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Wellsboro Agitator
*all articles, unless the township is stated, are for Wellsboro.
(Some excerpts are extracted from the readable portions of the Wellsboro
June 2, 1890
Local News
--Miss Lora Andrews, of Keeneyville, has just received an appointment
to a clerkship in the Census Office here, under the Civil-service rules.
--TIOGA.—The Democratic County Committee met at the Park Hotel last Tuesday. John W. Bailey and W. D. Knox were elected delegates to the State Convention.
--TIOGA.—Mr. J. H. Olney has his new house up and enclosed.
--KEENEYVILLE.—A very pleasant party was held here last Thursday evening at Wayne M. Croft’s. About 30 couples were present.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Mr. Burr Keeney is to start for the West next week.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Mr. A. A. Andrews has returned home from Washington, D. C., having been taking care of his brother, who has been undergoing treatment for his eyes.
--ROUND TOP.—Mr. Jacob Thomas was stricken with paralysis one day last week.
--ROUND TOP.—The sheep owned by Mr. Johnson, of Covington, mentioned in the Agitator, are good ones, but Mr. Frank Shaw, of Maple Hill, has twelve ewes with an increase of twenty eight lambs.
--ROUND TOP.—Mr. Joseph Kaufle, foreman of the track-hands on the railroad section here, expects to start next week on a visiting trip to his native country, Switzerland. Mr. A. Fred Marty is his successor to the position of section boss.
--ROUND TOP.—Rev. J. D. Russell is to have the parsonage here fitted up and furnished next week, when he and Mrs. Russell will begin housekeeping for themselves. They were married only a short time before Mr. Russell was assigned the pastorate here.
--ROUND TOP.—Constable S. D. Evans arrested two men last Tuesday in a lumber camp near here. The men arrested came from Chatham to work in the woods. They were charged with picking up a watch when going in to their work and refusing to deliver it to the rightful owner. The watch was dropped in the road by Gaylord Benjamin about thirty or forty minutes before it was picked up by the culprits. The rascals denied having any knowledge of the watch until apprehended and told that there were witnesses to prove charges against them, when they confessed their guilt, offering to return the property and pay the costs. Their offer was accepted and they were released and are again liable to temptation and sure to be under suspicion from every person knowing of their dishonest act.
--SABINSVILLE.—Mr. J. M. Swimlar has bought a very fine horse.
--SABINSVILLE.—Mr. Wilbur Churchill has commenced building his dwelling house on Main Street.
--SABINSVILLE.—Mrs. Bert Gee is teaching our school.
--SABINSVILLE.—Mr. Frank Ackley, who broke his limb recently, is slowly recovering.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Mr. Warren Beck has moved to Knoxville to fill his new position, and all regret his departure.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Our school closed Wednesday. Miss Mae Roe spent Sunday at home.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Harry Keeney, the five year old son of Mr. Arthur Keeney, had the misfortune to swallow a small tin whistle one day last week. The child suffered greatly and was unable to eat for some time, but the doctor now thinks he will recover.
--WESTFIELD.—The family of Mr. W. R. Westbrook has moved to Lockport, N.Y.
--WESTFIELD.—Mrs. Frank Strang is dangerously sick.
--Mr. B. F. Spencer is building a dwelling house on State Street.
--Census enumerator Robert K. Young is counting the people of the first ward this week.
--The four year old daughter of Mr. Henry A. VanValkenburg fell and broke her arm last Saturday.
--Mr. M. L. Bacon has built a large new barn on his place on Main Street, and Mr. F. K. Wright is remodeling and enlarging his barn.
--Mr. A. J. Forsythe, of this borough, has reason to feel highly gratified by the commendation of his work on the Miners’ hospital at Blossburg, by the Hospital Commission last week.
--Ensign Walter J. Sears, well-known in this place, has just been appointed as an officer of the new dynamite cruiser Vesuvius.
--The Canton newspaper says that a very pleasant reception was held in that borough at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Black in honor of their son F. S. Black and his bride, nee Miss Blanche Wheeler, of Wellsboro. About a dozen couples were invited and supper was served at the Mountain View House. Just before supper was served Mr. Black, who is a successful merchant tailor at Wellsboro, received a telegram from his father-in-law, saying, “Come at once; your foreman has skipped for parts unknown and scooped everything.” Shortly after supper Mr. and Mrs. Black were compelled to take their departure, driving to Wellsboro, in order to take prompt action in the matter. The telegram put a dampener on what started out to be a most happy occasion. [see related story below]
--Nearly a year ago a young man named M. F. Sammeth appeared in this borough and secured work with Mr. Fred S. Black’s tailor shop. Physically he was a very small pattern, but in egotism and apparent religious zealot he “weighed a ton”. He soon joined one of the local churches by letter and took a very active part in church work. He immediately began to “hustle” for the organization of a branch of the Young Men’s Christian Association, but he received little encouragement because many believed that there were already as many religious interests here as could be supported. Sammeth, however, kept pushing until a number of persons agreed to lend the Association their support, and an organization was effected and Sammeth was made Secretary. His activities in religious matters enabled him to get trusted at a number of business places and he managed to overdraw his account with his employer. Last week Monday morning Sammeth took the train for Corning and from that place he sent back letters which clearly indicated that he intended to “skip”. He had been left in charge of the store while Mr. Black was away on his wedding trip. It turns out that Sammeth carried off $20 or thereabouts which had been paid to him as dues by members of the Y.M.C.A., and he beat Mr. Black to the tune of $50 or $56. He also kept a gold watch which a jeweler had loaned him to carry for a few days while an old one was being repaired. We learn that this is not a new thing for Sammeth. He ran away from Northampton County in the same way, and when he came here from Binghamton, N. Y., he “jumped” his board bill in that city and left numerous creditors in the lurch. To use a sporting phrase, he also has a religious “record”, having been identified with several denominations before his advent here. His wife and baby, to whom he sent his “best wishes” in one of this letters to a friend, are still here. At last accounts Sammeth had secured work in a New York City tailor shop, and he writes back that he will take his family to the city soon. He also writes “May God forgive me, and I know He will”, The man is evidently a pious little fraud who deserves to be shown up so that other communities be warned against him.
--Mr. Jacob Meyer, a Liberty farmer, has his arm broken and shoulder dislocated a few days ago by being thrown out of his wagon.
--Last week Monday, while at play, the two year old child of Mr. James Wilson, of Arnot, had its left hand cut off with a butcher knife.
--Master Claude Brock won the Webster’s unabridged dictionary by passing the best written examination in spelling at the Elkland graded school.
--Mr. F. M. Patchen, of Covington, is the possessor of a relic of Revolutionary times in the shape of a powder horn which is covered with carving and bears and the date 1760.
--Mr. John Wheeler, of Trowbridge, was shot through the calf of his leg last week Sunday. A neighbor was fooling with a revolver at Mr. Wheeler’s house, when the weapon discharged.
--Messrs. E. R. Meeker and B. F. Doud, of Covington, were driving fence posts a few days ago, when the head flew off the handle of the sledge and struck Mr. Meeker on the forehead, cutting a serious gash.
--A few days ago, Mr. L. W. Thompson, of Cherry Flats, caught a brook trout in Elk Run that measured 13 and one half inches and weighed a pound. It is not often that our local fishermen are rewarded with catches of that size.
