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Wellsboro Agitator
--SABINSVILLE.—School will open next Monday. Mrs. Gust Gee and Miss Eva Chamberlain are the teachers.
--Mr. Wilber Adams, formerly of Elkland, was severely bitten by a dog a few days ago at Wayland, Steuben County, N.Y.
--Mr. Alex Logan, of Mansfield, is the new boss on the lower coal chutes at Arnot, Mr. Joseph Maxwell having resigned.
--Mr. G. W. Whittaker and wife, of Covington, has removed to Athens, PA, where Mr. Whittaker has secures a situation in a mattress factory.
--Mr. J. D. Pease, of Corning, a well known Fall Brook engineer, while working in the Newberry Junction round house early last Sunday morning, fell into a pit four feet deep and was injured quite badly. One rib was broken and he was quite badly bruised in different parts of the body.
--The six year old son of Mr. George Watkins met with a very painful accident on Tuesday forenoon. He was engaged in playing with the stripping machine in Mather & Seeley’s broom factory on Water Street. He had hardly started the machine when his left hand was caught between the cylinder and feed board. The steel teeth in the cylinder tore his hand in a shocking manner, and pieces of flesh were afterwards noticed on the machine. Had it been running at full speed the arm would have been crushed into a shapeless mess. Dr. H. L. Davis, who attended the little fellow, is of the opinion that the hand can be saved.
--The remains of Daniel Hogan, who disappeared on the evening of March 25th, were found in the Chemung River a few days ago. He was the Erie night watchman at Elmira. All his valuables were found about his person, indicating that his death was accidental.
--A few weeks ago Thomas Leonard, of South Easton, aged 24 years, entered his mother’s hennery to feed the chicken, when a Dominick rooster weighing fourteen pounds flew at him and struck on of its spurs in his ankle. The injury was painful, but Leonard paid no attention to it until a few days ago when the limb began to swell. Blood poisoning set in that night and he died within a few days.
--A few days ago Mrs. B. L. Knight, of Armenia, Bradford County, was out upon the farm where some brush piles were burning. The wind changed and the flames were drawn against her dress and it was ignited. Persons who were near ran to her assistance and tried to put out the fire, which however severely burned her right arm and a portion of her side. Her injuries are not fatal but her recovery will be tedious.
--Miss Ella Snyder, a young woman of 20 years, and a servant in the family of Mr. H. H. Cobb, at Coudersport, died very suddenly and under peculiar circumstances. The girl was found on the dining room floor in an unconscious condition and she died soon after. A bottle of poison was found in her dress pocket from which a dose had evidently been taken. No known motive is assigned as a cause to her rash act as she had been apparently as pleasant and cheerful as ever all day and at supper no one noticed any difference in her conduct indicating any despondent or morbid state of mind.
--ROUND TOP.—Mr. John J. Evans had the misfortune to cut his knee with an axe last Tuesday while repairing a stone boat.
--ROUND TOP.—Mrs. Delos Winne is suffering from paralysis. She has been sick for some time. Mr. Delos Winne had one of his toes badly lacerated by a horse stepping on it recently while he was shoeing the animal.
--ROUND TOP.—Miss Ida Pearson, of Wellsboro, is to be the school teacher at this place. She will begin next Monday.
--TIOGA.—Mr. W. O. Russell, of Delmar, has moved to this place. He has commenced to work on his grist mill on Wellsboro Street.
--TIOGA.—Mr. Fred Lewis, of Blossburg, has been engaged as telegraph operator at the Tioga Depot on the Erie road.
--TIOGA.—Mr. H. W. Caulking and wife, of Elmira, will occupy a part of the residence of Mrs. Keeney on Oak Street.
--TIOGA.—John D. VanDyke recently left for a trip to Florida.
--Conductor Lewis D. Fay is critically sick.
--Mr. James Cruttenden has moved from Arnot to Gurnee.
--Miss Susie Cleveland, of Covington, is teaching a Nauvoo school.
--Mr. C. E. Smith, of Nelson, has received $100 as arrears of pension.
--Mr. Theodore Fitzgibbons, of Arnot, started last Thursday for England to spend the summer.
--Mr. Edward Miller, of Blossburg, shot off the end of one of his fingers with an air gun a few days ago.
--Miss Daisy Wells, of Covington, has gone to Philadelphia to enter a hospital to secure and education as a professional nurse.
--Mr. Hammond B. Sheive, a former resident of Jackson Township, has been appointed manager of the R. G. Dun & Co. Agency at Elmira. The position is said to be worth from $2,500 to $3,000 a year.
--County Commissioner Dennison took Jane Bixby from the Poor house to the Warren Asylum last Thursday. He brought home Mr. Oney Aldrich, of Middlebury, who was discharged from the institution.
--Among the recent pension allowances we notice that Newberry E. Calkins and Floyd Ashley, of Mainesburg, have received original pensions. Peter D. Walbridge, of Wellsboro, and Harry T. Graves, of Millerton has received increased pensions.
--MITCHELL’S CREEK.—Ben Towner, of Hornellsville, N. Y., has been visiting
friends in this neighborhood for the last few weeks.
Land/Business Transactions
--SABINSVILLE.—Mrs. T. Eldridge has purchased a home and lot at Cowanesque.
Probably she will not rebuild here very soon. Her house burned last
--MITCHELL’S CREEK.—William Kimball has taken a job of peeling bark and manufacturing the lumber on about 200 acres of land situated near Landrus.
--OSCEOLA.—Messrs. Kuhl & Ash, of Knoxville, have remodeled the building they recently purchased and have a good market.
--Messrs. Howard Button and L. Parks have leased the Willcox grist mill on Walnut Street.
--Mr. and Mrs. Gideon S. Cook announce that they will celebrate their sixtieth anniversary of their marriage on Thursday evening the 15th instant. They invite all their friends to be present and join in the festivities.
--Mr. Herman Bookmiller has purchased the machinery in the Parkhurst grist mill at Sabinsville and will move it to Gaines.
--Messrs. A. A. Coburn and Charles Matthews have formed a partnership and will conduct a grocery business at Thomas L. Baldwin’s old stand in Tioga.
--The marriage of Mr. W. H. McCarty, of Blossburg, and Miss Fanny McNamara,
of Corning, is announced to take place at Hornellsville next Tuesday.
Mr. McCarty is a well known merchant of Blossburg and has many friends
in Wellsboro.
--Cards are out for the wedding of Mr. William C. Everett, of Knoxville, and Miss Lora M. Avery, daughter of Mr. DeRuyter Avery of East Chatham. The ceremony is to take place on Thursday evening at eight o’clock.
