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Wellsboro Agitator

July 1, 7, 1890 (some excerpts were taken from the July 7, 1890 edition of the Wellsboro Gazette)
Local News
--LITTLE MARSH.—The barn of Mr. Charles Rice was burned with quite a quantity of hay and some farm utensils, Wednesday evening.  Mr. Rice went to feed his team about 9 o’clock, setting his lantern in the accustomed place, and before he reached the hay the lantern exploded and he barely reached his horses in time to get them from the barn before it was in flames.

--TIOGA.—Rev. W. L. Linaberry preached his farewell sermon in the Methodist Episcopal Church last Sunday.  He will shortly move to New York with his family.

--TIOGA.—Mrs. Kate Chapman has nearly recovered from her recent illness.

--NELSON.—Mr. Norman Preston has moved his barn and otherwise improved his premises.

--NELSON.—C. H. Buckbee, who came from Towanda, this spring, has just completed a handsome new barn and is otherwise improving his property.

--A fine colt belonging to Mr. Alvin Green, of Millerton, was found dead in the pasture a few days ago.

--S. E. Kirkendall, Esq., of Millerton, was suddenly attacked with an alarming illness last week Sunday night, and at last accounts he was still prostrated.

--Prof. Howard Lyon, of the Mansfield Normal School faculty has gone to Harvard University to take a special course in chemistry during the summer months.

--Ebenezer A. Bean, of Knoxville, Gideon Short, of Chatham Valley, and Francis M. Shaw, of Mansfield, was among the recipients of increased pensions last week.

--Mr. H. F. Walker, son of D. H. Walker, of Covington, has been elected Principal of the graded school at Portland, Northampton County.  He was recently been teaching at Moscow, Lackawanna County.

--A few days ago Mr. James P. King, who lives on the Charles Bulkley farm in Deerfield, was passing behind a horse in the stable when he was kicked in the face, his nose being broken and his jaw fractured in three places.

--NELSON.—Below is a true statement concerning the finding of the body of Miss Mary Thompson, who was drowned June 17th.
 Last Saturday night we procured two bags of pine, a torch and spears and went to the river, near the mouth of Thornbottom Creek, to fish.  We had not gone far when we saw another fishing crew coming behind us.  They soon overtook us.  We speared up the river a ways until their oil gave out, and then they went home.  We went on until we reached the Ellison cuddy, and there we stopped on a gravel bar to renew our torch and then started out when Loney Finch says:  “What smells so?”  We went up the river a ways, but could smell nothing.  We came back down to where we first discovered the smell.  We crossed the river the old dug road.
 While looking around C. A. Finch discovered a body hanging on a low willow over the water and about half out of the water.  On further examination it proved to be the body of the missing Mary Thompson.
 We went home about midnight, got A. D. Persing’s horses and C. A. Finch’s wagon and drove over to the river  and put the body in the wagon, and drove up to Osceola, reaching there about four o’clock.  We went to I. P. VanZile’s , called him up and told him we had found one of the bodies of the drowned women and had brought it to Osceola.  He then went to John Thompson’s and told him they had found the body of his sister.  He then came and looked in the wagon and said “Oh, it is Mary, Yes, it is Mary.”  He then went to L. R. Davis’s and got a coffin.  We then told them if they would put the body in the coffin and bury it, we would go home satisfied.  But they could get no one to help, and if we would stay and bury the body they would pay us for it.  I. P. VanZile said they would give is $5 a piece, and wanted us to wait until George Fisk came down from Knoxville to attend the funeral.  They would get the money and pay us before we came home.
 After the funeral we went to VanZile’s, got our team and drove up to John Thompson’s to see if they had got the money of Mr. Fisk, as we were hungry and tired and would like to go home.  He asked id $5 a piece was satisfactory.  Most of them were satisfied, but Mr. Persing thought he ought to have $10 because he furnished the team.  Mr. Thompson gave us $25.  He said he would willingly give is $100 if he could, as he thought we had earned it.  He thanked us kindly for what we had done, and thought we had done them a great kindness.  Mrs. Albert Crandall invited us to dinner, which favor we gladly accepted.  We then came home, reaching here between three and four o’clock.
 This is not from reports this is from those who were there.  Local papers please copy.  Signed:  C. A. Finch, A. D. Persing, Loney Finch, and Claude Stevens.  [related story below at July 15th]

--KNOXVILLE.—Mr. George Brooks has taken the job of sprinkling the streets this season.

--ROUND TOP.—A young horse belonging to Mr. Mark Peake received an ugly gash near the stifle joint one day this week while fighting in the pasture with a horse on the opposite side of a board fence, a rod or more of which was demolished by the brutes.  Mr. Fish, of Wellsboro, sowed up the wound.

--OSCEOLA.—Mrs. William Cooley was run away with and thrown from her road cart against a large rock, cutting an ugly wound in the back of her head and bruising her shoulder and side.  She was taken to the house of H. Taylor and Dr. Bosworth was called.  Her wounds are not thought to be dangerous.

--OSECOLA.—James King, who was kicked by a horse at H. Tubb’s and had both, jaws broken, is gaining rapidly.

--Mr. L. K. Parkhurst and family, of Elkland, are soon to locate to Reed City, Michigan, where Mr. Parkhurst has extensive business interests.

--Mr. Joseph Clark, of Roaring Branch, had one of his legs badly lacerated at the tannery at that place one day last week.  He is about 65 years of age, and has been employed at the tannery for a long time.

--Anna Fellow, daughter of Michael Fellow, of Morris Run, has been missing from home over four weeks and search has been instituted.  She is supposed to be in Elmira.  The girl is 17 years old.

--Jennie Keane was arraigned before Justice A. S. Brewster last Saturday morning, charged with assault and battery by Melissa Hulslander, a little girl.  The case was settled by the interested parties.

--One hundred invitations were issued for a fancy dress ball at the residence of Mr. F. K. Wright last evening.  The reception was given by Miss Mary L. Wright in honor of her guest Miss Vanneman, of Menominee, Mich.

--OSCEOLA.—Several parties went out again yesterday afternoon (Sunday) to search for the body of Mrs. Betsey Tripp, but they returned without finding and trace of it.  It is thought that it must be buried under some of the many gravel banks which were thrown up by the floods.

--Mrs. James Barker and her daughter, of Homer, N.Y., are visiting Mrs. Barker’s brother, Mr. E. J. Purple.

--Corporal James Tanner writes that he expects to visit this borough on the 22nd of August and address the Bucktails at their reunion.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Carley, who have spent a few days in this place the last two weeks, have returned to their home in Olean, N.Y.

--WESTFIELD.—Mrs. J. W. Parshall and her daughter are at Waverly, N.Y., visiting relatives and friends.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Krusen returned to their home in this place last Saturday.  They had been to Washington, PA, several weeks visiting Mr. Krusen’s sister.

--WESTFIELD.—Mrs. H. W. Axtell, of Alliance, Nebraska, has been visiting Mrs. C. W. Griffin.  She went from here to Susquehanna last Monday to visit her husband’s relatives.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. Ernest Martin, who worked several years in the Free Press printing office, is at home to spend the Fourth.  He has been attending the State Normal School at Shippensburg, PA.

--ROUND TOP.—Miss Ollie Watkins, of Covington, visited friends at this place last week.

--ROUND TOP.—Miss Lu. Thompson and Miss Helen Potter, of Wellsboro, visited at the house of Mr. J. V. Morgan last Tuesday.

--OSCEOLA.—Vine Crandall and family have gone to Lake Keuka for a few weeks.

--OSCEOLA.—Miss May Dunham, of Knoxville, is a guest of Miss Helen Davis.

