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1890 Wellsboro Agitator Abstracts
*all articles, unless the township is stated, are for Wellsboro.
April 1, 1890
Local News
--It’s MOVING DAY in this region. There are lots of folks in
the vicinity changing their place of residence. We have printed those
we know about below:
--Mrs. Chloe Ellis has moved from this borough to Sabinsville.
--Mr. R. E. Howland, of Elkland, has gone to Little Rock, Arkansas to reside.
--Mrs. L. P. Williston has moved from Central Avenue to the Ives place of Walnut Street.
--Mr. Fred Myers moved from Cole Street to Austin Street, near the glass factory.
--The many friends of Miss Flora Mosher will regret to learn that she has diphtheria.
--Fred Ward moved to the George A. Sturrock house on Pearl Street.
--George H. Derby has taken possession of the place which he recently purchased on upper Main Street.
--A. C. Roland has moved to the Bodine House, opposite H. W. Dartt’s.
--Mrs. George D. Meigs is preparing to move to Geneva, N. Y.
--M. F. Sammeth now occupies the Kelley House near the head of Walter Street.
--Frank Bradley now occupies rooms in Mrs. Wivell’s house.
--Mr. B. F. Milliken has taken possession of the dwelling house adjoining Mr. H. C. Cox on Water Street.
--Jesse Beach has purchased the Seymour Ellis place above the creamery and will take possession today.
--R. E. Gambell occupies rooms in Mrs. Steele’s house on Bacon Avenue.
--Mr. W. D. Soper, of Athens, has removed to Elkland. Mr. Soper
was the leader of the [unreadable] band at Athens, which has disbanded
due to his removal.
--Dr. Morgan L. Bacon is moving into his elegant new residence on Main Street.
--Capt. James H. Shaw has taken possession of his new residence on East
--The families of Messrs. George C. Bowen and Gregg J. Stewart are
to occupy the rooms over C. G. Osgood’s store.
--The home of Mr. William Grover, in Lawrence, was destroyed by fire on Wednesday night last week. The family was away from home at the time. The building and contents were insured.
--B. F. Wheeler has moved from the White tenement house on Water Street to the Reynolds place on Central Avenue.
--N. R. Kimball’s harness shop is now located in one of the stores in the Coles House Block.
--Mrs. T. B. Lloyd’s dressmaking shop has been moved to the room over the Black’s tailor shop.
--Mrs. Thomas Stone is to occupy the George C. Bowen place on Central Avenue.
--Leopold Schwartz will occupy one of H. S. Hastings’ houses on Fischler Street.
--Mrs. C. D. Willis is boarding at Mr. C. G. Osgood’s.
--David Cameron, Esq., takes possession of the place which he recently purchased of Mrs. Willis on West Avenue.
--Mr. Clarence Shumway had moved to Corning, N. Y. where he has begun a secured position in Valentine Rettig’s bottling works.
--Mrs. Susan R. Hart occupies rooms in Mr. O. H. Davis’s house on Walnut Street.
--Royal Wheeler has leased the house formerly occupied by the family of George H. Derby on Grant Street.
--Mr. Newton H. Mack has moved to Tunkhannock, PA.
--C. B. McDaniels has moved to the Doumaux house on Tioga Street.
--C. D. Lee has moved from the B. F. Bowen house to the Harden house on Tioga Street.
--George Wilkinson has moved from Fischler Street to the Holiday house on West Avenue.
--Mrs. Emma L. Bates has gone to Minneapolis, Minn. to reside.
--Mr. and Mrs. William Rowland have moved to their farm in Middlebury, which is known as the Ives farm.
--Mr. Charles Hollands, of Elkland, has gone to Denver, Colorado to clerk in a tea store.
--Mr. Anton Hardt now shares the offices of Jefferson Harrison, Esq., on Central Ave.
--Mr. Henry A. Newell, of Bradford County, has rented the Jacob Zimmer farm in Covington.
--Mr. T. A. Wickham is to move his Tioga sawmill to the other side of the village, near the coke ovens. [Thomas A. Wickham]
--Mr. D. S. Horton has moved from Rutland to the J. B. Everett farm in Jackson, which he recently purchased.
--S. G. Rhinevault, Esq., Mansfield’s popular Justice of the Peace now occupies a new office in the opera house block.
--Mr. Max Bernkopf attended the funeral of his uncle Mr. Lehman Rosenbaum, at Elmira last Sunday.
--Two children of Mr. John W. English aged respectively five and eight years, are alarming sick with diphtheria. Mr. English resides on Pearl Street above St. Peter’s church.
--Mr. Charles Matson, of Delmar, who died recently, had a life insurance of $3,000. The Penn Mutual Insurance Company paid the amount of the policy to his widow last Thursday.
--A. L. Darling has returned to his home at Lawrenceville from the Buffalo Medical College.
--Mr. Uriah Rolison, of Union, met with a serious accident a few days ago when he ran the tine of a pitch fork into his ankle.
--Postmaster George D. Wilkinson took possession of the Blossburg Post office yesterday. Mrs. E. H. Mosher is retained as deputy.
--Mr. James Wilson, the stage driver between Tioga and Roseville, lost one of his horses a few days ago. The animal choked to death.
--Mr. William Crossley, of Mansfield, expects to start this week to begin his season’s engagement as a baseball player with the Sioux City, Iowa club.
--Last week Monday Mr. Henry Blood, of Roseville, received a dispatch announcing that his brother, who disappeared so mysteriously from this region a few weeks ago, was lying dangerously sick at Springfield, Illinois.
--DeWitt Baxter is plastering his house with alabastine. It makes a fine finish.
--Mrs. A. Busard has had a new house built on her farm for the use of a tenant.
--We regret to state that Mr. Patrick Bradley, of Barnes, Yates Co., N. Y., is dangerously ill with pneumonia. Mr. Bradley is well and favorably known in this borough and throughout the county generally.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. Perry Tucker succeeds his brother-in-law, Mr. Walker Westbrook, in his position at the bank.
--WESTFIELD.—Mrs. U. A. Vermilyea, of Gaines, who has been sick for a long time, has so far recovered as to go to Chicago in company of her daughter, Mrs. A. R. Vermilyea.
--WESTFIELD.—On Friday morning a large barn on the W. Harrison farm two miles south of this borough, was destroyed by fire. A cow and a dog were burned in the building. The loss was about $1,000 and there was no insurance.
--Mrs. H. F. Marsh, of Brooklyn, N. Y., is visiting relatives in town.
--Mr. G. B. Johnson has gone to New York City to buy new goods.
--Miss Lizzie Fagan, of Ithaca, N. Y., is the guest of Miss Mildred Bailey.
--Mrs. Charles H. Roberts and children, of Westfield, are visiting relatives in town.
--Mr. C. S. Welch was in Philadelphia and New York City last week.
--Mr. and Mrs. G. W. D. Eastman have gone to Utica, N. Y. to stay several months.
--Miss Abbie Mathers, who was spending the winter here, has started for Maryland last Thursday to visit relatives.
--Mr. John Bowen, from Tombstone, Arizona, is visiting his brothers, George C. Bowen and B. F. Bowen, of this borough and his mother at Deerfield.
--Mr. Alfred J. Niles of the Harvard Law School, and J. H. Brewster, who has been attending medical lectures in Philadelphia, is home for the Easter vacation.
--Mrs. L. C. Bennett, Jr., of Middlebury, has gone to California to visit her parents.
--Mrs. N. Atherton, of Osceola, has returned home from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. H. S. Jones, of Elmira, N. Y.
--Mr. S. O. Mason, of Union, Broome County, N. Y., is in town visiting his daughter, Mrs. Louisa Briggs. Mr. Mason is in his eighty fifth year, but is still able to walk two or three miles every day.
--Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell, of Knoxville, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. E. S. Horton.
Land/Business Transactions
--Mr. R. L. Doud will establish an agriculture implement store at Covington.
--We understand that Mr. A. F. Rose expects to purchase the creamery building and establish a steam laundry in it.
--Messrs. George H. Derby, William H. Roberts, and George M. Spalding
have bought a large tract of timber land, comprising nearly 1,500 acres,
in Brown Township, Lycoming County.
--Mr. Con. Avery, of Chatham has made over five tons of maple sugar
so far this season.
--Beck Brothers, of Keeneyville, are closing out their stock of goods at that place and will move to Knoxville.