--Mrs. E. A. Hill, mother of the late Mrs. L. L. Bailey, of this place,
died at her home in Lindley, N.Y., last week, aged 70 years.
--In Richmond, PA., April 25, 1890, Mr. Sidney Lewis.
--At Millerton, PA, April 19, 1890, Mr. Andrew J. Miller.
--At Austinburg, PA, April 17, 1890, Mr. Benjamin A. Seeley.
--Last Wednesday evening, Fred English, the seventeen year old son of
Mr. John English, died of diphtheria. This is the third child taken
from Mr. English’s family of five this spring by that dreadful disease.
Fred was a bright and
Industrious lad and promised to become an upright and useful citizen.
His death is a crushing blow to his parents. The funeral was held
on Thursday afternoon.
--Last Thursday morning Mr. George W. Sears died at his home on Central Avenue in this borough. He had been confined for several months and had been steadily failing in strength, and his death was not unexpected. He leaves a widow, one son and two daughters.
May 13, 1890
Local News
--DRAPER.—Mr. S. L. Warriner was caught between two logs and badly
hurt about his shoulder and stomach yesterday while working for Mr. L.
--DRAPER.—Mr. A. S. Torpy continues to improve, and if nothing should happen to cause a relapse, we shall see him out soon.
--DRAPER.—Mr. John Crystal has moved into the bark woods east of Stony Fork.
--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. William Mascho had put up the frame for a fine addition to his house. Mr. Curtis Erway is doing the carpenter work.
--BROOKFIELD.--Messrs. Truman Hamblin and Ansel Gunn have commenced a job of peeling 400 cords of bark.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Miss Ida Fuller, of this place, has entered the Mansfield Business College as a student.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Alonzo VanValen cut his foot badly with an axe while at work in the woods up Mann Creek a few days ago. He is having much bad luck lately.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. William Cruttenden is building a horse barn on his farm. During the summer he will build another barn measuring 30 by 40 feet.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Clark Sherwood took advantage of the high water last Wednesday and floated his logs from Mansfield to this place.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. J. F. Ripley, of this place, has been appointed Census Enumerator for Richmond township.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. E. S. Horton is about to build a fine new residence on the lot facing the Corning Cowanesque and Antrim Station, on the south side of railroad street.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. A. A. Dodge has again become foreman of Walt’s mill on Stony Lick creek. He was obliged to relinquish the place some months ago due to poor health.
--Mrs. Sarah M. Billings is making several improvements to her dwelling house on Main Street.
--Mr. Charles E. Jennings was at Pittsburgh last week as a juror in the United States Court.
--Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Landrus, of Antrim, were in town last Saturday on a shopping expedition.
--Mr. Robert R. Austin is preparing to erect a new barn on the site of the one that burned a few days ago.
--Mr. Frederick Capps, lately a compositor in the AGITATOR office and now residing in New York, has just received arrears of pension amounting to $1,125, as the minor child of Lewis Capps.
--Mr. Jesse Locke has commenced work upon his dwelling house on Bacon Street. We learn that the building is to be somewhat after the design of the house of A. R. Niles, Esq., but it will be larger. Messrs. Kilbourne and Benjamin are the builders.
--There is a report that while Mr. John Middaugh was driving piles for a bridge between Tioga Junction and Jackson Summit a few days ago oil was discovered. As the timber was struck with the hammer it suddenly dropped about two feet and oil gushed out, covering the water in the stream. It is said that several barrels of genuine crude petroleum ran to waste the first day, and that the flow continues.
--Mr. Amass Ellis has moved from Westfield to Elkland.
--Mr. Reuben W. Cloos is a candidate for Postmaster at Keeneyville.
--Israel Butler, of Cowanesque, has just been granted an original pension.
--Mr. John J. Reese is building a large new barn on his farm near Round Top.
--Mr. John Maloney, late of Antrim, has gone to Ireland to spend the remainder of his life.
--Mr. Daniel Fields killed two large rattlesnakes on the Pine Creek mountains last Saturday.
--Mr. J. F. Linck, of Nauvoo, shot a bald eagle a few days ago which spread its wing seven and a half feet.
--Walter T. Merrick, Esq., of Blossburg, was in Pittsburgh last week as a juror at the United States Court.
--Mr. Orsemus Rice, of Gurnee, has received arrears of pensions amounting to about $3,000.
--Mr. B. M. Vedder shot a bald eagle near Canoe Camp last Tuesday. It spread its wings over six feet.
--Mrs. W. E. Wisehart held the lucky number that drew a silver cake basket at an Elkland entertainment a few evenings ago.
--Mr. J. N. Rice, of Keeneyville, is at Eldred, McKean County, learning the undertaking and embalming art of Mr. E. I. Marsh.
--Miss Ina Crandall won the scholarship awarded by the Adrian; Michigan College to the best scholar in the Osceola graded schools.
--Mr. Ziba Cogswell, of Blossburg, had two fingers on his right hand crushed while he was coupling cars at Elmira a few days ago.
--Mr. Frank McConnell had his foot badly crushed between two cars on the narrow gauge railroad at Slate Run last Thursday evening.
--A few days ago Mr. A. Converse, of Westfield, killed a large rattlesnake and fourteen young ones on the mountain north of that borough.
--It is said that James Lewis and Edward Pratt, of Westfield, have taken a contract for $9,000 worth of stonework for the Addison Water Works.
--On the evening of the 3rd instant, numerous friends of Mr. A. M. Spencer, of Canoe Camp, made him a surprise visit, it being his 70th birthday.
--Last Friday afternoon Mr. Norman Bellinger was thrown from his horse and his collar bone and several ribs were broken by the fall.
--Mr. Watson M. Winters, of Somers Lane, was walking on the railroad track, on his way home from his brother-in-law’s, Thomas Porter, a few evenings ago, when he was struck by the express train and seriously injured.
--Mr. Randolph Soranson, of Westfield, has secured a place as stenographer in the office of the Addison and Pennsylvania Railroad Company at Addison, N.Y.
--Last Tuesday morning as the passenger train on the Fall Brook road was approaching Elkland it struck a herd of cattle belonging to Mr. D. W. Stull, and two yearlings were killed and another one badly maimed.
--Mr. E. J. Catlin, of Charleston, has been engaged as principal of the Morris graded school. He is now teaching there. Mr. Catlin recently passed the Civil service examination at Williamsport, his marking being at a very high percent.
--Mr. George Coggshall was loading a hogshead of molasses upon a dray at Blossburg last Thursday morning when his horses started up and the cask fell to the ground, both heads breaking out and the molasses spreading over considerable territory.