--OSCEOLA.—J. W. Hammond and family have gone to Silver Lake.

--Mr. Homer Cox is home from Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., for the summer.

--Mrs. W. G. Shaw left for Peekskill, N.Y., last Monday, expecting to be absent several weeks.

--Miss Anna Cameron and Miss Clara Mitchell have returned from Cornell University for the summer.

--Miss Anna Kelsey, who has spent five years as a missionary in Alaska, has returned to this borough.

--CROOKED CREEK.—Harry Colestock has returned from Lewisburg University to spend the summer.

Land/Business Transactions
--TIOGA.—Messrs. McAllaster & Sheay have dissolved partnership.  D. C. McAllaster will conduct the business.

--Prof. J. W. Moyer is to take charge of the business department of the Pott’s Business College at Williamsport.

--Mr. John Robertson, of Knoxville, has secured a position as bookkeeper at the Galeton tannery.

--Mr. H. D. King, of Westfield, has the contract for building the new Methodist church at Cowanesque.

--Mr. Wellington Phelps has purchased Mr. Peck’s interest in the Mansfield Livery stable.  The firm name is now Peake and Phelps.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. Ambrose Close is preparing to make extensive repairs about his buildings.  He is an enterprising citizen, and a temperance man from head to foot.

--Messrs. Moore & Hanson are about to start a foundry and machine shop at Mansfield.  The establishment will be located in the rear of Snover’s carriage shop.

--The new shingle mill of Messrs. C. H. Welch and C. P. Welch, three miles east of Covington, was burned last Thursday night.  It was a model mill in all respects, and it was a total loss for the enterprising young men, as there was no insurance.  It is suspected that the fire was the work of an incendiary.

--KNOXVILLE.—J. Johnson & Sons have been busy for the last week trucking their logs to the mill from George Gilbert’s place.  This completes the job they would have done doing the winter had then been snow.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. S. R. Hanner is building an addition to his house.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. James T. Gleason is tearing down his blacksmith shop, this being the third time the flood has moved it off its foundation.  If the C.C. and A. railroad obstructs the creek much longer there will be no houses left in that part of town.  When asked to pay damages to families who have lost all, the railway men reply that when the Supreme Court decided they must pay then they will.  If there had been an outlet sufficient for the water to pass through, two lives might have been saved.  This can be proved by the water way on Mr. William C. Elliott’s farm, which is not more than sixty feet wide.

--WESTFIELD.—J. W. Hammond & Co. are repairing the damages done by the flood.  Some of their houses will be torn down, as they are total wrecks.

--Mr. M. H. Clark, of Hoytville, has sold his undertaking establishment at that place and will move to Blossburg, where he will form a partnership with Mr. Thomas J. Jones and engage in the same business.

--CROOKED CREEK.—M. D. Holiday has moved into Clark Sweet’s house near Middlebury Centre.

--Mr. L. F. Allen is the new landlord of the Central Hotel at Mansfield.

--The Delevan House, at Hornellsville, N.Y., has been leased by Messrs. C. E. Clause and Elton Bailey, of Mansfield.  Mr. Bailey left for Hornellsville last week.

--At the residence of the bride’s mother, at Marsh Creek, PA, June 24, 1890, by Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne, Mr. Elmer J. Albee, of Addison, N.Y., and Miss Jennie Roe, of Marsh Creek.

--At Corning, N.Y., June 17, 1890, Mr. Emil Buhr, of Corning and Miss Ilba Baker, of Westfield, PA.

--At Elmira, N.Y., June 18, 1890, Mr. Seth Crippen, of Austinville, and Miss Maud Stacy, of Springfield, PA.

--At the Methodist parsonage in Wellsboro, PA, by Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne, Mr. George Day, of Middlebury, and Miss Lettie Kennedy, of Shippen, PA.

--In Charleston, PA., at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Dennison, July 3, 1890, by Rev. A. C. Shaw, D. D., Mr. Elwin W. Davis and Miss Nora L. Dennison, both of Charleston.

--At Corning, N.Y., June 25, 1890, Samuel A. Loomis, of Dundee, N.Y., and Dorcilla H. King, of Westfield, PA.

--At Troupsburgh, N.Y., June 16, 1890, Frank A. Reynolds and Cora E. Potter, both of Troupsburgh.

--At Blossburg, PA, June 26, 1890, by Rev. Father Connelly, Mr. Edwards Rocks and Miss Kate Cooney.

--Mr. Chester Stewart, a prominent resident of Jackson, died a few days ago after an illness of only a few days.  He was seventy years of age and was a veteran soldier.

--KNOXVILLE.—Mrs. William Monroe [Catherine Monroe], who lived about two miles above town, died on Monday evening from the result of a surgical operation for the removal of a cancer.  She has been suffering for some time, and on Saturday, Dr. W. R. Francis, of this borough, Dr. C. B. Borden, of Tioga, and Dr. Mastin, of Westfield, proceeded to remove the cancer.  Mrs. Monroe leaves a husband and two daughters to mourn her loss.  [buried Champlin Cemetery, Westfield, Tioga Co., PA]

--At Little Marsh, PA., June 20, 1890, Mrs. Emily Button, aged 56 years.

--Andrew J. Perry, of Elmira, a member of a bridge construction gang, while working on the Bear Gully trestle on the A. & P. railroad near Addison, on Wednesday of last week, was struck and killed by a falling tree.

--At Blossburg, PA., June 28, 1890, Ray Maxwell, aged 4 years.

--At Cherry Flats, PA, June 5, 1890, Mrs. Sarah Warden, aged 74 years, 3 months, 5 days.

--At Little Marsh, PA, June 14, 1890, Mrs. Loretta Benson Reynolds, in the 68th year if her age.

--In Delmar, PA, June 20, 1890, of diphtheria, Lula Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stewart, aged nearly 8 years.

--At Blossburg, PA., June 18, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. John G. Daley, a son.

--At Wellsboro, PA., June 27, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Farnsworth, a daughter.

--At Keeneyville, PA., June 22, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Potter, a son.

--In Tioga, PA, June 24, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Boughton, a son.

--At Mansfield, PA, June 20, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Emory D. Stone, a son.

--At Wellsboro, PA., June 27, 1890, to the wife of Mr. Henry Herden, a son.

July 15, 1890
Local News
--Mr. Elias Corson has his left hand badly bruised last Friday while he was coupling cars at Cedar Run.

--Mr. John Miller reports that he had eight sheep killed by dogs recently.  Mr. Joseph Smith’s flock has been raided also and fourteen sheep have been badly bitten.  Miller says these deprecations were made by un-muzzled Wellsboro dogs.

--Mr. Charles Knight, Blossburg’s Burgess, has resigned.

--Mr. George Wetherbee’s barn in Union Township was struck by lightening and burned last Tuesday night.

--Last week Mr. A. P. Fowler was appointed Collector for Bloss Township and R. P. H. McAllaster, Collector for Tioga Township.

--County Commissioner Tremain will start today to take Francis Brown, an insane woman of Gaines Township, to the Warren Asylum.

--Mrs. Thomas Bowen, of Cherry Flats, is suffering with a very bad wound on her left thigh, which was caused by the kick of a horse about ten days ago.

--Miss Cora Broughton, of Westfield, was taken suddenly and alarming sick at Addison last Tuesday while on her way home from a visit to Virginia.

--The Lawrenceville School Board has chosen Mr. Roy Eckerson, of Wellsboro, and Misses E. Shaw and May White as teachers for the graded school for the coming year.

--A few days ago Mr. Wilmer Tumbleson was buried under a car-load of coal at the Tioga coke works.  He was promptly rescued and was found to be badly bruised but not seriously hurt.

