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Wellsboro Agitator
*all articles, unless the township is stated, are for Wellsboro.
(Some excerpts are extracted from the readable portions of the Wellsboro
August 5, 1890
Local News
--LIBERTY.—August 1, 1890.—Last Tuesday morning Mr. George Hart, a
respected citizen of the western part of this township, started from his
house to go to his lower fields to gather boneset. He took his gun
with him thinking that he might get some small game on the way. After
he had been absent several hours them members of the family became anxious
because he did not return, and went in search of him. They did not
have to go far before they found his body lying dead beside a fence he
had evidently been trying to climb over on his way home. On an examination
being made it appeared that his death was caused by the discharge of his
own gun, and the gun was undoubtedly fired by the hammer catching on the
fence he was climbing over. The ball entered his forehead and penetrated
the brain. The sad even has sorely afflicted his family and cast
a gloom over the neighborhood where he resided. Mr. Hart at the time
of his death was aged 67 years and 9 months.
--LIBERTY.—Yesterday W. P. Shriner, pastor of the Methodist church here, was summoned to the lower part of the state by a telegram from his wife announcing the serious sickness of their two year old daughter. Mrs. Shriner was on a visit to her parents when the child was taken sick.
--LIBERTY.—Deputy Sheriff Edgar Sheffer was called over here last Tuesday to see his son Ross Sheffer, who fell sick while visiting his uncle, Mr. William Woodruff. The boy has since recovered sufficiently to be able to ride home to Wellsboro with his sister Maud.
--WESTFIELD.—The three year old daughter of Mrs. Andrew Brimmer, of Crowse Brook, was playing in a buggy a few days ago when she fell out and broke her right arm.
--WESTFIELD.—Prof. J. Hart Miller expects to join his wife at Shippensburg, PA in a few days, and they will proceed on a pleasure trip through old Virginia.
--DRAPER.—Mr. Russell Dart was hauling hay from a steep sidehill one day this week, when his wagon tipped over, throwing Mr. J. G. Crystle about four rods down the hill; but fortunately he was not seriously hurt. The horses ran with the wagon bottom side up for a short distance, but Mr. George Bixby caught them and there was no serious damage done.
--DRAPER.—Mr. Amos Dibble set a lot of hooks down the Stony Fork creek for eels a few nights ago. But he lost most of the hooks, eels and all. He thinks some scamp has got them.
--Addie Young, the twelve year old daughter of Mr. E. B. Young, is recovering from an attack of diphtheria.
--Burgess Robert J. Borden, who has been sick for several weeks, is in critical condition.
--Mr. E. Matson, Sr., was seriously hurt last Wednesday afternoon by having his right leg bruised between two logs while he was at work in the lumber woods on Strait Run.
--Mr. Dennis Navle, who has been deliverer of express packages in this borough for two years, was promoted to the position of Express Messenger between Stokesdale Junction and Antrim. Mr. Charles Kimball now drives the American Express wagon here.
--Last Saturday afternoon Col. E. C. Deans, Capt. S. L. Herrington, Adjutant E. S. Dartt, Ferdinand R. Field, P. E. Jackson, John Neagley, Chauncey Ham and E. M. Roberts, members of Canton Keystone, No. 5, started for Chicago where they will take part in the great Odd Fellows’ demonstration this week. Mr. W. M. Gray and his daughter Nellie Gray accompanied the party.
--Mr. Harry Ellis fell and broke on of his ribs last Tuesday.
--Mr. W. R. Rushmore, of Westfield, has received $600 in arrears of pensions.
--Mr. W. J. Garner, of Chatham, has had his pension increased from $30 to $72 a month.
--Mr. Silas B. Wright has returned to Tioga to find a house after residing in Kansas for some time.
--Mr. Benjamin Repard, of Cedar Run, had a horse and two cows killed by lightening a few days ago.
--Mr. Herman T. Gilbert, of Knoxville, expects to move to Elmira to engage in the grocery business.
--Mr. A. Kendrick has opened a vein of coal nearly four feet thick on his lands on East Creek, near Blossburg.
--The young daughter of Mr. H. H. Clayson, of Blossburg, fell from a baby carriage last Tuesday and broke her left arm.
--The seven year old daughter of Mr. E. Matson, Jr., who lives on Marsh Creek, is dangerously sick with a malignant type of diphtheria.
--Postmaster Judson A. Elliott took possession last Friday. We understand that Mr. Elliott is to give his personal attention to the duties of the office and that he will run his jewelry business in connection with it.
--The teachers engaged for the Fall Brook schools the coming year are Miss Gertrude Warren, of Nelson, principal; Miss Addie E. White, of Wellsboro, Intermediate; Miss Maggie Haley, of Blossburg, Primary.
--Rev. E. J. Balsley has accepted a call to a parish at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, and expects to leave Antrim the last of this month. It is currently reported that he has also accepted a call to join the grand army of benedicts.
--Mr. Edward T. Coombs, of Sabinsville, has patented a new combined cultivator, grain drill and land roller which is said to be very simple and perfect in its operation. Messrs. M. H. Stebbins, M. B. Stebbins and Henry Baker have purchased a half interest in the patent right and will push the manufacture of the implement.
--MORRIS.—Last Thursday during the noon hour; while the hands were all away at dinner, a fire started in the boiler room of Mr. L. J. Stricklin’s planning mill, shingle mill and furniture factory at Morris. A strong south wind was blowing and the sparks were carried through the building, and very soon the whole structure was enveloped in flames and burned rapidly to the ground. Not over $50 worth of goods were saved from the main building. Mr. Stricklin estimates his loss at about $4,000, upon which he had an insurance of $2,600. The main building being the old skating rink, measuring 50 by 100 feet. We understand that Mr. Stricklin will rebuild the establishment at once.
--James Dougherty, a Fall Brook brakeman, was badly bruised at Williamsport last Friday by being caught between two cars loaded with lumber, the ends of which extended over.
--Mr. Albert Moore, an employee in J. C. Campbell & Co.’s chair and bed spring factory at Elkland, had the thumb on his right hand taken off by a circular saw last week Tuesday.
