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March 4, 1890
Local and Minor News
--WESTFIELD.—March 1, 1890.—Mr. Henry Mainick, of Sabinsville, while
working at Gurnee a few days ago, fell between two legs and suffered a
compound comminuted fracture of the right leg.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith, of the Westfield House, were called to Wayne, N. Y. a few days ago by the Death of Mr. Smith’s father.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. James Lewis has fitted up very pleasant rooms over the new meat market and his family can now occupy them.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. C. M. Allen, of the Novelty store, intends to move to Wellsville, N. Y. about April 1st. His brother is to take his place here.
--EAST FARMINGTON.—The twelve year old son of John E. Lettur met with a serious accident while on his return from John Merritt’s grocery where he had been sent for a can of oil. The horse on which he was riding became frightened by a pig and threw the boy against the fence, breaking three ribs, lacerating one lung and injuring the collar bone. At last accounts the lad seemed in a fair way to recover.
--The Fall Brook Coal Company has given another $100 for the benefit
of Mr. Conrad Dittenhofer, who was injured in the bridge accident.
Dr. Bacon has succeeded in raising about $350 by subscription to free Dittenhofer’s
name home from debt. The poor man suffers greatly with his injured
leg and his recovery is still a matter of doubt.
--Last Thursday evening about eight o’clock one of the barns upon Mr.
L. C. Bennett’s place was discovered in flames. The firemen had a
hard pull up the hill in the mud and by the time they got their streams
playing upon the fire and the adjoining buildings the barn was beyond the
hope of saving. It was the old barn which stood on the place when
Judge Levi. I. Nichols lived there, and it was a pine framed structure.
It was used for an ice house, and in it were stored about fifty tons of
hay, part of which belonged to Mr. Herman Balch. There was no insurance.
--Mr. Lewis Daggett expects to move from Lawrenceville to Tioga.
--Mr. George Hanwell, of Blossburg, expects to move to Montana next month.
--Mr. P. A. West, of Niles Valley, intends to move to this borough next month.
--Mr. John Keegan, of Hoytville, received an original pension allowance last week.
--Mr. John VanDyke, of Lindley, has received arrears of pension amounting to $1,400.
--Burglars tried to enter the house of Mrs. Julia E. Morse at Tioga on a recent night, but were frightened off.
--D. Frankenstein, a Blossburg merchant, has left for parts unknown, and his numerous creditors are laying claim to the goods he left behind.
--Mr. D. A. Stowell, of Delmar, had the misfortune to be caught between a drag of wood and a log one day last week, and both of his feet were badly jammed, but no bones were broken. His heavy soled boots saved him from more serious injury. It is hoped that Mr. Stowell will be able to get our again in a few days.
--Mr. William F. Fox who was bookkeeper in the Blossburg Coal Company’s office at Arnot from 1876 to 1881, is the author of a volume entitled “Regimental Losses in the American Civil War”. The book is a royal quarto of some 600 pages and it sells for $6. Mr. Fox recently wrote a very interesting article for the Century magazine on “The Chances of Being Hit in Battle”.
--The members of the Coroner’s jury who investigated the cause of the
Death of Mr. Peter Eckman, who was struck by a freight train near Tisdaghton
on the 16th ultimo, rendered a verdict, in accordance with the facts and
exonerated the Fall Brook Coal Company from all responsibility in the matter.
Eckman was a track walker and he was sitting on the ties when the train
struck him.
--Last Thursday Abram Washburn was brought to this borough from Westfield
and lodged in jail for the non-payment of taxes. His taxes amounted
to only $1.45 but he was very ugly about the matter and seemed to think
that the officers had no power to take measure to make him pay. He
gave the officers considerable trouble by resisting them when they attempted
to bring him to jail. It is said that he appeared somewhat discomfited
to find himself in prison, but it is feared that he will come to like that
kind of a life without work. [See March 11th for further story]
--The young men engaged in the “white caps” escapade at the Lent place in Charleston, near the borough line, on a recent night, settled the affair last Tuesday by the payment of about $8.50 each and they think they got off very cheaply.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. Rohrabacher is also very seriously ill, and it is not thought that he will ever recover, as his mind has nearly become a blank and he hardly recognizes even his best friends.