--The Elkland Journal says that as Mr. Frank VanDusen, of Farmington, was driving into Elkland last Tuesday with a load of hay some bystanders at the Signor House noticed that there was considerable smoke issuing from the rear of the load.  An investigation revealed the fact that the hay was on fire, having been ignited by the tire of on one of the wheels rubbing against a piece of iron on the rack.  It took some lively work with buckets and pitchforks to extinguish the fire, which was rapidly spreading through the entire load.

--Mr. George F. Butler, of Stokesdale, has had some pretty bad luck of late.  A few days ago while he was plowing on the hillside the furrow gave way and one of his horses sat down upon a stub which penetrated the animal’s thigh about twelve inches.  The horse died a few days later.  Mr. Butler has also lost a cow by sickness, two of his hogs died from some unknown cause recently, and his two colts were playing in the yard the other day when one kicked the other’s eye out.  On the whole, Mr. Butler has lost considerable more that $200 worth of stock within a year.

--OSCEOLA.—LETTER TO THE EDITOR.—On July 8th you published a “Personal Statement” signed by C. A. Finch, A. D. Persing, Loney Finch, and Claud Stevens, that contains such a mass of falsehoods and insults to the people of Osceola that it must not go unnoticed.  They have thrown down the gauntlet and must not complain if they are severely handled.
 Early Sunday morning, June 20th, the above named stopped in front of the store and dwelling of I. P. VanZile, uncle of the dead girl, with the body of Mary Thompson, and calling him out, C. A. Finch asked him if there was a reward of $100 offered for the body, saying he understood there was the others looking on with hungry eyes; VanZile said there had no reward been offered, “but no doubt you will be paid for your trouble.”  He and John Thompson, Mary’s brother, then asked them, as they were still hitched to the wagon to haul it into the cemetery, leave the wagon and came back there to breakfast.  They brought their team, and all ate breakfast at VanZile’s.
 Neither VanZile, Thompson nor any one else asked either of these fellows to help bury the body, or to handle it in any way.  When the box was got ready, these four fellows crowded others away and were insultingly officious in putting the body in the ground, and hurried the operation in a very suspicious way.  Yet they publish—“But they could get no one to help, and if we would stay and bury the body they would pay us for it.”   There were twenty eight people of Osceola at the burial, and scores of willing hands would have helped had a chance been given, but these thugs prevented, as far as they could, any interference by others.
 Mary had about $40 with her when she left the house, and they were putting the body in the box it was proposed to search her pockets, when C. A. Finch spoke quick as a gash—“You can’t do that; you couldn’t find her pocket if you did.”  A bystander said:  “I think the way “Gust” speaks he knows you couldn’t find it.”
 All the time they stayed in town they were demanding pay, Finch and Persing repeatedly saying they wouldn’t do the job over for $100 and what an awful job it was to lead and bring up the body.  James Gleason and VanZile agreed with them to take $20 for their trouble, although they demanded all the way from $100 down.
 After the funeral they drove in front of John Thompson’s and loudly demanded their pay.  John said:  “It is Sunday, and I am a poor man and haven’t the money, but I will get it and bring it down to you early in the morning.”  Persing swore he’d not leave the town till he had his pay.  They were very profane, and swore so loud where the friends were preparing dinner that the people got disgusted with it and ordered them to stop; but Mrs. A. S. Crandall, who was helping the Thompson’s get dinner, more wise than men, asked them in to dinner, and when their mouths were full of John Thompson’s dinner, they stopped swearing.  She also wrote an order on her husband and got the $20 to pay them.  But Persing then demanded another $5, which was paid, and they took their glutted carcasses out of Osceola.
 Jacob Brooks located the body by the scent early Saturday morning while on his way to Elkland; smelt it again on his return, and told Sam Finch, his wife, and Lyman Bliss, who lives next to C. A. Finch.  Philo Stevens, father of Claud Stevens says:  “They finished making their torches just about 10 o’clock, and as the clock was on the stroke of eleven Claud came in saying they had found the body of Mary Thompson and he was going to help take it to Osceola.”  His father said, You must eat some supper before you go.  Claus said, I’ve just ate supper over to Finch’s.  They brought home no fish.  This, Philo Stevens told to seven Osceolans Sunday afternoon before the return trip of the four.
 Mary never left home without a little hand bag in her hand, in which she carried her money and other trinkets.  No one ever saw her without it.  C. A. Finch told J. D. Campbell, “She was gripped on the willow branch limb so tight with one had we had to break one of her fingers to get her loose.  So she must have come down there alive.”  One hand was mutilated.  A lady where one of the Finch’s works says they had been hunting for the bodies nearly every night, expecting a reward would be offered of $75 or $100.  These fellows knew where the body was before they made their torches, provided themselves with carbolic acid, --{their bottle refilled at Osceola}—went directly to Ellison’s eddy, got the team and wagon and backed up to the body and loaded it into the wagon.  They brought the body of Mary Thompson five miles over a rough road lying on her face, with nothing between her and the rough, dirty boards of a filthy farm wagon box, the body covered with a little hay and an old carpet; and for what?  Money!  Nothing else.
 They had no thought of human kindness or decency.  Human feelings did not actuate them, for when a lady told Persing how glad she was they had found one of them, and hoped they would find the other, he grunted out, “Huh?  I didn’t know as it makes any difference whether she is found or not; we get neither thanks nor victuals for this one.”  What a home-coming for poor Mary Thompson, who has many a time worn herself out to make some sick one more comfortable, some corpse more presentable.
 I have written this at the request of John Thompson.  Respectfully yours in the cause of humanity.  C. L. Hoyt.

--Tioga County’s Population.  The approximate figures furnished by Supervisor Bricker.
 Below we give the figures furnished by Census Supervisor P. D. Bricker as close approximate of the population of the several districts of the county:
 District     1880  1890
 Bloss      2,814  2,550
 Blossburg     2,140  2,560
 Brookfield         910  1,014
 Charleston     2,193  1,840
 Chatham     1,318  1,200
 Clymer     1,121  1,345
 Covington twp & borough   1,477  1,615
 Deerfield        988     880
 Delmar     2,524  2,990
 Duncan     1,790  2,380
 Elk         462     700
 Elkland         470  1,026
 Fall Brook &Ward    1,187  1,315
 Farmington        995     850
 Gaines & Shippen       508  1,900
 Hamilton     2,060  2,314
 Jackson     1,824  1,700
 Knoxville        450     670
 Lawrence & Lawrenceville   1,591  1,594
 Liberty     1,629  1,570
 Mainesburg & Sullivan   1,345  1,800
 Middlebury     1,737  1,669
 Morris         623  1,835
 Nelson        604     545
 Osceola        790      840
 Richmond     1,512  1,640
 Roseville & Rutland    1,240  1,030
 Tioga twp & borough   1,778  1,990
 Union      1,780  1,850
 Wellsboro     2,228  2,947
 Westfield        907  1,254
 Westfield borough        579  1,135
 TOTAL     45,814  52,217

--KEENEYVILLE.—As G. D. Keeney was returning home last Wednesday, from Middlebury, two young ladies in endeavoring to drive by, ran into his cart, breaking the spokes in the wheel.  His horse became frightened and turned around several times, dragging Mr. Keeney, who had his foot caught.  One of the young ladies sprang from her buggy and caught the horse, thus saving him from more serious injuries.

--KEENEYVILLE.—Mr. William West, who cut his foot quite badly a few weeks ago, had a toe amputated one day last week.

--TIOGA.—Fred Rhodes had his foot crushed by his horse falling on it on the Fourth.

--Mr. S. S. Chamberlain, of Chatham, is 86 years old, and has lived on the farm he now occupies for 63 years.