--Mr. George D. Comfort, of Sullivan, has been granted an original pension of $10 a month, with arrearages amounting to about $1,500. Mrs. Esther B. Hudson, of Charleston, former widow of John H. Rice, has received arrears of pension amounting to $1,167. Both were secured through the agency of B. M. Potter, Esq.
--Last Thursday Mr. Harris Fisher, of Elmira, was loading goods at the Lawrenceville depot for shipment to Elmira when he caught one of his fingers between a box and the side of the car. A ring on the finger was caught and stripped off the flesh, leaving the bone bare. A local physician amputated the finger at the knuckle joint.
--Miss Emma Och has accepted a position as saleswoman at Mathers, Graves & Co.
--Judge Mitchell has appointed Isaac B. Werline Clerk of Liberty township to fill a vacancy.
--It is reported that Mr. J. F. Falen, of Leetonia, had one of his legs broken by a recent accident.
--Mr. Harry C. Bailey, of Mansfield, has been appointed Inspector of the G. A. R. Posts in this county.
--Rev. E. C. White, has assumed pastoral charge of the M. E. Church at Caton Centre, N. Y.
--Albert Bartlett, recently of Mainesburg, was caught in a prairie fire in Kansas a few days since and barely escaped with his life.
--C. E. Kennedy and family have moved to E. B. Soper’s home in Rutland.
--The large residence of James Slocum caught fire from a chimney a few
days ago and was destroyed, together with all or nearly all of its contents.
It was insured for $2,000. It took fire while the family was preparing
--BROOKFIELD.—Mrs. William Mead is visiting relatives at Caton, N.
Y. this week.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. and Mrs. James Horton have lately returned from an extended trip to Chicago and various other parts of the West.
--Miss Maggie Watrous started yesterday for a month’s visit to Kansas.
--Mrs. Henry M. Foote and her children are expected home today from Washington to spend the summer.
--Mrs. Sarah M. Billings and Mrs. Walter Sherwood started yesterday for a ten-day visit to New York City.
--Mr. Thomas Shearer, of Arnot, has gone to Red Lodge, Montana, on a month’s visit.
--The widow of Daniel Watson has gone to Elgin, Ill., for an extended visit.
--Bert Baker, of Hutchinson, Kansas, formerly of this place, is visiting relatives here.
Land/Business Transactions
--Mr. O. L. White has purchased the wool carding mill and carpet cleaning
establishment of Mr. C. D. Clark at the foot of Main Street.
--Messrs. W. H. Roberts, George M. Spalding, and George H. Derby have sold their Pine Creek timber tract to J. S. Tomb & Son at a fair advance on the purchase price.
--Mr. J. J. Soper has bought a dwelling house in Covington of John A. Bird for $300.
--Mr. V. M. LaValley has purchased a dwelling house of Mr. A. M. Bennett, in Covington.
--The Schurman and Warner timber tract in Ward has been sold to VanDine & Sons, of Troy, PA.
--Mr. E. S. Walker, of Corning, N.Y., has bought a timber tract near Waterville, on the Pine Creek railroad, which is said to contain twelve million feet of hemlock.
--Mr. Alex Flaitz, the hardware dealer of Gaines, will not go to Williamsport as reported, but will continue the business at the old stand.
--The stockholders in the establishment of the Electric Light Company in Wellsboro are: Anton Hardt, William D. VanHorn, Horace B. Packer, George D. Mitchell, H. W. Williams, Mrs. Sarah M. Billings, J. M. Robinson, William Bache, J. Harrison, Max Bernkopf, James E. Fish, and Noah F. Marvin.
--In Westfield, PA., April 24, 1890, by Rev. Mr. Gates, Mr. Ed Albee
and Miss Edith Patterson, both of Westfield.
--At the home of the bride’s father, in East Chatham, PA., May 8, 1890, by Rev. A. G. Cole, Mr. Will C. Everitt, of Knoxville, and Miss Lora M. Avery, of East Chatham.
--At Blossburg, PA., May 9, 1890, by Adam Schopp, Esq., Mr. William H. Stock and Miss Effie Hoffman.
--At Antrim, PA., April 30, 1890, by J. A. Vandergill, Esq., Mr. James Elvidge and Miss Sarah Scase, both of Antrim.
--At Danville, PA., April 23, 1890, Mr. Francis Jones, of Blossburg, and Miss Maggie Evans, of Danville.
--At Blossburg, PA., April 23, 1890, by Rev. F. Connolly, Mr. Edward Ryon and Miss Margaret Mannix, both of Arnot, PA.
--At Woodhull, N. Y., April 19, 1890, by Rev. J. O. Jarman, Mr. John
T. Tomey, of
Westfield, and Miss Mary J. Seeley, of Ulysses, PA.
--Glenn O. Rumsey, the seventeen year old son of Mr. O. D. Rumsey,
died last Saturday morning of typhoid fever, after a sickness of eleven
days. Glenn had been at work on a farm in Charleston, and he caught
a cold and came home sick. The funeral was held at the family residence
on Austin Street on Sunday morning at nine o’clock. Rev. Mr.
Chamberlayne conducted the service. The remains were buried in the
Sullivan State Road cemetery in Sullivan Township.
--Mr. William Champlain, of Westfield, died last week Sunday of pneumonia. His age was 67 years.
--Mr. Oliver Murdock, of Potter Brook, died last Thursday of pneumonia, at the age of 55 years. The funeral was held last Saturday and the remains were buried at Sabinsville.
--Master Henry Fields, the sixteen year old son of Mr. George Fields, of Mainesburg, was caught in the belt of Mr. Samuel Welch’s mill a few days ago, and he was so badly injured that he died two days after. One of the boy’s arms was broken twice above the elbow, one shoulder was broken and his feet and ankles were badly smashed.
--Last week Monday afternoon Mr. Albert A. Brown, of Middlebury, died from the effects of a dose of Paris Green which he took on Sunday with suicidal intent. Brown had become deranged on account of anxiety regarding his property, and on Saturday he tried to buy a bottle of morphine, but the merchant refused to sell him the drug. He went home and on Sunday he slipped out of the house and took the Paris Green. The funeral was held on Wednesday and the remains were taken to the Dartt Settlement cemetery for burial. Mr. Brown was 36 years of age.
--A few days ago the venerable James Steele died at his home in Morris. He was a famous hunter and trapper in the early days of this county and was a genial old gentleman, and he retained his faculties to a remarkable degree. He delighted to tell of his early experiences, and he always has interested listeners, for his memory was retentive and his fund of anecdote large. Mr. Steele was born at Cammal on Pine Creek June 4, 1800, and he was therefore almost 90 years if age at the time of his death. He came with his father to Ansonia, then known as Big Meadows, in 1805. He remained a resident of Delmar and Morris all the rest of his life except for a few years spent in Port Allegany, McKean County. In 1884 he returned to this county and on September 12the of that year Mr. and Mrs. Steele celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. Mr. Steel’s remains were laid to rest at Stony Fork, Rev. William Young, of Antrim, conducting the funeral service.