--Barney Gee, the young man who was thought to be fatally injured by the boiler explosion in Woodhull a few days ago, is now in a fair way to recover. It is thought that the explosion was caused by carelessness of the engineer in letting the water get too low in the boiler.
--Mr. Isaac Preger, a Blossburg clothing merchant, was recently cheated out of $700 worth of goods by a peddler named Shein. The peddler took the goods over into New York and then shipped back the empty trunks to Preger. The scamp had been a trusted customer for some time before.
--The following pensions have recently been secured through B. M. Potter’s agency: Mrs. Sarah O. Hurlbutt, of Chatham Valley, a pension of $12 a month by special act of Congress, she being the daughter of a Revolutionary soldier; Mr. A. A. McLear, Hammond, a father’s pension of $12 a month and arrears amounting to $200; H. S. Keeney, Crooked Creek, increase from $12 to $17 a month; Thomas B. Sturdevant, Nelson, restoration.
--The Elkland Journal says that the arrest of Mr. W. D. Loper at that place a few days ago on the charge of taking away some musical instruments belonging to the Athens band, was a spite action. Loper was taken to Athens and examined before the Justice of the Peace who discharged him, there being “no evidence to sustain the charge”. The Journal remarks, “Athens is afraid Elkland will get all of her citizens away from there; and it does look as though there was some danger of it. But then, that is not the right way to get them back again.”
--Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hollands, of Blossburg, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage last Monday.
--Mr. Hugh Crawford, of Canton, formerly of Fall Brook, has just been granted a pension of $16 per month with arrearages amounting to $1,358.
--While cutting grass with a grass hook the other day, Mrs. A. G. Steen, of Elkland, managed to cut off the end of the index finger of her left hand.
--We understand that Miss Rose H. Judge, a teacher in out public schools, has been engaged as a teacher at the Mansfield graded school for the next term.
--Mr. Charles Suhr, an employee at Matson’s saw mill at Marsh Creek, met with a severe accident last week Monday morning. His left hand came in contact with a buzz saw, nearly severing the two first fingers and badly lacerating the other two. He came to this borough and Dr. C. W. Webb amputated the first and second fingers.
--Mr. Ed C. Deans, of Wellsboro, was in the city a few days ago, having
come as far as Baltimore on business connected with his insurance enterprise.
--NELSON.—Miss Getta Warren is home from Mansfield on a vacation, her school having closed there the first of the week.
--TIOGA.—Mrs. Kate Chapman and her son, of New Mexico, are visiting her father, Major Charles Ryan.
--TIOGA.—Dell Larabee and family, of Fall Brook, are stopping here for the present.
--DRAPER.—Mr. Joseph Osborn is a guest of Mr. Albert Osborn. Joseph was formerly resident of this place, but has been away for several years in Michigan.
--ROUND TOP.—Mr. Myron Shaw, from the West, and Miss Franc Moore, of Elmira, N. Y., are visiting at the home of their uncle, Mr. W. H. Clark.
--SABINSVILLE.—Mr. O. B. Roberts and family, of Wellsboro, are in town.
--SABINSVILLE.—Miss Louise Hawley is visiting friends here.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Charles Carpenter and family, of Harrison Valley, were here over Decoration Day.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Mr. Burt Keeney and his sister Myrtle, visited their sister Mrs. Leroy Costley in Potter County a few days ago.
--Mr. H. J. Ripley is visiting in Sullivan Township.
--Mr. John Coyle has been visiting at Watertown, N. Y.
--Mrs. A. C. Roland is visiting her old home at Jersey Shore.
--Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Roberts, of Westfield, were in town over Sunday.
--Mrs. C. D. Willis and Mrs. J. M. Robinson were in Elmira on Thursday.
--Mr. and Mrs. Charles Toles are visiting at Owego, Albany and Brooklyn, N. Y.
--Mr. and Mrs. Clinton V. Merrick, of Bradford, have been visiting at Capt. A. B. Horton’s.
--Mrs. C. D. Willis and Mrs. Mary Dickinson started yesterday to spend the summer in Wisconsin and Illinois.
--Mrs. Kate Foreman, of Freehold, N. J., is here to spend the summer. She is boarding at Dr. J. H. Shearer’s.
--Rev. Dr. A. C. Shaw spent last week at Rochester, N. Y. His father, the late Rev. Dr. J. B. Shaw, left him his large library.
--Dr. George Crane, of the Addison cancer infirmary, made a few calls in this place last Wednesday and Thursday.
--Mr. B. H. Parkhurst, of Elkland, is on a business trip to Kansas.
Land/Business Transactions
--TIOGA.—J. F. Davis has engaged a new clerk in the place of Fred Shappee,
who has gone to Elmira to attend school.
--TIOGA.—Max Leutner has built a substantial brick chimney to his bake oven.
--ROUND TOP.—Mr. John Chapman moved last week to the John Dengle farm, near Wellsboro, which he purchased recently.
--SABINSVILLE.—Mr. A. D. Parker has sold his property to Milford Stebbins and will move to Westfield soon.
--WESTFIELD.—N. J. Stocking has lately added a complete set of modern furniture and appliances to his dental office.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. Patterson, our jeweler, has leased and is now the proprietor of the Junction House, on the Pine Creek railroad.
--A. F. Rose commenced operations on his steam laundry yesterday.
--Mr. A. B. A. Biggs, the music dealer, is to open a music store this week in the Eastman block in the rooms lately occupied by the Burgin Bakery. Dr. A. B. Eastman will also use part of the store for stock of fancy goods.
--Mr. James L. Robb has bought over 4,000 tons of hay in this county this season.
--Mr. William Peck and Mr. William Card, of Sylvania, has bought out his brother, Mr. Edward Peck’s interest in the Elkland meat market.
--Dr. John Kiley, of Morris Run, has sold his one third interest in the Kiley farm at Covington to his brother, S. H. Kiley, for $3,000.
--A Jersey Shore correspondent says: “And now it is rumored that Tim
Evans, the genial, jolly Tim, a Fall Brook train runner of this place,
is about to take unto himself a better half. He has grown weary of
single loneliness, and will “Gamble his life pleasantly away listening
to the merry melodies of married manhood.”
Mr. Phillip Wass, of Little Marsh, and Miss Nora Thompson, of Sabinsville, were married at Troupsburgh last Saturday. On their way home the couple were riding in a double rig with Mr. and Mrs. R. Cole and the horses became frightened near Cowanesque. Mr. and Mrs. Wass jumped from the buggy; Mrs. Wass broke her leg in two places below the knee.
--TIOGA.—Mr. Dennis Perry, an old and respected citizen of this borough,
died last Sunday at his residence on Centre Street. His funeral was
held on Wednesday.
--Mr. Joseph James, of Arnot, died last Saturday. The remains were taken to Blossburg and interred in the Odd Fellows’ cemetery.
--Mr. Michael Weaver, of Blossburg, died last Thursday at Winslow, Arizona. He leaves a widow, one daughter, and several other near relatives at Blossburg.
--ROUND TOP.—A twelve pound boy was presented to the family of Mr.
John J. Evans one day last week.
June 10, 1890
Local News
Roseville was visited by a blighting calamity last Tuesday afternoon.