--LITTLE MARSH.—We have had another fire in our vicinity. This time it was the creamery of Gleason & Carpenter, which burned at about 2 o’clock yesterday morning. There was to have been a social party the evening before, and the hall was cleared and a fire made, but no one came to the party, and about 9 or half past the family retired, to be awakened later by a cry of fire. Mr. C. A. Carpenter first woke and gave the alarm. The firm saved some bedding, the safe, etc. It is estimated there was 8,000 pounds of butter burned, beside the cider and creamery machinery, etc. The butter and the building and its contents were covered by insurance.
--KNOXVILLE.—Sherman Fisk, whose arm was recently broken by his father’s team running away, is again on the street, but with his arm in a sling.
--KNOXVILLE.—Mrs. I. M. Edgecomb is very sick. For several months she has been gradually failing, and it is feared by many friends that the end is not far distant.
--WESTFIELD.--Mrs. James L. Snyder, of Leetonia, has been visiting
her convalescent sister, Mrs. J. R. Dengle.
--WESTFIELD.—Mrs. W. H. Vermilyea, of Gaines, made a short visit to her parents here last week.
--EAST FARMINGTON.—D. A. Clark, formerly a resident a here, but for some years past a citizen of Athens, is spending some weeks at his son’s preparatory to returning to his farm here in the near future.
--TIOGA.—Wallace Cole has sold his team of horses, wagons, etc., to David Phillips of Tioga Township, and will move to Elkland before long.
--TIOGA.—Mrs. C. E. Smith has returned home from an extended visit to New York and other places.
--CHATHAM.—Mrs. Houston and her daughter, of Rochester, N. Y., have been visiting William Rice and Charles Rice.
--Mr. Max Bernkopf is in New York City acquiring new goods.
--Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Locke have been enjoying a visit at Washington, D. C.
--Mrs. W. C. Kress and her daughter Mabel Kress started last Saturday for a trip to Philadelphia, Washington and New York. Miss Mabel Kress is to enter the St. Mary’s Seminary in New York City.
--OSCEOLA.—J. D. Cameron, of Lawrenceville, was in town last Tuesday visiting his mother, who is sick.
--OSCEOLA.—C. K. Cameron and wife, of Westfield, were in town last Saturday and Sunday.
--OSCEOLA.—Mrs. Cornelia Dilcer, of Wyoming, PA, returned home a few days ago after a two week visit to her mother, Mrs. C. D. Cameron.
Land/Business Transactions
--WESTFIELD.—It is reported that Robert Ayers has bought a half interest
in the draying business here. He has recently been driving the stage
between Galeton and Coudersport.
--TIOGA.--Eugene Sly, of this borough, has rented the Hathaway mill on Park Street and will commence manufacturing shingles before long.
--TIOGA.—F. A. Coburn has closed his harness shop and left town.
--Mr. Robert R. Dartt has gone to Blossburg to become the bookkeeper
at the Blossburg Coal Company’s sawmill.
--Mr. M. L. Klock has exchanged his farm in Delmar for the livery stables
of Messrs. Ketchum and Coles, on Pearl Street. The transfer of the
property was made last Saturday. We understand that Mr. Ketchum intends
to move to the Delmar farm.
--Mr. William M. Herrington has secured a position as traveling salesman for Messrs. Williams & Robinson, of Corning, N. Y.
--Miss Wilhelmina Burgin is set to start for New York City today to purchase a stock of fancy goods and notions for the new store which she is about to open at Muncie, Indiana. The Burgin’s have been in business here for about 18 years, and for the past twelve years Miss Burgin has had the entire control of their affairs. We hope they may be as successful in their new location as they have been here. All the members of the family expect to move to Indiana next week.
--Mr. John R. Bowen has bought out the grocery stock of Mr. L. A. Gardner, exchanging two houses and lots on Grant Street for the same. Mr. Bowen took possession of the store last Saturday. Mr. James M. Bowen will have the active management of the business. Mr. Bowen is no stranger in business circles here, he having been in trade for thirty years when he retired a few years ago. We wish him success. Mr. J. Henry Gardner is to enter his father’s insurance office.
--Mr. John A. Fletcher is building a store at Niles Valley.