--Mr. Clark P. Bartlett, an old and respected citizen of Mansfield, died on Wednesday of last week, a victim of consumption.
--OSCEOLA.—Mrs. Della Tubbs, wife of E. R. Tubbs, was buried at this place last Tuesday, the 6th inst.
--MIDDLEBURY.—Mr. Charles Hotchkiss, an old and respected citizen of this place, died April 30th, after a protracted illness. The funeral services were held in the new church at Niles Valley.
--At Knoxville, Pa., April 29, 1890, Mrs. Jason Ray [Laura Ray], aged 59 years.
--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. R. Pride is happy because he has a bouncing baby
boy at his house.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Walton Lamb wears a broad smile. It’s a girl.
--In Wellsboro, PA., April 29, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Christnot, a daughter.
--In Wellsboro, PA., May 9, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Potter, a daughter.
--The home of Mr. Burt Wilson has been gladdened by the arrival of a fine boy.
--At Mansfield, PA., May 7, 1890, to the wife of Mr. H. T. Mack.
--At Mansfield, PA., May 5, 1890, to the wife of Mr. Coley Beach, a son.
--At Blossburg, PA., May 3, 1890, to the wife of Mr. E. G. Baldwin, a son.
May 20, 1890
Local News
--ELMIRA.—Mrs. Wagner, of Elmira, has her quota of misfortunes.
A year ago her husband was drowned, a few months ago her mother was killed
at a railroad crossing, and a few days ago her two little children were
badly scalded by the upsetting of a coffee pot on the stove.
--FARMINGTON.—C. N. Beaver was two miles from home when overtaken by a violent storm, and after it ceased he was obliged to leave his horse at a neighbor’s and pick his way home along the hill tops. Luther Palmer was crossing a bridge after this storm passed, when it gave way and he and his horse barely escaped.
--FARMINGTON.—Rev. Mr. Gates preached his farewell sermon at the Presbyterian Church last Sunday. He has returned to his home near or at Canton on account of poor health.
--FARMINGTON.—Mrs. Amanda McCallum and her daughter Ada have moved to Nelson.
--CHATHAM.—The whooping cough is in the vicinity. Miss Myrtle Beach, daughter of Mr. S. P. Beach, has been very sick with that disease and lung trouble.
--OSCELOLA.—Mr. Henry Tubbs has just received an imported French Coach stallion that seems to be attracting considerable attention among the horsemen of this section just now.
--OSCEOLA.—A. C. Duley has accepted the position of foreman at Edgecomb factory at Knoxville. We are sorry to miss “Al” from the streets.
--KEENEYVILLE.—While we were unloading lumber at G. D. Keeney’s saw mill a few days ago the trestle gave way, letting the car load of lumber and Mr. James Roe fall to the ground. Strange to say the young man escaped with slight injuries.
--MR. L. Myers, a well known merchant and clothier of Blossburg, has made arrangements to move to Corning next fall.
--Mr. Simon Sagers, of Charleston, was taken to the Danville Hospital for the Insane by Commissioners Tremain and Wheeler yesterday.
--Mr. Daniel Wright has sold his farm near Gaines to Mr. George Ostrander, of Mitchellville, N. Y. Mr. Wright will leave in a few days for Bath, N. Y., where he has just completed a handsome new residence.
--Mr. Frank E. Lyon, of Elmira, formerly of this borough, is now going the rounds of magnetic healer. His power to aid and cure sufferers from rheumatic troubles is said to be wonderful. He is in Rochester, N. Y. this week.
--Miss Anne Vincent, of Tioga, has obtained a judgment of $25 against the county, for services rendered last fall in nursing some typhoid fever patients. The original claim of Miss Vincent was $50.
--While several young men employed in the Corning glass works was fooling around last Thursday evening, one accidentally stuck William Brown in the eye with a red hot iron. Brown lives at Blossburg and will probably lose the sight of the injured eye.
--An appointment to West Point Military Academy has been received by Mr. Lewis VanHorn. Mr. VanHorn is about to be graduated from Wellsboro High School. There were several other applicants from Lycoming and Potter counties. The many friends of the young man will be pleased to learn of his appointment. He will leave for West Point on June 17th.
--While asleep last Monday night John Hughes, an old resident of Blossburg, arose from his bed and walked out of an open window on the second floor of his dwelling. He fell a distance of twelve feet, but strange to report no bones were broken. Owing to his age, however, the shock was very severe, and it will be some time before he recovers from its effects. Mr. Hughes had been sick a long time from the effects of the grip and he had been blind since 1852 from an accident in the mines.
--Mr. Dan F. Cole, of this borough, was brutally assaulted last Thursday at Cammal Station, where he is engaged in lumbering, by two log drivers’ names Chaffee and Furman. Mr. Cole was on the same train with the lumberman and they began using vile and indecent language in the presence of a lady passenger when Mr. Cole remonstrated with them. This angered Chaffee and Furman, and as Mr. Cole stepped off the coach at Cammal, they pounced upon him and beat and kicked him in a shocking manner. Warrants have been issued for the arrest of the cowardly duo.
--WESTFIELD.—The four year old son of H. H. Jacobs fell in the mill race the other day and floated down stream several rods, before he was discovered and fished out by his parents, nearly drowned.
--WESTFIELD.—A little son of Horace Weaver broke both of his arms a few days ago by falling down a pile of lumber at the sash and blind factory.
--WESTFIELD.—George Bulkley has resigned his position in Holcomb’s drug store and has purchased an outfit for silver and gold plating.
--The Corning Democrat reports that Gen. George J. Magee and Gen. Austin Lathrop are to take a trip to Europe this summer.
--S. F. Channell, Esq., is giving his dwelling house a new coat of paint.
--Mr. Zura W. Baker has been presented with a young bear by some friends at Waterville. The animal is quite tame.
--We regret to learn that Mr. Kilbourn Coolidge, of Charleston, is critically sick. He was stricken with paralysis yesterday morning as he was getting out of bed.
--Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Moyer have moved from Jersey Shore to this place and are boarding at the home of Mrs. Moyer’s mother, Mrs. J. C. Wheeler, on West Ave.
--Mr. C. D. Clark goes to Elmira today to take medical treatment for a trouble resulting from an injury caused by an accident in a saw mill two or three years ago.