--While splitting wood on Wednesday of last week Mr. George Francis, of Delmar, inflicted an ugly gash on his right leg.

--A young daughter of William Reddington, of Covington, fell from a cherry tree and broke one of her arms.

--Mr. Frank T. Losey, of Lawrenceville, has been engaged to play the b flat coronet in the Soldiers’ Home Band, at Bath, N.Y.

--We are pleased to announce that S. E. Kirkendall, Esq., of Millerton, is recovering from his recent illness.

--Messrs. G. L. Strait and G. W. Palmer, of Roseville, were in town last Monday and Tuesday, circulating a paper for the relief of the sufferers by the recent disastrous fire in Roseville.  They secured about $235.

--Ben Huntley, a conductor on the Pine Creek railroad, had a very narrow escape from a horrible death at Four Mile Run last Sunday night.  While jumping over one car of pipe to another he fell between the cars, but luckily caught hold of a pipe and was dragged a long distance and received some bad cuts and bruises and torn clothing.

--Miss Cora Broughton, a handsome Westfield young lady, became violently insane at the American House at Addison, N.Y., one day last week, and attempted to jump from a third story window.  A bottle of chloroform was found on her person.  She was taken to Westfield by friends of her relatives.  She was on her way to Richmond, VA, when attacked so unfortunately.  The cause of Miss Broughton’s insanity was nervous prostration brought on by the excitement of the journey and fright of a severe thunderstorm.

--David Patterson, of Costello, lost his left hand while at work on the edger in the Costello mill, at Austin, on Thursday of last week.

--Mr. A. J. Conklin, of Canton, who was Sergeant of Co. D, 106th Regt. Pa Vols., was the first soldier to receive the same rating for a leg amputated below the knee as though it had been amputated at the knee.

--William Smith, a farmer, who refused to answer the census question, was given a hearing before United States Commissioner Bentley, at Williamsport.  He again refused to answer the questions and said he did not want anything to do with the government, but wished to be left alone.

--Mr. John Blake, of Texas, is visiting his former home at Blossburg.

--LAMB’S CREEK.—Miss Hattie Whitcomb has returned home after a five months’ stay in Big Flats, N.Y.

--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mrs. L. A. Brewster and her two sons have returned from a visit in New York state.

--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. Jordon Barnes leaves today for Trout Run, where he is to “fire” an engine in an extract factory.

--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. Thomas Van Ness has moved his family from Mansfield to this place.

--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. Ed Paris has returned home from his lumbering job on Marsh Creek.

--Mr. William B. Bowen, of Mount Pleasant, Mich., is visiting at the home of his brother, Mr. John R. Bowen.  He was a resident of this place about twenty years ago, and this is his first visit here since that time.

--Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne and family left yesterday morning for a three weeks visit at Silver Lake, N.Y.  They were accompanied by the following party:  Mrs. H. C. Cox, Mrs. J. D. Locke and Misses Foote and Stowell.

Land/Business Transactions
--Mr. Richard E. Sandbach has succeeded Mr. A. A. Schmand as landlord of the Sandbach House.

--Mr. E. D. Roff is the new Erie station agent at Lawrenceville. Mr. C. B. Mather, the former agent, has taken a similar position at Lehigh railroad.

--Mr. A. C. Kimball is building a store and photograph gallery at Westfield.

--Mr. L. C. Collins is building a large farm barn on his place at East Charleston.

--Mr. M. F. Bailey has opened an agricultural implement establishment at East Charleston.

--Mr. D. W. Stull, of Elkland, has just sold his last year’s tobacco crop at 12 cents a pound.

--Mr. S. S. Leonard, of Granville Center, Bradford County, has purchased a half interest in the Mansfield Business College of Prof. T. P. Jones.

--Mr. Howard Morrell, the telegraph operator at the Erie station at Lawrenceville, has been promoted to the place of station agent at Seeley Creek.

--Capt. Nelson Whitney has purchased new machinery for his mills located at East Charleston.  He has now in operation a wood-carding machine, a feed mill, saw mill, planer and matcher and a shingle maker.

--George Smith and Elmer Smith have rented a room on Wellsboro street and have an extensive assortment of stuffed birds, etc. on exhibition.

--Mrs. Jane Fisk and her son have disposed of their 260 acre farm on the Elkhorn to Josiah Howe for $4,500.  Mr. Howe is to move on it sometime before winter.  He had purchased the growing crops.

--Messrs. Coburn and Mather, of Tioga, have dissolved partnership.  Mr. Coburn will conduct business.

--Mr. William Stewart and his son, Gregg Stewart, of this place, have purchased a restaurant in Ithaca, N.Y.  Mr. Stewart has already taken possession of the property, and we understand that he will move his family to that city soon.

--Mr. John Conway, of this borough, has gone to Blossburg, where he has accepted a position as salesman with the clothing establishment of Mr. L. Meyers.  John will go to Corning next month with Mr. Meyers, who will locate at that place.

--At the American House, Addison, N.Y., July 2, 1890, by Rev. J. E. Hayes, Mr. Emery D. Goodwin, of Westfield, and Miss Minnie A. West, of Keeneyville, PA.

--At Addison, N.Y., July 4,  1890, Mr. Daniel Hunt, of Potter’s Brook, and Miss Libbie B. Vine, of Campbell town.

--At Addison, N.Y., July 3, 1890, Mr. Fred F. Hyer, of Galeton, and Miss Alice B. Clark, of Antrim, PA.

--At Corning, N.Y., July 3, 1890, Eric Johnson and Flavilla Peake, both of Brownlee, PA.

--At Corning, N.Y., July 3, 1890, William S. Keep and Evalina M. Gibb, both of Lawrenceville, PA.

--At Lawrenceville, PA, July 4, 1890, by Rev. B. F. Taylor, Mr. R. A. Spencer and Miss Hattie Terry, both of Union, PA.

--At Addison, N.Y., July 4, 1890, Mr. Swayne Walline and Miss Matilda Johnson, both of Elkland, PA.

--The two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller, who resided on State Street, died in convulsions last Saturday after suffering for twenty four hours with bowel trouble.

--Mr. Urban G. Fisher, a well-known resident of this borough, died yesterday afternoon at his home on East Avenue.  Several years ago Mr. Fisher was leading a heifer, when the animal jerked him suddenly he fell, injuring his head severely.  He never fully recovered from this injury, and for the last few months he had been rapidly failing in strength and mental vigor, and for ten days he has been confined to the house.  Mr. Fisher was 58 years of age.  He had been a drug clerk in this borough for thirty five years.  He was a kind hearted, genial citizen, unobtrusive in manner, but faithful in the discharge of all the duties of life.  He was a bachelor, having lived for many years with his four sisters, who, with a brother survive him.  The funeral us to be held tomorrow afternoon at 5 o’clock at Mr. Fisher’s late residence of East Avenue.

--Mrs. William B. Sturdevant, a well-known and highly esteemed woman, died at Job’s Corners on the 3rd instant.

--Mrs. Frank Johnston [Helen J. Johnston], of Charleston, died at the home of her father, Mr. George D. Brooks, last Sunday night after a long sickness.  She was twenty two years of age.  She was an exemplary young woman.  [buried at Shumway Hill Cemetery, Charleston Township]

--Mr. W. T. Compton, who died suddenly last week Sunday evening at Crooked Creek, was sixty one years of age.  He was a well known millwright and formerly resided at Corning, N.Y.  The remains were interred at Post Creek, N.Y.

--Last Sunday night Miss Amy Jones, daughter of David J. Jones, of East Charleston, died of typhoid fever.  She had been in feeble health for some time.  Miss Jones was twenty years of age and she was a bright and intelligent young woman whose death will be sincerely mourned by a large circle of friends.  The funeral is to be held tomorrow morning.