--Prof. D. C. Thomas expects to build a dwelling house at Mansfield the coming summer.
--Mr. Charles Tremain has the contract for building the bridge at Tompkins in Lawrence Township where the old one was carried away by the June flood recently.
--Messrs. Reese and Brothers, Williamsport, are building a new store near the depot at Ansonia. Harman, Borden & Co., of this borough, have the contract for putting up the building.
--Mr. J. G. Hughes, one of Blossburg’s wide awake lumbermen, is to build a sawmill on East Creek and haul his manufactured lumber to the railroad. He hasn’t been able to move his logs because of lack of snow.
--Mr. O. G. Padgett, who purchased the Burgin Bakery a few days ago, bought a half interest in L. R. Milliken’s restaurant last week, and on Saturday the new firm of Milliken & Padgett began business at Milliken’s old stand, the bakery business being consolidated with the other. The new firm is put in a full stock of groceries and manufacture all kinds of confectionery. We wish the establishment a full measure of success.
--OSCELOLA.—Joseph Upham, of Farmington, has leased the Clark Kimball
farm and will take possession soon.
--OSCEOLA.—John A. Brimmer has purchased and moved into the house lately occupied by John Daley, and the latter has rented and taken possession of the Mrs. Cameron house.
--KNOXVILLE.—C. E. Lawrence, our popular hardware merchant, has rented the residence of E. D. Bowen, on Mott Street, and will take possession April 1st. Mrs. Bowen is going to live with her mother near Addison, N. Y. Dr. Curwin reports Mr. Bowen as being no better. He has been in the asylum nine months, and but little hope is entertained of his recovery.
--Last Tuesday the announcement was received here of the Death of Master
Hugh Derby, the adopted son of Mrs. Michael Conway. He died of diphtheria
at Waterbury, Conn., where the family went from this place last fall.
Hugh was about ten years old, and he was a general favorite on account
of his brightness and manly behavior.
--Mr. Harvey Sly died at the county poor house last Wednesday of pneumonia. He was in his 80th year, and he was well known in variable parts of the county where he had worked at his trade as a blacksmith. Mr. Sly has always claimed-and we believe his claim has never been disputed-that he was the first white child born in Wellsboro.
--Mr. Richard O’Donnel died at Blossburg last Sunday at the age of ninety nine years.
--The two year old child of Mr. Charles Boyden, of Delmar, died of diphtheria last Wednesday. We understand that several other members of the family are now sick with the same disease.
--Mr. William B. George, of Austinburgh, died on the 19th ultimo at the age of 65 years. He was an excellent citizen and one of the most prosperous farmers of that part of the county. He was born in that neighborhood.
--Mrs. Frank Guziski, of Arnot, was carrying two pails of water the other day, when she slipped and fell, rupturing a blood vessel and she died soon after. She was 26 years of age and leaves a husband and five young children. The funeral was held at the Polish church in Blossburg last Tuesday.
--Mr. Joseph J. Shumway, who died at Round Top on the 22nd ultimo, was a grandson of Mr. Peter Shumway, a pioneer of Charleston after whom the Shumway Hill was named. He was born in Charleston and was the oldest of five brothers. He was a good citizen and a large circle of relatives and friends mourn his Death.
--Mr. Daniel Burns, the venerable citizen of Charleston township who was reputed to be in his 106th year, died last Friday. The funeral was held on Sunday. Mr. Burns recently gave the date of his birth as October 14, 1784. He had always enjoyed good health until with a very few years. He had resided in this county for nearly sixty years.
--NAUVOO.—February 27, 1890.—Mr. Frederick Hyler, who died here on the
13th of this month, was nearly 70 years of age. He and Mr. John Linck
came here together and bought farms, and both raised good and useful families.
Mr. Hyler was king hearted and a good neighbor, and he was always
ready to help the poor and needy. Every person who knew him can say
he has lost a friend by his Death. He was a member of the Lutheran
Church, and his funeral, which was held at the church, was conducted by
his pastor, Rev. A. B. Miller. The church was filled with sympathizing
friends drawn together to pay the last tribute of respect to the deceased.