Twenty four buildings were swept away by flames in an incredible short
time. About half past one o’clock fire broke out in the hotel of
F. C. Avery, and the building was quickly in flames. A very high
wind fanned the flames which soon communicated to the barns and the Methodist
church, and then spread with a rapidity that set the puny efforts of the
citizens at defiance. There were no facilities for fighting fire,
save buckets, and they were unavailing.
The Methodist church, the hotel, the Grange building, the store
of C. B. Hanyen, the dwellings of C. W. Kelley, Edgar Wilson, Clarinda
Sherman, Rev. H. D. Barber, J. H. Wilcox, Rev. J. H. Klucker, William Longwell,
H. H. Soper, Thomas Dix, and other were all consumed, together with outbuildings
and much of the household goods and apparel of each. The hotel barns,
the barns of Thomas Dix, Mrs. Aaron Wood, Mrs. Sherman, C. B. Hanyen, and
eight others shared the common fate. The fire made a clean sweep,
leaving nothing in its pathway.
The loss falls heavily on many of the losers, who lost their
all. But few carried insurance—Dix, Hanyen, Wilcox and Longwell being
the only ones so far known, and in the case of Dix and Wilcox, the amount
was small.
In an effort to save his goods, Mr. Kelley was nearly suffocated
and remained in critical condition for some hours.
The total loss by the conflagration is roughly estimated at $25,000;
but the figures give no idea of the desolation wrought upon the hamlet,
not the meaning the disaster has to many of the sufferers. It is
a terrible visitation. Well many of the people of Roseville feel
sad. With the sympathy that goes out to the stricken village is mingled
the hope that it may speedily recover from the effects of the fiery devastation.
The fire had its origins in a defective flue, that prolific cause
of conflagrations.
--Mr. Willis Clouser, of Perry County, lost five children in two weeks to diphtheria.
--A portable engine and boiler owned by Mr. Irvine Burgess, of Springfield, Bradford County, exploded on the Bloss farm last Tuesday morning. The boiler was torn to pieces and James Deats, the engineer, was badly scalded, but is likely to recover.
--Mr. L. M. Fleming has moved his dwelling house south a few rods, placing it on the corner of Charleston and Cole streets.
--Messrs. S. W. Christnot and Riley W. Coles returned last week from San Francisco. Mr. Christnot left here thirteen years ago. He returns in very poor health. Mr. Coles went to the Pacific about four years ago.
--A few days ago Constable J. W. Ritter went to Chatham to arrest Mr. Newberry Short upon a warrant charging him with a serious offense. He found the man, but when he was about to arrest him his son, Charles Short, appeared and drew a revolver and threatened the officer if he proceeded further. Constable Ritter then came home and swore out a warrant for the younger man, and on Thursday Constable E. S. Dartt went to Chatham and arrested Charles Short. The Constable had a road cart, and as the Shorts took a horse off the plow and offered to drive up with their own rig, the Constable assented, as he thought he could easily keep up with the old plow horse. But he found out he couldn’t and although he got here only ten to fifteen minutes after the others he found the prisoner had been to see his lawyer and had the skipped. So Constable Dartt was short on one Short and two Shorts are now a long way from being in custody.
--Miss Mamie Campbell has opened a kindergarten at Elkland.
Mr. Charles Orton, of Morris Run, recently had one of his eyes destroyed by a piece of metal flying into it.
--Mr. Griffin Bailey, of Richmond, had several ribs broken a few days ago by being thrown from his wagon.
--During the thunderstorm last Thursday evening then lightening slivered two fence posts on the south corner of Mr. R. C. Simpson’s premises. Several persons in that neighborhood felt the shock.
--Mr. Eugene B. Root has had his pension increased from $8 to $14 a month, and Mr. George Kimball has received an increase from $6 to $10 a month. Both came through B. M. Potter’s agency.
--Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Werline, of Liberty, have gone to the northern peninsula of Michigan for a month’s camping.
--Mr. Erastus Niles, of Charleston, who broke his leg on the 21st of April, is able to get about again with the aid of a can.
--Mr. Lorenzo Allen, of Jackson Summit, has received and original pension of $12 a month, with arrears amounting to about $600.
--Last week Monday afternoon Mr. L. W. Scott was adjusting a belt in the Eberlee tannery at Westfield, when his hand was caught and he was thrown about ten feet and badly shaken up. His wrist was also seriously wrenched.
--Mr. S. N. Coe, of Canton, was reported to be in a very critical condition a few days ago from blood poisoning. He was called to attend a funeral and in striking a match he ran a needle into his thumb. In a short time inflammation set in and his arm swelled terribly, and it was necessary to call a physician.
--Last Wednesdays hail storm destroyed the tobacco crop of Mr. Philip Williams and several others at Lamb’s Creek.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. Joshua Bernauer has the misfortune to lose a valuable cow last week.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. Harvey Champney’s little two year old boy was seriously bitten by their dog the other day. While he was playing with the cur the dog suddenly leaped upon the little fellow and tore a large hole in his cheek. It is hoped, however, that the child will soon recover from the severe injury.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. Oliver Hall was struck a heavy blow on the head by a large limb which fell from a hemlock while he was peeling bark for Mr. Ezra Swope recently. The wounds have partly healed, but he has not been entirely recovered from the injury.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Mr. Burton L. Keeney started last Thursday for St. Paul, Minnesota, where he is to fill a position as stenographer.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Mrs. Harvey Button is dangerously ill, and grave doubts are entertained of her recovery.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Mr. William Day was the possessor of the lucky ticket that drew a fine tea set and Close & Smith’s store last Saturday.
--Mr. A. J. Pollock, of Antrim, has moved his family to Elmira.
--A cow belonging to Louis Nearing was grazing on the railroad near Morris Run a few days ago and was run over and killed by a caboose. The caboose kept the track.
--The young daughter of Mr. Henry Hutchinson, of East Avenue, is down with diphtheria. There have been four cases in that immediate neighborhood, but only one death.
--Mr. John Burt, of Corning, N. Y., an employee of the Fall Brook Railroad Company, while coupling cars at Newberry Junction on Tuesday of last week had his right arm badly lacerated.
--Vague reports are in circulation concerning the conduct of the parties who found the body of the late Mary Thompson, a victim of the Osceola flood. Something scandalous is hinted at; but it would seem to be the part of wisdom to stir up the matter as little as possible unless specific charges can be made.
--Pensions have been granted to the following residents of Tioga County: Original widows—Alexander Kennedy, father of Edgar Kennedy, of Delmar. Increases—Gideon Short, Chatham Valley; Francis M. Shaw, Mansfield; George D. Brooks, Velorious G. Ives and George A. Ludlow, Wellsboro; Aaron O. Douglass, West Covington; Ebenezer A. Bean, Knoxville; Charles E. Sanders, Marsh Creek.
--Mrs. Dobbs has called at this office and requests a correction of the report published concerning her son, Luther Dobbs, who claims that he had no intention of jumping his board bill, but left Corning for a few days in search of employment, and was arrested on his return to Corning. He expected to settle for his board as soon as possible, but was temporarily embarrassed. The statements of the Elmira Advertiser’s correspondent are declared unjust and unwarranted.
--Miss Ina Warriner and Miss Jennie Hunt met with a serious accident while riding near Marsh Creek one day last week. As they were about to cross the bridge that spans the Darling run gully their horse backed them over the bank. Miss Hunt fell to the bottom of the gully and was pinned down by the horse and cart. Her injuries were very painful, but though she has been confined to the house for several days, she is not regarded in danger. Miss Warriner was not hurt much.