--Agnes Stratton, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Stratton, of Blossburg, while playing in the street last Monday, fell from the sidewalk and under a wagon loaded with bark. One of the wheels passed lengthwise over her left leg, making an ugly wound, but strange to say, no bones were broken.
--The picture of Nelson Lewis, printed in the last issue of the Elmira Telegram was recognized by many of this place as the agent of the Diebold Safe Company, who spent several weeks in town almost two years ago. While here he was engaged in several unsavory escapades and also defrauded one of our jewelers out of a valuable gold ring. He is rightly termed by the Telegram as a “big lovesick fool”.
--Yesterday afternoon while Byron Jackson and Robert Mitchell were fooling with a revolver at the home of the latter, on Pearl Street, the weapon exploded in the hands of Mitchell. The ball struck young Jackson on the breast bone, and glancing lodged in the right side under the arm. Drs. Webb and Shearer were summoned, and after administering chloroform to the wounded lad, they succeeded in removing the ball, and .32 caliber. At this writing no serious results are apprehended. It was a very close call for the young man.
--WESTFIELD.—Mrs. Jennie Wescott, of Binghamton, N. Y., has been visiting
at Mrs. E. Wescott’s.
--WESTFIELD.—Mrs. J. W. Parshall and daughter have just returned from a month’s visit at Waverly, N. Y., their former home.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson have been visiting at Corning, N.Y.
--WESTFIELD.—Miss Ida Holley is spending a few weeks on the lakes.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. Ed Holcomb has been enjoying a vacation at his former home in Ithaca, N.Y.
--Miss Kate Bryden is visiting in New York City.
--Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allen expect to start this week for a trip to New York City, Boston and some points on the coast of Maine. They expect to be gone about a month.
--Mrs. Hal T. Williams, of Troy, who is well known in this borough, has gone to the seaside at Asbury Park to spend a month for the benefit of her health, which is quite poor.
Land/Business Transactions
--OSCEOLA.—Russell Crandall, A. S. Crandall and Augustus Crandall,
on Tuscarora Street, have had good flagstone walks put in front of their
residences, --a marked improvement and one that is permanent.
--Mr. W. R. Coles has rented the Case Hotel at Elkland and is to take possession next month.
--Messrs. L. F. Allen and James E. Mathews have take possession of the Central Hotel at Mansfield, and will change its name to the Allen House.
--Mr. H. H. Roberts has leased the store formerly occupied by Mr. L. Myers at Blossburg, and will open a dry goods store on September 1st.
--Cards are announcing the marriage of Miss Mary Horton, daughter of
Col. A. B. Horton, to Mr. William H. Davidson, a civil engineer of Nashville,
Illinois. The ceremony is to take place next Tuesday.
--An interesting social event is to occur in this borough tomorrow, when Miss Jane F. McInroy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward McInroy, Jr., is to wed Mr. James A. Mallen, of New York City. The ceremony is to be at St. Peter’s church at one o’clock p. m., and there will be a reception at Mr. McInroy’s home on Charleston Street at two o’clock. The couple expects to leave on the afternoon train for their home in New York City. Mr. E. J. McInroy is to act as groomsman and Miss Belle Mallen, of New York, is to be the bridesmaid. We extend our hearty congratulations.
--Invitations are out for the wedding of Mr. H. F. Walker, son of ex Sheriff Walker, of Covington, and Miss Louise Kelly, of Nelson. The ceremony is to take place at the residence of ex County Superintendent Cass on Wednesday, the 13th instant.
--At Lindley, N.Y., July 3, 1890, Alfred S. Bonnell and Mina Emmick, both of Nauvoo, PA.
--At Lindley, N.Y., July 3, 1890, Mr. Daniel Douglas and Miss Florence Bradley, both of Marsh Creek, PA.
--At Mansfield, PA, July 24, 1890, Mr. Waldo Lugg, of Knoxville and Miss Emma Starkey, of Mansfield.
--At Mansfield, PA, July 14, 1890, by Rev. David Keppel, Mr. Abram Marquart, of East Point, and Miss Emma Wilcox, of Morris, PA.
--Mr. J. M. Smiley, at one time principal of the orphan school at Mansfield and Harford, was recently united in marriage to Miss Cora Haight, of Burlington, PA.
--LIBERTY.—Mr. Charles Ribble, an old citizen of western Liberty, died
last Thursday. He was over 60 years of age, and had been in poor
health for several years, being afflicted with asthma.
--LIBERTY.—The eldest son of Mr. Samuel Morehess died from the effects of a severe cold caught last spring while floating logs. The young man was about 21 years of age.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Frankie Webster, the two year old son of D. F. Webster, died last Tuesday of cholera and whooping cough. She was buried Thursday at upper Lamb’s Creek.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mrs. Sabrie Hotchkiss died last Wednesday of dropsy of the heart. She was a kind hearted, consistent, Christian woman. The funeral was held at the Methodist Church on Friday afternoon, Rev. Frank Rowley officiating. She was buried at Tioga. Her husband, Mr. Harris Hotchkiss, who is very aged, still survives her, but is in a very feeble condition.
--A dispatch was received last Wednesday announcing the death of Mrs. C. B. Whitehead, of Bradford. She was well known in this borough where she formerly resided.
--Last Saturday Mrs. James A. Boyce received a dispatch announcing the
death of her only sister Mrs. Arad T. Smith, at Elmira that morning.
Mrs. Smith, whose maiden name was Samantha P. Doud, was 51 years of age.
She was the daughter of the late R. H. Doud, of Mainesburg. She had
a wide acquaintance and was universally loved and respected. She
had been a devoted member of the Baptist Church for thirty six years, and
it is said that she had been present at
nearly every annual meeting of the Baptist Association during that
time. The funeral was held at Mainesburg yesterday afternoon.
We understand that Mrs. Smith submitted to a surgical operation for a strangulated
hernia and her death occurred 36 hours afterward.