Mr. Hyler left a widow and eight children-four daughters who
are married and four sons. Not only his family but many warm friends
will long mourn his departure.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. William Mattison has now lost his third child to diphtheria.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. George Maynard died last night. The people of Marshfield will mourn his Death, he was a generous and kind hearted man, with deep religious principles, and was greatly loved by all who knew him.
--At Westfield, PA, February 17, 1890, Mrs. A. D. Ashcraft.
--At Troy, PA, February 23, 1890, of consumption, Mary Connor, aged 26 years.
--Near Austinburgh, PA, February 19, 1890, Mr. W. B. George, aged 64 years, 9 months, and 4 days.
--At Blossburg, PA, February 19, 1890, of consumption, Mrs. Sarah Hall, aged 38 years.
--At Stony Fork, PA, February 27, 1890, Amanda M. Osburn, wife of Albert Osburn, aged 39 years.
--In Delmar, PA, February 27, 1890, of consumption, Mr. Charles Matson, in his 38th year.
--At Mansfield, PA, February, 1890, F. Schusler, aged 88 years.
--In Jackson, PA, February 5, 1890, Phillip Wheeler, aged 71 years.
--Bailey.—At Knoxville, PA, February 21, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. C. B.
Bailey, a daughter.
--Evans.—At Blossburg, PA, February 21, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans, a son.
March 11, 1890
Local and Minor News
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. John Wilson and Mr. Edmond Canedy expect to start
about on the 15th instant for Seattle, Washington.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Joseph Ripley has moved from Mansfield to this place.
--Mr. James W. Donaldson expects to move his family to Williamsport soon.
--It is stated that the Fall Brook Coal Company has paid the widow of the late Daniel P. Howard, who was killed in the bridge disaster, $650 in settlement for all claims for damages.
--Mr. Frederick W. Graves was called to Corning, N. Y., last Saturday by the Death of his mother, Mrs. S. E. Graves, who was seventy six years of age. She was taken sick on Wednesday and died Saturday morning.
--William B. Barnes, of Canton, has received and increased pension.
--Mr. William Hammond, of Brookfield, has cut over 700 cords of stove wood this winter.
--Mr. W. L. Lamb, formerly of the Park Hotel at Tioga, has settled at Seattle, Washington.
--Last Friday the Senate confirmed the nomination of Mr. John B. Emory as Postmaster at Williamsport.
--Mrs. Belle M. Allen, of this borough, organized a Woman’s Relief Corp at Mansfield last week Monday evening.
--Mr. Abner Johnston, of Lawrenceville, has applied for a patent on an improved drill for boring artesian wells.
--Mr. William L. Richards, of Blossburg, is an applicant for the position of Superintendent of the new Miners’ Hospital.
--Mr. E. H. Thompson has moved from Westfield to Germania, where he is to manage the Oleona and Germania stage route.
--Mr. Richard VanDusen has been chosen to fill the vacancy in the Westfield Council caused be the resignation of Mr. E. Harvey.
--Mial E. Lilley, Esq., of Canton, was seriously injured a few days ago by falling from a lumber pile at his lumber camp near Canton.
--The Tioga Council has elected F. P. Smith, Esq., as Borough Clerk, J. P. Willcox as Street Commissioner and H. L. Baldwin, Esq., as Treasurer.
--Mr. M. W. Wetherbee, of Delmar, has just received a father’s pension of $12 a month, with arrears amounting to $160, through B. M. Potter’s agency.
--Rev. M. S. Blair, of Covington, has accepted a call from the Beech Creek Disciple Church in Jefferson County. He will move to his new home in April.
--A kerosene lamp exploded in the house of Mr. Howard H. Roberts, at Blossburg, last Tuesday evening, and the firemen were called out. A hole in the carpet was the only damage done.
--Mr. Frank McDermott, of Blossburg, is in danger of losing his right hand, perhaps his life, because of blood poisoning caused by running a nail into the palm of his hand a short time since.
--The workmen in Elkland carriage factory have organized a fire company of thirty five members. They are building their own hose cart. We notice that Mr. Charles H. Wisehart, formerly of this borough, is Assistant Foreman.
