is visiting at the home of her uncle, Justice H. W. Williams.
Land/Business Transactions
--Mr. Charles B. Jelliff has sold 33 acres of his farm in Covington
to Mrs. James Soper for $1,600.
--Mr. J. W. Kinch has exchanged his farm in Ward Township for the Fulkerson hardware store in Canton.
--Mr. Harry Kendrick has a force of workmen opening up a three foot vein of coal on East Creek, near Blossburg.
--Mr. Ambrose Close is doing a good deal to boom Westfield by cutting up his farm into building lots and selling them off at such rates as to enable any industrious man to procure a home.
--ROUND TOP.—Messrs. David Bryant and Frank Johnston have the contract to furnish the material and re-shingle the school house for $160. They have begun the work.
--OSCEOLA.—E. H. Kimball is talking about building a photograph studio at this place.
--OSCEOLA.—C. S. Young is having stones hauled preparatory to building a residence on West Cowanesque street.
--LITTLE MARSH.—J. E. French is at Westfield finishing a house for E. W. Toles.
--LITTLE MARSH.—Rumor says we are to have another store in Little Marsh in the old Bennett building, where Mr. Elwin Davis is to try his luck behind the counter.
--Mr. William H. Roberts purchased a team of goats of Osceola parties for his sons last week.
--Mr. Alfred Sempsey, of Liberty, proprietor of the Liberty Hotel is the owner of nine bird dogs.
--The Dairyman and Register of Franklin, N.Y., last week contained
a brief account of the marriage of Rev. Enos J. Balsley, late of Antrim
and now rector of Trinity Church, Carbondale, and Miss Lizzie May Phelps,
of Franklin, who has recently been teaching at Antrim. The wedding
ceremony was held at St. Paul’s Church at Franklin last Wednesday noon,
the officiating clergyman being Rev. Samuel B. Moore. The lady friends
of the bride had decorated the church with beautiful flowers in honor of
the event, and there was a large audience present notwithstanding the pouring
rain. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Balsley received the congratulations
of their friends in the vestibule of the church and then left by the afternoon
train to Albany and New York City. Numerous friends will join in
hearty good wishes for the young couple.
--In Troupsburgh, N.Y., August 31, 1890, Alpha A. Butler, of Potter Brook, and Minnie J. Seeley, of Westfield, PA.
--At the Methodist parsonage in Wellsboro, PA, August 25, 1890, by Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne, Mr. Ransford E. Campbell and Miss Laura E. Thomas, both of Morris, PA.
--At Wellsboro, PA, September 13, 1890, by Rev. A. C. Shaw, D. D., John Fosburg and Ann Sophia Anderson, both of Antrim, PA.
--In Delmar, PA, September 3, 1890, by Rev. E. B. Cornell, Mr. Jefferson Heath and Miss Ella Thornton, both of Delmar.
--At the Methodist parsonage in Wellsboro, PA, by Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne, Mr. Reese R. Hughes, of Delmar, and Miss Nellie D. Culver, of Wellsboro, PA.
--At Wellsboro, PA, September 8, 1890, by Rev. E. B. Cornell, Mr. C. C. Johnson and Miss Libbie R. Drinkwalter, both of Wellsboro.
--At Troupsburgh, N.Y., September 2, 1890, Sherman Smith and Lena Clark, both of Little Marsh, PA.
--At the home of the groom, in Chatham, PA, September 11, 1890, by Rev. A. G. Cole, Arthur Tremain and Ellen Mack, both of Chatham.
--CROOKED CREEK.—Mr. Willis Archer, of this place, was united in marriage to Miss L. Lovelace, of Mill Creek, PA, on the 10th inst. The young couple received a large number of useful gifts.
--Mr. and Mrs. George Spalding are sadly bereaved by the death of their
bright 7 year old daughter Madge Spalding. The child died last Friday
morning of diphtheria after being sick about three weeks. The funeral
was at 4 o’clock the same afternoon and it was private. Rev. A. W.
Snyder conducted the service.