--Mrs. Margaret Karr died yesterday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gurden Steele, on Morris Lane. She was in her 89th year. Mrs. Karr, whose maiden name was Gorrie, was born in Hairmosa, Parish of Methuen, Perthshire, Scotland, and came to this country when she was fifteen years of age. In 1837 she came to this country, and for over forty years she lived on the Karr homestead in Delmar. Since her husband’s death, some sixteen years ago, she has lived with her children. Her surviving children are Messrs. Robert Karr, John Karr, and David Karr, and Mrs. Steele, of this borough. She was a sister of Mr. David Gorrie and Mrs. Charles Copestick of Delmar. The funeral is to he held at the residence of Mrs. Steele tomorrow afternoon at two o’clock.
--Mrs. Frank Strang, of Westfield, died last week Monday. She had been sick for two years.
--Mr. James Jelliff, of Mainesburg, died a few days ago of heart disease at the age of 45 years.
--Mr. Ralph Button, of Middlebury, died yesterday. He was about 68 years old and had been in poor health for two or three years with a disease of the kidneys. The funeral is to be held at Keeneyville tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock.
--Mr. Adolphus D. Harrison, a prominent farmer residing a few miles north of Elkland, died last Tuesday morning of paralysis. He went to bed in his usual health, but a little before daylight his family was aroused by his peculiar breathing and they could not awaken him. He died before a physician could be summoned. His age was sixty eight years.
--Mr. Riley Gaylord died very suddenly last Sunday at Dan Field’s lumber camp on Pine Creek. His death was undoubtedly cause by disease of the heart. He had been in failing health for a year or two but he seemed to be fairly well at noon and ate a greater part of his dinner, when he suffered from an attack that ended his life in a few minutes. Mr. Gaylord formerly lived at Mansfield. He was a genial, companionable man, and his sudden death will be regretted by a large circle of friends.
--Last Tuesday morning Benjamin Roberts, a young man of 19 years, died at Arnot from the affects of being struck by a whirligig the previous Friday evening. He was rendered unconscious by the blow, and he remained in that condition until he breathed his last. The physician found that the young man’s skull had been fractured. The funeral was held at the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday morning, and the remains were taken to Blossburg by special train for interment.
--In Tioga, PA, July 28, 1890, of cancer, Mrs. D. Green, aged 66 years.
--In Charleston, PA, July 13, 1890, Helen Johnston, wife of F. I. Johnston, aged 22 years.
--In Tioga, PA, July 21, 1890, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Larson.
--In Jackson, PA, July 16, 1890, after a lingering illness, Jacob R. Miller, aged 78 years.
--At Blossburg, PA, July 27, 1890, Samuel Fox Hall, in the 70th year of his life.
--Mrs. Margaret Shea died on Wednesday of last week. Aged 66 years. Mrs. Shea was a native of Ireland and two surviving sons reside at Blossburg. The remains were taken to Elmira for interment.
--Mr. William H. Clark, who died at Brookfield on the 24th instant, lived on the farm where he died for nearly fifty years. He was one of the first settlers in that locality. The direct cause of his death was from injuries received by a fall about a year ago.
--Mr. Henry Weaver and old resident of Jackson Township, Lycoming County, just over the line from Liberty, died last week Wednesday, aged 90 years. Mr. Weaver was one of the first settlers of Jackson Township, having moved there over sixty five years ago.
--Herman Watkins, the three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Watkins, died of diphtheria last Tuesday night. He was a bright little fellow and the grieving parents have the sympathy of the Gazette and their many friends. Mrs. Watkins is suffering from the dread scourge. The others afflicted with the disease are convalescent.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. Ed Shellman is the proud father of a bouncing baby
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mrs. Daniel Lenox presented her husband with a fine pair of girl babies a few days ago.
--In Charleston, PA, August 4, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Austin, a daughter.
--At Blossburg, PA, July 22, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. James Junk, a son.
August 12, 1890
Local News
--Some time last winter C. B. Orton [C. Butler Orton], a Wellsboro
painter, armed with a letter of introduction from a prominent citizen,
went to Elmira and stopped at Wilbur’s Hotel. He informed the landlord
that he had been directed by a Wellsboro lady to secure a little girl for
adoption. Orton was directed to the home of John Desmond, where little
Lizzie Morrison, 13 years old, was employed. Orton had a talk with
the child and then had an interview with her father. By means of
his letter of introduction he satisfied the unsuspicious father and obtained
his consent to bring the little girl to Wellsboro, for the purpose of having
a “wealthy woman” named Mrs. Henry, adopt her. Before leaving the
city the child promised to write to her relatives as soon as she arrived
in Wellsboro. Her failure to do this aroused the suspicion of her
aunt, who became fearful that she was not being well treated in her new
home, and she accordingly wrote a letter to Mr. Hugh Young, asking him
for information in regard to Orton, Mrs. Henry, and the child. Mr.
Young answered by stating that Orton and his little girl were boarding
with Mrs. Lydia Henry. This correspondence took place in April, and
in June a sister of Lizzie’s wrote to Mrs. Henry, who answered her by saying
that such a girl was at her home, but was known as Mary Orton, and that
C. B. Orton claimed her as his child. On receiving this reply Miss
Morrison became thoroughly alarmed, and wrote to Mr. Young. The latter
gentleman after making an investigation wrote to Miss Morrison under date
of August 1st telling her that he had been told that Lizzie was badly treated
at Mrs. Henry’s and advised her to have the child removed. Acting
on the advice of Mr. Young, an uncle and aunt of the little girl came to
Wellsboro last Friday, and in company with Officer Hazlett visited the
home of Mrs. Henry, on East Avenue. Here it was learned that Orton
was a boarder and that both himself and the woman were morphine eaters.
The relatives were further shocked when they learned that the little girl
had become a willing tool of the unprincipled scoundrel Orton and had been
debauched by him. The girl begged to be permitted to remain with
the inhuman brute that had ruined her. Orton objected to surrendering
the girl and threatened to use force to prevent her from being taken away.