--Mr. Frank Conger, Vice-President of the Groton Bridge Company, who is well known to many people in this county, was on the passenger train wrecked on the Lake Shore Road at Hamburg, near Buffalo, last Thursday night. He escaped unharmed.
--The Westfield Free Press says that the man [Abram] Washburn, who was recently lodged in jail for non-payment of taxed, has never paid a tax in Westfield and the he should have been in jail before. He is a big, strong fellow and is able to work and to pay his local taxes like other people.
--Dr. C. B. Borden, of Tioga, was called to Trenton, N. J., a few days ago to attend Mr. H. H. Smith, who was thrown from a horse against a tree last summer and had both of his legs and arms broken. Mr. Smith is a son of Mr. H. E. Smith, of Tioga, and he is well known in this county. We regret to hear that he is still helpless from his injuries.
--ROUND TOP.--Mr. Mott Ritchie has his arm broken while coasting recently.
--ROUND TOP.—In a quarrel between Walter Avery and Will Ritchie last Friday evening at a party in Morris. Ritchie was stabbed in the shoulder with a pocket knife.
--ROUND TOP.—Mr. J. E. Fisher pressed about thirty tons of hay for Mr. Samuel Mills last week, which Mr. Mills expects to sell to parties in Williamsport. Mr. Fisher is operation the press this week at the barn of Mr. E. M. Johnston.
--Mr. Fred Walker moved his family this week to the house on his farm, which he has had moved and remodeled. Mr. Darwin Kimball moved yesterday into the house of Mr. Arch Walker just vacated by his son Fred Walker.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. Arthur Greenfield, who has been attending the Baltimore Medical College has returned to his home here.
--Mr. George W. Short, of Little Marsh, has gone to Midland City, Mich. to reside.
--Capt. A. D. Wright and family have gone from Tioga Township to Florida.
--Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. Hotchkiss expect to visit friends in Bath, N.
Y. for two or three days this week.
--Mrs. Charles J. VanGelder, of Spencer, N. Y., is visiting her mother, Mrs. James Forsythe, on Pearl Street.
--Dr. Hugh L. Davis, George K. Spalding, and Aaron R. Niles, Esq., were all in Philadelphia three days last week.
--Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Robinson returned last Saturday from their Southern trip. They found our zero weather quite a change from that of the orange groves of Florida where the temperature was 86 degrees in the shade.
--Mr. E. B. Campbell, of Williamsport, was in town last Thursday and Friday. He has just passed his seventieth birthday, and we are glad to note that he is still hale and hearty, although he has business cares and responsibilities much greater than many men half his age.
--WESTFIELD.—Mrs. C. E. Krusen entertained a few friends at her home last Monday evening. It was an enjoyable evening for her guests.
--WESTFIELD.—Mrs. John Richardson gave a pleasant party on Thursday evening, which was attended by the elite of the city.
--WESTFIELD.—Mrs. J. W. Smith gave a “high tea” last Friday evening.
--CHATHAM.—March 8, 1890.—The friends of Dr. B. J. Fulkerson gave him a birthday party last evening. There were about forty guests present. The affair was a complete surprise to the Doctor, but he soon took in the situation and constituted himself best in great shape. About mid-night a bountiful supper was spread and heartily partaken of. It was a very enjoyable affair. May the Doctor have many returns of the occasion!
Land/Business Transactions
--Darwin G. Ritter has purchased the meat market at Gaines.
--Mr. Charles L. Pattison expects to spend several thousand dollars in repairing the Coles Hotel.
--Mr. J. W. Smith is to make extensive repairs to his hotel in Westfield.
--Mr. Floyd Mitchell, of Millerton, has purchased the Elmira restaurant.
--Mr. Fred Och has sold his brewery to Hoffer Brothers of Harrison Valley.
--Dr. W. W. Elliott expects to build a brick store adjoining Olney’s jewelry store at Mansfield.
--Our ingenious friend, Mr. E. A. Smead, of Tioga, has secured a patent on an improved pipe-wrench.
--The Blossburg Woman’s C. T. U. has just rented rooms in Adam Schepp’s building in which to open a free reading room.
--Mr. R. P. H. McAllaster has purchased the old Bayer mill at Tioga, and it is said that he will put it in operation soon. [Roland P. H. McAllaster]
--Mr. Charles McCollum, of Farmington, has purchased the dwelling house of Mr. D. A. Webster, at Elkland, for $700.