--Mr. D. Kilburn Coolidge, for over 40 years past a resident of Delmar, died at an early hour yesterday morning, aged 76 years.  Eight weeks ago the deceased was stricken with paralysis and never rallied back from the shock.  He leaves a wife, three sons and a daughter, Mrs. George Elliott, of this place, to mourn his death.  The funeral is to he held at two o’clock this Thursday afternoon.

--Mr. Lee Hill, of Lawrenceville, while at a party last Monday evening at Rusling’s hall, fell from a window and was fatally injured.  The Elmira Gazette says:  “He supposed he was walking from the hall, on the second story, to the roof of a one story office adjoining, but made the fatal mistake of walking through the wrong window.  He was about twenty years old and was a valued clerk in the store of Wing & Bostwick and the only son of ex-Burgess James N. Hill.

--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. H. T. Whitcomb is the proud father of a bouncing baby girl baby.

--In Richmond, PA, July 4, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Willis Buck, a son.

--At Mansfield, PA, July 9, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lownsberry, a son.

--At Wellsboro, PA, July 9, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Roy, a son.

July 22, 1890
Local News
--Mr. D. A. Stowell, of Delmar, fell off a load of hay yesterday and dislocated his left wrist and received numerous bruises.

--Mr. C. D. Campbell, who has been clerking in the store of Max Bernkopf & Bros., has gone to Antrim to study medicine with his uncle, Dr. A. B. Baker.

--This morning John Gillespie drove up to Mr. M. L. Klock’s on Cone Street and alighted to assist Mr. Willis Peake out of the carriage when the team started to run.  Mrs. Peake was thrown out of the wagon and seriously injured.  She is an aged woman and in feeble breath and it is feared that she will not be able to survive the shock.

--Frank W. Clark, Esq., of Mansfield, is recovering from a serious sickness.

--The court last week appointed Mr. W. D. Knox as Collector of Deerfield Township.

--Miss Lettie Austin, of Mainesburg, fell from a cherry tree a few days ago and broke her arm.

--Mr. H. A. Kent, who has been lumbering at Lansing, is to go to Richmond, VA, to superintend the business of a large lumber concern.

--Last week Monday, Master Bert Wolverton, a twelve year old Osceola lad, fell from a beam in a barn to the floor, a distance of over twenty feet, and two of his ribs were broken.

--A few days ago the young daughter of Ambrose Tillinghast, of Millerton, fell off a load of hay into a deep ravine. She was picked up senseless and bleeding.  At last account the child was in a fair way to recover, however.

--The Elkland Journal says that a few days ago Will Kirtland was taking up oats after J. Morehess, who was cradling for Mr. W. W. Gilbert of Deerfield, and as he stooped to pick up the bundle a monster rattlesnake struck him on the boot leg.  Morehess killed the snake, which carried ten rattles.

--A few days ago the three year old son of Mr. Edward Willard, of Delmar, sat down in a pail of scalding water which his mother had placed on the kitchen floor preparatory to scrubbing.  The little fellow was terribly burned, so that the skin came off in great patches over one third of his body.  It is thought the child will recover.

--The Intelligencer says that Frank Copp, a young man employed on the Watkins’s lumber job in Covington, was seriously injured a few days ago as he was cutting off a bent sapling, which flew up and struck him in the face, cutting his lip and loosening hi front teeth and otherwise badly bruising his face.  He was completely prostrated for a time.

--Last Friday evening Prof. F. M. Smith and family of Stamford, N.Y. arrived at the Lawrenceville station by the Tioga train from Elmira.  Conductor J. B. Judd was assisting the passengers off his train and he took the three year old son of Prof. Smith from the platform and put him on the ground.  As the Conductor turned to help Mrs. Smith down, the little fellow, who was probably bewildered, darted across the tracks and went under the car of a coal train which was moving out of the station.  Mrs. Smith saw her son disappear under the car.  The other people on the platform noticed him too and they were all nearly paralyzed by fear as they saw the lady drop her wraps and rush wildly to the side of the moving train and dive under the car after the child.  It seemed certain death for both of them, but the one chance in a hundred was with the lady and child, and the woman emerged from under the wheels on the other side of the track triumphantly bearing the little boy and both of them were uninjured except for some minor bruises.  Several people were overcome by the exciting scene and Conductor Judd was so weak he could scarcely board his train.  The cool headed and brave mother’s clothing was considerably torn and soiled but she calmly boarded the Fall Brook train for Middlebury and the Smith family is now enjoying their summer vacation at the home of Mrs. Smith’s father, George D. Keeney, Esq., at Keeneyville.

--OSCEOLA.—The lightening yesterday afternoon hit the cupola on the Bank building, tearing the casements off the windows.  No persons were hurt in the building.  Mrs. Phoebe Bulkley sat by the window in her house on Tuscarora Street during the storm. The lightening was so vivid that she got up and crossed the room just as the window and the chair which she had just vacated were torn to atoms by the same current that struck the bank.  The two buildings are over twenty rods apart.

--OSCEOLA.—Master Henry Bosworth has just purchased a reaper and binder, set up the machine, and started it all alone.  I doubt if there is another fourteen year old boy in the county who can do as well.  The reaper was purchased from the proceeds of a crop of tobacco which he raised last year.  If farmers would encourage their boys in this way perhaps more of them would stick to the farm.

--OSCEOLA.—Our quiet little town seems to be contributing its share towards the list of occurrences that interest the public and furnish topics for common talk.  Last Monday morning the wife of George O’Bryan, who lives at the mouth of Bulkley brook, on the road towards Woodhull, N.Y., about three miles from this place, attempted and very nearly succeeded in taking her own life by shooting herself with a revolver.  The ball passed in just under the left breast, and Dr. C. H. Bosworth, who was immediately called, extracted the ball from the back having passed through the body.  It seems that the husband and wife had a little family unpleasantness that morning, and Mr. O’Bryan had said he would leave her.  Mrs. O’Bryan went to the house of Abe O’Bryan; a brother of her husband who lived not over twenty rods distant, and took a revolver from a shelf in the pantry and going back home deliberately committed the deed.  She said she could not live without her husband and could not live with him and would end her existence.  Dr. Bosworth did all that could be done and his patient is getting along nicely, and much to her disappointment, seems to be getting well.  I am told she declares she will do the work over again and is disgusted with herself that she did not do a better job.  Mrs. O’Bryan is only 16 years of age and has been married one or two years.  She has no children.  Her husband has been married to two or three women before this one and has had trouble with every one, I believe.  I am not certain whether all of his former wives are alive yet or not.  George is very attentive to his present wife since the shooting.  Just how the affair will end no one can tell.

--MARSHFIELD.—A birthday party was recently held for Mrs. Eliza Watrous, who was 88 years of age.  Many of her old acquaintances and friends were present and assisted her in making a quilt which she had pieced during the last year.

--Mr. Willis Conley, of Tioga, cut one of his great toes off with a scythe while cutting hay the other day.

--Miss Addie White, of this place, has been engaged as teacher in the intermediate department of Fall Brook’s school.

--Mrs. Della Phillips, of Blossburg, has removed to Findlay, Ohio, where she is to conduct a dressmaking establishment.

--Rev. G. F. Wood, a former Elkland printer, has been called to the pastorate of Presbyterian Church at Nicholson, N.Y.

--Mr. John Nowlan and family, of Blossburg, have removed to Rochester, N.Y., where has been offered a good position.

--Selah Brooks, of Millerton, a section laborer, departed with his household effects the other evening.  He is missed by several creditors.

--A horse and two cows belonging to Mr. Benjamin Repard, of Cedar Run, were killed by lightening during a storm one day last week.