On arriving at Elmira she was placed in charge of kind hearted people who
will provide her with a good home. Monday afternoon Orton called
on Sheriff Sheffer and asked him for protection, saying he had been threatened
with a visit from White Caps. The sheriff refused to interfere, and
directed him to Officer Hazlett. He also informed Orton that if he
was guilty of the crime he was charged with that he ought to be in the
penitentiary. Before leaving Orton asked if he could not deliver
himself to the Court and be committed to jail, so that he might escape
the dreaded visit of the White Caps. After leaving the Sheriff’s
office he was advised to leave town at once by several prominent citizens.
Orton came here from Lawrenceville about a year ago. He is a painter
by trade, and several years since was arrested and placed in jail charged
with assaulting a relative at Lawrenceville.
--Mr. William Henry Smith, formerly an attorney at law in this borough, is now Dean and Professor of contracts and corporation law in the Central Law School, at Lincoln, Nebraska. It is said that Mr. Smith has been instrumental in building up the institution to a big standard in the past two years.
--Miss Anna Doyen is teaching the Mainesburg School.
--Mr. Josiah G. Hughes, of Blossburg, is recovering from a serious sickness.
--Miss Anna Dickson killed a large rattlesnake on the mountain at Stokesdale.
--Mrs. Betsy Lawrence, of Mansfield, is in her 100th year. She is still quite active and has never worn spectacles.
--Mr. Albert Avery, of Mansfield, figures his raspberry crop at 3,000 quarts to the acre. The berries were sold at eight cents a quart wholesale.
--Rev. O. M. Gardner, pastor of the Knoxville Methodist Church, celebrated his 70th birthday last week Monday. He is still hale and hearty.
--The large new barn of Mr. E. Matson & Sons, on Marsh Creek, was burned last week Monday afternoon, with 12 tons of hay. It is supposed that the fire was started by some children who were playing about the barn.
--It is reported that Mrs. R. K. Skinner, of Elkland, and Mrs. W. Clark and Charles Baker, of Westfield, have been notified that they will soon come into possession of a large estate in Philadelphia, which is valued at nearly three million dollars.
--Last week Monday afternoon the barn of Rev. H. J. Owen at East Charleston was burned, with the minister’s horse, wagon, harnesses, hay and grain. The building belonged to the Methodist Church. There was no insurance on any of the property.
--The Association of Fire Insurance Agents of Tioga County met at Tioga last week Monday and elected the following officers for the coming year. President, L. A. Gardner, Wellsboro; Vice President, A. R. Niles, Wellsboro; Secretary, J. S. Hoard, Mansfield; Treasurer, F. B. Smith, Tioga.
--Mr. Rosel Gile, of Marsh Creek, has been granted an original pension of $4 a month and $95 as arrears. Mr. Gile received the notice of his good fortune last week on his 60th birthday and he regarded it as a good birthday present. The business was transacted through B. M. Potter’s agency.
--Mr. Frederick Boger, of Blossburg, who is over eighty years of age, was walking on the railroad track to that borough last Tuesday when he stumbled and fell, striking his head against the rail. He was dazed, but he remembered that just after he succeeded in getting his head off the track a locomotive came along at full speed. It was a pretty close call.
--Mr. Abram Andrews, of Delmar, fell while putting up a hay fork in the barn of Mr. Frank Andrews last Friday. He struck his face, and the shock broke both bones of the forearm and one bone on the other. His face was also bruised and two double teeth were knocked out. Dr. Davis was called to attend the young man. The injured man is about twenty years old.
--The Lawrenceville Herald says that last Thursday morning Mr. Henry Middaugh, of Lathrop, committed suicide by hanging himself in his tobacco shed. It is reported that Mrs. Willard Middaugh, who was the only person at the house at the time, became alarmed at his prolonged absence and went out and found his dead body hanging by the neck. It is supposed that he was temporarily insane.
--Last Sunday afternoon at half past four o’clock a fire was discovered in the barn on the premises occupied by Mr. Isaac Horton, near the Daggett House, in Lawrenceville. The fire department succeeded in saving Mr. Horton’s dwelling house which was near the burning barn. The fire was caused my Mr. Horton’s three year old son throwing a lighted match in to a barrel of shavings. The barn was owned by Mr. Daniel Fletcher and it was insured.
--Mr. Alfred Hart, who resides on Oregon Hill, was brought here and placed in jail last Tuesday by Constable P. T. O’Hargan on the charge of poisoning cattle. It seems that Mr. Mortimer Rude, of Morris, charges Hart with giving Rude’s two cows a fatal dose of Paris green on the 31st of July. A warrant was issued by D. W. Reynard, Justice of the Peace, and on being arrested the defendant waived and examination and was committed in default of $300 bail to await the action of the grand jury.
--Mr. W. H. Westbrook, formerly of this place, is the leader of the Tioga band.
--Rev. G. P. Watrous, pastor of the Baptist Church at Knoxville, has resigned.
--Mr. Vin Daily, Osceola’s ball player, is now first baseman on the Bradford team.
--Mr. A. W. Pollock, formerly of Antrim, but now an employee of the Troy Steam Engine Works, has one of his hands severely injured in the machinery a few days ago.
--Mr. Harry L. Beck has just completed a contract with the Methodist people of Mansfield to produce under his direction the cantata “David”, the latter part of next month.
--Mr. Ed H. Ross, of Mansfield, is recreating at Atlantic City, N.J.
--Mrs. A. J. Fisk, of Farmington, has just returned from a visit to East Bay City, Mich. She is about to move to Tioga to reside.
--Miss Anna Pearson started for Boston last Thursday, where she has secured a desirable position.
--Mrs. Jefferson Harrison and sister, Mrs. Scott, are in Lackawanna County, visiting their former home near Carbondale.
--Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Austin left on Monday for a week’s visit with friends at Rochester, N.Y. “Bob” will take in the races.
Land/Business Transactions
--Mr. A. B. Miner is to occupy the L. K. Parkhurst dwelling house at
--Josiah H. Howe has purchased the Dr. A. J. Fisk farm of 260 acres in Farmington, and he has moved to the place. Mr. Howe has cut 225 acres of grass this season.