--Mr. Lloyd Smith, who is now traveling agent for the firm of Joseph Gillott & Sons, steel pan manufactures in New York City, arrived in town last Saturday evening with his family, coming from Red Banks, N. J. Mr. Smith has bought the Vine Baldwin property, adjoining Gen. Cox’s place, and will make this place his headquarters.
--Mr. Thomas H. Bailey has purchased the dwelling house of Mrs. L. A. Ridgeway, in Mansfield, for $1,200.
--The firm of Pierce & Dockstader, architects of Elmira, N. Y., has been dissolved. Mr. Pierce retains the business and Mr. [Otis] Dockstader has opened an office on Lake Street in the new Robinson building.
--Mr. J. N. Scudder, of Union, has invented and applied for a patent on a new device for a feed rack for sheep. It consists of an oblong box with two racks on top which fasten together. The sheep in eating from this rack get all the seed and are not able to waste any of the hay. It is easy to manage and has been offered $10,000 for the right to manufacture and sell the rack in Pennsylvania and New York.
--OSCEOLA.—C. M. Warren, of Elkland, has moved here and will open a
carriage shop on Main Street.
--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. O. Snyder, of North Fork, Potter County, is to run
a cheese factory this year. He will have between 200 and 300 cows’
milk. Mr. Snyder is a stirring man, and he has two factories to run
besides this one.
--Mr. S. H. Levergood has sold his house and lot to Dr. Z. Kimble. Mr. Levergood is to move to his farm a half mile from our village.
--Mrs. S. D. Lacey, of Elkland, who for the past six months has been
suffering from cancer died last Thursday. She was about 40 years
of age and leaves a husband and three children.
--Mr. James Montgomery, of Antrim, died last Monday, aged 60 years.
--Miss Josephine Stuart, who was the principal teacher in the Mansfield Soldiers’ Orphan School for many years, died at Mansfield last week Sunday afternoon. The funeral was held last Tuesday.
Mr. Evan Llewellyn, of Fall Brook, died at the county poor house last Sunday morning of heart disease. He was about the home apparently in his usual health and spirits, when he suddenly fell to the floor and died. He was about fifty nine years of age and had been in the poor house for several years.
--Mr. Lehman Rosenbaum, one of the leading merchants of Elmira, N. Y., died very suddenly at his store on Water Street last Thursday evening his trouble being heart disease. He was seventy two years of age. Mr. Rosenbaum was a member of the firm of Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co., who started a store in this borough in 1878, which establishment was purchased by Mr. Max Bernkopf a few years later.
--CHATHAM. March 29, 1890.—The funeral of Mr. Darwin Sykes took
place at the house of his son in law, Mr. Fred Woodcock, yesterday, Rev.
A. G. Cole officiating. Mr. Sykes had been on a visit to J. H. Ferris
and appeared in his usual health and spirits. On Wednesday after
dinner he started for home, leading a dog. Before he got out of sight
the string by which he was leading the dog broke and the dog slipped through
the fence into Mr. Victor Cloos’s meadow. He fell down, got up, fell
down again, got up and staggered along a few steps and fell over backward.
Mr. Orrin Rice stood looking at the old man, and when he saw
him fall backward he ran to his assistance, but on reaching him he was
dead. Mr. Sykes was formerly a resident of Chatham, owning the farm
where C. E. Beach now lives. He had for several years lived at Westfield,
but lately he had lived with his only living child, Mrs. Fred Woodcock.
Hi other child was Mrs. J. H. Ferris, long since deceased. He always
visited Mr. Ferris the same as though he was still his son-in-law.
Mrs. Sykes died several years ago. Mr. Sykes was 78 years of age.
His place of nativity is not known to me.
--OSCEOLA.—Mrs. Abram Duley [Dorcas Duley], aged 77, an old resident of this place, died on Wednesday morning. A correspondent writes: “She was one of the pioneers of this region and had lived to see her family grow up and settle around her, honored members of society.” The funeral was held on Friday.
--In Tioga, PA, March 20, 1890, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Budson.
--At Millerton, PA, March 16, 1890, of meningitis, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Uriah Kelly, ages 9 months.
--At Tioga, PA, March 13, 1890, Maggie Lindsay, wife of Edward Lindsay, aged 28 years.
--At Copp Hollow, PA, March 7, 1890, Helen Marvin, daughter of David and Anna Marvin, aged 21 months.
--In Wellsboro, PA, March 21, 1890, Mary Spicer, wife of Martin C. Spicer, aged 79 years.
--At Fredericksburg, MD, March 5, 1890, Mrs. Hannah B. Stowell, aged 86 years 6 month, and 3 days.
--In Delmar, PA, March 23, 1890, of blood poisoning, Mrs. Mary Westmiller, aged 25 years.
--At Mansfield, PA, March 20, 1890, to Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Cooper,
a daughter.
--At Blossburg, PA, March 24, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Doane, a son.
--At Covington, PA, March 22, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Otis Larcom, a son.
--At Jersey Shore, PA, March 21, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moyer, a daughter.
--At Academy Corners, PA, March 9, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Roundsville, a son.
--At Tioga, PA, March 20, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schooner, a daughter.
--At Richmond, PA, March 26, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Clark Sherwood, a daughter.
--At Wellsboro, PA, March 20, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. William H. Whiting, a daughter.
--At the Lutheran parsonage in Liberty, PA, March 22, 1890, by Rev.
A. B. Miller, Mr. Amos W. Dibble, of Stony Fork, and Miss Ida M.
Warriner, of Liberty, PA.
--At Liberty, PA, February 6, 1890, by Rev. W. Minsker, Jonathan Kreger and Mary Pierce, both of Liberty.
--ORPHANS’ COURT NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the following
inventories of real and personal estate selected to be retained by the
widow and children of decedents, will be presented in the Orphans’ Court
to be held at the Courthouse in Wellsboro, in Tioga County, PA, on MODAY,
APRIL 7, 1890, at two o’clock p. m. for final confirmation:
-Estate of William H. Fisk, late of Wellsboro, deceased; widow’s
inventory of personal property.
-Estate of Frank Kobler, late of Mansfield, deceased; widow’s
inventory of personal property.
-Estate of L. A. Hurlburt, late of Middlebury, deceased; widow’s
inventory of personal property.
-Estate of Emory Vunck, late of Rutland, deceased; widow’s inventory
of personal property.
-Estate of Henry Tassey, late of Wellsboro, deceased; widow’s
inventory of personal property.
REGISTER’S NOTICE.—Notice is hereby given that the executers, administrators
and guardians names below have filed their accounts in the Register’s Office
for Tioga County, PA, and that the said accounts will be presented in the
Orphans’ Court to be held on MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1890 at 2 o’clock p. m. for
allowance and confirmation:
-Final account of George W. Williams, Administrator of the estate
of Oren R. Williams, late of Wellsboro, deceased.
-Account of Mary C. Coveny, Administratrix of the estate of Thomas
Coveny, late of Covington Township, deceased.
-Final account of Willis Baker, Administrator of the estate of
Jennie Buckley, late of Elmira, N. Y., deceased.
-First and final account of Sarah A. Watkins, Adminstratrix of
the estate of S. C. Watkins, late of Covington Township, deceased.
-First and final account of V. R. Gee and Alfred King, Administrators
c. t. a. of Joseph A. French, late of Clymer Township, deceased.
-Second and final account of Amelia Jacobs, Admisitratrix of
the estate of Fred Jacobs, late of Deerfield, deceased.
-Final account of H. D. Muir, Administrator of the estate of
Vincent Noviski, late of Union, deceased.
-Final account of James C. Hamilton, Administrator of the estate
of Louise Smith, late of Shippen, deceased.
April 8, 1890
Local News
--WESTFIELD.—Last Tuesday Roy Cole, son of Mr. John Cole, was severely
injured by a log rolling over him while he was working at the saw mill.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Mr. Sumner Baker had the misfortune to cut his hand quite severely by striking it on a saw one day last week.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Mr. Wesley Thompson has moved to Harrison Valley, and Amos Jackson is to occupy his home.
--Albert Brown, of Middlebury, left his home last Friday night in a mysterious manner and has not returned. He is supposed to have been laboring under aberration of mind.
--TIOGA.—W. C. Phelps has removed to Athens, where he will engage in the hotel business.