--Conductor L. D. Fay, who has so far recovered from his severe illness to resume his duty on the road, was again prostrated a few days ago, suffering from what was believed to be an abscess on the brain. His condition was regarded critical, and members of his family came from Corning to this borough on a special train last Sunday. Dr. May, of Corning, was summoned Monday, and pronounced the sufferer much better. Mr. Fay seems to be in the way of recovery, a condition over which his friends sincerely rejoice.
--It is reported that C. W. Kelley is soon to receive arrears of pension amounting to $3,665.59. Hurrah for the Justice.
--MIDDLEBURY.—Stockdale Lewis and family have taken up their abode in Middlebury once more.
--Mr. Fred Christnot, a workman at the Cortland carriage factory, is
visiting his parents on Water Street. He has just recovered from
a tussle with the typhoid fever.
--Miss N. L. Miller, of Philadelphia, is visiting Mrs. George M. Spalding.
--Miss Carrie Gaylord, of Blossburg, spent Sunday with friends in town.
--Mrs. R. P. Perry, of Corning, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. S. Houghton.
--Mr. Sol Holzheimer, of Amsterdam, N. Y., is the guest of Mr. Max Bernkopf.
--Mr. Sol Bennett and Miss Gertrude Bennett visited friends in Elmira last week.
--Mr. Charles L. Seimans, of Washington, D. C., is visiting the home of his daughter.
--Misses Emma Irwin and Ida Irwin, of Jefferson County, have been the guests of Mrs. C. F. Veil for several days.
--Mrs. M. F. Elliott returned home the first of the week from the South, after and absence of about two years.
--Miss Myra Reynolds, a teacher at Vassar College, and Miss Emma Reynolds, both formerly of this borough, have been visiting friends here. They are en route for Pueblo, Colorado, their present home.
Land/Business Transactions
--Mr. D. B. Lain has repaired and greatly improved his store building
at Jackson Summit.
--Mr. F. E. Horton, of Mainesburg, has gone to Coudersport to take charge of a grist mill.
--Mr. Wellington Phelps, formerly of Wellsboro, has purchased Mr. Peck’s interest in the livery business of Peck & Peake, at Mansfield.
--Mr. J. H. Patterson, the Westfield jeweler, has sold out and gone to Newberry Junction to keep a hotel. From jewelry to juleps is a long jump.
--Messrs. Miller Moore and Fred Hanson are about to establish a foundry and machine shop at Westfield.
--John Benson is building a large house on his lot adjoining Frank Argetsinger. C. W. Sherman is doing the work.
--At Morris Run, PA., May 29, 1890, by Rev. Mr. Kay, Mr. Abner Bunn
of Blossburg, and Miss May Holt, of Morris Run.
--At Elmira, N. Y., June 3, 1890, Mr. Barry E. Carr, of Covington, and Miss Minnie E. Dewey, adopted daughter of Mr. John Kelley, of Mansfield, PA.
--At Elmira, N. Y., April 24, 1890, Mr. August Nelson, of Cooper’s Plains, N. Y., and Miss Hadda Erickson, of Tioga, PA.
--At Elmira, N. Y., April 10, 1890, Mr. John W. Shaw and Miss Sadie E. Waddell, both of Covington, PA.
--At the home of the bride in Dresden, N. Y., May 31, 1890, by Rev. C. E. Brockway, of Keuka Park, N. Y., Mr. Ray B. Smith, of Penn Yan, and Miss Edith Brewster, of Dresden, N. Y.
--At Troupsburgh, N. Y., July 4, 1890, by Rev. A. W. Mettler, Mr. Willard A. Seeley and Miss Jennie A. Beach, both of Little Marsh, PA.
--At Wellsboro, PA., July 3, 1890, by Rev. James A. Boyce, Mr. Edward L. Ives, of Wellsboro, and Miss Alice M. Kransey, of Stony Fork, PA.
--At Knoxville, PA., June 26, 1890, Mr. George H. Fowler, and Miss Bertha M. Angell.
--The published notice of the marriage of Mr. Wells O. Ashley and Rose Fletcher, of Sullivan, proves to have been a hoax perpetrated by some party unknown.
--Last week Sunday evening the seven months old child of Mr. John Chapman,
who lives on the Dengle farm near the borough line, died from loss of blood
after its gums were lanced. The child was having a serious time teething
and a physician lanced the gums on the previous Thursday. The father
repeated the operation and it was impossible to stop the bleeding and the
child died of exhaust.
--Mr. Hector L. Miller, a well-known citizen of Elmira, died last Wednesday evening at the age of 66 years. The cause of his death was paralysis. He was a native of Millerton and one of its largest property owners, the place being named in honor of his family. He was a man of strict integrity and of great moral worth. The remains were brought to Millerton for interment last Sunday.
--Mr. John Krause, of Liberty, died a few days ago at the age of ninety three years.
--The Lawrenceville Herald says that Mr. John Hanley, an old and respected citizen of Lindley, was instantly killed a few days ago while returning home from Lawrenceville. As he was driving through the village of Lindley in the company of his wife, his carriage wheels dropped into a deep rut and Mr. Hanley was pitched out and struck his head, killing him instantly. It was found that his neck was broken by the fall.
--Dr. Abel Humphrey, formerly of Tioga, died at Center Hill, Florida, on the 1st instant. He suffered from an attack of the grip, which developed into dropsy and terminated fatally in disease of the heart.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mrs. Schanbacker, who has been seriously ill for weeks, quietly died last Wednesday. The funeral is to be held at the Schanbacker residence. She was a devoted Christian lady and leaves many friends to mourn her loss.
--At Roaring Branch, May 30, 1890, Mr. George Manley, aged 73 years.
--Mr. Harry S. Hull, editor and proprietor of the Bath Courier, died at Rochester, of apoplexy, yesterday morning. He was 37 years of age and an unusually bright newspaper man.
--Mrs. William Monroe died at her home near Knoxville last week Monday from the effects of a surgical operation performed for the removal of a cancer. She leaves a husband and two children.
--At Hammond, PA., June 1, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Carlton, a daughter.
--At Wellsboro, PA., June 7, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Schaffer, a daughter.
--At Elmer, PA., June 3, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Wilcox, a daughter.
--At Wellsboro, PA., July 9, 1890, to the wife of Mr. A. M. Roy, a son.
June 17, 1890
Local News
--Last Sunday afternoon, the two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. VanValkenburg was playing with several other children on the bank
of the creek at the rear of Mrs. W. W. Webb’s residence when she slipped
and fell into the creek where the water was about four feet deep.
One of her companions, little Madge Spalding, screamed for help, and Mrs.
George M. Spalding ran out and plunged into the creek. She caught
hold of the child but was unable to get out, and Mr. Spalding went into
the water and helped his wife and the child to the bank. The child
was badly frightened, but was not seriously injured. The sudden bath
was not to the liking of any of the three, but all are to be congratulated
that the result was not serious. Had there been a little delay the
child would have been drowned.
--Mrs. Eunice Shoemaker, of Lawrenceville, has been granted a widow’s pension.
--Miss Genevieve Baldwin, of Mansfield, has secured a position as stenographer in an Elmira law office.