--Mr. Richard Johnson, the well known clerk at the Willcox House, has gone to DuBois, PA, to clerk in a large new hotel. He is succeeded at the Willcox House by Mr. George C. Bowen.
--Mr. E. Schoonover, of Westfield, has opened a barber shop at Harrison Valley.
--In Lindley, N.Y., August 2, 1890, Mr. Amsby Gorton and Miss Daisy
Hathaway, both of Tioga, PA.
--At Corning, N.Y., August 5, 1890, by Rev. Charles B. Perkins, Mr. Silas M. Thornton, of Morris, PA and Miss Sarah Brooke, of Morris Run, PA.
--At Corning, N.Y., August 5, 1890, by Rev. Charles Perkins, Edmund L. Thornton, of Morris Run, PA and Miss Lydia Vandergrift, of Stony Fork, PA.
--At the Methodist parsonage in Wellsboro August 11, 1890, by Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne, Mr. Joseph Vickers, of Jackson Summit, PA and Emily M. Benson, of Richmond, PA.
--Last Friday morning the eight year old daughter of Mr. E. Matson,
Jr., of Marsh Creek, died of diphtheria.
--Nellie Graves, the 17 year old daughter of editor Harry T. Graves, of the Millerton Advocate, died last Tuesday of consumption. The young woman’s mother died last winter of the same disease.
--At Mansfield, PA., July 29, 1890, Mrs. R. P. Buttles, aged 75 years.
--In Delmar, PA, August 6, 1890, of cholera infantum, Harry Campbell, infant son of William and Phinnie Campbell, aged 6 months.
--In Brookfield, PA., July 24, 1890, Mr. William H. Clark, aged 69 years.
--At Sabinsville, PA, July 18, 1890, Millie Ellis, aged 2 years and 6 months.
--In Tioga, PA, July 28, 1890, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Encie Beers, of cancer, Mrs. G. W. Green, aged 66 years.
--At Mansfield, PA, July 27, 1890, Alexander Martin, aged 94 years.
--At Wellsboro, PA, August 5, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bryden, a
--At Blossburg, PA, July 22, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crooks, a son.
--At Covington, PA, July 22, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Ely, a daughter.
--At Wellsboro, PA, July 20, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Kimball, a son.
--In Tioga, PA, August 2, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rundell, a son.
August 19, 1890
Local News
--Mrs. Minerva Field, widow of Delos Field, of this borough, has just
received a pension.
--Mrs. Joseph Petris has just received a widow’s pension of $12 a month, with $2,000 arrears, through B. M. Potter’s agency.
--We regret to learn of the critical illness of Mrs. L. A. Gardner. Her sisters, Mrs. Electa Hutchins, of Sayre, PA, and Mrs. Electa Weller, of Chemung, N.Y., are at her bedside.
--The dwelling house of Mr. William F. Urell, at Tioga, was struck by lightening on a recent evening. A hole was made in the roof and a chimney was shattered. The members of the family were unhurt but badly frightened.
--Louise Lloyd, daughter of T. B. Lloyd is dangerously sick with diphtheria. E. B. Young, Esq. and all the members of his family are recovering from the same disease.
--Yesterday Mrs. Fred Webb, of Lyons, N.Y., arrived here to visit her father, Mr. William Bliss, of Charleston. Her brother, Will Bliss, met her at the depot, and they started to drive home. When near Young’s school house the horses started to run and Mrs. Webb became frightened and jumped out. Her leg was broken by the fall.
--Last week Sunday evening Mr. Charles R. Harris, of Williamsport, was waiting for a train at Minnequa when he stepped off the hotel platform and fell several feet, injuring his spine. It is feared that his injury will be permanent. Mr. Harris formerly resided in this borough, being in the drug business at that time.
--Last Saturday afternoon Mr. William Harding got into a wagon in from of the Agitator office to ride to his home in Delmar, with Mr. William Friese. Mr. Friese touched his horses with the whip and they started suddenly throwing Mr. Harding off the wagon, and he fell heavily to the ground. He was carried into the Willcox House and soon recovered sufficiently to ride home.
--It was announce from Pittsburgh last Friday that David Cameron, Esq., had been appointed Assistant United States District Attorney under District Attorney Lyon. Mr. Cameron is thoroughly familiar with the duties of the office, having the same position under District Attorney Stone. He will have charge of the business in this end of the district, which comprises forty six of the sixty seven counties of the state.
--Last Thursday Rev. A. C. Shaw made a chemical test of the water from four wells in the neighborhood of his residence and found them at more or less impure. By dropping crystals of nitrate of silver into the tumblers he found that the water from three of the wells changed to a dark purple color and the fourth looked very rolly. Then he tested the water from the hydrant and found that it remained unchanged. This satisfied him, as it does us, that the water from the hydrant is purer than any of the well water in town.
--Mr. W. W. Baldwin, of Mansfield, fell a few days ago and broke one of his ribs.
--Samuel Mosher, father of Eben Mosher, of Nelson, has just received an original pension.
--Prof. A. H. Knapp, of Elkland, has secured a position of principal of the union schools at Afton, N.Y., at a salary of $1,000.
--Mr. Ross A. Mitchell, the station agent at Covington, ruptured a blood vessel a few days ago while lifting some heavy baggage. His condition was considered alarming for a time, but he is now out of danger.
--The Millerton Advocate says that Mr. H. C. French, of Judson Hill, had a yoke of black oxen killed by lightening during the heavy storm of a week ago last Saturday night. They were standing under a large hickory tree. The inference might be drawn from this item that the oxen would have escaped if they had been white or red.
--The Arnot Fire Department has been organized with the following list of officers: Chief Engineer, R. T. Dodson; Assistant Chief, F. H. Dartt; President, W. W. Bradbury; Vice President, W. R. Logan; Secretary, F. K. Cole; Treasurer, John Burke; Foreman, James D. Smeeten; Second Assistant, T. B. McCarty. A running team of ten men has been organized with Mr. T. B. McCarty as Captain. A racing cart, made after the pattern of the Alerts, of Wellsboro, has been ordered of the Wellsboro Carriage Company. Uniforms have been ordered for the members of the Department.