--Mr. Herman Bookmiller, formerly a resident of Wellsboro, has purchased the grist mill of E. B. Schott, at Sabinsville, for $1,000.
--Mr. W. O. Russell’s new steam grist mill at Tioga is to be built on the three corner lot on Wellsboro Street, near the Fall Brook railroad.
--Mr. George W. Weller, has rented his farm near Keeneyville to Mr. Cassius Cummings. Mr. Weller is to move to the Arthur Brewster place near Charleston, near the borough line.
--ROUND TOP.—Mr. Jacob Signor has bought the interest of Mr. Darwin Kimball in the milk trade at Antrim and the Summit.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. C. M. Allen, late of Ulysses, has moved to this place. and he may now be found at the Novelty store. He sold his property at Ulysses to Dr. A. Glover.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. Holcomb’s store is nearly completed and it is a credit to its owner as well as to the Westfield Manufacturing Co., the contractors.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. Frank Ashcraft has rented the elegant suite of rooms over McNaughton’s drug store.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. Fred Allen has gone to Wellsville, N. Y., to embark in the grocery business instead of locating here as was erroneously stated last week.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. Eberlee and Mr. Hicks are erecting jointly a very pretty stable on Church Street. Mr. Hicks expects to build a modern dwelling on his lot next summer.
--WESTFIELD.—Mr. John Miller, of Sunderlinville, has purchased “Rip” Kelts’ interest in the firm of Burr & Kelts, and hereafter the tannery store will be conducted by the firm of Burr & Miller.
--Mr. Ruel Bartlett, a leading citizen of Mainesburg, died a few days
ago after suffering a relapse of the grip. He was fifty eight years
of age.
--A dispatch was received at Morris Run a few days ago stating that Mr. Alexander McKenzie, a former resident of this county, has been killed in the mines of Nova Scotia.
--Mr. James L. Plumley, who went from Stony Fork to the Soldiers’ Home at Erie about the middle of February, died on the 28th of the month and was buried there. He was a member of Co. K., 207th Regiment PA Vols. He was about fifty years of age.
--Mrs. James L. Barnes died at her home in Delmar last Wednesday of
dropsy and tumor. She was sick only two or three days and the night
before she died she was about the house. Mrs. Barnes was 42 years
of age. Her maiden name was Lura C. Ketchum, and she formerly resided
at Newfield, N. Y. About twelve years ago she married Mr. Barnes,
she being the widow of Dorr Putney, of Gaines. The funeral was held
last Friday and it was largely attended. The sermon was preached
by Elder Percy. The remains were interred in the cemetery in this
borough. Mrs. Barnes was an exceedingly large and heavy woman, but
she was remarkably active.
--Last Tuesday evening Mr. Michael O’Brien, a brakeman on the Tioga
railroad, was killed at the Blossburg station. The train had just
arrived and was being backed into a switch when Mr. O’Brien saw a number
of children on the track. He shouted to them, but they paid no attention
to him, so he jumped off and ran ahead to get the little folks off the
track. In attempting to climb back upon the cars he lost his footing
and fell under the wheels and both legs were crushed, one at the knee and
the other at the hip. The accident happened at about eight o’clock
in the evening and the poor fellow lingered in terrible agony until two
o’clock Wednesday morning when he died. Mr. O’Brien was twenty two
years of age, and it is stated that he was too soon too married to a Blossburg
young lady. He formerly resided on a farm near Covington. He
was a very exemplary young man.
--WESTFIELD.—March 8, 1890.—Many people will regret to learn of the Death of “Brom” Rohrabacher, which occurred at his home in Lick Run, near Gaines last Saturday. He was in his seventy third year. “Brom” was widely known, and in his younger days he enjoyed a great reputation for his prowess and pugilistic science. While he was a peaceable man and of the most genial nature he was an antagonist to be feared when aroused. A many anecdotes are related to his great strength and agility, and on more than one occasion he has put to rout a roomful of assailants of the Pine Creek region. Many a bloody row came to a sudden termination when “Brom” Rohrabacher stepped in and commanded peace, and many a man have had an abundant reason to rue it when he failed to obey “Brom’s” command. His goodness of heart and generosity were known to all his acquaintances.
