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*all articles, unless the township is stated, are for Wellsboro.
January 7, 1890
Last Sunday morning the wrecking crew, consisting of about sixty
workmen, and about forty men and boys attracted by curiosity, boarded a
train at this station and went into Niles Valley, where the work men spent
the day getting back on the track the jumbo engine upset in the wreck of
last Thursday. The work was complete about four o’clock, and the
workmen were all quite happy to think that the job had been accomplished
so speedily.
Returning to this place, the train consisted of a platform car,
upon which was a derrick and tackle blocks, and two tool cars in which
the men and boys were riding. It was a quarter to six o’clock when
the train was moving over the iron bridge just below this station.
The engine and tender passed over safely, and then there was a terrific
crash as the iron bridge gave way and let the cars down a distance of about
fifteen feet. The rear car hung by its trucks above the abutments
of the bridge and the forward end was pitched down against the other cars,
smashing roofs where they came together. The occupants of the last
car were thrown forward in a heap and many of them were badly bruised.
Upon the forward platform of this car were standing U. Grant
Milliken, Daniel P. Howard, and Conrad Dittenhofer, and they were crushed
between the two cars and by the bridge irons which fell upon them.
Milliken and Howard were instantly killed and Dittenhofer was so badly
injured that he is not expected to recover.
It was a moment of dreadful suspense when the bruised and bleeding
occupants of the cars scrambled out into the darkness with the knowledge
that some of their comrades were killed and perhaps others fatally hurt.
It was not long before many citizens answered the call of the locomotive
whistle and lent assistance in getting out those imprisoned under the irons
and timbers.
A heavy timber was lifted off little Willie Brew, the dispatch
messenger, and the poor lad was carried home. It was thought for
hours that he could not live, but yesterday the doctors predicted that
he will recover. His injury is internal, a timber striking his across
the back.
Conrad Dittenhofer was taken from between cars and from under
some bridge irons and carried upon a stretcher to Fretz’s hotel near the
depot. His right arm was terribly bruised, the bones of his right
leg were crushed just above the ankle, his skull was fractured near the
left eye and two long gashes were cut upon the top of his head. Dr.
Morgan L. Bacon, the Company’s surgeon, assisted by Dr. C. W. Webb, amputated
the arm at the shoulder, and it will undoubtedly be necessary to amputate
the poor fellow’s leg also if he recovers from the shock of the first operation.
The dead bodies of U. Grant Milliken and Daniel P. Howard were taken out
by chopping away the ends of the cars, and they were carried to VanHorn
& Chandler’s undertaking rooms, where they were prepared for burial.
Mr. Milliken was one of the railroad workmen. He was twenty
three years of age, and he leaves a young wife, the daughter of Policeman
James Hazlett. When his body was taken from the wreckage it was found
that his neck was broken, the right arm and foot crushed and the body terribly
Daniel P. Howard was also found with his neck broken and skull
crushed. He was an industrious man and esteemed for his integrity.
His age was twenty four. He leaves a wife and three children.
The complete list of the killed and injured are as follows:
Daniel P. Howard instantly killed.
U. Grant Milliken instantly killed.
Conrad Dittenhofer, probably fatally injured.
William Brew, dispatch boy, serious spinal injury.
Richard Childs, conductor, bruised upon side and wrist.
William Francis, injury to chest and arm.
Zura Baker, track supervisor, side injured.
John Roberts, ribs broken.
Luther Schaffer, head cut.
Mel Hill, gash on head.
Jerry O’Shea badly bruised.
John Short, bad scalp wound.
Milton Freiz, bad gash between the eyes.
William Green, head and wrist cut.
Frank Strait, hand cut.
Charles O’Connor, foot hurt.
Edward Ellsworth, head cut.
Oscar Caldwell, of Blossburg, knee and back injured.
Fay Holman, hand bruised.
O. Warriner, right leg injured.
The general opinion on the night of the accident seemed to be
that the derrick on the first car caught upon the bridge and caused the
disaster by jerking out a supporting rod in the truss, thus causing the
structure to fall under the weight of the cars.
Yesterday, Dr. A. Niles, of Keeneyville, Coroner, called the
following jury to inquire of the cause of Death of U. Grant Milliken and
Daniel P. Howard: A. S. Brewster, Foreman; E. A. Smead of Tioga; George
D. Keeney of Keeneyville; Jared Davis of Keeneyville; F. W. Graves of Wellsboro;
and E. J. Purple of Wellsboro. The jury viewed the bodies and then
adjourned Monday, the 20th instant, to hear the evidence in the case.
The railroad men went to work upon the wreck Sunday night, and
a trestle is now being built. It is expected that trains will be
running up to the station to-day.
Engineer Shaffer, of the ill fated train, with great presence
of mind, jumped from his engine immediately after the accident and dashed
through the creek and back down the track with his lantern to stop Engineer
Barber, whose engine was following the first train. Quite likely
his thoughtfulness averted a second direful disaster.
Drs. Morgan L. Bacon, Hugh L. Davis, Clarence W. Webb, and D.
G. Drake were kept busy for some hours after the accident attending the
The funeral for Mr. U. Grant Milliken is to be held at the home
of James Hazlett this afternoon at 1 o’clock. Mr. Howard’s funeral
is to be held at the First Baptist Church at 1:30 p.m. today.
Local and Minor News
--Dr. Wooster broke his leg by a fall while he was in the midst of
a dance in Champney’s Hall at Ogdensburg last Tuesday evening.
--Mr. and Mrs. Jabin S. Bush, an esteemed Tioga couple, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last Tuesday evening.
--Mrs. J. E. Clark is recovering from a six weeks run of the typhoid fever.
--Mrs. Lucinda Bryant, of Mansfield, a lady of nearly seventy years, fell and broke her leg as she was coming out of the Baptist church on a recent evening. (SRGP 05549 Lucinda Smith)
--Major George W. Merrick has been re-appointed County Commissioners’ counsel for this year. Dr. Morgan L. Bacon has been appointed physician at the county house and Moses Yale, chaplain.
--Last Tuesday evening Mr. Joseph Graham, who lives about three miles north west of Millerton, drove home, put his horse in the barn and was eating his supper when the barn was discovered to be in flames. The building was destroyed together with the horse, buggy, hay, grain, farming tools, etc.
--A man named William Conn, of Liberty, met with a sad accident at Heylman’s sawmill at Ralston, a few days ago. Two bars flew from their fastenings and struck the sawyer. One piece cut his face open, splitting his nose so that it lay entirely apart, and knocking his teeth out, and the other one smashed his left shoulder. His recovery is doubtful. He is a married man.
--Last Sunday afternoon the dwelling house of Mr. Benjamin Plank, in Liberty was burned. Most of the furniture in the lower story was saved. After doing up the dinner work one of Mr. Plank’s daughters started to go up stairs, when she found the chamber all ablaze. This is a hard blow to the old gentleman, as he has his large barn and its contents swept away in the June flood.
--The Millerton Advocate says that the large barn owned by Lot W. Morrell, opposite the depot at Jackson Summit, was burned on a recent night, together with valuable contents, consisting of new machinery worth about $800, sixty four tons of hay, etc. The origin of the fire is unknown, but it is suspected to have been caused by the carelessness or malice of some person or persons who gained access to the building in some unknown way, the doors being locked. There was but a small insurance, and Mr. Morrell’s loss is consequently quite serious, which is a matter of regret to many friends.
--An orchestra is being organized here by Mr. Henry Wilson and others.
--Mr. Clarence Shumway has gone to Blossburg to serve as clerk at the Seymour House.
--Mr. W. R. Coles, a former hotel keeper here, is about to engage in the hotel business near San Francisco, California.
--Mr. Fred Ortman, who recently went to Portland, Oregon, is earning $3 a day in a sash factory, while board out there is $5 a week.