--DRAPER.—A good number of Draper has been called to Wellsboro today on a lawsuit between Calvin Dibble as plaintiff and Job W. Symmonds, administrator of the Torpy estate, and Albert Torpy as defendants. Mr. Dibble claims that dogs belonging to H. S. Torpy, deceased, and Albert Torpy killed some of his sheep; but it is claimed that there was other dogs after sheep about that time. The blind goddess with the scales will have to decide the matter.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. D. G. Ritter, of Wellsboro, caught about 40 pounds of eels and white fish in Pine Creek last Tuesday night.
--ROUND TOP.—Rev. L. A. Davis is to preach here only twice more, when he will go to Clyde, N.Y., to complete his preparation for the ministry.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Mr. Benjamin West, of Middlebury, recently moved to this place.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Mr. William Stevens had the misfortune to get one of his eyes badly hurt while at work one day this week.
--Mr. Thomas Doud, of Mainesburg, while suffering from a fit the other day, fell and broke his collar bone.
--Mr. Leon S. Channell, of Canton, has commenced the study of law in the office of his brother, S. F. Channell, Esq.
--Mr. George Covert and family, who have been living at Sylvan Beach, N.Y., for nearly two years, have returned to Wellsboro to reside.
--Editor Graves, of the Millerton Advocate who recently returned from a trip to Virginia says: “While at Fort Monroe, Va., we met Horace Dartt, of Wellsboro, now an inmate of the Hampton Soldiers’ Home. He was found sitting on a wharf alone, fishing, at which he spends a good share of his time. He speaks well of the home and of the treatment received there. A member of our party presented him with a new fishing outfit, with which he seemed greatly pleased. He sent his regards to all old friends in Tioga County”.
--The barn of Mr. J. B. Stratton, of Ogdensburg, was destroyed by fire last Sunday morning about ten o’clock. Four horses were burned. A correspondent says: “Charles Stratton, the owner of one of the horses, entered the stable with a knife in hand to cut one of the horses loose but had to retreat, leaving his knife behind, and barely escaping with his life. He was burned quite severely about the face. The agony of the poor horses writhing in the flames was sickening to look upon. The loss is estimated at $1,000, to the two parties. There was no insurance. The horses had been taken out to water but a short time before the fire occurred. It is not known how the fire started.
--Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Shaw returned last Friday from their visit at
Jersey Shore.
--Mrs. M. Payne, and her two daughters, from Brooklyn, N.Y., is visiting Mrs. Payne’s sister, Mrs. Charles Toles.
--Rev. John Pollock, of Allentown, PA, who is visiting his parents here, preached an excellent sermon in the Presbyterian Church last Sunday morning.
--Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Roland went to Jersey Shore yesterday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Roland’s father, Mr. Samuel Wilhelm, who died on Saturday at the age of 71 years. The funeral was to take place today. Mr. Wilhelm died of Bright’s disease.
--Prof. Morton L. Dartt, of Mansfield, was visiting in town last Friday. He has just accepted a position of principal of the Soldiers’ Orphan School at Hartford, Susquehanna County. Prof. Dartt was graduated at the Mansfield Normal School in the class of ’90.
--Miss Abbie Weeks, of Nelson, is spending a few days at Lime, N.Y.
--Miss Carrie Hurlburt, of Nelson, will spend the rest of her vacation at Detroit, Mich.
--DRAPER.—Mrs. Nellie Warriner, of this place, is at Westfield taking care of her mother, who is very sick.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. and Mrs. James C. Goodspeed are spending a few days at Atlantic City, N.J.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. W. H. Vermilyea, of Gaines, was in town on Wednesday looking after the organization of the Water Company.
--OSCEOLA.—Mrs. Benjamin Atherton returned recently from a visit on Pine Creek, where she had been since the flood here.
Land/Business Transactions
--S. C. Young has bought a lot of Morgan Seely, on West Main Street,
and will build a house on it this fall.
--KEENEYVILLE.—F. E. Warner is building a house on his lot at this place.
--The wedding of Mr. H. F. Walker, of Covington, and Miss Louise Kelley
took place at the home of Prof. Cass at Nelson last Wednesday. Rev.
Mr. Gates performed the ceremony. There were about thirty guests
present. As the couple where whirled away to the train a good wish
followed every kernel of rice which was showered upon them. Mr. and
Mrs. Walker are to reside at Portland, PA.
--At the Methodist parsonage, Wellsboro, August 13, 1890, by Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne, Mr. Robert J. Clisdell and Miss Frances Ward Treat, both of Corning, N.Y.
--At Wellsboro, PA, August 12, 1890, by Rev. A. C. Shaw, D. D., Mr. William H. Davidson, of Nashville, Ill., and Mary A. Horton, of Wellsboro.
--At Wellsboro, PA, August 15, 1890, by Rev. James A. Boyce, Mr. Philip W. Smith and Miss Effie M. Davis, both of Covington, PA.
--At Lindley, N.Y., July 24, 1890, Mr. William H. Tomb and Miss Annette C. Miller, both of Slate Run, PA.
--At Corning, N.Y., August 20, 1890, Mr. S. D. Childs and Miss Emma Callahan, both of Wellsboro, PA.
--Last Friday Mr. Eli Hall died at his home near the depot. His
disease was ulceration of the bowels, and he had been sick for nearly a
year. Mr. Hall was a carpenter by trade and was a useful and respected
citizen. His age was 40 years. The funeral was held on Saturday.
--The young daughter of Mr. William Stagman died early yesterday morning of diphtheria. A five year old son in the same family is also sick with the disease.
--Mr. Peter Kilburn, of Brookfield, who was about 80 years of age, was found dead last Wednesday at the rear of his residence. It was evident that his death was caused by falling down an embankment about eight feet high. Justice C. W. Hogencamp summoned a Coroner’s jury, and a verdict was rendered in accordance with the facts.