--Mr. William Davis, of Lawrence township, has received a pension of $8 a month and arrears amounting to about $800.
--The Tioga School Board has decided to retain the old corps of teachers for another year. They are Prof. W. E. Blair, Principal; J. R. Bowen and Miss Clara Wheeler, assistants.
--The Millerton paper says that the beautiful and lasting monuments to the late Hector L. Miller are the large number of beautiful maple trees in that village, which were mostly set out under his direction.
--Rev. W. G. Wells, of Potterville, has been appointed to the charge of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church at Tioga. He expects to begin work there the first week of next month. He is also to hold services one Sunday in each month at Fall Brook.
--It is reported that the scholars and teachers of a school in Farmington, near the place of Mr. William VanDusen, were greatly frightened on a recent afternoon by the appearance in the school room of a man in a crazy state of intoxication and flourishing a large butcher knife. The inmates of the school house sought refuge Mr. VanDusen’s, and the Constable was sent for. The officer has something of a “circus” in getting his prisoner over to Osceola. The children thought that their experience was a pretty rough one.
--We have the information from Mansfield that Mr. Judson A. Elliott has been recommended by Congressman McCormick for Postmaster of that borough. There has been a long and bitter contest over the office, and the list of candidates has changed with every new moon for six or eight months past. Mr. Elliott is an excellent business man and a good citizen, and the public will be well served with the post office in his hands. The surname of Mansfield’s Postmaster will not be changed, as the new man will succeed Col. N. A. Elliott, but the politics is now on the other side of the house.
--OSCEOLA.—Will Humphrey and Frank J. Seeley spent two days at the Elmira races this week.
--OSCEOLA.—John Ryon, a hired man working for George Tubbs, cut his hand very badly while splitting wood Friday morning.
--Frank E. Bundy, of Elmira, has invented a glass trumpet for the phonograph. Mr. Edison made trumpets from various metals, but had to acknowledge them all imperfect. The addition of Mr. Bundy’s trumpet to the phonograph results in a perfect reproduction of the sound.
--OSCEOLA.—A few days ago lightening struck the house of Mrs. Berintha Allen, a widow lady living near the railroad track at Granville Summit, Bradford County. Fortunately Mrs. Allen had left the house about five minutes before, thus probably saving her life. The bolt startled the neighborhood with a severe shock.
--The fine large barn of Hon. M. O. Loomis, at East Troy, was struck by lightening on a recent night, set on fire and entirely consumed, with a large quantity of oats, hay, straw, wagon, harness and farm implements. The horses and one wagon were all that could be saved. Loss fully $1,500; insurance $700.
--Ansel Gere, of Liberty Township, Susquehanna County, went out to the barn with his lantern to set a turkey. The fowl became frightened, flew off the nest, tipped the lantern over and set fire to the barn, which was consumed. Six head of cattle, a new lumber wagon and a lot of farm implements were burned.
--It now appears that the boiler explosion at Springfield, Bradford County, on the Jud Phillips farm involved an attempted crime of a very dark hut. A couple of gentlemen of reliability, while inspecting the boiler, discovered fragments of a dynamite bomb or cartridge to whose explosion the tearing to pieces of the boiler is due. That any one guilty of such infernal attempt seems past belief, as the attempt would likely to involve the loss of one or more lives. Several other malicious attempts have been made to injure engines belonging to Irvine Burgess, and it seems about time the perpetrator was detected and brought up for punishment. Suspicion already rests on someone. Not long about two engines of Mr. Burgess were wrecked, and a number of other cases of malicious design for injury. James Deats, the engineer who was badly scalded, is recovering.
--The stock of clothing and household goods of N. Silverman, of Blossburg, was levied on last Thursday by Sheriff Sheffer. The action was brought by Silverman’s wife who holds her husband’s note for $2,240.
--Mr. B. F. Milliken, one of Wellsboro’s popular business men, has been in poor health for a long time. Last Saturday Drs. Shearer and Webb performed an operation upon him and removed about a pine of (?) from his side. He experienced immediate relief and his friends trust that he will speedily recover.
--Pensions have been awarded to the following residents of Tioga county: Original invalid—Henry C. Roland, Wellsboro. Increase—Joseph P. West, Middlebury Centre; Truman C. Middaugh, Lawrenceville; Ashley Husted, Round Top; James Robinson, Lawrenceville; Eugene B. Root, George Kimball, Robert E. Pond and Sanford M. Boyden, Wellsboro.
--At an early hour last Sunday morning six horses belonging to Mr. G. W. Peckham, of Crooked Creek, got on the railroad track. A train came along and the engineer attempted to frighten the animals from the track by sharp blasts upon the whistle, but they started down the track ahead of the train and jumped into a culvert. Every horse was injured and one had to be killed.
--Mr. G. R. Sherwood has moved from Burton Hill to Al Walker’s house in Columbia, Bradford County.
--E. B. Thomas, our painter, has returned from State Road, Lycoming County.
--Mrs. Philip Wass, who received a fractured limb while returning from her wedding, is gaining and is able to sit up.
--Mr. Alfred King is nursing a lame shoulder which was injured three months ago.
--Mr. Arch Potter’s team ran away this morning but no damage was done.
--Mr. Edgar Bovier, our hardware merchant, has gone with his wife and son, Edwin Bovier, on an extended visit to several points in New York state, leaving his two daughters, Alta Bovier and Aggie Bovier, to run the store in his absence.
--Mr. Hugh Swimelar, who is taking instructions in telegraphy, has received a new instrument. Miss Alta Bovier is quite an expert in sending messages. She has been taking instructions in telegraphy for some time.
--Mr. Jasper Scott has moved to his farm for the summer.
--Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Barden, of Mansfield, are visiting in McKean County.
--CHATHAM.—Mr. Charles Rice and family have gone to Rochester, N.Y., to visit Mrs. Rice’s mother.
--LITTLE MARSH.—Mr. William Ham, of Minnesota, arrived in this place the day before yesterday, being summoned to the sick bed of his sister, Mrs. Harvey Button, who is no better.
--OSCEOLA.—George Keeney and family, of Athens, PA are at Vine Crandall’s.
--Mr. and Mrs. Abel Strait, two of Wellsboro’s oldest residents, who have been living with their granddaughter at Brooklyn, N.Y., have returned her to spend the summer.
--Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilcox, of Troy, and Mrs. W. S. Wilcox, of West Franklin, have been visiting at the home of Mr. J. W. Brewster. The doctor is a prominent man in Masonic circles.
--Mr. Loren Davis, of Clyde, N.Y., is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Davis, of Ease Avenue. Mr. Davis, who is preparing himself for the ministry, preached at Round Top last Sunday.
--ROSEVILLE.—Miss Angelina Ingerick spent last week with relatives in Bradford County.
--Mrs. Flavilla Wright, widow of James Wright, has just returned from a two weeks’ visit with her son-in-law, E. B. Soper.
Land/Business Transactions
--Mr. Burton Schrader, of Rutland, is soon to take charge of one of
the Mansfield grist mills.
--The brick work on Mr. G. W. Sheffer’s new hotel at Blossburg is completed and the iron roof is to be put up as fast as the weather will permit.
--OSCEOLA.—Vine Crandall and Frank Seeley have purchased the Tubbs block, which is to be converted into a hotel. They paid $600 for the property.