--The family of Mr. William Biggs expects to join him at Seneca, Kansas in a short time. Mr. Biggs has been in the West for several months.
--Mr. B. B. Brown, who has been here for some weeks, has disposed of his stallion “Major Brown” to a stock company of thirty persons for $3000.
--Mr. John S. Ryon has just finished and elegant law office at Elkland.
--Mrs. O. B. Lowell, of Tioga is seriously sick of inflammatory rheumatism.
--The Park Hotel at Tioga has changed hands, Mr. Smith, from Westfield, becoming the new landlord.
--The Capt. Phil Holland Post, of Lawrenceville, is to have a camp fire and public installation of officers this evening.
--Dr. Will Humphrey, of Osceola, has just returned home after taking a course of medical lectures in New York City.
--It is said that Mr. W. L. Daggett, of Lawrenceville, contemplates becoming the landlord of the Bush House at Bellefonte, PA, next spring.
Since last February, Mr. D. B. Hunt, of Deerfield, has made 872 pounds of butter from four cows, outside of the milk used for the family.
--Last Thursday Mr. George Satterlee, a teamster, saw a swarm of bees along the road near Antrim. He followed their course and was rewarded by finding a bee tree from which he secured fifteen pounds of honey.
--Mr. William Dent, of Brookfield, Potter County, was driving near Ansonia, his horses became frightened and ran away, throwing Mr. Dent out of his wagon and smashing things generally. Mr. Dent was not seriously hurt not were his horses.
--A Lawrenceville correspondent says that much anxiety has been felt in that place over the absence of Charles C. Redfield, late editor of the Herald. He left town a month ago, and the publication of the paper was suspended. Mr. Redfield’s father came on and sold out the Herald to Dr. L. Darling, Jr., who has resurrected the journal and is to edit it hereafter.
--Mr. Frank H. Dartt has just been appointed general foreman of the Blossburg Coal Company at Arnot. Mr. Dodson, the new superintendent, still retains the management position of the Barclay mines; and his time will necessarily be divided between the two places. In his absence the duties of superintendent at Arnot will devolve upon Mr. Dartt. Frank has many friends here who congratulate him upon his promotion.
--It is said that Col. Bricker, Supervisor of the Census for this district, is to look after the appointment of the Enumerator. The Enumerators are to commence work on the first Monday in June, and they must finish the job and forward the returns on or before the first day of July. There is nothing of a “soft snap” about the position of Census Enumerator, although as much might be supposed from the number of applicants for the place.
--County Treasurer Otis G. Gerould and District Attorney Harvey B. Leach
took the oath of office before Recorder Ripley yesterday. The County
Treasurer has filed his bonds for $50,000 for indemnity to the county and
$5000 to the State, both of which have been approved. Coroner A.
Niles also went into office yesterday and was at once called upon to summon
a jury of inquest in consequences of the railroad accident on Sunday evening.
We predict that our new officials will do credit to the party which elected
them to their positions of trust and responsibility.
--John Tubbs is confined to the house by an abscess on his right arm.
--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. Charles Mead has been enlarging his store to accommodate an increasing business.
--Miss Louise Merrick is visiting at Troy, Bradford Co.
--Miss Mary Wright is visiting at Syracuse and Cortland, N. Y.
--Mr. A. M. Spencer, of Canoe Camp, was in town over Sunday.
--Mr. Ed. H. Ross, of Mansfield, was in town a day or two last week.
--Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Smith have been visiting Corning, N. Y.
--Mr. Max Bernkopf was at Montrose, Susquehanna County, over Sunday.
--J. S. Wells, a leading attorney at Larmore, North Dakota, is visiting
his parents at Knoxville.
--Mr. William Blackwell, of Greensburgh PA, was in town over Sunday.
--Miss Annie S. Esty, of Ithaca, N. Y., was the guest of Miss Grace Lyon last week.
--Miss Clemmie Sheldon, of Waverly, N. Y., has been visiting Mrs. E. B. Young.
--Mr. Vine R. Crandall and his family have been spending the holidays in Athens, PA.
--Hon. Charles Tubbs and his family were in Elmira at Christmas with James Bacon, Esq.
--Mrs. T. G. Smith, of Elmira, has been visiting at Morgan Seely’s.
--Mr. Sumner and family of Wales, N. Y., have been visiting at L. B. Cadugan’s.
--BROOKFIELD.--Mr. S. B. Plank has been visiting at Gurnee this week.
--BROOKFIELD.--Mr. Joiner, of Brockport, N. Y., is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Beebe, at Sylvester.
--BROOKFIELD.--Miss Eva Mosier, of Caton, N. Y. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Libbie Mead, at Sylvester.
--KEENEYVILLE.—Mr. Harry Blatchley has been visiting friends in this place during the holiday vacation.
--MIDDLEBURY.—Miss Dell Stevens has returned from a visit in Hammondtown.
--MIDDLEBURY.—Relatives from Ithaca are spending a few days with Warren Beck.
Land/Business Transactions
--Mr. Aaron Hall has purchased Mrs. A. Kennedy’s farm in Rutland.
--Mr. Charles Hubbard has purchased the Daniel Horton farm in Rutland.
--Dr. C. H. Bosworth has sold his house to Coral Morgan, of Woodall,
N. Y.
Possession is to be given soon, and the Doctor will move into his old
home again.
--Erastus Cady has leased the S. Tenny blacksmith shop and is doing good business already.
--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. Edwin Bates has rented Mr. T. Palmer’s farm and has moved to the place.
--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. William Hammond has taken Mr. Adam Loper’s farm for this year. Mr. Loper has bought a house and lot at North Fork.
--MIDDLEBURY.—Mr. Amos Jackson returned home from Potter County on Thursday last, and is now confined to the house with a fever.
--Newell.-At Mansfield, PA, December 28, 1889, to Mr. and Mrs. George
D. Newell, a daughter.
--SIMMONS-PERRY.--Brookfield.-January 3, 1890-Miss Matte Simmons of
Brookfield and Mr. Edward Perry, of Troupsburgh N. Y., were married at
the bride’s home on the 31st ultimo by Rev. Mr. Parcells of Westfield.
--BROOKS-HOWELL.—At the residence of the bride in Charleston, PA, December 24, 1889, by the Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne, Mr. George C. Brooks, of Wellsboro, and Miss Sarah A. Howell of Charleston.
--CLEMENS-McCONNELL—At the Methodist parsonage, Wellsboro, PA, December 24, 1889, by Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne, Mr. Fred J. Clemens of East Charleston, and Miss Addie May McConnell of Duncan, PA.
--EVANS-GREENBALGH—At Blossburg, PA, by Rev. B. J. Tracy, December 24, 1889, Mr. Arthur W. Evans and Miss Mary G. Greenbalgh, both of Morris Run, PA.
--THOMAS-HARER—At Milton, PA., December 30, 1889, by Rev. A. H. Emmons, Mr. James C. Thomas and Miss Laura Harer, both of East Point, PA.
--WILCOX-LOCKWOOD—At Lindley, N. Y., December 23, 1889, Mr. Sidney Wilcox of East Charleston, and Miss Diffie Lockwood, of Leetonia, PA.
--Mr. Griffith Jenkins, a well known miner and resident of Blossburg
for thirty years, died on the 30th ultimo, at the age of seventy four years.
--Mrs. Joseph Littley, formerly Miss Carrie Sprague, died at Montoursville, Lycoming County, on the 21st of December at the age of nearly twenty five years. She leaves a husband and two young children. She was sick for many months and was a great sufferer. She formerly resided in this county.
--John H. Way, chief clerk in the General Superintendent’s office of the Fall Brook Coal Company, died last Saturday afternoon at his home in Corning, N.Y. of acute bronchitis following a protracted attack of rheumatism. John Way was known to a great many people in this county as a popular and genial conductor running between Blossburg and Corning for a long series of years.