--WESTFIELD.—Miss Nellie Kelts died on Friday morning. The funeral is to be held tomorrow. She had suffered long. It is indeed hard to part with a daughter, sister and friend. The bereaved family has the sympathy of a large circle.
--At Lindley, N. Y., February 21, 1890, Laura M. Kinney, aged 33 years.
--In Chatham, PA, February 16, 1890, Maria L. Tremain, wife of Arthur Tremain, aged 61 years and 4 months.
-- In Tioga, PA, February 20, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Booth, a
--In Covington, PA, February 20, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lutes, a daughter.
--In Lawrenceville, PA, February 17, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Judson McCarrick,
a son.
--In Lawrenceville, PA, February 20, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. James McConnell,
a daughter.
--In Fall Brook, PA, March 1, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McEntee, two
--In Richmond, PA, February 24, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rexford, a daughter.
--In Westfield, PA, February 19, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Sensabaugh, a daughter.
--In Rutland, PA, February 13, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Smith, a son.
--ROUND TOP.—Mr. Evan Howell to Miss Rena Miller of Cherry Flats.
--At the Willcox House, Wellsboro, PA, March 10, 1890, by Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne, Mr. James H. Craft, of Roscoe, N. Y., and Miss Angie Keeney, of Ansonia, PA.
--At Blossburg, PA, February 8, 1890, by Rev. T. J. Matthews, Mr. Joseph Davis and Miss Ella Richards, both of Blossburg.
--At the Methodist parsonage, Wellsboro, PA, March 4, 1890, by Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne, Mr. Evan C. Howell and Miss Lorena Miller, both of Charleston, PA.
March 18, 1890
Local and Minor News
--Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Raesly were called to Northampton County last
Friday by the death of Mrs. Raesly’s mother.
--Miss Ada Cone, formerly of this borough is now a regular and valued writer on the staff of the New York World.
--Mr. Arthur W. Long has secured a position at Scranton in the office of A. B. Dunning, Jr., engineer and surveyor.
--Supposed burglars attempted to enter Mr. Fred Ward’s dwelling house one night last week, but they were frightened off.
--Last Wednesday Dr. Morgan L. Bacon assisted by Dr. J. F. Barnes of Watkins, N. Y., amputated the right leg of Conrad Dittenhofer, who was so terribly injured in the bridge disaster. The unfortunate man’s right arm was taken off the night of the accident, but it was hoped that his leg might have been saved, although it was terribly mutilated. Blood poisoning ensued and the operation became imperative in order that the patient might have a chance for his life. Mr. Dittenhofer stood the ordeal well, considering his condition, and hopes are now entertained that he will recover. At the best he will be in a pitiful condition with his right arm off at the shoulder and his right leg off below the knee.
--Last Thursday Mr. W. J. Brown was appointed Postmaster at Crooked Creek.
--Mark T. Loop, son of Dr. A. M. Loop, of Nelson, is attending the Baltimore Medical College.
--Mr. Ed. H. Rose, of Mansfield, is nurturing a young alligator, which was sent to him by a friend in Georgia.
--Mr. William Patterson, of Arnot, has accepted a position as mining foreman at Dubois, Clearfield County.
--Mr. E. B. Loop, formerly of Mansfield, is running a restaurant at Grand Rapids, Mich.
--Mr. John Fuller, station agent at Nelson, has been obliged to give up his position on account of poor health. He is succeeded by Sherman Weeks, of Cowanesque.
--Mr. Charles M. Potter, a switchman on the Pennsylvania railroad, had his hand crushed between the cars at Renovo, Clinton County, a few days ago. The young man is a son of Mr. M. C. Potter of Keeneyville.
--Last Tuesday A. J. Smith was examined before Justice Rhinevault, at Mansfield, upon the charge of assaulting Mr. and Mrs. Nehemiah Packard with a pick axe at Mainesburg about the middle of January last. Mr. Smith gave bail in the sum of $500 for his appearance in court.