--OSCEOLA.—Hoyt Tubbs has just put up a portable saw mill at the same place where the former one blew up three weeks ago.
--Mr. John C. Adams, of Tioga, has sold his livery stable to Mr. E. C. Griffin.
--Mr. J. E. Wright has just completed a new wagon and tool house on his premises.
--Mr. Walter Soper has his new house raised.
--Ed Comstock has moved his portable saw mill to Block House, where he has a big job.
--Mr. Wilbur Churchill is building a fine large dwelling near the spot where his house burned this spring. Mr. Frank Bruce, of this place, and George Bruce of Hornellsville, are doing the work under contract. They have to have the house finished in sixty days from the time of beginning.
--Mr. William Rushmore has purchased the Charles Bruce house and lot near the Baptist Church (second house above) and moved to the place.
--Frank Bruce moved last week to the O. B. Roberts house, opposite the Eldridge Hotel.
--Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Mather, of Lawrenceville, have issued invitations
to the wedding of their daughter Luella Mather and Mr. Eugene F. Parker,
of Bath, N.Y. The ceremony is to take place at the Presbyterian Church
this evening at seven o’clock, and the reception is to be held at the homestead
from 7:30 to 10 o’clock. We wish the young couple a full measure
of prosperity and happiness.
--TIOGA.—Mr. James Duff and Miss Nellie Fleming, both of Tioga, are to be married in the Catholic Church next Wednesday at 10 a.m.
--At Elkland, PA, June 11, 1890, to by Rev. Mr. Yarman, Mr. Byron Cornelius and Miss Lula Harding, both of Elkland.
--At Troupsburgh, N.Y., May 31, 1890, Mr. Charles Cunningham, of Brookfield, and Miss Rosa L. Root, of Wellsboro, PA.
--At St. Paul’s German Evangelical Church of Viola, Minnesota, June 8, 1890, by Rev. E. Otto, Rev. C. H. Haussler, of Wellsboro, and Miss Elizabeth C. Scharer, of Quincy Township, Minn.
--At Mainesburg, PA., June 7, 1890, by Rev. Charles M. Adams, Mr. Horton Vaughn and Miss Elizabeth Homes, both of Fall Brook, PA.
--Mr. S. N. Coe, an undertaker at Canton, died last Wednesday morning
of blood poisoning which was caused by a small cut upon one of his fingers
made while he was caring for a dead body a few weeks ago.
--Mr. Aaron VanDyke, of Nelson, was found dead in his bed at the house of Mr. Richard Schoonover, at Austinburg, last Wednesday morning. Mr. VanDyke was visiting Austinburg, and he was in his usual health when he retired on Tuesday night. Coroner Niles held an inquest on Wednesday, and the jury rendered a verdict that VanDyke came to his death by organic heart disease from which he had suffered for several years. Mr. VanDyke was 59 years of age. He leaves a wife and four children. The funeral was held last Friday forenoon.
--Last Tuesday morning Mr. Robert Campbell, a well known citizen of Delmar, started from his home to go over to the place of his son Edwin Campbell, about a mile and a half distant across lots. Nothing further was seen of him until about four o’clock in the afternoon, when one of his grandsons found him lying helpless in a meadow on Mr. Harry Wheeler’s farm about eighty rods from Mr. Edwin Campbell’s house. He was carried to the house, and a physician, who pronounced it an attack of paralysis. Mr. Campbell lingered until about two o’clock Wednesday morning when he passed peacefully away. The funeral was held at Mr. Edwin Campbell’s on Friday afternoon. Rev. Dr. A. C. Shaw conducting the services.
--CHATHAM.—Mrs. A. F. Hawkins died this afternoon. She was 58 years of age.
--LITTLE MARSH.—News has just come of the death of Mr. John Croft, of Keeneyville, an old and respected resident of Middlebury, who has lived in that township for over forty years.
--The infant child of Mr. J. Griswold, of Blossburg, who had been for a long time, had been a sufferer from a tumor, died last Friday afternoon while undergoing an operation for the removal of the same.
--Gretchen Hathaway, the two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hathaway, died of diphtheria yesterday afternoon and was buried in the evening. The little one was sick but four days. She was a bright child, and the parents have the sympathy of their many friends. Another daughter, Tina Hathaway, aged 9 years is recovering from an attack of the dread scourge.
--Mr. and Mrs. Burton Schrader were called to Wellsboro last week to attend the funeral of Robert Campbell, father of Mrs. Schrader.
--At Blossburg, PA., June 16, 1890, of inflammation of the lungs, Benjamin Williams, aged 14 years.
--In Wellsboro, PA., June 14, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Dartt, a
--In Richmond, PA., to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brace, a daughter.
--ROSEVILLE.—Mr. S. E. Judson is very jubilant over the arrival of a 12 and a half pound baby girl at his home.
--ROSEVILLE.—Wesley Burton is all smiles cause it’s a baby girl.
--ROSEVILLE.—Jim Argetsinger has a young son.
--ROSEVILLE.—Daniel Cease has a new arrival at his home.
June 24, 1890
Local News
--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. Edwin Barton cut his wrist quite badly a few days
ago. He was shearing a sheep, and the animal kicked the shears into his
--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. Ed Robbins was severely kicked by a horse last Tuesday. He is said to be in a critical condition.
--BROOKFIELD.—Miss Mary Bates is teaching at the Sylvester School. She is having good success on her first term.
--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. Cyrus Mason, who has been very sick, is not getting quite smart again. He is 85 years old.
--Mr. Ray Wortendyke has gone to Troy, PA to learn the trade of machinist in the Troy Engine Works.
--Mr. Alfred J. Niles has passed his examinations at the Harvard Law School with honors, and tomorrow he expects to receive his degree of L. L. B. He will return home this week, and he will be showered with congratulations by his many friends.
--Last evening, Mr. M. S. Field and his sister were riding on West Avenue when their horse started to run and shied out into the ditch and against Mr. Henry C. Cox’s buggy in which Mrs. Cox was sitting. A wheel on both buggies was smashed and Mrs. Cox thrown out and bruised quite considerably. Mr. Field hung to the horse and stopped him in a few rods.
--Mr. Amos Dibble, of Delmar, has a thrilling experience on Main Street last Wednesday noon. He pulled up his team of colts in front of Unger’s clothing store, when a strap broke and the tongue of the platform dropped to the ground and the horses started to run. They ran at breakneck pace up Main Street to the corner opposite the old bank, where the tongue ran into the ground and the wagon was thrown high into the air and Mr. Dibble was pitched out. He was uninjured and jumped to his feet and ran after the horses as they broke from the wagon and dashed around the corner and up to Conway Street, where they were caught. The horses had a few cuts upon their legs, but sustained no serious injury and the extent of the damage to the wagon was a broken whiffle-trees and a broken dashboard. Those who saw the horses dashing up Main Street wouldn’t have given one cent for the whole rig at that moment.
--Mr. J. G. Jones, of Mansfield, has applied for admission to the Soldier’s Home at Erie.
--Mr. Andrew J. Pollock has moved from Antrim to Elmira, N.Y. Mr. O. E. Crediford is to be the Postmaster at Antrim.
--Last Tuesday night the dwelling house of Mrs. Riley Brown, at Lawrenceville, was struck by lightening but was not seriously damaged.