--Mr. Michael Ely*, a prominent citizen of Covington, died last Wednesday, of consumption. He was sixty years of age. He was born in Vermont. In 1867 he came to this county and became a member of the firm Hirsch, Ely & Co., of the Blossburg glass factory and in 1881 he moved to Covington. His wife and ten children survive him. The funeral was held Friday at the Blossburg Roman Catholic church under the auspices of C. T. A. Society, the Presidents of the various local organizations acting as pall bearers. [*see mourning resolution below]
--Last Tuesday evening Mr. Frank L. Boehm, a car inspector for the Fall Brook Coal Company, was instantly killed in the yard at Corning, N.Y. Nobody saw the accident, but when the body was found the head was lying inside the rail and the trunk outside, it evidently having been dragged a few feet. It is supposed that he was killed at about half past eight o’clock, as at about that time a switch engine pushed a few cars in upon the track where the body was found, and those cars undoubtedly came in contact with the train already there, pushing the latter onward a few feet. From the position of the body it is thought Mr. Boehm was probably lying on his back, tightening some loosened bolt or other part of the car, when, without warning, the cars moved, the wheels caught his head and his Death was instant. The features were scarcely distinguishable, one leg was broken and the fractured bones protruded through the cloth. His lantern was crushed, and his repair tools were found with the lantern a short distance back. Boehm formerly lived in Blossburg, and he was employed on the Tioga railroad for twenty five years. He was fifty six years of age and he leaves a wife and several children. The remains were interred at Blossburg.
January 14, 1890
Local and Minor News
--Conrad Dittenhofer, the man who was so badly hurt in the railway
disaster of last week Sunday, was as comfortable as could be expected yesterday,
but he is not yet out of danger. William Brew was getting along very
well, and there is no reasonable doubt of his recovery.
--Mr. William Francis, who was hurt in the bridge disaster last week, was fortunate enough to receive a day or two after the accident, a policy issued by the Manufacture’s Accident Indemnity Company of Geneva, N. Y., entitling him to a weekly benefit of $10 as long as he is likely to be disabled.
--Mr. Lafayette Gray, a leading citizen of Sullivan Township, was in town in the middle of last week, and while here he learned of the sudden death of his sister, Mrs. R. F. Baker, of Central City, Nebraska. Mr. Gray had a recent letter from Central City, by which it appears that Mrs. Baker had been in good health up to within a short time of her death. (Lurancy Gray – SRGP 06160]
--Albert Z. Miller, who was arrested in West Fairview, near Harrisburg, on suspicion of guilty knowledge of the murder of Christian Drum, near Emporium, last August, has been placed in the Cameron County jail.
--In opening the vault of Peter Levergood, at Johnstown, PA, who was buried in 1860, the body was found to have turned to stone. The remains are perfectly petrified, and a number who have visited the spot say that the preservation is wonderful. The peculiar conditions that caused this phenomenon are inexplicable.
--Amos Appleman, who walked into the First National Bank at Bloomsburg and commanded cashier Tustin, at the point of a revolver, to hand over $1000, was captured about fifteen miles south of the town in Roaring Creek Valley last Wednesday. He pleaded guilty and was held for a further hearing. Appleman was recently released from the penitentiary after serving a term for illicit liquor distilling.
--Ella C. White, the notorious woman swindler in Elmira, escaped from the Chemung County jail last week on Monday night. She had been given the liberty of the corridor for exercise and at bedtime she hid in the tower and the turnkey locked her cell door, supposing that she had retired. Tuesday morning Ella was not to be found. She had stealthily stolen her way to liberty through the cellar and had fully twelve hours start. The Sheriff has obtained no news of her whereabouts.
--James T. Davis has been appointed Postmaster at Tioga.
--The late John H. Way, the well known conductor who died at Corning, N. Y. at few days ago, carried a life insurance of $8000.
--Miss Alice Hughes has been engaged as precceptress of the graded schools at Blossburg, to take the place of Miss Lizzie Gavigan, who resigned on account of sickness. Miss Jennie Evans is to take Miss Hughes former place.
--Last Wednesday morning, while Mr. George Cook was at work plastering the new Miner’s Hospital at Blossburg, he stepped off the scaffold and fell forward to the floor, a distance of about ten feet. His forehead struck a nail keg, inflicting a severe wound and rendering him insensible. A surgeon was called, and the injured man was made as comfortable as possible under the circumstances; but he will probably be laid up some time by the effects of the accident.
--The Advertiser says that last Friday morning Mr. Solomon Plank who
lived above the tannery at Blossburg, arouse and built a wood fire in the
kitchen stove and returned to bed, not feeling well. His wife became
alarmed by the smell of fire, got up and found the house in flames, and
it was only by the hardest work that the children were got out. An
alarm was sounded, but the firemen were unable to go to the fire because
of the mud. The steamer was hauled as far as the Opera House, and
there it stuck in the mud and was hauled back. Mr. Plank lost all
his household goods, his grocery stock and account books, his loss amounting
in all too about $2000. He was but lightly insured.
Last Thursday evening at about nine o’clock Messrs. William Daskam,
Robert Louden, N. C. Bradley, and William R. Trull all boarded an Erie
train at Jersey City to return to their homes in this borough after several
weeks spent at work upon a dwelling house at Arlington, N. J., which is
being built by Messrs. Harman, Borden & Co., contractors, of this borough.
When the train arrived at Susquehanna at about three o’clock
Friday morning, young Daskam got off the car, but he alighted on the opposite
side from the depot and was at once struck by a switch engine backing down
the track. No one saw the accident, his companions being still on
the car and a few railroad men being about the yard at that hour of morning.
The engineer saw him, however, after he had passed, and stopped, called
assistance and carried the injured man into the depot. Daskam was
able to give his name, and his traveling companions on the train were notified.
It was found that the Daskam’s left arm was badly crushed, his
left shoulder broken and his head badly cut. The arm was amputated
at once. Messrs. Trull ad Louden remained with Daskam, who is his
Mr. George Daskam, the young man’s father, left here on Friday
to go to his son’s bedside. On Sunday night he telegraphed home that
William was doing as well as to be expected.
The young man is about twenty five years of age. Just before
starting for home he purchased an accident insurance ticket which will
entitle him to $1000 for the loss of his arm and $15 a week for six months.
--Mr. E. C. Dickinson is very sick with pneumonia.
--Dr. H. L. Davis is out again after wrestling with the grip.
--Dr. Morgan L. Bacon was prostrated with the grip last Saturday. Mrs. Bacon has been seriously sick for several weeks.
--Mr. David Gardner, of this borough, has been seriously sick for several days, but we are glad to learn that he is improving.
--It is estimated that over 100 persons here are prostrated with the grip, and the balance of the population are just getting over it, or coming down with it. Physicians say that it is increasing rapidly.
--Miss Betty Murray is to superintend the banquet of Alert Hose Company next month. The Company has decided to furnish the supper at Armory Hall and the dance will be held at Annandale Hall.
--Mrs. W. W. Webb has just received a widow’s pension of $17 a month with arrears amounting to $100. Mrs. John Q. Merrick has also received a pension of $12 a month with arrears of $100, through the agency of B. M. Potter, Esq.
--Yesterday a special car arrived at this station bearing Gen. G. J. Magee, Superintendent G. R. Brown, John Lang, Daniel Beach, and W. S. Nearing. The annual election of the Pine Creek Railway Company was held, and all the old officers were re-elected for the ensuing year.
--Mrs. W. D. Knox, of Academy Corners, is seriously sick.
--Rev. S. M. Dayton, late of Osceola, is now located in Pasco, Washington.
--Mr. Ward Bailey has a new hay press and feed mill in operation at Mardin.