--Mr. Elbridge Berry, of Millerton, cut one of his arms quite badly with a scythe on Tuesday of last week while at work in the hay field.

--Rev. A. B. Miller, for nearly twenty years pastor of the Lutheran Church of Liberty, has tendered his resignation to take effect next Fall.

--Mr. Jay Bennett, an employee of the Elkland Furniture Works, injured one of his hands quite badly one day last week by letting the member come in contact with the saws on the “groover”.

--F. S. Campbell was arrested at Stony Fork last Monday, on complaint of Mr. O. K. Brown, of this borough, who charged him with jumping a board bill of $5.40.  Campbell settled with the officer by paying the bill and costs.

--OSCEOLA.—Helen and Ray Davis are to start today for a visit on the Wyoming Valley.

--MARSHFIELD.—Frank Bernauer has returned fro Oberlin College.

Land/Business Transactions
--Mr. Charles Nash has opened a meat market at Mainesburg.

--Mr. Charles S. Ross has purchased a complete outfit of roller machinery for the Sun mills at Mansfield.

--Mr. Jesse Everett has taken the contract to build a new school in the King district near Knoxville.

--Mr. E. E. Cart, of Covington, has taken the position of foreman in Blossburg at the cigar factory.

--Superintendent B. N. McCoy, of Blossburg, has resigned the management of the Wellsboro glass factory.  His place had been filled by a gentleman name Rosenbaum, from Syracuse, N.Y.

--At Troupsburgh, N.Y., Mr. Elmer E. Mann, of Deerfield, PA, and Miss Jenny May Vredenburg, of Canisteo, N.Y.

--At Troupsburgh, N.Y., July 4, 1890, Mr. Willard A. Seeley and Miss Jennie A. Beach, both of Little Marsh, PA.

--At Woodhull, N.Y., Mr. Henry Sherborn and Mrs. Ida Monks, both of Keeneyville, PA.

--Mrs. Edward Nelson, of Williamsport, met a terrible death at Trout Run last Friday morning.  She was driving across the Northern Central railway tracks, when a train struck the spring wagon in which she was driving, killing her instantly and knocking her body fifty feet.  Her child, a two year old girl was thrown about twenty feet further and its skull fractured.  It is thought that the child will recover.  The woman’s husband was working upon a trestle within a few feet of the scene and witnessed the accident.  He ran to his wife’s body and fainted when he saw that she was dead.  The horse was killed and the wagon smashed.

--Mr. S. A. Barber, an old resident of Covington, died on Sunday.  He was in his 76th year.

--Mr. Solomon Travor, of Millerton, an inmate of the county poor house, died last Saturday morning at the age of about eighty years.

--Mr. Rodney R. Woodhouse, the well known and genial proprietor of the restaurant near the depot at Blackwell’s, died last Sunday evening of paralysis.  He was born at Middletown, VT in 1824.  He leaves a widow, four sons and one daughter.

--Mrs. Bridget Hart, wife of A. W. Hart of Charleston, died very suddenly last Sunday.  She was feeling as well as usual and was laughing and talking when she complained of a pain in the region of her heart.  She was assisted to the couch and expired immediately.  She was thirty four years of age.  The funeral is to be held at St. Peter’s church tomorrow.

--Mr. T. S. Griswold died in Union Township on the 12th instant at the home of his son-in-law, Mr. Clarence Landon.  He was sixty five years of age.  Mr. Griswold returned from Maryland about three weeks ago where he went to purchase a home to which he expected to move in the fall.  Mr. Landon’s youngest son, Harry Landon, died on the 12th, aged 2 years and 2 months.  The funeral services for both were held at the same time and place at the Stull church last week Monday afternoon, and they were very largely attended.

--Last Wednesday afternoon as train No. 41 was pulling into Dresden on the Syracuse-Geneva-Corning railroad. Mr. W. J. Daniels, a brakeman, jumped from the pilot of the engine intending to run ahead and open the switch.  When he started to run he stumbled and fell across the rail, and in a moment the engine was upon him.  The forward trucks and one driving wheel ran over him cutting him in two in the region of the abdomen. He was picked up and taken to Corning and the remains were sent to his home the same evening.  Daniels lived at Tioga, was twenty three years of age and unmarried.  It was his first trip as a brakeman.  For six months young Daniels had talked of securing the position of a brakeman on the railroad and at every opportunity which offered up to the last one, his parents had succeeded in dissuading him.  He started upon this first trip against their wishes.

--Mr. Ebenezer B. Campbell, the general superintendent of the Pennsylvania Joint Lumber and Land Company, died at his home in Williamsport last Thursday after a short sickness.  His trouble was Bight’s disease.  Mr. Campbell was seventy years of age.  He was well known in this county, where he held intimate business relations with many people for a long period.  Mr. Ebenezer B. Campbell was born in Johnson, Scotland, March 4, 1820.  His first marriage was on August 6, 1847 to Emcee Depoe at Tioga.  By this lady his children were William, Elijah, Jennie and Jerusha.  Elijah was drowned at Phelps Mills in 1858, where the mother died June 2, 1854.  His second marriage was on June 26, 1855 at Jersey Shore to Mary A. Imms, who survives him.  The following were born to him by this lady; Eben, Elijah, Henry, Charles, Kate, Frank and Mary.  Kate and Charles are numbered with the dead.  The funeral was held yesterday morning at eleven o’clock at the family residence. Rev. George Cooper, of Richmond, VA and formerly pastor of the First Baptist Church of Williamsport was the officiating clergyman.  The remains were interred at Wildwood Cemetery.

--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. Clayton Smith died if typhoid fever on the 21st instant.  Rev. D. A. Parcells, of Westfield, conducted the funeral services.  Mr. Smith lived in Bruce Hollow.  He was a single man of 28 years, and by his work he supported his parents and three children.  They live on his farm.

 --BROOKFIELD.—Miss Maria T. Hunt died at her home at South Addison, N.Y., last Monday. Her funeral was held at the Austinburg Freewill Baptist Church on Wednesday and her remains were buried in the cemetery at that place.  She was born on Troup’s Creek in this township about 55 years ago.  She was an excellent Christian woman and had many friends.

--In Tioga, PA, July 13, 1890, of heart disease, J. S. Aldrich, aged 74 years.

--At Millerton, PA, July 3, 1890, Ruby Pixley, aged 16 years.

--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. E. E. Dutcher is the happy father of a new son.

--At Lawrenceville, PA., July 8, 1890 to Mr. and Mrs. Austin Guiles, a daughter.

--At Mansfield, PA, July 16, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mathews, a daughter.

--At Blossburg, PA., July 19, 1890, to Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Matthews, a daughter.

July 29, 1890
Local News
--Mrs. Mary Dengle has been seriously sick.

--Mr. H. M. Wolf lost his horse by distemper last Thursday.

--Mr. Charles W. Davenport has just received an increased pension allowance.

--Mildred Spaulding, the three year old daughter of Mr. George M. Spaulding, is quite sick with diphtheria.

--Mrs. Willis Peale, who was injured by being thrown out of a wagon on Cone Street last Tuesday morning, is so far recovered as to be able to sit up.

--Mrs. Catharine Whitmarsh, of Antrim, has received a widow’s pension.

--Mr. Charles S. Green has been appointed Postmaster at Roaring Branch.

--Mrs. Phoebe Hoyt, of Nelson, has received a widow’s pension of $12 a month.

--Mr. John Harmon, of Blossburg, had a good horse die on his hands last Wednesday.

--Mr. William E. Champaign is very sick with typhoid at his home in Gaines.

--Prof. J. Hart Miller is to remain as principal of the Westfield graded schools for another year.