--Mrs. Bertha Milliken has brought suit against the Fall Brook Coal Company for $15,000 damages on account of the death of her husband, U. Grant Milliken, by the bridge disaster last January.
--Mr. Frank Taft and Mr. Mark C. Baker are to give one of their choice concerts in the Methodist Church of Wednesday evening, the 28th instant. They will probably be assisted by one of Mr. Baker’s pupils.
--Mr. George A. Sturrock, who went from this borough to Fort Townsend, Washington, a few months ago, has just secured a job as foreman of the carpenter work on a four story brick block of eight stores in Port Townsend at $4 a day. It will be an all summer job at least.
--The commencement exercises of the Wellsboro High School are to be held at Annandale Hall on Wednesday evening, June 4th, at 7:30 o’clock. The class of ’90 numbers fifteen, namely: Lewis H. Allen, Francis L. Beauge, Frederick E. Beauge, Frederick A. Brooks, Edith B. Chaffee, Minnie H. Coolidge, Helen M. Hastings, Helen T. Ives, Charles N. Kimball, Antoinette Leslie, Henrietta H. Long, Edgar L. Mack, Jonathan G. March, Jennie M. Thomas, and Lewis R. VanHorn. The class motto is “Finis Coronat Opus”.
--A few days ago Walter Sherwood, Esq., had a singular experience at his dwelling house of Main Street. During a recent rain storm a great number of swallows sought refuge in a large chimney. Their weight broke down the screen in the fireplace and a multitude of birds came fluttering into the bedroom with a bushel or more of soot. Mr. Sherwood says that there were a thousand swallows in the room if there was one and that they stirred up the soot until it filled the air and penetrated the whole house. He opened a window and the birds took flight. The estimated damage to carpets, curtains and furniture from the soot is $50.
--Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Gideon S. Cook celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary. Mr. Cook is 83 years of age and Mrs. Cook is 80. The genial couple has spent the whole sixty years of their married life in this borough. On the 15th of May, 1830, Mr. Cook and Miss Philena Willard, daughter of Oliver Willard, who was one of the first settlers in Charleston, drove from this borough to the home of Rankin Lewis, at Tioga, where they were quickly married. Fifty years ago, when it was customary for the Prothonotary to appoint the tip staves for each term of Court, Mr. Cook occasionally got the job, and forty years ago he was regularly appointed to the place, and he has held the position ever since. Both Mr. and Mrs. Cook retain their faculties to a remarkable degree, and life still has many charms for them. Last Thursday afternoon about fifty guests paid their respects to the aged couple and enjoyed their hospitality, among the number being many members of the bar. Substantial remembrances were left in the shape of a purse of $140 and numerous other gifts. We hope the venerable couple may live to celebrate their diamond wedding fifteen years hence. They desire to express their sincere thanks to the many kind friends who remembered them last Thursday.
--Mr. P. J. Anderson, of Arnot, had his left thumb cut off by a circular saw a few days ago.
--Mr. Ely Robbins, late of Cherry Flats, has moved to Landrus, where he has a job of bark peeling.
--Miss Josie Bailey, of Charleston, has been engaged as a school teacher in the Elkland schools next year.
--Miss Maria Hart, who has had an experience in teaching, covering forty eight terms in county schools, has taken a two month’s term at Cherry Flats.
--Mr. M. L. Bonham, of Osceola, has gone to Avon, N. Y., where he is engaged in the lumber business. His family will remain at Osceola for the present.
--The horse and road-cart, which were stolen from the barn of Mr. Wayland Simmonds by the Middlebury burglars, was found in front of the Brooklyn Hotel at Tioga the next morning after the robbery. The burglars have not yet been apprehended.
--Last Wednesday afternoon Ashton Carpenter, a boy of fourteen years of age, living with Mr. Ralph Carpenter, four miles west of the village of Woodhull, N. Y., hung himself with a rope in Mr. Carpenter’s barn. The act was deliberate, as the lad took off his coat and hat and climbed up a ladder to fasten the rope to a beam. He had been dead some time when the body was found.
--Mrs. Fanny Mickel, who is about seventy years old, slipped and fell off her doorsteps recently, the fall causing serious injury to one of her shoulders. Other severe bruises about her head and body also resulted from her fall.
--TIOGA.—J. M. Jack has recently raised his house about high water mark.
--TIOGA.—Mr. Silas Mosher, of Brooklyn, recently had his finger badly smashed while repairing the pump of O. B. Lowell’s farm.
--E. B. Young, Esq., was in Williamsport over Sunday.
--Mr. Robert Dartt, of Blossburg, was in town Sunday.
--Mrs. A. C. Shaw, wife of Rev. Dr. Shaw, is visiting in Buffalo, N. Y.
--Mrs. Margaret Potter returned last Saturday from her visit to Washington, D. C.
--Mrs. William A. Stone, of Allegheny City, is visiting her mother, Mrs. R. G. White.
--Misses Minnie Hardt, Mary L. Wright and May Bennett are visiting at Washington, D. C.
--Mr. Charles A. Evans, of Utica, N. Y., spent Sunday with his friend, Mr. Horace A. Field.
--TIOGA.—Miss Lulu Bishop, of New York, has been visiting at T. A. Wickham’s the past week.
--TIOGA.—Thomas VanOsten was in town a few days ago.
--TIOGA.—W. L. Daggett, of Belletonte, visited his parents the first of the week.
Land/Business Transactions
--Mr. Ellis Rumsey, of Mainesburg, has a job of laying 300 rods of
stone fence in Jackson.
--OSCEOLA.—Mr. Arthur Keeney has closed his meat market.
--OSCEOLA.—Mr. R. G. Cloos is to commence work at his cheese factory today.
--Mr. M. Cooper is to open a millinery store at Cherry Flats.
--Mr. Daniel Williams has sold his farm on Maple hill to Mr. Peake, of Round Top.
--Mr. A. F. Rose expects to start his steam laundry next week.
--Messrs. George Wombaugh and E. Cady have opened a “school for horses” at Elkland.
--Mrs. Elizabeth Powell, of Williamsport, has purchased the William Werline property at Liberty.
--Messrs. Reuben G. Close, A. J. Smith and his son M. J. Smith have bought out Beck Brothers’ store at Keeneyville and have formed a partnership in the mercantile and cheese making business at that place. The new firm is known as Smith, Close & Co., and as they now have the only store in the place there is little doubt of the success of the firm. Mr. Close is a candidate for Postmaster at Keeneyville, and we understand that he has no opposition.
--Mr. B. F. Claus is building a new farm barn, 22 by 30 feet, in one of his back fields.
--Rev. Mr. Payne and family are moving to near Jasper, N. Y., this week, the place of Mr. Payne’s new field of labor.