--It is said that Dr. E. G. Drake, of Antrim, contemplates a move to Elmira.
--George A. Sheridan’s lecture at Mansfield has been postponed until after Lent.
--Rev. James Conley, pastor of St. Andrew’s Church in Blossburg, is reported very sick.
--Rev. James Scoville, of Havana, N. Y., has been holding revival meetings at Niles Valley.
--It is stated that Mr. Morris Hill, of Sylvania, recently lost seventeen sheep by laurel poisoning.
--Mr. I. C. Taft, of Academy Corners, has moved to Greene, N. Y., where he is to start a broom factory.
--Mr. F. E. Carter, who was lately foreman of the furniture works at Elkland, has moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan.
--Original pensions have been granted to Eli Barber, Somers Lane; Orlando M. Vanderboe, Lathrop; Lyman J. Jones, Ulysses.
--Rev. Abram Jones, pastor of the Welsh Congregational Church at Blossburg, has tendered his resignation, which is to take effect on the 26th instant.
--Fifty friends and neighbors recently presented Mr. and Mrs. William Bradford, of Sylvania, with a full breakfast, dinner and tea set of china dishes.
--Mr. Noah Grady, of West Covington, whose house was nearly wrecked in the June flood, has put up a fine house out of reach of high water.
--Mr. Ira Keeney is making preparations to erect a good sized three story building at Elkland, --the ground floor to be used as stores and the upper stories as a cigar factory.
--Yesterday the County Commissioners re-appointed Charles T. Austin, Superintendent of the Poor House; Frank Watkins, Clerk; L. H. King, Assistant Clerk and Janitor.
--The Advertiser says that many friends of Walter T. James, formerly of Blossburg, will be pleased to learn that he has a fine position with the Republic Iron Company of Youngstown, Ohio.
--Mr. R. H. Walker, of Elmira, has the contract for putting up the steam heating apparatus in the new Miners’ Hospital at Blossburg. He expects to complete the job in three or four weeks.
--An Elkland man—John Dinehart—had a quarter of beef stolen from his cellar a few nights ago. The thieves also stole his trousers and after rifling through the pockets left the garment in the road several rods from the house.
--Mrs. D. C. Thomas, of Mansfield, was suddenly called to Morenci, Michigan, last week by a telegram announcing the death of her father, Mr. A. E. Baker, of that place. Mr. Baker was in his 81st year and was a native of Steuben County, N. Y. His death was very sudden.
--A correspondent says that at East Point on the 1st instant as Mrs. Martin Sheffer was preparing to leave home to spend the day with friends, she fell on an icy board, dislocating her thigh. Dr. Smith, of Liberty, was called, and she was made as comfortable as possible.
--A correspondent states that Mr. Thomas Trimble, engineer on the Tioga branch of the Erie Road, has resigned his position. It will be remembered that Mr. Trimble’s wife died some time ago from injuries received at the time of the wreck at Tioga Junction. It is reported that Mr. Trimble will bring suit against the Company for damages.
--Mr. C. Fybush, an eye glass peddler from Elmira, was summoned to appear before Justice Mart King, at Mansfield, a few days ago, on complaint of J. A. Elliott, on a charge of violating the Pennsylvania hawkers’ and peddlers’ law. The defendant, not putting in an appearance at the appointed time, was fined $50 and costs.
--Last Saturday Alma Burdic, of Westfield, was lodged in jail upon a commitment which charged him with obtaining money under false pretenses. It seems Burdic owed a Westfield merchant named Wilder the sum of ninety cents. Being in the store a few days ago, the merchant dunned him for the account. Burdic pulled out a bill and said “If you will change this $20 bill I will pay you.” Wilder counted out the change upon the counter and Burdic picked it up, dropped his bill and “scooted”. The merchant was astonished to discover that he had taken a $20 bill of the Confederate States of America, which is considerably below par just now. He rushed out and called Burdic, but he marched off perfectly oblivious to everything behind him until an officer brought him to his senses. At the hearing another man remarked that Burdic had “lifted” that Confederate bill from his vest pocket in the lumber woods a few days before.
--CHATHAM.—Mr. L. O. Beach is suffering from his eye and other diseases about as much as an average man can stand. Mr. Beach is totally blind in one eye, totally deaf in one ear and almost totally deaf in the other. He has severe catarrh and rheumatism, and yet his application for an increased pension was recently rejected on the ground that he was now drawing all his disabilities entitled him to. A few of the Government officials ought to be made to face the music, such as the soldiers faced from 1861 to ’65, for a few months; then they might see things in a different light.
--CHATHAM.—N. A. Nelson is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. French are under the weather with the grip.
--DRAPER.—Mr. A. S. Torpy is slowing recovering from quite a long sickness.
--DRAPER.—Mr. Willie Gitchell has been having quite a tussle with the inflammatory rheumatism, but I understand he is now improving rapidly.
--DRAPER.—Mr. Thomas Burton is confined to the house with a broken leg, one bone being broken just above the ankle.
--JACKSON.—Mr. D. L. Satterlee has gone to Buffalo, N. Y. for medical treatment.
--Hon. Charles Tubbs and Mr. Vine Crandall, of Osceola, were in town
--J. C. Horton, Esq., of Mansfield, has been visiting in New York City.
--Mrs. S. H. Gaylord left Blossburg last week for Findlay, Ohio, where her son now resides.
--Mrs. J. W. Slingerland, accompanied by her two children, started from Mansfield for Nebraska last week, to visit her parents. [Note from JMT – Lucy Bacon - SRGP 52592)
--Miss Helen Arnold, of New York City, at one time in charge of the art department of the Normal School, is visiting the family of Mr. A. M. Pitts, of Mansfield.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. Walter Brewster and Charley Watrous started out for Hillsdale College, Michigan one day last week.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. Hanscom, from Bradford County, is visiting his son, N. L. Hanscom, of this place.
Land/Business Transactions
--Mr. Joshua Rouse, of Charleston, has bought a house and lot of V.
E. Ferry, at Niles Valley.
--A local correspondent says that Mr. Alfred Semacy is considering an offer of something like $7,500 for his hotel at Liberty.
--DRAPER.—Mr. John English has sold his place of Dix Run in Morris and bought a piece of land of Mr. I. F. Butler, his father in law.
--DRAPER.—Mr. Curtis Babcock has bought a small lot of Mr. H. J. Dawson, on Kriner Hill; but I understand he is thinking of selling again and going to the State of Washington.
--TIOGA.—N. R. White, of Westfield, has rented the Park Hotel.
--E. M. Smith is moving part of his residence on Main Street.
--Mr. Alex Montgomery is happy over the arrival of a daughter.
--BOSTWICK.—At Lawrenceville, PA., January 1, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Furman Bostwick, a son.
--ROLAND.—At Wellsboro, PA., January 9, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Roland, a son.
--ANTON-SCHEIFE.—At Blossburg, PA., January 1, 1890, Mr. Robert Anton
of Morris Run, and Miss Jane Scheife, of Covington, PA.
--CARY-KELSEY—At Wellsboro, PA., December 11, 1889, by Rev. J. P. Calkins, Mr. John J. Cary, of Corning, N.Y. and Miss Minnie Kelsey, of Wellsboro, PA.
--Adelbert Hill, age 23, was so badly hurt by falling under the wheels
of a Northern Central freight train at Columbia X Roads last Tuesday that
he died the following afternoon at the hospital in Elmira, where he was
taken for treatment. One of his legs was cut completely off and the
other badly mangled by the wheels.