--TIOGA.—S. G. Clapp, recently of Lawrenceville has moved into the Bigelow house on Main Street.
--TIOGA.—Mr. William Goodrich fell down the cellar stairs yesterday and quite seriously hurt himself.
--TIOGA.—Dr. T. R. Warren will move to Elkland next week where he will engage in the drug business.
--Mr. Dennis Enright, of Elmira, N. Y., has succeeded John Gregorious as knight of the razor at Petti’s barber shop.
--Mr. Floyd Mattison, of Dundee, N. Y., is to become a resident of Mansfield. Mr. Mattison is a hay buyer, and during the past few months has paid Mansfield farmers about $1,500 for hay.
--The tobacco sheds of Dr. Charles Voorhees, of Daggett’s Mills, were destroyed by fire last week Tuesday night. Twelve cases of tobacco were burned. The loss is estimated at $2,000.
--On the night of the 26th ultimo, Mr. J. Wallace Wilcox, of New Albany, Bradford County, drove up to the old Wilcox hotel near the railroad station, in the same township, and hitched his horse in the barn and entered the house, where he purchased a bottle of whiskey. Soon after he went away stating that he was going up on the hill for a little while. About twenty minutes later a large barn on the hill belonging to Mr. Huston D. Wilcox was discovered to be on fire. In the ruins the charred remains of a man were found, and they were identified as those of J. Wallace Wilcox. Foul play was suspected. It had been known for years that Wilcox had been having undue intimacy with Mrs. Philo Miller, the woman now in jail charged with knowledge of the manner of his death. It is known that they had frequent quarrels and that she had made serious threats against him, that there are numerous letters in existence written by her to him which reveal the state of affairs between them. It is also known that of late she has had other lovers, and it is surmised that for good reasons she was anxious to be rid of him. The victim was about 50 years of age. At one time he was a well to do citizen, but recently he had become financially embarrassed.
--Mr. George Wilkinson has applied for a patent on an improved nut lock, which consists of a toothed eccentric upon a nut. This may be locked into the thread of the screw, thus holding the nut from turning.
--Mrs. S. M. Billings and Miss Minnie Hardt have been successfully raising funds to purchase about a dozen settees for the public square. They cost about $13 each. It is also proposed to put a fountain in the center of the square.
--Daniel Way Bennet, says an Elmira paper of last Tuesday, is charged with forgery. The story is that he owed a board bill of $5 to Frank Wickham, and in payment offered a check for $10 made payable to himself, signed by Copeland & Woodford on the Second National Bank, of which Bennet endorsed. The check was accepted and Bennett got $2 in change. Subsequent inquires showed the check to be a forgery. Bennet was arrested at Rock Stream, N. Y., on Tuesday and taken back to Elmira. It is said that he confessed to the Chief of Police. The examination was postponed until today. An effort is being made to settle the affair.
--A few days since the 12 year old son of Mr. R. D. Bartles, of Delmar, had one of his arms so frightfully burned by falling forward in a pan of boiling maple syrup. The arm was so badly scalded that the flesh dropped from it in several places.
--Through the efforts of Mr. Joseph W. Brewster, Messrs. R. S. Dartt and Isaac Anthony have secured admission to the National Soldier’s Home at Hampton, Virginia. Both men started this morning for their new home, the government furnishing free transportation.
--Daniel P. Mourey, of Knoxville, was received at the county jail on Monday evening. He is charged with beating his mother, Mrs. Esther J. Mourey, of that place. Mourey seemed to feel the disgrace of being imprisoned, and is fearful that he will be styled a jailbird when he is given is liberty. A taste of free raw hide would probably have a tendency to make him appreciate the enormity of the offense for which he is held to await the action of the grand jury.
--Mr. Max Bernkopf is confined to the house with a case of the grip.
--Mr. James W. Stevens, of Harrison Valley, has had his pension increased.
--Mr. Chauncey Ham, of Stokesdale, has two children sick with diphtheria.
--Mr. Samuel Ludlum has moved from Nelson to the old Bowen farm in Deerfield.
--Mrs. Lewis Daggett fell upon a Tioga doorstep a few days ago and broke her arm. [Ellen Daggett]
--Mr. Mortimer Crippen, of Rutland, is afflicted with blood poisoning resulting from a sheep biting one of his fingers.
--The woodshed was burned off the house of Mr. A. D. West, at Crooked Creek a few days ago. The fire was caused by a barrel of lime which was stored in the shed.
--Mr. P. D. Hotchkiss, of Lamb’s Creek, and John Merrick, of Mann Creek, have moved to Corning, N. Y.
--Mr. Fred Palen has resigned his position as bookkeeper for the Cedar Run Tanning Co. at Leetonia to accept a similar position in Elk County. He is succeeded by Mr. John Riddle, of Larry’s Creek.
--William Lewis, a mule driver, was badly hurt in the Fall Brook mines a few days ago by being thrown off his wagon against a rib in the drift. The other mule drivers asked permission to take the night mule and work so that Mr. Lewis’s wages might go on. This was showing a spirit of genuine charity as well as good fellowship.
--ROUND TOP.—Mr. W. H. Clark’s head sawyer, Mr. Frank Avery, has moved back to his farm in Delmar, and Mr. Ed Bellinger has moved into the house which was left vacant by Mr. Avery.
--The Elmira Advertiser says that Mr. Joseph Murray is a well known
farmer living over the Pennsylvania line in Tioga County. He is seventy
years of age and has been in feeble health for some months. Besides
the farm he lives on he owns another half mile off, upon which he keeps
many cattle. Last week Monday he took a walk over to this farm to
look around, and on his return he took a short cut through the fields.
While going across a neighbor’s lot he saw a ferocious bull rushing at
him and bellowing savagely. The old man knew he could not escape
by running so he made for a tree near by and was able to reach the low
hanging branches and climb up just as the infuriated animal came up.
He supposed that the bull would soon go about his business and he could
get down, but the beast remained under the tree pawing and bellowing for
three hours, and the cries of the old man were unheard. It was quite
dark when Mr. Murray, benumbed with the cold, got out the tree and into
the road and then he fainted of exhaustion. His son found him there
some time afterward still unconscious and took him home. He was able
to tell of his experience soon after, but the shock was so great that it
is feared that he cannot recover.
--Miss Nettie Clark, of Wellsboro, is expected to arrive in Washington
next week to pay a visit to friends there.
OSECOLA.--Am Vanzile, who has been in Delaware County, N. Y. came home Wednesday.
WESTFIELD.--Miss Ruth Horton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Horton, is at home from Elmira Female College for a short vacation.
WESTFIELD.—Mr. Charles Kaufman, of Philadelphia, is spending a few weeks here in the interest of his fertilizer establishment.
--WESTFIELD.—Master Warren Horton, is spending his Easter vacation at home from the military school at Aurora, N. Y.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Willis Seamans, of Elmira is visiting friends at this place.
--TIOGA.—Walter Westbrook, of Westfield, has been visiting relatives here.
--TIOGA.—James T. Berry, of Elmira, was in town the first of the week.
--Prof. and Mrs. William E. Blair, of Tioga, have been visiting the home of Mr. James A. Boyce for a few days.
--Mr. Walter Isley, of Waverly, N. Y., was the guest of Mr. Henry Wilson several days last week. Mr. Isley is an excellent clarinet player and assisted the band during the soldier’s reunion.
--Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hallett, of Elmira, were in town last week visiting their son Charles.
--Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Johnson spent a few days in Hornellsville last week, visiting friends. I am glad to note that Mrs. Johnson’s health is much improved.
--Ward Lamb has returned home from Corning to spend the summer.
--Mrs. C. A. Sweet is visiting friends in Osceola.
--Mrs. F. D. Bunnell, of New York, is visiting at the home of her son.
--Miss Mary Wheeler is visiting her sister at Jersey Shore.
--Mrs. F. A. Churchill and daughter, of Dundee, N. Y., are visiting Wellsboro friends.
--Misses Ella Brooks and Josie Lawrence, of Mansfield, are the guests of Miss Lola Borden.
--Mr. E. J. English, of Tower City, PA, formerly of Cherry Flats, has been visiting old friends in this section.
--Mr. A. A. Schmand, of the Sandbach House, has been spending a few days with his son at Binghamton, N. Y.