--The Joseph Fish house on Main Street is being extensively renovated.
--Tomorrow morning an interesting event is to take place at the home
of Mr. C. J. Wheeler, on Meade Street, it being the marriage of his eldest
daughter, Miss Blanche E. Wheeler, and Mr. F. S. Black; our well known
merchant tailor. We understand that the young couple expects to depart
on the afternoon train for a wedding trip of ten days, visiting Albany,
New York and Washington.
--At Wellsboro, PA., May 12, 1890, by Rev. J. H. Shaw, Esq., Jacob C. Clymer and Miss Eliza C. Barnhardt, both of Morris, PA.
--At Antrim, PA., April 30, 1890, by J. A. Vandergrift, Esq., Mr. James Elvidge and Miss Sarah Sease, both of Antrim, PA.
--At Borden, N. Y., May 14, 1890, by L. B. Walker, Esq., Mr. John French and Miss Charlotte Scott, both of Elkland, PA.
--At Troupsburgh, N. Y., April 30, 1890, by Rev. A. J. Hard, Mr. George Persing and Miss Zora Bostwick, both of Westfield, PA.
--At State Line, N. Y., April 29, 1890, by Rev. DeWitt Meyers, Mr. Louis Slingerland, of Mansfield, and Miss Mand Doud, of Mainesburg, PA.
--At the Methodist parsonage in Wellsboro, May 6, 1890, by Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne, Mr. Albert Smith and Miss Ettie Lewis, both of Morris, PA.
--CHATHAM.—Mr. N. A. Ashton died yesterday afternoon. The funeral
will be held at the church at 11 o’clock Sunday forenoon. He was
63 years of age, and he leaves a wife and four children.
--Dr. A. J. Cole, a former well known resident of Mansfield, died suddenly at his home in Burdett, Kansas a few days ago.
--The death of Mrs. Asenath L. Swope, wife of Abiathar Swope occurred Monday forenoon at the home of her son-in-law Mr. W. R. Trull on Morris Street. The deceased was 58 years of age. She was born in Sullivan Township, and was a daughter of the late Lyman Spencer. She has been a consistent member of the First Baptist Church. Mrs. Swope had been sick for about nine months, being first prostrated by a nervous disease. Last winter she had the grip, and she had been rapidly failing since that attack. The funeral is to be held at Mr. Trull’s residence tomorrow at 10 a.m.
--At Crooked Creek, PA., May 9, 1890, Gillette Bryant, son of Frank and Helen Bryant, aged 4 months and 13 days.
--At Westfield, PA., May 4, 1890, of pneumonia, Mr. William Chaplin, aged 67 years.
--At Nelson, PA., May 2, 1890, Miss Mary E. Hall, aged 17 years.
--At Potter Brook, PA., May 8, 1890, of pneumonia, Mr. Oliver Murdock, aged 55 years.
--At Fall Brook, PA., April 25, 1890, Mrs. Thomas Murray, aged 36 years.
--At Liberty, PA., April 27, 1890, Charles Sheffer, aged 30 years.
--At Jackson Summit, PA., April 28, 1890, Reuben Stewart, aged 80 years.
--CHATHAM.—Mr. J. Beach is the happiest man in Chatham because it’s
a boy.
--At Mansfield, May 8, 1890, to the wife of C. C. Luther, a son.
--At Lamb’s Creek, PA., May 12, 1890, to the wife of R. H. VanValen, a son.
--At Mansfield, PA., April 27, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Kinney, a son.
--At Mansfield, PA., April 29, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Miller, a son.
May 27, 1890
Local News
--OSCEOLA—May 23, 1890—Yesterday just before noon the boiler of a portable
sawmill that had been put up in the field near the residence of William
Wildrick, on the Woodhull road about five miles from this place exploded
with fatal effects. The fireman, one P. Stricker, of Woodhull, N.
Y., was so severely hurt that he died in a short time, and Barney Gee,
son of Miles Gee, who has till very lately lived in Holden Brook in this
borough, was severely injured—so much so that it is thought he cannot live
out the day. Some of his ribs were broken and driven into his lungs.
A son of William Wildrick was quite severely hurt, but was better at last
accounts and it is thought he will recover. Several others were more
or less injured whose names I have not ascertained at this writing.
I understand the mill had lately been purchased by Hoyt Tubbs, of Woodhull,
and Philip Tubbs, of Elkland. As to the cause of the explosion, there
are several reasons given. One is that the boiler was worthless,
another and the more reasonable one is that the water was allowed to get
too low in the boiler.
--Miss Alice McGee, of Warren, was recently admitted to practice law in the Warren County courts.
--Mr. John Lang, Treasurer of the Fall Brook Coal Company, has been traveling with his wife in the South for several weeks.
--CATLIN HOLLOW.—Miss Laura Mitchell, of this place, is teaching a summer school at Galeton.
--CATLIN HOLLOW.—Miss Bessie Meehan, of Wellsboro, teaches the McInroy school, and our school is being taught by Miss Nora Dennison.
--CATLIN HOLLOW.—Mr. Stephen McInroy is teaching the Reese Hall school, and Mr. Orrin Boyce teaches the Union school. Both are young men just starting out in the profession, and their many friends wish them success.
--CATLIN HOLLOW.—Miss Mettie Borden who has been teaching for eight months at Mansfield, returned home a few days ago.
--DRAPER.—Mr. Burt Wariner has moved from Draper to Stony Fork.
--DRAPER.—Mr. Thomas Burton had the misfortune to lose 14 nice pigs the other day from suffocation. He had shut up in a box, intending to take the to Antrim to sell.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Fletcher Webster is on the sick list.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—E. N. Bentley and his gang of workmen were here Wednesday leveling the iron bridge.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—A few days ago, Mr. Reuben Warters was quite badly cut upon his head by being struck by a limb while chopping in the woods.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. William Finch has built a shanty on Joshua Bernaner’s flat where he will reside this summer.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. J. M. Marsh and Mr. Andrus Williams have commenced cutting saw logs for Mr. S. P. Champaign.
--MARSHFIELD.—A logging bee was made recently for Mr. W. R. Sherman. It proved a grand success as it was, but it would have been still grander had it not been for the beer. I am sorry to say some were greatly under its influence.
--Mr. Chauncey Smith, formerly of this borough, is now a policeman at Corning.
--Rev. E. H. Lattimer, of Hornellsville, N. Y., who is well known in this place, is to spend the summer traveling in Europe.