--Mrs. Roxanna Brewster died very unexpectedly at the residence of her son, Mr. C. E. Brewster, on Tioga Street, last Sunday at nine o’clock in the morning. She was eighty nine years old, but very smart and vigorous for so old a person. She got up Sunday morning and dressed herself and seemed to feel as well as usual; but suddenly she had a difficulty in breathing, and her death followed in a few minutes. Mrs. Brewster’s maiden name was Roxanna Sprague. She was born in Massachusetts, and was the fifth wife of the late Jonah Brewster, who died in March, 1858. She was a woman of unusual intelligence and retained her mental faculties to the last.
--Mrs. Doren J. Kniffin, a former resident of Blossburg, died recently in Elmira. She was the daughter of Mr. Ira B. Guernsey, who was for years a conductor on the Erie road.
--The Intelligencer says that Mrs. Ellen Goodall, an aged lady, who has for many years resided on what is known as the County road between East Charleston and Covington, died a few days ago after an illness of six weeks. She was the mother of Samuel S. Goodall, with whom she resided, and of Mrs. William Youmans of Covington.
--Miss Mary Graves died yesterday morning at her residence on Baptist Street.
--Jackson, PA--Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Deming mourn the death of their four year old daughter.
--COVINGTON.—Mr. Frank C. Lanterman has lost a little girl by the grip. The child was two years old and was sick only but 48 hours.
--Jackson, PA—Mrs. Philana Bement, widow of the late J. B. Bement, died last Sunday night in the eighty fourth year of her age. The funeral was held on Tuesday at the West Baptist Church. She had been a member of the Baptist Church for many years.
--CAPPS—At Wellsboro, PA, January 13, 1890, Mrs. Elizabeth Capps, age 62 years.
--HURLBUTT--RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE—We, the committee appointed by
Middlebury Lodge, No. 844, I. O. O. F., to draft suitable resolution on
the death of our late brother, Lyman A. Hurlbutt, submit the following:
Whereas, It has seemed good to Almighty God to remove from our
midst, while yet in the prime of life, our worthy and esteemed brother
Lyman A. Hurlbutt, thus reminding us of the uncertainty of this life and,
Whereas, The relations held by the deceased with the members
of this Lodge render it proper that we should place on record our appreciation
of his service as a brother and his merits as a man, therefore be it
Resolved, That we deplore the loss of brother Hurlbutt, and with
deep feelings of regret, softened only by the confident hope that his spirit
is with those who, having fought the good fight, are now enjoying happiness
in a better world.
Resolved, That to the family of our deceased brother we extend
our heartfelt sympathy, and commend them to Him who has promised to be
the widows’ God, and Father to the faithful.
Resolved, That our Lodge room be draped in mourning for thirty
days and that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our Lodge.
Also that a copy of said resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased
brother, with whom we mourn their loss, and that they be published in the
Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro Advocate and Williamsport Grip. Signed:
L. N. Green, Wm. C. Stevens, A. J. Smith, Committee.
Morris Run, January 4, 1889.—At the regular meeting of St. Joseph’s
C. T. A. Society the following resolutions were adopted:
Whereas, It has been the will of an All-wise Providence to remove
from our midst, but the hand of death our beloved County Vice-President,
Mr. Michael Ely, who departed this life on the 31st day of December, 1889
Whereas, Our worthy Vice President and brother is the total abstinence
case has become endeared to us all by earnest and tireless zeal in the
cause of total abstinence in Tioga County; now therefore be it
Resolved, By the St. Joseph’s Society of Morris Run, PA., that
while bowing in humble submission to the will of Almighty God, we deeply
regret the death of one who by his untiring efforts and earnest zeal has
done so much for the cause of total abstinence and who by his blameless
life and his many acts of self-denial and true Christian charity has endeared
himself to all.
Resolved, that the feelings of love and respect for him as a
citizen, we can not but admire his many virtues as a practical Catholic
and member of our holy mother the Church, and while we shall greatly miss
him in the counsels of our Society here, we are cheered by the thought
that God has raised him to a higher sphere of life in the everlasting kingdom
where he shall be rewarded for his well spent life.
Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with his bereaved widow and
children in this the hour of great affliction, and we fervently pray that
Almighty God, the guardian and father of the widow and orphans, will support
and console them in this great sorrow.
Resolved, That our charter be draped in mourning for thirty days
in memory of the deceased, and that a copy of these resolutions be sent
to the bereaved family and also the C. T. A. News, Wellsboro Agitator,
and the Blossburg Advertiser. Signed: David Hayes, John Hayes, Sr.,
James Healy, John R. Hayes, and M. J. Donovan, Committee.
January 21, 1890
Local and Minor News
--Mr. Joseph Williams had the misfortune to let a heavy casting fall
upon his left foot a few days ago. He sustained a serious injury
although no bones were broken.
--Yesterday Mr. Daniel Peake, who drives the delivery wagon for Fischler Brothers’ Grocery, was attacked with hemorrhage of the lungs and he is now seriously sick.
--Mr. Thomas Landon, who is at work putting up Mr. J. L. Robb’s large store house for hay near the depot, is one of the heirs of the late Marion Landon, the Ohio millionaire.
--Mr. Conrad Dittenhofer, who was so badly injured in the recent railroad accident, is still at Mr. Freiz’s hotel. He is doing as well as can be expected, and the doctor hopes to save his leg. Young William Brew is able to be out again.
--Mr. Oscar Corcoran had his hand badly jammed under the rolling machine in Gale’s tannery at Galeton a few days ago.
--Mrs. George Close, of Westfield, was stricken with paralysis last Wednesday and at last accounts there was no hope of her recovery.
--A few days ago Drs. Masten and Ritter amputated the left leg of Mr. Leroy Webber, of Gaines, who was injured in the lumber woods on Kettle Creek.
--The people regret to lose Dr. E. G. Drake from Antrim. He is to go to Elmira in March to locate. Dr. J. M. Mills is to become the physician at Antrim.
--Last Friday morning the large farmhouse of Mr. George Johnson, in Covington, narrowly escaped destruction by fire. Some bed clothes were caught fire from a stove pipe in the chamber. Mr. Johnson was severely burned in extinguishing the flames.
--A few days ago Mr. Morton Soper, of Roseville, was walking beside his wagon loaded with pressed hay when he dropped one of the reins. He stooped to pick it up and slipped and fell between the wheels when one of which passed over his hip and shoulder, bruising him severely. Fortunately no bones were broken.
The jury called by Coroner Niles to inquire into the cause of
deaths of U. Grant Milliken and Daniel P. Howard on the 5th instant, re
assembled at the Court house in this borough yesterday. The afternoon
was spent in the examination of numerous witnesses, and in the evening
the jurors made up their finding, the work being completed about half past
ten o’clock. The verdict is as follows:
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tioga County, is:
An inquest instituted and taken at Wellsboro, county and state
aforesaid, commissioned on the 6th day of January 1890, continued to and
completed on the 20th day of January, 1890, before me, A. Niles, Coroner,
in the county aforesaid upon the oath of: A. S. Brewster, E. A. Smead,
George D. Keeney, Jared Davis, F. W. Graves, and E. J. Purple, good and
lawful men of the county aforesaid who being sworn to inquire on the part
of the Commonwealth, when, where, how and after what manner Ulysses Grant
Milliken and Daniel P. Howard came to their deaths, do say upon their oaths
that the said Ulysses Grant Milliken and Daniel P. Howard were instantly
killed by the breaking down of the Sherwood bridge while the wrecking train
drawn down by engine No. 34 was passing over the said bridge on the 5th
day of January, 1890; that the said bridge collapsed at the moment the
mast of the wrecking car came in contact with the rods at the top of the
bridge. And do further find that the Fall Brook Coal Company is guilty
of gross negligence in running such a heavy engine over it without having
subjected the said bridge to a proper test by actual weight.
In witness whereof the aforesaid Coroner and jurors aforesaid
have to this inquest put their hands and seals on the day and year and
at the place first written above.
--Peter Beardsley’s house in Wells, Bradford Co., was burned recently, with a loss of $1500 and no insurance.