--Mr. Fred A. Dartt, a native of this borough and son of Mr. Charles N. Dartt, died on the 30th ultimo at Salida, Colorado, of consumption. His home was at Kansas City, but last June he went to the mountains of Colorado in hopes of benefiting his failing health. He was 32 years of age, and he leaves a widow and one child. The funeral was held on the 3rd inst. at Kansas City, and the Knights of Pythias conducted the burial service. The Kansas City Journal says that Mr. Dartt was well-known in that city, and he had the friendship of every person acquainted with him. For eight years he was a familiar figure about the city hall where he was engaged as Assistant City Clerk for six years and for two years in the Assessor’s and Auditor’s offices. He was a man of excellent character, genial and intelligent, and his death will be sincerely mourned by many friends.
--NAUVOO.—The funeral of Mr. Casper Houser was held last Sunday. Mr. Houser attended the soldier’s reunion at Wellsboro, where he caught a hard cold. He came home sick and lived but a few days. He was a faithful Union soldier and served through the war. He was a member of the Grand Army Post at Liberty. He was a bachelor and leaves one brother—Mr. Joseph Houser, of Jackson, Lycoming County.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. Harris Hotchkiss died early last Tuesday morning. The interment took place Wednesday at Tioga. His age was 86 years.
--OSCEOLA.—Mr. Robert Hammond, late senior partner, of the firm of R. Hammond & Co., died last Monday afternoon about 5 o’clock and was buried Thursday at 1:30 p.m. The funeral services were held at the house and were attended by many from the neighboring villages. Rev. Dr. G. Chapman Jones, of Rochester, N.Y., conducted the services, assisted by Rev. J. O. Jarman, of this place. All the employees at the tannery attended the service, the bearers being selected from the number. The pall bearers were selected from the older men of our village. The deceased came to Osceola about twenty five years ago and build up a business here that has been a wonderful help to our town, furnishing employment to a great many men and a cash market for hemlock bark as well as for the products of our farms and trade at our stores. He was always honorable in all his business transactions and commanded the respect of all who knew him, and his death casts a gloom over all the community, although it was not unexpected.
--Charles Erwin, of Painted Post, died on the 6th instant, aged 68 years. He was the son of Capt. Samuel Erwin, who settled at Painted Post in the first year of the century, and from whom the town was named. Mr. Erwin was something of an antiquarian and had written a great deal concerning the early history of Painted Post. He left historical matter in regard to the Conhocton Valley said to be valuable and interesting, and its publication will probably take place. He was a brother of the late General Francis E. Erwin, William Erwin, an older brother living in Cleveland, is the only living member of the family left. Mr. Erwin was a widower, and left no children.
--The funeral of Mrs. Julia Humphrey, who died at Canton, was held at Tioga, her former home, last Tuesday. She was about 60 years of age. He husband Dr. A. Humphrey, at one time a prominent man in this county, and for eight years special mail agent, died in Florida several months ago, about 58 years of age. He located at Tioga in 1838.
--NAUVOO.—Mr. William Hyler is happy because it is a son.
--At Blossburg, PA, August 24, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cook, a son.
--At Wellsboro, PA, August 23, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Edwards, a son.
--At Blossburg, PA, August 23, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Martin, a son.
--At Blossburg, PA, September 2, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. William Mold, a daughter.
--At Wellsboro, PA, September 10, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. William D. VanHorn, a daughter.
--CROOKED CREEK.—Dick Whiting wears a broad smile over the arrival of a nine pound baby boy.
--At Blossburg, PA, September 11, 1890, to the wife of Andrew Anderson, a son.
--At Sabinsville, PA, September 5, 1890, to the wife of Mr. John Southworth, a daughter.
September 23, 1890
Local News
--Mr. Charles Bodine has secured a position as bookkeeper in the office
of a Chicago contractor. He will enter upon his duties at once.
--Last Tuesday night a sneak thief entered the house of Mr. John J. Carey, on Crafton Street, and took $35.95 out of Mr. Carey’s trousers, which were hanging by his bedside.
--After a lull of about three weeks two new cases of diphtheria have been reported, one being the son of Mr. Charles Webster and the other the nine year old son of Mr. Joseph Gartland. Both families reside on Water Street, in which locality most of the case have developed.
--Mr. John E. Bacon is running on the Elmira and Blossburg railway mail route in place of Mr. John Hyde, who is taking a vacation. By the way, Mr. Bacon a few days ago passed the Civil service examination at Elmira, his marking being 100. After a few weeks service as postal clerk our young townsman expects to return to Philadelphia to complete his medical course.