--Messrs. F. E. Watson, S. F. Channell, Henry C. Cox, J. M. Robinson, James L. White, B. M. Potter, and C. C. Mathers and his son George Mathers are to make a trip down Pine Creek today in a large and handsome new boat built just for the use of the Boat Club. The stream is quite high just now, and the passage from Antonia to Blackwell’s will be swift and pleasant.
--Mr. J. N. Coleman is the new assistant Postmaster at Tioga.
--Mr. Andrew M. Anderson, of Blossburg, has gone to Colorado.
--Mr. Fred Shappee, of Tioga, is taking a course at an Elmira business college.
--Mr. Rufus A. Stanton, of Westfield, has received an increase in his pension.
--Mr. Jacob S. Kimball, of Liberty, has secured a reissue and increase in his pension.
--Mr. George W. Johnson, of Covington, has twelve ewes and they have twenty three lambs.
--Mr. W. D. Smith killed two rattlesnakes on the hill near Knoxville last week Sunday.
--Mr. J. W. Bruner, a graduate of the Jefferson Medical College, has hung out his shingles at Roaring Branch.
--Mr. John Bailey, of Leetonia, was struck by a falling tree in the bark woods a few days ago, and his collar bone was broken.
--Mr. Leonard Harrison expects to peel about 3,000 cords of bark on his Pine Creek timber tract this season. He is now peeling a quantity of oak bark.
--It is reported that Messrs. Thomas H. Bailey, his son Harry Bailey, and O. F. Ruggles, of Mansfield, caught 500 trout on Slate Run last week. A big catch surely.
--Dr. A. J. Cole, formerly of Mansfield, who dropped dead in the garden of his home at Burdett, Kansas, a few days ago, was sixty six years of age. The cause of death was heart disease.
--Mr. Frank A. Dewey, of Blossburg, was chopping wood last Tuesday, when his axe caught in a clothes line, with the usual result. Dewey now wears a plaster over a large gash in his forehead.
--Mr. E. A. Thomas has brought suit against Covington borough for the price of the temporary river bridge which he built. The Council claim that the bridge was not built according to contract and will contest the claim.
--Mrs. J. B. Grier, formerly Miss Susie Parkhurst, who has been for some time at the Dansville Sanitarium for medical treatment, was brought back to her home at Elkland last week by special train. We regret to learn that she is still in very poor health.
--The Coolidge Hollow Sunday school was organized on the 18th instant with the following officers: Superintendent, G. W. Coolidge; Assistant Superintendent, Richard Carson; Secretary and Treasurer, Fred C. Coolidge; Librarian, L. W. Smedley; Musical Instructor, Mrs. Ed. Coolidge.
--Mr. John J. Evans, of Blossburg, was seriously injured a few days ago by being thrown out of his wagon. His horse shied, the wagon seat was overturned and Mr. and Mrs. Evans and their baby were pitched out backward. Mrs. Evans was some what bruised, but the baby didn’t get a scratch.
--Last Wednesday, Commissioners Tremain and Wheeler took Mr. Simon Seagers, of Charleston, to the Danville Hospital. Mr. Seagers has been insane for several months, his hallucinations being that a famine is about to prevail in the land. It is hoped that he may soon recover under medical treatment.
--Mr. A. W. Day, of Osceola, has brought suit against the county to recover $38.60, the amount of an alleged board bill of Miss Marie Williams. The County Commissioners claim that her relief account was closed before the bill was contracted. They offered to bring her to the county house and she declined and then her relief was withdrawn and therefore the county is not liable for the claim.
--The Elkland Journal says that during the flood last Tuesday, Joe Dulso thought he would take a little ride in a boat used convey passengers across the low place between the river bridge and town at the foot of Buffalo street. The current was swift and the boat was carried against a wire fence and turned bottom side up. The boat hung to the fence and Joe hung to the boat until another boat was sent to his rescue.
--A few days ago an officer from Athens went to Elkland and arrested W. D. Loper, a former resident of Athens, who is charged with surreptitiously carrying off a baritone horn, a coronet, and a clarinet belonging to the Athens band. At Lawrenceville while the officer was dictating a telegraphic message, his prisoner made a break for liberty and escaped over the New York state line, which was only a few rods distant. Loper refused to come back over the line and resisted the officer when he “reached for him”. But he was finally collared and dragged back into Pennsylvania and then handcuffed for the rest of the journey to Athens.
--The official list for Tioga County Census Enumerators:
Bloss—Edgar J. Sewell, Arnot
Blossburg—Casper Leinhart, soldier
Brookfield—James B. Thomas, Austinburgh
Charleston, North District—Lott W. Webb, soldier
Charleston, South District—Timothy B. Culver, soldier, Round Top
Chatham—John W. French, soldier, Little Marsh
Clymer—Milford H. Stebbins, Sabinsville
Covington borough and township—Alfred J. Richards
Deerfield—Charles H. VanDusen, soldier Academy Corners
Delmar, North District—Harry G. Rowland
Delmar, South District—John H. Buckley, soldier, Stony Fork
Elk—Hiram L. Colegrove, soldier Marshfield
Elkland—Robert T. Wood, soldier
Farmington—Frank VanDusen, Farmington Center
Gaines and Shippen—Eugene H. Stone, soldier, Delmar
Hamilton—Daniel Holt, Morris Run
Jackson—William G. Sheive, Jobs Corners
Knoxville—Andrew B. Hitchcock
Lawrence and Lawrenceville—William B. Smith, soldier Lawrenceville
Liberty—Daniel Brion, soldier Sebring
Mansfield—Harrison C. Bailey, soldier
Middlebury—Amos D. Colegrove, soldier Keeneyville
Nelson—Joseph D. Hoyt
Osceola—Orville S. Kimball, soldier
Roseville and Rutland—Selah Frost
Richmond—Joseph F. Ripley, soldier Lamb’s Creek
Sullivan and Mainesburg—William M. Doud, Mainedburg
Tioga borough and township—William Kimball, soldier Mitchell’s Creek
Union—James E. Washburn, soldier Roaring Branch
Ward and Fall Brook—William L. Beverson, Fall Brook
Wellsboro—Robert K. Young
Westfield—Walter F. Bowman, Cowanesque
Westfield borough—John T. McNeil, soldier.
--Conrad C. Walster, the Elmira letter carrier, has been found guilty of embezzling money from letters and sentenced to two years in the Erie County penitentiary.
--Mr. C. L. Nittrowr, of Findlay, O., recently of Covington, has drawn $5,000 in the Louisiana lottery.
--Mr. L. S. Clemons, of Blossburg, has gone to Hamilton, Ohio, where he has secured a position in a flint stone works.
--Cole Palen, son of Mr. J. F. Palen, of Leetonia, had his leg broken instead of Mr. Palen as stated in a recent issue.