--Mrs. Andrew Savacool, of East Canton, who has been suffering for a number of months with blood poison, resulting from the use of corn medicine, has had her leg amputated and is in a critical condition. She is 75 years old.
--Conrad C. Walster, who has been connected with the Elmira Post office as a mail carrier for over six years, was arrested last Sunday by United State Marshal Baxter on a warrant sworn out before United States Commission Davidson, charging him with robbing the mail. There seems to be little doubt of his guilt.
--The Mansfield Advertiser says that during the wind storm last week Monday a Swede named [Edward] Hanson, who was cutting timber on Mann Creek, was struck on the head and knocked senseless by a falling limb. He did not return to camp for dinner, and failing to put in an appearance for supper, a search was instituted by his brother, but without avail. The search was renewed Tuesday morning, and some time during the forenoon he was found in a half dazed condition crawling on his hands and knees toward camp, having been exposed to the elements with nothing but his shirt and boots for fully twenty hours. His head was terribly swollen, and he was nearly dead from exposure. He was unconscious for many hours, and they physician who had been summoned was unable to determine the extent of his injuries on account of the swelling. Strange to say, the neighbors knew nothing about the affair until after the man had been found, his brother having failed to give the alarm. The chances were thought to be decidedly against his recovery.
--Mr. E. D. Moore has secured a position as clerk in the Company’s store at Fall Brook.
--Mr. S. J. White has been over to Mills, Potter County, putting his patent feed gear into the saw mill of Stanton & Shaff.
--Mr. N. T. Chandler has been confined to his bed for a week, and now he has congestion of the lungs following the grip.
--Lieutenant Walter J. Sears has been assigned duty on the new cruiser Baltimore, which is to go to Norfolk, VA, to receive her armament.
--Mr. Charles J. Wheeler has sold his hearse to Mr. Louis J. Sticklin, who is to open an undertaking and furniture establishment at Morris. Mr. Wheeler is to purchase an elegant new hearse for use here.
--Last week Master M. E. Jackson, son of Mr. E. Jackson, returned from the Eastman Business College at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., with his diploma. He completed the six months’ course by three months of hard study. Our bright young townsman is to be congratulated.
--The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Norris W. Fellows, of Springfield, MO, will be pained to learn of the death of their three year old twin Harry. The boy died of diphtheria on the 10th instant. He was a bright and beautiful child. Three other children were sick with the same disease at the time, but at last accounts they were believed to be out of danger.
--Mrs. J. L. Sedinger, of Jackson, is dangerously sick with pneumonia.
--Mr. Ed. E. Lamont, formerly of Knoxville, is about to start a newspaper at Nunda, N. Y.
--Mr. M. B. Prutsmann of Tioga has sold his last year’s tobacco crop at thirteen cents a pound.
--Mr. Phillip H. Taylor, of Farmington Center, has received an original pension allowance.
--Mr. Chester Wells, of Knoxville, has been an Odd Fellow in good standing for forty seven years.
--Mr. E. Cooper’s farm house near Sabinsville was burned last week Sunday night. The insurance was only $240.
--Mr. R. J. Davis has been promoted to the position of station agent at Davis station. Mr. Ed Albee succeeds him as telegraph operator.
--The farm barn of Mr. John Dyke, in Richmond, was unroofed by the wind last week Monday. Considerable timber was blown down in that vicinity, and Mr. I. P. Lownsberry’s tobacco sheds were destroyed.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. James Soures, from Mansfield, opened a barber shop in this place.
--OSCEOLA.—Mr. W. C. Elliott has received an increase of pension of three hundred dollars.
--Mr. and Mrs. James Boyce are visiting in Elmira today.
--Mr. W. R. Logan, of Arnot, was in town yesterday.
--Mr. Hugh Young has gone to Titusville, PA, on a business trip.
--Prof. N. A. Miller, of the Elmira School of Trade, was in town last Friday and Saturday.
--Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Eisman, of Susquehanna, are visiting at Max Bernkopf’s.
--Mr. and Mrs. George Richter, Sr., of Blossburg, have gone to Findlay, Ohio on an extended visit.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. Elmer Ripley, of Corning, N. Y. was in town a few days ago.
--MARSH CREEK.—Mrs. H. Kilbourne and Mrs. Bell Allen, of Wellsboro, were visiting at F. M. Andrew’s last Friday.
Land/Business Transactions
--Mr. C. Swartwood has rented the R. Eddy farm at Austinburgh.
--Mr. L. C. Benson has bought the N. T. Gould farm in Rutland for $4,200.
--Mr. Frank Lucas has purchased a farm of John Benson on Bailey Creek for $1,600.
--Mr. William Cushing has purchased the dwelling house on Main Street in Westfield for $1,700.
--Dr. N. W. McNaughton has moved into his handsome drug store in Westfield’s new brick block.
--Osceola, Jan. 17, 1890.--F. R. Hazlett is a happy man. It’s
a boy.
--DERRAH.—At Wellsboro, PA, January 19, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. George Derrah, a son.
--FISCHLER.—At Elmira, N. Y., January 17, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fischler, a daughter.
--Mr. William Daskam, who was injured on the 10th instant by being
struck by a locomotive at Susquehanna, died from his injuries last Wednesday.
His father, mother, and sister were at his bedside. The remains were
brought home on Thursday and the funeral was held at the family residence
on Saturday
afternoon, Rev. A. C. Shaw conducting the service. William Daskam
was nearly twenty eight years of age.
--At Tioga, PA, January 9, 1890, of heart disease, Mrs. Sarah Graves, aged 40 years.
--Miss Ruth Morehouse, a well-known and highly respected colored resident of this borough, died yesterday afternoon just before three o’clock, of pneumonia. She had been a domestic in the John Dickinson family for a great many years, and she was beloved by many people who had learned to know her excellent qualities of mind and heart. She was born in Colesville, Broome County, N. Y., August 12, 1820. She was taken sick last Saturday. The funeral is to be held at the Methodist Church tomorrow afternoon at two o’clock.
--Mr. Stephen Costley died at his home in Elkland last week Sunday night of heart disease. He was thirty seven years of age.
--Miss Lizzie Whitney, of Scranton, a student at the Mansfield Normal School, died last week Sunday evening of laryngitis following an attack of the grip.
--The fourteen year old son [Murray Collins] of Mr. Joseph Collins, of Roaring Branch, who was accidentally shot by his brother on the 1st instant died last week Monday from the wound.
--On the 11th instant Dr. William F. Goodman, a colored physician who was well known in this county, died at the Arnot-Ogden hospital in Elmira. He was seventy years of age, and he was highly respected.
--Maggie Graves, wife of Harry T. Graves, of the Millerton Advocate, died last Wednesday morning in her forty sixth year. She had been an invalid for a long time with consumption. The funeral was largely attended at the Millerton church last Friday afternoon.
--Lamb’s Creek, Jan. 17, 1890.—Mrs. George Wilson died very suddenly at the residence of Mrs. Daniel Clark a few days ago. Mrs. Wilson had started from her home about a mile from Clark’s to go to her farm up Mann Creek. She stopped at Mrs. Clark’s to rest. She sat down in a chair and died in a few minutes.
--Prof. Thomas, of the Mansfield Normal School, succumbed to the grip
last week.
--Last Thursday morning Mr. Louis G. Horton, clerk in the Erie depot
at Blossburg was married to Miss Lena Robinson at the residence of the
bride’s father Mr. Charles Robinson, in Blossburg. Rev. B. J. Tracy
performed the ceremony. The young couple left on the afternoon train
for a visit to Binghamton, Rochester, and other places. The groom
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Horton, of this borough, and he has many
acquaintances here who will tender their congratulations.
--LAIRD-GRENNELL.—At Antrim, PA, January 16, 1890, by Rev. William Young, Mr. Charles Laird and Miss Harriet Grennell.