--Mr. Leonard Harrison is now running logs on his oiled slide from the mountains above Rail island into Pine Creek, and he expects to have two million on feet of logs on the bank of the creek by the first of October. He is now running about 300 logs a day. A great saving is made by handling the logs but once. From the top of the mountain they shoot down under the rail road track and across the creek, which has been bridged, to the west bank where they are piled. Mr. Harrison expects to get in four million feet of logs this season. He estimates that he has fifty million feet of timber on his timber tracts yet to be cut.
--Yesterday morning Mr. William H. Fretz’s large black bear broke its chain and went prowling in the vicinity of the depot. The bear walked into the front door of Mrs. Johnson’s house near the railroad crossing, and about the same time Mrs. Johnson vacated the premises by way of the back door, without even stopping to say good morning to Mr. Bruin. The bear seemed to think that the bed looked inviting, so he climbed upon it and curled up and went to sleep. A crowd of men and boys collected, but no one dared to tackle the bear. Mr. Fretz soon after came around and he walked in and fastened a chain to the animals neck and disturbed Bruin’s dreams very unceremoniously. At the proper time when the bear’s hair is in proper condition, Mr. Fretz intends to put an end to him, and then he promises Mrs. Johnson the satisfaction of eating bear steak as a partial compensation for her fright.
--Miss Alice Heggle, of Osceola, has gone to New York City to attend school.
--It is reported that A. Redfield, Esq., of Roseville, has received a pension of $800.
--Mr. Frank Kiley, of Covington, has entered the Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia.
--Mr. Percy Card, of Sylvania, was badly injured a few days ago by being kicked in the face by a stallion.
--Mr. Emmett W. Stull, of Elkland, has gone to the Ohio State College, to take a course in electrical engineering.
--Miss Anna Shappee, of Tioga, is teaching in the Roberts town, Lancaster County, school at a salary of $50 a month.
--Mr. E. L. Wells has secured a position in the establishment of the Jeanette Furniture Company, at Jeanette, PA.
--A few days ago Mr. Charles Bubb, the Postmaster as Roaring Branch, was starting to the depot after the mail when one of his wagon thills dropped down and his horse ran away and upset the wagon throwing Mr. Bubb out. He struck on his head and was seriously hurt.
--We are glad to learn that Mrs. A. Dewey and Miss Fanny Dewey, of Sullivan, who were seriously injured on the 7th instant by being thrown backwards out of a wagon, are now in a fair way to recover. For some days the condition of both was considered very critical.
--Mr. William Camp was returning home from Roaring Branch, on a recent evening when he fell off the narrows and pulled the horse which he was leading over the embankment. The horse fell upon him, and Mr. Camp was badly hurt, his hip and several ribs being broken. He was in critical condition at last accounts.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Miss Grace Lamb, daughter of Walton Lamb, fell and nearly broke her arm Friday.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—there was a surprise party held at M. H. Fralic’s on Tuesday evening in honor of his 46th birthday. All report a good time.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. Frank Scouten had a narrow escape from drowning last Wednesday evening. He was crossing the foot bridge at Kelley Town, when the frail structure gave way and he was thrown into the water. He managed to keep his head out of water and floated about three quarters of a mile, when he got out by catching hold of some bushes. The river was quite high and he could not swim.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Fred Warriner’s daughter, Grace Warriner, who has been very ill is improving.
--DRAPER.—Mr. Simon Willcox has a child sick with diphtheria. There have been several cases of the dreaded disease near this section but they seem to be improving.
--DRAPER.—Mr. Charles Sabin was taken very sick very suddenly one night this week but I have not learned the nature of his disease.
--NELSON.—Dr. A. Niles, of Keeneyville, was called here last week to attend Sarah Baxter, who is in a very critical condition.
--NELSON.—Mary Goodrich, who broke her arm some time since, is now able to carry it without a sling.
--NELSON.—Mrs. Hope Hazlett, who has been improving from her serious sickness, is again very low at this writing.
--NELSON.—Mr. J. Howe, who has been away on a lumber job for the summer, has moved back and is finishing his house near the depot.
--Mr. Bert Covert, of Addison, has secured a position as operator of the Tioga railroad at Morris.