--Mr. Frank Bailey, son of Mr. H. C. Bailey, of Mansfield, has gone to Boyce City, Idaho, where he has a position as civil engineer in the construction of a new railroad.

--Prof. Howard S. Hamer, the Elmira musical director, who is well known in this county, has been adjudged insane.  He has been taken to a Buffalo asylum for treatment.

--C. W. Kelley, Esq., of Roseville, who was injured in the back during the recent fire, is now able to be about on crutches.  He lost by the fire everything he possessed, even his coat.

--Mr. Silas Beers, who for twenty years has been a trusted employee of the Fall Brook Coal Company at Antrim, moved last Friday to Bennettsburgh, Schuyler County, N. Y., where he is to work for the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company.

--Miss Julia Peake, who was so badly injured in a runaway accident on Cones Street last week, is slowly recovering.

--Mr. H. W. Lush, manager of the Gaines tannery store, killed a large rattlesnake under the floor of his summer kitchen last Saturday.

--Herman Watkins, the five year old son of Mr. George Watkins and Addie Young, the eldest daughter of Mr. E. B. Young, are dangerously ill with diphtheria.

--Mrs. Robert Brown, of Arnot, went berry picking a few days ago and got lost in the woods.  She managed to find her way home on the following day.

--Mr. Clark Kimball, an employee at the county poor house farm, was assaulted by a vicious inmate names Silas Coleman last Sunday evening.  During the quarrel Coleman got two of Kimball’s fingers in his mouth and bit them severely.  Mrs. Kimball came to the rescue of her husband, and seizing Coleman by the mouth she yanked the orifice so vigorously that he was glad to release Mr. Kimball’s fingers.  When Supt. Austin returned home in the evening and learned of Coleman’s attack on Kimball, he went to Coleman’s room and ordered him to get up and dress.  He complied, but as soon as the three were outside the building Coleman drew a large knife and commanded them to stand back.  Supt. Austin failed to bring him to the ground with a heavy broomstick, and Coleman again started for Kimball.  The latter picked up a good sized cobble stone and struck Coleman on the side of the head, knocking him to the ground.  He was then handcuffed and placed in the basement to be disciplined.  Coleman is a large powerfully built man weighing nearly 200 pounds, while Kimball is small in size and weighs only about 125.  Coleman hails from Jackson, and is subject to fits.  He is a very bad man, has once been confined in an asylum for the insane and should be recommitted.

--Last Friday morning a fire started from a peanut roaster in John Roff’s confectionery store at Blossburg; but the flames were extinguished with a few pails of water by the time the steamer was fired up and the lose laid.  About $50 will cover the damages.

--The Covington Intelligencer says:  Report says that Hon. S. F. Wilson is the lawful proprietor of the Covington glass factory, he having bought the same at a Treasurer’s sale in 1877.  Notice to vacate has been served on the United Glass Company, in whose possession the works have been during the past year.

--An Osceola correspondent says that Mrs. Samuel Hall met with a rather peculiar accident a few days ago.  While she was washing she ran a pin into her thumb.  The thumb soon became very much swollen and inflamed, and the inflammation extended to her arm, so that she is unable to work, and suffers a great deal of pain.

--Mr. Nelson Miller, of Nauvoo, received a bad cut on the head from a ladder which fell while he was unloading hay at the barn of Mr. W. W. Seamans, the other day.

--Mr. Gregg J. Stewart has gone to Ithaca, N. Y., where he has recently purchased a restaurant.  Mrs. Stewart will remain with her parents in this place until Spring.

--Mr. Jacob Schioffelin, of Tioga, left home yesterday for Mount Clemens, Mich., to take a cause of treatment for the rheumatism.  He has been troubled with the disease for the past twenty years, and he has been through the entire materia medica without benefit, and he now proposes to try boiling for three or four weeks.  We hope he may be benefited by the trip.

--Mr. Thomas Driscoll, one of the pioneers of Ward Township, walked from Morris Run to Blossburg one day last week.  Mr. Driscoll is 84 years of age and remarkable well preserved.

--The barn of Mr. Thomas Robinson, situated at Paint Run, in Delmar, was burned last Saturday evening.  The barn contained twenty five tons of hay.  The old Peckham schoolhouse in the vicinity, used as a hay barn by Herman Hoffman, was also burned.  It is believed that both barns were started by arson.

--Pensions have been granted to the following Tioga residents:  Increase—Joel Kiser, Osceola; Orson A. Benedict, East Charleston.  Navy—John H. Packard, Covington; Josiah Hughes, Blossburg; Henry Schwenk, Austinville.  Original, widows, etc.—Elijah Phillips, father of Oliver W. Phillips, Delmar.

--DRAPER.—Mr. Fred Osborn has been home from the bark woods and on the sick list for several days.

--ROUND TOP.—A horse belonging to Mr. C. H. Kimball had its leg broken between the ankle and gambrel joint by being kicked by another horse while in the pasture one day this week.

--TIOGA.—George Campbell, of Tioga Township, is very low with heart disease.

--BLOSSBURG.—Edward Saks has received the offer of a good position in a jewelry store at Findlay, Ohio.  The leadership of an orchestra at the same place has also been offered him.  He is undecided yet whether he will accept the offers or not.

--ROSEVILLE.—Olen Chamberlain, the young son of David Chamberlain, had a surgical operation performed on him a few weeks ago, consisting of the removal of two toes, by Dr. O. S. Nye and Dr. Case.

--Fred Murray, of Armenia Township, Bradford County, went to Troy one day last week, imbibed freely of liquor, secured a revolver and attempted suicide.  Physicians removed the bullet and Murray will probably recover.

--Daniel R. Saylor, aged 75 years, a resident of Williamsport, was struck by a freight train last Monday at Minnequa Springs and was instantly killed.  He was the father of Dr. Jean Saylor Brown, a prominent female physician, who is staying at Minnequa.

--Miss Emma Stilwell, of Philadelphia, is visiting at Mr. George A. Ludlow’s.

--Mrs. H. M. Foote and family have gone to Marshfield to visit for several weeks.

--Rev. D. T. VanDoren, of Dundee, N. Y., spent several days in town last week.

--Mr. and Mrs. William E. Roberts have gone to Chenango County, N. Y., to visit relatives.

--Mrs. J. M. Robinson and Miss Grace Willis are spending a fortnight at Bluff Point on Keuka Lake.

--Hon. J. B. McCollum, of the Supreme Court, and Mrs. McCollum, of Montrose, are visiting at Judge Williams’s.

--Mrs. A. D. Spaulding returned last Friday from a month’s visit at the Thousand Islands, Syracuse, Williamsport and Troy.

--Capt. and Mrs. W. H. Davie, accompanied by Miss Maggie Davie, have gone to Detroit, Mich., for an extended visit.  Miss Davie is to attend school there.

--Col. and Mrs. A. E. Niles, Mrs. M. A. Rousseau and Messrs. R. Watkins and F. A. VanValkenburg have been rusticating at State Run and throwing out bait for bass.

--Mrs. Wells L. Daggett, of Bellefonte, has been visiting her grandparents in Jackson.

--Kate W. Baldwin, M.D., of Philadelphia Polyclinic Hospital, is visiting her home at Lawrenceville.

--Miss Josie Peckham, a nurse in the Woman’s Hospital in New York City, is visiting her parents in Middlebury.

--Mr. Stephen A. Potter, of Philadelphia, is spending the summer with his sister, Mrs. George A. Peckham, in Middlebury.  Mr. Potter has been in quite poor health of late, but we are glad to know that country air is benefiting him greatly.

--DRAPER.—Mr. Albert Osborn and Miss Lida Osborn are visiting at Liberty this week.