--LEVY-McKINLEY.—At the Methodist parsonage in Wellsboro, PA, January8, 1890, by Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne, John Levy of Penn Yan, N. Y., and Annie McKinley, of Grand Forks, Dakota.
January 28, 1890
Local and Minor News
--The school teachers threaten to mob the drop-a-penny-in-the-slot
gum ball machine on Main Street.
--County Commissioners Dennison and Wheeler took George Copley, of Middlebury, and Mary Abrams, of Arnot, to the Warren Insane Hospital last week.
--The relief fund for the sufferers from the recent railroad wreck has been fully distributed. The largest part of it went to the families of Daniel P. Howard and U. Grant Milliken and to Mr. Conrad Dittenhofer. The fund amounted to $636.60. Distribution of the funds is as follows: To Conrad Dittenhofer, $286.60; to Mrs. Ella L. Howard, $200.00; to Mrs. Bertha Milliken, $100.00; to John Roberts, $25.00; to William Brew, $25.00. The funeral expenses of the late Daniel Howard and U. Grant Milliken were paid out of the above sums.
--Last Thursday evening Office Hazlett arrested Miss Nannie Harris, a giddy colored girl, in this borough upon a warrant which charged her with stealing $32.50 from the trunk of Cora Short, a servant at the Coles House. Nannie stoutly maintained that she had stolen nothing at all; but she began to weaken when she saw the policeman in his search of the premises bring forth silver spoons, skirts, napkins, towels, etc., which were identified as goods stolen from the Coles House, and a sack of sugar, napkins, and spoons taken from the house of Dr. J. H. Shearer, where the girl had recently worked. Nannie was sent to jail, and after a short time for meditation she owned up that the money had been hidden in an ash pail, and there the officer found it intact. Nannie is said to be in a delicate condition, and the County Commissioners have sent her to the poor house.
--The Canton Sentinel says: “Mrs. McDermott, of Wellsboro, a victim of the grip, became delirious on Sunday night and escaped from the house. Half clad she ran to the bridge crossing the Susquehanna River, followed by her little twelve year old daughter. The woman made a desperate effort to throw herself over the railing into the river, but was held back by her daughter, who cried for help. Two policemen arrived in time to save the woman from a suicide’s grave. The little girl in her efforts to save her mother tore the clothes off the latter and her exposure will probably cause Mrs. McDermott’s death.” This would be a highly interesting item here if we were not located so far from the Susquehanna River. Sixty miles would be a long run for a half clad woman followed by her daughter. We hope Mrs. McDermott has fully recovered by this time, even if she doesn’t live in Wellsboro.
--Mr. Orrin Angell, of Knoxville, is to move to Sutton, Nebraska.
--Mr. J. C. Baker has moved from Covington Township to the N. W. Bradbury farm in Union.
--All the business places in Elkland were closed last Wednesday during the funeral of the late John Parkhurst.
--Mr. Stephen H. Hollands was taken suddenly sick upon Main Street in Blossburg one day last week and had to be carried home.
--Mr. S. P. Welch’s shingle mill in Sullivan was burned last Tuesday evening. The loss was about $1000, and there was no insurance.
--Mr. Levi C. Marvin, of Covington, will get a good slice of the estate left by Mr. Harry Landon, the Texas millionaire. His mother was a Landon.
--Mr. W. L. Lamb, late landlord of the Park Hotel at Tioga, expects to locate in the state of Washington. He will start for his new home in February.
--Mr. W. A. Allen, who has been a clerk in the Parkhurst bank at Elkland for several years, has gone to Painted Post, N. Y., to become the pastor of the Methodist church.
--Mr. Grove Jackson, a clerk in Adams’s store at Tioga, fell against
the tines of a pitchfork a few days ago, and one of them penetrated the
calf of his leg, making an ugly wound.
--At the residence of Dr. Frank Smith, at Millerton, last week Monday
evening, a lamp was upset and broken and the oil took fire. Dr. Smith
was at home and he smothered the flames with pillows.
--A small target rifle in the hands of Julius Bush, of Academy Corners, was accidentally discharged and the bullet struck the young man in the right cheek and lodged behind his ear. Dr. Humphrey removed the bullet last week Monday afternoon, and the patient is doing as well as can be expected.
--An Osceola correspondent says that the young son of Mr. Seth Warren, of that place, is suffering from a rather unusual cause. Some time ago he fell and ran a nail into his head. He apparently recovered, and the wound healed, but he is now afflicted with a disorder of the brain which is believed to have been caused by the accident.
--The Williamsport Sun and Banner says: William Carl, of Roaring Branch, underwent a very severe operation at the city hospital last week Monday afternoon. He is a boy fifteen years of age, yet he has the grit of the strongest and bravest man. Both his arms and his right leg have very large, scrofulous running sores nearly a dozen of them in all. The only way to save the boy’s limbs was to cut them open and remove the dead bone. This operation was performed in his left arm, and the bone was scraped for six inches or more. The boy bore it bravely. He could scarcely feed himself, his arms being affected near the elbow. He is suffering in great pain, and what he had yet to go through is terrible to think about. The operation required two hours to perform.
--Lambs Creek, PA.—Mr. Ed Hanson, who was seriously hurt by a falling limb of a tree in the woods on Mann Creek a few days ago, is recovering.
--Mr. Alfred J. Niles returned to Harvard College this morning.
--Ed Roberts is taking a course at Mansfield Business College.
--Rev. George D. Meigs expects to go to Geneva, N. Y. soon, where he has secured a position at the head of an engineer corps on the Geneva and Buffalo railroad, a new line which is to be built as part of the Lehigh system.
--Mr. John A. Fletcher has been appointed Postmaster at Niles Valley.
--Mr. Theodore F. Wooster, of Ogdensburg, has had his pension increased.
--D. L. Satterlee returned yesterday from Buffalo where he has been
for medical treatment.
--Mrs. H. W. Dartt has gone to Scranton to visit her daughter.
--Mrs. Hugh Young and Miss Louise Merrick are visiting at Titusville, PA.
--Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bailey visited at Jersey Shore and Williamsport last week.
--Mr. L. D. Spencer returned from Knoxville, Tennessee, a few days ago where he has spent the past six months with his son-in-law, Mr. D. H. Belcher, Esq. He is much pleased with the climate down there, and he intends to go back again next fall.
--JACKSON.—Mrs. H. C. Calhoun, of Minneapolis, Minn., is spending the winter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. H. Dickinson.
Land/Business Transactions
--Mr. Seth O. Daggett is renovating the Seymour House at Blossburg.
--Mr. Lewis Robena, of Arnot, has purchased the billiard room of John Nowlan at Blossburg.
--Mr. Sidney Grover has sold forty acres of land in Lawrenceville Township to Drusilla A. McConnell for $825.
--OSCEOLA.—Mr. E. H. Kimball has rented A. M. Greenfield’s photography gallery at Westfield.
--LAMB’S CREEK.—Mr. V. Jones has moved from Painted Run to this place.
--CAREY.—At Wellsboro, PA, January 17, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. William
E. Carey, a son.
--DARTT.—At Arnot, PA, January 21, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Dartt, a son.
--ERWAY.—In Chatham, PA, January 18, 1890, to the wife of Otis Erway, a daughter.
--ELY.—In Charleston, PA, January 19, 1890, Mr. Delos Ely, aged about
50 years.
--GRAY.—In Ward, PA, January 2, 1890, of consumption, Mr. Augustus Gray, aged 40 years.
We, the committee appointed by the Ladies’ Aid Society, of Charleston,
PA, to draw up suitable resolutions on the death of one of our members
submit the following:
Whereas, It has been the will of an all-wise Father to call his
child and our beloved sister, Mrs. Lucretia Dartt, wife of George Dartt,
while in the prime of life and usefulness,
Resolved, That while we bow in submission yet we deeply deplore
the loss of our sister who by her cheerful, earnest Christian life endeared
herself to all and was a source of help to us in our Christian life.