--Miss Addie Shaw is visiting her aunt in Brooklyn, N.Y. She
expects to spend the winter in the city.
--Mr. W. G. Lent has gone to Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia to take a course of lectures.
--NELSON.—Mrs. Hazlett is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jud Seeley, at Osceola.
--Mrs. Elizabeth Gibbs has gone to Brooklyn, N.Y. to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. A. McCallum.
--Rev. G. N. Packer returned home last Wednesday from Hornellsville, N.Y., where he has been for several weeks having a cancer removed from his left temple.
--Rev. G. H. Trapp, of Covington, is enjoying a two weeks’ vacation at Philadelphia.
--Miss Marcia Schimpf, who has been spending the summer with her parents in Charleston, is to start tomorrow for Springfield, Mass., where she expects to reside hereafter.
Land/Business Transactions
--Mr. Jerome B. Smith is negotiating for the purchase of the gun shop
of the late F. C. Washburn.
--Mr. Owen Swope returned on Thursday from Bayonne, N.J., where he has been at work on a dwelling house which is being built by Messrs. Harmon, Borden & Co.
--Mr. E. D. Westcott has opened a hardware store at Elkland.
--Mr. Martin Wheeler has secured the contract for furnishing the Mansfield Normal School with fresh meat during the school year.
--Mr. A. Redfield, Esq., of Roseville, has bought the St. Peter dwelling house at Covington, and expects to move to that borough soon.
--TIOGA.—Peter Voght and A. A. Coburn occupy the small store on Wellsboro Street as a harness and shoe shop.
--TIOGA.—A. M. Wickham is moving her saw mill from Park Street to the lot purchased by her near the coke ovens.
--Mr. George Covert intends putting a dray upon the streets in a few days.
--The marriage of Miss Lizzie Gavigan, of Corning, N.Y., and Mr. John
W. Hyde, the Railway Postal clerk on the Tioga railroad, is announced to
take place today. May they live long and prosper.
--At the Methodist parsonage in Wellsboro, September 10, 1890, by Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne, Mr. Warren Decker, of Union, N.Y., and Miss Hattie J. Spencer, of Stokesdale, PA.
--At the Methodist parsonage in Wellsboro, PA, September, 1890, by Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne, Morris Edgerton and Addie C. Chadderson, both of Wellsboro, PA.
--At the home of the bride’s father, in Nelson, PA, September 3, 1890, by Rev. Charles Weeks, Mr. Charles Hewitt and Miss Jennie Knapp, both of Nelson.
--At Millerton, PA, September 4, 1890, Jesse W. Miller and Lena Miller, both of Millerton.
--At Nelson, PA, September 4, 1890, W. O. Monroe and Fanny Hazlett, of Nelson.
--At Lindley, N.Y., September 15, 1890, Mr. Edward Tumbleson and Miss Inez Campbell, both of Tioga, PA.
--It is stated that the death of Mr. Charles Spencer, of Union, was
caused by blood poisoning from the effects of handling Canadian thistle.
--Mr. James Green, who died at Blossburg last week Sunday of typhoid fever, had been employed on the Tioga railroad for 43 years. He was born at Lawrenceville, April 11, 1830. He began as a brakeman in 1847, he then became a fireman, and in 1854 he was promoted to the position of engineer. For the past twenty years Mr. Green had been running between Morris Run and Blossburg. It is estimated that during his thirty six years of service as an engineer Mr. Green had driven his locomotives over 1,500,000 miles, or about sixty times the distance around the earth. As an engineer he was always prompt and efficient, and he was never suspended a day for misconduct or neglect of duty. As a citizen, he was universally respected for his sobriety, intelligence, geniality and integrity. He leaves a widow and four children. The remains were taken to Corning, N.Y. for interment, the funeral being in charge of the Free Masons. Mr. Green having been a member of that Order for many years.
--Mr. Michael Desmond, one of the substantial citizens of Liberty, died last Sunday after a brief illness. Deceased was honored and respected by all who were acquainted with him.
--In Tioga, PA, September 11, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Adams, a
--In Niles Valley, PA, September 3, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Adamy, a daughter.
--At Westfield, PA, September 10, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Everitt, a son.
--At Gurnee, Pa, September 6, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner, a daughter.