--It is said that Mr. Judson A. Elliott, the new Postmaster at Mansfield, promises to purchase a handsome new case of letter boxes and fit the office up in modern style.
--Dr. William F. Wiseman, of Liberty, has just received and original pension allowance. Increased pensions have been granted to Andrew J. Kiphart, of Charleston; Thomas H. Root, of Crooked Creek; and Orlando T. Haight, of Mansfield.
--Last Thursday morning, Mr. Frank Smith, of Elmira, was at work upon the iron trestle of the Tioga Railroad at Alder Run, near Millerton, when he fell about twenty feet to the ground and was badly injured. He received a large scalp wound, his back was seriously bruised and it was thought that he was hurt internally.
--An extensive bed of superior clay has been opened on the farm of Mr. Paul Kraiss at Tioga. It is said that the clay has been tested by experts and pronounced of the very best quality for making tile or drain pipe. It is expected that parties from Philadelphia will look over the ground with a view of starting a factory. Tioga’s lively Board of Trade is looking after the matter.
--The Elkland Journal says that Mr. Morgan Ouderkirk had a narrow escape last Tuesday. He was working in the Bulkley stone quarry about Osceola when an overhanging mass of earth and stone fell, burying him. He was quickly extracted by his companions and taken home. No bones were broken, but he was quite badly bruised, and it will probably be some time before he is able to be out again.
--On a recent morning Mr. J. B. George, of Brookfield, delivered the milk at the factory, returned home, washed the tin can and set it upon a bench close to the house to dry. The sun shone brightly upon the bottom of the can and soon a focus was brought to bear upon the bench as it was ignited. The fire was soon discovered and extinguished, so that no damage was done; but this circumstance suggests how some of the mysterious fires may occur.
--The Woodhull Sentinel says that last Tuesday there was a cloud burst at the head of South Creek, which caused the waters of the stream to rise suddenly about ten feet. Mr. W. H. Brown saw the huge wave as it came rushing down the valley, and he hurried to the village, and gave the alarm, and many of the inhabitants left their houses and took to the hills. The saw mill of Hoyt Tubbs was carried away. The water seemed to subside as rapidly as it came, but it left a scene of destruction in its track.
--A gang of five or six young boys broke into Mr. Andrew Miller’s store at Millerton last week Monday evening and stole a quantity of canned goods, cigarettes and about $8 in small change from the till. One of the party afterwards confessed and gave the names of the others, who restored six dollars of the money. Out of regard for the parents of the boys Mr. Miller hesitated about prosecuting them for the crime although duty seemed to demand that they be punished, as such depredations are becoming a frequent occurrence. In this borough Office Hazlett was called upon a few days ago to arrest a small boy for stealing $3, and it is said that this was the boy’s 8th similar offense. Such depravation is indeed deplorable.
--On Saturday evening, the 14th instant, a sad affair occurred at Lindley, in the vicinity of the tannery. John Harrison, a lad of about 13 years, had an old army musket loaded with a small shot, and in his company were George Wingate, a boy of 12, and Wingate’s younger brother. In some manner the musket was discharged and sixty of the shot penetrated George Wingate’s back and one struck his brother. At last accounts George was still living and it was hoped he would recover. Harrison claimed that he was shooting at a squirrel and that the injury to the boy was purely accidental. Young Wingate stated that Harrison threatened to shoot him and fired after he started to run away. Young Harrison has been arrested.
--The Covington Intelligencer says that a few days ago as Mr. John Haverly and family were starting from home, the colts which he was driving became frightened and unmanageable and ran away. The occupants of the wagon, a three seated platform, were Mr. Haverly and wife and two daughters and daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. F. Haverly, with her little boy about two years of age. Mr. Haverly was thrown out of the wagon in some manner a short distance from where they started, and the team ran as only frightened horses can run until they collided with a maple tree near the barn of A. J. Mudge, demolishing the wagon and precipitating its passengers upon a spring tooth harrow and other farm tools which happened to be piled near the tree. Mrs. Haverly sustained many severe bruises and was badly injured internally, though to what extent it is as yet impossible to say. Miss Bessie was severely bruised about the face and limbs, though no bones were broken. Mr. Haverly, the daughter-in-law and the little boy were fortunate and escaped with a few comparatively slight bruises. It is a fearful place for a runaway, and the only wonder is that they escaped with their lives. The road is steep and makes a short turn, crossing a deep gully, and nothing but destruction faced them, even if the horses could have been kept in the road. Doctors Martin, of Cherry Flats, and Waters, of Arnot, were called and made the sufferers as comfortable as possible.
--WESTFIELD.—Joseph Ayers has moved from Hornellsville to this place and is again engaged in the draying business.
--WESTFIELD.—The barn of Mr. Joel Calkins located one and one half mile west of this place was struck by lightening and burned to the ground during the severest rain we have lately known. Hay and farm utensils were destroyed. There was light insurance and the loss was $500.
--William Razey, while hunting pigeons nine years ago, was injured by the bursting of his gun, which lodged a piece of cap in his left eye, totally destroying the sight. He has since consulted many physicians as to the removal of the foreign body, but unsuccessfully. A few days ago Dr. Ritter performed the delicate operation of dissecting the offending section of cap from its bed in the corner, and the eye is rapidly recovering.
--KNOXVILLE.—Preston Gilbert has his new house near the hotel well under way, and it is said when completed it will be the finest residence in town. Preston is an active stock dealer, and this accounts for it. It is supposed E. P. Murdock, his partner, will be building one next.
--KNOXVILLE.—I am glad to say that Joel Johnson is again able to be out in the streets. Some weeks ago Drs. Reese and Humphrey cut out of his right arm a tumor weighing several pounds.
--DRAPER.—Dr. J. M. Gentry had a narrow escape from being hurt one day this week. His horse shied at some imaginary thing and ran one wheel of his road cart up on the bank and tipped the cart, spilling the doctor out in the road. The horse then thought it would take its own gait home, and left the doctor in double quick time. The doctor picked himself up, with the robe and medicine box and started for home, expecting his horse would either get there a long time ahead or get hurt on the way. But he soon found the horse waiting for him with the lines wound around one of the hubs. So he got a ride home after all.
--Mr. Thomas D. VanOsten, of Tioga, is traveling with the Jamison Concert Company.
--Mr. John Kench, of Tioga, received a broken arm and other severe bruises by his horse running away last Monday evening. The accident was caused by the breaking of one of the reins.
--The Westfield Free Press is responsible for the statement that “our old friend Dr. James Matson was suddenly attacked by almost total deafness while at the dedicatory services at the M. E. Church last week Monday evening.
--Mrs. Lacey, wife of Dr. J. E. Lacey, of Morris, denies the story that the Doctor has deserted her, and that he sold a buggy and horse that did not belong to him. She says that Mr. Lacey went to Wellsboro instead of Blackwell’s as stated last week, where he disposed of the team which belonged to him. The Doctor has located to Buffalo, N.Y., and will be joined soon by Mrs. Lacey.
--Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cornelius, of Elkland, are taking a pleasure trip
through the eastern part of the state.
--WESTFIELD.—Mrs. William Outman is visiting her father, H. G. Phillips, at Penn Yan, N.Y.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dengle spent Sunday in Dundee, returning home Monday evening.