--Mr. John Robinson, a well known resident of Keeneyville, died early yesterday morning after a week’s sickness with inflammation of the bowels. Mr. Robinson moved to Middlebury Township from Delmar about four years ago. He was an excellent man, and a large circle of friends will regret to learn of his demise. He was 62 years of age. The funeral is to be held today at Keeneyville, and the remains will be laid to rest in the cemetery in this borough.
--In Sullivan, PA. August 8, 1890, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Elliott, aged 14 months.
--Mr. George Strong, a former resident of this county, was recently gored to death by a vicious bull at his home in Spring Valley, Mich.
--A young man named Charles Baker, an employee of the Fall Brook railroad, was killed at Newberry Junction, near Williamsport, last Sunday morning while coupling cars. He was about 21 years of age, was unmarried, and resided at Williamsport.
--Mr. Cornelius Putnam, of Blossburg, was found dead in bed at the home of his son in law, Mr. William Butler, last Monday morning. He had been dead several hours when discovered and physicians pronounced it a case of heart trouble. Deceased was about 78 years of age and was a native of Herkimer, N.Y.
--Mr. Lorenzo D. Taylor, formerly a well know resident of this place, died yesterday at the Warren Hospital for the Insane. Deceased was 72 years of age, was a native of Bradford County, and had been an inmate of the above institution since March 31, 1885. He was a brother of ex County Treasurer O. F. Taylor, of Blossburg. The remains were taken to Williamsport for interment.
--Louise Lloyd, the ten year old daughter of T. B. Lloyd, died of diphtheria last Tuesday evening about six o’clock, after an illness of about a week. She was an unusually bright and vivacious child and will be greatly missed by her many playmates, with whom she was a great favorite. The afflicted mother has the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community.
--At Lamb’s Creek, PA., August 8, 1890, of whopping cough, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Webster, aged about 5 years.
--At Richmond, PA, August 7, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry VanNess, a
August 26, 1890
Local News
--Last Saturday evening Policeman James Hazlett was the victim of a
grievous assault. Just after dark the officer was summoned to go
over to the Sandbach House, where a crowd had collected and some persons
were behaving in a disorderly manner. Hazlett attempted to quiet
the disorder and disperse the crowd, when Mr. Seth Watkins interfered and
an altercation ensued. When Officer Hazlett attempted to clear the
walk, Watkins struck him and there was a scuffle, and then the Policeman
struck Watkins with his club and called for help to arrest him. On
the way to the lock up Mr. George Watkins, son of the man under arrest,
rushed toward the crowd, snatched the officer’s club out of his hand, struck
Hazlett and felled him to the ground and at the same time, it is alleged,
Mr. James Morrow, who also interfered and assaulted the officer’s assistant,
Mr. G. B. Atherton. It is also stated in evidence that Mr. Seth Watkins,
after being released, kicked the officer as he lay upon the ground.
Both Seth and George Watkins were arrested and taken before Justice Brewster,
where they gave bail for their appearance yesterday morning. At the
hearing yesterday there was a large crowd present, and after the Justice
had heard the evidence for the prosecution he held both Seth and George
Watkins to bail in the sum of $300 each for their appearance at the present
term of court. Officer Hazlett’s head was badly cut by the club and
it was necessary to take three stitches to close the wound.
--The Elkland Journal says that last Tuesday evening Ralph Tubbs and Charles Tubbs, who live up Holden Brook, came to Elkland and got “ugly drunk”. They then went to Jay Beard’s house and called him out of doors to talk about some lumber they had been drawing for him. They got into a dispute over the matter, and finally they both pitched into Jay with the avowed purpose of “doing him up”. Jay knocked one of them down and was making it very lively for the other one when Rev. Dr. Moon put in an appearance and the Tubbs’ concluded it was time to go home. A warrant was afterwards issued for their arrest, and Constable Fenton took them before Esquire Gleason, who bound them over for appearance at the next term of court.
--Mr. Daniel Focht, of Shippen, brought to the Agitator office last
Saturday a written notice which he received by mail at Ebenton last Tuesday.
The notice was ornamented with a small cut of a skull and crossed bones
which had evidently been clipped from a printed label such as druggist
use on bottles containing poison. The interesting document was badly
misspelled and poorly written in pencil and enclosed in an envelope post
marked at this borough on the 19th instant. It read as follows:
Notice of White Caps
Delmar 15
too Mr. dan fouts of Delmar as it is our rule to give Notice
and give Every Man a chance we give you One pay the bill you Made
on the country this Spring within 30 Days or leave the County or
Except one of the best thrashings and the best cost of tar And fethers
a Laizey man ever got We have learned your surcomstances And No you
to have a farm a team cattle And sheep And you A laysey big Nobody
to alow the county too Berey your too little girls. Further
your Wife Will treated too a coat of tar and fethers At the time
your is aplide We give you thirty days Notice and then be ready four
us Aug 15 ’90. Out eye.
Mr. Focht says that last spring his whole family was sick with diphtheria
and two of his children died while he and his wife and the other children
were all prostrated by the disease. It is true that the county paid
for the burying one of the children, while the bill in the other case was
charged to Mr. Focht himself. He says it is also true that he has
the title to a small farm, but it is mortgaged for about all it is worth,
and he has a hard time to get along and take care of the family.
He claims that he always pays his debts and he proposes to refund the county
the cost of the coffin in which his child was buried as soon as he can.
He does object very decidedly, however, to such notices as the above, and
he says he knows of but one man in his neighborhood that he could suspect
of sending such a notice. He saw a lawyer here Saturday, and was
advised, if he thought the notice was a serious one, to prepare himself
to repel any attack on his house or any attempt to enter it without his
consent. This is undoubtedly good advice; and men who undertake to
regulate the affairs of their neighbors by “white cap” methods should understand
that their proposed victims have a right to defend themselves with the
most effective weapons.
--Mr. Sylvester Houghton, of this borough, has been appointed Court Crier. It is a good appointment.
--Master John Truman was considerably bruised by falling out of a tree in his father’s dooryard last Friday afternoon.
--Yesterday Al Williams, of Westfield, was lodged in jail on a charge of assault and battery. George Wilkinson, of Morris Run, was also brought here and placed in the Sheriff’s custody for a social offense.