--Rev. and Mrs. O. S. Chamberlayne left for Albany, N. Y. yesterday. Mr. Chamberlayne has an engagement to deliver a lecture before the Albany Y.M.C.A.
Land/Business Transactions
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. M. D. Lawrence has moved into the house on Church
Street which he recently purchased of H. H. Hicks.
--WESTFIELD.—The Burdie Brothers, contractors and builders of this borough, have taken the contracts for building several dwelling houses in Elkland.
--TIOGA.—Mary Fish has moved her goods from the Wickham block to her father’s store on Main Street.
--Hon. Henry Sherwood now occupies the brick house on Main Street which he lately purchased of Mr. D. H. Belcher.
--Mr. V. G. Ives has bought the milk business of Mr. L. Harrison. He took the route yesterday. He is to purchase milk from Mr. Harrison’s farm.
--Mr. J. D. Kay, has purchased the Horton property in Knoxville.
--Mr. John G. Palmer has opened a photograph gallery at Morris.
--Mr. John Richards has purchased the V. M. Gray farm at Covington.
--Mr. George Buckabee has purchased the R. McCann dwelling house at Elkland for $1,500.
--Mr. W. E. Compton, of Elmira, has taken possession of the D. B. Lain store at Daggett’s Mills. Mr. Lain has moved to Jackson Summit.
--Mr. Murray Mase paid $8,000 for the Isaac Thomas farm of 300 acres in Liberty Township, which was sold a few days ago by the administrator of the Thomas estate.
--Mr. George W. Sheffer is clearing the ground preparatory to laying the foundation for his new brick hotel at Blossburg. Messrs. Frank Veil and Lownsberry and Doud have the contract for doing the work.
--Mr. R. Caredy has moved to the Hall farm, west of Mansfield.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Seth Peake has moved from Mansfield to the Adam’s farm at this place.
--Mr. George Baker has moved his undertaking establishment from Kelleytown to Mansfield, and Ira W. Kelley will resume his former occupation as undertaker here.
--Sherman Warters is Fralic Brothers’ new teamster, he has moved from upper Lamb’s Creek.
--In Covington, PA, April 1, 1890, Mrs. Ursula Chase, aged 81 years.
--In Lawrence, PA, March 31, 1890, Hiram Horton, aged 80 years.
--At Elkland, PA, March 31, 1890, of cancer of the stomach, Mrs. S. Lacey, aged 39 years.
--At Seeley Creek, N. Y., March 23, 1890, of diphtheria, William Seeley, aged 18 years.
--In Chatham, PA, March 19, 1890, Lewis Wheaton, aged 88 years.
--WESTFIELD.—Miss Eliza Kelts died in this place last Monday after a long illness. She is the second daughter whom death has claimed in this family in a short time. Much sympathy is expressed for the mourning friends. The funeral was held at the family residence on Wednesday afternoon. [Buried Champlin Cemetery, Westfield]
--TIOGA.—Mrs. W. T. Rhodes died on Wednesday of this week. Her funeral is to be held today.
--Mr. and Mrs. John H. English are sorely afflicted by the death of their five year old daughter last Wednesday of diphtheria. The funeral was held the same day, Rev. Mr. Snyder conducting the service.
--Mrs. W. S. Nearing, of Morris Run, died last week Sunday morning of pneumonia at the age of fifty six years. She was ab estimable woman. Thirty six years ago she married Mr. Nearing, and for twenty five years they resided at Morris Run. Her remains were taken to New Jersey, her former home, for burial.
--Col. Frederick A. DeVoe once a well known newspaper man in Elmira, N. Y. died a few days ago in that city at the age of about 80 years.
--A man by the name of John Frost was drowned in Kettle Creek last week Sunday morning on the O. W. Wolf’s drive at Hamersley Fork. He was a stranger in that vicinity and had no relatives that anybody knew of and was buried on Monday at Trout Run.
--KNOXVILLE.—By the death of Mrs. I. M. Edgecomb [Sarah Edgecomb], which took place last wee Thursday, we lose one of our best and most prominent ladies. As a wife, mother and business woman she had few equals. She leaves a husband, three sons and one daughter, besides a host of friends to mourn her death. She was one whose place cannot be easily filled.
--Mrs. Sophia W. Rockwell died last week Tuesday evening at the home of her son, Levi F. Rockwell, in Sullivan, of a complication of diseases. Deceased was a sister of Colonel N. A. Elliott, of Mansfield, and the mother of S. S. Rockwell, of Charleston, and Mrs. J. B. Potter, of Washington, D. C. The funeral was held at Cherry Flats on Thursday afternoon. She was the widow of Norman Rockwell of Cherry Flats.
--At Tioga, PA., April 2, 1890, Mrs. William T. Rhodes, aged 53 years.
--In Roseville, PA., April 1, 1890, of typhoid fever, Hattie Stout, aged 30 years.
--In Farmington, PA., April 2, 1890, Mrs. Jane Rowley, aged 86 years, 3 months, 5 days.
--At Blossburg, PA, March 17, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Booth, a son.
--At Blossburg, PA, March 31, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Edgar, a son.
--At Blossburg, PA, March 20, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCarty, a son.
--In Richmond, PA, March 28, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Starkey, a son.
--In Wellsboro, PA, April 4, 1890, to the wife of Mr. S. Unger, a son.
--At Covington, PA, April 9, 1890, to the wife of Mr. P. Wilcox, a son and a daughter.
--Mr. W. S. Farrer and Miss Lora Kohler, both of Mansfield, were married
at Philadelphia last Wednesday.
--Mr. Will Jordan and Miss Anna Dengle were united in the bonds of matrimony at Corning yesterday [April 2, 1890]. We extend our congratulations.
--At Westfield, PA, March 20, 1890, by Rev. D. A. Parcells, Sylvester George of Sylvester and Minnie Oswald, of Westfield.
--At the bride’s home, March 31, 1890, by Rev. O. G. Heck. Mr. Walter H. Siver, of Binghamton, N. Y., and Phebe J. Anthony, of Hoytville, PA.
--At Wellsboro, PA., April 16, 1890, by Justice A. S. Brewster, Mr. David H. Gardner, of Chatham, PA, and Miss Jane Cowan, of Delmar.
--At Wellsboro, PA., April 9, 1890, by Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne, Rev. Joseph D. Russell, of Canisteo, N. Y. and Miss Georgia Allen, of Wellsboro, PA.
--At the M. E. Parsonage, Wellsboro, PA, April 15, 1890, by Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne, Mr. William H. Lewis and Miss Lou Culver, both of Charleston, PA.
April 15, 1890
Local News
--Mr. Gilbert Scoville, of Harrison, Potter County, was attending the
funeral of his brother last Tuesday, when he fell from his chair and died.
A few minutes before his death he remarked that his health was better than
it had been in several years.
--Last week Sunday afternoon Henry Brooks, aged 18 years, of Moore’s Hill, Bradford County, was exhibiting a small rifle to his brother William Brooks, who was 16 years old, when the gun discharged and the .22 caliber bullet entered William’s left breast. The wounded boy ran upstairs and fell into his mother’s arms and died in a few minutes. The boys “didn’t know the gun was loaded”.
--CHATHAM.—Hermie Doan, a lad nine or ten years of age, fell upon a pitch fork while at play in the barn of Myron Leach yesterday, and a tine of the fork ran into his neck an inch and a half. He is in critical condition.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. Charles Watrous has returned from the school he has been attending at Hillsdale, Michigan.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. Ellis Haner lost his youngest daughter with brain fever caused by hard study at school. Her death was very sudden and unexpected.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. George Frick had the misfortune to cut off one of his toes while chopping in the forest of Mr. D. K. Marsh.
--Mrs. Betsey H. Herrington, of Ansonia, has instituted proceedings against Mr. W. H. Freiz, of this borough, to recover $20,000 in damages on account of the death of her husband, Mr. Horace Herrington, who was killed near his home some months ago by a railway train while he was in an intoxicated condition. It is alleged that Herrington bought his liquor at Freiz’s hotel near the depot, before starting for home, hence the lawsuit. It is expected that the case will be tried at the August term. Mr. Herrington was quite deaf and likely did not hear the train.
--Mr. F. A. Churchill, formerly a resident of this borough has gone to California to find a home.
--Mr. William Rogers, of Daggett’s Mills, has been confined to his bed for ten weeks with an abscess upon one of his lungs.