--DRAPER.—Mr. Elias Warriner, of St. Louis, is here visiting his brother, Joseph Warriner, and other relatives and acquaintances.  Mr. Warriner was a former resident of this place and has been away about thirty years.

--ROUND TOP.—Mr. George Peake and Miss Annie Peake, of Nebraska, are visiting relatives at this place.  Mr. Peake will take the business course given at the Business College in Mansfield before returning home.

--MORRIS.—Mr. Harry Leonard, who has been attending school at Dickinson Seminary, is home for the vacation.  He expects to go back in September.

--TIOGA.—G. G. Saxton, of this place, is visiting friends in Michigan.

--TIOGA.—S. O. Daggett, of Blossburg, was in town a few days ago.

--TIOGA.—Mrs. Q. W. Wellington, of Corning, has been visiting in town this past week.

Land/Business Transactions
--Mr. Thomas H. Young has secured a clerkship in the office of Davidge & Co., tanners, at Williamsport.

--We understand that Mr. Leonard Harrison has purchased the Miller tract of about 1,700 acres, adjoining his other timber lands on Pine Creek.  Mr. Harrison now owns 7,000 or 8,000 acres of very valuable hemlock and hardwood timber.  In his lumbering operations he has shown remarkable aptitude and has been quite successful.

--It is reported that Mr. C. H. Roberts, hardware dealer of Westfield, will return to Elkland and resume business at his old stand.  The Enterprise store at Elkland, formerly occupied by Mr. Roberts, was closed last week Wednesday.

--Messrs. R. R. Kingsley & Son, of Mansfield, are doubling the size of their tannery.

--Mr. H. D. Wood has been appointed as Assessor of Bloss Township in place of Assessor Miller, who has moved away.

--Messrs. Zimmer & Elliott have purchased the cheese factory at East Charleston.  The factory is now working up the milk of 400 cows.

--Messrs. William J. Dort and Oren. A. Dort expects to open a general store in Mr. James A. Boyce’s store building at Stony Fork about the middle of October.

--Burr R. Bailey, Esq., Mansfield’s new Justice of the Peace, has opened an office in the store next door to Reese and Farrer Brothers’ hardware store.

--The old hotel property at Roseville known as the Backer House has been fitted up and opened to the public.  It is the only hotel in the place now, since the fire.  Mr. A. C. Young is the landlord.

--Mr. Guy Kelts is to take charge of the Carroll clothing store at Knoxville.

--ROUND TOP.—Mr. Richard Evans has bought of Mr. B. F. Claus the real estate at this place formerly owned by Mr. H. B. Hyde.

--MORRIS.—Mr. E. A. Crumm started his new mill last Monday morning.

--Last Thursday at noon there was a wedding at St. Peter’s church, Miss Mary Trahey being united to Mr. George H. Young, of Elmira, N. Y.  Miss Maggie Trahey, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and Mr. John Young, the groom’s twin brother, was the best man.  There was a reception at the home of Mr. Patrick Sullivan, on Meade Street, after the ceremony and a sumptuous wedding breakfast was served.  The bride was the recipient of many handsome and useful presents.  Mr. and Mrs. Young left on the afternoon train for Elmira, where a home already furnished awaited them.  Mr. Young formerly resided at Antrim, but his ability as a practical machinist and electrician secured him a position about a year ago in the electric light station at Elmira.  Miss Trahey was a successful teacher in the Antrim schools for several years.  The guests from out of town in attendance at the wedding were Misses Kate and Nora Trahey and Mary Burke, of Troy, and Messrs. Daniel and William Shannon, of Canton.  We trust that long life and happiness may attend the estimable young couple.

--At Elmira, N. Y., July 4, 1890, Mr. Will Hutchey and Miss Kate Grant, both of Blossburg, PA.

--At Wellsboro, PA, July 16, 1890, by Rev. James A. Boyce, Mr. Charles Adelbert Moore and Mrs. Ida R. Wilcox, both of Delmar, PA.

--At Corning, N. Y., July 3, 1890, William S. Reep and Elvina M. Gibb, both of Lawrenceville, PA.

--Mr. Evan Lewis, of Welsh Settlement, died early this morning.  The funeral is to be held at the Welsh church tomorrow afternoon at three o’clock.

--Mary Alford, a former resident of Academy Corners, but of late years an inmate of the county house, died last Thursday, aged 50 years.  Deceased was a cripple.

--Mr. Jacob R. Miller, one of the old residents of Jackson, died a few days ago at the age of 79 years.  He was a noted character in that region for his many eccentricities.

--Mr. Martin, father of Mrs. F. A. Allen, of Mansfield, died at 5 o’clock last Sunday morning at the advanced age of 95 years.  He has been sick only a week or so and before his sickness was quite hale and hearty.  He was formerly a resident of Potter County, but for the last few years he had lived with his daughter, Mrs. Allen, at Mansfield.

--Mr. Samuel F. Hall died last Sunday at his home in Blossburg, aged 69 years.  Deceased came to Charleston from Brooklyn, N. Y., twenty two years ago, and settled on the Edward McInroy place on Reese hill.  He remained there until seven years ago when he became a resident of Blossburg.  He was a prominent leader of the Baptist Church and a well-known Odd Fellow, and leaves five children to mourn his death.  The remains will be taken to Brooklyn, N. Y., for final interment.

--Mrs. R. P. Buttles, a life long resident and worthy woman, died at noon today from cancer of the face.  She was upwards of 70 years of age.  Her husband and one daughter, Frankie Buttles, the well known teacher, survive her.

--Mr. A. D. Harrison, a resident of Borden, in the town of Woodhull, N. Y., died of paralysis last Tuesday morning.  He was well known at Elkland and vicinity.

--ROUND TOP.—Mrs. Delos Winney, who has been sick for some time, died at three o’clock this morning at the age of about 60 years.  Mrs. Winne was stricken with paralysis some months ago and was not able to leave the bed during her illness.  She was an estimable lady and highly respected by all her neighbors.  She was a native of Montgomery County, N. Y. She leaves a husband and several adult children to mourn her death.  The funeral will be at the church tomorrow at two o’clock.  The remains were interred in Shumway cemetery.

--COVINGTON.—The funeral of Mr. Alonzo Barber was held last Tuesday.  He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and had been a class leader for twenty years.  He took charge of his class the Sunday before his death, and he was now gone to join a higher class of which Christ is leader.  It is sufficient, in speaking of his character as a neighbor and citizen, to say he was a genuine Methodist, living up to the rules of his Church.  He will be sadly missed.

--At Wilkes-Barre, PA, July 18, 1890, Mrs. Harriet Fuller, widow of the late Hon. Henry M. Fuller, aged 69 years.

--At Mitchell’s Creek, PA, July 21, 1890, Mr. Daniel Swartwood, aged 66 years.

--At Elkland, PA, July 18, 1890, Mertie Clark, aged 3 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark.

--At Wellsboro, PA., July 20, 1890 to Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Butts, a son.

--In Delmar, PA, July 18, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Fischler, a son.

--At Covington, PA, July 6, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gilbert, a son.

--At Stokesdale, PA, July 28, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris, a son.

--In Tioga, PA, July 18, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith, a son.

--At Blossburg, PA, July 22, 1890, to the wife of Mr. Thomas Crooks, a son.

--At Covington, PA, July 22, 1890, to the wife of Mr. Charles Ely, a daughter.

--At Wellsboro, PA, July 29, 1890, to the wife of Mr. N. R. Kimball, a son.

--At Lawrenceville, PA, July 18, 1890, to the wife of Mr. Fred Lindsley, a son.

--At Elkland, PA, July 21, 1890, to the wife of Mr. Frank Reynolds, a daughter.