--A handsome crayon drawing of Judge Stephen F. Wilson, drawn by Mr. George T. Deming, has just been hung in the court room.
--Mr. E. M. Fishler, of Elmira, formerly of Wellsboro, will go to Williamsport, where he has secured an engagement with the Fisk military band.
--Nelson Palmer, of Columbia X Roads, who some time since pleaded guilty to passing counterfeit money in Elmira, has been sentenced to four years in the Erie County penitentiary.
--Miss Emma Alexander, of Liberty, “loved not wisely”, and last week obtained a warrant of Justice A. S. Brewster, charging Adelbert Whitton, with seduction under promises of marriage.
--OSCEOLA.—Mr. Joseph Barker fell on the sidewalk last Wednesday evening while returning from the concert, and sustained some severe bruises.
--OSCEOLA.—A party was recently held at Mr. N. L. Hanscome’s. Each one who attended gave 10 cents. The proceeds will go toward building a Free Will Baptist parsonage. The sum was not very large, but perhaps will aid a little.
--Samuel Barker, of Scranton, is visiting at Mrs. Phebe Buckley’s.
--J. I. Stanton and wife, of Painted Post, are visiting at Vine Crandall’s.
--Eugene Stevens has returned home for a vacation.
--Mrs. Vin Daily has returned home from a visit to Cincinnati, where she has been to visit her husband. Vin’s headquarters are there. He is doing some good ball playing this season.
--CATLIN HOLLOW.—Mr. Frank Starkey, of Middlebury, has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Dennison.
--CATLIN HOLLOW.—Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Compton, of Crooked Creek, have been visiting at Mr. L. A. Catlin’s.
--DRAPER.—Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rice, of Leetonia, were visiting Mrs. J. W. Symonds this week. Ira has bought out the mail route from Leetonia to Cedar Run and taken the contract for carrying the mail.
--DRAPER.—Mr. Charles Sabin is visiting in Wellsboro this week.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mrs. J. Day is visiting at Corning, N. Y.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. Frank Bixby and family are visiting at Mills, Potter County.
--Miss Virginia Williams returned home last week to spend the summer.
--Mr. James S. Smythe, of Williamsport, was in town several days last week.
--Rev. and Mrs. William H. Manning, of Rochester, N. Y., are visiting at Mr. John Karr’s.
--Mr. and Mrs. James VanValkenburg, and Mr. I. L. Truman, of Trout Run, PA, and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey, of Tioga, were in town yesterday, being called here by the death of Mr. Lucius Truman.
--Mr. Ira Keeney, of Elkland, attended the Odd Fellows Grand Lodge at Pittsburgh last week.
--Messrs. John C. White and A. D. Knox, of Knoxville, have gone to Texas on a month’s visit.
--Mr. John R. Dengle, of Westfield, attended the sessions of the Odd Fellows Grand Lodge at Pittsburgh last week.
--Mr. George W. Johnson represented the Covington Lodge at the Odd Fellows Grand Lodge at Pittsburgh last week.
--Miss Eva Sperry, of the Register’s office, left this week for a month’s visit with friends at Rochester, N. Y., and London, Canada.
Land/Business Transactions
--O. S. Kimball and E. H. Kimball have finished off some rooms over
the wagon shop. They expect to develop all the views here which are
taken by them during the summer.
--DRAPER.—Mr. William Gitchell has bought himself a larger wagon for stage work on the road, so that he will be able to accommodate more people with the ride to and from Wellsboro.
--DRAPER.—Mr. J. F. Warriner is working as a stone mason on Marsh Creek.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. Walton Lamb has fitted up apartments at his residence for his barber shop.
--Messrs. John Linck and D. F. Linck are building a new dwelling house at Nauvoo.
--Mr. L. Myers is about to move his clothing store from Blossburg to Corning.
--Mrs. M. Ely has sold her dwelling house in Covington, to Mr. H. M. Buck for $1,300.
--The brick layers have commenced work upon the walls of Mr. G. W. Sheffer’s new hotel at Blossburg.
-- C. E. Carr & Son, of Mansfield, have bought the Holden property at Covington and will open a cigar manufactory at once.
--Mr. J. G. Hughes is building an oil slide on Limekiln hill, near Blossburg, for the purpose of shooting logs down to his shipping point.
--Messrs. Roe Brothers have leased the Krusen Tucker block and expect to occupy it as a grocery store soon.
--Mr. L. C. Inscho is making extensive repairs to the American House. When it is completed it will be second to none in the county.
--The firm of Johnson & VanDusen, marble dealers, has been dissolved. Mr. Johnson remains in control of the Wellsboro Marble Works.
--In Deerfield, PA., May 16, 1890, by Rev. J. E. Hayes, Mr. E. A. Bean
and Miss Abbie A. Knox, both of Deerfield.
--At Wellsboro, PA., May 21, 1890, by Rev. E. B. Cornell, Mr. Fred S. Black, and Miss Blanche Wheeler, both of Wellsboro.
--At Lindley, N. Y., May 9, 1890, Mr. Owen Hourigan, of Blossburg, and Miss Deal Robbins, of Mainesburg, PA.
--At Lindley, N. Y., April 29, 1890, Mr. James Rozell, of Lawrenceville, and Miss Mira A. Herrington, of Elmira, N. Y.
--At Blossburg, PA., May 9, 1890, by Adam Schopp, Esq., Mr. William H. Stock and Miss Effie Hoffman.
--At Canton, PA., May 13, 1890, Mr. Charles Washburn, of Roaring Branch, and Miss Ella Morgan, of Union.
--Cassius Cilley, a former resident of this place, died at Woodhull
last week. He left this place a number of years ago and joined the
regular army. He was West for seven years and on his return he engaged
in business at Woodhull, where he gained many friends. He leaves
a wife and one child.
--At Little Marsh, PA., May 13, 1890, Myrtle D. Beach, daughter of S. P. and Beulah Beach, aged 5 years 6 months.
--MIDDLEBURY CENTRE.—Samuel Hackett died last week. He leaves a wife and four children.
--At Blossburg, PA., to Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Baldwin, a son.
--At Wellsboro, PA., May 23, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jackson, a son.
--At Lawrenceville, PA., May 1, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Brundage, a daughter.
--In Covington, PA., May 16, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Kiff, a daughter.
--At Mansfield, PA., May 7, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Mack, a son.
--At Mansfield, PA., May 17, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. John Stout, a daughter.
--At Kansas City, Missouri, May 2, 1890, Jane Eliza Hart, wife of B. C. Hart, aged 65 years.
--At Roaring Branch, PA., May 13, 1890, Mrs. George P. Manley, aged
73 years.