September 30, 1890
Local News
--Yesterday Robert K. Young, Esq., received his commission as Justice
of the Peace of the First ward, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation
of Justice J. H. Shaw. We understand that Squire Young’s office will
be in the law building as heretofore.
--Last Saturday about fifty friends of Mr. and Mrs. David Karr made them a surprise visit, it being their twenty fifth wedding anniversary. It was a complete surprise to the family, the house being pretty well in the possession of the guests with their lunch baskets before Mr. and Mrs. Karr realized what was going on. It was a most happy silver wedding, however and the visitors retired with many good wishes and hope to be present at the couple’s golden anniversary.
--Mr. H. A. Kent, of Lansing, was considerably bruised last week Monday by a log rolling over him.
-Mr. Freeman Warren, of Lawrence, shot a crane a few days ago that weighed only four pounds but has a wing span of over six feet.
--Some miserable scamps have stolen all the carp out of the pond belonging to Mr. Alfred Douglass, of Covington. The old gentleman took a great deal of pride in his fish.
--Mr. Charles C. Redfield, late of the Lawrenceville Herald, has been taking a course of telegraphy at the Mansfield Business College, and he expects soon to assume a position in a railway office.
--Last Tuesday morning Mr. Alonzo Comfort, a brakeman, was coupling cars at Tioga station, when his hand was caught between bumpers and so badly smashed that amputation was necessary. Mr. Comfort’s home is in Elmira, N.Y.
--The Troy Gazette says that Mr. G. O. Holcomb took $262 in premiums at the New York State Fair on his thoroughbred cattle and swine. Mr. Holcomb’s entire receipts in premiums this year at the various fairs will not fall much below $1,500.
--Last week Sunday night Mr. Rudolph Rumsetter, a Polander who was a brakeman on a south bound freight train, fell off a car just below Lawrenceville while the train was under full headway. He was struck on his head and shoulders and was seriously injured. He was taken to his home in Corning, N.Y.
--DRAPER.—Mr. Pat Scanlon had a narrow escape one day this week while coming from Wellsboro. When near Mr. Hector Horton’s his buggy pole dropped down, and it seems that he lost hold of one line. His team ran into Horton’s field and tipped the buggy over, spilling out the occupants, Mr. and Mrs. Scanlon and Mrs. Ira Wilson. Mrs. Wilson was so badly hurt that she was not able to get home that night.
--Mr. John Crystle has moved back here this week. He has been working on a bark job this summer.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. Charles Frick has gone to Liberty to teach school.
--Miss Lydia Puff was in New York City last week.
--Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Jones have moved to Corning, N.Y.
--Miss Kate Rand, of Liston, N.H., is visiting at Mr. William Bache’s.
--Mr. George Wagner and his daughter, Miss Rose A. Wagner, are spending this week in New York City.
--Mrs. F. T. Story, of Watertown, N.Y., and Mrs. S. H. Wagoner, of San Jose, Calif., are visiting their sister, Mrs. A. W. Snyder.
--Miss Margaret Potter has gone to Philadelphia to study medicine. Her sister Maud Potter accompanied her and expects to spend the winter in the city.
--Mrs. Lemuel B. Pratt, of Winooski, VT, whom many will remember as Miss Susie Chubbuck, is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. L. VanHorn, on Pearl Street.
--Mr. J. H. W. Lewis, of New Richmond, Wisc. has been visiting here for two or three weeks. He is a native of this county, but has resided in Wisconsin for the past seven years.
--Maj. and Mrs. Charles Ryon, of Tioga, expect to spend the winter in Deming, New Mexico.
--Mr. Harry Baxter and family have returned to Nelson after spending the summer on their farm in Tuscarora, N.Y.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. C. E. Krusen is contemplating a return visit to his cattle ranch at Grand Junction, Colorado.
--WESTFIELD.—Miss Agnes Smith is spending a few days in Bath, N.Y.
--WESTFIELD.—Misses Lulu Carley and Esther Carley, of Olean, N.Y., formerly residents of this place, spent a week or so here recently.
Land/Business Transactions
--Mr. J. J. Burgin is to open a confectionary store at Corning, N.Y.
in a few days.
--Mrs. Henry Archer has been making extensive repairs on her dwelling house on West Avenue.