----Mr. Theodore Hobart was at work in the Elkland carriage factory a few days ago, when a splinter flew from a saw and struck him in the cheek, inflicting an ugly gash. A surgeon dressed the wound and Mr. Hobart went back to work again and in a few minutes he split his finger open by getting it against the circular saw.
--OSECOLA.—Willie Selph has returned from Starkey, N. Y. where he has been attending school. Ed. Clark is also home from the same institution.
--Mr. H. Carl Young, who is assisting in putting up the Westinghouse
electric light plant at Williamsport, was visiting his parents over Sunday.
Land/Business Transaction
--David Cameron, Esq., has purchased the dwelling house and four acres
of land belonging to Mrs. C. D. Willie, on West Avenue for $3,500.
--Mr. Sidney Beach, of Knoxville, contemplates going out of the mercantile business.
--Mr. G. H. Bostwick, of Blossburg, has opened a meat market at Roaring Branch.
--Mr. W. W. Bentley is to build a wooden bridge at Daggett’s Mills for the county for $285. It is to be one span of 60 feet.
--The firm of Davis & Waite, at Harrison Valley, has been dissolved. Mr. William A. Ritter, formerly of this borough takes Mr. Waite’s place in the firm.
--Mrs. P. C. Hoag received a dispatch on Sunday evening stating that
her son Jesse Crumb had been killed on the railroad in Utica, N. Y., on
Saturday. He was a train agent on the railroad. Mrs. Hoag started
yesterday for Bath, N. Y., where the remains will be taken for interment.
--Mrs. Charity C. Baldwin, wife of Captain Buel Baldwin, of Tioga, died last Sunday. She had suffered for many years with a severe cough, which was increased in violence lately by taking a severe cold. She was a woman of remarkable spirit and energy, and her friends in this village had no thought of her extreme illness until they were informed of it by telegraph on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Baldwin was about seventy years of age, and her long and vigorous life was intelligently and lovingly devoted to the welfare and comfort of those about her. Many old residents of this county who have enjoyed her hospitality will fondly recall her fine social and intellectual qualities and those who knew her most intimately will rest in the belief that what we call death is for her the entrance into a higher and better life.
--Mr. Thomas X. Jenkins, an old resident of Morris Run, died last week Monday at the age of 72 years.
--Mr. Andrew Ely, a prominent citizen of Blossburg and a member of the firm of Hirsch, Ely & Co., died at his home yesterday.
--Mrs. D. W. Ayers, of Sylvania, dropped dead from heart disease on a recent morning. She was apparently in her usual health a few minutes before her death.
--At the home of his mother, at Westfield, PA, February 27, 1890, of dropsy, Mr. Jay F. Matteson, of Hector, PA, aged 27 years and 4 months.
--At Charleston, PA, February 12, 1890, Dan P. Webster in his 78th year.
--At Mansfield, PA, March 4, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. George Satterlee,
a son.
--In Richmond, PA, March 11, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Starkey, a
--CHATHAM.—There was quite a wedding at the house of Mr. Joseph Cooper
last Tuesday evening, the contracting parties being Miss Lelia Cooper and
Mr. Luther Davis, both of Little Marsh.
--At Elmer, PA, March 5, 1890, by Rev. C. Smith, Mr. Frank D. Councilman and Miss Hattie F. Dodge, both of Elmer.
--At the home of the bride’s father, at Little Marsh, March 11, 1890, by Rev. A. C. Cole, Mr. Luther J. Davis and Miss Lelia B. Cooper, both of Little Marsh.
--At Lindley, N. Y., March 4, 1890, by Rev. F. H. VanKeuren, Mr. Edward E. Finch, of Cherry Flats, and Miss Addie B. Thomas, of Liberty, PA.
--At Wellsboro, PA, February 20, 1890, by J. H. Shaw, Esq., Mr. Herman S. Morse, of Chatham, and Miss Emma J. Johnson, of Morris Run, PA.
--In Union, PA, March 5, 1890, by Rev. J. H. Gordinier, Charles Randall
and Sarah Belle Huffman, both of Union.
--At Borden, N. Y., March 2, 1890, by William Walker, Esq., Mr. Peter
H. Stewart, and Miss Lillie Cock, both of Woodhull, N. Y.
March 25, 1890
[This edition of the newspaper is mostly unreadable]