--The young son of Mr. P. Wilcox, of Covington, was seriously injured a few days ago by falling from a pair of stilts.
--Fred C. Leonard, Esq., formerly resided in this borough, is the Chairman of the Republican County Committee of Potter County.
--An old man named Calvin Gott, of Roseville, fell upon the walk a few days ago and broke his arm. Two days later he broke it again by another fall.
--Mr. James Steele, the venerable hunter who now lives in Morris, is the possessor of a tomahawk which he says he got from an Indian chief nearly sixty years ago.
--The dwelling house of Mr. Chester Wells, of Knoxville, took fire on a recent afternoon from a spark from the chimney, which had burned out. The fire was discovered in time to save the building, and no great damage resulted.
--Mr. J. J. Hammond attempted to cross the railway tracks at Holiday Station a few days ago in front of an approaching freight train when he fell between the rails and broke his breast bone. He managed to get out of the way of the train, but it was a narrow escape.
--Mr. John Nailen, a farmer who resides near Roaring Branch, was struck by a freight train on the Northern Central railway and thrown thirty feet. The locomotive struck him in the back and hurled him to the side of the tracks where his head struck with such a force that his skull was fractured. Although he was still alive at last accounts it was feared his injuries at were fatal. Nailen was seventy years of age.
--Original pensions have been granted to the following persons in this region: Hiram Bixby, of Tioga; Horace N. Stone, of Harrison Valley; Fanny Hoglin, of Osceola; Brewster P. Vance, of Mansfield; Increase in pensions to: Asa M. Richardson, of Potter Brook; Francis M. Baldwin, of Wellsboro; Joseph F. Ripley, of Mansfield; Stephen Bly, of Elkland; Jason Stephens, of Harrison Valley; Amos F. Hawkins, of Little Marsh.
--DELMAR.—Mr. F. H. Butler’s little child was scalded quite badly a few days ago.
--KENNEDY.—Herman Harris moved this week to Jersey Shore.
--KENNEDY.—Noble Kennedy returned home this week from Tiadaghton.
--KENNEDY.—Last Thursday as Mander Ludington was coming from Wellsboro with the mail, his horse became frightened at Darling’s Mill and ran away. The buggy was overturned and the horse ran a short distance before it was caught. The damage done was not very great however.
--FARMINGTON.—Tabor Colgrove, who has been on the Bowen farm for the past year, has moved to his own house at Elkhorn.
--FARMINGTON.—Mr. D. P. Close and Mrs. George White, who have been sick for several weeks, are slowly improving.
--FARMINGTON.—A few days ago Will Close has the misfortune to cut his foot very badly while splitting wood.
--WESTFIELD.—Prof. Zack Mallory has been confined to his home by sickness for several days.
--WESTFEILD.—Mr. G. H. Simmons has moved into the house lately occupied by M. D. Lawrence.
--WESTFIELD.—Last Wednesday, “Rory” Streeter moved to Lawrenceville where he is to till the soil this season.
--WESTFIELD.—Many Harrison Valley friends of our esteemed fellow townsman, Dr. James Masten, gave him a surprise party on Wednesday evening, that being the Doctor’s birthday.
--Mr. T. D. Farrer, of Mansfield, has gone to Colorado in hopes of benefiting his health.
--Mr. William Hammond, of Brookfield, was badly injured last week by being kicked by a horse.
--Blossburg has another physician, Dr. Edward M. Haley, of New York, having located at that place.
--Dr. C. W. Webb lost his pocketbook containing over $50 on the Pine Creek road one day last week.
--Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Vermilyea and daughter went from Gaines to Williamsport by boat last week.
--Mr. Jerry W. Sullivan, of Tully, N. Y., is the new bartender at the Coles Hotel.
--Messrs. Will Elliott and John Scallin, of Osceola, have gone to Bradford to play ball with the club there.
--The Troy Gazette says no news has been received of the whereabouts of Furman Lucas, who mysteriously disappeared from East Troy several weeks ago. A. M. Ellis reports that about the time spoken of she saw a boot frozen in the ice, moving down the stream on high water. Searching parties have recently examined Longs’ Pond with drag nets, in search of the body.
--Mr. Walter Darling will cut with a portable saw nearly a million feet of hardwood timber for Mr. L. Harrison at Rail Island.
--Mr. August Petit has been making several improvements in his tonsorial establishment. “Gus” has one of the neatest places in town.
--Mr. Justus Rew, of Morrison, Illinois, who is visiting his old home in Mainesburg, is six feet eight inches in height. He is 69 years of age.
--Miss Mary E. Brodie, of Elmira, has returned to Wellsboro to take charge of the millinery department at the Fair store.
--It is stated that Mr. E. J. Bailey, the new station agent at Covington, is to exchange positions with Mr. R. A. Mitchell, the Erie agent at Millerton.
--Mr. O. B. Lowell, of Tioga, has built several hot houses for raising tobacco plants. The buildings are to be heated by steam. Mr. Lowell plants from twenty to thirty acres of tobacco yearly.
--The school directors of Richmond have engaged the following teachers for the summer term: Kate Grom, Mann Creek; Edith Strait, Dorsett; Stella Snover, Goodall; Sadie Brown, Kohler; May Benedict, Hart.
--A young man named Daniel Silvers, a brakeman on the Slate Run narrow gauge railroad, was killed last Monday. A car left the track and Silva was thrown under the wheels, his head being cut off and his body badly mangled. He was 24 years of age, unmarried and his home was in Elmira, N. Y.
--Mr. H. W. Wood, proprietor of the Wellsboro and Mansfield stage line, has disposed of his handsome residence at Sylvania to Dr. J. C. Case. He has also sold one of the most desirable building lots in that place to Mr. O. A. Smith, of Sullivan.
--The dwelling house of Mr. F. M. Andrews, of Marsh Creek, was destroyed by fire about ten o’clock last Saturday morning. Most of the household goods were saved. The loss is estimated at $3,000; fully insured. The fire originated from a defective chimney.
--Mr. R. L. Mack met with a serious accident last Friday morning. While in the woods on his farm at Stokesdale he caught his foot and fell, breaking his left leg at the ankle joint. He was some distance from the house and suffered a great deal of pain before he received aid.
--James Morrell, of Delmar, was arraigned before Justice A. S. Brewster on Saturday evening on a charge of assault and battery, preferred by D. L. Copp, also of Delmar. Morrell waived an examination and gave bail for his appearance before the next grand jury.
--Miss Agnes Holt, of Morris Run, has commenced an action for breach of promise against William F. Jordan, of this borough, the damage of the young lady’s lacerated affection being placed at $10,000. The fair plaintiff claims that the wedding day was twice fixed, but the young man at each occasion failed to put in an appearance, greatly to her sorrow and mortification. Jordan, the defendant, is well-know in Wellsboro, and bears a good reputation. He was married a few weeks since to Miss Anna Dengle, and the couple is now residing in this place. It is very probable that the marriage precipitated the suit for damages. Jordan, however, is not possessed of any property and the plaintiff will, if she wins her case, have to be content with obtaining a judgment. She is represented by Hon. J. B. Niles, while Elliott & Watrous are the young man’s counsel. They have entered a plea of not guilty on behalf of their client and it is not believed that the case will be reached before the November term of court.
--Mr. Frank Andrews, of Blossburg, was in town last Tuesday.
--Miss Mamie Cowley, of Corning, is the guest of Misses Mary and Maggie Wilson.
--Mr. Benjamin Herr, of Columbia, PA., has been spending several days in town.
--Mr. Joseph Schwarzenbach, of Germania, was in town several days last week.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. Eugene McCracken and wife are visiting friends at this place.
--Mr. Charles Ryon, of Tioga, has gone to New Mexico to visit his sister Mrs. Max Chapman.
--Mr. DeWitt C. Herrington spent several days in Watkins, N.Y. last week.
--Mrs. S. S. Thompson has returned from Williamsport to spend the summer.
--Mr. John E. Bacon of the Medical University of Pennsylvania is spending a few days at home.
--FARMINGTON.—Mrs. L. Bevier, of Tioga, is visiting her daughter Mrs. E. W. Close.
--FARMINGTON.—Emmett Butler, who is attending school at Westfield, spent last Sunday with friends here.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. Ernest Rhede, who has been extensively engaged in the oil producing business in the Washington, PA, spent last Sunday with relatives here.