--Yesterday afternoon Daniel Campbell and John West, two 14 year old lads were arrested for breaking into Mr. William Pollack’s grocery store on Charleston Street, near the railroad crossing, and stealing a small sum of money from the till. The store was locked and the proprietor was out of town. The case will be heard by Justice Brewster this morning.
--Mr. Jeremiah Manley, of Canton, slipped and fell on a wet plank in the sidewalk at Blossburg last Tuesday and broke his right arm.
--It is reported that Mr. William H. Vermilyea has been appointed Postmaster at Gaines in place of W. E. Champaign who has resigned.
--Several thousand feet of hemlock logs belonging to Mr. Elwin Allen and a quantity of bark belonging to Mr. Wilbur Cleveland were destroyed by fire near Mansfield a few days ago.
--A few nights ago a kerosene lamp exploded in a bedroom at the residence of Mr. H. C. Bailey, at Mansfield. The oil was ignited, and it was extinguished with considerable difficulty.
--Last week Sunday the young daughter of Mr. John R. Dengle, of Westfield, tumbled into a cistern containing four feet of water. Mr. Luke Tunney saw the child fall and rescued her.
--Last Tuesday night burglars entered the store of Mr. Richard Tucker, of Lawrenceville, and opened the safe, the lock of which was only “set” and carried off $60 from the till. No goods were taken from the store. An entrance was affected through a panel of the rear door.
--Last Monday evening the barn on the premises occupied by Mr. E. R. Briggs at Mansfield was burned. Mr. Briggs was in the barn, when a lantern exploded in his hands and set fire to the hay. A cow, a buggy, a wagon and a lot of tools were destroyed. The building was owned by Mr. J. B. Clark and there was no insurance. The firemen were on hand to save the adjoining property.
--The will of the late John Robinson, of Middlebury, was proved in the Register’s office last Wednesday. The document provides for the maintenance of the testator’s widow, and at her death the balance of the estate is bequeathed to benevolent societies of the Methodist Episcopal Church—Home and Foreign Missions and Church Extensions. The estate amounts to about $3,000. Mr. Robinson left no children. Mr. Charles H. Marks, of Round Top, was names in the will as executor.
--The little son of John Norman, of Blossburg, fell from a fence one day last week and broke his left arm.
--Mr. Patrick Gagen, of Blossburg, was seriously injured by falling slate at Morris Run last Monday. His recovery is not expected.
--The tenement house in Catlin Hollow on the premises of H. J. Austin, and occupied by Mrs. Lottie Reese, was burned at an early hour last Tuesday morning.
--Mr. Horace Bartlett, of Tioga, was rendered perfectly helpless by a stroke of paralysis on Sunday of last week. He is 74 years of age and his recovery is not anticipated.
--Mr. Charles Foulkrod, of Trout Run, formerly of Liberty, met with a severe accident a few days ago. He was returning from Williamsport on the Niagara Express and when the train reached Trout Run he was asleep and failed to get off. After the train had started he awakened and noticed that he had gone by his station. He thoughtlessly ran out on the platform of the coach and jumped while the train was running at a high rate of speed. He was considerably bruised and cut about the head and face and badly shaken up generally.
--In the Court Case of Alfred Hart, of Oregon Hill, charged with poisoning some cattle belonging to Mortimer J. Rood, of Morris, the counsel for defense stated that the defendant [Hart] had attempted suicide by cutting his own throat, was not expected to live, and could not possibly appear at this time, and moved the prisoner’s discharge, which was granted by the Court.
--Mr. M. E. Jacobson, of New York City, is visiting his parents here.
--Mr. George M. Hathaway, of Philadelphia, is spending a few days with his family in town.
--Miss Margaret Purple, of Columbia, PA, has been visiting a few days at Mr. E. J. Purple’s.
--Mrs. J. B. Grier and her husband, Rev. J. B. Grier, of Elkland, left on a special train for Atlantic City, N.J. Mrs. Grier is an invalid, and she was accompanied on the journey by her attending physician, Dr. Will Humphrey of Osceola.
Land/Business Transactions
--Mr. R. P. Ripley, of Sullivan, last week sold a span of three year
old colts to Mr. W. S. Nearing, of Morris Run, for $500.
--At Lindley, N.Y., August 17, 1890, Mr. Arthur Allen and Miss Bertha
Daggett, both of Tioga, PA.
--At Addison, N.Y., August 20, 1890, Mr. Frederick A. Atwell and Miss Ida Tremain, both of Galeton, PA.
--At Corning, N.Y., August 20, 1890, Samuel D. Childs and Emma L. Callahan, both of Wellsboro.
--It is reported that Mrs. Charles Colvin, who resided near Osceola,
but who had recently been an inmate of the Buffalo insane asylum, committed
suicide by hanging herself at the asylum last week Monday. She had
a mania for self-destruction before she went to the asylum. She leaves
four little children. The funeral was held from the family residence
last Wednesday afternoon.
--At Crafton, Nebraska, July 20, 1890, Mary Ann Angell, wife of Daniel Angell, formerly of Knoxville, PA, aged 76 years.
--In Tioga, PA., August 19, 1890, of consumption, Mrs. Stephen Baldwin, aged about 36 years.
--At Wellsboro, PA, August 24, 1890, of cholera infantum, Augustus Boyce, son of Burt and Maggie Boyce, aged 1 year and 4 months.
--In Charleston, PA, August 22, 1890, of inflammation of the bowels, Carrie A. Corwin, only child of Henry and Philinda Corwin, aged 2 years, 4 months, 11 days.
--At Bath, N.Y., August 25, 1890, Caroline D. Joy, wife of Lewis B. Joy, aged 53 years.
--At Brace Hollow, August 1, 1890, Samuel T. Smith, aged 22 years.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. Albert Stevens is the father of a fifth daughter.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. Thomas McCracken is happy over the arrival of a new son.
--At Tioga, August 18, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Berry, a daughter.
--At Covington, PA., August 17, 1890, to the wife of Mr. J. T. Westbrook,
a son.