--Mr. and Mrs. Milton M. Trout, of Canton, who left for Seattle, Washington, about two months ago, where they expected to make their future home, have returned thoroughly sick of the charming West.
--Mrs. O. H. Davis is visiting her parents at Millerton.
Land/Business Transactions
-ELK.—Mr. George Frick is going to open his new store at Mansfield
about the first of July.
--Mr. Samuel England, of Antrim, has purchased the S. G. Keyes restaurant, on Main Street, and he is to take possession next Tuesday. Mr. Keyes expects to remain in town for the present.
--Mr. J. M. Rice recently purchased twenty three acres of land of Mr. W. D. Rarick, at Tioga, for $350.
-- Mr. J. W. Roe has opened a furniture, undertaking and embalming establishment at Keeneyville. We understand that Mr. Roe has had considerable experience in the business.
--Last Tuesday night lightening struck the barn of Mr. W. W. Brown, at Mansfield, killing a hen. That was pretty small business for a celestial bolt. A tree in Smythe Park was also splintered.
--WESTFIELD.—S. B. Borden has exchanged his house and lot on Stevenson Street with William Shirley for the W. B. Murdock store, which is to be used for the restaurant and ice cream business.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. George Buckley is now in the employee of H. Finklestein & Bro., as clerk. This is a desirable arrangement.
--WESTFIELD.—Westfield has a new jeweler located in the old D. E. Ackley stand. This is a luxury.
--KNOXVILLE.—Felix Kelsey and Albert Markham are now occupying the new block on Main Street.
--KNOXVILLE.—George Poley has been purchasing new machinery to be used in manufacturing harnesses.
--Mrs. Rebecca Parkhurst, of Elkland, is to remove to Binghamton in August. She has purchased a $13,000 residence in the Parlor City.
--The many friends of Mr. Clark J. Baldwin, formerly of Mansfield,
will be glad to learn of his marriage on June 7th at Brandon, Mississippi,
to Miss Winnie Winn, of that place. The young couple is to reside
at Terrell, Texas. The groom is a son of Mr. W. W. Baldwin, of Mansfield.
--Mr. A. H. Avery and Miss Jennie E. Farrer were married at the home of the bride’s mother in Mansfield last Tuesday evening by Rev. David Keppel in the presence of about fifty relatives and intimate friends. The bride is well known and highly esteemed in this borough, where she taught in our schools for several years. Mr. and Mrs. Avery began housekeeping at once in Mansfield. We extend out hearty congratulations.
--The wedding of Miss Luella T. Mather, daughter of C. S. Mather, and MR. Eugene F. Parker, at Lawrenceville last Tuesday evening, was a notable social event. The marriage ceremony was performed in the Presbyterian Church by Rev. Mr. Campbell. Cogswell’s orchestra played the wedding march as the bride and groom took their places under the large umbrella made of pink and white flowers. The bride was attired in a gown of white faille with veil and orange blossoms. As the bridal party left the church the maids of honor strewed flowers in their path. A reception was held at the Mather homestead, where a sumptuous wedding feast was served. There were many handsome bridal presents. Mr. and Mrs. Parker left at ten o’clock by special car for their wedding tour amid a shower of rice and congratulations.
--At Lindley, N.Y., June 9, 1890, Mr. John Leonard, of Gleason, and Miss Jennie Collins, of Roaring Branch, PA.
--At Addison, N.Y., June 12, 1890, Mr. W. E. Mitchell, of Elkland, PA, and Miss Ida Elmer, of Addison.
--At Bath, N.Y., June 7, 1890, Mr. H. E. Newell, of Mansfield, PA, and Miss Lydia M. Sayre, of Bath.
--Invitations are announcing the marriage of Miss Mary Gregory and Mr. Alexander Pollock, of Antrim, next week Wednesday.
--Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stewart, of Delmar, are sadly bereaved over the
death of their eight year old son and only child, who died of diphtheria
last Friday morning. The funeral was held on Saturday.
--On the 9th instant Mrs. Samuel Ludlam [Huldah A. Ludlam], who lived on the Bowen farm in Deerfield, was taken to Philadelphia to undergo an operation for the removal of a tumor. The operation was performed on the following Wednesday, but Mrs. Ludlum did not rally from the ordeal and died on Saturday. Her remains were brought home and the funeral was held on Tuesday.
--Mr. Augustin S. Torpy, who died of Bright’s disease at his home in Delmar last week, was a well known lumberman. He was a good citizen and was prompt and honorable in his business operations. He was a faithful Union soldier, and his funeral was attended on Thursday by a large delegation from the George Cook Post and by other soldiers. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. O. C. Hills, of this borough. Mr. Torpy was in his 56th year.
--Last Thursday morning Mr. Nathan Austin, of Charleston, died at his
home near the railroad crossing on the State road. He had been complaining
of what he called neuralgia for two months or more and for two or three
weeks prior to his death he was unable to attend to his business affairs,
although he was about most of the time. Last week Monday he was taken
worse, and it was then apparent that he had been suffering from an abscess
in the head. He rapidly sank until death came to end his suffering.
Mr. Austin was the son of Caleb and Clarissa Austin. He
was born on the present Poor House farm, February 6, 1820. He was
practical and successful farmer, and he took a deep interest in the Grange
movement and lent the cause his influence in recent years. Mr. Austin
was a man of pure character, and he was highly esteemed by all who knew
him on account of his geniality and strict integrity.
The funeral was held Saturday afternoon, and it was largely attended.
Rev. Mr. Chamberlayne conducted the service, and six of Mr. Austin’s brethren
in the Grange bore his remains to the grave.
--Lost in the Osceola flood Mrs. Betsey Tripp and her daughter Miss Mary Thompson. The funeral services of Mrs. Tripp and her daughter were held at the M. E. Church, in Osceola, of which they were members on Sunday morning at 11 o’clock.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Mr. John M. Croft, who died at the residence of his son-in-law
was born at Locke, Cayuga County, N.Y., December 25, 1807. In 1838
he married Miss Roselia Lent, of Bradford County, and two years later he
moved to Chatham, where he resided until the death of his wife, about three
years ago. After that time his home was with Mr. Smith at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Croft were among the early settlers in this part
of the county. They were blessed with a large family, their living
children being Samuel M. Croft, now in Michigan; Clayton Croft, of Nebraska;
Lavern Croft and Wayne Croft, of this place; Helen [Croft] Smith, wife
of A. J. Smith, and Olive [Croft] West, wife of John E. West. Mr.
Croft was a life long Republican having taken the Agitator ever since it
started. He followed school teaching a short time after locating
in Chatham, but farming was his main pursuit through life.
The funeral services were held at the church here last Sunday
at 10 o’clock a. m. Rev. A. G. Cole, of Little Marsh, was the officiating
--Solomon Moyer, who for many years was designated as “The man who never lost a lawsuit”, died at his home near Williamsport one day last week.
--Ralph Wellever, the one year old son of William Wellever, died of diphtheria at his home on East avenue last Tuesday forenoon.
--The remains of Mr. Edward McCabe, of Union, were interred in the Catholic cemetery at Blossburg last Tuesday. Deceased was about 80 years of age.
--At Lathrop’s, PA., June 12, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Burdett, a daughter.
--At Little Marsh, PA., June 3, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Hymes, a daughter.