--WESTFIELD.—Robert Patterson, night operator on the Pine Creek railroad at Waterville, has been visiting his parents.
--WESTFIELD.—Mrs. E. G. Davidge has been visiting friends at Dundee, N. Y.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. Donohue, formerly of Elmira, but more recently of Louisville, KY., has been visiting here. He tells some very thrilling stories of the recent tornado.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawrence, of Knoxville, were visiting friends here last Monday and Tuesday.
Land/Business Transactions
--Mr. Herman Bookmiller talks of starting a grist mill at Gaines.
--Herrington & Field’s new roller grist mill was started up last week and is doing good business.
--Dr. Hugh L. Davis, of this borough, and his brother in law Mr. W. D. Gold, of Philadelphia, are the owners of the patents on Gold’s Flexible Anchor-chain Stopper, which has recently been given a practical test on board of the United States steamer Kearsarge. The Board of Examiners has just made a very favorable report upon the device, and it seems likely that this anchor chain stopper will come into general use upon all large vessels. It is exceedingly simple and one man can operate it.
--Mr. Jonathan Nelson, of this borough, has purchased the farm of Mr. John Parker, in Liberty. Consideration, $2,500.
--Mr. Card, of Mansfield, talks of starting a cigar factory at Covington.
--Mrs. W. E. Compton has been appointed Postmaster at Daggett’s Mills.
--Mr. John Nelson has been promoted to the position of mining boss at Arnot.
--Mr. Fred Scanlon, of Osceola, has sold his tobacco crop at nine cents a pound.
--Prof. T. P. Jones has purchased the Mansfield Business College of Prof. Fred M. Allen.
--Mr. Jeremiah R. Moore, of Gaines, has bought a part of the Updike farm in Mansfield, for $1,700.
--Miss Fanny Fish, of Tioga, has gone to Towanda, Bradford County, to take charge of the trimming department of a millinery store.
--Mr. Bankraiz, who has been the flattener at the Covington glass factory for eighteen years, has accepted a similar position at Catatonia, N. Y.
--WESTFIELD.—The item announcing the purchase of R. Kelts’ interest in the firm of Burr & Kelts, of the tannery store, by Mr. John Miller, was premature. John did not put in an appearance.
--Mr. T. H. Bailey has leased the Commercial Hotel at Mansfield for one year.
--Mr. John Benson has purchased the drug and grocery business of A. C. Young at Roseville.
--The following are brief abstracts of deeds filed in the Register
and Recorder’s office:
--JACKSON.—Hector L. Miller and wife to Samuel S. Kelley, one
half acre, $207.50.
--JACKSON.—Morrell Buchanan and wife to William Bloom, 15 acres,
--JACKSON.—George W. Mitchell and wife to William Bloom, 2 lots,
--JACKSON.—C. E. Palmer, et al. to Martha J. Palmer, 166 acres,
--WARD.—Charles Kiff and wife to W. Eugene Rice, 25 acres, $450.
__DELMAR.—M. L. Klock and wife to Robert M. Ketcham, 133 and
a half acres, $5,000.
--TIOGA.—Alan J. Fox and wife, et al. to Andrew and Anders Anderson,
78 and three fourths acres, $393.75.
--LIBERTY.—Richard E. Mase and wife to John H. Mase, 135 acres,
--MIDDLEBURY.—George R. Adamy to C. H. Sweet, 25 acres, $157.50.
--DELMAR.—James E. Fish and wife to William Fowler, 67 acres,
--RICHMOND.—M. D. White, et al. to Frank L. Starkey, 44.1 acres,
--MANSFIELD.—William M. Bentley and wife to Calista Camp, lot
--JACKSON.—Samuel Wright to Della R. Searles, one half acre,
--DELMAR.—Harriet E. Gleason and husband to Herbert M. Wood,
5 and a half acres, $600.
--DELMAR.—Emily J. Wilcox and husband to Harriet E. Gleason and
George F. Gleason, 50 acres, $900.
--MIDDLEBURY.—T. A. Wickham and wife, et al. to Dennis W. Colegrove,
89.3 acres, $1.
--KNOXVILLE.—E. B. Phillips and husband to Anthony W. Lugg, one
half acre, $3,000.
--LIBERTY.—Anna Love to Henry Love, 75 acres, $1.
--JACKSON.—Andrew J. Murrell to John L. Cunningham, 111 acres,
--LAWRENCEVILLE.—Mary E. Townsend, et al. to George McKinney,
40 acres, $1,300.
--WELLSBORO.—Alfred M. Baldwin and wife to Lloyd Smith, lot,
--DELMAR.—Max Bernkopf and wife, et al. to Henry S. Fisher, 57
acres, $1,710.
--CHARLESTON.—Thomas E. Moore and wife to Wallace J. Bailey,
51.6 acres, $1,575.
--COVINGTON.—O. G. Gerould and wife to John Lewis, lot, $40.
--JACKSON.—Sheriff D. H. Walker to Ira H. Ayers, 50 acres, $100.
--JACKSON.—Polly M. Smith and husband to Charles J. Drake, 50
acres, $1,000.
--JACKSON.—Ira H. Ayers and wife to Polly M. Smith, 50 acres,
--LIBERTY.—Conrad Brion and wife to William Krotzer, 60 acres,
--JACKSON.—Carlos C. White and wife to Mahlon White, 60 acres,
--DEERFIELD.—George W. Holbert and wife to Joseph Wood, about
230 acres, $7,000.
--ELKLAND.—Albert Luther to M. Augusta Seely et al., lot, $375.30.
--ELKLAND.—L. M. Coates and wife to M. Augusta Seely et al.,
lot, $125.50.
--NELSON and FARMINGTON.—Emery Blend and wife to F. J. Seely,
50 acres, $400.72.
--RICHMOND.—Jackson Smith and wife to Dolphus L. Harvey, 60 acres,
--SHIPPEN.—Arthur Darling and wife to Henry S. Darling, 105.8
acres, $1.
--WELLSBORO.—William B. VanHorn and wife to William D. VanHorn,
one half interest in one-third of an acre, $1,250.
--WESTFIELD.—Sarah A. Torrin et al. to Isaac Colbert, one-fourth
acre, $290.
--ROSEVILLE.—Elnora Perry and husband to John M. Hall, one half
acre, $300.
--RUTLAND.—Libbie A. Watson and husband to Fred E. Webster, interest
in 106 acres, $225.
--RUTLAND.—Myron L. Webster to Fred E. Webster, interest in 106
acres, $225.
--RUTLAND.—F. F. Webster and wife to F. R. Webster, interest
in 106 acres, $225.
--LAWRENCE.—Delos W. Hurd and wife to Willis R. Avery, 40 acres,
--ELKLAND.—L. C. Wood and wife to Robert Campbell, one-fourth
acre, $910.
--ELKLAND.—Joel Parkhurst and wife to Grace L. Parkhurst, lot,
--CLYMER.—Joshua Rushmore to Susan E. Scott, 25 acres, $1,000.
--DELMAR.—Ira F. Butler and wife to John W. English, 3 acres,
--Last Wednesday Miss Abbie McNeil Billings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles F. Billings, of Elmira, N. Y., and Mr. Horace J. Brewster, of San
Diego, California, were married at the bride’s home in Elmira by Rev. E.
J. Herrmann. Miss Billings is well known in this county as a former resident
of Knoxville. Mr. Brewster is a prominent business man of San Diego,
and he is said to be the proprietor of one of the largest hotels in the
--At Elmira, N. Y., March 29, 1890, Mr. James Barrett, of Jackson Summit, and Miss Carrie Greeney, of Lawrence, PA.
--At Elmira, N. Y., Mr. W. S. Ingalls, of Spring Valley, Minn., and Mrs. Sarah M. Furman, of Austinville, PA.
--At Knoxville, PA., March 18, 1890, by Rev. C. M. Gardner, Mr. Theodore Pierce and Miss Mary Seeley, both of Brookfield, PA.
--CHATHAM.--The remains of Mrs. George Burdic, of Lansing, were buried
in the cemetery near Keeneyville yesterday. Mrs. Burdic was a daughter
of the late Dr. Harvey Leach.
--The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Conway died at Waterbury, Conn., of diphtheria on Tuesday, the 1st instant.