--Mr. S. B. Wilkins has moved from Covington to this place, where he is employed in the glass factory.
--Mr. J. S. Shaw, of Fishkill, N.Y., is to be the bookkeeper at the glass factory in place of his brother, Mr. William G. Shaw, who has been promoted to superintendent. The first blowing will be made this week.
--Mr. B. F. Potter has given up possession of the Wilcox House and move into the Riberolle House near the depot.
--Mr. Levi Traverse reports a yield of 200 bushels of apples.
--Mr. C. F. King has purchased Horton Bros. grist Mill at Corning and will run the business hereafter.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. Peter Leonard has the foundation nearly complete for a new residence on Elm Street.
--DRAPER.—Mr. Albert Osborn is building a case of boxes for the Tisdaghton post office. There never has been anything but a sort of cupboard for the mail there yet.
--ANTRIM.—September 27, 1890.—Mr. William L. Beverson, recently of
this place and now of Fall Brook, and Miss Flora Landrus, of this place,
were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on Monday, the 15th instant.
The ceremony was performed in Trinity church at 9 o’clock a. m., Rev. A.
W. Snyder of Wellsboro, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Beverson left immediately
for an extended trip through the south eastern part of this state and portions
of Maryland. On their return they went directly to their new home
in Fall Brook, followed by the good wishes of this entire community which
has long and favorably known them.
--MARSHFIELD.—On Tuesday Mr. Silas Snitchler and Miss Stella Fearby were married at Addison, N.Y.
--MARSHFIELD.—On Wednesday Mr. Jerry Moore and Miss Minnie Champaign were united in matrimony.
--At Troupsburgh, N.Y., September 15, 1890, Charles Avery, of Chatham, and Cora Perry, of Austinburg, N.Y.
--At Wellsboro, PA, August 28, 1890, by Rev. James A. Boyce, Mr. Jerry R. Campbell, of Lloyd, PA, and Miss Frankie Ladu, of Wauseon, Wisc.
--At the Methodist parsonage in Wellsboro, PA, September 24, 1890, by Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne, Mr. George M. Hart, of N.Y., and Miss Cora Avery, of Chatham, PA.
--At Lindley, N.Y., September 23, 1890, Mr. W. F. Johnson and Miss Lettie Whipple, both of Covington, PA.
--At the Methodist parsonage in Wellsboro, PA, September 25, 1890, by Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne, Mr. Jesse M. Marsh, of Marshfield, and Miss E. Gertie Styres, of Elk Run, PA.
--At Lindley, N.Y., September 15, 1890, Mr. Will Soper and Mrs. Ella Graves, both of Covington, PA.
--Last week Sunday morning Mr. Philip Tubbs, one of the leading citizens
of the Cowanesque valley; died at his home about a mile below Elkland,
from the effects of an injury which he sustained by an accident on the
previous Thursday while driving home from Westfield. It seems that
Mr. and Mrs. Tubbs were driving up Barney hill after it became quite dark.
The horse got out of the track and the buggy was overturned and its contents
thrown down an embankment about eight feet high. Mrs. Tubbs was not
seriously hurt, but Mr. Tubbs complained of a severe pain in his chest,
although no bones were broken, nor was he seriously bruised. The
couple finished the journey home, and Mr. Tubbs felt comparatively comfortable,
and no serious results were apprehended. On Saturday he was again
taken with the pain in his chest and suffered excruciatingly for several
hours. He then sank into a comatose condition and died early
on the following morning. Mr. Tubbs was born at Osceola nearly sixty
years ago. He purchased the family homestead nearly forty years ago
and had resided there ever since. He leaves a widow and four children,
two sons and two daughters, who through his prudent management, are each
provided with comfortable homes in the immediate vicinity of the old homestead.
The funeral was largely attended last week Monday, and the remains were
interred at Osceola [Osceola/Fairview Cemetery]. Mr. Tubbs was an
honest man and a good citizen.
--At Cowanesque, PA, September 3, 1890, Miss Carrie N. Bowman, aged 19 years.
--At Canoe Camp, PA, September 9, 1890, Mrs. George H. Jaquish, aged 36 years.
--At Westfield, PA, September 16, 1890, Mrs. James H. May, aged 27 years.