Resolved, That we heartily sympathize with the husband who has
lost a dear companion, and with the children in their loss of a loving
mother. We fervently pray that Almighty God will comfort and console
them in their great sorrow.
Resolved, That as a tribute of love and respect toward our sister
as original member of our society we send a copy of these to the bereaved
family and also the Wellsboro Agitator. Signed: Mrs. S. S.
Rockwell, Mrs. D. P. Benedict, and Mrs. L. P. Potter.
--The ten year old son of Mr. Alonzo McConnell, who lives on the flats beyond the cemetery, died of diphtheria last Tuesday. Another child in the family is sick, but is reported to be out of danger. [SRGP 64178]
--Mr. Thomas Shaw died at his home near the old Dickinson mill last Friday morning of paralysis. He had been gradually failing for many months, and for a long time he had been almost helpless. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon at two o’clock.
--Last Wednesday afternoon, Mr. John Fischler, Sr., a well known resident
of this village, died of congestion to the lungs. He was in his sixty
seventh year. He had been in poor health for several weeks, but his
condition was not considered critical until a few days before his death.
Mr. Fischler was born in Germany. He came here in the fall of 1856,
worked at his trade as a shoemaker for a number of years, and then he opened
a shoe shop. Some years afterward he started a shoe store which he
successfully conducted until a few years ago, when he closed out the business.
He was a man of integrity and was a good citizen. He was fond of
music, and devoted much of his leisure to the cultivation of this talent
in himself and family. Years ago he organized an excellent orchestra
composed almost entirely of members of his own family, bur he retired in
a few years and the organization was continued for a long time by his five
sons. He leaves a wife
and eight children. The funeral was held at St. Peter’s church
last Friday morning, and it was largely attended.
--Mrs. Harriet Rouse, of Cherry Flats, died last Friday at the age of seventy six.
--The three year old child of Mr. Giles Grover died of diphtheria last Saturday night.
--A letter received by Mrs. J. P. Friends, announces the death of her brother Thomas Kemp, in the state of Washington, where he has taken up a homestead. Mr. Kemp went West from Jackson before the war. He was about 50 years of age.
--Rev. J. H. Hobart DeMille, formerly rector of the Episcopal Church at Tioga, died recently at Waverly, N. Y.
--Last week Sunday the three year old son of Mr. John Buxbee, of White’s Corners, fell into a tub of hot water and was scalded to death.
--Mr. Lamont Leach, an old and esteemed citizen of Westfield, died last
Sunday night of typhoid-pneumonia following an attack of grip. He
was seventy six years of age.
--There were two funerals in Westfield on Sunday. One was that
of Mrs. George Chisholm, who died Friday, of cancer, and the other that
of Mrs. Rufus Stanton, who also died on Friday after a long sickness.
Both women were middle aged.
--Mrs. Sally Kelts died at Covington yesterday noon. She was the oldest resident of Covington, being in her ninety sixth year. She was a native of New Hampshire, was a daughter of Elijah Putnam and a sister of Gen. Thomas Putnam, both well known citizens of Covington up to the time of her Death.
--Last Wednesday afternoon Mr. William C. Trim died at his home near Westfield from injuries received by the kick of a horse on the previous Saturday. Mr. Trim was in the field with his team, and he stooped to hitch the tug, when his horse kicked him, striking him on the head just above the left temple. The skull was crushed, and Mr. Trim remained unconscious till Death came to his relief. The funeral was held on Friday, and the remains were taken to Elkland, Mr. Trim’s former home, for burial.
--A few weeks ago Mr. E. A. Jipson, of Cortland, N. Y., came to Morris to work for Mr. V. K. Jones, the butcher. He had been at work just two weeks, when in dressing a beef, his knife slipped and was thrust into his leg. He did not think the wound dangerous at first, but blood poisoning ensued and he died on the 14th instant. He was a young married man, and his Death leaves his widow in destitute circumstances. The Odd Fellow’s Lodge at Morris purchased a suit of clothes in which to bury Mr. Jipson’s remains and made up a purse of $26 for this widow. The County Commissioners bought the coffin.
--Mr. Duncan W. Campbell died at Williamsport on the 21st instant after a long and painful illness, at the ripe age of seventy five years. Mr. Campbell was a native of Scotland and came to this country more than fifty years ago. He lived for some time in Charleston Township in this county. In 1850 he went to Phelps Mills, Lycoming County, where he entered the employment of Dodge, James & Stokes, in whose service he remained continuously up to the time of his Death. He was a good citizen, an honest man, a loving husband, and kind father, and during his long life daily illustrated his faith in the Christian religion. The deceased was a brother of E. B. Campbell, Esq. of Williamsport.
Last Saturday afternoon Wirt Pratt, the seventeen year old son
of Vine R. Pratt, of Mansfield, went out about nine o’clock to oil the
windmill on the farm. He said that after attending to the mill he
was going out to skate, so the family was not uneasy when he didn’t return
during the afternoon.
About six o’clock the young man’s father went out and found the
boy dead at the mill. It was evident that his clothing had been caught
in the cogs of the mill gearing and torn off up to his neck and then he
was choked to Death. The physician who was called thought he had
been dead about five hours. Mr. Pratt had to go half a mile up for
help to get his son’s body out of the machinery and down to the ground.
Wirt was a very bright and promising boy, and he was an only
son. His sad Death is a crushing bereavement to his parents.
Mr. John Parkhurst, an old resident and one of the most prominent
business men of Elkland, died quite suddenly at his home on Main Street
last week Monday morning. He had been in poor health for the past
two years, says the Journal, and of late had been quite feeble, but had
not been confined to his bed. He arose as usual Monday morning and
sat with his family at the breakfast table. After finishing the meal
he sat and conversed with his family a short time and then retired to his
room, upon entering which he fell to the floor and expired almost immediately.
The cause of Death was heart failure, super induced by Bright’s disease,
to which he had been subject for several years.
Mr. Parkhurst married in 1852, and leaves a widow and three children
to mourn his loss. Mr. L. K. Parkhurst, Mrs. W. E. Williams, of Montrose,
PA, and Mr. J. W. Parkhurst, of Reed City, Mich.
Jackson, PA.—Mrs. Mary A. Satterlee died on the 18th instant in the seventy second year of age. The funeral was held on Monday at the late residence of the deceased, Rev. Stephen Tobey officiating. Mrs. Satterlee was a noble Christian woman, a fond mother and a faithful friend. She leaves four adult children and a large circle of friends to mourn her loss.
--Osceola, PA.--Mr. Andrew Teachman, formerly of this place died a few days ago [on the 18th instant] at his home near Ulysses, he had been a great sufferer from dropsy for several months. His remains passed through here last Monday for burial in the Lime Kiln cemetery in Farmington Township.
January 30, 1890
The Wellsboro Gazette
--While Dr. G. D. Maine, of Sullivan, (SRGP 06808) was returning from
a professional call a few days ago his horse became frightened and ran
away. He was thrown upon the frozen ground and was badly bruised
about the head and face.
--Mr. Frank W. Webb, a printer and engraver of Elmira, at one time editor of the Blossburg Register, had one of his legs ground to pieces while attempting to get on a moving train in that city last Friday. He died the following day.
--Mr. William Trim, of Westfield, who was kicked on the temple by a
horse a few days ago, died from the effects of his injuries last week Wednesday.
The skull was crushed and the unfortunate man never regained consciousness
after being injured. The deceased was an old soldier and a member
of Babcock Post, G. A. R., of which he was Junior Vice-Commander at the
time of his death. Mr. Trim leaves a wife and five children.