--Last Friday evening Mrs. Susan Philbrick died very suddenly at her home in Dartt Settlement. She was stricken with apoplexy on Thursday afternoon. She was about sixty years of age. The funeral was held on Sunday.
--Mr. Patrick Bradley former well known resident of this borough died at his home at Rock Stream, N. Y. last Sunday after being sick five weeks with pneumonia. He was seventy-eight years of age. The remains are to be brought here tomorrow morning by special train for interment and the funeral is to be held at St. Peter’s church.
--Mr. Conrad Dittenhofer, who was injured in the bridge disaster on the evening of January 5th, died last Thursday afternoon. Dittenhofer’s right arm was amputated on the night of the accident. He recovered from this shock, and the wounds upon his head and the stump of his arm rapidly healed. His right leg, which had been badly broken, was also amputated by Dr. M. L. Bacon on the 12th of March, his life having become endangered from blood poisoning. The patient seemed to rally from this operation also, and his leg healed up nicely. But a pyaemic abscess formed in the right plural cavity, from which the poor man died after more than three months of suffering which he endured with remarkable fortitude, and being buoyed up by the hope of ultimate recovery. Dittenhofer was thirty six years of age. He was an industrious man and an excellent citizen. The funeral was held on Saturday morning and the remains were interred in St. Peter’s cemetery. Mrs. Dittenhofer, who has been critically sick for two or three weeks, was unable to attend the funeral. We understand that she is improving.
--Mrs. Laura Everett, one of the pioneers at Jackson Township, died last Tuesday at a ripe old age.
--Mrs. Susan Robb, an old and respected resident of Tioga died last
week Sunday at the age of eighty-two years. Her funeral was held
at the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday and the remains were taken to Farmington
Hill for interment.
--FARMINGTON.—Frank Green, of the Normal, Levi Robb, of the Elmira
School of Commerce, and Anna Rand, of Ohio, were called here by the death
of their grandmother, Mrs. Susan Robb, of Tioga. She had been sick
for several weeks with a disease of the stomach, and died on Sunday
afternoon. The funeral was held at the Presbyterian Church at Tioga
on Tuesday. The body was brought to this place for interment.
From the time of her marriage till a few years ago her home had been in
this place. She was a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church
here, and will be sadly missed by her numerous friends and acquaintances.
Her two sisters, Mrs. Mulford and Mrs. Mapes, were at her
bedside. Two children survive her-James L. Robb and Mrs. M. E.
Green, both of this place.
--At Fife Lake, Mich., April 8, 1890, Minnie Bartholomew, wife of H. A. Bartholomew, aged 25 years.
--At Tioga, PA., April 2, 1890, of cancer, Ellen Rhodes, wife of W. T. Rhodes.
--Mr. E. Nash, of Elkland, an inmate of the county poor house, died last Saturday, aged 80 years.
--Mrs. Matthew McCormick, of Union, who had been a terrible sufferer for several years from rheumatism, died last Friday. She leaves a husband and three children and a large circle of friends and acquaintances to mourn her untimely death.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. Dauphin Havens is now happy, because it is a boy.
--At Marden, PA., March 25, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kelley, a daughter.
--Mrs. Dell Hilton, of Jackson Centre, has recently presented her husband with a lusty son weighing 14 and one half pounds at birth.
April 22, 1890
Local News
--TIOGA.—Mr. T. L Baldwin lies at the point of death. All his
sons are with him.
--TIOGA.—Dr. T. R. Warren and family have moved to Elkland.
--ROUNDTOP.—Mr. Hollis Harris moved this week to Four Mile Run. He has gone there to work on the railroad as a track hand.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Miss Josie Potter, who recently received her certificate as a teacher commenced her first term of school to the French Hill district last Monday. There is no doubt that Miss Potter will make an excellent teacher.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunter have been visiting at the home
of Mr. F. B. Holcomb.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Closson are visiting their daughter, Mrs. W. H. Vermilyea at Gaines.
Land/Business Transactions
--DRAPER.—Mr. S. L. Warriner, of Westfield, has bought the Palmer Borden
house and lot in Draper for $300.
--DRAPER.—John Compton has bargained for the house and lot of Mr. Chester Simmons, just vacated by Victor Reed. I understand that Compton has rented the house to Mr. Harlan Plumley who will take possession soon.
--TIOGA.—Joseph Kinney has opened a billiard and pool room over W. T. Urell’s grocery store on Wellsboro street.
--TIOGA.—Mr. F. J. Woodward, of Tioga township, has rented his farm at the mouth of Mill Creek and expects to go to Montana soon.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. D. E. Ackley has gone into partnership with J. F. Rugaber in the news and stationary business. They are to occupy Mr. Rugaber’s store in the brick block.
--WESTFIELD.—Landlord J. W. Smith expects to commence work in remodeling his hotel next week.
--WESTFIELD.—Dr. A. L. Bottom intends to move his dwelling house on Main street to the lot next to John Richardson’s on High Street. On his Main street lot he expects to erect a fine house with all the modern improvements.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. H. H. Hicks has broken ground for a fine new dwelling house on the lot north of Frank Eberlee’s residence.
--WESTFIELD.—Our grocery man, Mr. Sherman Hunt, expects to occupy the McNaughton house on Church street about the first of May.
--TIOGA.—Mrs. John O’Neal died at her home last week Thursday evening.
Her remains were taken to Elmira for burial.
April 29, 1890
Local News
--BRADFORD COUNTY.—John Mann, who was arrested for
complicity in the murder of J. Wallace Willcox, at Willcox Station, Bradford
County, has made a confession to the District Attorney. He says that
he stayed all night with Mrs. Miller on the 24th of March, and then the
plot to kill Willcox was arranged. Mrs. Miller wrote a letter inviting
Willcox to meet her at the barn on the evening of the 26th. Mann
accompanied her there that evening and stood outside while she went into
the barn and with an axe killed Willcox, robbed his body of money and fired
the building. The money was given to Mann who spent it in Towanda
in buying clothing and treating the boys. There is evidence that
there was a plot to murder Willcox three weeks previous to the time when
the deed was actually committed.
--DRAPER.—Messrs. H. Compton and H. Palmer are building a dyke to protect their land from another June flood.
--DRAPER.—Miss M. Warriner has taken a school to teach between Little Marsh and Knoxville.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. John L. Cooper is building an addition to his house and Loraine Lamb and “Pat” Griffin are preparing to build houses.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—The house of Isaac Estes, at upper Lamb’s Creek, was burned to the ground with most of its contents last Wednesday about noon. The fire caught from the stovepipe. No insurance. He will rebuild right away.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. O. Angel has gone to Elmira to receive treatment for a cancer on his face.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. Frank Woodward, of Mill Creek, has gone to seek his fortune in the far West.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. H. T. Whitcomb has gone to Rochester where he has secured a position as a clerk.
--Mr. Nathan Niles of Charleston had the misfortune to break his leg a few days ago in the lumber woods.
--Mr. Benjamin C. VanHorn was walking across a plank spanning a creek at Blossburg last week Monday when the plank broke and he fell and sprained his right shoulder. The injury has him up in his busiest season.
--Last Tuesday evening about nine o’clock the large new barn of Mr. Robert R. Austin, just south of this borough, was destroyed by fire. Mr. Austin’s son, Frank Austin, had been out plowing and he drove in and put his horses into their stalls and went to the house for a lantern so that he could see to un-harness the team. He came back to the barn and hung the lantern up behind the horses and had taken one harness off when his attention was attracted by a light in the farthest part of the barn near the roof, and he saw the straw blazing. In five minutes the whole building was enveloped in flames. Mr. Austin and his son succeeded in saving the horses and cattle and a wagon or two but a platform wagon, a cutter and a buggy, 200 bushels of oats, about seven tons of hay, a quantity of small tools and a hundred and one things which were stored in the barn were destroyed. Mr. Austin’s dwelling house caught fire twice, but it was not seriously damaged. The loss is estimated at $1,100, and the insurance amounted to $400 on the barn and $200 on the produce. Mr. Austin expects to build a new barn.
--Mr. O. Rice of Elkland was badly disabled by falling down stairs a few days ago.
--The shingle mill of Mr. Levi Andrews in Lawrence township was burned a few days ago.
--Mr. Will Walker, of Elkland, had won the prize offered by the Philadelphia Press for the best specimen of free hand drawing.
--The following veterans have received increased pensions recently: James M. Palmer, Ogdensburg; James Labar, Westfield; Amasa Clark, Jr., Little Marsh; Lewis Krise, Liberty; Henry Wood, Tioga; John W. Rowley, Austinburgh.
--Mr. D. K. Barnhart, of Gaines, has invented a new beehive and incubator. The improved hive is designed so that the eggs will be hatched by the warmth of the bees and at the same time not interferes with the making of the honey. The application for patent has been filed.
--Last week Sunday while Misses Kate Mitchell and Emma Chase were driving from Landrus to Morris their horses began to back at a narrow place in the road, and Miss Chase was thrown out and down an embankment nearly sixty feet high. She fortunately escaped serious injury.
--The large double dwelling house at Morris Run owned by Mr. Thomas Doughty and occupied by Mr. Robert Gilmore’s family, was burned last Wednesday morning. Some railroad men discovered the fire and gave the alarm, but it was too late to save the building. A part of the furniture was removed. The adjoining houses were saved by hard work. There was an insurance of $1,400 on the building.
--Last week Thursday the thirteen year old son of John Black, who lives near Liberty, met with a very serious and peculiar accident. He went to the barn and up into the bow to throw down some hay. He then threw down the fork and slid off the bow to the floor. The fork was sticking in the hay with the tines up and as the boy came down on the tines penetrated his upper lip and was thrust to the right of his nose nearly to his eye. Then as he fell over to the floor the time was torn through the boy’s cheek. It was a terrible wound and the doctor had to take several stitches to the gash.
--Major Edward P. Graves, County Clerk of Steuben County, and Miss
Mary E. Graves, of Corning, N. Y., were visiting their brother Frederick
W. Graves, over Sunday.
--Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Van Keuren of Mansfield are visiting in North Dakota.
Land/Business Transactions
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Dr. Dolph Harvey has bought the Smith farm at upper
Lamb’s Creek for $2,100.
--Mr. Clark L. Wilcox announces that he will shortly remodel his public hall by putting it upon the second floor and utilizing a part of the third floor as a gallery. At the rear of the building an addition will be put over the alley for the stage. The entire building is to be thoroughly repaired.
--Dr. T. R. Warren opened his new drugstore at Elkland last week.
--Mr. T. B. Lamberson, of Covington, has gone to Wyoming to find a home.
--Mr. F. G. Babcock has sold his dwelling house at Knoxville to Mr. Charles F. Billings for $1,750.
--Mr. W. R. Westbrook, formerly of Westfield, is about to start a clothing store at Lockport, N. Y.
--At Jackson Summit, PA, by Rev. DeWitt Myers, Mr. S. Carpenter, of
Elmira, N. Y., and Miss Jennie Lain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Lain,
of Jackson Summit, PA.
--At the residence of D. Holiday in Charleston, PA, April 23, 1890, By Rev. James A. Boyce, Mr. Samuel D. Evans, and Miss Addie E. Hart, both of Charleston.
--At Wellsboro, PA., Mr. August Lawson and Miss Jennie Johnson, both of Antrim, PA.
--At Covington, Josephine Wilcox, wife of Harris Wilcox, in her 37th
--Rev. Mr. Snyder rector of St. Paul’s Church read the service at the
funeral of the late Thomas L. Baldwin at Tioga last Saturday afternoon.
The funeral was held at St. Andrew’s Church, and it was largely attended
with many old friends of Mr. Baldwin being present.
--Thomas L Baldwin, of Tioga, died at his residence last Wednesday
after an illness that had confined him to his house for little more than
a month. He was born in Lawrence township in this county December
23, 1818. His father, Eleazer Baldwin, was a native of Norwich, Connecticut
but came into this county from Bradford and settled in Lawrence in 1806.
His oldest brother Capt. Buel Baldwin, still living in Tioga, was born
near Columbia Flats, now Sylvania, Bradford County in 1805. Moses
Baldwin, who lived and died on the old homestead near Lawrenceville was
a younger brother and his only sister who lived to womanhood was Eunice
Baldwin, wife of Dyer Inscho who lived across the Tioga River from the
Baldwin homestead. His grandfather, Rufus Baldwin, was a son of John
Baldwin of Norwich, Connecticut, who was a Judge there before the Revolution
and one of a family distinguished for patriotism in the war for Independence.
Both the father and grandfather lie buried in the cemetery at Lawrenceville,
where is brother Moses and his sister Mrs. Inscho were buried, but his
remains were laid to rest beside his lamented wife in the beautiful cemetery
at Tioga on the afternoon of the Saturday following his death. While
yet a mere boy Thomas L. Baldwin came to Tioga and entered the store of
B. C. Wickham as a clerk in which capacity he served until he was taken
into the business as a partner some forty years ago. From that time
forward until he went to Williamsport something like a dozen years ago,
Mr. Baldwin was engaged in mercantile business at Tioga, and his transactions
in that line were probably as large as those conducted by any man in this
country during the years of his active business life. Through them
all, it is believed by those who knew him best, no man who dealt with him
had just cause to question his integrity or his good will, while hundreds
of his old customers will be moved by tender recollections of his kindness
and generosity when they think that he is gone forever from this world.
Generous to a fault, he never had the heart to deny credit to a needy customer,
and the result was that most of the profits of his whole life’s business
were sunk in bad debts, and his losses but the great fire that destroyed
the business portion of Tioga, nearly a score of years ago left him at
an advanced age with nothing substantial to show for all the labors and
anxieties of a long and very active business life. Returning from
Williamsport a few years ago, he began anew, continuing his efforts to
the grocery business mostly, and he continued in the harness of trade until
a time shortly before he was compelled to surrender to the illness that
proved fatal. In his early manhood, Mr. Baldwin, married Jerusha
De Pui, the youngest daughter of Squire De Pui, as he was familiarly known
in those days, one of the very early settlers of Tioga township.
One of her sisters is Mrs. J. S. Bush, of Tioga, one was wife of the late
John Maynard, a distinguished lawyer of this state, one was married to
William Waldo Willard, who was associated with Mr. Maynard many years in
the practice of law at Williamsport, and another was the first wife of
Mr. E. B. Campbell, of Williamsport. Still another was Mrs. Wisner,
of Elmira, N. Y. The only brother of Mrs. Baldwin whom the write
knew was Major Vine De Pui, of Tioga, one of the first men of that section
of the county in his time. Another brother Thomas was a member of
the bar of this county, spoken of by those who knew him as a most brilliant
and promising young man of the last generation. Of Mrs. Baldwin there
is not too much to say that she was a lovely, loving and noble woman, a
devoted Christian, lady of queenly character in all her relations to family,
to friends, to society. With such a woman to reign at his hearthstone,
surely if any man has in him the gentler soul of true manhood it must shine
forth in many deeds of love and domestic devotion that alone can make his
household Home, in its highest, truest sense. Such a soul had Thomas
L. Baldwin and such a home was his. Five sons, all manly young men
of unblemished character, and one daughter whose life adorus the memory
and incarnates the womanly graces of her mother are left to bear the family
name down to a later generation. In middle life, Mr. Baldwin, was
elected a Representative to the Legislature of the State, and he served
on the bench of this county five years as Associate Judge. He was
always prominent with the management of local public affairs and never
ceased to take an active part in the politics of the State and Nation.
Before the Republican party was organized, he was a Democrat, but he was
a friend and supporter of David Wilmot, and his strong anti-slavery sentiment
led him to take a very earnest part in the promotion of the Republican
party and support of its principals to the close of his life. All
during the war no sacrifice was too great for him to make for the cause
of the Union or for the care of the soldiers of the Union and for their
families left behind. His contributions for these are for charitable
purposes were always very liberal. No one in need ever went away
from him empty handed or with any feeling that the aid he so generously
bestowed was prompted by any other spirit than that of brotherly kindness.
He was a friend of the poor man in his neighborhood, and the trust of his
neighborhood was so imaginary that it embraced all who came with the reach
of his helping hand. Truly was the good Samaritan, and hundreds of
people young and old still live to attest this generosity and nobility
of his life and character, and their loving remembrance as the highest
testimonial that can be given to the fame of any man.
--To Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Houghton, a daughter.
--At Mansfield, PA., April 20, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Metcalf, a daughter.
--In Charleston, PA, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Smith, a son.
--At Mansfield, PA, April 16, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stout, a daughter.